Feb 4, 2019–Feb 15, 2019
Towards python version 1.0
This milestone defines the tasks required to move from beta to a release 1.0.0
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Add log files to compare example runs with previous version
- Deprecated `DifferentialActionModelActuated` and `DifferentialActionDataActuated` classes
- Activation runs calc twice ?
- Tune weights for locomotion 2steps
- (not) Using RobotWrapper in Crocoddyl
- quadruped example
- locomotion from a Muscod trajectory (top priority)
- Formatting the crocoddyl library, examples and apps (i.e. every single line of code)
- Reading robot data from example-robot-data
- Make Crocoddyl a Python library
- Bug in load hyq when trying to display in GV
- Risk on propagating Pinocchio developments
- fix unittest
- Having consistent APIs
- Moving DAMFullyActuated to fully_actuated file
- Loco3d isn't working properly
- solver fails when aramture is less than 1
- clean examples and jupyter documentation
- Feedback on the contact
- Activate unittest at MR
- Updated log files given changes in the printing message
- Error in test contact
- Wrong README file description of software dependencies
- Unittest are not passing any more ... numdiff errors !
- Numerical differentiation (or analitycal one) seems to be wrong for the Floating in Contact DAM
- Logging information for indiviual cost functions
- Length of trajectories vs number of models in the shooting problem
- Parallel processing during the backward pass
- Move computations from ActionModelImpact to ImpulseModel6/3D
- Contact feedback not properly tested!
- Fix impact unittest and derivatives
- Faulty definition of a0 in Contact6D
- Understanding the lack of numerical precision in DDP vs KKT with armature model
- Load the centroidal output
- raise an error for failing solve call (e.g. max reg reached and no step accepted
- add a clean locomotion jupyter
- validate joint limits in a demo
- add activation model if missing
- check the api for all groups of classes and introduce a base class when it is missing (eg DAM should be renamed DAMManipulator and a basic DAM should be added)
- add a clean impulse cost model for the impact action class
- Abstraction for all important classes