- Mar 18, 2016
Changes since 1.3: ================== - Robots created in loop are handled smartly. They are still usable as previously, but it is also possible to access them using the list foos (if your robot name is foo) (#358). - Streams are now created lazily, fixing control with large number of robots / sensors (#626).
No change since 1.3
Changes since 1.3: ================== - Some ROS 'housekeeping' has been performed in this release, including removing the need for rospkg (easier installation!), removing ROS interface with the non-standard (and unused?) JointPositions message and removing references roslib.load_manifest(), a memory of rosbuild-era.
Changes since 1.3: ================== - Handle automatically the case where attributed published by Morse are not owned by it. - Allow to specify a ``stop_time`` for the simulation (in simulated seconds) - Make ``lookahead`` configurable for the Morse federate
It was completly b0rken ... (my fault :D)
- The version stored in .pc file on current is 1.0.9, while it was 1.0.11 at some point. Downgrade the requirement so. - Fix a missing \ in system_search pattern
This problem generated wrong dependency computation.