# This tutorial shows how to use kinodynamic motion planning methods. In the current implementation, only the translation part of a freeflyer is considered by the Kinodynamic methods, all the other degree of freedom use classical geometrical methods.
# Uncomment the following line if you want to constraint the orientation of the base of the robot to follow the direction of the motion. Note that in this case the initial and final orientation are not considered.
# The following line constraint the random sampling method to fix all the extraDOF at 0 during sampling. Comment it if you want to sample states with non-null velocity and acceleration. Note that it increase the complexity of the problem and greatly increase the computation time.
#q_goal[0:3]=[-4.5,-4.8,0.4]# harder goal position
#set goal velocity (along x,y,z axis) :
vf.loadObstacleModel ("iai_maps","room","room")
# with displayArrow parameter the viewer will display velocity and acceleration of the center of the robot with 3D arrow. The length scale with the amplitude with a length of 1 for the maximal amplitude
ps.setInitialConfig (q_init)
ps.addGoalConfig (q_goal)
ps.addPathOptimizer ("RandomShortcut")
#select kinodynamic methods :
# the Kinodynamic steering method require a planner that build directionnal roadmap (with oriented edges) as the trajectories cannot always be reversed.
print (ps.solve ())
# display the computed roadmap. Note that the edges are all represented as straight line and may not show the real motion of the robot between the nodes :
#Alternatively, use the following line instead of ps.solve() to display the roadmap as it's computed (note that it slow down a lot the computation)
# Highlight the solution path used in the roadmap
# remove the roadmap for the scene :
# Connect to a viewer server and play solution paths
pp=PathPlayer (v)
#play path before optimization
pp (0)
# Display the optimized path, with a color variation depending on the velocity along the path (green for null velocity, red for maximal velocity)