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  1. May 20, 2016
    • Pierrick Koch's avatar
      [wip/atlaas] Update to atlaas-0.1.6 · 1118d93a
      Pierrick Koch authored
      Changes since v0.1.5:
      Ellon Mendes (2):
            [cython] Expose cloud_filepath to python
            [python] Add support for tf2 transforms
      Pierrick Koch (163):
            [robotpkg] fix openrobots ftp path
            [tools] add fastmerge to replace python script
            [tools] mv fastmerge into gdalwrap/tools
            [tools] add global region from tiles
            [tools] global region now saves PNG
            [tools] speedup global region generation
            [tools] add decimate function in global region
            [tools] add glob function to match tiles
            [region] move global_region code to region.hpp
            [python] add Atlaas.region to Cython
            [python/test] save region in ROS multi
            [region] add alpha band
            [python] process now save region.png
            [python] fix setup in case of unexpected args
            [region] add functions documentation
            [tools] rm atlaas2region replaced by global_region
            [python] tell cython to convert exceptions
            [tools] remove atlaas2region from cmake
            [python] test multi log merge profile
            [time] use uint64 milliseconds everywhere
            [region] closest pcd to ARGB
            [python] add odom noise with ghost
            [region] test wip
            [python] add reset noise socket service w/pymorse
            [merge] add covariance matrix (double)
            [python] cleanup dir hierarchy mv test
            [python] add gaus to noisy
            [python] test reprocess w/cov
            [region] add least square w/gsl
            [ci] add GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
            [region] cleanup create geotiff w/timestamps
            [region] add comment on lst-sq decim
            [atlaas] fix gcc 4.6.3 compile error
            [pc] add gsl to pkg-config
            [cython] add default covariance in Atlaas.merge
            [python] test noisy source main ros setup
            [python] test noisy add gyro drift
            [python] test noisy fix broken tf wait
            [tools] global_region allow to process just one file
            [python] test multi source main ros setup
            [cython] fix ambiguous boolean comparison
            [region] wip dump least square plane fitting results
            [region] wip filter no_data
            [python] test multi fix broken tf wait
            [python] test noisy add robot data dir
            [python] add simple test at laas parking
            [tools] add global heightmap tool
            [python] test noisy add reprocess all
            [atlaas] fix reprocess comments
            [region] set scale to 1m per pixel
            [robotpkg] make script bit more generic
            [cython] add convert dtm tile to region func
            [robotpkg] make script bit more generic 2
            [tools] add pypero pure http prototype
            [region] region as tiles
            [cython] add region merge binding
            [tools] add comment pypero pure http
            [region] fix coverage computation
            [tools] fix coverage test in pypero
            [tools] check coverage on precision layer
            [python] test multi merge goals in main script
            [region] fix bands names in tile_to_region
            [tools] update pypero incl gladystest
            [python] add tile to region job
            [python] test multi add pypero demo
            [python] tile_to_region less verbose
            [atlaas] store pcd x,y location in local cache
            [python] test multi add threeviz demo w/mana
            [python] tile to region loop inside
            [tools] fix pypero tiles_for_path
            [tools] clean pypero error handling
            [tools] fix pypero args parse
            [tools] merge tiles on success
            [python] test multi hello minnie
            [python] tile to region merge
            [python] tile to region clean
            [atlaas] fix typo s/mili/milli/ no ext. impact
            [atlaas] add closest pcd from pose x,y method
            [cython] add closest pcd from pose x,y method
            [atlaas] fix for gcc 4.6 on travis
            [python] add display for multi results
            [python] cleanup display multi
            [python] display css border
            [display] add test using html5 canvas w/ viridis
            [atlaas] add average alpha metedata to region-map
            [atlaas] do not save empty tiles
            [ci] test gitlab-ci
            [readme] update zenodo link
            [tools] rename pypero in matlaas
            [python] tile to region add once option
            [tools] fix custom-utm in gladys request
            [tools] fix missing floor in matlaas
            [region] prevent segfault
            [tools] matlaas add option to get range of tiles
            [python] support PointXYZI in test ROS nodes
            [cython] add function load point cloud to numpy
            [cython] add comment for save,load (inefficient)
            [tools] update ipython/jupyter/matplotlib helpers
