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22 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.017Mar14Mar20Dec28Nov23151494331Oct20191265227Sep23222119922Aug191817831May262423201918171614109429Apr2827171514131211876523Mar1817141110786534324Feb19109828Jan25222120610Dec19Nov95420Oct19157612Sep109873128Aug2721201918171413121029Jun1829Apr27241730Mar2423111017Feb105426Jan25222019161512926Dec1918171612109864228Nov27264327Oct23226224Sep1918171675218Aug25Jul2317109843130Jun2726242019181716121164228May262221201816141098622Apr201817227Mar26252421201918171413121110728Feb271412111075330Jan292821201410712Dec96229Oct2820Sep1917131211109525Jun23May151Mar26Feb1812Mar29Nov2823171615325Oct2423222120[cmake] SynchronizeUpdate Test object and the riccatti equation unitary test.Remove c++0x because it is not compatible with pinocchio wo c++11Merge pull request #25 from proyan/masterv4.0.1v4.0.1Merge branch 'devel' of into devel[version] add .version file[c++][src/pinocchiorobot.cpp] body and BODY both are acceptable joint namesselect dynamic filter true for beamdiminish the time consuption of the dynamic filterdeactivate dynamic filter on Going Down 10 , add one step on beam motion. TODO: test beam motioncomz ok for going down 10 onlyimprove comz climbing, comz ok for going down 15 onlyfix .hip .pos .zmp file generationtrajectories foot going down 10 okbsplines trajectories with an old implementation on the 3 axes, climbing ok in simulationremake trajectories of the foot with different number of knots and control pointsrefactoring of foot trajectories, NOK10cm goingUpStairs okcheck the cost function and modify the weightsclean the .pos filemodify the weight in the cost fonction (to be verified)decrease the height of the the while climbinginstall without the x32 or x64 folderadd the morisawa tests climbing 10 15 and going down 10 15cmclean a bit the coderemove the fortran code from jrl-walkgenMerge branch 'devel' of into develfix Naveau using 5ms computation QuadProg and Pinocchioremove all lower bounds, add an initial guess on the warm start for the final foot positionadd the rotational constraint.back to 5ms solvinguse quadprog instead of QPOases, PG NAVEAU2015 provides nice plot (tobe tested in simulation).introduce quadprog again, clean the cmakelist, advance the codedactivate the dynamic filter on Naveau2015initialize de debug files properlyadd the weight m_k in the debug infofix the test on the dynamic filteringadd the tset on the dynamic filterwork on the naveau pg, add possibility to compute curent zmpmb,work on stair trajectory