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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Mar 16, 2015
  2. Mar 09, 2015
  3. Mar 06, 2015
    • Arnaud Degroote's avatar
      [wip/py-hla] Fix cmake for python 3.4 · 92a435fd
      Arnaud Degroote authored
      python3.4 -V now returns on stdout while before it returns on stdout. It
      breaks pyHLA version detection. Use standard PYTHON_VERSION_STRING from
      FindPythonInterp.cmake to do the test instead.
  4. Mar 02, 2015
  5. Feb 27, 2015
  6. Feb 19, 2015
  7. Feb 12, 2015
    • Pierrick Koch's avatar
      [wip/atlaas] add missing headers in PLIST · c002943a
      Pierrick Koch authored
    • Pierrick Koch's avatar
      [wip/gladys] Update to gladys-0.2.6 · f1b04e2d
      Pierrick Koch authored
      Changes since v0.2.5:
      Cyril Robin (1):
            [Test] Fix Bresenham test
      Patrick Bechon (4):
            [points] Fix compilation errors using clang
            [python] Add bindings for gladys::gladys in python
            [python] adding bindings for gladys.can_communicate
            Add a single_source_all_costs function
      Pierrick Koch (2):
            [readme] add DOI for citation
            [robotpkg] fix openrobots ftp path
  8. Feb 11, 2015
    • Pierrick Koch's avatar
      [wip/atlaas] Update to atlaas-0.1.5 · b6b3d283
      Pierrick Koch authored
      Changes since v0.1.4:
      Pierrick Koch (80):
            [test] add assert_meta_xy slide test
            [style] use chevrons only for includes
            [cmake] get rid of GNUInstallDirs
            [tools] update matplot hist semilogy
            [tools] use figure method for figure setup
            [export8u] compute real min/max from data
            [merge] dont merge if diff(dist) > T
            add export_zmean for postprocess (color video)
            add tool to convert zmean w/cmap (aka. LUT)
            [tools] inc cmap default quality
            [tools] cleanup sampling method
            [tools] dem keep original values
            [tools] cmap w/atlaas support (band names)
            [pcl] voxelgrid filter
            [python] add cython+numpy bindings
            [common] add stl display helpers
            [python] cleanup cython
            [python] wip using morse patch
            [ci] fix gdal apt package ssl conflict
            [cmake] add option to build with PCL
            [atlaas] merge skip empty cloud
            [python] display merge stats
            [python] add export def
            [atlaas] cleanup includes and move length_sq
            [python] add rospy test
            [python] fromstring -> frombuffer dont copy data
            [pcl] move pcl io to pcd.cpp add test
            [pcd] cleanup add const
            [pcd] fix voxel size
            [python] add process script
            [python] cleanup process
            [pcd] add simple write_pcd method w/o filter
            [tools] add process.cpp
            [pcd] wraning when call pcl func without _USE_PCL
            [pcd] file path formatting
            [python] raise TypeError with message
            [python] remove python3 from makefile for ros
            [atlaas] dont process twice start pcd
            [python] morse test goes outdoors, faster
            [python] add readme for morse/threejs demo
            [python] morse: alter pose with gausian noise
            [pcd] add pcd seq id -> time vector
            [io] add dump/load point-cloud methods
            [io] use custom io if no PCL
            [tools] add pcd <-> atlaas convert utils
            [time] pcd time = uint64 milliseconds since epoch
            [io] give diff ext if pcl or custom i/o
            [merge] use custom if no pcl
            [pcd] use single method to read/write pcd
            add test file to gitignore
            [atlaas] add current tile pose in pcd->time vec
            [test] cleanup test add common test.hpp
            [io] fix missing include stdexcept
            [python] make test use np.random.rand
            [ci] add cython test to travis
            [atlaas] add reprocess w/corrected x,y
            [python] test ros: {frombuffer.reshape -> ndarray}
            [io] fallback raw in lib
            [test] io test raw read/write
            [git] ignore generated python/atlaas.cpp
            [reproc] add python reprocess test
            [reproc] cleanup reprocess and test
            [atlaas] add atlaas_path setter
            [python] add atlaas_path setter
            [atlaas] add atlaas_path getter
            [python] add atlaas_path getter
