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  • ostasse/sot-core
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* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: binary-op.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#ifndef __SOT_BINARYOP_H__
#define __SOT_BINARYOP_H__
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Matrix */
#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
namespace ml = maal::boost;
/* SOT */
#include <sot-core/flags.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
#include <sot-core/pool.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
#include <sot-core/vector-quaternion.h>
/* STD */
#include <string>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
namespace sot {
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template< class Tin1,class Tin2,class Tout,typename Operator >
class BinaryOp
:public Entity
Operator op;
public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
static std::string getTypeIn1Name( void ) { return "UnknownIn1"; }
static std::string getTypeIn2Name( void ) { return "UnknownIn2"; }
static std::string getTypeOutName( void ) { return "UnknownOut"; }
static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
BinaryOp( const std::string& name )
: Entity(name)
,SOUT( boost::bind(&BinaryOp<Tin1,Tin2,Tout,Operator>::computeOperation,this,_1,_2),
signalRegistration( SIN1<<SIN2<<SOUT );
virtual ~BinaryOp( void ) {};
public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
SignalPtr<Tin1,int> SIN1;
SignalPtr<Tin2,int> SIN2;
SignalTimeDependant<Tout,int> SOUT;
Tout& computeOperation( Tout& res,int time )
const Tin1 &x1 = SIN1(time);
const Tin2 &x2 = SIN2(time);
return res;
public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
std::ostream& os );
} // namespace sot
#endif // #ifndef __SOT_BINARYOP_H__
* Copyright Projet Lagadic, 2005
* File: debug.h
* Project: STack of Tasks
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* Macro de trace et de debugage
* - TRACAGE: TRACE et ERROR_TRACE fonctionnent comme des printf
* avec retour chariot en fin de fonction.
* CERROR et CTRACE fonctionnent comme les flux de sortie
* C++ cout et cerr.
* - DEBUGAGE: DEBUG_TRACE(niv, et DERROR_TRACE(niv, fonctionnent
* comme des printf, n'imprimant que si le niveau de trace 'niv' est
* superieur au mode de debugage VP_DEBUG_MODE.
* CDEBUG(niv) fonctionne comme le flux de sortie C++ cout.
* DEBUG_ENABLE(niv) vaut 1 ssi le niveau de tracage 'niv'
* est superieur au mode de debugage DEBUG_MODE. Il vaut 0 sinon.
* - PROG DEFENSIVE: DEFENSIF(a) vaut a ssi le mode defensif est active,
* et vaut 0 sinon.
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#ifndef __VS_DEBUG_HH
#define __VS_DEBUG_HH
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sot-core/sot-core-api.h>
namespace sot {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define VP_DEBUG_MODE 0
#define SOT_COMMON_TRACES do { \
va_list arg; \
va_start(arg,format); \
vsnprintf( charbuffer,SIZE,format,arg ); \
va_end(arg); \
outputbuffer << tmpbuffer.str() << charbuffer <<std::endl; \
} while(0)
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT DebugTrace
static const int SIZE = 512;
std::stringstream tmpbuffer;
std::ostream& outputbuffer;
char charbuffer[SIZE+1];
int traceLevel;
int traceLevelTemplate;
DebugTrace( std::ostream& os ): outputbuffer(os) {}
inline void trace( const int level,const char* format,...)
{ if( level<=traceLevel ) SOT_COMMON_TRACES; tmpbuffer.str(""); }
inline void trace( const char* format,...){ SOT_COMMON_TRACES; tmpbuffer.str(""); }
inline void trace( const int level=-1 )
{ if( level<=traceLevel ) outputbuffer << tmpbuffer.str(); tmpbuffer.str(""); }
inline void traceTemplate( const int level,const char* format,...)
{ if( level<=traceLevelTemplate ) SOT_COMMON_TRACES; tmpbuffer.str(""); }
inline void traceTemplate( const char* format,...)
