Topic/hip flexibility
- Oct 14, 2019
Noëlie RAMUZAT authored
NoelieRamuzat authored
Cleaning files of comments. Add warnings: The device has control type in no integrator -> control is in POSITION The hipFlexibility is plugged in the test file only The hipFlexibility q_des signal is set to the robot halfSitting -> to be changed
NoelieRamuzat authored
NoelieRamuzat authored
New architecture: tau -> LowPass -> delta_q (= tau/flex) -> RateLimiter -> q_cmd (= RL(delta_q) + q_des)
NoelieRamuzat authored
NoelieRamuzat authored
NoelieRamuzat authored
NoelieRamuzat authored
NoelieRamuzat authored
NoelieRamuzat authored
NoelieRamuzat authored
Take in entry the current torque and the desired position of the joints. Output the angular correction to apply on the hip (theta_diffSOUT) and the desired positions updated with these angles (q_cmdSOUT). Done on left and right hips. Possibility to activate angular saturation and lowPass filter. Test uses the entity with a constant desired position which is the halfsitting, with same left and right hip flexibility.