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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. May 27, 2014
  2. May 23, 2014
  3. May 21, 2014
  4. May 12, 2014
  5. May 07, 2014
  6. May 06, 2014
  7. May 02, 2014
  8. Apr 30, 2014
    • Arnaud Degroote's avatar
      [wip/ompl] Upgrade to 0.14.1 · f46e4625
      Arnaud Degroote authored
      Changes since 0.12.2:
    0.14.1 (January 23, 2014)
      Update PlannerData to use new cost infrastructure.
      Bug fixes.
      OMPL 0.14.0 (December 20, 2013)
          - Added new cost infrastructure to plan optimal paths with respect to
          arbitrary cost functions. Several common cost objective functions have been
          defined (such as path length and mechanical work) and new ones can easily be
          - RRT*, PRM*, TRRT, and PRM have been updated to use this cost
          - BallTreeRRT* has been removed since it assumed that the path cost is equal
          to the path length.
          - Added two new planners:
      	- Lower Bound Tree RRT (LBTRRT), a near asymptotically-optimal
      	incremental sampling-based motion planning algorithm.
      	- Search Tree with Resolution Independent Density Estimation (STRIDE), an
      	EST-like planner that uses an extension of the GNAT nearest neighbor data
      	structure that supports sampling states inversely proportional to the density
      	of previously sampled states.
          - Added support for MORSE. Through a plugin you can use OMPL with Blender
          and MORSE to plan kinodynamic paths. See the gallery for some examples.
          -  Added functionality to the Benchmark class to keep track of
          user-specified properties at regular intervals. This is especially useful for
          asymptotically/approximately optimal or anytime planners.
          - Added more demo programs.
          - Updated gccxml snapshot. If you use gcc 4.8 and the OMPL Python bindings,
          you need to run "make installpyplusplus" again.
          - Bug fixes.
      OMPL 0.13.0 (August 5, 2013)
          - Added several new planners:
      	- SPARS and SPARS2 are roadmap-based planners that operate similarly to
      	Visibility-based PRM, but provide asymptotic near-optimality guarantees.
      	- Path-Directed Subdivision Tree (PDST). There are actually two
      	versions: one for geometric planning and one for control-based planning.
      	- Lazy PRM, a variant that lazily evaluates the validity of nodes and
      	edges in a roadmap.
          - Various improvements and bug fixes in the RRTstar and BallTreeRRTstar planners.
          - Various optimizations in the Syclop planner.
          - The Syclop planner can now operate over triangular decompositions. This
          is enabled if the triangle package is installed.
          - Significantly reworked and extended unit tests for planning algorithms.
          - Added method to extract a ompl::base::StateStorage object from ompl::base::PlannerData.
          - State spaces can indicate whether they are metric.
          - Certain path shortcutting techniques are disabled for non-metric state
          spaces during path simplification.
          - Extended ProblemDefinition API to support path optimizing planners.
          - Added printAsMatrix method to ompl::geometric::PathGeometric and
          ompl::control::PathControl to facilitate plotting of paths. Added a tutorial on
          path visualization.
          - Added more demo programs.
          - Use the officially released version of OdeInt that comes with Boost 1.53
          for numerical integration. The bundled version of OdeInt is not used or
          installed if the user has Boost >= 1.53 installed.
          - Updated Py++ toolchain (gccxml, pygccxml, pyplusplus). If you use gcc
          4.7/4.8 or Boost 1.54, you need to run "make installpyplusplus" again.
          - Bug fixes.
    • Charles Lesire's avatar
      add libogre sysdep and update rviz deps · f51a3f1f
      Charles Lesire authored
  9. Apr 28, 2014
    • Arnaud Degroote's avatar
      [wip/mrpt] Upgrade to 1.1.0 · dfeb9c80
      Arnaud Degroote authored
      Changes since 1.0.2:
      New apps:
          DifOdometry-Camera. (By Mariano Jaimez Tarifa)
          DifOdometry-Datasets. (By Mariano Jaimez Tarifa)
      New classes:
      	mrpt::synch::CPipe: OS-independent pipe support.
