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Document: dynamic-graph
Title: Debian dynamic-graph Manual
Author: Thomas Moulard <>
Abstract: Doxygen documentation of dynamic-graph.
Section: Programming
Format: HTML
Index: /usr/share/doc/dynamic-graph/html/index.html
Files: /usr/share/doc/dynamic-graph/html/*.html
#!/usr/bin/make -f
# -*- makefile -*-
# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
# This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small.
# As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a
# dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
# This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make.
# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
#export DH_VERBOSE=1
dh_auto_configure -- -DGENERATE_DOC=ON
dh $@
3.0 (quilt)
# Watch control file for uscan
# Rename this file to "watch" and then you can run the "uscan" command
# to check for upstream updates and more.
# See uscan(1) for format
version=3 (.*).tar.gz
# Copyright 2010, Olivier Stasse, JRL, CNRS/AIST
# This file is part of dynamic-graph.
# dynamic-graph is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# dynamic-graph is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
# received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
# dynamic-graph. If not, see <>.
# Add `man' target.
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(man DEPENDS dg-shell.1.gz dg-shell-plugin.1.gz)
# Man page generation.
This diff is collapsed.
\page debug Debugging
They are several ways to perform debugging in dynamic-graph depending on your
needs or situation:
- Programmatically inside the entity in C++, a logger will
write inside a buffer in a
different thread and output in a stream (either std::cout or a file). It is
detailed in \subpage subp_debug_rt_logger.
It provides 4 levels of messags :(DEBUG,INFO,
WARNING, ERROR). It is described in details here: \subpage subp_logger
- Programmatically in C++ to avoid overhead with macros and handling level as an
int: \subpage subp_dbg_trace .
- If you just need to collect informations from signals (like rosbag). You can
use an entity called Tracer inside the graph:\subpage tracerdoc . <br> A real
time version exists to write directly inside a memory buffer
\subpage tracerrealtimedoc
\page subp_logger Loggers
\section sec_init_rt_logger Initialization of the logger
\subsection subsec_init_rt_logger_hcpp Header and preprocessor variable
In order to activate the logger you need to add the following lines:
#include <dynamic-graph/logger.h>
#include <dynamic-graph/real-time-logger.h>
\subsection subsec_logger_ Initialize the output stream
It is possible to set the output stream of the messages inside a file:
\section sec_use_rt_logger Using the rt_logger
// Somewhere in your library
dgRTLOG() << "your message. Prefer to use \n than std::endl."
Here the output file is "/tmp/dg-LOGS.txt".
Specifying the file with __FILE__ and the line inside the file by __LINE__ are
necessary for the STREAM messages. Indeed they are indexed using the two values.
The default values "" and 0 for the counting are not well understood.
\page subp_dbg_trace Debugging with macros and level
\section subp_dbg_trace_intro Introduction
The idea of this class and collection of MACROS is to specify
a level for a message, and record the message in a stream according to this
level. In addition there are mechanisms allowing that no time is wasted in
condition test. You can therefore let the debugging messages inside the code
without impact on performances.
\section subp_dbg_trace_set_on_macros Setting up dgDEBUG macros
To allow message display the entity must be compiled with the macro
#define VP_DEBUG 1
Commenting or removing this macro disable all the messages specified
by the following macros.
The level up to which the messages are accepted for display is
specified by:
#define VP_DEBUG_MODE 50
In the constructor of the entity, the file where all the messages
are written is specified by:
\section subp_dbg_trace_using_macros Using dgDEBUG macros
To print that the beginning of a method is being executed use the following
macros: \code dgDEBUGIN(5); \endcode 5 here specifies the minimum level that you
be specified by VP_DEBUG_MODE for this message to be displayed.
It will generate the following output:
/path_to/dynamic-graph/tests/debug-trace.cpp: testDebugTrace(#46) :# In {
The output displays the name of the source file, the name of the method,
the line where is the macro, and the message itself.
