- Nov 03, 2015
andreadelprete authored
Return the status of the LP solver rather than returning a boolean, so that the user can have a better understanding of what happened when the LP could not be solved.
andreadelprete authored
Add new LP problems in test_data folder to use them in test_LP_problem. Change range of admissible pitch-roll angles for random contact generation from 0 to twice the friction cone angle. Clean code.
andreadelprete authored
Add binary files describing some LP problems in folder test_data. Add test LP solver using binary files.
andreadelprete authored
andreadelprete authored
Extend code to handle arbitrary number of generators per contact. Minor improvements here and there.
- Nov 02, 2015
andreadelprete authored
andreadelprete authored
andreadelprete authored
andreadelprete authored
[MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS] When using qpOases in DLP check for large negative objective value, which suggests likely unboundedness of the problem. Change signature of most methods of StaticEquilibrium class so that they return true if operation succeeded, false otherwise. Add tests of LP formulations against polytope projection. Add ifdef CLP_FOUND everywhere in the code so that solver CLP is now optional (still to fix the cmakelist though). Add documentation.
- Oct 30, 2015
andreadelprete authored
Add algorithms (LP and dual LP) to compute extremum equilibrium point over a line. Add relative tests (successful). Clean up old tests for computation of equilibrium robustness.
andreadelprete authored
Implement LP solver using qpOases. Implement a more efficient primal formulation of the LP to compute robustness of a given CoM position (LP2 in the code). Even this formulation sometimes gives wrong results with coin-or solver, but not with qpOases. Implement first performance tests: qpOases seems faster than coin-or solver and fastest formulation seems to be the dual LP (about 0.1 ms for 32 generators). PP algorithm is instead very slow, much slower than in Steve's code, but it's not clear why.
- Oct 28, 2015
andreadelprete authored
Implement LP solver using coin-or LP. Add in test_LP_solver some small LP tests. Implement primal and dual LP algorithm to compute robustness of a given com position. Test algorithm against PP: primal works always, while dual works only sometimes (need to investigate).
- Oct 27, 2015
andreadelprete authored
- Oct 26, 2015
andreadelprete authored