- InStatePath::solve
BiRRT* does not work properly at all:
- discontinuities due to an algorithmic mistake involving qProj_
- not using path projectors, while it should
DiffusingPlanner does not work properly sometimes
- Some collisions were detected on paths solves for romeo-placard
both with discrete and continuous (Progressive, 0.2) path validations
- InStatePath::mergeLeafRoadmapWith
this is inefficient because the roadmap recomputes the connected
component at every step. A better merge function should be added to
- path optimizations after solving once :
They are done "locally" (for each of the leafs separately) in C++ with a
hard-coded optimizer (Graph-RandomShortcut) and then globally with the
command ps.addPathOptimizer("Graph-RandomShortcut"). Due to how this works,
this is like doing two times the same thing so the first should be removed.
However bugs have been observed when the global optimization is used (Core
dumped). For unknown reasons, in GraphOptimizer::optimize, the dynamic
cast of current->constraints() may fail on *some* 0-length paths. Ignoring
empty paths (the "if" I have added) seems to make the problem disappear
but the reason why some 0-length paths don't have the right Constraint type
is still to be found.