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  1. Mar 12, 2021
  2. Mar 11, 2021
  3. Mar 10, 2021
  4. Mar 02, 2021
  5. Feb 23, 2021
  6. Feb 22, 2021
  7. Feb 17, 2021
  8. Feb 12, 2021
  9. Feb 10, 2021
  10. Feb 09, 2021
    • Guilhem Saurel's avatar
      [wip/py-casadi] Update to v3.5.5 · dc6ed9d0
      Guilhem Saurel authored
    • Guilhem Saurel's avatar
      [wip/agimus-sot] fix PLIST · 794f15e5
      Guilhem Saurel authored
    • Guilhem Saurel's avatar
      [wip/py-gurobi] Update to v9.1.1 · 39549587
      Guilhem Saurel authored
      Changes in v9.1.1:
      - Fixed attribute type for "Fingerprint" attribute in Java, C++, and .NET
      - Fixed a numerical issue in a knapsack presolve reduction
      - Fixed issue with IIS algorithm using too many threads
      - Fixed wrong sign for Farkas dual values for variables with infinite lower bounds
      - Fixed numerical issue in presolve coefficient strengthening
      - Fixed issue with losing binary status of a fixed variable when writing to an mps file
      - Fixed numerical issue in a dual presolve reduction
      - Fixed segmentation fault when using pre-specified user cuts in some situations
      - Fixed wrong answer when using pre-specified user cuts with >= sense
      - Fixed handling of user cuts with equality sense
      - Allow the use of a "pip install" trial license within Docker
      - Fixed performance bottleneck in Compute Server model updates with general constraints
      - Fixed segmentation fault when environment creation is used incorrectly by the user and the error code is not handled properly
      - Fixed wrong default value of the "Lazy" attribute in attribute files
      - Fixed incorrect presolve fixing for pure fixed charge network models
      - Only use single-threaded BLAS on Mac to avoid overshooting the thread limit
      - Fixed numerical issue for outer approximation cuts for quadratic constraints
      - Fixed wrong answer for non-convex MIQCPs when sparsifying Q in objective
      - Upgrade to curl 7.74.0 to address a network performance issue on Windows
      Changes in v9.1.0:
      - Fixed issue with empty error messages from within callback in Python
      - Fixed numerical issue in cut lifting
      - Added missing Visual C++ runtime dependency for Python on Windows
      - Fixed issue with resetting runtime attribute to zero on model updates
      - Fixed potential segmentation fault when running out of memory
      - Fixed issue in gurobipy with MLinExpr objects used for objective functions of multi-objective models
      - Fixed numerical issue in clique based presolve reduction that lead to wrong claim of infeasibility
      - Fixed issue with cbStopOneMultiObj() not working correctly on multi-objective models solved with distributed MIP
      - Fixed potential segmentation fault when calling cbStopOneMultiobj() after a SIGINT has been received
      - Fixed rare performance issue in a primal heuristic that may lead to a long time without display output
      - Fixed numerical issue in cut scaling that very rarely lead to not calling the callback to allow for lazy constraint generation for a solution
      - Fixed performance issue in flow path cut separator for models with very special structure
      - Fixed the use of feasRelax() on multi-objective models
      - Fixed incorrect handling of variables with infinite lower bound and finite upper bound for QP simplex
      - Fixed wrong answer bug due to a bad symmetry reduction on models with quadratic or SOS constraints
      - Fixed performance issue and not checking the time limit while lifting binary variables into cuts
      - Fixed issue in IIS computation where hitting the time limit on the initial solve reports an error result
      - Fixed numerical issue in a knapsack based cut strengthening routine that may lead to wrong answers
      - Fixed issue in gurobipy with using a singleton MVar as objective
      - Fixed numerical issue in presolve implied bounds reduction
      - Fixed segmentation fault due to numerical issue in crossover for handling of dual super basic variables in a singular basis
      - Fixed performance issue with sub-MIP cuts taking very long on MIQPs
      - Fixed issue with temporarily using more threads than allowed by the "Threads" parameter
      - Fixed issue with "gurobi_cl --tokens" for single-use licenses on Windows
      - Fixed issue with keeping internal bilinear constraint representation in model produced by presolve method
      - Fixed issue with MIP cleanup on models with semi-continuous or semi-integer variables
      - Fixed issue with getting a Q_NOT_PSD error for MIP starts applied to non-convex models
      - Fixed issue with querying OBJVAL attribute for unbounded models if a feasible solution is available
      - Fixed issue with returning error 10017 for an MIQCP that is presolved to an MILP and solved with distributed MIP
      - Fixed wrong answer due to applying incompatible symmetry and disconnected components reductions at the same time