{ SOT_COMMON_TRACES; tmpbuffer.str(""); }
inline DebugTrace& pre( const std::ostream& dummy ) { return *this; }
inline DebugTrace& pre( const std::ostream& dummy,int level )
{ traceLevel = level; return *this; }
/* inline DebugTrace& preTemplate( const std::ostream& dummy,int level ) */
/* { traceLevelTemplate = level; return *this; } */
static const char * DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT;
static void openFile( const char * filename = DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT );
static void closeFile( const char * filename = DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT );
#ifdef VP_DEBUG
#define sotPREDEBUG __FILE__ << ": " <<__FUNCTION__ \
<< "(#" << __LINE__ << ") :"
#define sotPREERROR "\t!! "<<__FILE__ << ": " <<__FUNCTION__ \
<< "(#" << __LINE__ << ") :"
# define sotDEBUG(level) if( (level>VP_DEBUG_MODE)||(!sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()) ) ;\
else sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREDEBUG
# define sotDEBUGMUTE(level) if( (level>VP_DEBUG_MODE)||(!sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()) ) ;\
else sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer
# define sotERROR if(!sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()); else sotERRORFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREERROR
# define sotDEBUGF if(!sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()); else sotDEBUGFLOW.pre(sotDEBUGFLOW.tmpbuffer<<sotPREDEBUG,VP_DEBUG_MODE).trace
# define sotERRORF if(!sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()); else sotERRORFLOW.pre(sotERRORFLOW.tmpbuffer<<sotPREERROR).trace
# define sotTDEBUG(level) if( (level>VP_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE)||(!sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()) ) ;\
else sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREDEBUG
# define sotTDEBUGF if(!sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()); else sotDEBUGFLOW.pre(sotDEBUGFLOW.tmpbuffer<<sotPREDEBUG,VP_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE).trace
inline bool sotDEBUG_ENABLE( const int & level ) { return level<=VP_DEBUG_MODE; }
inline bool sotTDEBUG_ENABLE( const int & level ) { return level<=VP_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE; }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#else // #ifdef VP_DEBUG
#define sotPREERROR "\t!! "<<__FILE__ << ": " <<__FUNCTION__ \
<< "(#" << __LINE__ << ") :"
# define sotDEBUG(level) if( 1 ) ; else std::cout
# define sotDEBUGMUTE(level) if( 1 ) ; else std::cout
# define sotERROR sotERRORFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREERROR
inline void sotDEBUGF( const int level,const char* format,...) { return; }
inline void sotDEBUGF( const char* format,...) { return; }
inline void sotERRORF( const int level,const char* format,...) { return; }
inline void sotERRORF( const char* format,...) { return; }
# define sotTDEBUG(level) if( 1 ) ; else std::cout
inline void sotTDEBUGF( const int level,const char* format,...) { return; }
inline void sotTDEBUGF( const char* format,...) { return; }
#define sotDEBUG_ENABLE(level) false
#define sotTDEBUG_ENABLE(level) false
#endif // #ifdef VP_DEBUG
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define sotDEBUGIN(level) sotDEBUG(level) << "# In {" << std::endl
#define sotDEBUGOUT(level) sotDEBUG(level) << "# Out }" << std::endl
#define sotDEBUGINOUT(level) sotDEBUG(level) << "# In/Out { }" << std::endl
#define sotTDEBUGIN(level) sotTDEBUG(level) << "# In {" << std::endl
#define sotTDEBUGOUT(level) sotTDEBUG(level) << "# Out }" << std::endl
#define sotTDEBUGINOUT(level) sotTDEBUG(level) << "# In/Out { }" << std::endl
} // namespace sot
#endif /* #ifdef __VS_DEBUG_HH */
* Local variables:
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End:
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: derivator.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#ifndef __SOT_DERIVATOR_H__
#define __SOT_DERIVATOR_H__
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Matrix */
#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
namespace ml = maal::boost;
/* SOT */
#include <sot-core/flags.h>
#include <sot-core/pool.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
#include <sot-core/vector-quaternion.h>
/* STD */
#include <string>
namespace sot {
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template< class T >
class sotDerivator
:public Entity
T memory;
bool initialized;
double timestep;
static const double TIMESTEP_DEFAULT ; //= 1.;
public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
static std::string getTypeName( void ) { return "Unknown"; }
static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
sotDerivator( const std::string& name )
: Entity(name)
,SOUT( boost::bind(&sotDerivator<T>::computeDerivation,this,_1,_2),
signalRegistration( SIN<<SOUT<<timestepSIN );
timestepSIN.setReferenceNonConstant( &timestep );
virtual ~sotDerivator( void ) {};
public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
SignalPtr<T,int> SIN;
SignalTimeDependant<T,int> SOUT;
Signal<double,int> timestepSIN;
T& computeDerivation( T& res,int time )
res = memory; res *= -1;
memory = SIN(time);
res += memory;
if( timestep!=1. ) res*=timestep;
} else {
initialized = true;
memory = SIN(time);
res = memory;
res *= 0;
return res;
public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
/* virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,std::istringstream& cmdArgs, */
/* std::ostream& os ) {} */
} // using namespace sot
#endif // #ifndef __SOT_DERIVATOR_H__
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: exception-traces.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <sot-core/exception-abstract.h>
#include <sot-core/sot-core-api.h>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace sot {
/* \class sotExceptionTraces
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT sotExceptionTraces
:public ExceptionAbstract
enum ErrorCodeEnum
GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::TRACES
static const std::string EXCEPTION_NAME;
virtual const std::string& getExceptionName( void ) const { return EXCEPTION_NAME; }
sotExceptionTraces ( const sotExceptionTraces::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
const std::string & msg = "" );
sotExceptionTraces( const sotExceptionTraces::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... );
virtual ~sotExceptionTraces( void ){}
} // namespace sot
#endif /* #ifndef __SOT_TRACES_EXCEPTION_H */
* Local variables:
* c-basic-offset: 2
* End:
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: factory.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#ifndef __SOT_FACTORY_HH__
#define __SOT_FACTORY_HH__
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- STD --- */
#include <map>
#include <string>
/* --- SOT --- */
#include <sot-core/exception-factory.h>
#include <sot-core/sot-core-api.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
namespace sot {
class sotFeatureAbstract;
class sotTaskAbstract;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- FACTORY ---------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*! @ingroup factory
\brief This class implements the factory that allows creation of
objects loaded from dynamic link libraries. Objects are referenced by their
class names, and can be created by passing this string to one of the three
public "new" methods (newEntity, newFeature or newTask).