      	- mrpt::hwdrivers::CIMUXSens_MT4 : Support for 4th generation xSens MT
      	IMU devices.
      	- mrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ: Support for acquisition
      	boards compatible with National Instruments DAQmx Base
      	- mrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_FlyCapture2: Support for Point Grey
      	Research's cameras via the FlyCapture2 libray
      	There are now two versions of octomaps (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa/Jose Luis Blanco)
      	    mrpt::slam::COctoMap (only occupancy)
      	    mrpt::slam::CColouredOctoMap (occupancy + RGB color)
      	mrpt::slam::CObservationRawDAQ, a placeholder for raw and generic
      	measurements from data acquisition devices.
      	- mrpt::opengl::CMeshFast, an open gl object that draws a "mesh" as a
      	structured point cloud which is faster to render (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa).
      	- mrpt::opengl::CVectorField2D, an opengl object that shows a 2D Vector
      	Field (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa).
      	mrpt::reactivenav::CAbstractPTGBasedReactive, as part of a large code
      	refactoring of these classes:
      	mrpt::vision::CDifodo, a class which implements visual odometry based
      	on depth images and the "range flow constraint equation". (by Mariano
      	Jaimez Tarifa)
      Changes in classes:
          - Clean up and slight optimization of metric map matching API:
      	Methods marked as deprecated:
      	    mrpt::slam::CMetricMap::computeMatchingWith2D() –> mrpt::slam::CMetricMap::determineMatching2D()
      	    mrpt::slam::CMetricMap::computeMatchingWith3D() –> mrpt::slam::CMetricMap::determineMatching3D()
      	New structures:
          - mrpt::slam::CPointsMap::TInsertionOptions now have methods to save/load
          from binary streams, making more maintainable the serialization of point maps
          - New options in point maps:
          - mrpt::slam::CObservationIMU now includes data fields for 3D magnetometers and altimeters.
          - Method renamed mrpt::utils::CEnhancedMetaFile::selectVectorTextFont() to avoid shadowing mrpt::utils::CCanvas::selectTextFont()
          - mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator: New methods:
      	- mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::inverseMap_WS2TP() for inverse look-up of WS to TP space
      	- mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::renderPathAsSimpleLine() - (commit)
          - Changed the signature of mrpt::reactivenav::build_PTG_collision_grids() to become more generic for 2D & 2.5D PTGs
      Deleted classes:
          mrpt::utils::CEvent, which was actually unimplemented (!)
          mrpt::hwdrivers::CInterfaceNI845x has been deleted. It didn't offer features enough to justify a class.
      New examples:
          [MRPT]/openNI2_RGBD_demo (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa)
          [MRPT]/openNI2_proximity_demo (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa)
      Build system:
          Fixed compilation with clang.
          Fixed building against OpenCV 3.0.0 (GIT head)
          Updated to the latest nanoflann 1.1.7.
          Updated to Eigen 3.2.0
          Binary packages for Windows now include .pdb files to help debugging with Visual Studio.
      BUG FIXES:
          Fixed potential infinity loop in mrpt::math::make_vector<1,T>()
          Fixed build error with GCC when experimental parallelization is enabled.
          - mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem complained about missing
          config variables ROBOTMODEL_TAU & ROBOTMODEL_DELAY, which were removed in MRPT
          - Fixed potential mem alignment errors (Eigen's UnalignedArrayAssert) in
          SRBA for 32bit builds.
          - mrpt::topography::geodeticToENU_WGS84() and related functions used a
          local +Z axis aligned to the line towards the Earth center; now the Z axis
          points normally to the ellipsoid surface. The difference with the previous
          behavior is small but may be of a few millimeters for each meter from the
          reference point.
