From fd714611f520761f4aa1cc0dba449df58bae2d71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guilhem Saurel <>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2019 18:12:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Format

 doc/additionalDoc/codeorg.h                   |    2 +-
 doc/additionalDoc/e-operators.h               |    4 +-
 doc/additionalDoc/feature-doc.h               |    2 +-
 doc/additionalDoc/install-doc.h               |   17 +-
 doc/additionalDoc/namespace-doc.h             |    1 -
 doc/additionalDoc/package.h                   |  131 +-
 doc/additionalDoc/parameter-server-doc.h      |    2 +-
 doc/additionalDoc/sot-doc.h                   |    2 +-
 .../core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh   |   77 +-
 include/sot/core/additional-functions.hh      |   25 +-
 include/sot/core/api.hh                       |   14 +-
 include/sot/core/binary-int-to-uint.hh        |   41 +-
 include/sot/core/binary-op.hh                 |  107 +-
 include/sot/core/causal-filter.hh             |  116 +-
 include/sot/core/clamp-workspace.hh           |   73 +-
 include/sot/core/com-freezer.hh               |   67 +-
 include/sot/core/constraint.hh                |   74 +-
 include/sot/core/contiifstream.hh             |   29 +-
 include/sot/core/control-gr.hh                |   94 +-
 include/sot/core/control-pd.hh                |  121 +-
 include/sot/core/debug.hh                     |  379 +--
 include/sot/core/derivator-impl.hh            |   45 +-
 include/sot/core/derivator.hh                 |  168 +-
 include/sot/core/device.hh                    |  309 +-
 include/sot/core/event.hh                     |  169 +-
 include/sot/core/exception-abstract.hh        |  140 +-
 include/sot/core/exception-dynamic.hh         |   51 +-
 include/sot/core/exception-factory.hh         |   59 +-
 include/sot/core/exception-feature.hh         |   40 +-
 include/sot/core/exception-signal.hh          |   55 +-
 include/sot/core/exception-task.hh            |   49 +-
 include/sot/core/exception-tools.hh           |   65 +-
 include/sot/core/exp-moving-avg.hh            |   32 +-
 include/sot/core/factory.hh                   |    8 +-
 include/sot/core/feature-1d.hh                |   68 +-
 include/sot/core/feature-abstract.hh          |  517 ++--
 include/sot/core/feature-generic.hh           |   67 +-
 include/sot/core/feature-joint-limits.hh      |   72 +-
 include/sot/core/feature-line-distance.hh     |   69 +-
 include/sot/core/feature-point6d-relative.hh  |   64 +-
 include/sot/core/feature-point6d.hh           |  108 +-
 include/sot/core/feature-pose.hh              |  129 +-
 include/sot/core/feature-posture.hh           |   98 +-
 include/sot/core/feature-task.hh              |   49 +-
 include/sot/core/feature-vector3.hh           |   65 +-
 include/sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh      |   68 +-
 include/sot/core/filter-differentiator.hh     |  175 +-
 include/sot/core/fir-filter-impl.hh           |   46 +-
 include/sot/core/fir-filter.hh                |  460 ++-
 include/sot/core/flags.hh                     |  121 +-
 include/sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh             |   98 +-
 include/sot/core/gain-hyperbolic.hh           |   91 +-
 include/sot/core/gradient-ascent.hh           |   32 +-
 include/sot/core/gripper-control.hh           |  110 +-
 include/sot/core/integrator-abstract-impl.hh  |   42 +-
 include/sot/core/integrator-abstract.hh       |   95 +-
 include/sot/core/integrator-euler-impl.hh     |   50 +-
 include/sot/core/integrator-euler.hh          |  145 +-
 include/sot/core/joint-limitator.hh           |   79 +-
 include/sot/core/joint-trajectory-entity.hh   |   78 +-
 include/sot/core/kalman.hh                    |  223 +-
 include/sot/core/latch.hh                     |  109 +-
 include/sot/core/macros-signal.hh             |  241 +-
 include/sot/core/madgwickahrs.hh              |  163 +-
 include/sot/core/mailbox-vector.hh            |   30 +-
 include/sot/core/mailbox.hh                   |   51 +-
 include/sot/core/mailbox.hxx                  |  217 +-
 include/sot/core/matrix-constant.hh           |   45 +-
 include/sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh           |  166 +-
 include/sot/core/matrix-svd.hh                |   28 +-
 include/sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh           |   77 +-
 include/sot/core/motion-period.hh             |   66 +-
 include/sot/core/multi-bound.hh               |   71 +-
 include/sot/core/neck-limitation.hh           |   69 +-
 include/sot/core/op-point-modifier.hh         |   64 +-
 include/sot/core/parameter-server.hh          |  157 +-
 include/sot/core/periodic-call-entity.hh      |   48 +-
 include/sot/core/periodic-call.hh             |   60 +-
 include/sot/core/pool.hh                      |   47 +-
 include/sot/core/reader.hh                    |   71 +-
 include/sot/core/robot-simu.hh                |   51 +-
 include/sot/core/robot-utils.hh               |  385 +--
 include/sot/core/seq-play.hh                  |   80 +-
 include/sot/core/seqplay.hh                   |   81 +-
 include/sot/core/sequencer.hh                 |  153 +-
 include/sot/core/smooth-reach.hh              |   84 +-
 include/sot/core/sot.hh                       |  413 ++-
 include/sot/core/stop-watch.hh                |   77 +-
 include/sot/core/switch.hh                    |  114 +-
 include/sot/core/task-abstract.hh             |  103 +-
 include/sot/core/task-conti.hh                |   58 +-
 include/sot/core/task-pd.hh                   |   50 +-
 include/sot/core/task-unilateral.hh           |   54 +-
 include/sot/core/task.hh                      |   84 +-
 include/sot/core/time-stamp.hh                |   64 +-
 include/sot/core/timer.hh                     |  187 +-
 include/sot/core/trajectory.hh                |  189 +-
 include/sot/core/unary-op.hh                  |  101 +-
 include/sot/core/utils-windows.hh             |    7 +-
 include/sot/core/variadic-op.hh               |  292 +-
 include/sot/core/vector-constant.hh           |   44 +-
 include/sot/core/vector-to-rotation.hh        |   54 +-
 include/sot/core/visual-point-projecter.hh    |   63 +-
 src/control/control-gr.cpp                    |  126 +-
 src/control/control-pd.cpp                    |  121 +-
 src/debug/contiifstream.cpp                   |   54 +-
 src/debug/debug.cpp                           |   74 +-
 src/exception/exception-abstract.cpp          |   99 +-
 src/exception/exception-dynamic.cpp           |   28 +-
 src/exception/exception-factory.cpp           |   43 +-
 src/exception/exception-feature.cpp           |   27 +-
 src/exception/exception-signal.cpp            |   28 +-
 src/exception/exception-task.cpp              |   27 +-
 src/exception/exception-tools.cpp             |   27 +-
 src/factory/additional-functions.cpp          |   55 +-
 src/factory/pool.cpp                          |  298 +-
 src/feature/feature-1d.cpp                    |   82 +-
 src/feature/feature-abstract.cpp              |  149 +-
 src/feature/feature-generic.cpp               |  151 +-
 src/feature/feature-joint-limits-command.h    |   68 +-
 src/feature/feature-joint-limits.cpp          |  178 +-
 src/feature/feature-line-distance.cpp         |  325 +-
 src/feature/feature-point6d-relative.cpp      |  373 +--
 src/feature/feature-point6d.cpp               |  661 ++--
 src/feature/feature-pose.cpp                  |  329 +-
 src/feature/feature-posture.cpp               |  290 +-
 src/feature/feature-task.cpp                  |   22 +-
 src/feature/feature-vector3.cpp               |  134 +-
 src/feature/feature-visual-point.cpp          |  200 +-
 src/feature/visual-point-projecter.cpp        |  168 +-
 src/filters/causal-filter.cpp                 |  131 +-
 src/filters/filter-differentiator.cpp         |  328 +-
 src/filters/madgwickahrs.cpp                  |  466 ++-
 src/math/op-point-modifier.cpp                |  200 +-
 src/math/vector-quaternion.cpp                |  182 +-
 src/matrix/derivator.cpp                      |   68 +-
 src/matrix/fir-filter.cpp                     |  102 +-
 src/matrix/integrator-abstract.cpp            |   13 +-
 src/matrix/integrator-euler.cpp               |   18 +-
 src/matrix/integrator-euler.t.cpp             |   63 +-
 src/matrix/matrix-constant-command.h          |   77 +-
 src/matrix/matrix-constant.cpp                |   54 +-
 src/matrix/matrix-svd.cpp                     |   58 +-
 src/matrix/operator.cpp                       | 2090 +++++++------
 src/matrix/vector-constant-command.h          |   68 +-
 src/matrix/vector-constant.cpp                |   54 +-
 src/matrix/vector-to-rotation.cpp             |   93 +-
 src/signal/signal-cast.cpp                    |  396 ++-
 src/sot/flags.cpp                             |  661 ++--
 src/sot/memory-task-sot.cpp                   |   90 +-
 src/sot/rotation-simple.cpp                   |    6 +-
 src/sot/solver-hierarchical-inequalities.cpp  | 2726 +++++++++--------
 src/sot/sot-command.h                         |  415 ++-
 src/sot/sot-h.cpp                             |  504 ++-
 src/sot/sot-qr.cpp                            | 1290 ++++----
 src/sot/sot.cpp                               | 1204 ++++----
 src/sot/weighted-sot.cpp                      |  728 ++---
 src/task/constraint-command.h                 |   88 +-
 src/task/constraint.cpp                       |  128 +-
 src/task/gain-adaptive.cpp                    |  195 +-
 src/task/gain-hyperbolic.cpp                  |  115 +-
 src/task/multi-bound.cpp                      |  386 ++-
 src/task/task-abstract.cpp                    |   24 +-
 src/task/task-command.h                       |   77 +-
 src/task/task-conti.cpp                       |  114 +-
 src/task/task-pd.cpp                          |   87 +-
 src/task/task-unilateral.cpp                  |   69 +-
 src/task/task.cpp                             |  385 ++-
 src/tools/binary-int-to-uint.cpp              |   35 +-
 src/tools/clamp-workspace.cpp                 |  169 +-
 src/tools/com-freezer.cpp                     |   54 +-
 src/tools/device.cpp                          |  648 ++--
 src/tools/event.cpp                           |   33 +-
 src/tools/exp-moving-avg.cpp                  |   58 +-
 src/tools/gradient-ascent.cpp                 |   45 +-
 src/tools/gripper-control.cpp                 |  197 +-
 src/tools/joint-limitator.cpp                 |   94 +-
 src/tools/joint-trajectory-command.hh         |   58 +-
 src/tools/joint-trajectory-entity.cpp         |  330 +-
 src/tools/kalman.cpp                          |  333 +-
 src/tools/latch.cpp                           |    8 +-
 src/tools/mailbox-vector.cpp                  |    8 +-
 src/tools/motion-period.cpp                   |  118 +-
 src/tools/neck-limitation.cpp                 |  185 +-
 src/tools/parameter-server.cpp                |  582 ++--
 src/tools/periodic-call-entity.cpp            |   47 +-
 src/tools/periodic-call.cpp                   |  216 +-
 src/tools/robot-simu.cpp                      |   58 +-
 src/tools/robot-utils-py.cpp                  |   96 +-
 src/tools/robot-utils.cpp                     |  993 +++---
 src/tools/seq-play.cpp                        |  118 +-
 src/tools/sequencer.cpp                       |  345 +--
 src/tools/smooth-reach.cpp                    |  156 +-
 src/tools/smooth-reach.hpp                    |   80 +-
 src/tools/switch.cpp                          |   26 +-
 src/tools/time-stamp.cpp                      |   81 +-
 src/tools/timer.cpp                           |   61 +-
 src/tools/trajectory.cpp                      |  379 +--
 src/tools/type-name-helper.hh                 |   38 +-
 src/tools/utils-windows.cpp                   |   66 +-
 src/traces/reader.cpp                         |  178 +-
 src/utils/stop-watch.cpp                      |  304 +-
 unitTesting/control/test_control_pd.cpp       |   14 +-
 unitTesting/dummy.cpp                         |    3 +-
 unitTesting/factory/test_factory.cpp          |  158 +-
 unitTesting/features/test_feature_generic.cpp |  723 +++--
 unitTesting/features/test_feature_point6d.cpp |  142 +-
 .../filters/test_filter_differentiator.cpp    |   60 +-
 unitTesting/filters/test_madgwick_ahrs.cpp    |   32 +-
 unitTesting/filters/test_madgwick_arhs.cpp    |   54 +-
 unitTesting/math/matrix-homogeneous.cpp       |  138 +-
 unitTesting/math/matrix-twist.cpp             |  250 +-
 unitTesting/matrix/test_operator.cpp          |  200 +-
 unitTesting/python/CMakeLists.txt             |    2 +-
 unitTesting/python/       |   18 +-
 unitTesting/signal/test_dep.cpp               |  207 +-
 unitTesting/signal/test_depend.cpp            |  203 +-
 unitTesting/signal/test_ptr.cpp               |  121 +-
 unitTesting/signal/test_ptrcast.cpp           |   14 +-
 unitTesting/signal/test_signal.cpp            |   85 +-
 unitTesting/sot/test_solverSoth.cpp           |  853 +++---
 unitTesting/sot/tsot.cpp                      |   55 +-
 unitTesting/task/test_flags.cpp               |   90 +-
 unitTesting/task/test_gain.cpp                |   37 +-
 unitTesting/task/test_multi_bound.cpp         |   57 +-
 unitTesting/task/test_task.cpp                |   56 +-
 unitTesting/tools/                   |   44 +-
 unitTesting/tools/plugin.hh                   |   11 +-
 unitTesting/tools/test_abstract_interface.cpp |   47 +-
 unitTesting/tools/test_boost.cpp              |  349 ++-
 unitTesting/tools/test_control_pd.cpp         |    9 +-
 unitTesting/tools/test_device.cpp             |   37 +-
 unitTesting/tools/test_mailbox.cpp            |   38 +-
 unitTesting/tools/test_matrix.cpp             |   65 +-
 unitTesting/tools/test_robot_utils.cpp        |  136 +-
 unitTesting/traces/files.cpp                  |   19 +-
 unitTesting/traces/test_traces.cpp            |   42 +-
 237 files changed, 18641 insertions(+), 20170 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/additionalDoc/codeorg.h b/doc/additionalDoc/codeorg.h
index 4462f499..9eaeb694 100644
--- a/doc/additionalDoc/codeorg.h
+++ b/doc/additionalDoc/codeorg.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /** \page codeorganization Code organization
     \section sec_organization Organization of the code
 The code is based on the <c>dynamic-graph</c> package, which provides the
 framework on which sot-core relies. Hence most of the code in <c>sot-core</c>
 consists of classes that derive from dynamic_graph::Entity.
diff --git a/doc/additionalDoc/e-operators.h b/doc/additionalDoc/e-operators.h
index 2ac68dd7..743f6213 100644
--- a/doc/additionalDoc/e-operators.h
+++ b/doc/additionalDoc/e-operators.h
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 \subsection ssubp_unitary_op Vector selector
-This entity output a vector remapping an input vector 
+This entity output a vector remapping an input vector
 \f${\bf v}_{in}=[v_0,v_1,\cdots,v_n]\f$.
 It is realized by specifying bounds such as \f$({[i,j],[k,l]})\f$,
 then the output vector will be the contanetion of the
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ intervals extracted from the input vector:
 \f${\bf v}_{out}=[v_i,v_{i+1},\cdots,v_{j-1},v_{j},v_{k},
 For instance if we have an input vector
-such that: 
+such that:
diff --git a/doc/additionalDoc/feature-doc.h b/doc/additionalDoc/feature-doc.h
index 50dec82f..4adaabe8 100644
--- a/doc/additionalDoc/feature-doc.h
+++ b/doc/additionalDoc/feature-doc.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
     <li> Feature1D : \f$ L_2 \f$  norm of \f$ e(t)\f$
-    <li> FeatureGeneric : Externalisation of the Feature computation 
+    <li> FeatureGeneric : Externalisation of the Feature computation
     dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureGeneric </li>
     <li> FeatureJointLimits : Distance to the joint limits and its Jacobian
     dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureJointLimits </li>
diff --git a/doc/additionalDoc/install-doc.h b/doc/additionalDoc/install-doc.h
index c2d81abb..e1c46bca 100644
--- a/doc/additionalDoc/install-doc.h
+++ b/doc/additionalDoc/install-doc.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This library is based on several packages:
  \li <c>pthread</c>
  \li <c>python</c>
  \li <c>pinocchio</c> (
 Their presence will be checked with the use of pkg-config.
 \section sec_installation Installation
@@ -23,15 +23,12 @@ extension</a>.
 A short and quick way to get it on 16.04 LTS is to do the following:
 sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/robotpkg.list <<EOF
-deb [arch=amd64] kinetic robotpkg
-deb [arch=amd64] kinetic robotpkg
-This created a file to add robotpkg and robotpkg/wip as apt repositories.
-To identify the packages from this repository the server key must be added:
-curl |
-   sudo apt-key add -
+deb [arch=amd64] kinetic
+robotpkg deb [arch=amd64]
+kinetic robotpkg EOF \endverbatim This created a file to add robotpkg and
+robotpkg/wip as apt repositories. To identify the packages from this repository
+the server key must be added: \verbatim curl
+ | sudo apt-key add -
 The list of available packages is provided through:
diff --git a/doc/additionalDoc/namespace-doc.h b/doc/additionalDoc/namespace-doc.h
index 49e338a4..861e001f 100644
--- a/doc/additionalDoc/namespace-doc.h
+++ b/doc/additionalDoc/namespace-doc.h
@@ -7,4 +7,3 @@
     This is the namespace for a subset of helperd classes related to the
     implementation of the Stack-Of-Tasks.
diff --git a/doc/additionalDoc/package.h b/doc/additionalDoc/package.h
index 10869526..79b33ab4 100644
--- a/doc/additionalDoc/package.h
+++ b/doc/additionalDoc/package.h
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ having high level software capabilities, like plugins and python scripting.
 The package includes the following functionnalities:
 <li> A parameter server object to register and collect information on your
-robot (see \subpage page_parameter_server) </li> 
+robot (see \subpage page_parameter_server) </li>
 <li> From the internal SoT point of view a class called Device which is
 allowing a direct interaction with your robot.</li>
 <li> From the extern SoT point of view a class which makes the connection
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ either with the hardware or with a simulator </li>
 <li> A full kinematic engine implemented in an incremental manner.</li>
-\subpage page_RequirementsInstallation 
+\subpage page_RequirementsInstallation
-\subpage page_featuredoc 
+\subpage page_featuredoc
 \subpage page_sot
@@ -52,10 +52,9 @@ A hierarchical inequality solver, sot::SolverHierarchicalInequalities, is
 present. For the maths, see \cite Mansard2007.
 \subsection subsec_exceptions Exceptions
-The library defines the following classes of exceptions that derive from std::exception:
-\li sot::ExceptionAbstract (the base class for all exceptions in sot-core; use it to
-catch only sot-core exceptions)
-\li sot::ExceptionDynamic
+The library defines the following classes of exceptions that derive from
+std::exception: \li sot::ExceptionAbstract (the base class for all exceptions in
+sot-core; use it to catch only sot-core exceptions) \li sot::ExceptionDynamic
 \li sot::ExceptionFactory (raised if issues in instancing tasks and features)
 \li sot::ExceptionFeature (raised by a feature - see \ref subsec_Features)
 \li sot::ExceptionSignal
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ Tasks are the hierarchical element of the stack of tasks.
 A task computes a value and a Jacobian as output signals.
 Once stacked into a solver, the solver will compute the control vector
-that makes the task value converge toward zero in the 
+that makes the task value converge toward zero in the
 order defined by the priority levels. For more information see the documentation
 of class dynamicgraph::sot:TaskAbstract.
@@ -87,8 +86,9 @@ The following classes encapsulate common mathematical objects, and
 are all defined in the core library; see each individual class documentation
 for reference.
 \li Vectors: (sot::VectorQuaternion, sot::VectorRollPitchYaw, sot::VectorUTheta)
-\li Matrices: (sot::MatrixForce, sot::MatrixHomogeneous, sot::MatrixRotation, sot::MatrixTwist)
-\li sot::MultiBound can be used to enforce bounds on numeric values
+\li Matrices: (sot::MatrixForce, sot::MatrixHomogeneous, sot::MatrixRotation,
+sot::MatrixTwist) \li sot::MultiBound can be used to enforce bounds on numeric
 \subsection subsec_others Others
 The core library also contains functions for adaptation and extension of
@@ -101,61 +101,61 @@ See \ref factory for additional information.
 \defgroup plugins_list List of python modules
 These python modules are linked with the core library.
-	sot/sot-qr
-	sot/weighted-sot
-	sot/sot-h
-	sot/sot
-	math/op-point-modifier
-	matrix/binary-op
-	matrix/derivator
-	matrix/fir-filter
-	matrix/integrator-abstract
-	matrix/integrator-euler
-	matrix/matrix-constant
-	matrix/unary-op
-	matrix/vector-constant
-	matrix/vector-to-rotation
-	task/gain-adaptive
-	task/task-pd
-	task/constraint
-	task/gain-hyperbolic
-	task/task
-	task/task-conti
-	task/task-unilateral
-	feature/feature-point6d
-	feature/feature-vector3
-	feature/feature-generic
-	feature/feature-joint-limits
-	feature/feature-1d
-	feature/feature-point6d-relative
-	feature/feature-visual-point
-	feature/feature-task
-	feature/feature-line-distance
-	traces/reader
-	tools/time-stamp
-	tools/timer
-	tools/seq-play
-	tools/sequencer
-	tools/robot-simu
-	tools/periodic-call-entity
-	tools/motion-period
-	tools/neck-limitation
-	tools/mailbox-vector
-	tools/kalman
-	tools/joint-limitator
-	tools/gripper-control
-	tools/com-freezer
-	tools/clamp-workspace
-	tools/binary-int-to-uint
-	control/control-gr
-	control/control-pd
+        sot/sot-qr
+        sot/weighted-sot
+        sot/sot-h
+        sot/sot
+        math/op-point-modifier
+        matrix/binary-op
+        matrix/derivator
+        matrix/fir-filter
+        matrix/integrator-abstract
+        matrix/integrator-euler
+        matrix/matrix-constant
+        matrix/unary-op
+        matrix/vector-constant
+        matrix/vector-to-rotation
+        task/gain-adaptive
+        task/task-pd
+        task/constraint
+        task/gain-hyperbolic
+        task/task
+        task/task-conti
+        task/task-unilateral
+        feature/feature-point6d
+        feature/feature-vector3
+        feature/feature-generic
+        feature/feature-joint-limits
+        feature/feature-1d
+        feature/feature-point6d-relative
+        feature/feature-visual-point
+        feature/feature-task
+        feature/feature-line-distance
+        traces/reader
+        tools/time-stamp
+        tools/timer
+        tools/seq-play
+        tools/sequencer
+        tools/robot-simu
+        tools/periodic-call-entity
+        tools/motion-period
+        tools/neck-limitation
+        tools/mailbox-vector
+        tools/kalman
+        tools/joint-limitator
+        tools/gripper-control
+        tools/com-freezer
+        tools/clamp-workspace
+        tools/binary-int-to-uint
+        control/control-gr
+        control/control-pd
 @defgroup factory Factory
@@ -185,4 +185,3 @@ They are all located in the tests directory.
diff --git a/doc/additionalDoc/parameter-server-doc.h b/doc/additionalDoc/parameter-server-doc.h
index 834da845..c761550f 100644
--- a/doc/additionalDoc/parameter-server-doc.h
+++ b/doc/additionalDoc/parameter-server-doc.h
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
     In order to register and recover information on your robot it is possible
     to register information using the class dynamicgraph::sot::RobotUtil.
diff --git a/doc/additionalDoc/sot-doc.h b/doc/additionalDoc/sot-doc.h
index 5a3950d8..27345ee1 100644
--- a/doc/additionalDoc/sot-doc.h
+++ b/doc/additionalDoc/sot-doc.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /** \page page_sot Stack-of-Tasks
     As explained in class dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureAbstract,
     {\bf E}(t) = {\bf e}({\bf q}(t), t)= {\bf s}({\bf q}(t)) - {\bf s}^*(t)
diff --git a/include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh b/include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh
index 18c1fca7..ef94adbc 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh
@@ -9,63 +9,60 @@
-#include <vector>
 #include <map>
-#include <string>
 #include <sot/core/api.hh>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    class SOT_CORE_EXPORT NamedVector
-    {
-    private:
-      std::string name_;
-      std::vector<double> values_;
+namespace sot {
-    public:
-      NamedVector() {}
-      ~NamedVector() {}
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT NamedVector {
-      const std::string & getName() const
-      { return name_;}
+  std::string name_;
+  std::vector<double> values_;
-      void setName(const std::string & aname)
-      { name_ = aname;}
+  NamedVector() {}
+  ~NamedVector() {}
-      const std::vector<double> & getValues() const
-      { return values_;}
+  const std::string &getName() const { return name_; }
-      void setValues(const std::vector<double> & values)
-      { values_ = values;}
+  void setName(const std::string &aname) { name_ = aname; }
-    };
-    typedef NamedVector SensorValues;
-    typedef NamedVector ControlValues;
+  const std::vector<double> &getValues() const { return values_; }
-    class SOT_CORE_EXPORT AbstractSotExternalInterface
-    {
-    public:
+  void setValues(const std::vector<double> &values) { values_ = values; }
+typedef NamedVector SensorValues;
+typedef NamedVector ControlValues;
-      AbstractSotExternalInterface(){}
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT AbstractSotExternalInterface {
+  AbstractSotExternalInterface() {}
-      virtual ~AbstractSotExternalInterface(){}
+  virtual ~AbstractSotExternalInterface() {}
-      virtual void setupSetSensors(std::map<std::string,SensorValues> &sensorsIn)=0;
+  virtual void
+  setupSetSensors(std::map<std::string, SensorValues> &sensorsIn) = 0;
-      virtual void nominalSetSensors(std::map<std::string, SensorValues> &sensorsIn)=0;
+  virtual void
+  nominalSetSensors(std::map<std::string, SensorValues> &sensorsIn) = 0;
-      virtual void cleanupSetSensors(std::map<std::string,SensorValues> &sensorsIn)=0;
+  virtual void
+  cleanupSetSensors(std::map<std::string, SensorValues> &sensorsIn) = 0;
-      virtual void getControl(std::map<std::string,ControlValues> &)=0;
-      virtual void setSecondOrderIntegration(void)=0;
-      virtual void setNoIntegration(void)=0;
-    };
-  }
+  virtual void getControl(std::map<std::string, ControlValues> &) = 0;
+  virtual void setSecondOrderIntegration(void) = 0;
+  virtual void setNoIntegration(void) = 0;
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
-typedef dynamicgraph::sot::AbstractSotExternalInterface * createSotExternalInterface_t();
-typedef void destroySotExternalInterface_t (dynamicgraph::sot::AbstractSotExternalInterface *);
+typedef dynamicgraph::sot::AbstractSotExternalInterface *
+typedef void destroySotExternalInterface_t(
+    dynamicgraph::sot::AbstractSotExternalInterface *);
diff --git a/include/sot/core/additional-functions.hh b/include/sot/core/additional-functions.hh
index cb2effac..c4f82e00 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/additional-functions.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/additional-functions.hh
@@ -8,34 +8,35 @@
 /* SOT */
+#include "sot/core/api.hh"
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-base.h>
 #include <sot/core/exception-factory.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <sot/core/pool.hh>
-#include "sot/core/api.hh"
 /* --- STD --- */
-#include <string>
 #include <map>
 #include <sstream>
+#include <string>
 /* --- BOOST --- */
-#include <boost/function.hpp>
 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <boost/function.hpp>
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 /*! @ingroup factory
   \brief This helper class dynamically overloads the "new" shell command
   to allow creation of tasks and features as well as entities.
-class AdditionalFunctions
+class AdditionalFunctions {
-	AdditionalFunctions();
-	~AdditionalFunctions();
-	static void cmdFlagSet( const std::string& cmd,std::istringstream& args,
-						   std::ostream& os );
+  AdditionalFunctions();
+  ~AdditionalFunctions();
+  static void cmdFlagSet(const std::string &cmd, std::istringstream &args,
+                         std::ostream &os);
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/api.hh b/include/sot/core/api.hh
index 28e3e01f..bf357141 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/api.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/api.hh
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
 #ifndef SOT_CORE_API_HH
 #define SOT_CORE_API_HH
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  ifdef sot_core_EXPORTS
-#    define SOT_CORE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOT_CORE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#ifdef sot_core_EXPORTS
+#define SOT_CORE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  define SOT_CORE_EXPORT
+#define SOT_CORE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
diff --git a/include/sot/core/binary-int-to-uint.hh b/include/sot/core/binary-int-to-uint.hh
index 366175c8..e61879f1 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/binary-int-to-uint.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/binary-int-to-uint.hh
@@ -15,51 +15,48 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (binary_int_to_uint_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTBINARYINTTOUINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTBINARYINTTOUINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(binary_int_to_uint_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTBINARYINTTOUINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTBINARYINTTOUINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-  : public dg::Entity
+class SOTBINARYINTTOUINT_EXPORT BinaryIntToUint : public dg::Entity {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-  dg::SignalPtr< int,int > binaryIntSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< unsigned,int > binaryUintSOUT;
+  dg::SignalPtr<int, int> binaryIntSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<unsigned, int> binaryUintSOUT;
-  BinaryIntToUint( const std::string& name );
+  BinaryIntToUint(const std::string &name);
   virtual ~BinaryIntToUint() {}
-  virtual unsigned& computeOutput( unsigned& res,int time );
+  virtual unsigned &computeOutput(unsigned &res, int time);
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/binary-op.hh b/include/sot/core/binary-op.hh
index a741d729..43d0277a 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/binary-op.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/binary-op.hh
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
+#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 /* STD */
 #include <string>
@@ -30,61 +30,56 @@
 #include <boost/function.hpp>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< typename Operator >
-    class BinaryOp
-      :public Entity
-    {
-      Operator op;
-      typedef typename Operator::Tin1 Tin1;
-      typedef typename Operator::Tin2 Tin2;
-      typedef typename Operator::Tout Tout;
-      typedef BinaryOp<Operator> Self;
+namespace sot {
-    public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-      static std::string getTypeIn1Name( void ) { return Operator::nameTypeIn1(); }
-      static std::string getTypeIn2Name( void ) { return Operator::nameTypeIn2(); }
-      static std::string getTypeOutName( void ) { return Operator::nameTypeOut(); }
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName  () const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-      std::string getDocString () const { return op.getDocString ();}
-      BinaryOp( const std::string& name )
-	: Entity(name)
-	,SIN1(NULL,BinaryOp::CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::input("+getTypeIn1Name()+")::sin1")
-	,SIN2(NULL,CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::input("+getTypeIn2Name()+")::sin2")
-	,SOUT( boost::bind(&Self::computeOperation,this,_1,_2),
-	       SIN1<<SIN2,CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::output("+getTypeOutName()+")::sout")
-	{
-	  signalRegistration( SIN1<<SIN2<<SOUT );
-	  op.addSpecificCommands(*this,commandMap);
-	}
-      virtual ~BinaryOp( void ) {};
-    public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
-      SignalPtr<Tin1,int> SIN1;
-      SignalPtr<Tin2,int> SIN2;
-      SignalTimeDependent<Tout,int> SOUT;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    protected:
-      Tout& computeOperation( Tout& res,int time )
-	{
-	  const Tin1 &x1 = SIN1(time);
-	  const Tin2 &x2 = SIN2(time);
-	  op(x1,x2,res);
-	  return res;
-	}
-    };
-  } // namespace sot
+template <typename Operator> class BinaryOp : public Entity {
+  Operator op;
+  typedef typename Operator::Tin1 Tin1;
+  typedef typename Operator::Tin2 Tin2;
+  typedef typename Operator::Tout Tout;
+  typedef BinaryOp<Operator> Self;
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  static std::string getTypeIn1Name(void) { return Operator::nameTypeIn1(); }
+  static std::string getTypeIn2Name(void) { return Operator::nameTypeIn2(); }
+  static std::string getTypeOutName(void) { return Operator::nameTypeOut(); }
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName() const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  std::string getDocString() const { return op.getDocString(); }
+  BinaryOp(const std::string &name)
+      : Entity(name),
+        SIN1(NULL, BinaryOp::CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::input(" +
+                       getTypeIn1Name() + ")::sin1"),
+        SIN2(NULL, CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::input(" + getTypeIn2Name() +
+                       ")::sin2"),
+        SOUT(boost::bind(&Self::computeOperation, this, _1, _2), SIN1 << SIN2,
+             CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::output(" + getTypeOutName() +
+                 ")::sout") {
+    signalRegistration(SIN1 << SIN2 << SOUT);
+    op.addSpecificCommands(*this, commandMap);
+  }
+  virtual ~BinaryOp(void){};
+public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  SignalPtr<Tin1, int> SIN1;
+  SignalPtr<Tin2, int> SIN2;
+  SignalTimeDependent<Tout, int> SOUT;
+  Tout &computeOperation(Tout &res, int time) {
+    const Tin1 &x1 = SIN1(time);
+    const Tin2 &x2 = SIN2(time);
+    op(x1, x2, res);
+    return res;
+  }
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef SOT_CORE_BINARYOP_HH
diff --git a/include/sot/core/causal-filter.hh b/include/sot/core/causal-filter.hh
index 66fd8dab..8f3110d5 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/causal-filter.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/causal-filter.hh
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
  * with sot-torque-control.  If not, see <>.
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -26,69 +24,67 @@
 /** \addtogroup Filters
     \section subsec_causalfilter CausalFilter
     Filter data with an IIR or FIR filter.
-    Filter a data sequence, \f$x\f$, using a digital filter. 
-    The filter is a direct form II transposed implementation 
+    Filter a data sequence, \f$x\f$, using a digital filter.
+    The filter is a direct form II transposed implementation
     of the standard difference equation.
     This means that the filter implements:
     \f$ a[0]*y[N] = b[0]*x[N] + b[1]*x[N-1] + ... + b[m-1]*x[N-(m-1)]
     - a[1]*y[N-1] - ... - a[n-1]*y[N-(n-1)] \f$
-    where \f$m\f$ is the degree of the numerator, 
-    \f$n\f$ is the degree of the denominator, 
+    where \f$m\f$ is the degree of the numerator,
+    \f$n\f$ is the degree of the denominator,
     and \f$N\f$ is the sample number
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    class CausalFilter
-    {
-    public:
-      /** --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- 
-	  \param[in] timestep
-	  \param[in] xSize
-	  \param[in] filter_numerator
-	  \param[in] filter_denominator
-	  xSize is 
-      */
-      CausalFilter(const double &timestep,
-		   const int& xSize,
-		   const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_numerator,
-		   const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_denominator);
-      void get_x_dx_ddx(const Eigen::VectorXd& base_x,
-			Eigen::VectorXd& x_output_dx_ddx);
-      void switch_filter(const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_numerator,
-			 const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_denominator);
-    private:
-      /// sampling timestep of the input signal
-      double m_dt;
-      /// Size 
-      int m_x_size;
-      /// Size of the numerator \f$m\f$
-      Eigen::VectorXd::Index m_filter_order_m;
-      /// Size of the denominator \f$n\f$
-      Eigen::VectorXd::Index m_filter_order_n;
-      /// Coefficients of the numerator \f$b\f$
-      Eigen::VectorXd m_filter_numerator;
-      /// Coefficients of the denominator \f$a\f$
-      Eigen::VectorXd m_filter_denominator;
-      bool m_first_sample;
-      /// 
-      int m_pt_numerator;
-      int m_pt_denominator;
-      Eigen::MatrixXd m_input_buffer;
-      Eigen::MatrixXd m_output_buffer;
-    }; // class CausalFilter
-  } /// core
-} /// sot 
+namespace sot {
+class CausalFilter {
+  /** --- CONSTRUCTOR ----
+      \param[in] timestep
+      \param[in] xSize
+      \param[in] filter_numerator
+      \param[in] filter_denominator
+      xSize is
+  */
+  CausalFilter(const double &timestep, const int &xSize,
+               const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_numerator,
+               const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_denominator);
+  void get_x_dx_ddx(const Eigen::VectorXd &base_x,
+                    Eigen::VectorXd &x_output_dx_ddx);
+  void switch_filter(const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_numerator,
+                     const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_denominator);
+  /// sampling timestep of the input signal
+  double m_dt;
+  /// Size
+  int m_x_size;
+  /// Size of the numerator \f$m\f$
+  Eigen::VectorXd::Index m_filter_order_m;
+  /// Size of the denominator \f$n\f$
+  Eigen::VectorXd::Index m_filter_order_n;
+  /// Coefficients of the numerator \f$b\f$
+  Eigen::VectorXd m_filter_numerator;
+  /// Coefficients of the denominator \f$a\f$
+  Eigen::VectorXd m_filter_denominator;
+  bool m_first_sample;
+  ///
+  int m_pt_numerator;
+  int m_pt_denominator;
+  Eigen::MatrixXd m_input_buffer;
+  Eigen::MatrixXd m_output_buffer;
+}; // class CausalFilter
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif /* _SOT_CORE_CAUSAL_FILTER_H_ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/clamp-workspace.hh b/include/sot/core/clamp-workspace.hh
index 0fa65e87..d82905ed 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/clamp-workspace.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/clamp-workspace.hh
@@ -18,64 +18,59 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (clamp_workspace_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTCLAMPWORKSPACE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTCLAMPWORKSPACE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(clamp_workspace_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTCLAMPWORKSPACE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTCLAMPWORKSPACE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  : public dg::Entity
- public:
+class SOTCLAMPWORKSPACE_EXPORT ClampWorkspace : public dg::Entity {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> positionrefSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> positionSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix, int> alphaSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix, int> alphabarSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous, int> handrefSOUT;
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous,int > positionrefSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous,int > positionSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int > alphaSOUT;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int > alphabarSOUT;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous,int > handrefSOUT;
+  ClampWorkspace(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~ClampWorkspace(void) {}
- public:
+  void update(int time);
-  ClampWorkspace( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~ClampWorkspace( void ) {}
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeOutput(dg::Matrix &res, int time);
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeOutputBar(dg::Matrix &res, int time);
+  virtual MatrixHomogeneous &computeRef(MatrixHomogeneous &res, int time);
-  void update( int time );
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeOutput( dg::Matrix& res, int time );
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeOutputBar( dg::Matrix& res, int time );
-  virtual MatrixHomogeneous& computeRef( MatrixHomogeneous& res, int time );
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& ) const;
- private:
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &) const;
   int timeUpdate;
   dg::Matrix alpha;
@@ -95,16 +90,12 @@ class SOTCLAMPWORKSPACE_EXPORT ClampWorkspace
   double theta_max;
   int mode;
-  enum {
-  } frame;
+  enum { FRAME_POINT, FRAME_REF } frame;
-  std::pair<double,double> bounds[3];
+  std::pair<double, double> bounds[3];
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/com-freezer.hh b/include/sot/core/com-freezer.hh
index 283016d0..6e4a7aee 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/com-freezer.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/com-freezer.hh
@@ -19,25 +19,25 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (com_freezer_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTCOMFREEZER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTCOMFREEZER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(com_freezer_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTCOMFREEZER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTCOMFREEZER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -45,38 +45,33 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-: public dg::Entity
-  public:
-    static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-    virtual const std::string & getClassName() const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+class SOTCOMFREEZER_EXPORT CoMFreezer : public dg::Entity {
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName() const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-  private:
-    dg::Vector m_lastCoM;
-    bool m_previousPGInProcess;
-    int m_lastStopTime;
+  dg::Vector m_lastCoM;
+  bool m_previousPGInProcess;
+  int m_lastStopTime;
-  public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-    CoMFreezer(const std::string & name);
-    virtual ~CoMFreezer(void);
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  CoMFreezer(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~CoMFreezer(void);
-  public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
-    dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> CoMRefSIN;
-    dg::SignalPtr<unsigned, int>  PGInProcessSIN;
-    dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> freezedCoMSOUT;
+public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> CoMRefSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<unsigned, int> PGInProcessSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> freezedCoMSOUT;
-  public: /* --- FUNCTION --- */
-    dg::Vector& computeFreezedCoM(dg::Vector & freezedCoM, const int& time);
+public: /* --- FUNCTION --- */
+  dg::Vector &computeFreezedCoM(dg::Vector &freezedCoM, const int &time);
-  public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
-    virtual void display(std::ostream & os) const;
+public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_SOTCOMFREEZER_H_H */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/constraint.hh b/include/sot/core/constraint.hh
index 919964d5..57e9442e 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/constraint.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/constraint.hh
@@ -22,65 +22,61 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 #include <string>
 /* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <sot/core/exception-signal.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
 #include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 #include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
-#include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-signal.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (constraint_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTCONSTRAINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTCONSTRAINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(constraint_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTCONSTRAINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTCONSTRAINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    class SOTCONSTRAINT_EXPORT Constraint
-      : public TaskAbstract
-    {
-    protected:
-      typedef std::list< Signal<dg::Matrix,int>* > JacobianList;
-      JacobianList jacobianList;
+class SOTCONSTRAINT_EXPORT Constraint : public TaskAbstract {
+  typedef std::list<Signal<dg::Matrix, int> *> JacobianList;
+  JacobianList jacobianList;
-    public:
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-    public:
-      Constraint( const std::string& n );
+  Constraint(const std::string &n);
-      void addJacobian( Signal<dg::Matrix,int>& sig );
-      void clearJacobianList( void );
+  void addJacobian(Signal<dg::Matrix, int> &sig);
+  void clearJacobianList(void);
-      void setControlSelection( const Flags& act );
-      void addControlSelection( const Flags& act );
-      void clearControlSelection( void );
+  void setControlSelection(const Flags &act);
+  void addControlSelection(const Flags &act);
+  void clearControlSelection(void);
-      /* --- COMPUTATION --- */
-      dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& J,int time );
+  /* --- COMPUTATION --- */
+  dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &J, int time);
-      /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-      SOTCONSTRAINT_EXPORT friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os,const Constraint& t );
-    };
-  } // namespace sot
+  /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+  SOTCONSTRAINT_EXPORT friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                                       const Constraint &t);
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_CONSTRAINT_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/contiifstream.hh b/include/sot/core/contiifstream.hh
index e0e429c0..3a3ebe82 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/contiifstream.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/contiifstream.hh
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <fstream>
 #include <sstream>
 #ifndef WIN32
@@ -27,36 +26,38 @@
 #include <pthread.h>
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT Contiifstream
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT Contiifstream {
   std::string filename;
   std::streamoff cursor;
   static const unsigned int BUFFER_SIZE = 256;
   char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
-  std::list< std::string > reader;
+  std::list<std::string> reader;
   bool first;
 public: /* --- Constructor --- */
-  Contiifstream( const std::string& n="" );
-  ~Contiifstream( void );
-  void open( const std::string& n ) { filename=n; cursor=0; }
+  Contiifstream(const std::string &n = "");
+  ~Contiifstream(void);
+  void open(const std::string &n) {
+    filename = n;
+    cursor = 0;
+  }
 public: /* --- READ FILE --- */
-  bool loop( void );
+  bool loop(void);
 public: /* --- READ LIST --- */
-  inline bool ready( void ) { return 0<reader.size();}
-  std::string next( void ) ;
+  inline bool ready(void) { return 0 < reader.size(); }
+  std::string next(void);
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_CONTIIFSTREAM_HH__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/control-gr.hh b/include/sot/core/control-gr.hh
index 34f3f3ba..0ba768e9 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/control-gr.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/control-gr.hh
@@ -19,80 +19,68 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (control_gr_EXPORTS)
-#    define ControlGR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define ControlGR_EXPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(control_gr_EXPORTS)
+#define ControlGR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define ControlGR_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  define ControlGR_EXPORT
+#define ControlGR_EXPORT
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    class ControlGR_EXPORT ControlGR
-      : public Entity
-    {
+namespace sot {
-    public: /* --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
-      ControlGR( const std::string & name );
-    public: /* --- INIT --- */
-      void init( const double& step);
-    public: /* --- CONSTANTS --- */
-      /* Default values. */
-      static const double TIME_STEP_DEFAULT;   // = 0.001
-    public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    protected:
+class ControlGR_EXPORT ControlGR : public Entity {
-      /* Parameters of the torque-control function:
-       * tau = - A*qddot = g */
-      double TimeStep;
-      double _dimension;
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
+  ControlGR(const std::string &name);
-    public:  /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+public: /* --- INIT --- */
+  void init(const double &step);
-      SignalPtr<dg::Matrix,int> matrixASIN;
-      SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> accelerationSIN;
-      SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> gravitySIN;
-      SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> controlSOUT;
+public: /* --- CONSTANTS --- */
+  /* Default values. */
+  static const double TIME_STEP_DEFAULT; // = 0.001
-    protected:
+public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-      double& setsize(int dimension);
-      dg::Vector& computeControl( dg::Vector& tau,int t );
+  /* Parameters of the torque-control function:
+   * tau = - A*qddot = g */
+  double TimeStep;
+  double _dimension;
-    };
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  SignalPtr<dg::Matrix, int> matrixASIN;
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> accelerationSIN;
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> gravitySIN;
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> controlSOUT;
+  double &setsize(int dimension);
+  dg::Vector &computeControl(dg::Vector &tau, int t);
-  } // namespace sot
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_Control_GR_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/control-pd.hh b/include/sot/core/control-pd.hh
index 35a918a6..a9bc3576 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/control-pd.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/control-pd.hh
@@ -19,88 +19,73 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32) 
-#  if defined (control_pd_EXPORTS)
-#    define ControlPD_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else  
-#    define ControlPD_EXPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif 
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(control_pd_EXPORTS)
+#define ControlPD_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define ControlPD_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  define ControlPD_EXPORT
+#define ControlPD_EXPORT
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  class ControlPD_EXPORT ControlPD
-    : public Entity
-    {
-    public: /* --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
-      ControlPD( const std::string & name );
-    public: /* --- INIT --- */
-      void init( const double& step);
-    public: /* --- CONSTANTS --- */
-      /* Default values. */
-      static const double TIME_STEP_DEFAULT;   // = 0.001
-    public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const; 
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const {return CLASS_NAME;}
-    protected: 
-      /* Parameters of the torque-control function: 
-       * tau = kp * (qd-q) + kd* (dqd-dq) */
-      double TimeStep;
-    public:  /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-      SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> KpSIN;
-      SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> KdSIN;
-      SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> positionSIN;
-      SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> desiredpositionSIN;
-      SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> velocitySIN;
-      SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> desiredvelocitySIN;
-      SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> controlSOUT;
-      SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> positionErrorSOUT;
-      SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> velocityErrorSOUT;
-    protected:
-      dg::Vector& computeControl( dg::Vector& tau,int t );
-      dg::Vector position_error_;
-      dg::Vector velocity_error_;
-      dg::Vector& getPositionError( dg::Vector& position_error,int t );
-      dg::Vector& getVelocityError( dg::Vector& velocity_error,int t );
-    };
+namespace sot {
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+class ControlPD_EXPORT ControlPD : public Entity {
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
+  ControlPD(const std::string &name);
+public: /* --- INIT --- */
+  void init(const double &step);
+public: /* --- CONSTANTS --- */
+  /* Default values. */
+  static const double TIME_STEP_DEFAULT; // = 0.001
+public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  /* Parameters of the torque-control function:
+   * tau = kp * (qd-q) + kd* (dqd-dq) */
+  double TimeStep;
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> KpSIN;
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> KdSIN;
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> positionSIN;
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> desiredpositionSIN;
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> velocitySIN;
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> desiredvelocitySIN;
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> controlSOUT;
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> positionErrorSOUT;
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> velocityErrorSOUT;
+  dg::Vector &computeControl(dg::Vector &tau, int t);
+  dg::Vector position_error_;
+  dg::Vector velocity_error_;
+  dg::Vector &getPositionError(dg::Vector &position_error, int t);
+  dg::Vector &getVelocityError(dg::Vector &velocity_error, int t);
 } // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_Control_PD_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/debug.hh b/include/sot/core/debug.hh
index 5f52facf..dee51e55 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/debug.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/debug.hh
@@ -8,214 +8,215 @@
-# include <cstdio>
-# include <cstdarg>
-# include <fstream>
-# include <sstream>
-# include "sot/core/api.hh"
-# ifndef VP_DEBUG_MODE
-#  define VP_DEBUG_MODE 0
-# endif //! VP_DEBUG_MODE
-# define SOT_COMMON_TRACES						\
-    do {								\
-	va_list arg;							\
-	va_start(arg,format);						\
-	vsnprintf( charbuffer,SIZE,format,arg );			\
-	va_end(arg);							\
-	outputbuffer << tmpbuffer.str() << charbuffer <<std::endl;	\
-    } while(0)
-namespace dynamicgraph
-    namespace sot
-    {
-	class SOT_CORE_EXPORT DebugTrace
-	{
-	public:
-	    static const int SIZE = 512;
-	    std::stringstream tmpbuffer;
-	    std::ostream& outputbuffer;
-	    char charbuffer[SIZE+1];
-	    int traceLevel;
-	    int traceLevelTemplate;
-	    DebugTrace( std::ostream& os ): outputbuffer(os) {}
-	    inline void trace(const int level,const char* format, ...)
-	    {
-		if (level<=traceLevel)
-		tmpbuffer.str("");
-	    }
-	    inline void trace(const char* format,...)
-	    {
-		tmpbuffer.str("");
-	    }
-	    inline void trace(const int level=-1)
-	    {
-		if (level<=traceLevel)
-		    outputbuffer << tmpbuffer.str();
-		tmpbuffer.str("");
-	    }
-	    inline void traceTemplate(const int level, const char* format, ...)
-	    {
-		if (level<=traceLevelTemplate)
-		tmpbuffer.str("");
-	    }
-	    inline void traceTemplate(const char* format, ...)
-	    {
-		tmpbuffer.str("");
-	    }
-	    inline DebugTrace& pre(const std::ostream&)
-	    {
-		return *this;
-	    }
-	    inline DebugTrace& pre(const std::ostream&, int level)
-	    {
-		traceLevel = level;
-		return *this;
-	    }
-	    static const char* DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT;
-	    static void openFile(const char * filename = DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT);
-	    static void closeFile(const char * filename = DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT);
-	};
-	SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern DebugTrace sotDEBUGFLOW;
-	SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern DebugTrace sotERRORFLOW;
-    } // namespace sot
+#include "sot/core/api.hh"
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#ifndef VP_DEBUG_MODE
+#define VP_DEBUG_MODE 0
+#endif //! VP_DEBUG_MODE
+#define SOT_COMMON_TRACES                                                      \
+  do {                                                                         \
+    va_list arg;                                                               \
+    va_start(arg, format);                                                     \
+    vsnprintf(charbuffer, SIZE, format, arg);                                  \
+    va_end(arg);                                                               \
+    outputbuffer << tmpbuffer.str() << charbuffer << std::endl;                \
+  } while (0)
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT DebugTrace {
+  static const int SIZE = 512;
+  std::stringstream tmpbuffer;
+  std::ostream &outputbuffer;
+  char charbuffer[SIZE + 1];
+  int traceLevel;
+  int traceLevelTemplate;
+  DebugTrace(std::ostream &os) : outputbuffer(os) {}
+  inline void trace(const int level, const char *format, ...) {
+    if (level <= traceLevel)
+    tmpbuffer.str("");
+  }
+  inline void trace(const char *format, ...) {
+    tmpbuffer.str("");
+  }
+  inline void trace(const int level = -1) {
+    if (level <= traceLevel)
+      outputbuffer << tmpbuffer.str();
+    tmpbuffer.str("");
+  }
+  inline void traceTemplate(const int level, const char *format, ...) {
+    if (level <= traceLevelTemplate)
+    tmpbuffer.str("");
+  }
+  inline void traceTemplate(const char *format, ...) {
+    tmpbuffer.str("");
+  }
+  inline DebugTrace &pre(const std::ostream &) { return *this; }
+  inline DebugTrace &pre(const std::ostream &, int level) {
+    traceLevel = level;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  static const char *DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT;
+  static void openFile(const char *filename = DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT);
+  static void closeFile(const char *filename = DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT);
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern DebugTrace sotDEBUGFLOW;
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern DebugTrace sotERRORFLOW;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
-# ifdef VP_DEBUG
-#  define sotPREDEBUG				\
-    __FILE__ << ": " <<__FUNCTION__		\
-    << "(#" << __LINE__ << ") :"
-#  define sotPREERROR				\
-    "\t!! "<<__FILE__ << ": " <<__FUNCTION__	\
-    << "(#" << __LINE__ << ") :"
-#  define sotDEBUG(level)						\
-    if ((level>VP_DEBUG_MODE) || (!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()) ) \
-	;								\
-    else								\
-	dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREDEBUG
-#  define sotDEBUGMUTE(level)						\
-    if( (level>VP_DEBUG_MODE)||(!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()) ) \
-	;								\
-    else								\
-	dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer
-#  define sotERROR							\
-    if(!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good())		\
-	;								\
-    else dynamicgraph::sot::sotERRORFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREERROR
-#  define sotDEBUGF							\
-    if(!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good())		\
-	;								\
-    else								\
-	dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.pre				\
-	    (dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.tmpbuffer<<sotPREDEBUG,VP_DEBUG_MODE).trace
-#  define sotERRORF							\
-    if(!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good())		\
-	;								\
-    else								\
-	sot::sotERRORFLOW.pre(sot::sotERRORFLOW.tmpbuffer<<sotPREERROR).trace
+#ifdef VP_DEBUG
+#define sotPREDEBUG                                                            \
+  __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << "(#" << __LINE__ << ") :"
+#define sotPREERROR                                                            \
+  "\t!! " << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << "(#" << __LINE__ << ") :"
+#define sotDEBUG(level)                                                        \
+  if ((level > VP_DEBUG_MODE) ||                                               \
+      (!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()))                  \
+    ;                                                                          \
+  else                                                                         \
+    dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREDEBUG
+#define sotDEBUGMUTE(level)                                                    \
+  if ((level > VP_DEBUG_MODE) ||                                               \
+      (!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()))                  \
+    ;                                                                          \
+  else                                                                         \
+    dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer
+#define sotERROR                                                               \
+  if (!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good())                    \
+    ;                                                                          \
+  else                                                                         \
+    dynamicgraph::sot::sotERRORFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREERROR
+#define sotDEBUGF                                                              \
+  if (!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good())                    \
+    ;                                                                          \
+  else                                                                         \
+    dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW                                            \
+        .pre(dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.tmpbuffer << sotPREDEBUG,         \
+             VP_DEBUG_MODE)                                                    \
+        .trace
+#define sotERRORF                                                              \
+  if (!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good())                    \
+    ;                                                                          \
+  else                                                                         \
+    sot::sotERRORFLOW.pre(sot::sotERRORFLOW.tmpbuffer << sotPREERROR).trace
-#  define sotTDEBUG(level)						\
-    if((level>VP_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE)||(!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good())) \
-	;								\
-    else								\
-	dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREDEBUG
-#  define sotTDEBUGF							\
-    if(!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good())		\
-	;								\
-    else								\
-	dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.pre				\
-	    (dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.tmpbuffer<<sotPREDEBUG,VP_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE).trace
+#define sotTDEBUG(level)                                                       \
+  if ((level > VP_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE) ||                                      \
+      (!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good()))                  \
+    ;                                                                          \
+  else                                                                         \
+    dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREDEBUG
+#define sotTDEBUGF                                                             \
+  if (!dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer.good())                    \
+    ;                                                                          \
+  else                                                                         \
+    dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW                                            \
+        .pre(dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.tmpbuffer << sotPREDEBUG,         \
+             VP_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE)                                           \
+        .trace
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-    namespace sot {
-	inline bool sotDEBUG_ENABLE(const int & level)
-	{
-	    return level <= VP_DEBUG_MODE;
-	}
-	inline bool sotTDEBUG_ENABLE(const int & level)
-	{
-	    return level<=VP_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE;
-	}
-    } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+inline bool sotDEBUG_ENABLE(const int &level) { return level <= VP_DEBUG_MODE; }
+inline bool sotTDEBUG_ENABLE(const int &level) {
+  return level <= VP_TEMPLATE_DEBUG_MODE;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
-  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-# else // VP_DEBUG
-#  define sotPREERROR				\
-    "\t!! "<<__FILE__ << ": " <<__FUNCTION__	\
-    << "(#" << __LINE__ << ") :"
-#  define sotDEBUG(level) if( 1 ) ; else ::dynamicgraph::sot::__null_stream()
-#  define sotDEBUGMUTE(level) if( 1 ) ; else ::dynamicgraph::sot::__null_stream()
-#  define sotERROR sotERRORFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREERROR
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#else // VP_DEBUG
+#define sotPREERROR                                                            \
+  "\t!! " << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << "(#" << __LINE__ << ") :"
+#define sotDEBUG(level)                                                        \
+  if (1)                                                                       \
+    ;                                                                          \
+  else                                                                         \
+    ::dynamicgraph::sot::__null_stream()
+#define sotDEBUGMUTE(level)                                                    \
+  if (1)                                                                       \
+    ;                                                                          \
+  else                                                                         \
+    ::dynamicgraph::sot::__null_stream()
+#define sotERROR sotERRORFLOW.outputbuffer << sotPREERROR
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-    namespace sot {
-	inline void sotDEBUGF(const int,const char*,...) {}
-	inline void sotDEBUGF(const char*,...) {}
-	inline void sotERRORF(const int, const char*,...) {}
-	inline void sotERRORF(const char*,...) {}
-	inline std::ostream& __null_stream () {
-	    // This function should never be called. With -O3,
-	    // it should not appear in the generated binary.
-	    static std::ostream os (NULL); return os;
-	}
-    } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+inline void sotDEBUGF(const int, const char *, ...) {}
+inline void sotDEBUGF(const char *, ...) {}
+inline void sotERRORF(const int, const char *, ...) {}
+inline void sotERRORF(const char *, ...) {}
+inline std::ostream &__null_stream() {
+  // This function should never be called. With -O3,
+  // it should not appear in the generated binary.
+  static std::ostream os(NULL);
+  return os;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
-#  define sotTDEBUG(level) if( 1 ) ; else ::dynamicgraph::sot::__null_stream()
+#define sotTDEBUG(level)                                                       \
+  if (1)                                                                       \
+    ;                                                                          \
+  else                                                                         \
+    ::dynamicgraph::sot::__null_stream()
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-    namespace sot {
-	inline void sotTDEBUGF(const int, const char*,...) {}
-	inline void sotTDEBUGF(const char*,...) {}
-    } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+inline void sotTDEBUGF(const int, const char *, ...) {}
+inline void sotTDEBUGF(const char *, ...) {}
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
-#  define sotDEBUG_ENABLE(level) false
-#  define sotTDEBUG_ENABLE(level) false
-# endif // VP_DEBUG
+#define sotDEBUG_ENABLE(level) false
+#define sotTDEBUG_ENABLE(level) false
-# define sotDEBUGIN(level) sotDEBUG(level) << "# In {" << std::endl
-# define sotDEBUGOUT(level) sotDEBUG(level) << "# Out }" << std::endl
-# define sotDEBUGINOUT(level) sotDEBUG(level) << "# In/Out { }" << std::endl
+#endif // VP_DEBUG
-# define sotTDEBUGIN(level) sotTDEBUG(level) << "# In {" << std::endl
-# define sotTDEBUGOUT(level) sotTDEBUG(level) << "# Out }" << std::endl
-# define sotTDEBUGINOUT(level) sotTDEBUG(level) << "# In/Out { }" << std::endl
+#define sotDEBUGIN(level) sotDEBUG(level) << "# In {" << std::endl
+#define sotDEBUGOUT(level) sotDEBUG(level) << "# Out }" << std::endl
+#define sotDEBUGINOUT(level) sotDEBUG(level) << "# In/Out { }" << std::endl
+#define sotTDEBUGIN(level) sotTDEBUG(level) << "# In {" << std::endl
+#define sotTDEBUGOUT(level) sotTDEBUG(level) << "# Out }" << std::endl
+#define sotTDEBUGINOUT(level) sotTDEBUG(level) << "# In/Out { }" << std::endl
 #endif //! #ifdef SOT_CORE_DEBUG_HH
diff --git a/include/sot/core/derivator-impl.hh b/include/sot/core/derivator-impl.hh
index eab0bd3f..616b4cd7 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/derivator-impl.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/derivator-impl.hh
@@ -17,41 +17,40 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (derivator_EXPORTS)
-#    define DERIVATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define DERIVATOR_EXPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(derivator_EXPORTS)
+#define DERIVATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define DERIVATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 #ifdef WIN32
-# define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType )            \
-   class DERIVATOR_EXPORT className : public Derivator<sotSigType>  \
-   {                                                                \
- public:                                                           \
-   className( const std::string& name );                            \
-   };
+#define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType)                           \
+  class DERIVATOR_EXPORT className : public Derivator<sotSigType> {            \
+  public:                                                                      \
+    className(const std::string &name);                                        \
+  };
-# define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType) \
-   typedef Derivator<sotSigType> className;
+#define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType)                           \
+  typedef Derivator<sotSigType> className;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(DerivatorDouble, double)
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(DerivatorVector, dg::Vector)
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(DerivatorMatrix, dg::Matrix)
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(DerivatorVectorQuaternion, VectorQuaternion)
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_DERIVATOR_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/derivator.hh b/include/sot/core/derivator.hh
index bc7a9b5d..883c141a 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/derivator.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/derivator.hh
@@ -18,99 +18,97 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
-#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
+#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 /* STD */
 #include <string>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< class T >
-    class Derivator : public dg::Entity
-    {
-    protected:
-      T memory;
-      bool initialized;
-      double timestep;
-      static const double TIMESTEP_DEFAULT ; //= 1.;
-    public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-      static std::string getTypeName( void ) { return "Unknown"; }
-      Derivator( const std::string& name )
-	: dg::Entity(name)
-	,memory(),initialized(false)
-	,SIN(NULL,"sotDerivator<"+getTypeName()+">("+name+")::input("+getTypeName()+")::sin")
-	,SOUT( boost::bind(&Derivator<T>::computeDerivation,this,_1,_2),
-	       SIN,"sotDerivator<"+getTypeName()+">("+name+")::output("+getTypeName()+")::sout")
-	,timestepSIN("sotDerivator<"+getTypeName()+">("+name+")::input(double)::dt")
-      {
-	signalRegistration( SIN<<SOUT<<timestepSIN );
-	timestepSIN.setReferenceNonConstant( &timestep );
-	timestepSIN.setKeepReference(true);
-      }
-      virtual ~Derivator( void ) {};
-    public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
-      dg::SignalPtr<T,int> SIN;
-      dg::SignalTimeDependent<T,int> SOUT;
-      dg::Signal<double,int> timestepSIN;
-    protected:
-      T& computeDerivation( T& res,int time )
-      {
-	if(initialized)
-	  {
-	    res = memory;
-	    res *= -1;
-	    memory = SIN(time);
-	    res += memory;
-	    if( timestep!=1. ) res *= (1./timestep);
-	  } else {
-	  initialized = true;
-	  memory = SIN(time);
-	  res = memory;
-	  res *= 0;
-	}
-	return res;
-      }
-    };
-    //TODO Derivation of unit quaternion?
-    template<>
-    VectorQuaternion& Derivator<VectorQuaternion>::computeDerivation(VectorQuaternion& res, int time) {
-      if(initialized) {
-	res = memory;
-	res.coeffs() *= -1;
-	memory = SIN(time);
-	res.coeffs() += memory.coeffs();
-	if( timestep!=1. ) res.coeffs() *= (1./timestep);
-      } else {
-	initialized = true;
-	memory = SIN(time);
-	res = memory;
-	res.coeffs() *= 0;
-      }
-      return res;
-    }
-  } /* namespace sot */
-} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template <class T> class Derivator : public dg::Entity {
+  T memory;
+  bool initialized;
+  double timestep;
+  static const double TIMESTEP_DEFAULT; //= 1.;
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  static std::string getTypeName(void) { return "Unknown"; }
+  Derivator(const std::string &name)
+      : dg::Entity(name), memory(), initialized(false),
+        timestep(TIMESTEP_DEFAULT),
+        SIN(NULL, "sotDerivator<" + getTypeName() + ">(" + name + ")::input(" +
+                      getTypeName() + ")::sin"),
+        SOUT(boost::bind(&Derivator<T>::computeDerivation, this, _1, _2), SIN,
+             "sotDerivator<" + getTypeName() + ">(" + name + ")::output(" +
+                 getTypeName() + ")::sout"),
+        timestepSIN("sotDerivator<" + getTypeName() + ">(" + name +
+                    ")::input(double)::dt") {
+    signalRegistration(SIN << SOUT << timestepSIN);
+    timestepSIN.setReferenceNonConstant(&timestep);
+    timestepSIN.setKeepReference(true);
+  }
+  virtual ~Derivator(void){};
+public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<T, int> SIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<T, int> SOUT;
+  dg::Signal<double, int> timestepSIN;
+  T &computeDerivation(T &res, int time) {
+    if (initialized) {
+      res = memory;
+      res *= -1;
+      memory = SIN(time);
+      res += memory;
+      if (timestep != 1.)
+        res *= (1. / timestep);
+    } else {
+      initialized = true;
+      memory = SIN(time);
+      res = memory;
+      res *= 0;
+    }
+    return res;
+  }
+// TODO Derivation of unit quaternion?
+template <>
+VectorQuaternion &
+Derivator<VectorQuaternion>::computeDerivation(VectorQuaternion &res,
+                                               int time) {
+  if (initialized) {
+    res = memory;
+    res.coeffs() *= -1;
+    memory = SIN(time);
+    res.coeffs() += memory.coeffs();
+    if (timestep != 1.)
+      res.coeffs() *= (1. / timestep);
+  } else {
+    initialized = true;
+    memory = SIN(time);
+    res = memory;
+    res.coeffs() *= 0;
+  }
+  return res;
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_DERIVATOR_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/device.hh b/include/sot/core/device.hh
index fe1e6693..4ff08119 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/device.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/device.hh
@@ -19,169 +19,160 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include "sot/core/api.hh"
 #include "sot/core/periodic-call.hh"
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
-#include "sot/core/api.hh"
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /// Define the type of input expected by the robot
-    enum ControlInput
-    {
-    };
-    const std::string ControlInput_s[] =
-    {
-      "noInteg", "oneInteg", "twoInteg"
-    };
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    class SOT_CORE_EXPORT Device
-        :public Entity
-    {
-    public:
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName(void) const {
-        return CLASS_NAME;
-      }
-      enum ForceSignalSource
-      {
-      };
-    protected:
-      dg::Vector state_;
-      dg::Vector velocity_;
-      bool sanityCheck_;
-      dg::Vector vel_control_;
-      ControlInput controlInputType_;
-      bool withForceSignals[4];
-      PeriodicCall periodicCallBefore_;
-      PeriodicCall periodicCallAfter_;
-      double timestep_;
-      /// \name Robot bounds used for sanity checks
-      /// \{
-      Vector upperPosition_;
-      Vector upperVelocity_;
-      Vector upperTorque_;
-      Vector lowerPosition_;
-      Vector lowerVelocity_;
-      Vector lowerTorque_;
-      /// \}
-    public:
-      /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-      Device(const std::string& name);
-      /* --- DESTRUCTION --- */
-      virtual ~Device();
-      virtual void setStateSize(const unsigned int& size);
-      virtual void setState(const dg::Vector& st);
-      void setVelocitySize(const unsigned int& size);
-      virtual void setVelocity(const dg::Vector & vel);
-      virtual void setSecondOrderIntegration();
-      virtual void setNoIntegration();
-      virtual void setControlInputType(const std::string& cit);
-      virtual void increment(const double & dt = 5e-2);
-      /// \name Sanity check parameterization
-      /// \{
-      void setSanityCheck   (const bool & enableCheck);
-      void setPositionBounds(const Vector& lower, const Vector& upper);
-      void setVelocityBounds(const Vector& lower, const Vector& upper);
-      void setTorqueBounds  (const Vector& lower, const Vector& upper);
-      /// \}
-    public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
-      virtual void display(std::ostream& os) const;
-      virtual void cmdDisplay();
-      SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream&
-      operator<<(std::ostream& os,const Device& r) {
-        r.display(os); return os;
-      }
-    public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-      dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> controlSIN;
-      dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> attitudeSIN;
-      dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> zmpSIN;
-      /// \name Device current state.
-      /// \{
-      dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector,int> stateSOUT;
-      dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector,int> velocitySOUT;
-      dynamicgraph::Signal<MatrixRotation,int> attitudeSOUT;
-      /*! \brief The current state of the robot from the command viewpoint. */
-      dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector,int> motorcontrolSOUT;
-      dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector,int> previousControlSOUT;
-      /*! \brief The ZMP reference send by the previous controller. */
-      dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector,int> ZMPPreviousControllerSOUT;
-      /// \}
-      /// \name Real robot current state
-      /// This corresponds to the real encoders values and take into
-      /// account the stabilization step. Therefore, this usually
-      /// does *not* match the state control input signal.
-      /// \{
-      /// Motor positions
-      dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector, int> robotState_;
-      /// Motor velocities
-      dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector, int> robotVelocity_;
-      /// The force torque sensors
-      dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector,int>* forcesSOUT[4];
-      /// Motor torques
-      /// \todo why pseudo ?
-      dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector,int> pseudoTorqueSOUT;
-      /// \}
-    protected:
-      /// Compute roll pitch yaw angles of freeflyer joint.
-      void integrateRollPitchYaw(dg::Vector& state, const dg::Vector& control,
-                                 double dt);
-      /// Store Position of free flyer joint
-      MatrixHomogeneous ffPose_;
-      /// Compute the new position, from the current control.
-      ///
-      /// When sanity checks are enabled, this checks that the control is within
-      /// bounds. There are three cases, depending on what the control is:
-      /// - position: checks that the position is within bounds,
-      /// - velocity: checks that the velocity and the future position are
-      ///             within bounds,
-      /// - acceleration: checks that the acceleration, the future velocity and
-      ///                 position are within bounds.
-      ///                 \todo in order to check the acceleration, we need
-      ///                 pinocchio and the contact forces in order to estimate
-      ///                 the joint torques for the given acceleration.
-      virtual void integrate( const double & dt );
-    protected:
-      /// Get freeflyer pose
-      const MatrixHomogeneous& freeFlyerPose() const;
-    public:
-      virtual void setRoot( const dg::Matrix & root );
-      virtual void setRoot( const MatrixHomogeneous & worldMwaist );
-    private:
-      // Intermediate variable to avoid dynamic allocation
-      dg::Vector forceZero6;
-    };
-  } // namespace sot
-} // namespace dynamicgraph
+namespace sot {
+/// Define the type of input expected by the robot
+enum ControlInput {
+const std::string ControlInput_s[] = {"noInteg", "oneInteg", "twoInteg"};
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT Device : public Entity {
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  enum ForceSignalSource {
+  };
+  dg::Vector state_;
+  dg::Vector velocity_;
+  bool sanityCheck_;
+  dg::Vector vel_control_;
+  ControlInput controlInputType_;
+  bool withForceSignals[4];
+  PeriodicCall periodicCallBefore_;
+  PeriodicCall periodicCallAfter_;
+  double timestep_;
+  /// \name Robot bounds used for sanity checks
+  /// \{
+  Vector upperPosition_;
+  Vector upperVelocity_;
+  Vector upperTorque_;
+  Vector lowerPosition_;
+  Vector lowerVelocity_;
+  Vector lowerTorque_;
+  /// \}
+  /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  Device(const std::string &name);
+  /* --- DESTRUCTION --- */
+  virtual ~Device();
+  virtual void setStateSize(const unsigned int &size);
+  virtual void setState(const dg::Vector &st);
+  void setVelocitySize(const unsigned int &size);
+  virtual void setVelocity(const dg::Vector &vel);
+  virtual void setSecondOrderIntegration();
+  virtual void setNoIntegration();
+  virtual void setControlInputType(const std::string &cit);
+  virtual void increment(const double &dt = 5e-2);
+  /// \name Sanity check parameterization
+  /// \{
+  void setSanityCheck(const bool &enableCheck);
+  void setPositionBounds(const Vector &lower, const Vector &upper);
+  void setVelocityBounds(const Vector &lower, const Vector &upper);
+  void setTorqueBounds(const Vector &lower, const Vector &upper);
+  /// \}
+public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  virtual void cmdDisplay();
+  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                                  const Device &r) {
+    r.display(os);
+    return os;
+  }
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> controlSIN;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> attitudeSIN;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> zmpSIN;
+  /// \name Device current state.
+  /// \{
+  dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector, int> stateSOUT;
+  dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector, int> velocitySOUT;
+  dynamicgraph::Signal<MatrixRotation, int> attitudeSOUT;
+  /*! \brief The current state of the robot from the command viewpoint. */
+  dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector, int> motorcontrolSOUT;
+  dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector, int> previousControlSOUT;
+  /*! \brief The ZMP reference send by the previous controller. */
+  dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector, int> ZMPPreviousControllerSOUT;
+  /// \}
+  /// \name Real robot current state
+  /// This corresponds to the real encoders values and take into
+  /// account the stabilization step. Therefore, this usually
+  /// does *not* match the state control input signal.
+  /// \{
+  /// Motor positions
+  dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector, int> robotState_;
+  /// Motor velocities
+  dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector, int> robotVelocity_;
+  /// The force torque sensors
+  dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector, int> *forcesSOUT[4];
+  /// Motor torques
+  /// \todo why pseudo ?
+  dynamicgraph::Signal<dg::Vector, int> pseudoTorqueSOUT;
+  /// \}
+  /// Compute roll pitch yaw angles of freeflyer joint.
+  void integrateRollPitchYaw(dg::Vector &state, const dg::Vector &control,
+                             double dt);
+  /// Store Position of free flyer joint
+  MatrixHomogeneous ffPose_;
+  /// Compute the new position, from the current control.
+  ///
+  /// When sanity checks are enabled, this checks that the control is within
+  /// bounds. There are three cases, depending on what the control is:
+  /// - position: checks that the position is within bounds,
+  /// - velocity: checks that the velocity and the future position are
+  ///             within bounds,
+  /// - acceleration: checks that the acceleration, the future velocity and
+  ///                 position are within bounds.
+  ///                 \todo in order to check the acceleration, we need
+  ///                 pinocchio and the contact forces in order to estimate
+  ///                 the joint torques for the given acceleration.
+  virtual void integrate(const double &dt);
+  /// Get freeflyer pose
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &freeFlyerPose() const;
+  virtual void setRoot(const dg::Matrix &root);
+  virtual void setRoot(const MatrixHomogeneous &worldMwaist);
+  // Intermediate variable to avoid dynamic allocation
+  dg::Vector forceZero6;
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif /* #ifndef SOT_DEVICE_HH */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/event.hh b/include/sot/core/event.hh
index f915378a..445e452e 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/event.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/event.hh
@@ -2,103 +2,92 @@
 // Authors: Joseph Mirabel (
 #ifndef __SOT_EVENT_H__
-# define __SOT_EVENT_H__
+#define __SOT_EVENT_H__
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-bind.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
 #include <sot/core/config.hh>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /// Event
-    class SOT_CORE_DLLAPI Event : public dynamicgraph::Entity
-    {
-      Event (const std::string& name) :
-        Entity (name),
-        checkSOUT ("Event("+name+")::output(bool)::check"),
-        conditionSIN(NULL,"Event("+name+")::input(bool)::condition"),
-        lastVal_ (2) // lastVal_ should be different true and false.
-      {
-        checkSOUT.setFunction
-          (boost::bind (&Event::check, this, _1, _2));
-        signalRegistration (conditionSIN);
-        signalRegistration (checkSOUT);
-        using command::makeCommandVoid1;
-        std::string docstring =
-          "\n"
-          "    Add a signal\n";
-        addCommand ("addSignal", makeCommandVoid1
-            (*this, &Event::addSignal, docstring));
-        docstring =
-          "\n"
-          "    Get list of signals\n";
-        addCommand ("list", new command::Getter<Event, std::string>
-            (*this, &Event::getSignalsByName, docstring));
-        docstring =
-          "\n"
-          "    Triggers an event only when condition goes from False to True\n";
-        addCommand ("setOnlyUp", new command::Setter<Event, bool>
-            (*this, &Event::setOnlyUp, docstring));
-      }
-      ~Event () {}
-      /// Header documentation of the python class
-      virtual std::string getDocString () const
-      {
-        return
-          "Send an event when the input changes\n\n"
-          "  The signal triggered is called whenever the condition is satisfied.\n";
-      }
-      void addSignal (const std::string& signal)
-      {
-        std::istringstream iss (signal);
-        triggers.push_back(&PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal (iss));
-      }
-      // Returns the Python string representation of the list of signal names.
-      std::string getSignalsByName () const
-      {
-        std::ostringstream oss;
-        oss << "(";
-        for (Triggers_t::const_iterator _sig = triggers.begin();
-            _sig != triggers.end(); ++_sig)
-          oss << '\'' << (*_sig)->getName() << "\', ";
-        oss << ")";
-        return oss.str();
-      }
-      void setOnlyUp (const bool& up)
-      {
-        onlyUp_ = up;
-      }
-      private:
-      typedef SignalBase<int>* Trigger_t;
-      typedef std::vector<Trigger_t> Triggers_t;
-      bool& check (bool& ret, const int& time);
-      Signal <bool, int> checkSOUT;
-      Triggers_t triggers;
-      SignalPtr <bool, int> conditionSIN;
-      bool lastVal_, onlyUp_;
-    };
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+/// Event
+class SOT_CORE_DLLAPI Event : public dynamicgraph::Entity {
+  Event(const std::string &name)
+      : Entity(name), checkSOUT("Event(" + name + ")::output(bool)::check"),
+        conditionSIN(NULL, "Event(" + name + ")::input(bool)::condition"),
+        lastVal_(2) // lastVal_ should be different true and false.
+  {
+    checkSOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&Event::check, this, _1, _2));
+    signalRegistration(conditionSIN);
+    signalRegistration(checkSOUT);
+    using command::makeCommandVoid1;
+    std::string docstring = "\n"
+                            "    Add a signal\n";
+    addCommand("addSignal",
+               makeCommandVoid1(*this, &Event::addSignal, docstring));
+    docstring = "\n"
+                "    Get list of signals\n";
+    addCommand("list", new command::Getter<Event, std::string>(
+                           *this, &Event::getSignalsByName, docstring));
+    docstring =
+        "\n"
+        "    Triggers an event only when condition goes from False to True\n";
+    addCommand("setOnlyUp", new command::Setter<Event, bool>(
+                                *this, &Event::setOnlyUp, docstring));
+  }
+  ~Event() {}
+  /// Header documentation of the python class
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    return "Send an event when the input changes\n\n"
+           "  The signal triggered is called whenever the condition is "
+           "satisfied.\n";
+  }
+  void addSignal(const std::string &signal) {
+    std::istringstream iss(signal);
+    triggers.push_back(&PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal(iss));
+  }
+  // Returns the Python string representation of the list of signal names.
+  std::string getSignalsByName() const {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << "(";
+    for (Triggers_t::const_iterator _sig = triggers.begin();
+         _sig != triggers.end(); ++_sig)
+      oss << '\'' << (*_sig)->getName() << "\', ";
+    oss << ")";
+    return oss.str();
+  }
+  void setOnlyUp(const bool &up) { onlyUp_ = up; }
+  typedef SignalBase<int> *Trigger_t;
+  typedef std::vector<Trigger_t> Triggers_t;
+  bool &check(bool &ret, const int &time);
+  Signal<bool, int> checkSOUT;
+  Triggers_t triggers;
+  SignalPtr<bool, int> conditionSIN;
+  bool lastVal_, onlyUp_;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // __SOT_EVENT_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/exception-abstract.hh b/include/sot/core/exception-abstract.hh
index 37db40a5..ec1de2cb 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/exception-abstract.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/exception-abstract.hh
@@ -14,13 +14,11 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Classes standards. */
-#include <ostream>                 /* Classe ostream.    */
-#include <string>                  /* Classe string.     */
 #include "sot/core/api.hh"
 #include <exception>
+#include <ostream> /* Classe ostream.    */
+#include <string>  /* Classe string.     */
 // Uncomment this macros to have lines parameter on the throw display
@@ -29,32 +27,32 @@
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 /* \class ExceptionAbstract
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionAbstract : public std::exception
- public:
-  enum ExceptionEnum
-    {
-      ABSTRACT = 0
-      ,SIGNAL = 100
-      ,TASK = 200
-      ,FEATURE = 300
-      ,FACTORY = 400
-      ,DYNAMIC = 500
-      ,TRACES = 600
-      ,TOOLS = 700
-    };
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionAbstract : public std::exception {
+  enum ExceptionEnum {
+    ABSTRACT = 0,
+    SIGNAL = 100,
+    TASK = 200,
+    FEATURE = 300,
+    FACTORY = 400,
+    DYNAMIC = 500,
+    TRACES = 600,
+    TOOLS = 700,
+  };
   static const std::string EXCEPTION_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getExceptionName( void ) const { return EXCEPTION_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getExceptionName(void) const {
+    return EXCEPTION_NAME;
+  }
- protected:
   /** Error code.
    * \sa ErrorCodeEnum */
   int code;
@@ -63,74 +61,76 @@ class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionAbstract : public std::exception
   std::string message;
   /**  forbid the empty constructor (private). */
-  ExceptionAbstract( void );
+  ExceptionAbstract(void);
-  ExceptionAbstract( const int& code, const std::string & msg = "" );
-  virtual ~ExceptionAbstract( void ) throw() {}
+  ExceptionAbstract(const int &code, const std::string &msg = "");
+  virtual ~ExceptionAbstract(void) throw() {}
   /**  Access to the error code. */
-  int getCode (void);
+  int getCode(void);
   /** Reference access to the error message (can be empty). */
-  const std::string &getStringMessage (void);
+  const std::string &getStringMessage(void);
-  /** Access to the pointer on the array of  \e char related to the error string.
-   * Cannot be  \e NULL.
+  /** Access to the pointer on the array of  \e char related to the error
+   * string. Cannot be  \e NULL.
-  const char *getMessage (void);
-  const char* what	() 	 const throw ();
+  const char *getMessage(void);
+  const char *what() const throw();
   /** Print the error structure. */
-  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os,
-				     const ExceptionAbstract & err);
+  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                                  const ExceptionAbstract &err);
- public:
-  class Param
-    {
-    public:
-      static const int BUFFER_SIZE = 80;
-      const char * functionPTR;
-      char function[ BUFFER_SIZE ];
-      int line;
-      const char * filePTR;
-      char file[ BUFFER_SIZE ];
-      bool pointersSet,set;
-    public:
-      Param( const int& _line, const char * _function, const char * _file );
-      Param( void ) : pointersSet(false),set(false) {}
-      Param& initCopy( const Param& p );
-    };
- protected:
+  class Param {
+  public:
+    static const int BUFFER_SIZE = 80;
+    const char *functionPTR;
+    char function[BUFFER_SIZE];
+    int line;
+    const char *filePTR;
+    char file[BUFFER_SIZE];
+    bool pointersSet, set;
+  public:
+    Param(const int &_line, const char *_function, const char *_file);
+    Param(void) : pointersSet(false), set(false) {}
+    Param &initCopy(const Param &p);
+  };
   mutable Param p;
-  template<class Exc>
-    friend const Exc& operator+ ( const ExceptionAbstract::Param& p, const Exc& e )
-    { e.p.initCopy(p);   return e;    }
-  template<class Exc>
-    friend Exc& operator+ ( const ExceptionAbstract::Param& p, Exc& e )
-    { e.p.initCopy(p);   return e;    }
+  template <class Exc>
+  friend const Exc &operator+(const ExceptionAbstract::Param &p, const Exc &e) {
+    e.p.initCopy(p);
+    return e;
+  }
+  template <class Exc>
+  friend Exc &operator+(const ExceptionAbstract::Param &p, Exc &e) {
+    e.p.initCopy(p);
+    return e;
+  }
-#define SOT_RETHROW ( const ExceptionAbstract& err ) { throw err; }
+#define SOT_RETHROW                                                            \
+  (const ExceptionAbstract &err) { throw err; }
-#  define SOT_THROW throw ExceptionAbstract::Param(__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,__FILE__) +
+#define SOT_THROW                                                              \
+  throw ExceptionAbstract::Param(__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__) +
-#  define SOT_THROW throw
+#define SOT_THROW throw
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_ABSTRACT_EXCEPTION_H */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/exception-dynamic.hh b/include/sot/core/exception-dynamic.hh
index 367a4476..58d78fd6 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/exception-dynamic.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/exception-dynamic.hh
@@ -14,50 +14,47 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 #include "sot/core/api.hh"
+#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 /* \class ExceptionDynamic
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionDynamic
-:public ExceptionAbstract
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionDynamic : public ExceptionAbstract
- public:
-  enum ErrorCodeEnum
-    {
-      GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::DYNAMIC
+  enum ErrorCodeEnum {
+    GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::DYNAMIC
-      ,JOINT_RANK
-      ,JOINT_SIZE
-    };
+    ,
+  };
   static const std::string EXCEPTION_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getExceptionName( void ) const { return EXCEPTION_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getExceptionName(void) const {
+    return EXCEPTION_NAME;
+  }
-  ExceptionDynamic ( const ExceptionDynamic::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		       const std::string & msg = "" );
-  ExceptionDynamic( const ExceptionDynamic::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-			const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... );
-  virtual ~ExceptionDynamic( void ) throw() {}
+  ExceptionDynamic(const ExceptionDynamic::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                   const std::string &msg = "");
+  ExceptionDynamic(const ExceptionDynamic::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                   const std::string &msg, const char *format, ...);
+  virtual ~ExceptionDynamic(void) throw() {}
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_DYNAMIC_EXCEPTION_H */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/exception-factory.hh b/include/sot/core/exception-factory.hh
index bef6f082..e863bbef 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/exception-factory.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/exception-factory.hh
@@ -14,51 +14,50 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 #include "sot/core/api.hh"
+#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 /* \class ExceptionFactory
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionFactory
-:public ExceptionAbstract
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionFactory : public ExceptionAbstract
-  enum ErrorCodeEnum
-    {
-      GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::FACTORY
-      ,SYNTAX_ERROR    // j' aime bien FATAL_ERROR aussi faut que je la case qq part...
-      ,READ_FILE
-    };
+  enum ErrorCodeEnum {
+    GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::FACTORY,
+    SYNTAX_ERROR // j' aime bien FATAL_ERROR aussi faut que je la case qq
+                 // part...
+    ,
+  };
   static const std::string EXCEPTION_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getExceptionName( void )const{ return ExceptionFactory::EXCEPTION_NAME; }
-  ExceptionFactory ( const ExceptionFactory::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-			const std::string & msg = "" );
-  ExceptionFactory ( const ExceptionFactory::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-			const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... );
-  virtual ~ExceptionFactory( void ) throw() {}
+  virtual const std::string &getExceptionName(void) const {
+    return ExceptionFactory::EXCEPTION_NAME;
+  }
+  ExceptionFactory(const ExceptionFactory::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                   const std::string &msg = "");
+  ExceptionFactory(const ExceptionFactory::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                   const std::string &msg, const char *format, ...);
+  virtual ~ExceptionFactory(void) throw() {}
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_EXCEPTION_FACTORY_H */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/exception-feature.hh b/include/sot/core/exception-feature.hh
index 5d1eb005..02ae7688 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/exception-feature.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/exception-feature.hh
@@ -14,45 +14,43 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 #include "sot/core/api.hh"
+#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 /* \class ExceptionFeature
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionFeature
-:public ExceptionAbstract
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionFeature : public ExceptionAbstract
-  enum ErrorCodeEnum
-    {
-      GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::FEATURE
-      ,BAD_INIT
-    };
+  enum ErrorCodeEnum {
+    GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::FEATURE,
+    BAD_INIT,
+  };
   static const std::string EXCEPTION_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getExceptionName( void ) const { return ExceptionFeature::EXCEPTION_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getExceptionName(void) const {
+    return ExceptionFeature::EXCEPTION_NAME;
+  }
-  ExceptionFeature ( const ExceptionFeature::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		     const std::string & msg = "" );
+  ExceptionFeature(const ExceptionFeature::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                   const std::string &msg = "");
-  ExceptionFeature ( const ExceptionFeature::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-			const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... );
+  ExceptionFeature(const ExceptionFeature::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                   const std::string &msg, const char *format, ...);
-  virtual ~ExceptionFeature( void ) throw() {}
+  virtual ~ExceptionFeature(void) throw() {}
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_EXCEPTION_FEATURE_H */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/exception-signal.hh b/include/sot/core/exception-signal.hh
index acc7b7f4..800a8bda 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/exception-signal.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/exception-signal.hh
@@ -14,51 +14,48 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 #include "sot/core/api.hh"
+#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 /* \class ExceptionSignal
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionSignal
-:public ExceptionAbstract
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionSignal : public ExceptionAbstract
- public:
-  enum ErrorCodeEnum
-    {
-      GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::SIGNAL
-      ,BAD_CAST
-    };
+  enum ErrorCodeEnum {
+    GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::SIGNAL
+    ,
+  };
   static const std::string EXCEPTION_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getExceptionName( void ) const { return EXCEPTION_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getExceptionName(void) const {
+    return EXCEPTION_NAME;
+  }
-  ExceptionSignal ( const ExceptionSignal::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		       const std::string & msg = "" );
-  ExceptionSignal( const ExceptionSignal::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-			const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... );
-  virtual ~ExceptionSignal( void ) throw() {}
+  ExceptionSignal(const ExceptionSignal::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                  const std::string &msg = "");
+  ExceptionSignal(const ExceptionSignal::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                  const std::string &msg, const char *format, ...);
+  virtual ~ExceptionSignal(void) throw() {}
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION_H */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/exception-task.hh b/include/sot/core/exception-task.hh
index ab12272e..e8f9a0be 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/exception-task.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/exception-task.hh
@@ -14,47 +14,44 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 #include "sot/core/api.hh"
+#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 /* \class ExceptionTask
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionTask
-:public ExceptionAbstract
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionTask : public ExceptionAbstract
-  enum ErrorCodeEnum
-    {
-      GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::TASK
-      ,EMPTY_LIST
-      ,BOUND_TYPE
-    };
+  enum ErrorCodeEnum {
+    GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::TASK,
+  };
   static const std::string EXCEPTION_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getExceptionName( void ) const { return EXCEPTION_NAME; }
-  ExceptionTask ( const ExceptionTask::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		     const std::string & msg = "" );
-  ExceptionTask( const ExceptionTask::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		    const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... );
-  virtual ~ExceptionTask( void ) throw() {}
+  virtual const std::string &getExceptionName(void) const {
+    return EXCEPTION_NAME;
+  }
+  ExceptionTask(const ExceptionTask::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                const std::string &msg = "");
+  ExceptionTask(const ExceptionTask::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                const std::string &msg, const char *format, ...);
+  virtual ~ExceptionTask(void) throw() {}
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_EXCEPTION_TASK_H */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/exception-tools.hh b/include/sot/core/exception-tools.hh
index a4fad5b2..af194872 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/exception-tools.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/exception-tools.hh
@@ -14,52 +14,43 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 #include "sot/core/api.hh"
+#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /* \class ExceptionTools
-     */
-    class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionTools
-      :public ExceptionAbstract
-    {
-    public:
-      enum ErrorCodeEnum
-      {
-	GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::TOOLS
-      };
-      static const std::string EXCEPTION_NAME;
-      virtual const std::string& getExceptionName() const {
-      }
+namespace sot {
-    public:
-      ExceptionTools ( const ExceptionTools::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		       const std::string & msg = "" );
-      ExceptionTools( const ExceptionTools::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		      const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... );
-      virtual ~ExceptionTools( void ) throw() {}
-    };
-  } // namespace sot
+/* \class ExceptionTools
+ */
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT ExceptionTools : public ExceptionAbstract
+  enum ErrorCodeEnum {
+    GENERIC = ExceptionAbstract::TOOLS
+    ,
+    CORBA,
+  };
+  static const std::string EXCEPTION_NAME;
+  virtual const std::string &getExceptionName() const { return EXCEPTION_NAME; }
+  ExceptionTools(const ExceptionTools::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                 const std::string &msg = "");
+  ExceptionTools(const ExceptionTools::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                 const std::string &msg, const char *format, ...);
+  virtual ~ExceptionTools(void) throw() {}
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_TOOLS_EXCEPTION_H */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/exp-moving-avg.hh b/include/sot/core/exp-moving-avg.hh
index d796cfb3..6857cc11 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/exp-moving-avg.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/exp-moving-avg.hh
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/config.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <sot/core/config.hh>
 namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- TRACER ---------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -31,34 +31,30 @@ using dynamicgraph::Entity;
 using dynamicgraph::SignalPtr;
 using dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent;
-class SOT_CORE_DLLAPI ExpMovingAvg
-: public Entity
+class SOT_CORE_DLLAPI ExpMovingAvg : public Entity {
- public:
-  SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > updateSIN;
-  SignalTimeDependent<int,int> refresherSINTERN;
-  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> averageSOUT;
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> updateSIN;
+  SignalTimeDependent<int, int> refresherSINTERN;
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> averageSOUT;
- public:
-  ExpMovingAvg( const std::string& n );
-  virtual ~ExpMovingAvg( void );
+  ExpMovingAvg(const std::string &n);
+  virtual ~ExpMovingAvg(void);
-  void setAlpha(const double& alpha_);
+  void setAlpha(const double &alpha_);
- protected:
-  dg::Vector& update(dg::Vector& res, const int& inTime);
+  dg::Vector &update(dg::Vector &res, const int &inTime);
   dg::Vector average;
   double alpha;
   bool init;
-  } /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_TRACER_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/factory.hh b/include/sot/core/factory.hh
index 5e0cd417..89e9edcb 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/factory.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/factory.hh
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
-#define SOT_FACTORY_FEATURE_PLUGIN(sotFeatureType,className) \
+#define SOT_FACTORY_FEATURE_PLUGIN(sotFeatureType, className)                  \
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- TASK REGISTERER ------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define SOT_FACTORY_TASK_PLUGIN(sotTaskType,className) \
+#define SOT_FACTORY_TASK_PLUGIN(sotTaskType, className)                        \
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_FACTORY_HH__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-1d.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-1d.hh
index 73096f70..9eef4655 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-1d.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-1d.hh
@@ -15,28 +15,29 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (feature_1d_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTFEATURE1D_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTFEATURE1D_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(feature_1d_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTFEATURE1D_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTFEATURE1D_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
   \class Feature1D
@@ -45,20 +46,18 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
   of the mother task.
-  : public FeatureAbstract, FeatureReferenceHelper<Feature1D>
+class SOTFEATURE1D_EXPORT Feature1D : public FeatureAbstract,
+                                      FeatureReferenceHelper<Feature1D> {
- public:
   /*! Field storing the class name. */
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
   /*! Returns the name of the class. */
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
   /*! \name Signals
@@ -66,58 +65,59 @@ class SOTFEATURE1D_EXPORT Feature1D
   /*! \brief Input for the error. */
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > errorSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> errorSIN;
   /*! \brief Input for the Jacobian. */
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Matrix,int > jacobianSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Matrix, int> jacobianSIN;
   /*! @} */
   /*! \name Output signals
-  /*! \brief Publish the jacobian of the feature according to the robot state. */
+  /*! \brief Publish the jacobian of the feature according to the robot state.
+   */
   using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
-  /*! \brief Publish the error between the desired and the current value of the feature. */
+  /*! \brief Publish the error between the desired and the current value of the
+   * feature. */
   using FeatureAbstract::errorSOUT;
- public:
   /*! \brief Default constructor */
-  Feature1D( const std::string& name );
+  Feature1D(const std::string &name);
   /*! \brief Default destructor */
-  virtual ~Feature1D( void ) {}
+  virtual ~Feature1D(void) {}
   /*! \brief Get the dimension of the feature. */
-  virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time );
+  virtual unsigned int &getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time);
   /*! \name Methods to trigger computation related to this feature.
-  /*! \brief Compute the error between the desired value and the value itself. */
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res,int time );
+  /*! \brief Compute the error between the desired value and the value itself.
+   */
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int time);
   /*! \brief Compute the Jacobian of the value according to the robot state.. */
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res,int time );
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int time);
   /*! @} */
   /*! \brief Display the information related to this 1D implementation. */
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
   /*! \name Dealing with the reference value to be reach with this feature.
   /*! @} */
-} ;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_1D_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-abstract.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-abstract.hh
index 7caa6321..5ee14cfb 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-abstract.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-abstract.hh
@@ -19,276 +19,269 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
+#include "sot/core/api.hh"
+#include "sot/core/deprecated.hh"
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 #include <sot/core/pool.hh>
-#include "sot/core/api.hh"
-#include "sot/core/deprecated.hh"
 /* STD */
 #include <string>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /*! \class FeatureAbstract
-      \ingroup features
-      \brief This class gives the abstract definition of a feature.
-      \par par_features_definition Definition
-      In short, a feature is a data evolving according to time.  It is defined
-      by a vector \f${\bf s}({\bf q}) \in \mathbb{R}^n \f$ where \f$ {\bf q} \f$ is a robot
-      configuration, which depends on the time \f$ t \f$.
-      By default a feature has a desired \f${\bf s}^*(t) \f$.
-      \f${\bf s}^*\f$ is provided by another feature of the same type called
-      reference. The
-      feature is in charge of collecting its own current state.  A feature is
-      supposed to compute an error between its current state and the desired
-      one: \f$ E(t) = e({\bf q}(t), t) = {\bf s}({\bf q}(t)) \ominus {\bf s}^*(t) \f$.
-      Here, \f$ \ominus \f$ is the difference operator of Lie group in which
-      \f$ {\bf s} \f$ and \f$ {\bf s}^* \f$ are. The documentation below assumes
-      the Lie group is a vector space and \f$\ominus\f$ is the usual difference
-      operator.
-      A feature computes:
-      \li the Jacobian according to the robot state vector \f$ J =
-          \frac{\partial e}{\partial {\bf q}} = \frac{\partial{\bf s}}{\partial {\bf q}}\f$.
-      \li the partial derivative of the error \f$ e \f$:
-          \f$ \frac{\partial e}{\partial t} = - \frac{d{\bf s}^*}{dt}\f$.
-      The task is in general computed from the value of the feature at the
-      current instant \f$E(t) = e({\bf q},t)\f$. The derivative of \f$ E \f$ is:
-      \f[
-        \frac{dE}{dt} = J({\bf q}) \dot{q} + \frac{\partial e}{\partial t}
-      \f]
-      \image html feature.png "Feature diagram: Feature types derive from
-      FeatureAbstract. Each feature has a reference of the same type and
-      compute an error by comparing
-      errorSIN
-      signals from itself and from the
-      reference." 
-    */
-    class SOT_CORE_EXPORT FeatureAbstract
-      :public Entity
-    {
-    public:
-      /*! \brief Store the name of the class. */
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      /*! \brief Returns the name class. */
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const
-      { return CLASS_NAME; }
-      /*! \brief Register the feature in the stack of tasks. */
-      void featureRegistration( void );
-      void initCommands( void );
-    public:
-      /*! \brief Default constructor: the name of the class should be given. */
-      FeatureAbstract( const std::string& name );
-      /*! \brief Default destructor */
-      virtual ~FeatureAbstract( void ) {};
-      /*! \name Methods returning the dimension of the feature.
-	@{ */
-      /*! \brief Verbose method.
-	\par res: The integer in which the dimension will be return.
-	\par time: The time at which the feature should be considered.
-	\return Dimension of the feature.
-	\note Be careful with features changing their dimension according to time.
-      */
-      virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int& res,int time ) = 0;
-      /*! \brief Short method
-	\par time: The time at which the feature should be considered.
-	\return Dimension of the feature.
-	\note Be careful with features changing their dimension according to time.
-      */
-      inline unsigned int getDimension( int time )
-      {unsigned int res; getDimension(res,time); return res;}
-      /*! \brief Shortest method
-	\return Dimension of the feature.
-	\note The feature is not changing its dimension according to time.
-      */
-      inline unsigned int getDimension( void ) const
-      { return dimensionSOUT.accessCopy(); }
-      /*! @} */
-      /*! \name Methods to control internal computation.
-	The main idea is that some feature may have a lower frequency
-	than the internal control loop. In this case, the methods for
-	computation are called only when needed.
-	@{*/
-      /*! \brief Compute the error between the desired feature and
-	the current value of the feature measured or deduced from the robot state.
-	\par[out] res: The error will be set into res.
-	\par[in] time: The time at which the error is computed.
-	\return The vector res with the appropriate value.
-      */
-      virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res,int time ) = 0;
-      /*! \brief Compute the Jacobian of the error according the robot state.
-	\par[out] res: The matrix in which the error will be written.
-	\return The matrix res with the appropriate values.
-      */
-      virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res,int time ) = 0;
-      /// Callback for signal errordotSOUT
-      ///
-      /// Copy components of the input signal errordotSIN defined by selection
-      /// flag selectionSIN.
-      virtual dg::Vector& computeErrorDot (dg::Vector& res,int time);
-      /*! @} */
-      /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-    public:
-      /*! \name Signals
-	@{
-      */
-      /*! \name Input signals:
-	@{ */
-      /*! \brief This vector specifies which dimension are used to perform the computation.
-	For instance let us assume that the feature is a 3D point. If only the Y-axis should
-	be used for computing error, activation and Jacobian,
-        then the vector to specify
-	is \f$ [ 0 1 0] \f$.*/
-      SignalPtr< Flags,int > selectionSIN;
-      /// Derivative of the reference value.
-      SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > errordotSIN;
-      /*! @} */
-      /*! \name Output signals:
-	@{ */
-      /*! \brief This signal returns the error between the desired value and
-	the current value : \f$ E(t) = {\bf s}(t) - {\bf s}^*(t)\f$ */
-      SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> errorSOUT;
-      /*! \brief Derivative of the error with respect to time:
-       * \f$ \frac{\partial e}{\partial t} = - \frac{d{\bf s}^*}{dt} \f$ */
-      SignalTimeDependent< dg::Vector,int > errordotSOUT;
-      /*! \brief Jacobian of the error wrt the robot state:
-       * \f$ J = \frac{\partial {\bf s}}{\partial {\bf q}}\f$ */
-      SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix,int> jacobianSOUT;
-      /*! \brief Returns the dimension of the feature as an output signal. */
-      SignalTimeDependent<unsigned int,int> dimensionSOUT;
-      /*! \brief This method write a graph description on the file named
-        FileName. */
-      virtual std::ostream & writeGraph(std::ostream & os) const;
-      virtual SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int>& getErrorDot()
-      {
-	return errordotSOUT;
-      }
-      /*! @} */
-      /* --- REFERENCE VALUE S* ------------------------------------------------- */
-    public:
-      /*! \name Reference
-	@{
-      */
-      virtual void setReference( FeatureAbstract * sdes ) = 0;
-      virtual void unsetReference( void ) { setReference(NULL); }
-      virtual const FeatureAbstract * getReferenceAbstract( void ) const = 0;
-      virtual FeatureAbstract * getReferenceAbstract( void ) = 0;
-      virtual bool isReferenceSet( void ) const { return false; }
-      virtual void addDependenciesFromReference( void ) = 0;
-      virtual void removeDependenciesFromReference( void ) = 0;
-      /* Commands for bindings. */
-      void setReferenceByName( const std::string& name );
-      std::string getReferenceByName( void ) const ;
-      /*! @} */
-    };
-    template <class FeatureSpecialized>
-    class FeatureReferenceHelper
-    {
-      FeatureSpecialized * ptr;
-      FeatureAbstract * ptrA;
-    public:
-      FeatureReferenceHelper( void ) : ptr (NULL) {}
-      void setReference( FeatureAbstract * sdes );
-      //void setReferenceByName( const std::string & name );
-      void unsetReference( void ) { setReference(NULL); }
-      bool isReferenceSet( void ) const { return ptr != NULL; }
-      FeatureSpecialized * getReference( void ){ return ptr; }
-      const FeatureSpecialized * getReference( void ) const { return ptr; }
-    };
-    template <class FeatureSpecialized>
-    void FeatureReferenceHelper<FeatureSpecialized>::
-    setReference( FeatureAbstract * sdes )
-    {
-      ptr = dynamic_cast<FeatureSpecialized*> (sdes);
-      ptrA=ptr;
-    }
-#define DECLARE_REFERENCE_FUNCTIONS(FeatureSpecialized)	\
-  typedef FeatureReferenceHelper<FeatureSpecialized> SP; \
-  virtual void setReference( FeatureAbstract * sdes ) \
-  { \
-    if( sdes==NULL ) \
-      { \
-	/* UNSET */ \
-	if( SP::isReferenceSet() ) \
-	  removeDependenciesFromReference(); \
-	SP::unsetReference(); \
-      } \
-    else \
-      { \
-	/* SET */ \
-	SP::setReference(sdes); \
-	if( SP::isReferenceSet() ) \
-	  addDependenciesFromReference(); \
-      } \
-  } \
-  virtual const FeatureAbstract * getReferenceAbstract( void ) const {return SP::getReference();} \
-  virtual FeatureAbstract * getReferenceAbstract( void ){return (FeatureAbstract*)SP::getReference();} \
-  bool isReferenceSet( void ) const { return SP::isReferenceSet(); } \
-  virtual void addDependenciesFromReference( void ); \
-  virtual void removeDependenciesFromReference( void )
-    virtual void setReference( FeatureAbstract * ) {} \
-    virtual const FeatureAbstract * getReferenceAbstract( void ) const {return NULL; } \
-    virtual FeatureAbstract * getReferenceAbstract( void ){return NULL; } \
-    virtual void addDependenciesFromReference( void ) {}		\
-    virtual void removeDependenciesFromReference( void ) {} \
-    /* To force a ; */bool NO_REFERENCE
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*! \class FeatureAbstract
+  \ingroup features
+  \brief This class gives the abstract definition of a feature.
+  \par par_features_definition Definition
+  In short, a feature is a data evolving according to time.  It is defined
+  by a vector \f${\bf s}({\bf q}) \in \mathbb{R}^n \f$ where \f$ {\bf q} \f$ is
+  a robot configuration, which depends on the time \f$ t \f$. By default a
+  feature has a desired \f${\bf s}^*(t) \f$. \f${\bf s}^*\f$ is provided by
+  another feature of the same type called reference. The feature is in charge of
+  collecting its own current state.  A feature is supposed to compute an error
+  between its current state and the desired one: \f$ E(t) = e({\bf q}(t), t) =
+  {\bf s}({\bf q}(t)) \ominus {\bf s}^*(t) \f$. Here, \f$ \ominus \f$ is the
+  difference operator of Lie group in which \f$ {\bf s} \f$ and \f$ {\bf s}^*
+  \f$ are. The documentation below assumes the Lie group is a vector space and
+  \f$\ominus\f$ is the usual difference operator.
+  A feature computes:
+  \li the Jacobian according to the robot state vector \f$ J =
+      \frac{\partial e}{\partial {\bf q}} = \frac{\partial{\bf s}}{\partial {\bf
+  q}}\f$. \li the partial derivative of the error \f$ e \f$: \f$ \frac{\partial
+  e}{\partial t} = - \frac{d{\bf s}^*}{dt}\f$.
+  The task is in general computed from the value of the feature at the
+  current instant \f$E(t) = e({\bf q},t)\f$. The derivative of \f$ E \f$ is:
+  \f[
+    \frac{dE}{dt} = J({\bf q}) \dot{q} + \frac{\partial e}{\partial t}
+  \f]
+  \image html feature.png "Feature diagram: Feature types derive from
+  FeatureAbstract. Each feature has a reference of the same type and
+  compute an error by comparing
+  errorSIN
+  signals from itself and from the
+  reference."
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT FeatureAbstract : public Entity {
+  /*! \brief Store the name of the class. */
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  /*! \brief Returns the name class. */
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  /*! \brief Register the feature in the stack of tasks. */
+  void featureRegistration(void);
+  void initCommands(void);
+  /*! \brief Default constructor: the name of the class should be given. */
+  FeatureAbstract(const std::string &name);
+  /*! \brief Default destructor */
+  virtual ~FeatureAbstract(void){};
+  /*! \name Methods returning the dimension of the feature.
+    @{ */
+  /*! \brief Verbose method.
+    \par res: The integer in which the dimension will be return.
+    \par time: The time at which the feature should be considered.
+    \return Dimension of the feature.
+    \note Be careful with features changing their dimension according to time.
+  */
+  virtual unsigned int &getDimension(unsigned int &res, int time) = 0;
+  /*! \brief Short method
+    \par time: The time at which the feature should be considered.
+    \return Dimension of the feature.
+    \note Be careful with features changing their dimension according to time.
+  */
+  inline unsigned int getDimension(int time) {
+    unsigned int res;
+    getDimension(res, time);
+    return res;
+  }
+  /*! \brief Shortest method
+    \return Dimension of the feature.
+    \note The feature is not changing its dimension according to time.
+  */
+  inline unsigned int getDimension(void) const {
+    return dimensionSOUT.accessCopy();
+  }
+  /*! @} */
+  /*! \name Methods to control internal computation.
+    The main idea is that some feature may have a lower frequency
+    than the internal control loop. In this case, the methods for
+    computation are called only when needed.
+    @{*/
+  /*! \brief Compute the error between the desired feature and
+    the current value of the feature measured or deduced from the robot state.
+    \par[out] res: The error will be set into res.
+    \par[in] time: The time at which the error is computed.
+    \return The vector res with the appropriate value.
+  */
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int time) = 0;
+  /*! \brief Compute the Jacobian of the error according the robot state.
+    \par[out] res: The matrix in which the error will be written.
+    \return The matrix res with the appropriate values.
+  */
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int time) = 0;
+  /// Callback for signal errordotSOUT
+  ///
+  /// Copy components of the input signal errordotSIN defined by selection
+  /// flag selectionSIN.
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeErrorDot(dg::Vector &res, int time);
+  /*! @} */
+  /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+  /*! \name Signals
+    @{
+  */
+  /*! \name Input signals:
+    @{ */
+  /*! \brief This vector specifies which dimension are used to perform the
+    computation. For instance let us assume that the feature is a 3D point. If
+    only the Y-axis should be used for computing error, activation and Jacobian,
+    then the vector to specify
+    is \f$ [ 0 1 0] \f$.*/
+  SignalPtr<Flags, int> selectionSIN;
+  /// Derivative of the reference value.
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> errordotSIN;
+  /*! @} */
+  /*! \name Output signals:
+    @{ */
+  /*! \brief This signal returns the error between the desired value and
+    the current value : \f$ E(t) = {\bf s}(t) - {\bf s}^*(t)\f$ */
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> errorSOUT;
+  /*! \brief Derivative of the error with respect to time:
+   * \f$ \frac{\partial e}{\partial t} = - \frac{d{\bf s}^*}{dt} \f$ */
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> errordotSOUT;
+  /*! \brief Jacobian of the error wrt the robot state:
+   * \f$ J = \frac{\partial {\bf s}}{\partial {\bf q}}\f$ */
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix, int> jacobianSOUT;
+  /*! \brief Returns the dimension of the feature as an output signal. */
+  SignalTimeDependent<unsigned int, int> dimensionSOUT;
+  /*! \brief This method write a graph description on the file named
+    FileName. */
+  virtual std::ostream &writeGraph(std::ostream &os) const;
+  virtual SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> &getErrorDot() {
+    return errordotSOUT;
+  }
+  /*! @} */
+  /* --- REFERENCE VALUE S* ------------------------------------------------- */
+  /*! \name Reference
+    @{
+  */
+  virtual void setReference(FeatureAbstract *sdes) = 0;
+  virtual void unsetReference(void) { setReference(NULL); }
+  virtual const FeatureAbstract *getReferenceAbstract(void) const = 0;
+  virtual FeatureAbstract *getReferenceAbstract(void) = 0;
+  virtual bool isReferenceSet(void) const { return false; }
+  virtual void addDependenciesFromReference(void) = 0;
+  virtual void removeDependenciesFromReference(void) = 0;
+  /* Commands for bindings. */
+  void setReferenceByName(const std::string &name);
+  std::string getReferenceByName(void) const;
+  /*! @} */
+template <class FeatureSpecialized> class FeatureReferenceHelper {
+  FeatureSpecialized *ptr;
+  FeatureAbstract *ptrA;
+  FeatureReferenceHelper(void) : ptr(NULL) {}
+  void setReference(FeatureAbstract *sdes);
+  // void setReferenceByName( const std::string & name );
+  void unsetReference(void) { setReference(NULL); }
+  bool isReferenceSet(void) const { return ptr != NULL; }
+  FeatureSpecialized *getReference(void) { return ptr; }
+  const FeatureSpecialized *getReference(void) const { return ptr; }
+template <class FeatureSpecialized>
+void FeatureReferenceHelper<FeatureSpecialized>::setReference(
+    FeatureAbstract *sdes) {
+  ptr = dynamic_cast<FeatureSpecialized *>(sdes);
+  ptrA = ptr;
+#define DECLARE_REFERENCE_FUNCTIONS(FeatureSpecialized)                        \
+  typedef FeatureReferenceHelper<FeatureSpecialized> SP;                       \
+  virtual void setReference(FeatureAbstract *sdes) {                           \
+    if (sdes == NULL) {                                                        \
+      /* UNSET */                                                              \
+      if (SP::isReferenceSet())                                                \
+        removeDependenciesFromReference();                                     \
+      SP::unsetReference();                                                    \
+    } else {                                                                   \
+      /* SET */                                                                \
+      SP::setReference(sdes);                                                  \
+      if (SP::isReferenceSet())                                                \
+        addDependenciesFromReference();                                        \
+    }                                                                          \
+  }                                                                            \
+  virtual const FeatureAbstract *getReferenceAbstract(void) const {            \
+    return SP::getReference();                                                 \
+  }                                                                            \
+  virtual FeatureAbstract *getReferenceAbstract(void) {                        \
+    return (FeatureAbstract *)SP::getReference();                              \
+  }                                                                            \
+  bool isReferenceSet(void) const { return SP::isReferenceSet(); }             \
+  virtual void addDependenciesFromReference(void);                             \
+  virtual void removeDependenciesFromReference(void)
+#define DECLARE_NO_REFERENCE                                                   \
+  virtual void setReference(FeatureAbstract *) {}                              \
+  virtual const FeatureAbstract *getReferenceAbstract(void) const {            \
+    return NULL;                                                               \
+  }                                                                            \
+  virtual FeatureAbstract *getReferenceAbstract(void) { return NULL; }         \
+  virtual void addDependenciesFromReference(void) {}                           \
+  virtual void removeDependenciesFromReference(void) {}                        \
+  /* To force a ; */ bool NO_REFERENCE
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_ABSTRACT_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-generic.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-generic.hh
index d0b20501..21bfe832 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-generic.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-generic.hh
@@ -15,33 +15,35 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (feature_generic_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTFEATUREGENERIC_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTFEATUREGENERIC_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(feature_generic_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTFEATUREGENERIC_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTFEATUREGENERIC_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
   \class FeatureGeneric
-  \brief Class that defines a generic implementation of the abstract interface for features.
+  \brief Class that defines a generic implementation of the abstract interface
+  for features.
   This class is very useful if the feature can be easily computed using
   the basic operator provided. For instance a free space controller on a
@@ -53,20 +55,20 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-: public FeatureAbstract, FeatureReferenceHelper<FeatureGeneric>
+    : public FeatureAbstract,
+      FeatureReferenceHelper<FeatureGeneric> {
- public:
   /*! Field storing the class name. */
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
   /*! Returns the name of the class. */
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
   dg::Vector::Index dimensionDefault;
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
   /*! \name dg::Signals
@@ -74,60 +76,59 @@ class SOTFEATUREGENERIC_EXPORT FeatureGeneric
   /*! \brief Input for the error. */
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > errorSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> errorSIN;
   /*! \brief Input for the Jacobian. */
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Matrix,int > jacobianSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Matrix, int> jacobianSIN;
   /*! @} */
   /*! \name Output signals
-  /*! \brief Publish the jacobian of the feature according to the robot state. */
+  /*! \brief Publish the jacobian of the feature according to the robot state.
+   */
   using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
   /*! \brief Publish the error between the desired and the current value of the
       feature. */
   using FeatureAbstract::errorSOUT;
- public:
   /*! \brief Default constructor */
-  FeatureGeneric( const std::string& name );
+  FeatureGeneric(const std::string &name);
   /*! \brief Default destructor */
-  virtual ~FeatureGeneric( void ) {}
+  virtual ~FeatureGeneric(void) {}
   /*! \brief Get the dimension of the feature. */
-  virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time );
+  virtual unsigned int &getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time);
   /*! \name Methods to trigger computation related to this feature.
-  /*! \brief Compute the error between the desired value and the value itself. */
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res,int time );
+  /*! \brief Compute the error between the desired value and the value itself.
+   */
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int time);
   /*! \brief Compute the Jacobian of the value according to the robot state.. */
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res,int time );
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int time);
   /*! @} */
   /*! \brief Display the information related to this generic implementation. */
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
   /*! \name Dealing with the reference value to be reach with this feature.
   /*! @} */
-} ;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_GENERIC_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-joint-limits.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-joint-limits.hh
index d630265d..fbb67c1a 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-joint-limits.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-joint-limits.hh
@@ -15,28 +15,29 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (feature_joint_limits_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTFEATUREJOINTLIMITS_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTFEATUREJOINTLIMITS_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(feature_joint_limits_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTFEATUREJOINTLIMITS_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTFEATUREJOINTLIMITS_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -44,34 +45,32 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
   \brief Class that defines gradient vector for jl avoidance.
-  : public FeatureAbstract, FeatureReferenceHelper<FeatureJointLimits>
+    : public FeatureAbstract,
+      FeatureReferenceHelper<FeatureJointLimits> {
- public:
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
   double threshold;
   const static double THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; // = .9;
-/*   unsigned int freeFloatingIndex,freeFloatingSize; */
-/*   static const unsigned int FREE_FLOATING_INDEX = 0; */
-/*   static const unsigned int FREE_FLOATING_SIZE = 5; */
+  /*   unsigned int freeFloatingIndex,freeFloatingSize; */
+  /*   static const unsigned int FREE_FLOATING_INDEX = 0; */
+  /*   static const unsigned int FREE_FLOATING_SIZE = 5; */
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > jointSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > upperJlSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > lowerJlSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Vector,int > widthJlSINTERN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> jointSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> upperJlSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> lowerJlSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> widthJlSINTERN;
   using FeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
-  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
   using FeatureAbstract::errorSOUT;
+  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
   /*! \name Dealing with the reference value to be reach with this feature.
@@ -79,23 +78,24 @@ class SOTFEATUREJOINTLIMITS_EXPORT FeatureJointLimits
   /*! @} */
- public:
-  FeatureJointLimits( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~FeatureJointLimits( void ) {}
+  FeatureJointLimits(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~FeatureJointLimits(void) {}
-  virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time );
+  virtual unsigned int &getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time);
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res,int time );
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res,int time );
-  dg::Vector& computeWidthJl( dg::Vector& res,const int& time );
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int time);
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int time);
+  dg::Vector &computeWidthJl(dg::Vector &res, const int &time);
   /** Static Feature selection. */
-  inline static Flags selectActuated( void );
+  inline static Flags selectActuated(void);
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-} ;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_JOINTLIMITS_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-line-distance.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-line-distance.hh
index 06876ec2..37034c4a 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-line-distance.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-line-distance.hh
@@ -15,28 +15,29 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (feature_line_distance_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTFEATURELINEDISTANCE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTFEATURELINEDISTANCE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(feature_line_distance_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTFEATURELINEDISTANCE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTFEATURELINEDISTANCE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -44,26 +45,24 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
   \brief Class that defines point-3d control feature
-: public FeatureAbstract
+    : public FeatureAbstract {
- public:
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous,int > positionSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Matrix,int > articularJacobianSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > positionRefSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > vectorSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> lineSOUT;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> positionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Matrix, int> articularJacobianSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> positionRefSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> vectorSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> lineSOUT;
-  using FeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
-  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
   using FeatureAbstract::errorSOUT;
+  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
+  using FeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
   /*! \name Dealing with the reference value to be reach with this feature.
@@ -71,23 +70,21 @@ class SOTFEATURELINEDISTANCE_EXPORT FeatureLineDistance
   /*! @} */
+  FeatureLineDistance(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~FeatureLineDistance(void) {}
- public:
-  FeatureLineDistance( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~FeatureLineDistance( void ) {}
-  virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time );
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res,int time );
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res,int time );
-  dg::Vector& computeLineCoordinates( dg::Vector& cood,int time );
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  virtual unsigned int &getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time);
-} ;
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int time);
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int time);
+  dg::Vector &computeLineCoordinates(dg::Vector &cood, int time);
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_LINEDISTANCE_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-point6d-relative.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-point6d-relative.hh
index bcf36e92..73468ce8 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-point6d-relative.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-point6d-relative.hh
@@ -15,30 +15,31 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
+#include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
 #include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/feature-point6d.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (feature_point6d_relative_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTFEATUREPOINT6DRELATIVE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTFEATUREPOINT6DRELATIVE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(feature_point6d_relative_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTFEATUREPOINT6DRELATIVE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTFEATUREPOINT6DRELATIVE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -47,22 +48,19 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-: public FeaturePoint6d
+    : public FeaturePoint6d {
- public:
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
   dg::Matrix L;
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous,int > positionReferenceSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Matrix,int > articularJacobianReferenceSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> positionReferenceSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Matrix, int> articularJacobianReferenceSIN;
   /*! dg::Signals related to the computation of the derivative of
     the error
@@ -71,29 +69,29 @@ class SOTFEATUREPOINT6DRELATIVE_EXPORT FeaturePoint6dRelative
   /*! dg::Signals giving the derivative of the input signals.
   /*! Derivative of the relative position. */
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous,int > dotpositionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> dotpositionSIN;
   /*! Derivative of the reference position. */
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous,int > dotpositionReferenceSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> dotpositionReferenceSIN;
   /*! @} */
   using FeaturePoint6d::getReference;
- public:
-  FeaturePoint6dRelative( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~FeaturePoint6dRelative( void ) {}
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res,int time );
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeErrorDot( dg::Vector& res,int time );
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res,int time );
+  FeaturePoint6dRelative(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~FeaturePoint6dRelative(void) {}
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int time);
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeErrorDot(dg::Vector &res, int time);
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int time);
-  void initCommands( void );
-  void initSdes( const std::string& featureDesiredName );
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-} ;
+  void initCommands(void);
+  void initSdes(const std::string &featureDesiredName);
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_POINT6DRELATIVE_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-point6d.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-point6d.hh
index bfd084e0..57da63dd 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-point6d.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-point6d.hh
@@ -15,30 +15,31 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (feature_point6d_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTFEATUREPOINT6D_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTFEATUREPOINT6D_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(feature_point6d_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTFEATUREPOINT6D_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTFEATUREPOINT6D_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -46,81 +47,80 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
   \brief Class that defines point-6d control feature
-  : public FeatureAbstract, public FeatureReferenceHelper<FeaturePoint6d>
+    : public FeatureAbstract,
+      public FeatureReferenceHelper<FeaturePoint6d> {
- public:
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
   /* --- Frame type --------------------------------------------------------- */
- protected:
-  enum ComputationFrameType
-    {
-    };
+  enum ComputationFrameType { FRAME_DESIRED, FRAME_CURRENT };
   static const ComputationFrameType COMPUTATION_FRAME_DEFAULT;
- public:
   /// \brief Set computation frame
-  void computationFrame(const std::string& inFrame);
+  void computationFrame(const std::string &inFrame);
   /// \brief Get computation frame
   std::string computationFrame() const;
- private:
   ComputationFrameType computationFrame_;
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous,int > positionSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector, int > velocitySIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Matrix,int > articularJacobianSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> positionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> velocitySIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Matrix, int> articularJacobianSIN;
-  using FeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
-  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
   using FeatureAbstract::errorSOUT;
+  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
+  using FeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
   /*! \name Dealing with the reference value to be reach with this feature.
     @{  */
   /*! @} */
- public:
-  FeaturePoint6d( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~FeaturePoint6d( void ) {}
+  FeaturePoint6d(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~FeaturePoint6d(void) {}
-  virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time );
+  virtual unsigned int &getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time);
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res,int time );
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeErrordot( dg::Vector& res,int time );
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res,int time );
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int time);
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeErrordot(dg::Vector &res, int time);
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int time);
   /** Static Feature selection. */
-  inline static Flags selectX( void )  { return FLAG_LINE_1; }
-  inline static Flags selectY( void )  { return FLAG_LINE_2; }
-  inline static Flags selectZ( void )  { return FLAG_LINE_3; }
-  inline static Flags selectRX( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_4; }
-  inline static Flags selectRY( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_5; }
-  inline static Flags selectRZ( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_6; }
+  inline static Flags selectX(void) { return FLAG_LINE_1; }
+  inline static Flags selectY(void) { return FLAG_LINE_2; }
+  inline static Flags selectZ(void) { return FLAG_LINE_3; }
+  inline static Flags selectRX(void) { return FLAG_LINE_4; }
+  inline static Flags selectRY(void) { return FLAG_LINE_5; }
+  inline static Flags selectRZ(void) { return FLAG_LINE_6; }
+  inline static Flags selectTranslation(void) { return Flags(7); }
+  inline static Flags selectRotation(void) { return Flags(56); }
-  inline static Flags selectTranslation( void ) { return Flags(7); }
-  inline static Flags selectRotation( void ) { return Flags(56); }
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  void servoCurrentPosition(void);
- public:
-  void servoCurrentPosition( void );
- private:
   // Intermediate variables for internal computations
-  Eigen::Vector3d v_, omega_, errordot_t_, errordot_th_, Rreftomega_,
-    t_, tref_;
-  VectorUTheta  error_th_;
+  Eigen::Vector3d v_, omega_, errordot_t_, errordot_th_, Rreftomega_, t_, tref_;
+  VectorUTheta error_th_;
   MatrixRotation R_, Rref_, Rt_, Rreft_;
   Eigen::Matrix3d P_, Pinv_;
   double accuracy_;
-  void inverseJacobianRodrigues ();
-} ;
+  void inverseJacobianRodrigues();
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_POINT6D_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-pose.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-pose.hh
index a0131e2b..5aa435a2 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-pose.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-pose.hh
@@ -22,14 +22,12 @@
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /// Enum used to specify what difference operation is used in FeaturePose.
-enum Representation_t {
-  SE3Representation,
-  R3xSO3Representation
+enum Representation_t { SE3Representation, R3xSO3Representation };
   \brief Feature that controls the relative (or absolute) pose between
@@ -39,19 +37,21 @@ enum Representation_t {
           - the descent direction,
           - the meaning of the mask.
           With R3xSO3Representation, the mask is relative to <em>Frame A</em>.
-          If this feature is alone in a SOT, the relative motion of <em>Frame B</em>
-          wrt <em>Frame A</em> will be a line.
-          This is what most people want.
+          If this feature is alone in a SOT, the relative motion of <em>Frame
+  B</em> wrt <em>Frame A</em> will be a line. This is what most people want.
   - The frames are refered to with \c fa and \c fb.
-  - Each frame is attached to a joint, which are refered to with \c ja and \c jb.
-  - the difference operator is defined differently depending on the representation:
+  - Each frame is attached to a joint, which are refered to with \c ja and \c
+  jb.
+  - the difference operator is defined differently depending on the
+  representation:
     - R3xSO3Representation:
         \f[ \begin{array}{ccccc}
-        \ominus & : & (R^3\times SO(3))^2                 & \to & R^3 \times \mathfrak{so}(3) \\
-                &   & (a = (t_a,R_a),b = (t_b,R_b))       & \mapsto & b \ominus a = (t_b - t_a, \log(R_a^{-1} R_b) \\
-        \end{array} \f]
+        \ominus & : & (R^3\times SO(3))^2                 & \to & R^3 \times
+  \mathfrak{so}(3) \\
+                &   & (a = (t_a,R_a),b = (t_b,R_b))       & \mapsto & b \ominus
+  a = (t_b - t_a, \log(R_a^{-1} R_b) \\ \end{array} \f]
     - SE3Representation:
         \f[ \begin{array}{ccccc}
         \ominus & : & SE(3)^2 & \to & \mathfrak{se}(3) \\
@@ -60,104 +60,109 @@ enum Representation_t {
 template <Representation_t representation = R3xSO3Representation>
-class SOT_CORE_DLLAPI FeaturePose
-  : public FeatureAbstract
+class SOT_CORE_DLLAPI FeaturePose : public FeatureAbstract {
- public:
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- public:
   /*! \name Input signals
   /// Input pose of <em>Joint A</em> wrt to world frame.
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous, int > oMja;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> oMja;
   /// Input pose of <em>Frame A</em> wrt to <em>Joint A</em>.
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous, int > jaMfa;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> jaMfa;
   /// Input pose of <em>Joint B</em> wrt to world frame.
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous, int > oMjb;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> oMjb;
   /// Input pose of <em>Frame B</em> wrt to <em>Joint B</em>.
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous, int > jbMfb;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> jbMfb;
   /// Jacobian of the input <em>Joint A</em>, expressed in <em>Joint A</em>
-  dg::SignalPtr< Matrix,int > jaJja;
+  dg::SignalPtr<Matrix, int> jaJja;
   /// Jacobian of the input <em>Joint B</em>, expressed in <em>Joint B</em>
-  dg::SignalPtr< Matrix,int > jbJjb;
+  dg::SignalPtr<Matrix, int> jbJjb;
   /// The desired pose of <em>Frame B</em> wrt to <em>Frame A</em>.
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous, int > faMfbDes;
-  /// The desired velocity of <em>Frame B</em> wrt to <em>Frame A</em>. The value is expressed in <em>Frame A</em>.
-  dg::SignalPtr< Vector, int > faNufafbDes;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> faMfbDes;
+  /// The desired velocity of <em>Frame B</em> wrt to <em>Frame A</em>. The
+  /// value is expressed in <em>Frame A</em>.
+  dg::SignalPtr<Vector, int> faNufafbDes;
   /*! @} */
   /*! \name Output signals
   /// Pose of <em>Frame B</em> wrt to <em>Frame A</em>.
-  SignalTimeDependent< MatrixHomogeneous, int > faMfb;
+  SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous, int> faMfb;
   /// Pose of <em>Frame B</em> wrt to <em>Frame A</em>.
   /// It is expressed as a translation followed by a quaternion.
-  SignalTimeDependent< Vector7, int > q_faMfb;
+  SignalTimeDependent<Vector7, int> q_faMfb;
   /// Desired pose of <em>Frame B</em> wrt to <em>Frame A</em>.
   /// It is expressed as a translation followed by a quaternion.
-  SignalTimeDependent< Vector7, int > q_faMfbDes;
+  SignalTimeDependent<Vector7, int> q_faMfbDes;
   /*! @} */
-  using FeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
-  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
   using FeatureAbstract::errorSOUT;
+  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
+  using FeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
   /*! \name Dealing with the reference value to be reach with this feature.
     @{  */
   /*! @} */
- public:
-  FeaturePose( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~FeaturePose( void ) {}
+  FeaturePose(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~FeaturePose(void) {}
-  virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time );
+  virtual unsigned int &getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time);
   /// Computes \f$ {}^oM^{-1}_{fa} {}^oM_{fb} \ominus {}^{fa}M^*_{fb} \f$
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res,int time );
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int time);
   /// Computes \f$ \frac{\partial\ominus}{\partial b} X {}^{fa}\nu^*_{fafb} \f$.
   /// There are two different cases, depending on the representation:
-  /// - R3xSO3Representation: \f$ X = \left( \begin{array}{cc} I_3 & [ {}^{fa}t_{fb} ] \\ 0_3 & {{}^{fa}R^*_{fb}}^T \end{array} \right) \f$
-  /// - SE3Representation: \f$ X = {{}^{fa}X^*_{fb}}^{-1} \f$ (see pinocchio::SE3Base<Scalar,Options>::toActionMatrix)
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeErrorDot( dg::Vector& res,int time );
-  /// Computes \f$ \frac{\partial\ominus}{\partial b} Y \left( {{}^{fb}X_{jb}} {}^{jb}J_{jb} - {{}^{fb}X_{ja}} {}^{ja}J_{ja} \right) \f$.
-  /// There are two different cases, depending on the representation:
-  /// - R3xSO3Representation: \f$ Y = \left( \begin{array}{cc} {{}^{fa}R_{fb}} & 0_3 \\ 0_3 & I_3 \end{array} \right) \f$
+  /// - R3xSO3Representation: \f$ X = \left( \begin{array}{cc} I_3 & [
+  /// {}^{fa}t_{fb} ] \\ 0_3 & {{}^{fa}R^*_{fb}}^T \end{array} \right) \f$
+  /// - SE3Representation: \f$ X = {{}^{fa}X^*_{fb}}^{-1} \f$ (see
+  /// pinocchio::SE3Base<Scalar,Options>::toActionMatrix)
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeErrorDot(dg::Vector &res, int time);
+  /// Computes \f$ \frac{\partial\ominus}{\partial b} Y \left( {{}^{fb}X_{jb}}
+  /// {}^{jb}J_{jb} - {{}^{fb}X_{ja}} {}^{ja}J_{ja} \right) \f$. There are two
+  /// different cases, depending on the representation:
+  /// - R3xSO3Representation: \f$ Y = \left( \begin{array}{cc} {{}^{fa}R_{fb}} &
+  /// 0_3 \\ 0_3 & I_3 \end{array} \right) \f$
   /// - SE3Representation: \f$ Y = I_6 \f$
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res,int time );
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int time);
   /** Static Feature selection. */
-  inline static Flags selectX( void )  { return FLAG_LINE_1; }
-  inline static Flags selectY( void )  { return FLAG_LINE_2; }
-  inline static Flags selectZ( void )  { return FLAG_LINE_3; }
-  inline static Flags selectRX( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_4; }
-  inline static Flags selectRY( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_5; }
-  inline static Flags selectRZ( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_6; }
+  inline static Flags selectX(void) { return FLAG_LINE_1; }
+  inline static Flags selectY(void) { return FLAG_LINE_2; }
+  inline static Flags selectZ(void) { return FLAG_LINE_3; }
+  inline static Flags selectRX(void) { return FLAG_LINE_4; }
+  inline static Flags selectRY(void) { return FLAG_LINE_5; }
+  inline static Flags selectRZ(void) { return FLAG_LINE_6; }
-  inline static Flags selectTranslation( void ) { return Flags(7); }
-  inline static Flags selectRotation( void ) { return Flags(56); }
+  inline static Flags selectTranslation(void) { return Flags(7); }
+  inline static Flags selectRotation(void) { return Flags(56); }
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
- public:
-  void servoCurrentPosition( void );
- private:
-  MatrixHomogeneous& computefaMfb (MatrixHomogeneous& res, int time);
-  Vector7& computeQfaMfb (Vector7& res, int time);
-  Vector7& computeQfaMfbDes (Vector7& res, int time);
+  void servoCurrentPosition(void);
+  MatrixHomogeneous &computefaMfb(MatrixHomogeneous &res, int time);
+  Vector7 &computeQfaMfb(Vector7 &res, int time);
+  Vector7 &computeQfaMfbDes(Vector7 &res, int time);
   /// \todo Intermediate variables for internal computations
-} ;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_TRANSFORMATION_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-posture.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-posture.hh
index 0e782e38..4d7254e3 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-posture.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-posture.hh
@@ -18,68 +18,66 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (feature_posture_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTFEATUREPOSTURE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTFEATUREPOSTURE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(feature_posture_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTFEATUREPOSTURE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTFEATUREPOSTURE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    using command::Command;
-    using command::Value;
+namespace sot {
+using command::Command;
+using command::Value;
-    /*! @class dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture feature-posture.hh
-     * Feature that observes the posture of the robot, ie whose Jacobian is the
-     * identity, or slices of the identity. This feature can be exactly
-     * obtained with a generic posture, given the identity matrix as the input
-     * Jacobian, the identity matrix. It is even prefereable, as the reference
-     * value is then given by a signal, which can be reevalutated at each
-     * iteration, for example to track a reference trajectory in the
-     * configuration space. See for example the toFlag python function in the
-     * sot-dyninv module to nicely selec the posture DOF.
-     */
+/*! @class dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture feature-posture.hh
+ * Feature that observes the posture of the robot, ie whose Jacobian is the
+ * identity, or slices of the identity. This feature can be exactly
+ * obtained with a generic posture, given the identity matrix as the input
+ * Jacobian, the identity matrix. It is even prefereable, as the reference
+ * value is then given by a signal, which can be reevalutated at each
+ * iteration, for example to track a reference trajectory in the
+ * configuration space. See for example the toFlag python function in the
+ * sot-dyninv module to nicely selec the posture DOF.
+ */
-    class SOTFEATUREPOSTURE_EXPORT FeaturePosture
-      : public FeatureAbstract
-    {
-      class SelectDof;
-      friend class SelectDof;
+class SOTFEATUREPOSTURE_EXPORT FeaturePosture : public FeatureAbstract {
+  class SelectDof;
+  friend class SelectDof;
-    public:
-      typedef dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> signalIn_t;
-      typedef dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> signalOut_t;
+  typedef dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> signalIn_t;
+  typedef dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> signalOut_t;
-      explicit FeaturePosture (const std::string& name);
-      virtual ~FeaturePosture ();
-      virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int& res,int );
-      void selectDof (unsigned dofId, bool control);
+  explicit FeaturePosture(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~FeaturePosture();
+  virtual unsigned int &getDimension(unsigned int &res, int);
+  void selectDof(unsigned dofId, bool control);
-    protected:
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int);
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int);
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeActivation(dg::Vector &res, int);
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeErrorDot(dg::Vector &res, int time);
-      virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res, int );
-      virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res, int );
-      virtual dg::Vector& computeActivation( dg::Vector& res, int );
-      virtual dg::Vector& computeErrorDot (dg::Vector& res,int time);
+  signalIn_t state_;
+  signalIn_t posture_;
+  signalIn_t postureDot_;
+  signalOut_t error_;
+  dg::Matrix jacobian_;
-      signalIn_t state_;
-      signalIn_t posture_;
-      signalIn_t postureDot_;
-      signalOut_t error_;
-      dg::Matrix jacobian_;
-    private:
-      std::vector <bool> activeDofs_;
-      std::size_t nbActiveDofs_;
-    }; // class FeaturePosture
-  } // namespace sot
+  std::vector<bool> activeDofs_;
+  std::size_t nbActiveDofs_;
+}; // class FeaturePosture
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-task.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-task.hh
index f329dbeb..66df85ac 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-task.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-task.hh
@@ -15,61 +15,58 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
+#include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
 #include <sot/core/feature-generic.hh>
 #include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (feature_task_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTFEATURETASK_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTFEATURETASK_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(feature_task_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTFEATURETASK_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTFEATURETASK_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-  : public FeatureGeneric
+class SOTFEATURETASK_EXPORT FeatureTask : public FeatureGeneric {
- public:
   /*! Field storing the class name. */
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
   /*! Returns the name of the class. */
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
-  TaskAbstract * taskPtr;
+  TaskAbstract *taskPtr;
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
- public:
   /*! \brief Default constructor */
-  FeatureTask( const std::string& name );
+  FeatureTask(const std::string &name);
   /*! \brief Default destructor */
-  virtual ~FeatureTask( void ) {}
+  virtual ~FeatureTask(void) {}
   /*! \brief Display the information related to this task implementation. */
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-} ;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_TASK_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-vector3.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-vector3.hh
index 6313dbd0..d5d42eba 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-vector3.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-vector3.hh
@@ -15,73 +15,70 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (feature_vector3_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTFEATUREVECTOR3_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTFEATUREVECTOR3_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(feature_vector3_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTFEATUREVECTOR3_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTFEATUREVECTOR3_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
   \class FeatureVector3
   \brief Class that defines point-3d control feature
-: public FeatureAbstract
+class SOTFEATUREVECTOR3_EXPORT FeatureVector3 : public FeatureAbstract {
- public:
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > vectorSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< MatrixHomogeneous,int > positionSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Matrix,int > articularJacobianSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > positionRefSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> vectorSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> positionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Matrix, int> articularJacobianSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> positionRefSIN;
-  using FeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
-  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
   using FeatureAbstract::errorSOUT;
+  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
+  using FeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
- public:
-  FeatureVector3( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~FeatureVector3( void ) {}
-  virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time );
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res,int time );
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res,int time );
+  FeatureVector3(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~FeatureVector3(void) {}
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  virtual unsigned int &getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time);
-} ;
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int time);
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int time);
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_VECTOR3_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh b/include/sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh
index 467139f3..7bebd3d2 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh
@@ -15,28 +15,29 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (feature_visual_point_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTFEATUREVISUALPOINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTFEATUREVISUALPOINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(feature_visual_point_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTFEATUREVISUALPOINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTFEATUREVISUALPOINT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -44,51 +45,48 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
   \brief Class that defines 2D visualPoint visual feature
-  : public FeatureAbstract, public FeatureReferenceHelper<FeatureVisualPoint>
+    : public FeatureAbstract,
+      public FeatureReferenceHelper<FeatureVisualPoint> {
- public:
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
   dg::Matrix L;
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > xySIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> xySIN;
   /** FeatureVisualPoint depth (required to compute the interaction matrix)
    * default Z = 1m. */
-  dg::SignalPtr< double,int > ZSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Matrix,int > articularJacobianSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<double, int> ZSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Matrix, int> articularJacobianSIN;
-  using FeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
-  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
   using FeatureAbstract::errorSOUT;
+  using FeatureAbstract::jacobianSOUT;
+  using FeatureAbstract::selectionSIN;
- public:
-  FeatureVisualPoint( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~FeatureVisualPoint( void ) {}
+  FeatureVisualPoint(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~FeatureVisualPoint(void) {}
-  virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time );
+  virtual unsigned int &getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time);
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res,int time );
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res,int time );
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int time);
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int time);
   /** Static Feature selection. */
-  inline static Flags selectX( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_1; }
-  inline static Flags selectY( void ) { return FLAG_LINE_2; }
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  inline static Flags selectX(void) { return FLAG_LINE_1; }
+  inline static Flags selectY(void) { return FLAG_LINE_2; }
-} ;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_FEATURE_VISUALPOINT_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/filter-differentiator.hh b/include/sot/core/filter-differentiator.hh
index 81dc486b..634d20fe 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/filter-differentiator.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/filter-differentiator.hh
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (low_pass_filter_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTFILTERDIFFERENTIATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTFILTERDIFFERENTIATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(low_pass_filter_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTFILTERDIFFERENTIATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTFILTERDIFFERENTIATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 //#define VP_DEBUG 1        /// enable debug output
@@ -39,93 +39,86 @@
 /* HELPER */
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-helper.h>
-#include <sot/core/stop-watch.hh>
 #include <sot/core/causal-filter.hh>
+#include <sot/core/stop-watch.hh>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-      /** \addtogroup Filters 
-	  \section subsec_filterdiff FilterDifferentiator
-        This Entity takes as inputs a signal and applies a low pass filter (implemented through CasualFilter)
-        and computes finite difference derivative.
-	The input signal is provided through m_xSIN (an entity signal). 
-	The filtered signal is given through m_x_filteredSOUT.
-	The first derivative of the filtered signal is provided with m_dxSOUT.
-	The second derivative of the filtered signal is provided with m_ddxSOUT.
-        */
-      class SOTFILTERDIFFERENTIATOR_EXPORT FilterDifferentiator
-          :public ::dynamicgraph::Entity
-      {
-      public:  /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-	/// Input signals
-        DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(x,                 dynamicgraph::Vector);
-	/// Output signal x_filtered
-        DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(x_filtered,       dynamicgraph::Vector);
-        DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(dx,               dynamicgraph::Vector);
-        DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(ddx,              dynamicgraph::Vector);
-        /// The following inner signals are used because this entity has
-        /// some output signals
-        /// whose related quantities are computed at the same time by the
-        /// same algorithm
-        /// To avoid the risk of recomputing the same things twice,
-        /// we create an inner signal that groups together
-        /// all the quantities that are computed together.
-        /// Then the single output signals will depend
-        /// on this inner signal, which is the one triggering the computations.
-        /// Inner signals are not exposed, so that nobody can access them.
-        /// This signal contains the estimated positions, velocities and
-        /// accelerations.
-        DECLARE_SIGNAL_INNER(x_dx_ddx,              dynamicgraph::Vector);
-      protected:
-        double m_dt;      /// sampling timestep of the input signal
-        int m_x_size;
-        /// polynomial-fitting filters
-        CausalFilter* m_filter;
-      public:
-        /** --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
-        FilterDifferentiator( const std::string & name );
-        /** Initialize the FilterDifferentiator.
-         * @param timestep Period (in seconds) after which
-	 * the sensors' data are updated.
-         * @param sigSize  Size of the input signal.
-         * @param delay    Delay (in seconds) introduced by the estimation.
-         *                 This should be a multiple of timestep.
-         * @note The estimationDelay is half of the length of the
-	 * window used for the
-         * polynomial fitting. The larger the delay,
-	 * the smoother the estimations.
-         */
-        void init(const double &timestep,
-                  const int& xSize,
-                  const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_numerator,
-                  const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_denominator);
-        void switch_filter(const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_numerator,
-                           const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_denominator);
-      protected:
-      public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
-        virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-      }; // class FilterDifferentiator
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+/** \addtogroup Filters
+    \section subsec_filterdiff FilterDifferentiator
+  This Entity takes as inputs a signal and applies a low pass filter
+  (implemented through CasualFilter) and computes finite difference derivative.
+  The input signal is provided through m_xSIN (an entity signal).
+  The filtered signal is given through m_x_filteredSOUT.
+  The first derivative of the filtered signal is provided with m_dxSOUT.
+  The second derivative of the filtered signal is provided with m_ddxSOUT.
+  */
+    : public ::dynamicgraph::Entity {
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+        /// Input signals
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(x, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+  /// Output signal x_filtered
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(x_filtered, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(dx, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(ddx, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+  /// The following inner signals are used because this entity has
+  /// some output signals
+  /// whose related quantities are computed at the same time by the
+  /// same algorithm
+  /// To avoid the risk of recomputing the same things twice,
+  /// we create an inner signal that groups together
+  /// all the quantities that are computed together.
+  /// Then the single output signals will depend
+  /// on this inner signal, which is the one triggering the computations.
+  /// Inner signals are not exposed, so that nobody can access them.
+  /// This signal contains the estimated positions, velocities and
+  /// accelerations.
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_INNER(x_dx_ddx, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+  double m_dt; /// sampling timestep of the input signal
+  int m_x_size;
+  /// polynomial-fitting filters
+  CausalFilter *m_filter;
+  /** --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
+  FilterDifferentiator(const std::string &name);
+  /** Initialize the FilterDifferentiator.
+   * @param timestep Period (in seconds) after which
+   * the sensors' data are updated.
+   * @param sigSize  Size of the input signal.
+   * @param delay    Delay (in seconds) introduced by the estimation.
+   *                 This should be a multiple of timestep.
+   * @note The estimationDelay is half of the length of the
+   * window used for the
+   * polynomial fitting. The larger the delay,
+   * the smoother the estimations.
+   */
+  void init(const double &timestep, const int &xSize,
+            const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_numerator,
+            const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_denominator);
+  void switch_filter(const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_numerator,
+                     const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_denominator);
+public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+}; // class FilterDifferentiator
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef __sot_torque_control_FilterDifferentiator_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/fir-filter-impl.hh b/include/sot/core/fir-filter-impl.hh
index b9bb2d47..db2b84bc 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/fir-filter-impl.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/fir-filter-impl.hh
@@ -16,35 +16,35 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (fir_filter_EXPORTS)
-#    define FIL_FILTER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define FIL_FILTER_EXPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(fir_filter_EXPORTS)
+#define FIL_FILTER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define FIL_FILTER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-# ifdef WIN32
-#  define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType,sotCoefType ) \
-    class FIL_FILTER_EXPORT className : public FIRFilter<sotSigType,sotCoefType>   \
-    {                                                                              \
-    public:                                                                        \
-      className( const std::string& name );                                        \
-    };
-# else
-#  define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType,sotCoefType ) \
-	typedef FIRFilter<sotSigType,sotCoefType> className;
-# endif // WIN32
+#ifdef WIN32
+#define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType, sotCoefType)              \
+  class FIL_FILTER_EXPORT className                                            \
+      : public FIRFilter<sotSigType, sotCoefType> {                            \
+  public:                                                                      \
+    className(const std::string &name);                                        \
+  };
+#define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType, sotCoefType)              \
+  typedef FIRFilter<sotSigType, sotCoefType> className;
+#endif // WIN32
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(FIRFilterDoubleDouble, double, double)
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(FIRFilterVectorDouble, Vector, double)
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(FIRFilterVectorMatrix, Vector, Matrix)
-  } // namespace sot
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/include/sot/core/fir-filter.hh b/include/sot/core/fir-filter.hh
index 6cef80be..b543dbdd 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/fir-filter.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/fir-filter.hh
@@ -12,264 +12,226 @@
 #include <cassert>
-#include <vector>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <iterator>
+#include <vector>
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    namespace detail
-    {
-      // GRMBL boost-sandox::circular_buffer smells... Why keep using 1.33?!
-      // As a workaround, only the part of circular_buffer's interface used
-      // here is implemented.
-      // Ugly, fatty piece of code.
-      template<class T>
-      class circular_buffer
-      {
-      public:
-	circular_buffer(): buf(1), start(0), numel(0) {}
-	void push_front(const T& data) {
-	  if(start){ --start; } else { start = buf.size()-1; }
-	  buf[start] = data;
-	  if(numel < buf.size()){ ++numel; }
-	}
-	void reset_capacity(size_t n) {
-	  buf.resize(n);
-	  start = 0;
-	  numel = 0;
-	}
-	void reset_capacity(size_t n, const T& el) {
-	  buf.clear();
-	  buf.resize(n, el);
-	  start = 0;
-	  numel = 0;
-	}
-	T& operator[](size_t i) {
-	  assert((i<numel) && "Youre accessing an empty buffer");
-	  size_t index = (start+i) % buf.size();
-	  return buf[index];
-	}
-	size_t size() const { return numel; }
-      private:
-	std::vector<T> buf;
-	size_t start;
-	size_t numel;
-      }; // class circular_buffer
-    } // namespace detail
-    template<class sigT, class coefT> class FIRFilter;
-    namespace command {
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-      template <class sigT, class coefT>
-      class SetElement : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-    	SetElement (FIRFilter < sigT, coefT > & entity,
-		    const std::string& docstring);
-	Value doExecute ();
-      }; // class SetElement
-      template <class sigT, class coefT>
-      class GetElement : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-    	GetElement (FIRFilter < sigT, coefT > & entity,
-		    const std::string& docstring);
-	Value doExecute ();
-      }; // class SetElement
-    } // namespace command
-    using ::dynamicgraph::command::Setter;
-    using ::dynamicgraph::command::Getter;
-    template < class sigT, class coefT >
-    class FIRFilter
-      : public Entity
-    {
-    public:
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName() const
-      {
-	return Entity::getClassName();
-      }
-      static std::string getTypeName( void )
-      {
-	return "Unknown";
-      }
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      std::string getDocString () const
-      {
-	return
-	  "Finite impulse response filter\n"
-	  "\n"
-	  "  Provide the following sum in output signal:\n"
-	  "             N                   \n"
-	  "             __                  \n"
-	  "     y (n) = \\   c  s (n-i)      \n"
-	  "             /_   i              \n"
-	  "             i=0                 \n"
-	  "                                 \n"
-	  "  where\n"
-	  "    -  c_i are coefficients stored in an array\n"
-	  "    -  N is the size of the array\n"
-	  "    -  s is the input signal.\n";
-      }
-    public:
-      FIRFilter( const std::string& name )
-	: Entity(name)
-	, SIN(NULL,"sotFIRFilter("+name+")::input(T)::sin")
-	, SOUT(boost::bind(&FIRFilter::compute,this,_1,_2),
-	       SIN,
-	       "sotFIRFilter("+name+")::output(T)::sout")
-      {
-	signalRegistration( SIN<<SOUT );
-	std::string docstring =
-	  "  Set element at rank in array of coefficients\n"
-	  "\n"
-	  "    Input:\n"
-	  "      - positive int: rank\n"
-	  "      - element\n";
-	addCommand ("setElement",
-		    new command::SetElement <sigT, coefT>
-		    (*this, docstring));
-	docstring =
-	  "  Get element at rank in array of coefficients\n"
-	  "\n"
-	  "    Input:\n"
-	  "      - positive int: rank\n"
-	  "    Return:\n"
-	  "      - element\n";
-	addCommand ("getElement",
-		    new command::GetElement <sigT, coefT>
-		    (*this, docstring));
-	docstring =
-	  "  Set number of coefficients\n"
-	  "\n"
-	  "    Input:\n"
-	  "      - positive int: size\n";
-	addCommand ("setSize",
-		    new Setter < FIRFilter, unsigned >
-		    (*this, &FIRFilter::resizeBuffer, docstring));
-	docstring =
-	  "  Get Number of coefficients\n"
-	  "\n"
-	  "    Return:\n"
-	  "      - positive int: size\n";
-	addCommand ("getSize",
-		    new Getter < FIRFilter, unsigned >
-		    (*this, &FIRFilter::getBufferSize, docstring));
-      }
-      virtual ~FIRFilter() {}
-      virtual sigT& compute( sigT& res,int time )
-      {
-	const sigT& in = SIN.access( time );
-	reset_signal( res, in );
-	data.push_front( in );
-	size_t SIZE = std::min(data.size(), coefs.size());
-	for(size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
-	  res += coefs[i] * data[i];
-	}
-	return res;
-      }
-      void resizeBuffer (const unsigned int& size)
-      {
-	size_t s = static_cast <size_t> (size);
-	data.reset_capacity(s);