The factory instance (singleton) is publicly available under the name sotFactory
(include factory.h). A task, feature or entity can register itself by
using the SOT_FACTORY_{ENTITY,TASK,FEATURE}_PLUGIN macro. See sotTask.cpp for
an example.
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT sotFactoryStorage
typedef sotFeatureAbstract* (*FeatureConstructor_ptr)( const std::string& );
typedef sotTaskAbstract* (*TaskConstructor_ptr)( const std::string& );
typedef std::map< std::string,TaskConstructor_ptr > TaskMap;
typedef std::map< std::string,FeatureConstructor_ptr > FeatureMap;
FeatureMap featureMap;
TaskMap taskMap;
~sotFactoryStorage( void );
void registerTask( const std::string& entname,TaskConstructor_ptr ent );
sotTaskAbstract* newTask( const std::string& name,const std::string& objname );
bool existTask( const std::string& name, TaskMap::iterator& entPtr );
bool existTask( const std::string& name );
void registerFeature( const std::string& entname,FeatureConstructor_ptr ent );
sotFeatureAbstract* newFeature( const std::string& name,const std::string& objname );
bool existFeature( const std::string& name, FeatureMap::iterator& entPtr );
bool existFeature( const std::string& name );
void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
std::ostream& os );
SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern sotFactoryStorage sotFactory;
/* --- REGISTERER ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- REGISTERER ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- REGISTERER ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- ENTITY REGISTERER ---------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef dynamicgraph::EntityRegisterer sotEntityRegisterer;
#define SOT_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(sotClassType,className) \
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- FEATURE REGISTERER --------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT sotFeatureRegisterer
sotFeatureRegisterer( void );
sotFeatureRegisterer( const std::string& featureClassName,
sotFactoryStorage::FeatureConstructor_ptr maker);
#define SOT_FACTORY_FEATURE_PLUGIN(sotFeatureType,className) \
const std::string sotFeatureType::CLASS_NAME = className; \
extern "C" { \
sotFeatureAbstract *sotFeatureMaker##_##sotFeatureType( const std::string& objname )\
{ \
return new sotFeatureType( objname ); \
} \
sotFeatureRegisterer reg##_##sotFeatureType( className, \
&sotFeatureMaker##_##sotFeatureType ); \
} \
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- TASK REGISTERER ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT sotTaskRegisterer
sotTaskRegisterer( void );
sotTaskRegisterer( const std::string& taskClassName,
sotFactoryStorage::TaskConstructor_ptr maker);
#define SOT_FACTORY_TASK_PLUGIN(sotTaskType,className) \
const std::string sotTaskType::CLASS_NAME = className; \
extern "C" { \
sotTaskAbstract *sotTaskMaker##_##sotTaskType( const std::string& objname ) \
{ \
return new sotTaskType( objname ); \
} \
sotTaskRegisterer reg##_##sotTaskType( className,&sotTaskMaker##_##sotTaskType ); \
} \
} // namespace sot
#endif /* #ifndef __SOT_FACTORY_HH__ */
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: feature-abstract.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Matrix */
#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
namespace ml = maal::boost;
/* SOT */
#include <sot-core/flags.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
#include <sot-core/sot-core-api.h>
/* STD */
#include <string>
using namespace dynamicgraph;
namespace sot {
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*! \class sotFeatureAbstract
\ingroup features
\brief This class gives the abstract definition of a feature.
A feature is a data evolving according to time.
It is defined by a vector \f${\bf s}(t) \in \mathbb{R}^n \f$ where \f$ t \f$ is the time.
By default a feature has a desired \f${\bf s}^*(t) \f$.
The feature is in charge of collecting its own current state.
A feature is supposed to compute an error between its current state and the desired one:
\f$ e(t) = {\bf s}^*(t) - {\bf s}(t) \f$.
A feature is supposed to compute a Jacobian according to the robot state vector
\f$ \frac{\delta {\bf s}(t)}{\delta {\bf q}(t)}\f$.
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT sotFeatureAbstract
:public Entity
/*! \brief Store the name of the class. */
static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
/*! \brief Returns the name class. */
virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
/*! \brief Register the feature in the stack of tasks. */
void featureRegistration( void );
/*! \brief Default constructor: the name of the class should be given. */
sotFeatureAbstract( const std::string& name );
/*! \brief Default destructor */
virtual ~sotFeatureAbstract( void ) {};
/*! \name Methods returning the dimension of the feature.
@{ */
/*! \brief Verbose method.
\par res: The integer in which the dimension will be return.
\par time: The time at which the feature should be considered.
\return Dimension of the feature.
\note Be careful with features changing their dimension according to time.
virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int& res,int time ) = 0;
/*! \brief Short method
\par time: The time at which the feature should be considered.
\return Dimension of the feature.
