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  • pose_3d
  • v1.0.1
  • v1.0.0
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.013Mar12527Feb26191517Jan29DecAdd the choice to switch between various PIDsmainmainHandle time from Clock gazebo topic in perpcetion action loop.Add Measured Force.Uncomment debug_levelpose_3dpose_3dAdd pose3DMerge branch 'fix/lock_guard' into 'main'Fix lock_guard not being used properly[control_loop] Fix the gains for H1.[map_named_joints_forces] renamed.[perception_action_loop] Simplify[joint_state_interface] Simplify the code.[control_over] Add Method SetPose (current status: not working)Simplify plugin ApplyJointsForces[cmake] Fix dependencies[cmake] Improved target naming[cmake] synchronizeAdd plugin for multiple force settings and associated msg.pre-commit + clang format.Simplify control_loop for Talos and H1.Improved debugging for perception_action_loopAdd debug_level field to perception_action_loop.Update control_over_gz with new data structure.Adding ControlJointValue to object joint_state_interface.Code regorganization.Fix warning.v1.0.1v1.0.1[cmake] Add jrl-cmake module.v1.0.0v1.0.0Improved control over Gazebo Harmonic by a first step.Add mutex to joint state interface reading robot's state and writingcontrol_over_gz: Add Reset, read state, and set state of the robot.[cmake] Add dependency to gz-sim8Allow control of Gazebo[cmake] Add new class.Add common header file.Add object control over gzAdd joint_interfacesInitial commit for joint state interface.