            [tools] cleanup ipython/jupyter/matplotlib helpers
            [cython] Bump atlaas cython to v0.2
            [python] add gladys2 in atlaas.helpers
            [python] various update in atlaas.helpers
            [cython] cleanup numpy and cnumpy import
            [python] add merge_or_copy in region
            [tools] matplot: move code in atlaas.helpers
            [tools] matlaas: move code in atlaas.helpers
            [python] various cleanups mv atlaas.helpers
            [python] fix missing import in ros helper
            [python] test ros nodes use atlaas.helpers.ros
            [python] add to use in setup
            [cython] move cython def in pxd
            [python] mv helpers to avoid conflict
            [python] Bump version v0.2.1
            [python] move python tools in python/tools
            [python] tools add movie w/ opencv
            [python] test rename cloud for make clean
            [python] fix ros helper use ros time
            [atlaas] add pcd_{xy,map,time} to cython interface
            [python] test matlaas moved to python
            [python] add atlaas OccupancyGrid publisher
            [io] include missing cstdlib
            [common] fix clang lookup issue: mv in ns std
            [tests] dont call .size when we can use template
            [python] tools rosgrid use get_param w/ default
            [python] tools add basic rosnode
            [python] gladys2 unify converter with gdal2
            [atlaas] speed-up slide: no need sum n_points
            [python] setup install matlaas in bin
            [cython] add get_closest_pcd_id interface
            [region] s/confidence/precision/g
            [common] add LOG macro ifndef NDEBUG
            [slide] dont cout in lib only if DEBUG
            [atlaas] add reprocess2 for Ellon (wip)
            [atlaas] add reprocess2 for Ellon (fix)
            [python] helpers clean comment from c/c
            [python] helpers remove seq as its managed by pub
            [atlaas] add pcd overlap test (wip)
            [cmake] fix gsl cblas link missing
            [python] add overlap basic test
            [python] workaround PCL 32 bytes XYZI
            [python] tools atlaas grid avoid crash
            [atlaas] add use_swap to deactivate dynamic merge
            [python] update pkg_config function
            [python] add title option in matplot show helper
            [python] remove padding in matplot show helper
            [python] helpers use Pillow import Image
            [python] tools cleanup movie tool
            [python] tools cleanup movie opencv tool
            [python] helpers ros fix wait tfl renamed
            [python] test simple add repro script w/noise
            [python] test simple use repro script w/noise
            [python] test simple update rviz config
            [python] tools matlaas add todo parse index
            [python] tools process add begin/end parameters
            [python] tools tile to region fix relative import
            [python] helpers image support LA mode
            [python] tools movie opencv fix zero div
            [python] helpers gdal2 add save function
            [python] helpers add function
            [python] tools add scripts used to build movie
            [atlaas] add compress option to merge tiles
            [python] helpers update function
            [python] various fix in movie tools
  2. Feb 12, 2015
  3. Apr 02, 2014
    • Pierrick Koch's avatar
      [wip/atlaas] Update to atlaas-0.1.4 · d53df1b3
      Pierrick Koch authored
      Changes since v0.1.3:
      Pierrick Koch (39):
            [tool] add shortlog to robotpkg commit message
            [doc] add todo <break it all> :-)
            [doc] various cleaning
            [merge] check index out of cached-map
            [custom] add custom z origin (altitude)
            rename sub -> tile
            cleanup Werror
            fix wrong tiles utm origin
            [tool] update openrobots archive scp url
            [tools] add optionnal tools
            [doc] add todos
            [time] update if n_points > 0
            [merge] flat differ flat+10cm
            move helpers and types in atlaas/common.hpp
            [tools] add ipython example
            static const atlaas path
            break tile frame (-1,-1) -> (0,0)
            remove unused enum
            clear docstring current tile id (0, 0)
            [refactor] no more map member, breaking api
            [slide] return whether we did slide or not
            move atlaas::slide() in slide.cpp
            time diff cleanup
            [doc] update todos remove done ones
            [atlaas] add new square distance of a cell
            [doc] add some warning on float precision
            [doc] add doxygen generation
            [atlaas] rename merge(cloud, raster) -> rasterize
            [tools] clean pylab demo code
            [cloud] from XYZ to XYZI, add intensity, 16B align
            [export8u] rewrite export8u (debug only, use save for display)
            [doc] update readme install info
            [doc] add todos
            [merge] replace if 5m closer
            remove pseudo-persistent vertical info
            [doc] add todo rename
            [tool] fix robotpkg path
            [doc] update doxyfile to
            [test] add merge test
  4. Nov 26, 2013