- Oct 06, 2014
Arnaud Degroote authored
The issue is related to a non-well defined semantic for CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR.
- Apr 28, 2014
Arnaud Degroote authored
Changes since 1.0.2: -------------------- New apps: DifOdometry-Camera. (By Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) DifOdometry-Datasets. (By Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) New classes: [mrpt-base] mrpt::synch::CPipe: OS-independent pipe support. [mrpt-hwdrivers] - mrpt::hwdrivers::CIMUXSens_MT4 : Support for 4th generation xSens MT IMU devices. - mrpt::hwdrivers::CNationalInstrumentsDAQ: Support for acquisition boards compatible with National Instruments DAQmx Base - mrpt::hwdrivers::CImageGrabber_FlyCapture2: Support for Point Grey Research's cameras via the FlyCapture2 libray [mrpt-maps] There are now two versions of octomaps (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa/Jose Luis Blanco) mrpt::slam::COctoMap (only occupancy) mrpt::slam::CColouredOctoMap (occupancy + RGB color) [mrpt-obs] mrpt::slam::CObservationRawDAQ, a placeholder for raw and generic measurements from data acquisition devices. [mrpt-opengl] - mrpt::opengl::CMeshFast, an open gl object that draws a "mesh" as a structured point cloud which is faster to render (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa). - mrpt::opengl::CVectorField2D, an opengl object that shows a 2D Vector Field (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa). [mrpt-reactivenav] mrpt::reactivenav::CAbstractPTGBasedReactive, as part of a large code refactoring of these classes: mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem3D [mrpt-vision] mrpt::vision::CDifodo, a class which implements visual odometry based on depth images and the "range flow constraint equation". (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) Changes in classes: - Clean up and slight optimization of metric map matching API: Methods marked as deprecated: mrpt::slam::CMetricMap::computeMatchingWith2D() –> mrpt::slam::CMetricMap::determineMatching2D() mrpt::slam::CMetricMap::computeMatchingWith3D() –> mrpt::slam::CMetricMap::determineMatching3D() New structures: mrpt::slam::TMatchingParams mrpt::slam::TMatchingExtraResults - mrpt::slam::CPointsMap::TInsertionOptions now have methods to save/load from binary streams, making more maintainable the serialization of point maps - New options in point maps: mrpt::slam::CPointsMap::TInsertionOptions::insertInvalidPoints - mrpt::slam::CObservationIMU now includes data fields for 3D magnetometers and altimeters. - Method renamed mrpt::utils::CEnhancedMetaFile::selectVectorTextFont() to avoid shadowing mrpt::utils::CCanvas::selectTextFont() - mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator: New methods: - mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::inverseMap_WS2TP() for inverse look-up of WS to TP space - mrpt::reactivenav::CParameterizedTrajectoryGenerator::renderPathAsSimpleLine() - (commit) - Changed the signature of mrpt::reactivenav::build_PTG_collision_grids() to become more generic for 2D & 2.5D PTGs Deleted classes: mrpt::utils::CEvent, which was actually unimplemented (!) mrpt::hwdrivers::CInterfaceNI845x has been deleted. It didn't offer features enough to justify a class. New examples: [MRPT]/samples/threadsPipe [MRPT]/samples/NIDAQ_test [MRPT]/openNI2_RGBD_demo (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) [MRPT]/openNI2_proximity_demo (by Mariano Jaimez Tarifa) Build system: Fixed compilation with clang. Fixed building against OpenCV 3.0.0 (GIT head) Updated to the latest nanoflann 1.1.7. Updated to Eigen 3.2.0 Binary packages for Windows now include .pdb files to help debugging with Visual Studio. BUG FIXES: Fixed potential infinity loop in mrpt::math::make_vector<1,T>() Fixed build error with GCC when experimental parallelization is enabled. - mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem complained about missing config variables ROBOTMODEL_TAU & ROBOTMODEL_DELAY, which were removed in MRPT 1.0.2 - Fixed potential mem alignment errors (Eigen's UnalignedArrayAssert) in SRBA for 32bit builds. - mrpt::topography::geodeticToENU_WGS84() and related functions used a local +Z axis aligned to the line towards the Earth center; now the Z axis points normally to the ellipsoid surface. The difference with the previous behavior is small but may be of a few millimeters for each meter from the reference point. - Potential crash when setting mpPolygon::setPoints() with empty vectors - mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem and mrpt::reactivenav::CReactiveNavigationSystem3D didn't obey the "enableConsoleOutput" constructor flag - mrpt::synch::CSemaphore::waitForSignal() : Fixed error when thread got an external signal
- Feb 20, 2014
Arnaud Degroote authored
Related to 511e95f03480537ff18ad2ca on upstream repository
- Dec 12, 2013
Arnaud Degroote authored