\note Be careful with features changing their dimension according to time.
inline unsigned int getDimension( int time )
{unsigned int res; getDimension(res,time); return res;}
/*! \brief Shortest method
\return Dimension of the feature.
\note The feature is not changing its dimension according to time.
inline unsigned int getDimension( void ) const
{ return dimensionSOUT; }
/*! @} */
/*! \name Methods to control internal computation.
The main idea is that some feature may have a lower frequency
than the internal control loop. In this case, the methods for
computation are called only when needed.
/*! \brief Compute the error between the desired feature and
the current value of the feature measured or deduced from the robot state.
\par[out] res: The error will be set into res.
\par[in] time: The time at which the error is computed.
\return The vector res with the appropriate value.
virtual ml::Vector& computeError( ml::Vector& res,int time ) = 0;
/*! \brief Compute the Jacobian of the error according the robot state.
\par[out] res: The matrix in which the error will be written.
\par[in] time: The time at which the Jacobian is computed \f$ {\bf J}(q(t)) \f$.
\return The matrix res with the appropriate values.
virtual ml::Matrix& computeJacobian( ml::Matrix& res,int time ) = 0;
/*! \brief Reevaluate the current value of the feature
according to external measurement provided through a mailbox,
or deduced from the estimated state of the robot at the time specified.
\par[out] res: The vector in which the value will be written.
\par[in] time: The time at which the feature is evaluated \f$ {\bf s}(t)) \f$.
\return The vector res with the appropriate values.
virtual ml::Vector& computeActivation( ml::Vector& res,int time ) = 0;
/*! @} */
/* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*! \name Signals
/*! \name Input signals:
@{ */
/*! \brief This signal specifies the desired value \f$ {\bf s}^*(t) \f$ */
SignalPtr< sotFeatureAbstract*,int > desiredValueSIN;
/*! \brief This vector specifies which dimension are used to perform the computation.
For instance let us assume that the feature is a 3D point. If only the Y-axis should
be used for computing error, activation and Jacobian, then the vector to specify
is \f$ [ 0 1 0] \f$.*/
SignalPtr< sotFlags,int > selectionSIN;
/*! @} */
/*! \name Output signals:
@{ */
/*! \brief This signal returns the error between the desired value and
the current value : \f$ {\bf s}^*(t) - {\bf s}(t)\f$ */
SignalTimeDependant<ml::Vector,int> errorSOUT;
/*! \brief This signal returns the Jacobian of the current value
according to the robot state: \f$ J(t) = \frac{\delta{\bf s}^*(t)}{\delta {\bf q}(t)}\f$ */
SignalTimeDependant<ml::Matrix,int> jacobianSOUT;
/*! \brief Compute the new value of the feature \f$ {\bf s}(t)\f$ */
SignalTimeDependant<ml::Vector,int> activationSOUT;
/*! \brief Returns the dimension of the feature as an output signal. */
SignalTimeDependant<unsigned int,int> dimensionSOUT;
/*! \brief This method write a graph description on the file named FileName. */
virtual std::ostream & writeGraph(std::ostream & os) const;
/*! @} */
} // namespace sot
#endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_ABSTRACT_H__
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: feature-point6d.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* SOT */
#include <sot-core/feature-abstract.h>
#include <sot-core/exception-task.h>
#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if defined (WIN32)
# if defined (sotFeaturePoint6d_EXPORTS)
# define SOTFEATUREPOINT6D_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define SOTFEATUREPOINT6D_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace sot {
\class sotFeaturePoint6d
\brief Class that defines point-3d control feature
class SOTFEATUREPOINT6D_EXPORT sotFeaturePoint6d
: public sotFeatureAbstract
static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
enum ComputationFrameType
static const ComputationFrameType COMPUTATION_FRAME_DEFAULT;
ComputationFrameType computationFrame;
/* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
SignalPtr< sotMatrixHomogeneous,int > positionSIN;
SignalPtr< ml::Matrix,int > articularJacobianSIN;
using sotFeatureAbstract::desiredValueSIN;
using sotFeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
using sotFeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
using sotFeatureAbstract::errorSOUT;
using sotFeatureAbstract::activationSOUT;
sotFeaturePoint6d( const std::string& name );
virtual ~sotFeaturePoint6d( void ) {}
virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time );
virtual ml::Vector& computeError( ml::Vector& res,int time );
virtual ml::Matrix& computeJacobian( ml::Matrix& res,int time );
virtual ml::Vector& computeActivation( ml::Vector& res,int time );
/** Static Feature selection. */
inline static sotFlags selectX( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_1; }
inline static sotFlags selectY( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_2; }
inline static sotFlags selectZ( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_3; }
inline static sotFlags selectRX( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_4; }
inline static sotFlags selectRY( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_5; }
inline static sotFlags selectRZ( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_6; }
inline static sotFlags selectTranslation( void ) { return sotFlags(7); }
inline static sotFlags selectRotation( void ) { return sotFlags(56); }
virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
std::ostream& os );
} ;
} // namespace sot
#endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_POINT6D_HH__
* Local variables:
* c-basic-offset: 2
* End:
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2008
* File: fir-filter.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Paul Evrard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#ifndef __SOT_FIRFILTER_HH__
#define __SOT_FIRFILTER_HH__
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
//#include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
namespace ml = maal::boost;
#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
namespace detail
/* GRMBL boost-sandox::circular_buffer smells... Why keep using 1.33?!
