Explore projects
A repo for learning value function with multiple points from a trajectory for the Kuka-arm
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Guilhem Saurel / sot-tools
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseMiscellaneous tools for the Stack of tasks
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Hugo Lefevre / ouster-gazebo-simulation
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" Licensepackage for the simulation of the Ouster OS1-64 with ros and gazebo.
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Tom Pillot / aseba
OtherUpdated -
Guilhem Saurel / aseba
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Package for TIAGO model where xacro is not needed + specific information for the SoT
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Python script implementing the computation proposed in the article:
"Minimal Positively Invariant Set: Exact computation of Vertices"
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Humanoid Path Planner / hpp-bezier-com-traj
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseMulti contact trajectory generation for the COM using Bezier curves