Explore projects
Unreal engine 4 environnement for HTC VIVE and Director Task
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OwnTech / Tutorials
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyThe tutorials is the repository with all the different applications and a step-by-step wiki to make them work. It is a fork of the core and keeps pace with updates from the OwnTech team.
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Luiz Fernando Lavado Villa / Tutorials
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyThe tutorials is the repository with all the different applications and a step-by-step wiki to make them work. It is a fork of the core and keeps pace with updates from the OwnTech team.
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Learning value function and warmstart policies.
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jicv_2022_security_protocol / security_protocol
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Paul Rouanet / ros2_control_bolt
Apache License 2.0Updated -
radelin_thesis / relic_scott
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Generate ROM with attacks for Rehad-Orca.
For synthesis, place mem.hex in ip/idram/src/input. [Request GCC cross compiler (RV32IM).] For bitsteam, replace BRAM content of myorca.bit. [Request Xilinx ISE setup and liscence.]Updated -
REHAD / Rehad-Orca
OtherModification of RISC-V softcore processor Orca.
REHAD: Using Low-Frequency Reconfigurable Hardware for Cache Side-Channel Attacks Detection. Run on ML605 evaluation board with UART 115200.
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Pierre-Alexandre Leziart / quadruped-rl
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseReinforcement learning for Solo quadruped
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Fanny Risbourg / quadruped-reactive-walking
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
Pierre-Alexandre Leziart / Quadruped Control
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
Gepetto / PythonQt
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyCMake-ified version of PythonQt