- Jul 06, 2016
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
Guilhem Saurel authored
As it is done in src/multibody/parser/python.cpp, one can create a shared_ptr to a new Model in c++, send this into a python namespace, update it in python, and continue to work on the Model in c++. An example to use this as a simple parser is given in unittest/python.cpp and models/simple_model.py (squashed version)
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
- Jun 28, 2016
Justin Carpentier authored
Fix bug when parsing URDF tree + minor clean
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
Handle the case of base_link with child links connect with fixed joints and no root joint provided.
Justin Carpentier authored
Handle future release of Eigen3
- Jun 27, 2016
jcarpent authored
With next version of Eigen3, it seems that there exists a missing initialiser when calling the cast operator.
jcarpent authored
With newer Eigen 3 version, the incomplete namespace specification leads to compilation errors.
jcarpent authored
Eigen::ProcuctReturnType becomes Eigen::Product in Eigen version >= 3.3.0.
- Jun 23, 2016
Justin Carpentier authored
Improve the packaging regarding to different UNIX systems
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
jcarpent authored
Justin Carpentier authored
Valenza Florian authored
Valenza Florian authored
[C++] Added type of Frame JOINT. Even if it is a redundent information, add a frame for each joint added
- Jun 21, 2016
Valenza Florian authored
[C++] bodies are now a subpart of the Frames : some Frames are of type BODY and when referring to getBodyId/Name in Model it will look in its frames
Valenza Florian authored
- Jun 17, 2016
Justin Carpentier authored
Fix an other bug in the romeoWrapper init
jcarpent authored