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Commit bb0d1bbf authored by Joseph Mirabel's avatar Joseph Mirabel
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......@@ -49,4 +49,3 @@ IF (TEST_UR5)
ADD_TESTCASE (test-constraintgraph FALSE)
# ADD_TESTCASE (path-projection FALSE) # moved in hpp-core
// Copyright (c) 2014, LAAS-CNRS
// Authors: Joseph Mirabel (
// This file is part of hpp-manipulation.
// hpp-manipulation is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// hpp-manipulation is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
// received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
// hpp-manipulation. If not, see <>.
#define ARM_LENGTH 1
#define STEP_PATH (value_type)0.01
#include <math.h>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <pinocchio/multibody/model.hpp>
#include <hpp/pinocchio/device.hh>
#include <hpp/pinocchio/joint.hh>
#include <hpp/pinocchio/configuration.hh>
#include <hpp/core/path-projector/progressive.hh>
#include <hpp/core/steering-method-straight.hh>
#include <hpp/core/numerical-constraint.hh>
#include <hpp/core/weighed-distance.hh>
#include <hpp/core/config-projector.hh>
#include <hpp/core/constraint-set.hh>
#include <hpp/core/problem.hh>
#include <hpp/constraints/generic-transformation.hh>
#define REQUIRE_MESSAGE(b,m) do {\
if (!b) {\
std::cout << m << std::endl;\
while (0)
using hpp::pinocchio::Device;
using hpp::pinocchio::DevicePtr_t;
using hpp::pinocchio::JointPtr_t;
using hpp::pinocchio::BodyPtr_t;
using hpp::pinocchio::Configuration_t;
using hpp::pinocchio::value_type;
using hpp::pinocchio::Transform3f;
using hpp::constraints::Position;
using hpp::constraints::PositionPtr_t;
using hpp::constraints::matrix3_t;
using hpp::constraints::vector3_t;
using hpp::core::StraightPath;
using hpp::core::StraightPathPtr_t;
using hpp::core::Path;
using hpp::core::PathPtr_t;
using hpp::core::WeighedDistance;
using hpp::core::WeighedDistancePtr_t;
using hpp::core::SteeringMethodStraight;
using hpp::core::SteeringMethodPtr_t;
using hpp::core::ConstraintSet;
using hpp::core::ConstraintSetPtr_t;
using hpp::core::ConfigProjector;
using hpp::core::ConfigProjectorPtr_t;
using hpp::constraints::Implicit;
using boost::assign::list_of;
using hpp::core::pathProjector::ProgressivePtr_t;
using hpp::core::pathProjector::Progressive;
using hpp::core::Problem;
using hpp::core::ProblemPtr_t;
const matrix3_t I3 (matrix3_t::Identity());
namespace hpp_test {
template<typename JointModel>
static void addJointAndBody(se3::Model & model,
const se3::JointModelBase<JointModel> & joint,
const vector3_t shift,
const se3::JointIndex & parent,
const std::string & name)
typedef typename JointModel::ConfigVector_t CV;
typedef typename JointModel::TangentVector_t TV;
se3::JointIndex idx;
idx = model.addJoint(parent, joint, se3::SE3 (I3, shift), name,
TV::Random() + TV::Constant(1),
TV::Random() + TV::Constant(1),
CV::Random() - CV::Constant(1),
CV::Random() + CV::Constant(1));
model.addJointFrame (idx);
model.addBodyFrame(name + "_BODY", idx);
DevicePtr_t createRobot ()
DevicePtr_t robot = Device::create ("test");
se3::Model& model = robot->model();
// lleg
addJointAndBody(model,se3::JointModelRX(),vector3_t::Zero(), 0, "ARM");