            [tools] explicit usage of raw io to convert
            [ci] add clang as compiler
            [tools] add atlaas -> region map tool
            [python] dont print warning for numpy unused function
            [python] add merge_file method
            [python] add save cloud method
            [python] don't dump in ROS test
            [readme] add DOI for citation
            [python] movie script pcd -> avi
            [python] add make install target in user space
            [python] add test multi atlaas w/ros
            [python] test multi add rviz config file
            [python] test multi switch robots final goal
            [python] test multi goals moar pythonic
    • Pierrick Koch's avatar
      [wip/atlaas-genom] Update to atlaas-genom-0.1.5 · 614f5811
      Pierrick Koch authored
      Changes since v0.1.4:
      Pierrick Koch (2):
            [atlaas] add export_zmean and write_pcd
            [atlaas] use new atlaas_path getter
    • Pierrick Koch's avatar
      [wip/gdalwrap] Update to gdalwrap-0.1.9 · 1b46ff96
      Pierrick Koch authored
      Changes since v0.1.8:
      Pierrick Koch (5):
            [io] deactivate compress by default
            [src] add compress param comment
            [test] clean io test
            [ci] setup
            [doc] add travis build status icon/link
    • Anthony Mallet's avatar
      [wip/genom3-ros] Update to 1.10 · 5a65e908
      Anthony Mallet authored
      Changes since 1.9:
      . Fix initialization of the internal condition variable of execution tasks
      . Fix timer callback definition in presence of periodic and aperiodic tasks
      . Fix missing context argument in an exception function
      . Escape special characters when generating the ros manifest.xml file
  9. Feb 06, 2015
  10. Feb 04, 2015
  11. Jan 30, 2015
  12. Jan 16, 2015
    • Arnaud Degroote's avatar
      [wip/ompl] Upgrade to 1.0.0 · 76740a81
      Arnaud Degroote authored
      Changes since 0.14.2
      - Added many new planners:
      	- Linear Temporal Logical Planner (LTLPlanner): a planner that finds
      	  solutions for kinodynamic motion planning problems where the goal is specified
      	  by a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) specification.
      	- Fast Marching Tree algorithm (FMT∗): a new asymptotically optimal
      	  algorithm contributed by Marco Pavone's Autonomous Systems Laboratory at
      	- Coupled Forest of Random Engrafting Search Trees (CForest): a
      	  meta-planner that runs several instances of asymptotically optimal planners in
      	  different threads. When one thread finds a better solution path, the states
      	  along the path are passed on to the other threads.
      	- Anytime Path Shortening: a generic wrapper around one or more
      	  geometric motion planners that repeatedly applies shortcutting and
      	  hybridization to a set of solution paths. Any number and combination of
      	  planners can be specified, each is run in a separate thread.
              - LazyPRM / LazyPRMstar: not entirely new, but completely re-implemented.
      - RRT* has a new option to periodically prune parts of the tree that are
        guaranteed not to contain the optimal solution. This idea was introduced in
        CForest, but it useful independently of the CForest parallelization. Although
        pruning is almost always useful, it is disabled by default to preserve the
        original behavior.
      - Created consistent behavior across all planners that can optimize paths.
        Calls to the solve method of RRT*, PRM*, SPARS, SPARStwo, and LBTRRT will
        terminate when (1) the planner termination condition is true or (2) the
        optimization objective is satisfied. To make these planners terminate when any
        solution is found, you can set the cost threshold for the optimization
        objective to, e.g., OptimizationObjective::infiniteCost(). For most of these
        planners, asymptotic (approximate) optimality is only guaranteed when using the
        PathLengthOptimizationObjective class.
      - Most control-based planners can now use steering functions. The user simply
        needs to override ompl::control::StatePropagator::steer() and
        ompl::control::StatePropagator::canSteer() in a derived class.
      - Several improvements to benchmarking functionality:
      	- Planner Arena has been relaunched and can be used to interactively
      	  visualize benchmark results.
      	- can now also parse MoveIt! benchmark log
      	  files using the flag --moveit.
