I would also move a few Python helper methods inside create_entities_utils, such as create_tracer, addTrace, and all related methods, plus create_ros_publisher and create_topic
admittance-controller : rename to simple-admittance-controller
base-estimator : I don't know whether we should move this to sot-core or not. Anyhow, I expect this entity to undergo lots of changes, so it is not mature enough to be moved. Could we rename it to something else? For instance, talos-base-estimator? What do you think?
control-manager : same comments as base-estimator
filter-differentiator : I think this entity is stable and mature. Also, I am pretty sure the versions in sot-talos-balance and sot-torque control are basically identical to each other. We should move this to sot-core. Along with this, causal-filter (which is not an entity) should also be moved
imu_offset_compensation : I am not sure of what this entity is doing. It seems we are never using it. Maybe it can be simply removed from sot-talos-balance. @tflayols what do you say?
madgwickahrs : this entity should be moved to sot-core. I made several improvements to this entity in sot-talos-balance. In particular, I turned the scalar type from float to double. Therefore, I strongly recommend using the version in sot-talos-balance
nd-trajectory-generator : this entity is quite mature and it should be moved to sot-core. I do not know whether the version in sot-talos-balance has been modified from the one in sot-torque-control before being integrated in sot-talos-balance. In particular, I do not know whether some features have been removed. I know for sure I had to fix a few bugs in order to be able to use it to read files; therefore, my changes should be retained. Among the changes I made, there is a particular feature I disabled because I did not like how it worked; I will put it back. Also, I will check whether there are things in sot-torque control that need to be put back. After this, we can move everything to sot-core
base-estimator , I agree this entity is specific to Talos in its current state, and also need some improvements. I'm ok to rename it 'talos-base-estimator' for now.
imu_offset_compensation was used with HRP2 IMU which is analog and has some bias at startup. This entity also include a high pass filter on the Gyro with very low cutoff frequency to remove any biais. I think we don't need it anymore for Talos.
nd-trajectory-generator is not ready for sot-core in my opinion. Some old checks are still specific to joint-trajectory-generator, the entity that was used as a base when we coded this one.
A major issue with this entity in his current state is the file loading process, witch is blocking and can generate failure on the robot with RT constrains. We could use a separate thread to read the data... I will open an issue on this.
IMO, Another entity that should be moved out from the project is the qualisys-mocap-client.