-	coefs.resize (s);
-      }
-      unsigned int getBufferSize () const
-      {
-	return static_cast <unsigned int> (coefs.size ());
-      }
-      void setElement (const unsigned int& rank, const coefT& coef)
-      {
-	coefs [rank] = coef;
-      }
-      coefT getElement (const unsigned int& rank) const
-      {
-	return coefs [rank];
-      }
-      static void reset_signal(sigT& /*res*/, const sigT& /*sample*/ ) { }
-    public:
-      SignalPtr<sigT, int> SIN;
-      SignalTimeDependent<sigT, int> SOUT;
-    private:
-      std::vector<coefT> coefs;
-      detail::circular_buffer<sigT> data;
-    }; // class FIRFilter
-    namespace command {
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::ValueHelper;
-      template <class sigT, class coefT>
-      SetElement <sigT, coefT>::SetElement
-      (FIRFilter <sigT, coefT>& entity,
-       const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command (entity, boost::assign::list_of (Value::UNSIGNED)
-		 (ValueHelper <coefT>::TypeID), docstring)
-      {
-      }
-      template <class sigT, class coefT>
-      Value SetElement <sigT, coefT>::doExecute ()
-      {
-	FIRFilter <sigT, coefT> & entity =
-	  static_cast < FIRFilter <sigT, coefT> & > (owner ());
-        std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
-        unsigned int rank = values [0].value ();
-        coefT coef = values [1].value ();
-        entity.setElement (rank, coef);
-	return Value ();
-      }
-      template <class sigT, class coefT>
-      GetElement <sigT, coefT>::GetElement
-      (FIRFilter <sigT, coefT>& entity,
-       const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command (entity, boost::assign::list_of (Value::UNSIGNED), docstring)
-      {
-      }
-      template <class sigT, class coefT>
-      Value GetElement <sigT, coefT>::doExecute ()
-      {
-	FIRFilter <sigT, coefT> & entity =
-	  static_cast < FIRFilter <sigT, coefT> & > (owner ());
-        std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
-        unsigned int rank = values [0].value ();
-	return Value (entity.getElement (rank));
-      }
-    } // namespace command
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+namespace detail {
+// GRMBL boost-sandox::circular_buffer smells... Why keep using 1.33?!
+// As a workaround, only the part of circular_buffer's interface used
+// here is implemented.
+// Ugly, fatty piece of code.
+template <class T> class circular_buffer {
+  circular_buffer() : buf(1), start(0), numel(0) {}
+  void push_front(const T &data) {
+    if (start) {
+      --start;
+    } else {
+      start = buf.size() - 1;
+    }
+    buf[start] = data;
+    if (numel < buf.size()) {
+      ++numel;
+    }
+  }
+  void reset_capacity(size_t n) {
+    buf.resize(n);
+    start = 0;
+    numel = 0;
+  }
+  void reset_capacity(size_t n, const T &el) {
+    buf.clear();
+    buf.resize(n, el);
+    start = 0;
+    numel = 0;
+  }
+  T &operator[](size_t i) {
+    assert((i < numel) && "Youre accessing an empty buffer");
+    size_t index = (start + i) % buf.size();
+    return buf[index];
+  }
+  size_t size() const { return numel; }
+  std::vector<T> buf;
+  size_t start;
+  size_t numel;
+}; // class circular_buffer
+} // namespace detail
+template <class sigT, class coefT> class FIRFilter;
+namespace command {
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+template <class sigT, class coefT> class SetElement : public Command {
+  SetElement(FIRFilter<sigT, coefT> &entity, const std::string &docstring);
+  Value doExecute();
+}; // class SetElement
+template <class sigT, class coefT> class GetElement : public Command {
+  GetElement(FIRFilter<sigT, coefT> &entity, const std::string &docstring);
+  Value doExecute();
+}; // class SetElement
+} // namespace command
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Getter;
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Setter;
+template <class sigT, class coefT> class FIRFilter : public Entity {
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName() const {
+    return Entity::getClassName();
+  }
+  static std::string getTypeName(void) { return "Unknown"; }
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  std::string getDocString() const {
+    return "Finite impulse response filter\n"
+           "\n"
+           "  Provide the following sum in output signal:\n"
+           "             N                   \n"
+           "             __                  \n"
+           "     y (n) = \\   c  s (n-i)      \n"
+           "             /_   i              \n"
+           "             i=0                 \n"
+           "                                 \n"
+           "  where\n"
+           "    -  c_i are coefficients stored in an array\n"
+           "    -  N is the size of the array\n"
+           "    -  s is the input signal.\n";
+  }
+  FIRFilter(const std::string &name)
+      : Entity(name), SIN(NULL, "sotFIRFilter(" + name + ")::input(T)::sin"),
+        SOUT(boost::bind(&FIRFilter::compute, this, _1, _2), SIN,
+             "sotFIRFilter(" + name + ")::output(T)::sout") {
+    signalRegistration(SIN << SOUT);
+    std::string docstring = "  Set element at rank in array of coefficients\n"
+                            "\n"
+                            "    Input:\n"
+                            "      - positive int: rank\n"
+                            "      - element\n";
+    addCommand("setElement",
+               new command::SetElement<sigT, coefT>(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "  Get element at rank in array of coefficients\n"
+                "\n"
+                "    Input:\n"
+                "      - positive int: rank\n"
+                "    Return:\n"
+                "      - element\n";
+    addCommand("getElement",
+               new command::GetElement<sigT, coefT>(*this, docstring));
+    docstring = "  Set number of coefficients\n"
+                "\n"
+                "    Input:\n"
+                "      - positive int: size\n";
+    addCommand("setSize", new Setter<FIRFilter, unsigned>(
+                              *this, &FIRFilter::resizeBuffer, docstring));
+    docstring = "  Get Number of coefficients\n"
+                "\n"
+                "    Return:\n"
+                "      - positive int: size\n";
+    addCommand("getSize", new Getter<FIRFilter, unsigned>(
+                              *this, &FIRFilter::getBufferSize, docstring));
+  }
+  virtual ~FIRFilter() {}
+  virtual sigT &compute(sigT &res, int time) {
+    const sigT &in = SIN.access(time);
+    reset_signal(res, in);
+    data.push_front(in);
+    size_t SIZE = std::min(data.size(), coefs.size());
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
+      res += coefs[i] * data[i];
+    }
+    return res;
+  }
+  void resizeBuffer(const unsigned int &size) {
+    size_t s = static_cast<size_t>(size);
+    data.reset_capacity(s);
+    coefs.resize(s);
+  }
+  unsigned int getBufferSize() const {
+    return static_cast<unsigned int>(coefs.size());
+  }
+  void setElement(const unsigned int &rank, const coefT &coef) {
+    coefs[rank] = coef;
+  }
+  coefT getElement(const unsigned int &rank) const { return coefs[rank]; }
+  static void reset_signal(sigT & /*res*/, const sigT & /*sample*/) {}
+  SignalPtr<sigT, int> SIN;
+  SignalTimeDependent<sigT, int> SOUT;
+  std::vector<coefT> coefs;
+  detail::circular_buffer<sigT> data;
+}; // class FIRFilter
+namespace command {
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::ValueHelper;
+template <class sigT, class coefT>
+SetElement<sigT, coefT>::SetElement(FIRFilter<sigT, coefT> &entity,
+                                    const std::string &docstring)
+    : Command(
+          entity,
+          boost::assign::list_of(Value::UNSIGNED)(ValueHelper<coefT>::TypeID),
+          docstring) {}
+template <class sigT, class coefT> Value SetElement<sigT, coefT>::doExecute() {
+  FIRFilter<sigT, coefT> &entity =
+      static_cast<FIRFilter<sigT, coefT> &>(owner());
+  std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
+  unsigned int rank = values[0].value();
+  coefT coef = values[1].value();
+  entity.setElement(rank, coef);
+  return Value();
+template <class sigT, class coefT>
+GetElement<sigT, coefT>::GetElement(FIRFilter<sigT, coefT> &entity,
+                                    const std::string &docstring)
+    : Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::UNSIGNED), docstring) {}
+template <class sigT, class coefT> Value GetElement<sigT, coefT>::doExecute() {
+  FIRFilter<sigT, coefT> &entity =
+      static_cast<FIRFilter<sigT, coefT> &>(owner());
+  std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
+  unsigned int rank = values[0].value();
+  return Value(entity.getElement(rank));
+} // namespace command
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/include/sot/core/flags.hh b/include/sot/core/flags.hh
index ac2c7236..75c09d98 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/flags.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/flags.hh
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* STD */
-#include <vector>
 #include <ostream>
+#include <vector>
 /* SOT */
 #include "sot/core/api.hh"
@@ -26,70 +26,61 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    class SOT_CORE_EXPORT Flags
-    {
-    protected:
-      std::vector<char> flags;
-      bool reverse;
-      char operator[](const unsigned int& i) const;
-    public:
-      Flags(const bool& b=false);
-      Flags(const char& c);
-      Flags(const int& c4);
-      void add(const char& c);
-      void add(const int& c4);
-      Flags operator!(void) const;
-      SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend Flags operator&(const Flags& f1,const Flags& f2);
-      SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend Flags operator|(const Flags& f1,const Flags& f2);
-      Flags& operator&=(const Flags& f2);
-      Flags& operator|=(const Flags& f2);
-      SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend Flags operator&(const Flags& f1,const bool& b);
-      SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend Flags operator|(const Flags& f1,const bool& b);
-      Flags& operator&=(const bool& b);
-      Flags& operator|=(const bool& b);
-      SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Flags& fl);
-      SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend char operator>>(const Flags& flags, const int& i);
-      SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Flags& fl);
-      bool operator()(const int& i) const;
-      operator bool(void) const;
-      void unset(const unsigned int & i);
-      void set(const unsigned int & i);
-    public:  /* Selec "matlab-style" : 1:15, 1:, :45 ... */
-      static void readIndexMatlab(std::istream & iss,
-				  unsigned int & indexStart,
-				  unsigned int & indexEnd,
-				  bool& unspecifiedEnd);
-      static Flags readIndexMatlab(std::istream & iss);
-    };
-    SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_1;
-    SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_2;
-    SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_3;
-    SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_4;
-    SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_5;
-    SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_6;
-    SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_7;
-    SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_8;
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT Flags {
+  std::vector<char> flags;
+  bool reverse;
+  char operator[](const unsigned int &i) const;
+  Flags(const bool &b = false);
+  Flags(const char &c);
+  Flags(const int &c4);
+  void add(const char &c);
+  void add(const int &c4);
+  Flags operator!(void) const;
+  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend Flags operator&(const Flags &f1, const Flags &f2);
+  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend Flags operator|(const Flags &f1, const Flags &f2);
+  Flags &operator&=(const Flags &f2);
+  Flags &operator|=(const Flags &f2);
+  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend Flags operator&(const Flags &f1, const bool &b);
+  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend Flags operator|(const Flags &f1, const bool &b);
+  Flags &operator&=(const bool &b);
+  Flags &operator|=(const bool &b);
+  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                                  const Flags &fl);
+  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend char operator>>(const Flags &flags, const int &i);
+  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, Flags &fl);
+  bool operator()(const int &i) const;
+  operator bool(void) const;
+  void unset(const unsigned int &i);
+  void set(const unsigned int &i);
+public: /* Selec "matlab-style" : 1:15, 1:, :45 ... */
+  static void readIndexMatlab(std::istream &iss, unsigned int &indexStart,
+                              unsigned int &indexEnd, bool &unspecifiedEnd);
+  static Flags readIndexMatlab(std::istream &iss);
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_1;
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_2;
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_3;
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_4;
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_5;
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_6;
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_7;
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT extern const Flags FLAG_LINE_8;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_FLAGS_H */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh b/include/sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh
index c608c53b..33f705be 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh
@@ -26,82 +26,72 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (gain_adaptive_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTGAINADAPTATIVE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTGAINADAPTATIVE_EXPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(gain_adaptive_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTGAINADAPTATIVE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTGAINADAPTATIVE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-: public dg::Entity
- public: /* --- CONSTANTS --- */
+class SOTGAINADAPTATIVE_EXPORT GainAdaptive : public dg::Entity {
+public: /* --- CONSTANTS --- */
   /* Default values. */
-  static const double ZERO_DEFAULT;   // = 0.1
-  static const double INFTY_DEFAULT;  // = 0.1
-  static const double TAN_DEFAULT;    // = 1.
+  static const double ZERO_DEFAULT;  // = 0.1
+  static const double INFTY_DEFAULT; // = 0.1
+  static const double TAN_DEFAULT;   // = 1.
- public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
+public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
   /* Parameters of the adaptative-gain function:
    * lambda (x) = a * exp (-b*x) + c. */
   double coeff_a;
   double coeff_b;
   double coeff_c;
- public: /* --- CONSTRUCTORS ---- */
-  GainAdaptive( const std::string & name );
-  GainAdaptive( const std::string & name,const double& lambda );
-  GainAdaptive( const std::string & name,
-		     const double& valueAt0,
-		     const double& valueAtInfty,
-		     const double& tanAt0 );
- public: /* --- INIT --- */
-  inline void init( void ) { init( ZERO_DEFAULT,INFTY_DEFAULT,TAN_DEFAULT ); }
-  inline void init( const double& lambda ) { init( lambda,lambda,1.); }
-  void init( const double& valueAt0,
-	     const double& valueAtInfty,
-	     const double& tanAt0 );
-  void initFromPassingPoint( const double& valueAt0,
-			     const double& valueAtInfty,
-			     const double& errorReference,
-			     const double& valueAtReference );
-  void forceConstant( void );
- public:  /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> errorSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<double,int> gainSOUT;
- protected:
-  double& computeGain( double& res,int t );
- private:
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTORS ---- */
+  GainAdaptive(const std::string &name);
+  GainAdaptive(const std::string &name, const double &lambda);
+  GainAdaptive(const std::string &name, const double &valueAt0,
+               const double &valueAtInfty, const double &tanAt0);
+public: /* --- INIT --- */
+  inline void init(void) { init(ZERO_DEFAULT, INFTY_DEFAULT, TAN_DEFAULT); }
+  inline void init(const double &lambda) { init(lambda, lambda, 1.); }
+  void init(const double &valueAt0, const double &valueAtInfty,
+            const double &tanAt0);
+  void initFromPassingPoint(const double &valueAt0, const double &valueAtInfty,
+                            const double &errorReference,
+                            const double &valueAtReference);
+  void forceConstant(void);
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> errorSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<double, int> gainSOUT;
+  double &computeGain(double &res, int t);
   void addCommands();
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_GAIN_ADAPTATIVE_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/gain-hyperbolic.hh b/include/sot/core/gain-hyperbolic.hh
index 72a9e8b1..eea9a130 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/gain-hyperbolic.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/gain-hyperbolic.hh
@@ -20,49 +20,44 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (gain_hyperbolic_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTGAINHYPERBOLIC_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTGAINHYPERBOLIC_EXPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(gain_hyperbolic_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTGAINHYPERBOLIC_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTGAINHYPERBOLIC_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-: public dg::Entity
- public: /* --- CONSTANTS --- */
+class SOTGAINHYPERBOLIC_EXPORT GainHyperbolic : public dg::Entity {
+public: /* --- CONSTANTS --- */
   /* Default values. */
-  static const double ZERO_DEFAULT;   // = 0.1
-  static const double INFTY_DEFAULT;  // = 0.1
-  static const double TAN_DEFAULT;    // = 1.
+  static const double ZERO_DEFAULT;  // = 0.1
+  static const double INFTY_DEFAULT; // = 0.1
+  static const double TAN_DEFAULT;   // = 1.
- public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
+public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
   /* Parameters of the hyperbolic-gain function:
    * lambda (x) = a * exp (-b*x) + c. */
   double coeff_a;
@@ -70,35 +65,29 @@ class SOTGAINHYPERBOLIC_EXPORT GainHyperbolic
   double coeff_c;
   double coeff_d;
- public: /* --- CONSTRUCTORS ---- */
-  GainHyperbolic( const std::string & name );
-  GainHyperbolic( const std::string & name,const double& lambda );
-  GainHyperbolic( const std::string & name,
-		     const double& valueAt0,
-		     const double& valueAtInfty,
-		     const double& tanAt0,
-		     const double& decal0 );
- public: /* --- INIT --- */
-  inline void init( void ) { init( ZERO_DEFAULT,INFTY_DEFAULT,TAN_DEFAULT,0 ); }
-  inline void init( const double& lambda ) { init( lambda,lambda,1.,0); }
-  void init( const double& valueAt0,
-	     const double& valueAtInfty,
-	     const double& tanAt0,
-	     const double& decal0 );
-  void forceConstant( void );
- public:  /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> errorSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<double,int> gainSOUT;
- protected:
-  double& computeGain( double& res,int t );
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTORS ---- */
+  GainHyperbolic(const std::string &name);
+  GainHyperbolic(const std::string &name, const double &lambda);
+  GainHyperbolic(const std::string &name, const double &valueAt0,
+                 const double &valueAtInfty, const double &tanAt0,
+                 const double &decal0);
+public: /* --- INIT --- */
+  inline void init(void) { init(ZERO_DEFAULT, INFTY_DEFAULT, TAN_DEFAULT, 0); }
+  inline void init(const double &lambda) { init(lambda, lambda, 1., 0); }
+  void init(const double &valueAt0, const double &valueAtInfty,
+            const double &tanAt0, const double &decal0);
+  void forceConstant(void);
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> errorSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<double, int> gainSOUT;
+  double &computeGain(double &res, int t);
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_GAIN_HYPERBOLIC_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/gradient-ascent.hh b/include/sot/core/gradient-ascent.hh
index c41a536e..fba98c76 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/gradient-ascent.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/gradient-ascent.hh
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/config.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <sot/core/config.hh>
 namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- TRACER ---------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -31,33 +31,29 @@ using dynamicgraph::Entity;
 using dynamicgraph::SignalPtr;
 using dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent;
-class SOT_CORE_DLLAPI GradientAscent
-: public Entity
+class SOT_CORE_DLLAPI GradientAscent : public Entity {
- public:
-  SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > gradientSIN;
-  SignalPtr< double,int > learningRateSIN;
-  SignalTimeDependent<int,int> refresherSINTERN;
-  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> valueSOUT;
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> gradientSIN;
+  SignalPtr<double, int> learningRateSIN;
+  SignalTimeDependent<int, int> refresherSINTERN;
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> valueSOUT;
- public:
-  GradientAscent( const std::string& n );
-  virtual ~GradientAscent( void );
+  GradientAscent(const std::string &n);
+  virtual ~GradientAscent(void);
- protected:
-  dg::Vector& update(dg::Vector& res, const int& inTime);
+  dg::Vector &update(dg::Vector &res, const int &inTime);
   dg::Vector value;
   double alpha;
   bool init;
-  } /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_TRACER_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/gripper-control.hh b/include/sot/core/gripper-control.hh
index 35f7488c..36739641 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/gripper-control.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/gripper-control.hh
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/flags.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 /* STD */
 #include <string>
@@ -30,21 +30,22 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (gripper_control_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTGRIPPERCONTROL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTGRIPPERCONTROL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(gripper_control_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTGRIPPERCONTROL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTGRIPPERCONTROL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -54,91 +55,82 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
- protected:
   double offset;
   static const double OFFSET_DEFAULT;
   //! \brief The multiplication
   dg::Vector factor;
- public:
-  GripperControl( void );
+  GripperControl(void);
   //! \brief Computes the
   // if the torque limit is reached, the normalized position is reduced by
   // (offset)
-  void computeIncrement( const dg::Vector& torques,
-                         const dg::Vector& torqueLimits,
-                         const dg::Vector& currentNormVel );
+  void computeIncrement(const dg::Vector &torques,
+                        const dg::Vector &torqueLimits,
+                        const dg::Vector &currentNormVel);
   //! \brief
-  dg::Vector& computeDesiredPosition( const dg::Vector& currentPos,
-                                      const dg::Vector& desiredPos,
-                                      const dg::Vector& torques,
-                                      const dg::Vector& torqueLimits,
-                                      dg::Vector& referencePos );
+  dg::Vector &computeDesiredPosition(const dg::Vector &currentPos,
+                                     const dg::Vector &desiredPos,
+                                     const dg::Vector &torques,
+                                     const dg::Vector &torqueLimits,
+                                     dg::Vector &referencePos);
   /*! \brief select only some of the values of the vector fullsize,
-  *   based on the Flags vector.
-  */
+   *   based on the Flags vector.
+   */
-  static dg::Vector& selector( const dg::Vector& fullsize,
-                               const Flags& selec,
-                               dg::Vector& desPos );
+  static dg::Vector &selector(const dg::Vector &fullsize, const Flags &selec,
+                              dg::Vector &desPos);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- PLUGIN ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-class SOTGRIPPERCONTROL_EXPORT GripperControlPlugin
-:public dg::Entity, public GripperControl
+class SOTGRIPPERCONTROL_EXPORT GripperControlPlugin : public dg::Entity,
+                                                      public GripperControl {
- public:
-  bool calibrationStarted;
- public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  bool calibrationStarted;
-  GripperControlPlugin( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~GripperControlPlugin( void );
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  GripperControlPlugin(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~GripperControlPlugin(void);
   /* --- DOCUMENTATION --- */
-  virtual std::string getDocString () const;
- public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const;
+public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
   /* --- INPUTS --- */
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> positionSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> positionDesSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> torqueSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> torqueLimitSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr<Flags,int> selectionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> positionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> positionDesSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> torqueSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> torqueLimitSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<Flags, int> selectionSIN;
   /* --- INTERMEDIARY --- */
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> positionFullSizeSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> positionReduceSOUT;
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> torqueFullSizeSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> torqueReduceSOUT;
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> torqueLimitFullSizeSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> torqueLimitReduceSOUT;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> positionFullSizeSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> positionReduceSOUT;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> torqueFullSizeSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> torqueReduceSOUT;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> torqueLimitFullSizeSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> torqueLimitReduceSOUT;
   /* --- OUTPUTS --- */
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> desiredPositionSOUT;
- public: /* --- COMMANDLINE --- */
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> desiredPositionSOUT;
+public: /* --- COMMANDLINE --- */
   void initCommands();
-  void setOffset(const double & value);
+  void setOffset(const double &value);
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_SOTGRIPPERCONTROL_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/integrator-abstract-impl.hh b/include/sot/core/integrator-abstract-impl.hh
index f53651bc..2f4b15bb 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/integrator-abstract-impl.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/integrator-abstract-impl.hh
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (integrator_abstract_EXPORTS)
-#    define INTEGRATOR_ABSTRACT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define INTEGRATOR_ABSTRACT_EXPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(integrator_abstract_EXPORTS)
+#define INTEGRATOR_ABSTRACT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define INTEGRATOR_ABSTRACT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -32,21 +32,21 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #ifdef WIN32
-# define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType, sotCoefType)\
-   class INTEGRATOR_ABSTRACT_EXPORT className :                   \
-	public IntegratorAbstract<sotSigType, sotCoefType>            \
-   {                                                              \
- public:                                                          \
-   className( const std::string& name );                          \
-   };
+#define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType, sotCoefType)              \
+  class INTEGRATOR_ABSTRACT_EXPORT className                                   \
+      : public IntegratorAbstract<sotSigType, sotCoefType> {                   \
+  public:                                                                      \
+    className(const std::string &name);                                        \
+  };
-# define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType, sotCoefType) \
-   typedef IntegratorAbstract<sotSigType,sotCoefType> className;
+#define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType, sotCoefType)              \
+  typedef IntegratorAbstract<sotSigType, sotCoefType> className;
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
-	DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(IntegratorAbstractDouble,double,double)
-	DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(IntegratorAbstractVector,dg::Vector,dg::Matrix)
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(IntegratorAbstractDouble, double, double)
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(IntegratorAbstractVector, dg::Vector, dg::Matrix)
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef  __SOT_MAILBOX_HH
diff --git a/include/sot/core/integrator-abstract.hh b/include/sot/core/integrator-abstract.hh
index 4662b2b2..b62a6321 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/integrator-abstract.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/integrator-abstract.hh
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-bind.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 /* STD */
 #include <string>
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /*! \brief integrates an ODE. If Y is the output and X the input, the
@@ -40,69 +41,67 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
  * a_p * d(p)Y / dt^p + .... + a_0 Y = b_m * d(m)X / dt^m + ... . b_0 X
  * a_i are the coefficients of the denominator of the associated transfer
  * function between X and Y, while the b_i are those of the numerator.
-template<class sigT, class coefT>
-class IntegratorAbstract
-:public dg::Entity
- public:
-  IntegratorAbstract ( const std::string& name )
-    :dg::Entity(name)
-     ,SIN(NULL,"sotIntegratorAbstract("+name+")::input(vector)::sin")
-     ,SOUT(boost::bind(&IntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>::integrate,this,_1,_2),
-		 SIN,
-		 "sotIntegratorAbstract("+name+")::output(vector)::sout")
-  {
-    signalRegistration( SIN<<SOUT );
+ */
+template <class sigT, class coefT>
+class IntegratorAbstract : public dg::Entity {
+  IntegratorAbstract(const std::string &name)
+      : dg::Entity(name),
+        SIN(NULL, "sotIntegratorAbstract(" + name + ")::input(vector)::sin"),
+        SOUT(boost::bind(&IntegratorAbstract<sigT, coefT>::integrate, this, _1,
+                         _2),
+             SIN, "sotIntegratorAbstract(" + name + ")::output(vector)::sout") {
+    signalRegistration(SIN << SOUT);
     using namespace dg::command;
     const std::string typeName =
-      Value::typeName(dg::command::ValueHelper<coefT>::TypeID);
-    addCommand ("pushNumCoef",
-        makeCommandVoid1 (*this, &IntegratorAbstract::pushNumCoef,
-          docCommandVoid1 ("Push a new numerator coefficient", typeName)
-          ));
-    addCommand ("pushDenomCoef",
-        makeCommandVoid1 (*this, &IntegratorAbstract::pushDenomCoef,
-          docCommandVoid1 ("Push a new denomicator coefficient", typeName)
-          ));
-    addCommand ("popNumCoef",
-        makeCommandVoid0 (*this, &IntegratorAbstract::popNumCoef,
-          docCommandVoid0 ("Pop a new numerator coefficient")
-          ));
-    addCommand ("popDenomCoef",
-        makeCommandVoid0 (*this, &IntegratorAbstract::popDenomCoef,
-          docCommandVoid0 ("Pop a new denomicator coefficient")
-          ));
+        Value::typeName(dg::command::ValueHelper<coefT>::TypeID);
+    addCommand(
+        "pushNumCoef",
+        makeCommandVoid1(
+            *this, &IntegratorAbstract::pushNumCoef,
+            docCommandVoid1("Push a new numerator coefficient", typeName)));
+    addCommand(
+        "pushDenomCoef",
+        makeCommandVoid1(
+            *this, &IntegratorAbstract::pushDenomCoef,
+            docCommandVoid1("Push a new denomicator coefficient", typeName)));
+    addCommand(
+        "popNumCoef",
+        makeCommandVoid0(*this, &IntegratorAbstract::popNumCoef,
+                         docCommandVoid0("Pop a new numerator coefficient")));
+    addCommand(
+        "popDenomCoef",
+        makeCommandVoid0(*this, &IntegratorAbstract::popDenomCoef,
+                         docCommandVoid0("Pop a new denomicator coefficient")));
   virtual ~IntegratorAbstract() {}
-  virtual sigT& integrate( sigT& res,int time ) = 0;
+  virtual sigT &integrate(sigT &res, int time) = 0;
- public:
-  void pushNumCoef(const coefT& numCoef) { numerator.push_back(numCoef); }
-  void pushDenomCoef(const coefT& denomCoef) { denominator.push_back(denomCoef); }
+  void pushNumCoef(const coefT &numCoef) { numerator.push_back(numCoef); }
+  void pushDenomCoef(const coefT &denomCoef) {
+    denominator.push_back(denomCoef);
+  }
   void popNumCoef() { numerator.pop_back(); }
   void popDenomCoef() { denominator.pop_back(); }
- public:
   dg::SignalPtr<sigT, int> SIN;
   dg::SignalTimeDependent<sigT, int> SOUT;
- protected:
   std::vector<coefT> numerator;
   std::vector<coefT> denominator;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/integrator-euler-impl.hh b/include/sot/core/integrator-euler-impl.hh
index fb6dffbd..ae22a2d0 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/integrator-euler-impl.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/integrator-euler-impl.hh
@@ -21,35 +21,35 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (integrator_euler_EXPORTS)
-#    define INTEGRATOR_EULER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define INTEGRATOR_EULER_EXPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(integrator_euler_EXPORTS)
+#define INTEGRATOR_EULER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define INTEGRATOR_EULER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-# ifdef WIN32
-#  define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType,sotCoefType ) \
-    class INTEGRATOR_EULER_EXPORT className : public IntegratorEuler<sotSigType,sotCoefType>   \
-    {                                                                              \
-    public:                                                                        \
-      std::string getTypeName( void );                                             \
-      className( const std::string& name );                                        \
-    };
-# else
-#  define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType,sotCoefType ) \
-	typedef IntegratorEuler<sotSigType,sotCoefType> className;
-# endif // WIN32
+#ifdef WIN32
+#define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType, sotCoefType)              \
+  class INTEGRATOR_EULER_EXPORT className                                      \
+      : public IntegratorEuler<sotSigType, sotCoefType> {                      \
+  public:                                                                      \
+    std::string getTypeName(void);                                             \
+    className(const std::string &name);                                        \
+  };
+#define DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(className, sotSigType, sotCoefType)              \
+  typedef IntegratorEuler<sotSigType, sotCoefType> className;
+#endif // WIN32
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-	DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(IntegratorEulerDoubleDouble,double,double)
-	DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(IntegratorEulerVectorDouble,Vector,double)
-	DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(IntegratorEulerVectorMatrix,Vector,Matrix)
-  }
+namespace sot {
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(IntegratorEulerDoubleDouble, double, double)
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(IntegratorEulerVectorDouble, Vector, double)
+DECLARE_SPECIFICATION(IntegratorEulerVectorMatrix, Vector, Matrix)
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/include/sot/core/integrator-euler.hh b/include/sot/core/integrator-euler.hh
index da35b32e..3122e5b9 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/integrator-euler.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/integrator-euler.hh
@@ -15,15 +15,16 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/integrator-abstract.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <sot/core/integrator-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -34,52 +35,53 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
  * previous values of the other derivatives and the input
  * signal, then integrated n times, which will most certainly
  * induce a huge drift for ODEs with a high order at the denominator.
-template<class sigT,class coefT>
-class IntegratorEuler
-  : public IntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>
- public:
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const;
-  static std::string getTypeName( void ) { return "Unknown"; }
+ */
+template <class sigT, class coefT>
+class IntegratorEuler : public IntegratorAbstract<sigT, coefT> {
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const;
+  static std::string getTypeName(void) { return "Unknown"; }
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
- public:
-  using IntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>::SIN;
-  using IntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>::SOUT;
-  using IntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>::numerator;
-  using IntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>::denominator;
- public:
-  IntegratorEuler( const std::string& name )
-    : IntegratorAbstract<sigT,coefT>( name )
-    , derivativeSOUT(boost::bind(&IntegratorEuler<sigT,coefT>::derivative,this,_1,_2),
-		     SOUT,
-		     "sotIntegratorEuler("+name+")::output(vector)::derivativesout")
-  {
-    this->signalRegistration( derivativeSOUT );
+  using IntegratorAbstract<sigT, coefT>::SIN;
+  using IntegratorAbstract<sigT, coefT>::SOUT;
+  using IntegratorAbstract<sigT, coefT>::numerator;
+  using IntegratorAbstract<sigT, coefT>::denominator;
+  IntegratorEuler(const std::string &name)
+      : IntegratorAbstract<sigT, coefT>(name),
+        derivativeSOUT(boost::bind(&IntegratorEuler<sigT, coefT>::derivative,
+                                   this, _1, _2),
+                       SOUT,
+                       "sotIntegratorEuler(" + name +
+                           ")::output(vector)::derivativesout") {
+    this->signalRegistration(derivativeSOUT);
     using namespace dg::command;
-    setSamplingPeriod (0.005);
-    this->addCommand ("setSamplingPeriod",
-        new Setter<IntegratorEuler,double> (*this,
-          &IntegratorEuler::setSamplingPeriod,
-          "Set the time during two sampling."));
-    this->addCommand ("getSamplingPeriod",
-        new Getter<IntegratorEuler,double> (*this,
-          &IntegratorEuler::getSamplingPeriod,
-          "Get the time during two sampling."));
-    this->addCommand ("initialize",
-        makeCommandVoid0 (*this, &IntegratorEuler::initialize,
-          docCommandVoid0 ("Initialize internal memory from current value of input")
-          ));
+    setSamplingPeriod(0.005);
+    this->addCommand("setSamplingPeriod",
+                     new Setter<IntegratorEuler, double>(
+                         *this, &IntegratorEuler::setSamplingPeriod,
+                         "Set the time during two sampling."));
+    this->addCommand("getSamplingPeriod",
+                     new Getter<IntegratorEuler, double>(
+                         *this, &IntegratorEuler::getSamplingPeriod,
+                         "Get the time during two sampling."));
+    this->addCommand(
+        "initialize",
+        makeCommandVoid0(
+            *this, &IntegratorEuler::initialize,
+            docCommandVoid0(
+                "Initialize internal memory from current value of input")));
-  virtual ~IntegratorEuler( void ) {}
+  virtual ~IntegratorEuler(void) {}
   std::vector<sigT> inputMemory;
@@ -91,14 +93,13 @@ protected:
   double invdt;
-  sigT& integrate( sigT& res, int time )
-  {
-    sotDEBUG(15)<<"# In {"<<std::endl;
+  sigT &integrate(sigT &res, int time) {
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << std::endl;
     sigT sum;
     sigT tmp1, tmp2;
-    const std::vector<coefT>& num = numerator;
-    const std::vector<coefT>& denom = denominator;
+    const std::vector<coefT> &num = numerator;
+    const std::vector<coefT> &denom = denominator;
     // Step 1
     tmp1 = inputMemory[0];
@@ -108,9 +109,8 @@ public:
     // Step 2
     int numsize = (int)num.size();
-    for(int i = 1; i < numsize; ++i)
-    {
-      tmp2 = inputMemory[i-1] - tmp1;
+    for (int i = 1; i < numsize; ++i) {
+      tmp2 = inputMemory[i - 1] - tmp1;
       tmp2 *= invdt;
       tmp1 = inputMemory[i];
       inputMemory[i] = tmp2;
@@ -120,72 +120,61 @@ public:
     // Step 3
     int denomsize = (int)denom.size() - 1;
-    for(int i = 0; i < denomsize; ++i)
-    {
+    for (int i = 0; i < denomsize; ++i) {
       sum -= (denom[i] * outputMemory[i]);
-    // End of step 3. Here, sum is b_m * d(m)X / dt^m + ... - b_0 X - a_0 Y - ... a_n-1 d(n-1)Y / dt^(n-1)
+    // End of step 3. Here, sum is b_m * d(m)X / dt^m + ... - b_0 X - a_0 Y -
+    // ... a_n-1 d(n-1)Y / dt^(n-1)
     // Step 4
     outputMemory[denomsize] = sum;
-    for(int i = denomsize-1; i >= 0; --i)
-    {
-      outputMemory[i] += (outputMemory[i+1] * dt);
+    for (int i = denomsize - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+      outputMemory[i] += (outputMemory[i + 1] * dt);
     // End of step 4. The ODE is integrated
     inputMemory[0] = SIN.access(time);
     res = outputMemory[0];
-    sotDEBUG(15)<<"# Out }"<<std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << std::endl;
     return res;
-  sigT& derivative ( sigT& res, int time )
-  {
+  sigT &derivative(sigT &res, int time) {
     if (outputMemory.size() < 2)
-      throw dg::ExceptionSignal (dg::ExceptionSignal::GENERIC,
-          "Integrator does not compute the derivative.");
+      throw dg::ExceptionSignal(dg::ExceptionSignal::GENERIC,
+                                "Integrator does not compute the derivative.");
     res = outputMemory[1];
     return res;
-  void setSamplingPeriod (const double& period)
-  {
+  void setSamplingPeriod(const double &period) {
     dt = period;
-    invdt = 1/period;
+    invdt = 1 / period;
-  double getSamplingPeriod () const
-  {
-    return dt;
-  }
+  double getSamplingPeriod() const { return dt; }
-  void initialize ()
-  {
+  void initialize() {
     std::size_t numsize = numerator.size();
     inputMemory[0] = SIN.accessCopy();
-    for(std::size_t i = 1; i < numsize; ++i)
-    {
+    for (std::size_t i = 1; i < numsize; ++i) {
       inputMemory[i] = inputMemory[0];
     std::size_t denomsize = denominator.size();
-    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < denomsize; ++i)
-    {
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < denomsize; ++i) {
       outputMemory[i] = inputMemory[0];
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/joint-limitator.hh b/include/sot/core/joint-limitator.hh
index b7c9bbc9..af4d2617 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/joint-limitator.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/joint-limitator.hh
@@ -8,60 +8,57 @@
 // Matrix
-# include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 // SOT
-# include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-# include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
-# include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (joint_limitator_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTJOINTLIMITATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTJOINTLIMITATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(joint_limitator_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTJOINTLIMITATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTJOINTLIMITATOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-    /// \brief Filter control vector to avoid exceeding joint maximum values.
-    ///
-    /// This must be plugged between the entity producing the command
-    /// (i.e. usually the sot) and the entity executing it (the device).
-    class SOTJOINTLIMITATOR_EXPORT JointLimitator
-      : public dg::Entity
-    {
+/// \brief Filter control vector to avoid exceeding joint maximum values.
+/// This must be plugged between the entity producing the command
+/// (i.e. usually the sot) and the entity executing it (the device).
+class SOTJOINTLIMITATOR_EXPORT JointLimitator : public dg::Entity {
-    public:
-      JointLimitator (const std::string& name);
-      virtual ~JointLimitator ()
-      {}
+  JointLimitator(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~JointLimitator() {}
-      virtual dg::Vector& computeControl (dg::Vector& res, int time);
-      dg::Vector& computeWidthJl (dg::Vector& res, const int& time);
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeControl(dg::Vector &res, int time);
+  dg::Vector &computeWidthJl(dg::Vector &res, const int &time);
-      virtual void display (std::ostream& os) const;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-      /// \name Signals
-      /// \{
-      dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > jointSIN;
-      dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > upperJlSIN;
-      dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > lowerJlSIN;
-      dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > controlSIN;
-      dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Vector,int > controlSOUT;
-      dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Vector,int > widthJlSINTERN;
-      /// \}
-    };
-  } // end of namespace sot.
-} // end of namespace dynamic-graph.
+  /// \name Signals
+  /// \{
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> jointSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> upperJlSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> lowerJlSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> controlSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> controlSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> widthJlSINTERN;
+  /// \}
+} // end of namespace sot.
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/include/sot/core/joint-trajectory-entity.hh b/include/sot/core/joint-trajectory-entity.hh
index ec38e6c0..e435e495 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/joint-trajectory-entity.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/joint-trajectory-entity.hh
@@ -17,22 +17,22 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 // SOT
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
-#include <sot/core/trajectory.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
+#include <sot/core/trajectory.hh>
 #include <sstream>
 // API
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (joint_trajectory_entity_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTJOINT_TRAJECTORY_ENTITY_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTJOINT_TRAJECTORY_ENTITY_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(joint_trajectory_entity_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTJOINT_TRAJECTORY_ENTITY_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTJOINT_TRAJECTORY_ENTITY_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 // Class
@@ -40,51 +40,54 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 namespace dynamicgraph {
 namespace sot {
-/** \brief This object handles trajectory of quantities and publish them as signals.
+/** \brief This object handles trajectory of quantities and publish them as
+   signals.
-    :public dynamicgraph::Entity
+    : public dynamicgraph::Entity {
   /// \brief Constructor
-  SotJointTrajectoryEntity( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~SotJointTrajectoryEntity( ) { }
+  SotJointTrajectoryEntity(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~SotJointTrajectoryEntity() {}
-  void loadFile( const std::string& name );
+  void loadFile(const std::string &name);
   /// \brief Return the next pose for the legs.
-  dg::Vector& getNextPosition( dg::Vector& pos, const int& time );
+  dg::Vector &getNextPosition(dg::Vector &pos, const int &time);
   /// \brief Return the next com.
-  dg::Vector& getNextCoM( dg::Vector& com, const int& time );
+  dg::Vector &getNextCoM(dg::Vector &com, const int &time);
   /// \brief Return the next cop.
-  dg::Vector& getNextCoP( dg::Vector& cop, const int& time );
+  dg::Vector &getNextCoP(dg::Vector &cop, const int &time);
   /// \brief Return the next waist.
-  sot::MatrixHomogeneous& getNextWaist(sot::MatrixHomogeneous& waist, const int& time );
+  sot::MatrixHomogeneous &getNextWaist(sot::MatrixHomogeneous &waist,
+                                       const int &time);
   /// \brief Return the current seq identified of the current trajectory.
-  unsigned int & getSeqId(unsigned int &seqid, const int& time );
+  unsigned int &getSeqId(unsigned int &seqid, const int &time);
   /// \brief Convert a xyztheta vector into an homogeneous matrix
-  sot::MatrixHomogeneous XYZThetaToMatrixHomogeneous (const dg::Vector& xyztheta);
+  sot::MatrixHomogeneous
+  XYZThetaToMatrixHomogeneous(const dg::Vector &xyztheta);
   /// \brief Perform one update of the signals.
-  int & OneStepOfUpdate(int &dummy, const int& time);
+  int &OneStepOfUpdate(int &dummy, const int &time);
   /// @name Display
   /// @{
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-      friend std::ostream& operator<<
-      ( std::ostream& os,const SotJointTrajectoryEntity& r )
-  { r.display(os); return os;}
+  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                  const SotJointTrajectoryEntity &r) {
+    r.display(os);
+    return os;
+  }
   /// @}
@@ -93,32 +96,31 @@ public:
   /// @name Signals
   /// @{
   /// \brief Internal signal for synchronisation.
-  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<int,int> refresherSINTERN;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<int, int> refresherSINTERN;
   /// \brief Internal signal to trigger one step of the algorithm.
-  SignalTimeDependent<Dummy,int> OneStepOfUpdateS;
+  SignalTimeDependent<Dummy, int> OneStepOfUpdateS;
   /// \brief Publish pose for each evaluation of the graph.
-  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> positionSOUT;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> positionSOUT;
   /// \brief Publish com for each evaluation of the graph.
-  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> comSOUT;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> comSOUT;
   /// \brief Publish zmp for each evaluation of the graph.
-  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> zmpSOUT;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> zmpSOUT;
   /// \brief Publish waist for each evaluation of the graph.
-  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<sot::MatrixHomogeneous,int> waistSOUT;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<sot::MatrixHomogeneous, int> waistSOUT;
   /// \brief Publish ID of the trajectory currently realized.
-  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<unsigned int,int> seqIdSOUT;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<unsigned int, int> seqIdSOUT;
   /// \brief Read a trajectory.
-  dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<Trajectory,int> trajectorySIN;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<Trajectory, int> trajectorySIN;
   /// \brief Index on the point along the trajectory.
   std::deque<sot::Trajectory>::size_type index_;
@@ -150,14 +152,12 @@ protected:
   void UpdatePoint(const JointTrajectoryPoint &aJTP);
   /// \brief Update the entity with the trajectory aTrajectory.
-  void UpdateTrajectory(const Trajectory & aTrajectory);
+  void UpdateTrajectory(const Trajectory &aTrajectory);
   /// \brief Implements the parsing and the affectation of initial trajectory.
   void setInitTraj(const std::string &os);
 } /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/kalman.hh b/include/sot/core/kalman.hh
index d670d00c..5180f3b0 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/kalman.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/kalman.hh
@@ -16,25 +16,24 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE -------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <Eigen/LU>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
-#include <Eigen/LU>
 #include <sot/core/constraint.hh>
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (kalman_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOT_KALMAN_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOT_KALMAN_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(kalman_EXPORTS)
+#define SOT_KALMAN_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOT_KALMAN_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -42,124 +41,116 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
-:public Entity
- public:
+class SOT_KALMAN_EXPORT Kalman : public Entity {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-  unsigned int size_state ;
-  unsigned int size_measure ;
+  unsigned int size_state;
+  unsigned int size_measure;
   double dt;
- public:
-  SignalPtr< Vector,int > measureSIN;         // y
-  SignalPtr< Matrix,int > modelTransitionSIN; // F
-  SignalPtr< Matrix,int > modelMeasureSIN;    // H
-  SignalPtr< Matrix,int > noiseTransitionSIN; // Q
-  SignalPtr< Matrix,int > noiseMeasureSIN;    // R
-  SignalPtr< Vector,int > statePredictedSIN; // x_{k|k-1}
-  SignalPtr< Vector,int > observationPredictedSIN; // y_pred = h (x_{k|k-1})
-  SignalTimeDependent< Matrix,int > varianceUpdateSOUT; // P
-  SignalTimeDependent< Vector,int > stateUpdateSOUT;  // X_est
+  SignalPtr<Vector, int> measureSIN;         // y
+  SignalPtr<Matrix, int> modelTransitionSIN; // F
+  SignalPtr<Matrix, int> modelMeasureSIN;    // H
+  SignalPtr<Matrix, int> noiseTransitionSIN; // Q
+  SignalPtr<Matrix, int> noiseMeasureSIN;    // R
-  SignalTimeDependent< Matrix,int > gainSINTERN;         // K
-  SignalTimeDependent< Matrix,int > innovationSINTERN;   // S
+  SignalPtr<Vector, int> statePredictedSIN;            // x_{k|k-1}
+  SignalPtr<Vector, int> observationPredictedSIN;      // y_pred = h (x_{k|k-1})
+  SignalTimeDependent<Matrix, int> varianceUpdateSOUT; // P
+  SignalTimeDependent<Vector, int> stateUpdateSOUT;    // X_est
+  SignalTimeDependent<Matrix, int> gainSINTERN;       // K
+  SignalTimeDependent<Matrix, int> innovationSINTERN; // S
-  virtual std::string getDocString () const
-  {
-    return
-      "Implementation of extended Kalman filter     \n"
-      "\n"
-      "  Dynamics of the system:                    \n"
-      "\n"
-      "    x = f (x   , u   ) + w       (state)      \n"
-      "     k      k-1   k-1     k-1                 \n"
-      "\n"
-      "    y = h (x ) + v               (observation)\n"
-      "     k      k     k                           \n"
-      "\n"
-      "  Prediction:\n"
-      "\n"
-      "    ^          ^                       \n"
-      "    x     = f (x       , u   )     (state) \n"
-      "     k|k-1      k-1|k-1   k-1          \n"
-      "\n"
-      "                           T           \n"
-      "    P     = F    P        F    + Q (covariance)\n"
-      "     k|k-1   k-1  k-1|k-1  k-1         \n"
-      "\n"
-      "  with\n"
-      "           \\                         \n"
-      "           d f  ^                         \n"
-      "    F    = --- (x       , u   )           \n"
-      "     k-1   \\     k-1|k-1   k-1            \n"
-      "           d x                         \n"
-      "\n"
-      "         \\                             \n"
-      "         d h  ^                          \n"
-      "    H  = --- (x       )                     \n"
-      "     k   \\     k-1|k-1                      \n"
-      "         d x                             \n"
-      "  Update:\n"
-      "\n"
-      "                ^                            \n"
-      "    z = y  - h (x     )             (innovation)\n"
-      "     k   k       k|k-1                       \n"
-      "                   T                          \n"
-      "    S = H  P      H  + R            (innovation covariance)\n"
-      "     k   k  k|k-1  k                          \n"
-      "                T  -1                         \n"
-      "    K = P      H  S                 (Kalman gain)\n"
-      "     k   k|k-1  k  k                          \n"
-      "    ^     ^                                   \n"
-      "    x   = x      + K  z             (state)   \n"
-      "     k|k   k|k-1    k  k                      \n"
-      "\n"
-      "    P   =(I - K  H ) P                        \n"
-      "     k|k       k  k   k|k-1                   \n"
-      "\n"
-      "  Signals\n"
-      "    - input(vector)::x_pred:  state prediction\n"
-      "                                                         ^\n"
-      "    - input(vector)::y_pred:  observation prediction: h (x     )\n"
-      "                                                          k|k-1\n"
-      "    - input(matrix)::F:       partial derivative wrt x of f\n"
-      "    - input(vector)::y:       measure         \n"
-      "    - input(matrix)::H:       partial derivative wrt x of h\n"
-      "    - input(matrix)::Q:       variance of noise w\n"
-      "                                                 k-1\n"
-      "    - input(matrix)::R:       variance of noise v\n"
-      "                                                 k\n"
-      "    - output(matrix)::P_pred: variance of prediction\n"
-      "                                               ^\n"
-      "    - output(vector)::x_est:  state estimation x\n"
-      "                                                k|k\n";
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    return "Implementation of extended Kalman filter     \n"
+           "\n"
+           "  Dynamics of the system:                    \n"
+           "\n"
+           "    x = f (x   , u   ) + w       (state)      \n"
+           "     k      k-1   k-1     k-1                 \n"
+           "\n"
+           "    y = h (x ) + v               (observation)\n"
+           "     k      k     k                           \n"
+           "\n"
+           "  Prediction:\n"
+           "\n"
+           "    ^          ^                       \n"
+           "    x     = f (x       , u   )     (state) \n"
+           "     k|k-1      k-1|k-1   k-1          \n"
+           "\n"
+           "                           T           \n"
+           "    P     = F    P        F    + Q (covariance)\n"
+           "     k|k-1   k-1  k-1|k-1  k-1         \n"
+           "\n"
+           "  with\n"
+           "           \\                         \n"
+           "           d f  ^                         \n"
+           "    F    = --- (x       , u   )           \n"
+           "     k-1   \\     k-1|k-1   k-1            \n"
+           "           d x                         \n"
+           "\n"
+           "         \\                             \n"
+           "         d h  ^                          \n"
+           "    H  = --- (x       )                     \n"
+           "     k   \\     k-1|k-1                      \n"
+           "         d x                             \n"
+           "  Update:\n"
+           "\n"
+           "                ^                            \n"
+           "    z = y  - h (x     )             (innovation)\n"
+           "     k   k       k|k-1                       \n"
+           "                   T                          \n"
+           "    S = H  P      H  + R            (innovation covariance)\n"
+           "     k   k  k|k-1  k                          \n"
+           "                T  -1                         \n"
+           "    K = P      H  S                 (Kalman gain)\n"
+           "     k   k|k-1  k  k                          \n"
+           "    ^     ^                                   \n"
+           "    x   = x      + K  z             (state)   \n"
+           "     k|k   k|k-1    k  k                      \n"
+           "\n"
+           "    P   =(I - K  H ) P                        \n"
+           "     k|k       k  k   k|k-1                   \n"
+           "\n"
+           "  Signals\n"
+           "    - input(vector)::x_pred:  state prediction\n"
+           "                                                         ^\n"
+           "    - input(vector)::y_pred:  observation prediction: h (x     )\n"
+           "                                                          k|k-1\n"
+           "    - input(matrix)::F:       partial derivative wrt x of f\n"
+           "    - input(vector)::y:       measure         \n"
+           "    - input(matrix)::H:       partial derivative wrt x of h\n"
+           "    - input(matrix)::Q:       variance of noise w\n"
+           "                                                 k-1\n"
+           "    - input(matrix)::R:       variance of noise v\n"
+           "                                                 k\n"
+           "    - output(matrix)::P_pred: variance of prediction\n"
+           "                                               ^\n"
+           "    - output(vector)::x_est:  state estimation x\n"
+           "                                                k|k\n";
-  Matrix& computeVarianceUpdate (Matrix& P_k_k, const int& time);
-  Vector& computeStateUpdate (Vector& x_est,const int& time );
+  Matrix &computeVarianceUpdate(Matrix &P_k_k, const int &time);
+  Vector &computeStateUpdate(Vector &x_est, const int &time);
-  void setStateEstimation (const Vector& x0)
-  {
+  void setStateEstimation(const Vector &x0) {
     stateEstimation_ = x0;
-    stateUpdateSOUT.recompute (0);
+    stateUpdateSOUT.recompute(0);
-  void setStateVariance (const Matrix& P0)
-  {
+  void setStateVariance(const Matrix &P0) {
     stateVariance_ = P0;
-    varianceUpdateSOUT.recompute (0);
+    varianceUpdateSOUT.recompute(0);
   // Current state estimation
   // ^
@@ -190,18 +181,16 @@ protected:
   // Kalman Gain
   Matrix K_;
-  Kalman( const std::string & name ) ;
+  Kalman(const std::string &name);
   /* --- Entity --- */
-  void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-} ;
+  void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-  } // namespace sot
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
   \file Kalman.h
   \brief  Extended kalman filter implementation
diff --git a/include/sot/core/latch.hh b/include/sot/core/latch.hh
index b2c903e8..fc864a6c 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/latch.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/latch.hh
@@ -11,69 +11,72 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-bind.h>
-#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 /* STD */
 #include <string>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    using dynamicgraph::Entity;
-    using dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid0;
-    using dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVoid0;
-    class Latch : public Entity
-    {
-    public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
-      Signal<bool,int> outSOUT;
-      Signal<bool,int> turnOnSOUT;
-      Signal<bool,int> turnOffSOUT;
-    protected:
-      bool signalOutput;
-      void turnOn(){ signalOutput = true; }
-      bool& turnOnLatch(bool& res, int){ res = signalOutput = true; return res; }
-      void turnOff(){ signalOutput = false; }
-      bool& turnOffLatch(bool& res, int){ res = signalOutput = false; return res; }
-      bool& latchOutput(bool& res, int){ res = signalOutput; return res; }
-    public:
-      Latch( const std::string& name )
-	: Entity(name)
-	,outSOUT("Latch("+name+")::output(bool)::out")
-	,turnOnSOUT ("Latch("+name+")::output(bool)::turnOnSout")
-	,turnOffSOUT("Latch("+name+")::output(bool)::turnOffSout")
-      {
-        outSOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&Latch::latchOutput,this,_1,_2));
-        turnOnSOUT .setFunction(boost::bind(&Latch::turnOnLatch ,this,_1,_2));
-        turnOffSOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&Latch::turnOffLatch,this,_1,_2));
-        signalOutput = false;
-        signalRegistration (outSOUT << turnOnSOUT << turnOffSOUT);
-        addCommand ("turnOn",
-                    makeCommandVoid0 (*this, &Latch::turnOn,
-                                      docCommandVoid0 ("Turn on the latch")));
-        addCommand ("turnOff",
-                    makeCommandVoid0 (*this, &Latch::turnOff,
-                                      docCommandVoid0 ("Turn off the latch")));
-      }
-        virtual ~Latch( void ) {};
+namespace sot {
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+using dynamicgraph::Entity;
+using dynamicgraph::command::docCommandVoid0;
+using dynamicgraph::command::makeCommandVoid0;
+class Latch : public Entity {
+public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  Signal<bool, int> outSOUT;
+  Signal<bool, int> turnOnSOUT;
+  Signal<bool, int> turnOffSOUT;
+  bool signalOutput;
+  void turnOn() { signalOutput = true; }
+  bool &turnOnLatch(bool &res, int) {
+    res = signalOutput = true;
+    return res;
+  }
+  void turnOff() { signalOutput = false; }
+  bool &turnOffLatch(bool &res, int) {
+    res = signalOutput = false;
+    return res;
+  }
+  bool &latchOutput(bool &res, int) {
+    res = signalOutput;
+    return res;
+  }
+  Latch(const std::string &name)
+      : Entity(name), outSOUT("Latch(" + name + ")::output(bool)::out"),
+        turnOnSOUT("Latch(" + name + ")::output(bool)::turnOnSout"),
+        turnOffSOUT("Latch(" + name + ")::output(bool)::turnOffSout") {
+    outSOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&Latch::latchOutput, this, _1, _2));
+    turnOnSOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&Latch::turnOnLatch, this, _1, _2));
+    turnOffSOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&Latch::turnOffLatch, this, _1, _2));
+    signalOutput = false;
+    signalRegistration(outSOUT << turnOnSOUT << turnOffSOUT);
+    addCommand("turnOn",
+               makeCommandVoid0(*this, &Latch::turnOn,
+                                docCommandVoid0("Turn on the latch")));
+    addCommand("turnOff",
+               makeCommandVoid0(*this, &Latch::turnOff,
+                                docCommandVoid0("Turn off the latch")));
+  }
+  virtual ~Latch(void){};
 } /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_LATCH_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/macros-signal.hh b/include/sot/core/macros-signal.hh
index d95eed1e..3b2e182f 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/macros-signal.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/macros-signal.hh
@@ -11,156 +11,111 @@
 /* --- GENERIC MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- GENERIC MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define SOT_CALL_SIG(sotName,sotType)          \
-  boost::bind(&Signal<sotType,int>::access, \
-              &sotName,_2)
+#define SOT_CALL_SIG(sotName, sotType)                                         \
+  boost::bind(&Signal<sotType, int>::access, &sotName, _2)
 /* --- STATIC MACROS -------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- STATIC MACROS -------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- STATIC MACROS -------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_1(sotFunction,             \
-			  sotArg1,sotArg1Type)     \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,                          \
-            SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),_1), \
-  sotArg1
-#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2(sotFunction,             \
-			  sotArg1,sotArg1Type,     \
-			  sotArg2,sotArg2Type)     \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,                          \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),_1), \
-  sotArg1<<sotArg2
-#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_3(sotFunction,             \
-			  sotArg1,sotArg1Type,     \
-			  sotArg2,sotArg2Type,     \
-			  sotArg3,sotArg3Type)     \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,                          \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type),_1), \
-  sotArg1<<sotArg2<<sotArg3
-#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_4(sotFunction,             \
-			  sotArg1,sotArg1Type,     \
-			  sotArg2,sotArg2Type,     \
-			  sotArg3,sotArg3Type,     \
-			  sotArg4,sotArg4Type)     \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,                          \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type),_1), \
-  sotArg1<<sotArg2<<sotArg3<<sotArg4
-#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_5(sotFunction,             \
-			  sotArg1,sotArg1Type,     \
-			  sotArg2,sotArg2Type,     \
-			  sotArg3,sotArg3Type,     \
-			  sotArg4,sotArg4Type,     \
-			  sotArg5,sotArg5Type)     \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,                          \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5,sotArg5Type),_1), \
-  sotArg1<<sotArg2<<sotArg3<<sotArg4<<sotArg5
-#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_6(sotFunction,             \
-			  sotArg1,sotArg1Type,     \
-			  sotArg2,sotArg2Type,     \
-			  sotArg3,sotArg3Type,     \
-			  sotArg4,sotArg4Type,     \
-			  sotArg5,sotArg5Type,     \
-			  sotArg6,sotArg6Type)     \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,                          \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5,sotArg5Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg6,sotArg6Type),_1), \
-  sotArg1<<sotArg2<<sotArg3<<sotArg4<<sotArg5<<sotArg6
-#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_7(sotFunction,             \
-			  sotArg1,sotArg1Type,     \
-			  sotArg2,sotArg2Type,     \
-			  sotArg3,sotArg3Type,     \
-			  sotArg4,sotArg4Type,     \
-			  sotArg5,sotArg5Type,     \
-			  sotArg6,sotArg6Type,     \
-			  sotArg7,sotArg7Type)     \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,                          \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5,sotArg5Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg6,sotArg6Type),     \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg7,sotArg7Type),_1), \
-  sotArg1<<sotArg2<<sotArg3<<sotArg4<<sotArg5<<sotArg6<<sotArg7
+#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_1(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type)                   \
+  boost::bind(&sotFunction, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type), _1), sotArg1
+#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type, sotArg2,          \
+                          sotArg2Type)                                         \
+  boost::bind(&sotFunction, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type),                \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2, sotArg2Type), _1),                         \
+      sotArg1 << sotArg2
+#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_3(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type, sotArg2,          \
+                          sotArg2Type, sotArg3, sotArg3Type)                   \
+  boost::bind(&sotFunction, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type),                \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2, sotArg2Type),                              \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3, sotArg3Type), _1),                         \
+      sotArg1 << sotArg2 << sotArg3
+#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_4(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type, sotArg2,          \
+                          sotArg2Type, sotArg3, sotArg3Type, sotArg4,          \
+                          sotArg4Type)                                         \
+  boost::bind(&sotFunction, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type),                \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2, sotArg2Type),                              \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3, sotArg3Type),                              \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4, sotArg4Type), _1),                         \
+      sotArg1 << sotArg2 << sotArg3 << sotArg4
+#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_5(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type, sotArg2,          \
+                          sotArg2Type, sotArg3, sotArg3Type, sotArg4,          \
+                          sotArg4Type, sotArg5, sotArg5Type)                   \
+  boost::bind(&sotFunction, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type),                \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2, sotArg2Type),                              \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3, sotArg3Type),                              \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4, sotArg4Type),                              \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5, sotArg5Type), _1),                         \
+      sotArg1 << sotArg2 << sotArg3 << sotArg4 << sotArg5
+#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_6(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type, sotArg2,          \
+                          sotArg2Type, sotArg3, sotArg3Type, sotArg4,          \
+                          sotArg4Type, sotArg5, sotArg5Type, sotArg6,          \
+                          sotArg6Type)                                         \
+  boost::bind(                                                                 \
+      &sotFunction, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type),                        \
+      SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2, sotArg2Type), SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3, sotArg3Type),  \
+      SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4, sotArg4Type), SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5, sotArg5Type),  \
+      SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg6, sotArg6Type), _1),                                 \
+      sotArg1 << sotArg2 << sotArg3 << sotArg4 << sotArg5 << sotArg6
+#define SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_7(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type, sotArg2,          \
+                          sotArg2Type, sotArg3, sotArg3Type, sotArg4,          \
+                          sotArg4Type, sotArg5, sotArg5Type, sotArg6,          \
+                          sotArg6Type, sotArg7, sotArg7Type)                   \
+  boost::bind(                                                                 \
+      &sotFunction, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type),                        \
+      SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2, sotArg2Type), SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3, sotArg3Type),  \
+      SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4, sotArg4Type), SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5, sotArg5Type),  \
+      SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg6, sotArg6Type), SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg7, sotArg7Type),  \
+      _1),                                                                     \
+      sotArg1 << sotArg2 << sotArg3 << sotArg4 << sotArg5 << sotArg6           \
+              << sotArg7
 /* --- MEMBERS MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- MEMBERS MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- MEMBERS MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_1(sotFunction,             \
-			    sotArg1,sotArg1Type)    \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,this,                       \
-            SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),_1),   \
-  sotArg1
-#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_2(sotFunction,             \
-			    sotArg1,sotArg1Type,     \
-			    sotArg2,sotArg2Type)     \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,this,                       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),_1),   \
-  sotArg1<<sotArg2
-#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_4(sotFunction,             \
-			    sotArg1,sotArg1Type,     \
-			    sotArg2,sotArg2Type,     \
-			    sotArg3,sotArg3Type,     \
-			    sotArg4,sotArg4Type)     \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,this,                       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type),_1),   \
-  sotArg1<<sotArg2<<sotArg3<<sotArg4
-#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_5(sotFunction,             \
-			    sotArg1,sotArg1Type,     \
-			    sotArg2,sotArg2Type,     \
-			    sotArg3,sotArg3Type,     \
-			    sotArg4,sotArg4Type,     \
-			    sotArg5,sotArg5Type)     \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,this,                       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5,sotArg5Type),_1),   \
-  sotArg1<<sotArg2<<sotArg3<<sotArg4<<sotArg5
-#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_6(sotFunction,             \
-			    sotArg1,sotArg1Type,     \
-			    sotArg2,sotArg2Type,     \
-			    sotArg3,sotArg3Type,     \
-			    sotArg4,sotArg4Type,     \
-			    sotArg5,sotArg5Type,     \
-			    sotArg6,sotArg6Type)     \
-boost::bind(&sotFunction,this,                       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1,sotArg1Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2,sotArg2Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3,sotArg3Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4,sotArg4Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5,sotArg5Type),       \
-	    SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg6,sotArg6Type),_1),   \
-  sotArg1<<sotArg2<<sotArg3<<sotArg4<<sotArg5<<sotArg6
+#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_1(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type)                 \
+  boost::bind(&sotFunction, this, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type), _1),     \
+      sotArg1
+#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_2(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type, sotArg2,        \
+                            sotArg2Type)                                       \
+  boost::bind(&sotFunction, this, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type),          \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2, sotArg2Type), _1),                         \
+      sotArg1 << sotArg2
+#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_4(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type, sotArg2,        \
+                            sotArg2Type, sotArg3, sotArg3Type, sotArg4,        \
+                            sotArg4Type)                                       \
+  boost::bind(&sotFunction, this, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type),          \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2, sotArg2Type),                              \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3, sotArg3Type),                              \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4, sotArg4Type), _1),                         \
+      sotArg1 << sotArg2 << sotArg3 << sotArg4
+#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_5(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type, sotArg2,        \
+                            sotArg2Type, sotArg3, sotArg3Type, sotArg4,        \
+                            sotArg4Type, sotArg5, sotArg5Type)                 \
+  boost::bind(&sotFunction, this, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type),          \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2, sotArg2Type),                              \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3, sotArg3Type),                              \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4, sotArg4Type),                              \
+              SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5, sotArg5Type), _1),                         \
+      sotArg1 << sotArg2 << sotArg3 << sotArg4 << sotArg5
+#define SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_6(sotFunction, sotArg1, sotArg1Type, sotArg2,        \
+                            sotArg2Type, sotArg3, sotArg3Type, sotArg4,        \
+                            sotArg4Type, sotArg5, sotArg5Type, sotArg6,        \
+                            sotArg6Type)                                       \
+  boost::bind(                                                                 \
+      &sotFunction, this, SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg1, sotArg1Type),                  \
+      SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg2, sotArg2Type), SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg3, sotArg3Type),  \
+      SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg4, sotArg4Type), SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg5, sotArg5Type),  \
+      SOT_CALL_SIG(sotArg6, sotArg6Type), _1),                                 \
+      sotArg1 << sotArg2 << sotArg3 << sotArg4 << sotArg5 << sotArg6
diff --git a/include/sot/core/madgwickahrs.hh b/include/sot/core/madgwickahrs.hh
index 81b426bb..a80021db 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/madgwickahrs.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/madgwickahrs.hh
@@ -34,101 +34,98 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (madgwickahrs_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTMADGWICKAHRS_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTMADGWICKAHRS_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(madgwickahrs_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTMADGWICKAHRS_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTMADGWICKAHRS_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "boost/assign.hpp"
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-helper.h>
-#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #include <map>
-#include "boost/assign.hpp"
+#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #define betaDef 0.01 // 2 * proportional g
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /** \addtogroup Filters
-    \section subsec_madgwickahrs MadgwickAHRS filter
-    \class MadgwickARHS
-    This class implements the MadgwickAHRS filter as described
-    in
-    This method uses a gradient descent approach to compute the orientation
-    from an IMU.
-    The signals input are:
-    <ul>
-    <li>m_accelerometerSIN: \f$[a_x, a_y, a_z]^T\f$ in \f$m.s^{-2}\f$</li>
-    <li>m_gyroscopeSIN: \f$[g_x, g_y, g_z]^T\f$ in \f$rad.s^{-1}\f$</li>
-    <li>m_imu_quatSOUT: \f$[q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3]^T\f$ </li> estimated rotation
-    as a quaternion</li>
-    </ul>
-    The internal parameters are:
-    <ul>
-    <li>\f$Beta\f$: Gradient step weight (default to 0.01) </li>
-    <li>\f$m_sampleFref\f$: Sampling Frequency computed from the control
-    period when using init.</li>
-    </ul>
-    */
-      :public::dynamicgraph::Entity
-    {
-      typedef MadgwickAHRS EntityClassName;
-    public:
-        /* --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
-        MadgwickAHRS( const std::string & name );
-      void init(const double& dt);
-      void set_beta(const double & beta);
-      /// Set the quaternion as [w,x,y,z]
-      void set_imu_quat(const dynamicgraph::Vector & imu_quat);
-      /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-      /// ax ay az in m.s-2
-      DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(accelerometer,              dynamicgraph::Vector);
-      /// gx gy gz in rad.s-1
-      DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(gyroscope,                  dynamicgraph::Vector);
-      /// Estimated orientation of IMU as a quaternion
-      DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(imu_quat,                  dynamicgraph::Vector);
-    protected:
-      /* --- COMMANDS --- */
-      /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
-      virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-      /* --- METHODS --- */
-      double invSqrt(double x);
-      void madgwickAHRSupdateIMU
-           (double gx, double gy, double gz, double ax, double ay, double az);
-    protected:
-      /// true if the entity has been successfully initialized
-      bool     m_initSucceeded;
-      /// 2 * proportional gain (Kp)
-      double   m_beta;
-      /// quaternion of sensor frame
-      double   m_q0, m_q1, m_q2, m_q3;
-      /// sample frequency in Hz
-      double   m_sampleFreq;           
-    }; // class MadgwickAHRS
-  }      // namespace sot
-}        // namespace dynamicgraph
+namespace sot {
+/** \addtogroup Filters
+\section subsec_madgwickahrs MadgwickAHRS filter
+\class MadgwickARHS
+This class implements the MadgwickAHRS filter as described
+This method uses a gradient descent approach to compute the orientation
+from an IMU.
+The signals input are:
+<li>m_accelerometerSIN: \f$[a_x, a_y, a_z]^T\f$ in \f$m.s^{-2}\f$</li>
+<li>m_gyroscopeSIN: \f$[g_x, g_y, g_z]^T\f$ in \f$rad.s^{-1}\f$</li>
+<li>m_imu_quatSOUT: \f$[q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3]^T\f$ </li> estimated rotation
+as a quaternion</li>
+The internal parameters are:
+<li>\f$Beta\f$: Gradient step weight (default to 0.01) </li>
+<li>\f$m_sampleFref\f$: Sampling Frequency computed from the control
+period when using init.</li>
+class SOTMADGWICKAHRS_EXPORT MadgwickAHRS : public ::dynamicgraph::Entity {
+  typedef MadgwickAHRS EntityClassName;
+  /* --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
+  MadgwickAHRS(const std::string &name);
+  void init(const double &dt);
+  void set_beta(const double &beta);
+  /// Set the quaternion as [w,x,y,z]
+  void set_imu_quat(const dynamicgraph::Vector &imu_quat);
+  /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  /// ax ay az in m.s-2
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(accelerometer, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+  /// gx gy gz in rad.s-1
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(gyroscope, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+  /// Estimated orientation of IMU as a quaternion
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(imu_quat, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+  /* --- COMMANDS --- */
+  /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  /* --- METHODS --- */
+  double invSqrt(double x);
+  void madgwickAHRSupdateIMU(double gx, double gy, double gz, double ax,
+                             double ay, double az);
+  /// true if the entity has been successfully initialized
+  bool m_initSucceeded;
+  /// 2 * proportional gain (Kp)
+  double m_beta;
+  /// quaternion of sensor frame
+  double m_q0, m_q1, m_q2, m_q3;
+  /// sample frequency in Hz
+  double m_sampleFreq;
+}; // class MadgwickAHRS
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef __sot_torque_control_madgwickahrs_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/mailbox-vector.hh b/include/sot/core/mailbox-vector.hh
index 53810025..f1ee0ff7 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/mailbox-vector.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/mailbox-vector.hh
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (mailbox_vector_EXPORTS)
-#    define MAILBOX_VECTOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define MAILBOX_VECTOR_EXPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(mailbox_vector_EXPORTS)
+#define MAILBOX_VECTOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define MAILBOX_VECTOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
 #ifdef WIN32
-    class MAILBOX_VECTOR_EXPORT MailboxVector : public Mailbox<dynamicgraph::Vector>
-    {
-    public:
-      MailboxVector( const std::string& name );
-    };
+class MAILBOX_VECTOR_EXPORT MailboxVector
+    : public Mailbox<dynamicgraph::Vector> {
+  MailboxVector(const std::string &name);
-    typedef Mailbox<dynamicgraph::Vector> MailboxVector;
+typedef Mailbox<dynamicgraph::Vector> MailboxVector;
-  } // namespace sot
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef  __SOT_MAILBOX_HH
diff --git a/include/sot/core/mailbox.hh b/include/sot/core/mailbox.hh
index 9678bfb0..d28b4b2b 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/mailbox.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/mailbox.hh
@@ -10,10 +10,9 @@
 #ifndef __SOT_MAILBOX_HH
 #define __SOT_MAILBOX_HH
 /* --- SOT PLUGIN  --- */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 /* --- BOOST --- */
 #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
@@ -29,55 +28,47 @@
 #endif /*WIN32*/
 #include <string>
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-template< class Object >
-class Mailbox
-: public dg::Entity
- public:
+template <class Object> class Mailbox : public dg::Entity {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- public:
-  struct sotTimestampedObject
-  {
+  struct sotTimestampedObject {
     Object obj;
     struct timeval timestamp;
+  Mailbox(const std::string &name);
+  ~Mailbox(void);
-  Mailbox( const std::string& name );
-  ~Mailbox( void );
-  void post( const Object& obj );
-  sotTimestampedObject& get( sotTimestampedObject& res,const int& dummy );
+  void post(const Object &obj);
+  sotTimestampedObject &get(sotTimestampedObject &res, const int &dummy);
-  Object& getObject( Object& res,const int& time );
-  struct timeval& getTimestamp( struct timeval& res,const int& time );
+  Object &getObject(Object &res, const int &time);
+  struct timeval &getTimestamp(struct timeval &res, const int &time);
-  bool hasBeenUpdated( void );
+  bool hasBeenUpdated(void);
   boost::timed_mutex mainObjectMutex;
   Object mainObject;
   struct timeval mainTimeStamp;
   bool update;
- public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< struct sotTimestampedObject,int > SOUT;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< Object,int > objSOUT;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< struct timeval,int > timeSOUT;
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<struct sotTimestampedObject, int> SOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<Object, int> objSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<struct timeval, int> timeSOUT;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef  __SOT_MAILBOX_HH
diff --git a/include/sot/core/mailbox.hxx b/include/sot/core/mailbox.hxx
index 035a8e1c..74757585 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/mailbox.hxx
+++ b/include/sot/core/mailbox.hxx
@@ -13,129 +13,106 @@
 #include <sot/core/mailbox.hh>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CONSTRUCTION --------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< class Object >
-    Mailbox<Object>::
-    Mailbox( const std::string& name )
-      :Entity(name)
-      ,mainObjectMutex()
-      ,mainObject()
-      ,update(false)
-      ,SOUT( boost::bind(&Mailbox::get,this,_1,_2),
-	     sotNOSIGNAL,
-	     "Mailbox("+name+")::output(Object)::sout" )
-      ,objSOUT( boost::bind(&Mailbox::getObject,this,_1,_2),
-		SOUT,
-		"Mailbox("+name+")::output(Object)::object" )
-      ,timeSOUT( boost::bind(&Mailbox::getTimestamp,this,_1,_2),
-		 SOUT,
-		 "Mailbox("+name+")::output(Object)::timestamp" )
-    {
-      signalRegistration( SOUT<<objSOUT<<timeSOUT );
-      SOUT.setDependencyType( TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT );
-    }
-    template< class Object >
-    Mailbox<Object>::
-    ~Mailbox( void )
-    {
-      boost::timed_mutex::scoped_lock lockMain( mainObjectMutex );
-    }
-    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- ACCESS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< class Object >
-    bool Mailbox<Object>::
-    hasBeenUpdated( void )
-    {
-      boost::timed_mutex::scoped_try_lock lockMain( this->mainObjectMutex );
-      if( lockMain.owns_lock() )
-	{
-	  return update;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  return false;
-	}
-    }
-    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< class Object >
-    typename Mailbox<Object>::sotTimestampedObject& Mailbox<Object>::
-    get( typename Mailbox<Object>::sotTimestampedObject& res,const int& /*dummy*/ )
-    {
-      boost::timed_mutex::scoped_try_lock lockMain( this->mainObjectMutex );
-      if( lockMain.owns_lock() )
-	{
-	  res.timestamp.tv_sec=this->mainTimeStamp.tv_sec;
-	  res.timestamp.tv_usec=this->mainTimeStamp.tv_usec;
-	  update = false;
-	  res.obj = this->mainObject;
-	}
-      return res;
-    }
-    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< class Object >
-    void Mailbox<Object>::
-    post( const Object& value )
-    {
-      boost::timed_mutex::scoped_lock lockMain( this->mainObjectMutex );
-      mainObject = value;
-      gettimeofday( &this->mainTimeStamp, NULL );
-      update = true;
-      SOUT.setReady();
-      return;
-    }
-    template< class Object >
-    Object& Mailbox<Object>::
-    getObject( Object& res,const int& time )
-    {
-      const sotTimestampedObject & data = SOUT(time);
-      res = data.obj; return res;
-    }
-    template< class Object >
-    timeval& Mailbox<Object>::
-    getTimestamp( struct timeval& res,const int& time )
-    {
-      const sotTimestampedObject & data = SOUT(time);
-      res.tv_sec = data.timestamp.tv_sec ;
-      res.tv_usec = data.timestamp.tv_usec ;
-      return res;
-    }
-  } /* namespace sot */
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONSTRUCTION --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template <class Object>
+Mailbox<Object>::Mailbox(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), mainObjectMutex(), mainObject(), update(false)
+      ,
+      SOUT(boost::bind(&Mailbox::get, this, _1, _2), sotNOSIGNAL,
+           "Mailbox(" + name + ")::output(Object)::sout"),
+      objSOUT(boost::bind(&Mailbox::getObject, this, _1, _2), SOUT,
+              "Mailbox(" + name + ")::output(Object)::object"),
+      timeSOUT(boost::bind(&Mailbox::getTimestamp, this, _1, _2), SOUT,
+               "Mailbox(" + name + ")::output(Object)::timestamp") {
+  signalRegistration(SOUT << objSOUT << timeSOUT);
+  SOUT.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT);
+template <class Object> Mailbox<Object>::~Mailbox(void) {
+  boost::timed_mutex::scoped_lock lockMain(mainObjectMutex);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- ACCESS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template <class Object> bool Mailbox<Object>::hasBeenUpdated(void) {
+  boost::timed_mutex::scoped_try_lock lockMain(this->mainObjectMutex);
+  if (lockMain.owns_lock()) {
+    return update;
+  } else {
+    return false;
+  }
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template <class Object>
+typename Mailbox<Object>::sotTimestampedObject &
+Mailbox<Object>::get(typename Mailbox<Object>::sotTimestampedObject &res,
+                     const int & /*dummy*/) {
+  boost::timed_mutex::scoped_try_lock lockMain(this->mainObjectMutex);
+  if (lockMain.owns_lock()) {
+    res.timestamp.tv_sec = this->mainTimeStamp.tv_sec;
+    res.timestamp.tv_usec = this->mainTimeStamp.tv_usec;
+    update = false;
+    res.obj = this->mainObject;
+  }
+  return res;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template <class Object> void Mailbox<Object>::post(const Object &value) {
+  boost::timed_mutex::scoped_lock lockMain(this->mainObjectMutex);
+  mainObject = value;
+  gettimeofday(&this->mainTimeStamp, NULL);
+  update = true;
+  SOUT.setReady();
+  return;
+template <class Object>
+Object &Mailbox<Object>::getObject(Object &res, const int &time) {
+  const sotTimestampedObject &data = SOUT(time);
+  res = data.obj;
+  return res;
+template <class Object>
+timeval &Mailbox<Object>::getTimestamp(struct timeval &res, const int &time) {
+  const sotTimestampedObject &data = SOUT(time);
+  res.tv_sec = data.timestamp.tv_sec;
+  res.tv_usec = data.timestamp.tv_usec;
+  return res;
+} /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 /* Macro for template specialization */
 #ifndef WIN32
-  namespace dynamicgraph {                      \
-    namespace sot {							\
-      template void Mailbox<S>::post(const S& obj );			\
-      template dynamicgraph::Vector&  Mailbox<S>::getObject( S& res,const int& time ); \
-      template bool Mailbox<S>::hasBeenUpdated(void);			\
-      template Mailbox<S>::~Mailbox();					\
-      template Mailbox<S>::sotTimestampedObject& Mailbox<S>::get( Mailbox<S>::sotTimestampedObject& res,const int& dummy ); \
-      template Mailbox<S>::Mailbox(const std::string& name);		\
-  } \
-} // namespace sot namespace dynamicgraph
+#define MAILBOX_TEMPLATE_SPE(S)                                                \
+  namespace dynamicgraph {                                                     \
+  namespace sot {                                                              \
+  template void Mailbox<S>::post(const S &obj);                                \
+  template dynamicgraph::Vector &Mailbox<S>::getObject(S &res,                 \
+                                                       const int &time);       \
+  template bool Mailbox<S>::hasBeenUpdated(void);                              \
+  template Mailbox<S>::~Mailbox();                                             \
+  template Mailbox<S>::sotTimestampedObject &                                  \
+  Mailbox<S>::get(Mailbox<S>::sotTimestampedObject &res, const int &dummy);    \
+  template Mailbox<S>::Mailbox(const std::string &name);                       \
+  }                                                                            \
+  }    // namespace sot namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // WIN32
 #endif // #ifdef __SOT_MAILBOX_T_CPP
diff --git a/include/sot/core/matrix-constant.hh b/include/sot/core/matrix-constant.hh
index 25b5973d..29ba4eaa 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/matrix-constant.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/matrix-constant.hh
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 /* Matrix */
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
@@ -19,35 +19,32 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    namespace command {
-      namespace matrixConstant {
-	class Resize;
-      }
-    }
+namespace sot {
+namespace command {
+namespace matrixConstant {
+class Resize;
+} // namespace command
-    class MatrixConstant
-      : public Entity
-    {
-      friend class command::matrixConstant::Resize;
-    public:
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+class MatrixConstant : public Entity {
+  friend class command::matrixConstant::Resize;
-      int rows,cols;
-      double color;
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-      void setValue(const dg::Matrix& inValue);
+  int rows, cols;
+  double color;
-    public:
-      MatrixConstant( const std::string& name );
+  void setValue(const dg::Matrix &inValue);
-      virtual ~MatrixConstant( void ){}
+  MatrixConstant(const std::string &name);
-      SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix,int> SOUT;
+  virtual ~MatrixConstant(void) {}
-    };
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix, int> SOUT;
-  } // namespace sot
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/include/sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh b/include/sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh
index bbe9a303..52046447 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh
@@ -8,100 +8,98 @@
 /* --- Matrix --- */
-#include <sot/core/api.hh>
-#include <Eigen/Geometry>
 #include <Eigen/Core>
-#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
 #include <dynamic-graph/eigen-io.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <sot/core/api.hh>
-#  define MRAWDATA(x)
+#define MRAWDATA(x)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    #define EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, Size, SizeSuffix)   \
-    /** \ingroup matrixtypedefs */                                    \
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Type, Size, Size> Matrix##SizeSuffix##TypeSuffix;  \
-    /** \ingroup matrixtypedefs */                                    \
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Type, Size, 1>    Vector##SizeSuffix##TypeSuffix;  \
-    /** \ingroup matrixtypedefs */                                    \
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Type, 1, Size>    RowVector##SizeSuffix##TypeSuffix;
-    #define EIGEN_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, Size)         \
-    /** \ingroup matrixtypedefs */                                    \
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Type, Size, Eigen::Dynamic> Matrix##Size##X##TypeSuffix;  \
-    /** \ingroup matrixtypedefs */                                    \
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Type, Eigen::Dynamic, Size> Matrix##X##Size##TypeSuffix;
-    #define EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS_ALL_SIZES(Type, TypeSuffix) \
-    EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 1, 1) \
-    EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 5, 5) \
-    EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 6, 6) \
-    EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 7, 7) \
-    EIGEN_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 1) \
-    EIGEN_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 5) \
-    EIGEN_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 6) \
-    EIGEN_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 7)
-    EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS_ALL_SIZES(int,                  i)
-    EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS_ALL_SIZES(float,                f)
-    EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS_ALL_SIZES(double,               d)
-    EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS_ALL_SIZES(std::complex<float>,  cf)
-    EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS_ALL_SIZES(std::complex<double>, cd)
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::RowMajor>   MatrixRXd;
-    typedef Eigen::Map<MatrixRXd>                                                 SigMatrixXd;
-    typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>                                           SigVectorXd;
-    typedef const Eigen::Map<const MatrixRXd>                                     const_SigMatrixXd;
-    typedef const Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd>                               const_SigVectorXd;
-    typedef Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd>                      RefVector;
-    typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>&         ConstRefVector;
-    typedef Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd>                      RefMatrix;
-    typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>          ConstRefMatrix;
-    typedef Eigen::Transform<double,3, Eigen::Affine> SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixHomogeneous;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3> SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixRotation;
-    typedef Eigen::AngleAxis<double> SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorUTheta;
-    typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double> SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorQuaternion;
-    typedef Eigen::Vector3d SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorRotation;
-    typedef Eigen::Vector3d SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorRollPitchYaw;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6> SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixForce;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6> SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixTwist;
-    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,7,1> SOT_CORE_EXPORT Vector7;
-    typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double> SOT_CORE_EXPORT Quaternion;
-    typedef Eigen::Map<Quaternion> SOT_CORE_EXPORT QuaternionMap;
-    inline void buildFrom (const MatrixHomogeneous& MH, MatrixTwist& MT) {
-      Eigen::Vector3d _t = MH.translation();
-      MatrixRotation R(MH.linear());
-      Eigen::Matrix3d Tx;
-      Tx << 0, -_t(2), _t(1),
-	_t(2), 0, -_t(0),
-	-_t(1), _t(0), 0;
-      Eigen::Matrix3d sk; sk = Tx*R;
-      MT.block<3,3>(0,0) = R;
-      MT.block<3,3>(0,3) = sk;
-      MT.block<3,3>(3,0).setZero();
-      MT.block<3,3>(3,3) = R;
-    }
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+#define EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, Size, SizeSuffix)                \
+  /** \ingroup matrixtypedefs */                                               \
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Type, Size, Size> Matrix##SizeSuffix##TypeSuffix;      \
+  /** \ingroup matrixtypedefs */                                               \
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Type, Size, 1> Vector##SizeSuffix##TypeSuffix;         \
+  /** \ingroup matrixtypedefs */                                               \
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Type, 1, Size> RowVector##SizeSuffix##TypeSuffix;
+#define EIGEN_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, Size)                      \
+  /** \ingroup matrixtypedefs */                                               \
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Type, Size, Eigen::Dynamic>                            \
+      Matrix##Size##X##TypeSuffix;                                             \
+  /** \ingroup matrixtypedefs */                                               \
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Type, Eigen::Dynamic, Size> Matrix##X##Size##TypeSuffix;
+#define EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS_ALL_SIZES(Type, TypeSuffix)                        \
+  EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 1, 1)                                  \
+  EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 5, 5)                                  \
+  EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 6, 6)                                  \
+  EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 7, 7)                                  \
+  EIGEN_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 1)                               \
+  EIGEN_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 5)                               \
+  EIGEN_MAKE_FIXED_TYPEDEFS(Type, TypeSuffix, 6)                               \
+EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS_ALL_SIZES(std::complex<float>, cf)
+EIGEN_MAKE_TYPEDEFS_ALL_SIZES(std::complex<double>, cd)
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>
+    MatrixRXd;
+typedef Eigen::Map<MatrixRXd> SigMatrixXd;
+typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> SigVectorXd;
+typedef const Eigen::Map<const MatrixRXd> const_SigMatrixXd;
+typedef const Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd> const_SigVectorXd;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> RefVector;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> &ConstRefVector;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> RefMatrix;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd> ConstRefMatrix;
+typedef Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine> SOT_CORE_EXPORT
+    MatrixHomogeneous;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixRotation;
+typedef Eigen::AngleAxis<double> SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorUTheta;
+typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double> SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorQuaternion;
+typedef Eigen::Vector3d SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorRotation;
+typedef Eigen::Vector3d SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorRollPitchYaw;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixForce;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixTwist;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1> SOT_CORE_EXPORT Vector7;
+typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double> SOT_CORE_EXPORT Quaternion;
+typedef Eigen::Map<Quaternion> SOT_CORE_EXPORT QuaternionMap;
+inline void buildFrom(const MatrixHomogeneous &MH, MatrixTwist &MT) {
+  Eigen::Vector3d _t = MH.translation();
+  MatrixRotation R(MH.linear());
+  Eigen::Matrix3d Tx;
+  Tx << 0, -_t(2), _t(1), _t(2), 0, -_t(0), -_t(1), _t(0), 0;
+  Eigen::Matrix3d sk;
+  sk = Tx * R;
+  MT.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = R;
+  MT.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = sk;
+  MT.block<3, 3>(3, 0).setZero();
+  MT.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = R;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_MATRIX_GEOMETRY_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/matrix-svd.hh b/include/sot/core/matrix-svd.hh
index a6d214ca..435edd24 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/matrix-svd.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/matrix-svd.hh
@@ -10,37 +10,29 @@
 #ifndef __SOT_MATRIX_SVD_H__
 #define __SOT_MATRIX_SVD_H__
 /* --- Matrix --- */
 #include <Eigen/SVD>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace Eigen {
-void pseudoInverse( dg::Matrix& _inputMatrix,
-		    dg::Matrix& _inverseMatrix,
-		    const double threshold = 1e-6);
+void pseudoInverse(dg::Matrix &_inputMatrix, dg::Matrix &_inverseMatrix,
+                   const double threshold = 1e-6);
-void dampedInverse( const JacobiSVD <dg::Matrix>& svd,
-		    dg::Matrix& _inverseMatrix,
-		    const double threshold = 1e-6);
+void dampedInverse(const JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix> &svd, dg::Matrix &_inverseMatrix,
+                   const double threshold = 1e-6);
-void dampedInverse( const dg::Matrix& _inputMatrix,
-		    dg::Matrix& _inverseMatrix,
-		    dg::Matrix& Uref,
-		    dg::Vector& Sref,
-		    dg::Matrix& Vref,
-		    const double threshold = 1e-6);
+void dampedInverse(const dg::Matrix &_inputMatrix, dg::Matrix &_inverseMatrix,
+                   dg::Matrix &Uref, dg::Vector &Sref, dg::Matrix &Vref,
+                   const double threshold = 1e-6);
-void dampedInverse( const dg::Matrix& _inputMatrix,
-		    dg::Matrix& _inverseMatrix,
-		    const double threshold = 1e-6);
+void dampedInverse(const dg::Matrix &_inputMatrix, dg::Matrix &_inverseMatrix,
+                   const double threshold = 1e-6);
+} // namespace Eigen
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_MATRIX_SVD_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh b/include/sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh
index 497f8a91..ecbe51a8 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh
@@ -10,62 +10,59 @@
-#include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
 #include "sot/core/api.hh"
+#include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-    class SOT_CORE_EXPORT MemoryTaskSOT
-      : public TaskAbstract::MemoryTaskAbstract, public dg::Entity
-    {
-    public://   protected:
-      /* Internal memory to reduce the dynamic allocation at task resolution. */
-      dg::Vector err;
-      dg::Matrix Jt;  //( nJ,mJ );
-      dg::Matrix Jp;
-      dg::Matrix PJp;
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT MemoryTaskSOT : public TaskAbstract::MemoryTaskAbstract,
+                                      public dg::Entity {
+public: //   protected:
+  /* Internal memory to reduce the dynamic allocation at task resolution. */
+  dg::Vector err;
+  dg::Matrix Jt; //( nJ,mJ );
+  dg::Matrix Jp;
+  dg::Matrix PJp;
-      dg::Matrix Jff; //( nJ,FF_SIZE ); // Free-floating part
-      dg::Matrix Jact; //( nJ,mJ );     // Activated part
-      dg::Matrix JK; //(nJ,mJ);
+  dg::Matrix Jff;  //( nJ,FF_SIZE ); // Free-floating part
+  dg::Matrix Jact; //( nJ,mJ );     // Activated part
+  dg::Matrix JK;   //(nJ,mJ);
-      dg::Matrix Proj;
+  dg::Matrix Proj;
-      typedef Eigen::JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix> SVD_t;
-      SVD_t svd;
+  typedef Eigen::JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix> SVD_t;
+  SVD_t svd;
-    public:
-      /* mJ is the number of actuated joints, nJ the number of feature in the task,
-       * and ffsize the number of unactuated DOF. */
-      MemoryTaskSOT( const std::string & name,const Matrix::Index nJ=0,
-		     const Matrix::Index mJ=0,const Matrix::Index ffsize =0 );
+  /* mJ is the number of actuated joints, nJ the number of feature in the task,
+   * and ffsize the number of unactuated DOF. */
+  MemoryTaskSOT(const std::string &name, const Matrix::Index nJ = 0,
+                const Matrix::Index mJ = 0, const Matrix::Index ffsize = 0);
-      virtual void initMemory( const Matrix::Index nJ,
-			       const Matrix::Index mJ,
-			       const Matrix::Index ffsize,
-			       bool atConstruction = false);
+  virtual void initMemory(const Matrix::Index nJ, const Matrix::Index mJ,
+                          const Matrix::Index ffsize,
+                          bool atConstruction = false);
-    public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-    public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-      dg::Signal< dg::Matrix,int > jacobianInvSINOUT;
-      dg::Signal< dg::Matrix,int > jacobianConstrainedSINOUT;
-      dg::Signal< dg::Matrix,int > jacobianProjectedSINOUT;
-      dg::Signal< dg::Matrix,int > singularBaseImageSINOUT;
-      dg::Signal< unsigned int,int > rankSINOUT;
-    };
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  dg::Signal<dg::Matrix, int> jacobianInvSINOUT;
+  dg::Signal<dg::Matrix, int> jacobianConstrainedSINOUT;
+  dg::Signal<dg::Matrix, int> jacobianProjectedSINOUT;
+  dg::Signal<dg::Matrix, int> singularBaseImageSINOUT;
+  dg::Signal<unsigned int, int> rankSINOUT;
-  } /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // __SOT_MEMORY_TASK_HH
diff --git a/include/sot/core/motion-period.hh b/include/sot/core/motion-period.hh
index 889775db..b2fc894d 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/motion-period.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/motion-period.hh
@@ -19,55 +19,46 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (motion_period_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTMOTIONPERIOD_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTMOTIONPERIOD_EXPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(motion_period_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTMOTIONPERIOD_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTMOTIONPERIOD_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   \class MotionPeriod
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-: public dg::Entity
+class SOTMOTIONPERIOD_EXPORT MotionPeriod : public dg::Entity {
- public:
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-  enum MotionPeriodType
-    {
-      ,MOTION_SIN
-      ,MOTION_COS
-    };
-  struct sotMotionParam
-  {
+  struct sotMotionParam {
     MotionPeriodType motionType;
     unsigned int period;
     unsigned int initPeriod;
@@ -76,26 +67,25 @@ class SOTMOTIONPERIOD_EXPORT MotionPeriod
   unsigned int size;
-  std::vector< sotMotionParam > motionParams;
-  void resize( const unsigned int & size );
+  std::vector<sotMotionParam> motionParams;
+  void resize(const unsigned int &size);
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Vector,int > motionSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> motionSOUT;
- public:
-  MotionPeriod( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~MotionPeriod( void ) {}
+  MotionPeriod(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~MotionPeriod(void) {}
-  dg::Vector& computeMotion( dg::Vector& res,const int& time );
+  dg::Vector &computeMotion(dg::Vector &res, const int &time);
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-} ;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_JOINTLIMITS_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/multi-bound.hh b/include/sot/core/multi-bound.hh
index 2b6fcf0a..f3ee3098 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/multi-bound.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/multi-bound.hh
@@ -26,48 +26,51 @@
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT MultiBound
- public:
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT MultiBound {
   enum MultiBoundModeType { MODE_SINGLE, MODE_DOUBLE };
-  enum SupInfType { BOUND_SUP,BOUND_INF };
+  enum SupInfType { BOUND_SUP, BOUND_INF };
- public:// protected:
+public: // protected:
   MultiBoundModeType mode;
   double boundSingle;
-  double boundSup,boundInf;
-  bool boundSupSetup,boundInfSetup;
- public:
-  MultiBound( const double x = 0.);
-  MultiBound( const double xi,const double xs );
-  MultiBound( const double x,const SupInfType bound );
-  MultiBound( const MultiBound& clone );
- public: // Acessors
-  MultiBoundModeType getMode( void ) const;
-  double getSingleBound( void ) const;
-  double getDoubleBound( const SupInfType bound ) const;
-  bool getDoubleBoundSetup( const SupInfType bound ) const;
- public: // Modifiors
-  void setDoubleBound( SupInfType boundType,double boundValue );
-  void unsetDoubleBound( SupInfType boundType );
-  void setSingleBound( double boundValue );
- public:
-  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os, const MultiBound & m  );
-  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::istream& operator>> ( std::istream& is, MultiBound & m  );
+  double boundSup, boundInf;
+  bool boundSupSetup, boundInfSetup;
+  MultiBound(const double x = 0.);
+  MultiBound(const double xi, const double xs);
+  MultiBound(const double x, const SupInfType bound);
+  MultiBound(const MultiBound &clone);
+public: // Acessors
+  MultiBoundModeType getMode(void) const;
+  double getSingleBound(void) const;
+  double getDoubleBound(const SupInfType bound) const;
+  bool getDoubleBoundSetup(const SupInfType bound) const;
+public: // Modifiors
+  void setDoubleBound(SupInfType boundType, double boundValue);
+  void unsetDoubleBound(SupInfType boundType);
+  void setSingleBound(double boundValue);
+  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                                  const MultiBound &m);
+  SOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is,
+                                                  MultiBound &m);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-typedef std::vector< MultiBound > VectorMultiBound;
-SOT_CORE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const VectorMultiBound& v );
-SOT_CORE_EXPORT std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& os, VectorMultiBound& v );
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+typedef std::vector<MultiBound> VectorMultiBound;
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                         const VectorMultiBound &v);
+SOT_CORE_EXPORT std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &os, VectorMultiBound &v);
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_MultiBound_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/neck-limitation.hh b/include/sot/core/neck-limitation.hh
index 3145c773..0a3b80eb 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/neck-limitation.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/neck-limitation.hh
@@ -19,78 +19,73 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
 /* STD */
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
 #include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (neck_limitation_EXPORTS)
-#    define NeckLimitation_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define NeckLimitation_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(neck_limitation_EXPORTS)
+#define NeckLimitation_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define NeckLimitation_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  define NeckLimitation_EXPORT
+#define NeckLimitation_EXPORT
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-class NeckLimitation_EXPORT NeckLimitation
-:public dg::Entity
- public:
+class NeckLimitation_EXPORT NeckLimitation : public dg::Entity {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-  unsigned int panRank,tiltRank;
+  unsigned int panRank, tiltRank;
   static const unsigned int PAN_RANK_DEFAULT;
   static const unsigned int TILT_RANK_DEFAULT;
   /* The limitation is: sgn.Tilt >= Pan.alpha + beta, with alpha the linear
-  * coefficient and beta the affine one, and sgn is +1 or -1. */
-  double coeffLinearPan,coeffAffinePan;
+   * coefficient and beta the affine one, and sgn is +1 or -1. */
+  double coeffLinearPan, coeffAffinePan;
   double signTilt;
   static const double COEFF_LINEAR_DEFAULT;
   static const double COEFF_AFFINE_DEFAULT;
   static const double SIGN_TILT_DEFAULT;
- public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-  NeckLimitation( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~NeckLimitation( void );
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  NeckLimitation(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~NeckLimitation(void);
- public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> jointSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> jointSOUT;
+public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> jointSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> jointSOUT;
- public: /* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
-  dg::Vector& computeJointLimitation( dg::Vector& jointLimited,const int& timeSpec );
+public: /* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
+  dg::Vector &computeJointLimitation(dg::Vector &jointLimited,
+                                     const int &timeSpec);
- public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_NeckLimitation_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/op-point-modifier.hh b/include/sot/core/op-point-modifier.hh
index 0700b403..4b442acf 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/op-point-modifier.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/op-point-modifier.hh
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
@@ -23,21 +23,22 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (op_point_modifier_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTOPPOINTMODIFIER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTOPPOINTMODIFIER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(op_point_modifier_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTOPPOINTMODIFIER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTOPPOINTMODIFIER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- VECTOR ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -46,41 +47,40 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /// The position of the local frame in the frame of the joint is represented by
 /// transformation.
-: public dg::Entity
- public:
+class SOTOPPOINTMODIFIER_EXPORT OpPointModifier : public dg::Entity {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- public:
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Matrix,int> jacobianSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous,int> positionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Matrix, int> jacobianSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<MatrixHomogeneous, int> positionSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix,int> jacobianSOUT;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous,int> positionSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix, int> jacobianSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixHomogeneous, int> positionSOUT;
-  OpPointModifier( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~OpPointModifier( void ){}
+  OpPointModifier(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~OpPointModifier(void) {}
-  dg::Matrix& jacobianSOUT_function( dg::Matrix& res,const int& time );
-  MatrixHomogeneous& positionSOUT_function( MatrixHomogeneous& res,const int& time );
-  void setTransformation( const Eigen::Matrix4d& tr );
-  void setTransformationBySignalName( std::istringstream& cmdArgs );
-  const Eigen::Matrix4d& getTransformation( void );
+  dg::Matrix &jacobianSOUT_function(dg::Matrix &res, const int &time);
+  MatrixHomogeneous &positionSOUT_function(MatrixHomogeneous &res,
+                                           const int &time);
+  void setTransformation(const Eigen::Matrix4d &tr);
+  void setTransformationBySignalName(std::istringstream &cmdArgs);
+  const Eigen::Matrix4d &getTransformation(void);
- private:
   MatrixHomogeneous transformation;
-  /* This bool tunes the effect of the modifier for end-effector Jacobian (ie the output
-   * velocity is expressed in the end-effector frame) of from the world-ref Jacobian (ie
+  /* This bool tunes the effect of the modifier for end-effector Jacobian (ie
+   * the output velocity is expressed in the end-effector frame) of from the
+   * world-ref Jacobian (ie
    * the ouput velocity is computed in the world frame). */
   bool isEndEffector;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif //  __SOT_OP_POINT_MODIFIOR_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/parameter-server.hh b/include/sot/core/parameter-server.hh
index 3cfca559..89a76b8a 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/parameter-server.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/parameter-server.hh
@@ -21,101 +21,98 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (__sot_torque_parameter_server_H__)
-#    define SOTParameterServer_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTParameterServer_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(__sot_torque_parameter_server_H__)
+#define SOTParameterServer_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  define SOTParameterServer_EXPORT
+#define SOTParameterServer_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#define SOTParameterServer_EXPORT
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "boost/assign.hpp"
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-helper.h>
+#include <map>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #include <sot/core/robot-utils.hh>
-#include <map>
-#include "boost/assign.hpp"
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /// Number of time step to transition from one ctrl mode to another
+/// Number of time step to transition from one ctrl mode to another
-    class SOTParameterServer_EXPORT ParameterServer
-      :public::dynamicgraph::Entity
-    {
-      typedef ParameterServer EntityClassName;
-    public:
-      /* --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
-      ParameterServer( const std::string & name);
-      /// Initialize
-      /// @param dt: control interval
-      /// @param urdfFile: path to the URDF model of the robot
-      void init(const double & dt,
-		const std::string & urdfFile,
-		const std::string & robotRef);
-      /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-      /* --- COMMANDS --- */
-      /// Commands related to joint name and joint id
-      void setNameToId(const std::string& jointName, const double & jointId);
-      void setJointLimitsFromId(const double &jointId, const double &lq, const double &uq);
-      /// Command related to ForceUtil
-      void setForceLimitsFromId(const double &jointId, const dynamicgraph::Vector &lq, const dynamicgraph::Vector &uq);
-      void setForceNameToForceId(const std::string& forceName, const double & forceId);
-      /// Commands related to FootUtil
-      void setRightFootSoleXYZ(const dynamicgraph::Vector &);
-      void setRightFootForceSensorXYZ(const dynamicgraph::Vector &);
-      void setFootFrameName(const std::string &, const std::string &);
-      void setImuJointName(const std::string &);
-      void displayRobotUtil();
-      /// Set the mapping between urdf and sot.
-      void setJoints(const dynamicgraph::Vector &);
-      /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
-      virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-    protected:
-      RobotUtilShrPtr                   m_robot_util;
-      bool    m_initSucceeded;    /// true if the entity has been successfully initialized
-      double  m_dt;               /// control loop time period
-      bool    m_emergency_stop_triggered;  /// true if an emergency condition as been triggered either by an other entity, or by control limit violation
-      bool    m_is_first_iter;    /// true at the first iteration, false otherwise
-      int     m_iter;
-      double  m_sleep_time;       /// time to sleep at every iteration (to slow down simulation)
-      bool convertJointNameToJointId(const std::string& name, unsigned int& id);
-      bool isJointInRange(unsigned int id, double q);
-      void updateJointCtrlModesOutputSignal();
-    }; // class ParameterServer
-  }      // namespace sot
-}        // namespace dynamicgraph
+class SOTParameterServer_EXPORT ParameterServer
+    : public ::dynamicgraph::Entity {
+  typedef ParameterServer EntityClassName;
+  /* --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
+  ParameterServer(const std::string &name);
+  /// Initialize
+  /// @param dt: control interval
+  /// @param urdfFile: path to the URDF model of the robot
+  void init(const double &dt, const std::string &urdfFile,
+            const std::string &robotRef);
+  /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  /* --- COMMANDS --- */
+  /// Commands related to joint name and joint id
+  void setNameToId(const std::string &jointName, const double &jointId);
+  void setJointLimitsFromId(const double &jointId, const double &lq,
+                            const double &uq);
+  /// Command related to ForceUtil
+  void setForceLimitsFromId(const double &jointId,
+                            const dynamicgraph::Vector &lq,
+                            const dynamicgraph::Vector &uq);
+  void setForceNameToForceId(const std::string &forceName,
+                             const double &forceId);
+  /// Commands related to FootUtil
+  void setRightFootSoleXYZ(const dynamicgraph::Vector &);
+  void setRightFootForceSensorXYZ(const dynamicgraph::Vector &);
+  void setFootFrameName(const std::string &, const std::string &);
+  void setImuJointName(const std::string &);
+  void displayRobotUtil();
+  /// Set the mapping between urdf and sot.
+  void setJoints(const dynamicgraph::Vector &);
+  /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  RobotUtilShrPtr m_robot_util;
+  bool m_initSucceeded; /// true if the entity has been successfully initialized
+  double m_dt;          /// control loop time period
+  bool m_emergency_stop_triggered; /// true if an emergency condition as been
+                                   /// triggered either by an other entity, or
+                                   /// by control limit violation
+  bool m_is_first_iter; /// true at the first iteration, false otherwise
+  int m_iter;
+  double m_sleep_time; /// time to sleep at every iteration (to slow down
+                       /// simulation)
+  bool convertJointNameToJointId(const std::string &name, unsigned int &id);
+  bool isJointInRange(unsigned int id, double q);
+  void updateJointCtrlModesOutputSignal();
+}; // class ParameterServer
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef __sot_torque_control_control_manager_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/periodic-call-entity.hh b/include/sot/core/periodic-call-entity.hh
index c6ecd4eb..eb7bc82c 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/periodic-call-entity.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/periodic-call-entity.hh
@@ -14,12 +14,11 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <sot/core/periodic-call.hh>
 #include <sot/core/periodic-call-entity.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <sot/core/periodic-call.hh>
 /* STD */
 #include <list>
 #include <map>
@@ -29,14 +28,14 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (periodic_call_entity_EXPORTS)
-#    define PeriodicCallEntity_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define PeriodicCallEntity_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(periodic_call_entity_EXPORTS)
+#define PeriodicCallEntity_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define PeriodicCallEntity_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  define PeriodicCallEntity_EXPORT
+#define PeriodicCallEntity_EXPORT
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -54,26 +53,27 @@ namespace sot {
   If the trigerOnce is called, the stacks are flushed after the execution.
 class PeriodicCallEntity_EXPORT PeriodicCallEntity
-: public Entity, protected sot::PeriodicCall
+    : public Entity,
+      protected sot::PeriodicCall {
- public:
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-  Signal<int,int> triger;
-  Signal<int,int> trigerOnce;
+  Signal<int, int> triger;
+  Signal<int, int> trigerOnce;
-  int& trigerCall( int& dummy,const int & time );
-  int& trigerOnceCall( int& dummy,const int & time );
+  int &trigerCall(int &dummy, const int &time);
+  int &trigerOnceCall(int &dummy, const int &time);
-  /* --- FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  PeriodicCallEntity( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~PeriodicCallEntity( void ) {}
+  /* --- FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------
+   */
+  PeriodicCallEntity(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~PeriodicCallEntity(void) {}
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-} ;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
 } // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/include/sot/core/periodic-call.hh b/include/sot/core/periodic-call.hh
index a6fcbbfc..08a04fd5 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/periodic-call.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/periodic-call.hh
@@ -14,10 +14,9 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-base.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-base.h>
 #include <sot/core/api.hh>
 /* STD */
 #include <list>
@@ -34,61 +33,58 @@ namespace sot {
   \class PeriodicCall
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT PeriodicCall
- protected:
-  struct SignalToCall
-  {
-    dynamicgraph::SignalBase<int>* signal;
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT PeriodicCall {
+  struct SignalToCall {
+    dynamicgraph::SignalBase<int> *signal;
     unsigned int downsamplingFactor;
-    SignalToCall()
-    {
+    SignalToCall() {
       signal = NULL;
       downsamplingFactor = 1;
-    SignalToCall(dynamicgraph::SignalBase<int>* s, unsigned int df=1)
-    {
+    SignalToCall(dynamicgraph::SignalBase<int> *s, unsigned int df = 1) {
       signal = s;
       downsamplingFactor = df;
-  typedef std::map< std::string,SignalToCall > SignalMapType;
+  typedef std::map<std::string, SignalToCall> SignalMapType;
   SignalMapType signalMap;
   int innerTime;
-  /* --- FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  PeriodicCall( void );
-  virtual ~PeriodicCall( void ) {}
+  /* --- FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------
+   */
+  PeriodicCall(void);
+  virtual ~PeriodicCall(void) {}
-  void addDownsampledSignal( const std::string &name, dynamicgraph::SignalBase<int>& sig, const unsigned int& downsamplingFactor );
-  void addDownsampledSignal( const std::string& sigpath, const unsigned int& downsamplingFactor );
+  void addDownsampledSignal(const std::string &name,
+                            dynamicgraph::SignalBase<int> &sig,
+                            const unsigned int &downsamplingFactor);
+  void addDownsampledSignal(const std::string &sigpath,
+                            const unsigned int &downsamplingFactor);
-  void addSignal( const std::string &name, dynamicgraph::SignalBase<int>& sig );
-  void addSignal( const std::string& args );
-  void rmSignal( const std::string &name );
+  void addSignal(const std::string &name, dynamicgraph::SignalBase<int> &sig);
+  void addSignal(const std::string &args);
+  void rmSignal(const std::string &name);
-  void runSignals( const int& t );
-  void run( const int& t );
+  void runSignals(const int &t);
+  void run(const int &t);
-  void clear( void ) { signalMap.clear(); }
+  void clear(void) { signalMap.clear(); }
-  void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-  void addSpecificCommands( dynamicgraph::Entity& ent,
-			    dynamicgraph::Entity::CommandMap_t& commap,
-			    const std::string & prefix = "" );
+  void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  void addSpecificCommands(dynamicgraph::Entity &ent,
+                           dynamicgraph::Entity::CommandMap_t &commap,
+                           const std::string &prefix = "");
 } // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_PERIODICCALL_HH__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/pool.hh b/include/sot/core/pool.hh
index 08efc4db..87a92a67 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/pool.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/pool.hh
@@ -16,26 +16,26 @@
 /* --- STD --- */
 #include <map>
-#include <string>
 #include <sstream>
+#include <string>
 /* --- SOT --- */
-#include <sot/core/exception-factory.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-base.h>
 #include "sot/core/api.hh"
 #include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-base.h>
+#include <sot/core/exception-factory.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 // Preliminary declarations
 class FeatureAbstract;
 class TaskAbstract;
 /*! @ingroup factory
   \brief This singleton class keep tracks of all features and tasks.
@@ -58,20 +58,19 @@ class TaskAbstract;
   It also returns references to signals from their fully-qualified names.
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT PoolStorage
- public:
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT PoolStorage {
   /*! \name Define types to simplify the writing
   /*! \brief Sorted set of tasks with unique key (name). */
-  typedef std::map< std::string,TaskAbstract* > Tasks;
+  typedef std::map<std::string, TaskAbstract *> Tasks;
   /*! \brief Sorted set of features with unique key (name). */
-  typedef std::map< std::string,FeatureAbstract* > Features;
+  typedef std::map<std::string, FeatureAbstract *> Features;
   /*! @} */
- protected:
   /*! \name Fields of the class to manage the three entities.
     Also the name is singular, those are true sets.
@@ -84,12 +83,12 @@ class SOT_CORE_EXPORT PoolStorage
   Features feature;
   /*! @} */
- public:
   /*! \brief Default destructor */
-  ~PoolStorage( void );
+  ~PoolStorage(void);
   /// \brief Get unique instance of the class
-  static PoolStorage* getInstance();
+  static PoolStorage *getInstance();
   /// \brief destroy unique instance of the class
   static void destroy();
@@ -98,30 +97,32 @@ class SOT_CORE_EXPORT PoolStorage
   /*! \brief Registering a feature. */
-  void registerFeature( const std::string& entname,FeatureAbstract* ent );
+  void registerFeature(const std::string &entname, FeatureAbstract *ent);
   /*! \brief Get a reference to a feature. */
-  FeatureAbstract& getFeature( const std::string& name );
+  FeatureAbstract &getFeature(const std::string &name);
   /*! @} */
   /*! \name Methods related to the handling of the tasks
   /*! \brief Registering a task. */
-  void registerTask( const std::string& entname,TaskAbstract* ent );
+  void registerTask(const std::string &entname, TaskAbstract *ent);
   /*! \brief Get a reference to a task. */
-  TaskAbstract& getTask( const std::string& name );
+  TaskAbstract &getTask(const std::string &name);
   /*! @} */
-  /*! \brief This method write a graph description on the file named FileName. */
+  /*! \brief This method write a graph description on the file named FileName.
+   */
   void writeGraph(const std::string &aFileName);
-  void writeCompletionList(std::ostream& os);
+  void writeCompletionList(std::ostream &os);
- private:
-  static PoolStorage* instance_;
+  static PoolStorage *instance_;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_POOL_HH__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/reader.hh b/include/sot/core/reader.hh
index 6df53b8b..ac89cd65 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/reader.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/reader.hh
@@ -19,32 +19,32 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* STD */
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <list>
 #include <boost/function.hpp>
 #include <fstream>
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
 /* SOT & DG*/
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-base.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/exception-traces.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-base.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
 #include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (reader_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTREADER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTREADER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(reader_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTREADER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTREADER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -56,45 +56,38 @@ using dynamicgraph::SignalPtr;
 using dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent;
 using dynamicgraph::sot::Flags;
-class SOTREADER_EXPORT sotReader
-: public Entity
+class SOTREADER_EXPORT sotReader : public Entity {
- public:
-  SignalPtr< Flags,int > selectionSIN;
-  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> vectorSOUT;
-  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix,int> matrixSOUT;
- public:
-  sotReader( const std::string n );
-  virtual ~sotReader( void ){}
+  SignalPtr<Flags, int> selectionSIN;
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> vectorSOUT;
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix, int> matrixSOUT;
-  void load( const std::string& filename );
-  void clear( void );
-  void rewind( void );
+  sotReader(const std::string n);
+  virtual ~sotReader(void) {}
- protected:
+  void load(const std::string &filename);
+  void clear(void);
+  void rewind(void);
-  typedef std::list< std::vector<double> > DataType;
+  typedef std::list<std::vector<double>> DataType;
   DataType dataSet;
   DataType::const_iterator currentData;
   bool iteratorSet;
-  int rows,cols;
+  int rows, cols;
-  dg::Vector& getNextData( dg::Vector& res, const unsigned int time );
-  dg::Matrix& getNextMatrix( dg::Matrix& res, const unsigned int time );
-  void resize(const int & nbRow, const int & nbCol);
+  dg::Vector &getNextData(dg::Vector &res, const unsigned int time);
+  dg::Matrix &getNextMatrix(dg::Matrix &res, const unsigned int time);
+  void resize(const int &nbRow, const int &nbCol);
- public:
   /* --- PARAMS --- */
-  void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  void display(std::ostream &os) const;
   virtual void initCommands();
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_TRACER_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/robot-simu.hh b/include/sot/core/robot-simu.hh
index 2c3da3e7..e37c8382 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/robot-simu.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/robot-simu.hh
@@ -19,44 +19,39 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
-#include "sot/core/device.hh"
 #include "sot/core/api.hh"
+#include "sot/core/device.hh"
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (robot_simu_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOT_ROBOT_SIMU_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOT_ROBOT_SIMU_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(robot_simu_EXPORTS)
+#define SOT_ROBOT_SIMU_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOT_ROBOT_SIMU_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    class SOT_ROBOT_SIMU_EXPORT RobotSimu
-      :public Device
-    {
-    public:
-      RobotSimu(const std::string& inName);
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName(void) const {
-	return CLASS_NAME;
-      }
-    };
-  } // namespace sot
-} // namespace dynamicgraph
+namespace sot {
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+class SOT_ROBOT_SIMU_EXPORT RobotSimu : public Device {
+  RobotSimu(const std::string &inName);
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif /* #ifndef DYNAMICGRAPH_SOT_ROBOT_SIMU_HH */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/robot-utils.hh b/include/sot/core/robot-utils.hh
index d259737f..a8b23938 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/robot-utils.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/robot-utils.hh
@@ -5,283 +5,228 @@
 #ifndef __sot_torque_control_common_H__
 #define __sot_torque_control_common_H__
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "boost/assign.hpp"
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/logger.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-helper.h>
-#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #include <map>
-#include "boost/assign.hpp"
-#include <dynamic-graph/logger.h>
+#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dg;
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
+struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT JointLimits {
+  double upper;
+  double lower;
+  JointLimits() : upper(0.0), lower(0.0) {}
+  JointLimits(double l, double u) : upper(u), lower(l) {}
+typedef Eigen::VectorXd::Index Index;
+struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT ForceLimits {
+  Eigen::VectorXd upper;
+  Eigen::VectorXd lower;
+  ForceLimits() : upper(Vector6d::Zero()), lower(Vector6d::Zero()) {}
+  ForceLimits(const Eigen::VectorXd &l, const Eigen::VectorXd &u)
+      : upper(u), lower(l) {}
+  void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT ForceUtil {
+  std::map<Index, ForceLimits> m_force_id_to_limits;
+  std::map<std::string, Index> m_name_to_force_id;
+  std::map<Index, std::string> m_force_id_to_name;
+  Index m_Force_Id_Left_Hand, m_Force_Id_Right_Hand, m_Force_Id_Left_Foot,
+      m_Force_Id_Right_Foot;
+  void set_name_to_force_id(const std::string &name, const Index &force_id);
+  void set_force_id_to_limits(const Index &force_id, const dg::Vector &lf,
+                              const dg::Vector &uf);
+  void create_force_id_to_name_map();
+  Index get_id_from_name(const std::string &name);
+  const std::string &get_name_from_id(Index idx);
+  std::string cp_get_name_from_id(Index idx);
+  const ForceLimits &get_limits_from_id(Index force_id);
+  ForceLimits cp_get_limits_from_id(Index force_id);
+  Index get_force_id_left_hand() { return m_Force_Id_Left_Hand; }
+  void set_force_id_left_hand(Index anId) { m_Force_Id_Left_Hand = anId; }
+  Index get_force_id_right_hand() { return m_Force_Id_Right_Hand; }
-    struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT JointLimits
-    {
-      double upper;
-      double lower;
+  void set_force_id_right_hand(Index anId) { m_Force_Id_Right_Hand = anId; }
-      JointLimits():
-        upper(0.0),
-        lower(0.0)
-          {}
+  Index get_force_id_left_foot() { return m_Force_Id_Left_Foot; }
-      JointLimits(double l, double u):
-        upper(u),
-        lower(l)
-        {}
-    };
+  void set_force_id_left_foot(Index anId) { m_Force_Id_Left_Foot = anId; }
-    typedef Eigen::VectorXd::Index Index;
+  Index get_force_id_right_foot() { return m_Force_Id_Right_Foot; }
-    struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT ForceLimits
-    {
-      Eigen::VectorXd upper;
-      Eigen::VectorXd lower;
+  void set_force_id_right_foot(Index anId) { m_Force_Id_Right_Foot = anId; }
-      ForceLimits():
-        upper(Vector6d::Zero()),
-        lower(Vector6d::Zero())
-          {}
+  void display(std::ostream &out) const;
-      ForceLimits(const Eigen::VectorXd& l, const Eigen::VectorXd& u):
-        upper(u),
-        lower(l)
-        {}
+}; // struct ForceUtil
-      void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-    };
+struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT FootUtil {
+  /// Position of the foot soles w.r.t. the frame of the foot
+  dynamicgraph::Vector m_Right_Foot_Sole_XYZ;
+  /// Position of the force/torque sensors w.r.t. the frame of the hosting link
+  dynamicgraph::Vector m_Right_Foot_Force_Sensor_XYZ;
+  std::string m_Left_Foot_Frame_Name;
+  std::string m_Right_Foot_Frame_Name;
+  void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT HandUtil {
+  std::string m_Left_Hand_Frame_Name;
+  std::string m_Right_Hand_Frame_Name;
+  void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-    struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT ForceUtil
-    {
-      std::map<Index,ForceLimits> m_force_id_to_limits;
-      std::map<std::string,Index> m_name_to_force_id;
-      std::map<Index,std::string> m_force_id_to_name;
+struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT RobotUtil {
+  RobotUtil();
-      Index m_Force_Id_Left_Hand, m_Force_Id_Right_Hand,
-        m_Force_Id_Left_Foot, m_Force_Id_Right_Foot;
+  /// Forces data
+  ForceUtil m_force_util;
-      void set_name_to_force_id(const std::string & name,
-                                const Index &force_id);
+  /// Foot information
+  FootUtil m_foot_util;
+  /// Hand information
+  HandUtil m_hand_util;
-      void set_force_id_to_limits(const Index &force_id,
-                                  const dg::Vector &lf,
-                                  const dg::Vector &uf);
+  /// Map from the urdf index to the SoT index.
+  std::vector<Index> m_urdf_to_sot;
-      void create_force_id_to_name_map();
+  /// Nb of Dofs for the robot.
+  std::size_t m_nbJoints;
+  /// Map from the name to the id.
+  std::map<std::string, Index> m_name_to_id;
-      Index get_id_from_name(const std::string &name);
+  /// The map between id and name
+  std::map<Index, std::string> m_id_to_name;
-      const std::string & get_name_from_id(Index idx);
-      std::string cp_get_name_from_id(Index idx);
+  /// The joint limits map.
+  std::map<Index, JointLimits> m_limits_map;
-      const ForceLimits & get_limits_from_id(Index force_id);
-      ForceLimits cp_get_limits_from_id(Index force_id);
+  /// The name of the joint IMU is attached to
+  std::string m_imu_joint_name;
-      Index get_force_id_left_hand()
-      {
-        return m_Force_Id_Left_Hand;
-      }
+  /// This method creates the map between id and name.
+  /// It is called each time a new link between id and name is inserted
+  /// (i.e. when set_name_to_id is called).
+  void create_id_to_name_map();
-      void set_force_id_left_hand(Index anId)
-      {
-        m_Force_Id_Left_Hand = anId;
-      }
+  /// URDF file path
+  std::string m_urdf_filename;
-      Index get_force_id_right_hand()
-      {
-        return m_Force_Id_Right_Hand;
-      }
+  dynamicgraph::Vector m_dgv_urdf_to_sot;
-      void set_force_id_right_hand( Index anId)
-      {
-        m_Force_Id_Right_Hand = anId;
-      }
+  /** Given a joint name it finds the associated joint id.
+   * If the specified joint name is not found it returns -1;
+   * @param name Name of the joint to find.
+   * @return The id of the specified joint, -1 if not found. */
+  const Index &get_id_from_name(const std::string &name);
-      Index get_force_id_left_foot()
-      {
-        return m_Force_Id_Left_Foot;
-      }
+  /** Given a joint id it finds the associated joint name.
+   * If the specified joint is not found it returns "Joint name not found";
+   * @param id Id of the joint to find.
+   * @return The name of the specified joint, "Joint name not found" if not
+   * found. */
-      void set_force_id_left_foot(Index anId)
-      {
-        m_Force_Id_Left_Foot = anId;
-      }
+  /// Get the joint name from its index
+  const std::string &get_name_from_id(Index id);
-      Index  get_force_id_right_foot()
-      {
-        return m_Force_Id_Right_Foot;
-      }
+  /// Set relation between the name and the SoT id
+  void set_name_to_id(const std::string &jointName, const Index &jointId);
-      void set_force_id_right_foot( Index anId)
-      {
-        m_Force_Id_Right_Foot = anId;
-      }
+  /// Set the map between urdf index and sot index
+  void set_urdf_to_sot(const std::vector<Index> &urdf_to_sot);
+  void set_urdf_to_sot(const dg::Vector &urdf_to_sot);
-      void display(std::ostream & out) const;
+  /// Set the limits (lq,uq) for joint idx
+  void set_joint_limits_for_id(const Index &idx, const double &lq,
+                               const double &uq);
-    }; // struct ForceUtil
+  bool joints_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot);
-    struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT FootUtil
-    {
-      /// Position of the foot soles w.r.t. the frame of the foot
-      dynamicgraph::Vector m_Right_Foot_Sole_XYZ;
-      /// Position of the force/torque sensors w.r.t. the frame of the hosting link
-      dynamicgraph::Vector m_Right_Foot_Force_Sensor_XYZ;
-      std::string m_Left_Foot_Frame_Name;
-      std::string m_Right_Foot_Frame_Name;
-      void display(std::ostream & os) const;
-    };
+  bool joints_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf);
-    struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT HandUtil
-    {
-      std::string m_Left_Hand_Frame_Name;
-      std::string m_Right_Hand_Frame_Name;
-      void display(std::ostream & os) const;
-    };
+  bool velocity_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, ConstRefVector v_urdf,
+                            RefVector v_sot);
-    struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT RobotUtil
-    {
-    public:
+  bool velocity_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_urdf, ConstRefVector v_sot,
+                            RefVector v_urdf);
-      RobotUtil();
+  bool config_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot);
+  bool config_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf);
-      /// Forces data
-      ForceUtil m_force_util;
+  bool base_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot);
+  bool base_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf);
-      /// Foot information
-      FootUtil m_foot_util;
+  /** Given a joint id it finds the associated joint limits.
+   * If the specified joint is not found it returns JointLimits(0,0).
+   * @param id Id of the joint to find.
+   * @return The limits of the specified joint, JointLimits(0,0) if not found.
+   */
+  const JointLimits &get_joint_limits_from_id(Index id);
+  JointLimits cp_get_joint_limits_from_id(Index id);
-      /// Hand information
-      HandUtil m_hand_util;
-      /// Map from the urdf index to the SoT index.
-      std::vector<Index> m_urdf_to_sot;
+  /** \name Logger related methods */
+  /** \{*/
+  /// \brief Send messages \c msg with level \c t. Add string \c file and \c
+  /// line to message.
+  void sendMsg(const std::string &msg, MsgType t = MSG_TYPE_INFO,
+               const char *file = "", int line = 0);
-      /// Nb of Dofs for the robot.
-      std::size_t m_nbJoints;
+  /// \brief Specify the verbosity level of the logger.
+  void setLoggerVerbosityLevel(LoggerVerbosity lv) { logger_.setVerbosity(lv); }
-      /// Map from the name to the id.
-      std::map<std::string,Index> m_name_to_id;
+  /// \brief Get the logger's verbosity level.
+  LoggerVerbosity getLoggerVerbosityLevel() { return logger_.getVerbosity(); };
-      /// The map between id and name
-      std::map<Index,std::string> m_id_to_name;
+  void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-      /// The joint limits map.
-      std::map<Index,JointLimits> m_limits_map;
-      /// The name of the joint IMU is attached to
-      std::string m_imu_joint_name;
-      /// This method creates the map between id and name.
-      /// It is called each time a new link between id and name is inserted
-      /// (i.e. when set_name_to_id is called).
-      void create_id_to_name_map();
-      /// URDF file path
-      std::string m_urdf_filename;
-      dynamicgraph::Vector m_dgv_urdf_to_sot;
-      /** Given a joint name it finds the associated joint id.
-       * If the specified joint name is not found it returns -1;
-       * @param name Name of the joint to find.
-       * @return The id of the specified joint, -1 if not found. */
-      const Index & get_id_from_name(const std::string &name);
-      /** Given a joint id it finds the associated joint name.
-       * If the specified joint is not found it returns "Joint name not found";
-       * @param id Id of the joint to find.
-       * @return The name of the specified joint, "Joint name not found" if not found. */
-      /// Get the joint name from its index
-      const std::string & get_name_from_id(Index id);
-      /// Set relation between the name and the SoT id
-      void set_name_to_id(const std::string &jointName,
-			  const Index & jointId);
-      /// Set the map between urdf index and sot index
-      void set_urdf_to_sot(const std::vector<Index> &urdf_to_sot);
-      void set_urdf_to_sot(const dg::Vector &urdf_to_sot);
-      /// Set the limits (lq,uq) for joint idx
-      void set_joint_limits_for_id(const Index &idx,
-				   const double &lq,
-				   const double &uq);
-      bool joints_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot);
-      bool joints_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf);
-      bool velocity_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf,
-				ConstRefVector v_urdf, RefVector v_sot);
-      bool velocity_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_urdf,
-				ConstRefVector v_sot, RefVector v_urdf);
-      bool config_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot);
-      bool config_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf);
-      bool base_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot);
-      bool base_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf);
-      /** Given a joint id it finds the associated joint limits.
-       * If the specified joint is not found it returns JointLimits(0,0).
-       * @param id Id of the joint to find.
-       * @return The limits of the specified joint, JointLimits(0,0) if not found. */
-      const JointLimits & get_joint_limits_from_id(Index id);
-      JointLimits cp_get_joint_limits_from_id(Index id);
-      /** \name Logger related methods */
-      /** \{*/
-      /// \brief Send messages \c msg with level \c t. Add string \c file and \c line to message.
-      void sendMsg(const std::string &msg,
-		   MsgType t=MSG_TYPE_INFO,
-		   const char *file="",
-		   int line=0);
+  Logger logger_;
+}; // struct RobotUtil
-      /// \brief Specify the verbosity level of the logger.
-      void setLoggerVerbosityLevel(LoggerVerbosity lv)
-      {logger_.setVerbosity(lv);}
+/// Accessors - This should be changed to RobotUtilPtrShared
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<RobotUtil> RobotUtilShrPtr;
-      /// \brief Get the logger's verbosity level.
-      LoggerVerbosity getLoggerVerbosityLevel()
-      { return logger_.getVerbosity(); };
-      void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-    protected:
-      Logger logger_;
-    }; // struct RobotUtil
+RobotUtilShrPtr RefVoidRobotUtil();
+RobotUtilShrPtr getRobotUtil(std::string &robotName);
+bool isNameInRobotUtil(std::string &robotName);
+RobotUtilShrPtr createRobotUtil(std::string &robotName);
-    /// Accessors - This should be changed to RobotUtilPtrShared
-    typedef boost::shared_ptr<RobotUtil> RobotUtilShrPtr;
+bool base_se3_to_sot(ConstRefVector pos, ConstRefMatrix R, RefVector q_sot);
-    RobotUtilShrPtr  RefVoidRobotUtil();
-    RobotUtilShrPtr getRobotUtil(std::string &robotName);
-    bool isNameInRobotUtil(std::string &robotName);
-    RobotUtilShrPtr createRobotUtil(std::string &robotName);
-    bool base_se3_to_sot(ConstRefVector pos,
-			 ConstRefMatrix R,
-			 RefVector q_sot);
-  }      // namespace sot
-}        // namespace dynamicgraph
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // sot_torque_control_common_h_
diff --git a/include/sot/core/seq-play.hh b/include/sot/core/seq-play.hh
index 1487df22..dd791ac7 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/seq-play.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/seq-play.hh
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <list>
@@ -27,61 +27,61 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (seq_play_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(seq_play_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
-:public dynamicgraph::Entity
- public:
+class SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT SeqPlay : public dynamicgraph::Entity {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-  typedef  std::list<dg::Vector> StateList;
+  typedef std::list<dg::Vector> StateList;
   StateList stateList;
-  StateList::iterator currPos; unsigned int currRank;
+  StateList::iterator currPos;
+  unsigned int currRank;
   bool init;
   int time;
- public:
   /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-  SeqPlay( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~SeqPlay( void ) { }
-  void loadFile( const std::string& name );
-  dg::Vector& getNextPosition( dg::Vector& pos, const int& time );
- public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-  SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os,const SeqPlay& r )
-    { r.display(os); return os;}
- public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-  //dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> positionSIN;
-  //dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependant<dg::Vector,int> velocitySOUT;
-  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<int,int> refresherSINTERN;
-  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> positionSOUT;
+  SeqPlay(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~SeqPlay(void) {}
+  void loadFile(const std::string &name);
+  dg::Vector &getNextPosition(dg::Vector &pos, const int &time);
+public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                                    const SeqPlay &r) {
+    r.display(os);
+    return os;
+  }
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  // dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> positionSIN;
+  // dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependant<dg::Vector,int> velocitySOUT;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<int, int> refresherSINTERN;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> positionSOUT;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_SEQPLAY_HH */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/seqplay.hh b/include/sot/core/seqplay.hh
index ab1ac32e..dd791ac7 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/seqplay.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/seqplay.hh
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <list>
@@ -27,62 +27,61 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (seq_play_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(seq_play_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
-:public dynamicgraph::Entity
- public:
+class SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT SeqPlay : public dynamicgraph::Entity {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
-  typedef  std::list<dg::Vector> StateList;
+  typedef std::list<dg::Vector> StateList;
   StateList stateList;
-  StateList::iterator currPos; unsigned int currRank;
+  StateList::iterator currPos;
+  unsigned int currRank;
   bool init;
   int time;
- public:
   /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-  SeqPlay( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~SeqPlay( void ) { }
-  void loadFile( const std::string& name );
-  dg::Vector& getNextPosition( dg::Vector& pos, const int& time );
- public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-  SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os,const SeqPlay& r )
-    { r.display(os); return os;}
- public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-  //dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> positionSIN;
-  //dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependant<dg::Vector,int> velocitySOUT;
-  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<int,int> refresherSINTERN;
-  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> positionSOUT;
+  SeqPlay(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~SeqPlay(void) {}
+  void loadFile(const std::string &name);
+  dg::Vector &getNextPosition(dg::Vector &pos, const int &time);
+public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  SOTSEQPLAY_EXPORT friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                                    const SeqPlay &r) {
+    r.display(os);
+    return os;
+  }
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  // dynamicgraph::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> positionSIN;
+  // dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependant<dg::Vector,int> velocitySOUT;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<int, int> refresherSINTERN;
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> positionSOUT;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_SEQPLAY_HH */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/sequencer.hh b/include/sot/core/sequencer.hh
index 02169399..0c0584b8 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/sequencer.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/sequencer.hh
@@ -19,102 +19,93 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
 /* STD */
-#include <string>
-#include <map>
 #include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (sequencer_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTSEQUENCER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTSEQUENCER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(sequencer_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTSEQUENCER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTSEQUENCER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    class Sot;
-    class SOTSEQUENCER_EXPORT Sequencer
-      :public dynamicgraph::Entity
-      {
-      public:
-	class sotEventAbstract
-	{
-	public:
-	  enum sotEventType
-	  {
-	    ,EVENT_RM
-	    ,EVENT_CMD
-	  };
-	protected:
-	  std::string name;
-	  void setName( const std::string& name_ ) { name = name_; }
-	  int eventType;
-	public:
-	sotEventAbstract( const std::string & name ) : name(name) {};
-	  virtual ~sotEventAbstract( void ) {}
-	  virtual const std::string& getName() const { return name; }
-	  int getEventType(  ) const { return eventType; }
-	  virtual void operator() ( Sot* sotPtr ) = 0;
-	  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const { os << name; }
-	};
-      protected:
-	Sot* sotPtr;
-	typedef std::list< sotEventAbstract* > TaskList;
-	typedef std::map< unsigned int,TaskList > TaskMap;
-	TaskMap taskMap;
-	/* All the events are counting wrt to this t0. If t0 is -1, it
-	 * is set to the first time of trig.    */
-	int timeInit;
-	bool playMode;
-	std::ostream* outputStreamPtr;
-	bool noOutput; /*! if true, display nothing standard output on except errors*/
-      public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-	Sequencer( const std::string& name );
-	virtual ~Sequencer( void );
-      public: /* --- TASK MANIP --- */
-	void setSotRef( Sot* sot ) { sotPtr = sot; }
-	void addTask( sotEventAbstract* task,const unsigned int time );
-	void rmTask( int eventType, const std::string& name,const unsigned int time );
-	void clearAll( );
-      public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
-	dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<int,int> triggerSOUT;
-      public: /* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
-	int& trigger( int& dummy,const int& time );
-      public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
-	virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-      };
-  } // namespace sot
-} // namespace dynamicgraph
+namespace sot {
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+class Sot;
+class SOTSEQUENCER_EXPORT Sequencer : public dynamicgraph::Entity {
+  class sotEventAbstract {
+  public:
+    enum sotEventType { EVENT_ADD, EVENT_RM, EVENT_CMD };
+  protected:
+    std::string name;
+    void setName(const std::string &name_) { name = name_; }
+    int eventType;
+  public:
+    sotEventAbstract(const std::string &name) : name(name){};
+    virtual ~sotEventAbstract(void) {}
+    virtual const std::string &getName() const { return name; }
+    int getEventType() const { return eventType; }
+    virtual void operator()(Sot *sotPtr) = 0;
+    virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const { os << name; }
+  };
+  Sot *sotPtr;
+  typedef std::list<sotEventAbstract *> TaskList;
+  typedef std::map<unsigned int, TaskList> TaskMap;
+  TaskMap taskMap;
+  /* All the events are counting wrt to this t0. If t0 is -1, it
+   * is set to the first time of trig.    */
+  int timeInit;
+  bool playMode;
+  std::ostream *outputStreamPtr;
+  bool noOutput; /*! if true, display nothing standard output on except errors*/
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  Sequencer(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~Sequencer(void);
+public: /* --- TASK MANIP --- */
+  void setSotRef(Sot *sot) { sotPtr = sot; }
+  void addTask(sotEventAbstract *task, const unsigned int time);
+  void rmTask(int eventType, const std::string &name, const unsigned int time);
+  void clearAll();
+public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  dynamicgraph::SignalTimeDependent<int, int> triggerSOUT;
+public: /* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
+  int &trigger(int &dummy, const int &time);
+public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef __SOT_SOTSEQUENCER_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/smooth-reach.hh b/include/sot/core/smooth-reach.hh
index a7b1a166..1240e5b9 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/smooth-reach.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/smooth-reach.hh
@@ -19,25 +19,25 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (com_freezer_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTSMOOTHREACH_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTSMOOTHREACH_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(com_freezer_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTSMOOTHREACH_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTSMOOTHREACH_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -45,49 +45,45 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-: public dg::Entity
-  public:
-    static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-    virtual const std::string & getClassName() const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+class SOTSMOOTHREACH_EXPORT SmoothReach : public dg::Entity {
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName() const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-  private:
-    dg::Vector start,goal;
-    int startTime, lengthTime;
-    bool isStarted, isParam;
-    int smoothMode; double smoothParam;
+  dg::Vector start, goal;
+  int startTime, lengthTime;
+  bool isStarted, isParam;
+  int smoothMode;
+  double smoothParam;
-    double smoothFunction( double x );
+  double smoothFunction(double x);
-  public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-    SmoothReach(const std::string & name);
-    virtual ~SmoothReach(void) {};
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  SmoothReach(const std::string &name);
+  virtual ~SmoothReach(void){};
-  public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
-    dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> startSIN;
-    dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> goalSOUT;
-    //dg::SignalTimeDependent<double, int> percentSOUT;
+public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> startSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> goalSOUT;
+  // dg::SignalTimeDependent<double, int> percentSOUT;
-  public: /* --- FUNCTION --- */
-    dg::Vector& goalSOUT_function(dg::Vector & goal, const int& time);
+public: /* --- FUNCTION --- */
+  dg::Vector &goalSOUT_function(dg::Vector &goal, const int &time);
-    void set( const dg::Vector & goal, const int & length );
-    const dg::Vector & getGoal( void );
-    const int & getLength( void );
-    const int & getStart( void );
+  void set(const dg::Vector &goal, const int &length);
+  const dg::Vector &getGoal(void);
+  const int &getLength(void);
+  const int &getStart(void);
-    void setSmoothing( const int & mode, const double & param );
+  void setSmoothing(const int &mode, const double &param);
-  public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
-    virtual void display(std::ostream & os) const;
-    void initCommands( void );
+public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  void initCommands(void);
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_SMOOTHREACH_H_H */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/sot.hh b/include/sot/core/sot.hh
index 4a3cbe4b..7394365a 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/sot.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/sot.hh
@@ -19,28 +19,28 @@
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* Classes standards. */
-#include <list>                    /* Classe std::list   */
+#include <list> /* Classe std::list   */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
-#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/constraint.hh>
+#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-# if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (sot_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTSOT_CORE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTSOT_CORE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
-# else
-# endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(sot_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTSOT_CORE_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTSOT_CORE_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -48,205 +48,196 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /*! @ingroup stackoftasks
-      \brief This class implements the Stack of Task.
-      It allows to deal with the priority of the controllers
-      through the shell. The controllers can be either constraints
-      either tasks.
-    */
-      :public Entity
-    {
-    public:
-      /*! \brief Specify the name of the class entity. */
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-    public:
-      /*! \brief Returns the name of this class. */
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName() const {
-	return CLASS_NAME;
-      }
-      /*! \brief Defines a type for a list of tasks */
-      typedef std::list<TaskAbstract*> StackType;
-    protected:
-      /*! \brief This field is a list of controllers
-	managed by the stack of tasks. */
-      StackType stack;
-      /*! \brief Defines a type for a list of constraints */
-      typedef std::list<Constraint*> ConstraintListType;
-      /*! \brief This field is a list of constraints
-	managed by the stack of tasks. */
-      ConstraintListType constraintList;
-      /*! \brief Defines an interval in the state vector of the robot
-	which is the free flyer. */
-      unsigned int ffJointIdFirst,ffJointIdLast;
-      /*! \brief Defines a default joint. */
-      static const unsigned int FF_JOINT_ID_DEFAULT = 0;
-      /*   double directionalThreshold; */
-      /*   bool useContiInverse; */
-      /*! \brief Store the number of joints to be used in the
-	command computed by the stack of tasks. */
-      unsigned int nbJoints;
-      /*! \brief Store a pointer to compute the gradient */
-      TaskAbstract* taskGradient;
-      //Eigen::MatrixXd<double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> Proj;
-      /*! Force the recomputation at each step. */
-      bool recomputeEachTime;
-    public:
-      /*! \brief Threshold to compute the dumped pseudo inverse. */
-      static const double INVERSION_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; // = 1e-4;
-      /*   static const double DIRECTIONAL_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 1e-2; */
-      /*   static const bool USE_CONTI_INVERSE_DEFAULT = false; */
-      /*! \brief Number of joints by default. */
-      static dg::Matrix & computeJacobianConstrained( const dg::Matrix& Jac,
-						      const dg::Matrix& K,
-						      dg::Matrix& JK);
-      static dg::Matrix & computeJacobianConstrained( const TaskAbstract& task,
-						      const dg::Matrix& K );
-      static void
-	taskVectorToMlVector(const VectorMultiBound& taskVector, Vector& err);
-    public:
-      /*! \brief Default constructor */
-      Sot( const std::string& name );
-      ~Sot( void ) { /* TODO!! */ }
-      /*! \name Methods to handle the stack.
-	@{
-      */
-      virtual const StackType& tasks () const { return stack; }
-      /*! \brief Push the task in the stack.
-	It has a lowest priority than the previous ones.
-	If this is the first task, then it has the highest
-	priority. */
-      virtual void push( TaskAbstract& task );
-      /*! \brief Pop the task from the stack.
-	This method removes the task with the smallest
-	priority in the task. The other are projected
-	in the null-space of their predecessors. */
-      virtual TaskAbstract& pop( void );
-      /*! \brief This method allows to know if a task exists or not */
-      virtual bool exist( const TaskAbstract& task );
-      /*! \brief Remove a task regardless to its position in the stack.
-	It removes also the signals connected to the output signal of this
-	stack.*/
-      virtual void remove( const TaskAbstract& task );
-      /*! \brief This method removes the output signals depending on
-          this task. */
-      virtual void removeDependency( const TaskAbstract& key );
-      /*! \brief This method makes the task to swap with the task having the
-	immediate superior priority. */
-      virtual void up( const TaskAbstract& task );
-      /*! \brief This method makes the task to swap with the task having the
-	immediate inferior priority. */
-      virtual void down( const TaskAbstract& task );
-      /*! \brief Remove all the tasks from the stack. */
-      virtual void clear( void );
-      /*! @} */
-      /*! \name Methods to handle the constraints.
-	@{
-      */
-      /*! \brief Add a constraint to the stack with the current level
-	of priority. */
-      virtual void addConstraint( Constraint& constraint );
-      /*! \brief Remove a constraint from the stack. */
-      virtual void removeConstraint( const Constraint& constraint );
-      /*! \brief Remove all the constraints from the stack. */
-      virtual void clearConstraint( void );
-      /*! @} */
-      /*! \brief This method defines the part of the state vector
-	which correspond to the free flyer of the robot. */
-      virtual void
-	defineFreeFloatingJoints(const unsigned int& jointIdFirst,
-				 const unsigned int& jointIdLast = -1);
-      virtual void defineNbDof( const unsigned int& nbDof );
-      virtual const unsigned int& getNbDof() const { return nbJoints; }
-      /*! @} */
-    public: /* --- CONTROL --- */
-      /*! \name Methods to compute the control law following the
-	recursive definition of the stack of tasks.
-	@{
-      */
-      /*! \brief Compute the control law. */
-      virtual dg::Vector& computeControlLaw(dg::Vector& control,
-					    const int& time);
-      /*! \brief Compute the projector of the constraint. */
-      virtual dg::Matrix& computeConstraintProjector(dg::Matrix& Proj,
-						     const int& time );
-      /*! @} */
-    public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
-      /*! \name Methods to display the stack of tasks.
-	@{
-      */
-      /*! Display the stack of tasks in text mode as a tree. */
-      virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-      /*! Wrap the previous method around an operator. */
-      SOTSOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream&
-	operator<< (std::ostream& os,const Sot& sot);
-      /*! @} */
-    public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-      /*! \name Methods to handle signals
-	@{
-      */
-      /*! \brief Intrinsec velocity of the robot, that is used to initialized
-       * the recurence of the SOT (e.g. velocity comming from the other
-       * OpenHRP plugins).
-       */
-      SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> q0SIN;
-      /*! \brief A matrix K whose columns are a base of the desired velocity.
-       * In other words, \f$ \dot{q} = K * u \f$ where \f$ u \f$ is the free
-       * parameter to be computed.
-       */
-      SignalPtr<dg::Matrix,int> proj0SIN;
-      /*! \brief This signal allow to change the threshold for the
-	damped pseudo-inverse on-line */
-      SignalPtr<double,int> inversionThresholdSIN;
-      /*! \brief Allow to get the result of the Constraint projector. */
-      SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix,int> constraintSOUT;
-      /*! \brief Allow to get the result of the computed control law. */
-      SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> controlSOUT;
-      /*! @} */
-      /*! \brief This method write the priority between tasks in the output stream os. */
-      virtual std::ostream & writeGraph(std::ostream & os) const;
-    };
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+/*! @ingroup stackoftasks
+  \brief This class implements the Stack of Task.
+  It allows to deal with the priority of the controllers
+  through the shell. The controllers can be either constraints
+  either tasks.
+class SOTSOT_CORE_EXPORT Sot : public Entity {
+  /*! \brief Specify the name of the class entity. */
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  /*! \brief Returns the name of this class. */
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName() const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  /*! \brief Defines a type for a list of tasks */
+  typedef std::list<TaskAbstract *> StackType;
+  /*! \brief This field is a list of controllers
+    managed by the stack of tasks. */
+  StackType stack;
+  /*! \brief Defines a type for a list of constraints */
+  typedef std::list<Constraint *> ConstraintListType;
+  /*! \brief This field is a list of constraints
+    managed by the stack of tasks. */
+  ConstraintListType constraintList;
+  /*! \brief Defines an interval in the state vector of the robot
+    which is the free flyer. */
+  unsigned int ffJointIdFirst, ffJointIdLast;
+  /*! \brief Defines a default joint. */
+  static const unsigned int FF_JOINT_ID_DEFAULT = 0;
+  /*   double directionalThreshold; */
+  /*   bool useContiInverse; */
+  /*! \brief Store the number of joints to be used in the
+    command computed by the stack of tasks. */
+  unsigned int nbJoints;
+  /*! \brief Store a pointer to compute the gradient */
+  TaskAbstract *taskGradient;
+  // Eigen::MatrixXd<double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>
+  // Proj;
+  /*! Force the recomputation at each step. */
+  bool recomputeEachTime;
+  /*! \brief Threshold to compute the dumped pseudo inverse. */
+  static const double INVERSION_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; // = 1e-4;
+  /*   static const double DIRECTIONAL_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 1e-2; */
+  /*   static const bool USE_CONTI_INVERSE_DEFAULT = false; */
+  /*! \brief Number of joints by default. */
+  static dg::Matrix &computeJacobianConstrained(const dg::Matrix &Jac,
+                                                const dg::Matrix &K,
+                                                dg::Matrix &JK);
+  static dg::Matrix &computeJacobianConstrained(const TaskAbstract &task,
+                                                const dg::Matrix &K);
+  static void taskVectorToMlVector(const VectorMultiBound &taskVector,
+                                   Vector &err);
+  /*! \brief Default constructor */
+  Sot(const std::string &name);
+  ~Sot(void) { /* TODO!! */
+  }
+  /*! \name Methods to handle the stack.
+    @{
+  */
+  virtual const StackType &tasks() const { return stack; }
+  /*! \brief Push the task in the stack.
+    It has a lowest priority than the previous ones.
+    If this is the first task, then it has the highest
+    priority. */
+  virtual void push(TaskAbstract &task);
+  /*! \brief Pop the task from the stack.
+    This method removes the task with the smallest
+    priority in the task. The other are projected
+    in the null-space of their predecessors. */
+  virtual TaskAbstract &pop(void);
+  /*! \brief This method allows to know if a task exists or not */
+  virtual bool exist(const TaskAbstract &task);
+  /*! \brief Remove a task regardless to its position in the stack.
+    It removes also the signals connected to the output signal of this
+    stack.*/
+  virtual void remove(const TaskAbstract &task);
+  /*! \brief This method removes the output signals depending on
+      this task. */
+  virtual void removeDependency(const TaskAbstract &key);
+  /*! \brief This method makes the task to swap with the task having the
+    immediate superior priority. */
+  virtual void up(const TaskAbstract &task);
+  /*! \brief This method makes the task to swap with the task having the
+    immediate inferior priority. */
+  virtual void down(const TaskAbstract &task);
+  /*! \brief Remove all the tasks from the stack. */
+  virtual void clear(void);
+  /*! @} */
+  /*! \name Methods to handle the constraints.
+    @{
+  */
+  /*! \brief Add a constraint to the stack with the current level
+    of priority. */
+  virtual void addConstraint(Constraint &constraint);
+  /*! \brief Remove a constraint from the stack. */
+  virtual void removeConstraint(const Constraint &constraint);
+  /*! \brief Remove all the constraints from the stack. */
+  virtual void clearConstraint(void);
+  /*! @} */
+  /*! \brief This method defines the part of the state vector
+    which correspond to the free flyer of the robot. */
+  virtual void defineFreeFloatingJoints(const unsigned int &jointIdFirst,
+                                        const unsigned int &jointIdLast = -1);
+  virtual void defineNbDof(const unsigned int &nbDof);
+  virtual const unsigned int &getNbDof() const { return nbJoints; }
+  /*! @} */
+public: /* --- CONTROL --- */
+  /*! \name Methods to compute the control law following the
+    recursive definition of the stack of tasks.
+    @{
+  */
+  /*! \brief Compute the control law. */
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeControlLaw(dg::Vector &control, const int &time);
+  /*! \brief Compute the projector of the constraint. */
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeConstraintProjector(dg::Matrix &Proj,
+                                                 const int &time);
+  /*! @} */
+public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
+  /*! \name Methods to display the stack of tasks.
+    @{
+  */
+  /*! Display the stack of tasks in text mode as a tree. */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  /*! Wrap the previous method around an operator. */
+  SOTSOT_CORE_EXPORT friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                                     const Sot &sot);
+  /*! @} */
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  /*! \name Methods to handle signals
+    @{
+  */
+  /*! \brief Intrinsec velocity of the robot, that is used to initialized
+   * the recurence of the SOT (e.g. velocity comming from the other
+   * OpenHRP plugins).
+   */
+  SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> q0SIN;
+  /*! \brief A matrix K whose columns are a base of the desired velocity.
+   * In other words, \f$ \dot{q} = K * u \f$ where \f$ u \f$ is the free
+   * parameter to be computed.
+   */
+  SignalPtr<dg::Matrix, int> proj0SIN;
+  /*! \brief This signal allow to change the threshold for the
+    damped pseudo-inverse on-line */
+  SignalPtr<double, int> inversionThresholdSIN;
+  /*! \brief Allow to get the result of the Constraint projector. */
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix, int> constraintSOUT;
+  /*! \brief Allow to get the result of the computed control law. */
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> controlSOUT;
+  /*! @} */
+  /*! \brief This method write the priority between tasks in the output stream
+   * os. */
+  virtual std::ostream &writeGraph(std::ostream &os) const;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_SOT_HH */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/stop-watch.hh b/include/sot/core/stop-watch.hh
index cbc98b0a..3e21dea7 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/stop-watch.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/stop-watch.hh
 #ifndef __sot_core_stopwatch_H__
 #define __sot_core_stopwatch_H__
+#include <ctime>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <map>
-#include <ctime>
 #include <sstream>
 #ifndef WIN32
 // Generic stopwatch exception class
-struct StopwatchException
+struct StopwatchException {
-  StopwatchException(std::string error) : error(error) { }
+  StopwatchException(std::string error) : error(error) {}
   std::string error;
-enum StopwatchMode
-  NONE      = 0,  // Clock is not initialized
-  CPU_TIME  = 1,  // Clock calculates time ranges using ctime and CLOCKS_PER_SEC
-  REAL_TIME = 2   // Clock calculates time by asking the operating system how
+enum StopwatchMode {
+  NONE = 0,     // Clock is not initialized
+  CPU_TIME = 1, // Clock calculates time ranges using ctime and CLOCKS_PER_SEC
+  REAL_TIME = 2 // Clock calculates time by asking the operating system how
   // much real time passed
@@ -59,11 +55,11 @@ enum StopwatchMode
     @brief A class representing a stopwatch.

