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  • Noëlie RAMUZAT's avatar
    Add simpleInverseDyn entity making TSID work with SoT (#71) · eab7fb4e
    Noëlie RAMUZAT authored
    * [Filter Utils] Change include of FilterDifferentiator now in sot-core
    filter_differentiator have been moved to sot-core
    * [Filter Utils] Change include of FilterDifferentiator now in sot-core
    filter_differentiator have been moved to sot-core
    * Create simple Inverse Dyn entity with posture and com TSID tasks
    * [SimpleInvDyn] Add waist and contact6D tasks to CoM and Posture ones
    Add outputs (q_des, v_des, u) and enum on output control modes to use the entity in torque or velocity.
    q_des and v_des are the integration of the desired acceleration computed by TSID
    u is the result of the desired torque computed + PD on posture des.
    Works with talos-torque-control package for sinusoid traj on the CoM in velocity control.
    * [SimpleInvDyn] Remove update q,v from robot in torque control
    They are used in the u signal for a PD+ control (cannot reuse them in the loop)
    * [SimpleInvDyn] Cleaning scripts and add comments
    * [Documentation] Add Doxygen documentation
    * [Documentation] Correction of the talos-torque-control repository url