* As a workaround, only the part of circular_buffer's interface used here is implemented.
* Ugly, fatty piece of code.
template<class T>
class circular_buffer
circular_buffer(): buf(1), start(0), numel(0) {}
void push_front(const T& data) {
if(start){ --start; } else { start = buf.size()-1; }
buf[start] = data;
if(numel < buf.size()){ ++numel; }
void reset_capacity(size_t n) {
start = 0;
numel = 0;
void reset_capacity(size_t n, const T& el) {
buf.resize(n, el);
start = 0;
numel = 0;
T& operator[](size_t i) {
assert((i<numel) && "Youre accessing an empty buffer");
size_t index = (start+i) % buf.size();
return buf[index];
size_t size() const { return numel; }
std::vector<T> buf;
size_t start;
size_t numel;
template<class sigT, class coefT>
class sotFIRFilter
: public Entity
virtual const std::string& getClassName() const { return Entity::getClassName(); }
static std::string getTypeName( void ) { return "Unknown"; }
static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
sotFIRFilter( const std::string& name )
: Entity(name)
, SIN(NULL,"sotFIRFilter("+name+")::input(T)::in")
, SOUT(boost::bind(&sotFIRFilter::compute,this,_1,_2),
signalRegistration( SIN<<SOUT );
virtual ~sotFIRFilter() {}
virtual sigT& compute( sigT& res,int time )
const sigT& in = SIN.access( time );
reset_signal( res, in );
data.push_front( in );
size_t SIZE = std::min(data.size(), coefs.size());
for(size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
res += coefs[i] * data[i];
return res;
virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
std::ostream& os )
if(cmdLine == "setCoefs") {
coefT tmp;
std::vector<coefT> ncoefs;
while(cmdArgs>>tmp){ ncoefs.push_back(tmp); }
else {
std::copy( coefs.begin(), coefs.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<coefT>(os, " ") );
os << std::endl;
else if(cmdLine == "printBuffer") {
for(size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i){ os << data[i] << std::endl; }
else { Entity::commandLine( cmdLine, cmdArgs, os); }
static void reset_signal(sigT& res, const sigT& sample) { }
SignalPtr<sigT, int> SIN;
SignalTimeDependant<sigT, int> SOUT;
std::vector<coefT> coefs;
detail::circular_buffer<sigT> data;
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: flags.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#ifndef __SOT_FLAGS_H
#define __SOT_FLAGS_H
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* STD */
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
/* SOT */
#include <sot-core/sot-core-api.h>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace sot {
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT sotFlags
std::vector<char> flags;
bool reverse;
char operator[]( const unsigned int& i ) const;
sotFlags( const bool& b=false ) ;
sotFlags( const char& c ) ;
sotFlags( const int& c4 ) ;
void add( const char& c ) ;
void add( const int& c4 ) ;
sotFlags operator! (void) const;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend sotFlags operator& ( const sotFlags& f1,const sotFlags& f2 ) ;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend sotFlags operator| ( const sotFlags& f1,const sotFlags& f2 ) ;
sotFlags& operator&= ( const sotFlags& f2 ) ;
sotFlags& operator|= ( const sotFlags& f2 ) ;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend sotFlags operator& ( const sotFlags& f1,const bool& b ) ;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend sotFlags operator| ( const sotFlags& f1,const bool& b ) ;
sotFlags& operator&= ( const bool& b );
sotFlags& operator|= ( const bool& b );
SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const sotFlags& fl );
SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend char operator>> (const sotFlags& flags, const int& i);
SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, sotFlags& fl );
bool operator() (const int& i) const;
operator bool (void) const;
void unset( const unsigned int & i );
void set( const unsigned int & i );
public: /* Selec "matlab-style" : 1:15, 1:, :45 ... */
static void readIndexMatlab( std::istream & iss,
unsigned int & indexStart,
unsigned int & indexEnd,
bool& unspecifiedEnd );
static sotFlags readIndexMatlab( std::istream & iss );
SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const sotFlags FLAG_LINE_1;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const sotFlags FLAG_LINE_2;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const sotFlags FLAG_LINE_3;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const sotFlags FLAG_LINE_4;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const sotFlags FLAG_LINE_5;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const sotFlags FLAG_LINE_6;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const sotFlags FLAG_LINE_7;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const sotFlags FLAG_LINE_8;
} // namespace sot
#endif /* #ifndef __SOT_FLAGS_H */
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: integrator-euler.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Paul Evrard and Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* SOT */
#include <sot-core/integrator-abstract.h>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace sot {
* \class sotIntegratorEuler
* \brief integrates an ODE using a naive Euler integration.
