Florent Lamiraux authored
for more clarity.
Florent Lamiraux authoredfor more clarity.
handle.cc 6.77 KiB
/// Copyright (c) 2014 CNRS
/// Authors: Florent Lamiraux
// This file is part of hpp-manipulation.
// hpp-manipulation is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// hpp-manipulation is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
// received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
// hpp-manipulation. If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <hpp/manipulation/handle.hh>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint.hpp>
#include <hpp/util/debug.hh>
#include <hpp/pinocchio/device.hh>
#include <hpp/pinocchio/joint.hh>
#include <hpp/pinocchio/gripper.hh>
#include <hpp/constraints/generic-transformation.hh>
#include <hpp/core/numerical-constraint.hh>
#include <hpp/core/explicit-numerical-constraint.hh>
#include <hpp/core/explicit-relative-transformation.hh>
namespace hpp {
namespace manipulation {
namespace {
static const matrix3_t I3 = matrix3_t::Identity();
struct ZeroDiffFunc : public constraints::DifferentiableFunction {
ZeroDiffFunc (size_type sIn, size_type sInD,
std::string name=std::string("Empty function"))
: DifferentiableFunction (sIn, sInD, LiegroupSpace::empty (), name)
context ("Grasp complement");
inline void impl_compute (LiegroupElement&, vectorIn_t) const {}
inline void impl_jacobian (matrixOut_t, vectorIn_t) const {}
using core::ExplicitNumericalConstraint;
using constraints::DifferentiableFunction;
bool isHandleOnFreeflyer (const Handle& handle)
if (handle.joint()->jointModel().shortname() == se3::JointModelFreeFlyer::classname()
&& !handle.joint ()->parentJoint ()) {
return true;
return false;
inline bool is6Dmask (const std::vector<bool>& mask)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) if (!mask[i]) return false;
return true;
inline std::vector<bool> complementMask (const std::vector<bool>& mask)
std::vector<bool> m(6);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) m[i] = !mask[i];
return m;
inline std::string maskToStr (const std::vector<bool>& mask)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "(";
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) ss << mask[i] << ",";
ss << mask[5] << ")";
return ss.str();
void Handle::mask (const std::vector<bool>& mask)
assert(mask.size() == 6);
std::size_t nRotFree = 3;
for (std::size_t i = 3; i < 6; ++i)
if (mask[i]) nRotFree--;
switch (nRotFree) {
case 1: // TODO we should check the axis are properly aligned.
case 2: // This does not make sense.
throw std::logic_error("It is not allowed to constrain only one rotation");
mask_ = mask;
NumericalConstraintPtr_t Handle::createGrasp
(const GripperPtr_t& gripper, std::string n) const
using core::ExplicitRelativeTransformation;
// If handle is on a freeflying object, create an explicit constraint
if (is6Dmask(mask_) && isHandleOnFreeflyer (*this)) {
if (n.empty())
n = "Explicit_relative_transform_" + name() + "_" + gripper->name();
return ExplicitRelativeTransformation::create
(n, gripper->joint ()->robot (), gripper->joint (), joint (),
gripper->objectPositionInJoint (), localPosition())->createNumericalConstraint();
if (n.empty())
n = "Grasp_" + maskToStr(mask_) + "_" + name() + "_" + gripper->name();
return NumericalConstraintPtr_t
(NumericalConstraint::create (RelativeTransformation::create
gripper->joint (), joint (),
gripper->objectPositionInJoint (),
localPosition(), mask_)));
NumericalConstraintPtr_t Handle::createGraspComplement
(const GripperPtr_t& gripper, std::string n) const
core::DevicePtr_t robot = gripper->joint()->robot();
if (is6Dmask(mask_)) {
if (n.empty())
n = "GraspComp_(0,0,0,0,0,0)_" + name () + "_" + gripper->name ();
return NumericalConstraint::create (
boost::shared_ptr <ZeroDiffFunc> (new ZeroDiffFunc (
robot->configSize(), robot->numberDof (), n))
} else {
// TODO handle cases where rotations or translation are allowed.
std::vector<bool> Cmask = complementMask(mask_);
if (n.empty())
n = "Transformation_" + maskToStr(Cmask) + "_" + name ()
+ "_" + gripper->name ();
RelativeTransformationPtr_t function = RelativeTransformation::create
gripper->joint (), joint (),
gripper->objectPositionInJoint (),
localPosition(), Cmask);
return NumericalConstraintPtr_t (NumericalConstraint::create
NumericalConstraintPtr_t Handle::createPreGrasp
(const GripperPtr_t& gripper, const value_type& shift, std::string n) const
using boost::assign::list_of;
Transform3f transform = gripper->objectPositionInJoint ()
* Transform3f (I3, vector3_t (shift,0,0));
if (n.empty())
n = "Pregrasp_ " + maskToStr(mask_) + "_" + name ()
+ "_" + gripper->name ();
return NumericalConstraintPtr_t
(NumericalConstraint::create (RelativeTransformation::create
gripper->joint (), joint (),
transform, localPosition(), mask_)));
HandlePtr_t Handle::clone () const
HandlePtr_t other = Handle::create (name (), localPosition (), joint ());
return other;
std::ostream& Handle::print (std::ostream& os) const
os << "name :" << name () << std::endl;
os << "local position :" << localPosition () << std::endl;
os << "joint :" << joint ()->name () << std::endl;
os << "mask :" << maskToStr (mask()) << std::endl;
return os;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Handle& handle)
return handle.print (os);
} // namespace manipulation
} // namespace hpp