      - Added ompl::tools::PlannerMonitor class, which periodically prints planner
        progress properties in a separate thread. Useful for developing / debugging new
      - Updated Py++ toolchain. If you previously installed Py++ and have trouble
        generating the OMPL Python bindings, you may need to run "make
        installpyplusplus" again.
      - Minimum Boost version is now 1.48 and minimum CMake version is now 2.8.7.
      - Bug fixes.
  13. Dec 17, 2014
  14. Dec 16, 2014
  15. Dec 15, 2014
  16. Nov 27, 2014
  17. Nov 24, 2014
  18. Nov 14, 2014
  19. Nov 12, 2014
  20. Nov 07, 2014
  21. Nov 05, 2014
  22. Nov 03, 2014
  23. Oct 31, 2014
  24. Oct 30, 2014
    • Aurelie Clodic's avatar
      [wip/sot-dyninv] Release v2.0.0 · 7bc14baa
      Aurelie Clodic authored
      first release in robotpkg
      Release v2.0.0
       * Add the display method for normalization purposes.
       * Synchronize.
       * Remove deprecated method commanline.
       * Add the command line 'remove', alias of 'rm'.
       * For normalization purposes, use the DYNAMIC_GRAPH_ENTITY_DECL macro everywhere.
       * Correct the prototype of the method getClassName.
       * [cmake] Synchronize
       * Correct documentation generation.
       * Synchronize.
       * Update sot-concept for romeo-sot v1.1.1
       * Remove deprecated python scripts.
       * Correct the path to the plugin directory of dynamic-graph.
       * Resolve ambiguous constructor
       * [travis] Add missing dependencies
       * [travis] Add missing dependencies
       * Update
       * [travis] Add Travis and support
       * Fixed bug in last commit
       * Fixed bug in setGain() and added reference input type in MetaTaskDynPosture.gotoq()
       * Correct CMakeLists.txt: remove depr. file installation
       * Remove deprecated scripts.
       * Add TaskDynPassingPoint as a dynamic task
       * Minor changes to the most simple kine and dyn tests
       * Add MetaTask for dynamic angle and velocity limits
       * Modified function name and command to set second order kinematics in order to uniform it to Device::setSecondOrderIntegration
       * Added underscore to attribute name secondOrderKinematics in solver-kine.cpp
       * Solved unreferenced pointer if empty stack
       * Added comment for method setSize in stack-template.t.cpp
       * Resolved timing problem on solver-kine. Now working on second order
       * Added control on task type when second order is set
       * Added control on task type when second order kinematics is set
       * Added secondOrderKinematics option with drift Jdot*dq compensation in solver-kine and userfriendly changes/commentaries in solver-op-space.cpp
       * Added gain utilisation to task-dyn-limits.cpp and  added some useful comments
       * Added Relative MetaTaskDyn and modified CMakeLists
       * Added secondOrderKinematics option with drift Jdot*dq compensation in solver-kine and userfriendly changes/commentaries in solver-op-space.cpp
       * Update reference to soth (point towards github not laas).
       * Added gain utilisation to task-dyn-limits.cpp and  added some useful comments
       * Added Relative MetaTaskDyn and modified CMakeLists
       * Resets the posture of the robot between configs in
       * Install the tutorial python scripts.
       * Complete script
       * Add Simple test for dynamic sot
       * Add rotation part for gotoNd and goto6d
       * Simple typo.
       * Minor modification for
       * Add missing viewer commands for robot-viewer in sot-concept.
       * Change the missing tasks.
       * Correct the right hand task for unittest/
       * Correct import pathes and robot name in the scripts.
       * Sur-constrain the walk of romeo.
       * Purposefully add some gaps in the walk script.
       * Clean and comment the script ros-walkromeo.
       * Clean and comment the script ros-planche with romeo.
       * rename ros/
       * Clean and comment the script p105 with romeo.
       * Clean and comment the kine script with romeo.
       * Clean, comment and correct the dynamic script with romeo.
       * Default romeo robot has toes.
       * Update 'classic' python script for romeo flying.
       * Use the Macro solver in ros scripts.
       * Add the simulation for romeo 'planing' with ros.
       * Correct path in meta_task_6d python script.
       * First draft for all python scripts.
       * Add p105_demo for the romeo robot.
       * Add a test for the dynamic SoT with romeo.