          - Potential crash when setting mpPolygon::setPoints() with empty vectors
          - mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem and
          mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem3D didn't obey the
          "enableConsoleOutput" constructor flag
          - mrpt::synch::CSemaphore::waitForSignal() : Fixed error when thread got an
          external signal
  10. Apr 24, 2014
  11. Apr 20, 2014
  12. Apr 17, 2014
  13. Apr 09, 2014
  14. Apr 08, 2014
  15. Apr 07, 2014
  16. Apr 03, 2014
  17. Apr 02, 2014
    • Pierrick Koch's avatar
      [wip/gladys] patch python bindings · 802c9ba9
      Pierrick Koch authored
    • Pierrick Koch's avatar
      [wip/atlaas-genom] Update to atlaas-genom-0.1.4 · d84ac8aa
      Pierrick Koch authored
      Changes since v0.1.3:
      Pierrick Koch (19):
            [readme] todo test 96x96
            fix version and robotpkg tool
            store static matrix instead of t3d
            add velodyne poster_locker, raii pattern
            [custom] add custom z origin (altitude)
            [doc] update readme w/new init api (custom z)
            [log] replace tmplog by std::cout
            [tool] update openrobots archive scp url
            [refactor] sync with new atlaas api
            [doc] remove export from readme
            [cloud] from XYZ to XYZI, add intensity, 16B align
            [export8u] revert export8u (debug only, use save for display)
            [doc] revert export8u in readme
            [p3d] on the way to an autonomous atlaas
            [p3d] clean the west up poster
            [p3d] lower down vertical variance threshold
            [pom] make pom poster optionnal
            [tool] fix robotpkg path
            [doc] update readme velodyne init
    • Pierrick Koch's avatar
      [wip/atlaas] Update to atlaas-0.1.4 · d53df1b3
      Pierrick Koch authored
      Changes since v0.1.3:
      Pierrick Koch (39):
            [tool] add shortlog to robotpkg commit message
            [doc] add todo <break it all> :-)
            [doc] various cleaning
            [merge] check index out of cached-map
            [custom] add custom z origin (altitude)
            rename sub -> tile
            cleanup Werror
            fix wrong tiles utm origin
            [tool] update openrobots archive scp url
            [tools] add optionnal tools
            [doc] add todos
            [time] update if n_points > 0
            [merge] flat differ flat+10cm
            move helpers and types in atlaas/common.hpp
            [tools] add ipython example
            static const atlaas path
            break tile frame (-1,-1) -> (0,0)
            remove unused enum
            clear docstring current tile id (0, 0)
            [refactor] no more map member, breaking api
            [slide] return whether we did slide or not
            move atlaas::slide() in slide.cpp
            time diff cleanup
            [doc] update todos remove done ones
            [atlaas] add new square distance of a cell
            [doc] add some warning on float precision
            [doc] add doxygen generation
            [atlaas] rename merge(cloud, raster) -> rasterize
            [tools] clean pylab demo code
            [cloud] from XYZ to XYZI, add intensity, 16B align
            [export8u] rewrite export8u (debug only, use save for display)
            [doc] update readme install info
            [doc] add todos
            [merge] replace if 5m closer
            remove pseudo-persistent vertical info
            [doc] add todo rename
            [tool] fix robotpkg path
            [doc] update doxyfile to
            [test] add merge test
    • Pierrick Koch's avatar
      [wip/gdalwrap] Update to gdalwrap-0.1.7 · 35da7138
      Pierrick Koch authored
      Changes since v0.1.6:
      Pierrick Koch (12):
            [custom] add custom z origin (altitude)
            [gdal] add destructor to GDALDestroyDriverManager
            [meta] use stod for double
            cleanup Werror
            add in-place normalize helper
            add fastest deflate compression
            [tool] update openrobots archive scp url
            [tools] add optionnal tools
            [meta] add set meta size for meta only
            [doc] update readme install info
            Revert "destructor to GDALDestroyDriverManager"
            [tool] fix robotpkg path
  18. Mar 28, 2014
  19. Mar 27, 2014