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Snippets Groups Projects

Matrix Webhook

Post a message to a matrix room with a simple HTTP POST


Create a matrix user for the bot, make it join the rooms you want it to talk into, and then set the following environment variables:

  • MATRIX_URL: the url of the matrix homeserver
  • MATRIX_ID: the user id of the bot on this server
  • MATRIX_PW: the password for this user
  • API_KEY: a secret to share with the users of the service
  • HOST: HOST to listen on, all interfaces if '' (default).
  • PORT: PORT to listed on, default to 4785.


pip3 install --user markdown matrix-nio


  • Use Traefik on the web docker network, eg. with
  • Put the configuration into a .env file
  • Configure your DNS for ${CHATONS_SERVICE:-matrixwebhook}.${CHATONS_DOMAIN:-localhost}
docker-compose up -d

Test / Usage

curl -d '{"text":"new contrib from toto: [44](http://radio.localhost/map/#44)", "key": "secret"}' \

(or localhost:4785 without docker)

Test room