     Stopwatch swatch();

     The Stopwatch class can be used to measure execution time of code,
     algorithms, etc., // TODO: he Stopwatch can be initialized in two
     time-taking modes, CPU time and real time:
@@ -71,13 +67,13 @@ enum StopwatchMode

     CPU time is the time spent by the processor on a certain piece of code,
     while real time is the real amount of time taken by a certain piece of
     code to execute (i.e. in general if you are doing hard work such as
     image or video editing on a different process the measured time will
     probably increase).

     How does it work? Basically, one wraps the code to be measured with the
     following method calls:
@@ -86,24 +82,24 @@ enum StopwatchMode
     // Hic est code
     swatch.stop("My astounding algorithm");

     A string representing the code ID is provided so that nested portions of
     code can be profiled separately:
     swatch.start("My astounding algorithm");

     swatch.start("My astounding algorithm - Super smart init");
     // Initialization
     swatch.stop("My astounding algorithm - Super smart init");

     swatch.start("My astounding algorithm - Main loop");
     // Loop
     swatch.stop("My astounding algorithm - Main loop");

     swatch.stop("My astounding algorithm");

     Note: ID strings can be whatever you like, in the previous example I have
     used "My astounding algorithm - *" only to enforce the fact that the
     measured code portions are part of My astounding algorithm, but there's no
@@ -116,22 +112,22 @@ enum StopwatchMode
     // First part of setup

     swatch.start("Main logic");
     // Main logic
     swatch.stop("Main logic");

     // Cleanup (part of the setup)

     Finally, to report the results of the measurements just run:

     @code"Code ID");

     Thou can also provide an additional std::ostream& parameter to report() to
     redirect the logging on a different output. Also, you can use the
     get_total/min/max/average_time() methods to get the individual numeric data,
@@ -139,20 +135,19 @@ enum StopwatchMode
     implement your own logging syntax.
     To report all the measurements:


     Same as above, you can redirect the output by providing a std::ostream&
 class Stopwatch {
   /** Constructor */
-  Stopwatch(StopwatchMode _mode=NONE);
+  Stopwatch(StopwatchMode _mode = NONE);
   /** Destructor */
@@ -179,11 +174,11 @@ public:
   void reset_all();
   /** Dump the data of a certain performance record */
-  void report(std::string perf_name, int precision=2,
-              std::ostream& output = std::cout);
+  void report(std::string perf_name, int precision = 2,
+              std::ostream &output = std::cout);
   /** Dump the data of all the performance records */
-  void report_all(int precision=2, std::ostream& output = std::cout);
+  void report_all(int precision = 2, std::ostream &output = std::cout);
   /** Returns total execution time of a certain performance */
   long double get_total_time(std::string perf_name);
@@ -215,19 +210,12 @@ public:
   long double take_time();
   /** Struct to hold the performance data */
   struct PerformanceData {
-    PerformanceData() :
-      clock_start(0),
-      total_time(0),
-      min_time(0),
-      max_time(0),
-      last_time(0),
-      paused(false),
-      stops(0) {
-    }
+    PerformanceData()
+        : clock_start(0), total_time(0), min_time(0), max_time(0), last_time(0),
+          paused(false), stops(0) {}
     /** Start time */
     long double clock_start;
@@ -259,11 +247,10 @@ protected:
   /** Pointer to the dynamic structure which holds the collection of performance
       data */
-  std::map<std::string, PerformanceData >* records_of;
+  std::map<std::string, PerformanceData> *records_of;
-Stopwatch& getProfiler();
+Stopwatch &getProfiler();
 #ifndef WIN32
 #pragma GCC visibility pop
diff --git a/include/sot/core/switch.hh b/include/sot/core/switch.hh
index f91f27e9..fa159d25 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/switch.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/switch.hh
@@ -2,82 +2,78 @@
 // Authors: Joseph Mirabel (
 #ifndef __SOT_SWITCH_H__
-# define __SOT_SWITCH_H__
+#define __SOT_SWITCH_H__
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-bind.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command-bind.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
 #include <sot/core/config.hh>
 #include <sot/core/variadic-op.hh>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /// Switch
-    template <typename Value, typename Time = int>
-    class SOT_CORE_DLLAPI Switch : public VariadicAbstract<Value,Value,Time>
-    {
+namespace sot {
+/// Switch
+template <typename Value, typename Time = int>
+class SOT_CORE_DLLAPI Switch : public VariadicAbstract<Value, Value, Time> {
-      typedef VariadicAbstract<Value,Value,Time> Base;
+  typedef VariadicAbstract<Value, Value, Time> Base;
-      Switch (const std::string& name) :
-        Base (name,CLASS_NAME),
-        selectionSIN(NULL,"Switch("+name+")::input(int)::selection"),
-        boolSelectionSIN(NULL,"Switch("+name+")::input(bool)::boolSelection")
-      {
-        this->signalRegistration (selectionSIN << boolSelectionSIN);
-        this->SOUT.setFunction (boost::bind(&Switch::signal,this,_1,_2));
-        this->SOUT.addDependency (selectionSIN);
-        this->SOUT.addDependency (boolSelectionSIN);
+  Switch(const std::string &name)
+      : Base(name, CLASS_NAME),
+        selectionSIN(NULL, "Switch(" + name + ")::input(int)::selection"),
+        boolSelectionSIN(NULL,
+                         "Switch(" + name + ")::input(bool)::boolSelection") {
+    this->signalRegistration(selectionSIN << boolSelectionSIN);
+    this->SOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&Switch::signal, this, _1, _2));
+    this->SOUT.addDependency(selectionSIN);
+    this->SOUT.addDependency(boolSelectionSIN);
-        using command::makeCommandVoid1;
-        std::string docstring =
-          "\n"
-          "    Set number of input signals\n";
-        this->addCommand ("setSignalNumber", makeCommandVoid1
-            (*(Base*)this, &Base::setSignalNumber, docstring));
+    using command::makeCommandVoid1;
+    std::string docstring = "\n"
+                            "    Set number of input signals\n";
+    this->addCommand(
+        "setSignalNumber",
+        makeCommandVoid1(*(Base *)this, &Base::setSignalNumber, docstring));
-        docstring =
-          "\n"
-          "    Get number of input signals\n";
-        this->addCommand ("getSignalNumber",
-            new command::Getter<Base, int> (*this, &Base::getSignalNumber, docstring));
-      }
+    docstring = "\n"
+                "    Get number of input signals\n";
+    this->addCommand("getSignalNumber",
+                     new command::Getter<Base, int>(
+                         *this, &Base::getSignalNumber, docstring));
+  }
-      ~Switch () {}
+  ~Switch() {}
-      /// Header documentation of the python class
-      virtual std::string getDocString () const
-      {
-        return
-          "Dynamically select a given signal based on a input information.\n";
-      }
+  /// Header documentation of the python class
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    return "Dynamically select a given signal based on a input information.\n";
+  }
-      private:
-      Value& signal (Value& ret, const Time& time)
-      {
-        int sel;
-        if (selectionSIN.isPlugged()) {
-          sel = selectionSIN (time);
-        } else {
-          const bool& b = boolSelectionSIN(time);
-          sel = b ? 1 : 0;
-        }
-        if (sel < 0 || sel >= int(this->signalsIN.size()))
-          throw std::runtime_error ("Signal selection is out of range.");
+  Value &signal(Value &ret, const Time &time) {
+    int sel;
+    if (selectionSIN.isPlugged()) {
+      sel = selectionSIN(time);
+    } else {
+      const bool &b = boolSelectionSIN(time);
+      sel = b ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    if (sel < 0 || sel >= int(this->signalsIN.size()))
+      throw std::runtime_error("Signal selection is out of range.");
-        ret = this->signalsIN[sel]->access (time);
-        return ret;
-      }
+    ret = this->signalsIN[sel]->access(time);
+    return ret;
+  }
-      SignalPtr <int, Time> selectionSIN;
-      SignalPtr <bool, Time> boolSelectionSIN;
-    };
-  } // namespace sot
+  SignalPtr<int, Time> selectionSIN;
+  SignalPtr<bool, Time> boolSelectionSIN;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // __SOT_SWITCH_H__
diff --git a/include/sot/core/task-abstract.hh b/include/sot/core/task-abstract.hh
index 24a218fa..cb9fe4dd 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/task-abstract.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/task-abstract.hh
@@ -15,73 +15,72 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Matrix */
-#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #include <Eigen/SVD>
+#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* STD */
 #include <string>
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include "sot/core/api.hh"
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/multi-bound.hh>
-#include "sot/core/api.hh"
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /// Hierarchical element of the stack of tasks.
-    ///
-    /// A task computes a value and a Jacobian as output signals.
-    /// Once stacked into a solver, the solver will compute the control
-    /// vector that makes the task values converge toward zero in the
-    /// order defined by the priority levels.
-    ///
-    /// \image html pictures/task.png "Task diagram: Task types derive from TaskAbstract. The value and Jacobian of a Task are computed from the features that are stored in the task.
-    class SOT_CORE_EXPORT TaskAbstract
-      : public dg::Entity
-    {
-    public:
-      /* Use a derivative of this class to store computational memory. */
-      class MemoryTaskAbstract
-      {
-      public:
-	int timeLastChange;
-      public:
-	MemoryTaskAbstract( void ) : timeLastChange(0) {};
-	virtual ~MemoryTaskAbstract( void ) {};
-      public:
-	virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const = 0;
-	friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os,
-					 const MemoryTaskAbstract& tcm )
-	{tcm.display(os); return os;}
-      };
-    public:
-      MemoryTaskAbstract * memoryInternal;
-    protected:
-      void taskRegistration( void );
-    public:
-      TaskAbstract( const std::string& n );
-    public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-      dg::SignalTimeDependent< VectorMultiBound,int > taskSOUT;
-      dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Matrix,int > jacobianSOUT;
-    };
-  } /* namespace sot */
+namespace sot {
+/// Hierarchical element of the stack of tasks.
+/// A task computes a value and a Jacobian as output signals.
+/// Once stacked into a solver, the solver will compute the control
+/// vector that makes the task values converge toward zero in the
+/// order defined by the priority levels.
+/// \image html pictures/task.png "Task diagram: Task types derive from
+/// TaskAbstract. The value and Jacobian of a Task are computed from the
+/// features that are stored in the task.
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT TaskAbstract : public dg::Entity {
+  /* Use a derivative of this class to store computational memory. */
+  class MemoryTaskAbstract {
+  public:
+    int timeLastChange;
+  public:
+    MemoryTaskAbstract(void) : timeLastChange(0){};
+    virtual ~MemoryTaskAbstract(void){};
+  public:
+    virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const = 0;
+    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                    const MemoryTaskAbstract &tcm) {
+      tcm.display(os);
+      return os;
+    }
+  };
+  MemoryTaskAbstract *memoryInternal;
+  void taskRegistration(void);
+  TaskAbstract(const std::string &n);
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<VectorMultiBound, int> taskSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Matrix, int> jacobianSOUT;
+} /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_TASKABSTRACT_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/task-conti.hh b/include/sot/core/task-conti.hh
index a273f17a..01b71002 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/task-conti.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/task-conti.hh
@@ -32,63 +32,55 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (task_conti_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTTASKCONTI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTTASKCONTI_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(task_conti_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTTASKCONTI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTTASKCONTI_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-: public Task
- protected:
-  enum TimeRefValues
-    {
-      ,TIME_REF_TO_BE_SET =-2
-    };
+class SOTTASKCONTI_EXPORT TaskConti : public Task {
+  enum TimeRefValues { TIME_REF_UNSIGNIFICANT = -1, TIME_REF_TO_BE_SET = -2 };
   int timeRef;
   double mu;
   dg::Vector q0;
- public:
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- public:
-  TaskConti( const std::string& n );
+  TaskConti(const std::string &n);
-  void referenceTime( const unsigned int & t ) { timeRef = t; }
-  const int &  referenceTime( void ) { return timeRef; }
+  void referenceTime(const unsigned int &t) { timeRef = t; }
+  const int &referenceTime(void) { return timeRef; }
   /* --- COMPUTATION --- */
-  VectorMultiBound& computeContiDesiredVelocity( VectorMultiBound &task,
-                                                    const int & time );
+  VectorMultiBound &computeContiDesiredVelocity(VectorMultiBound &task,
+                                                const int &time);
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > controlPrevSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> controlPrevSIN;
   /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-  void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_TASKCONTI_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/task-pd.hh b/include/sot/core/task-pd.hh
index 4103f136..2778afb4 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/task-pd.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/task-pd.hh
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
 #include <sot/core/task.hh>
@@ -22,54 +21,49 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (task_pd_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTTASKPD_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTTASKPD_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(task_pd_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTTASKPD_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTTASKPD_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-: public Task
- public:
+class SOTTASKPD_EXPORT TaskPD : public Task {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
   dg::Vector previousError;
   double beta;
- public:
-  TaskPD( const std::string& n );
+  TaskPD(const std::string &n);
   /* --- COMPUTATION --- */
-  dg::Vector& computeErrorDot( dg::Vector& error,int time );
-  VectorMultiBound& computeTaskModif( VectorMultiBound& error,int time );
+  dg::Vector &computeErrorDot(dg::Vector &error, int time);
+  VectorMultiBound &computeTaskModif(VectorMultiBound &error, int time);
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Vector,int > errorDotSOUT;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > errorDotSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> errorDotSOUT;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> errorDotSIN;
   /* --- PARAMS --- */
-  void initCommand( void );
+  void initCommand(void);
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_TASK_PD_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/task-unilateral.hh b/include/sot/core/task-unilateral.hh
index a7cae621..071669d6 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/task-unilateral.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/task-unilateral.hh
@@ -32,54 +32,50 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (task_unilateral_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTTASKUNILATERAL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTTASKUNILATERAL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(task_unilateral_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTTASKUNILATERAL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTTASKUNILATERAL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-: public Task
- protected:
-  std::list< FeatureAbstract* > featureList;
+class SOTTASKUNILATERAL_EXPORT TaskUnilateral : public Task {
+  std::list<FeatureAbstract *> featureList;
- public:
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- public:
-  TaskUnilateral( const std::string& n );
+  TaskUnilateral(const std::string &n);
   /* --- COMPUTATION --- */
-  VectorMultiBound& computeTaskUnilateral( VectorMultiBound& res,int time );
+  VectorMultiBound &computeTaskUnilateral(VectorMultiBound &res, int time);
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > positionSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > referenceInfSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< dg::Vector,int > referenceSupSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< double,int > dtSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> positionSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> referenceInfSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> referenceSupSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<double, int> dtSIN;
   /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-  void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  void display(std::ostream &os) const;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_TASKUNILATERAL_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/task.hh b/include/sot/core/task.hh
index f93a1c27..24e6e1a7 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/task.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/task.hh
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined task_EXPORTS
-#    define SOTTASK_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTTASK_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined task_EXPORTS
+#define SOTTASK_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTTASK_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -68,61 +68,59 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
   addControlSelection, clearControlSelection.
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-: public TaskAbstract
- public:
-  typedef std::list< FeatureAbstract* > FeatureList_t;
- protected:
+class SOTTASK_EXPORT Task : public TaskAbstract {
+  typedef std::list<FeatureAbstract *> FeatureList_t;
   FeatureList_t featureList;
   bool withDerivative;
- public:
-  Task( const std::string& n );
-  void initCommands( void );
+  Task(const std::string &n);
+  void initCommands(void);
-  void addFeature( FeatureAbstract& s );
-  void addFeatureFromName( const std::string & name );
-  void clearFeatureList( void );
-  FeatureList_t & getFeatureList( void ) { return featureList; }
+  void addFeature(FeatureAbstract &s);
+  void addFeatureFromName(const std::string &name);
+  void clearFeatureList(void);
+  FeatureList_t &getFeatureList(void) { return featureList; }
-  void setControlSelection( const Flags& act );
-  void addControlSelection( const Flags& act );
-  void clearControlSelection( void );
+  void setControlSelection(const Flags &act);
+  void addControlSelection(const Flags &act);
+  void clearControlSelection(void);
-  void setWithDerivative( const bool & s );
-  bool getWithDerivative( void );
+  void setWithDerivative(const bool &s);
+  bool getWithDerivative(void);
   /* --- COMPUTATION --- */
-  dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& error,int time );
-  VectorMultiBound&
-    computeTaskExponentialDecrease( VectorMultiBound& errorRef,int time );
-  dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& J,int time );
-  dg::Vector& computeErrorTimeDerivative( dg::Vector & res, int time);
+  dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &error, int time);
+  VectorMultiBound &computeTaskExponentialDecrease(VectorMultiBound &errorRef,
+                                                   int time);
+  dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &J, int time);
+  dg::Vector &computeErrorTimeDerivative(dg::Vector &res, int time);
   /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- public:
-  dg::SignalPtr< double,int > controlGainSIN;
-  dg::SignalPtr< double,int > dampingGainSINOUT;
-  dg::SignalPtr< Flags,int > controlSelectionSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Vector,int > errorSOUT;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent< dg::Vector,int > errorTimeDerivativeSOUT;
+  dg::SignalPtr<double, int> controlGainSIN;
+  dg::SignalPtr<double, int> dampingGainSINOUT;
+  dg::SignalPtr<Flags, int> controlSelectionSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> errorSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> errorTimeDerivativeSOUT;
   /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-  void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  void display(std::ostream &os) const;
   /* --- Writing graph --- */
-  virtual std::ostream& writeGraph( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  virtual std::ostream &writeGraph(std::ostream &os) const;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_TASK_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/time-stamp.hh b/include/sot/core/time-stamp.hh
index 35f55a48..6c1a9d03 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/time-stamp.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/time-stamp.hh
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Matrix */
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -27,73 +26,66 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 #endif /*WIN32*/
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (time_stamp_EXPORTS)
-#    define TimeStamp_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define TimeStamp_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(time_stamp_EXPORTS)
+#define TimeStamp_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  define TimeStamp_EXPORT
+#define TimeStamp_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#define TimeStamp_EXPORT
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-class TimeStamp_EXPORT TimeStamp
-:public dg::Entity
- public:
+class TimeStamp_EXPORT TimeStamp : public dg::Entity {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
   struct timeval val;
   unsigned int offsetValue;
   bool offsetSet;
- public:
   /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-  TimeStamp( const std::string& name );
- public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+  TimeStamp(const std::string &name);
- public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
   /* These signals can be called several time per period, given
    * each time a different results. Useful for chronos. */
-  dg::Signal<dg::Vector,int> timeSOUT;
-  dg::Signal<double,int> timeDoubleSOUT;
+  dg::Signal<dg::Vector, int> timeSOUT;
+  dg::Signal<double, int> timeDoubleSOUT;
   /* These signals can be called several time per period, but give
    * always the same results different results. Useful for synchro. */
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> timeOnceSOUT;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<double,int> timeOnceDoubleSOUT;
- protected: /* --- SIGNAL FUNCTIONS --- */
-  dg::Vector& getTimeStamp( dg::Vector& res,const int& time );
-  double& getTimeStampDouble( const dg::Vector& vect,double& res );
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> timeOnceSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<double, int> timeOnceDoubleSOUT;
+protected: /* --- SIGNAL FUNCTIONS --- */
+  dg::Vector &getTimeStamp(dg::Vector &res, const int &time);
+  double &getTimeStampDouble(const dg::Vector &vect, double &res);
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_SOT_HH */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/timer.hh b/include/sot/core/timer.hh
index 1a48cbd1..7651c81a 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/timer.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/timer.hh
@@ -15,33 +15,33 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Classes standards. */
-#include <list>                    /* Classe std::list   */
+#include <list> /* Classe std::list   */
 #ifndef WIN32
 #include <sys/time.h>
-#else  /*WIN32*/
+#else /*WIN32*/
 // When including Winsock2.h, the MAL must be included first
+#include <Winsock2.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #include <sot/core/utils-windows.hh>
-#include <Winsock2.h>
 #endif /*WIN32*/
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (timer_EXPORTS)
-#    define Timer_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define Timer_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(timer_EXPORTS)
+#define Timer_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  define Timer_EXPORT
+#define Timer_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#define Timer_EXPORT
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -49,122 +49,105 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-template< class T >
-class Timer_EXPORT Timer
-:public dg::Entity
- public:
+template <class T> class Timer_EXPORT Timer : public dg::Entity {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
- protected:
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-  struct timeval t0,t1;
+  struct timeval t0, t1;
   clock_t c0, c1;
   double dt;
- public:
   /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-  Timer( const std::string& name );
- public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-  Timer_EXPORT friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os,const Timer<T>& timer )
-    { timer.display(os); return os; }
- public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-  dg::SignalPtr<T,int> sigSIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<T,int> sigSOUT;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<T,int> sigClockSOUT;
-  dg::Signal<double,int> timerSOUT;
- protected: /* --- SIGNAL FUNCTIONS --- */
-  void plug( dg::Signal<T,int> &sig )
-    {
-      sigSIN = &sig; dt=0.;
+  Timer(const std::string &name);
+public: /* --- DISPLAY --- */
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  Timer_EXPORT friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                               const Timer<T> &timer) {
+    timer.display(os);
+    return os;
+  }
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  dg::SignalPtr<T, int> sigSIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<T, int> sigSOUT;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<T, int> sigClockSOUT;
+  dg::Signal<double, int> timerSOUT;
+protected: /* --- SIGNAL FUNCTIONS --- */
+  void plug(dg::Signal<T, int> &sig) {
+    sigSIN = &sig;
+    dt = 0.;
+  }
+  template <bool UseClock> T &compute(T &t, const int &time) {
+    sotDEBUGIN(15);
+    if (UseClock) {
+      c0 = clock();
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "t0: " << c0 << std::endl;
+    } else {
+      gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "t0: " << t0.tv_sec << " - " << t0.tv_usec << std::endl;
-  template <bool UseClock>
-  T& compute( T& t,const int& time )
-    {
-      sotDEBUGIN(15);
-      if (UseClock) {
-        c0 = clock();
-        sotDEBUG(15) << "t0: "<< c0 << std::endl;
-      } else {
-        gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
-        sotDEBUG(15) << "t0: "<< t0.tv_sec << " - " << t0.tv_usec << std::endl;
-      }
-      t = sigSIN( time );
-      if (UseClock) {
-        c1 = clock();
-        sotDEBUG(15) << "t1: "<< c0 << std::endl;
-        dt = ((double)(c1 - c0) * 1000 ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
-      } else {
-        gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);
-        dt = ( (static_cast<double>(t1.tv_sec)-static_cast<double>(t0.tv_sec)) * 1000.
-               + (static_cast<double>(t1.tv_usec)-static_cast<double>(t0.tv_usec)+0.) / 1000. );
-        sotDEBUG(15) << "t1: "<< t1.tv_sec << " - " << t1.tv_usec << std::endl;
-      }
-      timerSOUT = dt;
-      timerSOUT.setTime (time);
-      sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-      return t;
+    t = sigSIN(time);
+    if (UseClock) {
+      c1 = clock();
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "t1: " << c0 << std::endl;
+      dt = ((double)(c1 - c0) * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+    } else {
+      gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
+      dt = ((static_cast<double>(t1.tv_sec) - static_cast<double>(t0.tv_sec)) *
+                1000. +
+            (static_cast<double>(t1.tv_usec) - static_cast<double>(t0.tv_usec) +
+             0.) /
+                1000.);
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "t1: " << t1.tv_sec << " - " << t1.tv_usec << std::endl;
-  double& getDt( double& res,const int& /*time*/ )
-    {
-      res=dt;
-      return res;
-    }
+    timerSOUT = dt;
+    timerSOUT.setTime(time);
-void cmdChrono( const std::string& cmd,
-		std::istringstream& args,
-		std::ostream& os );
+    sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+    return t;
+  }
+  double &getDt(double &res, const int & /*time*/) {
+    res = dt;
+    return res;
+  }
+void cmdChrono(const std::string &cmd, std::istringstream &args,
+               std::ostream &os);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CONSTRUCTION ---------------------------------------------------- */
-template< class T >
-Timer( const std::string& name )
-  :Entity(name)
-   ,dt(0.)
-   ,sigSIN( NULL,"Timer("+name+")::input(T)::sin" )
-   ,sigSOUT(  boost::bind(&Timer::compute<false>,this,_1,_2),
-	      sigSIN,
-	      "Timer("+name+")::output(T)::sout" )
-   ,sigClockSOUT(  boost::bind(&Timer::compute<true>,this,_1,_2),
-	      sigSIN,
-	      "Timer("+name+")::output(T)::clockSout" )
-   ,timerSOUT( "Timer("+name+")::output(double)::timer" )
+template <class T>
+Timer<T>::Timer(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), dt(0.), sigSIN(NULL, "Timer(" + name + ")::input(T)::sin"),
+      sigSOUT(boost::bind(&Timer::compute<false>, this, _1, _2), sigSIN,
+              "Timer(" + name + ")::output(T)::sout"),
+      sigClockSOUT(boost::bind(&Timer::compute<true>, this, _1, _2), sigSIN,
+                   "Timer(" + name + ")::output(T)::clockSout"),
+      timerSOUT("Timer(" + name + ")::output(double)::timer") {
-  timerSOUT.setFunction(  boost::bind(&Timer::getDt,this,_1,_2) );
+  timerSOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&Timer::getDt, this, _1, _2));
-  signalRegistration( sigSIN<<sigSOUT<<sigClockSOUT<<timerSOUT );
+  signalRegistration(sigSIN << sigSOUT << sigClockSOUT << timerSOUT);
 /* --- DISPLAY --------------------------------------------------------- */
-template< class T >
-void Timer<T>::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os << "Timer <"<< sigSIN << "> : " << dt << "ms." << std::endl;
+template <class T> void Timer<T>::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "Timer <" << sigSIN << "> : " << dt << "ms." << std::endl;
 #endif /* #ifndef __SOT_SOT_HH */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/trajectory.hh b/include/sot/core/trajectory.hh
index b384bdaf..7c25d02f 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/trajectory.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/trajectory.hh
@@ -9,13 +9,12 @@
 // Matrix
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #include <sot/core/api.hh>
-#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
 #include <boost/array.hpp>
+#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
@@ -26,107 +25,94 @@ namespace sot {
 class Trajectory;
-class RulesJointTrajectory
- protected:
-  Trajectory & TrajectoryToFill_;
+class RulesJointTrajectory {
+  Trajectory &TrajectoryToFill_;
- public:
   unsigned int dbg_level;
   /// \brief Strings specifying the grammar of the structure.
-  std::string float_str_re,seq_str_re, timestamp_str_re,
-    frame_id_str_re, header_str_re, joint_name_str_re,
-    list_of_jn_str_re,point_value_str_re, list_of_pv_str_re,
-    bg_pt_str_re, end_pt_str_re, comma_pt_str_re, bg_liste_of_pts_str_re
-      ;
+  std::string float_str_re, seq_str_re, timestamp_str_re, frame_id_str_re,
+      header_str_re, joint_name_str_re, list_of_jn_str_re, point_value_str_re,
+      list_of_pv_str_re, bg_pt_str_re, end_pt_str_re, comma_pt_str_re,
+      bg_liste_of_pts_str_re;
   /// \brief Boost regular expressions implementing the grammar.
-  boost::regex header_re,list_of_jn_re,
-    list_of_pv_re,
-    bg_pt_re, end_pt_re,comma_pt_re, bg_liste_of_pts_re;
+  boost::regex header_re, list_of_jn_re, list_of_pv_re, bg_pt_re, end_pt_re,
+      comma_pt_re, bg_liste_of_pts_re;
   std::vector<std::string> joint_names;
-  /// \brief Constructor TrajectoryToFill is the structure where to store the parsed information.
+  /// \brief Constructor TrajectoryToFill is the structure where to store the
+  /// parsed information.
   RulesJointTrajectory(Trajectory &TrajectoryToFill);
   /// \brief parse_string will fill TrajectoryToFill with string atext.
   void parse_string(std::string &atext);
- protected:
-  /// \brief General parsing method of text with regexp e. The results are given in what.
-  /// The remaining text is left in sub_text.
-  bool search_exp_sub_string(std::string &text,
-                             boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> &what,
-                             boost::regex &e,
-                             std::string &sub_text);
+  /// \brief General parsing method of text with regexp e. The results are given
+  /// in what. The remaining text is left in sub_text.
+  bool
+  search_exp_sub_string(std::string &text,
+                        boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> &what,
+                        boost::regex &e, std::string &sub_text);
   /// \brief Find and store the header.
   /// This method is looking for:
   /// unsigned int seq.
   /// unsigned int sec, unsigned int nsec.
   /// string format_id
-  void parse_header(std::string &text,
-                    std::string &sub_text1);
+  void parse_header(std::string &text, std::string &sub_text1);
   /// \brief Understand joint_names.
   /// Extract a list of strings.
-  void parse_joint_names(std::string &text,
-                         std::string &sub_text1,
+  void parse_joint_names(std::string &text, std::string &sub_text1,
                          std::vector<std::string> &joint_names);
   /// \brief Extract a sequence of doubles.
   /// To be used for position, velocities, accelerations and effort.
-  bool parse_seq(std::string &text,
-                 std::string &sub_text1,
+  bool parse_seq(std::string &text, std::string &sub_text1,
                  std::vector<double> &seq);
   /// \brief Extract a point description.
-  bool parse_point(std::string &trajectory,
-                   std::string &sub_text1);
+  bool parse_point(std::string &trajectory, std::string &sub_text1);
   /// \brief Extract a sequence of points.
-  bool parse_points(std::string &trajectory,
-                    std::string &sub_text1);
+  bool parse_points(std::string &trajectory, std::string &sub_text1);
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT timestamp
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT timestamp {
   unsigned long int secs_;
   unsigned long int nsecs_;
-  timestamp() : secs_(0),nsecs_(0)
-  {}
-  timestamp(const timestamp &ats)
-  { secs_ = ats.secs_; nsecs_ = ats.nsecs_; }
-  timestamp(unsigned long int lsecs,
-            unsigned long int lnsecs)
-  { secs_ = lsecs; nsecs_ = lnsecs;}
-  bool operator==(const timestamp &other) const
-  {
-    if ((secs_!=other.secs_) || (nsecs_!=other.nsecs_))
+  timestamp() : secs_(0), nsecs_(0) {}
+  timestamp(const timestamp &ats) {
+    secs_ = ats.secs_;
+    nsecs_ = ats.nsecs_;
+  }
+  timestamp(unsigned long int lsecs, unsigned long int lnsecs) {
+    secs_ = lsecs;
+    nsecs_ = lnsecs;
+  }
+  bool operator==(const timestamp &other) const {
+    if ((secs_ != other.secs_) || (nsecs_ != other.nsecs_))
       return false;
     return true;
-  friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& stream, const timestamp& ats)
-  {
-    stream << ats.secs_ + 0.000001*(long double)ats.nsecs_;
+  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const timestamp &ats) {
+    stream << ats.secs_ + 0.000001 * (long double)ats.nsecs_;
     return stream;
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT Header
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT Header {
   unsigned int seq_;
   timestamp stamp_;
   std::string frame_id_;
-  Header(): seq_(0),stamp_(0,0),frame_id_("initial_trajectory")
-    {}
+  Header() : seq_(0), stamp_(0, 0), frame_id_("initial_trajectory") {}
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT JointTrajectoryPoint
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT JointTrajectoryPoint {
   std::vector<double> positions_;
@@ -136,66 +122,63 @@ public:
   typedef std::vector<double> vec_ref;
-  void display(std::ostream &os) const
-  {
-    boost::array<std::string, 4> names=
-      ba::list_of("Positions")("Velocities")("Accelerations")("Effort");
-    const std::vector<double> *points=0;
-    for(std::size_t arrayId=0;arrayId<names.size();++arrayId)
-    {
-      switch(arrayId)
-      {
-        case(0):points = &positions_;
-          break;
-        case(1):points = &velocities_;
-          break;
-        case(2):points = &accelerations_;
-          break;
-        case(3):points = &efforts_;
-          break;
-        default:
-          assert(0);
-      }
+  void display(std::ostream &os) const {
+    boost::array<std::string, 4> names =
+        ba::list_of("Positions")("Velocities")("Accelerations")("Effort");
-      std::vector<double>::const_iterator it_db;
-      os << names[arrayId] << std::endl
-         << "---------" << std::endl;
-      for(it_db = points->begin();
-          it_db != points->end();
-          it_db++)
-      {
-        os << *it_db << std::endl;
-      }
-    }
-  }
+    const std::vector<double> *points = 0;
-  void transfer(const std::vector<double> &src, unsigned int vecId)
-  {
-    switch(vecId)
-    {
-      case(0): positions_ = src;
+    for (std::size_t arrayId = 0; arrayId < names.size(); ++arrayId) {
+      switch (arrayId) {
+      case (0):
+        points = &positions_;
-      case(1): velocities_ = src;
+      case (1):
+        points = &velocities_;
-      case(2): accelerations_ = src;
+      case (2):
+        points = &accelerations_;
-      case(3): efforts_ =src;
+      case (3):
+        points = &efforts_;
+      }
+      std::vector<double>::const_iterator it_db;
+      os << names[arrayId] << std::endl << "---------" << std::endl;
+      for (it_db = points->begin(); it_db != points->end(); it_db++) {
+        os << *it_db << std::endl;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void transfer(const std::vector<double> &src, unsigned int vecId) {
+    switch (vecId) {
+    case (0):
+      positions_ = src;
+      break;
+    case (1):
+      velocities_ = src;
+      break;
+    case (2):
+      accelerations_ = src;
+      break;
+    case (3):
+      efforts_ = src;
+      break;
+    default:
+      assert(0);
-class SOT_CORE_EXPORT Trajectory
+class SOT_CORE_EXPORT Trajectory {
-  Trajectory( );
-  Trajectory( const Trajectory & copy );
+  Trajectory();
+  Trajectory(const Trajectory &copy);
   virtual ~Trajectory();
   std::vector<std::string> joint_names_;
@@ -207,10 +190,8 @@ public:
   int deserialize(std::istringstream &is);
   void display(std::ostream &) const;
 } // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif /* #ifndef SOT_TRAJECTORY_H__ */
diff --git a/include/sot/core/unary-op.hh b/include/sot/core/unary-op.hh
index 705f766a..650a5c94 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/unary-op.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/unary-op.hh
@@ -15,70 +15,57 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    template< typename Operator >
-    class UnaryOp
-      :public Entity
-    {
-      Operator op;
-      typedef typename Operator::Tin Tin;
-      typedef typename Operator::Tout Tout;
-      typedef UnaryOp<Operator> Self;
-    public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-      static std::string getTypeInName( void ) { return Operator::nameTypeIn(); }
-      static std::string getTypeOutName( void ) { return Operator::nameTypeOut(); }
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName  () const
-      {
-	return CLASS_NAME;
-      }
-      std::string getDocString () const { return op.getDocString ();}
-      UnaryOp( const std::string& name )
-	: Entity(name)
-	,SIN(NULL,Self::CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::input("
-	     +Self::getTypeInName()+")::sin")
-	,SOUT( boost::bind(&Self::computeOperation,this,_1,_2),
-	     SIN,Self::CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::output("
-	       +Self::getTypeOutName()+")::sout")
-      {
-	signalRegistration( SIN<<SOUT );
-	op.addSpecificCommands(*this,commandMap);
-      }
-      virtual ~UnaryOp( void ) {};
-    public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
-      SignalPtr<Tin,int> SIN;
-      SignalTimeDependent<Tout,int> SOUT;
-    protected:
-      Tout& computeOperation( Tout& res,int time )
-      {
-	const Tin &x1 = SIN(time);
-	op(x1,res);
-	return res;
-      }
-    public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
-    };
-  } /* namespace sot */
+namespace sot {
+template <typename Operator> class UnaryOp : public Entity {
+  Operator op;
+  typedef typename Operator::Tin Tin;
+  typedef typename Operator::Tout Tout;
+  typedef UnaryOp<Operator> Self;
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  static std::string getTypeInName(void) { return Operator::nameTypeIn(); }
+  static std::string getTypeOutName(void) { return Operator::nameTypeOut(); }
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName() const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  std::string getDocString() const { return op.getDocString(); }
+  UnaryOp(const std::string &name)
+      : Entity(name), SIN(NULL, Self::CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::input(" +
+                                    Self::getTypeInName() + ")::sin"),
+        SOUT(boost::bind(&Self::computeOperation, this, _1, _2), SIN,
+             Self::CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::output(" +
+                 Self::getTypeOutName() + ")::sout") {
+    signalRegistration(SIN << SOUT);
+    op.addSpecificCommands(*this, commandMap);
+  }
+  virtual ~UnaryOp(void){};
+public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  SignalPtr<Tin, int> SIN;
+  SignalTimeDependent<Tout, int> SOUT;
+  Tout &computeOperation(Tout &res, int time) {
+    const Tin &x1 = SIN(time);
+    op(x1, res);
+    return res;
+  }
+public: /* --- PARAMS --- */
+} /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef SOT_CORE_UNARYOP_HH
diff --git a/include/sot/core/utils-windows.hh b/include/sot/core/utils-windows.hh
index 879cf0c9..c891b9a8 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/utils-windows.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/utils-windows.hh
@@ -18,10 +18,9 @@
 #define NOMINMAX
 #include <Winsock2.h>
-struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT timezone
-  int  tz_minuteswest; /* minutes W of Greenwich */
-  int  tz_dsttime;     /* type of dst correction */
+struct SOT_CORE_EXPORT timezone {
+  int tz_minuteswest; /* minutes W of Greenwich */
+  int tz_dsttime;     /* type of dst correction */
 int SOT_CORE_EXPORT gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz);
diff --git a/include/sot/core/variadic-op.hh b/include/sot/core/variadic-op.hh
index 807b5e13..77331787 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/variadic-op.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/variadic-op.hh
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
+#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 /* STD */
 #include <string>
@@ -29,158 +29,140 @@
 #include <boost/function.hpp>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time >
-    class VariadicAbstract
-      :public Entity
-    {
-    public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-      static std::string getTypeInName ( void );
-      static std::string getTypeOutName( void );
-      VariadicAbstract( const std::string& name , const std::string& className)
-	: Entity(name)
-	,SOUT( className+"("+name+")::output("+getTypeOutName()+")::sout")
-        ,baseSigname(className+"("+name+")::input("+getTypeInName()+")::")
-	{
-	  signalRegistration( SOUT );
-	}
-      virtual ~VariadicAbstract( void )
-      {
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < signalsIN.size(); ++i) {
-          _removeSignal (i);
-        }
-      };
-    public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
-      SignalTimeDependent<Tout,int> SOUT;
-      std::size_t addSignal ()
-      {
-        std::ostringstream oss; oss << "sin" << signalsIN.size();
-        return addSignal (oss.str());
-      }
-      std::size_t addSignal (const std::string& name)
-      {
-        signal_t* sig = new signal_t (NULL, baseSigname + name);
-        try {
-          _declareSignal(sig);
-          signalsIN.push_back (sig);
-          // names.push_back (name);
-          return signalsIN.size()-1;
-        } catch (const ExceptionAbstract&) {
-          delete sig;
-          throw;
-        }
-      }
-      void removeSignal ()
-      {
-        assert (signalsIN.size()>0);
-        _removeSignal (signalsIN.size()-1);
-        // names.pop_back();
-        signalsIN.pop_back();
-      }
-      void setSignalNumber (const int& n)
-      {
-        assert (n>=0);
-        const std::size_t oldSize = signalsIN.size();
-        for (std::size_t i = n; i < oldSize; ++i)
-          _removeSignal (i);
-        signalsIN.resize(n,NULL);
-        // names.resize(n);
-        for (std::size_t i = oldSize; i < (std::size_t)n; ++i)
-        {
-          assert (signalsIN[i]==NULL);
-          std::ostringstream oss;
-          oss << baseSigname << "sin" << i;
-          // names[i] = oss.str();
-          // signal_t* s = new signal_t (NULL,names[i]);
-          signal_t* s = new signal_t (NULL,oss.str());
-          signalsIN[i] = s;
-          _declareSignal (s);
-        }
-      }
-      int getSignalNumber () const
-      {
-        return (int)signalsIN.size();
-      }
-    protected:
-      typedef SignalPtr<Tin,int> signal_t;
-      std::vector< signal_t* > signalsIN;
-      // Use signal->shortName instead
-      // std::vector< std::string > names;
-    private:
-      void _removeSignal (const std::size_t i)
-      {
-        // signalDeregistration(names[i]);
-        signalDeregistration(signalsIN[i]->shortName());
-        SOUT.removeDependency (*signalsIN[i]);
-        delete signalsIN[i];
-      }
-      void _declareSignal (signal_t* s)
-      {
-        signalRegistration(*s);
-        SOUT.addDependency (*s);
-      }
-      const std::string baseSigname;
-    };
-    template< typename Operator >
-    class VariadicOp
-      :public VariadicAbstract<typename Operator::Tin, typename Operator::Tout, int>
-    {
-      Operator op;
-      typedef typename Operator::Tin Tin;
-      typedef typename Operator::Tout Tout;
-      typedef VariadicOp<Operator> Self;
-    public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
-      typedef VariadicAbstract<Tin,Tout,int> Base;
-      // static std::string getTypeInName ( void ) { return Operator::nameTypeIn (); }
-      // static std::string getTypeOutName( void ) { return Operator::nameTypeOut(); }
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName  () const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-      std::string getDocString () const { return op.getDocString ();}
-      VariadicOp( const std::string& name )
-	: Base(name, CLASS_NAME)
-	{
-          this->SOUT.setFunction (boost::bind(&Self::computeOperation,this,_1,_2));
-	  op.initialize(this,this->commandMap);
-	}
-      virtual ~VariadicOp( void ) {};
-    protected:
-      Tout& computeOperation( Tout& res,int time )
-	{
-          std::vector< const Tin* > in (this->signalsIN.size());
-          for (std::size_t i = 0; i < this->signalsIN.size(); ++i) {
-            const Tin& x = this->signalsIN[i]->access (time);
-            in[i] = &x;
-          }
-	  op(in,res);
-	  return res;
-	}
-    };
-  } // namespace sot
-} // namespace dynamicgraph
+namespace sot {
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template <typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time>
+class VariadicAbstract : public Entity {
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  static std::string getTypeInName(void);
+  static std::string getTypeOutName(void);
+  VariadicAbstract(const std::string &name, const std::string &className)
+      : Entity(name), SOUT(className + "(" + name + ")::output(" +
+                           getTypeOutName() + ")::sout"),
+        baseSigname(className + "(" + name + ")::input(" + getTypeInName() +
+                    ")::") {
+    signalRegistration(SOUT);
+  }
+  virtual ~VariadicAbstract(void) {
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < signalsIN.size(); ++i) {
+      _removeSignal(i);
+    }
+  };
+public: /* --- SIGNAL --- */
+  SignalTimeDependent<Tout, int> SOUT;
+  std::size_t addSignal() {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << "sin" << signalsIN.size();
+    return addSignal(oss.str());
+  }
+  std::size_t addSignal(const std::string &name) {
+    signal_t *sig = new signal_t(NULL, baseSigname + name);
+    try {
+      _declareSignal(sig);
+      signalsIN.push_back(sig);
+      // names.push_back (name);
+      return signalsIN.size() - 1;
+    } catch (const ExceptionAbstract &) {
+      delete sig;
+      throw;
+    }
+  }
+  void removeSignal() {
+    assert(signalsIN.size() > 0);
+    _removeSignal(signalsIN.size() - 1);
+    // names.pop_back();
+    signalsIN.pop_back();
+  }
+  void setSignalNumber(const int &n) {
+    assert(n >= 0);
+    const std::size_t oldSize = signalsIN.size();
+    for (std::size_t i = n; i < oldSize; ++i)
+      _removeSignal(i);
+    signalsIN.resize(n, NULL);
+    // names.resize(n);
+    for (std::size_t i = oldSize; i < (std::size_t)n; ++i) {
+      assert(signalsIN[i] == NULL);
+      std::ostringstream oss;
+      oss << baseSigname << "sin" << i;
+      // names[i] = oss.str();
+      // signal_t* s = new signal_t (NULL,names[i]);
+      signal_t *s = new signal_t(NULL, oss.str());
+      signalsIN[i] = s;
+      _declareSignal(s);
+    }
+  }
+  int getSignalNumber() const { return (int)signalsIN.size(); }
+  typedef SignalPtr<Tin, int> signal_t;
+  std::vector<signal_t *> signalsIN;
+  // Use signal->shortName instead
+  // std::vector< std::string > names;
+  void _removeSignal(const std::size_t i) {
+    // signalDeregistration(names[i]);
+    signalDeregistration(signalsIN[i]->shortName());
+    SOUT.removeDependency(*signalsIN[i]);
+    delete signalsIN[i];
+  }
+  void _declareSignal(signal_t *s) {
+    signalRegistration(*s);
+    SOUT.addDependency(*s);
+  }
+  const std::string baseSigname;
+template <typename Operator>
+class VariadicOp : public VariadicAbstract<typename Operator::Tin,
+                                           typename Operator::Tout, int> {
+  Operator op;
+  typedef typename Operator::Tin Tin;
+  typedef typename Operator::Tout Tout;
+  typedef VariadicOp<Operator> Self;
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTION --- */
+  typedef VariadicAbstract<Tin, Tout, int> Base;
+  // static std::string getTypeInName ( void ) { return Operator::nameTypeIn ();
+  // } static std::string getTypeOutName( void ) { return
+  // Operator::nameTypeOut(); }
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName() const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  std::string getDocString() const { return op.getDocString(); }
+  VariadicOp(const std::string &name) : Base(name, CLASS_NAME) {
+    this->SOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&Self::computeOperation, this, _1, _2));
+    op.initialize(this, this->commandMap);
+  }
+  virtual ~VariadicOp(void){};
+  Tout &computeOperation(Tout &res, int time) {
+    std::vector<const Tin *> in(this->signalsIN.size());
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < this->signalsIN.size(); ++i) {
+      const Tin &x = this->signalsIN[i]->access(time);
+      in[i] = &x;
+    }
+    op(in, res);
+    return res;
+  }
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef SOT_CORE_VARIADICOP_HH
diff --git a/include/sot/core/vector-constant.hh b/include/sot/core/vector-constant.hh
index 32d20694..45c47b95 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/vector-constant.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/vector-constant.hh
@@ -22,36 +22,34 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- VECTOR ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
-    namespace command {
-      namespace vectorConstant {
-	class Resize;
-      }
-    }
+namespace command {
+namespace vectorConstant {
+class Resize;
+} // namespace command
-    class VectorConstant
-      : public Entity
-    {
-      friend class command::vectorConstant::Resize;
-      static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-      virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+class VectorConstant : public Entity {
+  friend class command::vectorConstant::Resize;
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-      int rows;
-      double color;
+  int rows;
+  double color;
-    public:
-      VectorConstant( const std::string& name );
+  VectorConstant(const std::string &name);
-      virtual ~VectorConstant( void ){}
+  virtual ~VectorConstant(void) {}
-      SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector,int> SOUT;
+  SignalTimeDependent<dg::Vector, int> SOUT;
-      /// \brief Set value of vector (and therefore of output signal)
-      void setValue(const dg::Vector& inValue);
-    };
+  /// \brief Set value of vector (and therefore of output signal)
+  void setValue(const dg::Vector &inValue);
-  } // namespace sot
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/include/sot/core/vector-to-rotation.hh b/include/sot/core/vector-to-rotation.hh
index f7917521..53e79bf5 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/vector-to-rotation.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/vector-to-rotation.hh
@@ -10,9 +10,8 @@
-#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 /* Matrix */
@@ -26,54 +25,45 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (vector_to_rotation_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTVECTORTOROTATION_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTVECTORTOROTATION_EXPORT  __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(vector_to_rotation_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTVECTORTOROTATION_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTVECTORTOROTATION_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- VECTOR ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-: public dg::Entity
+class SOTVECTORTOROTATION_EXPORT VectorToRotation : public dg::Entity {
   static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-  virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-  enum sotAxis
-    {
-      AXIS_X
-      ,AXIS_Y
-      ,AXIS_Z
-    };
+  enum sotAxis { AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z };
   unsigned int size;
-  std::vector< sotAxis > axes;
+  std::vector<sotAxis> axes;
-  VectorToRotation( const std::string& name );
-  virtual ~VectorToRotation( void ){}
+  VectorToRotation(const std::string &name);
-  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector,int> SIN;
-  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixRotation,int> SOUT;
+  virtual ~VectorToRotation(void) {}
-  MatrixRotation& computeRotation( const dg::Vector& angles,
-				      MatrixRotation& res );
+  dg::SignalPtr<dg::Vector, int> SIN;
+  dg::SignalTimeDependent<MatrixRotation, int> SOUT;
+  MatrixRotation &computeRotation(const dg::Vector &angles,
+                                  MatrixRotation &res);
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 #endif // #ifndef __SOTVECTORTOMATRIX_HH
diff --git a/include/sot/core/visual-point-projecter.hh b/include/sot/core/visual-point-projecter.hh
index d8ea78b7..186aa203 100644
--- a/include/sot/core/visual-point-projecter.hh
+++ b/include/sot/core/visual-point-projecter.hh
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#if defined (WIN32)
-#  if defined (visual_point_projecter_EXPORTS)
-#    define SOTVISUALPOINTPROJECTER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-#  else
-#    define SOTVISUALPOINTPROJECTER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#  endif
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if defined(visual_point_projecter_EXPORTS)
+#define SOTVISUALPOINTPROJECTER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define SOTVISUALPOINTPROJECTER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -29,44 +29,39 @@ namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 /* SOT */
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-helper.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity-helper.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-helper.h>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+namespace sot {
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-      :public ::dynamicgraph::Entity
-      ,public ::dynamicgraph::EntityHelper<VisualPointProjecter>
-      {
-      public: /* --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
-	VisualPointProjecter( const std::string & name );
-      public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
+    : public ::dynamicgraph::Entity,
+      public ::dynamicgraph::EntityHelper<VisualPointProjecter> {
-	static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
-	virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
-	virtual const std::string& getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
+public: /* --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
+  VisualPointProjecter(const std::string &name);
-      public:  /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+public: /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
+  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const;
+  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
-	DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(point3D,dg::Vector);
-	DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(transfo,MatrixHomogeneous);
+public: /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(point3D, dg::Vector);
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(transfo, MatrixHomogeneous);
-	DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(point3Dgaze,dg::Vector);
-	DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(depth,double);
-	DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(point2D,dg::Vector);
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(point3Dgaze, dg::Vector);
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(depth, double);
+  DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(point2D, dg::Vector);
-      }; // class VisualPointProjecter
+}; // class VisualPointProjecter
-  } // namespace sot
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #endif // #ifndef __sot_core_VisualPointProjecter_H__
diff --git a/src/control/control-gr.cpp b/src/control/control-gr.cpp
index 0ff637ee..dbb7a1e5 100644
--- a/src/control/control-gr.cpp
+++ b/src/control/control-gr.cpp
@@ -10,56 +10,50 @@
 /* SOT */
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-class ControlGR__INIT
+class ControlGR__INIT {
-  ControlGR__INIT( void ) { dynamicgraph::sot::DebugTrace::openFile(); }
+  ControlGR__INIT(void) { dynamicgraph::sot::DebugTrace::openFile(); }
 ControlGR__INIT ControlGR_initiator;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/control-gr.hh>
-#include <sot/core/binary-op.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sot/core/binary-op.hh>
+#include <sot/core/control-gr.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-const double ControlGR::
+const double ControlGR::TIME_STEP_DEFAULT = .001;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define __SOT_ControlGR_INIT \
-ControlGR( const std::string & name )
- :Entity(name)
- ,TimeStep(0)
- ,matrixASIN(NULL,"ControlGR("+name+")::input(matrix)::matrixA")
- ,accelerationSIN(NULL,"ControlGR("+name+")::input(vector)::acceleration")
- ,gravitySIN(NULL,"ControlGR("+name+")::input(vector)::gravity")
- ,controlSOUT( boost::bind(&ControlGR::computeControl,this,_1,_2),
-	       matrixASIN << accelerationSIN << gravitySIN,
-	      "ControlGR("+name+")::output(vector)::control" )
+#define __SOT_ControlGR_INIT
+ControlGR::ControlGR(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), TimeStep(0),
+      matrixASIN(NULL, "ControlGR(" + name + ")::input(matrix)::matrixA"),
+      accelerationSIN(NULL,
+                      "ControlGR(" + name + ")::input(vector)::acceleration"),
+      gravitySIN(NULL, "ControlGR(" + name + ")::input(vector)::gravity"),
+      controlSOUT(boost::bind(&ControlGR::computeControl, this, _1, _2),
+                  matrixASIN << accelerationSIN << gravitySIN,
+                  "ControlGR(" + name + ")::output(vector)::control") {
-  Entity::signalRegistration( matrixASIN << accelerationSIN << gravitySIN << controlSOUT );
+  Entity::signalRegistration(matrixASIN << accelerationSIN << gravitySIN
+                                        << controlSOUT);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void ControlGR::
-init(const double& Stept)
+void ControlGR::init(const double &Stept) {
   TimeStep = Stept;
@@ -69,63 +63,59 @@ init(const double& Stept)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void ControlGR::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os << "ControlGR "<<getName();
-  try{
-    os <<"control = "<<controlSOUT;
+void ControlGR::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "ControlGR " << getName();
+  try {
+    os << "control = " << controlSOUT;
+  } catch (ExceptionSignal e) {
-  catch (ExceptionSignal e) {}
-   os <<" ("<<TimeStep<<") ";
+  os << " (" << TimeStep << ") ";
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-double& ControlGR::setsize(int dimension)
+double &ControlGR::setsize(int dimension)
-	_dimension = dimension;
-        return _dimension;
+  _dimension = dimension;
+  return _dimension;
-dynamicgraph::Vector& ControlGR::
-computeControl( dynamicgraph::Vector &tau, int t )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &ControlGR::computeControl(dynamicgraph::Vector &tau,
+                                                int t) {
-  const dynamicgraph::Matrix& matrixA = matrixASIN(t);
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& acceleration = accelerationSIN(t);
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& gravity = gravitySIN(t);
+  const dynamicgraph::Matrix &matrixA = matrixASIN(t);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &acceleration = accelerationSIN(t);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &gravity = gravitySIN(t);
   dynamicgraph::Vector::Index size = acceleration.size();
-  //tau*=0;
- /* for(unsigned i = 0u; i < size; ++i)
-    {
-	tp = gravity(i);
-	tau(i) = acceleration;
-	tau(i) *= matrixA;
-	tau(i) += tp;
-    }*/
-tau = matrixA*acceleration;
-sotDEBUG(15) << "torque = A*ddot(q)= " << matrixA*acceleration << std::endl;
-tau += gravity;
-tau(1) *= 0;
-tau(7) *= 0;
-tau(24) *=0;
- sotDEBUG(15) << "matrixA =" << matrixA << std::endl;
- sotDEBUG(15) << "acceleration =" << acceleration << std::endl;
- sotDEBUG(15) << "gravity =" << gravity << std::endl;
- sotDEBUG(15) << "gravity compensation torque =" << tau << std::endl;
- sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  // tau*=0;
+  /* for(unsigned i = 0u; i < size; ++i)
+     {
+         tp = gravity(i);
+         tau(i) = acceleration;
+         tau(i) *= matrixA;
+         tau(i) += tp;
+     }*/
+  tau = matrixA * acceleration;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "torque = A*ddot(q)= " << matrixA * acceleration << std::endl;
+  tau += gravity;
+  /*
+  tau(1) *= 0;
+  tau(7) *= 0;
+  tau(24) *=0;
+  tau(17)=0;*/
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "matrixA =" << matrixA << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "acceleration =" << acceleration << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "gravity =" << gravity << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "gravity compensation torque =" << tau << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
   return tau;
diff --git a/src/control/control-pd.cpp b/src/control/control-pd.cpp
index 08c0ff6b..eb57a6b7 100644
--- a/src/control/control-pd.cpp
+++ b/src/control/control-pd.cpp
@@ -13,53 +13,50 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
-const double ControlPD::
+const double ControlPD::TIME_STEP_DEFAULT = .001;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define __SOT_ControlPD_INIT                    \
-ControlPD::ControlPD( const std::string & name )
- :Entity(name)
- ,TimeStep(0)
- ,KpSIN(NULL,"ControlPD("+name+")::input(vector)::Kp")
- ,KdSIN(NULL,"ControlPD("+name+")::input(vector)::Kd")
- ,positionSIN(NULL,"ControlPD("+name+")::input(vector)::position")
- ,desiredpositionSIN(NULL,"ControlPD("+name+")::input(vector)::desired_position")
- ,velocitySIN(NULL,"ControlPD("+name+")::input(vector)::velocity")
- ,desiredvelocitySIN(NULL,"ControlPD("+name+")::input(vector)::desired_velocity")
- ,controlSOUT( boost::bind(&ControlPD::computeControl,this,_1,_2),
-         KpSIN << KdSIN << positionSIN << desiredpositionSIN
-         << velocitySIN << desiredvelocitySIN,
-        "ControlPD("+name+")::output(vector)::control" )
-  ,positionErrorSOUT(boost::bind(&ControlPD::getPositionError,this,_1,_2),
-        controlSOUT,
-        "ControlPD("+name+")::output(vector)::position_error")
-  ,velocityErrorSOUT(boost::bind(&ControlPD::getVelocityError,this,_1,_2),
-        controlSOUT,
-        "ControlPD("+name+")::output(vector)::velocity_error")
+#define __SOT_ControlPD_INIT
+ControlPD::ControlPD(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), TimeStep(0),
+      KpSIN(NULL, "ControlPD(" + name + ")::input(vector)::Kp"),
+      KdSIN(NULL, "ControlPD(" + name + ")::input(vector)::Kd"),
+      positionSIN(NULL, "ControlPD(" + name + ")::input(vector)::position"),
+      desiredpositionSIN(NULL, "ControlPD(" + name +
+                                   ")::input(vector)::desired_position"),
+      velocitySIN(NULL, "ControlPD(" + name + ")::input(vector)::velocity"),
+      desiredvelocitySIN(NULL, "ControlPD(" + name +
+                                   ")::input(vector)::desired_velocity"),
+      controlSOUT(boost::bind(&ControlPD::computeControl, this, _1, _2),
+                  KpSIN << KdSIN << positionSIN << desiredpositionSIN
+                        << velocitySIN << desiredvelocitySIN,
+                  "ControlPD(" + name + ")::output(vector)::control"),
+      positionErrorSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&ControlPD::getPositionError, this, _1, _2), controlSOUT,
+          "ControlPD(" + name + ")::output(vector)::position_error"),
+      velocityErrorSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&ControlPD::getVelocityError, this, _1, _2), controlSOUT,
+          "ControlPD(" + name + ")::output(vector)::velocity_error") {
-  Entity::signalRegistration( KpSIN << KdSIN << positionSIN << 
-    desiredpositionSIN << velocitySIN << desiredvelocitySIN << controlSOUT 
-    << positionErrorSOUT << velocityErrorSOUT );
+  Entity::signalRegistration(KpSIN << KdSIN << positionSIN << desiredpositionSIN
+                                   << velocitySIN << desiredvelocitySIN
+                                   << controlSOUT << positionErrorSOUT
+                                   << velocityErrorSOUT);
-void ControlPD::
-init(const double& Stept)
+void ControlPD::init(const double &Stept) {
   TimeStep = Stept;
@@ -69,60 +66,54 @@ init(const double& Stept)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void ControlPD::display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os << "ControlPD "<<getName();
-  try{
-    os <<"control = "<<controlSOUT; 
+void ControlPD::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "ControlPD " << getName();
+  try {
+    os << "control = " << controlSOUT;
+  } catch (ExceptionSignal e) {
-  catch (ExceptionSignal e) {}
-  os <<" ("<<TimeStep<<") ";
+  os << " (" << TimeStep << ") ";
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-dynamicgraph::Vector& ControlPD::
-computeControl( dynamicgraph::Vector &tau, int t ) 
-  sotDEBUGIN(15);     
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& Kp = KpSIN(t);
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& Kd = KdSIN(t);      
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& position = positionSIN(t);
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& desired_position = desiredpositionSIN(t);
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& velocity = velocitySIN(t);      
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& desired_velocity = desiredvelocitySIN(t);
-  dynamicgraph::Vector::Index size = Kp.size();   
+dynamicgraph::Vector &ControlPD::computeControl(dynamicgraph::Vector &tau,
+                                                int t) {
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &Kp = KpSIN(t);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &Kd = KdSIN(t);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &position = positionSIN(t);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &desired_position = desiredpositionSIN(t);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &velocity = velocitySIN(t);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &desired_velocity = desiredvelocitySIN(t);
+  dynamicgraph::Vector::Index size = Kp.size();
-  position_error_.array() = desired_position.array()-position.array();  
-  velocity_error_.array() = desired_velocity.array()-velocity.array();
+  position_error_.array() = desired_position.array() - position.array();
+  velocity_error_.array() = desired_velocity.array() - velocity.array();
+  tau.array() = position_error_.array() * Kp.array() +
+                velocity_error_.array() * Kd.array();
-  tau.array() = position_error_.array()*Kp.array() 
-              + velocity_error_.array()*Kd.array();
   return tau;
-dynamicgraph::Vector& ControlPD::
-getPositionError( dynamicgraph::Vector &position_error, int t)
-  //sotDEBUGOUT(15) ??
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+ControlPD::getPositionError(dynamicgraph::Vector &position_error, int t) {
+  // sotDEBUGOUT(15) ??
   position_error = position_error_;
   return position_error;
-dynamicgraph::Vector& ControlPD::
-getVelocityError( dynamicgraph::Vector &velocity_error, int t)
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+ControlPD::getVelocityError(dynamicgraph::Vector &velocity_error, int t) {
   velocity_error = velocity_error_;
   return velocity_error;
diff --git a/src/debug/contiifstream.cpp b/src/debug/contiifstream.cpp
index 2fcb2018..eff881b5 100644
--- a/src/debug/contiifstream.cpp
+++ b/src/debug/contiifstream.cpp
@@ -12,52 +12,42 @@
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-Contiifstream( const std::string& n )
-  :filename(n),cursor(0),first(true) {}
+Contiifstream::Contiifstream(const std::string &n)
+    : filename(n), cursor(0), first(true) {}
+Contiifstream::~Contiifstream(void) { sotDEBUGINOUT(5); }
-~Contiifstream( void )
-  sotDEBUGINOUT(5);
-bool Contiifstream::
-loop( void )
+bool Contiifstream::loop(void) {
-  bool res=false;
+  bool res = false;
-  std::fstream file( filename.c_str() );
+  std::fstream file(filename.c_str());
-  while(1)
-    {
-      file.get(buffer,BUFFER_SIZE);
-      if( file.gcount() )
-	{
-	  res=true;
-	  std::string line(buffer);
-	  if(! first) reader.push_back(line);
-	  cursor=file.tellg(); cursor++;
-	  file.get(*buffer); // get the last char ( = '\n')
-	  sotDEBUG(15) << "line: "<< line<<std::endl;
-	}
-      else { break; }
+  while (1) {
+    file.get(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
+    if (file.gcount()) {
+      res = true;
+      std::string line(buffer);
+      if (!first)
+        reader.push_back(line);
+      cursor = file.tellg();
+      cursor++;
+      file.get(*buffer); // get the last char ( = '\n')
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "line: " << line << std::endl;
+    } else {
+      break;
+  }
-  first=false;
+  first = false;
   return res;
-Contiifstream::next( void )
+std::string Contiifstream::next(void) {
   std::string res = *reader.begin();
   return res;
diff --git a/src/debug/debug.cpp b/src/debug/debug.cpp
index c50ffaad..22f3486b 100644
--- a/src/debug/debug.cpp
+++ b/src/debug/debug.cpp
@@ -7,63 +7,59 @@
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <ios>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 #ifdef WIN32
-const char * DebugTrace::DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT = "c:/tmp/sot-core-traces.txt";
-#else	// WIN32
-const char * DebugTrace::DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT = "/tmp/sot-core-traces.txt";
-#endif	// WIN32
+const char *DebugTrace::DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT = "c:/tmp/sot-core-traces.txt";
+#else  // WIN32
+const char *DebugTrace::DEBUG_FILENAME_DEFAULT = "/tmp/sot-core-traces.txt";
+#endif // WIN32
 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
-# ifdef WIN32
-  std::ofstream debugfile("C:/tmp/sot-core-traces.txt",
-			  std::ios::trunc&std::ios::out);
-# else	// WIN32
-  std::ofstream debugfile("/tmp/sot-core-traces.txt",
-			  std::ios::trunc&std::ios::out);
-# endif	// WIN32
-#else // VP_DEBUG
+#ifdef WIN32
+std::ofstream debugfile("C:/tmp/sot-core-traces.txt",
+                        std::ios::trunc &std::ios::out);
+#else  // WIN32
+std::ofstream debugfile("/tmp/sot-core-traces.txt",
+                        std::ios::trunc &std::ios::out);
+#endif // WIN32
+#else  // VP_DEBUG
-  std::ofstream debugfile;
+std::ofstream debugfile;
-  class __sotDebug_init
-  {
-  public:
-    __sotDebug_init()
-    {
-      debugfile.setstate (std::ios::failbit);
-    }
-  };
-  __sotDebug_init __sotDebug_initialisator;
+class __sotDebug_init {
+  __sotDebug_init() { debugfile.setstate(std::ios::failbit); }
+__sotDebug_init __sotDebug_initialisator;
 #endif // VP_DEBUG
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
-void DebugTrace::openFile(const char * filename)
-  if (debugfile.good () && debugfile.is_open ())
-    debugfile.close ();
-  debugfile.clear ();
- (filename, std::ios::trunc&std::ios::out);
+void DebugTrace::openFile(const char *filename) {
+  if (debugfile.good() && debugfile.is_open())
+    debugfile.close();
+  debugfile.clear();
+, std::ios::trunc & std::ios::out);
-void DebugTrace::closeFile(const char *)
-  if (debugfile.good () && debugfile.is_open ())
+void DebugTrace::closeFile(const char *) {
+  if (debugfile.good() && debugfile.is_open())
-  debugfile.setstate (std::ios::failbit);
+  debugfile.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    DebugTrace sotDEBUGFLOW(debugfile);
-    DebugTrace sotERRORFLOW(debugfile);
-  } // namespace sot.
+namespace sot {
+DebugTrace sotDEBUGFLOW(debugfile);
+DebugTrace sotERRORFLOW(debugfile);
+} // namespace sot.
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/exception/exception-abstract.cpp b/src/exception/exception-abstract.cpp
index 4dddc9d5..97d7ddd1 100644
--- a/src/exception/exception-abstract.cpp
+++ b/src/exception/exception-abstract.cpp
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
-#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -19,72 +19,51 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 const std::string ExceptionAbstract::EXCEPTION_NAME = "Abstract";
-ExceptionAbstract (const int& _code,
-		      const string & _msg)
-    :
-    code (_code),
-    message (_msg)
+ExceptionAbstract::ExceptionAbstract(const int &_code, const string &_msg)
+    : code(_code), message(_msg)
-    return ;
+  return;
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* --- ACCESSORS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-const char *ExceptionAbstract::
-getMessage (void)
-    return (this->message) .c_str();
+const char *ExceptionAbstract::getMessage(void) {
+  return (this->message).c_str();
-const string &ExceptionAbstract::
-getStringMessage (void)
-    return this->message;
-int ExceptionAbstract::
-getCode (void)
-    return this->code;
+const string &ExceptionAbstract::getStringMessage(void) {
+  return this->message;
-const char* ExceptionAbstract::what() const throw() {
-	return message.c_str();
+int ExceptionAbstract::getCode(void) { return this->code; }
+const char *ExceptionAbstract::what() const throw() { return message.c_str(); }
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- MODIFIORS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-ExceptionAbstract::Param& ExceptionAbstract::Param::
-initCopy( const Param& p )
-    sotDEBUGIN(25);
-    if( p.pointersSet )
-	{
-	    strncpy( function,p.functionPTR,BUFFER_SIZE);
-	    strncpy( file,p.filePTR,BUFFER_SIZE);
-	    line = p.line;
-	    pointersSet=false;
-	    set=true;
-	} else set=false;
-    sotDEBUGOUT(25);
-    return *this;
+ExceptionAbstract::Param &ExceptionAbstract::Param::initCopy(const Param &p) {
+  sotDEBUGIN(25);
+  if (p.pointersSet) {
+    strncpy(function, p.functionPTR, BUFFER_SIZE);
+    strncpy(file, p.filePTR, BUFFER_SIZE);
+    line = p.line;
+    pointersSet = false;
+    set = true;
+  } else
+    set = false;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(25);
+  return *this;
-Param( const int& _line, const char * _function, const char * _file )
-    : functionPTR(_function),line(_line),filePTR(_file),pointersSet(true)
-    sotDEBUGINOUT(25);
+ExceptionAbstract::Param::Param(const int &_line, const char *_function,
+                                const char *_file)
+    : functionPTR(_function), line(_line), filePTR(_file), pointersSet(true) {
+  sotDEBUGINOUT(25);
@@ -92,28 +71,22 @@ Param( const int& _line, const char * _function, const char * _file )
 /* --- OP << --------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    ostream &
-    operator << (ostream & os,
-		 const ExceptionAbstract & error) {
-      os << error.getExceptionName()<<"Error [#" << error.code << "]:  "
-	 << error.message << endl;
+namespace sot {
+ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const ExceptionAbstract &error) {
+  os << error.getExceptionName() << "Error [#" << error.code
+     << "]:  " << error.message << endl;
-      if( error.p.set )
-	os << "Thrown from "<<error.p.file << ": "<<error.p.function
-	   <<" (#"<<error.p.line << ")"<<endl;
+  if (error.p.set)
+    os << "Thrown from " << error.p.file << ": " << error.p.function << " (#"
+       << error.p.line << ")" << endl;
-      return os;
-    }
-  } // namespace sot
+  return os;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 /** \file $Source$
diff --git a/src/exception/exception-dynamic.cpp b/src/exception/exception-dynamic.cpp
index c5eb2d4d..e154d138 100644
--- a/src/exception/exception-dynamic.cpp
+++ b/src/exception/exception-dynamic.cpp
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
+#include <cstdio>
 #include <sot/core/exception-dynamic.hh>
 #include <stdarg.h>
-#include <cstdio>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -19,32 +19,26 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 const std::string ExceptionDynamic::EXCEPTION_NAME = "Dynamic";
-ExceptionDynamic ( const ExceptionDynamic::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		     const std::string & msg )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
+    const ExceptionDynamic::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode, const std::string &msg)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {}
-ExceptionDynamic ( const ExceptionDynamic::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-			const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
+    const ExceptionDynamic::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode, const std::string &msg,
+    const char *format, ...)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {
   va_list args;
-  va_start(args,format);
+  va_start(args, format);
   const unsigned int SIZE = 256;
-  char  buffer[SIZE];
-  vsnprintf(buffer,SIZE,format,args);
+  char buffer[SIZE];
+  vsnprintf(buffer, SIZE, format, args);
   message += buffer;
  * Local variables:
  * c-basic-offset: 2
diff --git a/src/exception/exception-factory.cpp b/src/exception/exception-factory.cpp
index e61fe41a..bda77b1e 100644
--- a/src/exception/exception-factory.cpp
+++ b/src/exception/exception-factory.cpp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
-#include <sot/core/exception-factory.hh>
+#include <cstdio>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-factory.hh>
 #include <stdarg.h>
-#include <cstdio>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -20,40 +20,37 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 const std::string ExceptionFactory::EXCEPTION_NAME = "Factory";
-ExceptionFactory ( const ExceptionFactory::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		      const std::string & msg )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
-  sotDEBUGF( 15,"Created with message <%s>.",msg.c_str());
-  sotDEBUG( 1) <<"Created with message <%s>."<<msg<<std::endl;
+    const ExceptionFactory::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode, const std::string &msg)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {
+  sotDEBUGF(15, "Created with message <%s>.", msg.c_str());
+  sotDEBUG(1) << "Created with message <%s>." << msg << std::endl;
-ExceptionFactory ( const ExceptionFactory::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-			const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
+    const ExceptionFactory::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode, const std::string &msg,
+    const char *format, ...)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {
   va_list args;
-  va_start(args,format);
+  va_start(args, format);
   const unsigned int SIZE = 256;
-  char  buffer[SIZE];
-  vsnprintf(buffer,SIZE,format,args);
+  char buffer[SIZE];
+  vsnprintf(buffer, SIZE, format, args);
-  sotDEBUG(15) <<"Created "<<" with message <"
-	       <<msg<<"> and buffer <"<<buffer<<">. "<<std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Created "
+               << " with message <" << msg << "> and buffer <" << buffer
+               << ">. " << std::endl;
   message += buffer;
-  sotDEBUG(1) << "Throw exception " << EXCEPTION_NAME << "[#" << errcode<<"]: "
-	      <<"<"<< message << ">."<<std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(1) << "Throw exception " << EXCEPTION_NAME << "[#" << errcode
+              << "]: "
+              << "<" << message << ">." << std::endl;
  * Local variables:
  * c-basic-offset: 2
diff --git a/src/exception/exception-feature.cpp b/src/exception/exception-feature.cpp
index 7f124101..34efa1ed 100644
--- a/src/exception/exception-feature.cpp
+++ b/src/exception/exception-feature.cpp
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
+#include <cstdio>
 #include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
 #include <stdarg.h>
-#include <cstdio>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -19,31 +19,26 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 const std::string ExceptionFeature::EXCEPTION_NAME = "Feature";
-ExceptionFeature ( const ExceptionFeature::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		      const std::string & msg )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
+    const ExceptionFeature::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode, const std::string &msg)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {}
-ExceptionFeature ( const ExceptionFeature::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-			const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
+    const ExceptionFeature::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode, const std::string &msg,
+    const char *format, ...)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {
   va_list args;
-  va_start(args,format);
+  va_start(args, format);
   const unsigned int SIZE = 256;
-  char  buffer[SIZE];
-  vsnprintf(buffer,SIZE,format,args);
+  char buffer[SIZE];
+  vsnprintf(buffer, SIZE, format, args);
   message = buffer;
  * Local variables:
  * c-basic-offset: 2
diff --git a/src/exception/exception-signal.cpp b/src/exception/exception-signal.cpp
index b23d63df..1cb6ce0b 100644
--- a/src/exception/exception-signal.cpp
+++ b/src/exception/exception-signal.cpp
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
+#include <cstdio>
 #include <sot/core/exception-signal.hh>
 #include <stdarg.h>
-#include <cstdio>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -19,32 +19,26 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 const std::string ExceptionSignal::EXCEPTION_NAME = "Signal";
-ExceptionSignal ( const ExceptionSignal::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		     const std::string & msg )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
+ExceptionSignal::ExceptionSignal(const ExceptionSignal::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                                 const std::string &msg)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {}
-ExceptionSignal ( const ExceptionSignal::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-			const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
+ExceptionSignal::ExceptionSignal(const ExceptionSignal::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                                 const std::string &msg, const char *format,
+                                 ...)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {
   va_list args;
-  va_start(args,format);
+  va_start(args, format);
   const unsigned int SIZE = 256;
-  char  buffer[SIZE];
-  vsnprintf(buffer,SIZE,format,args);
+  char buffer[SIZE];
+  vsnprintf(buffer, SIZE, format, args);
   message += buffer;
  * Local variables:
  * c-basic-offset: 2
diff --git a/src/exception/exception-task.cpp b/src/exception/exception-task.cpp
index 15bd1927..1d301291 100644
--- a/src/exception/exception-task.cpp
+++ b/src/exception/exception-task.cpp
@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
+#include <cstdio>
 #include <sot/core/exception-task.hh>
 #include <stdarg.h>
-#include <cstdio>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -20,31 +19,25 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 const std::string ExceptionTask::EXCEPTION_NAME = "Task";
-ExceptionTask ( const ExceptionTask::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		   const std::string & msg )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
+ExceptionTask::ExceptionTask(const ExceptionTask::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                             const std::string &msg)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {}
-ExceptionTask ( const ExceptionTask::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-			const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
+ExceptionTask::ExceptionTask(const ExceptionTask::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                             const std::string &msg, const char *format, ...)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {
   va_list args;
-  va_start(args,format);
+  va_start(args, format);
   const unsigned int SIZE = 256;
-  char  buffer[SIZE];
-  vsnprintf(buffer,SIZE,format,args);
+  char buffer[SIZE];
+  vsnprintf(buffer, SIZE, format, args);
   message = buffer;
  * Local variables:
  * c-basic-offset: 2
diff --git a/src/exception/exception-tools.cpp b/src/exception/exception-tools.cpp
index 6ea35649..6ef436bd 100644
--- a/src/exception/exception-tools.cpp
+++ b/src/exception/exception-tools.cpp
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
+#include <cstdio>
 #include <sot/core/exception-tools.hh>
 #include <stdarg.h>
-#include <cstdio>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -19,32 +19,25 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 const std::string ExceptionTools::EXCEPTION_NAME = "Tools";
-ExceptionTools ( const ExceptionTools::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-		     const std::string & msg )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
+ExceptionTools::ExceptionTools(const ExceptionTools::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                               const std::string &msg)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {}
-ExceptionTools ( const ExceptionTools::ErrorCodeEnum& errcode,
-			const std::string & msg,const char* format, ... )
-  :ExceptionAbstract(errcode,msg)
+ExceptionTools::ExceptionTools(const ExceptionTools::ErrorCodeEnum &errcode,
+                               const std::string &msg, const char *format, ...)
+    : ExceptionAbstract(errcode, msg) {
   va_list args;
-  va_start(args,format);
+  va_start(args, format);
   const unsigned int SIZE = 256;
-  char  buffer[SIZE];
-  vsnprintf(buffer,SIZE,format,args);
+  char buffer[SIZE];
+  vsnprintf(buffer, SIZE, format, args);
   message += buffer;
  * Local variables:
  * c-basic-offset: 2
diff --git a/src/factory/additional-functions.cpp b/src/factory/additional-functions.cpp
index b23bea6a..a8a28e39 100644
--- a/src/factory/additional-functions.cpp
+++ b/src/factory/additional-functions.cpp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
+#include <sot/core/additional-functions.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
-#include <sot/core/additional-functions.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
 #include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -19,38 +19,37 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph;
 /* \brief Constructor. At creation, overloads (deregisters-then registers
  * again) the 'new' function in the g_shell
-AdditionalFunctions::AdditionalFunctions() {
+AdditionalFunctions::AdditionalFunctions() {}
-AdditionalFunctions::~AdditionalFunctions() {
+AdditionalFunctions::~AdditionalFunctions() {}
-void AdditionalFunctions::
-cmdFlagSet( const std::string& cmdLine, istringstream& cmdArg, std::ostream& os )
-  if( cmdLine == "help" )
-    {
-      os << "  - set <obj1.sig1(flag type)> {#&|}START:END"
-	 << "\t\tSet or reset the flag value." <<endl;
-      return;
-    }
+void AdditionalFunctions::cmdFlagSet(const std::string &cmdLine,
+                                     istringstream &cmdArg, std::ostream &os) {
+  if (cmdLine == "help") {
+    os << "  - set <obj1.sig1(flag type)> {#&|}START:END"
+       << "\t\tSet or reset the flag value." << endl;
+    return;
+  }
   try {
-    Signal<Flags,int> &sig1
-      = dynamic_cast< Signal<Flags,int>& >
-      (PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal(cmdArg));
-    dgDEBUG(25) << "set..."<<endl;
-    Flags fl; try { fl = sig1.accessCopy(); } catch(...) {}
+    Signal<Flags, int> &sig1 = dynamic_cast<Signal<Flags, int> &>(
+        PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal(cmdArg));
+    dgDEBUG(25) << "set..." << endl;
+    Flags fl;
+    try {
+      fl = sig1.accessCopy();
+    } catch (...) {
+    }
     cmdArg >> std::ws >> fl;
-    dgDEBUG(15) << "Fl=" << fl <<std::endl;
+    dgDEBUG(15) << "Fl=" << fl << std::endl;
     sig1 = fl;
-  } catch( ExceptionAbstract & err ) { throw;  }
-  catch( ... ) {
-    DG_THROW ExceptionFactory( ExceptionFactory::SYNTAX_ERROR,
-				   "setflag: sig should be of flag type. ",
-				   "(while calling setflag).");
+  } catch (ExceptionAbstract &err) {
+    throw;
+  } catch (...) {
+    DG_THROW ExceptionFactory(ExceptionFactory::SYNTAX_ERROR,
+                              "setflag: sig should be of flag type. ",
+                              "(while calling setflag).");
diff --git a/src/factory/pool.cpp b/src/factory/pool.cpp
index 2144e73d..5a820bc9 100644
--- a/src/factory/pool.cpp
+++ b/src/factory/pool.cpp
@@ -16,176 +16,146 @@
 #endif /*WIN32*/
 /* --- SOT --- */
-#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
-#include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
+#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    PoolStorage::
-    ~PoolStorage( void )
-    {
-      sotDEBUGIN(15);
-      sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-      return;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    void PoolStorage::
-    registerTask( const std::string& entname,TaskAbstract* ent )
-    {
-      Tasks::iterator entkey = task.find(entname);
-      if( entkey != task.end() ) // key does exist
-	{
-	  throw ExceptionFactory(ExceptionFactory::OBJECT_CONFLICT,
-				 "Another task already defined with the "
-				 "same name. ",
-				 "Task name is <%s>.",entname.c_str() );
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  sotDEBUG(10) << "Register task <"<< entname
-		       << "> in the pool." <<std::endl;
-	  task[entname] = ent;
-	}
-    }
-    TaskAbstract& PoolStorage::
-    getTask( const std::string& name )
-    {
-      Tasks::iterator entPtr = task .find( name );
-      if( entPtr == task.end() )
-	{
-	  SOT_THROW ExceptionFactory( ExceptionFactory::UNREFERED_OBJECT,
-				      "Unknown task."," (while calling <%s>)",
-				      name.c_str() );
-	}
-      return *entPtr->second;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    void PoolStorage::
-    registerFeature( const std::string& entname,FeatureAbstract* ent )
-    {
-      Features::iterator entkey = feature.find(entname);
-      if( entkey != feature.end() ) // key does exist
-	{
-	  throw ExceptionFactory( ExceptionFactory::OBJECT_CONFLICT,
-				  "Another feature already defined with the"
-				  " same name. ",
-				  "Feature name is <%s>.",entname.c_str() );
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  sotDEBUG(10) << "Register feature <"<< entname
-		       << "> in the pool." <<std::endl;
-	  feature[entname] = ent;
-	}
-    }
-    FeatureAbstract& PoolStorage::
-    getFeature( const std::string& name )
-    {
-      Features::iterator entPtr = feature .find( name );
-      if( entPtr == feature.end() )
-	{
-	  SOT_THROW ExceptionFactory(ExceptionFactory::UNREFERED_OBJECT,
-				     "Unknown feature."," (while calling <%s>)",
-				     name.c_str() );
-	}
-      return *entPtr->second;
-    }
-    void PoolStorage::
-    writeGraph(const std::string &aFileName)
-    {
-      size_t IdxPointFound = aFileName.rfind(".");
-      std::string tmp1 = aFileName.substr(0,IdxPointFound);
-      size_t IdxSeparatorFound = aFileName.rfind("/");
-      std::string GenericName;
-      if (IdxSeparatorFound!=std::string::npos)
-	GenericName = tmp1.substr(IdxSeparatorFound,tmp1.length());
-      else
-	GenericName = tmp1;
-      /* Reading local time */
-      time_t ltime;
-      ltime = time(NULL);
-      struct tm ltimeformatted;
+namespace sot {
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+PoolStorage::~PoolStorage(void) {
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void PoolStorage::registerTask(const std::string &entname, TaskAbstract *ent) {
+  Tasks::iterator entkey = task.find(entname);
+  if (entkey != task.end()) // key does exist
+  {
+    throw ExceptionFactory(ExceptionFactory::OBJECT_CONFLICT,
+                           "Another task already defined with the "
+                           "same name. ",
+                           "Task name is <%s>.", entname.c_str());
+  } else {
+    sotDEBUG(10) << "Register task <" << entname << "> in the pool."
+                 << std::endl;
+    task[entname] = ent;
+  }
+TaskAbstract &PoolStorage::getTask(const std::string &name) {
+  Tasks::iterator entPtr = task.find(name);
+  if (entPtr == task.end()) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionFactory(ExceptionFactory::UNREFERED_OBJECT,
+                               "Unknown task.", " (while calling <%s>)",
+                               name.c_str());
+  }
+  return *entPtr->second;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void PoolStorage::registerFeature(const std::string &entname,
+                                  FeatureAbstract *ent) {
+  Features::iterator entkey = feature.find(entname);
+  if (entkey != feature.end()) // key does exist
+  {
+    throw ExceptionFactory(ExceptionFactory::OBJECT_CONFLICT,
+                           "Another feature already defined with the"
+                           " same name. ",
+                           "Feature name is <%s>.", entname.c_str());
+  } else {
+    sotDEBUG(10) << "Register feature <" << entname << "> in the pool."
+                 << std::endl;
+    feature[entname] = ent;
+  }
+FeatureAbstract &PoolStorage::getFeature(const std::string &name) {
+  Features::iterator entPtr = feature.find(name);
+  if (entPtr == feature.end()) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionFactory(ExceptionFactory::UNREFERED_OBJECT,
+                               "Unknown feature.", " (while calling <%s>)",
+                               name.c_str());
+  }
+  return *entPtr->second;
+void PoolStorage::writeGraph(const std::string &aFileName) {
+  size_t IdxPointFound = aFileName.rfind(".");
+  std::string tmp1 = aFileName.substr(0, IdxPointFound);
+  size_t IdxSeparatorFound = aFileName.rfind("/");
+  std::string GenericName;
+  if (IdxSeparatorFound != std::string::npos)
+    GenericName = tmp1.substr(IdxSeparatorFound, tmp1.length());
+  else
+    GenericName = tmp1;
+  /* Reading local time */
+  time_t ltime;
+  ltime = time(NULL);
+  struct tm ltimeformatted;
 #ifdef WIN32
-      localtime_s(&ltimeformatted,&ltime);
+  localtime_s(&ltimeformatted, &ltime);
-      localtime_r(&ltime,&ltimeformatted);
+  localtime_r(&ltime, &ltimeformatted);
 #endif /*WIN32*/
-      /* Opening the file and writing the first comment. */
-      std::ofstream GraphFile;
-      GraphFile << "/* This graph has been automatically generated. "
-		<< std::endl;
-      GraphFile << "   " << 1900+ltimeformatted.tm_year
-		<< " Month: " << 1+ltimeformatted.tm_mon
-		<< " Day: " << ltimeformatted.tm_mday
-		<< " Time: " << ltimeformatted.tm_hour
-		<< ":" << ltimeformatted.tm_min;
-      GraphFile << " */" << std::endl;
-      GraphFile << "digraph " << GenericName << " { ";
-      GraphFile << "\t graph [ label=\"" << GenericName
-		<< "\" bgcolor = white rankdir=LR ]" << std::endl
-		<< "\t node [ fontcolor = black, color = black, "
-	"fillcolor = gold1, style=filled, shape=box ] ; " << std::endl;
-      GraphFile << "\tsubgraph cluster_Tasks { " << std::endl;
-      GraphFile << "\t\t color=blue; label=\"Tasks\";" << std::endl;
-      for( Tasks::iterator iter=task.begin();
-	   iter!=task.end();iter++ )
-	{
-	  TaskAbstract* ent = iter->second;
-	  GraphFile << "\t\t" << ent->getName()
-		    <<" [ label = \"" << ent->getName() << "\" ," << std::endl
-		    <<"\t\t   fontcolor = black, color = black, "
-	    "fillcolor = magenta, style=filled, shape=box ]" << std::endl;
-	}
-      GraphFile << "}"<< std::endl;
-      GraphFile.close();
-    }
-    void PoolStorage::
-    writeCompletionList(std::ostream& /*os*/ )
-    {
-    }
-    PoolStorage* PoolStorage::getInstance()
-    {
-      if (instance_ == 0) {
-	instance_ = new PoolStorage;
-      }
-      return instance_;
-    }
-    void PoolStorage::destroy()
-    {
-      delete instance_;
-      instance_ = 0;
-    }
-    PoolStorage::PoolStorage()
-    {
-    }
-    PoolStorage* PoolStorage::instance_ = 0;
-  } // namespace sot
+  /* Opening the file and writing the first comment. */
+  std::ofstream GraphFile;
+, std::ofstream::out);
+  GraphFile << "/* This graph has been automatically generated. " << std::endl;
+  GraphFile << "   " << 1900 + ltimeformatted.tm_year
+            << " Month: " << 1 + ltimeformatted.tm_mon
+            << " Day: " << ltimeformatted.tm_mday
+            << " Time: " << ltimeformatted.tm_hour << ":"
+            << ltimeformatted.tm_min;
+  GraphFile << " */" << std::endl;
+  GraphFile << "digraph " << GenericName << " { ";
+  GraphFile << "\t graph [ label=\"" << GenericName
+            << "\" bgcolor = white rankdir=LR ]" << std::endl
+            << "\t node [ fontcolor = black, color = black, "
+               "fillcolor = gold1, style=filled, shape=box ] ; "
+            << std::endl;
+  GraphFile << "\tsubgraph cluster_Tasks { " << std::endl;
+  GraphFile << "\t\t color=blue; label=\"Tasks\";" << std::endl;
+  for (Tasks::iterator iter = task.begin(); iter != task.end(); iter++) {
+    TaskAbstract *ent = iter->second;
+    GraphFile << "\t\t" << ent->getName() << " [ label = \"" << ent->getName()
+              << "\" ," << std::endl
+              << "\t\t   fontcolor = black, color = black, "
+                 "fillcolor = magenta, style=filled, shape=box ]"
+              << std::endl;
+  }
+  GraphFile << "}" << std::endl;
+  GraphFile.close();
+void PoolStorage::writeCompletionList(std::ostream & /*os*/) {}
+PoolStorage *PoolStorage::getInstance() {
+  if (instance_ == 0) {
+    instance_ = new PoolStorage;
+  }
+  return instance_;
+void PoolStorage::destroy() {
+  delete instance_;
+  instance_ = 0;
+PoolStorage::PoolStorage() {}
+PoolStorage *PoolStorage::instance_ = 0;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-1d.cpp b/src/feature/feature-1d.cpp
index 231b3566..fde0ec72 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-1d.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-1d.cpp
@@ -13,80 +13,72 @@
 /* --- SOT --- */
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-1d.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-1d.hh>
 using namespace std;
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-Feature1D( const string& pointName )
-  : FeatureAbstract( pointName )
-  ,errorSIN( NULL,"sotFeature1D("+name+")::input(vector)::errorIN" )
-  ,jacobianSIN( NULL,"sotFeature1D("+name+")::input(matrix)::jacobianIN" )
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( jacobianSIN );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( errorSIN );
+Feature1D::Feature1D(const string &pointName)
+    : FeatureAbstract(pointName),
+      errorSIN(NULL, "sotFeature1D(" + name + ")::input(vector)::errorIN"),
+      jacobianSIN(NULL,
+                  "sotFeature1D(" + name + ")::input(matrix)::jacobianIN") {
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(jacobianSIN);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(errorSIN);
-  signalRegistration( errorSIN<<jacobianSIN );
+  signalRegistration(errorSIN << jacobianSIN);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Feature1D::addDependenciesFromReference( void ){}
-void Feature1D::removeDependenciesFromReference( void ){}
+void Feature1D::addDependenciesFromReference(void) {}
+void Feature1D::removeDependenciesFromReference(void) {}
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-unsigned int& Feature1D::
-getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int /*time*/ )
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+unsigned int &Feature1D::getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int /*time*/) {
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# In {" << endl;
   dim = 1;
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return dim;
-dynamicgraph::Vector& Feature1D::
-computeError( dynamicgraph::Vector& res,int time )
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& err = errorSIN.access(time);
-  res.resize(1); res(0)*.5;
+dynamicgraph::Vector &Feature1D::computeError(dynamicgraph::Vector &res,
+                                              int time) {
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &err = errorSIN.access(time);
+  res.resize(1);
+  res(0) = * .5;
   return res;
-dynamicgraph::Matrix& Feature1D::
-computeJacobian( dynamicgraph::Matrix& res,int time )
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &Feature1D::computeJacobian(dynamicgraph::Matrix &res,
+                                                 int time) {
-  const dynamicgraph::Matrix& Jac = jacobianSIN.access(time);
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& err = errorSIN.access(time);
+  const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = jacobianSIN.access(time);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &err = errorSIN.access(time);
-  res.resize( 1,Jac.cols() );res.fill(0);
-  for( int j=0;j<Jac.cols();++j )
-    for( int i=0;i<Jac.rows();++i )
-      res(0,j)+=err(i)*Jac(i,j);
+  res.resize(1, Jac.cols());
+  res.fill(0);
+  for (int j = 0; j < Jac.cols(); ++j)
+    for (int i = 0; i < Jac.rows(); ++i)
+      res(0, j) += err(i) * Jac(i, j);
   return res;
@@ -96,13 +88,13 @@ computeJacobian( dynamicgraph::Matrix& res,int time )
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Feature1D::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<"1D <"<<name<<">: " <<std::endl;
+void Feature1D::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "1D <" << name << ">: " << std::endl;
-  try{
-    os << "  error= "<< errorSIN.accessCopy() << endl
-       << "  J    = "<< jacobianSIN.accessCopy() << endl;
-  }  catch(ExceptionAbstract e){ os<< " All SIN not set."; }
+  try {
+    os << "  error= " << errorSIN.accessCopy() << endl
+       << "  J    = " << jacobianSIN.accessCopy() << endl;
+  } catch (ExceptionAbstract e) {
+    os << " All SIN not set.";
+  }
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-abstract.cpp b/src/feature/feature-abstract.cpp
index 4900f100..2eeb603c 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-abstract.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-abstract.cpp
@@ -9,119 +9,114 @@
 #include <iostream>
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
-#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 #include "sot/core/debug.hh"
 #include "sot/core/exception-feature.hh"
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
+#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using dynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionFeature;
-const std::string
-FeatureAbstract::CLASS_NAME = "FeatureAbstract";
-FeatureAbstract( const std::string& name )
-  :Entity(name)
-  ,selectionSIN(NULL,"sotFeatureAbstract("+name+")::input(flag)::selec")
-  ,errordotSIN (NULL,"sotFeatureAbstract("+name+")::input(vector)::errordotIN" )
-  ,errorSOUT( boost::bind(&FeatureAbstract::computeError,this,_1,_2),
-              selectionSIN,
-              "sotFeatureAbstract("+name+")::output(vector)::error" )
-  ,errordotSOUT (boost::bind(&FeatureAbstract::computeErrorDot,this,_1,_2),
-		 selectionSIN << errordotSIN,
-		 "sotFeatureAbstract("+name+")::output(vector)::errordot" )
-  ,jacobianSOUT( boost::bind(&FeatureAbstract::computeJacobian,this,_1,_2),
-                 selectionSIN,
-                 "sotFeatureAbstract("+name+")::output(matrix)::jacobian" )
-  ,dimensionSOUT( boost::bind(&FeatureAbstract::getDimension,this,_1,_2),
-                  selectionSIN,
-                  "sotFeatureAbstract("+name+")::output(uint)::dim" )
+const std::string FeatureAbstract::CLASS_NAME = "FeatureAbstract";
+FeatureAbstract::FeatureAbstract(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), selectionSIN(NULL, "sotFeatureAbstract(" + name +
+                                           ")::input(flag)::selec"),
+      errordotSIN(NULL, "sotFeatureAbstract(" + name +
+                            ")::input(vector)::errordotIN"),
+      errorSOUT(boost::bind(&FeatureAbstract::computeError, this, _1, _2),
+                selectionSIN,
+                "sotFeatureAbstract(" + name + ")::output(vector)::error"),
+      errordotSOUT(boost::bind(&FeatureAbstract::computeErrorDot, this, _1, _2),
+                   selectionSIN << errordotSIN,
+                   "sotFeatureAbstract(" + name + ")::output(vector)::errordot")
+      ,
+      jacobianSOUT(boost::bind(&FeatureAbstract::computeJacobian, this, _1, _2),
+                   selectionSIN,
+                   "sotFeatureAbstract(" + name +
+                       ")::output(matrix)::jacobian"),
+      dimensionSOUT(boost::bind(&FeatureAbstract::getDimension, this, _1, _2),
+                    selectionSIN,
+                    "sotFeatureAbstract(" + name + ")::output(uint)::dim") {
   selectionSIN = true;
-  signalRegistration( selectionSIN
-		      <<errorSOUT<<jacobianSOUT<<dimensionSOUT );
+  signalRegistration(selectionSIN << errorSOUT << jacobianSOUT
+                                  << dimensionSOUT);
-void FeatureAbstract::
-initCommands( void )
+void FeatureAbstract::initCommands(void) {
   using namespace command;
-	     new dynamicgraph::command::Setter<FeatureAbstract, std::string>
-	     (*this, &FeatureAbstract::setReferenceByName,
-	      "Give the name of the reference feature.\nInput: a string (feature name)."));
+             new dynamicgraph::command::Setter<FeatureAbstract, std::string>(
+                 *this, &FeatureAbstract::setReferenceByName,
+                 "Give the name of the reference feature.\nInput: a string "
+                 "(feature name)."));
-	     new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<FeatureAbstract, std::string>
-	     (*this, &FeatureAbstract::getReferenceByName,
-	      "Get the name of the reference feature.\nOutput: a string (feature name)."));
+             new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<FeatureAbstract, std::string>(
+                 *this, &FeatureAbstract::getReferenceByName,
+                 "Get the name of the reference feature.\nOutput: a string "
+                 "(feature name)."));
-void FeatureAbstract::
-featureRegistration( void )
-  PoolStorage::getInstance()->registerFeature(name,this);
+void FeatureAbstract::featureRegistration(void) {
+  PoolStorage::getInstance()->registerFeature(name, this);
-std::ostream& FeatureAbstract::
-writeGraph( std::ostream& os ) const
+std::ostream &FeatureAbstract::writeGraph(std::ostream &os) const {
-  if( isReferenceSet() )
-    {
-      const FeatureAbstract *asotFA = getReferenceAbstract();
-      os << "\t\"" << asotFA->getName() << "\" -> \"" << getName() << "\""
-	 << "[ color=darkseagreen4 ]" << std::endl;
-    }
-  else std::cout << "asotFAT : 0" << std::endl;
+  if (isReferenceSet()) {
+    const FeatureAbstract *asotFA = getReferenceAbstract();
+    os << "\t\"" << asotFA->getName() << "\" -> \"" << getName() << "\""
+       << "[ color=darkseagreen4 ]" << std::endl;
+  } else
+    std::cout << "asotFAT : 0" << std::endl;
   return os;
-void FeatureAbstract::
-setReferenceByName( const std::string& name )
-  setReference( &dynamicgraph::sot::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getFeature(name));
+void FeatureAbstract::setReferenceByName(const std::string &name) {
+  setReference(
+      &dynamicgraph::sot::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getFeature(name));
-std::string FeatureAbstract::
-getReferenceByName() const
-  if( isReferenceSet() ) return getReferenceAbstract()->getName(); else return "none";
+std::string FeatureAbstract::getReferenceByName() const {
+  if (isReferenceSet())
+    return getReferenceAbstract()->getName();
+  else
+    return "none";
-dynamicgraph::Vector& FeatureAbstract::
-computeErrorDot( dynamicgraph::Vector& res,int time )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+FeatureAbstract::computeErrorDot(dynamicgraph::Vector &res, int time) {
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.access(time);
-  const int & dim = dimensionSOUT(time);
+  const int &dim = dimensionSOUT(time);
   unsigned int curr = 0;
-  res.resize( dim );
+  res.resize(dim);
   sotDEBUG(25) << "Dim = " << dim << std::endl;
-  if( isReferenceSet () && getReferenceAbstract ()->errordotSIN.isPlugged ())
-    {
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector& errdotDes = getReferenceAbstract ()->errordotSIN(time);
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Err* = " << errdotDes;
-      if( errdotDes.size()<dim )
-	{ SOT_THROW ExceptionFeature( ExceptionFeature::UNCOMPATIBLE_SIZE,
-					 "Error: dimension uncompatible with des->errorIN size."
-					 " (while considering feature <%s>).",getName().c_str() ); }
-      for( int i=0;i<errdotDes.size();++i )
-        if( fl(i) )
-          res( curr++ ) = - errdotDes(i);
+  if (isReferenceSet() && getReferenceAbstract()->errordotSIN.isPlugged()) {
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &errdotDes =
+        getReferenceAbstract()->errordotSIN(time);
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Err* = " << errdotDes;
+    if (errdotDes.size() < dim) {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionFeature(
+          ExceptionFeature::UNCOMPATIBLE_SIZE,
+          "Error: dimension uncompatible with des->errorIN size."
+          " (while considering feature <%s>).",
+          getName().c_str());
-  else
-      res.setZero();
+    for (int i = 0; i < errdotDes.size(); ++i)
+      if (fl(i))
+        res(curr++) = -errdotDes(i);
+  } else
+    res.setZero();
   return res;
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-generic.cpp b/src/feature/feature-generic.cpp
index 5574e56e..94cb5fe2 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-generic.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-generic.cpp
@@ -13,132 +13,127 @@
 /* --- SOT --- */
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-generic.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-generic.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FeatureGeneric, "FeatureGeneric");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-FeatureGeneric( const string& pointName )
-  : FeatureAbstract( pointName )
-    ,dimensionDefault(0)
-    ,errorSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureGeneric("+name+")::input(vector)::errorIN" )
-    ,jacobianSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureGeneric("+name+")::input(matrix)::jacobianIN" )
+FeatureGeneric::FeatureGeneric(const string &pointName)
+    : FeatureAbstract(pointName), dimensionDefault(0),
+      errorSIN(NULL, "sotFeatureGeneric(" + name + ")::input(vector)::errorIN"),
+      jacobianSIN(NULL,
+                  "sotFeatureGeneric(" + name + ")::input(matrix)::jacobianIN")
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( jacobianSIN );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( errorSIN );
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(jacobianSIN);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(errorSIN);
-  signalRegistration( errorSIN<<jacobianSIN << errordotSIN << errordotSOUT);
+  signalRegistration(errorSIN << jacobianSIN << errordotSIN << errordotSOUT);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void FeatureGeneric::addDependenciesFromReference( void )
-  assert( SP::isReferenceSet() );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( getReference()->errorSIN );
-  errordotSOUT.addDependency( getReference()->errordotSIN );
+void FeatureGeneric::addDependenciesFromReference(void) {
+  assert(SP::isReferenceSet());
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(getReference()->errorSIN);
+  errordotSOUT.addDependency(getReference()->errordotSIN);
-void FeatureGeneric::removeDependenciesFromReference( void )
-  assert( SP::isReferenceSet() );
-  errorSOUT.removeDependency( getReference()->errorSIN );
-  errordotSOUT.removeDependency( getReference()->errordotSIN );
+void FeatureGeneric::removeDependenciesFromReference(void) {
+  assert(SP::isReferenceSet());
+  errorSOUT.removeDependency(getReference()->errorSIN);
+  errordotSOUT.removeDependency(getReference()->errordotSIN);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-unsigned int& FeatureGeneric::
-getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time )
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+unsigned int &FeatureGeneric::getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time) {
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# In {" << endl;
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.access(time);
-  if( dimensionDefault==0 )  dimensionDefault = errorSIN.access(time).size();
+  if (dimensionDefault == 0)
+    dimensionDefault = errorSIN.access(time).size();
   dim = 0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<dimensionDefault;++i ) if( fl(i) ) dim++;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dimensionDefault; ++i)
+    if (fl(i))
+      dim++;
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return dim;
-Vector& FeatureGeneric::
-computeError( Vector& res,int time )
-  const Vector& err = errorSIN.access(time);
+Vector &FeatureGeneric::computeError(Vector &res, int time) {
+  const Vector &err = errorSIN.access(time);
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.access(time);
-  const int & dim = dimensionSOUT(time);
+  const int &dim = dimensionSOUT(time);
   unsigned int curr = 0;
-  res.resize( dim );
-  if( err.size()<dim )
-    { SOT_THROW ExceptionFeature( ExceptionFeature::UNCOMPATIBLE_SIZE,
-				     "Error: dimension uncompatible with des->errorIN size."
-				     " (while considering feature <%s>).",getName().c_str() ); }
+  res.resize(dim);
+  if (err.size() < dim) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionFeature(
+        ExceptionFeature::UNCOMPATIBLE_SIZE,
+        "Error: dimension uncompatible with des->errorIN size."
+        " (while considering feature <%s>).",
+        getName().c_str());
+  }
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Err = " << err;
   sotDEBUG(25) << "Dim = " << dim << endl;
-  if( isReferenceSet() )
-    {
-      const Vector& errDes = getReference()->errorSIN(time);
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Err* = " << errDes;
-      if( errDes.size()<dim )
-	{ SOT_THROW ExceptionFeature( ExceptionFeature::UNCOMPATIBLE_SIZE,
-					 "Error: dimension uncompatible with des->errorIN size."
-					 " (while considering feature <%s>).",getName().c_str() ); }
-      for( int i=0;i<err.size();++i ) if( fl(i) )
-	if( fl(i) ) res( curr++ ) = err(i)-errDes(i);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      for(int i=0;i<err.size();++i )
-	if( fl(i) ) res( curr++ ) = err(i);
+  if (isReferenceSet()) {
+    const Vector &errDes = getReference()->errorSIN(time);
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Err* = " << errDes;
+    if (errDes.size() < dim) {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionFeature(
+          ExceptionFeature::UNCOMPATIBLE_SIZE,
+          "Error: dimension uncompatible with des->errorIN size."
+          " (while considering feature <%s>).",
+          getName().c_str());
-  return res;
+    for (int i = 0; i < err.size(); ++i)
+      if (fl(i))
+        if (fl(i))
+          res(curr++) = err(i) - errDes(i);
+  } else {
+    for (int i = 0; i < err.size(); ++i)
+      if (fl(i))
+        res(curr++) = err(i);
+  }
+  return res;
-Matrix& FeatureGeneric::
-computeJacobian( Matrix& res,int time )
+Matrix &FeatureGeneric::computeJacobian(Matrix &res, int time) {
-  const Matrix& Jac = jacobianSIN.access(time);
+  const Matrix &Jac = jacobianSIN.access(time);
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.access(time);
   const unsigned int &dim = dimensionSOUT(time);
   unsigned int curr = 0;
-  res.resize( dim,Jac.cols() );
+  res.resize(dim, Jac.cols());
-  for( unsigned int i=0;curr<dim;++i )
-    if( fl(i) )
-      {
-	for( int j=0;j<Jac.cols();++j )
-	  res( curr,j ) = Jac(i,j);
-	curr++;
-      }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; curr < dim; ++i)
+    if (fl(i)) {
+      for (int j = 0; j < Jac.cols(); ++j)
+        res(curr, j) = Jac(i, j);
+      curr++;
+    }
   return res;
@@ -148,13 +143,13 @@ computeJacobian( Matrix& res,int time )
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void FeatureGeneric::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<"Generic <"<<name<<">: " <<std::endl;
+void FeatureGeneric::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "Generic <" << name << ">: " << std::endl;
-  try{
-    os << "  error= "<< errorSIN.accessCopy() << endl
-       << "  J    = "<< jacobianSIN.accessCopy() << endl;
-  }  catch(ExceptionSignal & e){ os << e.what(); }
+  try {
+    os << "  error= " << errorSIN.accessCopy() << endl
+       << "  J    = " << jacobianSIN.accessCopy() << endl;
+  } catch (ExceptionSignal &e) {
+    os << e.what();
+  }
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-joint-limits-command.h b/src/feature/feature-joint-limits-command.h
index 21d4c367..f998e4db 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-joint-limits-command.h
+++ b/src/feature/feature-joint-limits-command.h
@@ -7,43 +7,41 @@
- #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
-  namespace command {
-    namespace featureJointLimits {
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+namespace command {
+namespace featureJointLimits {
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-      // Command Actuate
-      class Actuate : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-	virtual ~Actuate() {}
-	/// Create command and store it in Entity
-	/// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	/// \param docstring documentation of the command
-      Actuate(FeatureJointLimits& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, std::vector<Value::Type>(), docstring)
-	  {
-	  }
-	virtual Value doExecute()
-	{
-	  FeatureJointLimits& fjl = static_cast<FeatureJointLimits&>(owner());
-	  Flags fl( 63 ); //0x0000003f = 00000000000000000000000000111111
-	  fjl.selectionSIN =  (! fl);
-	  // return void
-	  return Value();
-	}
-      }; // class Actuate
-    } // namespace featureJointLimits
-  } // namespace command
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+// Command Actuate
+class Actuate : public Command {
+  virtual ~Actuate() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  Actuate(FeatureJointLimits &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, std::vector<Value::Type>(), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    FeatureJointLimits &fjl = static_cast<FeatureJointLimits &>(owner());
+    Flags fl(63); // 0x0000003f = 00000000000000000000000000111111
+    fjl.selectionSIN = (!fl);
+    // return void
+    return Value();
+  }
+}; // class Actuate
+} // namespace featureJointLimits
+} // namespace command
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-joint-limits.cpp b/src/feature/feature-joint-limits.cpp
index 96a35db7..be88135b 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-joint-limits.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-joint-limits.cpp
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- SOT --- */
-#include <sot/core/feature-joint-limits.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-joint-limits.hh>
 using namespace std;
-#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 #include <../src/feature/feature-joint-limits-command.h>
+#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -26,78 +26,76 @@ using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FeatureJointLimits, "FeatureJointLimits");
 const double FeatureJointLimits::THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = .9;
-FeatureJointLimits( const string& fName )
-  : FeatureAbstract( fName )
-    ,threshold(THRESHOLD_DEFAULT)
-    ,jointSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureJointLimits("+name+")::input(vector)::joint" )
-    ,upperJlSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureJointLimits("+name+")::input(vector)::upperJl" )
-    ,lowerJlSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureJointLimits("+name+")::input(vector)::lowerJl" )
-    ,widthJlSINTERN( boost::bind(&FeatureJointLimits::computeWidthJl,this,_1,_2),
-		     upperJlSIN<<lowerJlSIN,
-		     "sotFeatureJointLimits("+name+")::input(vector)::widthJl" )
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( jointSIN );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( upperJlSIN );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( lowerJlSIN );
-  signalRegistration( jointSIN<<upperJlSIN<<lowerJlSIN<<widthJlSINTERN );
+FeatureJointLimits::FeatureJointLimits(const string &fName)
+    : FeatureAbstract(fName), threshold(THRESHOLD_DEFAULT)
+      ,
+      jointSIN(NULL,
+               "sotFeatureJointLimits(" + name + ")::input(vector)::joint"),
+      upperJlSIN(NULL,
+                 "sotFeatureJointLimits(" + name + ")::input(vector)::upperJl"),
+      lowerJlSIN(NULL,
+                 "sotFeatureJointLimits(" + name + ")::input(vector)::lowerJl"),
+      widthJlSINTERN(
+          boost::bind(&FeatureJointLimits::computeWidthJl, this, _1, _2),
+          upperJlSIN << lowerJlSIN,
+          "sotFeatureJointLimits(" + name + ")::input(vector)::widthJl") {
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(jointSIN);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(upperJlSIN);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(lowerJlSIN);
+  signalRegistration(jointSIN << upperJlSIN << lowerJlSIN << widthJlSINTERN);
   // Commands
   std::string docstring;
   // Actuate
   docstring = "    \n"
-    "    Actuate\n"
-    "    \n";
+              "    Actuate\n"
+              "    \n";
-	     new command::featureJointLimits::Actuate(*this, docstring));
+             new command::featureJointLimits::Actuate(*this, docstring));
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void FeatureJointLimits::addDependenciesFromReference( void ){}
-void FeatureJointLimits::removeDependenciesFromReference( void ){}
+void FeatureJointLimits::addDependenciesFromReference(void) {}
+void FeatureJointLimits::removeDependenciesFromReference(void) {}
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-unsigned int& FeatureJointLimits::
-getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time )
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+unsigned int &FeatureJointLimits::getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time) {
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# In {" << endl;
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.access(time);
-  const Matrix::Index NBJL  = upperJlSIN.access(time).size();
+  const Matrix::Index NBJL = upperJlSIN.access(time).size();
   dim = 0;
-  for( Matrix::Index i=0;i<NBJL;++i )
-    if( fl(static_cast<int>(i)) ) dim++;
+  for (Matrix::Index i = 0; i < NBJL; ++i)
+    if (fl(static_cast<int>(i)))
+      dim++;
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return dim;
-FeatureJointLimits::computeWidthJl( Vector& res,const int& time )
+Vector &FeatureJointLimits::computeWidthJl(Vector &res, const int &time) {
   const Vector UJL = upperJlSIN.access(time);
   const Vector LJL = lowerJlSIN.access(time);
-  const Vector::Index SIZE=UJL.size();
+  const Vector::Index SIZE = UJL.size();
-  for( Vector::Index i=0;i<SIZE;++i )
-    {      res(i)=UJL(i)-LJL(i);    }
+  for (Vector::Index i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
+    res(i) = UJL(i) - LJL(i);
+  }
   return res;
@@ -106,52 +104,49 @@ FeatureJointLimits::computeWidthJl( Vector& res,const int& time )
 /** Compute the interaction matrix from a subset of
  * the possible features.
-Matrix& FeatureJointLimits::
-computeJacobian( Matrix& J,int time )
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+Matrix &FeatureJointLimits::computeJacobian(Matrix &J, int time) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
-  const unsigned int SIZE=dimensionSOUT.access(time);
+  const unsigned int SIZE = dimensionSOUT.access(time);
   const Vector q = jointSIN.access(time);
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
-  //const unsigned int SIZE_FF=SIZE+freeFloatingSize;
-  const Vector::Index SIZE_TOTAL=q.size();
+  // const unsigned int SIZE_FF=SIZE+freeFloatingSize;
+  const Vector::Index SIZE_TOTAL = q.size();
   const Vector WJL = widthJlSINTERN.access(time);
-  J.resize( SIZE,SIZE_TOTAL ); J.setZero();
-  unsigned int idx=0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<SIZE_TOTAL;++i )
-    {
-      if( fl(i) )
-	{
-	  if( fabs(WJL(i))>1e-3 ) J(idx,i)=1/WJL(i);
-	  else J(idx,i)=1.;
-	  idx++;
-	}
+  J.resize(SIZE, SIZE_TOTAL);
+  J.setZero();
+  unsigned int idx = 0;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SIZE_TOTAL; ++i) {
+    if (fl(i)) {
+      if (fabs(WJL(i)) > 1e-3)
+        J(idx, i) = 1 / WJL(i);
+      else
+        J(idx, i) = 1.;
+      idx++;
-//   if( 0!=freeFloatingIndex )
-//     for( unsigned int i=0;i<freeFloatingIndex;++i )
-//       {
-// 	if( fabs(WJL(i))>1e-3 ) J(i,i)=1/WJL(i); else J(i,i)=1.;
-//       }
-//   if( SIZE!=freeFloatingIndex )
-//     for( unsigned int i=freeFloatingIndex;i<SIZE;++i )
-//       {
-// 	if( fabs(WJL(i))>1e-3 ) J(i,i+freeFloatingSIZE)=1/WJL(i);
-// 	else J(i,i)=1.;
-//       }
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  }
+  //   if( 0!=freeFloatingIndex )
+  //     for( unsigned int i=0;i<freeFloatingIndex;++i )
+  //       {
+  // 	if( fabs(WJL(i))>1e-3 ) J(i,i)=1/WJL(i); else J(i,i)=1.;
+  //       }
+  //   if( SIZE!=freeFloatingIndex )
+  //     for( unsigned int i=freeFloatingIndex;i<SIZE;++i )
+  //       {
+  // 	if( fabs(WJL(i))>1e-3 ) J(i,i+freeFloatingSIZE)=1/WJL(i);
+  // 	else J(i,i)=1.;
+  //       }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return J;
 /** Compute the error between two visual features from a subset
  * a the possible features.
-FeatureJointLimits::computeError( Vector& error,int time )
+Vector &FeatureJointLimits::computeError(Vector &error, int time) {
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
@@ -159,35 +154,32 @@ FeatureJointLimits::computeError( Vector& error,int time )
   const Vector UJL = upperJlSIN.access(time);
   const Vector LJL = lowerJlSIN.access(time);
   const Vector WJL = widthJlSINTERN.access(time);
-  const int SIZE=dimensionSOUT.access(time);
-  const Vector::Index SIZE_TOTAL=q.size();
+  const int SIZE = dimensionSOUT.access(time);
+  const Vector::Index SIZE_TOTAL = q.size();
   sotDEBUG(25) << "q = " << q << endl;
   sotDEBUG(25) << "ljl = " << LJL << endl;
   sotDEBUG(25) << "Wjl = " << WJL << endl;
   sotDEBUG(25) << "dim = " << SIZE << endl;
-  assert( UJL.size() == SIZE_TOTAL );
-  assert( WJL.size() == SIZE_TOTAL );
-  assert( LJL.size() == SIZE_TOTAL );
-  assert( SIZE <= SIZE_TOTAL );
+  assert(UJL.size() == SIZE_TOTAL);
+  assert(WJL.size() == SIZE_TOTAL);
+  assert(LJL.size() == SIZE_TOTAL);
+  assert(SIZE <= SIZE_TOTAL);
   unsigned int parcerr = 0;
-  for( int i=0;i<SIZE_TOTAL;++i )
-    {
-      if( fl(i) )
-	{	  error(parcerr++) = (q(i)-LJL(i))/WJL(i)*2-1;	}
+  for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_TOTAL; ++i) {
+    if (fl(i)) {
+      error(parcerr++) = (q(i) - LJL(i)) / WJL(i) * 2 - 1;
+  }
-  return error ;
+  return error;
-void FeatureJointLimits::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<"JointLimits <"<<name<<"> ... TODO";
+void FeatureJointLimits::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "JointLimits <" << name << "> ... TODO";
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-line-distance.cpp b/src/feature/feature-line-distance.cpp
index 90fc8d5a..36622bd6 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-line-distance.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-line-distance.cpp
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 /* --- SOT --- */
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-line-distance.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-line-distance.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
@@ -24,202 +24,259 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FeatureLineDistance, "FeatureLineDistance");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-FeatureLineDistance( const string& pointName )
-  : FeatureAbstract( pointName )
-    ,positionSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureLineDistance("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::position" )
-    ,articularJacobianSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureLineDistance("+name+")::input(matrix)::Jq" )
-    ,positionRefSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureLineDistance("+name+")::input(vector)::positionRef" )
-    ,vectorSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureVector3("+name+")::input(vector3)::vector" )
-  ,lineSOUT( boost::bind(&FeatureLineDistance::computeLineCoordinates,this,_1,_2),
-             positionSIN<<positionRefSIN,
-             "sotFeatureAbstract("+name+")::output(vector)::line" )
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( positionSIN );
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( articularJacobianSIN );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( positionSIN );
-  signalRegistration( positionSIN<<articularJacobianSIN
-                      <<positionRefSIN<<lineSOUT<<vectorSIN );
+FeatureLineDistance::FeatureLineDistance(const string &pointName)
+    : FeatureAbstract(pointName),
+      positionSIN(NULL, "sotFeatureLineDistance(" + name +
+                            ")::input(matrixHomo)::position"),
+      articularJacobianSIN(NULL, "sotFeatureLineDistance(" + name +
+                                     ")::input(matrix)::Jq"),
+      positionRefSIN(NULL, "sotFeatureLineDistance(" + name +
+                               ")::input(vector)::positionRef"),
+      vectorSIN(NULL,
+                "sotFeatureVector3(" + name + ")::input(vector3)::vector"),
+      lineSOUT(boost::bind(&FeatureLineDistance::computeLineCoordinates, this,
+                           _1, _2),
+               positionSIN << positionRefSIN,
+               "sotFeatureAbstract(" + name + ")::output(vector)::line") {
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(positionSIN);
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(articularJacobianSIN);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(positionSIN);
+  signalRegistration(positionSIN << articularJacobianSIN << positionRefSIN
+                                 << lineSOUT << vectorSIN);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-unsigned int& FeatureLineDistance::
-getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int /*time*/ )
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+unsigned int &FeatureLineDistance::getDimension(unsigned int &dim,
+                                                int /*time*/) {
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# In {" << endl;
-  return dim=1;
+  return dim = 1;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-Vector& FeatureLineDistance::
-computeLineCoordinates( Vector& cood,int time )
+Vector &FeatureLineDistance::computeLineCoordinates(Vector &cood, int time) {
   /* Line coordinates */
   const MatrixHomogeneous &pos = positionSIN(time);
-  const Vector & vect = vectorSIN(time);
-  MatrixRotation R; R = pos.linear();
-  Vector v(3); v = R*vect;
-  cood(0)= pos(0,3);
-  cood(1)= pos(1,3);
-  cood(2)= pos(2,3);
-  cood(3)= v(0);
-  cood(4)= v(1);
-  cood(5)= v(2);
+  const Vector &vect = vectorSIN(time);
+  MatrixRotation R;
+  R = pos.linear();
+  Vector v(3);
+  v = R * vect;
+  cood(0) = pos(0, 3);
+  cood(1) = pos(1, 3);
+  cood(2) = pos(2, 3);
+  cood(3) = v(0);
+  cood(4) = v(1);
+  cood(5) = v(2);
   return cood;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /** Compute the interaction matrix from a subset of
  * the possible features.
-Matrix& FeatureLineDistance::
-computeJacobian( Matrix& J,int time )
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+Matrix &FeatureLineDistance::computeJacobian(Matrix &J, int time) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
   /* --- Compute the jacobian of the line coordinates --- */
   Matrix Jline;
-    const Matrix & Jq = articularJacobianSIN(time);
-    const Vector & vect = vectorSIN(time);
-    const MatrixHomogeneous & M = positionSIN(time);
-    MatrixRotation R; R= M.linear(); // wRh
-    Matrix Skew(3,3);
-    Skew( 0,0 ) = 0        ; Skew( 0,1 )=-vect( 2 );  Skew( 0,2 ) = vect( 1 );
-    Skew( 1,0 ) = vect( 2 ); Skew( 1,1 )= 0        ;  Skew( 1,2 ) =-vect( 0 );
-    Skew( 2,0 ) =-vect( 1 ); Skew( 2,1 )= vect( 0 );  Skew( 2,2 ) = 0        ;
-    Matrix RSk(3,3); RSk = R*Skew;
-    Jline.resize(6,Jq.cols());
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i )
-      for( int j=0;j<Jq.cols();++j )
-        {
-          Jline(i,j)   = 0;
-          Jline(i+3,j) = 0;
-          for( unsigned int k=0;k<3;++k )
-            {
-              Jline(i,j)   +=  R(i,k)*Jq(k,j);
-              Jline(i+3,j) += -RSk(i,k)*Jq(k+3,j);
-            }
+    const Matrix &Jq = articularJacobianSIN(time);
+    const Vector &vect = vectorSIN(time);
+    const MatrixHomogeneous &M = positionSIN(time);
+    MatrixRotation R;
+    R = M.linear(); // wRh
+    Matrix Skew(3, 3);
+    Skew(0, 0) = 0;
+    Skew(0, 1) = -vect(2);
+    Skew(0, 2) = vect(1);
+    Skew(1, 0) = vect(2);
+    Skew(1, 1) = 0;
+    Skew(1, 2) = -vect(0);
+    Skew(2, 0) = -vect(1);
+    Skew(2, 1) = vect(0);
+    Skew(2, 2) = 0;
+    Matrix RSk(3, 3);
+    RSk = R * Skew;
+    Jline.resize(6, Jq.cols());
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+      for (int j = 0; j < Jq.cols(); ++j) {
+        Jline(i, j) = 0;
+        Jline(i + 3, j) = 0;
+        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
+          Jline(i, j) += R(i, k) * Jq(k, j);
+          Jline(i + 3, j) += -RSk(i, k) * Jq(k + 3, j);
+      }
   /* --- Compute the jacobian wrt the line coordinates --- */
   const Vector &line = lineSOUT(time);
-  const double & x0 = line(0);
-  const double & y0 = line(1);
-  const double & z0 = line(2);
-  const double & a0 = line(3);
-  const double & b0 = line(4);
-  const double & c0 = line(5);
+  const double &x0 = line(0);
+  const double &y0 = line(1);
+  const double &z0 = line(2);
+  const double &a0 = line(3);
+  const double &b0 = line(4);
+  const double &c0 = line(5);
   const Vector &posRef = positionRefSIN(time);
-  const double & x1 = posRef(0);
-  const double & y1 = posRef(1);
-  const double & z1 = posRef(2);
-  const double & a1 = posRef(3);
-  const double & b1 = posRef(4);
-  const double & c1 = posRef(5);
+  const double &x1 = posRef(0);
+  const double &y1 = posRef(1);
+  const double &z1 = posRef(2);
+  const double &a1 = posRef(3);
+  const double &b1 = posRef(4);
+  const double &c1 = posRef(5);
   /* Differential */
-  const double a1_3 = a1*a1*a1;
-  const double b1_3 = b1*b1*b1;
-  const double c1_3 = c1*c1*c1;
-  double K = c0*c0*a1*a1 - 2*c0*a1*a0*c1 - 2*c0*b1*b0*c1 + c0*c0*b1*b1 - 2*b0*a1*a0*b1 + b0*b0*a1*a1 + b0*b0*c1*c1 + a0*a0*b1*b1 + a0*a0*c1*c1;
-  const double diffx0 = -b0*c1 + c0*b1;
-  const double diffy0 = a0*c1 - c0*a1;
-  const double diffz0 = -a0*b1 + b0*a1;
-  const double diffa0 = 2*b0*c1*x0*a0*b1*b1 + 2*c0*b1*b1*x0*b0*a1 + 2*c0*c0*b1*x0*c1*a1 + 2*c1*c1*y0*c0*a1*a0 - 2*b0*c1*c1*x0*c0*a1 - 2*b0*b0*c1*x0*b1*a1 - 2*c1*c1*y0*c0*b1*b0 + 2*b0*b0*c1*x1*b1*a1 + 2*b0*c1*c1*x1*c0*a1 - 2*b0*c1*x1*a0*b1*b1 - c1*y0*c0*c0*a1*a1 + c1*y0*c0*c0*b1*b1 + c1*y0*b0*b0*a1*a1 - c1*y0*a0*a0*b1*b1 + c1*y1*c0*c0*a1*a1 - c1*y1*c0*c0*b1*b1 - c1*y1*b0*b0*a1*a1 + c1*y1*a0*a0*b1*b1 - b1*z0*c0*c0*a1*a1 + b1*z0*b0*b0*a1*a1 - b1*z0*b0*b0*c1*c1 + b1*z0*a0*a0*c1*c1 + b1*z1*c0*c0*a1*a1 - b1*z1*b0*b0*a1*a1 + b1*z1*b0*b0*c1*c1 - b1*z1*a0*a0*c1*c1 + 2*b0* c1_3*x0*a0 - 2*b0* c1_3*x1*a0 - 2*c0* b1_3*x0*a0 + 2*c0* b1_3*x1*a0 + c1_3*y0*b0*b0 - c1_3*y0*a0*a0 - c1_3*y1*b0*b0 + c1_3*y1*a0*a0 - b1_3*z0*c0*c0 + b1_3*z0*a0*a0 + b1_3*z1*c0*c0 - b1_3*z1*a0*a0 - 2*c1*c1*y1*c0*a1*a0 + 2*c1*c1*y1*c0*b1*b0 + 2*b1*b1*z0*c0*b0*c1 - 2*b1*b1*z0*b0*a1*a0 - 2*b1*b1*z1*c0*b0*c1 + 2*b1*b1*z1*b0*a1*a0 - 2*c0*b1*x0*a0*c1*c1 - 2*c0*b1*b1*x1*b0*a1 - 2*c0*c0*b1*x1*c1*a1 + 2*c0*b1*x1*a0*c1*c1 + 2*c0*a1*y0*a0*b1*b1 - 2*c0*a1*a1*y0*b1*b0 - 2*c0*a1*y1*a0*b1*b1 + 2*c0*a1*a1*y1*b1*b0 + 2*b0*a1*a1*z0*c1*c0 - 2*b0*a1*z0*a0*c1*c1 - 2*b0*a1*a1*z1*c1*c0 + 2*b0*a1*z1*a0*c1*c1;
-  const double diffb0 = -2*c1*c1*x0*c0*b1*b0 + 2*c1*c1*x0*c0*a1*a0 - c1*x0*c0*c0*a1*a1 + c1*x0*c0*c0*b1*b1 + c1*x0*b0*b0*a1*a1 - c1*x0*a0*a0*b1*b1 + c1*x1*c0*c0*a1*a1 - c1*x1*c0*c0*b1*b1 - c1*x1*b0*b0*a1*a1 + c1*x1*a0*a0*b1*b1 + a1*z0*c0*c0*b1*b1 - a1*z0*b0*b0*c1*c1 - a1*z0*a0*a0*b1*b1 + a1*z0*a0*a0*c1*c1 - a1*z1*c0*c0*b1*b1 + a1*z1*b0*b0*c1*c1 + a1*z1*a0*a0*b1*b1 - a1*z1*a0*a0*c1*c1 - 2*a0* c1_3*y0*b0 + 2*a0* c1_3*y1*b0 + c1_3*x0*b0*b0 - c1_3*x0*a0*a0 - c1_3*x1*b0*b0 + c1_3*x1*a0*a0 + a1_3*z0*c0*c0 - 2*c1*c1*x1*c0*a1*a0 + 2*c1*c1*x1*c0*b1*b0 - 2*a1*a1*z0*c0*a0*c1 + 2*a1*a1*z0*b0*a0*b1 - a1_3*z0*b0*b0 - a1_3*z1*c0*c0 + a1_3*z1*b0*b0 + 2*a1*a1*z1*c0*a0*c1 - 2*a1*a1*z1*b0*a0*b1 + 2*c0*b1*b1*x0*a1*a0 - 2*c0*b1*x0*b0*a1*a1 - 2*c0*b1*b1*x1*a1*a0 + 2*c0*b1*x1*b0*a1*a1 + 2*a0*a0*c1*y0*a1*b1 - 2*a0*c1*y0*b0*a1*a1 + 2*a0*c1*c1*y0*c0*b1 - 2*a0*a0*c1*y1*a1*b1 + 2*a0*c1*y1*b0*a1*a1 - 2*a0*c1*c1*y1*c0*b1 - 2*c0*a1*a1*y0*a0*b1 + 2*c0* a1_3*y0*b0 - 2*c0* a1_3*y1*b0 + 2*c0*a1*y0*b0*c1*c1 - 2*c0*c0*a1*y0*c1*b1 + 2*c0*a1*a1*y1*a0*b1 - 2*c0*a1*y1*b0*c1*c1 + 2*c0*c0*a1*y1*c1*b1 + 2*a0*b1*z0*b0*c1*c1 - 2*a0*b1*b1*z0*c1*c0 - 2*a0*b1*z1*b0*c1*c1 + 2*a0*b1*b1*z1*c1*c0;
-  Matrix diffh(1,6);
-  diffh(0,0)=diffx0/K;
-  diffh(0,1)=diffy0/K;
-  diffh(0,2)=diffz0/K;
-  K*=K;
-  diffh(0,3)=diffa0/K;
-  diffh(0,4)=diffb0/K;
-  diffh(0,5)=0;
+  const double a1_3 = a1 * a1 * a1;
+  const double b1_3 = b1 * b1 * b1;
+  const double c1_3 = c1 * c1 * c1;
+  double K = c0 * c0 * a1 * a1 - 2 * c0 * a1 * a0 * c1 - 2 * c0 * b1 * b0 * c1 +
+             c0 * c0 * b1 * b1 - 2 * b0 * a1 * a0 * b1 + b0 * b0 * a1 * a1 +
+             b0 * b0 * c1 * c1 + a0 * a0 * b1 * b1 + a0 * a0 * c1 * c1;
+  const double diffx0 = -b0 * c1 + c0 * b1;
+  const double diffy0 = a0 * c1 - c0 * a1;
+  const double diffz0 = -a0 * b1 + b0 * a1;
+  const double diffa0 =
+      2 * b0 * c1 * x0 * a0 * b1 * b1 + 2 * c0 * b1 * b1 * x0 * b0 * a1 +
+      2 * c0 * c0 * b1 * x0 * c1 * a1 + 2 * c1 * c1 * y0 * c0 * a1 * a0 -
+      2 * b0 * c1 * c1 * x0 * c0 * a1 - 2 * b0 * b0 * c1 * x0 * b1 * a1 -
+      2 * c1 * c1 * y0 * c0 * b1 * b0 + 2 * b0 * b0 * c1 * x1 * b1 * a1 +
+      2 * b0 * c1 * c1 * x1 * c0 * a1 - 2 * b0 * c1 * x1 * a0 * b1 * b1 -
+      c1 * y0 * c0 * c0 * a1 * a1 + c1 * y0 * c0 * c0 * b1 * b1 +
+      c1 * y0 * b0 * b0 * a1 * a1 - c1 * y0 * a0 * a0 * b1 * b1 +
+      c1 * y1 * c0 * c0 * a1 * a1 - c1 * y1 * c0 * c0 * b1 * b1 -
+      c1 * y1 * b0 * b0 * a1 * a1 + c1 * y1 * a0 * a0 * b1 * b1 -
+      b1 * z0 * c0 * c0 * a1 * a1 + b1 * z0 * b0 * b0 * a1 * a1 -
+      b1 * z0 * b0 * b0 * c1 * c1 + b1 * z0 * a0 * a0 * c1 * c1 +
+      b1 * z1 * c0 * c0 * a1 * a1 - b1 * z1 * b0 * b0 * a1 * a1 +
+      b1 * z1 * b0 * b0 * c1 * c1 - b1 * z1 * a0 * a0 * c1 * c1 +
+      2 * b0 * c1_3 * x0 * a0 - 2 * b0 * c1_3 * x1 * a0 -
+      2 * c0 * b1_3 * x0 * a0 + 2 * c0 * b1_3 * x1 * a0 + c1_3 * y0 * b0 * b0 -
+      c1_3 * y0 * a0 * a0 - c1_3 * y1 * b0 * b0 + c1_3 * y1 * a0 * a0 -
+      b1_3 * z0 * c0 * c0 + b1_3 * z0 * a0 * a0 + b1_3 * z1 * c0 * c0 -
+      b1_3 * z1 * a0 * a0 - 2 * c1 * c1 * y1 * c0 * a1 * a0 +
+      2 * c1 * c1 * y1 * c0 * b1 * b0 + 2 * b1 * b1 * z0 * c0 * b0 * c1 -
+      2 * b1 * b1 * z0 * b0 * a1 * a0 - 2 * b1 * b1 * z1 * c0 * b0 * c1 +
+      2 * b1 * b1 * z1 * b0 * a1 * a0 - 2 * c0 * b1 * x0 * a0 * c1 * c1 -
+      2 * c0 * b1 * b1 * x1 * b0 * a1 - 2 * c0 * c0 * b1 * x1 * c1 * a1 +
+      2 * c0 * b1 * x1 * a0 * c1 * c1 + 2 * c0 * a1 * y0 * a0 * b1 * b1 -
+      2 * c0 * a1 * a1 * y0 * b1 * b0 - 2 * c0 * a1 * y1 * a0 * b1 * b1 +
+      2 * c0 * a1 * a1 * y1 * b1 * b0 + 2 * b0 * a1 * a1 * z0 * c1 * c0 -
+      2 * b0 * a1 * z0 * a0 * c1 * c1 - 2 * b0 * a1 * a1 * z1 * c1 * c0 +
+      2 * b0 * a1 * z1 * a0 * c1 * c1;
+  const double diffb0 =
+      -2 * c1 * c1 * x0 * c0 * b1 * b0 + 2 * c1 * c1 * x0 * c0 * a1 * a0 -
+      c1 * x0 * c0 * c0 * a1 * a1 + c1 * x0 * c0 * c0 * b1 * b1 +
+      c1 * x0 * b0 * b0 * a1 * a1 - c1 * x0 * a0 * a0 * b1 * b1 +
+      c1 * x1 * c0 * c0 * a1 * a1 - c1 * x1 * c0 * c0 * b1 * b1 -
+      c1 * x1 * b0 * b0 * a1 * a1 + c1 * x1 * a0 * a0 * b1 * b1 +
+      a1 * z0 * c0 * c0 * b1 * b1 - a1 * z0 * b0 * b0 * c1 * c1 -
+      a1 * z0 * a0 * a0 * b1 * b1 + a1 * z0 * a0 * a0 * c1 * c1 -
+      a1 * z1 * c0 * c0 * b1 * b1 + a1 * z1 * b0 * b0 * c1 * c1 +
+      a1 * z1 * a0 * a0 * b1 * b1 - a1 * z1 * a0 * a0 * c1 * c1 -
+      2 * a0 * c1_3 * y0 * b0 + 2 * a0 * c1_3 * y1 * b0 + c1_3 * x0 * b0 * b0 -
+      c1_3 * x0 * a0 * a0 - c1_3 * x1 * b0 * b0 + c1_3 * x1 * a0 * a0 +
+      a1_3 * z0 * c0 * c0 - 2 * c1 * c1 * x1 * c0 * a1 * a0 +
+      2 * c1 * c1 * x1 * c0 * b1 * b0 - 2 * a1 * a1 * z0 * c0 * a0 * c1 +
+      2 * a1 * a1 * z0 * b0 * a0 * b1 - a1_3 * z0 * b0 * b0 -
+      a1_3 * z1 * c0 * c0 + a1_3 * z1 * b0 * b0 +
+      2 * a1 * a1 * z1 * c0 * a0 * c1 - 2 * a1 * a1 * z1 * b0 * a0 * b1 +
+      2 * c0 * b1 * b1 * x0 * a1 * a0 - 2 * c0 * b1 * x0 * b0 * a1 * a1 -
+      2 * c0 * b1 * b1 * x1 * a1 * a0 + 2 * c0 * b1 * x1 * b0 * a1 * a1 +
+      2 * a0 * a0 * c1 * y0 * a1 * b1 - 2 * a0 * c1 * y0 * b0 * a1 * a1 +
+      2 * a0 * c1 * c1 * y0 * c0 * b1 - 2 * a0 * a0 * c1 * y1 * a1 * b1 +
+      2 * a0 * c1 * y1 * b0 * a1 * a1 - 2 * a0 * c1 * c1 * y1 * c0 * b1 -
+      2 * c0 * a1 * a1 * y0 * a0 * b1 + 2 * c0 * a1_3 * y0 * b0 -
+      2 * c0 * a1_3 * y1 * b0 + 2 * c0 * a1 * y0 * b0 * c1 * c1 -
+      2 * c0 * c0 * a1 * y0 * c1 * b1 + 2 * c0 * a1 * a1 * y1 * a0 * b1 -
+      2 * c0 * a1 * y1 * b0 * c1 * c1 + 2 * c0 * c0 * a1 * y1 * c1 * b1 +
+      2 * a0 * b1 * z0 * b0 * c1 * c1 - 2 * a0 * b1 * b1 * z0 * c1 * c0 -
+      2 * a0 * b1 * z1 * b0 * c1 * c1 + 2 * a0 * b1 * b1 * z1 * c1 * c0;
+  Matrix diffh(1, 6);
+  diffh(0, 0) = diffx0 / K;
+  diffh(0, 1) = diffy0 / K;
+  diffh(0, 2) = diffz0 / K;
+  K *= K;
+  diffh(0, 3) = diffa0 / K;
+  diffh(0, 4) = diffb0 / K;
+  diffh(0, 5) = 0;
   /* --- Multiply Jline=dline/dq with diffh=de/dline --- */
-   J.resize(1,J.cols());
-   J= diffh*Jline;
-  //J=Jline;
+  J.resize(1, J.cols());
+  J = diffh * Jline;
+  // J=Jline;
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return J;
 /** Compute the error between two visual features from a subset
-*a the possible features.
+ *a the possible features.
-FeatureLineDistance::computeError( Vector& error,int time )
+Vector &FeatureLineDistance::computeError(Vector &error, int time) {
   /* Line coordinates */
   const Vector &line = lineSOUT(time);
-  const double & x0 = line(0);
-  const double & y0 = line(1);
-  const double & z0 = line(2);
-  const double & a0 = line(3);
-  const double & b0 = line(4);
-  const double & c0 = line(5);
+  const double &x0 = line(0);
+  const double &y0 = line(1);
+  const double &z0 = line(2);
+  const double &a0 = line(3);
+  const double &b0 = line(4);
+  const double &c0 = line(5);
   const Vector &posRef = positionRefSIN(time);
-  const double & x1 = posRef(0);
-  const double & y1 = posRef(1);
-  const double & z1 = posRef(2);
-  const double & a1 = posRef(3);
-  const double & b1 = posRef(4);
-  const double & c1 = posRef(5);
+  const double &x1 = posRef(0);
+  const double &y1 = posRef(1);
+  const double &z1 = posRef(2);
+  const double &a1 = posRef(3);
+  const double &b1 = posRef(4);
+  const double &c1 = posRef(5);
-  double K = c0*c0*a1*a1 - 2*c0*a1*a0*c1 - 2*c0*b1*b0*c1 + c0*c0*b1*b1 - 2*b0*a1*a0*b1 + b0*b0*a1*a1 + b0*b0*c1*c1 + a0*a0*b1*b1 + a0*a0*c1*c1;
-  error(0) = ( - b0*c1*x0 + b0*c1*x1 + c0*b1*x0 - c0*b1*x1
-               + a0*c1*y0 - a0*c1*y1 - c0*a1*y0 + c0*a1*y1
-               - a0*b1*z0 + a0*b1*z1 + b0*a1*z0 - b0*a1*z1 ) / K;
+  double K = c0 * c0 * a1 * a1 - 2 * c0 * a1 * a0 * c1 - 2 * c0 * b1 * b0 * c1 +
+             c0 * c0 * b1 * b1 - 2 * b0 * a1 * a0 * b1 + b0 * b0 * a1 * a1 +
+             b0 * b0 * c1 * c1 + a0 * a0 * b1 * b1 + a0 * a0 * c1 * c1;
+  error(0) = (-b0 * c1 * x0 + b0 * c1 * x1 + c0 * b1 * x0 - c0 * b1 * x1 +
+              a0 * c1 * y0 - a0 * c1 * y1 - c0 * a1 * y0 + c0 * a1 * y1 -
+              a0 * b1 * z0 + a0 * b1 * z1 + b0 * a1 * z0 - b0 * a1 * z1) /
+             K;
   /* --- DEBUG --- */
-//   error.resize(6);
-//   error=line-posRef;
+  //   error.resize(6);
+  //   error=line-posRef;
-  return error ;
+  return error;
-void FeatureLineDistance::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<"LineDistance <"<<name<<">";
+void FeatureLineDistance::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "LineDistance <" << name << ">";
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-point6d-relative.cpp b/src/feature/feature-point6d-relative.cpp
index fda9a44b..e6ab8179 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-point6d-relative.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-point6d-relative.cpp
@@ -13,159 +13,164 @@
 /* --- SOT --- */
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-point6d-relative.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-point6d-relative.hh>
-#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
+#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+                                   "FeaturePoint6dRelative");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-FeaturePoint6dRelative( const string& pointName )
-  : FeaturePoint6d( pointName )
-  ,positionReferenceSIN( NULL,"sotFeaturePoint6dRelative("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::positionRef" )
-  ,articularJacobianReferenceSIN( NULL,"sotFeaturePoint6dRelative("+name+")::input(matrix)::JqRef" )
-  ,dotpositionSIN(NULL,"sotFeaturePoint6dRelative("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::dotposition" )
-  ,dotpositionReferenceSIN(NULL,"sotFeaturePoint6dRelative("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::dotpositionRef" )
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( positionReferenceSIN );
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( articularJacobianReferenceSIN );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( positionReferenceSIN );
+FeaturePoint6dRelative::FeaturePoint6dRelative(const string &pointName)
+    : FeaturePoint6d(pointName),
+      positionReferenceSIN(NULL, "sotFeaturePoint6dRelative(" + name +
+                                     ")::input(matrixHomo)::positionRef"),
+      articularJacobianReferenceSIN(NULL, "sotFeaturePoint6dRelative(" + name +
+                                              ")::input(matrix)::JqRef"),
+      dotpositionSIN(NULL, "sotFeaturePoint6dRelative(" + name +
+                               ")::input(matrixHomo)::dotposition"),
+      dotpositionReferenceSIN(NULL,
+                              "sotFeaturePoint6dRelative(" + name +
+                                  ")::input(matrixHomo)::dotpositionRef") {
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(positionReferenceSIN);
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(articularJacobianReferenceSIN);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(positionReferenceSIN);
-  signalRegistration( positionReferenceSIN<<articularJacobianReferenceSIN );
+  signalRegistration(positionReferenceSIN << articularJacobianReferenceSIN);
-  signalRegistration( dotpositionSIN <<
-		      dotpositionReferenceSIN <<
-		      errordotSOUT );
+  signalRegistration(dotpositionSIN << dotpositionReferenceSIN << errordotSOUT);
-  errordotSOUT.setFunction (boost::bind (&FeaturePoint6dRelative::computeErrordot,
-					 this, _1, _2));
+  errordotSOUT.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&FeaturePoint6dRelative::computeErrordot, this, _1, _2));
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /** Compute the interaction matrix from a subset of
  * the possible features.
-Matrix& FeaturePoint6dRelative::
-computeJacobian( Matrix& Jres,int time )
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+Matrix &FeaturePoint6dRelative::computeJacobian(Matrix &Jres, int time) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
-  const Matrix & Jq = articularJacobianSIN(time);
-  const Matrix & JqRef = articularJacobianReferenceSIN(time);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous & wMp = positionSIN(time);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous & wMpref = positionReferenceSIN(time);
+  const Matrix &Jq = articularJacobianSIN(time);
+  const Matrix &JqRef = articularJacobianReferenceSIN(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &wMp = positionSIN(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &wMpref = positionReferenceSIN(time);
   const Matrix::Index cJ = Jq.cols();
-  Matrix J(6,cJ);
+  Matrix J(6, cJ);
-    MatrixHomogeneous pMw;  pMw = wMp.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
-    MatrixHomogeneous pMpref; pMpref= pMw*wMpref;
-    MatrixTwist pVpref;    buildFrom(pMpref, pVpref );
-    J = pVpref*JqRef;
+    MatrixHomogeneous pMw;
+    pMw = wMp.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
+    MatrixHomogeneous pMpref;
+    pMpref = pMw * wMpref;
+    MatrixTwist pVpref;
+    buildFrom(pMpref, pVpref);
+    J = pVpref * JqRef;
     J -= Jq;
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
   const int dim = dimensionSOUT(time);
-  sotDEBUG(15) <<"Dimension="<<dim<<std::endl;
-  Jres.resize(dim,cJ) ;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Dimension=" << dim << std::endl;
+  Jres.resize(dim, cJ);
   unsigned int rJ = 0;
-  for( unsigned int r=0;r<6;++r )
-    if( fl(r) )
-      {
-	for( unsigned int c=0;c<cJ;++c )
-	  Jres(rJ,c)=J(r,c);
-	rJ ++;
-      }
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 6; ++r)
+    if (fl(r)) {
+      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < cJ; ++c)
+        Jres(rJ, c) = J(r, c);
+      rJ++;
+    }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return Jres;
 /** Compute the error between two visual features from a subset
  * a the possible features.
