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// Copyright (c) 2015 CNRS
// Copyright (c) 2015 Wandercraft, 86 rue de Paris 91400 Orsay, France.
// This file is part of Pinocchio
// Pinocchio is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Pinocchio is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
// received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
// Pinocchio If not, see
// <>.

#ifndef __se3_joint_base_hpp__
#define __se3_joint_base_hpp__
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#include "pinocchio/spatial/motion.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/spatial/force.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/multibody/constraint.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/multibody/fwd.hpp"
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namespace se3
   * *** FORWARD ***
   * SE3    = SE3 * J::SE3
   * Motion = J::Motion
   * Motion = J::Constraint*J::JointMotion + J::Bias + Motion^J::Motion
   * Force  = Inertia*Motion  + Inertia.vxiv(Motion)
   * *** BACKWARD *** 
   * J::JointForce = J::Constraint::Transpose*J::Force

  /* CRBA operations
   * *** FORWARD ***
   * J::calc(q)
   * Inertia = Inertia
   * *** BACKWARD *** 
   * Inertia += SE3::act(Inertia)
   * F = Inertia*J::Constraint
   * JointInertia.block = J::Constraint::Transpose*F
   * *** *** INNER ***
   *     F = SE3::act(f)
   *     JointInertia::block = J::Constraint::Transpose*F

  /* Jacobian operations
   * internal::ActionReturn<Constraint>::Type
   * Constraint::se3Action
#define SE3_JOINT_TYPEDEF_ARG(prefix)              \
   typedef int Index;                \
   typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::JointDataDerived JointDataDerived;        \
   typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::JointModelDerived JointModelDerived;      \
   typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::Constraint_t Constraint_t;      \
   typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::Transformation_t Transformation_t; \
   typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::Motion_t Motion_t;        \
   typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::Bias_t Bias_t;        \
   typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::F_t F_t;          \
   typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::U_t U_t;       \
   typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::D_t D_t;       \
   typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::UD_t UD_t;       \
    NQ = traits<JointDerived>::NQ,              \
    NV = traits<JointDerived>::NV               \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::ConfigVector_t ConfigVector_t;        \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::TangentVector_t TangentVector_t

#elif (__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ == 4) && (__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ == 2)

#define SE3_JOINT_TYPEDEF_NOARG()       \
  typedef int Index;            \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::JointDataDerived JointDataDerived;     \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::JointModelDerived JointModelDerived;     \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::Constraint_t Constraint_t;   \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::Transformation_t Transformation_t; \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::Motion_t Motion_t;     \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::Bias_t Bias_t;       \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::F_t F_t;       \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::U_t U_t;       \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::D_t D_t;       \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::UD_t UD_t;       \
    NQ = traits<JointDerived>::NQ,         \
    NV = traits<JointDerived>::NV          \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::ConfigVector_t ConfigVector_t;        \
  typedef traits<JointDerived>::TangentVector_t TangentVector_t
#define SE3_JOINT_TYPEDEF_ARG(prefix)         \
  typedef int Index;              \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::JointDataDerived JointDataDerived;      \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::JointModelDerived JointModelDerived;      \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::Constraint_t Constraint_t;    \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::Transformation_t Transformation_t;  \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::Motion_t Motion_t;      \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::Bias_t Bias_t;        \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::F_t F_t;        \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::U_t U_t;       \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::D_t D_t;       \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::UD_t UD_t;       \
    NQ = traits<JointDerived>::NQ,           \
    NV = traits<JointDerived>::NV            \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::ConfigVector_t ConfigVector_t;        \
  typedef prefix traits<JointDerived>::TangentVector_t TangentVector_t


  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::JointDataDerived JointDataDerived;         \
  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::JointModelDerived JointModelDerived;       \
  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::Constraint_t Constraint_t;       \
  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::Transformation_t Transformation_t; \
  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::Motion_t Motion_t;         \
  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::Bias_t Bias_t;         \
  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::F_t F_t;           \
  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::U_t U_t;       \
  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::D_t D_t;       \
  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::UD_t UD_t;       \
    NQ = traits<JointDerived>::NQ,              \
    NV = traits<JointDerived>::NV               \
  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::ConfigVector_t ConfigVector_t;        \
  typedef typename traits<JointDerived>::TangentVector_t TangentVector_t



  typedef JointModelBase<JointModelDerived> Base; \
  using Base::idx_q; \
  using Base::idx_v