When going out of the method:
This generates the following output:
/path_to/dynamic-graph/tests/debug-trace.cpp: testDebugTrace(#54) :# Out }
A message inside the code is written through:
dgDEBUG(5) << "Here is a test" << std::endl;
This generates the following output:
/path_to/dynamic-graph/tests/debug-trace.cpp: testDebugTrace(#52) :Here is a
test \endcode
\section subp_dbg_trace_wrk_exp Working example
A full working example is given here:
\include tests/debug-trace.cpp
\page dgshell_doc dg-shell executable
The dynamic-graph shell program "dg-shell" allows access to the dynamic-graph library's
Interpreter class, which can execute commands and scripts from the command line.
It can be found in the installation prefix's bin/ directory.
There is also a linux shell script available, dg-shell-plugin, that creates a
and loads a default script whose goal is to load useful plugins at startup
(shell-functions and shell-procedure).
For an example of shell commands and scripts, see \ref scriptingabout.
/** \page subpage_command Commands
\section subpage_command_intro Quick introduction
Commands are allowing to expand the entities.
It has no real interest in C++, and is mostly targeted to scripting languages
used to manipulate the control graph.
dynamic-graph-python provides a mecanism which is automatically binding command
to python. The main interest for a programmer is that there is no additional
lines to add. It is realized through CMake rules provided by the submodule
\section subpage_command_using Extending entities
\subsection subpage_command_setters_and_getters Setters and getters
To modify a quantity with a special method of your class, it is recommanded to
use Setter.
For instance to specify the size of the state in one entity and calls the
method setStateSize it is possible to write:
docstring = "\n"
" Set size of state vector\n"
addCommand("resize", new command::Setter<Device, unsigned int>(
*this, &Device::setStateSize, docstring));
Getting the information of the member of the class can be realized with
the following snippet:
*this, &this->timestep_,
command::docDirectGetter("Time step", "double")));
\subsubsection subsubpage_command_void_multiple_args Implementing a command
Templates are provided to create commands returning no value, but with up to
4 arguments.
In order to call the following method:
void four_args(const int &, const int &, const int &, const int &) {
test_four_args_ = true;
It is sufficient to add in the constructor:
*this, &CustomEntity::four_args,
docCommandVoid4("four args", "int", "int", "int", "int")));
The arguments are limited to the types provided by the class Value.
\subsection subpage_command_void_multiple_args Commands returning a value
The templates with the prefix makeCommandReturnType are allowing to return
a type.
For instance to add a command returning a type with two arguments:
std::string two_args_ret(const int &, const int &)
{ test_two_args_ = true; return std::string("return");}
In the constructor, the following snippet shows to create the command:
*this, &CustomEntity::two_args_ret,
docCommandVoid2("two args", "int","int")));
\section section_calling_a_generic_command Calling a generic command
Of course calling in C++ a command amounts to call directly the method.
However in the context of writing a wrapper for another language,
one may wants to find a command and build the call.
All the commands of an entity are store in a map. The strings storing the
commands name are the map keys.
Therefore calling the previous command can be done with the following snippet:
std::map<const std::string, Command *> aCommandMap =
std::string cmd_name = "4_args";
std::map<const std::string, Command *>::iterator it_map;
it_map = aCommandMap.find(cmd_name);
if (it_map == aCommandMap.end())
int first_arg = 1;
Value aValue(first_arg);
std::vector<Value> values;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
when returning a value the line with the call to execute is :
Value aValue =it_map->second->execute();
\page subp_debug_rt_logger Real-time Logger
\section real_time_logger_quick_intro Quick introduction
Each entity has a protected logger_ object.
The simplest way to have information while running your graph is to initialize
it in the constructor, and then display information in the methods.
You can then change the level of information you want to display using
either the entity method setLoggerVerbosityLevel()
or the corresponding python bindings.