-FeaturePoint6dRelative::computeError( Vector& error,int time )
+Vector &FeaturePoint6dRelative::computeError(Vector &error, int time) {
-//   /* TODO */
-//   error.resize(6); error.fill(.0);
+  //   /* TODO */
+  //   error.resize(6); error.fill(.0);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous & wMp = positionSIN(time);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous & wMpref = positionReferenceSIN(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &wMp = positionSIN(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &wMpref = positionReferenceSIN(time);
-  MatrixHomogeneous pMw;  pMw = wMp.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
-  MatrixHomogeneous pMpref; pMpref = pMw*wMpref;
+  MatrixHomogeneous pMw;
+  pMw = wMp.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
+  MatrixHomogeneous pMpref;
+  pMpref = pMw * wMpref;
   MatrixHomogeneous Merr;
-  try
-    {
-      if( isReferenceSet() )
-	{
-	  // TODO: Deal with the case of FeaturePoint6dRelative reference without dcast
-	  FeaturePoint6dRelative * sdes6d = dynamic_cast<FeaturePoint6dRelative*>(getReference());
-	  if( NULL!=sdes6d )
-	    {
-	         const MatrixHomogeneous & wMp_des = sdes6d->positionSIN(time);
-		 const MatrixHomogeneous & wMpref_des = sdes6d->positionReferenceSIN(time);
-		 MatrixHomogeneous pMw_des;  pMw_des = wMp_des.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
-		 MatrixHomogeneous pMpref_des; pMpref_des=pMw_des*wMpref_des;
-		 MatrixHomogeneous Minv; Minv = pMpref_des.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
-		 Merr=pMpref*Minv;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      const MatrixHomogeneous & Mref = getReference()->positionSIN(time);
-	      MatrixHomogeneous Minv; Minv = Mref.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
-	      Merr=pMpref*Minv;
-	    }
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  Merr=pMpref;
-	}
-    } catch( ... ) { Merr=pMpref; }
-  MatrixRotation Rerr; Rerr = Merr.linear();
+  try {
+    if (isReferenceSet()) {
+      // TODO: Deal with the case of FeaturePoint6dRelative reference without
+      // dcast
+      FeaturePoint6dRelative *sdes6d =
+          dynamic_cast<FeaturePoint6dRelative *>(getReference());
+      if (NULL != sdes6d) {
+        const MatrixHomogeneous &wMp_des = sdes6d->positionSIN(time);
+        const MatrixHomogeneous &wMpref_des =
+            sdes6d->positionReferenceSIN(time);
+        MatrixHomogeneous pMw_des;
+        pMw_des = wMp_des.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
+        MatrixHomogeneous pMpref_des;
+        pMpref_des = pMw_des * wMpref_des;
+        MatrixHomogeneous Minv;
+        Minv = pMpref_des.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
+        Merr = pMpref * Minv;
+      } else {
+        const MatrixHomogeneous &Mref = getReference()->positionSIN(time);
+        MatrixHomogeneous Minv;
+        Minv = Mref.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
+        Merr = pMpref * Minv;
+      }
+    } else {
+      Merr = pMpref;
+    }
+  } catch (...) {
+    Merr = pMpref;
+  }
+  MatrixRotation Rerr;
+  Rerr = Merr.linear();
   VectorUTheta rerr(Rerr);
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
-  error.resize(dimensionSOUT(time)) ;
+  error.resize(dimensionSOUT(time));
   unsigned int cursor = 0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i )
-    { if( fl(i) ) error(cursor++) = Merr(i,3); }
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i )
-    { if( fl(i+3) ) error(cursor++) = rerr.angle()*rerr.axis()(i); }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    if (fl(i))
+      error(cursor++) = Merr(i, 3);
+  }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    if (fl(i + 3))
+      error(cursor++) = rerr.angle() * rerr.axis()(i);
+  }
-  return error ;
+  return error;
 /** Compute the error between two visual features from a subset
@@ -173,121 +178,125 @@ FeaturePoint6dRelative::computeError( Vector& error,int time )
  * This is computed by the desired feature.
-FeaturePoint6dRelative::computeErrorDot( Vector& errordot,int time )
+Vector &FeaturePoint6dRelative::computeErrorDot(Vector &errordot, int time) {
   //   /* TODO */
   //   error.resize(6); error.fill(.0);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous & wMp = positionSIN(time);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous & wMpref = positionReferenceSIN(time);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous & wdMp = dotpositionSIN(time);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous & wdMpref = dotpositionReferenceSIN(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &wMp = positionSIN(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &wMpref = positionReferenceSIN(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &wdMp = dotpositionSIN(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &wdMpref = dotpositionReferenceSIN(time);
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "wdMp :" <<wdMp << endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "wdMpref :" <<wdMpref << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "wdMp :" << wdMp << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "wdMpref :" << wdMpref << endl;
   MatrixRotation dRerr;
   Vector dtrerr;
-  try
-    {
-      MatrixRotation wRp;      wRp      = wMp.linear();
-      MatrixRotation wRpref;   wRpref   = wMpref.linear();
-      MatrixRotation wdRp;     wdRp     = wdMp.linear();
-      MatrixRotation wdRpref;  wdRpref  = wdMpref.linear();
-      Vector trp(3);       trp      = wMp.translation();
-      Vector trpref(3);    trpref   = wMpref.translation();
-      Vector trdp(3);      trdp     = wdMp.translation();
-      Vector trdpref(3);   trdpref  = wdMpref.translation();
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Everything is extracted" <<endl;
-      MatrixRotation wdRpt,wRpt,op1,op2;
-      wdRpt = wdRp.transpose();op1=wdRpt*wRpref;
-      wRpt = wRp.transpose();op2=wRpt*wdRpref;
-      dRerr = op1+op2;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "dRerr" << dRerr << endl;
-      Vector trtmp1(3),vop1(3),vop2(3);
-      trtmp1 = trpref-trp;
-      vop1=wdRpt*trtmp1;
-      trtmp1 = trdpref-trdp;
-      vop2=wRpt*trtmp1;
-      dtrerr = vop1-vop2;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "dtrerr" << dtrerr << endl;
-    } catch( ... ) { sotDEBUG(15) << "You've got a problem with errordot." << std::endl; }
+  try {
+    MatrixRotation wRp;
+    wRp = wMp.linear();
+    MatrixRotation wRpref;
+    wRpref = wMpref.linear();
+    MatrixRotation wdRp;
+    wdRp = wdMp.linear();
+    MatrixRotation wdRpref;
+    wdRpref = wdMpref.linear();
+    Vector trp(3);
+    trp = wMp.translation();
+    Vector trpref(3);
+    trpref = wMpref.translation();
+    Vector trdp(3);
+    trdp = wdMp.translation();
+    Vector trdpref(3);
+    trdpref = wdMpref.translation();
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Everything is extracted" << endl;
+    MatrixRotation wdRpt, wRpt, op1, op2;
+    wdRpt = wdRp.transpose();
+    op1 = wdRpt * wRpref;
+    wRpt = wRp.transpose();
+    op2 = wRpt * wdRpref;
+    dRerr = op1 + op2;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "dRerr" << dRerr << endl;
+    Vector trtmp1(3), vop1(3), vop2(3);
+    trtmp1 = trpref - trp;
+    vop1 = wdRpt * trtmp1;
+    trtmp1 = trdpref - trdp;
+    vop2 = wRpt * trtmp1;
+    dtrerr = vop1 - vop2;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "dtrerr" << dtrerr << endl;
+  } catch (...) {
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "You've got a problem with errordot." << std::endl;
+  }
   VectorUTheta rerr(dRerr);
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
-  errordot.resize(dimensionSOUT(time)) ;
+  errordot.resize(dimensionSOUT(time));
   unsigned int cursor = 0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i )
-    { if( fl(i) ) errordot(cursor++) = dtrerr(i); }
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i )
-    { if( fl(i+3) ) errordot(cursor++) = rerr.angle()*rerr.axis()(i); }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    if (fl(i))
+      errordot(cursor++) = dtrerr(i);
+  }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    if (fl(i + 3))
+      errordot(cursor++) = rerr.angle() * rerr.axis()(i);
+  }
-  return errordot ;
+  return errordot;
-static const char * featureNames  []
-= { "X ",
-    "Y ",
-    "Z ",
-    "RX",
-    "RY",
-    "RZ"  };
-void FeaturePoint6dRelative::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<"Point6dRelative <"<<name<<">: (" ;
-  try{
+static const char *featureNames[] = {"X ", "Y ", "Z ", "RX", "RY", "RZ"};
+void FeaturePoint6dRelative::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "Point6dRelative <" << name << ">: (";
+  try {
     const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.accessCopy();
     bool first = true;
-    for( int i=0;i<6;++i )
-      if( fl(i) )
-	{
-	  if( first ) { first = false; } else { os << ","; }
-	  os << featureNames[i];
-	}
-    os<<") ";
-  }  catch(ExceptionAbstract e){ os<< " selectSIN not set."; }
+    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+      if (fl(i)) {
+        if (first) {
+          first = false;
+        } else {
+          os << ",";
+        }
+        os << featureNames[i];
+      }
+    os << ") ";
+  } catch (ExceptionAbstract e) {
+    os << " selectSIN not set.";
+  }
-void FeaturePoint6dRelative::
-initCommands( void )
+void FeaturePoint6dRelative::initCommands(void) {
   using namespace command;
-  addCommand( "initSdes",
-	      makeCommandVoid1( *this,&FeaturePoint6dRelative::initSdes,
-				docCommandVoid1( "Initialize the desired feature.",
-						 "string (desired feature name)")));
+  addCommand("initSdes", makeCommandVoid1(
+                             *this, &FeaturePoint6dRelative::initSdes,
+                             docCommandVoid1("Initialize the desired feature.",
+                                             "string (desired feature name)")));
-/* Initialise the reference value: set up the sdes signal of the current feature,
- * and freezes the position and position-reference of the desired feature.
+/* Initialise the reference value: set up the sdes signal of the current
+ * feature, and freezes the position and position-reference of the desired
+ * feature.
-void FeaturePoint6dRelative::
-initSdes( const std::string & nameSdes )
-  FeaturePoint6dRelative & sdes
-    = dynamic_cast< FeaturePoint6dRelative &>
-    (dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getEntity(nameSdes));
+void FeaturePoint6dRelative::initSdes(const std::string &nameSdes) {
+  FeaturePoint6dRelative &sdes = dynamic_cast<FeaturePoint6dRelative &>(
+      dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getEntity(nameSdes));
-  const int timeCurr = positionSIN.getTime() +1;
-  positionSIN.recompute( timeCurr );
-  positionReferenceSIN.recompute( timeCurr );
+  const int timeCurr = positionSIN.getTime() + 1;
+  positionSIN.recompute(timeCurr);
+  positionReferenceSIN.recompute(timeCurr);
-  sdes.positionSIN.setConstant( positionSIN.accessCopy() );
-  sdes.positionReferenceSIN.setConstant( positionReferenceSIN.accessCopy() );
+  sdes.positionSIN.setConstant(positionSIN.accessCopy());
+  sdes.positionReferenceSIN.setConstant(positionReferenceSIN.accessCopy());
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-point6d.cpp b/src/feature/feature-point6d.cpp
index ed065f5a..5568faa4 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-point6d.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-point6d.cpp
@@ -16,55 +16,53 @@
 /* --- SOT --- */
 //#define VP_DEBUG
 //#define VP_DEBUG_MODE 45
-#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-bind.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
 #include <Eigen/LU>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-point6d.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-point6d.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FeaturePoint6d, "FeaturePoint6d");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-const FeaturePoint6d::ComputationFrameType FeaturePoint6d::
-FeaturePoint6d( const string& pointName )
-  : FeatureAbstract( pointName )
-    ,computationFrame_( COMPUTATION_FRAME_DEFAULT )
-    ,positionSIN( NULL,"sotFeaturePoint6d("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::position" )
-  ,velocitySIN (NULL, "sotFeaturePoint6d("+name+")::input(vector)::velocity")
-    ,articularJacobianSIN( NULL,"sotFeaturePoint6d("+name+")::input(matrix)::Jq" )
-  , error_th_ (),
-    R_ (), Rref_ (), Rt_ (), Rreft_ (), P_ (3, 3), Pinv_ (3, 3),
-    accuracy_ (1e-8)
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( positionSIN );
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( articularJacobianSIN );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( positionSIN );
-  signalRegistration( positionSIN<<articularJacobianSIN );
-  signalRegistration (errordotSOUT << velocitySIN);
-  errordotSOUT.setFunction (boost::bind (&FeaturePoint6d::computeErrordot,
-					 this, _1, _2));
-  errordotSOUT.addDependency (velocitySIN);
-  errordotSOUT.addDependency (positionSIN);
-  errordotSOUT.addDependency (errorSOUT);
+const FeaturePoint6d::ComputationFrameType
+FeaturePoint6d::FeaturePoint6d(const string &pointName)
+    : FeatureAbstract(pointName), computationFrame_(COMPUTATION_FRAME_DEFAULT),
+      positionSIN(NULL, "sotFeaturePoint6d(" + name +
+                            ")::input(matrixHomo)::position"),
+      velocitySIN(NULL,
+                  "sotFeaturePoint6d(" + name + ")::input(vector)::velocity"),
+      articularJacobianSIN(NULL, "sotFeaturePoint6d(" + name +
+                                     ")::input(matrix)::Jq"),
+      error_th_(), R_(), Rref_(), Rt_(), Rreft_(), P_(3, 3), Pinv_(3, 3),
+      accuracy_(1e-8) {
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(positionSIN);
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(articularJacobianSIN);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(positionSIN);
+  signalRegistration(positionSIN << articularJacobianSIN);
+  signalRegistration(errordotSOUT << velocitySIN);
+  errordotSOUT.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&FeaturePoint6d::computeErrordot, this, _1, _2));
+  errordotSOUT.addDependency(velocitySIN);
+  errordotSOUT.addDependency(positionSIN);
+  errordotSOUT.addDependency(errorSOUT);
   // Commands
@@ -72,226 +70,223 @@ FeaturePoint6d( const string& pointName )
     using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
     std::string docstring;
     // Set computation frame
-    docstring =
-      "Set computation frame\n"
-      "\n"
-      "  Input:\n"
-      "    a string: 'current' or 'desired'.\n"
-      "      If 'current', the error is defined as the rotation vector (VectorUTheta)\n"
-      "      corresponding to the position of the reference in the current frame:\n"
-      "                         -1 *\n"
-      "        error = utheta (M  M )\n"
-      "      If 'desired',      *-1\n"
-      "        error = utheta (M   M)\n";
+    docstring = "Set computation frame\n"
+                "\n"
+                "  Input:\n"
+                "    a string: 'current' or 'desired'.\n"
+                "      If 'current', the error is defined as the rotation "
+                "vector (VectorUTheta)\n"
+                "      corresponding to the position of the reference in the "
+                "current frame:\n"
+                "                         -1 *\n"
+                "        error = utheta (M  M )\n"
+                "      If 'desired',      *-1\n"
+                "        error = utheta (M   M)\n";
-	       new dynamicgraph::command::Setter<FeaturePoint6d, std::string>
-	       (*this, &FeaturePoint6d::computationFrame, docstring));
-    docstring =
-      "Get frame of computation of the error\n"
-      "\n"
-      "  See command 'frame' for definition.\n";
+               new dynamicgraph::command::Setter<FeaturePoint6d, std::string>(
+                   *this, &FeaturePoint6d::computationFrame, docstring));
+    docstring = "Get frame of computation of the error\n"
+                "\n"
+                "  See command 'frame' for definition.\n";
-	       new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<FeaturePoint6d, std::string>
-	       (*this, &FeaturePoint6d::computationFrame, docstring));
-    addCommand("keep",
-	       makeCommandVoid0(*this,&FeaturePoint6d::servoCurrentPosition,
-				docCommandVoid0("modify the desired position to servo at current pos.")));
+               new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<FeaturePoint6d, std::string>(
+                   *this, &FeaturePoint6d::computationFrame, docstring));
+    addCommand(
+        "keep",
+        makeCommandVoid0(
+            *this, &FeaturePoint6d::servoCurrentPosition,
+            docCommandVoid0(
+                "modify the desired position to servo at current pos.")));
-void FeaturePoint6d::
-addDependenciesFromReference( void )
-  assert( isReferenceSet() );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( getReference()->positionSIN );
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( getReference()->positionSIN );
+void FeaturePoint6d::addDependenciesFromReference(void) {
+  assert(isReferenceSet());
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(getReference()->positionSIN);
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(getReference()->positionSIN);
-void FeaturePoint6d::
-removeDependenciesFromReference( void )
-  assert( isReferenceSet() );
-  errorSOUT.removeDependency( getReference()->positionSIN );
-  jacobianSOUT.removeDependency( getReference()->positionSIN );
+void FeaturePoint6d::removeDependenciesFromReference(void) {
+  assert(isReferenceSet());
+  errorSOUT.removeDependency(getReference()->positionSIN);
+  jacobianSOUT.removeDependency(getReference()->positionSIN);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void FeaturePoint6d::
-computationFrame(const std::string& inFrame)
+void FeaturePoint6d::computationFrame(const std::string &inFrame) {
   if (inFrame == "current")
     computationFrame_ = FRAME_CURRENT;
   else if (inFrame == "desired")
     computationFrame_ = FRAME_DESIRED;
   else {
-    std::string msg("FeaturePoint6d::computationFrame: "
-		    + inFrame + ": invalid argument,\n"
-		    "expecting 'current' or 'desired'");
+    std::string msg("FeaturePoint6d::computationFrame: " + inFrame +
+                    ": invalid argument,\n"
+                    "expecting 'current' or 'desired'");
     throw ExceptionFeature(ExceptionFeature::GENERIC, msg);
 /// \brief Get computation frame
-std::string FeaturePoint6d::
-computationFrame() const
-  switch(computationFrame_)
-    {
-    case FRAME_CURRENT:
-      return "current";
-    case FRAME_DESIRED:
-      return "desired";
-    }
-  assert( false&&"Case not handled" );
+std::string FeaturePoint6d::computationFrame() const {
+  switch (computationFrame_) {
+    return "current";
+    return "desired";
+  }
+  assert(false && "Case not handled");
   return "Case not handled";
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-unsigned int& FeaturePoint6d::
-getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time )
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+unsigned int &FeaturePoint6d::getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time) {
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# In {" << endl;
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.access(time);
   dim = 0;
-  for( int i=0;i<6;++i ) if( fl(i) ) dim++;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+    if (fl(i))
+      dim++;
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return dim;
 /** Compute the interaction matrix from a subset of
  * the possible features.
-Matrix& FeaturePoint6d::
-computeJacobian( Matrix& J,int time )
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+Matrix &FeaturePoint6d::computeJacobian(Matrix &J, int time) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
-  const Matrix & Jq = articularJacobianSIN(time);
-  const int & dim = dimensionSOUT(time);
+  const Matrix &Jq = articularJacobianSIN(time);
+  const int &dim = dimensionSOUT(time);
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"dim = "<<dimensionSOUT(time)<<" time:" << time << " "
-              << dimensionSOUT.getTime() << " " << dimensionSOUT.getReady() << endl;
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"selec = "<<selectionSIN(time)<<" time:" << time << " "
-              << selectionSIN.getTime() << " " << selectionSIN.getReady() << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "dim = " << dimensionSOUT(time) << " time:" << time << " "
+               << dimensionSOUT.getTime() << " " << dimensionSOUT.getReady()
+               << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "selec = " << selectionSIN(time) << " time:" << time << " "
+               << selectionSIN.getTime() << " " << selectionSIN.getReady()
+               << endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) <<"Dimension="<<dim<<std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Dimension=" << dim << std::endl;
   const Matrix::Index cJ = Jq.cols();
-  J.resize(dim,cJ) ;
-  Matrix LJq(6,cJ);
-  if( FRAME_CURRENT==computationFrame_ )
-    {
-      /* The Jacobian on rotation is equal to Jr = - hdRh Jr6d.
-       * The Jacobian in translation is equalt to Jt = [hRw(wthd-wth)]x Jr - Jt. */
-      const MatrixHomogeneous& wMh = positionSIN(time);
-      MatrixRotation wRh;      wRh = wMh.linear();
-      MatrixRotation wRhd;
-      Vector hdth(3),Rhdth(3);
-      if( isReferenceSet() )
-        {
-          const MatrixHomogeneous& wMhd = getReference()->positionSIN(time);
-          wRhd = wMhd.linear();
-          for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) hdth(i)=wMhd(i,3)-wMh(i,3);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          wRhd.setIdentity();
-          for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) hdth(i)=-wMh(i,3);
-        }
-      Rhdth=(wRh.inverse())*hdth;
-      MatrixRotation hdRh; hdRh = (wRhd.inverse())*wRh;
-      Matrix Lx(6,6);
-      for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
-	{for(unsigned int j=0;j<3;j++)
-            {
-              if( i==j) { Lx(i,j)=-1; } else { Lx(i,j)=0; }
-              Lx(i+3,j)=0;
-              Lx(i+3,j+3)=-hdRh(i,j);
-            }
-        }
-      const double & X=Rhdth(0), &Y=Rhdth(1), &Z=Rhdth(2);
-      Lx(0,4) = -Z ;      Lx(0,5) =  Y ;       Lx(1,3) = Z ;
-      Lx(1,5) = -X ;      Lx(2,3) = -Y ;       Lx(2,4) = X ;
-      Lx(0,3) =  0 ;      Lx(1,4) =  0 ;       Lx(2,5) = 0 ;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Lx= "<<Lx<<endl;
-      LJq=Lx*Jq;
+  J.resize(dim, cJ);
+  Matrix LJq(6, cJ);
+  if (FRAME_CURRENT == computationFrame_) {
+    /* The Jacobian on rotation is equal to Jr = - hdRh Jr6d.
+     * The Jacobian in translation is equalt to Jt = [hRw(wthd-wth)]x Jr - Jt.
+     */
+    const MatrixHomogeneous &wMh = positionSIN(time);
+    MatrixRotation wRh;
+    wRh = wMh.linear();
+    MatrixRotation wRhd;
+    Vector hdth(3), Rhdth(3);
+    if (isReferenceSet()) {
+      const MatrixHomogeneous &wMhd = getReference()->positionSIN(time);
+      wRhd = wMhd.linear();
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        hdth(i) = wMhd(i, 3) - wMh(i, 3);
+    } else {
+      wRhd.setIdentity();
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        hdth(i) = -wMh(i, 3);
-  else
-    {
-      /* The Jacobian in rotation is equal to Jr = hdJ = hdRh Jr.
-       * The Jacobian in translation is equal to Jr = hdJ = hdRh Jr. */
-      const MatrixHomogeneous& wMh = positionSIN(time);
-      MatrixRotation wRh; wRh = wMh.linear();
-      MatrixRotation hdRh;
-      if( isReferenceSet() )
-        {
-          const MatrixHomogeneous& wMhd = getReference()->positionSIN(time);
-          MatrixRotation wRhd; wRhd = wMhd.linear();
-          hdRh = (wRhd.inverse())*wRh;
+    Rhdth = (wRh.inverse()) * hdth;
+    MatrixRotation hdRh;
+    hdRh = (wRhd.inverse()) * wRh;
+    Matrix Lx(6, 6);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+        if (i == j) {
+          Lx(i, j) = -1;
+        } else {
+          Lx(i, j) = 0;
-      else
-        { hdRh = wRh; }
-       LJq.fill(0);
-       for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
-         for(unsigned int j=0;j<cJ;j++)
-           {
-             for(unsigned int k=0;k<3;k++)
-               {
-                 LJq(i,j)+=hdRh(i,k)*Jq(k,j);
-                 LJq(i+3,j)+=hdRh(i,k)*Jq(k+3,j);
-               }
-           }
+        Lx(i + 3, j) = 0;
+        Lx(i + 3, j + 3) = -hdRh(i, j);
+      }
+    }
+    const double &X = Rhdth(0), &Y = Rhdth(1), &Z = Rhdth(2);
+    Lx(0, 4) = -Z;
+    Lx(0, 5) = Y;
+    Lx(1, 3) = Z;
+    Lx(1, 5) = -X;
+    Lx(2, 3) = -Y;
+    Lx(2, 4) = X;
+    Lx(0, 3) = 0;
+    Lx(1, 4) = 0;
+    Lx(2, 5) = 0;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Lx= " << Lx << endl;
+    LJq = Lx * Jq;
+  } else {
+    /* The Jacobian in rotation is equal to Jr = hdJ = hdRh Jr.
+     * The Jacobian in translation is equal to Jr = hdJ = hdRh Jr. */
+    const MatrixHomogeneous &wMh = positionSIN(time);
+    MatrixRotation wRh;
+    wRh = wMh.linear();
+    MatrixRotation hdRh;
+    if (isReferenceSet()) {
+      const MatrixHomogeneous &wMhd = getReference()->positionSIN(time);
+      MatrixRotation wRhd;
+      wRhd = wMhd.linear();
+      hdRh = (wRhd.inverse()) * wRh;
+    } else {
+      hdRh = wRh;
+    LJq.fill(0);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cJ; j++) {
+        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+          LJq(i, j) += hdRh(i, k) * Jq(k, j);
+          LJq(i + 3, j) += hdRh(i, k) * Jq(k + 3, j);
+        }
+      }
+  }
   /* Select the active line of Jq. */
   unsigned int rJ = 0;
-  for( unsigned int r=0;r<6;++r )
-    if( fl(r) )
-      {
-	for( unsigned int c=0;c<cJ;++c )
-	  J(rJ,c)=LJq(r,c);
-	rJ ++;
-      }
+  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 6; ++r)
+    if (fl(r)) {
+      for (unsigned int c = 0; c < cJ; ++c)
+        J(rJ, c) = LJq(r, c);
+      rJ++;
+    }
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return J;
-#define SOT_COMPUTE_H1MH2(wMh,wMhd,hMhd) {			\
-    MatrixHomogeneous hMw; hMw = wMh.inverse(Eigen::Affine);	\
-    sotDEBUG(15)<<"hMw = "<<hMw<<endl;				\
-    hMhd = hMw * wMhd;						\
-    sotDEBUG(15)<<"hMhd = "<<hMhd<<endl;			\
+#define SOT_COMPUTE_H1MH2(wMh, wMhd, hMhd)                                     \
+  {                                                                            \
+    MatrixHomogeneous hMw;                                                     \
+    hMw = wMh.inverse(Eigen::Affine);                                          \
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "hMw = " << hMw << endl;                                   \
+    hMhd = hMw * wMhd;                                                         \
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "hMhd = " << hMhd << endl;                                 \
 /** Compute the error between two visual features from a subset
  * a the possible features.
-FeaturePoint6d::computeError( Vector& error,int time )
+Vector &FeaturePoint6d::computeError(Vector &error, int time) {
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous& wMh = positionSIN(time);
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"wMh = "<<wMh<<endl;
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &wMh = positionSIN(time);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "wMh = " << wMh << endl;
   /* Computing only translation:                                        *
    * trans( hMw wMhd ) = htw + hRw wthd                                 *
@@ -300,115 +295,148 @@ FeaturePoint6d::computeError( Vector& error,int time )
    * The second line is obtained by writting hMw as the inverse of wMh. */
   MatrixHomogeneous hMhd;
-  if(isReferenceSet())
-    {
-      const MatrixHomogeneous& wMhd = getReference()->positionSIN(time);
-      sotDEBUG(15)<<"wMhd = "<<wMhd<<endl;
-      switch(computationFrame_)
-        {
-        case FRAME_CURRENT:
-          SOT_COMPUTE_H1MH2(wMh,wMhd,hMhd); break;
-        case FRAME_DESIRED:
-          SOT_COMPUTE_H1MH2(wMhd,wMh,hMhd); break; // Compute hdMh indeed.
-        };
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      switch(computationFrame_)
-        {
-        case FRAME_CURRENT:
-          hMhd=wMh.inverse(); break;
-        case FRAME_DESIRED:
-          hMhd=wMh; break; // Compute hdMh indeed.
-        };
-    }
+  if (isReferenceSet()) {
+    const MatrixHomogeneous &wMhd = getReference()->positionSIN(time);
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "wMhd = " << wMhd << endl;
+    switch (computationFrame_) {
+    case FRAME_CURRENT:
+      SOT_COMPUTE_H1MH2(wMh, wMhd, hMhd);
+      break;
+    case FRAME_DESIRED:
+      SOT_COMPUTE_H1MH2(wMhd, wMh, hMhd);
+      break; // Compute hdMh indeed.
+    };
+  } else {
+    switch (computationFrame_) {
+    case FRAME_CURRENT:
+      hMhd = wMh.inverse();
+      break;
+    case FRAME_DESIRED:
+      hMhd = wMh;
+      break; // Compute hdMh indeed.
+    };
+  }
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"dim = "<<dimensionSOUT(time)<<" time:" << time << " "
-              << dimensionSOUT.getTime() << " " << dimensionSOUT.getReady() << endl;
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"selec = "<<selectionSIN(time)<<" time:" << time << " "
-              << selectionSIN.getTime() << " " << selectionSIN.getReady() << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "dim = " << dimensionSOUT(time) << " time:" << time << " "
+               << dimensionSOUT.getTime() << " " << dimensionSOUT.getReady()
+               << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "selec = " << selectionSIN(time) << " time:" << time << " "
+               << selectionSIN.getTime() << " " << selectionSIN.getReady()
+               << endl;
-  error.resize(dimensionSOUT(time)) ;
+  error.resize(dimensionSOUT(time));
   unsigned int cursor = 0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i )
-    { if( fl(i) ) error(cursor++) = hMhd(i,3); }
-  if(fl(3)||fl(4)||fl(5))
-    {
-      MatrixRotation hRhd; hRhd = hMhd.linear();
-      error_th_.fromRotationMatrix(hRhd);
-      for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) {
-	if( fl(i+3) )
-	  error(cursor++) = error_th_.angle()*error_th_.axis()(i);
-      }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    if (fl(i))
+      error(cursor++) = hMhd(i, 3);
+  }
+  if (fl(3) || fl(4) || fl(5)) {
+    MatrixRotation hRhd;
+    hRhd = hMhd.linear();
+    error_th_.fromRotationMatrix(hRhd);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+      if (fl(i + 3))
+        error(cursor++) = error_th_.angle() * error_th_.axis()(i);
+  }
-  return error ;
+  return error;
-void FeaturePoint6d::inverseJacobianRodrigues ()
-      const double& r1 = error_th_.angle()*error_th_.axis()(0);
-      const double& r2 = error_th_.angle()*error_th_.axis()(1);
-      const double& r3 = error_th_.angle()*error_th_.axis()(2);
-      double r1_2 = r1*r1;
-      double r2_2 = r2*r2;
-      double r3_2 = r3*r3;
-      double r1_3 = r1*r1_2;
-      double r2_3 = r2*r2_2;
-      double r3_3 = r3*r3_2;
-      double r1_4 = r1_2*r1_2;
-      double r2_4 = r2_2*r2_2;
-      double r3_4 = r3_2*r3_2;
-      double norm_2 = r3_2+r2_2+r1_2;
-      if (norm_2 < accuracy_) {
-	P_.setIdentity ();
-      }
-      else {
-        // This code has been generated by maxima software
-        P_ (0,0) = ((r3_2+r2_2)*sqrt(norm_2)*sin(sqrt(norm_2))+r1_2*r3_2+r1_2*r2_2+r1_4)/(r3_4+(2*r2_2+2*r1_2)*r3_2+r2_4+2*r1_2*r2_2+r1_4);
-        P_ (0,1) = -(r1*r2*sqrt(norm_2)*sin(sqrt(norm_2))+(r3_3+(r2_2+r1_2)*r3)*cos(sqrt(norm_2))-r3_3-r1*r2*r3_2+(-r2_2-r1_2)*r3-r1*r2_3-r1_3*r2)/(r3_4+(2*r2_2+2*r1_2)*r3_2+r2_4+2*r1_2*r2_2+r1_4);
-        P_ (0,2) = -(r1*r3*sqrt(norm_2)*sin(sqrt(norm_2))+(-r2*r3_2-r2_3-r1_2*r2)*cos(sqrt(norm_2))-r1*r3_3+r2*r3_2+(-r1*r2_2-r1_3)*r3+r2_3+r1_2*r2)/(r3_4+(2*r2_2+2*r1_2)*r3_2+r2_4+2*r1_2*r2_2+r1_4);
-        P_ (1,0) = -(r1*r2*sqrt(norm_2)*sin(sqrt(norm_2))+((-r2_2-r1_2)*r3-r3_3)*cos(sqrt(norm_2))+r3_3-r1*r2*r3_2+(r2_2+r1_2)*r3-r1*r2_3-r1_3*r2)/(r3_4+(2*r2_2+2*r1_2)*r3_2+r2_4+2*r1_2*r2_2+r1_4);
-        P_ (1,1) = ((r3_2+r1_2)*sqrt(norm_2)*sin(sqrt(norm_2))+r2_2*r3_2+r2_4+r1_2*r2_2)/(r3_4+(2*r2_2+2*r1_2)*r3_2+r2_4+2*r1_2*r2_2+r1_4);
-        P_ (1,2) = -(r2*r3*sqrt(norm_2)*sin(sqrt(norm_2))+(r1*r3_2+r1*r2_2+r1_3)*cos(sqrt(norm_2))-r2*r3_3-r1*r3_2+(-r2_3-r1_2*r2)*r3-r1*r2_2-r1_3)/(r3_4+(2*r2_2+2*r1_2)*r3_2+r2_4+2*r1_2*r2_2+r1_4);
-        P_ (2,0) = -(r1*r3*sqrt(norm_2)*sin(sqrt(norm_2))+(r2*r3_2+r2_3+r1_2*r2)*cos(sqrt(norm_2))-r1*r3_3-r2*r3_2+(-r1*r2_2-r1_3)*r3-r2_3-r1_2*r2)/(r3_4+(2*r2_2+2*r1_2)*r3_2+r2_4+2*r1_2*r2_2+r1_4);
-        P_ (2,1) = -(r2*r3*sqrt(norm_2)*sin(sqrt(norm_2))+(-r1*r3_2-r1*r2_2-r1_3)*cos(sqrt(norm_2))-r2*r3_3+r1*r3_2+(-r2_3-r1_2*r2)*r3+r1*r2_2+r1_3)/(r3_4+(2*r2_2+2*r1_2)*r3_2+r2_4+2*r1_2*r2_2+r1_4);
-        P_ (2,2) = ((r2_2+r1_2)*sqrt(norm_2)*sin(sqrt(norm_2))+r3_4+(r2_2+r1_2)*r3_2)/(r3_4+(2*r2_2+2*r1_2)*r3_2+r2_4+2*r1_2*r2_2+r1_4);
-      }
-      Pinv_= P_.inverse ();
+void FeaturePoint6d::inverseJacobianRodrigues() {
+  const double &r1 = error_th_.angle() * error_th_.axis()(0);
+  const double &r2 = error_th_.angle() * error_th_.axis()(1);
+  const double &r3 = error_th_.angle() * error_th_.axis()(2);
+  double r1_2 = r1 * r1;
+  double r2_2 = r2 * r2;
+  double r3_2 = r3 * r3;
+  double r1_3 = r1 * r1_2;
+  double r2_3 = r2 * r2_2;
+  double r3_3 = r3 * r3_2;
+  double r1_4 = r1_2 * r1_2;
+  double r2_4 = r2_2 * r2_2;
+  double r3_4 = r3_2 * r3_2;
+  double norm_2 = r3_2 + r2_2 + r1_2;
+  if (norm_2 < accuracy_) {
+    P_.setIdentity();
+  } else {
+    // This code has been generated by maxima software
+    P_(0, 0) =
+        ((r3_2 + r2_2) * sqrt(norm_2) * sin(sqrt(norm_2)) + r1_2 * r3_2 +
+         r1_2 * r2_2 + r1_4) /
+        (r3_4 + (2 * r2_2 + 2 * r1_2) * r3_2 + r2_4 + 2 * r1_2 * r2_2 + r1_4);
+    P_(0, 1) =
+        -(r1 * r2 * sqrt(norm_2) * sin(sqrt(norm_2)) +
+          (r3_3 + (r2_2 + r1_2) * r3) * cos(sqrt(norm_2)) - r3_3 -
+          r1 * r2 * r3_2 + (-r2_2 - r1_2) * r3 - r1 * r2_3 - r1_3 * r2) /
+        (r3_4 + (2 * r2_2 + 2 * r1_2) * r3_2 + r2_4 + 2 * r1_2 * r2_2 + r1_4);
+    P_(0, 2) =
+        -(r1 * r3 * sqrt(norm_2) * sin(sqrt(norm_2)) +
+          (-r2 * r3_2 - r2_3 - r1_2 * r2) * cos(sqrt(norm_2)) - r1 * r3_3 +
+          r2 * r3_2 + (-r1 * r2_2 - r1_3) * r3 + r2_3 + r1_2 * r2) /
+        (r3_4 + (2 * r2_2 + 2 * r1_2) * r3_2 + r2_4 + 2 * r1_2 * r2_2 + r1_4);
+    P_(1, 0) =
+        -(r1 * r2 * sqrt(norm_2) * sin(sqrt(norm_2)) +
+          ((-r2_2 - r1_2) * r3 - r3_3) * cos(sqrt(norm_2)) + r3_3 -
+          r1 * r2 * r3_2 + (r2_2 + r1_2) * r3 - r1 * r2_3 - r1_3 * r2) /
+        (r3_4 + (2 * r2_2 + 2 * r1_2) * r3_2 + r2_4 + 2 * r1_2 * r2_2 + r1_4);
+    P_(1, 1) =
+        ((r3_2 + r1_2) * sqrt(norm_2) * sin(sqrt(norm_2)) + r2_2 * r3_2 + r2_4 +
+         r1_2 * r2_2) /
+        (r3_4 + (2 * r2_2 + 2 * r1_2) * r3_2 + r2_4 + 2 * r1_2 * r2_2 + r1_4);
+    P_(1, 2) =
+        -(r2 * r3 * sqrt(norm_2) * sin(sqrt(norm_2)) +
+          (r1 * r3_2 + r1 * r2_2 + r1_3) * cos(sqrt(norm_2)) - r2 * r3_3 -
+          r1 * r3_2 + (-r2_3 - r1_2 * r2) * r3 - r1 * r2_2 - r1_3) /
+        (r3_4 + (2 * r2_2 + 2 * r1_2) * r3_2 + r2_4 + 2 * r1_2 * r2_2 + r1_4);
+    P_(2, 0) =
+        -(r1 * r3 * sqrt(norm_2) * sin(sqrt(norm_2)) +
+          (r2 * r3_2 + r2_3 + r1_2 * r2) * cos(sqrt(norm_2)) - r1 * r3_3 -
+          r2 * r3_2 + (-r1 * r2_2 - r1_3) * r3 - r2_3 - r1_2 * r2) /
+        (r3_4 + (2 * r2_2 + 2 * r1_2) * r3_2 + r2_4 + 2 * r1_2 * r2_2 + r1_4);
+    P_(2, 1) =
+        -(r2 * r3 * sqrt(norm_2) * sin(sqrt(norm_2)) +
+          (-r1 * r3_2 - r1 * r2_2 - r1_3) * cos(sqrt(norm_2)) - r2 * r3_3 +
+          r1 * r3_2 + (-r2_3 - r1_2 * r2) * r3 + r1 * r2_2 + r1_3) /
+        (r3_4 + (2 * r2_2 + 2 * r1_2) * r3_2 + r2_4 + 2 * r1_2 * r2_2 + r1_4);
+    P_(2, 2) =
+        ((r2_2 + r1_2) * sqrt(norm_2) * sin(sqrt(norm_2)) + r3_4 +
+         (r2_2 + r1_2) * r3_2) /
+        (r3_4 + (2 * r2_2 + 2 * r1_2) * r3_2 + r2_4 + 2 * r1_2 * r2_2 + r1_4);
+  }
+  Pinv_ = P_.inverse();
-Vector& FeaturePoint6d::computeErrordot( Vector& errordot,int time )
-  if(isReferenceSet()) {
-    const Vector& velocity = getReference()->velocitySIN(time);
-    const MatrixHomogeneous& M = positionSIN (time);
-    const MatrixHomogeneous& Mref = getReference()->positionSIN (time);
+Vector &FeaturePoint6d::computeErrordot(Vector &errordot, int time) {
+  if (isReferenceSet()) {
+    const Vector &velocity = getReference()->velocitySIN(time);
+    const MatrixHomogeneous &M = positionSIN(time);
+    const MatrixHomogeneous &Mref = getReference()->positionSIN(time);
     // Linear velocity if the reference frame
-    v_ (0) = velocity (0);
-    v_ (1) = velocity (1);
-    v_ (2) = velocity (2);
+    v_(0) = velocity(0);
+    v_(1) = velocity(1);
+    v_(2) = velocity(2);
     // Angular velocity if the reference frame
-    omega_ (0) = velocity (3);
-    omega_ (1) = velocity (4);
-    omega_ (2) = velocity (5);
+    omega_(0) = velocity(3);
+    omega_(1) = velocity(4);
+    omega_(2) = velocity(5);
     R_ = M.linear();
     t_ = M.translation();
-    Rt_ = R_.transpose ();
+    Rt_ = R_.transpose();
     Rref_ = Mref.linear();
-    tref_= Mref.translation();
-    Rreft_ = Rref_.transpose ();
-    errorSOUT.recompute (time);
-    inverseJacobianRodrigues ();
+    tref_ = Mref.translation();
+    Rreft_ = Rref_.transpose();
+    errorSOUT.recompute(time);
+    inverseJacobianRodrigues();
     switch (computationFrame_) {
     case FRAME_CURRENT:
       // \dot{e}_{t} = R^{T} v
-      errordot_t_ = Rt_* v_;
+      errordot_t_ = Rt_ * v_;
       // \dot{e}_{\theta} = P^{-1}(e_{theta})R^{*T}\omega
-      Rreftomega_ = Rreft_*omega_;
+      Rreftomega_ = Rreft_ * omega_;
       errordot_th_ = Pinv_ * Rreftomega_;
     case FRAME_DESIRED:
@@ -417,23 +445,23 @@ Vector& FeaturePoint6d::computeErrordot( Vector& errordot,int time )
   } else {
-    errordot_t_.setZero ();
-    errordot_th_.setZero ();
+    errordot_t_.setZero();
+    errordot_th_.setZero();
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
   unsigned int cursor = 0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) {
-    if( fl(i) ) {
-      errordot (cursor++) = errordot_t_ (i);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    if (fl(i)) {
+      errordot(cursor++) = errordot_t_(i);
-  if(fl(3)||fl(4)||fl(5)) {
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) {
-      if( fl(i+3) ) {
-	errordot (cursor++) = errordot_th_ (i);
+  if (fl(3) || fl(4) || fl(5)) {
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+      if (fl(i + 3)) {
+        errordot(cursor++) = errordot_th_(i);
@@ -441,47 +469,42 @@ Vector& FeaturePoint6d::computeErrordot( Vector& errordot,int time )
   return errordot;
 /* Modify the value of the reference (sdes) so that it corresponds
  * to the current position. The effect on the servo is to maintain the
  * current position and correct any drift. */
-void FeaturePoint6d::
-servoCurrentPosition( void )
+void FeaturePoint6d::servoCurrentPosition(void) {
-  if(! isReferenceSet() )
-    {
-      sotERROR << "The reference is not set, this function should not be called" <<std::endl;
-      throw ExceptionFeature(ExceptionFeature::GENERIC,
-			     "The reference is not set, this function should not be called");
-    }
+  if (!isReferenceSet()) {
+    sotERROR << "The reference is not set, this function should not be called"
+             << std::endl;
+    throw ExceptionFeature(
+        ExceptionFeature::GENERIC,
+        "The reference is not set, this function should not be called");
+  }
   getReference()->positionSIN = positionSIN.accessCopy();
-static const char * featureNames  []
-= { "X ",
-    "Y ",
-    "Z ",
-    "RX",
-    "RY",
-    "RZ"  };
-void FeaturePoint6d::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<"Point6d <"<<name<<">: (" ;
-  try{
+static const char *featureNames[] = {"X ", "Y ", "Z ", "RX", "RY", "RZ"};
+void FeaturePoint6d::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "Point6d <" << name << ">: (";
+  try {
     const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.accessCopy();
     bool first = true;
-    for( int i=0;i<6;++i )
-      if( fl(i) )
-	{
-	  if( first ) { first = false; } else { os << ","; }
-	  os << featureNames[i];
-	}
-    os<<") ";
-  }  catch(ExceptionAbstract e){ os<< " selectSIN not set."; }
+    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+      if (fl(i)) {
+        if (first) {
+          first = false;
+        } else {
+          os << ",";
+        }
+        os << featureNames[i];
+      }
+    os << ") ";
+  } catch (ExceptionAbstract e) {
+    os << " selectSIN not set.";
+  }
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-pose.cpp b/src/feature/feature-pose.cpp
index b76027a0..0550890f 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-pose.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-pose.cpp
@@ -13,99 +13,103 @@
 /* --- SOT --- */
 //#define VP_DEBUG
 //#define VP_DEBUG_MODE 45
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
 #include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-bind.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
 #include <pinocchio/multibody/liegroup/liegroup.hpp>
 #include <Eigen/LU>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-pose.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-pose.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-typedef pinocchio::CartesianProductOperation <
-        pinocchio::VectorSpaceOperationTpl<3, double>,
-        pinocchio::SpecialOrthogonalOperationTpl<3, double>
-        > R3xSO3_t;
+typedef pinocchio::CartesianProductOperation<
+    pinocchio::VectorSpaceOperationTpl<3, double>,
+    pinocchio::SpecialOrthogonalOperationTpl<3, double>>
+    R3xSO3_t;
 typedef pinocchio::SpecialEuclideanOperationTpl<3, double> SE3_t;
-template <Representation_t representation>
-struct LG_t
-  typedef typename boost::mpl::if_c<representation == SE3Representation, SE3_t, R3xSO3_t>::type type;
+template <Representation_t representation> struct LG_t {
+  typedef typename boost::mpl::if_c<representation == SE3Representation, SE3_t,
+                                    R3xSO3_t>::type type;
 typedef FeaturePose<R3xSO3Representation> FeaturePose_t;
-typedef FeaturePose<SE3Representation   > FeaturePoseSE3_t;
+typedef FeaturePose<SE3Representation> FeaturePoseSE3_t;
+template <> DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FeaturePose_t, "FeaturePose");
 template <>
-template <>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static const MatrixHomogeneous Id (MatrixHomogeneous::Identity());
+static const MatrixHomogeneous Id(MatrixHomogeneous::Identity());
 template <Representation_t representation>
-FeaturePose( const string& pointName )
-  : FeatureAbstract( pointName )
-    , oMja  ( NULL,CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::oMja" )
-    , jaMfa ( NULL,CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::jaMfa")
-    , oMjb  ( NULL,CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::oMjb" )
-    , jbMfb ( NULL,CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::jbMfb")
-    , jaJja ( NULL,CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::input(matrix)::jaJja")
-    , jbJjb ( NULL,CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::input(matrix)::jbJjb")
-    , faMfbDes ( NULL,CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::faMfbDes")
-    , faNufafbDes ( NULL,CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::input(vector)::faNufafbDes")
-    , faMfb (boost::bind (&FeaturePose<representation>::computefaMfb, this, _1, _2),
-        oMja << jaMfa << oMjb << jbMfb,
-        CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::output(vector7)::q_faMfbDes")
-    , q_faMfb (boost::bind (&FeaturePose<representation>::computeQfaMfb, this, _1, _2),
-        faMfb,
-        CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::output(vector7)::q_faMfb")
-    , q_faMfbDes (boost::bind (&FeaturePose<representation>::computeQfaMfbDes, this, _1, _2),
-        faMfbDes,
-        CLASS_NAME+"("+name+")::output(vector7)::q_faMfbDes")
-  oMja.setConstant (Id);
-  jaMfa.setConstant (Id);
-  jbMfb.setConstant (Id);
-  faMfbDes.setConstant (Id);
-  faNufafbDes.setConstant (Vector::Zero(6));
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependencies(q_faMfbDes << q_faMfb
-      << jaJja << jbJjb );
-  errorSOUT.addDependencies( q_faMfbDes << q_faMfb );
-  signalRegistration( oMja << jaMfa << oMjb << jbMfb << jaJja << jbJjb );
-  signalRegistration (errordotSOUT << faMfbDes << faNufafbDes);
-  errordotSOUT.setFunction (boost::bind (&FeaturePose<representation>::computeErrorDot,
-					 this, _1, _2));
-  errordotSOUT.addDependencies (q_faMfbDes << q_faMfb << faNufafbDes);
+FeaturePose<representation>::FeaturePose(const string &pointName)
+    : FeatureAbstract(pointName),
+      oMja(NULL, CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::input(matrixHomo)::oMja"),
+      jaMfa(NULL, CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::input(matrixHomo)::jaMfa"),
+      oMjb(NULL, CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::input(matrixHomo)::oMjb"),
+      jbMfb(NULL, CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::input(matrixHomo)::jbMfb"),
+      jaJja(NULL, CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::input(matrix)::jaJja"),
+      jbJjb(NULL, CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::input(matrix)::jbJjb")
+      ,
+      faMfbDes(NULL,
+               CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::input(matrixHomo)::faMfbDes"),
+      faNufafbDes(NULL,
+                  CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::input(vector)::faNufafbDes")
+      ,
+      faMfb(
+          boost::bind(&FeaturePose<representation>::computefaMfb, this, _1, _2),
+          oMja << jaMfa << oMjb << jbMfb,
+          CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::output(vector7)::q_faMfbDes"),
+      q_faMfb(boost::bind(&FeaturePose<representation>::computeQfaMfb, this, _1,
+                          _2),
+              faMfb, CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::output(vector7)::q_faMfb"),
+      q_faMfbDes(boost::bind(&FeaturePose<representation>::computeQfaMfbDes,
+                             this, _1, _2),
+                 faMfbDes,
+                 CLASS_NAME + "(" + name + ")::output(vector7)::q_faMfbDes") {
+  oMja.setConstant(Id);
+  jaMfa.setConstant(Id);
+  jbMfb.setConstant(Id);
+  faMfbDes.setConstant(Id);
+  faNufafbDes.setConstant(Vector::Zero(6));
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependencies(q_faMfbDes << q_faMfb << jaJja << jbJjb);
+  errorSOUT.addDependencies(q_faMfbDes << q_faMfb);
+  signalRegistration(oMja << jaMfa << oMjb << jbMfb << jaJja << jbJjb);
+  signalRegistration(errordotSOUT << faMfbDes << faNufafbDes);
+  errordotSOUT.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&FeaturePose<representation>::computeErrorDot, this, _1, _2));
+  errordotSOUT.addDependencies(q_faMfbDes << q_faMfb << faNufafbDes);
   // Commands
     using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-    addCommand("keep",
-	       makeCommandVoid0(*this,&FeaturePose<representation>::servoCurrentPosition,
-				docCommandVoid0("modify the desired position to servo at current pos.")));
+    addCommand(
+        "keep",
+        makeCommandVoid0(
+            *this, &FeaturePose<representation>::servoCurrentPosition,
+            docCommandVoid0(
+                "modify the desired position to servo at current pos.")));
@@ -114,95 +118,96 @@ FeaturePose( const string& pointName )
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 template <Representation_t representation>
-static inline void check (const FeaturePose<representation>& ft)
+static inline void check(const FeaturePose<representation> &ft) {
-  assert (ft.oMja .isPlugged() );
-  assert (ft.jaMfa.isPlugged() );
-  assert (ft.oMjb .isPlugged() );
-  assert (ft.jbMfb.isPlugged() );
-  assert (ft.faMfbDes   .isPlugged() );
-  assert (ft.faNufafbDes.isPlugged() );
+  assert(ft.oMja.isPlugged());
+  assert(ft.jaMfa.isPlugged());
+  assert(ft.oMjb.isPlugged());
+  assert(ft.jbMfb.isPlugged());
+  assert(ft.faMfbDes.isPlugged());
+  assert(ft.faNufafbDes.isPlugged());
 template <Representation_t representation>
-unsigned int& FeaturePose<representation>::
-getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time )
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+unsigned int &FeaturePose<representation>::getDimension(unsigned int &dim,
+                                                        int time) {
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# In {" << endl;
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.access(time);
   dim = 0;
-  for( int i=0;i<6;++i ) if( fl(i) ) dim++;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+    if (fl(i))
+      dim++;
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return dim;
-void toVector (const MatrixHomogeneous& M, Vector7& v)
+void toVector(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, Vector7 &v) {
   v.head<3>() = M.translation();
   QuaternionMap(v.tail<4>().data()) = M.linear();
-Vector7 toVector (const MatrixHomogeneous& M)
+Vector7 toVector(const MatrixHomogeneous &M) {
   Vector7 ret;
-  toVector (M, ret);
+  toVector(M, ret);
   return ret;
 template <Representation_t representation>
-Matrix& FeaturePose<representation>::computeJacobian( Matrix& J,int time )
+Matrix &FeaturePose<representation>::computeJacobian(Matrix &J, int time) {
   typedef typename LG_t<representation>::type LieGroup_t;
-  q_faMfb   .recompute(time);
+  q_faMfb.recompute(time);
-  const int & dim = dimensionSOUT(time);
+  const int &dim = dimensionSOUT(time);
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
-  const Matrix & _jbJjb = jbJjb (time);
+  const Matrix &_jbJjb = jbJjb(time);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous& _jbMfb = (jbMfb.isPlugged() ? jbMfb.accessCopy() : Id);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &_jbMfb =
+      (jbMfb.isPlugged() ? jbMfb.accessCopy() : Id);
   const Matrix::Index cJ = _jbJjb.cols();
-  J.resize(dim,cJ) ;
+  J.resize(dim, cJ);
   MatrixTwist X;
-  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6,Eigen::RowMajor> Jminus;
+  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6, Eigen::RowMajor> Jminus;
-  buildFrom (_jbMfb.inverse(Eigen::Affine), X);
-  MatrixRotation faRfb = jaMfa.access(time).rotation().transpose() * oMja.access(time).rotation().transpose()
-    * oMjb.access(time).rotation() * _jbMfb.rotation();
+  buildFrom(_jbMfb.inverse(Eigen::Affine), X);
+  MatrixRotation faRfb = jaMfa.access(time).rotation().transpose() *
+                         oMja.access(time).rotation().transpose() *
+                         oMjb.access(time).rotation() * _jbMfb.rotation();
   if (boost::is_same<LieGroup_t, R3xSO3_t>::value)
-    X.topRows<3>().applyOnTheLeft (faRfb);
-  LieGroup_t().template dDifference<pinocchio::ARG1>(q_faMfbDes.accessCopy(), q_faMfb.accessCopy(), Jminus);
+    X.topRows<3>().applyOnTheLeft(faRfb);
+  LieGroup_t().template dDifference<pinocchio::ARG1>(
+      q_faMfbDes.accessCopy(), q_faMfb.accessCopy(), Jminus);
   // Contribution of b:
   // J = Jminus * X * jbJjb;
   unsigned int rJ = 0;
-  for( unsigned int r=0;r<6;++r )
-    if( fl(r) )
+  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 6; ++r)
+    if (fl(r))
       J.row(rJ++) = (Jminus * X).row(r) * _jbJjb;
   if (jaJja.isPlugged()) {
-    const Matrix & _jaJja = jaJja (time);
-    const MatrixHomogeneous& _jaMfa = (jaMfa.isPlugged() ? jaMfa.accessCopy() : Id),
-                             _faMfb = faMfb.accessCopy();
+    const Matrix &_jaJja = jaJja(time);
+    const MatrixHomogeneous &_jaMfa =
+                                (jaMfa.isPlugged() ? jaMfa.accessCopy() : Id),
+                            _faMfb = faMfb.accessCopy();
-    buildFrom ((_jaMfa *_faMfb).inverse(Eigen::Affine), X);
+    buildFrom((_jaMfa * _faMfb).inverse(Eigen::Affine), X);
     if (boost::is_same<LieGroup_t, R3xSO3_t>::value)
-      X.topRows<3>().applyOnTheLeft (faRfb);
+      X.topRows<3>().applyOnTheLeft(faRfb);
     // J -= (Jminus * X) * jaJja(time);
     rJ = 0;
-    for( unsigned int r=0;r<6;++r )
-      if( fl(r) )
+    for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 6; ++r)
+      if (fl(r))
         J.row(rJ++).noalias() -= (Jminus * X).row(r) * _jaJja;
@@ -210,73 +215,76 @@ Matrix& FeaturePose<representation>::computeJacobian( Matrix& J,int time )
 template <Representation_t representation>
-MatrixHomogeneous& FeaturePose<representation>::computefaMfb (MatrixHomogeneous& res, int time)
+MatrixHomogeneous &
+FeaturePose<representation>::computefaMfb(MatrixHomogeneous &res, int time) {
-  res = (oMja(time) * jaMfa(time)).inverse(Eigen::Affine) * oMjb(time) * jbMfb(time);
+  res = (oMja(time) * jaMfa(time)).inverse(Eigen::Affine) * oMjb(time) *
+        jbMfb(time);
   return res;
 template <Representation_t representation>
-Vector7& FeaturePose<representation>::computeQfaMfb (Vector7& res, int time)
+Vector7 &FeaturePose<representation>::computeQfaMfb(Vector7 &res, int time) {
-  toVector (faMfb(time), res);
+  toVector(faMfb(time), res);
   return res;
 template <Representation_t representation>
-Vector7& FeaturePose<representation>::computeQfaMfbDes (Vector7& res, int time)
+Vector7 &FeaturePose<representation>::computeQfaMfbDes(Vector7 &res, int time) {
-  toVector (faMfbDes (time), res);
+  toVector(faMfbDes(time), res);
   return res;
 template <Representation_t representation>
-Vector& FeaturePose<representation>::computeError( Vector& error,int time )
+Vector &FeaturePose<representation>::computeError(Vector &error, int time) {
   typedef typename LG_t<representation>::type LieGroup_t;
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
-  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> v;
-  LieGroup_t().difference (q_faMfbDes(time), q_faMfb(time), v);
+  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> v;
+  LieGroup_t().difference(q_faMfbDes(time), q_faMfb(time), v);
-  error.resize(dimensionSOUT(time)) ;
+  error.resize(dimensionSOUT(time));
   unsigned int cursor = 0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<6;++i )
-    if( fl(i) )
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+    if (fl(i))
       error(cursor++) = v(i);
-  return error ;
+  return error;
 // This function is responsible of converting the input velocity expressed with
 // SE(3) convention onto a velocity expressed with the convention of this
 // feature (R^3xSO(3) or SE(3)), in the right frame.
-template <typename LG_t> Vector6d convertVelocity (const MatrixHomogeneous& M, const MatrixHomogeneous& Mdes, const Vector& faNufafbDes)
+template <typename LG_t>
+Vector6d convertVelocity(const MatrixHomogeneous &M,
+                         const MatrixHomogeneous &Mdes,
+                         const Vector &faNufafbDes) {
   MatrixTwist X;
-  buildFrom (Mdes.inverse(Eigen::Affine), X);
+  buildFrom(Mdes.inverse(Eigen::Affine), X);
   return X * faNufafbDes;
-template <> Vector6d convertVelocity<R3xSO3_t> (const MatrixHomogeneous& M, const MatrixHomogeneous& Mdes, const Vector& faNufafbDes)
+template <>
+Vector6d convertVelocity<R3xSO3_t>(const MatrixHomogeneous &M,
+                                   const MatrixHomogeneous &Mdes,
+                                   const Vector &faNufafbDes) {
   Vector6d nu;
-  nu.head<3>() = faNufafbDes.head<3>() - M.translation().cross(faNufafbDes.tail<3>());
+  nu.head<3>() =
+      faNufafbDes.head<3>() - M.translation().cross(faNufafbDes.tail<3>());
   nu.tail<3>() = Mdes.rotation().transpose() * faNufafbDes.tail<3>();
   return nu;
 template <Representation_t representation>
-Vector& FeaturePose<representation>::computeErrorDot( Vector& errordot,int time )
+Vector &FeaturePose<representation>::computeErrorDot(Vector &errordot,
+                                                     int time) {
   typedef typename LG_t<representation>::type LieGroup_t;
@@ -287,18 +295,20 @@ Vector& FeaturePose<representation>::computeErrorDot( Vector& errordot,int time
     return errordot;
-  q_faMfb   .recompute(time);
+  q_faMfb.recompute(time);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous& _faMfbDes = faMfbDes(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &_faMfbDes = faMfbDes(time);
-  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6,Eigen::RowMajor> Jminus;
+  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6, Eigen::RowMajor> Jminus;
-  LieGroup_t().template dDifference<pinocchio::ARG0>(q_faMfbDes.accessCopy(), q_faMfb.accessCopy(), Jminus);
-  Vector6d nu = convertVelocity<LieGroup_t> (faMfb(time), _faMfbDes, faNufafbDes.accessCopy());
+  LieGroup_t().template dDifference<pinocchio::ARG0>(
+      q_faMfbDes.accessCopy(), q_faMfb.accessCopy(), Jminus);
+  Vector6d nu = convertVelocity<LieGroup_t>(faMfb(time), _faMfbDes,
+                                            faNufafbDes.accessCopy());
   unsigned int cursor = 0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<6;++i )
-    if( fl(i) )
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+    if (fl(i))
       errordot(cursor++) = Jminus.row(i) * nu;
   return errordot;
@@ -308,40 +318,37 @@ Vector& FeaturePose<representation>::computeErrorDot( Vector& errordot,int time
  * to the current position. The effect on the servo is to maintain the
  * current position and correct any drift. */
 template <Representation_t representation>
-void FeaturePose<representation>::
-servoCurrentPosition( void )
+void FeaturePose<representation>::servoCurrentPosition(void) {
-  const MatrixHomogeneous& _oMja  = (oMja .isPlugged() ? oMja .accessCopy() : Id),
-                           _jaMfa = (jaMfa.isPlugged() ? jaMfa.accessCopy() : Id),
-                           _oMjb  =                      oMjb .accessCopy(),
-                           _jbMfb = (jbMfb.isPlugged() ? jbMfb.accessCopy() : Id);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &_oMja = (oMja.isPlugged() ? oMja.accessCopy() : Id),
+                          _jaMfa =
+                              (jaMfa.isPlugged() ? jaMfa.accessCopy() : Id),
+                          _oMjb = oMjb.accessCopy(),
+                          _jbMfb =
+                              (jbMfb.isPlugged() ? jbMfb.accessCopy() : Id);
   faMfbDes = (_oMja * _jaMfa).inverse(Eigen::Affine) * _oMjb * _jbMfb;
-static const char * featureNames  []
-= { "X ",
-    "Y ",
-    "Z ",
-    "RX",
-    "RY",
-    "RZ"  };
+static const char *featureNames[] = {"X ", "Y ", "Z ", "RX", "RY", "RZ"};
 template <Representation_t representation>
-void FeaturePose<representation>::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<CLASS_NAME<<"<"<<name<<">: (" ;
+void FeaturePose<representation>::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << CLASS_NAME << "<" << name << ">: (";
-  try{
+  try {
     const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.accessCopy();
     bool first = true;
-    for( int i=0;i<6;++i )
-      if( fl(i) )
-	{
-	  if( first ) { first = false; } else { os << ","; }
-	  os << featureNames[i];
-	}
-    os<<") ";
-  }  catch(ExceptionAbstract e){ os<< " selectSIN not set."; }
+    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+      if (fl(i)) {
+        if (first) {
+          first = false;
+        } else {
+          os << ",";
+        }
+        os << featureNames[i];
+      }
+    os << ") ";
+  } catch (ExceptionAbstract e) {
+    os << " selectSIN not set.";
+  }
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-posture.cpp b/src/feature/feature-posture.cpp
index 711ac23f..a911897e 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-posture.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-posture.cpp
@@ -1,176 +1,156 @@
 // Copyright 2010, François Bleibel, Thomas Moulard, Olivier Stasse,
-#include <string>
 #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
+#include <string>
-#include <sot/core/feature-posture.hh>
 #include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>
+#include <sot/core/feature-posture.hh>
 namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
 using ::dynamicgraph::command::Setter;
 using dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureAbstract;
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    using command::Command;
-    using command::Value;
-    class FeaturePosture::SelectDof : public Command {
-    public:
-      virtual ~SelectDof () {}
-      SelectDof(FeaturePosture& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::UNSIGNED)
-		(Value::BOOL), docstring) {}
-      virtual Value doExecute()
-      {
-	FeaturePosture& feature = static_cast<FeaturePosture&>(owner());
-	std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
-	unsigned int dofId = values[0].value();
-	bool control = values[1].value();
-	feature.selectDof (dofId, control);
-	return Value ();
-      }
-    }; // class SelectDof
-    FeaturePosture::FeaturePosture (const std::string& name)
-      : FeatureAbstract(name),
-	state_(NULL, "FeaturePosture("+name+")::input(Vector)::state"),
-	posture_(0, "FeaturePosture("+name+")::input(Vector)::posture"),
-	postureDot_(0, "FeaturePosture("+name+")::input(Vector)::postureDot"),
-	jacobian_(),
-	activeDofs_ (),
-	nbActiveDofs_ (0)
-    {
-      signalRegistration (state_ << posture_ << postureDot_);
-      errorSOUT.addDependency (state_);
-      std::string docstring;
-      docstring =
-	"    \n"
-	"    Select degree of freedom to control\n"
-	"    \n"
-	"      input:\n"
-	"        - positive integer: rank of degree of freedom,\n"
-	"        - boolean: whether to control the selected degree of "
-	"freedom.\n"
-	"    \n"
-	"      Note: rank should be more than 5 since posture is "
-	"independent\n"
-	"        from freeflyer position.\n"
-	"    \n";
-      addCommand("selectDof", new SelectDof(*this, docstring));
+namespace sot {
+using command::Command;
+using command::Value;
+class FeaturePosture::SelectDof : public Command {
+  virtual ~SelectDof() {}
+  SelectDof(FeaturePosture &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::UNSIGNED)(Value::BOOL),
+                docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    FeaturePosture &feature = static_cast<FeaturePosture &>(owner());
+    std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
+    unsigned int dofId = values[0].value();
+    bool control = values[1].value();
+    feature.selectDof(dofId, control);
+    return Value();
+  }
+}; // class SelectDof
+FeaturePosture::FeaturePosture(const std::string &name)
+    : FeatureAbstract(name),
+      state_(NULL, "FeaturePosture(" + name + ")::input(Vector)::state"),
+      posture_(0, "FeaturePosture(" + name + ")::input(Vector)::posture"),
+      postureDot_(0, "FeaturePosture(" + name + ")::input(Vector)::postureDot"),
+      jacobian_(), activeDofs_(), nbActiveDofs_(0) {
+  signalRegistration(state_ << posture_ << postureDot_);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(state_);
+  std::string docstring;
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    Select degree of freedom to control\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      input:\n"
+              "        - positive integer: rank of degree of freedom,\n"
+              "        - boolean: whether to control the selected degree of "
+              "freedom.\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      Note: rank should be more than 5 since posture is "
+              "independent\n"
+              "        from freeflyer position.\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand("selectDof", new SelectDof(*this, docstring));
+FeaturePosture::~FeaturePosture() {}
+unsigned int &FeaturePosture::getDimension(unsigned int &res, int) {
+  res = static_cast<unsigned int>(nbActiveDofs_);
+  return res;
+dg::Vector &FeaturePosture::computeError(dg::Vector &res, int t) {
+  const dg::Vector &state = state_.access(t);
+  const dg::Vector &posture = posture_.access(t);
+  res.resize(nbActiveDofs_);
+  std::size_t index = 0;
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < activeDofs_.size(); ++i) {
+    if (activeDofs_[i]) {
+      res(index) = state(i) - posture(i);
+      index++;
-    FeaturePosture::~FeaturePosture ()
-    {
+  }
+  return res;
+dg::Matrix &FeaturePosture::computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int) {
+  res = jacobian_;
+  return res;
+dg::Vector &FeaturePosture::computeActivation(dg::Vector &res, int) {
+  return res;
+dg::Vector &FeaturePosture::computeErrorDot(dg::Vector &res, int t) {
+  const Vector &postureDot = postureDot_.access(t);
+  res.resize(nbActiveDofs_);
+  std::size_t index = 0;
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < activeDofs_.size(); ++i) {
+    if (activeDofs_[i])
+      res(index++) = -postureDot(i);
+  }
+  return res;
+void FeaturePosture::selectDof(unsigned dofId, bool control) {
+  const Vector &state = state_.accessCopy();
+  const Vector &posture = posture_.accessCopy();
+  std::size_t dim(state.size());
+  if (dim != (std::size_t)posture.size()) {
+    throw std::runtime_error("Posture and State should have same dimension.");
+  }
+  // If activeDof_ vector not initialized, initialize it
+  if (activeDofs_.size() != dim) {
+    activeDofs_ = std::vector<bool>(dim, false);
+    nbActiveDofs_ = 0;
+  }
+  // Check that selected dof id is valid
+  if ((dofId < 6) || (dofId >= dim)) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << "dof id should be more than 5 and less than state "
+           "dimension: "
+        << dim << ". Received " << dofId << ".";
+    throw ExceptionAbstract(ExceptionAbstract::TOOLS, oss.str());
+  }
+  if (control) {
+    if (!activeDofs_[dofId]) {
+      activeDofs_[dofId] = true;
+      nbActiveDofs_++;
-    unsigned int& FeaturePosture::getDimension( unsigned int& res,int )
-    {
-      res = static_cast <unsigned int> (nbActiveDofs_);
-      return res;
-    }
-    dg::Vector& FeaturePosture::computeError( dg::Vector& res, int t)
-    {
-      const dg::Vector& state = state_.access (t);
-      const dg::Vector& posture = posture_.access (t);
-      res.resize (nbActiveDofs_);
-      std::size_t index=0;
-      for (std::size_t i=0; i<activeDofs_.size (); ++i) {
-	if (activeDofs_ [i]) {
-	  res (index) = state (i) - posture (i);
-	  index ++;
-	}
-      }
-      return res;
+  } else { // control = false
+    if (activeDofs_[dofId]) {
+      activeDofs_[dofId] = false;
+      nbActiveDofs_--;
-    dg::Matrix& FeaturePosture::computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res, int )
-    {
-      res = jacobian_;
-      return res;
-    }
-    dg::Vector& FeaturePosture::computeActivation( dg::Vector& res, int )
-    {
-      return res;
-    }
-    dg::Vector& FeaturePosture::computeErrorDot( dg::Vector& res, int t)
-    {
-      const Vector& postureDot = postureDot_.access (t);
-      res.resize (nbActiveDofs_);
-      std::size_t index=0;
-      for (std::size_t i=0; i<activeDofs_.size (); ++i) {
-	if (activeDofs_ [i])
-	  res (index++) = - postureDot (i);
-      }
-      return res;
-    }
-    void
-    FeaturePosture::selectDof (unsigned dofId, bool control)
-    {
-      const Vector& state = state_.accessCopy();
-      const Vector& posture = posture_.accessCopy ();
-      std::size_t dim (state.size());
-      if (dim != (std::size_t)posture.size ()) {
-	throw std::runtime_error
-	  ("Posture and State should have same dimension.");
-      }
-      // If activeDof_ vector not initialized, initialize it
-      if (activeDofs_.size () != dim) {
-	activeDofs_ = std::vector <bool> (dim, false);
-	nbActiveDofs_ = 0;
-      }
-      // Check that selected dof id is valid
-      if ((dofId < 6) || (dofId >= dim))
-	{
-	  std::ostringstream oss;
-	  oss << "dof id should be more than 5 and less than state "
-	    "dimension: "
-	      << dim << ". Received " << dofId << ".";
-	  throw ExceptionAbstract(ExceptionAbstract::TOOLS,
-				  oss.str());
-	}
-      if (control) {
-	if (!activeDofs_ [dofId]) {
-	  activeDofs_ [dofId] = true;
-	  nbActiveDofs_ ++;
-	}
-      }
-      else { // control = false
-	if (activeDofs_ [dofId]) {
-	  activeDofs_ [dofId] = false;
-	  nbActiveDofs_ --;
-	}
-      }
-      // recompute jacobian
-      jacobian_.resize (nbActiveDofs_, dim);
-      jacobian_.setZero ();
-      std::size_t index=0;
-      for (std::size_t i=0; i<activeDofs_.size (); ++i) {
-	if (activeDofs_ [i]) {
-	  jacobian_ (index, i) = 1;
-	  index ++;
-	}
-      }
+  }
+  // recompute jacobian
+  jacobian_.resize(nbActiveDofs_, dim);
+  jacobian_.setZero();
+  std::size_t index = 0;
+  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < activeDofs_.size(); ++i) {
+    if (activeDofs_[i]) {
+      jacobian_(index, i) = 1;
+      index++;
+  }
-    DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FeaturePosture, "FeaturePosture");
-  } // namespace sot
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FeaturePosture, "FeaturePosture");
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-task.cpp b/src/feature/feature-task.cpp
index 208ea13a..bb6b7290 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-task.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-task.cpp
@@ -12,30 +12,23 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- SOT --- */
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-task.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-task.hh>
 #include <sot/core/task.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-FeatureTask( const string& pointName )
-  : FeatureGeneric( pointName )
+FeatureTask::FeatureTask(const string &pointName) : FeatureGeneric(pointName) {}
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -45,10 +38,9 @@ FeatureTask( const string& pointName )
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void FeatureTask::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
+void FeatureTask::display(std::ostream &os) const {
   os << "Feature from task <" << getName();
-  if( taskPtr ) os <<  ": from task " << taskPtr->getName();
+  if (taskPtr)
+    os << ": from task " << taskPtr->getName();
   os << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-vector3.cpp b/src/feature/feature-vector3.cpp
index db76a75a..9bfefa4c 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-vector3.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-vector3.cpp
@@ -15,117 +15,117 @@
 //#define VP_DEBUG
 //#define VP_DEBUG_MODE 45
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-vector3.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-vector3.hh>
-#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FeatureVector3, "FeatureVector3");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-FeatureVector3( const string& pointName )
-  : FeatureAbstract( pointName )
-    ,vectorSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureVector3("+name+")::input(vector3)::vector" )
-    ,positionSIN( NULL,"sotFeaturePoint6d("+name+")::input(matrixHomo)::position" )
-    ,articularJacobianSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureVector3("+name+")::input(matrix)::Jq" )
-    ,positionRefSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureVector3("+name+")::input(vector)::positionRef" )
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( positionSIN );
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( articularJacobianSIN );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( vectorSIN );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( positionSIN );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( positionRefSIN );
-  signalRegistration( vectorSIN<<positionSIN
-                      <<articularJacobianSIN<<positionRefSIN );
+FeatureVector3::FeatureVector3(const string &pointName)
+    : FeatureAbstract(pointName),
+      vectorSIN(NULL,
+                "sotFeatureVector3(" + name + ")::input(vector3)::vector"),
+      positionSIN(NULL, "sotFeaturePoint6d(" + name +
+                            ")::input(matrixHomo)::position"),
+      articularJacobianSIN(NULL, "sotFeatureVector3(" + name +
+                                     ")::input(matrix)::Jq"),
+      positionRefSIN(NULL, "sotFeatureVector3(" + name +
+                               ")::input(vector)::positionRef") {
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(positionSIN);
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(articularJacobianSIN);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(vectorSIN);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(positionSIN);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(positionRefSIN);
+  signalRegistration(vectorSIN << positionSIN << articularJacobianSIN
+                               << positionRefSIN);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-unsigned int& FeatureVector3::
-getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int /*time*/ )
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+unsigned int &FeatureVector3::getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int /*time*/) {
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# In {" << endl;
-  return dim=3;
+  return dim = 3;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /** Compute the interaction matrix from a subset of
  * the possible features.
-Matrix& FeatureVector3::
-computeJacobian( Matrix& J,int time )
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# In {"<<endl;
-  const Matrix & Jq = articularJacobianSIN(time);
-  const Vector & vect = vectorSIN(time);
-  const MatrixHomogeneous & M = positionSIN(time);
-  MatrixRotation R; R = M.linear();
-  Matrix Skew(3,3);
-  Skew( 0,0 ) = 0        ; Skew( 0,1 )=-vect( 2 );  Skew( 0,2 ) = vect( 1 );
-  Skew( 1,0 ) = vect( 2 ); Skew( 1,1 )= 0        ;  Skew( 1,2 ) =-vect( 0 );
-  Skew( 2,0 ) =-vect( 1 ); Skew( 2,1 )= vect( 0 );  Skew( 2,2 ) = 0        ;
-  Matrix RSk(3,3); RSk = R*Skew;
-  J.resize(3,Jq.cols());
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i )
-    for( int j=0;j<Jq.cols();++j )
-      {
-        J(i,j)=0;
-        for( unsigned int k=0;k<3;++k )
-          {  J(i,j)-=RSk(i,k)*Jq(k+3,j);   }
+Matrix &FeatureVector3::computeJacobian(Matrix &J, int time) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
+  const Matrix &Jq = articularJacobianSIN(time);
+  const Vector &vect = vectorSIN(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &M = positionSIN(time);
+  MatrixRotation R;
+  R = M.linear();
+  Matrix Skew(3, 3);
+  Skew(0, 0) = 0;
+  Skew(0, 1) = -vect(2);
+  Skew(0, 2) = vect(1);
+  Skew(1, 0) = vect(2);
+  Skew(1, 1) = 0;
+  Skew(1, 2) = -vect(0);
+  Skew(2, 0) = -vect(1);
+  Skew(2, 1) = vect(0);
+  Skew(2, 2) = 0;
+  Matrix RSk(3, 3);
+  RSk = R * Skew;
+  J.resize(3, Jq.cols());
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+    for (int j = 0; j < Jq.cols(); ++j) {
+      J(i, j) = 0;
+      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
+        J(i, j) -= RSk(i, k) * Jq(k + 3, j);
+    }
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return J;
 /** Compute the error between two visual features from a subset
-*a the possible features.
+ *a the possible features.
-FeatureVector3::computeError( Vector& Mvect3,int time )
+Vector &FeatureVector3::computeError(Vector &Mvect3, int time) {
-  const MatrixHomogeneous & M = positionSIN(time);
-  const Vector & vect = vectorSIN(time);
-  const Vector & vectdes = positionRefSIN(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &M = positionSIN(time);
+  const Vector &vect = vectorSIN(time);
+  const Vector &vectdes = positionRefSIN(time);
   sotDEBUG(15) << "M = " << M << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "v = " << vect << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "vd = " << vectdes << std::endl;
-  MatrixRotation R; R = M.linear();
+  MatrixRotation R;
+  R = M.linear();
-  Mvect3 = R*vect;
+  Mvect3 = R * vect;
   Mvect3 -= vectdes;
-  return Mvect3 ;
+  return Mvect3;
-void FeatureVector3::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<"Vector3 <"<<name<<">";
+void FeatureVector3::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "Vector3 <" << name << ">";
diff --git a/src/feature/feature-visual-point.cpp b/src/feature/feature-visual-point.cpp
index 06a5e5cf..c768f6c4 100644
--- a/src/feature/feature-visual-point.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/feature-visual-point.cpp
@@ -12,182 +12,176 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- SOT --- */
-#include <sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FeatureVisualPoint, "FeatureVisualPoint");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+FeatureVisualPoint::FeatureVisualPoint(const string &pointName)
+    : FeatureAbstract(pointName), L(),
+      xySIN(NULL, "sotFeatureVisualPoint(" + name + ")::input(vector)::xy"),
+      ZSIN(NULL, "sotFeatureVisualPoint(" + name + ")::input(double)::Z"),
+      articularJacobianSIN(NULL, "sotFeatureVisualPoint(" + name +
+                                     ")::input(matrix)::Jq") {
+  ZSIN = 1.;
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(xySIN);
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(ZSIN);
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(articularJacobianSIN);
-FeatureVisualPoint( const string& pointName )
-  : FeatureAbstract( pointName )
-    ,L()
-    ,xySIN( NULL,"sotFeatureVisualPoint("+name+")::input(vector)::xy" )
-    ,ZSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureVisualPoint("+name+")::input(double)::Z" )
-    ,articularJacobianSIN( NULL,"sotFeatureVisualPoint("+name+")::input(matrix)::Jq" )
-  ZSIN=1.;
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( xySIN );
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( ZSIN );
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( articularJacobianSIN );
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(xySIN);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(ZSIN);
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( xySIN );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( ZSIN );
-  signalRegistration( xySIN<<ZSIN<<articularJacobianSIN );
+  signalRegistration(xySIN << ZSIN << articularJacobianSIN);
-void FeatureVisualPoint::addDependenciesFromReference( void )
-  assert( isReferenceSet() );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( getReference()->xySIN );
+void FeatureVisualPoint::addDependenciesFromReference(void) {
+  assert(isReferenceSet());
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(getReference()->xySIN);
-void FeatureVisualPoint::removeDependenciesFromReference( void )
-  assert( isReferenceSet() );
-  errorSOUT.removeDependency( getReference()->xySIN );
+void FeatureVisualPoint::removeDependenciesFromReference(void) {
+  assert(isReferenceSet());
+  errorSOUT.removeDependency(getReference()->xySIN);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-unsigned int& FeatureVisualPoint::
-getDimension( unsigned int & dim, int time )
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+unsigned int &FeatureVisualPoint::getDimension(unsigned int &dim, int time) {
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# In {" << endl;
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.access(time);
   dim = 0;
-  if( fl(0) ) dim++;
-  if( fl(1) ) dim++;
+  if (fl(0))
+    dim++;
+  if (fl(1))
+    dim++;
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return dim;
 /** Compute the interaction matrix from a subset of
  * the possible features.
-Matrix& FeatureVisualPoint::
-computeJacobian( Matrix& J,int time )
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# In {"<<endl;
+Matrix &FeatureVisualPoint::computeJacobian(Matrix &J, int time) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Get selection flags." << endl;
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
   const int dim = dimensionSOUT(time);
-  L.resize(dim,6) ;
+  L.resize(dim, 6);
   unsigned int cursorL = 0;
-  sotDEBUG(5)<<std::endl;
-  const double & Z = ZSIN(time);
-  sotDEBUG(5)<<xySIN(time)<<std::endl;
-  const double & x = xySIN(time)(0);
-  const double & y = xySIN(time)(1);
+  sotDEBUG(5) << std::endl;
+  const double &Z = ZSIN(time);
+  sotDEBUG(5) << xySIN(time) << std::endl;
+  const double &x = xySIN(time)(0);
+  const double &y = xySIN(time)(1);
-  if( Z<0 )
-    { throw(ExceptionFeature(ExceptionFeature::BAD_INIT,
-				"VisualPoint is behind the camera"," (Z=%.1f).",Z)); }
+  if (Z < 0) {
+    throw(ExceptionFeature(ExceptionFeature::BAD_INIT,
+                           "VisualPoint is behind the camera", " (Z=%.1f).",
+                           Z));
+  }
-  if( fabs(Z)<1e-6 )
-    { throw(ExceptionFeature(ExceptionFeature::BAD_INIT,
-				"VisualPoint Z coordinates is null"," (Z=%.3f)",Z)); }
+  if (fabs(Z) < 1e-6) {
+    throw(ExceptionFeature(ExceptionFeature::BAD_INIT,
+                           "VisualPoint Z coordinates is null", " (Z=%.3f)",
+                           Z));
+  }
-  if( fl(0) )
-    {
-      L(cursorL,0) = -1/Z  ;
-      L(cursorL,1) = 0 ;
-      L(cursorL,2) = x/Z ;
-      L(cursorL,3) = x*y ;
-      L(cursorL,4) = -(1+x*x) ;
-      L(cursorL,5) = y ;
+  if (fl(0)) {
+    L(cursorL, 0) = -1 / Z;
+    L(cursorL, 1) = 0;
+    L(cursorL, 2) = x / Z;
+    L(cursorL, 3) = x * y;
+    L(cursorL, 4) = -(1 + x * x);
+    L(cursorL, 5) = y;
-      cursorL++;
-    }
+    cursorL++;
+  }
-  if( fl(1) )
-  {
-    L(cursorL,0) = 0 ;
-    L(cursorL,1)  = -1/Z ;
-    L(cursorL,2) = y/Z ;
-    L(cursorL,3) = 1+y*y ;
-    L(cursorL,4) = -x*y ;
-    L(cursorL,5) = -x ;
+  if (fl(1)) {
+    L(cursorL, 0) = 0;
+    L(cursorL, 1) = -1 / Z;
+    L(cursorL, 2) = y / Z;
+    L(cursorL, 3) = 1 + y * y;
+    L(cursorL, 4) = -x * y;
+    L(cursorL, 5) = -x;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "L:"<<endl<<L<<endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "Jq:"<<endl<<articularJacobianSIN(time)<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "L:" << endl << L << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Jq:" << endl << articularJacobianSIN(time) << endl;
-  J = L*articularJacobianSIN(time);
+  J = L * articularJacobianSIN(time);
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"# Out }"<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return J;
 /** Compute the error between two visual features from a subset
  * a the possible features.
-FeatureVisualPoint::computeError( Vector& error,int time )
+Vector &FeatureVisualPoint::computeError(Vector &error, int time) {
   const Flags &fl = selectionSIN(time);
-  error.resize(dimensionSOUT(time)) ;
+  error.resize(dimensionSOUT(time));
   unsigned int cursorL = 0;
-  if(! isReferenceSet() )
-    { throw(ExceptionFeature(ExceptionFeature::BAD_INIT,
-			     "S* is not of adequate type.")); }
+  if (!isReferenceSet()) {
+    throw(ExceptionFeature(ExceptionFeature::BAD_INIT,
+                           "S* is not of adequate type."));
+  }
-  if( fl(0) )
-    { error( cursorL++ ) = xySIN(time)(0) - getReference()->xySIN(time)(0) ;   }
-  if( fl(1) )
-    { error( cursorL++ ) = xySIN(time)(1) - getReference()->xySIN(time)(1) ;   }
+  if (fl(0)) {
+    error(cursorL++) = xySIN(time)(0) - getReference()->xySIN(time)(0);
+  }
+  if (fl(1)) {
+    error(cursorL++) = xySIN(time)(1) - getReference()->xySIN(time)(1);
+  }
-  return error ;
+  return error;
-void FeatureVisualPoint::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<"VisualPoint <"<<name<<">:";
+void FeatureVisualPoint::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "VisualPoint <" << name << ">:";
-  try{
-    const Vector& xy = xySIN.accessCopy ();
-    const Flags& fl = selectionSIN.accessCopy ();
-    if( fl(0) ) os << " x=" << xy(0) ;
-    if( fl(1) ) os << " y=" << xy(1) ;
-  }  catch(ExceptionAbstract e){ os<< " XY or select not set."; }
+  try {
+    const Vector &xy = xySIN.accessCopy();
+    const Flags &fl = selectionSIN.accessCopy();
+    if (fl(0))
+      os << " x=" << xy(0);
+    if (fl(1))
+      os << " y=" << xy(1);
+  } catch (ExceptionAbstract e) {
+    os << " XY or select not set.";
+  }
   try {
-    const double& z = ZSIN.accessCopy ();
-    os<<" Z=" << z << " ";
-  }catch(ExceptionAbstract e){ os<< " Z not set."; }
+    const double &z = ZSIN.accessCopy();
+    os << " Z=" << z << " ";
+  } catch (ExceptionAbstract e) {
+    os << " Z not set.";
+  }
  * Local variables:
  * c-basic-offset: 2
diff --git a/src/feature/visual-point-projecter.cpp b/src/feature/visual-point-projecter.cpp
index 0bd3041d..4a8e19c6 100644
--- a/src/feature/visual-point-projecter.cpp
+++ b/src/feature/visual-point-projecter.cpp
@@ -3,92 +3,88 @@
-#include <sot/core/visual-point-projecter.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/visual-point-projecter.hh>
-namespace dynamicgraph
-  namespace sot
-  {
-      namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
-      using namespace dg;
-      /* --- DG FACTORY ------------------------------------------------------- */
-      DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(VisualPointProjecter,"VisualPointProjecter");
-      /* --- CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------------------------------- */
-      /* --- CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------------------------------- */
-      /* --- CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------------------------------- */
-    VisualPointProjecter::
-      VisualPointProjecter( const std::string & name )
-	: Entity(name)
-	,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(point3D,dynamicgraph::Vector)
-	,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(transfo,MatrixHomogeneous)
-	,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(point3Dgaze,dynamicgraph::Vector,m_point3DSIN<<m_transfoSIN )
-	,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(depth,double,m_point3DgazeSOUT )
-	,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(point2D,dynamicgraph::Vector,m_point3DgazeSOUT<<m_depthSOUT )
-      {
-	Entity::signalRegistration( m_point3DSIN );
-	Entity::signalRegistration( m_transfoSIN );
-	Entity::signalRegistration( m_point3DgazeSOUT );
-	Entity::signalRegistration( m_point2DSOUT );
-	Entity::signalRegistration( m_depthSOUT );
-      }
-      /* --- SIGNALS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-      /* --- SIGNALS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-      /* --- SIGNALS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-      dynamicgraph::Vector& VisualPointProjecter::
-      point3DgazeSOUT_function( dynamicgraph::Vector &p3g, int iter )
-      {
-	const dynamicgraph::Vector & p3 = m_point3DSIN(iter);
-	const MatrixHomogeneous & M = m_transfoSIN(iter);
-	MatrixHomogeneous Mi; Mi = M.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
-	p3g = Mi.matrix()*p3;
-	return p3g;
-      }
-      dynamicgraph::Vector& VisualPointProjecter::
-      point2DSOUT_function( dynamicgraph::Vector &p2, int iter )
-      {
-	sotDEBUGIN(15);
-	const dynamicgraph::Vector & p3 = m_point3DgazeSOUT(iter);
-	const double &z =m_depthSOUT(iter);
-	assert(z>0);
-	p2.resize(2);
-	p2(0) = p3(0) / z;
-	p2(1) = p3(1) / z;
-	sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-	return p2;
-      }
-      double& VisualPointProjecter::
-      depthSOUT_function( double & z, int iter )
-      {
-	const dynamicgraph::Vector & p3 = m_point3DgazeSOUT(iter);
-	assert(p3.size() == 3);
-        z=p3(2);
-	return z;
-      }
-      /* --- ENTITY ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-      /* --- ENTITY ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-      /* --- ENTITY ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-      void VisualPointProjecter::
-      display( std::ostream& os ) const
-      {
-	os << "VisualPointProjecter "<<getName();
-      }
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
+using namespace dg;
+/* --- DG FACTORY ------------------------------------------------------- */
+                                   "VisualPointProjecter");
+/* --- CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------------------------------- */
+VisualPointProjecter::VisualPointProjecter(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name)
+      ,
+      CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(point3D, dynamicgraph::Vector),
+      CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(transfo, MatrixHomogeneous)
+      ,
+      CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(point3Dgaze, dynamicgraph::Vector,
+                           m_point3DSIN << m_transfoSIN),
+      CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(depth, double, m_point3DgazeSOUT),
+      CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(point2D, dynamicgraph::Vector,
+                           m_point3DgazeSOUT << m_depthSOUT) {
+  Entity::signalRegistration(m_point3DSIN);
+  Entity::signalRegistration(m_transfoSIN);
+  Entity::signalRegistration(m_point3DgazeSOUT);
+  Entity::signalRegistration(m_point2DSOUT);
+  Entity::signalRegistration(m_depthSOUT);
+/* --- SIGNALS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+VisualPointProjecter::point3DgazeSOUT_function(dynamicgraph::Vector &p3g,
+                                               int iter) {
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &p3 = m_point3DSIN(iter);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &M = m_transfoSIN(iter);
+  MatrixHomogeneous Mi;
+  Mi = M.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
+  p3g = Mi.matrix() * p3;
+  return p3g;
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+VisualPointProjecter::point2DSOUT_function(dynamicgraph::Vector &p2, int iter) {
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &p3 = m_point3DgazeSOUT(iter);
+  const double &z = m_depthSOUT(iter);
+  assert(z > 0);
+  p2.resize(2);
+  p2(0) = p3(0) / z;
+  p2(1) = p3(1) / z;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return p2;
+double &VisualPointProjecter::depthSOUT_function(double &z, int iter) {
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &p3 = m_point3DgazeSOUT(iter);
+  assert(p3.size() == 3);
+  z = p3(2);
+  return z;
+/* --- ENTITY ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- ENTITY ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- ENTITY ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+void VisualPointProjecter::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "VisualPointProjecter " << getName();
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/filters/causal-filter.cpp b/src/filters/causal-filter.cpp
index d8a4d204..4d0d2c4d 100644
--- a/src/filters/causal-filter.cpp
+++ b/src/filters/causal-filter.cpp
@@ -18,109 +18,106 @@
 #include <sot/core/causal-filter.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 Filter data with an IIR or FIR filter.
-Filter a data sequence, x, using a digital filter. The filter is a direct form II transposed implementation of the standard difference equation.
-This means that the filter implements:
+Filter a data sequence, x, using a digital filter. The filter is a direct form
+II transposed implementation of the standard difference equation. This means
+that the filter implements:
 a[0]*y[N] = b[0]*x[N] + b[1]*x[N-1] + ... + b[m-1]*x[N-(m-1)]
                       - a[1]*y[N-1] - ... - a[n-1]*y[N-(n-1)]
-where m is the degree of the numerator, n is the degree of the denominator, and N is the sample number
+where m is the degree of the numerator, n is the degree of the denominator, and
+N is the sample number
-CausalFilter::CausalFilter(const double &timestep,
-                           const int& xSize,
-                           const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_numerator,
-                           const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_denominator)
-  : m_dt(timestep)
-  , m_x_size(xSize)
-  , m_filter_order_m(filter_numerator.size())
-  , m_filter_order_n(filter_denominator.size())
-  , m_filter_numerator(filter_numerator)
-  , m_filter_denominator(filter_denominator)
-  , m_first_sample(true)
-  , m_pt_numerator(0)
-  , m_pt_denominator(0)
-  , m_input_buffer(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(xSize, filter_numerator.size()))
-  , m_output_buffer(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(xSize, filter_denominator.size()-1))
-  assert(timestep>0.0 && "Timestep should be > 0");
+CausalFilter::CausalFilter(const double &timestep, const int &xSize,
+                           const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_numerator,
+                           const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_denominator)
+    : m_dt(timestep), m_x_size(xSize),
+      m_filter_order_m(filter_numerator.size()),
+      m_filter_order_n(filter_denominator.size()),
+      m_filter_numerator(filter_numerator),
+      m_filter_denominator(filter_denominator), m_first_sample(true),
+      m_pt_numerator(0), m_pt_denominator(0),
+      m_input_buffer(Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(xSize, filter_numerator.size())),
+      m_output_buffer(
+          Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(xSize, filter_denominator.size() - 1)) {
+  assert(timestep > 0.0 && "Timestep should be > 0");
   assert(m_filter_numerator.size() == m_filter_order_m);
   assert(m_filter_denominator.size() == m_filter_order_n);
-void CausalFilter::get_x_dx_ddx(const Eigen::VectorXd& base_x,
-                                Eigen::VectorXd& x_output_dx_ddx)
-  //const dynamicgraph::Vector &base_x = m_xSIN(iter);
-  if(m_first_sample)
-  {
-    for(int i=0;i<m_filter_order_m; i++)
+void CausalFilter::get_x_dx_ddx(const Eigen::VectorXd &base_x,
+                                Eigen::VectorXd &x_output_dx_ddx) {
+  // const dynamicgraph::Vector &base_x = m_xSIN(iter);
+  if (m_first_sample) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < m_filter_order_m; i++)
       m_input_buffer.col(i) = base_x;
-    for(int i=0;i<m_filter_order_n-1; i++)
-      m_output_buffer.col(i) = base_x*m_filter_numerator.sum()/
-	m_filter_denominator.sum(); 
+    for (int i = 0; i < m_filter_order_n - 1; i++)
+      m_output_buffer.col(i) =
+          base_x * m_filter_numerator.sum() / m_filter_denominator.sum();
     m_first_sample = false;
   m_input_buffer.col(m_pt_numerator) = base_x;
   Eigen::VectorXd b(m_filter_order_m);
-  Eigen::VectorXd a(m_filter_order_n-1);
-  b.head(m_pt_numerator+1) = m_filter_numerator.head(m_pt_numerator+1).reverse();
-  b.tail(m_filter_order_m-m_pt_numerator-1) =
-    m_filter_numerator.tail(m_filter_order_m-m_pt_numerator-1).reverse();
-  a.head(m_pt_denominator+1) =
-    m_filter_denominator.segment(1, m_pt_denominator+1).reverse();
-  a.tail(m_filter_order_n-m_pt_denominator-2) =
-    m_filter_denominator.tail(m_filter_order_n-m_pt_denominator-2).reverse();
+  Eigen::VectorXd a(m_filter_order_n - 1);
+  b.head(m_pt_numerator + 1) =
+      m_filter_numerator.head(m_pt_numerator + 1).reverse();
+  b.tail(m_filter_order_m - m_pt_numerator - 1) =
+      m_filter_numerator.tail(m_filter_order_m - m_pt_numerator - 1).reverse();
+  a.head(m_pt_denominator + 1) =
+      m_filter_denominator.segment(1, m_pt_denominator + 1).reverse();
+  a.tail(m_filter_order_n - m_pt_denominator - 2) =
+      m_filter_denominator.tail(m_filter_order_n - m_pt_denominator - 2)
+          .reverse();
   x_output_dx_ddx.head(m_x_size) =
-    (m_input_buffer*b-m_output_buffer*a)/m_filter_denominator[0];
-  //Finite Difference
-  Eigen::VectorXd::Index m_pt_denominator_prev = (m_pt_denominator == 0) ?
-    m_filter_order_n-2 : m_pt_denominator-1;  
-  x_output_dx_ddx.segment(m_x_size,m_x_size) =
-    (x_output_dx_ddx.head(m_x_size)-m_output_buffer.col(m_pt_denominator))/m_dt;
+      (m_input_buffer * b - m_output_buffer * a) / m_filter_denominator[0];
+  // Finite Difference
+  Eigen::VectorXd::Index m_pt_denominator_prev =
+      (m_pt_denominator == 0) ? m_filter_order_n - 2 : m_pt_denominator - 1;
+  x_output_dx_ddx.segment(m_x_size, m_x_size) =
+      (x_output_dx_ddx.head(m_x_size) - m_output_buffer.col(m_pt_denominator)) /
+      m_dt;
   x_output_dx_ddx.tail(m_x_size) =
-    (x_output_dx_ddx.head(m_x_size)-2*m_output_buffer.col(m_pt_denominator)
-     +m_output_buffer.col(m_pt_denominator_prev))/m_dt/m_dt;
-  m_pt_numerator = (m_pt_numerator+1) < m_filter_order_m ? (m_pt_numerator+1) : 0;
-  m_pt_denominator = (m_pt_denominator+1) < m_filter_order_n-1 ?
-					(m_pt_denominator+1) : 0;
+      (x_output_dx_ddx.head(m_x_size) -
+       2 * m_output_buffer.col(m_pt_denominator) +
+       m_output_buffer.col(m_pt_denominator_prev)) /
+      m_dt / m_dt;
+  m_pt_numerator =
+      (m_pt_numerator + 1) < m_filter_order_m ? (m_pt_numerator + 1) : 0;
+  m_pt_denominator = (m_pt_denominator + 1) < m_filter_order_n - 1
+                         ? (m_pt_denominator + 1)
+                         : 0;
   m_output_buffer.col(m_pt_denominator) = x_output_dx_ddx.head(m_x_size);
-void CausalFilter::switch_filter(const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_numerator,
-                                 const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_denominator)
+void CausalFilter::switch_filter(const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_numerator,
+                                 const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_denominator) {
   Eigen::VectorXd::Index filter_order_m = filter_numerator.size();
   Eigen::VectorXd::Index filter_order_n = filter_denominator.size();
   Eigen::VectorXd current_x(m_input_buffer.col(m_pt_numerator));
   m_input_buffer.resize(Eigen::NoChange, filter_order_m);
-  m_output_buffer.resize(Eigen::NoChange, filter_order_n-1);
+  m_output_buffer.resize(Eigen::NoChange, filter_order_n - 1);
-  for(int i=0;i<filter_order_m; i++)
+  for (int i = 0; i < filter_order_m; i++)
     m_input_buffer.col(i) = current_x;
-  for(int i=0;i<filter_order_n-1; i++)
-    m_output_buffer.col(i) = current_x*
-      filter_numerator.sum()/filter_denominator.sum(); 
+  for (int i = 0; i < filter_order_n - 1; i++)
+    m_output_buffer.col(i) =
+        current_x * filter_numerator.sum() / filter_denominator.sum();
   m_filter_order_m = filter_order_m;
diff --git a/src/filters/filter-differentiator.cpp b/src/filters/filter-differentiator.cpp
index c8d08b8e..f30a7e3f 100644
--- a/src/filters/filter-differentiator.cpp
+++ b/src/filters/filter-differentiator.cpp
@@ -16,193 +16,159 @@
 #define LOGFILE "/tmp/fd_log.dat"
-#define LOG(x) { std::ofstream LogFile; \
-,std::ofstream::app); \
-    LogFile << x << std::endl; \
-    LogFile.close();}
+#define LOG(x)                                                                 \
+  {                                                                            \
+    std::ofstream LogFile;                                                     \
+, std::ofstream::app);                                 \
+    LogFile << x << std::endl;                                                 \
+    LogFile.close();                                                           \
+  }
-#include <sot/core/filter-differentiator.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/filter-differentiator.hh>
 //#include <sot/torque_control/motor-model.hh>
 #include <Eigen/Dense>
-namespace dynamicgraph
-  namespace sot
-  {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
-#define ALL_OUTPUT_SIGNALS  m_x_filteredSOUT << m_dxSOUT << m_ddxSOUT
-      namespace dynamicgraph = ::dynamicgraph;
-      using namespace dynamicgraph;
-      using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-      using namespace Eigen;
-      /// Define EntityClassName here rather than in the header file
-      /// so that it can be used by the macros DEFINE_SIGNAL_**_FUNCTION.
-      typedef FilterDifferentiator EntityClassName;
-      /* --- DG FACTORY --------------------------------------------------- */
-      (FilterDifferentiator,"FilterDifferentiator");
-      /* --- CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------------------------- */
-      /* --- CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------------------------- */
-      /* --- CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------------------------- */
-      FilterDifferentiator::
-      FilterDifferentiator( const std::string & name )
-        : Entity(name),
-	  (x,
-	   dynamicgraph::Vector)
-	  (x_filtered,
-	   dynamicgraph::Vector, m_x_dx_ddxSINNER)
-	  (dx,
-	   dynamicgraph::Vector, m_x_dx_ddxSINNER)
-	  (ddx,
-	   dynamicgraph::Vector, m_x_dx_ddxSINNER)
-	  (x_dx_ddx,
-	   dynamicgraph::Vector, m_xSIN)
-      {
-        Entity::signalRegistration( ALL_INPUT_SIGNALS << ALL_OUTPUT_SIGNALS);
-        /* Commands. */
-        addCommand("getTimestep",
-                   makeDirectGetter
-		   (*this,&m_dt,
-		    docDirectGetter("Control timestep [s ]","double")));
-        addCommand("getSize",
-                   makeDirectGetter
-		   (*this,&m_x_size,
-		    docDirectGetter("Size of the x signal","int")));
-        addCommand("init",
-		   makeCommandVoid4
-		   (*this, &FilterDifferentiator::init,
-		    docCommandVoid4
-		    ("Initialize the filter.",
-		     "Control timestep [s].",
-		     "Size of the input signal x",
-		     "Numerator of the filter",
-		     "Denominator of the filter")));
-        addCommand("switch_filter",
-                   makeCommandVoid2
-		   (*this, &FilterDifferentiator::switch_filter,
-		    docCommandVoid2
-		    ("Switch Filter.",
-		     "Numerator of the filter",
-		     "Denominator of the filter")));
-      }
-      /* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------ */
-      /* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------ */
-      /* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------ */
-      void FilterDifferentiator::
-      init(const double &timestep,
-	   const int& xSize,
-	   const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_numerator,
-	   const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_denominator)
-      {
-        m_x_size = xSize;
-        m_dt = timestep;
-        m_filter = new CausalFilter(timestep, xSize,
-                                    filter_numerator, filter_denominator);
-        LOG("Filtering started with "<<
-            "Numerator "<< filter_numerator<<std::endl<<
-            "Denominator"<<filter_denominator<<std::endl);
-        return;
-      }
-      void FilterDifferentiator::
-      switch_filter
-      (const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_numerator,
-       const Eigen::VectorXd& filter_denominator)
-      {
-        LOG("Filter switched with "<<
-            "Numerator "<< filter_numerator<<std::endl<<
-            "Denominator"<<filter_denominator<<std::endl<<
-            "at time"<<m_xSIN.getTime());
-        m_filter->switch_filter(filter_numerator, filter_denominator);
-      }
-      /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------ */
-      /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------ */
-      /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------ */
-      DEFINE_SIGNAL_INNER_FUNCTION(x_dx_ddx, dynamicgraph::Vector)
-      {
-        sotDEBUG(15)<<"Compute x_dx inner signal "<<iter<<std::endl;
-        if(s.size()!=3*m_x_size)
-          s.resize(3*m_x_size);
-        // read encoders
-        const dynamicgraph::Vector& base_x = m_xSIN(iter);
-        assert(base_x.size() == m_x_size);
-        m_filter->get_x_dx_ddx(base_x, s);
-        return s;
-      }
-      /// *************************************************************** ///
-      /// The following signals depend only on other inner signals, so they
-      /// just need to copy the interested part of the inner signal
-      /// they depend on.
-      /// *************************************************************** ///
-      DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(x_filtered, dynamicgraph::Vector)
-      {
-        sotDEBUG(15)<< "Compute x_filtered output signal "
-		    << iter<<std::endl;
-        const dynamicgraph::Vector &x_dx_ddx = m_x_dx_ddxSINNER(iter);
-        if(s.size()!=m_x_size)
-          s.resize(m_x_size);
-        s = x_dx_ddx.head(m_x_size);
-        return s;
-      }
-      DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(dx, dynamicgraph::Vector)
-      {
-        sotDEBUG(15)<<"Compute dx output signal "<<iter<<std::endl;
-        const dynamicgraph::Vector &x_dx_ddx = m_x_dx_ddxSINNER(iter);
-        if(s.size()!=m_x_size)
-          s.resize(m_x_size);
-        s = x_dx_ddx.segment(m_x_size, m_x_size);
-        return s;
-      }
-      DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(ddx, dynamicgraph::Vector)
-      {
-        sotDEBUG(15)<<"Compute ddx output signal "<<iter<<std::endl;
-        const dynamicgraph::Vector &x_dx_ddx = m_x_dx_ddxSINNER(iter);
-        if(s.size()!=m_x_size)
-          s.resize(m_x_size);
-        s = x_dx_ddx.tail(m_x_size);
-        return s;
-      }
-      void FilterDifferentiator::display( std::ostream& os ) const
-      {
-        os << "FilterDifferentiator "<<getName()<<":\n";
-        try
-        {
-          getProfiler().report_all(3, os);
-        }
-        catch (ExceptionSignal e) {}
-      }
-  } // namespace sot
+#define ALL_OUTPUT_SIGNALS m_x_filteredSOUT << m_dxSOUT << m_ddxSOUT
+namespace dynamicgraph = ::dynamicgraph;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+using namespace Eigen;
+/// Define EntityClassName here rather than in the header file
+/// so that it can be used by the macros DEFINE_SIGNAL_**_FUNCTION.
+typedef FilterDifferentiator EntityClassName;
+/* --- DG FACTORY --------------------------------------------------- */
+                                   "FilterDifferentiator");
+/* --- CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------------------------- */
+FilterDifferentiator::FilterDifferentiator(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(x, dynamicgraph::Vector),
+      CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(x_filtered, dynamicgraph::Vector, m_x_dx_ddxSINNER),
+      CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(dx, dynamicgraph::Vector, m_x_dx_ddxSINNER),
+      CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(ddx, dynamicgraph::Vector, m_x_dx_ddxSINNER),
+      CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_INNER(x_dx_ddx, dynamicgraph::Vector, m_xSIN) {
+  Entity::signalRegistration(ALL_INPUT_SIGNALS << ALL_OUTPUT_SIGNALS);
+  /* Commands. */
+  addCommand(
+      "getTimestep",
+      makeDirectGetter(*this, &m_dt,
+                       docDirectGetter("Control timestep [s ]", "double")));
+  addCommand("getSize",
+             makeDirectGetter(*this, &m_x_size,
+                              docDirectGetter("Size of the x signal", "int")));
+  addCommand("init",
+             makeCommandVoid4(*this, &FilterDifferentiator::init,
+                              docCommandVoid4("Initialize the filter.",
+                                              "Control timestep [s].",
+                                              "Size of the input signal x",
+                                              "Numerator of the filter",
+                                              "Denominator of the filter")));
+  addCommand("switch_filter",
+             makeCommandVoid2(*this, &FilterDifferentiator::switch_filter,
+                              docCommandVoid2("Switch Filter.",
+                                              "Numerator of the filter",
+                                              "Denominator of the filter")));
+/* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------ */
+void FilterDifferentiator::init(const double &timestep, const int &xSize,
+                                const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_numerator,
+                                const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_denominator) {
+  m_x_size = xSize;
+  m_dt = timestep;
+  m_filter =
+      new CausalFilter(timestep, xSize, filter_numerator, filter_denominator);
+  LOG("Filtering started with "
+      << "Numerator " << filter_numerator << std::endl
+      << "Denominator" << filter_denominator << std::endl);
+  return;
+void FilterDifferentiator::switch_filter(
+    const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_numerator,
+    const Eigen::VectorXd &filter_denominator) {
+  LOG("Filter switched with "
+      << "Numerator " << filter_numerator << std::endl
+      << "Denominator" << filter_denominator << std::endl
+      << "at time" << m_xSIN.getTime());
+  m_filter->switch_filter(filter_numerator, filter_denominator);
+/* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------ */
+DEFINE_SIGNAL_INNER_FUNCTION(x_dx_ddx, dynamicgraph::Vector) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Compute x_dx inner signal " << iter << std::endl;
+  if (s.size() != 3 * m_x_size)
+    s.resize(3 * m_x_size);
+  // read encoders
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &base_x = m_xSIN(iter);
+  assert(base_x.size() == m_x_size);
+  m_filter->get_x_dx_ddx(base_x, s);
+  return s;
+/// *************************************************************** ///
+/// The following signals depend only on other inner signals, so they
+/// just need to copy the interested part of the inner signal
+/// they depend on.
+/// *************************************************************** ///
+DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(x_filtered, dynamicgraph::Vector) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Compute x_filtered output signal " << iter << std::endl;
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &x_dx_ddx = m_x_dx_ddxSINNER(iter);
+  if (s.size() != m_x_size)
+    s.resize(m_x_size);
+  s = x_dx_ddx.head(m_x_size);
+  return s;
+DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(dx, dynamicgraph::Vector) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Compute dx output signal " << iter << std::endl;
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &x_dx_ddx = m_x_dx_ddxSINNER(iter);
+  if (s.size() != m_x_size)
+    s.resize(m_x_size);
+  s = x_dx_ddx.segment(m_x_size, m_x_size);
+  return s;
+DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(ddx, dynamicgraph::Vector) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Compute ddx output signal " << iter << std::endl;
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &x_dx_ddx = m_x_dx_ddxSINNER(iter);
+  if (s.size() != m_x_size)
+    s.resize(m_x_size);
+  s = x_dx_ddx.tail(m_x_size);
+  return s;
+void FilterDifferentiator::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "FilterDifferentiator " << getName() << ":\n";
+  try {
+    getProfiler().report_all(3, os);
+  } catch (ExceptionSignal e) {
+  }
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/filters/madgwickahrs.cpp b/src/filters/madgwickahrs.cpp
index a827716d..e21be756 100644
--- a/src/filters/madgwickahrs.cpp
+++ b/src/filters/madgwickahrs.cpp
@@ -10,267 +10,221 @@
-#include <sot/core/madgwickahrs.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/madgwickahrs.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
 #include <sot/core/stop-watch.hh>
-namespace dynamicgraph
-  namespace sot
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
+using namespace dg;
+using namespace dg::command;
+using namespace std;
+typedef Vector6d Vector6;
+#define INPUT_SIGNALS m_accelerometerSIN << m_gyroscopeSIN
+#define OUTPUT_SIGNALS m_imu_quatSOUT
+/// Define EntityClassName here rather than in the header file
+/// so that it can be used by the macros DEFINE_SIGNAL_**_FUNCTION.
+typedef MadgwickAHRS EntityClassName;
+/* --- DG FACTORY ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONSTRUCTION -------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+MadgwickAHRS::MadgwickAHRS(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(accelerometer, dynamicgraph::Vector),
+      CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(gyroscope, dynamicgraph::Vector),
+      CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(imu_quat, dynamicgraph::Vector,
+                           m_gyroscopeSIN << m_accelerometerSIN),
+      m_initSucceeded(false), m_beta(betaDef), m_q0(1.0), m_q1(0.0), m_q2(0.0),
+      m_q3(0.0), m_sampleFreq(512.0) {
+  Entity::signalRegistration(INPUT_SIGNALS << OUTPUT_SIGNALS);
+  /* Commands. */
+  addCommand("init",
+             makeCommandVoid1(*this, &MadgwickAHRS::init,
+                              docCommandVoid1("Initialize the entity.",
+                                              "Timestep in seconds (double)")));
+  addCommand("getBeta",
+             makeDirectGetter(*this, &m_beta,
+                              docDirectGetter("Beta parameter", "double")));
+  addCommand("setBeta",
+             makeCommandVoid1(
+                 *this, &MadgwickAHRS::set_beta,
+                 docCommandVoid1("Set the filter parameter beta", "double")));
+  addCommand("set_imu_quat",
+             makeCommandVoid1(
+                 *this, &MadgwickAHRS::set_imu_quat,
+                 docCommandVoid1("Set the quaternion as [w,x,y,z]", "vector")));
+void MadgwickAHRS::init(const double &dt) {
+  if (dt <= 0.0)
+    return SEND_MSG("Timestep must be positive", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+  m_sampleFreq = 1.0 / dt;
+  m_initSucceeded = true;
+void MadgwickAHRS::set_beta(const double &beta) {
+  if (beta < 0.0 || beta > 1.0)
+    return SEND_MSG("Beta must be in [0,1]", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+  m_beta = beta;
+void MadgwickAHRS::set_imu_quat(const dynamicgraph::Vector &imu_quat) {
+  assert(imu_quat.size() == 4);
+  m_q0 = imu_quat[0];
+  m_q1 = imu_quat[1];
+  m_q2 = imu_quat[2];
+  m_q3 = imu_quat[3];
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(imu_quat, dynamicgraph::Vector) {
+  if (!m_initSucceeded) {
+        "Cannot compute signal imu_quat before initialization!");
+    return s;
+  }
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &accelerometer = m_accelerometerSIN(iter);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &gyroscope = m_gyroscopeSIN(iter);
-    namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
-    using namespace dg;
-    using namespace dg::command;
-    using namespace std;
-    typedef Vector6d Vector6;
-#define PROFILE_MADGWICKAHRS_COMPUTATION          "MadgwickAHRS computation"
-#define INPUT_SIGNALS     m_accelerometerSIN << m_gyroscopeSIN
-#define OUTPUT_SIGNALS    m_imu_quatSOUT
-    /// Define EntityClassName here rather than in the header file
-    /// so that it can be used by the macros DEFINE_SIGNAL_**_FUNCTION.
-    typedef MadgwickAHRS EntityClassName;
-    /* --- DG FACTORY ---------------------------------------------------- */
-                                       "MadgwickAHRS");
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CONSTRUCTION -------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    MadgwickAHRS::MadgwickAHRS(const std::string& name)
-      : Entity(name)
-      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( accelerometer, dynamicgraph::Vector)
-      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( gyroscope,     dynamicgraph::Vector)
-      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(imu_quat,      dynamicgraph::Vector, m_gyroscopeSIN
-                             << m_accelerometerSIN)
-      , m_initSucceeded(false)
-      , m_beta(betaDef)
-      , m_q0(1.0)
-      , m_q1(0.0)
-      , m_q2(0.0)
-      , m_q3(0.0)
-      , m_sampleFreq(512.0)
-    {
-      Entity::signalRegistration( INPUT_SIGNALS << OUTPUT_SIGNALS );
-      /* Commands. */
-      addCommand
-        ("init",
-         makeCommandVoid1
-         (*this, &MadgwickAHRS::init,
-          docCommandVoid1
-          ("Initialize the entity.",
-           "Timestep in seconds (double)")));
-      addCommand
-        ("getBeta",
-         makeDirectGetter
-         (*this, &m_beta,
-          docDirectGetter("Beta parameter", "double")));
-      addCommand
-        ("setBeta",
-         makeCommandVoid1
-         (*this, &MadgwickAHRS::set_beta,
-          docCommandVoid1("Set the filter parameter beta", "double")));
-      addCommand
-        ("set_imu_quat",
-         makeCommandVoid1
-         (*this, &MadgwickAHRS::set_imu_quat,
-          docCommandVoid1("Set the quaternion as [w,x,y,z]", "vector")));
-    }
-    void MadgwickAHRS::init(const double& dt)
-    {
-      if(dt<=0.0)
-        return SEND_MSG("Timestep must be positive", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
-      m_sampleFreq=1.0/dt;
-      m_initSucceeded = true;
-    }
-    void MadgwickAHRS::set_beta(const double& beta)
-    {
-      if(beta<0.0 || beta>1.0)
-        return SEND_MSG("Beta must be in [0,1]", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
-      m_beta = beta;
-    }
-    void MadgwickAHRS::set_imu_quat(const dynamicgraph::Vector & imu_quat)
-    {
-      assert(imu_quat.size()==4);
-      m_q0 = imu_quat[0];
-      m_q1 = imu_quat[1];
-      m_q2 = imu_quat[2];
-      m_q3 = imu_quat[3];
-    }
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(imu_quat, dynamicgraph::Vector)
-    {
-      if(!m_initSucceeded)
-        {
-            ("Cannot compute signal imu_quat before initialization!");
-          return s;
-        }
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector& accelerometer = m_accelerometerSIN(iter);
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector& gyroscope = m_gyroscopeSIN(iter);
-      {
-        // Update state with new measurment
-        madgwickAHRSupdateIMU(gyroscope(0),
-                              gyroscope(1),
-                              gyroscope(2),
-                              accelerometer(0),
-                              accelerometer(1),
-                              accelerometer(2));
-        if(s.size()!=4)
-          s.resize(4);
-        s(0) = m_q0;
-        s(1) = m_q1;
-        s(2) = m_q2;
-        s(3) = m_q3;
-      }
-      return s;
+    // Update state with new measurment
+    madgwickAHRSupdateIMU(gyroscope(0), gyroscope(1), gyroscope(2),
+                          accelerometer(0), accelerometer(1), accelerometer(2));
+    if (s.size() != 4)
+      s.resize(4);
+    s(0) = m_q0;
+    s(1) = m_q1;
+    s(2) = m_q2;
+    s(3) = m_q3;
+  }
+  return s;
+/* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// ************************ PROTECTED MEMBER METHODS ********************
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Fast inverse square-root
+// See:
+double MadgwickAHRS::invSqrt(double x) {
+  /*
+    float halfx = 0.5f * x;
+    float y = x;
+    long i = *(long*)&y;
+    i = 0x5f3759df - (i>>1);
+    y = *(float*)&i;
+    y = y * (1.5f - (halfx * y * y));
+    return y;*/
+  return (1.0 / sqrt(x)); // we're not in the 70's
+// IMU algorithm update
+void MadgwickAHRS::madgwickAHRSupdateIMU(double gx, double gy, double gz,
+                                         double ax, double ay, double az) {
+  double recipNorm;
+  double s0, s1, s2, s3;
+  double qDot1, qDot2, qDot3, qDot4;
+  double o2q0, o2q1, o2q2, o2q3, o4q0, o4q1, o4q2, o8q1, o8q2;
+  double q0q0, q1q1, q2q2, q3q3;
+  // Rate of change of quaternion from gyroscope
+  qDot1 = 0.5 * (-m_q1 * gx - m_q2 * gy - m_q3 * gz);
+  qDot2 = 0.5 * (m_q0 * gx + m_q2 * gz - m_q3 * gy);
+  qDot3 = 0.5 * (m_q0 * gy - m_q1 * gz + m_q3 * gx);
+  qDot4 = 0.5 * (m_q0 * gz + m_q1 * gy - m_q2 * gx);
+  // Compute feedback only if accelerometer measurement valid
+  // (avoids NaN in accelerometer normalisation)
+  if (!((ax == 0.0) && (ay == 0.0) && (az == 0.0))) {
+    // Normalise accelerometer measurement
+    recipNorm = invSqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az);
+    ax *= recipNorm;
+    ay *= recipNorm;
+    az *= recipNorm;
+    // Auxiliary variables to avoid repeated arithmetic
+    o2q0 = 2.0 * m_q0;
+    o2q1 = 2.0 * m_q1;
+    o2q2 = 2.0 * m_q2;
+    o2q3 = 2.0 * m_q3;
+    o4q0 = 4.0 * m_q0;
+    o4q1 = 4.0 * m_q1;
+    o4q2 = 4.0 * m_q2;
+    o8q1 = 8.0 * m_q1;
+    o8q2 = 8.0 * m_q2;
+    q0q0 = m_q0 * m_q0;
+    q1q1 = m_q1 * m_q1;
+    q2q2 = m_q2 * m_q2;
+    q3q3 = m_q3 * m_q3;
+    // Gradient decent algorithm corrective step
+    s0 = o4q0 * q2q2 + o2q2 * ax + o4q0 * q1q1 - o2q1 * ay;
+    s1 = o4q1 * q3q3 - o2q3 * ax + 4.0 * q0q0 * m_q1 - o2q0 * ay - o4q1 +
+         o8q1 * q1q1 + o8q1 * q2q2 + o4q1 * az;
+    s2 = 4.0 * q0q0 * m_q2 + o2q0 * ax + o4q2 * q3q3 - o2q3 * ay - o4q2 +
+         o8q2 * q1q1 + o8q2 * q2q2 + o4q2 * az;
+    s3 = 4.0 * q1q1 * m_q3 - o2q1 * ax + 4.0 * q2q2 * m_q3 - o2q2 * ay;
+    if (!((s0 == 0.0) && (s1 == 0.0) && (s2 == 0.0) && (s3 == 0.0))) {
+      // normalise step magnitude
+      recipNorm = invSqrt(s0 * s0 + s1 * s1 + s2 * s2 + s3 * s3);
+      s0 *= recipNorm;
+      s1 *= recipNorm;
+      s2 *= recipNorm;
+      s3 *= recipNorm;
+      // Apply feedback step
+      qDot1 -= m_beta * s0;
+      qDot2 -= m_beta * s1;
+      qDot3 -= m_beta * s2;
+      qDot4 -= m_beta * s3;
-    /* --- COMMANDS ------------------------------------------------------ */
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    // ************************ PROTECTED MEMBER METHODS ********************
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    // Fast inverse square-root
-    // See:
-    double MadgwickAHRS::invSqrt(double x)
-    {
-      /*
-        float halfx = 0.5f * x;
-        float y = x;
-        long i = *(long*)&y;
-        i = 0x5f3759df - (i>>1);
-        y = *(float*)&i;
-        y = y * (1.5f - (halfx * y * y));
-        return y;*/
-      return (1.0/sqrt(x)); //we're not in the 70's
-    }
-    // IMU algorithm update
-    void MadgwickAHRS::
-    madgwickAHRSupdateIMU
-    (double gx, double gy, double gz, double ax, double ay, double az)
-    {
-      double recipNorm;
-      double s0, s1, s2, s3;
-      double qDot1, qDot2, qDot3, qDot4;
-      double o2q0, o2q1, o2q2, o2q3, o4q0, o4q1, o4q2 ,o8q1, o8q2;
-      double q0q0, q1q1, q2q2, q3q3;
-      // Rate of change of quaternion from gyroscope
-      qDot1 = 0.5 * (-m_q1 * gx - m_q2 * gy - m_q3 * gz);
-      qDot2 = 0.5 * ( m_q0 * gx + m_q2 * gz - m_q3 * gy);
-      qDot3 = 0.5 * ( m_q0 * gy - m_q1 * gz + m_q3 * gx);
-      qDot4 = 0.5 * ( m_q0 * gz + m_q1 * gy - m_q2 * gx);
-      // Compute feedback only if accelerometer measurement valid
-      // (avoids NaN in accelerometer normalisation)
-      if(!((ax == 0.0) && (ay == 0.0) && (az == 0.0)))
-        {
-          // Normalise accelerometer measurement
-          recipNorm = invSqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az);
-          ax *= recipNorm;
-          ay *= recipNorm;
-          az *= recipNorm;
-          // Auxiliary variables to avoid repeated arithmetic
-          o2q0 = 2.0 * m_q0;
-          o2q1 = 2.0 * m_q1;
-          o2q2 = 2.0 * m_q2;
-          o2q3 = 2.0 * m_q3;
-          o4q0 = 4.0 * m_q0;
-          o4q1 = 4.0 * m_q1;
-          o4q2 = 4.0 * m_q2;
-          o8q1 = 8.0 * m_q1;
-          o8q2 = 8.0 * m_q2;
-          q0q0 = m_q0 * m_q0;
-          q1q1 = m_q1 * m_q1;
-          q2q2 = m_q2 * m_q2;
-          q3q3 = m_q3 * m_q3;
-          // Gradient decent algorithm corrective step
-          s0 = o4q0 * q2q2 + o2q2 * ax + o4q0 * q1q1 - o2q1 * ay;
-          s1 = o4q1 * q3q3 - o2q3 * ax + 4.0 * q0q0 * m_q1 - o2q0 * ay -
-            o4q1 + o8q1 * q1q1 + o8q1 * q2q2 + o4q1 * az;
-          s2 = 4.0 * q0q0 * m_q2 + o2q0 * ax + o4q2 * q3q3 - o2q3 * ay -
-            o4q2 + o8q2 * q1q1 + o8q2 * q2q2 + o4q2 * az;
-          s3 = 4.0 * q1q1 * m_q3 - o2q1 * ax + 4.0 * q2q2 * m_q3 - o2q2 * ay;
-          if(!((s0 == 0.0) && (s1 == 0.0) && (s2 == 0.0) && (s3 == 0.0)))
-            {
-              // normalise step magnitude
-              recipNorm = invSqrt(s0 * s0 + s1 * s1 + s2 * s2 + s3 * s3); 
-              s0 *= recipNorm;
-              s1 *= recipNorm;
-              s2 *= recipNorm;
-              s3 *= recipNorm;
-              // Apply feedback step
-              qDot1 -= m_beta * s0;
-              qDot2 -= m_beta * s1;
-              qDot3 -= m_beta * s2;
-              qDot4 -= m_beta * s3;
-            }
-        }
-      // Integrate rate of change of quaternion to yield quaternion
-      m_q0 += qDot1 * (1.0 / m_sampleFreq);
-      m_q1 += qDot2 * (1.0 / m_sampleFreq);
-      m_q2 += qDot3 * (1.0 / m_sampleFreq);
-      m_q3 += qDot4 * (1.0 / m_sampleFreq);
-      // Normalise quaternion
-      recipNorm = invSqrt(m_q0 * m_q0 + m_q1 * m_q1 +
-                          m_q2 * m_q2 + m_q3 * m_q3);
-      m_q0 *= recipNorm;
-      m_q1 *= recipNorm;
-      m_q2 *= recipNorm;
-      m_q3 *= recipNorm;
-    }
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- ENTITY -------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    void MadgwickAHRS::display(std::ostream& os) const
-    {
-      os << "MadgwickAHRS "<<getName();
-      try
-        {
-          getProfiler().report_all(3, os);
-        }
-      catch (ExceptionSignal e) {}
-    }
-  } // namespace sot
+  }
+  // Integrate rate of change of quaternion to yield quaternion
+  m_q0 += qDot1 * (1.0 / m_sampleFreq);
+  m_q1 += qDot2 * (1.0 / m_sampleFreq);
+  m_q2 += qDot3 * (1.0 / m_sampleFreq);
+  m_q3 += qDot4 * (1.0 / m_sampleFreq);
+  // Normalise quaternion
+  recipNorm = invSqrt(m_q0 * m_q0 + m_q1 * m_q1 + m_q2 * m_q2 + m_q3 * m_q3);
+  m_q0 *= recipNorm;
+  m_q1 *= recipNorm;
+  m_q2 *= recipNorm;
+  m_q3 *= recipNorm;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- ENTITY -------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void MadgwickAHRS::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "MadgwickAHRS " << getName();
+  try {
+    getProfiler().report_all(3, os);
+  } catch (ExceptionSignal e) {
+  }
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/math/op-point-modifier.cpp b/src/math/op-point-modifier.cpp
index 7dab6705..10b3b8d3 100644
--- a/src/math/op-point-modifier.cpp
+++ b/src/math/op-point-modifier.cpp
@@ -7,138 +7,127 @@
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
-#include <sot/core/op-point-modifier.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
+#include <sot/core/op-point-modifier.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-OpPointModifier( const std::string& name )
-  :Entity( name )
-  ,jacobianSIN(NULL,"OpPointModifior("+name+")::input(matrix)::jacobianIN")
-  ,positionSIN
-   (NULL,"OpPointModifior("+name+
-    ")::input(matrixhomo)::positionIN")
-  ,jacobianSOUT
-   ( boost::bind(&OpPointModifier::jacobianSOUT_function,
-		 this,_1,_2),
-     jacobianSIN,
-     "OpPointModifior("+name+")::output(matrix)::jacobian" )
-  ,positionSOUT
-   ( boost::bind(&OpPointModifier::positionSOUT_function,this,_1,_2),
-     positionSIN,
-     "OpPointModifior("+name+")::output(matrixhomo)::position" )
-  ,transformation()
-  ,isEndEffector(true)
+OpPointModifier::OpPointModifier(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), jacobianSIN(NULL, "OpPointModifior(" + name +
+                                          ")::input(matrix)::jacobianIN"),
+      positionSIN(NULL, "OpPointModifior(" + name +
+                            ")::input(matrixhomo)::positionIN"),
+      jacobianSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&OpPointModifier::jacobianSOUT_function, this, _1, _2),
+          jacobianSIN,
+          "OpPointModifior(" + name + ")::output(matrix)::jacobian"),
+      positionSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&OpPointModifier::positionSOUT_function, this, _1, _2),
+          positionSIN,
+          "OpPointModifior(" + name + ")::output(matrixhomo)::position"),
+      transformation(), isEndEffector(true) {
-  signalRegistration( jacobianSIN<<positionSIN<<jacobianSOUT<<positionSOUT );
+  signalRegistration(jacobianSIN << positionSIN << jacobianSOUT
+                                 << positionSOUT);
     using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-    addCommand
-      ("getTransformation",
-       makeDirectGetter(*this,&transformation.matrix(),
-			docDirectGetter("transformation","matrix 4x4 homo")));
-    addCommand
-      ("setTransformation",
-       makeDirectSetter(*this, &transformation.matrix(),
-			docDirectSetter("dimension","matrix 4x4 homo")));
-    addCommand
-      ("getEndEffector",
-       makeDirectGetter(*this,&isEndEffector,
-			docDirectGetter("end effector mode","bool")));
-    addCommand
-      ("setEndEffector",
-       makeDirectSetter(*this, &isEndEffector,
-			docDirectSetter("end effector mode","bool")));
+    addCommand(
+        "getTransformation",
+        makeDirectGetter(*this, &transformation.matrix(),
+                         docDirectGetter("transformation", "matrix 4x4 homo")));
+    addCommand(
+        "setTransformation",
+        makeDirectSetter(*this, &transformation.matrix(),
+                         docDirectSetter("dimension", "matrix 4x4 homo")));
+    addCommand("getEndEffector",
+               makeDirectGetter(*this, &isEndEffector,
+                                docDirectGetter("end effector mode", "bool")));
+    addCommand("setEndEffector",
+               makeDirectSetter(*this, &isEndEffector,
+                                docDirectSetter("end effector mode", "bool")));
-OpPointModifier::jacobianSOUT_function( dynamicgraph::Matrix& res,const int& iter )
-  if( isEndEffector )
-    {
-      const dynamicgraph::Matrix& aJa = jacobianSIN( iter );
-      const MatrixHomogeneous & aMb = transformation;
-      MatrixTwist bVa; buildFrom(aMb.inverse (), bVa );
-      res = bVa * aJa; // res := bJb
-      return res;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /* Consider that the jacobian of point A in frame A is given: J  = aJa
-       * and that homogenous transformation from A to B is given aMb in getTransfo()
-       * and homo transfo from 0 to A is given oMa in positionSIN.
-       * Then return oJb, the jacobian of point B expressed in frame O:
-       *     oJb = ( oRa 0 ; 0 oRa ) * bVa * aJa
-       *         = [ I skew(oAB); 0 I ] * oJa
-       * with oAB = oRb bAB = oRb (-bRa aAB ) = -oRa aAB, and aAB = translation(aMb).
-       */
-      const dynamicgraph::Matrix& oJa = jacobianSIN( iter );
-      const MatrixHomogeneous & aMb = transformation;
-      const MatrixHomogeneous & oMa = positionSIN(iter);
-      MatrixRotation oRa; oRa = oMa.linear();
-      dynamicgraph::Vector aAB(3); aAB = aMb.translation();
-      dynamicgraph::Vector oAB = oRa*aAB;
-      const dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index nq = oJa.cols();
-      res.resize( 6,oJa.cols() );
-      for( int j=0;j<nq;++j )
-	{
-	  /* This is a I*Jtrans + skew*Jrot product, unrolled by hand ... */
-	  res(0,j) = oJa(0,j) -oAB(1)*oJa(2+3,j) + oAB(2)*oJa(1+3,j);
-	  res(1,j) = oJa(1,j) -oAB(2)*oJa(0+3,j) + oAB(0)*oJa(2+3,j);
-	  res(2,j) = oJa(2,j) -oAB(0)*oJa(1+3,j) + oAB(1)*oJa(0+3,j);
-	  for( int i=0;i<3;++i )
-	    {
-	      res(i+3,j) = oJa(i+3,j);
-	    }
-	}
-      return res; // res := 0Jb
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &
+OpPointModifier::jacobianSOUT_function(dynamicgraph::Matrix &res,
+                                       const int &iter) {
+  if (isEndEffector) {
+    const dynamicgraph::Matrix &aJa = jacobianSIN(iter);
+    const MatrixHomogeneous &aMb = transformation;
+    MatrixTwist bVa;
+    buildFrom(aMb.inverse(), bVa);
+    res = bVa * aJa; // res := bJb
+    return res;
+  } else {
+    /* Consider that the jacobian of point A in frame A is given: J  = aJa
+     * and that homogenous transformation from A to B is given aMb in
+     * getTransfo() and homo transfo from 0 to A is given oMa in positionSIN.
+     * Then return oJb, the jacobian of point B expressed in frame O:
+     *     oJb = ( oRa 0 ; 0 oRa ) * bVa * aJa
+     *         = [ I skew(oAB); 0 I ] * oJa
+     * with oAB = oRb bAB = oRb (-bRa aAB ) = -oRa aAB, and aAB =
+     * translation(aMb).
+     */
+    const dynamicgraph::Matrix &oJa = jacobianSIN(iter);
+    const MatrixHomogeneous &aMb = transformation;
+    const MatrixHomogeneous &oMa = positionSIN(iter);
+    MatrixRotation oRa;
+    oRa = oMa.linear();
+    dynamicgraph::Vector aAB(3);
+    aAB = aMb.translation();
+    dynamicgraph::Vector oAB = oRa * aAB;
+    const dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index nq = oJa.cols();
+    res.resize(6, oJa.cols());
+    for (int j = 0; j < nq; ++j) {
+      /* This is a I*Jtrans + skew*Jrot product, unrolled by hand ... */
+      res(0, j) = oJa(0, j) - oAB(1) * oJa(2 + 3, j) + oAB(2) * oJa(1 + 3, j);
+      res(1, j) = oJa(1, j) - oAB(2) * oJa(0 + 3, j) + oAB(0) * oJa(2 + 3, j);
+      res(2, j) = oJa(2, j) - oAB(0) * oJa(1 + 3, j) + oAB(1) * oJa(0 + 3, j);
+      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+        res(i + 3, j) = oJa(i + 3, j);
+      }
+    return res; // res := 0Jb
+  }
-OpPointModifier::positionSOUT_function( MatrixHomogeneous& res,const int& iter )
+MatrixHomogeneous &
+OpPointModifier::positionSOUT_function(MatrixHomogeneous &res,
+                                       const int &iter) {
   sotDEBUGIN(15) << iter << " " << positionSIN.getTime()
-		 << positionSOUT.getTime() << endl;
-  const MatrixHomogeneous& position = positionSIN( iter );
-  res = position*transformation;
+                 << positionSOUT.getTime() << endl;
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &position = positionSIN(iter);
+  res = position * transformation;
   return res;
-OpPointModifier::setTransformation( const Eigen::Matrix4d& tr )
-{ transformation.matrix() = tr; }
-const Eigen::Matrix4d&
-OpPointModifier::getTransformation( void )
-{ return transformation.matrix(); }
+void OpPointModifier::setTransformation(const Eigen::Matrix4d &tr) {
+  transformation.matrix() = tr;
+const Eigen::Matrix4d &OpPointModifier::getTransformation(void) {
+  return transformation.matrix();
 /* The following function needs an access to a specific signal via
  * the pool, using the signal path <entity.signal>. this functionnality
@@ -147,11 +136,10 @@ OpPointModifier::getTransformation( void )
  * the <setTransformation> mthod, bound in python.
 #include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
-OpPointModifier::setTransformationBySignalName( std::istringstream& cmdArgs )
-  Signal< Eigen::Matrix4d,int > &sig
-    = dynamic_cast< Signal< Eigen::Matrix4d,int >& >
-    (PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal( cmdArgs ));
+void OpPointModifier::setTransformationBySignalName(
+    std::istringstream &cmdArgs) {
+  Signal<Eigen::Matrix4d, int> &sig =
+      dynamic_cast<Signal<Eigen::Matrix4d, int> &>(
+          PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal(cmdArgs));
diff --git a/src/math/vector-quaternion.cpp b/src/math/vector-quaternion.cpp
index 5fbbb1e9..ead76d20 100644
--- a/src/math/vector-quaternion.cpp
+++ b/src/math/vector-quaternion.cpp
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
-#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -17,105 +17,88 @@ static const double ANGLE_MINIMUM = 0.0001;
 static const double SINC_MINIMUM = 1e-8;
 static const double COSC_MINIMUM = 2.5e-4;
-VectorRotation& VectorQuaternion::
-fromMatrix( const MatrixRotation& rot )
-  sotDEBUGIN(15) ;
+VectorRotation &VectorQuaternion::fromMatrix(const MatrixRotation &rot) {
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-  const dynamicgraph::Matrix& rotmat = rot;
+  const dynamicgraph::Matrix &rotmat = rot;
-  double d0 = rotmat(0,0), d1 = rotmat(1,1), d2 = rotmat(2,2);
+  double d0 = rotmat(0, 0), d1 = rotmat(1, 1), d2 = rotmat(2, 2);
   // The trace determines the method of decomposition
   double rr = 1.0 + d0 + d1 + d2;
-  double & _x = vector(1);
-  double & _y = vector(2);
-  double & _z = vector(3);
-  double & _r = vector(0);
-  if (rr>0)
-    {
-      double s = 0.5 / sqrt(rr);
-      _x = (rotmat(2,1) - rotmat(1,2)) * s;
-      _y = (rotmat(0,2) - rotmat(2,0)) * s;
-      _z = (rotmat(1,0) - rotmat(0,1)) * s;
-      _r = 0.25 / s;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      // Trace is less than zero, so need to determine which
-      // major diagonal is largest
-      if ((d0 > d1) && (d0 > d2))
-	{
-	  double s = 0.5 / sqrt(1 + d0 - d1 - d2);
-	  _x = 0.5 * s;
-	  _y = (rotmat(0,1) + rotmat(1,0)) * s;
-	  _z = (rotmat(0,2) + rotmat(2,0)) * s;
-	  _r = (rotmat(1,2) + rotmat(2,1)) * s;
-	}
-      else if (d1 > d2)
-	{
-	  double s = 0.5 / sqrt(1 + d0 - d1 - d2);
-	  _x = (rotmat(0,1) + rotmat(1,0)) * s;
-	  _y = 0.5 * s;
-	  _z = (rotmat(1,2) + rotmat(2,1)) * s;
-	  _r = (rotmat(0,2) + rotmat(2,0)) * s;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  double s = 0.5 / sqrt(1 + d0 - d1 - d2);
-	  _x = (rotmat(0,2) + rotmat(2,0)) * s;
-	  _y = (rotmat(1,2) + rotmat(2,1)) * s;
-	  _z = 0.5 * s;
-	  _r = (rotmat(0,1) + rotmat(1,0)) * s;
-	}
+  double &_x = vector(1);
+  double &_y = vector(2);
+  double &_z = vector(3);
+  double &_r = vector(0);
+  if (rr > 0) {
+    double s = 0.5 / sqrt(rr);
+    _x = (rotmat(2, 1) - rotmat(1, 2)) * s;
+    _y = (rotmat(0, 2) - rotmat(2, 0)) * s;
+    _z = (rotmat(1, 0) - rotmat(0, 1)) * s;
+    _r = 0.25 / s;
+  } else {
+    // Trace is less than zero, so need to determine which
+    // major diagonal is largest
+    if ((d0 > d1) && (d0 > d2)) {
+      double s = 0.5 / sqrt(1 + d0 - d1 - d2);
+      _x = 0.5 * s;
+      _y = (rotmat(0, 1) + rotmat(1, 0)) * s;
+      _z = (rotmat(0, 2) + rotmat(2, 0)) * s;
+      _r = (rotmat(1, 2) + rotmat(2, 1)) * s;
+    } else if (d1 > d2) {
+      double s = 0.5 / sqrt(1 + d0 - d1 - d2);
+      _x = (rotmat(0, 1) + rotmat(1, 0)) * s;
+      _y = 0.5 * s;
+      _z = (rotmat(1, 2) + rotmat(2, 1)) * s;
+      _r = (rotmat(0, 2) + rotmat(2, 0)) * s;
+    } else {
+      double s = 0.5 / sqrt(1 + d0 - d1 - d2);
+      _x = (rotmat(0, 2) + rotmat(2, 0)) * s;
+      _y = (rotmat(1, 2) + rotmat(2, 1)) * s;
+      _z = 0.5 * s;
+      _r = (rotmat(0, 1) + rotmat(1, 0)) * s;
+  }
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15) ;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
   return *this;
+VectorRotation &VectorQuaternion::fromVector(const VectorUTheta &ut) {
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-VectorRotation& VectorQuaternion::
-fromVector( const VectorUTheta& ut )
-  sotDEBUGIN(15) ;
-  double theta = sqrt( ut(0)*ut(0)+ut(1)*ut(1)+ut(2)*ut(2) );
+  double theta = sqrt(ut(0) * ut(0) + ut(1) * ut(1) + ut(2) * ut(2));
   double si = sin(theta);
   double co = cos(theta);
-  vector(0)=ut(0)/si;
-  vector(1)=ut(1)/si;
-  vector(2)=ut(2)/si;
-  vector(3)=co;
+  vector(0) = ut(0) / si;
+  vector(1) = ut(1) / si;
+  vector(2) = ut(2) / si;
+  vector(3) = co;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15) ;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
   return *this;
+MatrixRotation &VectorQuaternion::toMatrix(MatrixRotation &rot) const {
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
-MatrixRotation& VectorQuaternion::
-toMatrix( MatrixRotation& rot ) const
-  sotDEBUGIN(15) ;
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix& rotmat = rot;
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix &rotmat = rot;
-  const double& _x = vector(1);
-  const double& _y = vector(2);
-  const double& _z = vector(3);
-  const double& _r = vector(0);
+  const double &_x = vector(1);
+  const double &_y = vector(2);
+  const double &_z = vector(3);
+  const double &_r = vector(0);
   double x2 = _x * _x;
   double y2 = _y * _y;
   double z2 = _z * _z;
   double r2 = _r * _r;
-  rotmat(0,0) = r2 + x2 - y2 - z2;         // fill diagonal terms
-  rotmat(1,1) = r2 - x2 + y2 - z2;
-  rotmat(2,2) = r2 - x2 - y2 + z2;
+  rotmat(0, 0) = r2 + x2 - y2 - z2; // fill diagonal terms
+  rotmat(1, 1) = r2 - x2 + y2 - z2;
+  rotmat(2, 2) = r2 - x2 - y2 + z2;
   double xy = _x * _y;
   double yz = _y * _z;
@@ -124,20 +107,18 @@ toMatrix( MatrixRotation& rot ) const
   double ry = _r * _y;
   double rz = _r * _z;
-  rotmat(0,1) = 2 * (xy - rz);             // fill off diagonal terms
-  rotmat(0,2) = 2 * (zx + ry);
-  rotmat(1,0) = 2 * (xy + rz);
-  rotmat(1,2) = 2 * (yz - rx);
-  rotmat(2,0) = 2 * (zx - ry);
-  rotmat(2,1) = 2 * (yz + rx);
+  rotmat(0, 1) = 2 * (xy - rz); // fill off diagonal terms
+  rotmat(0, 2) = 2 * (zx + ry);
+  rotmat(1, 0) = 2 * (xy + rz);
+  rotmat(1, 2) = 2 * (yz - rx);
+  rotmat(2, 0) = 2 * (zx - ry);
+  rotmat(2, 1) = 2 * (yz + rx);
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15) ;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
   return rot;
-VectorQuaternion& VectorQuaternion::
-conjugate(VectorQuaternion& res) const
+VectorQuaternion &VectorQuaternion::conjugate(VectorQuaternion &res) const {
   res.vector(0) = vector(0);
   res.vector(1) = -vector(1);
   res.vector(2) = -vector(2);
@@ -145,23 +126,22 @@ conjugate(VectorQuaternion& res) const
   return res;
-VectorQuaternion& VectorQuaternion::
-multiply(const VectorQuaternion& q2, VectorQuaternion& res) const
-  double & a1 = vector(0);
-  double & b1 = vector(1);
-  double & c1 = vector(2);
-  double & d1 = vector(3);
-  double & a2 = q2.vector(0);
-  double & b2 = q2.vector(1);
-  double & c2 = q2.vector(2);
-  double & d2 = q2.vector(3);
-  res.vector(0) = a1*a2 - b1*b2 - c1*c2 - d1*d2;
-  res.vector(1) = a1*b2 + b1*a2 + c1*d2 - d1*c2;
-  res.vector(2) = a1*c2 + c1*a2 + d1*b2 - b1*d2;
-  res.vector(3) = a1*d2 + d1*a2 + b1*c2 - c1*b2;
+VectorQuaternion &VectorQuaternion::multiply(const VectorQuaternion &q2,
+                                             VectorQuaternion &res) const {
+  double &a1 = vector(0);
+  double &b1 = vector(1);
+  double &c1 = vector(2);
+  double &d1 = vector(3);
+  double &a2 = q2.vector(0);
+  double &b2 = q2.vector(1);
+  double &c2 = q2.vector(2);
+  double &d2 = q2.vector(3);
+  res.vector(0) = a1 * a2 - b1 * b2 - c1 * c2 - d1 * d2;
+  res.vector(1) = a1 * b2 + b1 * a2 + c1 * d2 - d1 * c2;
+  res.vector(2) = a1 * c2 + c1 * a2 + d1 * b2 - b1 * d2;
+  res.vector(3) = a1 * d2 + d1 * a2 + b1 * c2 - c1 * b2;
   return res;
diff --git a/src/matrix/derivator.cpp b/src/matrix/derivator.cpp
index 0188d092..3032b719 100644
--- a/src/matrix/derivator.cpp
+++ b/src/matrix/derivator.cpp
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph;
 // getTypeName( void ) { return #double; }
 // template<>
-// const std::string Derivator<double>::CLASS_NAME = std::string("Derivator_of_double");
-// extern "C" {
+// const std::string Derivator<double>::CLASS_NAME =
+// std::string("Derivator_of_double"); extern "C" {
 //   Entity *regFunctiondoubleDerivator( const std::string& objname )
 //   {
 //     return new Derivator<double>( objname );
@@ -33,45 +33,45 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph;
 //     &regFunctiondoubleDerivator );
 // }
-#define SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(sotClassType,sotType,className)              \
-  template<>                                                                            \
-  const double Derivator<sotType>::TIMESTEP_DEFAULT = 1.;                               \
-  template<>                                                                            \
-  std::string sotClassType<sotType>::                                                   \
-  getTypeName( void ) { return #sotType; }                                              \
-  template<>                                                                            \
-  const std::string sotClassType<sotType>::CLASS_NAME                                   \
-    = std::string(className)+"_of_"+#sotType;                                           \
-  extern "C" {                                                                          \
-    Entity *regFunction##_##sotType##_##sotClassType( const std::string& objname )      \
-    {                                                                                   \
-      return new sotClassType<sotType>( objname );                                      \
-    }                                                                                   \
-  EntityRegisterer regObj##_##sotType##_##sotClassType                                  \
-     ( std::string(className)+"_of_"+#sotType,				                \
-       &regFunction##_##sotType##_##sotClassType );                                     \
+#define SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(sotClassType, sotType, className)   \
+  template <> const double Derivator<sotType>::TIMESTEP_DEFAULT = 1.;          \
+  template <> std::string sotClassType<sotType>::getTypeName(void) {           \
+    return #sotType;                                                           \
+  }                                                                            \
+  template <>                                                                  \
+  const std::string sotClassType<sotType>::CLASS_NAME =                        \
+      std::string(className) + "_of_" + #sotType;                              \
+  extern "C" {                                                                 \
+  Entity *                                                                     \
+      regFunction##_##sotType##_##sotClassType(const std::string &objname) {   \
+    return new sotClassType<sotType>(objname);                                 \
+  }                                                                            \
+  EntityRegisterer regObj##_##sotType##_##sotClassType(                        \
+      std::string(className) + "_of_" + #sotType,                              \
+      &regFunction##_##sotType##_##sotClassType);                              \
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-  SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(Derivator,double,"Derivator")
-  SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(Derivator,Vector,"Derivator")
-  SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(Derivator,Matrix,"Derivator")
-  SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(Derivator,VectorQuaternion,"Derivator")
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(Derivator, double, "Derivator")
+SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(Derivator, Vector, "Derivator")
+SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(Derivator, Matrix, "Derivator")
+SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(Derivator, VectorQuaternion, "Derivator")
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #include <sot/core/derivator-impl.hh>
 #ifdef WIN32
-# define SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_WIN32(sotClassType,sotType,className)        \
-  sotClassType##sotType##::sotClassType##sotType##(const std::string& name):			\
-  sotClassType<sotType> (name) {};                                                      \
+#define SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_WIN32(sotClassType, sotType,        \
+                                                 className)                    \
+  sotClassType##sotType## ::sotClassType##sotType##(const std::string &name)   \
+      : sotClassType<sotType>(name){};
-  typedef double Double;
-  SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_WIN32(Derivator,Double,"Derivator")
-  SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_WIN32(Derivator,Vector,"Derivator")
-  SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_WIN32(Derivator,Matrix,"Derivator")
-  SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_WIN32(Derivator,VectorQuaternion,"Derivator")
+typedef double Double;
+SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_WIN32(Derivator, Double, "Derivator")
+SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_WIN32(Derivator, Vector, "Derivator")
+SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_WIN32(Derivator, Matrix, "Derivator")
+                                         "Derivator")
diff --git a/src/matrix/fir-filter.cpp b/src/matrix/fir-filter.cpp
index f93ac2f9..b7fc03c1 100644
--- a/src/matrix/fir-filter.cpp
+++ b/src/matrix/fir-filter.cpp
@@ -7,76 +7,82 @@
-#include <sot/core/fir-filter.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/fir-filter.hh>
-using dynamicgraph::Vector;
-using dynamicgraph::EntityRegisterer;
 using dynamicgraph::Entity;
+using dynamicgraph::EntityRegisterer;
+using dynamicgraph::Vector;
-#define SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(sotClassType,sotSigType,sotCoefType,id,className) \
-  template<>								\
-  std::string sotClassType<sotSigType,sotCoefType>::			\
-  getTypeName( void ) { return #sotSigType; }				\
-									\
-  template<>								\
-  const std::string sotClassType<sotSigType,sotCoefType>::CLASS_NAME	\
-  = std::string(className)+"_"+#sotSigType+","+#sotCoefType+"_";	\
-									\
-  template<>								\
-  const std::string& sotClassType<sotSigType,sotCoefType>::		\
-  getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }				\
-extern "C" {								\
-  Entity *regFunction##_##id ( const std::string& objname )		\
-  {									\
-    return new sotClassType<sotSigType,sotCoefType>( objname );	\
-  }									\
-  EntityRegisterer reg##_##id					\
-  ( std::string(className)+"_"+#sotSigType+"_"+#sotCoefType,	\
-    &regFunction##_##id );					\
+#define SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(sotClassType, sotSigType,           \
+                                           sotCoefType, id, className)         \
+  template <>                                                                  \
+  std::string sotClassType<sotSigType, sotCoefType>::getTypeName(void) {       \
+    return #sotSigType;                                                        \
+  }                                                                            \
+                                                                               \
+  template <>                                                                  \
+  const std::string sotClassType<sotSigType, sotCoefType>::CLASS_NAME =        \
+      std::string(className) + "_" + #sotSigType + "," + #sotCoefType + "_";   \
+                                                                               \
+  template <>                                                                  \
+  const std::string &sotClassType<sotSigType, sotCoefType>::getClassName(void) \
+      const {                                                                  \
+    return CLASS_NAME;                                                         \
+  }                                                                            \
+  extern "C" {                                                                 \
+  Entity *regFunction##_##id(const std::string &objname) {                     \
+    return new sotClassType<sotSigType, sotCoefType>(objname);                 \
+  }                                                                            \
+  EntityRegisterer reg##_##id(std::string(className) + "_" + #sotSigType +     \
+                                  "_" + #sotCoefType,                          \
+                              &regFunction##_##id);                            \
+  }
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    using dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-    using dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+namespace sot {
+using dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+using dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-    SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FIRFilter,double,double,double_double,"FIRFilter")
-    SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FIRFilter,Vector,double,vec_double,"FIRFilter")
-    SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FIRFilter,Vector,Matrix,vec_mat,"FIRFilter")
+SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FIRFilter, double, double, double_double,