      - Fixed rare uninitialized memory read in presolve for non-convex quadratic objective function
      - Fixed issue in primal simplex ratio test that can lead to wrong conclusion of infeasibility
      - Fixed issue that caused two worker processes to run simultaneously on the Compute Server for distributed MIP
      - Fixed issue with getting an unbounded ray from a simplex solve
      - Fixed issue with querying char attributes in gurobipy via model.getAttr()
      - Fixed potential uninitialized memory read when setting MIP start via Start attribute on Compute Server
      Changes in v9.0.3:
      - Fixed bug in presolve with merging small cliques that can lead to a wrong answer
      - Changed gurobipy argument name of addMConstrs() from "names" to "name" to match documentation
      - Fixed a performance issue with an infinite loop in a heuristic due to numerical issues
      - Fixed a small memory leak for multi-scenario models
      - Fixed LP iteration count attribute values for multi-objective model solves
      - Fixed issue in gurobipy with wrong result when adding two MLinExpr expressions
      - Fixed bug with querying attributes of a multi-scenario model from Compute Server
      - Fixed issue with wrong MIP solution status if a parallel thread at the root node proves infeasibility of the model
      - Fixed OverflowError in gurobipy when adding many variables with addVars()
      - Fixed segmentation fault when using multiple environments on Windows with a Compute Server or Instant Cloud application
      - Fixed rare segmentation fault in a set partitioning heuristic
      - Fixed the handling of the "ImproveStartTime" parameter for multi-objective models
      - Fixed wrong answer due to bad presolve reduction for non-convex MIQCPs with quadratic equations
      - Fixed segmentation fault when using user cuts in certain situations
      - Fixed segmentation fault related to semi-continuous variables
      - Fixed extensions in library names in the R source package on Mac
      - Fixed translation of one particular form of the addGenConstrIndicator() function in gurobipy when a linear expression with a non-zero constant term is involved
      - Fixed wrong answer for non-convex MIQCPs due to an invalid dual reduction on the McCormick constraints
      - Fixed performance issue in gurobipy with Compute Server when printing a set of variables if no feasible solution exists
      - Fixed performance issue in symmetry computation
      - Fixed issue with not stopping immediately if cbStopOneMultiObj() is called from the callback for a multi-objective solve that is currently performing symmetry detection
      - Fixed segmentation fault that arises from a numerical issue in presolve for MIQPs
      - Fixed issue with not printing the problem size for concurrent MIP > Fixed issue with writing a solution file based on the "SolFiles" parameter if the user callback returned an error
      - Added missing support of scalar division for the MLinExpr object of gurobipy
      - Fixed bug with accepting a solution with big constraint violation that came from a certain heuristic
      - Fixed bug with returning the scaled solution from barrier, if the barrier solve is interrupted prematurely
      - Fixed segmentation fault in presolve for non-convex MIQPs
      - Enable work-around for a long running call via Compute Server that would terminate the connection due to a time out
      - Fixed wrong fingerprint value when writing to mps files due to handling of IEEE -0.0 (negative zero) values
      - Fixed wrong answer coming from relax-and-lift cuts
      - Fixed issue with duplicate variable indices in the linear constraint of an indicator constraint
      - Fixed wrong answers due to invalid symmetry detection for models with SOS constraints
      - Fixed segmentation fault with solving a model in batch mode that has no name
      - Fixed wrong answer in non-convex MIQCPs due to a wrong local update of the McCormick constraints
      - Fixed numerical issue in presolve for models with SOS constraints and big-M coefficients
      - Fixed performance issue in the LP file reader when huge files are being read
      - Fixed wrong answer for multi-scenario models that decompose into multiple large components
    • Guilhem Saurel's avatar
      [wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3] Update to v4.0.2 · 4d6599eb
      Guilhem Saurel authored
      Changes in v4.0.2:
      - update package.xml & README
      - fix boost bind use
    • Guilhem Saurel's avatar
      [wip/dynamic-graph-v3] Update to v4.3.3 · 55311353
      Guilhem Saurel authored
      Changes in v4.3.3:
      - remove suffix
      - fix boost bind > 1.73 warnings in a way compatible with < 1.73
    • Guilhem Saurel's avatar
      [wip/dynamic-graph-v3] Update to v4.3.2 · 41e52416
      Guilhem Saurel authored
      Changes in v4.3.2:
      - set RPATH for plugins to fix debian packages creation on ROS buildfarm
  11. Dec 13, 2020
  12. Dec 11, 2020
  13. Dec 03, 2020
  14. Nov 27, 2020
  15. Nov 26, 2020
  16. Nov 25, 2020
  17. Nov 24, 2020
  18. Nov 19, 2020