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# Spline
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A template-based Library for creating curves of arbitrary order and dimension, eventually subject to derivative constraints. The main use of the library is the creation of end-effector trajectories for legged robots.

To do so, tools are provided to:
> - create **exact** splines of arbitrary order (that pass exactly by an arbitrary number waypoints)
> - constrain initial / end velocities and acceleration for the spline.
> - constrain take-off and landing phases to follow a straight line along a given normal (to avoid undesired collisions between the effector and the contact surface)
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> - automatically handle 3d rotation of the effector.
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The library is template-based, thus generic:  the curves can be of any dimension, and can be implemented in double, float  ...

While a Bezier curve implementation is provided, the main interest
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of this library is to create spline curves of arbitrary order

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## Example of use for and end-effector trajectory

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The library comes with an helper class to automatically generate end-effector trajectories.
For instance, to create a 2 second long trajectory from the point (0,0,0) to (1,1,0), with a waypoint
at (0.5,0.5,0.5), one can use the following code:

typedef std::pair<double, Eigen::Vector3d> Waypoint;
typedef std::vector<Waypoint> T_Waypoint;

// loading helper class namespace
using namespace spline::helpers;

// Create waypoints
waypoints.push_back(std::make_pair(0., Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0)));
waypoints.push_back(std::make_pair(1., Eigen::Vector3d(0.5,0.5,0.5)));
waypoints.push_back(std::make_pair(2., Eigen::Vector3d(1,1,0)));

exact_cubic_t* eff_traj = effector_spline(waypoints.begin(),waypoints.end());

// evaluate spline
(*eff_traj)(0.); // (0,0,0)
(*eff_traj)(2.); // (1,1,0)
If rotation of the effector must be considered, the code is almost the same:

// initial rotation is 0, end rotation is a rotation by Pi around x axis
quat_t init_rot(0,0,0,1), end_rot(1,0,0,0);
effector_spline_rotation eff_traj_rot(waypoints.begin(),waypoints.end(), init_quat, end_quat);

// evaluate spline
eff_traj_rot(0.); // (0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
eff_traj_rot(1.); // (0.5,0.5,0.5,0.707107,0,0,0.707107) // Pi/2 around x axis
eff_traj_rot(2.); // (0,0,0,1,0,0,0)

Additional parameters for the same methods an be used to specify parameters for the take off and
landing phases: height and duration of the phase, and along which normal.
Please refer to the Main.cpp files to see all the unit tests and possibilities offered by the library

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## Installation

### Dependencies
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* [Eigen (version >= 3.2.2)](

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### Additional dependencies for python bindings
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* [Boost.Python](
* [eigenpy](

To handle this with cmake, use the recursive option to clone the repository.
For instance, using http:
git clone --recursive $SPLINE_DIR
The library is header only, so the build only serves to build the tests and python bindings:
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	cd $SPLINE_DIR && mkdir build && cd build
	cmake .. && make
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If everything went fine you should obtain the following output:
performing tests...
no errors found
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#### Optional: Python bindings installation
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To install the Python bindings, in the CMakeLists.txt file, first enable the BUILD_PYTHON_INTERFACE option:
OPTION (BUILD_PYTHON_INTERFACE "Build the python binding" ON)

Then rebuild the library:
cd $SPLINE_DIR/build
make install
The python bindings should then be accessible through the package centroidal_dynamics.
To see example of use, you can refer to the [test file](
which is rather self explanatory:

In spite of an exhaustive documentation, please refer to the C++ documentation, which mostly applies
to python. For the moment, only bezier curves are binded.