+                                   "FIRFilter")
+SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN(FIRFilter, Vector, double, vec_double,
+                                   "FIRFilter")
+                                   "FIRFilter")
-    template<>
-    void FIRFilter<Vector, double>::reset_signal( Vector& res, const Vector& sample )
-    {
+template <>
+void FIRFilter<Vector, double>::reset_signal(Vector &res,
+                                             const Vector &sample) {
-void FIRFilter<Vector, Matrix>::reset_signal( Vector& res, const Vector& sample )
+template <>
+void FIRFilter<Vector, Matrix>::reset_signal(Vector &res,
+                                             const Vector &sample) {
-  } // namespace sot
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
 #include <sot/core/fir-filter-impl.hh>
 #ifdef WIN32
-#define DEFINE_SPECIFICATION(sotClassType,sotSigType,sotCoefType)	\
-  sotClassType##sotSigType##sotCoefType::sotClassType##sotSigType##sotCoefType(const std::string& name):			\
-  sotClassType<sotSigType,sotCoefType> (name) {};			\
+#define DEFINE_SPECIFICATION(sotClassType, sotSigType, sotCoefType)            \
+  sotClassType##sotSigType##sotCoefType::                                      \
+      sotClassType##sotSigType##sotCoefType(const std::string &name)           \
+      : sotClassType<sotSigType, sotCoefType>(name){};
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
 typedef double Double;
-    typedef Value dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-    DEFINE_SPECIFICATION(FIRFilter,Double,Double)
-    DEFINE_SPECIFICATION(FIRFilter,Vector,Double)
-    DEFINE_SPECIFICATION(FIRFilter,Vector,Matrix)
-  } // namespace sot
+typedef Value dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
-#endif //WIN32
+#endif // WIN32
diff --git a/src/matrix/integrator-abstract.cpp b/src/matrix/integrator-abstract.cpp
index 216bf4a2..eb17fef1 100644
--- a/src/matrix/integrator-abstract.cpp
+++ b/src/matrix/integrator-abstract.cpp
@@ -15,12 +15,13 @@
 #include <sot/core/integrator-abstract-impl.hh>
 #ifdef WIN32
-  IntegratorAbstractDouble::IntegratorAbstractDouble( const std::string& name ) :
-		IntegratorAbstract<double,double> (name) {}
+IntegratorAbstractDouble::IntegratorAbstractDouble(const std::string &name)
+    : IntegratorAbstract<double, double>(name) {}
-  IntegratorAbstractVector::IntegratorAbstractVector( const std::string& name ) :
-		IntegratorAbstract<dynamicgraph::Vector,dynamicgraph::Matrix> (name) {}
+IntegratorAbstractVector::IntegratorAbstractVector(const std::string &name)
+    : IntegratorAbstract<dynamicgraph::Vector, dynamicgraph::Matrix>(name) {}
-  IntegratorAbstractVector::IntegratorAbstractVectorDouble( const std::string& name ) :
-		IntegratorAbstract<dynamicgraph::Vector,double> (name) {}
+    const std::string &name)
+    : IntegratorAbstract<dynamicgraph::Vector, double>(name) {}
diff --git a/src/matrix/integrator-euler.cpp b/src/matrix/integrator-euler.cpp
index 0da2e6aa..03416ec0 100644
--- a/src/matrix/integrator-euler.cpp
+++ b/src/matrix/integrator-euler.cpp
@@ -14,11 +14,17 @@
 #include <sot/core/integrator-euler-impl.hh>
 #ifdef WIN32
-  IntegratorEulerVectorMatrix::IntegratorEulerVectorMatrix( const std::string& name ) :
-	IntegratorEuler<Vector,Matrix>(name) {}
-  std::string IntegratorEulerVectorMatrix::getTypeName( void ) { return "IntegratorEulerVectorMatrix"; }
+    const std::string &name)
+    : IntegratorEuler<Vector, Matrix>(name) {}
+std::string IntegratorEulerVectorMatrix::getTypeName(void) {
+  return "IntegratorEulerVectorMatrix";
-  IntegratorEulerVectorDouble::IntegratorEulerVectorDouble( const std::string& name ) :
-	IntegratorEuler<Vector,double>(name) {}
-  std::string IntegratorEulerVectorDouble::getTypeName( void ) { return "IntegratorEulerVectorDouble"; }
+    const std::string &name)
+    : IntegratorEuler<Vector, double>(name) {}
+std::string IntegratorEulerVectorDouble::getTypeName(void) {
+  return "IntegratorEulerVectorDouble";
 #endif // WIN32
diff --git a/src/matrix/integrator-euler.t.cpp b/src/matrix/integrator-euler.t.cpp
index 7bd8b8c4..b8307fb2 100644
--- a/src/matrix/integrator-euler.t.cpp
+++ b/src/matrix/integrator-euler.t.cpp
@@ -7,43 +7,48 @@
-#include <sot/core/integrator-euler.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/integrator-euler.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
-#define SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_EULER(sotClassType,sotSigType,sotCoefType,className)   \
-  template<>                                                                                \
-  std::string sotClassType<sotSigType,sotCoefType>::                                        \
-  getTypeName( void ) { return #sotSigType; }                                               \
-  template<>                                                                                \
-  const std::string sotClassType<sotSigType,sotCoefType>::CLASS_NAME = className;           \
-  template<>                                                                                \
-  const std::string& sotClassType<sotSigType,sotCoefType>::                                 \
-  getClassName( void ) const { return CLASS_NAME; }                                         \
-  extern "C" {                                                                              \
-    Entity *regFunction##_##sotSigType##_##sotCoefType( const std::string& objname )        \
-    {                                                                                       \
-      return new sotClassType<sotSigType,sotCoefType>( objname );                           \
-    }                                                                                       \
-    EntityRegisterer                                                                        \
-    regObj##_##sotSigType##_##sotCoefType(sotClassType<sotSigType,sotCoefType>::CLASS_NAME, \
-                          &regFunction##_##sotSigType##_##sotCoefType );                    \
+#define SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_EULER(sotClassType, sotSigType,     \
+                                                 sotCoefType, className)       \
+  template <>                                                                  \
+  std::string sotClassType<sotSigType, sotCoefType>::getTypeName(void) {       \
+    return #sotSigType;                                                        \
+  }                                                                            \
+  template <>                                                                  \
+  const std::string sotClassType<sotSigType, sotCoefType>::CLASS_NAME =        \
+      className;                                                               \
+  template <>                                                                  \
+  const std::string &sotClassType<sotSigType, sotCoefType>::getClassName(void) \
+      const {                                                                  \
+    return CLASS_NAME;                                                         \
+  }                                                                            \
+  extern "C" {                                                                 \
+  Entity *                                                                     \
+      regFunction##_##sotSigType##_##sotCoefType(const std::string &objname) { \
+    return new sotClassType<sotSigType, sotCoefType>(objname);                 \
+  }                                                                            \
+  EntityRegisterer regObj##_##sotSigType##_##sotCoefType(                      \
+      sotClassType<sotSigType, sotCoefType>::CLASS_NAME,                       \
+      &regFunction##_##sotSigType##_##sotCoefType);                            \
 using namespace std;
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_EULER(IntegratorEuler,double,double,
-				       "IntegratorEulerDoubleDouble")
-				       "IntegratorEulerVectorMatrix")
-    SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_EULER(IntegratorEuler,Vector,double,
-				       "IntegratorEulerVectorDouble")
+namespace sot {
+SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_EULER(IntegratorEuler, double, double,
+                                         "IntegratorEulerDoubleDouble")
+                                         "IntegratorEulerVectorMatrix")
+                                         "IntegratorEulerVectorDouble")
-    template class IntegratorEuler<double,double>;
-    template class IntegratorEuler<Vector,double>;
-    template class IntegratorEuler<Vector,Matrix>;
-  } // namespace sot
+template class IntegratorEuler<double, double>;
+template class IntegratorEuler<Vector, double>;
+template class IntegratorEuler<Vector, Matrix>;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/matrix/matrix-constant-command.h b/src/matrix/matrix-constant-command.h
index 77c9cfbd..9b0f9136 100644
--- a/src/matrix/matrix-constant-command.h
+++ b/src/matrix/matrix-constant-command.h
@@ -7,51 +7,48 @@
- #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    namespace command {
-      namespace matrixConstant {
-	using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
-	using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+namespace sot {
+namespace command {
+namespace matrixConstant {
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-	// Command Resize
-	class Resize : public Command
-	{
-	public:
-	  virtual ~Resize() {}
-	  /// Create command and store it in Entity
-	  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
-	Resize(MatrixConstant& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	  Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::UNSIGNED)
-		  (Value::UNSIGNED), docstring)
-	    {
-	    }
-	  virtual Value doExecute()
-	  {
-	    MatrixConstant& mc = static_cast<MatrixConstant&>(owner());
-	    std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
-	    unsigned rows = values[0].value();
-	    unsigned cols = values[1].value();
-	    dynamicgraph::Matrix m(rows, cols);
-	    m.fill(mc.color);
-	    mc.SOUT.setConstant(m);
+// Command Resize
+class Resize : public Command {
+  virtual ~Resize() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  Resize(MatrixConstant &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity,
+                boost::assign::list_of(Value::UNSIGNED)(Value::UNSIGNED),
+                docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    MatrixConstant &mc = static_cast<MatrixConstant &>(owner());
+    std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
+    unsigned rows = values[0].value();
+    unsigned cols = values[1].value();
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix m(rows, cols);
+    m.fill(mc.color);
+    mc.SOUT.setConstant(m);
-	    // return void
-	    return Value();
-	  }
-	}; // class Resize
-      } // namespace matrixConstant
-    } // namespace command
-  } // namespace sot
+    // return void
+    return Value();
+  }
+}; // class Resize
+} // namespace matrixConstant
+} // namespace command
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/matrix/matrix-constant.cpp b/src/matrix/matrix-constant.cpp
index 42953fb0..9586dc70 100644
--- a/src/matrix/matrix-constant.cpp
+++ b/src/matrix/matrix-constant.cpp
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
-#include <sot/core/matrix-constant.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/matrix-constant.hh>
 #include "../src/matrix/matrix-constant-command.h"
@@ -16,47 +16,43 @@ using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(MatrixConstant, "MatrixConstant");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- MATRIX ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-MatrixConstant( const std::string& name )
-  :Entity( name )
-  ,rows(0),cols(0),color(0.)
-  ,SOUT( "sotMatrixConstant("+name+")::output(matrix)::sout" )
-  SOUT.setDependencyType( TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT );
-  signalRegistration( SOUT );
+MatrixConstant::MatrixConstant(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), rows(0), cols(0), color(0.),
+      SOUT("sotMatrixConstant(" + name + ")::output(matrix)::sout") {
+  SOUT.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT);
+  signalRegistration(SOUT);
   // Commands
   // Resize
   std::string docstring;
-  docstring = "    \n"
-    "    Resize the matrix and fill with value stored in color field.\n"
-    "      Input\n"
-    "        - unsigned int: number of lines.\n"
-    "        - unsigned int: number of columns.\n"
-    "\n";
-  addCommand("resize",
-	     new command::matrixConstant::Resize(*this, docstring));
+  docstring =
+      "    \n"
+      "    Resize the matrix and fill with value stored in color field.\n"
+      "      Input\n"
+      "        - unsigned int: number of lines.\n"
+      "        - unsigned int: number of columns.\n"
+      "\n";
+  addCommand("resize", new command::matrixConstant::Resize(*this, docstring));
   // set
   docstring = "    \n"
-    "    Set value of output signal\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      input:\n"
-    "        - a matrix\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("set",
-	     new ::dynamicgraph::command::Setter<MatrixConstant, dynamicgraph::Matrix>
-	     (*this, &MatrixConstant::setValue, docstring));
+              "    Set value of output signal\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      input:\n"
+              "        - a matrix\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand(
+      "set",
+      new ::dynamicgraph::command::Setter<MatrixConstant, dynamicgraph::Matrix>(
+          *this, &MatrixConstant::setValue, docstring));
-void MatrixConstant::
-setValue(const dynamicgraph::Matrix& inValue)
+void MatrixConstant::setValue(const dynamicgraph::Matrix &inValue) {
diff --git a/src/matrix/matrix-svd.cpp b/src/matrix/matrix-svd.cpp
index 0cb69275..1f8fdb24 100644
--- a/src/matrix/matrix-svd.cpp
+++ b/src/matrix/matrix-svd.cpp
@@ -1,51 +1,48 @@
 // Copyright (c) 2018, Joseph Mirabel
 // Authors: Joseph Mirabel (
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-svd.hh>
 namespace Eigen {
-void pseudoInverse( dg::Matrix& _inputMatrix,
-		    dg::Matrix& _inverseMatrix,
-		    const double threshold) {
+void pseudoInverse(dg::Matrix &_inputMatrix, dg::Matrix &_inverseMatrix,
+                   const double threshold) {
   JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix> svd(_inputMatrix, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
-  JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix>::SingularValuesType m_singularValues=svd.singularValues();
+  JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix>::SingularValuesType m_singularValues =
+      svd.singularValues();
   JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix>::SingularValuesType singularValues_inv;
-  for ( long i=0; i<m_singularValues.size(); ++i) {
-    if ( m_singularValues(i) > threshold )
-      singularValues_inv(i)=1.0/m_singularValues(i);
-    else singularValues_inv(i)=0;
+  for (long i = 0; i < m_singularValues.size(); ++i) {
+    if (m_singularValues(i) > threshold)
+      singularValues_inv(i) = 1.0 / m_singularValues(i);
+    else
+      singularValues_inv(i) = 0;
-  _inverseMatrix = (svd.matrixV()*singularValues_inv.asDiagonal()*svd.matrixU().transpose());
+  _inverseMatrix = (svd.matrixV() * singularValues_inv.asDiagonal() *
+                    svd.matrixU().transpose());
-void dampedInverse( const JacobiSVD <dg::Matrix>& svd,
-		    dg::Matrix& _inverseMatrix,
-		    const double threshold) {
+void dampedInverse(const JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix> &svd, dg::Matrix &_inverseMatrix,
+                   const double threshold) {
   typedef JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix>::SingularValuesType SV_t;
-  ArrayWrapper<const SV_t> sigmas (svd.singularValues());
+  ArrayWrapper<const SV_t> sigmas(svd.singularValues());
-  SV_t sv_inv (sigmas / (sigmas.cwiseAbs2() + threshold * threshold));
+  SV_t sv_inv(sigmas / (sigmas.cwiseAbs2() + threshold * threshold));
   const dg::Matrix::Index m = sv_inv.size();
-  _inverseMatrix.noalias() =
-    ( svd.matrixV().leftCols(m) * sv_inv.asDiagonal() * svd.matrixU().leftCols(m).transpose());
+  _inverseMatrix.noalias() = (svd.matrixV().leftCols(m) * sv_inv.asDiagonal() *
+                              svd.matrixU().leftCols(m).transpose());
-void dampedInverse( const dg::Matrix& _inputMatrix,
-		    dg::Matrix& _inverseMatrix,
-		    dg::Matrix& Uref,
-		    dg::Vector& Sref,
-		    dg::Matrix& Vref,
-		    const double threshold) {
+void dampedInverse(const dg::Matrix &_inputMatrix, dg::Matrix &_inverseMatrix,
+                   dg::Matrix &Uref, dg::Vector &Sref, dg::Matrix &Vref,
+                   const double threshold) {
-  sotDEBUG(5) << "Input Matrix: "<<_inputMatrix<<std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(5) << "Input Matrix: " << _inputMatrix << std::endl;
   JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix> svd(_inputMatrix, ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV);
-  dampedInverse (svd, _inverseMatrix, threshold);
+  dampedInverse(svd, _inverseMatrix, threshold);
   Uref = svd.matrixU();
   Vref = svd.matrixV();
@@ -54,16 +51,15 @@ void dampedInverse( const dg::Matrix& _inputMatrix,
-void dampedInverse( const dg::Matrix& _inputMatrix,
-		    dg::Matrix& _inverseMatrix,
-		    const double threshold) {
+void dampedInverse(const dg::Matrix &_inputMatrix, dg::Matrix &_inverseMatrix,
+                   const double threshold) {
-  sotDEBUG(5) << "Input Matrix: "<<_inputMatrix<<std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(5) << "Input Matrix: " << _inputMatrix << std::endl;
   JacobiSVD<dg::Matrix> svd(_inputMatrix, ComputeThinU | ComputeFullV);
-  dampedInverse (svd, _inverseMatrix, threshold);
+  dampedInverse(svd, _inverseMatrix, threshold);
+} // namespace Eigen
diff --git a/src/matrix/operator.cpp b/src/matrix/operator.cpp
index 6cf6b81a..2f9b7681 100644
--- a/src/matrix/operator.cpp
+++ b/src/matrix/operator.cpp
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 #include <boost/function.hpp>
-#include <sot/core/unary-op.hh>
 #include <sot/core/binary-op.hh>
+#include <sot/core/unary-op.hh>
 #include <sot/core/variadic-op.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
-#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>
 #include <deque>
+#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 #include "../tools/type-name-helper.hh"
@@ -35,1130 +35,1107 @@ namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    template< typename TypeIn, typename TypeOut >
-    struct UnaryOpHeader
-    {
-      typedef TypeIn Tin;
-      typedef TypeOut Tout;
-      static const std::string & nameTypeIn(void)
-      { return TypeNameHelper<Tin>::typeName; }
-      static const std::string & nameTypeOut(void)
-      { return TypeNameHelper<Tout>::typeName; }
-      void addSpecificCommands(Entity&, Entity::CommandMap_t& ) {}
-      virtual std::string getDocString () const {
-	return std::string
-	  ("Undocumented unary operator\n"
-	   "  - input  ") + nameTypeIn () +
-	  std::string ("\n"
-		       "  - output ") + nameTypeOut () +
-	  std::string ("\n");
-      }
-    };
-  } /* namespace sot */
+namespace sot {
+template <typename TypeIn, typename TypeOut> struct UnaryOpHeader {
+  typedef TypeIn Tin;
+  typedef TypeOut Tout;
+  static const std::string &nameTypeIn(void) {
+    return TypeNameHelper<Tin>::typeName;
+  }
+  static const std::string &nameTypeOut(void) {
+    return TypeNameHelper<Tout>::typeName;
+  }
+  void addSpecificCommands(Entity &, Entity::CommandMap_t &) {}
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    return std::string("Undocumented unary operator\n"
+                       "  - input  ") +
+           nameTypeIn() +
+           std::string("\n"
+                       "  - output ") +
+           nameTypeOut() + std::string("\n");
+  }
+} /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+#define ADD_COMMAND(name, def) commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(name, def))
-#define ADD_COMMAND( name,def )				\
-  commandMap.insert( std::make_pair( name,def ) )
-#define REGISTER_UNARY_OP( OpType,name )				\
-  template<>								\
-  const std::string UnaryOp< OpType >::CLASS_NAME = std::string(#name);	\
-  Entity *regFunction##_##name( const std::string& objname )		\
-  {									\
-    return new UnaryOp< OpType >( objname );				\
-  }									\
-  EntityRegisterer regObj##_##name( std::string(#name),&regFunction##_##name)
+#define REGISTER_UNARY_OP(OpType, name)                                        \
+  template <>                                                                  \
+  const std::string UnaryOp<OpType>::CLASS_NAME = std::string(#name);          \
+  Entity *regFunction##_##name(const std::string &objname) {                   \
+    return new UnaryOp<OpType>(objname);                                       \
+  }                                                                            \
+  EntityRegisterer regObj##_##name(std::string(#name), &regFunction##_##name)
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- ALGEBRA SELECTORS ------------------------------------------------ */
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    struct VectorSelecter
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Vector, dg::Vector>
-    {
-      void operator()( const Tin& m,Vector& res ) const
-      {
-        res.resize(size);
-        Vector::Index r=0;
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idxs.size(); ++i) {
-          const Vector::Index&  R = idxs[i].first;
-          const Vector::Index& nr = idxs[i].second;
-          assert( (nr>=0) && (R+nr <= m.size()) );
-          res.segment(r,nr) = m.segment(R,nr);
-          r += nr;
-        }
-        assert (r == size);
-      }
+namespace sot {
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- ALGEBRA SELECTORS ------------------------------------------------ */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct VectorSelecter : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Vector, dg::Vector> {
+  void operator()(const Tin &m, Vector &res) const {
+    res.resize(size);
+    Vector::Index r = 0;
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idxs.size(); ++i) {
+      const Vector::Index &R = idxs[i].first;
+      const Vector::Index &nr = idxs[i].second;
+      assert((nr >= 0) && (R + nr <= m.size()));
+      res.segment(r, nr) = m.segment(R, nr);
+      r += nr;
+    }
+    assert(r == size);
+  }
-      typedef std::pair <Vector::Index,Vector::Index> segment_t;
-      typedef std::vector <segment_t> segments_t;
-      segments_t idxs;
-      Vector::Index size;
-      void setBounds( const int & m,const int & M )
-      { idxs = segments_t (1, segment_t(m, M-m)); size = M-m; }
-      void addBounds( const int & m,const int & M )
-      { idxs    .push_back(   segment_t(m, M-m)); size += M-m; }
-      void addSpecificCommands(Entity& ent,
-       			       Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap )
-      {
-	using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-	std::string doc;
-	boost::function< void( const int&, const int& ) > setBound
-	  = boost::bind( &VectorSelecter::setBounds,this,_1,_2 );
-	doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound of the selection [m,M[.",
-			      "int (min)","int (max)");
-	ADD_COMMAND( "selec", makeCommandVoid2(ent,setBound,doc) );
-	boost::function< void( const int&, const int& ) > addBound
-	  = boost::bind( &VectorSelecter::addBounds,this,_1,_2 );
-	doc = docCommandVoid2("Add a segment to be selected [m,M[.",
-			      "int (min)","int (max)");
-	ADD_COMMAND( "addSelec", makeCommandVoid2(ent,addBound,doc) );
-      }
-      VectorSelecter () : size (0) {}
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( VectorSelecter,Selec_of_vector );
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- ALGEBRA SELECTORS ------------------------------------------------ */
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    struct VectorComponent
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Vector, double>
-    {
-      void operator() (const Tin& m, double& res) const
-      {
-	assert (index < m.size());
-	res = m(index);
-      }
+  typedef std::pair<Vector::Index, Vector::Index> segment_t;
+  typedef std::vector<segment_t> segments_t;
+  segments_t idxs;
+  Vector::Index size;
-      int index;
-      void setIndex (const int & m) { index = m; }
-      void addSpecificCommands
-      (Entity& ent,
-       Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap )
-      {
-	std::string doc;
-	boost::function< void( const int& ) > callback
-	  = boost::bind( &VectorComponent::setIndex,this,_1 );
-	doc = command::docCommandVoid1("Set the index of the component.",
-				       "int (index)");
-	ADD_COMMAND( "setIndex",
-		     command::makeCommandVoid1 (ent, callback, doc));
-      }
-      virtual std::string getDocString () const
-      {
-	std::string docString
-	  ("Select a component of a vector\n"
-	   "  - input  vector\n""  - output double");
-	return docString;
-      }
+  void setBounds(const int &m, const int &M) {
+    idxs = segments_t(1, segment_t(m, M - m));
+    size = M - m;
+  }
+  void addBounds(const int &m, const int &M) {
+    idxs.push_back(segment_t(m, M - m));
+    size += M - m;
+  }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP (VectorComponent, Component_of_vector);
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    struct MatrixSelector
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Matrix, dg::Matrix>
-    {
-       void operator()( const Matrix& m,Matrix& res ) const
-      {
-	assert ((imin<=imax)&&(imax<=m.rows()));
-	assert ((jmin<=jmax)&&(jmax<=m.cols()));
-	res.resize( imax-imin,jmax-jmin );
-	for( int i=imin;i<imax;++i )
-	  for( int j=jmin;j<jmax;++j )
-	    res(i-imin,j-jmin)=m(i,j);
-      }
+  void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+    std::string doc;
+    boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> setBound =
+        boost::bind(&VectorSelecter::setBounds, this, _1, _2);
+    doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound of the selection [m,M[.", "int (min)",
+                          "int (max)");
+    ADD_COMMAND("selec", makeCommandVoid2(ent, setBound, doc));
+    boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> addBound =
+        boost::bind(&VectorSelecter::addBounds, this, _1, _2);
+    doc = docCommandVoid2("Add a segment to be selected [m,M[.", "int (min)",
+                          "int (max)");
+    ADD_COMMAND("addSelec", makeCommandVoid2(ent, addBound, doc));
+  }
+  VectorSelecter() : size(0) {}
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(VectorSelecter, Selec_of_vector);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- ALGEBRA SELECTORS ------------------------------------------------ */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct VectorComponent : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Vector, double> {
+  void operator()(const Tin &m, double &res) const {
+    assert(index < m.size());
+    res = m(index);
+  }
-    public:
-      int imin,imax;
-      int jmin,jmax;
+  int index;
+  void setIndex(const int &m) { index = m; }
-      void setBoundsRow( const int & m,const int & M ) { imin = m; imax = M; }
-      void setBoundsCol( const int & m,const int & M ) { jmin = m; jmax = M; }
+  void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    std::string doc;
-      void addSpecificCommands(Entity& ent,
-       			       Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap )
-      {
-	using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-	std::string doc;
+    boost::function<void(const int &)> callback =
+        boost::bind(&VectorComponent::setIndex, this, _1);
+    doc = command::docCommandVoid1("Set the index of the component.",
+                                   "int (index)");
+    ADD_COMMAND("setIndex", command::makeCommandVoid1(ent, callback, doc));
+  }
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    std::string docString("Select a component of a vector\n"
+                          "  - input  vector\n"
+                          "  - output double");
+    return docString;
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(VectorComponent, Component_of_vector);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct MatrixSelector : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Matrix, dg::Matrix> {
+  void operator()(const Matrix &m, Matrix &res) const {
+    assert((imin <= imax) && (imax <= m.rows()));
+    assert((jmin <= jmax) && (jmax <= m.cols()));
+    res.resize(imax - imin, jmax - jmin);
+    for (int i = imin; i < imax; ++i)
+      for (int j = jmin; j < jmax; ++j)
+        res(i - imin, j - jmin) = m(i, j);
+  }
-	boost::function< void( const int&, const int& ) > setBoundsRow
-	  = boost::bind( &MatrixSelector::setBoundsRow,this,_1,_2 );
-	boost::function< void( const int&, const int& ) > setBoundsCol
-	  = boost::bind( &MatrixSelector::setBoundsCol,this,_1,_2 );
+  int imin, imax;
+  int jmin, jmax;
-	doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound on rows.","int (min)","int (max)");
-	ADD_COMMAND( "selecRows", makeCommandVoid2(ent,setBoundsRow,doc) );
+  void setBoundsRow(const int &m, const int &M) {
+    imin = m;
+    imax = M;
+  }
+  void setBoundsCol(const int &m, const int &M) {
+    jmin = m;
+    jmax = M;
+  }
-	doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound on cols [m,M[.","int (min)","int (max)");
-	ADD_COMMAND( "selecCols", makeCommandVoid2(ent,setBoundsCol,doc) );
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( MatrixSelector,Selec_of_matrix );
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    struct MatrixColumnSelector
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Matrix, dg::Vector>
-    {
-    public:
-      void operator()( const Tin& m,Tout& res ) const
-      {
-	assert ((imin<=imax)&&(imax<=m.rows()));
-	assert (jcol<m.cols());
-	res.resize( imax-imin );
-	for( int i=imin;i<imax;++i )
-	  res(i-imin)=m(i,jcol);
-      }
+  void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+    std::string doc;
-      int imin,imax;
-      int jcol;
-      void selectCol( const int & m ) { jcol=m; }
-      void setBoundsRow( const int & m,const int & M ) { imin = m; imax = M; }
+    boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> setBoundsRow =
+        boost::bind(&MatrixSelector::setBoundsRow, this, _1, _2);
+    boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> setBoundsCol =
+        boost::bind(&MatrixSelector::setBoundsCol, this, _1, _2);
-      void addSpecificCommands(Entity& ent,
-       			       Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap )
-      {
-	using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-	std::string doc;
+    doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound on rows.", "int (min)", "int (max)");
+    ADD_COMMAND("selecRows", makeCommandVoid2(ent, setBoundsRow, doc));
-	boost::function< void( const int&, const int& ) > setBoundsRow
-	  = boost::bind( &MatrixColumnSelector::setBoundsRow,this,_1,_2 );
-	boost::function< void( const int& ) > selectCol
-	  = boost::bind( &MatrixColumnSelector::selectCol,this,_1 );
+    doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound on cols [m,M[.", "int (min)",
+                          "int (max)");
+    ADD_COMMAND("selecCols", makeCommandVoid2(ent, setBoundsCol, doc));
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixSelector, Selec_of_matrix);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct MatrixColumnSelector : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Matrix, dg::Vector> {
+  void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const {
+    assert((imin <= imax) && (imax <= m.rows()));
+    assert(jcol < m.cols());
+    res.resize(imax - imin);
+    for (int i = imin; i < imax; ++i)
+      res(i - imin) = m(i, jcol);
+  }
-	doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound on rows.","int (min)","int (max)");
-	ADD_COMMAND( "selecRows", makeCommandVoid2(ent,setBoundsRow,doc) );
+  int imin, imax;
+  int jcol;
+  void selectCol(const int &m) { jcol = m; }
+  void setBoundsRow(const int &m, const int &M) {
+    imin = m;
+    imax = M;
+  }
-	doc = docCommandVoid1("Select the col to copy.","int (col index)");
-	ADD_COMMAND( "selecCols", makeCommandVoid1(ent,selectCol,doc) );
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( MatrixColumnSelector,Selec_column_of_matrix );
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    struct MatrixTranspose
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Matrix,dg::Matrix>
-    {
-      void operator()( const Tin& m,Tout& res )
-	const { res = m.transpose(); }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( MatrixTranspose, MatrixTranspose);
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    struct Diagonalizer
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector,Matrix>
-    {
-      void operator()( const dg::Vector& r,dg::Matrix & res )
-      {
-        res = r.asDiagonal();
-      }
-    public:
-      Diagonalizer( void ) : nbr(0),nbc(0) {}
-      unsigned int nbr, nbc;
-      void resize( const int & r, const int & c ) { nbr=r;nbc=c; }
-      void addSpecificCommands(Entity& ent,
-       			       Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap )
-      {
-	using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-	std::string doc;
-	boost::function< void( const int&, const int& ) > resize
-	  = boost::bind( &Diagonalizer::resize,this,_1,_2 );
-	doc = docCommandVoid2("Set output size.","int (row)","int (col)");
-	ADD_COMMAND( "resize", makeCommandVoid2(ent,resize,doc) );
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(Diagonalizer,MatrixDiagonal);
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- INVERSION -------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< typename matrixgen >
-    struct Inverser
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<matrixgen,matrixgen>
-    {
-      typedef typename UnaryOpHeader<matrixgen,matrixgen>::Tin Tin;
-      typedef typename UnaryOpHeader<matrixgen,matrixgen>::Tout Tout;
-      void operator()( const Tin& m,Tout& res ) const
-      {	res = m.inverse(); }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( Inverser<dg::Matrix>, Inverse_of_matrix);
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( Inverser<MatrixHomogeneous>, Inverse_of_matrixHomo);
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( Inverser<MatrixTwist>, Inverse_of_matrixtwist);
-    struct Normalize
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Vector,double>
-    {
-      void operator()( const dg::Vector& m, double& res ) const
-      { res = m.norm(); }
-      virtual std::string getDocString () const
-      {
-	std::string docString
-	  ("Computes the norm of a vector\n"
-	   "  - input  vector\n""  - output double");
-	return docString;
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( Normalize, Norm_of_vector);
-    struct InverserRotation
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation,MatrixRotation>
-    {
-      void operator()( const Tin& m,Tout& res )
-	const { res = m.transpose(); }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( InverserRotation, Inverse_of_matrixrotation);
-    struct InverserQuaternion
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorQuaternion,VectorQuaternion>
-    {
-      void operator()( const Tin& m,Tout& res )
-	const { res = m.conjugate(); }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( InverserQuaternion, Inverse_of_unitquat);
-   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-   /* --- SE3/SO3 conversions ----------------------------------------------- */
-   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    struct HomogeneousMatrixToVector
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous,dg::Vector>
-    {
-      void operator()( const MatrixHomogeneous& M,dg::Vector& res )
-      {
-        res.resize(6);
-        VectorUTheta r(M.linear());
-        res.head<3>() = M.translation();
-        res.tail<3>() = r.angle()*r.axis();
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( HomogeneousMatrixToVector,MatrixHomoToPoseUTheta);
-    struct SkewSymToVector
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<Matrix,Vector>
-    {
-      void operator()( const Matrix& M,Vector& res )
-      {
-	res.resize(3);
-	res(0) = M(7);
-	res(1) = M(2);
-	res(2) = M(3);
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP( SkewSymToVector,SkewSymToVector );
-    struct PoseUThetaToMatrixHomo
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector,MatrixHomogeneous>
-    {
-      void operator()( const dg::Vector& v,MatrixHomogeneous& res )
-      {
-	assert( v.size()>=6 );
-        res.translation() = v.head<3>();
-        double theta = v.tail<3>().norm();
-        if (theta > 0)
-          res.linear() = Eigen::AngleAxisd(theta, v.tail<3>() / theta).matrix();
-        else
-          res.linear().setIdentity();
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(PoseUThetaToMatrixHomo,PoseUThetaToMatrixHomo);
-    struct MatrixHomoToPoseQuaternion
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous,Vector>
-    {
-      void operator()( const MatrixHomogeneous& M,Vector& res )
-      {
-	res.resize(7);
-        res.head<3>() = M.translation();
-        Eigen::Map<VectorQuaternion> q (res.tail<4>().data());
-        q = M.linear();
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixHomoToPoseQuaternion,MatrixHomoToPoseQuaternion);
-    struct MatrixHomoToPoseRollPitchYaw
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous,Vector>
-    {
-      void operator()( const MatrixHomogeneous& M,dg::Vector& res )
-      {
-	VectorRollPitchYaw r = (M.linear().eulerAngles(2,1,0)).reverse();
-	dg::Vector t(3); t = M.translation();
-	res.resize(6);
-	for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) res(i)=t(i);
-	for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) res(i+3)=r(i);
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixHomoToPoseRollPitchYaw,MatrixHomoToPoseRollPitchYaw);
-    struct PoseRollPitchYawToMatrixHomo
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector,MatrixHomogeneous>
-    {
-      void operator()( const dg::Vector& vect, MatrixHomogeneous& Mres )
-      {
-	VectorRollPitchYaw r;
-	for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) r(i)=vect(i+3);
-	MatrixRotation R = (Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(2),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ())*
-			    Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(1),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY())*
-			    Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(0),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX())).toRotationMatrix();
-	dg::Vector t(3);
-	for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) t(i)=vect(i);
-	//buildFrom(R,t);
-	Mres = Eigen::Translation3d(t)*R;
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(PoseRollPitchYawToMatrixHomo,PoseRollPitchYawToMatrixHomo);
-    struct PoseRollPitchYawToPoseUTheta
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector,Vector>
-    {
-      void operator()( const dg::Vector& vect,dg::Vector& vectres )
-      {
-	VectorRollPitchYaw r;
-	for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) r(i)=vect(i+3);
-	MatrixRotation R = (Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(2),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ())*
-			    Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(1),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY())*
-			    Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(0),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX())).toRotationMatrix();
-	VectorUTheta rrot(R);
-	vectres .resize(6);
-	for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i )
-	  {
-	    vectres(i)=vect(i);
-	    vectres (i+3) = rrot.angle()*rrot.axis()(i);
-	  }
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(PoseRollPitchYawToPoseUTheta,PoseRollPitchYawToPoseUTheta);
-    struct HomoToMatrix
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous,Matrix>
-    {
-      void operator()( const MatrixHomogeneous& M,dg::Matrix& res )
-      {  res=M.matrix();  }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(HomoToMatrix,HomoToMatrix);
-    struct MatrixToHomo
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<Matrix,MatrixHomogeneous>
-    {
-      void operator()( const Eigen::Matrix<double,4,4>& M,MatrixHomogeneous& res )
-      {  res= M;  }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixToHomo,MatrixToHomo);
-    struct HomoToTwist
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous,MatrixTwist>
-    {
-      void operator()( const MatrixHomogeneous& M,MatrixTwist& res )
-      {
-	Eigen::Vector3d _t = M.translation();
-	MatrixRotation R(M.linear());
-	Eigen::Matrix3d Tx;
-	Tx << 0, -_t(2), _t(1),
-	  _t(2), 0, -_t(0),
-	  -_t(1), _t(0), 0;
-	Eigen::Matrix3d sk; sk = Tx*R;
-	res.block<3,3>(0,0) = R;
-	res.block<3,3>(0,3) = sk;
-	res.block<3,3>(3,0) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();
-	res.block<3,3>(3,3) = R;
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(HomoToTwist,HomoToTwist);
-    struct HomoToRotation
-       : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous,MatrixRotation>
-    {
-      void operator()( const MatrixHomogeneous& M,MatrixRotation& res )
-      {
-	res = M.linear();
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(HomoToRotation,HomoToRotation);
-    struct MatrixHomoToPose
-       : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous,Vector>
-    {
-      void operator()( const MatrixHomogeneous& M,Vector& res )
-      {
-        res.resize(3);
-        res = M.translation();
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixHomoToPose,MatrixHomoToPose);
-    struct RPYToMatrix
-       : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorRollPitchYaw,MatrixRotation>
-   {
-      void operator()( const VectorRollPitchYaw& r,MatrixRotation& res )
-      {
-	res = (Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(2),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ())*
-	       Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(1),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY())*
-	       Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(0),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX())).toRotationMatrix();
-      }
-    };
-    struct MatrixToRPY
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation,VectorRollPitchYaw>
-    {
-      void operator()( const MatrixRotation& r,VectorRollPitchYaw & res )
-      {
-	res = (r.eulerAngles(2,1,0)).reverse();
-      }
-    };
-    struct QuaternionToMatrix
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorQuaternion,MatrixRotation>
-    {
-      void operator()( const VectorQuaternion& r,MatrixRotation& res )
-      {
-	res = r.toRotationMatrix();
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(QuaternionToMatrix,QuaternionToMatrix);
-    struct MatrixToQuaternion
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation,VectorQuaternion>
-    {
-      void operator()( const MatrixRotation& r,VectorQuaternion & res )
-      {
-	res = r;
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixToQuaternion,MatrixToQuaternion);
-    struct MatrixToUTheta
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation,VectorUTheta>
-    {
-      void operator()( const MatrixRotation& r,VectorUTheta & res )
-      {
-	res = r;
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixToUTheta,MatrixToUTheta);
-    struct UThetaToQuaternion
-      : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorUTheta,VectorQuaternion>
-    {
-      void operator()( const VectorUTheta& r,VectorQuaternion& res )
-      {
-	res = r;
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_UNARY_OP(UThetaToQuaternion,UThetaToQuaternion);
-    template< typename TypeIn1,typename TypeIn2, typename TypeOut >
-    struct BinaryOpHeader
-    {
-      typedef TypeIn1 Tin1;
-      typedef TypeIn2 Tin2;
-      typedef TypeOut Tout;
-      static const std::string & nameTypeIn1(void) { return TypeNameHelper<Tin1>::typeName; }
-      static const std::string & nameTypeIn2(void) { return TypeNameHelper<Tin2>::typeName; }
-      static const std::string & nameTypeOut(void) { return TypeNameHelper<Tout>::typeName; }
-      void addSpecificCommands(Entity&, Entity::CommandMap_t& ) {}
-      virtual std::string getDocString () const
-      {
-	return std::string
-	  ("Undocumented binary operator\n"
-	   "  - input  ") + nameTypeIn1 () +
-	  std::string ("\n"
-	   "  -        ") + nameTypeIn2 () +
-	  std::string ("\n"
-		       "  - output ") + nameTypeOut () +
-	  std::string ("\n");
-      }
-    };
+  void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+    std::string doc;
+    boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> setBoundsRow =
+        boost::bind(&MatrixColumnSelector::setBoundsRow, this, _1, _2);
+    boost::function<void(const int &)> selectCol =
+        boost::bind(&MatrixColumnSelector::selectCol, this, _1);
-  } /* namespace sot */
-} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+    doc = docCommandVoid2("Set the bound on rows.", "int (min)", "int (max)");
+    ADD_COMMAND("selecRows", makeCommandVoid2(ent, setBoundsRow, doc));
+    doc = docCommandVoid1("Select the col to copy.", "int (col index)");
+    ADD_COMMAND("selecCols", makeCommandVoid1(ent, selectCol, doc));
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixColumnSelector, Selec_column_of_matrix);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct MatrixTranspose : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Matrix, dg::Matrix> {
+  void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const { res = m.transpose(); }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixTranspose, MatrixTranspose);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct Diagonalizer : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector, Matrix> {
+  void operator()(const dg::Vector &r, dg::Matrix &res) {
+    res = r.asDiagonal();
+  }
-#define REGISTER_BINARY_OP( OpType,name )				\
-  template<>								\
-  const std::string BinaryOp< OpType >::CLASS_NAME = std::string(#name); \
-  Entity *regFunction##_##name( const std::string& objname )		\
-  {									\
-    return new BinaryOp< OpType >( objname );				\
-  }									\
-  EntityRegisterer regObj##_##name( std::string(#name),&regFunction##_##name)
+  Diagonalizer(void) : nbr(0), nbc(0) {}
+  unsigned int nbr, nbc;
+  void resize(const int &r, const int &c) {
+    nbr = r;
+    nbc = c;
+  }
+  void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+    std::string doc;
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> resize =
+        boost::bind(&Diagonalizer::resize, this, _1, _2);
+    doc = docCommandVoid2("Set output size.", "int (row)", "int (col)");
+    ADD_COMMAND("resize", makeCommandVoid2(ent, resize, doc));
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(Diagonalizer, MatrixDiagonal);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INVERSION -------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+template <typename matrixgen>
+struct Inverser : public UnaryOpHeader<matrixgen, matrixgen> {
+  typedef typename UnaryOpHeader<matrixgen, matrixgen>::Tin Tin;
+  typedef typename UnaryOpHeader<matrixgen, matrixgen>::Tout Tout;
+  void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const { res = m.inverse(); }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(Inverser<dg::Matrix>, Inverse_of_matrix);
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(Inverser<MatrixHomogeneous>, Inverse_of_matrixHomo);
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(Inverser<MatrixTwist>, Inverse_of_matrixtwist);
+struct Normalize : public UnaryOpHeader<dg::Vector, double> {
+  void operator()(const dg::Vector &m, double &res) const { res = m.norm(); }
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    std::string docString("Computes the norm of a vector\n"
+                          "  - input  vector\n"
+                          "  - output double");
+    return docString;
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(Normalize, Norm_of_vector);
+struct InverserRotation : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation, MatrixRotation> {
+  void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const { res = m.transpose(); }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(InverserRotation, Inverse_of_matrixrotation);
+struct InverserQuaternion
+    : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorQuaternion, VectorQuaternion> {
+  void operator()(const Tin &m, Tout &res) const { res = m.conjugate(); }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(InverserQuaternion, Inverse_of_unitquat);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SE3/SO3 conversions ----------------------------------------------- */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct HomogeneousMatrixToVector
+    : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, dg::Vector> {
+  void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, dg::Vector &res) {
+    res.resize(6);
+    VectorUTheta r(M.linear());
+    res.head<3>() = M.translation();
+    res.tail<3>() = r.angle() * r.axis();
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(HomogeneousMatrixToVector, MatrixHomoToPoseUTheta);
+struct SkewSymToVector : public UnaryOpHeader<Matrix, Vector> {
+  void operator()(const Matrix &M, Vector &res) {
+    res.resize(3);
+    res(0) = M(7);
+    res(1) = M(2);
+    res(2) = M(3);
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(SkewSymToVector, SkewSymToVector);
+struct PoseUThetaToMatrixHomo
+    : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector, MatrixHomogeneous> {
+  void operator()(const dg::Vector &v, MatrixHomogeneous &res) {
+    assert(v.size() >= 6);
+    res.translation() = v.head<3>();
+    double theta = v.tail<3>().norm();
+    if (theta > 0)
+      res.linear() = Eigen::AngleAxisd(theta, v.tail<3>() / theta).matrix();
+    else
+      res.linear().setIdentity();
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(PoseUThetaToMatrixHomo, PoseUThetaToMatrixHomo);
+struct MatrixHomoToPoseQuaternion
+    : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, Vector> {
+  void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, Vector &res) {
+    res.resize(7);
+    res.head<3>() = M.translation();
+    Eigen::Map<VectorQuaternion> q(res.tail<4>().data());
+    q = M.linear();
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixHomoToPoseQuaternion, MatrixHomoToPoseQuaternion);
+struct MatrixHomoToPoseRollPitchYaw
+    : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, Vector> {
+  void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, dg::Vector &res) {
+    VectorRollPitchYaw r = (M.linear().eulerAngles(2, 1, 0)).reverse();
+    dg::Vector t(3);
+    t = M.translation();
+    res.resize(6);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+      res(i) = t(i);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+      res(i + 3) = r(i);
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixHomoToPoseRollPitchYaw, MatrixHomoToPoseRollPitchYaw);
+struct PoseRollPitchYawToMatrixHomo
+    : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector, MatrixHomogeneous> {
+  void operator()(const dg::Vector &vect, MatrixHomogeneous &Mres) {
+    VectorRollPitchYaw r;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+      r(i) = vect(i + 3);
+    MatrixRotation R = (Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(2), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) *
+                        Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(1), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) *
+                        Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(0), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()))
+                           .toRotationMatrix();
+    dg::Vector t(3);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+      t(i) = vect(i);
+    // buildFrom(R,t);
+    Mres = Eigen::Translation3d(t) * R;
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(PoseRollPitchYawToMatrixHomo, PoseRollPitchYawToMatrixHomo);
+struct PoseRollPitchYawToPoseUTheta : public UnaryOpHeader<Vector, Vector> {
+  void operator()(const dg::Vector &vect, dg::Vector &vectres) {
+    VectorRollPitchYaw r;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+      r(i) = vect(i + 3);
+    MatrixRotation R = (Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(2), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) *
+                        Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(1), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) *
+                        Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(0), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()))
+                           .toRotationMatrix();
+    VectorUTheta rrot(R);
+    vectres.resize(6);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+      vectres(i) = vect(i);
+      vectres(i + 3) = rrot.angle() * rrot.axis()(i);
+    }
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(PoseRollPitchYawToPoseUTheta, PoseRollPitchYawToPoseUTheta);
-namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    /* --- MULTIPLICATION --------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< typename F,typename E>
-    struct Multiplier_FxE__E
-      : public BinaryOpHeader<F,E,E>
-    {
-      void operator()( const F& f,const E& e, E& res ) const { res = f*e; }
-    };
-    template<>
-    void Multiplier_FxE__E<dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous,dynamicgraph::Vector>::
-    operator()( const dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous& f,
-		const dynamicgraph::Vector& e,
-		dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
-    { res=f.matrix()*e; }
-    template<> void Multiplier_FxE__E<double,dynamicgraph::Vector>::
-    operator()( const double& x,const dynamicgraph::Vector& v,dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
-    { res=v; res*=x; }
-    typedef Multiplier_FxE__E<double,dynamicgraph::Vector> Multiplier_double_vector;
-    typedef Multiplier_FxE__E<dynamicgraph::Matrix,dynamicgraph::Vector> Multiplier_matrix_vector;
-    typedef Multiplier_FxE__E<MatrixHomogeneous,dynamicgraph::Vector> Multiplier_matrixHomo_vector;
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP( Multiplier_double_vector,Multiply_double_vector);
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP( Multiplier_matrix_vector,Multiply_matrix_vector);
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP( Multiplier_matrixHomo_vector,Multiply_matrixHomo_vector);
-    /* --- SUBSTRACTION ----------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< typename T>
-    struct Substraction
-      : public BinaryOpHeader<T,T,T>
-    { void operator()( const T& v1,const T& v2,T& r ) const { r=v1; r-=v2; } };
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Substraction<dynamicgraph::Matrix>,Substract_of_matrix);
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Substraction<dynamicgraph::Vector>,Substract_of_vector);
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Substraction<double>,Substract_of_double);
-    /* --- STACK ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-    struct VectorStack
-      : public BinaryOpHeader<dynamicgraph::Vector,dynamicgraph::Vector,dynamicgraph::Vector>
-    {
-    public:
-      int v1min,v1max;
-      int v2min,v2max;
-      void operator()( const dynamicgraph::Vector& v1,const dynamicgraph::Vector& v2,dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
-      {
-	assert( (v1max>=v1min)&&(v1.size()>=v1max) );
-	assert( (v2max>=v2min)&&(v2.size()>=v2max) );
-	const int v1size = v1max-v1min, v2size = v2max-v2min;
-	res.resize( v1size+v2size );
-	for( int i=0;i<v1size;++i ) { res(i) = v1(i+v1min); }
-	for( int i=0;i<v2size;++i ) { res(v1size+i) = v2(i+v2min); }
-      }
+struct HomoToMatrix : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, Matrix> {
+  void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, dg::Matrix &res) {
+    res = M.matrix();
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(HomoToMatrix, HomoToMatrix);
-      void selec1( const int & m, const int M) { v1min=m; v1max=M; }
-      void selec2( const int & m, const int M) { v2min=m; v2max=M; }
-      void addSpecificCommands(Entity& ent,
-       			       Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap )
-      {
-	using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-	std::string doc;
-	boost::function< void( const int&, const int& ) > selec1
-	  = boost::bind( &VectorStack::selec1,this,_1,_2 );
-	boost::function< void( const int&, const int& ) > selec2
-	  = boost::bind( &VectorStack::selec2,this,_1,_2 );
-	ADD_COMMAND( "selec1",
-	 	     makeCommandVoid2(ent,selec1,docCommandVoid2("set the min and max of selection.",
-	 							 "int (imin)","int (imax)")));
-	ADD_COMMAND( "selec2",
-	 	     makeCommandVoid2(ent,selec2,docCommandVoid2("set the min and max of selection.",
-	 							 "int (imin)","int (imax)")));
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP(VectorStack,Stack_of_vector);
-    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    struct Composer
-      : public BinaryOpHeader<dynamicgraph::Matrix,dynamicgraph::Vector,MatrixHomogeneous>
-    {
-      void operator() ( const dynamicgraph::Matrix& R,const dynamicgraph::Vector& t, MatrixHomogeneous& H ) const
-      {
-        H.linear() = R;
-        H.translation() = t;
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Composer,Compose_R_and_T);
-    /* --- CONVOLUTION PRODUCT ---------------------------------------------- */
-    struct ConvolutionTemporal
-      : public BinaryOpHeader<dynamicgraph::Vector,dynamicgraph::Matrix,dynamicgraph::Vector>
-    {
-      typedef std::deque<dynamicgraph::Vector> MemoryType;
-      MemoryType memory;
-      void convolution( const MemoryType &f1,const dynamicgraph::Matrix & f2,dynamicgraph::Vector &res )
-      {
-	const Vector::Index nconv = (Vector::Index)f1.size(),nsig=f2.rows();
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "Size: " << nconv << "x" << nsig << std::endl;
-	if( nconv>f2.cols() ) return; // TODO: error, this should not happen
-	res.resize( nsig ); res.fill(0);
-	unsigned int j=0;
-	for( MemoryType::const_iterator iter=f1.begin();iter!=f1.end();iter++ )
-	  {
-	    const dynamicgraph::Vector & s_tau = *iter;
-	    sotDEBUG(45) << "Sig"<<j<< ": " << s_tau ;
-	    if( s_tau.size()!=nsig )
-	      return; // TODO: error throw;
-	    for( int i=0;i<nsig;++i )
-	      {
-		res(i)+=f2(i,j)*s_tau(i);
-	      }
-	    j++;
-	  }
-      }
-      void operator()( const dynamicgraph::Vector& v1,const dynamicgraph::Matrix& m2,dynamicgraph::Vector& res )
-      {
-	memory.push_front( v1 );
-	while( (Vector::Index)memory.size() > m2.cols() ) memory.pop_back();
-	convolution( memory,m2,res );
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP( ConvolutionTemporal,ConvolutionTemporal );
+struct MatrixToHomo : public UnaryOpHeader<Matrix, MatrixHomogeneous> {
+  void operator()(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 4> &M,
+                  MatrixHomogeneous &res) {
+    res = M;
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixToHomo, MatrixToHomo);
+struct HomoToTwist : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, MatrixTwist> {
+  void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, MatrixTwist &res) {
+    Eigen::Vector3d _t = M.translation();
+    MatrixRotation R(M.linear());
+    Eigen::Matrix3d Tx;
+    Tx << 0, -_t(2), _t(1), _t(2), 0, -_t(0), -_t(1), _t(0), 0;
+    Eigen::Matrix3d sk;
+    sk = Tx * R;
+    res.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = R;
+    res.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = sk;
+    res.block<3, 3>(3, 0) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();
+    res.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = R;
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(HomoToTwist, HomoToTwist);
-    /* --- BOOLEAN REDUCTION ------------------------------------------------ */
+struct HomoToRotation
+    : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, MatrixRotation> {
+  void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, MatrixRotation &res) {
+    res = M.linear();
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(HomoToRotation, HomoToRotation);
-    template < typename T > struct Comparison
-      : public BinaryOpHeader <T, T, bool>
-    {
-      void operator()( const T& a,const T& b, bool& res ) const
-      {
-        res = ( a < b);
-      }
-      virtual std::string getDocString () const
-      {
-        typedef BinaryOpHeader<T,T,bool> Base;
-        return std::string
-          ("Comparison of inputs:\n"
-           "  - input  ") + Base::nameTypeIn1 () +
-          std::string ("\n"
-              "  -        ") + Base::nameTypeIn2 () +
-          std::string ("\n"
-              "  - output ") + Base::nameTypeOut () +
-          std::string ("\n""  sout = ( sin1 < sin2 )\n");
-      }
-    };
-    template < typename T1, typename T2 = T1 > struct MatrixComparison
-      : public BinaryOpHeader <T1, T2, bool>
-    {
-      // TODO T1 or T2 could be a scalar type.
-      void operator()( const T1& a,const T2& b, bool& res ) const
-      {
-        if      ( equal &&  any) res = (a.array() <= b.array()).any();
-        else if ( equal && !any) res = (a.array() <= b.array()).all();
-        else if (!equal &&  any) res = (a.array() <  b.array()).any();
-        else if (!equal && !any) res = (a.array() <  b.array()).all();
-      }
-      virtual std::string getDocString () const
-      {
-        typedef BinaryOpHeader<T1,T2,bool> Base;
-        return std::string
-          ("Comparison of inputs:\n"
-           "  - input  ") + Base::nameTypeIn1 () +
-          std::string ("\n"
-              "  -        ") + Base::nameTypeIn2 () +
-          std::string ("\n"
-              "  - output ") + Base::nameTypeOut () +
-          std::string ("\n""  sout = ( sin1 < sin2 ).op()\n") +
-          std::string ("\n""  where op is either any (default) or all. The comparison can be made <=.\n");
-      }
-      MatrixComparison () : any (true), equal (false) {}
-      void addSpecificCommands(Entity& ent,
-                   Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap)
-      {
-        using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-        ADD_COMMAND( "setTrueIfAny",
-            makeDirectSetter(ent,&any,docDirectSetter("trueIfAny","bool")));
-        ADD_COMMAND( "getTrueIfAny",
-            makeDirectGetter(ent,&any,docDirectGetter("trueIfAny","bool")));
-        ADD_COMMAND( "setEqual",
-            makeDirectSetter(ent,&equal,docDirectSetter("equal","bool")));
-        ADD_COMMAND( "getEqual",
-            makeDirectGetter(ent,&equal,docDirectGetter("equal","bool")));
-      }
-      bool any, equal;
-    };
+struct MatrixHomoToPose : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixHomogeneous, Vector> {
+  void operator()(const MatrixHomogeneous &M, Vector &res) {
+    res.resize(3);
+    res = M.translation();
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixHomoToPose, MatrixHomoToPose);
+struct RPYToMatrix : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorRollPitchYaw, MatrixRotation> {
+  void operator()(const VectorRollPitchYaw &r, MatrixRotation &res) {
+    res = (Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(2), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) *
+           Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(1), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) *
+           Eigen::AngleAxisd(r(0), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()))
+              .toRotationMatrix();
+  }
+struct MatrixToRPY : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation, VectorRollPitchYaw> {
+  void operator()(const MatrixRotation &r, VectorRollPitchYaw &res) {
+    res = (r.eulerAngles(2, 1, 0)).reverse();
+  }
+struct QuaternionToMatrix
+    : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorQuaternion, MatrixRotation> {
+  void operator()(const VectorQuaternion &r, MatrixRotation &res) {
+    res = r.toRotationMatrix();
+  }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(QuaternionToMatrix, QuaternionToMatrix);
+struct MatrixToQuaternion
+    : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation, VectorQuaternion> {
+  void operator()(const MatrixRotation &r, VectorQuaternion &res) { res = r; }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixToQuaternion, MatrixToQuaternion);
+struct MatrixToUTheta : public UnaryOpHeader<MatrixRotation, VectorUTheta> {
+  void operator()(const MatrixRotation &r, VectorUTheta &res) { res = r; }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(MatrixToUTheta, MatrixToUTheta);
+struct UThetaToQuaternion
+    : public UnaryOpHeader<VectorUTheta, VectorQuaternion> {
+  void operator()(const VectorUTheta &r, VectorQuaternion &res) { res = r; }
+REGISTER_UNARY_OP(UThetaToQuaternion, UThetaToQuaternion);
+template <typename TypeIn1, typename TypeIn2, typename TypeOut>
+struct BinaryOpHeader {
+  typedef TypeIn1 Tin1;
+  typedef TypeIn2 Tin2;
+  typedef TypeOut Tout;
+  static const std::string &nameTypeIn1(void) {
+    return TypeNameHelper<Tin1>::typeName;
+  }
+  static const std::string &nameTypeIn2(void) {
+    return TypeNameHelper<Tin2>::typeName;
+  }
+  static const std::string &nameTypeOut(void) {
+    return TypeNameHelper<Tout>::typeName;
+  }
+  void addSpecificCommands(Entity &, Entity::CommandMap_t &) {}
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    return std::string("Undocumented binary operator\n"
+                       "  - input  ") +
+           nameTypeIn1() +
+           std::string("\n"
+                       "  -        ") +
+           nameTypeIn2() +
+           std::string("\n"
+                       "  - output ") +
+           nameTypeOut() + std::string("\n");
+  }
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP (Comparison<double>, CompareDouble);
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP (MatrixComparison<Vector>, CompareVector);
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+#define REGISTER_BINARY_OP(OpType, name)                                       \
+  template <>                                                                  \
+  const std::string BinaryOp<OpType>::CLASS_NAME = std::string(#name);         \
+  Entity *regFunction##_##name(const std::string &objname) {                   \
+    return new BinaryOp<OpType>(objname);                                      \
+  }                                                                            \
+  EntityRegisterer regObj##_##name(std::string(#name), &regFunction##_##name)
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    template< typename T>
-    struct WeightedAdder
-      : public BinaryOpHeader<T,T,T>
-    {
-    public:
-      double gain1,gain2;
-      void operator()( const T& v1,const T& v2, T& res ) const
-      {
-        res=v1; res*=gain1;
-        res += gain2*v2;
-      }
+namespace sot {
-      void addSpecificCommands(Entity& ent,
-                   Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap)
-      {
-        using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-        std::string doc;
-        ADD_COMMAND( "setGain1",
-            makeDirectSetter(ent,&gain1,docDirectSetter("gain1","double")));
-        ADD_COMMAND( "setGain2",
-            makeDirectSetter(ent,&gain2,docDirectSetter("gain2","double")));
-        ADD_COMMAND( "getGain1",
-            makeDirectGetter(ent,&gain1,docDirectGetter("gain1","double")));
-        ADD_COMMAND( "getGain2",
-            makeDirectGetter(ent,&gain2,docDirectGetter("gain2","double")));
-      }
+/* --- MULTIPLICATION --------------------------------------------------- */
-      virtual std::string getDocString () const
-      {
-        return std::string("Weighted Combination of inputs : \n - gain{1|2} gain.");
-      }
-    };
+template <typename F, typename E>
+struct Multiplier_FxE__E : public BinaryOpHeader<F, E, E> {
+  void operator()(const F &f, const E &e, E &res) const { res = f * e; }
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP(WeightedAdder<dynamicgraph::Matrix>,WeightAdd_of_matrix);
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP(WeightedAdder<dynamicgraph::Vector>,WeightAdd_of_vector);
-    REGISTER_BINARY_OP(WeightedAdder<double>,WeightAdd_of_double);
-    }
+template <>
+void Multiplier_FxE__E<dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous,
+                       dynamicgraph::Vector>::
+operator()(const dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous &f,
+           const dynamicgraph::Vector &e, dynamicgraph::Vector &res) const {
+  res = f.matrix() * e;
-#define REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP( OpType,name )				\
-  template<>								\
-  const std::string VariadicOp< OpType >::CLASS_NAME = std::string(#name); \
-  Entity *regFunction##_##name( const std::string& objname )		\
-  {									\
-    return new VariadicOp< OpType >( objname );				\
-  }									\
-  EntityRegisterer regObj##_##name( std::string(#name),&regFunction##_##name)
+template <>
+void Multiplier_FxE__E<double, dynamicgraph::Vector>::
+operator()(const double &x, const dynamicgraph::Vector &v,
+           dynamicgraph::Vector &res) const {
+  res = v;
+  res *= x;
-namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    template< typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time >
-    std::string VariadicAbstract<Tin,Tout,Time>::getTypeInName (void) { return TypeNameHelper<Tin>::typeName; }
-    template< typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time >
-    std::string VariadicAbstract<Tin,Tout,Time>::getTypeOutName(void) { return TypeNameHelper<Tout>::typeName; }
-    template< typename TypeIn, typename TypeOut >
-    struct VariadicOpHeader
-    {
-      typedef TypeIn  Tin ;
-      typedef TypeOut Tout;
-      static const std::string & nameTypeIn (void) { return TypeNameHelper<Tin >::typeName; }
-      static const std::string & nameTypeOut(void) { return TypeNameHelper<Tout>::typeName; }
-      template <typename Op>
-      void initialize(VariadicOp<Op>*, Entity::CommandMap_t& ) {}
-      virtual std::string getDocString () const
-      {
-	return std::string (
-            "Undocumented variadic operator\n"
-            "  - input  " + nameTypeIn  () +
-            "\n"
-            "  - output " + nameTypeOut () +
-            "\n");
-      }
-    };
-    /* --- VectorMix ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-    struct VectorMix
-      : public VariadicOpHeader<Vector,Vector>
-    {
-    public:
-      typedef VariadicOp<VectorMix> Base;
-      struct segment_t {
-        Vector::Index index, size, input;
-        std::size_t sigIdx;
-        segment_t (Vector::Index i, Vector::Index s, std::size_t sig) : index (i), size(s), sigIdx (sig) {}
-      };
-      typedef std::vector <segment_t> segments_t;
-      Base* entity;
-      segments_t idxs;
-      void operator()( const std::vector<const Vector*>& vs, Vector& res ) const
-      {
-        res = *vs[0];
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idxs.size(); ++i)
-        {
-          const segment_t& s = idxs[i];
-          if (s.sigIdx >= vs.size())
-            throw std::invalid_argument ("Index out of range in VectorMix");
-          res.segment (s.index, s.size) = *vs[s.sigIdx];
-        }
+typedef Multiplier_FxE__E<double, dynamicgraph::Vector>
+    Multiplier_double_vector;
+typedef Multiplier_FxE__E<dynamicgraph::Matrix, dynamicgraph::Vector>
+    Multiplier_matrix_vector;
+typedef Multiplier_FxE__E<MatrixHomogeneous, dynamicgraph::Vector>
+    Multiplier_matrixHomo_vector;
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Multiplier_double_vector, Multiply_double_vector);
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Multiplier_matrix_vector, Multiply_matrix_vector);
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Multiplier_matrixHomo_vector, Multiply_matrixHomo_vector);
+/* --- SUBSTRACTION ----------------------------------------------------- */
+template <typename T> struct Substraction : public BinaryOpHeader<T, T, T> {
+  void operator()(const T &v1, const T &v2, T &r) const {
+    r = v1;
+    r -= v2;
+  }
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Substraction<dynamicgraph::Matrix>, Substract_of_matrix);
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Substraction<dynamicgraph::Vector>, Substract_of_vector);
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Substraction<double>, Substract_of_double);
+/* --- STACK ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+struct VectorStack
+    : public BinaryOpHeader<dynamicgraph::Vector, dynamicgraph::Vector,
+                            dynamicgraph::Vector> {
+  int v1min, v1max;
+  int v2min, v2max;
+  void operator()(const dynamicgraph::Vector &v1,
+                  const dynamicgraph::Vector &v2,
+                  dynamicgraph::Vector &res) const {
+    assert((v1max >= v1min) && (v1.size() >= v1max));
+    assert((v2max >= v2min) && (v2.size() >= v2max));
+    const int v1size = v1max - v1min, v2size = v2max - v2min;
+    res.resize(v1size + v2size);
+    for (int i = 0; i < v1size; ++i) {
+      res(i) = v1(i + v1min);
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < v2size; ++i) {
+      res(v1size + i) = v2(i + v2min);
+    }
+  }
+  void selec1(const int &m, const int M) {
+    v1min = m;
+    v1max = M;
+  }
+  void selec2(const int &m, const int M) {
+    v2min = m;
+    v2max = M;
+  }
+  void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+    std::string doc;
+    boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> selec1 =
+        boost::bind(&VectorStack::selec1, this, _1, _2);
+    boost::function<void(const int &, const int &)> selec2 =
+        boost::bind(&VectorStack::selec2, this, _1, _2);
+        "selec1",
+        makeCommandVoid2(ent, selec1,
+                         docCommandVoid2("set the min and max of selection.",
+                                         "int (imin)", "int (imax)")));
+        "selec2",
+        makeCommandVoid2(ent, selec2,
+                         docCommandVoid2("set the min and max of selection.",
+                                         "int (imin)", "int (imax)")));
+  }
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(VectorStack, Stack_of_vector);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct Composer
+    : public BinaryOpHeader<dynamicgraph::Matrix, dynamicgraph::Vector,
+                            MatrixHomogeneous> {
+  void operator()(const dynamicgraph::Matrix &R, const dynamicgraph::Vector &t,
+                  MatrixHomogeneous &H) const {
+    H.linear() = R;
+    H.translation() = t;
+  }
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Composer, Compose_R_and_T);
+/* --- CONVOLUTION PRODUCT ---------------------------------------------- */
+struct ConvolutionTemporal
+    : public BinaryOpHeader<dynamicgraph::Vector, dynamicgraph::Matrix,
+                            dynamicgraph::Vector> {
+  typedef std::deque<dynamicgraph::Vector> MemoryType;
+  MemoryType memory;
+  void convolution(const MemoryType &f1, const dynamicgraph::Matrix &f2,
+                   dynamicgraph::Vector &res) {
+    const Vector::Index nconv = (Vector::Index)f1.size(), nsig = f2.rows();
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Size: " << nconv << "x" << nsig << std::endl;
+    if (nconv > f2.cols())
+      return; // TODO: error, this should not happen
+    res.resize(nsig);
+    res.fill(0);
+    unsigned int j = 0;
+    for (MemoryType::const_iterator iter = f1.begin(); iter != f1.end();
+         iter++) {
+      const dynamicgraph::Vector &s_tau = *iter;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Sig" << j << ": " << s_tau;
+      if (s_tau.size() != nsig)
+        return; // TODO: error throw;
+      for (int i = 0; i < nsig; ++i) {
+        res(i) += f2(i, j) * s_tau(i);
+      j++;
+    }
+  }
+  void operator()(const dynamicgraph::Vector &v1,
+                  const dynamicgraph::Matrix &m2, dynamicgraph::Vector &res) {
+    memory.push_front(v1);
+    while ((Vector::Index)memory.size() > m2.cols())
+      memory.pop_back();
+    convolution(memory, m2, res);
+  }
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(ConvolutionTemporal, ConvolutionTemporal);
+/* --- BOOLEAN REDUCTION ------------------------------------------------ */
+template <typename T> struct Comparison : public BinaryOpHeader<T, T, bool> {
+  void operator()(const T &a, const T &b, bool &res) const { res = (a < b); }
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    typedef BinaryOpHeader<T, T, bool> Base;
+    return std::string("Comparison of inputs:\n"
+                       "  - input  ") +
+           Base::nameTypeIn1() +
+           std::string("\n"
+                       "  -        ") +
+           Base::nameTypeIn2() +
+           std::string("\n"
+                       "  - output ") +
+           Base::nameTypeOut() +
+           std::string("\n"
+                       "  sout = ( sin1 < sin2 )\n");
+  }
+template <typename T1, typename T2 = T1>
+struct MatrixComparison : public BinaryOpHeader<T1, T2, bool> {
+  // TODO T1 or T2 could be a scalar type.
+  void operator()(const T1 &a, const T2 &b, bool &res) const {
+    if (equal && any)
+      res = (a.array() <= b.array()).any();
+    else if (equal && !any)
+      res = (a.array() <= b.array()).all();
+    else if (!equal && any)
+      res = (a.array() < b.array()).any();
+    else if (!equal && !any)
+      res = (a.array() < b.array()).all();
+  }
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    typedef BinaryOpHeader<T1, T2, bool> Base;
+    return std::string("Comparison of inputs:\n"
+                       "  - input  ") +
+           Base::nameTypeIn1() +
+           std::string("\n"
+                       "  -        ") +
+           Base::nameTypeIn2() +
+           std::string("\n"
+                       "  - output ") +
+           Base::nameTypeOut() +
+           std::string("\n"
+                       "  sout = ( sin1 < sin2 ).op()\n") +
+           std::string("\n"
+                       "  where op is either any (default) or all. The "
+                       "comparison can be made <=.\n");
+  }
+  MatrixComparison() : any(true), equal(false) {}
+  void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+        "setTrueIfAny",
+        makeDirectSetter(ent, &any, docDirectSetter("trueIfAny", "bool")));
+        "getTrueIfAny",
+        makeDirectGetter(ent, &any, docDirectGetter("trueIfAny", "bool")));
+    ADD_COMMAND("setEqual", makeDirectSetter(ent, &equal,
+                                             docDirectSetter("equal", "bool")));
+    ADD_COMMAND("getEqual", makeDirectGetter(ent, &equal,
+                                             docDirectGetter("equal", "bool")));
+  }
+  bool any, equal;
-      void addSelec( const int & sigIdx, const int & i, const int& s) { idxs.push_back(segment_t(i,s,sigIdx)); }
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(Comparison<double>, CompareDouble);
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(MatrixComparison<Vector>, CompareVector);
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
-      void initialize(Base* ent,
-                      Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap )
-      {
-	using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-        entity = ent;
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+template <typename T> struct WeightedAdder : public BinaryOpHeader<T, T, T> {
+  double gain1, gain2;
+  void operator()(const T &v1, const T &v2, T &res) const {
+    res = v1;
+    res *= gain1;
+    res += gain2 * v2;
+  }
-        ent->addSignal ("default");
+  void addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+    std::string doc;
+        "setGain1",
+        makeDirectSetter(ent, &gain1, docDirectSetter("gain1", "double")));
+        "setGain2",
+        makeDirectSetter(ent, &gain2, docDirectSetter("gain2", "double")));
+        "getGain1",
+        makeDirectGetter(ent, &gain1, docDirectGetter("gain1", "double")));
+        "getGain2",
+        makeDirectGetter(ent, &gain2, docDirectGetter("gain2", "double")));
+  }
-	boost::function< void( const int&, const int&, const int& ) > selec
-	  = boost::bind( &VectorMix::addSelec,this,_1,_2,_3 );
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    return std::string("Weighted Combination of inputs : \n - gain{1|2} gain.");
+  }
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(WeightedAdder<dynamicgraph::Matrix>, WeightAdd_of_matrix);
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(WeightedAdder<dynamicgraph::Vector>, WeightAdd_of_vector);
+REGISTER_BINARY_OP(WeightedAdder<double>, WeightAdd_of_double);
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
+#define REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(OpType, name)                                     \
+  template <>                                                                  \
+  const std::string VariadicOp<OpType>::CLASS_NAME = std::string(#name);       \
+  Entity *regFunction##_##name(const std::string &objname) {                   \
+    return new VariadicOp<OpType>(objname);                                    \
+  }                                                                            \
+  EntityRegisterer regObj##_##name(std::string(#name), &regFunction##_##name)
-        ADD_COMMAND( "setSignalNumber", makeCommandVoid1(*(typename Base::Base*)ent, &Base::setSignalNumber,
-              docCommandVoid1("set the number of input vector.", "int (size)")));
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+template <typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time>
+std::string VariadicAbstract<Tin, Tout, Time>::getTypeInName(void) {
+  return TypeNameHelper<Tin>::typeName;
+template <typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time>
+std::string VariadicAbstract<Tin, Tout, Time>::getTypeOutName(void) {
+  return TypeNameHelper<Tout>::typeName;
-        commandMap.insert(std::make_pair( "getSignalNumber",
-            new Getter<Base, int> (*ent, &Base::getSignalNumber,
-              "Get the number of input vector.")));
+template <typename TypeIn, typename TypeOut> struct VariadicOpHeader {
+  typedef TypeIn Tin;
+  typedef TypeOut Tout;
+  static const std::string &nameTypeIn(void) {
+    return TypeNameHelper<Tin>::typeName;
+  }
+  static const std::string &nameTypeOut(void) {
+    return TypeNameHelper<Tout>::typeName;
+  }
+  template <typename Op>
+  void initialize(VariadicOp<Op> *, Entity::CommandMap_t &) {}
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    return std::string("Undocumented variadic operator\n"
+                       "  - input  " +
+                       nameTypeIn() +
+                       "\n"
+                       "  - output " +
+                       nameTypeOut() + "\n");
+  }
+/* --- VectorMix ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+struct VectorMix : public VariadicOpHeader<Vector, Vector> {
+  typedef VariadicOp<VectorMix> Base;
+  struct segment_t {
+    Vector::Index index, size, input;
+    std::size_t sigIdx;
+    segment_t(Vector::Index i, Vector::Index s, std::size_t sig)
+        : index(i), size(s), sigIdx(sig) {}
+  };
+  typedef std::vector<segment_t> segments_t;
+  Base *entity;
+  segments_t idxs;
+  void operator()(const std::vector<const Vector *> &vs, Vector &res) const {
+    res = *vs[0];
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < idxs.size(); ++i) {
+      const segment_t &s = idxs[i];
+      if (s.sigIdx >= vs.size())
+        throw std::invalid_argument("Index out of range in VectorMix");
+      res.segment(s.index, s.size) = *vs[s.sigIdx];
+    }
+  }
-        commandMap.insert(std::make_pair("addSelec",
-            makeCommandVoid3<Base,int,int,int>(*ent, selec,
-              docCommandVoid3("add selection from a vector.",
-                "int (signal index >= 1)", "int (index)","int (size)"))));
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(VectorMix,Mix_of_vector);
-    /* --- ADDITION --------------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< typename T>
-    struct AdderVariadic
-      : public VariadicOpHeader<T,T>
-    {
-      typedef VariadicOp<AdderVariadic> Base;
-      Base* entity;
-      Vector coeffs;
-      AdderVariadic () : coeffs () {}
-      void operator()( const std::vector<const T*>& vs, T& res ) const
-      {
-        assert (vs.size() == (std::size_t)coeffs.size());
-        if (vs.size() == 0) return;
-        res = coeffs[0]*(*vs[0]);
-        for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i)
-          res+=coeffs[i]*(*vs[i]);
-      }
+  void addSelec(const int &sigIdx, const int &i, const int &s) {
+    idxs.push_back(segment_t(i, s, sigIdx));
+  }
-      void setCoeffs(const Vector& c) { coeffs = c; }
-      void setCoeff1(const double& c) { assert(coeffs.size() == 2); coeffs(0) = c; }
-      void setCoeff2(const double& c) { assert(coeffs.size() == 2); coeffs(1) = c; }
-      void setSignalNumber (const int& n)
-      {
-        if (entity->getSignalNumber() == 2) {
-          entity->removeSignal();
-          entity->removeSignal();
-        }
-        coeffs = Vector::Ones(n);
-        entity->setSignalNumber(n);
-      }
+  void initialize(Base *ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+    entity = ent;
-      void initialize(Base* ent,
-                      Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap )
-      {
-	using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-        entity = ent;
-        coeffs = Vector::Ones(2);
-        entity->addSignal ("sin1");
-        entity->addSignal ("sin2");
-        commandMap.insert(std::make_pair( "getSignalNumber",
-            new Getter<Base, int> (*ent, &Base::getSignalNumber,
-              "Get the number of input vector.")));
-        commandMap.insert(std::make_pair("setSignalNumber",
-            makeCommandVoid1<Base,int>(*ent,
-              boost::function <void (const int&)> (boost::bind ( &AdderVariadic::setSignalNumber, this, _1)),
-              docCommandVoid1("set the number of input vector.", "int (size)"))));
-        commandMap.insert(std::make_pair("setCoeffs",
-            makeCommandVoid1<Base,Vector>(*ent,
-              boost::function <void (const Vector&)> (boost::bind ( &AdderVariadic::setCoeffs, this, _1)),
-              docCommandVoid1("set the multipliers.", "vector"))));
-        // Add deprecated commands.
-        commandMap.insert(std::make_pair("setCoeff1",
-            makeCommandVoid1<Base,double>(*ent,
-              boost::function <void (const double&)> (boost::bind ( &AdderVariadic::setCoeff1, this, _1)),
-              docCommandVoid1("deprecated. Use setCoeffs.", "double"))));
-        commandMap.insert(std::make_pair("setCoeff2",
-            makeCommandVoid1<Base,double>(*ent,
-              boost::function <void (const double&)> (boost::bind ( &AdderVariadic::setCoeff2, this, _1)),
-              docCommandVoid1("deprecated. Use setCoeffs.", "double"))));
-      }
+    ent->addSignal("default");
-      virtual std::string getDocString () const
-      {
-        return
-          "Linear combination of inputs\n"
-          "  - input  " + VariadicOpHeader<T,T>::nameTypeIn () +
-          "\n"
-          "  - output " + VariadicOpHeader<T,T>::nameTypeOut () +
-          "\n"
-          "  sout = sum ([coeffs[i] * sin[i] for i in range(n) ])\n"
-          "  Coefficients are set by commands, default value is 1.\n";
-      }
-    };
-    REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(AdderVariadic<Matrix>,Add_of_matrix);
-    REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(AdderVariadic<Vector>,Add_of_vector);
-    REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(AdderVariadic<double>,Add_of_double);
-    /* --- MULTIPLICATION --------------------------------------------------- */
-    template< typename T>
-    struct Multiplier
-      : public VariadicOpHeader<T,T>
-    {
-      typedef VariadicOp<Multiplier> Base;
-      void operator()( const std::vector<const T*>& vs,T& res ) const
-      {
-        if (vs.size() == 0) setIdentity(res);
-        else {
-          res = *vs[0];
-          for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i) res *= *vs[i];
-        }
-      }
+    boost::function<void(const int &, const int &, const int &)> selec =
+        boost::bind(&VectorMix::addSelec, this, _1, _2, _3);
-      void setIdentity (T& res) const { res.setIdentity(); }
+        "setSignalNumber",
+        makeCommandVoid1(
+            *(typename Base::Base *)ent, &Base::setSignalNumber,
+            docCommandVoid1("set the number of input vector.", "int (size)")));
-      void initialize(Base* ent,
-                      Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap )
-      {
-	using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+    commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(
+        "getSignalNumber",
+        new Getter<Base, int>(*ent, &Base::getSignalNumber,
+                              "Get the number of input vector.")));
-        ent->setSignalNumber (2);
+    commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(
+        "addSelec", makeCommandVoid3<Base, int, int, int>(
+                        *ent, selec,
+                        docCommandVoid3("add selection from a vector.",
+                                        "int (signal index >= 1)",
+                                        "int (index)", "int (size)"))));
+  }
+REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(VectorMix, Mix_of_vector);
+/* --- ADDITION --------------------------------------------------------- */
+template <typename T> struct AdderVariadic : public VariadicOpHeader<T, T> {
+  typedef VariadicOp<AdderVariadic> Base;
+  Base *entity;
+  Vector coeffs;
+  AdderVariadic() : coeffs() {}
+  void operator()(const std::vector<const T *> &vs, T &res) const {
+    assert(vs.size() == (std::size_t)coeffs.size());
+    if (vs.size() == 0)
+      return;
+    res = coeffs[0] * (*vs[0]);
+    for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i)
+      res += coeffs[i] * (*vs[i]);
+  }
-        ADD_COMMAND( "setSignalNumber", makeCommandVoid1(*(typename Base::Base*)ent, &Base::setSignalNumber,
-              docCommandVoid1("set the number of input vector.", "int (size)")));
+  void setCoeffs(const Vector &c) { coeffs = c; }
+  void setCoeff1(const double &c) {
+    assert(coeffs.size() == 2);
+    coeffs(0) = c;
+  }
+  void setCoeff2(const double &c) {
+    assert(coeffs.size() == 2);
+    coeffs(1) = c;
+  }
-        commandMap.insert(std::make_pair( "getSignalNumber",
-            new Getter<Base, int> (*ent, &Base::getSignalNumber,
-              "Get the number of input vector.")));
-      }
-    };
-    template<> void Multiplier<double>::
-    setIdentity (double& res) const { res = 1; }
-    template<> void Multiplier<MatrixHomogeneous>::
-    operator()( const std::vector<const MatrixHomogeneous*>& vs, MatrixHomogeneous& res ) const
-    {
-      if (vs.size() == 0) setIdentity(res);
-      else {
-        res = *vs[0];
-        for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i) res = res * *vs[i];
-      }
+  void setSignalNumber(const int &n) {
+    if (entity->getSignalNumber() == 2) {
+      entity->removeSignal();
+      entity->removeSignal();
-    template<> void Multiplier<Vector>::
-    operator()( const std::vector<const Vector*>& vs, Vector& res ) const
-    {
-      if (vs.size() == 0) res.resize(0);
-      else {
-        res = *vs[0];
-        for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i) res.array() *= vs[i]->array();
-      }
+    coeffs = Vector::Ones(n);
+    entity->setSignalNumber(n);
+  }
+  void initialize(Base *ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+    entity = ent;
+    coeffs = Vector::Ones(2);
+    entity->addSignal("sin1");
+    entity->addSignal("sin2");
+    commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(
+        "getSignalNumber",
+        new Getter<Base, int>(*ent, &Base::getSignalNumber,
+                              "Get the number of input vector.")));
+    commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(
+        "setSignalNumber",
+        makeCommandVoid1<Base, int>(
+            *ent,
+            boost::function<void(const int &)>(
+                boost::bind(&AdderVariadic::setSignalNumber, this, _1)),
+            docCommandVoid1("set the number of input vector.", "int (size)"))));
+    commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(
+        "setCoeffs", makeCommandVoid1<Base, Vector>(
+                         *ent,
+                         boost::function<void(const Vector &)>(
+                             boost::bind(&AdderVariadic::setCoeffs, this, _1)),
+                         docCommandVoid1("set the multipliers.", "vector"))));
+    // Add deprecated commands.
+    commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(
+        "setCoeff1",
+        makeCommandVoid1<Base, double>(
+            *ent,
+            boost::function<void(const double &)>(
+                boost::bind(&AdderVariadic::setCoeff1, this, _1)),
+            docCommandVoid1("deprecated. Use setCoeffs.", "double"))));
+    commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(
+        "setCoeff2",
+        makeCommandVoid1<Base, double>(
+            *ent,
+            boost::function<void(const double &)>(
+                boost::bind(&AdderVariadic::setCoeff2, this, _1)),
+            docCommandVoid1("deprecated. Use setCoeffs.", "double"))));
+  }
+  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
+    return "Linear combination of inputs\n"
+           "  - input  " +
+           VariadicOpHeader<T, T>::nameTypeIn() +
+           "\n"
+           "  - output " +
+           VariadicOpHeader<T, T>::nameTypeOut() +
+           "\n"
+           "  sout = sum ([coeffs[i] * sin[i] for i in range(n) ])\n"
+           "  Coefficients are set by commands, default value is 1.\n";
+  }
+REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(AdderVariadic<Matrix>, Add_of_matrix);
+REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(AdderVariadic<Vector>, Add_of_vector);
+REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(AdderVariadic<double>, Add_of_double);
+/* --- MULTIPLICATION --------------------------------------------------- */
+template <typename T> struct Multiplier : public VariadicOpHeader<T, T> {
+  typedef VariadicOp<Multiplier> Base;
+  void operator()(const std::vector<const T *> &vs, T &res) const {
+    if (vs.size() == 0)
+      setIdentity(res);
+    else {
+      res = *vs[0];
+      for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i)
+        res *= *vs[i];
+  }
-    REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<Matrix           >,Multiply_of_matrix);
-    REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<Vector           >,Multiply_of_vector);
-    REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<MatrixRotation   >,Multiply_of_matrixrotation);
-    REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<MatrixHomogeneous>,Multiply_of_matrixHomo);
-    REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<MatrixTwist      >,Multiply_of_matrixtwist);
-    REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<VectorQuaternion >,Multiply_of_quaternion);
-    REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<double           >,Multiply_of_double);
-    /* --- BOOLEAN --------------------------------------------------------- */
-    template <int operation>
-    struct BoolOp
-      : public VariadicOpHeader<bool,bool>
-    {
-      typedef VariadicOp<BoolOp> Base;
-      void operator()( const std::vector<const bool*>& vs, bool& res ) const
-      {
-        // TODO computation could be optimized with lazy evaluation of the
-        // signals. When the output result is know, the remaining signals are
-        // not computed.
-        if (vs.size() == 0) return;
-        res = *vs[0];
-        for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i)
-          switch (operation) {
-            case 0:
-              if (!res) return;
-              res = *vs[i];
-              break;
-            case 1:
-              if (res) return;
-              res = *vs[i];
-              break;
-          }
-      }
+  void setIdentity(T &res) const { res.setIdentity(); }
-      void initialize(Base* ent,
-                      Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap )
-      {
-        using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+  void initialize(Base *ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-        ADD_COMMAND( "setSignalNumber", makeCommandVoid1(*(typename Base::Base*)ent, &Base::setSignalNumber,
-              docCommandVoid1("set the number of input boolean.", "int (size)")));
+    ent->setSignalNumber(2);
-        commandMap.insert(std::make_pair( "getSignalNumber",
-            new Getter<Base, int> (*ent, &Base::getSignalNumber,
-              "Get the number of input bool.")));
-      }
-    };
+        "setSignalNumber",
+        makeCommandVoid1(
+            *(typename Base::Base *)ent, &Base::setSignalNumber,
+            docCommandVoid1("set the number of input vector.", "int (size)")));
+    commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(
+        "getSignalNumber",
+        new Getter<Base, int>(*ent, &Base::getSignalNumber,
+                              "Get the number of input vector.")));
+  }
+template <> void Multiplier<double>::setIdentity(double &res) const { res = 1; }
+template <>
+void Multiplier<MatrixHomogeneous>::
+operator()(const std::vector<const MatrixHomogeneous *> &vs,
+           MatrixHomogeneous &res) const {
+  if (vs.size() == 0)
+    setIdentity(res);
+  else {
+    res = *vs[0];
+    for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i)
+      res = res * *vs[i];
+  }
+template <>
+void Multiplier<Vector>::operator()(const std::vector<const Vector *> &vs,
+                                    Vector &res) const {
+  if (vs.size() == 0)
+    res.resize(0);
+  else {
+    res = *vs[0];
+    for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i)
+      res.array() *= vs[i]->array();
+REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<Matrix>, Multiply_of_matrix);
+REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<Vector>, Multiply_of_vector);
+REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<MatrixRotation>, Multiply_of_matrixrotation);
+REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<MatrixHomogeneous>, Multiply_of_matrixHomo);
+REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<MatrixTwist>, Multiply_of_matrixtwist);
+REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<VectorQuaternion>, Multiply_of_quaternion);
+REGISTER_VARIADIC_OP(Multiplier<double>, Multiply_of_double);
+/* --- BOOLEAN --------------------------------------------------------- */
+template <int operation> struct BoolOp : public VariadicOpHeader<bool, bool> {
+  typedef VariadicOp<BoolOp> Base;
+  void operator()(const std::vector<const bool *> &vs, bool &res) const {
+    // TODO computation could be optimized with lazy evaluation of the
+    // signals. When the output result is know, the remaining signals are
+    // not computed.
+    if (vs.size() == 0)
+      return;
+    res = *vs[0];
+    for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vs.size(); ++i)
+      switch (operation) {
+      case 0:
+        if (!res)
+          return;
+        res = *vs[i];
+        break;
+      case 1:
+        if (res)
+          return;
+        res = *vs[i];
+        break;
+      }
+  }
+  void initialize(Base *ent, Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap) {
+    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+        "setSignalNumber",
+        makeCommandVoid1(
+            *(typename Base::Base *)ent, &Base::setSignalNumber,
+            docCommandVoid1("set the number of input boolean.", "int (size)")));
+    commandMap.insert(
+        std::make_pair("getSignalNumber",
+                       new Getter<Base, int>(*ent, &Base::getSignalNumber,
+                                             "Get the number of input bool.")));
+  }
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
 /* --- TODO ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 // The following commented lines are sot-v1 entities that are still waiting
 //   for conversion. Help yourself!
-// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
 // struct WeightedDirection
 // {
 // public:
-//   void operator()( const dynamicgraph::Vector& v1,const dynamicgraph::Vector& v2,dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
+//   void operator()( const dynamicgraph::Vector& v1,const dynamicgraph::Vector&
+//   v2,dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
 //   {
 //     const double norm1 = v1.norm();
 //     const double norm2 = v2.norm();
@@ -1169,13 +1146,14 @@ namespace dynamicgraph {
 // typedef BinaryOp< Vector,Vector,Vector,WeightedDirection > weightdir;
 // SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_ExE_E(weightdir,vector,weight_dir,"WeightDir")
-// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
 // struct Nullificator
 // {
 // public:
-//   void operator()( const dynamicgraph::Vector& v1,const dynamicgraph::Vector& v2,dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
+//   void operator()( const dynamicgraph::Vector& v1,const dynamicgraph::Vector&
+//   v2,dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
 //   {
 //     const unsigned int s = std::max( v1.size(),v2.size() );
 //     res.resize(s);
@@ -1190,16 +1168,16 @@ namespace dynamicgraph {
 // typedef BinaryOp< Vector,Vector,Vector,Nullificator > vectNil;
 // SOT_FACTORY_TEMPLATE_ENTITY_PLUGIN_ExE_E(vectNil,vector,vectnil_,"Nullificator")
-// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
 // struct VirtualSpring
 // {
 // public:
 //   double spring;
-//   void operator()( const dynamicgraph::Vector& pos,const dynamicgraph::Vector& ref,dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
+//   void operator()( const dynamicgraph::Vector& pos,const
+//   dynamicgraph::Vector& ref,dynamicgraph::Vector& res ) const
 //   {
 //     double norm = ref.norm();
 //     double dist = ref.scalarProduct(pos) / (norm*norm);
diff --git a/src/matrix/vector-constant-command.h b/src/matrix/vector-constant-command.h
index 6715eeda..f6844559 100644
--- a/src/matrix/vector-constant-command.h
+++ b/src/matrix/vector-constant-command.h
@@ -11,43 +11,41 @@
 #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
-  namespace command {
-    namespace vectorConstant {
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+namespace command {
+namespace vectorConstant {
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-      // Command Resize
-      class Resize : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-	virtual ~Resize() {}
-	/// Create command and store it in Entity
-	/// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	/// \param docstring documentation of the command
-      Resize(VectorConstant& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::UNSIGNED), docstring)
-	  {
-	  }
-	virtual Value doExecute()
-	{
-	  VectorConstant& vc = static_cast<VectorConstant&>(owner());
-	  std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
-	  unsigned size = values[0].value();
-	  dynamicgraph::Vector m(size);
-	  m.fill(vc.color);
-	  vc.SOUT.setConstant(m);
+// Command Resize
+class Resize : public Command {
+  virtual ~Resize() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  Resize(VectorConstant &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::UNSIGNED), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    VectorConstant &vc = static_cast<VectorConstant &>(owner());
+    std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
+    unsigned size = values[0].value();
+    dynamicgraph::Vector m(size);
+    m.fill(vc.color);
+    vc.SOUT.setConstant(m);
-	  // return void
-	  return Value();
-	}
-      }; // class Resize
-    } //namespace vectorConstant
-  } // namespace command
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+    // return void
+    return Value();
+  }
+}; // class Resize
+} // namespace vectorConstant
+} // namespace command
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/src/matrix/vector-constant.cpp b/src/matrix/vector-constant.cpp
index 29405561..d57ba43b 100644
--- a/src/matrix/vector-constant.cpp
+++ b/src/matrix/vector-constant.cpp
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
-#include <sot/core/vector-constant.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/vector-constant.hh>
 #include "../src/matrix/vector-constant-command.h"
@@ -16,48 +16,42 @@ using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(VectorConstant, "VectorConstant");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- VECTOR ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-VectorConstant( const std::string& name )
-  :Entity( name )
-  ,rows(0),color(0.)
-  ,SOUT( "sotVectorConstant("+name+")::output(vector)::sout" )
-  SOUT.setDependencyType( TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT );
-  signalRegistration( SOUT );
+VectorConstant::VectorConstant(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), rows(0), color(0.),
+      SOUT("sotVectorConstant(" + name + ")::output(vector)::sout") {
+  SOUT.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT);
+  signalRegistration(SOUT);
   // Commands
   // Resize
   std::string docstring;
-  docstring = "    \n"
-    "    Resize the vector and fill with value stored in color field.\n"
-    "      Input\n"
-    "        unsigned size.\n"
-    "\n";
-  addCommand("resize",
-	     new command::vectorConstant::Resize(*this, docstring));
+  docstring =
+      "    \n"
+      "    Resize the vector and fill with value stored in color field.\n"
+      "      Input\n"
+      "        unsigned size.\n"
+      "\n";
+  addCommand("resize", new command::vectorConstant::Resize(*this, docstring));
   // set
   docstring = "    \n"
-    "    Set value of output signal\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      input:\n"
-    "        - a vector\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("set",
-	     new ::dynamicgraph::command::Setter<VectorConstant, dynamicgraph::Vector>
-	     (*this, &VectorConstant::setValue, docstring));
+              "    Set value of output signal\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      input:\n"
+              "        - a vector\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand(
+      "set",
+      new ::dynamicgraph::command::Setter<VectorConstant, dynamicgraph::Vector>(
+          *this, &VectorConstant::setValue, docstring));
-void VectorConstant::
-setValue(const dynamicgraph::Vector& inValue)
+void VectorConstant::setValue(const dynamicgraph::Vector &inValue) {
diff --git a/src/matrix/vector-to-rotation.cpp b/src/matrix/vector-to-rotation.cpp
index 4fd351fb..5dcd641d 100644
--- a/src/matrix/vector-to-rotation.cpp
+++ b/src/matrix/vector-to-rotation.cpp
@@ -9,74 +9,71 @@
 #include <sot/core/vector-to-rotation.hh>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 #include <sot/core/macros-signal.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(VectorToRotation, "VectorToRotation");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-VectorToRotation( const std::string& name )
-  :Entity( name )
-  ,size(0),axes(0)
-  ,SIN( NULL,"sotVectorToRotation("+name+")::output(vector)::sin" )
-  ,SOUT( SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_1( VectorToRotation::computeRotation,
-			    SIN,dynamicgraph::Vector),
-	 "sotVectorToRotation("+name+")::output(matrixRotation)::sout" )
+VectorToRotation::VectorToRotation(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), size(0), axes(0),
+      SIN(NULL, "sotVectorToRotation(" + name + ")::output(vector)::sin"),
+      SOUT(SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_1(VectorToRotation::computeRotation, SIN,
+                               dynamicgraph::Vector),
+           "sotVectorToRotation(" + name + ")::output(matrixRotation)::sout") {
-  signalRegistration( SIN << SOUT );
+  signalRegistration(SIN << SOUT);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-MatrixRotation& VectorToRotation::
-computeRotation( const dynamicgraph::Vector& angles,
-		 MatrixRotation& res )
+MatrixRotation &
+VectorToRotation::computeRotation(const dynamicgraph::Vector &angles,
+                                  MatrixRotation &res) {
-  MatrixRotation Ra,Rtmp;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<size;++i )
-    {
-      Ra.setIdentity();
-      const double ca = cos( angles(i) );
-      const double sa = sin( angles(i) );
-      const unsigned int i_X=0,i_Y=1,i_Z=2;
-      switch( axes[i] )
-	{
-	case AXIS_X:
-	  {
-	    Ra(i_Y,i_Y) = ca; Ra(i_Y,i_Z) = -sa;
-	    Ra(i_Z,i_Y) = sa; Ra(i_Z,i_Z) = ca;
-	    break;
-	  }
-	case AXIS_Y:
-	  {
-	    Ra(i_Z,i_Z) = ca; Ra(i_Z,i_X) = -sa;
-	    Ra(i_X,i_Z) = sa; Ra(i_X,i_X) = ca;
-	    break;
-	  }
-	case AXIS_Z:
-	  {
-	    Ra(i_X,i_X) = ca; Ra(i_X,i_Y) = -sa;
-	    Ra(i_Y,i_X) = sa; Ra(i_Y,i_Y) = ca;
-	    break;
-	  }
-	}
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "R" << i << " = " << Ra;
-      Rtmp = res*Ra;
-      res=Rtmp;
+  MatrixRotation Ra, Rtmp;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+    Ra.setIdentity();
+    const double ca = cos(angles(i));
+    const double sa = sin(angles(i));
+    const unsigned int i_X = 0, i_Y = 1, i_Z = 2;
+    switch (axes[i]) {
+    case AXIS_X: {
+      Ra(i_Y, i_Y) = ca;
+      Ra(i_Y, i_Z) = -sa;
+      Ra(i_Z, i_Y) = sa;
+      Ra(i_Z, i_Z) = ca;
+      break;
+    }
+    case AXIS_Y: {
+      Ra(i_Z, i_Z) = ca;
+      Ra(i_Z, i_X) = -sa;
+      Ra(i_X, i_Z) = sa;
+      Ra(i_X, i_X) = ca;
+      break;
+    case AXIS_Z: {
+      Ra(i_X, i_X) = ca;
+      Ra(i_X, i_Y) = -sa;
+      Ra(i_Y, i_X) = sa;
+      Ra(i_Y, i_Y) = ca;
+      break;
+    }
+    }
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "R" << i << " = " << Ra;
+    Rtmp = res * Ra;
+    res = Rtmp;
+  }
   return res;
diff --git a/src/signal/signal-cast.cpp b/src/signal/signal-cast.cpp
index c5647349..4db6cd32 100644
--- a/src/signal/signal-cast.cpp
+++ b/src/signal/signal-cast.cpp
@@ -7,232 +7,222 @@
-#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-caster.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/eigen-io.h>
 #include <Eigen/Core>
-#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/eigen-io.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-caster.h>
 #include <iomanip>
+#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
+#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-cast-helper.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal-caster.h>
 #include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
-#include <sot/core/trajectory.hh>
 #include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 #include <sot/core/multi-bound.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-caster.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal-cast-helper.h>
+#include <sot/core/trajectory.hh>
-# ifdef WIN32
-#  include <Windows.h>
-# endif
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <Windows.h>
 /* Implements a set of caster/displayer for the main types of sot-core. */
-namespace dynamicgraph
-  using namespace std;
-  using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-  namespace dgsot = dynamicgraph::sot;
-  /* --- CASTER IMPLEMENTATION ------------------------------------------------ */
-  /* --- CASTER IMPLEMENTATION ------------------------------------------------ */
-  /* --- CASTER IMPLEMENTATION ------------------------------------------------ */
-  DG_ADD_CASTER(sot::Flags,flags);
-  template <>
-  void
-  DefaultCastRegisterer<MatrixHomogeneous>::
-  trace(const boost::any& object, std::ostream& os)
-  {
-    const MatrixHomogeneous & M = boost::any_cast<MatrixHomogeneous>(object);
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<4;++i )
-      for( unsigned int j=0;j<4;++j )
-	{ os << "\t" << M(i,j); }
-  }
-  namespace {
-    dynamicgraph::DefaultCastRegisterer <sot::MatrixHomogeneous>
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
+namespace dgsot = dynamicgraph::sot;
+/* --- CASTER IMPLEMENTATION ------------------------------------------------ */
+/* --- CASTER IMPLEMENTATION ------------------------------------------------ */
+/* --- CASTER IMPLEMENTATION ------------------------------------------------ */
+DG_ADD_CASTER(sot::Flags, flags);
+template <>
+void DefaultCastRegisterer<MatrixHomogeneous>::trace(const boost::any &object,
+                                                     std::ostream &os) {
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &M = boost::any_cast<MatrixHomogeneous>(object);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
+      os << "\t" << M(i, j);
+    }
+namespace {
-    dynamicgraph::DefaultCastRegisterer <sot::MatrixRotation>
+} // namespace
+/* --- FEATURE ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- FEATURE ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- FEATURE ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------- */
+DG_SIGNAL_CAST_DEFINITION_HPP(sot::FeatureAbstract *);
+FeatureAbstract *SignalCast<FeatureAbstract *>::cast(std::istringstream &iss) {
+  FeatureAbstract *ref;
+  std::string name;
+  iss >> name;
+  if (name.length())
+    ref = &dynamicgraph::sot::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getFeature(name);
+  else
+    ref = 0;
+  return ref;
+void SignalCast<FeatureAbstract *>::disp(FeatureAbstract *const &t,
+                                         std::ostream &os) {
+  if (t) {
+    t->display(os);
+    os << std::endl;
+  } else {
+    os << "NULL" << std::endl;
-  /* --- FEATURE ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------- */
-  /* --- FEATURE ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------- */
-  /* --- FEATURE ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------- */
-  DG_SIGNAL_CAST_DEFINITION_HPP(sot::FeatureAbstract*);
-  FeatureAbstract* SignalCast<FeatureAbstract*>::
-  cast( std::istringstream& iss )
-  {
-    FeatureAbstract* ref;
-    std::string name; iss >> name;
-    if( name.length())
-      ref = &dynamicgraph::sot::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getFeature(name);
-    else ref = 0;
-    return ref;
-  }
-  void SignalCast<FeatureAbstract*>::
-  disp( FeatureAbstract* const& t,std::ostream& os )
-  {
-    if( t ) { t->display(os); os<<std::endl; }
-    else { os << "NULL" << std::endl; }
-  }
-  DG_ADD_CASTER(FeatureAbstract*,FAptr);
-  /* --- TIMEVAL -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  /* --- TIMEVAL -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  /* --- TIMEVAL -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  struct timeval SignalCast<struct timeval>::
-    cast( std::istringstream& iss )
-  {
-    int u,s; iss >> s >> u;
-    struct timeval t; t.tv_sec = s; t.tv_usec = u;
-    return t;
+DG_ADD_CASTER(FeatureAbstract *, FAptr);
+/* --- TIMEVAL -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- TIMEVAL -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- TIMEVAL -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+struct timeval SignalCast<struct timeval>::cast(std::istringstream &iss) {
+  int u, s;
+  iss >> s >> u;
+  struct timeval t;
+  t.tv_sec = s;
+  t.tv_usec = u;
+  return t;
+} void SignalCast<struct timeval>::disp(const struct timeval &t,
+                                        std::ostream &os) {
+  os << t.tv_sec << "s " << t.tv_usec << "ms";
+DG_ADD_CASTER(struct timeval, tv);
+/* --- Trajectory --------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+/* --- Trajectory --------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+/* --- Trajectory --------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+dgsot::Trajectory SignalCast<dgsot::Trajectory>::cast(std::istringstream &iss) {
+  dgsot::Trajectory aTraj;
+  // Read joint names.
+  std::vector<std::string>::size_type nb_joints;
+  iss >> nb_joints;
+  aTraj.joint_names_.resize(nb_joints);
+  for (std::vector<std::string>::size_type idJoints = 0; idJoints < nb_joints;
+       idJoints++)
+    iss >> aTraj.joint_names_[idJoints];
+  // Read nb of points
+  std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type nb_points;
+  iss >> nb_points;
+  // Read points
+  for (std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type idPoint = 0;
+       idPoint < nb_points; idPoint++) {
+    // Read positions.
+    for (std::vector<double>::size_type idPos = 0; idPos < nb_joints; idPos++)
+      iss >> aTraj.points_[idPoint].positions_[idPos];
+    // TODO: read velocities and accelerations.
-  void SignalCast<struct timeval>::
-  disp( const struct timeval& t,std::ostream& os )
-  {
-    os << t.tv_sec << "s "<< t.tv_usec << "ms";
+  return aTraj;
+void SignalCast<dgsot::Trajectory>::disp(const dgsot::Trajectory &aTraj,
+                                         std::ostream &os) {
+  // Display joint names.
+  os << "{ Number of joints: " << aTraj.joint_names_.size() << std::endl;
+  for (std::vector<std::string>::size_type idJoints = 0;
+       idJoints < aTraj.joint_names_.size(); idJoints++) {
+    os << idJoints << " - " << aTraj.joint_names_[idJoints] << std::endl;
-  DG_ADD_CASTER(struct timeval,tv);
-  /* --- Trajectory -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  /* --- Trajectory -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  /* --- Trajectory -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  DG_SIGNAL_CAST_DEFINITION_HPP(dgsot::Trajectory);
-  dgsot::Trajectory SignalCast<dgsot::Trajectory>::
-    cast( std::istringstream& iss )
-  {
-    dgsot::Trajectory aTraj;
-    // Read joint names.
-    std::vector<std::string>::size_type nb_joints;
-    iss >> nb_joints; aTraj.joint_names_.resize(nb_joints);
-    for(std::vector<std::string>::size_type idJoints=0;
-        idJoints < nb_joints; idJoints++)
-      iss >> aTraj.joint_names_[idJoints];
-    // Read nb of points
-    std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type nb_points;
-    iss >> nb_points;
-    // Read points
-    for(std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type idPoint=0;
-        idPoint < nb_points; idPoint++)
-      {
-        // Read positions.
-        for(std::vector<double>::size_type idPos=0;
-            idPos < nb_joints; idPos++)
-          iss >> aTraj.points_[idPoint].positions_[idPos];
-        // TODO: read velocities and accelerations.
+  // Display points
+  os << "Number of points: " << aTraj.points_.size() << std::endl;
+  for (std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type idPoint = 0;
+       idPoint < aTraj.points_.size(); idPoint++) {
+    if (aTraj.points_[idPoint].positions_.size() != 0) {
+      os << " Point " << idPoint << " - Pos: [";
+      // Read positions.
+      for (std::vector<double>::size_type idPos = 0;
+           idPos < aTraj.points_[idPoint].positions_.size(); idPos++) {
+        os << "(" << idPos << " : " << aTraj.points_[idPoint].positions_[idPos]
+           << ") ";
-    return aTraj;
-  }
-  void SignalCast<dgsot::Trajectory >::
-  disp( const dgsot::Trajectory & aTraj,std::ostream& os )
-  {
-    // Display joint names.
-    os << "{ Number of joints: " << aTraj.joint_names_.size() << std::endl;
-    for(std::vector<std::string>::size_type idJoints=0;
-        idJoints < aTraj.joint_names_.size(); idJoints++)
-      {
-        os << idJoints << " - "
-           << aTraj.joint_names_[idJoints]
-           << std::endl;
+      os << "] ";
+    }
+    if (aTraj.points_[idPoint].velocities_.size() != 0) {
+      os << " Velocities " << idPoint << " - Pos: [";
+      // Read positions.
+      for (std::vector<double>::size_type idPos = 0;
+           idPos < aTraj.points_[idPoint].velocities_.size(); idPos++) {
+        os << "(" << idPos << " : " << aTraj.points_[idPoint].velocities_[idPos]
+           << ") ";
-    // Display points
-    os << "Number of points: "
-       << aTraj.points_.size()
-       << std::endl;
-    for(std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type idPoint=0;
-        idPoint < aTraj.points_.size(); idPoint++)
-      {
-        if (aTraj.points_[idPoint].positions_.size()!=0)
-          {
-            os << " Point " << idPoint << " - Pos: [" ;
-            // Read positions.
-            for(std::vector<double>::size_type idPos=0;
-                idPos < aTraj.points_[idPoint].positions_.size(); idPos++)
-              { os <<  "(" << idPos << " : " << aTraj.points_[idPoint].positions_[idPos] << ") " ;  }
-            os << "] ";
-          }
-        if (aTraj.points_[idPoint].velocities_.size()!=0)
-          {
-            os << " Velocities " << idPoint << " - Pos: [" ;
-            // Read positions.
-            for(std::vector<double>::size_type idPos=0;
-                idPos < aTraj.points_[idPoint].velocities_.size(); idPos++)
-              { os <<  "(" << idPos << " : " << aTraj.points_[idPoint].velocities_[idPos] << ") " ;  }
-            os << "] ";
-          }
-        if (aTraj.points_[idPoint].accelerations_.size()!=0)
-          {
-            os << " Velocities " << idPoint << " - Pos: [" ;
-            // Read positions.
-            for(std::vector<double>::size_type idPos=0;
-                idPos < aTraj.points_[idPoint].accelerations_.size(); idPos++)
-              { os <<  "(" << idPos << " : " << aTraj.points_[idPoint].accelerations_[idPos] << ") " ;  }
-            os << "] ";
-          }
-        // TODO: read velocities and accelerations.
+      os << "] ";
+    }
+    if (aTraj.points_[idPoint].accelerations_.size() != 0) {
+      os << " Velocities " << idPoint << " - Pos: [";
+      // Read positions.
+      for (std::vector<double>::size_type idPos = 0;
+           idPos < aTraj.points_[idPoint].accelerations_.size(); idPos++) {
+        os << "(" << idPos << " : "
+           << aTraj.points_[idPoint].accelerations_[idPos] << ") ";
-    os << "}" << std::endl;
+      os << "] ";
+    }
+    // TODO: read velocities and accelerations.
+  os << "}" << std::endl;
-  DG_ADD_CASTER(Trajectory,Traject);
+DG_ADD_CASTER(Trajectory, Traject);
-  ///
-  /// VectorUTheta and VectorRollPitchYaw
-  ///
-  namespace {
-    dynamicgraph::DefaultCastRegisterer <VectorUTheta>
-    vectorUThetaCastRegisterer;
+/// VectorUTheta and VectorRollPitchYaw
+namespace {
+dynamicgraph::DefaultCastRegisterer<VectorUTheta> vectorUThetaCastRegisterer;
-    dynamicgraph::DefaultCastRegisterer <VectorRollPitchYaw>
+} // namespace
+/* --- MULTI BOUND ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- MULTI BOUND ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- MULTI BOUND ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+void SignalCast<VectorMultiBound>::trace(const VectorMultiBound &t,
+                                         std::ostream &os) {
+  for (VectorMultiBound::const_iterator iter = t.begin(); t.end() != iter;
+       ++iter) {
+    switch (iter->mode) {
+    case MultiBound::MODE_SINGLE:
+      os << iter->getSingleBound() << "\t";
+      break;
+    case MultiBound::MODE_DOUBLE:
+      if (iter->getDoubleBoundSetup(MultiBound::BOUND_INF))
+        os << iter->getDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_INF) << "\t";
+      else
+        os << "-inf\t";
+      if (iter->getDoubleBoundSetup(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP))
+        os << iter->getDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP) << "\t";
+      else
+        os << "+inf\t";
+      break;
+    }
+DG_ADD_CASTER(sot::VectorMultiBound, sotVMB);
-  /* --- MULTI BOUND ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-  /* --- MULTI BOUND ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-  /* --- MULTI BOUND ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-  void SignalCast<VectorMultiBound>::
-  trace( const VectorMultiBound& t,std::ostream& os )
-  {
-    for( VectorMultiBound::const_iterator iter=t.begin();t.end()!=iter;++iter )
-      {
-	switch( iter->mode )
-	  {
-	  case MultiBound::MODE_SINGLE:
-	    os << iter->getSingleBound() << "\t";
-	    break;
-	  case MultiBound::MODE_DOUBLE:
-	    if( iter->getDoubleBoundSetup(MultiBound::BOUND_INF) )
-	      os << iter->getDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_INF)<<"\t";
-	    else os <<"-inf\t";
-	    if( iter->getDoubleBoundSetup(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP) )
-	      os << iter->getDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP)<<"\t";
-	    else os <<"+inf\t";
-	    break;
-	  }
-      }
-  }
-  DG_ADD_CASTER(sot::VectorMultiBound,sotVMB);
-}// namespace dynamicgraph
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/sot/flags.cpp b/src/sot/flags.cpp
index 2c4dc359..6df6414a 100644
--- a/src/sot/flags.cpp
+++ b/src/sot/flags.cpp
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /*! System framework */
-#include <stdlib.h>
 #include <list>
+#include <stdlib.h>
 /*! Local Framework */
-#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -26,399 +26,434 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static void displaybool( ostream& os, const char c, const bool reverse=false )
-  for( std::size_t j=sizeof(char)*8;j-->0; )
-    {
-      //os<<i<<","<<j<<": "<<c+0<<std::endl;
-      if(reverse) os<< (!((c>>j)&0x1)); else os<< (((c>>j)&0x1));//?"1":"0");
-    }
+static void displaybool(ostream &os, const char c, const bool reverse = false) {
+  for (std::size_t j = sizeof(char) * 8; j-- > 0;) {
+    // os<<i<<","<<j<<": "<<c+0<<std::endl;
+    if (reverse)
+      os << (!((c >> j) & 0x1));
+    else
+      os << (((c >> j) & 0x1)); //?"1":"0");
+  }
-static string displaybool(const char c, const bool reverse=false )
+static string displaybool(const char c, const bool reverse = false) {
   stringstream oss;
-  for( std::size_t j=sizeof(char)*8;j-->0; )
-    {
-      //os<<i<<","<<j<<": "<<c+0<<std::endl;
-      if(reverse) oss<< (!((c>>j)&0x1)); else oss<< (((c>>j)&0x1));//?"1":"0");
-    }
+  for (std::size_t j = sizeof(char) * 8; j-- > 0;) {
+    // os<<i<<","<<j<<": "<<c+0<<std::endl;
+    if (reverse)
+      oss << (!((c >> j) & 0x1));
+    else
+      oss << (((c >> j) & 0x1)); //?"1":"0");
+  }
   return oss.str();
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+Flags::Flags(const bool &b) : flags(), reverse(b) {}
-Flags( const bool& b ) : flags(),reverse(b) { }
-Flags( const char& c ) : flags(),reverse(false) { add(c); }
+Flags::Flags(const char &c) : flags(), reverse(false) { add(c); }
-Flags( const int& c4 ) : flags(),reverse(false) { add(c4);}
+Flags::Flags(const int &c4) : flags(), reverse(false) { add(c4); }
-operator bool ( void ) const
-  if(reverse) return true;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<flags.size();++i ) if( flags[i] ) return true;
+Flags::operator bool(void) const {
+  if (reverse)
+    return true;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < flags.size(); ++i)
+    if (flags[i])
+      return true;
   return false;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-char Flags::
-operator[] (const unsigned int& i) const
+char Flags::operator[](const unsigned int &i) const {
   char res;
-  if( i<flags.size() )
+  if (i < flags.size())
     res = flags[i];
-  else res=0;
-  //cout<<"["<<i<<"] "<<res+0<<"||"<<(!res)+0<<std::endl;
-  if( reverse ) return static_cast<char>(~res);//(!res);
+  else
+    res = 0;
+  // cout<<"["<<i<<"] "<<res+0<<"||"<<(!res)+0<<std::endl;
+  if (reverse)
+    return static_cast<char>(~res); //(!res);
   return res;
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
-char operator>> (const Flags& f,const int& i)
-  const div_t q = div(i,8);
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+char operator>>(const Flags &f, const int &i) {
+  const div_t q = div(i, 8);
   char res = static_cast<char>(f[q.quot] >> q.rem);
-  res = static_cast<char>(res | f[q.quot+1] << (8-q.rem));
+  res = static_cast<char>(res | f[q.quot + 1] << (8 - q.rem));
   return res;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
-bool Flags::
-operator() (const int& i) const
-  return ((*this)>>i)&0x01;
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+bool Flags::operator()(const int &i) const { return ((*this) >> i) & 0x01; }
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Flags::
-add( const char& c )
-{ flags.push_back( c );    }
-void Flags::
-add( const int& c4 )
-  const char* c4p = (const char*)&c4;
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<sizeof(int);++i) add(c4p[i]);
+void Flags::add(const char &c) { flags.push_back(c); }
+void Flags::add(const int &c4) {
+  const char *c4p = (const char *)&c4;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(int); ++i)
+    add(c4p[i]);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Flags::
-set( const unsigned int & idx )
-  unsigned int d= (idx/8), m=(idx%8);
-  char brik = static_cast<char>((reverse)?(255-(1<<m)):(1<<m));
-  if( flags.size()>d )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "List long enough. Modify." << std::endl;
-      char & el = flags[d];
-      if( reverse ) el &= brik; else el |= brik;
+void Flags::set(const unsigned int &idx) {
+  unsigned int d = (idx / 8), m = (idx % 8);
+  char brik = static_cast<char>((reverse) ? (255 - (1 << m)) : (1 << m));
+  if (flags.size() > d) {
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "List long enough. Modify." << std::endl;
+    char &el = flags[d];
+    if (reverse)
+      el &= brik;
+    else
+      el |= brik;
+  } else {
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "List not long enough. Add " << flags.size() << " " << d
+                 << std::endl;
+    if (!reverse) {
+      for (std::vector<char>::size_type i = flags.size(); i < d; ++i)
+        add((char)0);
+      add(brik);
-  else
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "List not long enough. Add "
-		   << flags.size() <<" "<<d << std::endl;
-      if(! reverse )
-	{
-	  for( std::vector<char>::size_type i=flags.size();i<d;++i ) add((char)0);
-	  add(brik);
-	}
-    }
-  sotDEBUG(45) << "New flag: "<< *this << endl;
+  }
+  sotDEBUG(45) << "New flag: " << *this << endl;
-void Flags::
-unset( const unsigned int & idx )
-  unsigned int d= (idx/8), m=(idx%8);
-  char brik = static_cast<char>((reverse)?(1<<m):(255-(1<<m)));
-  if( flags.size()>d )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "List long enough. Modify." << std::endl;
-      char & el = flags[d];
-      if( reverse ) el |= brik;  else el &= brik;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "List not long enough. Add." << std::endl;
-     if( reverse )
-       {
-	 for( std::vector<char>::size_type i=flags.size();i<d;++i ) add((char)255);
-	 add(brik);
-       }
+void Flags::unset(const unsigned int &idx) {
+  unsigned int d = (idx / 8), m = (idx % 8);
+  char brik = static_cast<char>((reverse) ? (1 << m) : (255 - (1 << m)));
+  if (flags.size() > d) {
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "List long enough. Modify." << std::endl;
+    char &el = flags[d];
+    if (reverse)
+      el |= brik;
+    else
+      el &= brik;
+  } else {
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "List not long enough. Add." << std::endl;
+    if (reverse) {
+      for (std::vector<char>::size_type i = flags.size(); i < d; ++i)
+        add((char)255);
+      add(brik);
-  sotDEBUG(45) << "New flag: "<< *this << endl;
+  }
+  sotDEBUG(45) << "New flag: " << *this << endl;
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-Flags Flags::
-operator! (void) const
+Flags Flags::operator!(void) const {
   Flags res = *this;
-  res.reverse=!reverse;
+  res.reverse = !reverse;
   return res;
-Flags operator& ( const Flags& f1,const Flags& f2 )
-  Flags res = f1; res &= f2; return res;
+Flags operator&(const Flags &f1, const Flags &f2) {
+  Flags res = f1;
+  res &= f2;
+  return res;
-Flags operator| ( const Flags& f1,const Flags& f2 )
-  Flags res = f1; res |= f2; return res;
+Flags operator|(const Flags &f1, const Flags &f2) {
+  Flags res = f1;
+  res |= f2;
+  return res;
-Flags& Flags::
-operator&= ( const Flags& f2 )
-  Flags &f1=*this;
-  const std::vector<char>::size_type max=std::max(flags.size(),f2.flags.size());
-  if( flags.size()<max ){ flags.resize(max); }
-  bool revres = reverse&&f2.reverse;
-  char c; int pos = 0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<max;++i )
-    {
-      c=f1[i]&f2[i]; if(revres)  c=static_cast<char>(0xff-c);
-      flags[i]=c; if(c) pos=i+1;
-    }
-  flags.resize(pos);reverse=revres;
+Flags &Flags::operator&=(const Flags &f2) {
+  Flags &f1 = *this;
+  const std::vector<char>::size_type max =
+      std::max(flags.size(), f2.flags.size());
+  if (flags.size() < max) {
+    flags.resize(max);
+  }
+  bool revres = reverse && f2.reverse;
+  char c;
+  int pos = 0;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
+    c = f1[i] & f2[i];
+    if (revres)
+      c = static_cast<char>(0xff - c);
+    flags[i] = c;
+    if (c)
+      pos = i + 1;
+  }
+  flags.resize(pos);
+  reverse = revres;
   return *this;
-Flags& Flags::
-operator|= ( const Flags& f2 )
-  Flags &f1=*this;
-  const std::vector<char>::size_type max=std::max(flags.size(),f2.flags.size());
-  if( flags.size()<max ){ flags.resize(max); }
-  bool revres = reverse||f2.reverse;
-  char c; int pos = 0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<max;++i )
-    {
-      //cout<<"DGi ";displaybool(cout,f1[i],false); cout<<" "; displaybool(cout,f2[i],false); cout<<endl;
-      c=f1[i]|f2[i];
-      //cout<<"DGr ";displaybool(cout,c,false); cout<<" "; displaybool(cout,c,revres); cout<<endl;
-      if(revres)  c=static_cast<char>(0xff-c);
-      flags[i]=c; if(c) pos=i+1;
-    }
-  flags.resize(pos); reverse=revres;
+Flags &Flags::operator|=(const Flags &f2) {
+  Flags &f1 = *this;
+  const std::vector<char>::size_type max =
+      std::max(flags.size(), f2.flags.size());
+  if (flags.size() < max) {
+    flags.resize(max);
+  }
+  bool revres = reverse || f2.reverse;
+  char c;
+  int pos = 0;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
+    // cout<<"DGi ";displaybool(cout,f1[i],false); cout<<" ";
+    // displaybool(cout,f2[i],false); cout<<endl;
+    c = f1[i] | f2[i];
+    // cout<<"DGr ";displaybool(cout,c,false); cout<<" ";
+    // displaybool(cout,c,revres); cout<<endl;
+    if (revres)
+      c = static_cast<char>(0xff - c);
+    flags[i] = c;
+    if (c)
+      pos = i + 1;
+  }
+  flags.resize(pos);
+  reverse = revres;
   return *this;
-Flags operator& ( const Flags& f1,const bool& b ){ if(b)return f1; else return Flags();}
-Flags operator| ( const Flags& f1,const bool& b ){ if(b)return Flags(true); else return f1;}
-Flags& Flags::
-operator&= ( const bool& b ){ if(!b) { flags.clear(); reverse=false; } return *this; }
-Flags& Flags::
-operator|= ( const bool& b ){ if(b) { flags.clear(); reverse=true; } return *this;}
+Flags operator&(const Flags &f1, const bool &b) {
+  if (b)
+    return f1;
+  else
+    return Flags();
+Flags operator|(const Flags &f1, const bool &b) {
+  if (b)
+    return Flags(true);
+  else
+    return f1;
+Flags &Flags::operator&=(const bool &b) {
+  if (!b) {
+    flags.clear();
+    reverse = false;
+  }
+  return *this;
+Flags &Flags::operator|=(const bool &b) {
+  if (b) {
+    flags.clear();
+    reverse = true;
+  }
+  return *this;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Flags& fl )
-  if( fl.reverse ) os << "...11111 ";
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Flags &fl) {
+  if (fl.reverse)
+    os << "...11111 ";
   std::vector<char>::size_type s = fl.flags.size();
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<fl.flags.size();++i )
-    {
-      char c=fl.flags[s-i-1];
-      displaybool(os,c,fl.reverse);
-      os<<" " ;
-    }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fl.flags.size(); ++i) {
+    char c = fl.flags[s - i - 1];
+    displaybool(os, c, fl.reverse);
+    os << " ";
+  }
   return os;
-static unsigned char MASK [] = { 0,1,3,7,15,31,63,127,255 };
+static unsigned char MASK[] = {0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255};
-std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, Flags& fl )
+std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, Flags &fl) {
   std::list<char> listing;
-  unsigned char count = 0,total = 0;
-  char c,cur=0;
-  bool reverse=false,contin=true;
-  do
-    {
-      is.get(c);
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "Read " << total+0 <<endl;
-      total++;
-      if(! is.good() ) break;
-      switch(c)
-	{
-	case '.':
-	  {
-	    if(total<=3)
-	      {
-		if(total==3) { reverse=true; sotDEBUG(20) << " Reverse" << endl; }
-	      }
-	    else total=10;
-	    break;
-	  }
-	case '0': cur = static_cast<char>(cur & ~(0x01 << (7-count++))) ; break;
-	case '1': cur = static_cast<char>(cur | 0x01 << (7-count++)) ; break;
-	case '#':
-	  {
-	    char cnot; is.get(cnot);
-	    if( cnot=='!' )
-	      fl = (! Flags::readIndexMatlab( is ));
-	    else
-	      { is.unget(); fl = Flags::readIndexMatlab( is ); }
-	    return is;
-	  }
-	case '&':
-	  {
-	    char cnot; is.get(cnot);
-	    if( cnot=='!' )
-	      fl &= (! Flags::readIndexMatlab( is ));
-	    else
-	      { is.unget(); fl &= Flags::readIndexMatlab( is ); }
-	    return is;
-	  }
-	case '|':
-	  {
-	    char cnot; is.get(cnot);
-	    if( cnot=='!' )
-	      fl |= (! Flags::readIndexMatlab( is ));
-	    else
-	      { is.unget(); fl |= (Flags::readIndexMatlab( is )); }
-	    return is;
-	  }
-	default:
-	  is.unget();
-	  contin=false;
-	}
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "Get cur= " << displaybool(cur) <<endl;
-      if( count==8 )
-	{
-	  sotDEBUG(20) << "Store " << displaybool(cur) <<endl;
-	  count=0;
-	  listing.push_front(cur);
-	  cur=0;
-	}
-    }while( contin );
-  sotDEBUG(20) << "finish with " << displaybool(cur) <<  " ("<<0+count<<")"<<endl;
-  char insert = 0;
-  fl.flags.resize(listing.size()+((count>0)?1:0));
-  total=0;
-  for( std::list<char>::iterator iter = listing.begin();iter!=listing.end();++iter )
-    {
-      insert = static_cast<char>((*iter)<<count);
-      insert = static_cast<char>(insert & ~MASK[count]);
-      cur = static_cast<char>((MASK[count])&(cur>>(8-count)));
-      insert |= cur;
-      cur = *iter;
-      if( reverse ) fl.flags[total++] = static_cast<char>(~insert);
-      else fl.flags[total++] = insert;
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "Insert " << displaybool(insert) <<endl;
+  unsigned char count = 0, total = 0;
+  char c, cur = 0;
+  bool reverse = false, contin = true;
+  do {
+    is.get(c);
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Read " << total + 0 << endl;
+    total++;
+    if (!is.good())
+      break;
+    switch (c) {
+    case '.': {
+      if (total <= 3) {
+        if (total == 3) {
+          reverse = true;
+          sotDEBUG(20) << " Reverse" << endl;
+        }
+      } else
+        total = 10;
+      break;
+    }
+    case '0':
+      cur = static_cast<char>(cur & ~(0x01 << (7 - count++)));
+      break;
+    case '1':
+      cur = static_cast<char>(cur | 0x01 << (7 - count++));
+      break;
+    case '#': {
+      char cnot;
+      is.get(cnot);
+      if (cnot == '!')
+        fl = (!Flags::readIndexMatlab(is));
+      else {
+        is.unget();
+        fl = Flags::readIndexMatlab(is);
+      }
+      return is;
+    }
+    case '&': {
+      char cnot;
+      is.get(cnot);
+      if (cnot == '!')
+        fl &= (!Flags::readIndexMatlab(is));
+      else {
+        is.unget();
+        fl &= Flags::readIndexMatlab(is);
+      }
+      return is;
+    }
+    case '|': {
+      char cnot;
+      is.get(cnot);
+      if (cnot == '!')
+        fl |= (!Flags::readIndexMatlab(is));
+      else {
+        is.unget();
+        fl |= (Flags::readIndexMatlab(is));
+      }
+      return is;
+    }
+    default:
+      is.unget();
+      contin = false;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Get cur= " << displaybool(cur) << endl;
-  if( count>0 )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "Cur fin " << displaybool(cur) <<endl;
-      cur = static_cast<char>((MASK[count])&(cur>>(8-count)));
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "Cur fin >> " <<8-count<<":" << displaybool(cur) <<endl;
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "Mask fin "<<0+count<<": " << displaybool(MASK[count]) <<endl;
-      cur = static_cast<char>(cur &MASK[count]);
-      if( reverse )
-	{
-	  cur = static_cast<char>(cur |~MASK[count]);
-	  fl.flags[total++] = static_cast<char>(~cur);
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  cur = static_cast<char>(cur &MASK[count]);
-	  fl.flags[total++] = cur;
-	}
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "Insert fin " << displaybool(cur) <<endl;
+    if (count == 8) {
+      sotDEBUG(20) << "Store " << displaybool(cur) << endl;
+      count = 0;
+      listing.push_front(cur);
+      cur = 0;
+  } while (contin);
-  fl.reverse=reverse;
+  sotDEBUG(20) << "finish with " << displaybool(cur) << " (" << 0 + count << ")"
+               << endl;
+  char insert = 0;
+  fl.flags.resize(listing.size() + ((count > 0) ? 1 : 0));
+  total = 0;
+  for (std::list<char>::iterator iter = listing.begin(); iter != listing.end();
+       ++iter) {
+    insert = static_cast<char>((*iter) << count);
+    insert = static_cast<char>(insert & ~MASK[count]);
+    cur = static_cast<char>((MASK[count]) & (cur >> (8 - count)));
+    insert |= cur;
+    cur = *iter;
+    if (reverse)
+      fl.flags[total++] = static_cast<char>(~insert);
+    else
+      fl.flags[total++] = insert;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Insert " << displaybool(insert) << endl;
+  }
+  if (count > 0) {
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Cur fin " << displaybool(cur) << endl;
+    cur = static_cast<char>((MASK[count]) & (cur >> (8 - count)));
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Cur fin >> " << 8 - count << ":" << displaybool(cur)
+                 << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Mask fin " << 0 + count << ": " << displaybool(MASK[count])
+                 << endl;
+    cur = static_cast<char>(cur & MASK[count]);
+    if (reverse) {
+      cur = static_cast<char>(cur | ~MASK[count]);
+      fl.flags[total++] = static_cast<char>(~cur);
+    } else {
+      cur = static_cast<char>(cur & MASK[count]);
+      fl.flags[total++] = cur;
+    }
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Insert fin " << displaybool(cur) << endl;
+  }
+  fl.reverse = reverse;
   return is;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-const Flags FLAG_LINE_1( (char)0x1 );
-const Flags FLAG_LINE_2( (char)0x2 );
-const Flags FLAG_LINE_3( (char)0x4 );
-const Flags FLAG_LINE_4( (char)0x8 );
-const Flags FLAG_LINE_5( (char)0x10 );
-const Flags FLAG_LINE_6( (char)0x20 );
-const Flags FLAG_LINE_7( (char)0x40 );
-const Flags FLAG_LINE_8( (char)0x80 );
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+const Flags FLAG_LINE_1((char)0x1);
+const Flags FLAG_LINE_2((char)0x2);
+const Flags FLAG_LINE_3((char)0x4);
+const Flags FLAG_LINE_4((char)0x8);
+const Flags FLAG_LINE_5((char)0x10);
+const Flags FLAG_LINE_6((char)0x20);
+const Flags FLAG_LINE_7((char)0x40);
+const Flags FLAG_LINE_8((char)0x80);
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Flags::
-readIndexMatlab( std::istream& cmdArgs,
-		 unsigned int & idx_beg,
-		 unsigned int &idx_end,
-		 bool& no_end )
+void Flags::readIndexMatlab(std::istream &cmdArgs, unsigned int &idx_beg,
+                            unsigned int &idx_end, bool &no_end) {
   char col;
   cmdArgs >> ws;
-  if(! cmdArgs.good()) { idx_end=idx_beg=0; no_end=false; return; }
-  cmdArgs.get(col); if( col==':' )
-    { idx_beg=0; cmdArgs>>ws;}
-  else
-    {
-      cmdArgs.putback(col); cmdArgs>>idx_beg>>ws;
-      cmdArgs.get(col);
-      if( col!=':' ) { idx_end=idx_beg; no_end=false; return; }
+  if (!cmdArgs.good()) {
+    idx_end = idx_beg = 0;
+    no_end = false;
+    return;
+  }
+  cmdArgs.get(col);
+  if (col == ':') {
+    idx_beg = 0;
+    cmdArgs >> ws;
+  } else {
+    cmdArgs.putback(col);
+    cmdArgs >> idx_beg >> ws;
+    cmdArgs.get(col);
+    if (col != ':') {
+      idx_end = idx_beg;
+      no_end = false;
+      return;
-  cmdArgs>>ws;
-  if( cmdArgs.good() )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Read end" << endl;
-      cmdArgs >> idx_end; no_end=false;
-    }
-  else no_end = true;
-  sotDEBUG(25) <<"Selec: " << idx_beg << " : "<< idx_end
-	       << "(" << no_end <<")"<<endl;
+  }
+  cmdArgs >> ws;
+  if (cmdArgs.good()) {
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Read end" << endl;
+    cmdArgs >> idx_end;
+    no_end = false;
+  } else
+    no_end = true;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Selec: " << idx_beg << " : " << idx_end << "(" << no_end
+               << ")" << endl;
-Flags Flags::
-readIndexMatlab( std::istream& cmdArgs )
-  sotDEBUGIN(15) ;
-  unsigned int idxEnd,idxStart;
+Flags Flags::readIndexMatlab(std::istream &cmdArgs) {
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  unsigned int idxEnd, idxStart;
   bool idxUnspec;
-  readIndexMatlab( cmdArgs,idxStart,idxEnd,idxUnspec );
+  readIndexMatlab(cmdArgs, idxStart, idxEnd, idxUnspec);
-  Flags newFlag( idxUnspec );
-  if( idxUnspec )
-    {    for( unsigned int i=0;i<idxStart;++i )       newFlag.unset(i);  }
-  else { for( unsigned int i=idxStart;i<=idxEnd;++i ) newFlag.set(i);    }
+  Flags newFlag(idxUnspec);
+  if (idxUnspec) {
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < idxStart; ++i)
+      newFlag.unset(i);
+  } else {
+    for (unsigned int i = idxStart; i <= idxEnd; ++i)
+      newFlag.set(i);
+  }
-  sotDEBUG(25) << newFlag <<std::endl;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(15) ;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << newFlag << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
   return newFlag;
diff --git a/src/sot/memory-task-sot.cpp b/src/sot/memory-task-sot.cpp
index 78480d19..b0f1f1d8 100644
--- a/src/sot/memory-task-sot.cpp
+++ b/src/sot/memory-task-sot.cpp
@@ -7,67 +7,59 @@
-#include <sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-svd.hh>
+#include <sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 const std::string MemoryTaskSOT::CLASS_NAME = "MemoryTaskSOT";
-MemoryTaskSOT( const std::string & name
-                  ,const Matrix::Index nJ
-                  ,const Matrix::Index mJ
-                  ,const Matrix::Index ffsize )
-    :
-  Entity( name )
-  ,jacobianInvSINOUT( "sotTaskAbstract("+name+")::inout(matrix)::Jinv" )
-  ,jacobianConstrainedSINOUT( "sotTaskAbstract("+name+")::inout(matrix)::JK" )
-  ,jacobianProjectedSINOUT( "sotTaskAbstract("+name+")::inout(matrix)::Jt" )
-  ,singularBaseImageSINOUT( "sotTaskAbstract("+name+")::inout(matrix)::V" )
-  ,rankSINOUT( "sotTaskAbstract("+name+")::inout(matrix)::rank" )
-  signalRegistration(jacobianInvSINOUT
-                     <<singularBaseImageSINOUT<<rankSINOUT
-                     <<jacobianConstrainedSINOUT<<jacobianProjectedSINOUT);
-  initMemory( nJ,mJ,ffsize,true );
+MemoryTaskSOT::MemoryTaskSOT(const std::string &name, const Matrix::Index nJ,
+                             const Matrix::Index mJ, const Matrix::Index ffsize)
+    : Entity(name),
+      jacobianInvSINOUT("sotTaskAbstract(" + name + ")::inout(matrix)::Jinv"),
+      jacobianConstrainedSINOUT("sotTaskAbstract(" + name +
+                                ")::inout(matrix)::JK"),
+      jacobianProjectedSINOUT("sotTaskAbstract(" + name +
+                              ")::inout(matrix)::Jt"),
+      singularBaseImageSINOUT("sotTaskAbstract(" + name +
+                              ")::inout(matrix)::V"),
+      rankSINOUT("sotTaskAbstract(" + name + ")::inout(matrix)::rank") {
+  signalRegistration(jacobianInvSINOUT << singularBaseImageSINOUT << rankSINOUT
+                                       << jacobianConstrainedSINOUT
+                                       << jacobianProjectedSINOUT);
+  initMemory(nJ, mJ, ffsize, true);
+void MemoryTaskSOT::initMemory(const Matrix::Index nJ, const Matrix::Index mJ,
+                               const Matrix::Index ffsize,
+                               bool atConstruction) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Task-mermory " << getName() << ": resize " << nJ << "x" << mJ
+               << std::endl;
-void MemoryTaskSOT::
-initMemory( const Matrix::Index nJ,const Matrix::Index mJ,const Matrix::Index ffsize,
-	    bool atConstruction )
-   sotDEBUG(15) << "Task-mermory " << getName() << ": resize "
-                << nJ << "x" << mJ << std::endl;
+  Jt.resize(nJ, mJ);
+  Jp.resize(mJ, nJ);
+  PJp.resize(mJ, nJ);
-   Jt.resize( nJ,mJ );
-   Jp.resize( mJ,nJ );
-   PJp.resize( mJ,nJ );
+  Jff.resize(nJ, ffsize);
+  Jact.resize(nJ, mJ);
-   Jff.resize( nJ,ffsize );
-   Jact.resize( nJ,mJ );
+  JK.resize(nJ, mJ);
-   JK.resize( nJ,mJ );
-   svd = SVD_t (nJ, mJ, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
-   JK.fill(0);
-   if (atConstruction) {
-     Jt.setZero();
-     Jp.setZero();
-     PJp.setZero();
-     Jff.setZero();
-     Jact.setZero();
-     JK.setZero();
-   } else {
-     Eigen::pseudoInverse(Jt,Jp);
-   }
- }
+  svd = SVD_t(nJ, mJ, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
+  JK.fill(0);
+  if (atConstruction) {
+    Jt.setZero();
+    Jp.setZero();
+    PJp.setZero();
+    Jff.setZero();
+    Jact.setZero();
+    JK.setZero();
+  } else {
+    Eigen::pseudoInverse(Jt, Jp);
+  }
-void MemoryTaskSOT::
-display( std::ostream& /*os*/ ) const {} //TODO
+void MemoryTaskSOT::display(std::ostream & /*os*/) const {} // TODO
diff --git a/src/sot/rotation-simple.cpp b/src/sot/rotation-simple.cpp
index b17786c0..8a08518c 100644
--- a/src/sot/rotation-simple.cpp
+++ b/src/sot/rotation-simple.cpp
@@ -9,12 +9,10 @@
 #include <sot/core/rotation-simple.hh>
 bool MATLAB::fullPrec = false;
-MATLAB::MATLAB( const RotationSimple& Qh,const unsigned int nJ)
+MATLAB::MATLAB(const RotationSimple &Qh, const unsigned int nJ) {
-  Matrix eye = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(nJ,nJ);
+  Matrix eye = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(nJ, nJ);
diff --git a/src/sot/solver-hierarchical-inequalities.cpp b/src/sot/solver-hierarchical-inequalities.cpp
index 4a762ab2..46a68213 100644
--- a/src/sot/solver-hierarchical-inequalities.cpp
+++ b/src/sot/solver-hierarchical-inequalities.cpp
@@ -11,10 +11,8 @@
 /* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 //#define WITH_CHRONO
 //#define VP_DEBUG
 //#define VP_DEBUG_MODE 45
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
@@ -23,298 +21,309 @@
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 #ifndef WIN32
-#  include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
-# include <sot/core/utils-windows.hh>
+#include <sot/core/utils-windows.hh>
 #endif /*WIN32*/
-# include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp>
-#define FORTRAN_ID( id ) id##_
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp>
+#define FORTRAN_ID(id) id##_