  template <int _NQ, int _NV> struct JointDataDense;
  template <int _NQ, int _NV> struct JointModelDense;
  template <int _NQ, int _NV> struct JointDense;
  template<typename _JointData>
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  struct JointDataBase
    typedef _JointData Derived;
    typedef JointDataBase<_JointData> Base;
    typedef typename traits<_JointData>::JointDerived JointDerived;
    JointDataDerived& derived() { return *static_cast<JointDataDerived*>(this); }
    const JointDataDerived& derived() const { return *static_cast<const JointDataDerived*>(this); }
    const Constraint_t     & S() const  { return static_cast<const JointDataDerived*>(this)->S;   }
    const Transformation_t & M() const  { return static_cast<const JointDataDerived*>(this)->M;   }
    const Motion_t         & v() const  { return static_cast<const JointDataDerived*>(this)->v;   }
    const Bias_t           & c() const  { return static_cast<const JointDataDerived*>(this)->c;   }
    F_t & F()        { return static_cast<      JointDataDerived*>(this)->F; }
    const U_t & U() const { return static_cast<const JointDataDerived*>(this)->U; }
    U_t & U() { return static_cast<JointDataDerived*>(this)->U; }
    const D_t & Dinv() const { return static_cast<const JointDataDerived*>(this)->Dinv; }
    const UD_t & UDinv() const { return static_cast<const JointDataDerived*>(this)->UDinv; }
    JointDataDense<NQ, NV> toDense() const  { return static_cast<const JointDataDerived*>(this)->toDense_impl();   }
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  template<int NV>
  struct SizeDepType
    template<class Mat>
    struct SegmentReturn 
      typedef typename Mat::template FixedSegmentReturnType<NV>::Type Type;
      typedef typename Mat::template ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NV>::Type ConstType;
    template<class Mat>
    struct ColsReturn
      typedef typename Mat::template NColsBlockXpr<NV>::Type Type;
      typedef typename Mat::template ConstNColsBlockXpr<NV>::Type ConstType;
  struct SizeDepType<Eigen::Dynamic>
    template<class Mat>
    struct SegmentReturn 
      typedef typename Mat::SegmentReturnType Type;
      typedef typename Mat::ConstSegmentReturnType ConstType;
    template<class Mat>
    struct ColsReturn
      typedef typename Mat::ColsBlockXpr Type;
      typedef typename Mat::ConstColsBlockXpr ConstType;

  template<typename _JointModel>
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  struct JointModelBase
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    typedef _JointModel Derived;
    typedef JointModelBase<_JointModel> Base;
    typedef typename traits<_JointModel>::JointDerived JointDerived;
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    JointModelDerived& derived() { return *static_cast<Derived*>(this); }
    const JointModelDerived& derived() const { return *static_cast<const Derived*>(this); }
    JointDataDerived createData() const { return derived().createData(); }
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              const Eigen::VectorXd & qs ) const
    { derived().calc(data,qs); }
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              const Eigen::VectorXd & qs,
              const Eigen::VectorXd & vs ) const
    { derived().calc(data,qs,vs); }
    void calc_aba(JointDataDerived & data,
                  Inertia::Matrix6 & I,
                  const bool update_I = false) const
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    { derived().calc_aba(data, I, update_I); }
     * @brief      Integrate joint's configuration for a tangent vector during one unit time
     * @param[in]  q     initatial configuration  (size full model.nq)
     * @param[in]  v     joint velocity (size full model.nv)
     * @return     The configuration integrated
    ConfigVector_t integrate(const Eigen::VectorXd & q,const Eigen::VectorXd & v) const
    { return derived().integrate_impl(q, v); } 

     * @brief      Interpolation between two joint's configurations
     * @param[in]  q0    Initial configuration to interpolate
     * @param[in]  q1    Final configuration to interpolate
     * @param[in]  u     u in [0;1] position along the interpolation.
     * @return     The interpolated configuration (q0 if u = 0, q1 if u = 1)
    ConfigVector_t interpolate(const Eigen::VectorXd & q0,const Eigen::VectorXd & q1, double u) const
    { return derived().interpolate_impl(q0, q1, u); }

     * @brief      Generate a random joint configuration, normalizing quaternions when necessary.
     * \warning    Do not take into account the joint limits. To shoot a configuration uniformingly
     *             depending on joint limits, see uniformySample
     * @return     The joint configuration
    ConfigVector_t random() const
    { return derived().random_impl(); } 

