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Commit 6c796dcf authored by stevet's avatar stevet
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1 merge request!9[BUG FIX] evalXXX methods do not consider time
......@@ -198,14 +198,14 @@ struct bezier_curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Dim, Safe, Point>
/// Warning: the horner scheme is about 100 times faster than this method.
/// This method will probably be removed in the future
point_t evalBernstein(const Numeric u) const
point_t evalBernstein(const Numeric t) const
const Numeric t = u/T_;
const Numeric u = t/T_;
point_t res = point_t::Zero(Dim);
typename t_point_t::const_iterator pts_it = pts_.begin();
for(typename std::vector<Bern<Numeric> >::const_iterator cit = bernstein_.begin();
cit !=bernstein_.end(); ++cit, ++pts_it)
res += cit->operator()(t) * (*pts_it);
res += cit->operator()(u) * (*pts_it);
return res*mult_T_;
......@@ -213,22 +213,22 @@ struct bezier_curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Dim, Safe, Point>
/// \brief Evaluates all Bernstein polynomes for a certain degree using horner's scheme
point_t evalHorner(const Numeric v) const
point_t evalHorner(const Numeric t) const
const Numeric t = v/T_;
const Numeric u = t/T_;
typename t_point_t::const_iterator pts_it = pts_.begin();
Numeric u, bc, tn;
u = 1.0 - t;
Numeric u_op, bc, tn;
u_op = 1.0 - u;
bc = 1;
tn = 1;
point_t tmp =(*pts_it)*u; ++pts_it;
point_t tmp =(*pts_it)*u_op; ++pts_it;
for(unsigned int i=1; i<degree_; i++, ++pts_it)
tn = tn*t;
tn = tn*u;
bc = bc*((num_t)(degree_-i+1))/i;
tmp = (tmp + tn*bc*(*pts_it))*u;
tmp = (tmp + tn*bc*(*pts_it))*u_op;
return (tmp + tn*t*(*pts_it))*mult_T_;
return (tmp + tn*u*(*pts_it))*mult_T_;
const t_point_t& waypoints() const {return pts_;}
......@@ -239,12 +239,12 @@ struct bezier_curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Dim, Safe, Point>
* @param t unNormalized time
* @return the point at time t
point_t evalDeCasteljau(const Numeric T) const {
point_t evalDeCasteljau(const Numeric t) const {
// normalize time :
const Numeric t = T/T_;
t_point_t pts = deCasteljauReduction(waypoints(),t);
const Numeric u = t/T_;
t_point_t pts = deCasteljauReduction(waypoints(),u);
while(pts.size() > 1){
pts = deCasteljauReduction(pts,t);
pts = deCasteljauReduction(pts,u);
return pts[0]*mult_T_;
......@@ -256,18 +256,18 @@ struct bezier_curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Dim, Safe, Point>
* @brief deCasteljauReduction compute the de Casteljau's reduction of the given list of points at time t
* @param pts the original list of points
* @param t the NORMALIZED time
* @param u the NORMALIZED time
* @return the reduced list of point (size of pts - 1)
t_point_t deCasteljauReduction(const t_point_t& pts, const Numeric t) const{
if(t < 0 || t > 1)
throw std::out_of_range("In deCasteljau reduction : t is not in [0;1]");
t_point_t deCasteljauReduction(const t_point_t& pts, const Numeric u) const{
if(u < 0 || u > 1)
throw std::out_of_range("In deCasteljau reduction : u is not in [0;1]");
if(pts.size() == 1)
return pts;
t_point_t new_pts;
for(cit_point_t cit = pts.begin() ; cit != (pts.end() - 1) ; ++cit){
new_pts.push_back((1-t) * (*cit) + t*(*(cit+1)));
new_pts.push_back((1-u) * (*cit) + u*(*(cit+1)));
return new_pts;
......@@ -278,24 +278,24 @@ struct bezier_curve : public curve_abc<Time, Numeric, Dim, Safe, Point>
* @param t
* @return
std::pair<bezier_curve_t,bezier_curve_t> split(const Numeric T){
if (T == T_)
std::pair<bezier_curve_t,bezier_curve_t> split(const Numeric t){
if (t == T_)
throw std::runtime_error("can't split curve, interval range is equal to original curve");
t_point_t wps_first(size_),wps_second(size_);
const double t = T/T_;
const double u = t/T_;
wps_first[0] = pts_.front();
wps_second[degree_] = pts_.back();
t_point_t casteljau_pts = waypoints();
size_t id = 1;
while(casteljau_pts.size() > 1){
casteljau_pts = deCasteljauReduction(casteljau_pts,t);
casteljau_pts = deCasteljauReduction(casteljau_pts,u);
wps_first[id] = casteljau_pts.front();
wps_second[degree_-id] = casteljau_pts.back();
bezier_curve_t c_first(wps_first.begin(), wps_first.end(), T,mult_T_);
bezier_curve_t c_second(wps_second.begin(), wps_second.end(), T_-T,mult_T_);
bezier_curve_t c_first(wps_first.begin(), wps_first.end(), t,mult_T_);
bezier_curve_t c_second(wps_second.begin(), wps_second.end(), T_-t,mult_T_);
return std::make_pair(c_first,c_second);
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