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- BINDING FORTRAN -------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define LAPACK_DGEQP3 FORTRAN_ID( dgeqp3 )
-#define LAPACK_DGEQPF FORTRAN_ID( dgeqpf )
+#define LAPACK_DGEQP3 FORTRAN_ID(dgeqp3)
 extern "C" {
-  void LAPACK_DGEQP3( const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda, int * jpvt,
-                      double* tau, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info );
-  void LAPACK_DGEQPF( const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda, int * jpvt,
-                      double* tau, double* work, int* info );
+void LAPACK_DGEQP3(const int *m, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda,
+                   int *jpvt, double *tau, double *work, const int *lwork,
+                   int *info);
+void LAPACK_DGEQPF(const int *m, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda,
+                   int *jpvt, double *tau, double *work, int *info);
-namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace bindings { namespace lapack
-      {
-        template<typename bubTemplateMatrix>
-        inline int geqp (bubTemplateMatrix &A,
-                         bub::vector< int >& jp, bubVector& tau)
-        {
-          int const mF= A.size1();
-          int const nF= A.size2();
-          if(( nF==0)||(mF==0)) return 0;
-          ::boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> work(std::max(1, nF*32));
-          assert (nF <= (int)tau.size());
-          assert (nF <= (int)work.size());
-	  ::boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> tmpA;
-	  tmpA = A;
-	  double* aF =  MRAWDATA(tmpA);
-          int const ldaF = traits::leading_dimension (A);
-          int * jpvtF = VRAWDATA(jp);
-          double * tauF = VRAWDATA(tau);
-          double * workF = VRAWDATA(work);
-          int const lworkF =  work.size();
-          int infoF;
-          LAPACK_DGEQP3(&mF, &nF, aF, &ldaF, jpvtF, tauF, workF, &lworkF, &infoF);
-          //LAPACK_DGEQPF(&mF, &nF, aF, &ldaF, jpvtF, tauF, workF, &infoF);
-          return infoF;
-        }
-      }}}} // End Namespaces
+namespace boost {
+namespace numeric {
+namespace bindings {
+namespace lapack {
+template <typename bubTemplateMatrix>
+inline int geqp(bubTemplateMatrix &A, bub::vector<int> &jp, bubVector &tau) {
+  int const mF = A.size1();
+  int const nF = A.size2();
+  if ((nF == 0) || (mF == 0))
+    return 0;
+  ::boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> work(std::max(1, nF * 32));
+  assert(nF <= (int)tau.size());
+  assert(nF <= (int)work.size());
+  ::boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> tmpA;
+  tmpA = A;
+  double *aF = MRAWDATA(tmpA);
+  int const ldaF = traits::leading_dimension(A);
+  int *jpvtF = VRAWDATA(jp);
+  double *tauF = VRAWDATA(tau);
+  double *workF = VRAWDATA(work);
+  int const lworkF = work.size();
+  int infoF;
+  LAPACK_DGEQP3(&mF, &nF, aF, &ldaF, jpvtF, tauF, workF, &lworkF, &infoF);
+  // LAPACK_DGEQPF(&mF, &nF, aF, &ldaF, jpvtF, tauF, workF, &infoF);
+  return infoF;
-template< typename bubTemplateMatrix >
-void bubRemoveColumn( bubTemplateMatrix& M, const unsigned int col )
-  for( unsigned int j=col;j<M.size2()-1;++j )
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<M.size1();++i )
-      M(i,j)=M(i,j+1);
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<M.size1();++i )
-    M(i,M.size2()-1) = 0;
+} // namespace lapack
+} // namespace bindings
+} // namespace numeric
+} // namespace boost
+template <typename bubTemplateMatrix>
+void bubRemoveColumn(bubTemplateMatrix &M, const unsigned int col) {
+  for (unsigned int j = col; j < M.size2() - 1; ++j)
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < M.size1(); ++i)
+      M(i, j) = M(i, j + 1);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < M.size1(); ++i)
+    M(i, M.size2() - 1) = 0;
-void bubRemoveColumn( bub::triangular_matrix<double,bub::upper>& M, const unsigned int col )
-  for( unsigned int j=col;j<M.size2()-1;++j )
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<=j;++i )
-      M(i,j)=M(i,j+1);
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<M.size1();++i )
-    M(i,M.size2()-1) = 0;
+void bubRemoveColumn(bub::triangular_matrix<double, bub::upper> &M,
+                     const unsigned int col) {
+  for (unsigned int j = col; j < M.size2() - 1; ++j)
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= j; ++i)
+      M(i, j) = M(i, j + 1);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < M.size1(); ++i)
+    M(i, M.size2() - 1) = 0;
-template< typename bubTemplateMatrix >
-void bubRemoveColumn( bub::triangular_adaptor<bubTemplateMatrix,bub::upper> M,
-                      const unsigned int col )
-  for( unsigned int j=col;j<M.size2()-1;++j )
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<=j;++i )
-      M(i,j)=M(i,j+1);
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<std::min(M.size1(),M.size2());++i )
-    M(i,M.size2()-1) = 0;
+template <typename bubTemplateMatrix>
+void bubRemoveColumn(bub::triangular_adaptor<bubTemplateMatrix, bub::upper> M,
+                     const unsigned int col) {
+  for (unsigned int j = col; j < M.size2() - 1; ++j)
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= j; ++i)
+      M(i, j) = M(i, j + 1);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < std::min(M.size1(), M.size2()); ++i)
+    M(i, M.size2() - 1) = 0;
-bub::indirect_array<>& operator+= ( bub::indirect_array<>& order,unsigned int _el )
+bub::indirect_array<> &operator+=(bub::indirect_array<> &order,
+                                  unsigned int _el) {
   const unsigned int N = order.size();
-  bub::indirect_array<> o2(N+1);
-  //  std::copy(order.begin(),order.end(),; // Not working! Why?
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<N;++i ) o2[i]=order[i];
-  o2[N]=_el;
-  return order=o2;
+  bub::indirect_array<> o2(N + 1);
+  //  std::copy(order.begin(),order.end(),; // Not working!
+  //  Why?
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+    o2[i] = order[i];
+  o2[N] = _el;
+  return order = o2;
-bub::indirect_array<>& operator-= ( bub::indirect_array<>& order,unsigned int _el )
+bub::indirect_array<> &operator-=(bub::indirect_array<> &order,
+                                  unsigned int _el) {
   const unsigned int N = order.size();
-  bub::indirect_array<> o2(N-1); unsigned int newi=0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<N;++i )
-    {
-      if(newi==N)
-        {
-          std::cerr << "Error while removing one elmt of <order>." << std::endl;
-          throw "Error while removing one elmt of <order>.";
-        }
-      if(order[i]!=_el) o2[newi++]=order[i];
+  bub::indirect_array<> o2(N - 1);
+  unsigned int newi = 0;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+    if (newi == N) {
+      std::cerr << "Error while removing one elmt of <order>." << std::endl;
+      throw "Error while removing one elmt of <order>.";
-  return order=o2;
+    if (order[i] != _el)
+      o2[newi++] = order[i];
+  }
+  return order = o2;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-ConstraintMem( const ConstraintMem& clone )
-  :active(,equality(clone.equality),notToBeConsidered(false)
-  ,Ji(0),eiInf(clone.eiInf),eiSup(clone.eiSup)
-  ,boundSide(clone.boundSide),activeSide(clone.activeSide)
-  ,rankIncreaser(clone.rankIncreaser),constraintRow(clone.constraintRow)
-  ,range(clone.range),lagrangian(clone.lagrangian)
-  ,Ju(clone.Ju),Jdu(clone.Jdu)
-  if( clone.Ji.size() ) { Ji.resize(clone.Ji.size(),false); Ji.assign(clone.Ji); }
+ConstraintMem::ConstraintMem(const ConstraintMem &clone)
+    : active(, equality(clone.equality), notToBeConsidered(false),
+      Ji(0), eiInf(clone.eiInf), eiSup(clone.eiSup), boundSide(clone.boundSide),
+      activeSide(clone.activeSide), rankIncreaser(clone.rankIncreaser),
+      constraintRow(clone.constraintRow), range(clone.range),
+      lagrangian(clone.lagrangian), Ju(clone.Ju), Jdu(clone.Jdu) {
+  if (clone.Ji.size()) {
+    Ji.resize(clone.Ji.size(), false);
+    Ji.assign(clone.Ji);
+  }
   sotDEBUG(15) << "ConstraintMem cloning" << std::endl;
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
-std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os,const ConstraintMem::BoundSideType& bs )
-  switch( bs )
-    {
-    case ConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID:
-      os << "#";
-      break;
-    case ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF:
-      os <<"-";
-      break;
-    case ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP:
-      os << "+";
-      break;
-    case ConstraintMem::BOUND_BOTH:
-      os << "+/-";
-      break;
-    }
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                         const ConstraintMem::BoundSideType &bs) {
+  switch (bs) {
+  case ConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID:
+    os << "#";
+    break;
+  case ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF:
+    os << "-";
+    break;
+  case ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP:
+    os << "+";
+    break;
+  case ConstraintMem::BOUND_BOTH:
+    os << "+/-";
+    break;
+  }
   return os;
-std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream& os,const ConstraintMem &c )
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ConstraintMem &c) {
   os << "Cs[" << c.constraintRow << "] " << std::endl;
-  if( c.Ji.size() ) os << "" << c.Ji;
-  if( c.boundSide&ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF ) os << "/[-]" << c.eiInf;
-  if( c.boundSide&ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP ) os << "/[+]" << c.eiSup;
-  if( )
-    { os << "\n\t-> active [" << c.activeSide
-         << "] <rg=" << c.range << "> " << std::endl << "\t-> ";
-      if( c.rankIncreaser ) os << "rank-inc " ;
-      else { os << "non-rank-inc";}
-      if(c.lagrangian!=0) os << std::endl << "\t-> l=" << c.lagrangian;
-      if(c.equality )os << std::endl << "\t-> blocked(equality)";
-      else os << std::endl << "\t-> floating(inequality)";
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      if(c.notToBeConsidered) os << "\n\t->not to be considered";
-      else os << "\n\t-> inactive";
+  if (c.Ji.size())
+    os << "" << c.Ji;
+  if (c.boundSide & ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF)
+    os << "/[-]" << c.eiInf;
+  if (c.boundSide & ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP)
+    os << "/[+]" << c.eiSup;
+  if ( {
+    os << "\n\t-> active [" << c.activeSide << "] <rg=" << c.range << "> "
+       << std::endl
+       << "\t-> ";
+    if (c.rankIncreaser)
+      os << "rank-inc ";
+    else {
+      os << "non-rank-inc";
+    if (c.lagrangian != 0)
+      os << std::endl << "\t-> l=" << c.lagrangian;
+    if (c.equality)
+      os << std::endl << "\t-> blocked(equality)";
+    else
+      os << std::endl << "\t-> floating(inequality)";
+  } else {
+    if (c.notToBeConsidered)
+      os << "\n\t->not to be considered";
+    else
+      os << "\n\t-> inactive";
+  }
   return os;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Specify the size of the constraint matrix, for pre-alocation. */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-initConstraintSize( const unsigned int size )
-  if(Rh.size1()!=nJ) {Rh.resize(nJ,nJ,false); Rh.clear();}
-  rankh=0;
-  u0.resize(nJ,false); u0.clear();
-  //constraintH.reserve(size);
-  constraintS.reserve(size+1);
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::initConstraintSize(
+    const unsigned int size) {
+  if (Rh.size1() != nJ) {
+    Rh.resize(nJ, nJ, false);
+    Rh.clear();
+  }
+  rankh = 0;
+  u0.resize(nJ, false);
+  u0.clear();
+  // constraintH.reserve(size);
+  constraintS.reserve(size + 1);
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-setInitialCondition( const bubVector& _u0,
-                     const unsigned int _rankh )
-  u0.resize(nJ,false); u0.assign(_u0);
-  rankh=_rankh; freeRank=nJ-rankh;
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::setInitialCondition(
+    const bubVector &_u0, const unsigned int _rankh) {
+  u0.resize(nJ, false);
+  u0.assign(_u0);
+  rankh = _rankh;
+  freeRank = nJ - rankh;
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-setInitialConditionVoid( void )
-  u0.resize(nJ,false); u0.clear();
-  rankh=0; freeRank=nJ;
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::setInitialConditionVoid(void) {
+  u0.resize(nJ, false);
+  u0.clear();
+  rankh = 0;
+  freeRank = nJ;
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-setNbDof( const unsigned int _nJ )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::setNbDof(const unsigned int _nJ) {
-  if( nJ==_nJ) return;
-  nJ=_nJ;
+  if (nJ == _nJ)
+    return;
+  nJ = _nJ;
-  Rh.resize(nJ,nJ);
+  Rh.resize(nJ, nJ);
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-recordInitialConditions( void )
-  initialActiveH.resize(constraintH.size()); initialSideH.resize(constraintH.size());
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::recordInitialConditions(void) {
+  initialActiveH.resize(constraintH.size());
+  initialSideH.resize(constraintH.size());
   std::vector<bool>::iterator iterBool = initialActiveH.begin();
   ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector::iterator iterSide = initialSideH.begin();
   ConstraintList::const_iterator iterCH = constraintH.begin();
-  for( ;iterCH!=constraintH.end();++iterBool,++iterCH,++iterSide )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "Initial " <<  iterCH->activeSide <<iterCH->active << std::endl;
-      (*iterBool) = iterCH->active;
-      (*iterSide) = iterCH->activeSide;
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "Initial " << (*iterSide) << (*iterBool) << std::endl;
-    }
+  for (; iterCH != constraintH.end(); ++iterBool, ++iterCH, ++iterSide) {
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Initial " << iterCH->activeSide << iterCH->active
+                 << std::endl;
+    (*iterBool) = iterCH->active;
+    (*iterSide) = iterCH->activeSide;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Initial " << (*iterSide) << (*iterBool) << std::endl;
+  }
-  du0.resize(u0.size(),false); du0.assign(-u0);
+  du0.resize(u0.size(), false);
+  du0.assign(-u0);
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-computeDifferentialCondition( void )
-  if( constraintH.size()>initialActiveH.size() )
-    {
-      std::vector<bool>::const_iterator iterBool = initialActiveH.begin();
-      ConstraintList::iterator iterCH = constraintH.begin();
-      ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector::const_iterator iterSide = initialSideH.begin();
-      toActivate.clear(); toInactivate.clear();
-      for( ;iterBool!=initialActiveH.end();++iterBool,++iterCH,++iterSide )
-        {
-          ConstraintMem & ch = *iterCH;
-          sotDEBUG(45) << "Initial " << (*iterSide)<<(*iterBool)
-                       << " - Final "<<ch.activeSide<< << std::endl;
-          /* Constraint was active, and is not anymore or changed side. */
-          if( (*iterBool)&&( (!||(*iterSide!=ch.activeSide) ) )
-            {
-              toInactivate.push_back(ConstraintRef(ch.constraintRow));
-            }
-          /* Constraint is now active, but was inactive or changed side. */
-          if( ( (!(*iterBool))||(*iterSide!=ch.activeSide) ) )
-            {
-              toActivate.push_back(ConstraintRef(ch.constraintRow,ch.activeSide) );
-            }
-        }
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::computeDifferentialCondition(void) {
+  if (constraintH.size() > initialActiveH.size()) {
+    std::vector<bool>::const_iterator iterBool = initialActiveH.begin();
+    ConstraintList::iterator iterCH = constraintH.begin();
+    ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector::const_iterator iterSide =
+        initialSideH.begin();
+    toActivate.clear();
+    toInactivate.clear();
+    for (; iterBool != initialActiveH.end(); ++iterBool, ++iterCH, ++iterSide) {
+      ConstraintMem &ch = *iterCH;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Initial " << (*iterSide) << (*iterBool) << " - Final "
+                   << ch.activeSide << << std::endl;
+      /* Constraint was active, and is not anymore or changed side. */
+      if ((*iterBool) && ((! || (*iterSide != ch.activeSide))) {
+        toInactivate.push_back(ConstraintRef(ch.constraintRow));
+      }
+      /* Constraint is now active, but was inactive or changed side. */
+      if (( && ((!(*iterBool)) || (*iterSide != ch.activeSide))) {
+        toActivate.push_back(ConstraintRef(ch.constraintRow, ch.activeSide));
+      }
-  du0+=u0;
+  }
+  du0 += u0;
   /* Compute the slack set to be initialize at first iteration. */
-  unsigned int i=0; slackActiveSet.resize(constraintSactive.size());
-  for( ConstraintRefList::const_iterator iter=constraintSactive.begin();
-       iter!=constraintSactive.end();++iter,++i )
-    {
-      slackActiveSet[i].id = (*iter)->constraintRow;
-      slackActiveSet[i].side = (*iter)->activeSide;
-    }
+  unsigned int i = 0;
+  slackActiveSet.resize(constraintSactive.size());
+  for (ConstraintRefList::const_iterator iter = constraintSactive.begin();
+       iter != constraintSactive.end(); ++iter, ++i) {
+    slackActiveSet[i].id = (*iter)->constraintRow;
+    slackActiveSet[i].side = (*iter)->activeSide;
+  }
   warmStartReady = true;
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-printDifferentialCondition( std::ostream & os ) const
-  if(! warmStartReady ) return;
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::printDifferentialCondition(
+    std::ostream &os) const {
+  if (!warmStartReady)
+    return;
   os << "To activate = { ";
-  for( std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iterCH = toActivate.begin();
-       toActivate.end()!=iterCH;++iterCH )
-    { os << *iterCH << ", "; }
+  for (std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iterCH = toActivate.begin();
+       toActivate.end() != iterCH; ++iterCH) {
+    os << *iterCH << ", ";
+  }
   os << " }" << std::endl;
   os << "To inactivate = { ";
-  for( std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iterCH = toInactivate.begin();
-       toInactivate.end()!=iterCH;++iterCH )
-    { os << *iterCH << ", "; }
+  for (std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iterCH = toInactivate.begin();
+       toInactivate.end() != iterCH; ++iterCH) {
+    os << *iterCH << ", ";
+  }
   os << " }" << std::endl;
-  os <<"Active slack = { ";
-  for( std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iter=slackActiveSet.begin();
-       iter!=slackActiveSet.end();++iter )
-    { os << (*iter) << ", "; }
+  os << "Active slack = { ";
+  for (std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iter = slackActiveSet.begin();
+       iter != slackActiveSet.end(); ++iter) {
+    os << (*iter) << ", ";
+  }
   os << " }" << std::endl;
   os << "du = " << (MATLAB)du0 << std::endl;
@@ -322,7 +331,6 @@ printDifferentialCondition( std::ostream & os ) const
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 // SolverHierarchicalInequalities::bubMatrixQROrdered
 // SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
 // accessQRs( void )
@@ -348,584 +356,590 @@ printDifferentialCondition( std::ostream & os ) const
 //    return QRord;
 //  }
-accessRsConst( void ) const
-  bubMatrixQRConst QRs( QhJsU,freeranges(),bub::range(0,sizes) );
+SolverHierarchicalInequalities::accessRsConst(void) const {
+  bubMatrixQRConst QRs(QhJsU, freeranges(), bub::range(0, sizes));
   bubOrder iall(ranks);
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<ranks;++i ) iall(i)=i;
-  bubMatrixQROrderedConst QRord( QRs,iall,orderS );
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ranks; ++i)
+    iall(i) = i;
+  bubMatrixQROrderedConst QRord(QRs, iall, orderS);
   return QRord;
-bub::triangular_adaptor<bub::matrix_range< const bubMatrix >,bub::upper>
-accessRhConst( void ) const
-  bub::matrix_range< const bubMatrix >
-    Rhup( Rh,rangeh(),rangeh() );
+bub::triangular_adaptor<bub::matrix_range<const bubMatrix>, bub::upper>
+SolverHierarchicalInequalities::accessRhConst(void) const {
+  bub::matrix_range<const bubMatrix> Rhup(Rh, rangeh(), rangeh());
   return Rhup;
-bub::triangular_adaptor<bub::matrix_range< bubMatrix >,bub::upper>
-accessRh( void )
-  bub::matrix_range< bubMatrix >
-    Rhup( Rh,rangeh(),rangeh() );
+bub::triangular_adaptor<bub::matrix_range<bubMatrix>, bub::upper>
+SolverHierarchicalInequalities::accessRh(void) {
+  bub::matrix_range<bubMatrix> Rhup(Rh, rangeh(), rangeh());
   return Rhup;
 /* Assuming a diagonal-ordered triangular matrix. */
-template< typename bubTemplateMatrix >
-unsigned int SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-rankDetermination( const bubTemplateMatrix& A,
-                   const double threshold )
+template <typename bubTemplateMatrix>
+unsigned int
+SolverHierarchicalInequalities::rankDetermination(const bubTemplateMatrix &A,
+                                                  const double threshold) {
   unsigned int res = 0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<std::min(A.size1(),A.size2());++i )
-    { if( fabs(A(i,i))>threshold ) res++; else break; }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < std::min(A.size1(), A.size2()); ++i) {
+    if (fabs(A(i, i)) > threshold)
+      res++;
+    else
+      break;
+  }
   return res;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-displayConstraint( ConstraintList & cs )
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=cs.begin();
-       iter!=cs.end();++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & ci = *iter;
-      sotDEBUG(25) << ci << std::endl;
-    }
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::displayConstraint(ConstraintList &cs) {
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = cs.begin(); iter != cs.end(); ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &ci = *iter;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << ci << std::endl;
+  }
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-displayConstraint( ConstraintList & )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::displayConstraint(ConstraintList &) {}
 #endif //#ifdef VP_DEBUG
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-printDebug( void )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::printDebug(void) {
 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "constraintSactive:"<<std::endl;
-  for( ConstraintRefList::const_iterator iter=constraintSactive.begin();
-       iter!=constraintSactive.end();++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = **iter;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "+"<<cs << std::endl;
-    }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "constraintSactive:" << std::endl;
+  for (ConstraintRefList::const_iterator iter = constraintSactive.begin();
+       iter != constraintSactive.end(); ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = **iter;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "+" << cs << std::endl;
+  }
-  sotDEBUG(45) << "Sconstraints :: "<< std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(45) << "Sconstraints :: " << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "Hconstraints :: "<< std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Hconstraints :: " << std::endl;
-  bubMatrix Jh( rankh,nJ ); /***/std::fill(,,-1);
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintH.begin();
-       iter!=constraintH.end();++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      if( && cs.rankIncreaser )
-        {
-          if(cs.notToBeConsidered) continue;
-          if(cs.range<rankh) {bub::row(Jh,cs.range).assign( cs.Ji ); }
-          else {sotDEBUG(1)<<"!!!" <<cs<<std::endl;}
-        }
+  bubMatrix Jh(rankh, nJ); /***/
+  std::fill(,, -1);
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintH.begin();
+       iter != constraintH.end(); ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    if ( && cs.rankIncreaser) {
+      if (cs.notToBeConsidered)
+        continue;
+      if (cs.range < rankh) {
+        bub::row(Jh, cs.range).assign(cs.Ji);
+      } else {
+        sotDEBUG(1) << "!!!" << cs << std::endl;
+      }
+  }
   sotDEBUG(15) << "rankh = " << rankh << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Jh = " << (MATLAB)Jh << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "Qh = " << MATLAB(Qh,nJ) << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJs = " << (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJs,0,nJ,0,sizes) << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJsU = " << (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJsU,0,nJ,0,sizes) << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Qh = " << MATLAB(Qh, nJ) << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJs = " << (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJs, 0, nJ, 0, sizes)
+               << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJsU = " << (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJsU, 0, nJ, 0, sizes)
+               << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "u0 = " << MATLAB(u0) << std::endl;
-    bubMatrix toto(nJ,nJ); toto = bub::prod(QhJs,bub::trans(QhJs));
-    bubMatrix tata(nJ,nJ); tata = bub::prod(QhJsU,bub::trans(QhJsU));
-    toto-=tata;
+    bubMatrix toto(nJ, nJ);
+    toto = bub::prod(QhJs, bub::trans(QhJs));
+    bubMatrix tata(nJ, nJ);
+    tata = bub::prod(QhJsU, bub::trans(QhJsU));
+    toto -= tata;
     sotDEBUG(45) << "dQJJQ = " << (MATLAB)toto << std::endl;
   bubMatrix Jht(bub::trans(Jh));
-  bub::matrix_range<bubMatrix> Jht0(Jht,rangeh(),bub::range(0,rankh));
+  bub::matrix_range<bubMatrix> Jht0(Jht, rangeh(), bub::range(0, rankh));
   sotDEBUG(55) << "QJh = " << (MATLAB)Jht0 << std::endl;
-  Jht0-=bub::matrix_range<bubMatrix>(Rh,rangeh(),rangeh());
+  Jht0 -= bub::matrix_range<bubMatrix>(Rh, rangeh(), rangeh());
   sotDEBUG(55) << "Rh = " << (MATLAB)Rh << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(55) << "Rh_QhJh = " << (MATLAB)Jht0 << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "||Rh_QhJh|| = " << bub::norm_1(Jht0) << std::endl;
-  bubMatrix Js( sizes,nJ );
-  for( ConstraintRefList::iterator iter=constraintSactive.begin();
-       iter!=constraintSactive.end();++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = **iter;
-      if( )
-        {
-          if(cs.range<sizes) {bub::row(Js,cs.range).assign( cs.Ji ); }
-          else {sotDEBUG(1)<<"!!!" <<cs<<std::endl;}
-        }
+  bubMatrix Js(sizes, nJ);
+  for (ConstraintRefList::iterator iter = constraintSactive.begin();
+       iter != constraintSactive.end(); ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = **iter;
+    if ( {
+      if (cs.range < sizes) {
+        bub::row(Js, cs.range).assign(cs.Ji);
+      } else {
+        sotDEBUG(1) << "!!!" << cs << std::endl;
+      }
+  }
   sotDEBUG(45) << "Js = " << (MATLAB)Js << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJs << std::endl;
   bubMatrix Jst(bub::trans(Js));
-  Jst-=bub::subrange(QhJs,0,nJ,0,sizes);
+  Jst -= bub::subrange(QhJs, 0, nJ, 0, sizes);
   sotDEBUG(15) << "||Rs_QhJs|| = " << bub::norm_1(Jst) << std::endl;
-#endif //ifdef VP_DEBUG
+#endif // ifdef VP_DEBUG
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-warmStart( void )
-  if(! warmStartReady ) return;
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::warmStart(void) {
+  if (!warmStartReady)
+    return;
   ConstraintRefList toInactivateCH;
-  for( std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iter=toInactivate.begin();
-       iter!=toInactivate.end();++iter )
-    {
-      toInactivateCH.push_back( &constraintH[iter->id] );
-    }
-  if( toInactivateCH.size()>0 ) forceDowndateHierachic(toInactivateCH);
+  for (std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iter = toInactivate.begin();
+       iter != toInactivate.end(); ++iter) {
+    toInactivateCH.push_back(&constraintH[iter->id]);
+  }
+  if (toInactivateCH.size() > 0)
+    forceDowndateHierachic(toInactivateCH);
   ConstraintRefList toActivateCH;
   ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector toActivateSide;
-  for( std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iter=toActivate.begin();
-       iter!=toActivate.end();++iter )
-    {
-      toActivateCH.push_back( &constraintH[iter->id] );
-      toActivateSide.push_back( iter->side );
-    }
-  if( toActivateCH.size()>0 )forceUpdateHierachic(toActivateCH,toActivateSide);
+  for (std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iter = toActivate.begin();
+       iter != toActivate.end(); ++iter) {
+    toActivateCH.push_back(&constraintH[iter->id]);
+    toActivateSide.push_back(iter->side);
+  }
+  if (toActivateCH.size() > 0)
+    forceUpdateHierachic(toActivateCH, toActivateSide);
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-applyFreeSpaceMotion( const bubVector& _du )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::applyFreeSpaceMotion(
+    const bubVector &_du) {
   sotDEBUG(15) << "du = " << (MATLAB)du << std::endl;
   /* Multiply by Ph. */
-  Qh.multiplyRangeLeft(du,rankh,0);
+  Qh.multiplyRangeLeft(du, rankh, 0);
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Phdu = " << (MATLAB)du << std::endl;
   double tau;
   sotDEBUG(5) << "Warm start du limited by tau=" << tau << std::endl;
-  du*=tau;
-  u0+=du;
+  du *= tau;
+  u0 += du;
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-forceUpdateHierachic( ConstraintRefList& toUpdate,
-                      const ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector& boundSide )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::forceUpdateHierachic(
+    ConstraintRefList &toUpdate,
+    const ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector &boundSide) {
     sotDEBUG(5) << "Now activating { ";
-    ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector::const_iterator iterBound = boundSide.begin();
-    for( ConstraintRefList::const_iterator iterCH = toUpdate.begin();
-         toUpdate.end()!=iterCH;++iterCH,++iterBound )
-      { sotDEBUGMUTE(5) << *iterBound  << (*iterCH)->constraintRow << ", "; }
+    ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector::const_iterator iterBound =
+        boundSide.begin();
+    for (ConstraintRefList::const_iterator iterCH = toUpdate.begin();
+         toUpdate.end() != iterCH; ++iterCH, ++iterBound) {
+      sotDEBUGMUTE(5) << *iterBound << (*iterCH)->constraintRow << ", ";
+    }
     sotDEBUGMUTE(5) << " }" << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Create the matrix Js by concatenation of matrix cs.Ji. */" << std::endl;
-  unsigned int sizes=toUpdate.size();
-  bubMatrix _Jse(sizes,nJ); bubVector _ese(sizes);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Create the matrix Js by concatenation of matrix cs.Ji. */"
+               << std::endl;
+  unsigned int sizes = toUpdate.size();
+  bubMatrix _Jse(sizes, nJ);
+  bubVector _ese(sizes);
-  unsigned int col=0;
+  unsigned int col = 0;
   ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector::const_iterator iterBound = boundSide.begin();
-  for( ConstraintRefList::iterator iter=toUpdate.begin();
-       toUpdate.end() != iter;++iter,++iterBound )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = **iter;
-      if(! )
-        {
-          sotDEBUG(1) << "Activation WSH <" << *iterBound
-                      << cs.constraintRow << ">" << std::endl;
-          sotDEBUG(45) <<cs<<std::endl;
-          bub::row(_Jse,col).assign(cs.Ji);
-          if( (*iterBound)==ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF )
-            _ese(col)=cs.eiInf; else _ese(col)=cs.eiSup;
-          col++;
-; cs.notToBeConsidered=true;
-          cs.activeSide = *iterBound;
-        }
+  for (ConstraintRefList::iterator iter = toUpdate.begin();
+       toUpdate.end() != iter; ++iter, ++iterBound) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = **iter;
+    if (! {
+      sotDEBUG(1) << "Activation WSH <" << *iterBound << cs.constraintRow << ">"
+                  << std::endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << cs << std::endl;
+      bub::row(_Jse, col).assign(cs.Ji);
+      if ((*iterBound) == ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF)
+        _ese(col) = cs.eiInf;
-        {
-          sotDEBUG(1) << "Error: <" << cs.constraintRow << "> is already active. "
-                      << std::endl;
-        }
+        _ese(col) = cs.eiSup;
+      col++;
+ = false;
+      cs.notToBeConsidered = true;
+      cs.activeSide = *iterBound;
+    } else {
+      sotDEBUG(1) << "Error: <" << cs.constraintRow << "> is already active. "
+                  << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(45) <<"Jwsh = " <<(MATLAB)_Jse<<std::endl;
-  if(sizes>col) { sizes=col; _Jse.resize(sizes,nJ,true); _ese.resize(sizes,true); }
-  sotDEBUG(25) <<"Jwsh = " <<(MATLAB)_Jse<<std::endl;
+  }
+  sotDEBUG(45) << "Jwsh = " << (MATLAB)_Jse << std::endl;
+  if (sizes > col) {
+    sizes = col;
+    _Jse.resize(sizes, nJ, true);
+    _ese.resize(sizes, true);
+  }
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Jwsh = " << (MATLAB)_Jse << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Solve these constraints. */" << std::endl;
-  bubMatrix _Jsi(0,0); bubVector _esiInf(0),_esiSup(0);
+  bubMatrix _Jsi(0, 0);
+  bubVector _esiInf(0), _esiSup(0);
   std::vector<ConstraintMem::BoundSideType> _esiBound(0);
-  solve(_Jse,_ese,_Jsi,_esiInf,_esiSup,_esiBound,false);
+  solve(_Jse, _ese, _Jsi, _esiInf, _esiSup, _esiBound, false);
   sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Copy S in H. */" << std::endl;
   /* Pe is the range of the actual column of QR in the original
    * matrix: QR[:,i] == Jse'[:,pe(i)]. */
   sotDEBUG(15) << "orderS = " << (MATLAB)orderS << std::endl;
-//   for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintS.begin();
-//        constraintS.end() != iter;++iter )
-//     {
-//       ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-//       ConstraintMem & ch = *toUpdate[cs.constraintRow];
-  unsigned int rangeInS=0;
-  for( ConstraintRefList::iterator iter=toUpdate.begin();
-       toUpdate.end() != iter;++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & ch = **iter;
-      if(! ch.notToBeConsidered ) continue;
-      ConstraintMem & cs = constraintS[rangeInS++];
-      ch.range=cs.range+rankh;
-      ch.rankIncreaser=cs.rankIncreaser;
-      ch.equality=false; // TODO: ?? lock a constraint ??
-      ch.notToBeConsidered = false; = true;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Add eq FR: " << ch << std::endl;
-    }
+  //   for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintS.begin();
+  //        constraintS.end() != iter;++iter )
+  //     {
+  //       ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
+  //       ConstraintMem & ch = *toUpdate[cs.constraintRow];
+  unsigned int rangeInS = 0;
+  for (ConstraintRefList::iterator iter = toUpdate.begin();
+       toUpdate.end() != iter; ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &ch = **iter;
+    if (!ch.notToBeConsidered)
+      continue;
+    ConstraintMem &cs = constraintS[rangeInS++];
+    ch.range = cs.range + rankh;
+    ch.rankIncreaser = cs.rankIncreaser;
+    ch.equality = false; // TODO: ?? lock a constraint ??
+    ch.notToBeConsidered = false;
+ = true;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Add eq FR: " << ch << std::endl;
+  }
   sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Copy a triangular of Rs in Rh. */" << std::endl;
   sotRotationComposed Qlast;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<ranks;++i )
-    {
-      typedef bub::matrix_column<bubMatrixQRWide> bubQJsCol;
-      bubQJsCol QJk(QhJs,orderS(i)); Qlast.multiplyLeft(QJk);
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)QJk << std::endl;
-      bub::vector_range<bubQJsCol> Ftdown(QJk,freerange());
-      double beta;
-      double normSignFt  // Norm with sign!
-        = sotRotationSimpleHouseholder::householderExtraction(Ftdown,beta,THRESHOLD_ZERO);
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "Ft_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)Ftdown << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "b_" << i << " = " << beta << std::endl;
-      if(fabs(beta)>THRESHOLD_ZERO)
-        { Qlast.pushBack(sotRotationSimpleHouseholder(Ftdown,beta)); }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ranks; ++i) {
+    typedef bub::matrix_column<bubMatrixQRWide> bubQJsCol;
+    bubQJsCol QJk(QhJs, orderS(i));
+    Qlast.multiplyLeft(QJk);
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)QJk << std::endl;
+    bub::vector_range<bubQJsCol> Ftdown(QJk, freerange());
+    double beta;
+    double normSignFt // Norm with sign!
+        = sotRotationSimpleHouseholder::householderExtraction(Ftdown, beta,
+                                                              THRESHOLD_ZERO);
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Ft_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)Ftdown << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "b_" << i << " = " << beta << std::endl;
+    if (fabs(beta) > THRESHOLD_ZERO) {
+      Qlast.pushBack(sotRotationSimpleHouseholder(Ftdown, beta));
+    }
-      bub::matrix_column<bubMatrix> Rhk(Rh,rankh);
-      bub::project(Rhk,rangeh()).assign( bub::project(QJk,rangeh()) );
-      bub::project(Rhk,freerange()).assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(freeRank) );
-      Rh(rankh,rankh) = normSignFt;
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "Rh_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)Rhk << std::endl;
+    bub::matrix_column<bubMatrix> Rhk(Rh, rankh);
+    bub::project(Rhk, rangeh()).assign(bub::project(QJk, rangeh()));
+    bub::project(Rhk, freerange()).assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(freeRank));
+    Rh(rankh, rankh) = normSignFt;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Rh_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)Rhk << std::endl;
-      rankh++; freeRank--;
-    }
+    rankh++;
+    freeRank--;
+  }
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-forceDowndateHierachic( ConstraintRefList& toDowndate )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::forceDowndateHierachic(
+    ConstraintRefList &toDowndate) {
     sotDEBUG(5) << "Now inactivating { ";
-    for( ConstraintRefList::const_iterator iterCH = toDowndate.begin();
-         toDowndate.end()!=iterCH;++iterCH )
-      { sotDEBUGMUTE(5) << (*iterCH)->constraintRow << ", "; }
+    for (ConstraintRefList::const_iterator iterCH = toDowndate.begin();
+         toDowndate.end() != iterCH; ++iterCH) {
+      sotDEBUGMUTE(5) << (*iterCH)->constraintRow << ", ";
+    }
     sotDEBUGMUTE(5) << " }" << std::endl;
   unsigned int rankhDec = 0;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Precompute the new structure of Rh matrix. */" << std::endl;
-  std::vector<bool> colDeleted(rankh,false);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Precompute the new structure of Rh matrix. */"
+               << std::endl;
+  std::vector<bool> colDeleted(rankh, false);
   std::vector<unsigned int> colOffset(rankh);
-  for( ConstraintRefList::iterator iter=toDowndate.begin();
-       toDowndate.end() != iter;++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = **iter;
-      if( && cs.rankIncreaser )
-        {
-          sotDEBUG(1) << "Inactivation WSH <" << cs.activeSide << cs.constraintRow << ">" << std::endl;
-          sotDEBUG(45) << "Force downdate cs " << cs << std::endl;
-          const unsigned int range = cs.range;
-          colDeleted[range]=true;
-          ++ rankhDec;
- = false;
-        }
-      else
-        { sotDEBUG(1) << "Can not force down inactive constraint " << cs.constraintRow << std::endl; }
+  for (ConstraintRefList::iterator iter = toDowndate.begin();
+       toDowndate.end() != iter; ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = **iter;
+    if ( && cs.rankIncreaser) {
+      sotDEBUG(1) << "Inactivation WSH <" << cs.activeSide << cs.constraintRow
+                  << ">" << std::endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Force downdate cs " << cs << std::endl;
+      const unsigned int range = cs.range;
+      colDeleted[range] = true;
+      ++rankhDec;
+ = false;
+    } else {
+      sotDEBUG(1) << "Can not force down inactive constraint "
+                  << cs.constraintRow << std::endl;
+  }
     unsigned int offset = 0;
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<rankh;++i )
-      {if(colDeleted[i]) offset++; else colOffset[i]=offset;}
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rankh; ++i) {
+      if (colDeleted[i])
+        offset++;
+      else
+        colOffset[i] = offset;
+    }
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintH.begin();
-       constraintH.end() != iter;++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      if( )
-        {
-          const unsigned int range = cs.range;
-          cs.range -= colOffset[range];
-        }
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintH.begin();
+       constraintH.end() != iter; ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    if ( {
+      const unsigned int range = cs.range;
+      cs.range -= colOffset[range];
+  }
   sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Reduce the Rh matrix. */" << std::endl;
-  for( unsigned int j=0;j<rankh;++j )
-    {
-      const unsigned int offset = colOffset[j];
-      if( (!colDeleted[j])&&(offset>0) )
-        {
-          sotDEBUG(15) << "Copy " << j << " in " << j-offset << std::endl;
-          for( unsigned int i=0;i<rankh;++i )
-            {
-              Rh(i,j-offset)=Rh(i,j);
-            }
-        }
+  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < rankh; ++j) {
+    const unsigned int offset = colOffset[j];
+    if ((!colDeleted[j]) && (offset > 0)) {
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "Copy " << j << " in " << j - offset << std::endl;
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rankh; ++i) {
+        Rh(i, j - offset) = Rh(i, j);
+      }
-  rankh-=rankhDec;
-  freeRank+=rankhDec;
+  }
+  rankh -= rankhDec;
+  freeRank += rankhDec;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Correct the pseudo-hessenberg matrix. */" << std::endl;
-  bub::matrix_range< bubMatrix > Rhlim( Rh,bub::range(0,rankh+rankhDec),rangeh() );
+  bub::matrix_range<bubMatrix> Rhlim(Rh, bub::range(0, rankh + rankhDec),
+                                     rangeh());
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Rh_hess = " << (MATLAB)Rhlim << std::endl;
-  for( unsigned int j=0;j<rankh+rankhDec;++j )
-    {
-      const unsigned int offset = colOffset[j];
-      if( (!colDeleted[j])&&(offset>0) )
-        {
-          for( unsigned int i=0;i<offset;++i )
-            {
-              sotRotationSimpleGiven Gr( Rh,j-i-1,j-i,j-offset );  Gr.inverse();
-              Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(Rhlim);
-              Qh.pushBack(Gr);
-              sotDEBUG(55) << "Rh_down" << j << "x"<<i<<" = " << (MATLAB)Rh << std::endl;
-              sotDEBUG(55) << "Gr" << j << "x"<<i<<" = " << Gr << std::endl;
-            }
-        }
+  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < rankh + rankhDec; ++j) {
+    const unsigned int offset = colOffset[j];
+    if ((!colDeleted[j]) && (offset > 0)) {
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < offset; ++i) {
+        sotRotationSimpleGiven Gr(Rh, j - i - 1, j - i, j - offset);
+        Gr.inverse();
+        Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(Rhlim);
+        Qh.pushBack(Gr);
+        sotDEBUG(55) << "Rh_down" << j << "x" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)Rh
+                     << std::endl;
+        sotDEBUG(55) << "Gr" << j << "x" << i << " = " << Gr << std::endl;
+      }
+  }
   sotDEBUG(5) << "Rh_down = " << (MATLAB)accessRh() << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Activate rankd-def constraints. */" << std::endl;
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintH.begin();
-       constraintH.end() != iter;++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      if(!cs.rankIncreaser) )
-        {
-          bubVector QJk(cs.Ji); Qh.multiplyLeft(QJk);
-          if(fabs(QJk(rankh))>THRESHOLD_ZERO)
-            {
-              sotDEBUG(5) << "No rank loss when force downdating => "
-                          << cs.constraintRow << std::endl;
-              bub::vector_range<bubVector> Ftdown(QJk,freerange());
-              double beta;
-              double normSignFt  // Norm with sign!
-                = sotRotationSimpleHouseholder::householderExtraction(Ftdown,beta,THRESHOLD_ZERO);
-              sotDEBUG(45) << "Ft_" << " = " << (MATLAB)Ftdown << std::endl;
-              sotDEBUG(45) << "b_" << " = " << beta << std::endl;
-              if(fabs(beta)>THRESHOLD_ZERO)
-                { Qh.pushBack(sotRotationSimpleHouseholder(Ftdown,beta)); }
-              bub::matrix_column<bubMatrix> Rhk(Rh,rankh);
-              bub::project(Rhk,rangeh()).assign( bub::project(QJk,rangeh()) );
-              bub::project(Rhk,freerange()).assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(freeRank) );
-              Rh(rankh,rankh) = normSignFt;
-              sotDEBUG(45) << "Rh" << " = " << (MATLAB)Rhk << std::endl;
-              cs.range = rankh; cs.rankIncreaser =true;
-              rankh++; freeRank--;
-            }
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintH.begin();
+       constraintH.end() != iter; ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    if ( && (!cs.rankIncreaser)) {
+      bubVector QJk(cs.Ji);
+      Qh.multiplyLeft(QJk);
+      if (fabs(QJk(rankh)) > THRESHOLD_ZERO) {
+        sotDEBUG(5) << "No rank loss when force downdating => "
+                    << cs.constraintRow << std::endl;
+        bub::vector_range<bubVector> Ftdown(QJk, freerange());
+        double beta;
+        double normSignFt // Norm with sign!
+            = sotRotationSimpleHouseholder::householderExtraction(
+                Ftdown, beta, THRESHOLD_ZERO);
+        sotDEBUG(45) << "Ft_"
+                     << " = " << (MATLAB)Ftdown << std::endl;
+        sotDEBUG(45) << "b_"
+                     << " = " << beta << std::endl;
+        if (fabs(beta) > THRESHOLD_ZERO) {
+          Qh.pushBack(sotRotationSimpleHouseholder(Ftdown, beta));
+        bub::matrix_column<bubMatrix> Rhk(Rh, rankh);
+        bub::project(Rhk, rangeh()).assign(bub::project(QJk, rangeh()));
+        bub::project(Rhk, freerange())
+            .assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(freeRank));
+        Rh(rankh, rankh) = normSignFt;
+        sotDEBUG(45) << "Rh"
+                     << " = " << (MATLAB)Rhk << std::endl;
+        cs.range = rankh;
+        cs.rankIncreaser = true;
+        rankh++;
+        freeRank--;
+      }
+  }
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-#  define SOT_DEFINE_CHRONO                     \
-  struct timeval t0,t1;                         \
+#define SOT_DEFINE_CHRONO                                                      \
+  struct timeval t0, t1;                                                       \
   double dtsolver
-#  define SOT_INIT_CHRONO                       \
-  gettimeofday(&t0,NULL)
-#  define SOT_CHRONO(txt)                                               \
-  gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);                                               \
-  dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000. + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.)/1000. ; \
-  std::cout << "t_" << txt << " = " << dtsolver << " %ms" << std::endl; \
-  gettimeofday(&t0,NULL)
+#define SOT_INIT_CHRONO gettimeofday(&t0, NULL)
+#define SOT_CHRONO(txt)                                                        \
+  gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);                                                     \
+  dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1000. +                                 \
+             (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec + 0.) / 1000.;                           \
+  std::cout << "t_" << txt << " = " << dtsolver << " %ms" << std::endl;        \
+  gettimeofday(&t0, NULL)
 #else // ifdef WITH_CHRONO
-#  define SOT_INIT_CHRONO
-#  define SOT_CHRONO(txt)
+#define SOT_CHRONO(txt)
 #endif // ifdef WITH_CHRONO
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-solve( const bubMatrix& Jse, const bubVector& ese,
-       const bubMatrix& Jsi, const bubVector& esiInf, const bubVector& esiSup,
-       const std::vector<ConstraintMem::BoundSideType> esiBoundSide,
-       bool pushBackAtTheEnd )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::solve(
+    const bubMatrix &Jse, const bubVector &ese, const bubMatrix &Jsi,
+    const bubVector &esiInf, const bubVector &esiSup,
+    const std::vector<ConstraintMem::BoundSideType> esiBoundSide,
+    bool pushBackAtTheEnd) {
   std::vector<ConstraintRef> vectVoid;
-  solve(Jse,ese,Jsi,esiInf,esiSup,esiBoundSide,vectVoid,pushBackAtTheEnd);
+  solve(Jse, ese, Jsi, esiInf, esiSup, esiBoundSide, vectVoid,
+        pushBackAtTheEnd);
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-solve( const bubMatrix& Jse, const bubVector& ese,
-       const bubMatrix& Jsi, const bubVector& esiInf, const bubVector& esiSup,
-       const ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector & esiBoundSide,
-       const std::vector<ConstraintRef> & slackActiveWarmStart,
-       bool pushBackAtTheEnd )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::solve(
+    const bubMatrix &Jse, const bubVector &ese, const bubMatrix &Jsi,
+    const bubVector &esiInf, const bubVector &esiSup,
+    const ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector &esiBoundSide,
+    const std::vector<ConstraintRef> &slackActiveWarmStart,
+    bool pushBackAtTheEnd) {
-  initializeConstraintMemory(Jse,ese,Jsi,esiInf,esiSup,esiBoundSide,slackActiveWarmStart);
-  /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("copy");
+  initializeConstraintMemory(Jse, ese, Jsi, esiInf, esiSup, esiBoundSide,
+                             slackActiveWarmStart);
+  /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("copy");
-  /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Initialize [Qs Rs]. */" << std::endl;
+  /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Initialize [Qs Rs]. */" << std::endl;
-  /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("init");
-  do
-    {
-      /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "* - LOOP 1  * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *" << std::endl;
-      /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Active/inactive H-constraint. */" << std::endl;
-      if(Hactivation)
-        {
-          updateConstraintHierarchic( HactivationRef,HactivationSide );
-          /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("UpdateH");
-          Hactivation=false;
-          /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Update Rank-1 [Qs Rs]. */" << std::endl;
-          updateRankOneDowndate();
-          /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("rankoneDowndate");
+  /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("init");
+  do {
+    /***/ sotDEBUG(15)
+        << "* - LOOP 1  * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *"
+        << std::endl;
+    /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Active/inactive H-constraint. */" << std::endl;
+    if (Hactivation) {
+      updateConstraintHierarchic(HactivationRef, HactivationSide);
+      /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("UpdateH");
+      Hactivation = false;
+      /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Update Rank-1 [Qs Rs]. */" << std::endl;
+      updateRankOneDowndate();
+      /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("rankoneDowndate");
+    } else if (Hinactivation) {
+      downdateConstraintHierarchic(HinactivationRef);
+      /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("DowndateH");
+      Hinactivation = false;
+      /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Update Rank-1 [Qs Rs]. */" << std::endl;
+      updateRankOneUpdate();
+      /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("rankoneUpdate");
+    }
-        }
-      else if( Hinactivation )
-        {
-          downdateConstraintHierarchic( HinactivationRef );
-          /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("DowndateH");
-          Hinactivation=false;
-          /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Update Rank-1 [Qs Rs]. */" << std::endl;
-          updateRankOneUpdate();
-          /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("rankoneUpdate");
-        }
+    /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Activate/inactivate S-constraint. */"
+                       << std::endl;
+    if (Sactivation) {
+      /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Activate S-constraint. */" << std::endl;
+      updateConstraintSlack(SactivationRef, SactivationSide);
+      /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("UpS");
+      /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Activate S-constraint. */" << std::endl;
+    } else if (Sinactivation) {
+      /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Inactivate S-constraint. */" << std::endl;
+      downdateConstraintSlack(SinactivationRef);
+      /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("DownS");
+    }
+    /***/ printDebug();
+    /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("Print");
+    /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Compute Primal. */" << std::endl;
+    computePrimal();
+    /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("primal");
+    Sactivation = false;
+    Sinactivation = false;
+    Hactivation = false;
+    Hinactivation = false;
+    /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Compute Slack. */" << std::endl;
+    u0 += du;
+    computeSlack();
+    u0 -= du;
+    /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("Slack");
+    /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec S-activation. */" << std::endl;
+    Sactivation = selecActivationSlack();
+    /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("SelecAcS");
+    if (Sactivation) {
+      continue;
+    }
-      /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Activate/inactivate S-constraint. */" << std::endl;
-      if(Sactivation)
-        {
-          /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Activate S-constraint. */" << std::endl;
-          updateConstraintSlack( SactivationRef,SactivationSide );
-          /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("UpS");
-          /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Activate S-constraint. */" << std::endl;
-        }
-      else if( Sinactivation )
-        {
-          /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Inactivate S-constraint. */" << std::endl;
-          downdateConstraintSlack( SinactivationRef );
-          /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("DownS");
-        }
-      /***/printDebug();
-      /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("Print");
-      /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Compute Primal. */" << std::endl;
-      computePrimal();
-      /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("primal");
-      Sactivation=false;Sinactivation=false; Hactivation=false;Hinactivation=false;
-      /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Compute Slack. */" << std::endl;
-      u0+=du; computeSlack(); u0-=du;
-      /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("Slack");
-      /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec S-activation. */" << std::endl;
-      Sactivation = selecActivationSlack();
-      /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("SelecAcS");
-      if(Sactivation) {  continue; }
-      /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec H-activation. */" << std::endl;
-      double tau;
-      Hactivation = selecActivationHierarchic(tau);
-      /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("SelecAcH");
-      if( Hactivation )
-        {
-          /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "tau = " << tau << std::endl;
-          du*=tau;
-          u0+=du;
-          /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("IncUtau");
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          u0+=du;
-          /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("IncUsimple");
-          //             /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Compute Slack. */" << std::endl;
-          //             computeSlack();
-          //             /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("Slack");
-          //             /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec S-activation. */" << std::endl;
-          //             Sactivation = selecActivationSlack();
-          //             //if( Sactivation ) continue;
-          //             /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("SelecAcS");
-          //             /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec S-inactivation. */" << std::endl;
-          //             Sinactivation = selecInactivationSlack();
-          //             //if( Sinactivation ) continue;
-          //             /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("SelecInacS");
-          /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Compute Lagrangian. */" << std::endl;
-          computeLagrangian();
-          /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("Lagrang");
-          /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec H-inactivation. */" << std::endl;
-          Hinactivation = selecInactivationHierarchic();
-          /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("SelecInacH");
-          if(! Hinactivation )
-            {
-              /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec S-inactivation. */" << std::endl;
-              Sinactivation = selecInactivationSlack();
-              /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("SelecInacS");
-              if( Sinactivation ) { continue; }
-            }
+    /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec H-activation. */" << std::endl;
+    double tau;
+    Hactivation = selecActivationHierarchic(tau);
+    /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("SelecAcH");
+    if (Hactivation) {
+      /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "tau = " << tau << std::endl;
+      du *= tau;
+      u0 += du;
+      /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("IncUtau");
+    } else {
+      u0 += du;
+      /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("IncUsimple");
+      //             /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Compute Slack. */" << std::endl;
+      //             computeSlack();
+      //             /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("Slack");
+      //             /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec S-activation. */" <<
+      //             std::endl; Sactivation = selecActivationSlack();
+      //             //if( Sactivation ) continue;
+      //             /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("SelecAcS");
+      //             /***/sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec S-inactivation. */" <<
+      //             std::endl; Sinactivation = selecInactivationSlack();
+      //             //if( Sinactivation ) continue;
+      //             /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("SelecInacS");
+      /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Compute Lagrangian. */" << std::endl;
+      computeLagrangian();
+      /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("Lagrang");
+      /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec H-inactivation. */" << std::endl;
+      Hinactivation = selecInactivationHierarchic();
+      /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("SelecInacH");
+      if (!Hinactivation) {
+        /***/ sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Selec S-inactivation. */" << std::endl;
+        Sinactivation = selecInactivationSlack();
+        /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("SelecInacS");
+        if (Sinactivation) {
+          continue;
-      /***/sotDEBUG(3) << "u = " << (MATLAB)u0 << std::endl;
+      }
+    }
+    /***/ sotDEBUG(3) << "u = " << (MATLAB)u0 << std::endl;
-    } while(Sactivation||Sinactivation||Hactivation||Hinactivation);
+  } while (Sactivation || Sinactivation || Hactivation || Hinactivation);
   /* Push-back S-constraint. */
   /* Push-back [ Qs Rs ]. */
-  /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("void");
-  if(pushBackAtTheEnd) pushBackSlackToHierarchy();
-  /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("PBSlack");
+  /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("void");
+  if (pushBackAtTheEnd)
+    pushBackSlackToHierarchy();
+  /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("PBSlack");
-  /***/sotDEBUGOUT(1);
+  /***/ sotDEBUGOUT(1);
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-initializeConstraintMemory( const bubMatrix& Jse, const bubVector& ese,
-                            const bubMatrix& Jsi, const bubVector& esiInf, const bubVector& esiSup,
-                            const ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector& esiBoundSide,
-                            const std::vector<ConstraintRef>& warmStartSide )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::initializeConstraintMemory(
+    const bubMatrix &Jse, const bubVector &ese, const bubMatrix &Jsi,
+    const bubVector &esiInf, const bubVector &esiSup,
+    const ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector &esiBoundSide,
+    const std::vector<ConstraintRef> &warmStartSide) {
   // TODO ... activate those protection.
-  //     if(!( (esiInf.size()==esiSup.size())&&(esiInf.size()==esiBoundSide.size())&&(esiInf.size()==Jsi.size1())) )
+  //     if(!(
+  //     (esiInf.size()==esiSup.size())&&(esiInf.size()==esiBoundSide.size())&&(esiInf.size()==Jsi.size1()))
+  //     )
   //       {
   //         sotERROR << "Error in the size of I matrices. " << std::endl;
   //         throw "Error in the size of I matrices. ";
@@ -938,469 +952,490 @@ initializeConstraintMemory( const bubMatrix& Jse, const bubVector& ese,
   sotDEBUG(45) << "Je = " << (MATLAB)Jse << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(45) << "Ji = " << (MATLAB)Jsi << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(25) <<"Warm start active slack = { ";
-    for( std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iter=warmStartSide.begin();
-         iter!=warmStartSide.end();++iter )
-      {     sotDEBUGMUTE(25) << (*iter) << ", "; }
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Warm start active slack = { ";
+    for (std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iter =
+             warmStartSide.begin();
+         iter != warmStartSide.end(); ++iter) {
+      sotDEBUGMUTE(25) << (*iter) << ", ";
+    }
     sotDEBUGMUTE(25) << " }" << std::endl;
-  Hactivation=false; Hinactivation=false;
-  constraintS.clear(); constraintS.resize(ese.size()+Jsi.size1());
+  Hactivation = false;
+  Hinactivation = false;
+  constraintS.clear();
+  constraintS.resize(ese.size() + Jsi.size1());
-  sotDEBUG(15) <<"/* Copy the Jacobian to memory. */" << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Copy the Jacobian to memory. */" << std::endl;
   unsigned int row = 0;
-  const unsigned int sizee=ese.size();
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintS.begin();
-       iter!=constraintS.end();++iter,++row )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      cs.Ji.resize(nJ,false);
-      cs.constraintRow=row;
-      cs.range = 0;  cs.rankIncreaser = false;
-      if( row<sizee )
-        {
-          cs.Ji.assign(bub::row(Jse,row)); cs.eiInf=ese(row); cs.equality=true;
- = true;
-          cs.boundSide = cs.activeSide = ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          const unsigned int rowi = row-sizee;
-          cs.Ji.assign(bub::row(Jsi,rowi));
-          cs.boundSide = ConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID;
-          if( (esiBoundSide[rowi]&ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF) &&
-              (!boost::math::isnan(esiInf(rowi))) )
-            {
-              cs.eiInf=esiInf(rowi);
-              cs.boundSide = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(cs.boundSide|ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
-            }
-          if( (esiBoundSide[rowi]&ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP)&&
-              (!boost::math::isnan(esiSup(rowi))) )
-            {
-              cs.eiSup=esiSup(rowi);
-              cs.boundSide = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(cs.boundSide|ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP);
-            }
-          cs.equality=false;
-        }
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Init " << cs << std::endl;
+  const unsigned int sizee = ese.size();
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintS.begin();
+       iter != constraintS.end(); ++iter, ++row) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    cs.Ji.resize(nJ, false);
+    cs.constraintRow = row;
+ = false;
+    cs.range = 0;
+    cs.rankIncreaser = false;
+    if (row < sizee) {
+      cs.Ji.assign(bub::row(Jse, row));
+      cs.eiInf = ese(row);
+      cs.equality = true;
+ = true;
+      cs.boundSide = cs.activeSide = ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF;
+    } else {
+      const unsigned int rowi = row - sizee;
+      cs.Ji.assign(bub::row(Jsi, rowi));
+      cs.boundSide = ConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID;
+      if ((esiBoundSide[rowi] & ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF) &&
+          (!boost::math::isnan(esiInf(rowi)))) {
+        cs.eiInf = esiInf(rowi);
+        cs.boundSide = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(cs.boundSide |
+                                                      ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
+      }
+      if ((esiBoundSide[rowi] & ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP) &&
+          (!boost::math::isnan(esiSup(rowi)))) {
+        cs.eiSup = esiSup(rowi);
+        cs.boundSide = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(cs.boundSide |
+                                                      ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP);
+      }
+      cs.equality = false;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Init " << cs << std::endl;
+  }
   /* Activation Warm start. */
-    for( std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iter=warmStartSide.begin();
-         iter!=warmStartSide.end();++iter )
-        {
-          if( iter->id<constraintS.size() )
-            {
-              constraintS[iter->id].active=true;
-              constraintS[iter->id].activeSide=iter->side;
-              sotDEBUG(1) << "Activation WS < " << *iter << ">" << std::endl;
-            }
-        }
+    for (std::vector<ConstraintRef>::const_iterator iter =
+             warmStartSide.begin();
+         iter != warmStartSide.end(); ++iter) {
+      if (iter->id < constraintS.size()) {
+        constraintS[iter->id].active = true;
+        constraintS[iter->id].activeSide = iter->side;
+        sotDEBUG(1) << "Activation WS < " << *iter << ">" << std::endl;
+      }
+  }
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-  QhJsU.resize(nJ,constraintS.size(),false); QhJsU.clear();
-  QhJs.resize(nJ,constraintS.size(),false); QhJs.clear();
-  Sactivation=false; Sinactivation=false;
-  sotDEBUG(15) <<"/* 1.a Compute the limited matrix. */" << std::endl;
-  sizes=0;
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintS.begin();
-       iter!=constraintS.end();++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      if(
-        { bub::column(QhJsU,sizes++) = cs.Ji; }
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::initializeDecompositionSlack(void) {
+  QhJsU.resize(nJ, constraintS.size(), false);
+  QhJsU.clear();
+  QhJs.resize(nJ, constraintS.size(), false);
+  QhJs.clear();
+  Sactivation = false;
+  Sinactivation = false;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* 1.a Compute the limited matrix. */" << std::endl;
+  sizes = 0;
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintS.begin();
+       iter != constraintS.end(); ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    if ( {
+      bub::column(QhJsU, sizes++) = cs.Ji;
-  bubMatrixQR QhJeU(QhJsU,fullrange(),bub::range(0,sizes));
-  /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("BuildJs");
+  }
+  bubMatrixQR QhJeU(QhJsU, fullrange(), bub::range(0, sizes));
+  /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("BuildJs");
   sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJeU << std::endl;
-  /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("QhJs");
-  if( freeRank==0 )
-    {
-      ranks=0; orderS = bubOrder(0);
-      bub::project(QhJs,fullrange(),bub::range(0,sizes)) .assign(QhJeU);
-      /* Initialize the constraintMem. */
-      unsigned int row=0;
-      for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintS.begin();
-           iter!=constraintS.end();++iter,++row )
-        {
-          ConstraintMem & cs = *iter; cs.range=row;
-          if( ){ constraintSactive.push_back(&cs); }
-        }
-      sotDEBUG(15)<<"Freerank null, initial decomposition void."<<std::endl;
-      return;
+  /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("QhJs");
+  if (freeRank == 0) {
+    ranks = 0;
+    orderS = bubOrder(0);
+    bub::project(QhJs, fullrange(), bub::range(0, sizes)).assign(QhJeU);
+    /* Initialize the constraintMem. */
+    unsigned int row = 0;
+    for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintS.begin();
+         iter != constraintS.end(); ++iter, ++row) {
+      ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+      cs.range = row;
+      if ( {
+        constraintSactive.push_back(&cs);
+      }
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Freerank null, initial decomposition void." << std::endl;
+    return;
+  }
-  sotDEBUG(15) <<"/* 1.b Compute the QR decomposition. */" << std::endl;
-  bubMatrixQR QRs(QhJsU,bub::range(rankh,nJ),bub::range(0,sizes));
-  bubVector betas(sizes); betas.clear();
-  bub::vector<int> orderSe(sizes); orderSe.clear();
-  boost::numeric::bindings::lapack::geqp(QRs,orderSe,betas);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* 1.b Compute the QR decomposition. */" << std::endl;
+  bubMatrixQR QRs(QhJsU, bub::range(rankh, nJ), bub::range(0, sizes));
+  bubVector betas(sizes);
+  betas.clear();
+  bub::vector<int> orderSe(sizes);
+  orderSe.clear();
+  boost::numeric::bindings::lapack::geqp(QRs, orderSe, betas);
   ranks = rankDetermination(QRs);
   sotDEBUG(15) << "ranks = " << ranks << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "QRs = " << (MATLAB)QhJeU << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "orderSe = " << orderSe << std::endl;
-  /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("QRdecomp");
+  /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("QRdecomp");
-  sotDEBUG(15) <<"/* 1.c Organize into Q2 and R2. */" << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* 1.c Organize into Q2 and R2. */" << std::endl;
   /* If Je is rank deficient, then the last <m-r> householder vectors
    * do not affect the range basis M (where Q=[M N]). If M is constant
    * wrt these vector, then Span(N)=orth(Span(M)) is also constant, even
    * if N is non constant, and thus these vectors can be neglect. */
-  sotRotationComposed Qs; Qs.householderQRinit( QRs,betas,ranks );
+  sotRotationComposed Qs;
+  Qs.householderQRinit(QRs, betas, ranks);
   /* Remove the lower triangle (householder vectors). */
-  for( unsigned int j=0;j<sizes;++j )
-    for( unsigned int i=j+1;i<freeRank;++i ) QRs(i,j)=0;
-  sotDEBUG(45) << "Qs = " << MATLAB(Qs,nJ) << std::endl;
+  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sizes; ++j)
+    for (unsigned int i = j + 1; i < freeRank; ++i)
+      QRs(i, j) = 0;
+  sotDEBUG(45) << "Qs = " << MATLAB(Qs, nJ) << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "QJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJeU << std::endl;
-  /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("QRorganize");
+  /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("QRorganize");
   /* Save QhJs (without U). */
-  for( unsigned int j=0;j<sizes;++j )
-    {
-      for( unsigned int i=0;i<rankh;++i ) { QhJs(i,j) = QhJeU(i,orderSe(j)-1); }
-      for( unsigned int i=rankh;i<nJ;++i ){ QhJs(i,j) = QhJeU(i,j); }
+  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sizes; ++j) {
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rankh; ++i) {
+      QhJs(i, j) = QhJeU(i, orderSe(j) - 1);
-  QhJeU = bub::project(QhJs,fullrange(),bub::range(0,sizes));
-  orderS = bubOrder(ranks); for( unsigned int i=0;i<ranks;++i ) orderS[i]=i;
+    for (unsigned int i = rankh; i < nJ; ++i) {
+      QhJs(i, j) = QhJeU(i, j);
+    }
+  }
+  QhJeU = bub::project(QhJs, fullrange(), bub::range(0, sizes));
+  orderS = bubOrder(ranks);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ranks; ++i)
+    orderS[i] = i;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "QhsJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJeU << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "orderS = " << (MATLAB)orderS << std::endl;
-  /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("SaveQhJs");
+  /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("SaveQhJs");
   /* Full range decomposition R0 = Qh.Js.U . */
-  /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("FullRankDecompo");
+  /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("FullRankDecompo");
   /* Initialize the constraintMem. */
   ConstraintRefList activeOrderRaw;
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintS.begin();
-       iter!=constraintS.end();++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      if( ) activeOrderRaw.push_back(&cs);
-    }
-  /* Push the constraint in cSactive in the order decided by the QR decomposition. */
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<sizes;++i )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *activeOrderRaw[orderSe[i]-1];
-      if(i<ranks){ cs.rankIncreaser = true; }
-      cs.range = i;
-      constraintSactive.push_back(&cs);
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Activate " << cs << std::endl;
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintS.begin();
+       iter != constraintS.end(); ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    if (
+      activeOrderRaw.push_back(&cs);
+  }
+  /* Push the constraint in cSactive in the order decided by the QR
+   * decomposition. */
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizes; ++i) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *activeOrderRaw[orderSe[i] - 1];
+    if (i < ranks) {
+      cs.rankIncreaser = true;
-  /*!*/SOT_CHRONO("InitActiveMem");
+    cs.range = i;
+    constraintSactive.push_back(&cs);
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Activate " << cs << std::endl;
+  }
+  /*!*/ SOT_CHRONO("InitActiveMem");
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* <constraintId> is the number of the constraint in the constraintH list. */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-updateConstraintHierarchic( const unsigned int constraintId,
-                            const ConstraintMem::BoundSideType side )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::updateConstraintHierarchic(
+    const unsigned int constraintId, const ConstraintMem::BoundSideType side) {
   sotDEBUG(15) << "khup = " << constraintId << std::endl;
-  ConstraintMem & chup = constraintH[constraintId];
+  ConstraintMem &chup = constraintH[constraintId];
   /* Compute the limited Jacobian. */
-  bub::matrix_column<bubMatrix> QtJt(Rh,rankh);
+  bub::matrix_column<bubMatrix> QtJt(Rh, rankh);
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Jk = " << (MATLAB)chup.Ji << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "QJk = " << (MATLAB)QtJt << std::endl;
-  chup.rankIncreaser=false;
-  bub::triangular_adaptor<bub::matrix_range< bubMatrix >,bub::upper>
-    Rhprev = accessRh();
-  if(rankh<nJ)
-    {
-      lastRotation.clear();
-      /* Given rotation to nullify the new column. */
-      for( unsigned int row=nJ-1;row>rankh;row-- )
-        {
-          if( fabs(QtJt(row))>THRESHOLD_ZERO )
-            {
-              chup.rankIncreaser=true;
-              sotRotationSimpleGiven gr(Rh,row-1,row,rankh);
-              gr.inverse();
-              gr.multiplyLeft(QtJt);
-              lastRotation.pushBack(gr);
-            }
-        }
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "Add GR = " << lastRotation << std::endl;
-      Qh.pushBack(lastRotation);
-      /* Update information about the constraint. */
- = true;  chup.rankIncreaser=true; chup.activeSide = side;
-      chup.range=rankh;
-      /* Increase the number of data. */
-      rankh++; freeRank--; freeRankChange = -1;
+  chup.rankIncreaser = false;
+  bub::triangular_adaptor<bub::matrix_range<bubMatrix>, bub::upper> Rhprev =
+      accessRh();
+  if (rankh < nJ) {
+    lastRotation.clear();
+    /* Given rotation to nullify the new column. */
+    for (unsigned int row = nJ - 1; row > rankh; row--) {
+      if (fabs(QtJt(row)) > THRESHOLD_ZERO) {
+        chup.rankIncreaser = true;
+        sotRotationSimpleGiven gr(Rh, row - 1, row, rankh);
+        gr.inverse();
+        gr.multiplyLeft(QtJt);
+        lastRotation.pushBack(gr);
+      }
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Add GR = " << lastRotation << std::endl;
+    Qh.pushBack(lastRotation);
+    /* Update information about the constraint. */
+ = true;
+    chup.rankIncreaser = true;
+    chup.activeSide = side;
+    chup.range = rankh;
+    /* Increase the number of data. */
+    rankh++;
+    freeRank--;
+    freeRankChange = -1;
+  }
-  if(!chup.rankIncreaser)
-    {
-      std::cerr << "Error, H-up should always be full rank!" << std::endl;
-      throw "Error, H-up should always be full rank!";
-    }
+  if (!chup.rankIncreaser) {
+    std::cerr << "Error, H-up should always be full rank!" << std::endl;
+    throw "Error, H-up should always be full rank!";
+  }
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Rh = " << (MATLAB)accessRhConst() << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Constraint = " << chup << std::endl;
 /* <constraintId> is the number of the constraint in the constraintH list. */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-downdateConstraintHierarchic( const unsigned int kdown )
-  ConstraintMem & cdown = constraintH[kdown];
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::downdateConstraintHierarchic(
+    const unsigned int kdown) {
+  ConstraintMem &cdown = constraintH[kdown];
   sotDEBUG(15) << "kdown = " << kdown << std::endl;
-  if(! constraintH[kdown].active) return;
+  if (!constraintH[kdown].active)
+    return;
   /* Rh is hessenberg: trigonalize. */
-  for( unsigned int i=cdown.range+1;i<rankh;++i )
-    {
-      sotRotationSimpleGiven Gr( Rh,i-1,i,i );  Gr.inverse();
-      Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(Rh);
-      lastRotation.pushBack(Gr);
-    }
+  for (unsigned int i = cdown.range + 1; i < rankh; ++i) {
+    sotRotationSimpleGiven Gr(Rh, i - 1, i, i);
+    Gr.inverse();
+    Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(Rh);
+    lastRotation.pushBack(Gr);
+  }
   /* Shift the column after kdown to the left. */
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintH.begin();
-       iter!=constraintH.end();++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      if( cs.range>cdown.range ) cs.range--;
-    }
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintH.begin();
+       iter != constraintH.end(); ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    if (cs.range > cdown.range)
+      cs.range--;
+  }
   /* Remove the columnd <kdown> from Rh. */
-  //bubClearMatrix(bub::column(Rh,cdown.range));
-  //bubClearMatrix(bub::column(Rh,cdown.range).data());
-  //bub::vector_assign_scalar<bub::scalar_assign>(bub::column(Rh,cdown.range),0);
-  bub::column(Rh,cdown.range).assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(Rh.size1()));
-  bubRemoveColumn(accessRh(),cdown.range);
-  rankh--; freeRank++; freeRankChange = +1;
+  // bubClearMatrix(bub::column(Rh,cdown.range));
+  // bubClearMatrix(bub::column(Rh,cdown.range).data());
+  // bub::vector_assign_scalar<bub::scalar_assign>(bub::column(Rh,cdown.range),0);
+  bub::column(Rh, cdown.range).assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(Rh.size1()));
+  bubRemoveColumn(accessRh(), cdown.range);
+  rankh--;
+  freeRank++;
+  freeRankChange = +1; = false;
   sotDEBUG(5) << "Rhdown = " << (MATLAB)accessRhConst() << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(5) << "Qhdown = " << MATLAB(Qh,nJ) << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(5) << "Qhlast = " << MATLAB(lastRotation,nJ) << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(5) << "Qhdown = " << MATLAB(Qh, nJ) << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(5) << "Qhlast = " << MATLAB(lastRotation, nJ) << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(5) << "Qhlast = " << lastRotation << std::endl;
   /* Check for active rank-def constraint. */
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintH.begin();
-       iter!=constraintH.end();++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      if( && (!cs.rankIncreaser) )
-        {
-          bubVector QJk(cs.Ji); Qh.multiplyLeft(QJk);
-          if(fabs(QJk(rankh))>THRESHOLD_ZERO)
-            { /* Update constraint: Qh'Ji' = [ Mh'Ji' mh'Ji' Nh'Ji],
-               * with Nh'Ji=0.
-               * Simply add the [Mh'Ji' mh'Ji' ] to Rh. */
-              sotDEBUG(5) << "No rank loss when downdating [" << kdown
-                          << "] => " << cs.constraintRow << std::endl;
-              bub::matrix_column<bubMatrix > Rhk(Rh,rankh);
-              bub::project(Rhk,bub::range(0,rankh+1))
-                .assign( bub::project(QJk,bub::range(0,rankh+1)));
-              cs.range = rankh; cs.rankIncreaser =true;
-              rankh++; freeRank--; freeRankChange = 0;
-              break;
-            }
-        }
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintH.begin();
+       iter != constraintH.end(); ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    if ( && (!cs.rankIncreaser)) {
+      bubVector QJk(cs.Ji);
+      Qh.multiplyLeft(QJk);
+      if (fabs(QJk(rankh)) > THRESHOLD_ZERO) { /* Update constraint: Qh'Ji' = [
+                                                * Mh'Ji' mh'Ji' Nh'Ji], with
+                                                * Nh'Ji=0. Simply add the
+                                                * [Mh'Ji' mh'Ji' ] to Rh. */
+        sotDEBUG(5) << "No rank loss when downdating [" << kdown << "] => "
+                    << cs.constraintRow << std::endl;
+        bub::matrix_column<bubMatrix> Rhk(Rh, rankh);
+        bub::project(Rhk, bub::range(0, rankh + 1))
+            .assign(bub::project(QJk, bub::range(0, rankh + 1)));
+        cs.range = rankh;
+        cs.rankIncreaser = true;
+        rankh++;
+        freeRank--;
+        freeRankChange = 0;
+        break;
+      }
+  }
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* <kup> is the number of the constraint in the constraintS list. */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-updateConstraintSlack( const unsigned int kup,const ConstraintMem::BoundSideType activeSide )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::updateConstraintSlack(
+    const unsigned int kup, const ConstraintMem::BoundSideType activeSide) {
   sotDEBUG(15) << "kup = " << activeSide << kup << std::endl;
-  ConstraintMem & csup = constraintS[kup];
+  ConstraintMem &csup = constraintS[kup];
   //     if( freeRank>0 )
   //       {
   /* Compute the limited Jacobian. */
-  bubVector QtJt(nJ); QtJt.assign(csup.Ji);
+  bubVector QtJt(nJ);
+  QtJt.assign(csup.Ji);
-  bub::vector_range<bubVector> Ft(QtJt,freerange());
+  bub::vector_range<bubVector> Ft(QtJt, freerange());
   sotDEBUG(15) << "QsNhJk = " << (MATLAB)Ft << std::endl;
   /* TODO: copy directly ck.Ji in JsU, instead of using the tmp var Ft. */
-  bub::matrix_column< bubMatrixQRWide > JskU(QhJsU,sizes);
-  bub::project(JskU,rangehs())=bub::project(QtJt,rangehs());
-  bub::matrix_column< bubMatrixQRWide > Jsk(QhJs,sizes);
-  bub::project(Jsk,rangehs())=bub::project(QtJt,rangehs());
-  bool rankDef=true;
-  if(ranks+rankh<nJ)
-    {
-      /* Householder transposition of QJk. */
-      bub::vector_range<bubVector> Ftdown(QtJt,bub::range(rankh+ranks,nJ));
-      double beta;
-      double normSignFt  // Norm with sign!
-        = sotRotationSimpleHouseholder::householderExtraction(Ftdown,beta,THRESHOLD_ZERO);
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "hk = " << (MATLAB)Ftdown << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "betak = " << beta << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "normH = " << normSignFt << std::endl;
-      /* Add a new column in R. */
-      QhJsU(rankh+ranks,sizes) = normSignFt;
-      QhJs(rankh+ranks,sizes) = normSignFt;
-      /* Add a new rotation in Qh. */
-      if( fabs(normSignFt)>THRESHOLD_ZERO )
-        { /* If Jk is adding information to the current R. */
-          /* Add the new householder vector in Q. */
-          if(fabs(beta)>THRESHOLD_ZERO)
-            { Qh.pushBack( sotRotationSimpleHouseholder(Ftdown,beta)); }
-          /* Update information about the constraint. */
-          csup.rankIncreaser = true;
-          /* Increase the number of data. */
-          ranks++; rankDef=false; orderS+=sizes;
-        }
+  bub::matrix_column<bubMatrixQRWide> JskU(QhJsU, sizes);
+  bub::project(JskU, rangehs()) = bub::project(QtJt, rangehs());
+  bub::matrix_column<bubMatrixQRWide> Jsk(QhJs, sizes);
+  bub::project(Jsk, rangehs()) = bub::project(QtJt, rangehs());
+  bool rankDef = true;
+  if (ranks + rankh < nJ) {
+    /* Householder transposition of QJk. */
+    bub::vector_range<bubVector> Ftdown(QtJt, bub::range(rankh + ranks, nJ));
+    double beta;
+    double normSignFt // Norm with sign!
+        = sotRotationSimpleHouseholder::householderExtraction(Ftdown, beta,
+                                                              THRESHOLD_ZERO);
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "hk = " << (MATLAB)Ftdown << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "betak = " << beta << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "normH = " << normSignFt << std::endl;
+    /* Add a new column in R. */
+    QhJsU(rankh + ranks, sizes) = normSignFt;
+    QhJs(rankh + ranks, sizes) = normSignFt;
+    /* Add a new rotation in Qh. */
+    if (fabs(normSignFt) >
+        THRESHOLD_ZERO) { /* If Jk is adding information to the current R. */
+      /* Add the new householder vector in Q. */
+      if (fabs(beta) > THRESHOLD_ZERO) {
+        Qh.pushBack(sotRotationSimpleHouseholder(Ftdown, beta));
+      }
+      /* Update information about the constraint. */
+      csup.rankIncreaser = true;
+      /* Increase the number of data. */
+      ranks++;
+      rankDef = false;
+      orderS += sizes;
-  csup.range = sizes; sizes++;
+  }
+  csup.range = sizes;
+  sizes++;
-  sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs = "  << (MATLAB)QhJs << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJs << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJsU = " << (MATLAB)QhJsU << std::endl;
-  if( rankDef&&(freeRank>0) )
-    { /* The new line does not add any information. Regularize the pseudo-triangle. */
-      /* Select the non zero part of R. */
-      bubMatrixQR QJdown( QhJsU,freeranges(),bub::range(0,sizes));
-      bubMatrixQRTri RrRh(QJdown);
-      /* Regularize. */
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "RrRh = " << (MATLAB)RrRh << std::endl;
-      sotRotationComposed Uchol;
-      Uchol.regularizeRankDeficientTriangle(RrRh,orderS,sizes-1);
-      csup.rankIncreaser = false;
-      bubMatrixQR Jsup(QhJsU,rangeh(),bub::range(0,sizes));
-      Uchol.multiplyLeft(Jsup);
-    }
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "kup = "<<kup<<" VS "<<constraintS.size()<<std::endl;
- = true; csup.activeSide = activeSide;
+  if (rankDef && (freeRank > 0)) { /* The new line does not add any information.
+                                      Regularize the pseudo-triangle. */
+    /* Select the non zero part of R. */
+    bubMatrixQR QJdown(QhJsU, freeranges(), bub::range(0, sizes));
+    bubMatrixQRTri RrRh(QJdown);
+    /* Regularize. */
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "RrRh = " << (MATLAB)RrRh << std::endl;
+    sotRotationComposed Uchol;
+    Uchol.regularizeRankDeficientTriangle(RrRh, orderS, sizes - 1);
+    csup.rankIncreaser = false;
+    bubMatrixQR Jsup(QhJsU, rangeh(), bub::range(0, sizes));
+    Uchol.multiplyLeft(Jsup);
+  }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "kup = " << kup << " VS " << constraintS.size() << std::endl;
+ = true;
+  csup.activeSide = activeSide;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Rei = " << (MATLAB)accessRsConst() << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Constraint = " << csup << std::endl;
 /* Regularize from right (Q.J from Q.J.U). */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-regularizeQhJs( void )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::regularizeQhJs(void) {
   typedef bub::matrix_column<bubMatrixQRWide> bubQJsCol;
   sotRotationComposed Qlast;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<ranks;++i )
-    {
-      bubQJsCol QJk(QhJs,orderS(i)); Qlast.multiplyLeft(QJk);
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)QJk << std::endl;
-      bub::vector_range<bubQJsCol> Ftdown(QJk,bub::range(rankh+i,std::min(nJ,rankh+ranks+1)));
-      double beta;
-      double normSignFt
-        = sotRotationSimpleHouseholder::householderExtraction(Ftdown,beta,THRESHOLD_ZERO);
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "Ft_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)Ftdown << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "b_" << i << " = " << beta << std::endl;
-      if(fabs(beta)>THRESHOLD_ZERO)
-        { Qlast.pushBack(sotRotationSimpleHouseholder(Ftdown,beta)); }
-      std::fill(Ftdown.begin(),Ftdown.end(),0); Ftdown(0)=normSignFt;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ranks; ++i) {
+    bubQJsCol QJk(QhJs, orderS(i));
+    Qlast.multiplyLeft(QJk);
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)QJk << std::endl;
+    bub::vector_range<bubQJsCol> Ftdown(
+        QJk, bub::range(rankh + i, std::min(nJ, rankh + ranks + 1)));
+    double beta;
+    double normSignFt = sotRotationSimpleHouseholder::householderExtraction(
+        Ftdown, beta, THRESHOLD_ZERO);
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Ft_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)Ftdown << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "b_" << i << " = " << beta << std::endl;
+    if (fabs(beta) > THRESHOLD_ZERO) {
+      Qlast.pushBack(sotRotationSimpleHouseholder(Ftdown, beta));
+    std::fill(Ftdown.begin(), Ftdown.end(), 0);
+    Ftdown(0) = normSignFt;
+  }
-  for( ConstraintRefList::iterator iter=constraintSactive.begin();
-       iter!=constraintSactive.end();++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = **iter;
-      if(!cs.rankIncreaser)
-        {
-          bubQJsCol QJk(QhJs,cs.range);
-          Qlast.multiplyLeft(QJk);
-        }
+  for (ConstraintRefList::iterator iter = constraintSactive.begin();
+       iter != constraintSactive.end(); ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = **iter;
+    if (!cs.rankIncreaser) {
+      bubQJsCol QJk(QhJs, cs.range);
+      Qlast.multiplyLeft(QJk);
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"QhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJs << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15)<<"Qreg = " << MATLAB(Qlast,nJ) << std::endl;
+  }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJs << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Qreg = " << MATLAB(Qlast, nJ) << std::endl;
 /* Regularize from right (Q.J from Q.J.U). */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-regularizeQhJsU( void )
-  if( ranks==sizes ) return;
-  bubMatrixQR QhJsinf( QhJsU,bub::range(rankh,rankh+ranks),bub::range(0,sizes) );
-  bubMatrixQRTri Rrh( QhJsinf );
-  bubMatrixQR Jssup(QhJsU,rangeh(),bub::range(0,sizes));
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::regularizeQhJsU(void) {
+  if (ranks == sizes)
+    return;
+  bubMatrixQR QhJsinf(QhJsU, bub::range(rankh, rankh + ranks),
+                      bub::range(0, sizes));
+  bubMatrixQRTri Rrh(QhJsinf);
+  bubMatrixQR Jssup(QhJsU, rangeh(), bub::range(0, sizes));
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Rrh = " << (MATLAB)Rrh << std::endl;
   /* Search for the rank def columns. */
-  std::vector<bool> rankDefColumns(sizes,true);
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<ranks;++i ) rankDefColumns[orderS(i)]=false;
+  std::vector<bool> rankDefColumns(sizes, true);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ranks; ++i)
+    rankDefColumns[orderS(i)] = false;
   /* Regularize the rank def cols. */
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<sizes;++i )
-    if( rankDefColumns[i] )
-      {
-        sotRotationComposed Gr; Gr.regularizeRankDeficientTriangle(Rrh,orderS,i);
-        Gr.multiplyLeft(Jssup);
-      }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizes; ++i)
+    if (rankDefColumns[i]) {
+      sotRotationComposed Gr;
+      Gr.regularizeRankDeficientTriangle(Rrh, orderS, i);
+      Gr.multiplyLeft(Jssup);
+    }
   sotDEBUG(45) << "R0 = " << (MATLAB)Rrh << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJsU = " << (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJsU,0,nJ,0,sizes) << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJsU = " << (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJsU, 0, nJ, 0, sizes)
+               << std::endl;
 /* <constraintId> is the number of the constraint in the constraintS list. */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-downdateConstraintSlack( const unsigned int kdown )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::downdateConstraintSlack(
+    const unsigned int kdown) {
   /* Remove the column. */
-  ConstraintMem & cs = constraintS[kdown];
+  ConstraintMem &cs = constraintS[kdown];
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Downdate S " << cs;
   const unsigned int range = cs.range;
-  if( orderS.end()!=std::find(orderS.begin(),orderS.end(),range) )
-    { orderS-=range; ranks--; }
-  bubRemoveColumn(QhJs,range);    sizes--;
-  constraintSactive.erase(constraintSactive.begin()+range);
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<ranks;++i ) if( orderS(i)>range ) orderS(i)--;
-  for( ConstraintRefList::iterator iter=constraintSactive.begin();
-       iter!=constraintSactive.end();++iter )
-    {
-      if((*iter)->range>range) (*iter)->range--;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Remains " << **iter << std::endl;
-    }
+  if (orderS.end() != std::find(orderS.begin(), orderS.end(), range)) {
+    orderS -= range;
+    ranks--;
+  }
+  bubRemoveColumn(QhJs, range);
+  sizes--;
+ = false;
+  constraintSactive.erase(constraintSactive.begin() + range);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ranks; ++i)
+    if (orderS(i) > range)
+      orderS(i)--;
+  for (ConstraintRefList::iterator iter = constraintSactive.begin();
+       iter != constraintSactive.end(); ++iter) {
+    if ((*iter)->range > range)
+      (*iter)->range--;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Remains " << **iter << std::endl;
+  }
   /* Triangularize the remaining QhJs matrix. */
   /* Check for rank update. */
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<sizes;++i )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "At i=" << i << ",j="<<rankh+ranks
-                   <<": qj=" << QhJs(rankh+ranks,i) << std::endl;
-      if( (freeRank>ranks)&&(fabs(QhJs(rankh+ranks,i))>THRESHOLD_ZERO) )
-        {
-          sotDEBUG(15) << "No ranks lost when downdating S." << std::endl;
-          orderS+=i; ranks++; constraintSactive[i]->rankIncreaser=true;
-          break;
-        }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizes; ++i) {
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "At i=" << i << ",j=" << rankh + ranks
+                 << ": qj=" << QhJs(rankh + ranks, i) << std::endl;
+    if ((freeRank > ranks) && (fabs(QhJs(rankh + ranks, i)) > THRESHOLD_ZERO)) {
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "No ranks lost when downdating S." << std::endl;
+      orderS += i;
+      ranks++;
+      constraintSactive[i]->rankIncreaser = true;
+      break;
+  }
-  bub::project(QhJsU,bub::range(0,nJ),bub::range(0,sizes))
-    .assign(bub::project(QhJs,bub::range(0,nJ),bub::range(0,sizes)));
-  bub::project(QhJs,bub::range(0,nJ),bub::range(sizes,QhJsU.size2()))
-    .assign(bub::zero_matrix<double>(nJ,QhJsU.size2()-sizes));
-  bub::project(QhJsU,bub::range(0,nJ),bub::range(sizes,QhJsU.size2()))
-    .assign(bub::zero_matrix<double>(nJ,QhJsU.size2()-sizes));
+  bub::project(QhJsU, bub::range(0, nJ), bub::range(0, sizes))
+      .assign(bub::project(QhJs, bub::range(0, nJ), bub::range(0, sizes)));
+  bub::project(QhJs, bub::range(0, nJ), bub::range(sizes, QhJsU.size2()))
+      .assign(bub::zero_matrix<double>(nJ, QhJsU.size2() - sizes));
+  bub::project(QhJsU, bub::range(0, nJ), bub::range(sizes, QhJsU.size2()))
+      .assign(bub::zero_matrix<double>(nJ, QhJsU.size2() - sizes));
   //     std::cerr << "Not implemented yet (RotationSimple l" << __LINE__
@@ -1408,123 +1443,117 @@ downdateConstraintSlack( const unsigned int kdown )
   //     throw  "Not implemented yet.";
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-updateRankOneDowndate( void )
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Apply the last corrections of Qh. */"<<std::endl;
-  bubMatrixQR QhJranksU(QhJsU,fullrange(),bub::range(0,sizes));
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::updateRankOneDowndate(void) {
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Apply the last corrections of Qh. */" << std::endl;
+  bubMatrixQR QhJranksU(QhJsU, fullrange(), bub::range(0, sizes));
-  bubMatrixQR QhJranks(QhJs,fullrange(),bub::range(0,sizes));
+  bubMatrixQR QhJranks(QhJs, fullrange(), bub::range(0, sizes));
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Check for the full rank of Rs. */"<<std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "beforeQhJsU = " << (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJsU,0,nJ,0,sizes) << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "beforeQhJs = " << (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJs,0,nJ,0,sizes) << std::endl;
-  bubMatrixQR Rsno(QhJsU,bub::range(rankh,std::min(nJ,rankh+ranks)),bub::range(0,sizes));
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<ranks;++i )
-    {
-      const unsigned int col = orderS[i];
-      if( (i>=freeRank)||(fabs(Rsno(i,col))<THRESHOLD_ZERO) )
-        {
-          sotDEBUG(5) << "Rank lost at " << i << "." << std::endl;
-          orderS-=col; ranks--;
-          constraintSactive[col]->rankIncreaser = false;
-          if( i>0 )
-            {
-              sotRotationComposed Gr;
-              bubMatrixQR
-                Ri(QhJsU,bub::range(rankh,std::min(nJ,rankh+i)),bub::range(0,sizes));
-              Gr.regularizeRankDeficientTriangle(Ri,orderS,col);
-              bubMatrixQR Jsup(QhJsU,rangeh(),bub::range(0,sizes));
-              Gr.multiplyLeft(Jsup);
-            }
-          break;
-        }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Check for the full rank of Rs. */" << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "beforeQhJsU = "
+               << (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJsU, 0, nJ, 0, sizes) << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "beforeQhJs = "
+               << (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJs, 0, nJ, 0, sizes) << std::endl;
+  bubMatrixQR Rsno(QhJsU, bub::range(rankh, std::min(nJ, rankh + ranks)),
+                   bub::range(0, sizes));
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ranks; ++i) {
+    const unsigned int col = orderS[i];
+    if ((i >= freeRank) || (fabs(Rsno(i, col)) < THRESHOLD_ZERO)) {
+      sotDEBUG(5) << "Rank lost at " << i << "." << std::endl;
+      orderS -= col;
+      ranks--;
+      constraintSactive[col]->rankIncreaser = false;
+      if (i > 0) {
+        sotRotationComposed Gr;
+        bubMatrixQR Ri(QhJsU, bub::range(rankh, std::min(nJ, rankh + i)),
+                       bub::range(0, sizes));
+        Gr.regularizeRankDeficientTriangle(Ri, orderS, col);
+        bubMatrixQR Jsup(QhJsU, rangeh(), bub::range(0, sizes));
+        Gr.multiplyLeft(Jsup);
+      }
+      break;
-  sotDEBUG(5) << "unrQhJsU = "<< (MATLAB)QhJsU << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Regularize the Hessenberg matrix. */"<<std::endl;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<ranks;++i )
-    {
-      const unsigned int col = orderS[i];
-      if( (i+1<freeRank)&&(fabsf(QhJsU(rankh+i+1,col))>THRESHOLD_ZERO) )
-        {
-          sotRotationSimpleGiven Gr( QhJsU,rankh+i,rankh+i+1,col ); Gr.inverse();
-          Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJsU);
-          Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJs);
-          Qh.pushBack(Gr);
-        }
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJs << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJsU = " << (MATLAB)QhJsU << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(5) << "Rs = " << (MATLAB)accessRsConst() << std::endl;
+  }
+  sotDEBUG(5) << "unrQhJsU = " << (MATLAB)QhJsU << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Regularize the Hessenberg matrix. */" << std::endl;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ranks; ++i) {
+    const unsigned int col = orderS[i];
+    if ((i + 1 < freeRank) &&
+        (fabsf(QhJsU(rankh + i + 1, col)) > THRESHOLD_ZERO)) {
+      sotRotationSimpleGiven Gr(QhJsU, rankh + i, rankh + i + 1, col);
+      Gr.inverse();
+      Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJsU);
+      Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJs);
+      Qh.pushBack(Gr);
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJs << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJsU = " << (MATLAB)QhJsU << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(5) << "Rs = " << (MATLAB)accessRsConst() << std::endl;
+  }
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-updateRankOneUpdate( void )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::updateRankOneUpdate(void) {
   sotDEBUG(15) << "ranks = " << ranks << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Apply the last corrections of Qh. */"<<std::endl;
-  bubMatrixQR QhJranksU(QhJsU,fullrange(),bub::range(0,sizes));
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Apply the last corrections of Qh. */" << std::endl;
+  bubMatrixQR QhJranksU(QhJsU, fullrange(), bub::range(0, sizes));
   sotDEBUG(25) << "beforeQhJsU = " << (MATLAB)QhJranksU << std::endl;
-  bubMatrixQR QhJranks(QhJs,fullrange(),bub::range(0,sizes));
+  bubMatrixQR QhJranks(QhJs, fullrange(), bub::range(0, sizes));
   sotDEBUG(25) << "beforeQhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJranks << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(25) << "hessenbergQhJsU = " << (MATLAB)QhJranksU << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(25) << "order = " << (MATLAB)orderS << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Regularize the Hessenberg matrix. */"<<std::endl;
-  std::vector<bool> notFullRank(sizes,true);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Regularize the Hessenberg matrix. */" << std::endl;
+  std::vector<bool> notFullRank(sizes, true);
   sotRotationComposed Qhdebug;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<ranks;++i )
-    {
-      const unsigned int col = orderS[i];
-      if((i+1<freeRank)&&(fabs(QhJsU(rankh+i+1,col))>THRESHOLD_ZERO))
-        {
-          sotDEBUG(45) << "Regularize diag-up on " << col << ". " << std::endl;
-          sotRotationSimpleGiven Gr( QhJsU,rankh+i,rankh+i+1,col ); Gr.inverse();
-          Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJsU);
-          Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJs);
-          Qh.pushBack(Gr);
-          Qhdebug.pushBack(Gr);
-        }
-      notFullRank[col]=false;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ranks; ++i) {
+    const unsigned int col = orderS[i];
+    if ((i + 1 < freeRank) &&
+        (fabs(QhJsU(rankh + i + 1, col)) > THRESHOLD_ZERO)) {
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Regularize diag-up on " << col << ". " << std::endl;
+      sotRotationSimpleGiven Gr(QhJsU, rankh + i, rankh + i + 1, col);
+      Gr.inverse();
+      Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJsU);
+      Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJs);
+      Qh.pushBack(Gr);
+      Qhdebug.pushBack(Gr);
+    notFullRank[col] = false;
+  }
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "Qhmodif = " << MATLAB(Qhdebug,nJ) << std::endl;
-  if( freeRank>0 )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "regQhJsU = " << (MATLAB)QhJranksU << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "regQhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJranks << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Check for the rank update of Rs. */"<<std::endl;
-      bool rankOneUpdateDone = false;
-      for( unsigned int i=0;i<sizes;++i )
-        {
-          bubMatrixQR Rsno(QhJsU,bub::range(rankh,rankh+ranks),bub::range(0,sizes));
-          if( notFullRank[i] )
-            {
-              /* Check that last-row value is still null. */
-              if( (!rankOneUpdateDone)&&(rankh+ranks<nJ)
-                  &&(fabs(QhJsU(rankh+ranks,i))>THRESHOLD_ZERO) )
-                {
-                  sotDEBUG(5) << "Rank inc at " << i << "." << std::endl;
-                  ranks++; orderS+=i; rankOneUpdateDone=true;;
-                  constraintSactive[i]->rankIncreaser = true;
-                }
-              else if( orderS.size()>0)
-                {
-                  sotDEBUG(5)<<"ranks_after = " << ranks <<std::endl;
-                  sotRotationComposed U;
-                  U.regularizeRankDeficientTriangle(Rsno,orderS,i);
-                  bubMatrixQR Jsup(QhJsU,rangeh(),bub::range(0,sizes));
-                  U.multiplyLeft(Jsup);
-                }
-            }
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Qhmodif = " << MATLAB(Qhdebug, nJ) << std::endl;
+  if (freeRank > 0) {
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "regQhJsU = " << (MATLAB)QhJranksU << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "regQhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJranks << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Check for the rank update of Rs. */" << std::endl;
+    bool rankOneUpdateDone = false;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizes; ++i) {
+      bubMatrixQR Rsno(QhJsU, bub::range(rankh, rankh + ranks),
+                       bub::range(0, sizes));
+      if (notFullRank[i]) {
+        /* Check that last-row value is still null. */
+        if ((!rankOneUpdateDone) && (rankh + ranks < nJ) &&
+            (fabs(QhJsU(rankh + ranks, i)) > THRESHOLD_ZERO)) {
+          sotDEBUG(5) << "Rank inc at " << i << "." << std::endl;
+          ranks++;
+          orderS += i;
+          rankOneUpdateDone = true;
+          ;
+          constraintSactive[i]->rankIncreaser = true;
+        } else if (orderS.size() > 0) {
+          sotDEBUG(5) << "ranks_after = " << ranks << std::endl;
+          sotRotationComposed U;
+          U.regularizeRankDeficientTriangle(Rsno, orderS, i);
+          bubMatrixQR Jsup(QhJsU, rangeh(), bub::range(0, sizes));
+          U.multiplyLeft(Jsup);
+      }
+  }
   sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJs << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJsU = " << (MATLAB)QhJsU << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(5) << "Rs = " << (MATLAB)accessRsConst() << std::endl;
@@ -1540,25 +1569,27 @@ updateRankOneUpdate( void )
 //     lastRotation.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJranks);
 //     sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Check for the full rank of Rs. */"<<std::endl;
-//     sotDEBUG(25) << "beforeQhJsU = " << (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJsU,0,nJ,0,sizes) << std::endl;
-//     /* rpc contains a map giving for each rank=1:sizes the ref of the column of that size. */
-//     std::vector< std::list<unsigned int> > rankPerColumn(sizes);
-//     sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Classify the columns per rank in <rankPerColumn>. */"<<std::endl;
-//     for( unsigned int col=0;col<sizes;++col )
+//     sotDEBUG(25) << "beforeQhJsU = " <<
+//     (MATLAB)bub::subrange(QhJsU,0,nJ,0,sizes) << std::endl;
+//     /* rpc contains a map giving for each rank=1:sizes the ref of the column
+//     of that size. */ std::vector< std::list<unsigned int> >
+//     rankPerColumn(sizes); sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Classify the columns per rank
+//     in <rankPerColumn>. */"<<std::endl; for( unsigned int
+//     col=0;col<sizes;++col )
 //       {
 //         for( unsigned int row=nJ-1;row>=rankh;--row )
 //           {
-//             sotDEBUG(50) << row << " x " << col << " = " << fabs(QhJsU(row,col)) << std::endl;
+//             sotDEBUG(50) << row << " x " << col << " = " <<
+//             fabs(QhJsU(row,col)) << std::endl;
 //             /* Search for the first non-zero. */
 //             if( fabs(QhJsU(row,col))>THRESHOLD_ZERO )
 //               { rankPerColumn[row-rankh].push_back(col); break; }
 //           }
 //       }
-//     sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Select the columns to shape a triangle. */"<<std::endl;
-//     bub::unbounded_array<std::size_t> columnOrder(sizes); ranks=0;
-//     std::list<unsigned int> needRightRegularization;
-//     bool needLeftRegularization = false;
-//     for( unsigned int i=0;i<sizes;++i )
+//     sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Select the columns to shape a triangle.
+//     */"<<std::endl; bub::unbounded_array<std::size_t> columnOrder(sizes);
+//     ranks=0; std::list<unsigned int> needRightRegularization; bool
+//     needLeftRegularization = false; for( unsigned int i=0;i<sizes;++i )
 //       {
 //         sotDEBUG(45) << i << std::endl;
 //         std::list<unsigned int> & rpci = rankPerColumn[i];
@@ -1569,11 +1600,12 @@ updateRankOneUpdate( void )
 //           }
 //         else
 //           {
-//             sotDEBUG(5) << "Need left regularization for col " << i << std::endl;
-//             needLeftRegularization = true;
+//             sotDEBUG(5) << "Need left regularization for col " << i <<
+//             std::endl; needLeftRegularization = true;
 //           }
 //         if( rpci.size()>0 )
-//           needRightRegularization.insert(needRightRegularization.end(), rpci.begin(), rpci.end());
+//           needRightRegularization.insert(needRightRegularization.end(),
+//           rpci.begin(), rpci.end());
 //       }
 //     orderS = bubOrder(ranks,columnOrder);
 //     sotDEBUG(5) << "unrQhJsU = "<< (MATLAB)accessQRs() << std::endl;
@@ -1582,20 +1614,22 @@ updateRankOneUpdate( void )
 //         sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Regularize the Hessenberg matrix. */"<<std::endl;
 //         for( unsigned int i=0;i<ranks;++i )
 //           {
-//             sotRotationSimpleGiven Gr( QhJsU,rankh+i,rankh+i+1,columnOrder[i] );  Gr.inverse();
-//             Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJsU);
+//             sotRotationSimpleGiven Gr( QhJsU,rankh+i,rankh+i+1,columnOrder[i]
+//             );  Gr.inverse(); Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJsU);
 //             Gr.multiplyRightTranspose(QhJs);
 //             Qh.pushBack(Gr);
 //           }
 //       }
 //     sotDEBUG(5) << "rlQhJsU = "<< (MATLAB)QhJsU << std::endl;
 //     sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Regularize the rank-def columns. */"<<std::endl;
-//     bubMatrixQR QhJsUdown( QhJsU,bub::range(rankh,rankh+ranks),bub::range(0,sizes));
-//     for( std::list<unsigned int>::iterator iter=needRightRegularization.begin();
+//     bubMatrixQR QhJsUdown(
+//     QhJsU,bub::range(rankh,rankh+ranks),bub::range(0,sizes)); for(
+//     std::list<unsigned int>::iterator iter=needRightRegularization.begin();
 //          iter!=needRightRegularization.end();++iter )
 //       {
 //         sotDEBUG(25) << "Regularize right " << *iter << std::endl;
-//         sotRotationComposed Gr; Gr.regularizeRankDeficientTriangle(QhJsUdown,orderS,*iter);
+//         sotRotationComposed Gr;
+//         Gr.regularizeRankDeficientTriangle(QhJsUdown,orderS,*iter);
 //       }
 //     sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs = " << (MATLAB)QhJs << std::endl;
 //     sotDEBUG(15) << "QhJsU = " << (MATLAB)QhJsU << std::endl;
@@ -1607,318 +1641,330 @@ updateRankOneUpdate( void )
  * of the active slack constraints.
  * <gradient> must be of size <nJ> (no resize).
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-computeGradient( bubVector& gradientWide )
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::computeGradient(bubVector &gradientWide) {
   //     bubVector gse(ese.size()); gse=ese;
   //     bub::axpy_prod( Jse,-u0,gse,false ); /* gse = ese - Jse u0 */
-  //     bub::axpy_prod( gse,Jse,gradientWide,true ); /* g = J' (ese - Jse u0 ) */
-  gradientWide .clear();
-  for( ConstraintRefList::const_iterator iter=constraintSactive.begin();
-       iter!=constraintSactive.end();++iter )
-    {
-      const ConstraintMem & ci = **iter;
-      const double ciei = (ci.activeSide==ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF)?ci.eiInf:ci.eiSup;
-      double epJu = ciei - bub::inner_prod(ci.Ji,u0);
-      gradientWide += epJu*ci.Ji;
-      sotDEBUG(55) << "Gradient with " << ci << " -> g = " << (MATLAB)gradientWide << std::endl;
-    }
+  //     bub::axpy_prod( gse,Jse,gradientWide,true ); /* g = J' (ese - Jse u0 )
+  //     */
+  gradientWide.clear();
+  for (ConstraintRefList::const_iterator iter = constraintSactive.begin();
+       iter != constraintSactive.end(); ++iter) {
+    const ConstraintMem &ci = **iter;
+    const double ciei =
+        (ci.activeSide == ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF) ? ci.eiInf : ci.eiSup;
+    double epJu = ciei - bub::inner_prod(ci.Ji, u0);
+    gradientWide += epJu * ci.Ji;
+    sotDEBUG(55) << "Gradient with " << ci << " -> g = " << (MATLAB)gradientWide
+                 << std::endl;
+  }
 /* Compute the primal solution of the (equality-only) QP problem,
  * using the Null-Space method:
  *   du = Nh Ms Rs^-T Rs^-1 Ms' Nh' Js' ( es - Js u0 )
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-computePrimal( void )
-  if( (0==freeRank)||(0==ranks) )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(15) <<"Ranks null, du is 0." << std::endl;
-      du.resize(nJ,false); du.clear();
-      return;
-    }
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::computePrimal(void) {
+  if ((0 == freeRank) || (0 == ranks)) {
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Ranks null, du is 0." << std::endl;
+    du.resize(nJ, false);
+    du.clear();
+    return;
+  }
   const bubMatrixQROrderedTriConst Rei = accessRsConst();
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Rei = " << (MATLAB)Rei << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* du <- Js' ( es - Js u0 ) */"<< std::endl;
-  du.resize(nJ,false); computeGradient(du);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* du <- Js' ( es - Js u0 ) */" << std::endl;
+  du.resize(nJ, false);
+  computeGradient(du);
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Jtei = " << (MATLAB)du << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Mbei <- Ms' Nh' Js' ( es - Js u0 ) */"<< std::endl;
-  bub::vector_range<bubVector> Mbei
-    =    Qh.multiplyRangeLeft(du,rankh,freeRank-ranks);
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "--"<< std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Mbei <- Ms' Nh' Js' ( es - Js u0 ) */" << std::endl;
+  bub::vector_range<bubVector> Mbei =
+      Qh.multiplyRangeLeft(du, rankh, freeRank - ranks);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "--" << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(45) << "Qbei = " << (MATLAB)du << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Mbei = " << (MATLAB)Mbei << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Mbei <- R-ei Ms' Jt' et */"<< std::endl;
-  bub::lu_substitute(Rei,Mbei);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Mbei <- R-ei Ms' Jt' et */" << std::endl;
+  bub::lu_substitute(Rei, Mbei);
   sotDEBUG(15) << "RMbei = " << (MATLAB)Mbei << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Mbei <- R'-1 R-1 Ms' Jt' et */"<< std::endl;
-  bub::lu_substitute(Mbei,(const bubMatrix &)Rei);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* Mbei <- R'-1 R-1 Ms' Jt' et */" << std::endl;
+  bub::lu_substitute(Mbei, (const bubMatrix &)Rei);
   sotDEBUG(15) << "RRMbei = " << (MATLAB)Mbei << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* du <- Qh * [ 0 ; Qs * [ Mbei; 0 ] ] */"<< std::endl;
-  Qh.multiplyRangeRight(du,rankh,(freeRank-ranks));
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* du <- Qh * [ 0 ; Qs * [ Mbei; 0 ] ] */" << std::endl;
+  Qh.multiplyRangeRight(du, rankh, (freeRank - ranks));
   sotDEBUG(5) << "duei = " << (MATLAB)du << std::endl;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Compute the slack w = es-Js(u0+du). Since esi<Jsi.u, the slack
  * w = esi-Jsi.u should be negative. Since Jss.u<ess, the slack
  * w = Jss.u-ess should also be negative. */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-computeSlack( void )
-  slackInf.resize(constraintS.size(),false); slackInf.clear();
-  slackSup.resize(constraintS.size(),false); slackSup.clear();
-  bubVector updu(nJ); updu=u0; // updu+=du;
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::computeSlack(void) {
+  slackInf.resize(constraintS.size(), false);
+  slackInf.clear();
+  slackSup.resize(constraintS.size(), false);
+  slackSup.clear();
+  bubVector updu(nJ);
+  updu = u0; // updu+=du;
   sotDEBUG(5) << "updu = " << (MATLAB)updu << std::endl;
-  for( ConstraintList::const_iterator iter=constraintS.begin();
-       iter!=constraintS.end();++iter )
-    {
-      const ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      if(! cs.equality)
-        {
-          const double Ju = bub::inner_prod(cs.Ji,updu);
-          sotDEBUG(55) << "J = " << (MATLAB)cs.Ji << std::endl;
-          sotDEBUG(55) << "Ju = " << Ju << std::endl;
-          if( cs.boundSide&ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF )
-            { slackInf(cs.constraintRow) = cs.eiInf - Ju; }
-          else { slackInf(cs.constraintRow) = 0; }
-          if( cs.boundSide&ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP )
-            { slackSup(cs.constraintRow) = Ju - cs.eiSup; }
-          else { slackSup(cs.constraintRow) = 0; }
-        }
+  for (ConstraintList::const_iterator iter = constraintS.begin();
+       iter != constraintS.end(); ++iter) {
+    const ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    if (!cs.equality) {
+      const double Ju = bub::inner_prod(cs.Ji, updu);
+      sotDEBUG(55) << "J = " << (MATLAB)cs.Ji << std::endl;
+      sotDEBUG(55) << "Ju = " << Ju << std::endl;
+      if (cs.boundSide & ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF) {
+        slackInf(cs.constraintRow) = cs.eiInf - Ju;
+      } else {
+        slackInf(cs.constraintRow) = 0;
+      }
+      if (cs.boundSide & ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP) {
+        slackSup(cs.constraintRow) = Ju - cs.eiSup;
+      } else {
+        slackSup(cs.constraintRow) = 0;
+      }
+  }
   sotDEBUG(5) << "slackInf = " << (MATLAB)slackInf << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(5) << "slackSup = " << (MATLAB)slackSup << std::endl;
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-computeLagrangian( void )
-  if(rankh==0) return;
-  lagrangian.resize(rankh,false);    lagrangian.clear();
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::computeLagrangian(void) {
+  if (rankh == 0)
+    return;
+  lagrangian.resize(rankh, false);
+  lagrangian.clear();
   /* bs <- Js' (es - Js.u) */
-  bubVector bs(nJ);    computeGradient(bs);
+  bubVector bs(nJ);
+  computeGradient(bs);
   sotDEBUG(15) << "bs = " << (MATLAB)bs << std::endl;
   /* bs <- Qh' Js' (es - Js.u) */
   /* ms <- Mh' Js' (es - Js.u) */
-  bub::vector_range<bubVector> Mbs = Qh.multiplyRangeLeft(bs,0,freeRank);
+  bub::vector_range<bubVector> Mbs = Qh.multiplyRangeLeft(bs, 0, freeRank);
   sotDEBUG(45) << "Qbs = " << (MATLAB)bs << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(45) << "Mbs = " << (MATLAB)Mbs << std::endl;
   Mbs *= -1;
   /* Mbs <- R0^-1 Mh' Js' (-es + Js.u) */
   sotDEBUG(45) << "Rh = " << (MATLAB)accessRhConst() << std::endl;
-  bub::lu_substitute(accessRhConst(),Mbs);
+  bub::lu_substitute(accessRhConst(), Mbs);
   sotDEBUG(45) << "RMbs = " << (MATLAB)Mbs << std::endl;
-  lagrangian.resize(Mbs.size(),false);
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintH.begin();
-       iter!=constraintH.end();++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      if( && cs.rankIncreaser )
-        {
-          const unsigned int range = cs.range;
-          if( cs.activeSide&ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF )
-            { lagrangian(range) = Mbs(range); }
-          else if( cs.activeSide&ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP )
-            { lagrangian(range) = -Mbs(range); }
-        }
+  lagrangian.resize(Mbs.size(), false);
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintH.begin();
+       iter != constraintH.end(); ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    if ( && cs.rankIncreaser) {
+      const unsigned int range = cs.range;
+      if (cs.activeSide & ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF) {
+        lagrangian(range) = Mbs(range);
+      } else if (cs.activeSide & ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP) {
+        lagrangian(range) = -Mbs(range);
+      }
-  //lagrangian.assign(Mbs);
+  }
+  // lagrangian.assign(Mbs);
   sotDEBUG(5) << "lagrangian = " << (MATLAB)lagrangian << std::endl;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-bool SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-selecActivationHierarchic( double & tau )
-  tau=1-THRESHOLD_ZERO; unsigned int constraintRef = 0;
+bool SolverHierarchicalInequalities::selecActivationHierarchic(double &tau) {
+  tau = 1 - THRESHOLD_ZERO;
+  unsigned int constraintRef = 0;
   bool res = false;
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintH.begin();
-       iter!=constraintH.end();++iter,++constraintRef )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      if(!(||cs.notToBeConsidered))
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintH.begin();
+       iter != constraintH.end(); ++iter, ++constraintRef) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    if (!( || cs.notToBeConsidered)) {
+      cs.Ju = bub::inner_prod(cs.Ji, u0);
+      cs.Jdu = bub::inner_prod(cs.Ji, du);
+      /* Activation Inf. */
+      if (cs.Jdu < -THRESHOLD_ZERO &&
+          (cs.boundSide & ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF)) {
+        const double taui = (cs.eiInf - cs.Ju) / cs.Jdu;
+        if (taui < tau) // If not: activate i.
-          cs.Ju = bub::inner_prod(cs.Ji,u0);
-          cs.Jdu = bub::inner_prod(cs.Ji,du);
-          /* Activation Inf. */
-          if( cs.Jdu<-THRESHOLD_ZERO&&(cs.boundSide&ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF) )
-            {
-              const double taui = (cs.eiInf-cs.Ju)/cs.Jdu;
-              if( taui<tau ) // If not: activate i.
-                { tau=taui; HactivationRef=constraintRef;
-                  HactivationSide=ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF; res=true; }
-            }
-          /* Activation Sup. */
-          if( cs.Jdu>THRESHOLD_ZERO&&(cs.boundSide&ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP) )
-            {
-              const double taui = (cs.eiSup-cs.Ju)/cs.Jdu;
-              if( taui<tau ) // If not: activate i.
-                { tau=taui; HactivationRef=constraintRef;
-                  HactivationSide=ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP; res=true; }
-            }
+          tau = taui;
+          HactivationRef = constraintRef;
+          HactivationSide = ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF;
+          res = true;
+      }
+      /* Activation Sup. */
+      if (cs.Jdu > THRESHOLD_ZERO &&
+          (cs.boundSide & ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP)) {
+        const double taui = (cs.eiSup - cs.Ju) / cs.Jdu;
+        if (taui < tau) // If not: activate i.
+        {
+          tau = taui;
+          HactivationRef = constraintRef;
+          HactivationSide = ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP;
+          res = true;
+        }
+      }
-  if(res) {sotDEBUG(1) << "Activation H <" << HactivationSide
-                       << HactivationRef << ">" << std::endl;}
+  }
+  if (res) {
+    sotDEBUG(1) << "Activation H <" << HactivationSide << HactivationRef << ">"
+                << std::endl;
+  }
   return res;
-bool SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-selecInactivationHierarchic( void )
-  bool res=false; double HinactivationScore=-THRESHOLD_ZERO;
-  for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintH.begin();
-       iter!=constraintH.end();++iter )
-    {
-      ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-      if( && (!cs.equality) && cs.rankIncreaser )
-        {
-          const double &l=cs.lagrangian=lagrangian(cs.range);
-          if(l<HinactivationScore) { HinactivationScore=l; res=true; HinactivationRef=cs.constraintRow; }
-        }
-      sotDEBUG(45) << cs << std::endl;
+bool SolverHierarchicalInequalities::selecInactivationHierarchic(void) {
+  bool res = false;
+  double HinactivationScore = -THRESHOLD_ZERO;
+  for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintH.begin();
+       iter != constraintH.end(); ++iter) {
+    ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+    if ( && (!cs.equality) && cs.rankIncreaser) {
+      const double &l = cs.lagrangian = lagrangian(cs.range);
+      if (l < HinactivationScore) {
+        HinactivationScore = l;
+        res = true;
+        HinactivationRef = cs.constraintRow;
+      }
-  if(res) {sotDEBUG(1) << "Inactivation H <" << constraintH[HinactivationRef].activeSide
-                       << HinactivationRef << ">" << constraintH[HinactivationRef] << std::endl;}
+    sotDEBUG(45) << cs << std::endl;
+  }
+  if (res) {
+    sotDEBUG(1) << "Inactivation H <"
+                << constraintH[HinactivationRef].activeSide << HinactivationRef
+                << ">" << constraintH[HinactivationRef] << std::endl;
+  }
   return res;
 /* The slack w = es-Js.u should be negative. */
-bool SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-selecActivationSlack( void )
-  unsigned int row = 0; SactivationScore=THRESHOLD_ZERO;
-  for( ConstraintList::const_iterator iter=constraintS.begin();
-       iter!=constraintS.end();++iter,++row )
-    {
-      // Slack should be negative
-      if( (!iter->equality)&&(!iter->active) )
-        {
-         if( slackInf(row)>SactivationScore )
-            { SactivationRef=row; SactivationScore=slackInf(row);
-              SactivationSide=ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF; }
-          if( slackSup(row)>SactivationScore )
-            { SactivationRef=row; SactivationScore=slackSup(row);
-              SactivationSide=ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP; }
-        }
+bool SolverHierarchicalInequalities::selecActivationSlack(void) {
+  unsigned int row = 0;
+  SactivationScore = THRESHOLD_ZERO;
+  for (ConstraintList::const_iterator iter = constraintS.begin();
+       iter != constraintS.end(); ++iter, ++row) {
+    // Slack should be negative
+    if ((!iter->equality) && (!iter->active)) {
+      if (slackInf(row) > SactivationScore) {
+        SactivationRef = row;
+        SactivationScore = slackInf(row);
+        SactivationSide = ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF;
+      }
+      if (slackSup(row) > SactivationScore) {
+        SactivationRef = row;
+        SactivationScore = slackSup(row);
+        SactivationSide = ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP;
+      }
-  if( SactivationScore>THRESHOLD_ZERO )
-    {sotDEBUG(1) << "Activation S <" << SactivationSide << SactivationRef << ">" << std::endl;}
-  return SactivationScore>THRESHOLD_ZERO;
+  }
+  if (SactivationScore > THRESHOLD_ZERO) {
+    sotDEBUG(1) << "Activation S <" << SactivationSide << SactivationRef << ">"
+                << std::endl;
+  }
+  return SactivationScore > THRESHOLD_ZERO;
 /* The slack should be negative. If strickly negative: unactivate. */
-bool SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-selecInactivationSlack( void )
-  unsigned int row = 0; SinactivationScore=-THRESHOLD_ZERO;
-  for( ConstraintList::const_iterator iter=constraintS.begin();
-       iter!=constraintS.end();++iter,++row )
-    {
-      if( (!iter->equality)&&(iter->active) )
-        {
-          if( (iter->activeSide&ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF)&&(slackInf(row)<SinactivationScore) )
-            { SinactivationRef=row; SinactivationScore=slackInf(row);}
-          if( (iter->activeSide&ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP)&&(slackSup(row)<SinactivationScore) )
-            { SinactivationRef=row; SinactivationScore=slackSup(row);}
-        }
+bool SolverHierarchicalInequalities::selecInactivationSlack(void) {
+  unsigned int row = 0;
+  SinactivationScore = -THRESHOLD_ZERO;
+  for (ConstraintList::const_iterator iter = constraintS.begin();
+       iter != constraintS.end(); ++iter, ++row) {
+    if ((!iter->equality) && (iter->active)) {
+      if ((iter->activeSide & ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF) &&
+          (slackInf(row) < SinactivationScore)) {
+        SinactivationRef = row;
+        SinactivationScore = slackInf(row);
+      }
+      if ((iter->activeSide & ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP) &&
+          (slackSup(row) < SinactivationScore)) {
+        SinactivationRef = row;
+        SinactivationScore = slackSup(row);
+      }
-  if( SinactivationScore<-THRESHOLD_ZERO )
-    {sotDEBUG(1) << "Inactivation S <" <<constraintS[SinactivationRef].activeSide
-                 <<SinactivationRef << ">" << std::endl;}
-  return (SinactivationScore<-THRESHOLD_ZERO); //TODO
+  }
+  if (SinactivationScore < -THRESHOLD_ZERO) {
+    sotDEBUG(1) << "Inactivation S <"
+                << constraintS[SinactivationRef].activeSide << SinactivationRef
+                << ">" << std::endl;
+  }
+  return (SinactivationScore < -THRESHOLD_ZERO); // TODO
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::
-pushBackSlackToHierarchy( void )
-  if( freeRank>0 )
-    {
-      /* Pe is the range of the actual column of QR in the original
-       * matrix: QR[:,i] == Jse'[:,pe(i)]. */
-      //sotDEBUG(15) << "pe = " << orderSe << std::endl;
-      /* Ps is the range of the columns of Rs in the QR matrix:
-       * R[:,i]=QR[:,ps(i)]. */
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "ps = " << (MATLAB)orderS << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "ranks = " << ranks << std::endl;
-      /* Push back S constraints. */
-      for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintS.begin();
-           iter!=constraintS.end();++iter )
-        {
-          ConstraintMem& cs = *iter;
-          if( )
-            {
-              const unsigned int nbcInJ = cs.constraintRow;
-              if(! cs.equality )
-                {
-                  if(cs.activeSide==ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF)
-                    cs.equality=(slackInf(nbcInJ)>THRESHOLD_ZERO);
-                  if(cs.activeSide==ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP)
-                    cs.equality=(slackSup(nbcInJ)>THRESHOLD_ZERO);
-                }
-            }
-          cs.constraintRow = constraintH.size();
-          constraintH.push_back(cs);
-          sotDEBUG(15) << "Add S cs: " <<cs << std::endl;
+void SolverHierarchicalInequalities::pushBackSlackToHierarchy(void) {
+  if (freeRank > 0) {
+    /* Pe is the range of the actual column of QR in the original
+     * matrix: QR[:,i] == Jse'[:,pe(i)]. */
+    // sotDEBUG(15) << "pe = " << orderSe << std::endl;
+    /* Ps is the range of the columns of Rs in the QR matrix:
+     * R[:,i]=QR[:,ps(i)]. */
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "ps = " << (MATLAB)orderS << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "ranks = " << ranks << std::endl;
+    /* Push back S constraints. */
+    for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintS.begin();
+         iter != constraintS.end(); ++iter) {
+      ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+      if ( {
+        const unsigned int nbcInJ = cs.constraintRow;
+        if (!cs.equality) {
+          if (cs.activeSide == ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF)
+            cs.equality = (slackInf(nbcInJ) > THRESHOLD_ZERO);
+          if (cs.activeSide == ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP)
+            cs.equality = (slackSup(nbcInJ) > THRESHOLD_ZERO);
+      }
+      cs.constraintRow = constraintH.size();
+      constraintH.push_back(cs);
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "Add S cs: " << cs << std::endl;
+    }
-      /* Push back Rs. */
-      sotRotationComposed Qlast;
-      for( unsigned int i=0;i<ranks;++i )
-        {
-          typedef bub::matrix_column<bubMatrixQRWide> bubQJsCol;
-          bubQJsCol QJk(QhJs,orderS(i)); Qlast.multiplyLeft(QJk);
-          sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)QJk << std::endl;
-          bub::vector_range<bubQJsCol> Ftdown(QJk,freerange());
-          double beta;
-          double normSignFt
-            = sotRotationSimpleHouseholder::householderExtraction(Ftdown,beta,THRESHOLD_ZERO);
-          sotDEBUG(45) << "Ft_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)Ftdown << std::endl;
-          sotDEBUG(45) << "b_" << i << " = " << beta << std::endl;
-          if(fabs(beta)>THRESHOLD_ZERO)
-            { Qlast.pushBack(sotRotationSimpleHouseholder(Ftdown,beta)); }
-          bub::matrix_column<bubMatrix> Rhk(Rh,rankh);
-          bub::project(Rhk,rangeh()).assign( bub::project(QJk,rangeh()) );
-          bub::project(Rhk,freerange()).assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(freeRank));
-          Rh(rankh,rankh) = normSignFt;
-          sotDEBUG(45) << "Rh_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)Rhk << std::endl;
-          const unsigned int colInH = constraintSactive[orderS(i)]->constraintRow;
-          constraintH[colInH].range=rankh;
-          sotDEBUG(15) << "Constraint S " << i << " (rangeS=" << orderS(i)
-                       << ") set in H " << rankh << ": " << constraintH[colInH]  << std::endl;
-          rankh++; freeRank--;
-        }
-      Qh.pushBack(Qlast);
+    /* Push back Rs. */
+    sotRotationComposed Qlast;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ranks; ++i) {
+      typedef bub::matrix_column<bubMatrixQRWide> bubQJsCol;
+      bubQJsCol QJk(QhJs, orderS(i));
+      Qlast.multiplyLeft(QJk);
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "QhJs_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)QJk << std::endl;
+      bub::vector_range<bubQJsCol> Ftdown(QJk, freerange());
+      double beta;
+      double normSignFt = sotRotationSimpleHouseholder::householderExtraction(
+          Ftdown, beta, THRESHOLD_ZERO);
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Ft_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)Ftdown << std::endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "b_" << i << " = " << beta << std::endl;
+      if (fabs(beta) > THRESHOLD_ZERO) {
+        Qlast.pushBack(sotRotationSimpleHouseholder(Ftdown, beta));
+      }
+      bub::matrix_column<bubMatrix> Rhk(Rh, rankh);
+      bub::project(Rhk, rangeh()).assign(bub::project(QJk, rangeh()));
+      bub::project(Rhk, freerange()).assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(freeRank));
+      Rh(rankh, rankh) = normSignFt;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Rh_" << i << " = " << (MATLAB)Rhk << std::endl;
+      const unsigned int colInH = constraintSactive[orderS(i)]->constraintRow;
+      constraintH[colInH].range = rankh;
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "Constraint S " << i << " (rangeS=" << orderS(i)
+                   << ") set in H " << rankh << ": " << constraintH[colInH]
+                   << std::endl;
+      rankh++;
+      freeRank--;
-  else
-    {
-      for( ConstraintList::iterator iter=constraintS.begin();
-           iter!=constraintS.end();++iter )
-        {
-          ConstraintMem & cs = *iter;
-          cs.rankIncreaser = false;
-          cs.constraintRow = constraintH.size();
-          constraintH.push_back(cs);
-          sotDEBUG(15) << "Add rank-void cs: " << constraintH.back() << std::endl;
-        }
+    Qh.pushBack(Qlast);
+  } else {
+    for (ConstraintList::iterator iter = constraintS.begin();
+         iter != constraintS.end(); ++iter) {
+      ConstraintMem &cs = *iter;
+      cs.rankIncreaser = false;
+      cs.constraintRow = constraintH.size();
+      constraintH.push_back(cs);
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "Add rank-void cs: " << constraintH.back() << std::endl;
+  }
-  if( rankh+freeRank!=nJ )
-    {
-      std::cerr << "Error: ( rankh+freeRank!=nJ ). " << std::endl;
-      throw "Error: ( rankh+freeRank!=nJ ). ";
-    }
+  if (rankh + freeRank != nJ) {
+    std::cerr << "Error: ( rankh+freeRank!=nJ ). " << std::endl;
+    throw "Error: ( rankh+freeRank!=nJ ). ";
+  }
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Qh = " << Qh << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Rh = " << (MATLAB)accessRhConst() << std::endl;
 double SolverHierarchicalInequalities::THRESHOLD_ZERO = 1e-6;
diff --git a/src/sot/sot-command.h b/src/sot/sot-command.h
index ee9d6fe7..b1f456b5 100644
--- a/src/sot/sot-command.h
+++ b/src/sot/sot-command.h
@@ -7,227 +7,194 @@
 #ifndef SOT_COMMAND_H
- #define SOT_COMMAND_H
- #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
-  namespace command {
-    namespace classSot {
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-      // Command AddConstraint
-      class AddConstraint : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-	virtual ~AddConstraint() {}
-	/// Create command and store it in Entity
-	/// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	/// \param docstring documentation of the command
-      AddConstraint(Sot& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring)
-	  {
-	  }
-	virtual Value doExecute()
-	{
-	  Sot& sot = static_cast<Sot&>(owner());
-	  std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
-	  std::string constraintName = values[0].value();
-	  Constraint& constraint =
-	    dynamic_cast<Constraint&>(PoolStorage::getInstance()->
-				      getTask(constraintName));
-	  sot.addConstraint(constraint);
-	  sot.constraintSOUT.setReady();
-	  // return void
-	  return Value();
-	}
-      }; // class AddConstraint
-      // Command Push
-      class Push : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-	virtual ~Push() {}
-	/// Create command and store it in Entity
-	/// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	/// \param docstring documentation of the command
-      Push(Sot& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring)
-	  {
-	  }
-	virtual Value doExecute()
-	{
-	  Sot& sot = static_cast<Sot&>(owner());
-	  std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
-	  std::string taskName = values[0].value();
-	  TaskAbstract& task = PoolStorage::getInstance()->getTask(taskName);
-	  sot.push(task);
-	  // return void
-	  return Value();
-	}
-      }; // class Push
-      // Command Remove
-      class Remove : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-	virtual ~Remove() {}
-	/// Create command and store it in Entity
-	/// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	/// \param docstring documentation of the command
-      Remove(Sot& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring)
-	  {
-	  }
-	virtual Value doExecute()
-	{
-	  Sot& sot = static_cast<Sot&>(owner());
-	  std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
-	  std::string taskName = values[0].value();
-	  TaskAbstract& task = PoolStorage::getInstance()->getTask(taskName);
-	  sot.remove(task);
-	  // return void
-	  return Value();
-	}
-      }; // class Remove
-      // Command Up
-      class Up : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-	virtual ~Up() {}
-	/// Create command and store it in Entity
-	/// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	/// \param docstring documentation of the command
-      Up(Sot& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring)
-	  {
-	  }
-	virtual Value doExecute()
-	{
-	  Sot& sot = static_cast<Sot&>(owner());
-	  std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
-	  std::string taskName = values[0].value();
-	  TaskAbstract& task = PoolStorage::getInstance()->getTask(taskName);
-	  sot.up(task);
-	  // return void
-	  return Value();
-	}
-      }; // class Remove
-      // Command Down
-      class Down : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-	virtual ~Down() {}
-	/// Create command and store it in Entity
-	/// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	/// \param docstring documentation of the command
-      Down(Sot& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring)
-	  {
-	  }
-	virtual Value doExecute()
-	{
-	  Sot& sot = static_cast<Sot&>(owner());
-	  std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
-	  std::string taskName = values[0].value();
-	  TaskAbstract& task = PoolStorage::getInstance()->getTask(taskName);
-	  sot.down(task);
-	  // return void
-	  return Value();
-	}
-      }; // class Down
-      // Command Display
-      class Display : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-	virtual ~Display() {}
-	/// Create command and store it in Entity
-	/// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	/// \param docstring documentation of the command
-      Display(Sot& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, std::vector<Value::Type> (), docstring)
-	  {
-	  }
-	virtual Value doExecute()
-	{
-	  std::stringstream returnString;
-	  Sot& sot = static_cast<Sot&>(owner());
-	  sot.display (returnString);
-	  // return the stack
-	  return Value(returnString.str());
-	}
-      }; // class Display
-      // Command List
-      class List : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-	virtual ~List() {}
-	/// Create command and store it in Entity
-	/// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	/// \param docstring documentation of the command
-      List(Sot& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, std::vector<Value::Type> (), docstring)
-	  {
-	  }
-	virtual Value doExecute()
-	{
-	  Sot& sot = static_cast<Sot&>(owner());
-	  typedef Sot::StackType StackType;
-          const StackType& stack = sot.tasks();
-	  std::stringstream returnString;
-          returnString << "( ";
-          for (StackType::const_iterator it = stack.begin();
-               it != stack.end(); ++it)
-          {
-            returnString << '"' << (*it)->getName() << "\", ";
-          }
-          returnString << ")";
-	  // return the stack
-	  return Value(returnString.str());
-	}
-      }; // class List
-      // Command Clear
-      class Clear : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-	virtual ~Clear() {}
-	/// Clear the stack
-	/// \param docstring documentation of the command
-      Clear(Sot& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, std::vector<Value::Type> (), docstring)
-	  {
-	  }
-	virtual Value doExecute()
-	{
-	  std::stringstream returnString;
-	  Sot& sot = static_cast<Sot&>(owner());
-          sot.clear();
-	  // return the stack
-	  return Value();
-	}
-      }; // class Clear
-    } // namespace classSot
-  } // namespace command
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
-#endif //SOT_COMMAND_H
+#define SOT_COMMAND_H
+#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+namespace command {
+namespace classSot {
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+// Command AddConstraint
+class AddConstraint : public Command {
+  virtual ~AddConstraint() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  AddConstraint(Sot &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    Sot &sot = static_cast<Sot &>(owner());
+    std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
+    std::string constraintName = values[0].value();
+    Constraint &constraint = dynamic_cast<Constraint &>(
+        PoolStorage::getInstance()->getTask(constraintName));
+    sot.addConstraint(constraint);
+    sot.constraintSOUT.setReady();
+    // return void
+    return Value();
+  }
+}; // class AddConstraint
+// Command Push
+class Push : public Command {
+  virtual ~Push() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  Push(Sot &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    Sot &sot = static_cast<Sot &>(owner());
+    std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
+    std::string taskName = values[0].value();
+    TaskAbstract &task = PoolStorage::getInstance()->getTask(taskName);
+    sot.push(task);
+    // return void
+    return Value();
+  }
+}; // class Push
+// Command Remove
+class Remove : public Command {
+  virtual ~Remove() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  Remove(Sot &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    Sot &sot = static_cast<Sot &>(owner());
+    std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
+    std::string taskName = values[0].value();
+    TaskAbstract &task = PoolStorage::getInstance()->getTask(taskName);
+    sot.remove(task);
+    // return void
+    return Value();
+  }
+}; // class Remove
+// Command Up
+class Up : public Command {
+  virtual ~Up() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  Up(Sot &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    Sot &sot = static_cast<Sot &>(owner());
+    std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
+    std::string taskName = values[0].value();
+    TaskAbstract &task = PoolStorage::getInstance()->getTask(taskName);
+    sot.up(task);
+    // return void
+    return Value();
+  }
+}; // class Remove
+// Command Down
+class Down : public Command {
+  virtual ~Down() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  Down(Sot &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    Sot &sot = static_cast<Sot &>(owner());
+    std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
+    std::string taskName = values[0].value();
+    TaskAbstract &task = PoolStorage::getInstance()->getTask(taskName);
+    sot.down(task);
+    // return void
+    return Value();
+  }
+}; // class Down
+// Command Display
+class Display : public Command {
+  virtual ~Display() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  Display(Sot &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, std::vector<Value::Type>(), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    std::stringstream returnString;
+    Sot &sot = static_cast<Sot &>(owner());
+    sot.display(returnString);
+    // return the stack
+    return Value(returnString.str());
+  }
+}; // class Display
+// Command List
+class List : public Command {
+  virtual ~List() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  List(Sot &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, std::vector<Value::Type>(), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    Sot &sot = static_cast<Sot &>(owner());
+    typedef Sot::StackType StackType;
+    const StackType &stack = sot.tasks();
+    std::stringstream returnString;
+    returnString << "( ";
+    for (StackType::const_iterator it = stack.begin(); it != stack.end();
+         ++it) {
+      returnString << '"' << (*it)->getName() << "\", ";
+    }
+    returnString << ")";
+    // return the stack
+    return Value(returnString.str());
+  }
+}; // class List
+// Command Clear
+class Clear : public Command {
+  virtual ~Clear() {}
+  /// Clear the stack
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  Clear(Sot &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, std::vector<Value::Type>(), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    std::stringstream returnString;
+    Sot &sot = static_cast<Sot &>(owner());
+    sot.clear();
+    // return the stack
+    return Value();
+  }
+}; // class Clear
+} // namespace classSot
+} // namespace command
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+#endif // SOT_COMMAND_H
diff --git a/src/sot/sot-h.cpp b/src/sot/sot-h.cpp
index e05db0a2..0feabfa7 100644
--- a/src/sot/sot-h.cpp
+++ b/src/sot/sot-h.cpp
@@ -12,20 +12,20 @@
 //#define VP_DEBUG
 //#define VP_DEBUG_MODE 45
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/sot-h.hh>
+#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 #include <sot/core/pool.hh>
-#include <sot/core/task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/sot-h.hh>
 #include <sot/core/task-unilateral.hh>
-#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
-class sotSOTH__INIT
-public:sotSOTH__INIT( void ) { sot::DebugTrace::openFile(); }
+class sotSOTH__INIT {
+  sotSOTH__INIT(void) { sot::DebugTrace::openFile(); }
 sotSOTH__INIT sotSOTH_initiator;
@@ -35,262 +35,260 @@ sotSOTH__INIT sotSOTH_initiator;
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-SotH( const std::string& name )
-  :Sot(name),Qh(nbJoints),Rh(nbJoints,nbJoints),constraintH()
-  ,solverNorm(nbJoints,Qh,Rh,constraintH),solverPrec(NULL)
-  ,fillMemorySignal(false)
+SotH::SotH(const std::string &name)
+    : Sot(name), Qh(nbJoints), Rh(nbJoints, nbJoints), constraintH(),
+      solverNorm(nbJoints, Qh, Rh, constraintH), solverPrec(NULL),
+      fillMemorySignal(false) {}
+SotH::~SotH(void) {}
-~SotH( void )
-void SotH::
-defineNbDof( const unsigned int& nbDof )
+void SotH::defineNbDof(const unsigned int &nbDof) {
-  for(StackType::iterator iter=stack.begin();stack.end()!=iter;++iter )
-    {
-      MemoryTaskSOTH * mem
-        = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOTH *>( (*iter)->memoryInternal );
-      if(NULL!=mem) mem->solver.setNbDof(nbDof);
-    }
-  solverNorm.setNbDof(nbDof-(ffJointIdLast-ffJointIdFirst));
+  for (StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); stack.end() != iter; ++iter) {
+    MemoryTaskSOTH *mem =