       * Remove useless file.
       * Synchronize.
       * Working version for Romeo, thanks Francois.
       * Modif robot specificities (path for romeo).
       * Script correction and modif for romeo.
       * Refact version with the minimal elements.
       * Corrected the unittest kinewalk.
       * Corrected version of the walk: work with HRP2-14.
       * Merge remote branch 'origin/master'
       * Moved robotSpecific to robot_specific, and install the generated python files in the binary dir.
       * Minor modifs of the 2013_coursens scripts.
       * Modify the robot specificy file.
       * Mv robot specific to robot_specific.
       * Avoid having hard-coded paths in
       * Minor modif.
       * IVIGIT: script of the ENS class 2013.
       * Added the meta tasks in the cmake.
       * Removed a trace in solver kine.
       * Moved file.
       * Deprecated filed removed.
       * Moved to python/tools.
       * Moved the script to python/unittest. None of them should be working yet, and need a little bit of correction and selection.
       * Moved the meta tasks.
       * Moved to sot.core.
       * Moved some files in dedicated repository of python/
       * Update cmake.
       * Minor robot spec modifs.
       * Added the task weight in the python init file.
       * Moved the matrix util python into the sot core package.
       * Minor modifs in the meta tasks.
       * Minor changes in thread loop.
       * Added the ALWAYS timer in attime.
       * Correction of the solver kine header.
       * IVIGIT task-weight.
       * Minor changes.
       * Finally, the active-set init-guess solver for inv kine.
       * Revert "Revert "Added an operator into solver-kine.""
       * Revert "Added an operator into solver-kine."
       * Added an operator into solver-kine.
       * Corrected a bug in task ineq.
       * Synchronize.
       * Add missing link.
       * Correct python scripts.
       * Avoid having hard-coded paths in
       * Correct the operation 'down' for the stack-template.
       * Using the meta_pg.
       * Synchronize
       * Correct link.
       * Correct link dependencies.
       * Correct the linkage.
       * Add missing dependencies
       * Win32: correct API
       * Add missing const in the declaration of getClassName
       * Correct the handling of python modules
       * Correct the link with boost
       * Add missing dependency between libs
       * Win32: Instead of a symbolic link, realize a dirty copy of the headers
       * Correct the exportation of symbols
       * Correct the CMakelists
       * ivigit.
       * Added the compilation instruction for the new entity contact-selecter.
       * Account for the error dot in the task computation.
       * Added an accessor to the support signal.
       * Add the new contact-selecter entity in python.
       * Corrected a bug in debug mode.
       * ivigit.
       * Accounting for the modif in the sdes branch of sot-core.
       * Accounting for the modif in cmake/python.cmake.
       * Accounting for the new feature.sdes.
       * Modify the output for OpenHRP seqplay.
       * Working version used for the novela.
       * Varying position of the COM.
       * Slight changes in the timing.
       * Accounting for the modifs in sot-core/feature.
       * Synchronize
       * Adding option to specify the robot model in the script (-R option). Now works with HRP2 and Romeo models.
       * Added some other specificities to handle romeo.
       * Corrected a hard-coded 36 dim.
       * ivigit.
       * Added n+10.
       * Added hide and c
       * Added some cases for matrix2vector convertion + corrected a probable bug in rpy.
       * Slight modif in restore function.
       * Added a empty constructor.
       * ivigit.
       * ivigit.
       * Minor change in the task update.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Remove a undesired trace.
       * Working version with option, but problem of initialization if the waist is not at 0.
       * First working version.
       * Added the rpy-to-matrix.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Robot viewer short cut.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Icra version.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Version I am very proud of :D
       * Retried on the robot: failure: to much on the front.
       * Maximale version, checked on the robot.
       * Slight refactoring.
       * Less demanding version.
       * IVIGIT, copy from
       * Final version, to be tested on the robot.
       * Simple correction to handle a vector in goto6d.
       * Uses fast forward to correct the history
       * IVIGIt.
       * IVIGIT: working with taskCom, bug with support.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Cleaned version.
       * Working version for OpenHRP, problem with the stab.
       * Added a trajectory tracking to smooth the slide.