\section real_time_logger_modifying_entities Putting information in your
It is possible to define the periodicity of the logger:
To define the periodicity at which one wants to print information:
Several level of verbosity are possible:
The full list of options are:
<li>VERBOSITY_ALL: Accept all messages</li>
<li>VERBOSITY_INFO_WARNING_ERROR: Accept messages at minimum level : INFO,
WARNING, ERROR</li> <li>VERBOSITY_WARNING_ERROR: Accept messages at minimum
level : WARNING, ERROR</li> <li>VERBOSITY_ERROR: Accept messages at minimum
level : ERROR</li>
It is specified by the enum LoggerVerbosity
It is possible to display information according to various level of debug:
sendMsg("This is a message of level MSG_TYPE_DEBUG", MSG_TYPE_DEBUG);
DYNAMIC_GRAPH_ENTITY_DEBUG (*this) << "This is a message of level
MSG_TYPE_DEBUG\n"; DYNAMIC_GRAPH_ENTITY_INFO (*this) << "This is a message of
level MSG_TYPE_INFO\n"; DYNAMIC_GRAPH_ENTITY_WARNING (*this) << "This is a
message of level MSG_TYPE_WARNING\n"; DYNAMIC_GRAPH_ENTITY_ERROR (*this) <<
(*this) << "This is a message of level MSG_TYPE_DEBUG_STREAM\n";
DYNAMIC_GRAPH_ENTITY_INFO_STREAM (*this) << "This is a message of level
(*this) << "This is a message of level MSG_TYPE_ERROR_STREAM\n"; \endcode
\note Thread safety. This class expects to have:
- only one reader: the one who take the log entries and write them somewhere.
- one writer at a time. Writing to the logs is **never** a blocking
operation. If the resource is busy, the log entry is discarded.
\page subpage_entities Entities
\section section_entities Entities
\subsection entity_definition General definition
\image html entity.png
Despite the fact that it looks very similar to a ROS node or a CORBA/OpenRTM
server, an entity is simply a C++ object. The main idea is that this entity is
providing mostly a data-driven functionnality working at very high rate (\f$ 200
Hz\f$ or \f$ 1 kHz \f$) and should have a minimal computational time foot-print.
For this \subpage subp_signals (or ports to use a more classical terminology)
are providing a time dependency between data. To implement this, an output
signal is linked with a method of the entity. The method calls input signals or
use other means to get the needed data. It might be provided by the connection
with remote computers through a middleware, or specific protocols, but in
general the external data is based upon the sensor values provided by a "Device"
entity. For this reason the signal evaluations are realized through the cascade
of dependencies and start from the evaluation of an input signal of a periodic
node (in general the device). This is realized inside a \b real-time thread.
To add flexibility to a node, it is possible to add command with arguments to
modify the internal behavior of the entity or get information from the entity.
As a command is in general asynchronous and rare with respect to the data-flow
scheme for the signals the command is in general executed in a \b none-real-time
thread. For more details on command see \subpage subpage_command .
\subsection entity_classes Entity class
Entities are implemented as C++ classes and compiled as dynamic libraries. They
can be loaded and instancied dynamically. It is therefore necessary to specify
the location of their dynamical libraries. However given the time it might take
to load the library, it is not advised to do that during a control-law
computation. Entity instanciation also implies memory allocation which is also
time consuming and thus not advised inside a real-time thread.
The entities will be placed in ${PREFIX}/lib/dynamic-graph-plugin
(since this may change, it is advised to check the install log or the
CMakeLists.txt file to check the installation path).
\subsection entities List of entities in this package
Since most of the functionality in projects using the dynamic-graph framework
is exposed from entities, here is a short description of all the entities
contained in this package. Note that most entities are contained in a binary
file that closely matches the entities' names in the scripts; loading this file
with the plugin loader will enable creation of this entity through the factory.
\li \ref tracerdoc
\li \ref tracerrealtimedoc
\subsection specific_semantics Specific semantics with entities
It is possible to derive classes and apply specific semantic for the entities.
In our case we are interested in specific control semantics: \li Tasks (more
information <a
\li Features (more information <a
\li Solver (more information <a
\page subp_how_to_use Using this package
\section usecase How to use this package
\subsection use_programmatically General introduction
For control purposes the main use of this package is to create new entities and
connect them through signals.
Objects, which are derived from Entities (base class dynamicgraph::Entity), can
be declared within the code and compiled as shared libraries (.so/.dll files).
These libraries can be loaded at run-time using the PluginLoader methods,
and at the same time register their class names to the Factory (see the
examples in the <a
documentation</a> for advanced control examples).
The Factory can then create instances of these objects and subsequently
register them in the Pool. From the pool they can be listed, accessed, and acted
upon (see PoolStorage documentation). Basic commands defined by entities include
signal connection graph file generation, help and name print, and signals.
