Activation runs calc twice ?
I noticed we are computing calc when computing calcDiff in all activation models. I think this is useless. Am I missing something?
def calcDiff(model,data,r,recalc=True):
if recalc: model.calc(data,r)
I noticed we are computing calc when computing calcDiff in all activation models. I think this is useless. Am I missing something?
def calcDiff(model,data,r,recalc=True):
if recalc: model.calc(data,r)
changed the description
recalc is true by default in all the Class models (cost, actuation, DAM, impact, contact...). I agree, this seems useless.
This is a extra bit of motivation to work on an abstract API. I really believe we should put more effort on this matter. I am not able to handle each aspect of it.
changed milestone to %Towards python version 1.0
added on-going label
assigned to @nmansard
mentioned in merge request !117 (merged)
Solved by !117 (merged)
mentioned in commit b13eabe8