addJointAndBody(model,se3::JointModelRX(),vector3_t(0, ARM_LENGTH, 0), 1, "FOREARM");
model.addFrame(se3::Frame("EE", 2, model.getFrameId("FOREARM"), se3::SE3::Identity(), se3::FIXED_JOINT));
robot->controlComputation((Device::Computation_t) (Device::JOINT_POSITION | Device::JACOBIAN));
return robot;
std::ostream& print (std::ostream& os, const Configuration_t& c)
os << "[ \t";
for (int i = 0; i < c.size () - 1; i++)
os << c[i] << ",\t";
return os << c[c.size() - 1] << "]";
std::ostream& printpath (std::ostream& os, const Path& p)
value_type t = p.timeRange ().first;
bool noWarning;
while (t < p.timeRange().second) {
print (os, p (t, noWarning)) << ",";
return print (os, p (p.timeRange ().second, noWarning));
namespace pythonscript {
std::ostream& start (std::ostream& os)
os << "import numpy as np\n"
<< "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n";
return os;
std::ostream& pathToVar (std::ostream& os, const Path& p, const std::string& var)
os << var << " = np.array ([\n";
return printpath (os, p) << "\n])\n";
std::ostream& plot (std::ostream& os, const std::string& var)
os << "fig = plt.figure ()\n"
<< "axes = fig.gca ()\n"
<< "axes.plot (" << var << "[:,0], " << var << "[:,1], '-.', marker='+', markeredgecolor='r', markersize=5)\n"
<< "axes.set_xlabel ('Theta 1')\n"
<< "axes.set_ylabel ('Theta 2')\n"
<< "axes.set_title ('" << var << "')\n"
<< " ()\n";
return os;
int main (int , char**) {
DevicePtr_t r = hpp_test::createRobot ();
JointPtr_t ee = r->getJointByName ("FOREARM");
vector3_t target (0, (ARM_LENGTH + FOREARM_LENGTH ) / 2, 0),
origin (0, FOREARM_LENGTH, 0);
PositionPtr_t c = Position::create ("Pos", r, ee,
Transform3f(I3, origin), Transform3f(I3, target),
list_of (false)(true)(false).convert_to_container<std::vector<bool> >());
ConstraintSetPtr_t cs = ConstraintSet::create (r, "test-cs");
ConfigProjectorPtr_t proj = ConfigProjector::create (r, "test", 1e-4, 20);
proj->add (Implicit::create (c));
cs->addConstraint (proj);
ProblemPtr_t problem (new Problem (r));
WeighedDistancePtr_t dist = WeighedDistance::createWithWeight
(r, list_of (1)(1));
problem->distance (dist);
SteeringMethodPtr_t sm (SteeringMethodStraight::create (problem));
const WeighedDistance& d = *dist;
ProgressivePtr_t pp_ptr = Progressive::create (dist, sm, 0.1);
Progressive pp = *pp_ptr;
Configuration_t qinit (2), qgoal (2);
qinit[0] = M_PI / 3; qinit[1] = -M_PI / 3;
qgoal[0] = -M_PI / 3; qgoal[1] = M_PI / 3;
Configuration_t qinitp = qinit,
qgoalp = qgoal;
REQUIRE_MESSAGE (cs->apply (qinitp), "Could not project " << qinit);
REQUIRE_MESSAGE (cs->apply (qgoalp), "Could not project " << qgoal);
value_type l = d (qinitp, qgoalp);
StraightPathPtr_t sp = StraightPath::create (r, qinitp, qgoalp, l);
std::ostream& out = std::cout;
hpp_test::pythonscript::start (out);
std::string n = "direct_path";
hpp_test::pythonscript::pathToVar (out, *sp, n);
hpp_test::pythonscript::plot (out, n);
sp = HPP_STATIC_PTR_CAST (StraightPath, sp->copy (cs));
n = "naive_projection";
hpp_test::pythonscript::pathToVar (out, *sp, n);
hpp_test::pythonscript::plot (out, n);
PathPtr_t pProj;
pp.apply (sp, pProj);
n = "proj_progressive";
hpp_test::pythonscript::pathToVar (out, *pProj, n);
hpp_test::pythonscript::plot (out, n);
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