This is usually done through a scripting language such as python (see
The singletons made available by including the corresponding headers in this
module are:
\li dynamicgraph::FactoryStorage
\li dynamicgraph::PoolStorage
For an example of a program creating entities in C++, see the unit test
test_pool.cpp (in your package source directory/tests).
\subsection Tutorial
A tutorial is available <a
href="">here</a>. It is
providing a step-by-step way of building an entity
\section sec_htw_helpers Helpers
When writing entities you might use some macros which are very useful to write
your class.
\subsection subsec_howto_typedef Entity helpers
The header <b>entity-helper.h</b> is defining a type called EntityClassName
\section sec_howto_macros_helpers Macro helpers
\subsection subsec_howto_macros_helpers_ent Preprocessing macros for entities
This macro creates a method <b>getClassName()</b> which returns the class
name.</li> This macro <b>should</b> be used in the declaration of the class.
<li> <b>DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(classtype,classname)</b>
This macros creates the methods necessary to have a factory building the C++
class <b>classtype</b> from the string <b>classname</b>. This macro
<b>should</b> be used in the implementation of the class.
\subsection subsec_howto_macros_helpers_sig Preprocessing macros for signals
<li> Macro for input signals
<li> <b>DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(signal_name,type)</b>:
Declare an input time dependent signal as a field of the class with the
following name: \code m_signal_nameSIN \endcode
<li> <b>CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(signal_name,type)</b>:
This macro is used in the constructor of the entity class handling this
signal. It is calling the signal constructor and set the signal name to: \code
<li> Macro for output signals
<li> <b>DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(signal_name,type)</b>:
Declare an output time dependent signal as a field of the class with the
following name: \code m_signal_nameSOUT \endcode It also declares a method with
the following pattern: \code type signal_nameSOUT_function(type &,int) \endcode
The second pattern is the time when calling the output.
<li> <b>CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(signal_name,type)</b>
This macro is used in the constructor of the entity class handling this
signal. It creates the binding to the method described previously, and set the
signal name to: \code EntityClassName(entity_name)::output(type)::signal_name
where entity_name is the name of the entity currently instanciated.
<li> <b>DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(signal_name, type)</b>:
This macro is used when implementing the method specific to the output
signal. It is used in the main body of the entity class to declare the header of
the method with the following pattern: \code type
EntityClassName::signal_nameSOUT_function(type &, int iter) \endcode
</li> Inner signals
<li> <b> DECLARE_SIGNAL_INNER(signal_name,type)</b>
Inner signal are signal that depend on a state of the entity and not on
input signals. This macro declares an inner signal with the following pattern:
It also creates a member function with the following pattern:
type & EntityClassName::nameSINNER_function(signal_name)(type &, int)
<li> <b>DEFINE_SIGNAL_INNER_FUNCTION(signal_name,type)</b>
This macro is used to implement the method related to signal_name. More
precisely it provides the header of the member function(i.e. method)
This macros declares the member function used to handle the access to this
\page subp_factory Factory
\section sec_factory Factory
The class \ref dynamicgraph::FactoryStorage is a singleton which register the
entity classes and which is allowing the instancation of such classes.
\page p_graph Graph
In this package, the graph considered are directed graphs.
In dynamic-graph a graph is build with:
- computational nodes which are entities \subpage subpage_entities.
- directed edges which are created by connecting input and output signals
\subpage subp_signals.
- commands which are expanding the capabilities of the entity
\subpage subpage_command
- managing the nodes is done through a factory \subpage subp_factory providing
classes and a way to create instances from this list of classes.
- the instances of node are handled through a pool \subpage subp_pool
We strongly recommend to use a scripting language such as Python to
manage the graph.
See <c>dynamic-graph-python</c> for more information on binding dynamic-graph
with Python.
It is possible to display the graph of entities \subpage writegraphdoc
\page subp_installation Installation
\section sec_inst_dep Dependencies
dynamic-graph depends on:
<li> boost </li>
<li> eigen </li>
<li> cmake </li>
\section sec_inst_get_src Getting the source
The sources are available through github at the following URL:
To clone:
git clone
\section sec_inst_comp Compiling
cd dynamic-graph
mkdir _build
cd _build