* TODO: change the integration method. For the moment, the highest
* derivative of the output signal is computed using the
* previous values of the other derivatives and the input
* signal, then integrated n times, which will most certainly
* induce a huge drift for ODEs with a high order at the denominator.
template<class sigT,class coefT>
class sotIntegratorEuler
: public sotIntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>
virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return Entity::getClassName(); }
static std::string getTypeName( void ) { return "Unknown"; }
static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
using sotIntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>::SIN;
using sotIntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>::SOUT;
using sotIntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>::numerator;
using sotIntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>::denominator;
sotIntegratorEuler( const std::string& name )
: sotIntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>( name )
virtual ~sotIntegratorEuler( void ) {}
std::vector<sigT> inputMemory;
std::vector<sigT> outputMemory;
sigT& integrate( sigT& res, int time )
sotDEBUG(15)<<"# In {"<<std::endl;
const double dt = 0.005;
const double invdt = 200;
sigT sum;
sigT tmp1, tmp2;
const std::vector<coefT>& num = numerator;
const std::vector<coefT>& denom = denominator;
// Step 1
tmp1 = inputMemory[0];
inputMemory[0] = SIN.access(time);
sum = denom[0] * inputMemory[0];
// End of step 1. Here, sum is b_0 X
// Step 2
int denomsize = denom.size();
for(int i = 1; i < denomsize; ++i)
tmp2 = inputMemory[i-1] - tmp1;
tmp2 *= invdt;
tmp1 = inputMemory[i];
inputMemory[i] = tmp2;
sum += (denom[i] * inputMemory[i]);
// End of step 2. Here, sum is b_m * d(m)X / dt^m + ... - b_0 X
// Step 3
int numsize = num.size() - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < numsize; ++i)
sum -= (num[i] * outputMemory[i]);
// End of step 3. Here, sum is b_m * d(m)X / dt^m + ... - b_0 X - a_0 Y - ... a_n-1 d(n-1)Y / dt^(n-1)
// Step 4
outputMemory[numsize] = sum;
for(int i = numsize - 1; i >= 0; --i)
outputMemory[i] += (outputMemory[i+1] * dt);
// End of step 4. The ODE is integrated
inputMemory[0] = SIN.access(time);
res = outputMemory[0];
sotDEBUG(15)<<"# Out }"<<std::endl;
return res;
} // namespace sot
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: macros-signal.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
/* --- GENERIC MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- GENERIC MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- GENERIC MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
#define SOT_CALL_SIG(sotName,sotType) \
boost::bind(&Signal<sotType,int>::access, \
/* --- STATIC MACROS -------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- STATIC MACROS -------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- STATIC MACROS -------------------------------------------------------- */
#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_1(sotFunction, \
sotArg1,sotArg1Type) \
boost::bind(&sotFunction, \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),_1), \
#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2(sotFunction, \
sotArg1,sotArg1Type, \
sotArg2,sotArg2Type) \
boost::bind(&sotFunction, \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),_1), \
#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_3(sotFunction, \
sotArg1,sotArg1Type, \
sotArg2,sotArg2Type, \
sotArg3,sotArg3Type) \
boost::bind(&sotFunction, \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type),_1), \
#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_4(sotFunction, \
sotArg1,sotArg1Type, \
sotArg2,sotArg2Type, \
sotArg3,sotArg3Type, \
sotArg4,sotArg4Type) \
boost::bind(&sotFunction, \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type),_1), \
#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_5(sotFunction, \
sotArg1,sotArg1Type, \
sotArg2,sotArg2Type, \
sotArg3,sotArg3Type, \
sotArg4,sotArg4Type, \
sotArg5,sotArg5Type) \
boost::bind(&sotFunction, \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5,sotArg5Type),_1), \
#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_6(sotFunction, \
sotArg1,sotArg1Type, \
sotArg2,sotArg2Type, \
sotArg3,sotArg3Type, \
sotArg4,sotArg4Type, \
sotArg5,sotArg5Type, \
sotArg6,sotArg6Type) \
boost::bind(&sotFunction, \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5,sotArg5Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg6,sotArg6Type),_1), \
#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_7(sotFunction, \
sotArg1,sotArg1Type, \
sotArg2,sotArg2Type, \
sotArg3,sotArg3Type, \
sotArg4,sotArg4Type, \
sotArg5,sotArg5Type, \
sotArg6,sotArg6Type, \
sotArg7,sotArg7Type) \
boost::bind(&sotFunction, \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5,sotArg5Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg6,sotArg6Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg7,sotArg7Type),_1), \
/* --- MEMBERS MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- MEMBERS MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- MEMBERS MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_1(sotFunction, \
sotArg1,sotArg1Type) \
boost::bind(&sotFunction,this, \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),_1), \
#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_2(sotFunction, \
