Florent Lamiraux authoredFlorent Lamiraux authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
NEWS 3.07 KiB
-*- outline -*-
* Make Path::operator() deprecated: use method Path::eval instead.
* Serialize several classes for save and loading roadmaps
* use shared pointers to class Problem only. Classes previously storing const
references to Problem now store const weak pointers. Classes that use to
take a const reference to problem in the constructor now take a const
shared pointer.
New in v4.10.0
* Add a parameter to set the center of the Gaussian configuration shooter.
* Fix bug in Reeds and Shepp paths when curvature is not equal to 1.
* Handle LockedJoint and Implicit instances in the same container in ProblemSolver class. make method ProblemSolver::addLockedJointToConfigProjector deprecated.
* Replace class ContinuousCollisionChecking by class ContinuousValidation for broader generalisation.
* Remove deprecated methods and files
- ProblemSolver::addLockedJoint,
- hpp::core::JointBoundException,
- include/hpp/core/continuous-collision-checking.hh,
- include/hpp/core/continuous-collision-checking/dichotomy.hh,
- include/hpp/core/continuous-collision-checking/progressive.hh,
- include/hpp/core/discretized-collision-checking.hh,
- include/hpp/core/discretized-path-validation.hh,
- include/hpp/core/locked-joint.hh,
- include/hpp/core/random-shortcut.hh,
- include/hpp/core/steering-method-straight.hh.
* in SteeringMethod, assert that if q1 == q2, operator() returns a path.
* class SplineGradientBased has been improved
- some bugs have been fixed,
- length of input path should not be 0.
* PathVector::extract(t,t) does not returns an empty path.
* InterpolatedPath supports non-zero start of interval of definition
* Add abstract class ObstacleUserInterface. This class is aimed at being parent of an class handling obstacles. Provide some implementations like
- ObstacleUser,
- ObstacleUserVector.
* Add method setSecurityMargin to class ObstacleUserInterface.
New in 4.6.0
* Keep frames of obstacles.
* Add Gaussian configuration shooter
* Enable computation of path derivative up to order 2 for path with time parameterization.
* Improve parameters in problem
* SimpleTimeParameterization accepts acceleration limits.
New in 4.1, 2018-05-17
* Diffusing Planner calls path projector if defined.
* ProblemSolver::directPath now calls path projector if defined.
* Implement Dubins, reverse Dubins (Snibud) steering methods
* Rewrite Reeds and Shepp steering method.
* In ProblemSolver, when loading new robot, reset obstacles.
* Move LockedJointPtr_t and JointAndShapes_t from hpp::manipulation::ProblemSolver
* Use MATHJAX for documentation generation.
* Explicit relative transformation takes values in SE3.
* Add getter to joint1 and joint2 in ExplicitRelativeTransform.
* Add k nearest neightbor search in whole roadmap.
* Implement k-PRM*.
* Implement continuousCollisionChecking::Progressive::filterCollisionPairs.
* Add accessor to the SteeringMethod::problem_.
* Add TimeParameterization and add it to Path.
* Fix loop of shared ptr of ConnectedComponent.
* member BasicConfigurationShooter is not a const reference anymore.