     * @brief      Generate a configuration vector uniformly sampled among
     *             provided limits.
     * @param[in]  lower_pos_limit  lower joint limit
     * @param[in]  upper_pos_limit  upper joint limit
    ConfigVector_t randomConfiguration(const ConfigVector_t & lower_pos_limit, const ConfigVector_t & upper_pos_limit) const
    { return derived().randomConfiguration_impl(lower_pos_limit, upper_pos_limit); } 
     * @brief      the tangent vector that must be integrated during one unit time to go from q0 to q1
     * @param[in]  q0    Initial configuration
     * @param[in]  q1    Wished configuration
     * @return     The corresponding velocity
    TangentVector_t difference(const Eigen::VectorXd & q0,const Eigen::VectorXd & q1) const
    { return derived().difference_impl(q0, q1); } 

     * @brief      Distance between two configurations of the joint
     * @param[in]  q0    Configuration 1
     * @param[in]  q1    Configuration 2
     * @return     The corresponding distance
    double distance(const Eigen::VectorXd & q0,const Eigen::VectorXd & q1) const
    { return derived().distance_impl(q0, q1); }
    JointIndex i_id; // ID of the joint in the multibody list.
    int i_q;    // Index of the joint configuration in the joint configuration vector.
    int i_v;    // Index of the joint velocity in the joint velocity vector.
    int     nv()    const { return derived().nv_impl(); }
    int     nq()    const { return derived().nq_impl(); }
    // Both _impl methods are reimplemented by dynamic-size joints.
    int     nv_impl() const { return NV; }
    int     nq_impl() const { return NQ; }

    const int &   idx_q() const { return i_q; }
    const int &   idx_v() const { return i_v; }
    const JointIndex & id() const { return i_id; }
    void setIndexes(JointIndex id,int q,int v) { i_id = id, i_q = q; i_v = v; }
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    /* Acces to dedicated segment in robot config space.  */
    // Const access
    template<typename D>
    typename SizeDepType<NQ>::template SegmentReturn<D>::ConstType 
    jointConfigSelector(const Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& a) const       { return derived().jointConfigSelector_impl(a); }
    template<typename D>
    typename SizeDepType<NQ>::template SegmentReturn<D>::ConstType 
    jointConfigSelector_impl(const Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& a) const   { return a.template segment<NQ>(i_q); }
    // Non-const access
    typename SizeDepType<NQ>::template SegmentReturn<D>::Type 
    jointConfigSelector( Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& a) const { return derived().jointConfigSelector_impl(a); }
    typename SizeDepType<NQ>::template SegmentReturn<D>::Type 
    jointConfigSelector_impl( Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& a) const { return a.template segment<NQ>(i_q); }
    /* Acces to dedicated segment in robot config velocity space.  */
    // Const access
    template<typename D>
    typename SizeDepType<NV>::template SegmentReturn<D>::ConstType 
    jointVelocitySelector(const Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& a) const       { return derived().jointVelocitySelector_impl(a); }
    typename SizeDepType<NV>::template SegmentReturn<D>::ConstType 
    jointVelocitySelector_impl(const Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& a) const   { return a.template segment<NV>(i_v); }
    // Non-const access
    typename SizeDepType<NV>::template SegmentReturn<D>::Type 
    jointVelocitySelector( Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& a) const { return derived().jointVelocitySelector_impl(a); }
    template<typename D>
    typename SizeDepType<NV>::template SegmentReturn<D>::Type 
    jointVelocitySelector_impl( Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& a) const { return a.template segment<NV>(i_v); }
    template<typename D>
    typename SizeDepType<NV>::template ColsReturn<D>::ConstType 
    jointCols(const Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& A) const       { return derived().jointCols_impl(A); }
    template<typename D>
    typename SizeDepType<NV>::template ColsReturn<D>::ConstType 
    jointCols_impl(const Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& A) const       { return A.template middleCols<NV>(i_v); }
    template<typename D>
    typename SizeDepType<NV>::template ColsReturn<D>::Type 
    jointCols(Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& A) const       { return derived().jointCols_impl(A); }
    template<typename D>
    typename SizeDepType<NV>::template ColsReturn<D>::Type 
    jointCols_impl(Eigen::MatrixBase<D>& A) const       { return A.template middleCols<NV>(i_v); }
    JointModelDense<NQ, NV> toDense() const  { return derived().toDense_impl();   }
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} // namespace se3

#endif // ifndef __se3_joint_base_hpp__