sotArg1,sotArg1Type, \
sotArg2,sotArg2Type) \
boost::bind(&sotFunction,this, \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),_1), \
#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_5(sotFunction, \
sotArg1,sotArg1Type, \
sotArg2,sotArg2Type, \
sotArg3,sotArg3Type, \
sotArg4,sotArg4Type, \
sotArg5,sotArg5Type) \
boost::bind(&sotFunction,this, \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5,sotArg5Type),_1), \
#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_6(sotFunction, \
sotArg1,sotArg1Type, \
sotArg2,sotArg2Type, \
sotArg3,sotArg3Type, \
sotArg4,sotArg4Type, \
sotArg5,sotArg5Type, \
sotArg6,sotArg6Type) \
boost::bind(&sotFunction,this, \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5,sotArg5Type), \
SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg6,sotArg6Type),_1), \
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: matrix-constant.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
/* Matrix */
#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
namespace ml = maal::boost;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- MATRIX ---------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace sot {
class sotMatrixConstant
: public Entity
static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
int rows,cols;
double color;
sotMatrixConstant( const std::string& name )
:Entity( name )
,SOUT( "sotMatrixConstant("+name+")::output(matrix)::out" )
SOUT.setDependancyType( TimeDependancy<int>::BOOL_DEPENDANT );
signalRegistration( SOUT );
virtual ~sotMatrixConstant( void ){}
SignalTimeDependant<ml::Matrix,int> SOUT;
virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
std::ostream& os );
} // namespace sot
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: matrix-force.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#ifndef __SOT_MATRIX_FORCE_H__
#define __SOT_MATRIX_FORCE_H__
/* --- Matrix --- */
#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
#include <sot-core/sot-core-api.h>
namespace ml = maal::boost;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace sot {
class sotMatrixHomogeneous;
class sotMatrixTwist;
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT sotMatrixForce
: public ml::Matrix
sotMatrixForce( void ) : ml::Matrix(6,6) { setIdentity(); }
~sotMatrixForce( void ) { }
explicit sotMatrixForce( const sotMatrixHomogeneous& M )
: ml::Matrix(6,6)
{ buildFrom(M); }
sotMatrixForce& buildFrom( const sotMatrixHomogeneous& trans );
sotMatrixForce& operator=( const ml::Matrix& );
inverse( sotMatrixForce& invMatrix ) const ;
inline sotMatrixForce inverse( void ) const
{ sotMatrixForce Ainv; return inverse(Ainv); }
sotMatrixTwist& transpose( sotMatrixTwist& Vt ) const;
sotMatrixTwist transpose( void ) const;
} // namespace sot
#endif /* #ifndef __SOT_MATRIX_FORCE_H__ */
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: matrix-homogeneous.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
/* --- Matrix --- */
#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
#include <sot-core/sot-core-api.h>
namespace ml = maal::boost;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace sot {
class sotMatrixRotation;
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT sotMatrixHomogeneous
: public ml::Matrix
sotMatrixHomogeneous( void ) : ml::Matrix(4,4) { setIdentity(); }
~sotMatrixHomogeneous( void ) { }
sotMatrixHomogeneous& buildFrom( const sotMatrixRotation& rot, const ml::Vector& trans );
sotMatrixRotation& extract( sotMatrixRotation& rot ) const;
ml::Vector& extract( ml::Vector& trans ) const;
sotMatrixHomogeneous& operator=( const ml::Matrix& );
inverse( sotMatrixHomogeneous& invMatrix ) const ;
inline sotMatrixHomogeneous inverse( void ) const
{ sotMatrixHomogeneous Ainv; return inverse(Ainv); }
ml::Vector& multiply( const ml::Vector& v1,ml::Vector& res ) const;
inline ml::Vector multiply( const ml::Vector& v1 ) const
{ ml::Vector res; return multiply(v1,res); }
using ml::Matrix::multiply;
} // namespace sot
#endif /* #ifndef __SOT_MATRIX_HOMOGENEOUS_H__ */
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: matrix-rotation.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
/* --- Matrix --- */
#include <sot-core/sot-core-api.h>
#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
namespace ml = maal::boost;
namespace sot {
class sotVectorUTheta;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT sotMatrixRotation
: public ml::Matrix
sotMatrixRotation( void ) : ml::Matrix(3,3) { setIdentity(); }
~sotMatrixRotation( void ) { }
void fromVector( sotVectorUTheta& );
sotMatrixRotation& operator= ( sotVectorUTheta&th ) { fromVector(th); return *this; }
} // namespace sot
#endif /* #ifndef __SOT_MATRIX_ROTATION_H__ */
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: matrix-twist.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#ifndef __SOT_MATRIX_TWIST_H__
#define __SOT_MATRIX_TWIST_H__
/* --- Matrix --- */
#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
#include <sot-core/sot-core-api.h>
namespace ml = maal::boost;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace sot {
class sotMatrixHomogeneous;
class sotMatrixForce;
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT sotMatrixTwist
: public ml::Matrix
sotMatrixTwist( void ) : ml::Matrix(6,6) { setIdentity(); }
~sotMatrixTwist( void ) { }
explicit sotMatrixTwist( const sotMatrixHomogeneous& M )
: ml::Matrix(6,6)
{ buildFrom(M); }
