Florent Lamiraux authored
- In PRM, do not insert edges in the loop over the connected components, - replace deprecated call in script tutorial_2.py .
Florent Lamiraux authored- In PRM, do not insert edges in the loop over the connected components, - replace deprecated call in script tutorial_2.py .
tutorial_2.cc 6.24 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2014 CNRS
// Authors: Florent Lamiraux
// This file is part of hpp_tutorial
// hpp_tutorial is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// hpp_tutorial is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
// received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
// hpp_tutorial If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <hpp/core/config-validations.hh>
#include <hpp/core/configuration-shooter/uniform.hh>
#include <hpp/core/connected-component.hh>
#include <hpp/core/constraint-set.hh>
#include <hpp/core/path-planner.hh>
#include <hpp/core/path-validation.hh>
#include <hpp/core/problem-solver.hh>
#include <hpp/core/problem.hh>
#include <hpp/core/roadmap.hh>
#include <hpp/core/steering-method.hh>
#include <hpp/util/pointer.hh>
#include "hpp/corbaserver/server.hh"
namespace hpp {
namespace tutorial {
// forward declaration of class Planner
// Planner objects are manipulated only via shared pointers
typedef shared_ptr<Planner> PlannerPtr_t;
typedef core::value_type value_type;
/// Example of path planner
class Planner : public core::PathPlanner {
/// Create an instance and return a shared pointer to the instance
static PlannerPtr_t create(const core::ProblemConstPtr_t& problem,
const core::RoadmapPtr_t& roadmap) {
Planner* ptr = new Planner(problem, roadmap);
PlannerPtr_t shPtr(ptr);
return shPtr;
/// One step of extension.
/// This method implements one step of your algorithm. The method
/// will be called iteratively until one goal configuration is accessible
/// from the initial configuration.
/// We will see how to implement a basic PRM algorithm.
virtual void oneStep() {
using core::NodePtr_t;
using core::PathPtr_t;
// Retrieve the robot the problem has been defined for.
pinocchio::DevicePtr_t robot(problem()->robot());
// Retrieve the path validation algorithm associated to the problem
core::PathValidationPtr_t pathValidation(problem()->pathValidation());
// Retrieve configuration validation methods associated to the problem
core::ConfigValidationsPtr_t configValidations(
// Retrieve the steering method
core::SteeringMethodPtr_t sm(problem()->steeringMethod());
// Retrieve the constraints the robot is subject to
core::ConstraintSetPtr_t constraints(problem()->constraints());
// Retrieve roadmap of the path planner
core::RoadmapPtr_t r(roadmap());
// shoot a valid random configuration
core::Configuration_t qrand(robot->configSize());
// Report of configuration validation: unused here
core::ValidationReportPtr_t validationReport;
do {
} while (!configValidations->validate(qrand, validationReport));
// Add qrand as a new node
NodePtr_t newNode = r->addNode(qrand);
// try to connect the random configuration to each connected component
// of the roadmap.
// Modifying the connected components of the graph while making a loop
// over all of them is not correct. We therefore record the edges to
// to insert and add them after the loop.
typedef std::tuple<NodePtr_t, NodePtr_t, PathPtr_t> DelayedEdge_t;
typedef std::vector<DelayedEdge_t> DelayedEdges_t;
DelayedEdges_t delayedEdges;
for (auto cc : r->connectedComponents()) {
// except its own connected component of course
if (cc != newNode->connectedComponent()) {
value_type d;
// Get nearest node to qrand in connected component
NodePtr_t nearest = r->nearestNode(qrand, cc, d);
core::ConfigurationPtr_t qnear = nearest->configuration();
// Create local path between qnear and qrand
PathPtr_t localPath = (*sm)(*qnear, qrand);
// validate local path
PathPtr_t validPart;
// report on path validation: unused here
core::PathValidationReportPtr_t report;
if (pathValidation->validate(localPath, false, validPart, report)) {
// Create node and edges with qrand and the local path
delayedEdges.push_back(DelayedEdge_t(nearest, newNode, localPath));
for(auto de : delayedEdges){
r->addEdge(std::get<0>(de), std::get<1>(de), std::get<2>(de));
r->addEdge(std::get<1>(de), std::get<0>(de), std::get<2>(de)->reverse());
/// Protected constructor
/// Users need to call Planner::create in order to create instances.
Planner(const core::ProblemConstPtr_t& problem,
const core::RoadmapPtr_t& roadmap)
: core::PathPlanner(problem, roadmap),
core::configurationShooter::Uniform::create(problem->robot())) {}
/// Store weak pointer to itself
void init(const PlannerWkPtr_t& weak) {
weakPtr_ = weak;
/// Configuration shooter to uniformly shoot random configurations
core::configurationShooter::UniformPtr_t shooter_;
/// weak pointer to itself
PlannerWkPtr_t weakPtr_;
}; // class Planner
} // namespace tutorial
} // namespace hpp
// main function of the corba server
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
// create a ProblemSolver instance.
// This class is a container that does the interface between hpp-core library
// and component to be running in a middleware like CORBA or ROS.
hpp::core::ProblemSolverPtr_t problemSolver =
// Add the new planner type in order to be able to select it from python
// client.
hpp::core::PathPlannerBuilder_t factory(hpp::tutorial::Planner::create);
problemSolver->pathPlanners.add("PRM", factory);
// Create the CORBA server.
hpp::corbaServer::Server server(problemSolver, argc, argv, true);
// Start the CORBA server.
// Wait for CORBA requests.