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Fixed an error in the equations for feasible_ddp document, and improved it too (fix #155)

Carlos Mastalli requested to merge cmastall/crocoddyl:topic/fddp-doc into devel

These are the changes:

  • Added L_x and L_u terms into Qx​ and Q_u, respectively. (section 1.5.2)
  • Fixed k=Q_{uu}^{-1}Q_u and K=Q_{uu}^{-1}Q_{ux} formulas (section 1.5.2)
  • Removed grammar mistakes and typos.
  • Improved the text
  • Added a git ignore rule for doc folder.

I fixed the issue #155 (closed). However, I believe it's needed more work in order to improve the readability of the document.

Merge request reports