       * Rewrite the vectorToTupple to enable row and col vectors.
       * Added a fast forward to execute all events until a given position.
       * Added zmp in history.
       * Cleaned up version.
       * Final version, working on OHRP.
       * Complete version, but cannot replicate on openhrp.
       * ivigit.
       * Back from the robot Xp: worked for 2cm, better maybe with 1.5. Touch with 1. Try to slower the motion.
       * Working version, ok for ohrp.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Non sigular version, falling with OpenHRP.
       * IVIGIT.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Mutliple changes: added a spatial scaling, modify the return type of the position functions, added a anglePosition function.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Working motion, ready to be used on the robot ... wait, still a bug on the hip.
       * Added the global "ping" function.
       * Added vectorToTuple
       * The best motion from now.
       * Working with foot down.
       * Working version, with posture, no head no arm and foot.
       * Added the posture task.
       * ivigit.
       * Added a op point modifier. Should be ported to sot-core.
       * Added a time-scaled parser.
       * Minor bug correction.
       * IVIGIT.
       * IVIGIT.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Corrected a bug in signal refresh.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Changes to accept several arguments per iteration.
       * Minor changes.
       * Added the computation of the forces in each contact.
       * Corrected the bug in the altitude of the foot.
       * Added a command to apprehend eventual changes in the Jacobian while estimating its derivative.
       * Unified the QR and pseudo inversion.
       * Syntax error in debug mode.
       * Working version with the new colpiv solver.
       * WS removal.
       * Passed the solver to template.
       * Transfert all the class from the unittest to the header..
       * First complete working version.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Moved dynred2 has the nominal reduced solver.
       * Current working version, comparing both regular solver and reduced solver.
       * Added some traces to check the task validity.
       * Bug in the normal forces corrected. Version seems to work with reduced acceleration and forces.
       * With solver reduced 2.
       * With the second formulation of the reduced solver.
       * IVIGIT.
       * IVIGIT.
       * First working version: control ok for 2 contacts + COM task + brek down.
       * First working version.
       * Correction of bug at the compilation.
       * IVIGIT.
       * IVIGIT.
       * Using the new entity helper macro.
       * Accounting for the changes in hrp210
       * Accounting for new gpool().
    • Aurelie Clodic's avatar
      [wip/soth] Release 2.0.0 · 3e6386ca
      Aurelie Clodic authored
      first release in robotpkg
      Release 2.0.0
      * [cmake] Synchronize
       * Synchronize.
       * The unittests are compiled again
       * Add missing CMakeLists.txt in exe
       * Synchronize
       * Correct installation path of the library.
       * [travis] Compile tests
       * Update
       * [travis] Add Travis and support
       * Remove useless file.
       * Modifying the license file: LGPL.
       * Another cleaning of exe/simple.:
       * Minor modif in the unittest.
       * Simplified the simple comparison test.
       * Corrected the initial QR decomposition to spare some time.
       * Refactoring of IJRR tests.
       * Minor debug.
       * Added an option in the getOptimalActiveSet function.
       * Clean the test dir.
       * Correct errors in CMakeLists.txt, Rename a file.
       * One last remaining warning.
       * Correction of the warnings. Non more warnings (!!!)
       * Some refactoring.
       * Adding some this-> to fix compilation errors with Apple clang version 4.1 compiler.
       * Add the flag -fpermissive to ensure C++ 4.7 compatibility.
       * Add a forward declaration (C++ 4.7 compatibility).
       * IVIGIT: correcting a missing file for compilation.
       * Removed useless include in tmanu.
       * Added a correction of the COD (used only in the test) in CODClean. This file should replace the src/COD.hpp, which is yet kept for laziness reasons.
       * Added documentation in the tmanu cone test.
       * IHQP test update.
       * Added a new random generator.
       * Minor compilation correctyion.
       * IVIGIT unittest.
       * Added an initial active set into the Stage class.
       * Added an initial active set.
       * ivigit.
       * Clean and reorganize the cmake files.
       * Reduce the compilation time of the unit tests.
       * Use the routine in cmake/eigen.cmake to find eigen.
       * Synchronize.
  25. Oct 29, 2014
  26. Oct 28, 2014
  27. Oct 27, 2014