sotMatrixTwist& buildFrom( const sotMatrixHomogeneous& trans );
sotMatrixTwist& operator=( const ml::Matrix& );
inverse( sotMatrixTwist& invMatrix ) const ;
inline sotMatrixTwist inverse( void ) const
{ sotMatrixTwist Ainv; return inverse(Ainv); }
sotMatrixForce& transpose( sotMatrixForce& Vt ) const;
sotMatrixForce transpose( void ) const;
} // namespace sot
#endif /* #ifndef __SOT_MATRIX_TWIST_H__ */
* Copyright Projet Gepetto, LAAS, CNRS, 2009
* File: memory-task-sot.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#include <sot-core/task-abstract.h>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
# if defined (WIN32)
# if defined (sotSOT_CORE_EXPORTS)
# define SOTSOT_CORE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define SOTSOT_CORE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# else
# endif
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace sot {
: public sotTaskAbstract::sotMemoryTaskAbstract, public Entity
public:// protected:
/* Internal memory to reduce the dynamic allocation at task resolution. */
ml::MatrixSvd Jt; //( nJ,mJ );
ml::Matrix Jp;
ml::Matrix PJp;
ml::Matrix Jff; //( nJ,FF_SIZE ); // Free-floating part
ml::Matrix Jact; //( nJ,mJ ); // Activated part
ml::Matrix JK; //(nJ,mJ);
ml::Matrix U,V;
ml::Vector S;
/* mJ is the number of actuated joints, nJ the number of feature in the task,
* and ffsize the number of unactuated DOF. */
sotMemoryTaskSOT( const std::string & name,const unsigned int nJ=0,
const unsigned int mJ=0,const unsigned int ffsize =0 );
virtual void initMemory( const unsigned int nJ,
const unsigned int mJ,
const unsigned int ffsize );
public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
Signal< ml::Matrix,int > jacobianInvSINOUT;
Signal< ml::Matrix,int > jacobianConstrainedSINOUT;
Signal< ml::Matrix,int > jacobianProjectedSINOUT;
Signal< ml::Matrix,int > singularBaseImageSINOUT;
Signal< unsigned int,int > rankSINOUT;
public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
std::ostream& os );
} //namespace sot
#endif // __SOT_MEMORY_TASK_HH
* Copyright Projet Gepetto, Laas, CNRS, 2009
* File: task-multi-bound.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#ifndef __SOT_sotMultiBound_H__
#define __SOT_sotMultiBound_H__
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* STD */
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
/* SOT */
#include <sot-core/sot-core-api.h>
#include <sot-core/exception-task.h>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace sot {
class SOT_CORE_EXPORT sotMultiBound
enum MultiBoundModeType { MODE_SINGLE, MODE_DOUBLE };
enum SupInfType { BOUND_SUP,BOUND_INF };
public:// protected:
MultiBoundModeType mode;
double boundSingle;
double boundSup,boundInf;
bool boundSupSetup,boundInfSetup;
sotMultiBound( const double x = 0.);
sotMultiBound( const double xi,const double xs );
sotMultiBound( const double x,const SupInfType bound );
sotMultiBound( const sotMultiBound& clone );
public: // Acessors
MultiBoundModeType getMode( void ) const;
double getSingleBound( void ) const;
double getDoubleBound( const SupInfType bound ) const;
bool getDoubleBoundSetup( const SupInfType bound ) const;
public: // Modifiors
void setDoubleBound( SupInfType boundType,double boundValue );
void unsetDoubleBound( SupInfType boundType );
void setSingleBound( double boundValue );
SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os, const sotMultiBound & m );
SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::istream& operator>> ( std::istream& is, sotMultiBound & m );
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef std::vector< sotMultiBound > sotVectorMultiBound;
SOT_CORE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const sotVectorMultiBound& v );
SOT_CORE_EXPORT std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& os, sotVectorMultiBound& v );
} // namespace sot
#endif // #ifndef __SOT_sotMultiBound_H__
* Copyright Projet JRL-Japan, 2007
* File: op-point-modifier.h
* Project: SOT
* Author: Nicolas Mansard
* Version control
* ===============
* $Id$
* Description
* ============
* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
#include <sot-core/debug.h>
#include <sot-core/matrix-homogeneous.h>
/* Matrix */
#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
namespace ml = maal::boost;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if defined (WIN32)
# if defined (sotOpPointModifior_EXPORTS)
# define SOTOPPOINTMODIFIOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define SOTOPPOINTMODIFIOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --- VECTOR ---------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace sot {
: public Entity
static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
sotMatrixHomogeneous transformation;
SignalPtr<ml::Matrix,int> jacobianSIN;
SignalPtr<sotMatrixHomogeneous,int> positionSIN;
SignalTimeDependant<ml::Matrix,int> jacobianSOUT;
SignalTimeDependant<sotMatrixHomogeneous,int> positionSOUT;
sotOpPointModifior( const std::string& name );
virtual ~sotOpPointModifior( void ){}
ml::Matrix& computeJacobian( ml::Matrix& res,const int& time );
sotMatrixHomogeneous& computePosition( sotMatrixHomogeneous& res,const int& time );
void setTransformation( const sotMatrixHomogeneous& tr );
virtual void commandLine( const std::string& cmdLine,
std::istringstream& cmdArgs,
std::ostream& os );
} // namespace sot
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