+        dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOTH *>((*iter)->memoryInternal);
+    if (NULL != mem)
+      mem->solver.setNbDof(nbDof);
+  }
+  solverNorm.setNbDof(nbDof - (ffJointIdLast - ffJointIdFirst));
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void buildTaskVectors( const VectorMultiBound& err,
-                       const dynamicgraph::Matrix & JK,
-                       bubVector & ee,bubVector & eiinf,bubVector & eisup,
-                       ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector& bounds,
-                       bubMatrix & Je,bubMatrix & Ji )
+void buildTaskVectors(const VectorMultiBound &err,
+                      const dynamicgraph::Matrix &JK, bubVector &ee,
+                      bubVector &eiinf, bubVector &eisup,
+                      ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector &bounds, bubMatrix &Je,
+                      bubMatrix &Ji) {
   const unsigned int nJ = JK.cols();
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Compute the task sizes. */"<< std::endl;
-  unsigned int sizei=0,sizee=0;
-  for( VectorMultiBound::const_iterator iter=err.begin();
-       err.end()!=iter;++iter )
-    { if( iter->getMode()==MultiBound::MODE_SINGLE )
-        sizee++; else sizei++; }
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Compute the task sizes. */" << std::endl;
+  unsigned int sizei = 0, sizee = 0;
+  for (VectorMultiBound::const_iterator iter = err.begin(); err.end() != iter;
+       ++iter) {
+    if (iter->getMode() == MultiBound::MODE_SINGLE)
+      sizee++;
+    else
+      sizei++;
+  }
-  Ji.resize(sizei,nJ); eiinf.resize(sizei),eisup.resize(sizei);
+  Ji.resize(sizei, nJ);
+  eiinf.resize(sizei), eisup.resize(sizei);
-  Je.resize(sizee,nJ); ee.resize(sizee);
+  Je.resize(sizee, nJ);
+  ee.resize(sizee);
   sotDEBUG(25) << "Size e=" << sizee << " i=" << sizei << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Build the task vectors. */"<< std::endl;
-  for( int i=err.size()-1;i>=0;--i )
-    {
-    sotDEBUG(25) << "i = "<<i<< std::endl;
-    switch( err[i].getMode() )
-        {
-        case MultiBound::MODE_SINGLE:
-          {
-            ee(--sizee) = err[i].getSingleBound();
-            for( unsigned int j=0;j<nJ;++j )
-              { Je(sizee,j) = JK(i,j); }
-            break;
-          }
-        case MultiBound::MODE_DOUBLE:
-          {
-            --sizei;
-            bounds[sizei] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID;
-            if( err[i].getDoubleBoundSetup( MultiBound::BOUND_INF ) )
-              {
-                eiinf(sizei) = err[i].getDoubleBound( MultiBound::BOUND_INF );
-                bounds[sizei] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF;
-              }
-            if( err[i].getDoubleBoundSetup( MultiBound::BOUND_SUP ) )
-              {
-                eisup(sizei) = err[i].getDoubleBound( MultiBound::BOUND_SUP );
-                if( bounds[sizei]==ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF )
-                  bounds[sizei]= ConstraintMem::BOUND_BOTH;
-                else bounds[sizei]= ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP;
-              }
-            for( unsigned int j=0;j<nJ;++j )
-              { Ji(sizei,j) = JK(i,j); }
-            break;
-          }
-        }
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Build the task vectors. */" << std::endl;
+  for (int i = err.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "i = " << i << std::endl;
+    switch (err[i].getMode()) {
+    case MultiBound::MODE_SINGLE: {
+      ee(--sizee) = err[i].getSingleBound();
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nJ; ++j) {
+        Je(sizee, j) = JK(i, j);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case MultiBound::MODE_DOUBLE: {
+      --sizei;
+      bounds[sizei] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID;
+      if (err[i].getDoubleBoundSetup(MultiBound::BOUND_INF)) {
+        eiinf(sizei) = err[i].getDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_INF);
+        bounds[sizei] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF;
+      }
+      if (err[i].getDoubleBoundSetup(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP)) {
+        eisup(sizei) = err[i].getDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP);
+        if (bounds[sizei] == ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF)
+          bounds[sizei] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_BOTH;
+        else
+          bounds[sizei] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP;
+      }
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nJ; ++j) {
+        Ji(sizei, j) = JK(i, j);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "ee = "<<(MATLAB)ee<< std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "eii = "<<(MATLAB)eiinf<< std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "eis = "<<(MATLAB)eisup<< std::endl;
+  }
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "ee = " << (MATLAB)ee << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "eii = " << (MATLAB)eiinf << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "eis = " << (MATLAB)eisup << std::endl;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
-	#ifndef WIN32
-	#include <sys/time.h>
-	#else /*WIN32*/
-	#include <sot/core/utils-windows.hh>
-	#endif /*WIN32*/
+#ifndef WIN32
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#else /*WIN32*/
+#include <sot/core/utils-windows.hh>
+#endif /*WIN32*/
 #endif /*WITH_CHRONO*/
-#  define SOT_DEFINE_CHRONO                     \
-  struct timeval t0,t1;                         \
-  double dtsolver;                              \
+#define SOT_DEFINE_CHRONO                                                      \
+  struct timeval t0, t1;                                                       \
+  double dtsolver;                                                             \
   std::ofstream foutdt("/tmp/dtsoth.dat")
-#  define SOT_INIT_CHRONO                       \
-  gettimeofday(&t0,NULL); foutdt<<std::endl<<iterTime<<" "
-#  define SOT_CHRONO                                                  \
-  gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);                                               \
-  dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000. + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.)/1000. ; \
-  foutdt << dtsolver <<" "; \
-  gettimeofday(&t0,NULL)
+#define SOT_INIT_CHRONO                                                        \
+  gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);                                                     \
+  foutdt << std::endl << iterTime << " "
+#define SOT_CHRONO                                                             \
+  gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);                                                     \
+  dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1000. +                                 \
+             (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec + 0.) / 1000.;                           \
+  foutdt << dtsolver << " ";                                                   \
+  gettimeofday(&t0, NULL)
 #else // ifdef WITH_CHRONO
-#  define SOT_INIT_CHRONO
-#  define SOT_CHRONO()
+#define SOT_CHRONO()
 #endif // ifdef WITH_CHRONO
-dynamicgraph::Vector& SotH::
-computeControlLaw( dynamicgraph::Vector& control,const int& iterTime )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &SotH::computeControlLaw(dynamicgraph::Vector &control,
+                                              const int &iterTime) {
-  SolverHierarchicalInequalities::THRESHOLD_ZERO = inversionThresholdSIN(iterTime);
+  SolverHierarchicalInequalities::THRESHOLD_ZERO =
+      inversionThresholdSIN(iterTime);
   const dynamicgraph::Matrix &K = constraintSOUT(iterTime);
   const unsigned int nJ = K.cols();
-  try
-    {
-      control = q0SIN( iterTime );
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "initial velocity q0 = " << control << endl;
-      if( nJ!=control.size() ) { control.resize( nJ ); control.fill(.0); }
+  try {
+    control = q0SIN(iterTime);
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "initial velocity q0 = " << control << endl;
+    if (nJ != control.size()) {
+      control.resize(nJ);
+      control.fill(.0);
-  catch (...)
-    {
-      if( nJ!=control.size() ) { control.resize( nJ ); }
-      control.setZero();
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "No initial velocity." <<endl;
+  } catch (...) {
+    if (nJ != control.size()) {
+      control.resize(nJ);
+    control.setZero();
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "No initial velocity." << endl;
+  }
   /* --- Affect solvers --- */
-//   if( solvers.size()+1!=stack.size() )
-//     {
-//       solvers.resize(stack.size()+1,NULL); // TODO: resize affect to default value?
-//       for( SolversList::iterator iter = solvers.begin();solvers.end()!=iter;++iter )
-//         {
-//           if(*iter==NULL)
-//             {
-//               (*iter)=new SolverHierarchicalInequalities(nJ,Qh,Rh,constraintH);
-//             }
-//           /* TODO: free memory */
-//         }
-//     }
-  if(Qh.getSize()!=nJ) { Qh.clear(nJ); }
-  if((Rh.size1()!=nJ)||(Rh.size2()!=nJ)) Rh.resize(nJ,nJ,false);
-  Rh*=0;
+  //   if( solvers.size()+1!=stack.size() )
+  //     {
+  //       solvers.resize(stack.size()+1,NULL); // TODO: resize affect to
+  //       default value? for( SolversList::iterator iter =
+  //       solvers.begin();solvers.end()!=iter;++iter )
+  //         {
+  //           if(*iter==NULL)
+  //             {
+  //               (*iter)=new
+  //               SolverHierarchicalInequalities(nJ,Qh,Rh,constraintH);
+  //             }
+  //           /* TODO: free memory */
+  //         }
+  //     }
+  if (Qh.getSize() != nJ) {
+    Qh.clear(nJ);
+  }
+  if ((Rh.size1() != nJ) || (Rh.size2() != nJ))
+    Rh.resize(nJ, nJ, false);
+  Rh *= 0;
-  solverPrec=NULL;
+  solverPrec = NULL;
-  sotDEBUGF(5, " --- Time %d -------------------", iterTime );
+  sotDEBUGF(5, " --- Time %d -------------------", iterTime);
   unsigned int iterTask = 0;
-  for( StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); iter!=stack.end();++iter,++iterTask )
-    {
-      sotDEBUGF(5,"Rank %d.",iterTask);
-      TaskAbstract & task = **iter;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Task: e_" << task.getName() << std::endl;
-      const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = task.jacobianSOUT(iterTime);
-      const VectorMultiBound &err = task.taskSOUT(iterTime);
-      unsigned int ntask=err.size();
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Init memory. */" << std::endl;
-      MemoryTaskSOTH * mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOTH *>( task.memoryInternal );
-      if( (NULL==mem)||(mem->referenceKey!=this) )
-        {
-          if( NULL!=task.memoryInternal ) delete task.memoryInternal;
-          mem = new MemoryTaskSOTH(task.getName()+"_memSOTH",
-                                      this,nJ,Qh,Rh,constraintH);
-          task.memoryInternal = mem;
-        }
+  for (StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end();
+       ++iter, ++iterTask) {
+    sotDEBUGF(5, "Rank %d.", iterTask);
+    TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Task: e_" << task.getName() << std::endl;
+    const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = task.jacobianSOUT(iterTime);
+    const VectorMultiBound &err = task.taskSOUT(iterTime);
+    unsigned int ntask = err.size();
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Init memory. */" << std::endl;
+    MemoryTaskSOTH *mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOTH *>(task.memoryInternal);
+    if ((NULL == mem) || (mem->referenceKey != this)) {
+      if (NULL != task.memoryInternal)
+        delete task.memoryInternal;
+      mem = new MemoryTaskSOTH(task.getName() + "_memSOTH", this, nJ, Qh, Rh,
+                               constraintH);
+      task.memoryInternal = mem;
+    }
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "/* --- Resize J --- */" << std::endl;
-      mem->JK.resize( ntask,nJ );
-      mem->Jff.resize( ntask,Jac.cols()-nJ );
-      mem->Jact.resize( ntask,nJ );
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "/* --- COMPUTE JK --- */" << std::endl;
-      Sot::computeJacobianConstrained( Jac,K,mem->JK,mem->Jff,mem->Jact );
-      if( fillMemorySignal )
-        {
-          mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT = mem->JK;
-          mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.setTime( iterTime );
-        }
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "/* --- Resize J --- */" << std::endl;
+    mem->JK.resize(ntask, nJ);
+    mem->Jff.resize(ntask, Jac.cols() - nJ);
+    mem->Jact.resize(ntask, nJ);
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Set initial conditions. */" << std::endl;
-      SolverHierarchicalInequalities & solver = mem->solver;
-      if( NULL==solverPrec ) solver.setInitialConditionVoid();
-      else
-        { solver.setInitialCondition( solverPrec->u0,solverPrec->rankh ); }
-      solverPrec = &solver;
-      SOT_CHRONO;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "/* --- COMPUTE JK --- */" << std::endl;
+    Sot::computeJacobianConstrained(Jac, K, mem->JK, mem->Jff, mem->Jact);
+    if (fillMemorySignal) {
+      mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT = mem->JK;
+      mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.setTime(iterTime);
+    }
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Set initial conditions. */" << std::endl;
+    SolverHierarchicalInequalities &solver = mem->solver;
+    if (NULL == solverPrec)
+      solver.setInitialConditionVoid();
+    else {
+      solver.setInitialCondition(solverPrec->u0, solverPrec->rankh);
+    }
+    solverPrec = &solver;
 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
-      solver.printDifferentialCondition(sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer);
+    solver.printDifferentialCondition(sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer);
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Record warm start. */" << std::endl;
-      solver.recordInitialConditions();
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Effective warm start. */ " << std::endl;
-      solver.warmStart();
-      SOT_CHRONO;
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Build the task vectors. */"<< std::endl;
-      bubMatrix Ji; bubVector eiinf,eisup;
-      ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bounds;
-      bubMatrix Je; bubVector ee;
-      buildTaskVectors(err,mem->JK,ee,eiinf,eisup,bounds,Je,Ji);
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "ee" << iterTask << " = " << ee << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "eiinf" << iterTask << " = " << eiinf << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "eisup" << iterTask << " = " << eisup << std::endl;
-      SOT_CHRONO;
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Solve level=" <<iterTask<<". */"<< std::endl;
-      solver.solve( Je,ee,Ji,eiinf,eisup,bounds,solver.getSlackActiveSet() );
-      sotDEBUG(1) << "u" << iterTask << " = " << (MATLAB)solver.u0 << endl;
-      SOT_CHRONO;
-      solver.computeDifferentialCondition();
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Record warm start. */" << std::endl;
+    solver.recordInitialConditions();
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Effective warm start. */ " << std::endl;
+    solver.warmStart();
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Build the task vectors. */" << std::endl;
+    bubMatrix Ji;
+    bubVector eiinf, eisup;
+    ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bounds;
+    bubMatrix Je;
+    bubVector ee;
+    buildTaskVectors(err, mem->JK, ee, eiinf, eisup, bounds, Je, Ji);
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "ee" << iterTask << " = " << ee << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "eiinf" << iterTask << " = " << eiinf << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "eisup" << iterTask << " = " << eisup << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Solve level=" << iterTask << ". */" << std::endl;
+    solver.solve(Je, ee, Ji, eiinf, eisup, bounds, solver.getSlackActiveSet());
+    sotDEBUG(1) << "u" << iterTask << " = " << (MATLAB)solver.u0 << endl;
+    solver.computeDifferentialCondition();
 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
-      solver.printDifferentialCondition(sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer);
+    solver.printDifferentialCondition(sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer);
-      SOT_CHRONO;
-    }
+  }
   /* --- Minimize norm --- */
@@ -300,7 +298,7 @@ computeControlLaw( dynamicgraph::Vector& control,const int& iterTime )
     sotDEBUG(25) << solverNorm.u0 << std::endl;
     sotDEBUG(25) << solverNorm.nJ << std::endl;
     sotDEBUG(25) << nJ << std::endl;
-    solverNorm.setInitialCondition( solverPrec->u0,solverPrec->rankh );
+    solverNorm.setInitialCondition(solverPrec->u0, solverPrec->rankh);
     sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Record warm start. */" << std::endl;
@@ -309,11 +307,15 @@ computeControlLaw( dynamicgraph::Vector& control,const int& iterTime )
-    sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Solve. */"<< std::endl;
-    bubMatrix Idnj( bub::identity_matrix<double>(nJ,nJ));
-    bubVector ee(nJ); ee.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(nJ));
-    bubMatrix Ji(0,0);    bubVector ei(0);  ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bounds(0);
-    solverNorm.solve( Idnj,ee,Ji,ei,ei,bounds,solverNorm.getSlackActiveSet() );
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "/* Solve. */" << std::endl;
+    bubMatrix Idnj(bub::identity_matrix<double>(nJ, nJ));
+    bubVector ee(nJ);
+    ee.assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(nJ));
+    bubMatrix Ji(0, 0);
+    bubVector ei(0);
+    ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bounds(0);
+    solverNorm.solve(Idnj, ee, Ji, ei, ei, bounds,
+                     solverNorm.getSlackActiveSet());
     sotDEBUG(1) << "utop = " << (MATLAB)solverNorm.u0 << endl;
@@ -326,37 +328,37 @@ computeControlLaw( dynamicgraph::Vector& control,const int& iterTime )
   /* Passing the result to the control. */
-  control.accessToMotherLib().assign( solverNorm.u0 );
-  if( fillMemorySignal )
-    for( StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); iter!=stack.end();++iter,++iterTask )
-      {
-        TaskAbstract & task = **iter;
-        MemoryTaskSOTH * mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOTH *>( task.memoryInternal );
-        if( mem == NULL ) continue;
-        VectorMultiBound taskVector = task.taskSOUT(iterTime);
-        const dynamicgraph::Matrix JK = mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.accessCopy();
-        dynamicgraph::Vector JKu(taskVector.size()); JKu = JK*control;
-        dynamicgraph::Vector diff(taskVector.size());
-        for( unsigned int i=0;i<taskVector.size();++i )
-          {
-            const MultiBound & Xi = taskVector[i];
-            switch( Xi.getMode() )
-              {
-              case MultiBound::MODE_SINGLE:
-                diff(i) = Xi.getSingleBound()-JKu(i);
-                break;
-              case MultiBound::MODE_DOUBLE:
-                diff(i) = std::min( JKu(i)-Xi.getDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_INF ),
-                                    Xi.getDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP)-JKu(i) );
-                break;
-              }
-          }
-        mem->diffErrorSINOUT = diff;
-        mem->diffErrorSINOUT.setTime( iterTime );
+  control.accessToMotherLib().assign(solverNorm.u0);
+  if (fillMemorySignal)
+    for (StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end();
+         ++iter, ++iterTask) {
+      TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
+      MemoryTaskSOTH *mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOTH *>(task.memoryInternal);
+      if (mem == NULL)
+        continue;
+      VectorMultiBound taskVector = task.taskSOUT(iterTime);
+      const dynamicgraph::Matrix JK =
+          mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.accessCopy();
+      dynamicgraph::Vector JKu(taskVector.size());
+      JKu = JK * control;
+      dynamicgraph::Vector diff(taskVector.size());
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < taskVector.size(); ++i) {
+        const MultiBound &Xi = taskVector[i];
+        switch (Xi.getMode()) {
+        case MultiBound::MODE_SINGLE:
+          diff(i) = Xi.getSingleBound() - JKu(i);
+          break;
+        case MultiBound::MODE_DOUBLE:
+          diff(i) = std::min(JKu(i) - Xi.getDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_INF),
+                             Xi.getDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP) - JKu(i));
+          break;
+        }
+      mem->diffErrorSINOUT = diff;
+      mem->diffErrorSINOUT.setTime(iterTime);
+    }
   return control;
@@ -366,21 +368,17 @@ computeControlLaw( dynamicgraph::Vector& control,const int& iterTime )
 /* --- MEMORY ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 const std::string SotH::MemoryTaskSOTH::CLASS_NAME = "MemoryTaskSOTH";
-void SotH::MemoryTaskSOTH::
-display( std::ostream& /*os*/ ) const {} //TODO
-MemoryTaskSOTH( const std::string & name,
-                   const SotH * ref,
-                   unsigned int nJ,
-                   sotRotationComposedInExtenso& Qh,
-                   bubMatrix &Rh,
-                   SolverHierarchicalInequalities::ConstraintList &cH )
-  :Entity(name),referenceKey(ref),solver(nJ,Qh,Rh,cH)
-  ,jacobianConstrainedSINOUT( "sotTaskAbstract("+name+")::inout(matrix)::JK" )
-  ,diffErrorSINOUT( "sotTaskAbstract("+name+")::inout(vector)::diff" )
-{   signalRegistration(jacobianConstrainedSINOUT<<diffErrorSINOUT);  }
+void SotH::MemoryTaskSOTH::display(std::ostream & /*os*/) const {} // TODO
+    const std::string &name, const SotH *ref, unsigned int nJ,
+    sotRotationComposedInExtenso &Qh, bubMatrix &Rh,
+    SolverHierarchicalInequalities::ConstraintList &cH)
+    : Entity(name), referenceKey(ref), solver(nJ, Qh, Rh, cH),
+      jacobianConstrainedSINOUT("sotTaskAbstract(" + name +
+                                ")::inout(matrix)::JK"),
+      diffErrorSINOUT("sotTaskAbstract(" + name + ")::inout(vector)::diff") {
+  signalRegistration(jacobianConstrainedSINOUT << diffErrorSINOUT);
diff --git a/src/sot/sot-qr.cpp b/src/sot/sot-qr.cpp
index 86c3738d..31038e30 100644
--- a/src/sot/sot-qr.cpp
+++ b/src/sot/sot-qr.cpp
@@ -13,20 +13,19 @@
 /* SOT */
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-class sotSOTQr__INIT
-public:sotSOTQr__INIT( void ) { dynamicgraph::sot::DebugTrace::openFile(); }
+class sotSOTQr__INIT {
+  sotSOTQr__INIT(void) { dynamicgraph::sot::DebugTrace::openFile(); }
 sotSOTQr__INIT sotSOTQr_initiator;
-#include <sot/core/sot-qr.hh>
+#include <sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh>
 #include <sot/core/pool.hh>
-#include <sot/core/task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/sot-qr.hh>
 #include <sot/core/sot.hh>
-#include <sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task.hh>
-#define FORTRAN_ID( id ) id##_
+#define FORTRAN_ID(id) id##_
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
@@ -35,143 +34,146 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph;
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 const double SotQr::INVERSION_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 1e-4;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CONSTRUCTION ---------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-SotQr( const std::string& name )
-  :Entity(name)
-  ,stack()
-  ,constraintList()
-  ,ffJointIdFirst( FF_JOINT_ID_DEFAULT )
-  ,ffJointIdLast( FF_JOINT_ID_DEFAULT+6 )
-  ,nbJoints( 0 )
-  ,taskGradient(0)
-  ,q0SIN( NULL,"sotSOTQr("+name+")::input(double)::q0" )
-   ,inversionThresholdSIN( NULL,"sotSOTQr("+name+")::input(double)::damping" )
-   ,constraintSOUT( boost::bind(&SotQr::computeConstraintProjector,this,_1,_2),
-		   sotNOSIGNAL,
-		    "sotSOTQr("+name+")::output(matrix)::constraint" )
-  ,controlSOUT( boost::bind(&SotQr::computeControlLaw,this,_1,_2),
-		constraintSOUT<<inversionThresholdSIN<<q0SIN,
-		"sotSOTQr("+name+")::output(vector)::control" )
+SotQr::SotQr(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), stack(), constraintList(),
+      ffJointIdFirst(FF_JOINT_ID_DEFAULT),
+      ffJointIdLast(FF_JOINT_ID_DEFAULT + 6)
+      ,
+      nbJoints(0), taskGradient(0),
+      q0SIN(NULL, "sotSOTQr(" + name + ")::input(double)::q0"),
+      inversionThresholdSIN(NULL,
+                            "sotSOTQr(" + name + ")::input(double)::damping"),
+      constraintSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&SotQr::computeConstraintProjector, this, _1, _2),
+          sotNOSIGNAL, "sotSOTQr(" + name + ")::output(matrix)::constraint"),
+      controlSOUT(boost::bind(&SotQr::computeControlLaw, this, _1, _2),
+                  constraintSOUT << inversionThresholdSIN << q0SIN,
+                  "sotSOTQr(" + name + ")::output(vector)::control") {
-  signalRegistration( inversionThresholdSIN<<controlSOUT<<constraintSOUT<<q0SIN );
+  signalRegistration(inversionThresholdSIN << controlSOUT << constraintSOUT
+                                           << q0SIN);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void SotQr::
-push( TaskAbstract& task )
+void SotQr::push(TaskAbstract &task) {
   if (nbJoints == 0)
-    throw std::logic_error ("Set joint size of "+ getClassName() + " \""+getName()+"\" first");
-  stack.push_back( &task );
-  controlSOUT.addDependency( task.taskSOUT );
-  controlSOUT.addDependency( task.jacobianSOUT );
-  //controlSOUT.addDependency( task.featureActivationSOUT );
+    throw std::logic_error("Set joint size of " + getClassName() + " \"" +
+                           getName() + "\" first");
+  stack.push_back(&task);
+  controlSOUT.addDependency(task.taskSOUT);
+  controlSOUT.addDependency(task.jacobianSOUT);
+  // controlSOUT.addDependency( task.featureActivationSOUT );
-TaskAbstract& SotQr::
-pop( void )
-  TaskAbstract* res = stack.back();
+TaskAbstract &SotQr::pop(void) {
+  TaskAbstract *res = stack.back();
-  controlSOUT.removeDependency( res->taskSOUT );
-  controlSOUT.removeDependency( res->jacobianSOUT );
+  controlSOUT.removeDependency(res->taskSOUT);
+  controlSOUT.removeDependency(res->jacobianSOUT);
   return *res;
-bool SotQr::
-exist( const TaskAbstract& key )
-  std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator it;
-  for ( it=stack.begin();stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      if( *it == &key ) { return true; }
+bool SotQr::exist(const TaskAbstract &key) {
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator it;
+  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    if (*it == &key) {
+      return true;
+  }
   return false;
-void SotQr::
-remove( const TaskAbstract& key )
-  bool find =false; std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator it;
-  for ( it=stack.begin();stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      if( *it == &key ) { find=true; break; }
+void SotQr::remove(const TaskAbstract &key) {
+  bool find = false;
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator it;
+  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    if (*it == &key) {
+      find = true;
+      break;
-  if(! find ){ return; }
+  }
+  if (!find) {
+    return;
+  }
-  stack.erase( it );
-  removeDependency( key );
+  stack.erase(it);
+  removeDependency(key);
-void SotQr::
-removeDependency( const TaskAbstract& key )
-  controlSOUT.removeDependency( key.taskSOUT );
-  controlSOUT.removeDependency( key.jacobianSOUT );
+void SotQr::removeDependency(const TaskAbstract &key) {
+  controlSOUT.removeDependency(key.taskSOUT);
+  controlSOUT.removeDependency(key.jacobianSOUT);
-void SotQr::
-up( const TaskAbstract& key )
-  bool find =false; std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator it;
-  for ( it=stack.begin();stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      if( *it == &key ) { find=true; break; }
+void SotQr::up(const TaskAbstract &key) {
+  bool find = false;
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator it;
+  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    if (*it == &key) {
+      find = true;
+      break;
-  if( stack.begin()==it ) { return; }
-  if(! find ){ return; }
+  }
+  if (stack.begin() == it) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!find) {
+    return;
+  }
-  std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator pos=it; pos--;
-  TaskAbstract * task = *it;
-  stack.erase( it );
-  stack.insert( pos,task );
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator pos = it;
+  pos--;
+  TaskAbstract *task = *it;
+  stack.erase(it);
+  stack.insert(pos, task);
-void SotQr::
-down( const TaskAbstract& key )
-  bool find =false; std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator it;
-  for ( it=stack.begin();stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      if( *it == &key ) { find=true; break; }
+void SotQr::down(const TaskAbstract &key) {
+  bool find = false;
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator it;
+  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    if (*it == &key) {
+      find = true;
+      break;
-  if( stack.end()==it ) { return; }
-  if(! find ){ return; }
+  }
+  if (stack.end() == it) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!find) {
+    return;
+  }
-  std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator pos=it; pos++;
-  TaskAbstract* task=*it;
-  stack.erase( it );
-  if( stack.end()==pos ){ stack.push_back(task); }
-  else
-    {
-      pos++;
-      stack.insert( pos,task );
-    }
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator pos = it;
+  pos++;
+  TaskAbstract *task = *it;
+  stack.erase(it);
+  if (stack.end() == pos) {
+    stack.push_back(task);
+  } else {
+    pos++;
+    stack.insert(pos, task);
+  }
-void SotQr::
-clear( void )
-  for (  std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator it=stack.begin();stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      removeDependency( **it );
-    }
+void SotQr::clear(void) {
+  for (std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator it = stack.begin();
+       stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    removeDependency(**it);
+  }
@@ -180,84 +182,85 @@ clear( void )
 /* --- CONSTRAINTS ----------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void SotQr::
-addConstraint( Constraint& constraint )
-  constraintList.push_back( &constraint );
-  constraintSOUT.addDependency( constraint.jacobianSOUT );
+void SotQr::addConstraint(Constraint &constraint) {
+  constraintList.push_back(&constraint);
+  constraintSOUT.addDependency(constraint.jacobianSOUT);
-void SotQr::
-removeConstraint( const Constraint& key )
-  bool find =false; ConstraintListType::iterator it;
-  for ( it=constraintList.begin();constraintList.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      if( *it == &key ) { find=true; break; }
+void SotQr::removeConstraint(const Constraint &key) {
+  bool find = false;
+  ConstraintListType::iterator it;
+  for (it = constraintList.begin(); constraintList.end() != it; ++it) {
+    if (*it == &key) {
+      find = true;
+      break;
-  if(! find ){ return; }
+  }
+  if (!find) {
+    return;
+  }
-  constraintList.erase( it );
+  constraintList.erase(it);
-  constraintSOUT.removeDependency( key.jacobianSOUT );
+  constraintSOUT.removeDependency(key.jacobianSOUT);
-void SotQr::
-clearConstraint( void )
-  for (  ConstraintListType::iterator it=constraintList.begin();
-	 constraintList.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      constraintSOUT.removeDependency( (*it)->jacobianSOUT );
-    }
+void SotQr::clearConstraint(void) {
+  for (ConstraintListType::iterator it = constraintList.begin();
+       constraintList.end() != it; ++it) {
+    constraintSOUT.removeDependency((*it)->jacobianSOUT);
+  }
-void SotQr::
-defineFreeFloatingJoints( const unsigned int& first,const unsigned int& last )
-  ffJointIdFirst = first ;
-  if( last>0 ) ffJointIdLast=last ;
-  else ffJointIdLast=ffJointIdFirst+6;
+void SotQr::defineFreeFloatingJoints(const unsigned int &first,
+                                     const unsigned int &last) {
+  ffJointIdFirst = first;
+  if (last > 0)
+    ffJointIdLast = last;
+  else
+    ffJointIdLast = ffJointIdFirst + 6;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-//std::ostringstream MATLAB;
-class MATLAB
+// std::ostringstream MATLAB;
+class MATLAB {
   std::string str;
-  friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, const MATLAB & m )
-  {return os << m.str; }
+  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const MATLAB &m) {
+    return os << m.str;
+  }
-  MATLAB( const Vector& v1 )
-  {
-    std::ostringstream os; os << "[ ";
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<v1.size();++i )
-      {
-	os <<  v1(i);
-	if( v1.size()!=i+1 ) { os << ", "; }
-	else { os << "]"; }
+  MATLAB(const Vector &v1) {
+    std::ostringstream os;
+    os << "[ ";
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v1.size(); ++i) {
+      os << v1(i);
+      if (v1.size() != i + 1) {
+        os << ", ";
+      } else {
+        os << "]";
+    }
     str = os.str();
-  MATLAB( const Matrix& m1)
-  {
-    std::ostringstream os; os << "[ ";
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<m1.size1();++i )
-      {
-	for( unsigned int j=0;j<m1.size2();++j )
-	  {
-	    os <<  m1(i,j);
-	    if( m1.size2()!=j+1 ) os << ", ";
-	  }
-	if( m1.size1()!=i+1 ) { os << " ;" << std::endl; }
-	else { os << "  ]"; }
+  MATLAB(const Matrix &m1) {
+    std::ostringstream os;
+    os << "[ ";
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m1.size1(); ++i) {
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m1.size2(); ++j) {
+        os << m1(i, j);
+        if (m1.size2() != j + 1)
+          os << ", ";
+      if (m1.size1() != i + 1) {
+        os << " ;" << std::endl;
+      } else {
+        os << "  ]";
+      }
+    }
     str = os.str();
@@ -265,58 +268,62 @@ public:
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define LAPACK_DGEQP3 FORTRAN_ID( dgeqp3 )
-#define LAPACK_DGEQPF FORTRAN_ID( dgeqpf )
+#define LAPACK_DGEQP3 FORTRAN_ID(dgeqp3)
 extern "C" {
-  void LAPACK_DGEQP3( const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda, int * jpvt,
-                      double* tau, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info );
-  void LAPACK_DGEQPF( const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda, int * jpvt,
-                      double* tau, double* work, int* info );
+void LAPACK_DGEQP3(const int *m, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda,
+                   int *jpvt, double *tau, double *work, const int *lwork,
+                   int *info);
+void LAPACK_DGEQPF(const int *m, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda,
+                   int *jpvt, double *tau, double *work, int *info);
-namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace bindings { namespace lapack
+namespace boost {
+namespace numeric {
+namespace bindings {
+namespace lapack {
+inline int geqp(bub::matrix<double, bub::column_major> &A, bub::vector<int> &jp,
+                Vector &tau) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  const int m = A.size1();
+  const int n = A.size2();
+  ::boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> work(std::max(1, n * 32));
+  assert(std::min(m, n) <= tau.size());
+  assert(n <= work.size());
+  int const mF = A.size1();
+  int const nF = A.size2();
+  double *aF = MRAWDATA(A);
+  int const ldaF = traits::leading_dimension(A);
+  int *jpvtF = VRAWDATA(jp);
+  double *tauF = VRAWDATA(tau);
+  double *workF = VRAWDATA(work);
+  int const lworkF = work.size();
+  int infoF;
+  //     std::cout<<"lda = " << ldaF << std::endl;
+  //     std::cout << "mF = " << mF << std::endl;
+  //     std::cout << "nF = " << nF << std::endl;
+  //     //std::cout << "aF  = " << aF  << std::endl;
+  //     std::cout << "ldaF  = " << ldaF  << std::endl;
+  //     //std::cout << "jpvtF  = " << jpvtF  << std::endl;
+  //     //std::cout << "tauF  = " << tauF  << std::endl;
+  //     //std::cout << "workF  = " << workF  << std::endl;
+  //     std::cout << "lworkF  = " << lworkF  << std::endl;
+  //     std::cout << "infoF  " << infoF << std::endl;
+  LAPACK_DGEQP3(&mF, &nF, aF, &ldaF, jpvtF, tauF, workF, &lworkF, &infoF);
+  // LAPACK_DGEQPF(&mF, &nF, aF, &ldaF, jpvtF, tauF, workF, &infoF);
+  return infoF;
-  inline int geqp (bub::matrix<double,bub::column_major> &A,
-		   bub::vector< int >& jp, Vector& tau)
-  {
-    #ifndef NDEBUG
-    const int m = A.size1();
-    #endif
-    const int n = A.size2();
-    ::boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> work(std::max(1, n*32));
-    assert (std::min(m,n) <= tau.size());
-    assert (n <= work.size());
-    int const mF= A.size1();
-    int const nF= A.size2();
-    double* aF = MRAWDATA(A);
-    int const ldaF = traits::leading_dimension (A);
-    int * jpvtF = VRAWDATA(jp);
-    double * tauF = VRAWDATA(tau);
-    double * workF = VRAWDATA(work);
-    int const lworkF =  work.size();
-    int infoF;
-    //     std::cout<<"lda = " << ldaF << std::endl;
-    //     std::cout << "mF = " << mF << std::endl;
-    //     std::cout << "nF = " << nF << std::endl;
-    //     //std::cout << "aF  = " << aF  << std::endl;
-    //     std::cout << "ldaF  = " << ldaF  << std::endl;
-    //     //std::cout << "jpvtF  = " << jpvtF  << std::endl;
-    //     //std::cout << "tauF  = " << tauF  << std::endl;
-    //     //std::cout << "workF  = " << workF  << std::endl;
-    //     std::cout << "lworkF  = " << lworkF  << std::endl;
-    //     std::cout << "infoF  " << infoF << std::endl;
-    LAPACK_DGEQP3(&mF, &nF, aF, &ldaF, jpvtF, tauF, workF, &lworkF, &infoF);
-    //LAPACK_DGEQPF(&mF, &nF, aF, &ldaF, jpvtF, tauF, workF, &infoF);
-    return infoF;
-  }
-      }}}}
+} // namespace lapack
+} // namespace bindings
+} // namespace numeric
+} // namespace boost
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -330,188 +337,195 @@ namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace bindings { namespace lapack
  * given rotation.
 /* Xn gives the range of the vector to consider when Rx = [ R X ] = [ R Y x Z ].
  * In that case, x=X(:,xn), starting from 0 (xn=0 -> x is the first
  * column of X).
  * TODO: optimize, considering that R is triangular!
-template< typename bubTemplateMatrix >
-void invCholeskiUpdate( bubTemplateMatrix & Rx, const unsigned int xn=0 )
+template <typename bubTemplateMatrix>
+void invCholeskiUpdate(bubTemplateMatrix &Rx, const unsigned int xn = 0) {
   const unsigned int n = Rx.size1();
-  double c,s,tau;
-  for( unsigned int iter =0; iter<n;iter++ )
-    {
-      //std::cout << "Rx" << iter << " = " << (MATLAB)Rx << std::endl << std::endl;
-      const unsigned int i=n-iter-1;
-      const unsigned int j=n-iter-1;
-      const unsigned int k=n+xn;
-      const double &a=Rx(j,i);
-      const double &b=Rx(j,k);
-      if( fabs(b)>fabs(a) )
-	{ tau=-a/b; s=1/sqrt(1+tau*tau); c=s*tau; }
-      else
-	{ tau=-b/a; c=1/sqrt(1+tau*tau); s=c*tau; }
-      for( unsigned int row=0;row<n-iter;++row )
-	{
-	  const double ri = Rx(row,i);
-	  const double rk = Rx(row,k);
-	  Rx(row,i) = ri*c-rk*s;
-	  Rx(row,k) = ri*s+rk*c;
-	}
+  double c, s, tau;
+  for (unsigned int iter = 0; iter < n; iter++) {
+    // std::cout << "Rx" << iter << " = " << (MATLAB)Rx << std::endl <<
+    // std::endl;
+    const unsigned int i = n - iter - 1;
+    const unsigned int j = n - iter - 1;
+    const unsigned int k = n + xn;
+    const double &a = Rx(j, i);
+    const double &b = Rx(j, k);
+    if (fabs(b) > fabs(a)) {
+      tau = -a / b;
+      s = 1 / sqrt(1 + tau * tau);
+      c = s * tau;
+    } else {
+      tau = -b / a;
+      c = 1 / sqrt(1 + tau * tau);
+      s = c * tau;
+    }
+    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < n - iter; ++row) {
+      const double ri = Rx(row, i);
+      const double rk = Rx(row, k);
+      Rx(row, i) = ri * c - rk * s;
+      Rx(row, k) = ri * s + rk * c;
-  //std::cout << "Rt = " << (MATLAB)Rx << std::endl << std::endl;
+  }
+  // std::cout << "Rt = " << (MATLAB)Rx << std::endl << std::endl;
 /* Same, but with a collection of vector instead of only one. */
-template< typename bubTemplateMatrix >
-void invGeneralizeCholeskiUpdate( bubTemplateMatrix & Rx )
+template <typename bubTemplateMatrix>
+void invGeneralizeCholeskiUpdate(bubTemplateMatrix &Rx) {
   const unsigned int n = Rx.size1();
-  const unsigned int xn = Rx.size2()-n;
-  //std::cout << "Cho init " << Rx<< std::endl;
-  //std::cout << "Cho init " << n << ":" << xn << std::endl;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<xn;++i )
-    {
-      invCholeskiUpdate(Rx,i);
-    }
+  const unsigned int xn = Rx.size2() - n;
+  // std::cout << "Cho init " << Rx<< std::endl;
+  // std::cout << "Cho init " << n << ":" << xn << std::endl;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xn; ++i) {
+    invCholeskiUpdate(Rx, i);
+  }
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-class sotHouseholdMatrix
+class sotHouseholdMatrix {
 public: // protected:
   Vector v;
   double beta;
-  sotHouseholdMatrix( void ) { v.resize(0);}
-  sotHouseholdMatrix( const unsigned int n )
-  { v.resize(n); std::fill(v.begin(),v.end(),0); beta=0;}
-  sotHouseholdMatrix( const Vector& _v, const double& _beta )
-  { v= _v; beta=_beta; }
-  sotHouseholdMatrix( const Matrix& _v, const double& _beta )
-  {
+  sotHouseholdMatrix(void) { v.resize(0); }
+  sotHouseholdMatrix(const unsigned int n) {
+    v.resize(n);
+    std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
+    beta = 0;
+  }
+  sotHouseholdMatrix(const Vector &_v, const double &_beta) {
+    v = _v;
+    beta = _beta;
+  }
+  sotHouseholdMatrix(const Matrix &_v, const double &_beta) {
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<_v.size1();++i )
-      {v(i)= _v(i,0);}
-    beta=_beta;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _v.size1(); ++i) {
+      v(i) = _v(i, 0);
+    }
+    beta = _beta;
   /* TODO: vstar is computed with many 0. same for vstar^T.
    * The computation should be optimized using only A22 instead of
    * A = [A11 A12; A21 A22]; */
-  void multiplyRight( Vector& a ) const // P*a
+  void multiplyRight(Vector &a) const // P*a
-    const unsigned int m=a.size();
+    const unsigned int m = a.size();
     const unsigned int kv = v.size();
-    const unsigned int m_kv = m-kv;
+    const unsigned int m_kv = m - kv;
-    double w; w=0;
+    double w;
+    w = 0;
     // w <- b v' A = b [ 0 ... 0 1 v' ] a
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<kv;++i )
-      { w += v(i)*a(i+m_kv); }
-    w*=beta;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kv; ++i) {
+      w += v(i) * a(i + m_kv);
+    }
+    w *= beta;
     // a <- a - v w = [ 0; ... ; 0;  1; v ] w
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<kv;++i )
-      { a(i+m_kv)-=v(i)*w; }
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kv; ++i) {
+      a(i + m_kv) -= v(i) * w;
+    }
-  void multiplyRight( Matrix& A ) const // P*A
+  void multiplyRight(Matrix &A) const // P*A
-    const unsigned int m=A.size1(), n=A.size2();
+    const unsigned int m = A.size1(), n = A.size2();
     const unsigned int kv = v.size();
-    const unsigned int m_kv = m-kv;
+    const unsigned int m_kv = m - kv;
-    Vector w(n); w*=0;
+    Vector w(n);
+    w *= 0;
     // W <- b v' A = b [ 0 ... 0 1 v' ] A
-    for( unsigned int j=0;j<n;++j )
-      {
-	for( unsigned int i=0;i<kv;++i )
-	  { w(j) += v(i)*A(i+m_kv,j); }
-	w(j)*=beta;
+    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kv; ++i) {
+        w(j) += v(i) * A(i + m_kv, j);
+      w(j) *= beta;
+    }
     // A <- A - v w = [ 0; ... ; 0;  1; v ] w
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<kv;++i )
-      for( unsigned int j=0;j<n;++j )
-	{ A(i+m_kv,j)-=v(i)*w(j); }
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kv; ++i)
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
+        A(i + m_kv, j) -= v(i) * w(j);
+      }
-  friend std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream & os,const sotHouseholdMatrix & P )
-  {
+  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                  const sotHouseholdMatrix &P) {
     return os << "[b=" << P.beta << "] " << (MATLAB)P.v;
-class sotHouseholdMatrices
+class sotHouseholdMatrices {
 public: // protected:
   typedef std::list<sotHouseholdMatrix> HouseholdList;
   HouseholdList matrices;
   static const double THRESHOLD;
-  sotHouseholdMatrices( void ) { matrices.resize(0);}
-  sotHouseholdMatrices( const Matrix & RQ, const Vector & betas )
-  { this->push_back(RQ,betas);  }
+  sotHouseholdMatrices(void) { matrices.resize(0); }
+  sotHouseholdMatrices(const Matrix &RQ, const Vector &betas) {
+    this->push_back(RQ, betas);
+  }
-  void push_back( const sotHouseholdMatrix& P )
-  { matrices.push_back( P ); }
+  void push_back(const sotHouseholdMatrix &P) { matrices.push_back(P); }
   /* <nbVector> is the number of vector to consider. If nbVector<0, all
    * the householder vectors are added. */
-  void push_back( const bub::matrix<double> & RQ,
-		  const Vector & betas,
-		  const int nbVector=-1 )
-  {
-    const unsigned int nToProceed
-      =((nbVector<0)
-	?std::min(RQ.size1(),RQ.size2())
-	:(unsigned int)nbVector);
-    const unsigned int m=RQ.size1();
-    //unsigned int i=0;
-    //while( (i<n)&&(fabs(betas(i))>THRESHOLD) )
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<nToProceed;++i )
-      {
-	Vector v(m-i);  v(0)=1;
-	for( unsigned int j=1;j<m-i;++j ) v(j)=RQ(j+i,i);
-	sotHouseholdMatrix(v,betas(i));
-	this->push_back( sotHouseholdMatrix(v,betas(i)) );
-      }
+  void push_back(const bub::matrix<double> &RQ, const Vector &betas,
+                 const int nbVector = -1) {
+    const unsigned int nToProceed =
+        ((nbVector < 0) ? std::min(RQ.size1(), RQ.size2())
+                        : (unsigned int)nbVector);
+    const unsigned int m = RQ.size1();
+    // unsigned int i=0;
+    // while( (i<n)&&(fabs(betas(i))>THRESHOLD) )
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nToProceed; ++i)
+    {
+      Vector v(m - i);
+      v(0) = 1;
+      for (unsigned int j = 1; j < m - i; ++j)
+        v(j) = RQ(j + i, i);
+      sotHouseholdMatrix(v, betas(i));
+      this->push_back(sotHouseholdMatrix(v, betas(i)));
+    }
-  void push_back( const sotHouseholdMatrices& Q2 )
-  {
-    for( HouseholdList::const_iterator Pi = Q2.matrices.begin();
-	 Pi!=Q2.matrices.end(); ++Pi )
-      {   matrices.push_back( *Pi );   }
+  void push_back(const sotHouseholdMatrices &Q2) {
+    for (HouseholdList::const_iterator Pi = Q2.matrices.begin();
+         Pi != Q2.matrices.end(); ++Pi) {
+      matrices.push_back(*Pi);
+    }
   /* --- Vectors --- */
-  virtual void multiplyRight( Vector& a ) const // Q*a = P1*P2*...*Pn*a
+  virtual void multiplyRight(Vector &a) const // Q*a = P1*P2*...*Pn*a
-    for( HouseholdList::const_reverse_iterator Pi = matrices.rbegin();
-	 Pi!=matrices.rend(); ++Pi )
-      {	Pi->multiplyRight(a);      }
+    for (HouseholdList::const_reverse_iterator Pi = matrices.rbegin();
+         Pi != matrices.rend(); ++Pi) {
+      Pi->multiplyRight(a);
+    }
-  virtual void multiplyTransposeRight( Vector& a ) const // Q*a = Pn*...*P2*P1*a
+  virtual void multiplyTransposeRight(Vector &a) const // Q*a = Pn*...*P2*P1*a
-    for( HouseholdList::const_iterator Pi=matrices.begin();
-	 Pi!=matrices.end(); ++Pi )
-      {	Pi->multiplyRight(a);      }
+    for (HouseholdList::const_iterator Pi = matrices.begin();
+         Pi != matrices.end(); ++Pi) {
+      Pi->multiplyRight(a);
+    }
   /* For both sub range product, I tried to optimize a little bit
@@ -520,79 +534,85 @@ public:
    * the very first product. All the other P's have to be multiply in full.
    * Consequently, I will not waste any more time to save some 4 or 5
    * double product. */
-  virtual void multiplyRangeRight( const Vector& a, // N*A = Q*[0;I]*A = P1*...*Pn*[0;A]
-				   Vector& res,
-				   const unsigned int zeroBefore,
-				   const unsigned int zeroAfter ) const
-  {
-    const unsigned int m=a.size(); //n =1;
-    const unsigned int mpp=m+zeroBefore+zeroAfter;
-    Vector &app = res; app.resize( mpp ); app.assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(mpp));
-    bub::vector_range< Vector > acopy(app,bub::range(zeroBefore,zeroBefore+m));
+  virtual void
+  multiplyRangeRight(const Vector &a, // N*A = Q*[0;I]*A = P1*...*Pn*[0;A]
+                     Vector &res, const unsigned int zeroBefore,
+                     const unsigned int zeroAfter) const {
+    const unsigned int m = a.size(); // n =1;
+    const unsigned int mpp = m + zeroBefore + zeroAfter;
+    Vector &app = res;
+    app.resize(mpp);
+    app.assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(mpp));
+    bub::vector_range<Vector> acopy(app,
+                                    bub::range(zeroBefore, zeroBefore + m));
   /* Same as before, no optimization done here. */
   // N'*a = [0 I]*Q'*a = subrange( P1*...*Pn*A )
-  virtual void multiplyTransposeRangeRight( const Vector& a,
-					    Vector& res,
-					    const unsigned int zeroBefore,
-					    const unsigned int zeroAfter ) const
-  {
-    Vector acopy = a; multiplyTransposeRight(acopy);
+  virtual void multiplyTransposeRangeRight(const Vector &a, Vector &res,
+                                           const unsigned int zeroBefore,
+                                           const unsigned int zeroAfter) const {
+    Vector acopy = a;
+    multiplyTransposeRight(acopy);
     const unsigned int mres = a.size() - zeroBefore - zeroAfter;
-    //bub::matrix_range< Matrix > asub (acopy,bub::range(zeroBefore,mres));
-    res.resize(mres); res.assign( bub::project( acopy,bub::range(zeroBefore,mres)) );
+    // bub::matrix_range< Matrix > asub (acopy,bub::range(zeroBefore,mres));
+    res.resize(mres);
+    res.assign(bub::project(acopy, bub::range(zeroBefore, mres)));
   /* --- Matrices --- */
-  virtual void multiplyRight( Matrix& A ) const // Q*A = P1*P2*...*Pn*A
+  virtual void multiplyRight(Matrix &A) const // Q*A = P1*P2*...*Pn*A
-    for( HouseholdList::const_reverse_iterator Pi = matrices.rbegin();
-	 Pi!=matrices.rend(); ++Pi )
-      {	Pi->multiplyRight(A);      }
+    for (HouseholdList::const_reverse_iterator Pi = matrices.rbegin();
+         Pi != matrices.rend(); ++Pi) {
+      Pi->multiplyRight(A);
+    }
-  virtual void multiplyTransposeRight( Matrix& A ) const // Q*A = Pn*...*P2*P1*A
+  virtual void multiplyTransposeRight(Matrix &A) const // Q*A = Pn*...*P2*P1*A
-    for( HouseholdList::const_iterator Pi = matrices.begin();
-	 Pi!=matrices.end(); ++Pi )
-      {	Pi->multiplyRight(A);      }
+    for (HouseholdList::const_iterator Pi = matrices.begin();
+         Pi != matrices.end(); ++Pi) {
+      Pi->multiplyRight(A);
+    }
-  friend std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream & os,const sotHouseholdMatrices & Ps )
-  {
-    for( HouseholdList::const_iterator Pi = Ps.matrices.begin();
-	 Pi!=Ps.matrices.end(); ++Pi )
-      {
-	os << (*Pi) << std::endl;
-      }
-    if( Ps.matrices.empty() ) os << "Identity" << std::endl;
+  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
+                                  const sotHouseholdMatrices &Ps) {
+    for (HouseholdList::const_iterator Pi = Ps.matrices.begin();
+         Pi != Ps.matrices.end(); ++Pi) {
+      os << (*Pi) << std::endl;
+    }
+    if (Ps.matrices.empty())
+      os << "Identity" << std::endl;
     return os;
 const double sotHouseholdMatrices::THRESHOLD = 1e-9;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-typedef bub::triangular_adaptor< bub::matrix_range< bub::matrix<double,boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> >, bub::upper> MatrixTriSquare;
+typedef bub::triangular_adaptor<
+    bub::matrix_range<bub::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major>>,
+    bub::upper>
+    MatrixTriSquare;
 /* Assuming a diagonal-ordered triangular matrix. */
-unsigned int rankDetermination( const Matrix& A,
-				const double threshold = 1e-6 )
-  const unsigned int n = traits::leading_dimension (A);
+unsigned int rankDetermination(const Matrix &A, const double threshold = 1e-6) {
+  const unsigned int n = traits::leading_dimension(A);
   unsigned int res = 0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<n;++i )
-    { if( fabs(A(i,i))>threshold ) res++; else break; }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+    if (fabs(A(i, i)) > threshold)
+      res++;
+    else
+      break;
+  }
   return res;
@@ -602,210 +622,219 @@ unsigned int rankDetermination( const Matrix& A,
 #define WITH_CHRONO
-#ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
-	#ifndef WIN32
-	#include <sys/time.h>
-	#else /*WIN32*/
-	#include <sot/core/utils-windows.hh>
-	#endif /*WIN32*/
+#ifndef WIN32
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#else /*WIN32*/
+#include <sot/core/utils-windows.hh>
+#endif /*WIN32*/
 #endif /*WITH_CHRONO*/
-#ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
-#   define sotINIT_CHRONO1 struct timeval t0,t1; double dt
-#   define sotSTART_CHRONO1  gettimeofday(&t0,NULL)
-#   define sotCHRONO1 \
-      gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);\
-      dt = ( (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000.* 1000.\
-	     + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.)  );\
-      sotDEBUG(1) << "dt: "<< dt / 1000. << std::endl
-#   define sotINITPARTCOUNTERS  struct timeval tpart0
-#   define sotSTARTPARTCOUNTERS  gettimeofday(&tpart0,NULL)
-#   define sotCOUNTER(nbc1,nbc2) \
-	  gettimeofday(&tpart##nbc2,NULL); \
-	  dt##nbc2 += ( (tpart##nbc2.tv_sec-tpart##nbc1.tv_sec) * 1000.* 1000. \
-		   + (tpart##nbc2.tv_usec-tpart##nbc1.tv_usec+0.)  )
-#   define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1) \
-   struct timeval tpart##nbc1; double dt##nbc1=0;
-#   define sotPRINTCOUNTER(nbc1)  sotDEBUG(1) << "dt" << nbc1 << " = " << dt##nbc1 << std::endl
+#define sotINIT_CHRONO1                                                        \
+  struct timeval t0, t1;                                                       \
+  double dt
+#define sotSTART_CHRONO1 gettimeofday(&t0, NULL)
+#define sotCHRONO1                                                             \
+  gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);                                                     \
+  dt = ((t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1000. * 1000. +                              \
+        (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec + 0.));                                       \
+  sotDEBUG(1) << "dt: " << dt / 1000. << std::endl
+#define sotINITPARTCOUNTERS struct timeval tpart0
+#define sotSTARTPARTCOUNTERS gettimeofday(&tpart0, NULL)
+#define sotCOUNTER(nbc1, nbc2)                                                 \
+  gettimeofday(&tpart##nbc2, NULL);                                            \
+  dt##nbc2 += ((tpart##nbc2.tv_sec - tpart##nbc1.tv_sec) * 1000. * 1000. +     \
+               (tpart##nbc2.tv_usec - tpart##nbc1.tv_usec + 0.))
+#define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)                                                   \
+  struct timeval tpart##nbc1;                                                  \
+  double dt##nbc1 = 0;
+#define sotPRINTCOUNTER(nbc1)                                                  \
+  sotDEBUG(1) << "dt" << nbc1 << " = " << dt##nbc1 << std::endl
 #else // #ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
-#   define sotINIT_CHRONO1
-#   define sotSTART_CHRONO1
-#   define sotCHRONO1
-#   define sotCOUNTER(nbc1,nbc2)
-#   define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)
-#   define sotPRINTCOUNTER(nbc1)
+#define sotINIT_CHRONO1
+#define sotSTART_CHRONO1
+#define sotCHRONO1
+#define sotCOUNTER(nbc1, nbc2)
+#define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)
+#define sotPRINTCOUNTER(nbc1)
 #endif // #ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
-dynamicgraph::Vector& SotQr::
-computeControlLaw( dynamicgraph::Vector& control,const int& iterTime )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &SotQr::computeControlLaw(dynamicgraph::Vector &control,
+                                               const int &iterTime) {
-  //sotINIT_CHRONO1;
+  // sotINIT_CHRONO1;
-  //sotSTART_CHRONO1;
+  // sotSTART_CHRONO1;
-  //const double &th = inversionThresholdSIN(iterTime);
+  // const double &th = inversionThresholdSIN(iterTime);
   const dynamicgraph::Matrix &K = constraintSOUT(iterTime);
   const unsigned int nJ = K.cols();
   sotHouseholdMatrices Q;
   unsigned int freeRank = nJ;
-  Vector u(nJ); u.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(nJ) );
+  Vector u(nJ);
+  u.assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(nJ));
-  sotDEBUGF(5, " --- Time %d -------------------", iterTime );
+  sotDEBUGF(5, " --- Time %d -------------------", iterTime);
   /* First stage. */
-    TaskAbstract & task = **(stack.begin());
+    TaskAbstract &task = **(stack.begin());
     const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = task.jacobianSOUT(iterTime);
     const dynamicgraph::Vector err;
     Sot::taskVectorToMlVector(task.taskSOUT(iterTime), err);
     const unsigned int mJ = Jac.rows();
-    /***/sotCOUNTER(0,1); // Direct Dynamic
+    /***/ sotCOUNTER(0, 1); // Direct Dynamic
     /* --- INIT MEMORY --- */
-    MemoryTaskSOT * mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>( task.memoryInternal );
-    if( NULL==mem )
-      {
-        if( NULL!=task.memoryInternal ) delete task.memoryInternal;
-        mem = new MemoryTaskSOT( task.getName()+"_memSOT",nJ,mJ );
-        task.memoryInternal = mem;
-      }
-    /***/sotCOUNTER(1,2); // Direct Dynamic
+    MemoryTaskSOT *mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>(task.memoryInternal);
+    if (NULL == mem) {
+      if (NULL != task.memoryInternal)
+        delete task.memoryInternal;
+      mem = new MemoryTaskSOT(task.getName() + "_memSOT", nJ, mJ);
+      task.memoryInternal = mem;
+    }
+    /***/ sotCOUNTER(1, 2); // Direct Dynamic
     /* --- COMPUTE JK --- */
     dynamicgraph::Matrix &JK = mem->JK;
-    JK.resize( mJ,nJ );
-    mem->Jff.resize( mJ,Jac.cols()-nJ );
-    mem->Jact.resize( mJ,nJ );
-    Sot::computeJacobianConstrained( task,K );
-    /***/sotCOUNTER(2,3); // compute JK
+    JK.resize(mJ, nJ);
+    mem->Jff.resize(mJ, Jac.cols() - nJ);
+    mem->Jact.resize(mJ, nJ);
+    Sot::computeJacobianConstrained(task, K);
+    /***/ sotCOUNTER(2, 3); // compute JK
-    const Matrix & J1 = JK.accessToMotherLib();
-    const Vector & e1 = err.accessToMotherLib();
-    const unsigned int & m1 = e1.size();
+    const Matrix &J1 = JK.accessToMotherLib();
+    const Vector &e1 = err.accessToMotherLib();
+    const unsigned int &m1 = e1.size();
     /* --- Compute the QR decomposition. --- */
-    Matrix QR1(nJ,m1);
+    Matrix QR1(nJ, m1);
     Vector beta1(m1);
     Eigen::VectorXi perm1(m1);
     QR1 = bub::trans(J1);
-    boost::numeric::bindings::lapack::geqp(QR1,perm1,beta1);
-    const unsigned int & rank1 = rankDetermination(QR1);
+    boost::numeric::bindings::lapack::geqp(QR1, perm1, beta1);
+    const unsigned int &rank1 = rankDetermination(QR1);
     /* --- Organize into Q and R. --- */
     /* If J1 is rank deficient, then the last <m-r> householder vectors
      * do not affect the range basis M (where Q=[M N]). If M is constant
      * wrt these vector, then Span(N)=orth(Span(M)) is also constant, even
      * if N is non constant, and thus these vectors can be neglect. */
-    Q.push_back( QR1,beta1,rank1 );
-    if( rank1<m1 ) // Rank deficiency
-      {
-        bub::matrix_range< bub::matrix<double,boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> >
-          QR1sup( QR1,bub::range(0,rank1),bub::range(0,m1) );
-        invGeneralizeCholeskiUpdate( QR1sup );
-      }
-    bub::matrix_range< bub::matrix<double,boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> >
-      QR1sup( QR1,bub::range(0,rank1),bub::range(0,rank1) );
+    Q.push_back(QR1, beta1, rank1);
+    if (rank1 < m1) // Rank deficiency
+    {
+      bub::matrix_range<
+          bub::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major>>
+          QR1sup(QR1, bub::range(0, rank1), bub::range(0, m1));
+      invGeneralizeCholeskiUpdate(QR1sup);
+    }
+    bub::matrix_range<bub::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major>>
+        QR1sup(QR1, bub::range(0, rank1), bub::range(0, rank1));
     const MatrixTriSquare R1(QR1sup);
     /* --- Compute the control law. --- */
     Vector b1(nJ);
     /* b <- J'e */
-    bub::axpy_prod( e1,J1,b1,true );
+    bub::axpy_prod(e1, J1, b1, true);
     /* b <- Q' J' e */
     /* Qe1 <- M' J' e */
-    bub::vector_range<Vector> Qe1(b1,bub::range(0,rank1));
+    bub::vector_range<Vector> Qe1(b1, bub::range(0, rank1));
     /* Qe1 <- R-1 M' J' e */
-    bub::lu_substitute(R1,Qe1);
+    bub::lu_substitute(R1, Qe1);
     /* Qe1 <- R'-1 R-1 M' J' e */
-    bub::lu_substitute(Qe1,(const Matrix &)R1);
+    bub::lu_substitute(Qe1, (const Matrix &)R1);
     /* b <- [ Qe1; 0 ] */
-    bub::vector_range<Vector> Ne1(b1,bub::range(rank1,nJ));
-    Ne1.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>( nJ-rank1-1 ) );
+    bub::vector_range<Vector> Ne1(b1, bub::range(rank1, nJ));
+    Ne1.assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(nJ - rank1 - 1));
     /* b <- Q [ Qe1;0] = M R'-1 R-1 M' J' e */
     /* Ready for the next step... */
-    u+=b1;
-    freeRank-=rank1;
+    u += b1;
+    freeRank -= rank1;
     /* --- Traces --- */
     sotDEBUG(45) << " * --- Stage 0 ----------------------- *" << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(15) << "J1 = "    << (MATLAB)J1 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(15) << "e1 = "    << (MATLAB)e1 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(15) << "rank1 = " << rank1      << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(45) << "Q1 = "    << Q;
-    sotDEBUG(15) << "R1 = "    << (MATLAB)R1 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(45) << "du1 = "   << (MATLAB)b1 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(15) << "u1 = "    << (MATLAB)u  << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "J1 = " << (MATLAB)J1 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "e1 = " << (MATLAB)e1 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "rank1 = " << rank1 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Q1 = " << Q;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "R1 = " << (MATLAB)R1 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "du1 = " << (MATLAB)b1 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "u1 = " << (MATLAB)u << std::endl;
   unsigned int stage = 1;
   StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin();
-  for( iter++; iter!=stack.end();++iter,stage++ )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(45) << " * --- Stage " << stage << " ----------------------- *" << std::endl;
-      TaskAbstract & task = **iter;
-      const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = task.jacobianSOUT(iterTime);
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector err;
-      Sot::taskVectorToMlVector(task.taskSOUT(iterTime), err);
-      const unsigned int mJ = Jac.rows();
-      /***/sotCOUNTER(0,1); // Direct Dynamic
-      /* --- INIT MEMORY --- */
-      MemoryTaskSOT * mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>( task.memoryInternal );
-      if( NULL==mem )
-        {
-          if( NULL!=task.memoryInternal ) delete task.memoryInternal;
-          mem = new MemoryTaskSOT( task.getName()+"_memSOT",nJ,mJ );
-          task.memoryInternal = mem;
-        }
-      dynamicgraph::Matrix &JK = mem->JK;
-      /* --- COMPUTE JK --- */
-      JK.resize( mJ,nJ );
-      mem->Jff.resize( mJ,Jac.cols()-nJ );
-      mem->Jact.resize( mJ,nJ );
-      Sot::computeJacobianConstrained( task,K );
-      /***/sotCOUNTER(2,3); // compute JK
-      const Matrix & J2 = JK.accessToMotherLib();
-      const Vector & e2 = err.accessToMotherLib();
-      const unsigned int & m2 = e2.size();
-      /* --- Compute the limited matrix. --- */
-      Matrix QJt2( nJ,m2 ); QJt2.assign( bub::trans(J2) );
-      Q.multiplyTransposeRight(QJt2);
-      bub::matrix_range<Matrix> Jt2( QJt2,bub::range(nJ-freeRank,nJ),bub::range(0,m2));
+  for (iter++; iter != stack.end(); ++iter, stage++) {
+    sotDEBUG(45) << " * --- Stage " << stage << " ----------------------- *"
+                 << std::endl;
+    TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
+    const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = task.jacobianSOUT(iterTime);
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector err;
+    Sot::taskVectorToMlVector(task.taskSOUT(iterTime), err);
+    const unsigned int mJ = Jac.rows();
+    /***/ sotCOUNTER(0, 1); // Direct Dynamic
+    /* --- INIT MEMORY --- */
+    MemoryTaskSOT *mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>(task.memoryInternal);
+    if (NULL == mem) {
+      if (NULL != task.memoryInternal)
+        delete task.memoryInternal;
+      mem = new MemoryTaskSOT(task.getName() + "_memSOT", nJ, mJ);
+      task.memoryInternal = mem;
+    }
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix &JK = mem->JK;
+    /* --- COMPUTE JK --- */
+    JK.resize(mJ, nJ);
+    mem->Jff.resize(mJ, Jac.cols() - nJ);
+    mem->Jact.resize(mJ, nJ);
+    Sot::computeJacobianConstrained(task, K);
+    /***/ sotCOUNTER(2, 3); // compute JK
+    const Matrix &J2 = JK.accessToMotherLib();
+    const Vector &e2 = err.accessToMotherLib();
+    const unsigned int &m2 = e2.size();
+    /* --- Compute the limited matrix. --- */
+    Matrix QJt2(nJ, m2);
+    QJt2.assign(bub::trans(J2));
+    Q.multiplyTransposeRight(QJt2);
+    bub::matrix_range<Matrix> Jt2(QJt2, bub::range(nJ - freeRank, nJ),
+                                  bub::range(0, m2));
     /* --- Compute the QR decomposition. --- */
-    bub::matrix<double,boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> QR2(freeRank,m2);
+    bub::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> QR2(freeRank, m2);
     Vector beta2(m2);
     bub::vector<int> perm2(m2);
-    boost::numeric::bindings::lapack::geqp(QR2,perm2,beta2);
-    const unsigned int & rank2 = rankDetermination(QR2);
+    boost::numeric::bindings::lapack::geqp(QR2, perm2, beta2);
+    const unsigned int &rank2 = rankDetermination(QR2);
     /* --- Organize into Q and R. --- */
     sotHouseholdMatrices Q2;
-    Q2.push_back( QR2,beta2,rank2 );
-    if( rank2<m2 ) // Rank deficiency
-      {
-        bub::matrix_range< bub::matrix<double,boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> >
-          QR2sup( QR2,bub::range(0,rank2),bub::range(0,m2) );
-	invGeneralizeCholeskiUpdate( QR2sup );
-     }
-    bub::matrix_range< bub::matrix<double,boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> >
-      QR2sup( QR2,bub::range(0,rank2),bub::range(0,rank2) );
+    Q2.push_back(QR2, beta2, rank2);
+    if (rank2 < m2) // Rank deficiency
+    {
+      bub::matrix_range<
+          bub::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major>>
+          QR2sup(QR2, bub::range(0, rank2), bub::range(0, m2));
+      invGeneralizeCholeskiUpdate(QR2sup);
+    }
+    bub::matrix_range<bub::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major>>
+        QR2sup(QR2, bub::range(0, rank2), bub::range(0, rank2));
     const MatrixTriSquare R2(QR2sup);
     /* --- Compute the control law. --- */
@@ -813,160 +842,146 @@ computeControlLaw( dynamicgraph::Vector& control,const int& iterTime )
     Vector u2(nJ);
     /* et <- e - J2'u1 */
-    Vector et2( m2 ); et2.assign( e2 );
-    bub::axpy_prod( J2,-u,et2,false );
+    Vector et2(m2);
+    et2.assign(e2);
+    bub::axpy_prod(J2, -u, et2, false);
     /* b <- Jt'et */
-    bub::axpy_prod( Jt2,et2,b2,true );
+    bub::axpy_prod(Jt2, et2, b2, true);
     /* b <- Q' Jt' et */
     /* Qe2 <- M' Jt' et */
-    bub::vector_range<Vector> Qe2(b2,bub::range(0,rank2));
+    bub::vector_range<Vector> Qe2(b2, bub::range(0, rank2));
     /* Qe2 <- R-2 M' Jt' et */
-    bub::lu_substitute(R2,Qe2);
+    bub::lu_substitute(R2, Qe2);
     /* Qe2 <- R'-1 R-1 M' Jt' et */
-    bub::lu_substitute(Qe2,(const Matrix &)R2);
+    bub::lu_substitute(Qe2, (const Matrix &)R2);
     /* b <- [ Qe2; 0 ] */
-    bub::vector_range<Vector> Ne2(b2,bub::range(rank2,freeRank));
-    Ne2.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>( freeRank-rank2-1 ) );
+    bub::vector_range<Vector> Ne2(b2, bub::range(rank2, freeRank));
+    Ne2.assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(freeRank - rank2 - 1));
     /* b <- Q [ Qe2;0] = M R'-1 R-1 M' Jt' et */
     /* u2 <- N b = Q [0;I] b */
-    Q.multiplyRangeRight( b2,u2,nJ-freeRank,0 );
+    Q.multiplyRangeRight(b2, u2, nJ - freeRank, 0);
     /* Increment. */
-    u+=u2;
+    u += u2;
     freeRank -= rank2;
     /* --- Traces --- */
-    sotDEBUG(15) << "J"<<stage+1<<" = " << (MATLAB)J2 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(25) << "Jt"<<stage+1<<" = " << (MATLAB)Jt2 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(15) << "e"<<stage+1<<" = " << (MATLAB)e2 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(15) << "rank"<<stage+1<<" = " << rank2 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(25) << "QR"<<stage+1<<" = " << (MATLAB)QR2 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(45) << "Q"<<stage+1<<" = " << Q2;
-    sotDEBUG(15) << "R"<<stage+1<<" = " << (MATLAB)R2 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(45) << "et"<<stage+1<<" = " << (MATLAB)et2 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(45) << "MRRMb"<<stage+1<<" = " << (MATLAB)b2 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(25) << "du"<<stage+1<<" = " << (MATLAB)u2 << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(15) << "u"<<stage+1<<" = " << (MATLAB)u << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(45) << "QA"<<stage+1<<" = " << Q << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(25) << "freerank"<<stage+1<<" = " << freeRank << std::endl;
-    }
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "J" << stage + 1 << " = " << (MATLAB)J2 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Jt" << stage + 1 << " = " << (MATLAB)Jt2 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "e" << stage + 1 << " = " << (MATLAB)e2 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "rank" << stage + 1 << " = " << rank2 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "QR" << stage + 1 << " = " << (MATLAB)QR2 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Q" << stage + 1 << " = " << Q2;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "R" << stage + 1 << " = " << (MATLAB)R2 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "et" << stage + 1 << " = " << (MATLAB)et2 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "MRRMb" << stage + 1 << " = " << (MATLAB)b2 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "du" << stage + 1 << " = " << (MATLAB)u2 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "u" << stage + 1 << " = " << (MATLAB)u << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "QA" << stage + 1 << " = " << Q << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "freerank" << stage + 1 << " = " << freeRank << std::endl;
+  }
   control.accessToMotherLib() = u;
 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
-  for( StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); iter!=stack.end();++iter )
-    {
-      TaskAbstract & task = **iter;
-      MemoryTaskSOT * mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>( task.memoryInternal );
-      const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = mem->JK;
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector err;
-      Sot::taskVectorToMlVector(task.taskSOUT.accessCopy(), err);
-      dynamicgraph::Vector diffErr(err.size());
-      diffErr = Jac*control;
-      diffErr-=err;
-      sotDEBUG(45)<<diffErr<<std::endl;
-    }
+  for (StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); ++iter) {
+    TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
+    MemoryTaskSOT *mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>(task.memoryInternal);
+    const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = mem->JK;
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector err;
+    Sot::taskVectorToMlVector(task.taskSOUT.accessCopy(), err);
+    dynamicgraph::Vector diffErr(err.size());
+    diffErr = Jac * control;
+    diffErr -= err;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << diffErr << std::endl;
+  }
 #endif // #ifdef VP_DEBUG
   return control;
-dynamicgraph::Matrix& SotQr::
-computeConstraintProjector( dynamicgraph::Matrix& ProjK, const int& time )
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &
+SotQr::computeConstraintProjector(dynamicgraph::Matrix &ProjK,
+                                  const int &time) {
   const dynamicgraph::Matrix *Jptr;
-  if( 0==constraintList.size() )
-    {
-      const unsigned int FF_SIZE = ffJointIdLast-ffJointIdFirst;
-      ProjK.resize( FF_SIZE,nbJoints-FF_SIZE ); ProjK.fill(.0);
-      sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-      return ProjK;
-    }
-  else if( 1==constraintList.size() )
-    { Jptr = &(*constraintList.begin())->jacobianSOUT(time); }
-  else
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionTask( ExceptionTask::EMPTY_LIST,
-				  "Not implemented yet." );
-    }
+  if (0 == constraintList.size()) {
+    const unsigned int FF_SIZE = ffJointIdLast - ffJointIdFirst;
+    ProjK.resize(FF_SIZE, nbJoints - FF_SIZE);
+    ProjK.fill(.0);
+    sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+    return ProjK;
+  } else if (1 == constraintList.size()) {
+    Jptr = &(*constraintList.begin())->jacobianSOUT(time);
+  } else {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::EMPTY_LIST, "Not implemented yet.");
+  }
   const dynamicgraph::Matrix &J = *Jptr;
-  sotDEBUG(12) << "J = "<< J;
+  sotDEBUG(12) << "J = " << J;
   const unsigned int nJc = J.cols();
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jff( J.rows(),ffJointIdLast-ffJointIdFirst );
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jc( J.rows(),nJc-ffJointIdLast+ffJointIdFirst );
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<J.rows();++i )
-    {
-      if( ffJointIdFirst )
-	for( unsigned int j=0;j<ffJointIdFirst;++j )
-	  Jc(i,j)=J(i,j);
-      if( ffJointIdLast<nJc )
-	for( unsigned int j=ffJointIdLast;j<nJc;++j )
-	    Jc(i,j+ffJointIdFirst-ffJointIdLast)=J(i,j);
-      for( unsigned int j=ffJointIdFirst;j<ffJointIdLast;++j )
-	Jff( i,j-ffJointIdFirst )=J(i,j);
-    }
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "Jc = "<< Jc;
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "Jff = "<< Jff;
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jff(J.rows(), ffJointIdLast - ffJointIdFirst);
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jc(J.rows(), nJc - ffJointIdLast + ffJointIdFirst);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < J.rows(); ++i) {
+    if (ffJointIdFirst)
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ffJointIdFirst; ++j)
+        Jc(i, j) = J(i, j);
+    if (ffJointIdLast < nJc)
+      for (unsigned int j = ffJointIdLast; j < nJc; ++j)
+        Jc(i, j + ffJointIdFirst - ffJointIdLast) = J(i, j);
+    for (unsigned int j = ffJointIdFirst; j < ffJointIdLast; ++j)
+      Jff(i, j - ffJointIdFirst) = J(i, j);
+  }
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Jc = " << Jc;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Jff = " << Jff;
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jffinv( Jff.cols(),Jff.rows() );
-  Jff.pseudoInverse( Jffinv );   Jffinv *= -1;
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jffinv(Jff.cols(), Jff.rows());
+  Jff.pseudoInverse(Jffinv);
+  Jffinv *= -1;
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix& Jffc = ProjK;
-  Jffc.resize( Jffinv.rows(),Jc.cols() );
-  Jffc = Jffinv*Jc;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "Jffc = "<< Jffc;
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jffc = ProjK;
+  Jffc.resize(Jffinv.rows(), Jc.cols());
+  Jffc = Jffinv * Jc;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Jffc = " << Jffc;
   return ProjK;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- DISPLAY --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void SotQr::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os << "+-----------------"<<std::endl<<"+   SOT     "
-     << std::endl<< "+-----------------"<<std::endl;
-  for ( std::list<TaskAbstract*>::const_iterator it=this->stack.begin();
-	this->stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      os << "| " << (*it)->getName() <<std::endl;
-    }
-  os<< "+-----------------"<<std::endl;
-  if( taskGradient )
-    {
-      os << "| {Grad} " <<taskGradient->getName() << std::endl;
-      os<< "+-----------------"<<std::endl;
-    }
-  for( ConstraintListType::const_iterator it = constraintList.begin();
-       it!=constraintList.end();++it )
-    { os<< "| K: "<< (*it)->getName() << endl; }
+void SotQr::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "+-----------------" << std::endl
+     << "+   SOT     " << std::endl
+     << "+-----------------" << std::endl;
+  for (std::list<TaskAbstract *>::const_iterator it = this->stack.begin();
+       this->stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    os << "| " << (*it)->getName() << std::endl;
+  }
+  os << "+-----------------" << std::endl;
+  if (taskGradient) {
+    os << "| {Grad} " << taskGradient->getName() << std::endl;
+    os << "+-----------------" << std::endl;
+  }
+  for (ConstraintListType::const_iterator it = constraintList.begin();
+       it != constraintList.end(); ++it) {
+    os << "| K: " << (*it)->getName() << endl;
+  }
-operator<< ( std::ostream& os,const SotQr& sot )
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SotQr &sot) {
   return os;
@@ -975,36 +990,33 @@ operator<< ( std::ostream& os,const SotQr& sot )
 /* --- COMMAND --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-std::ostream& SotQr::
-writeGraph( std::ostream& os ) const
+std::ostream &SotQr::writeGraph(std::ostream &os) const {
   std::list<TaskAbstract *>::const_iterator iter;
-  for(  iter = stack.begin(); iter!=stack.end();++iter )
-    {
-      const TaskAbstract & task = **iter;
-      std::list<TaskAbstract *>::const_iterator nextiter =iter;
-      nextiter++;
-      if (nextiter!=stack.end())
-	{
-	  TaskAbstract & nexttask = **nextiter;
-	  os << "\t\t\t\"" << task.getName() << "\" -> \"" << nexttask.getName() << "\" [color=red]" << endl;
-	}
+  for (iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); ++iter) {
+    const TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
+    std::list<TaskAbstract *>::const_iterator nextiter = iter;
+    nextiter++;
+    if (nextiter != stack.end()) {
+      TaskAbstract &nexttask = **nextiter;
+      os << "\t\t\t\"" << task.getName() << "\" -> \"" << nexttask.getName()
+         << "\" [color=red]" << endl;
+  }
-  os << "\t\tsubgraph cluster_Tasks {" <<endl;
+  os << "\t\tsubgraph cluster_Tasks {" << endl;
   os << "\t\t\tsubgraph \"cluster_" << getName() << "\" {" << std::endl;
-  os << "\t\t\t\tcolor=lightsteelblue1; label=\"" << getName() <<"\"; style=filled;" << std::endl;
-  for(  iter = stack.begin(); iter!=stack.end();++iter )
-    {
-      const TaskAbstract & task = **iter;
-      os << "\t\t\t\t\"" << task.getName()
-		<<"\" [ label = \"" << task.getName() << "\" ," << std::endl
-		<<"\t\t\t\t   fontcolor = black, color = black, fillcolor = magenta, style=filled, shape=box ]" << std::endl;
-    }
+  os << "\t\t\t\tcolor=lightsteelblue1; label=\"" << getName()
+     << "\"; style=filled;" << std::endl;
+  for (iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); ++iter) {
+    const TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
+    os << "\t\t\t\t\"" << task.getName() << "\" [ label = \"" << task.getName()
+       << "\" ," << std::endl
+       << "\t\t\t\t   fontcolor = black, color = black, fillcolor = magenta, "
+          "style=filled, shape=box ]"
+       << std::endl;
+  }
   os << "\t\t\t}" << std::endl;
-  os << "\t\t\t}" <<endl;
+  os << "\t\t\t}" << endl;
   return os;
diff --git a/src/sot/sot.cpp b/src/sot/sot.cpp
index a76ac0b7..fef5fd73 100644
--- a/src/sot/sot.cpp
+++ b/src/sot/sot.cpp
@@ -17,20 +17,20 @@
 /* SOT */
 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
-class sotSOT__INIT
-public:sotSOT__INIT( void ) { dynamicgraph::sot::DebugTrace::openFile(); }
+class sotSOT__INIT {
+  sotSOT__INIT(void) { dynamicgraph::sot::DebugTrace::openFile(); }
 sotSOT__INIT sotSOT_initiator;
 #endif //#ifdef VP_DEBUG
-#include <sot/core/sot.hh>
+#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
+#include <sot/core/matrix-svd.hh>
+#include <sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh>
 #include <sot/core/pool.hh>
+#include <sot/core/sot.hh>
 #include <sot/core/task.hh>
-#include <sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh>
-#include <sot/core/matrix-svd.hh>
-#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
-#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -42,236 +42,229 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph;
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 const double Sot::INVERSION_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 1e-4;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CONSTRUCTION ---------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-Sot( const std::string& name )
-  :Entity(name)
-  ,stack()
-  ,constraintList()
-  ,ffJointIdFirst( FF_JOINT_ID_DEFAULT )
-  ,ffJointIdLast( FF_JOINT_ID_DEFAULT+6 )
-  ,nbJoints( 0 )
-  ,taskGradient(0)
-  ,recomputeEachTime(true)
-  ,q0SIN( NULL,"sotSOT("+name+")::input(double)::q0" )
-  ,proj0SIN( NULL,"sotSOT("+name+")::input(double)::proj0" )
-  ,inversionThresholdSIN( NULL,"sotSOT("+name+")::input(double)::damping" )
-  ,constraintSOUT( boost::bind(&Sot::computeConstraintProjector,this,_1,_2),
-		   sotNOSIGNAL,
-		   "sotSOT("+name+")::output(matrix)::constraint" )
-  ,controlSOUT( boost::bind(&Sot::computeControlLaw,this,_1,_2),
-		constraintSOUT<<inversionThresholdSIN<<q0SIN<<proj0SIN,
-		"sotSOT("+name+")::output(vector)::control" )
+Sot::Sot(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), stack(), constraintList(),
+      ffJointIdFirst(FF_JOINT_ID_DEFAULT),
+      ffJointIdLast(FF_JOINT_ID_DEFAULT + 6)
+      ,
+      nbJoints(0), taskGradient(0), recomputeEachTime(true),
+      q0SIN(NULL, "sotSOT(" + name + ")::input(double)::q0"),
+      proj0SIN(NULL, "sotSOT(" + name + ")::input(double)::proj0"),
+      inversionThresholdSIN(NULL,
+                            "sotSOT(" + name + ")::input(double)::damping"),
+      constraintSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&Sot::computeConstraintProjector, this, _1, _2),
+          sotNOSIGNAL, "sotSOT(" + name + ")::output(matrix)::constraint"),
+      controlSOUT(boost::bind(&Sot::computeControlLaw, this, _1, _2),
+                  constraintSOUT << inversionThresholdSIN << q0SIN << proj0SIN,
+                  "sotSOT(" + name + ")::output(vector)::control") {
-  signalRegistration( inversionThresholdSIN<<controlSOUT<<constraintSOUT<<q0SIN<<proj0SIN );
+  signalRegistration(inversionThresholdSIN << controlSOUT << constraintSOUT
+                                           << q0SIN << proj0SIN);
   // Commands
   std::string docstring;
   // addConstraint
-  docstring ="    \n"
-    "    AddConstraint\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        - a string: name of the constraint object\n"
-    "    \n";
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    AddConstraint\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      Input:\n"
+              "        - a string: name of the constraint object\n"
+              "    \n";
-	     new command::classSot::AddConstraint(*this, docstring));
-  docstring ="    \n"
-    "    setNumberDofs.\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        - a positive integer : number of degrees of freedom of the robot.\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("setSize",
-	     new dynamicgraph::command::Setter<Sot, unsigned int>
-	     (*this, &Sot::defineNbDof, docstring));
-  docstring ="    \n"
-    "    getNumberDofs.\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      Output:\n"
-    "        - a positive integer : number of degrees of freedom of the robot.\n"
-    "    \n";
+             new command::classSot::AddConstraint(*this, docstring));
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    setNumberDofs.\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      Input:\n"
+              "        - a positive integer : number of degrees of freedom of "
+              "the robot.\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand("setSize", new dynamicgraph::command::Setter<Sot, unsigned int>(
+                            *this, &Sot::defineNbDof, docstring));
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    getNumberDofs.\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      Output:\n"
+              "        - a positive integer : number of degrees of freedom of "
+              "the robot.\n"
+              "    \n";
-	     new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<Sot, const unsigned int&>
-	     (*this, &Sot::getNbDof, docstring));
-  docstring ="    \n"
-    "    push a task into the stack.\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        - a string : Name of the task.\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("push",
-	     new command::classSot::Push(*this, docstring));
-  docstring ="    \n"
-    "    remove a task into the stack.\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        - a string : Name of the task.\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("remove",
-	     new command::classSot::Remove(*this, docstring));
-  docstring ="    \n"
-    "    up a task into the stack.\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        - a string : Name of the task.\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("up",
-	     new command::classSot::Up(*this, docstring));
-  docstring ="    \n"
-    "    down a task into the stack.\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        - a string : Name of the task.\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("down",
-	     new command::classSot::Down(*this, docstring));
+             new dynamicgraph::command::Getter<Sot, const unsigned int &>(
+                 *this, &Sot::getNbDof, docstring));
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    push a task into the stack.\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      Input:\n"
+              "        - a string : Name of the task.\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand("push", new command::classSot::Push(*this, docstring));
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    remove a task into the stack.\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      Input:\n"
+              "        - a string : Name of the task.\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand("remove", new command::classSot::Remove(*this, docstring));
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    up a task into the stack.\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      Input:\n"
+              "        - a string : Name of the task.\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand("up", new command::classSot::Up(*this, docstring));
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    down a task into the stack.\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      Input:\n"
+              "        - a string : Name of the task.\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand("down", new command::classSot::Down(*this, docstring));
   // Display
-  docstring ="    \n"
-    "    display the list of tasks pushed inside the stack.\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("display",
-	     new command::classSot::Display(*this, docstring));
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    display the list of tasks pushed inside the stack.\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand("display", new command::classSot::Display(*this, docstring));
   // Clear
-  docstring ="    \n"
-    "    clear the list of tasks pushed inside the stack.\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("clear",
-	     new command::classSot::Clear(*this, docstring));
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    clear the list of tasks pushed inside the stack.\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand("clear", new command::classSot::Clear(*this, docstring));
   // List
-  docstring ="    \n"
-    "    returns the list of tasks pushed inside the stack.\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("list",
-	     new command::classSot::List(*this, docstring));
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    returns the list of tasks pushed inside the stack.\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand("list", new command::classSot::List(*this, docstring));
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Sot::
-push( TaskAbstract& task )
+void Sot::push(TaskAbstract &task) {
   if (nbJoints == 0)
-    throw std::logic_error ("Set joint size of "+ getClassName() + " \""+getName()+"\" first");
-  stack.push_back( &task );
-  controlSOUT.addDependency( task.taskSOUT );
-  controlSOUT.addDependency( task.jacobianSOUT );
+    throw std::logic_error("Set joint size of " + getClassName() + " \"" +
+                           getName() + "\" first");
+  stack.push_back(&task);
+  controlSOUT.addDependency(task.taskSOUT);
+  controlSOUT.addDependency(task.jacobianSOUT);
-TaskAbstract& Sot::
-pop( void )
-  TaskAbstract* res = stack.back();
+TaskAbstract &Sot::pop(void) {
+  TaskAbstract *res = stack.back();
-  controlSOUT.removeDependency( res->taskSOUT );
-  controlSOUT.removeDependency( res->jacobianSOUT );
+  controlSOUT.removeDependency(res->taskSOUT);
+  controlSOUT.removeDependency(res->jacobianSOUT);
   return *res;
-bool Sot::
-exist( const TaskAbstract& key )
-  std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator it;
-  for ( it=stack.begin();stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      if( *it == &key ) { return true; }
+bool Sot::exist(const TaskAbstract &key) {
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator it;
+  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    if (*it == &key) {
+      return true;
+  }
   return false;
-void Sot::
-remove( const TaskAbstract& key )
-  bool find =false; std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator it;
-  for ( it=stack.begin();stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      if( *it == &key ) { find=true; break; }
+void Sot::remove(const TaskAbstract &key) {
+  bool find = false;
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator it;
+  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    if (*it == &key) {
+      find = true;
+      break;
-  if(! find ){ return; }
+  }
+  if (!find) {
+    return;
+  }
-  stack.erase( it );
-  removeDependency( key );
+  stack.erase(it);
+  removeDependency(key);
-void Sot::
-removeDependency( const TaskAbstract& key )
-  controlSOUT.removeDependency( key.taskSOUT );
-  controlSOUT.removeDependency( key.jacobianSOUT );
+void Sot::removeDependency(const TaskAbstract &key) {
+  controlSOUT.removeDependency(key.taskSOUT);
+  controlSOUT.removeDependency(key.jacobianSOUT);
-void Sot::
-up( const TaskAbstract& key )
-  bool find =false; std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator it;
-  for ( it=stack.begin();stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      if( *it == &key ) { find=true; break; }
+void Sot::up(const TaskAbstract &key) {
+  bool find = false;
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator it;
+  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    if (*it == &key) {
+      find = true;
+      break;
-  if( stack.begin()==it ) { return; }
-  if(! find ){ return; }
+  }
+  if (stack.begin() == it) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!find) {
+    return;
+  }
-  std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator pos=it; pos--;
-  TaskAbstract * task = *it;
-  stack.erase( it );
-  stack.insert( pos,task );
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator pos = it;
+  pos--;
+  TaskAbstract *task = *it;
+  stack.erase(it);
+  stack.insert(pos, task);
-void Sot::
-down( const TaskAbstract& key )
-  bool find =false; std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator it;
-  for ( it=stack.begin();stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      if( *it == &key ) { find=true; break; }
+void Sot::down(const TaskAbstract &key) {
+  bool find = false;
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator it;
+  for (it = stack.begin(); stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    if (*it == &key) {
+      find = true;
+      break;
-  if( stack.end()==it ) { return; }
-  if(! find ){ return; }
+  }
+  if (stack.end() == it) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (!find) {
+    return;
+  }
-  std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator pos=it; pos++;
-  TaskAbstract* task=*it;
-  stack.erase( it );
-  if( stack.end()==pos ){ stack.push_back(task); }
-  else
-    {
-      pos++;
-      stack.insert( pos,task );
-    }
+  std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator pos = it;
+  pos++;
+  TaskAbstract *task = *it;
+  stack.erase(it);
+  if (stack.end() == pos) {
+    stack.push_back(task);
+  } else {
+    pos++;
+    stack.insert(pos, task);
+  }
-void Sot::
-clear( void )
-  for (  std::list<TaskAbstract*>::iterator it=stack.begin();stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      removeDependency( **it );
-    }
+void Sot::clear(void) {
+  for (std::list<TaskAbstract *>::iterator it = stack.begin();
+       stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    removeDependency(**it);
+  }
@@ -280,49 +273,46 @@ clear( void )
 /* --- CONSTRAINTS ----------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Sot::
-addConstraint( Constraint& constraint )
-  constraintList.push_back( &constraint );
-  constraintSOUT.addDependency( constraint.jacobianSOUT );
+void Sot::addConstraint(Constraint &constraint) {
+  constraintList.push_back(&constraint);
+  constraintSOUT.addDependency(constraint.jacobianSOUT);
-void Sot::
-removeConstraint( const Constraint& key )
-  bool find =false; ConstraintListType::iterator it;
-  for ( it=constraintList.begin();constraintList.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      if( *it == &key ) { find=true; break; }
+void Sot::removeConstraint(const Constraint &key) {
+  bool find = false;
+  ConstraintListType::iterator it;
+  for (it = constraintList.begin(); constraintList.end() != it; ++it) {
+    if (*it == &key) {
+      find = true;
+      break;
-  if(! find ){ return; }
+  }
+  if (!find) {
+    return;
+  }
-  constraintList.erase( it );
+  constraintList.erase(it);
-  constraintSOUT.removeDependency( key.jacobianSOUT );
+  constraintSOUT.removeDependency(key.jacobianSOUT);
-void Sot::
-clearConstraint( void )
-  for (  ConstraintListType::iterator it=constraintList.begin();
-	 constraintList.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      constraintSOUT.removeDependency( (*it)->jacobianSOUT );
-    }
+void Sot::clearConstraint(void) {
+  for (ConstraintListType::iterator it = constraintList.begin();
+       constraintList.end() != it; ++it) {
+    constraintSOUT.removeDependency((*it)->jacobianSOUT);
+  }
-void Sot::
-defineFreeFloatingJoints( const unsigned int& first,const unsigned int& last )
-  ffJointIdFirst = first ;
-  if( last>0 ) ffJointIdLast=last ;
-  else ffJointIdLast=ffJointIdFirst+6;
+void Sot::defineFreeFloatingJoints(const unsigned int &first,
+                                   const unsigned int &last) {
+  ffJointIdFirst = first;
+  if (last > 0)
+    ffJointIdLast = last;
+  else
+    ffJointIdLast = ffJointIdFirst + 6;
-void Sot::
-defineNbDof( const unsigned int& nbDof )
+void Sot::defineNbDof(const unsigned int &nbDof) {
   nbJoints = nbDof;
@@ -332,11 +322,10 @@ defineNbDof( const unsigned int& nbDof )
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-dynamicgraph::Matrix & Sot::
-computeJacobianConstrained( const dynamicgraph::Matrix& Jac,
-                            const dynamicgraph::Matrix& K,
-                            dynamicgraph::Matrix& JK)
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &
+Sot::computeJacobianConstrained(const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac,
+                                const dynamicgraph::Matrix &K,
+                                dynamicgraph::Matrix &JK) {
   const Matrix::Index nJ = Jac.rows();
   const Matrix::Index mJ = K.cols();
   const Matrix::Index nbConstraints = Jac.cols() - mJ;
@@ -346,67 +335,54 @@ computeJacobianConstrained( const dynamicgraph::Matrix& Jac,
     return JK;
   JK.resize(nJ, mJ);
-  JK.noalias() = Jac.leftCols (nbConstraints) * K;
-  JK.noalias() += Jac.rightCols (Jac.cols() - nbConstraints);
+  JK.noalias() = Jac.leftCols(nbConstraints) * K;
+  JK.noalias() += Jac.rightCols(Jac.cols() - nbConstraints);
   return JK;
-dynamicgraph::Matrix & Sot::
-computeJacobianConstrained( const TaskAbstract& task,
-                            const dynamicgraph::Matrix& K )
-  const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = task.jacobianSOUT.accessCopy ();
-  MemoryTaskSOT * mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>( task.memoryInternal );
-  if( NULL==mem ) throw; // TODO
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &
+Sot::computeJacobianConstrained(const TaskAbstract &task,
+                                const dynamicgraph::Matrix &K) {
+  const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = task.jacobianSOUT.accessCopy();
+  MemoryTaskSOT *mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>(task.memoryInternal);
+  if (NULL == mem)
+    throw; // TODO
   dynamicgraph::Matrix &JK = mem->JK;
-  return computeJacobianConstrained(Jac,K,JK);
+  return computeJacobianConstrained(Jac, K, JK);
-static void computeJacobianActivated( Task* taskSpec,
-				      dynamicgraph::Matrix& Jt,
-				      const int& iterTime )
-  if( NULL!=taskSpec )
-    {
-      const Flags& controlSelec = taskSpec->controlSelectionSIN( iterTime );
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "Control selection = " << controlSelec <<endl;
-      if( controlSelec )
-	{
-	  if(!controlSelec)
-	    {
-	      sotDEBUG(15) << "Control selection."<<endl;
-	      for( int i=0;i<Jt.cols();++i )
-		{
-		  if(! controlSelec(i) )
-		    { Jt.col (i).setZero(); }
-		}
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      sotDEBUG(15) << "S is equal to Id."<<endl;
-	    }
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  sotDEBUG(15) << "Task not activated."<<endl;
-	  Jt *= 0;
-	}
+static void computeJacobianActivated(Task *taskSpec, dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jt,
+                                     const int &iterTime) {
+  if (NULL != taskSpec) {
+    const Flags &controlSelec = taskSpec->controlSelectionSIN(iterTime);
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Control selection = " << controlSelec << endl;
+    if (controlSelec) {
+      if (!controlSelec) {
+        sotDEBUG(15) << "Control selection." << endl;
+        for (int i = 0; i < Jt.cols(); ++i) {
+          if (!controlSelec(i)) {
+            Jt.col(i).setZero();
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        sotDEBUG(15) << "S is equal to Id." << endl;
+      }
+    } else {
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "Task not activated." << endl;
+      Jt *= 0;
-  else { /* No selection specification: nothing to do. */ }
+  } else { /* No selection specification: nothing to do. */
+  }
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 //#define WITH_CHRONO
-#ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
 #ifndef WIN32
 #include <sys/time.h>
 #else /*WIN32*/
@@ -414,55 +390,64 @@ static void computeJacobianActivated( Task* taskSpec,
 #endif /*WIN32*/
 #endif /*WITH_CHRONO*/
-#ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
-#   define sotINIT_CHRONO1 struct timeval t0,t1; double dt
-#   define sotSTART_CHRONO1  gettimeofday(&t0,NULL)
-#   define sotCHRONO1					\
-  gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);				\
-  dt = ( (double)(t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000.* 1000.	\
-	 + (double)(t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec)  );		\
-  sotDEBUG(1) << "dt: "<< dt / 1000. << std::endl
-#   define sotINITPARTCOUNTERS  struct timeval tpart0
-#   define sotSTARTPARTCOUNTERS  gettimeofday(&tpart0,NULL)
-#   define sotCOUNTER(nbc1,nbc2)					\
-  gettimeofday(&tpart##nbc2,NULL);					\
-  dt##nbc2 += ( (double)(tpart##nbc2.tv_sec-tpart##nbc1.tv_sec) * 1000.* 1000. \
-		+    (double)(tpart##nbc2.tv_usec-tpart##nbc1.tv_usec)  )
-#   define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)				\
-  struct timeval tpart##nbc1; double dt##nbc1=0;
-#   define sotPRINTCOUNTER(nbc1)  sotDEBUG(1) << "dt" << nbc1 << " = " << dt##nbc1 << std::endl
+#define sotINIT_CHRONO1                                                        \
+  struct timeval t0, t1;                                                       \
+  double dt
+#define sotSTART_CHRONO1 gettimeofday(&t0, NULL)
+#define sotCHRONO1                                                             \
+  gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);                                                     \
+  dt = ((double)(t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1000. * 1000. +                      \
+        (double)(t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec));                                    \
+  sotDEBUG(1) << "dt: " << dt / 1000. << std::endl
+#define sotINITPARTCOUNTERS struct timeval tpart0
+#define sotSTARTPARTCOUNTERS gettimeofday(&tpart0, NULL)
+#define sotCOUNTER(nbc1, nbc2)                                                 \
+  gettimeofday(&tpart##nbc2, NULL);                                            \
+  dt##nbc2 +=                                                                  \
+      ((double)(tpart##nbc2.tv_sec - tpart##nbc1.tv_sec) * 1000. * 1000. +     \
+       (double)(tpart##nbc2.tv_usec - tpart##nbc1.tv_usec))
+#define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)                                                   \
+  struct timeval tpart##nbc1;                                                  \
+  double dt##nbc1 = 0;
+#define sotPRINTCOUNTER(nbc1)                                                  \
+  sotDEBUG(1) << "dt" << nbc1 << " = " << dt##nbc1 << std::endl
 #else // #ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
-#   define sotINIT_CHRONO1
-#   define sotSTART_CHRONO1
-#   define sotCHRONO1
-#   define sotCOUNTER(nbc1,nbc2)
-#   define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)
-#   define sotPRINTCOUNTER(nbc1)
+#define sotINIT_CHRONO1
+#define sotSTART_CHRONO1
+#define sotCHRONO1
+#define sotCOUNTER(nbc1, nbc2)
+#define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)
+#define sotPRINTCOUNTER(nbc1)
 #endif // #ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
-void Sot::
-taskVectorToMlVector( const VectorMultiBound& taskVector, Vector& res )
+void Sot::taskVectorToMlVector(const VectorMultiBound &taskVector,
+                               Vector &res) {
-  unsigned int i=0;
+  unsigned int i = 0;
-  for( VectorMultiBound::const_iterator iter=taskVector.begin();
-       iter!=taskVector.end();++iter,++i ) {
-    res(i)=iter->getSingleBound();
+  for (VectorMultiBound::const_iterator iter = taskVector.begin();
+       iter != taskVector.end(); ++iter, ++i) {
+    res(i) = iter->getSingleBound();
-dynamicgraph::Vector& Sot::
-computeControlLaw( dynamicgraph::Vector& control,const int& iterTime )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &Sot::computeControlLaw(dynamicgraph::Vector &control,
+                                             const int &iterTime) {
@@ -472,337 +457,341 @@ computeControlLaw( dynamicgraph::Vector& control,const int& iterTime )
   const Matrix::Index mJ = K.cols(); // number dofs - number constraints
   if (q0SIN.isPlugged()) {
-    control = q0SIN( iterTime );
+    control = q0SIN(iterTime);
     if (control.size() != mJ) {
       std::ostringstream oss;
-      oss << "SOT(" << getName() << "): q0SIN value length is " << control.size()
-        << "while the expected lenth is " << mJ;
-      throw std::length_error (oss.str());
+      oss << "SOT(" << getName() << "): q0SIN value length is "
+          << control.size() << "while the expected lenth is " << mJ;
+      throw std::length_error(oss.str());
   } else {
     if (stack.size() == 0) {
       std::ostringstream oss;
-      oss << "SOT(" << getName() << ") contains no task and q0SIN is not plugged.";
-      throw std::logic_error (oss.str());
+      oss << "SOT(" << getName()
+          << ") contains no task and q0SIN is not plugged.";
+      throw std::logic_error(oss.str());
-    control = Vector::Zero (mJ);
-    sotDEBUG(25) << "No initial velocity." <<endl;
+    control = Vector::Zero(mJ);
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "No initial velocity." << endl;
-  sotDEBUGF(5, " --- Time %d -------------------", iterTime );
+  sotDEBUGF(5, " --- Time %d -------------------", iterTime);
   unsigned int iterTask = 0;
-  const Matrix* PrevProj = NULL;
+  const Matrix *PrevProj = NULL;
   // Get initial projector if any.
   if (proj0SIN.isPlugged()) {
-    const Matrix& initialProjector = proj0SIN.access (iterTime);
+    const Matrix &initialProjector = proj0SIN.access(iterTime);
     PrevProj = &initialProjector;
-  for( StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); iter!=stack.end();++iter )
-    {
-      sotDEBUGF(5,"Rank %d.",iterTask);
-      TaskAbstract & task = **iter;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Task: e_" << task.getName() << std::endl;
-      const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = task.jacobianSOUT(iterTime);
-      sotCOUNTER(0,1); // Direct Dynamic
-      unsigned int rankJ;
-      const Matrix::Index nJ = Jac.rows(); // number dofs
-      /* Init memory. */
-      MemoryTaskSOT * mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>( task.memoryInternal );
-      if( NULL==mem )
-        {
-          if( NULL!=task.memoryInternal ) delete task.memoryInternal;
-          mem = new MemoryTaskSOT( task.getName()+"_memSOT",nJ,mJ );
-          task.memoryInternal = mem;
-        }
-      Matrix &Jp = mem->Jp;
-      Matrix &JK = mem->JK;
-      Matrix &Jt = mem->Jt;
-      Matrix &Proj = mem->Proj;
-      MemoryTaskSOT::SVD_t& svd = mem->svd;
-      taskVectorToMlVector(task.taskSOUT(iterTime), mem->err);
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector &err = mem->err;
-      Jp.resize( mJ,nJ );
-      Jt.resize( nJ,mJ );
-      JK.resize( nJ,mJ );
-      if( (recomputeEachTime)
-          ||(task.jacobianSOUT.getTime()>mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.getTime())
-          ||(mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy().rows()!=mJ)
-          ||(mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy().cols()!=nJ)
-          ||(task.jacobianSOUT.getTime()>mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.getTime())
-          ||(task.jacobianSOUT.getTime()>mem->rankSINOUT.getTime())
-          ||(task.jacobianSOUT.getTime()>mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT.getTime()) )
-	{
-	  sotDEBUG(2) <<"Recompute inverse."<<endl;
-	  /* --- FIRST ALLOCS --- */
-	  sotDEBUG(1) << "Size = "
-		      << std::min(nJ, mJ) + mem->Jff.cols()*mem->Jff.rows()
-	    + mem->Jact.cols()*mem->Jact.rows() << std::endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(1) << std::endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(1) << "nJ=" << nJ << " " << "Jac.cols()=" << Jac.cols()
-		      <<" "<< "mJ=" << mJ<<std::endl;
-	  mem->Jff.resize( nJ,Jac.cols()-mJ ); // number dofs, number constraints
-	  sotDEBUG(1) << std::endl;
-	  mem->Jact.resize( nJ,mJ );
-	  sotDEBUG(1) << std::endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(1) << "Size = "
-		      << std::min(nJ, mJ) + mem->Jff.cols()*mem->Jff.rows()
-	    + mem->Jact.cols()*mem->Jact.rows() << std::endl;
-	  /***/sotCOUNTER(1,2); // first allocs
-	  /* --- COMPUTE JK --- */
-	  computeJacobianConstrained( task,K );
-	  /***/sotCOUNTER(2,3); // compute JK
-	  /* --- COMPUTE S --- */
-	  computeJacobianActivated( dynamic_cast<Task*>( &task ),JK,iterTime );
-	  /***/sotCOUNTER(3,4); // compute JK*S
-	  /* --- COMPUTE Jt --- */
-	  if( PrevProj!=NULL ) Jt.noalias() = JK*(*PrevProj); else { Jt = JK; }
-	  /***/sotCOUNTER(4,5); // compute Jt
-	  /* --- PINV --- */
-	  svd.compute (Jt);
-	  Eigen::dampedInverse (svd, Jp, th);
-	  /***/sotCOUNTER(5,6); // PINV
-	  sotDEBUG(20) << "V after dampedInverse." << svd.matrixV() <<endl;
-	  /* --- RANK --- */
-	  {
-	    rankJ = 0;
-	    while ( rankJ < svd.singularValues().size()
-		    &&  th    < svd.singularValues()[rankJ])
-	      { ++rankJ; }
-	  }
-	  sotDEBUG(45) << "control"<<iterTask<<" = "<<control<<endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(25) << "J"<<iterTask<<" = "<<Jac<<endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(25) << "JK"<<iterTask<<" = "<<JK<<endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(25) << "Jt"<<iterTask<<" = "<<Jt<<endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(15) << "Jp"<<iterTask<<" = "<<Jp<<endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(15) << "e"<<iterTask<<" = "<<err<<endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(45) << "JJp"<<iterTask<<" = "<< JK*Jp <<endl;
-	  //sotDEBUG(45) << "U"<<iterTask<<" = "<< U<<endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(45) << "S"<<iterTask<<" = "<< svd.singularValues()<<endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(45) << "V"<<iterTask<<" = "<< svd.matrixV()<<endl;
-	  sotDEBUG(45) << "U"<<iterTask<<" = "<< svd.matrixU()<<endl;
-	  mem->jacobianInvSINOUT = Jp;
-	  mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.setTime( iterTime );
-	  mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT = JK;
-	  mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.setTime( iterTime );
-	  mem->jacobianProjectedSINOUT = Jt;
-	  mem->jacobianProjectedSINOUT.setTime( iterTime );
-	  mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT = svd.matrixV().leftCols(rankJ);
-	  mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT.setTime( iterTime );
-	  mem->rankSINOUT = rankJ;
-	  mem->rankSINOUT.setTime( iterTime );
-	  sotDEBUG(25)<<"Inverse recomputed."<<endl;
-	} else {
-	sotDEBUG(2)<<"Inverse not recomputed."<<endl;
-	rankJ = mem->rankSINOUT.accessCopy();
-	Jp = mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy();
-	JK = mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.accessCopy ();
-	Jt = mem->jacobianProjectedSINOUT.accessCopy ();
-      }
-      /***/sotCOUNTER(6,7); // TRACE
-      /* --- COMPUTE QDOT AND P --- */
-      /*DEBUG: normally, the first iter (ie the test below)
-       * is the same than the other, starting with control_0 = q0SIN. */
-      if( PrevProj == NULL ) control.noalias() += Jp*err;
-      else                   control           += *PrevProj * (Jp*(err - JK*control));
-      /***/sotCOUNTER(7,8); // QDOT
-      /* --- OPTIMAL FORM: To debug. --- */
-      if( PrevProj == NULL ) {
-        Proj.noalias() = svd.matrixV().rightCols(svd.matrixV().cols()-rankJ);
-      } else {
-        Proj.noalias() = *PrevProj * svd.matrixV().rightCols(svd.matrixV().cols()-rankJ);
-      }
-      /* --- OLIVIER START  --- */
-      // Update by Joseph Mirabel to match Eigen API
-      sotDEBUG(2) << "Proj non optimal (rankJ= " <<rankJ
-		  << ", iterTask ="  << iterTask
-		  << ")";
-      sotDEBUG(20) << "V = " << svd.matrixV();
-      sotDEBUG(20) << "Jt = " << Jt;
-      sotDEBUG(20) << "JpxJt = " << Jp*Jt;
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "Proj-Jp*Jt"<<iterTask<<" = "<< (Proj-Jp*Jt) <<endl;
-      /* --- OLIVIER END --- */
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "q"<<iterTask<<" = "<<control<<std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "P"<<iterTask<<" = "<< Proj <<endl;
-      iterTask++;
-      PrevProj = &Proj;
-      sotPRINTCOUNTER(1);     sotPRINTCOUNTER(2);    sotPRINTCOUNTER(3);
-      sotPRINTCOUNTER(4);     sotPRINTCOUNTER(5);    sotPRINTCOUNTER(6);
-      sotPRINTCOUNTER(7);     sotPRINTCOUNTER(8);
+  for (StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); ++iter) {
+    sotDEBUGF(5, "Rank %d.", iterTask);
+    TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Task: e_" << task.getName() << std::endl;
+    const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac = task.jacobianSOUT(iterTime);
+    sotCOUNTER(0, 1); // Direct Dynamic
+    unsigned int rankJ;
+    const Matrix::Index nJ = Jac.rows(); // number dofs
+    /* Init memory. */
+    MemoryTaskSOT *mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>(task.memoryInternal);
+    if (NULL == mem) {
+      if (NULL != task.memoryInternal)
+        delete task.memoryInternal;
+      mem = new MemoryTaskSOT(task.getName() + "_memSOT", nJ, mJ);
+      task.memoryInternal = mem;
-  sotCHRONO1;
+    Matrix &Jp = mem->Jp;
+    Matrix &JK = mem->JK;
+    Matrix &Jt = mem->Jt;
+    Matrix &Proj = mem->Proj;
+    MemoryTaskSOT::SVD_t &svd = mem->svd;
+    taskVectorToMlVector(task.taskSOUT(iterTime), mem->err);
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &err = mem->err;
+    Jp.resize(mJ, nJ);
+    Jt.resize(nJ, mJ);
+    JK.resize(nJ, mJ);
+    if ((recomputeEachTime) ||
+        (task.jacobianSOUT.getTime() > mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.getTime()) ||
+        (mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy().rows() != mJ) ||
+        (mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy().cols() != nJ) ||
+        (task.jacobianSOUT.getTime() >
+         mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.getTime()) ||
+        (task.jacobianSOUT.getTime() > mem->rankSINOUT.getTime()) ||
+        (task.jacobianSOUT.getTime() >
+         mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT.getTime())) {
+      sotDEBUG(2) << "Recompute inverse." << endl;
+      /* --- FIRST ALLOCS --- */
+      sotDEBUG(1) << "Size = "
+                  << std::min(nJ, mJ) + mem->Jff.cols() * mem->Jff.rows() +
+                         mem->Jact.cols() * mem->Jact.rows()
+                  << std::endl;
+      sotDEBUG(1) << std::endl;
+      sotDEBUG(1) << "nJ=" << nJ << " "
+                  << "Jac.cols()=" << Jac.cols() << " "
+                  << "mJ=" << mJ << std::endl;
+      mem->Jff.resize(nJ, Jac.cols() - mJ); // number dofs, number constraints
+      sotDEBUG(1) << std::endl;
+      mem->Jact.resize(nJ, mJ);
+      sotDEBUG(1) << std::endl;
+      sotDEBUG(1) << "Size = "
+                  << std::min(nJ, mJ) + mem->Jff.cols() * mem->Jff.rows() +
+                         mem->Jact.cols() * mem->Jact.rows()
+                  << std::endl;
+      /***/ sotCOUNTER(1, 2); // first allocs
-  if( 0!=taskGradient )
-    {
-      const dynamicgraph::Matrix & Jac = taskGradient->jacobianSOUT.access(iterTime);
+      /* --- COMPUTE JK --- */
+      computeJacobianConstrained(task, K);
+      /***/ sotCOUNTER(2, 3); // compute JK
-      const Matrix::Index nJ = Jac.rows();
+      /* --- COMPUTE S --- */
+      computeJacobianActivated(dynamic_cast<Task *>(&task), JK, iterTime);
+      /***/ sotCOUNTER(3, 4); // compute JK*S
-      MemoryTaskSOT * mem
-        = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>( taskGradient->memoryInternal );
-      if( NULL==mem )
-        {
-          if( NULL!=taskGradient->memoryInternal )
-            { delete taskGradient->memoryInternal; }
-          mem = new MemoryTaskSOT( taskGradient->getName()+"_memSOT",nJ,mJ );
-          taskGradient->memoryInternal = mem;
+      /* --- COMPUTE Jt --- */
+      if (PrevProj != NULL)
+        Jt.noalias() = JK * (*PrevProj);
+      else {
+        Jt = JK;
+      }
+      /***/ sotCOUNTER(4, 5); // compute Jt
+      /* --- PINV --- */
+      svd.compute(Jt);
+      Eigen::dampedInverse(svd, Jp, th);
+      /***/ sotCOUNTER(5, 6); // PINV
+      sotDEBUG(20) << "V after dampedInverse." << svd.matrixV() << endl;
+      /* --- RANK --- */
+      {
+        rankJ = 0;
+        while (rankJ < svd.singularValues().size() &&
+               th < svd.singularValues()[rankJ]) {
+          ++rankJ;
+      }
-      taskVectorToMlVector(taskGradient->taskSOUT.access(iterTime), mem->err);
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector& err = mem->err;
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "K = " << K <<endl;
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "Jff = " << Jac <<endl;
-      /* --- MEMORY INIT --- */
-      dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jp = mem->Jp;
-      dynamicgraph::Matrix &PJp = mem->PJp;
-      dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jt = mem->Jt;
-      MemoryTaskSOT::SVD_t& svd = mem->svd;
-      mem->JK.resize( nJ,mJ );
-      mem->Jt.resize( nJ,mJ );
-      mem->Jff.resize( nJ,Jac.cols()-mJ );
-      mem->Jact.resize( nJ,mJ );
-      Jp.resize( mJ,nJ );
-      PJp.resize( nJ,mJ );
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "control" << iterTask << " = " << control << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "J" << iterTask << " = " << Jac << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "JK" << iterTask << " = " << JK << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "Jt" << iterTask << " = " << Jt << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "Jp" << iterTask << " = " << Jp << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "e" << iterTask << " = " << err << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "JJp" << iterTask << " = " << JK * Jp << endl;
+      // sotDEBUG(45) << "U"<<iterTask<<" = "<< U<<endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "S" << iterTask << " = " << svd.singularValues() << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "V" << iterTask << " = " << svd.matrixV() << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "U" << iterTask << " = " << svd.matrixU() << endl;
+      mem->jacobianInvSINOUT = Jp;
+      mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.setTime(iterTime);
+      mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT = JK;
+      mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.setTime(iterTime);
+      mem->jacobianProjectedSINOUT = Jt;
+      mem->jacobianProjectedSINOUT.setTime(iterTime);
+      mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT = svd.matrixV().leftCols(rankJ);
+      mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT.setTime(iterTime);
+      mem->rankSINOUT = rankJ;
+      mem->rankSINOUT.setTime(iterTime);
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "Inverse recomputed." << endl;
+    } else {
+      sotDEBUG(2) << "Inverse not recomputed." << endl;
+      rankJ = mem->rankSINOUT.accessCopy();
+      Jp = mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy();
+      JK = mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.accessCopy();
+      Jt = mem->jacobianProjectedSINOUT.accessCopy();
+    }
+    /***/ sotCOUNTER(6, 7); // TRACE
+    /* --- COMPUTE QDOT AND P --- */
+    /*DEBUG: normally, the first iter (ie the test below)
+     * is the same than the other, starting with control_0 = q0SIN. */
+    if (PrevProj == NULL)
+      control.noalias() += Jp * err;
+    else
+      control += *PrevProj * (Jp * (err - JK * control));
+    /***/ sotCOUNTER(7, 8); // QDOT
+    /* --- OPTIMAL FORM: To debug. --- */
+    if (PrevProj == NULL) {
+      Proj.noalias() = svd.matrixV().rightCols(svd.matrixV().cols() - rankJ);
+    } else {
+      Proj.noalias() =
+          *PrevProj * svd.matrixV().rightCols(svd.matrixV().cols() - rankJ);
+    }
-      /* --- COMPUTE JK --- */
-      dynamicgraph::Matrix &JK = computeJacobianConstrained( *taskGradient,K);
+    /* --- OLIVIER START  --- */
+    // Update by Joseph Mirabel to match Eigen API
+    sotDEBUG(2) << "Proj non optimal (rankJ= " << rankJ
+                << ", iterTask =" << iterTask << ")";
+    sotDEBUG(20) << "V = " << svd.matrixV();
+    sotDEBUG(20) << "Jt = " << Jt;
+    sotDEBUG(20) << "JpxJt = " << Jp * Jt;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Proj-Jp*Jt" << iterTask << " = " << (Proj - Jp * Jt)
+                 << endl;
+    /* --- OLIVIER END --- */
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "q" << iterTask << " = " << control << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "P" << iterTask << " = " << Proj << endl;
+    iterTask++;
+    PrevProj = &Proj;
+    sotPRINTCOUNTER(1);
+    sotPRINTCOUNTER(2);
+    sotPRINTCOUNTER(3);
+    sotPRINTCOUNTER(4);
+    sotPRINTCOUNTER(5);
+    sotPRINTCOUNTER(6);
+    sotPRINTCOUNTER(7);
+    sotPRINTCOUNTER(8);
+  }
-      /* --- COMPUTE Jinv --- */
-      sotDEBUG(35) << "grad = " << err <<endl;
-      sotDEBUG(35) << "Jgrad = " << JK <<endl;
+  sotCHRONO1;
-      // Use optimized-memory Jt to do the p-inverse.
-      Jt=JK;
-      svd.compute (Jt);
-      // TODO the two next lines could be replaced by
-      Eigen::dampedInverse( svd, Jp,th );
-      if (PrevProj != NULL)
-        PJp.noalias() = (*PrevProj)*Jp;
-      else
-        PJp.noalias() = Jp;
+  if (0 != taskGradient) {
+    const dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jac =
+        taskGradient->jacobianSOUT.access(iterTime);
-      /* --- COMPUTE ERR --- */
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector& Herr( err );
+    const Matrix::Index nJ = Jac.rows();
-      /* --- COMPUTE CONTROL --- */
-      control.noalias() += PJp*Herr;
+    MemoryTaskSOT *mem =
+        dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>(taskGradient->memoryInternal);
+    if (NULL == mem) {
+      if (NULL != taskGradient->memoryInternal) {
+        delete taskGradient->memoryInternal;
+      }
+      mem = new MemoryTaskSOT(taskGradient->getName() + "_memSOT", nJ, mJ);
+      taskGradient->memoryInternal = mem;
+    }
-      /* ---  TRACE  --- */
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "Pgrad = " << (PJp*Herr) <<endl;
-      if (PrevProj != NULL) { sotDEBUG(45) << "P = " << *PrevProj <<endl; }
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "Jp = " << Jp <<endl;
-      sotDEBUG(45) << "PJp = " << PJp <<endl;
+    taskVectorToMlVector(taskGradient->taskSOUT.access(iterTime), mem->err);
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &err = mem->err;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "K = " << K << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Jff = " << Jac << endl;
+    /* --- MEMORY INIT --- */
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jp = mem->Jp;
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix &PJp = mem->PJp;
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jt = mem->Jt;
+    MemoryTaskSOT::SVD_t &svd = mem->svd;
+    mem->JK.resize(nJ, mJ);
+    mem->Jt.resize(nJ, mJ);
+    mem->Jff.resize(nJ, Jac.cols() - mJ);
+    mem->Jact.resize(nJ, mJ);
+    Jp.resize(mJ, nJ);
+    PJp.resize(nJ, mJ);
+    /* --- COMPUTE JK --- */
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix &JK = computeJacobianConstrained(*taskGradient, K);
+    /* --- COMPUTE Jinv --- */
+    sotDEBUG(35) << "grad = " << err << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(35) << "Jgrad = " << JK << endl;
+    // Use optimized-memory Jt to do the p-inverse.
+    Jt = JK;
+    svd.compute(Jt);
+    // TODO the two next lines could be replaced by
+    Eigen::dampedInverse(svd, Jp, th);
+    if (PrevProj != NULL)
+      PJp.noalias() = (*PrevProj) * Jp;
+    else
+      PJp.noalias() = Jp;
+    /* --- COMPUTE ERR --- */
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &Herr(err);
+    /* --- COMPUTE CONTROL --- */
+    control.noalias() += PJp * Herr;
+    /* ---  TRACE  --- */
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Pgrad = " << (PJp * Herr) << endl;
+    if (PrevProj != NULL) {
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "P = " << *PrevProj << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Jp = " << Jp << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "PJp = " << PJp << endl;
+  }
   return control;
-dynamicgraph::Matrix& Sot::
-computeConstraintProjector( dynamicgraph::Matrix& ProjK, const int& time )
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &
+Sot::computeConstraintProjector(dynamicgraph::Matrix &ProjK, const int &time) {
   const dynamicgraph::Matrix *Jptr;
-  if( 0==constraintList.size() )
-    {
-      ProjK.resize( 0, nbJoints );
-      sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-      return ProjK;
-    }
-  else if( 1==constraintList.size() )
-    { Jptr = &(*constraintList.begin())->jacobianSOUT(time); }
-  else
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionTask( ExceptionTask::EMPTY_LIST,
-			       "Not implemented yet." );
-    }
+  if (0 == constraintList.size()) {
+    ProjK.resize(0, nbJoints);
+    sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+    return ProjK;
+  } else if (1 == constraintList.size()) {
+    Jptr = &(*constraintList.begin())->jacobianSOUT(time);
+  } else {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::EMPTY_LIST, "Not implemented yet.");
+  }
   const dynamicgraph::Matrix &J = *Jptr;
-  sotDEBUG(12) << "J = "<< J;
+  sotDEBUG(12) << "J = " << J;
   const Matrix::Index nJc = J.cols();
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jff( J.rows(),ffJointIdLast-ffJointIdFirst );
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jc( J.rows(),nJc-ffJointIdLast+ffJointIdFirst );
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jff(J.rows(), ffJointIdLast - ffJointIdFirst);
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jc(J.rows(), nJc - ffJointIdLast + ffJointIdFirst);
-  Jc.leftCols (ffJointIdFirst)    = J.leftCols  (ffJointIdFirst);
-  Jc.rightCols(nJc-ffJointIdLast) = J.rightCols (nJc-ffJointIdLast);
+  Jc.leftCols(ffJointIdFirst) = J.leftCols(ffJointIdFirst);
+  Jc.rightCols(nJc - ffJointIdLast) = J.rightCols(nJc - ffJointIdLast);
   Jff = J.middleCols(ffJointIdFirst, ffJointIdLast);
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "Jc = "<< Jc;
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "Jff = "<< Jff;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Jc = " << Jc;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Jff = " << Jff;
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jffinv( Jff.cols(),Jff.rows() );
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jffinv(Jff.cols(), Jff.rows());
   Eigen::pseudoInverse(Jff, Jffinv);
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix& Jffc = ProjK;
-  Jffc.resize( Jffinv.rows(),Jc.cols() );
-  Jffc = -Jffinv*Jc;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "Jffc = "<< Jffc;
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix &Jffc = ProjK;
+  Jffc.resize(Jffinv.rows(), Jc.cols());
+  Jffc = -Jffinv * Jc;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Jffc = " << Jffc;
   return ProjK;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- DISPLAY --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Sot::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os << "+-----------------"<<std::endl<<"+   SOT     "
-     << std::endl<< "+-----------------"<<std::endl;
-  for ( std::list<TaskAbstract*>::const_iterator it=this->stack.begin();
-	this->stack.end()!=it;++it )
-    {
-      os << "| " << (*it)->getName() <<std::endl;
-    }
-  os<< "+-----------------"<<std::endl;
-  if( taskGradient )
-    {
-      os << "| {Grad} " <<taskGradient->getName() << std::endl;
-      os<< "+-----------------"<<std::endl;
-    }
-  for( ConstraintListType::const_iterator it = constraintList.begin();
-       it!=constraintList.end();++it )
-    { os<< "| K: "<< (*it)->getName() << endl; }
+void Sot::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "+-----------------" << std::endl
+     << "+   SOT     " << std::endl
+     << "+-----------------" << std::endl;
+  for (std::list<TaskAbstract *>::const_iterator it = this->stack.begin();
+       this->stack.end() != it; ++it) {
+    os << "| " << (*it)->getName() << std::endl;
+  }
+  os << "+-----------------" << std::endl;
+  if (taskGradient) {
+    os << "| {Grad} " << taskGradient->getName() << std::endl;
+    os << "+-----------------" << std::endl;
+  }
+  for (ConstraintListType::const_iterator it = constraintList.begin();
+       it != constraintList.end(); ++it) {
+    os << "| K: " << (*it)->getName() << endl;
+  }
-operator<< ( std::ostream& os,const Sot& sot )
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Sot &sot) {
   return os;
@@ -811,36 +800,33 @@ operator<< ( std::ostream& os,const Sot& sot )
 /* --- COMMAND --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-std::ostream& Sot::
-writeGraph( std::ostream& os ) const
+std::ostream &Sot::writeGraph(std::ostream &os) const {
   std::list<TaskAbstract *>::const_iterator iter;
-  for(  iter = stack.begin(); iter!=stack.end();++iter )
-    {
-      const TaskAbstract & task = **iter;
-      std::list<TaskAbstract *>::const_iterator nextiter =iter;
-      nextiter++;
-      if (nextiter!=stack.end())
-	{
-	  TaskAbstract & nexttask = **nextiter;
-	  os << "\t\t\t\"" << task.getName() << "\" -> \"" << nexttask.getName() << "\" [color=red]" << endl;
-	}
+  for (iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); ++iter) {
+    const TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
+    std::list<TaskAbstract *>::const_iterator nextiter = iter;
+    nextiter++;
+    if (nextiter != stack.end()) {
+      TaskAbstract &nexttask = **nextiter;
+      os << "\t\t\t\"" << task.getName() << "\" -> \"" << nexttask.getName()
+         << "\" [color=red]" << endl;
+  }
-  os << "\t\tsubgraph cluster_Tasks {" <<endl;
+  os << "\t\tsubgraph cluster_Tasks {" << endl;
   os << "\t\t\tsubgraph \"cluster_" << getName() << "\" {" << std::endl;
-  os << "\t\t\t\tcolor=lightsteelblue1; label=\"" << getName() <<"\"; style=filled;" << std::endl;
-  for(  iter = stack.begin(); iter!=stack.end();++iter )
-    {
-      const TaskAbstract & task = **iter;
-      os << "\t\t\t\t\"" << task.getName()
-	 <<"\" [ label = \"" << task.getName() << "\" ," << std::endl
-	 <<"\t\t\t\t   fontcolor = black, color = black, fillcolor = magenta, style=filled, shape=box ]" << std::endl;
-    }
+  os << "\t\t\t\tcolor=lightsteelblue1; label=\"" << getName()
+     << "\"; style=filled;" << std::endl;
+  for (iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); ++iter) {
+    const TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
+    os << "\t\t\t\t\"" << task.getName() << "\" [ label = \"" << task.getName()
+       << "\" ," << std::endl
+       << "\t\t\t\t   fontcolor = black, color = black, fillcolor = magenta, "
+          "style=filled, shape=box ]"
+       << std::endl;
+  }
   os << "\t\t\t}" << std::endl;
-  os << "\t\t\t}" <<endl;
+  os << "\t\t\t}" << endl;
   return os;
diff --git a/src/sot/weighted-sot.cpp b/src/sot/weighted-sot.cpp
index e92d5cbd..72018bf1 100644
--- a/src/sot/weighted-sot.cpp
+++ b/src/sot/weighted-sot.cpp
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/weighted-sot.hh>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh>
 #include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 #include <sot/core/task.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/weighted-sot.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
@@ -25,58 +25,57 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph;
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CONSTRUCTION ---------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-WeightedSot( const std::string& name )
-  :Sot(name)
-   ,weightSIN( NULL,"sotWeightedSOT("+name+")::input(matrix)::weight" )
-   ,constrainedWeightSOUT( boost::bind(&WeightedSot::computeConstrainedWeight,
-				       this,_1,_2),
-			   weightSIN<<constraintSOUT,
-			   "sotWeightedSOT("+name+")::input(matrix)::KweightOUT" )
-   ,constrainedWeightSIN( NULL,"sotWeightedSOT("+name+")::input(matrix)::Kweight" )
-   ,squareRootInvWeightSOUT( boost::bind(&WeightedSot::computeSquareRootInvWeight,this,_1,_2),
-			     weightSIN<<constrainedWeightSIN,
-			     "sotWeightedSOT("+name+")::output(matrix)::sqweight" )
-   ,squareRootInvWeightSIN( &squareRootInvWeightSOUT,
-			    "sotWeightedSOT("+name+")::input(matrix)::sqweightIN" )
+WeightedSot::WeightedSot(const std::string &name)
+    : Sot(name),
+      weightSIN(NULL, "sotWeightedSOT(" + name + ")::input(matrix)::weight"),
+      constrainedWeightSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&WeightedSot::computeConstrainedWeight, this, _1, _2),
+          weightSIN << constraintSOUT,
+          "sotWeightedSOT(" + name + ")::input(matrix)::KweightOUT"),
+      constrainedWeightSIN(NULL, "sotWeightedSOT(" + name +
+                                     ")::input(matrix)::Kweight"),
+      squareRootInvWeightSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&WeightedSot::computeSquareRootInvWeight, this, _1, _2),
+          weightSIN << constrainedWeightSIN,
+          "sotWeightedSOT(" + name + ")::output(matrix)::sqweight"),
+      squareRootInvWeightSIN(&squareRootInvWeightSOUT,
+                             "sotWeightedSOT(" + name +
+                                 ")::input(matrix)::sqweightIN") {
-  signalRegistration( weightSIN<<constrainedWeightSIN<<squareRootInvWeightSOUT
-		      << squareRootInvWeightSIN );
+  signalRegistration(weightSIN << constrainedWeightSIN
+                               << squareRootInvWeightSOUT
+                               << squareRootInvWeightSIN);
-  controlSOUT.setFunction( boost::bind(&WeightedSot::computeWeightedControlLaw,
-				       this,_1,_2) );
-  controlSOUT.addDependency( squareRootInvWeightSIN );
+  controlSOUT.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&WeightedSot::computeWeightedControlLaw, this, _1, _2));
+  controlSOUT.addDependency(squareRootInvWeightSIN);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- A inv ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
-dynamicgraph::Matrix& WeightedSot::
-computeSquareRootInvWeight( dynamicgraph::Matrix& S5i,const int& time )
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &
+WeightedSot::computeSquareRootInvWeight(dynamicgraph::Matrix &S5i,
+                                        const int &time) {
-  const dynamicgraph::Matrix& A = constrainedWeightSIN( time );
-  if( A.cols()!= A.rows() )
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionTask( ExceptionTask::MATRIX_SIZE,
-				  "Weight matrix should be square.","" );
-    }
+  const dynamicgraph::Matrix &A = constrainedWeightSIN(time);
+  if (A.cols() != A.rows()) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::MATRIX_SIZE,
+                            "Weight matrix should be square.", "");
+  }
   sotDEBUG(25) << "KA = " << A << endl;
   /* Decomposition of Choleski:
@@ -86,25 +85,24 @@ computeSquareRootInvWeight( dynamicgraph::Matrix& S5i,const int& time )
    * of A minus the scalar product of column i and j of s, divided by the diag
    * of S: s_ij = (a_ij - sum(k=0:i) s_ik.s_jk ) / s_ii .
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix S5( A.rows(),A.rows() ); S5.setZero();
-  //S5.resize( A.rows(),A.rows() ); S5.setZero();
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<A.cols();++i )
-    {
-      double x=A(i,i);
-      for( unsigned int k=0;k<i;++k )
-	x-=S5(k,i)*S5(k,i);
-      double sq=sqrt(x);
-      S5(i,i)=sq;
-      for( unsigned int j=i+1;j<A.cols();++j )
-	{
-	  x=A(i,j);
-	  for( unsigned int k=0;k<i;++k )
-	    x-=S5(k,i)*S5(k,j);
-	  S5(i,j)=x/sq;
-	}
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix S5(A.rows(), A.rows());
+  S5.setZero();
+  // S5.resize( A.rows(),A.rows() ); S5.setZero();
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < A.cols(); ++i) {
+    double x = A(i, i);
+    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < i; ++k)
+      x -= S5(k, i) * S5(k, i);
+    double sq = sqrt(x);
+    S5(i, i) = sq;
+    for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < A.cols(); ++j) {
+      x = A(i, j);
+      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < i; ++k)
+        x -= S5(k, i) * S5(k, j);
+      S5(i, j) = x / sq;
-  sotDEBUG(20) << "S = " <<S5  << endl;
+  }
+  sotDEBUG(20) << "S = " << S5 << endl;
   /* S=Inversion of a upper-triangular matrix A.
    *  (1) the diag of the inverse is the inverse of the diag: s_ii = 1/a_ii.
@@ -115,75 +113,77 @@ computeSquareRootInvWeight( dynamicgraph::Matrix& S5i,const int& time )
    * S*A. p_ik = [S*A]_ik = 0 = sum(k=i:j) s_ik a_kj = 0. Then
    * s_ij = - [ sum(k=i:j-1) s_ik a_kj ] / a_ii
-  S5i.resize( A.rows(),A.rows() ); S5i.setZero();
-  for( unsigned int l=0;l<A.rows();++l )
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<A.cols();++i )
-      {
- 	unsigned int j=i+l; if(j>=A.cols()) continue;
- 	if( j==i ) S5i(j,j)=1/S5(j,j);
- 	else
- 	  {
- 	    S5i(i,j)=0;
- 	    for( unsigned int k=i;k<j;k++ )
- 	      {	S5i(i,j) -= S5(k,j)*S5i(i,k);    }
- 	    S5i(i,j)/=S5(j,j);
- 	  }
+  S5i.resize(A.rows(), A.rows());
+  S5i.setZero();
+  for (unsigned int l = 0; l < A.rows(); ++l)
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < A.cols(); ++i) {
+      unsigned int j = i + l;
+      if (j >= A.cols())
+        continue;
+      if (j == i)
+        S5i(j, j) = 1 / S5(j, j);
+      else {
+        S5i(i, j) = 0;
+        for (unsigned int k = i; k < j; k++) {
+          S5i(i, j) -= S5(k, j) * S5i(i, k);
+        }
+        S5i(i, j) /= S5(j, j);
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "Si = " <<S5i  << endl;
+    }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Si = " << S5i << endl;
   return S5i;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-dynamicgraph::Matrix& WeightedSot::
-computeConstrainedWeight( dynamicgraph::Matrix& KAK,const int& iterTime )
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &
+WeightedSot::computeConstrainedWeight(dynamicgraph::Matrix &KAK,
+                                      const int &iterTime) {
   const dynamicgraph::Matrix &K = constraintSOUT(iterTime);
   const dynamicgraph::Matrix &A = weightSIN(iterTime);
   const unsigned int mJ = K.cols();
-//   const unsigned int rhand=28, lhand=40;
-//   for( unsigned int i=0;i<6;++i )
-//     for( unsigned int j=0;j<mJ+6;++j )
-//       {
-//  	if( i+rhand==j ) A(j,j)=1; else
-// 	  A(i+rhand,j) = A(j,rhand+i) = 0.;
-//  	if( i+lhand==j ) A(j,j)=1; else
-// 	  A(i+lhand,j) = A(j,lhand+i) = 0.;
-//       }
-  sotDEBUG(35) << "Kff = " << K  << endl;
-  sotDEBUG(35) << "A = " << A  << endl;
-  KAK.resize( mJ,mJ ); KAK.fill(0);
+  //   const unsigned int rhand=28, lhand=40;
+  //   for( unsigned int i=0;i<6;++i )
+  //     for( unsigned int j=0;j<mJ+6;++j )
+  //       {
+  //  	if( i+rhand==j ) A(j,j)=1; else
+  // 	  A(i+rhand,j) = A(j,rhand+i) = 0.;
+  //  	if( i+lhand==j ) A(j,j)=1; else
+  // 	  A(i+lhand,j) = A(j,lhand+i) = 0.;
+  //       }
+  sotDEBUG(35) << "Kff = " << K << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(35) << "A = " << A << endl;
+  KAK.resize(mJ, mJ);
+  KAK.fill(0);
-    dynamicgraph::Matrix KA( mJ,6 ); KA.fill( 0. );
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<mJ;++i )
-      for( unsigned int j=0;j<6;++j )
-	for( unsigned int k=0;k<6;++k )
-	  KA(i,j) += K(k,i)*A(k,j);
-    for( unsigned int i=0;i<mJ;++i )
-      for( unsigned int j=0;j<mJ;++j )
-	{
-	  for( unsigned int k=0;k<6;++k )
- 	    {
-	      KAK(i,j) += KA(i,k)*K(k,j);
-	      const double x = A(i+6,k)*K(k,j);
-	      KAK(i,j) += x;
-	      KAK(j,i) += x;
-	    }
-	  KAK(i,j) += A(i+6,j+6);
-	}
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix KA(mJ, 6);
+    KA.fill(0.);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mJ; ++i)
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
+        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 6; ++k)
+          KA(i, j) += K(k, i) * A(k, j);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mJ; ++i)
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < mJ; ++j) {
+        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
+          KAK(i, j) += KA(i, k) * K(k, j);
+          const double x = A(i + 6, k) * K(k, j);
+          KAK(i, j) += x;
+          KAK(j, i) += x;
+        }
+        KAK(i, j) += A(i + 6, j + 6);
+      }
-  sotDEBUG(35) << "KAK = " << KAK  << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(35) << "KAK = " << KAK << endl;
   return KAK;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -196,46 +196,62 @@ computeConstrainedWeight( dynamicgraph::Matrix& KAK,const int& iterTime )
 //#define WITH_CHRONO
-#ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
-#   define sotINIT_CHRONO1 struct timeval t0,t1; double dt
-#   define sotSTART_CHRONO1  gettimeofday(&t0,NULL)
-#   define sotCHRONO1 \
-      gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);\
-      dt = ( (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000.\
-	     + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.) / 1000. );\
-      sotDEBUG(1) << "dt: "<< dt
-#   define sotINITPARTCOUNTERS  struct timeval tpart0
-#   define sotSTARTPARTCOUNTERS  gettimeofday(&tpart0,NULL)
-#   define sotCOUNTER(nbc1,nbc2) \
-	  gettimeofday(&tpart##nbc2,NULL); \
-	  dt##nbc2 += ( (tpart##nbc2.tv_sec-tpart##nbc1.tv_sec) * 1000. \
-		   + (tpart##nbc2.tv_usec-tpart##nbc1.tv_usec+0.) / 1000. )
-#   define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1) \
-   struct timeval tpart##nbc1; double dt##nbc1=0;
+#define sotINIT_CHRONO1                                                        \
+  struct timeval t0, t1;                                                       \
+  double dt
+#define sotSTART_CHRONO1 gettimeofday(&t0, NULL)
+#define sotCHRONO1                                                             \
+  gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);                                                     \
+  dt = ((t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1000. +                                      \
+        (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec + 0.) / 1000.);                               \
+  sotDEBUG(1) << "dt: " << dt
+#define sotINITPARTCOUNTERS struct timeval tpart0
+#define sotSTARTPARTCOUNTERS gettimeofday(&tpart0, NULL)
+#define sotCOUNTER(nbc1, nbc2)                                                 \
+  gettimeofday(&tpart##nbc2, NULL);                                            \
+  dt##nbc2 += ((tpart##nbc2.tv_sec - tpart##nbc1.tv_sec) * 1000. +             \
+               (tpart##nbc2.tv_usec - tpart##nbc1.tv_usec + 0.) / 1000.)
+#define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)                                                   \
+  struct timeval tpart##nbc1;                                                  \
+  double dt##nbc1 = 0;
 #else // #ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
-#   define sotINIT_CHRONO1
-#   define sotSTART_CHRONO1
-#   define sotCHRONO1 if(1) ; else std::cout
-#   define sotCOUNTER(nbc1,nbc2)
-#   define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)
+#define sotINIT_CHRONO1
+#define sotSTART_CHRONO1
+#define sotCHRONO1                                                             \
+  if (1)                                                                       \
+    ;                                                                          \
+  else                                                                         \
+    std::cout
+#define sotCOUNTER(nbc1, nbc2)
+#define sotINITCOUNTER(nbc1)
 #endif // #ifdef  WITH_CHRONO
-dynamicgraph::Vector& WeightedSot::
-computeWeightedControlLaw( dynamicgraph::Vector& control,const int& iterTime )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+WeightedSot::computeWeightedControlLaw(dynamicgraph::Vector &control,
+                                       const int &iterTime) {
-  sotDEBUGF(5, " --- Time %d -------------------", iterTime );
+  sotDEBUGF(5, " --- Time %d -------------------", iterTime);
+  sotINITCOUNTER(4a);
+  sotINITCOUNTER(4b);
+  sotINITCOUNTER(4c);
+  sotINITCOUNTER(4d);
+  sotINITCOUNTER(4e);
@@ -244,247 +260,255 @@ computeWeightedControlLaw( dynamicgraph::Vector& control,const int& iterTime )
   const double &th = inversionThresholdSIN(iterTime);
   const dynamicgraph::Matrix &K = constraintSOUT(iterTime);
   const unsigned int mJ = K.cols();
-  //dynamicgraph::Matrix A = weightSIN(iterTime);
+  // dynamicgraph::Matrix A = weightSIN(iterTime);
   const dynamicgraph::Matrix &S5i = squareRootInvWeightSIN(iterTime);
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix Ai(mJ,mJ);
-  Ai = S5i.multiply*(S5i.transpose()); // TODO: Optimize by considering the triangular shape!
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix Ai(mJ, mJ);
+  Ai = S5i.multiply *
+       (S5i.transpose()); // TODO: Optimize by considering the triangular shape!
   sotDEBUG(35) << "Ai = " << Ai << endl;
   /* --- Q0 --- */
   /* --- Q0 --- */
   try {
-    control = q0SIN( iterTime );
+    control = q0SIN(iterTime);
     sotDEBUG(15) << "initial velocity q0 = " << control << endl;
-    if( mJ!=control.size() ) { control.resize( mJ ); control.fill(.0); }
-  }
-  catch (...)
-    {
-      if( mJ!=control.size() ) { control.resize( mJ ); }
-      control.setZero();
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "No initial velocity." <<endl;
+    if (mJ != control.size()) {
+      control.resize(mJ);
+      control.fill(.0);
+  } catch (...) {
+    if (mJ != control.size()) {
+      control.resize(mJ);
+    }
+    control.setZero();
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "No initial velocity." << endl;
+  }
   /* --- Main Loop --- */
   /* --- Main Loop --- */
   unsigned int iterTask = 0;
-  for( StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); iter!=stack.end();++iter )
-    {
-      sotCOUNTER(0,0b); // Direct Dynamic
-      sotDEBUGF(5,"Rank %d.",iterTask);
-      TaskAbstract & task = **iter;
-      const dynamicgraph::Matrix &JacRO = task.jacobianSOUT(iterTime);
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector err;
-      Sot::taskVectorToMlVector(task.taskSOUT(iterTime), err);
-      const unsigned int nJ = JacRO.rows();
-      sotCOUNTER(0b,1); // Direct Dynamic
-      /* Init memory. */
-      MemoryTaskSOT * mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>( task.memoryInternal );
-      if( NULL==mem )
-        {
-          if( NULL!=task.memoryInternal ) delete task.memoryInternal;
-          mem = new MemoryTaskSOT( task.getName()+"_memSOT",nJ,mJ );
-          task.memoryInternal = mem;
-        }
-      dynamicgraph::Matrix Jp,V; unsigned int rankJ;
-      dynamicgraph::Matrix Jac(nJ,mJ);
-      dynamicgraph::Matrix Jt(nJ,mJ);
+  for (StackType::iterator iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); ++iter) {
+    sotCOUNTER(0, 0b); // Direct Dynamic
+    sotDEBUGF(5, "Rank %d.", iterTask);
+    TaskAbstract &task = **iter;
+    const dynamicgraph::Matrix &JacRO = task.jacobianSOUT(iterTime);
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector err;
+    Sot::taskVectorToMlVector(task.taskSOUT(iterTime), err);
+    const unsigned int nJ = JacRO.rows();
+    sotCOUNTER(0b, 1); // Direct Dynamic
+    /* Init memory. */
+    MemoryTaskSOT *mem = dynamic_cast<MemoryTaskSOT *>(task.memoryInternal);
+    if (NULL == mem) {
+      if (NULL != task.memoryInternal)
+        delete task.memoryInternal;
+      mem = new MemoryTaskSOT(task.getName() + "_memSOT", nJ, mJ);
+      task.memoryInternal = mem;
+    }
-      if( (task.jacobianSOUT.getTime()>mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.getTime())
-	  ||(mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy().rows()!=mJ)
-	  ||(mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy().cols()!=nJ)
-	  ||(task.jacobianSOUT.getTime()>mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.getTime())
-	  ||(task.jacobianSOUT.getTime()>mem->rankSINOUT.getTime())
-	  ||(task.jacobianSOUT.getTime()>mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT.getTime()) )
-      {
-	sotDEBUG(15) <<"Recompute inverse."<<endl;
-	/* --- FIRST ALLOCS --- */
-	const unsigned int FF_SIZE=JacRO.cols()-mJ;
-	dynamicgraph::Matrix Jff( nJ,FF_SIZE );
-	dynamicgraph::Matrix Jact( nJ,mJ );
-	Jp.resize( mJ,nJ );
-	/***/sotCOUNTER(1,2); // first allocs
-	/* --- COMPUTE JK --- */
-	for( unsigned int i=0;i<nJ;++i )
-	  {
-	    for( unsigned int j=0;j<FF_SIZE;++j ) Jff(i,j)=JacRO(i,j);
-	    for( unsigned int j=FF_SIZE;j<JacRO.cols();++j )
-	      Jact(i,j-FF_SIZE)=JacRO(i,j);
-	  }
-	Jac = Jff*K;
-	Jac+=Jact;
-	/***/sotCOUNTER(2,3); // compute JK
-	/* --- COMPUTE Jt --- */
-	if( mJ==P.cols() ) Jt = Jac*P;
-	else { Jt = Jac; }
-	/***/sotCOUNTER(3,4); // compute Jt
-	/* --- COMPUTE S --- */
-	dynamicgraph::Matrix Kact(mJ,mJ); Kact=S5i;
-	Task* taskSpec = dynamic_cast<Task*>( &task );
-	if( NULL!=taskSpec )
-	  {
-	    const Flags& controlSelec = taskSpec->controlSelectionSIN( iterTime );
-	    sotDEBUG(25) << "Control selection = " << controlSelec <<endl;
-	    if( controlSelec )
-	      {
-		if(!controlSelec)
-		  {
-		    /***/sotCOUNTER(4,4a); // compute Kh
-		    sotDEBUG(15) << "Control selection."<<endl;
-		    std::vector<unsigned int> unactiveList;
-		    sotDEBUG(25) << "selec"<<iterTask<<" = [ ";
-		    for( unsigned int i=0;i<mJ;++i )
-		      {
-			if(! controlSelec(i) )
-			  {
-			    if(sotDEBUG_ENABLE(25)) sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer << i <<" ";
-			    unactiveList.push_back(i);
-			  }
-		      }
-		    if(sotDEBUG_ENABLE(25)) sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer << "]" << endl ;
-		    const unsigned int unactiveSize = unactiveList.size();
-		    /***/sotCOUNTER(4a,4b); // compute Kh
-		    /* Q = H*Ai*H, H being the unactivation matrix. */
-		    dynamicgraph::Matrix Q(unactiveSize,unactiveSize);
-		    dynamicgraph::Matrix Sir(unactiveSize,mJ);
-		    for( unsigned int i=0;i<unactiveSize;++i )
-		     {
-		       for( unsigned int j=0;j<unactiveSize;++j )
-			 Q(i,j)=Ai(unactiveList[i],unactiveList[j]);
-		       for( unsigned int j=0;j<mJ;++j )
-			 Sir(i,j) = S5i(unactiveList[i],j);
-		     }
-		    sotDEBUG(25) << "Q"<<iterTask<<" = " << Q << endl;
-		    sotDEBUG(25) << "Sr"<<iterTask<<" = " << Sir << endl;
-		    /***/sotCOUNTER(4b,4c); // compute Kh
-		    /* Qi = inv(Q), always positive. */
-		    dynamicgraph::Matrix Qi(unactiveSize,unactiveSize);
-		    Q.inverse(Qi);
-		    sotDEBUG(25) << "Qi"<<iterTask<<" = " << Qi << endl;
-		    /***/sotCOUNTER(4c,4d); // compute Kh
-		    /* Kact = (HSi)^+ HSi = Si_red^T Qi Si_red. */
-		    dynamicgraph::Matrix SrQi(mJ,unactiveSize);
-		    dynamicgraph::Matrix SrQiSr(mJ,mJ);
-		    dynamicgraph::Matrix ArQiSr(mJ,mJ);
-		    SrQi = (Sir.transpose())*Qi;
-		    SrQiSr = SrQi*Sir;
-		    ArQiSr = S5i*SrQiSr;
-		    Kact-=ArQiSr; // TODO: optimizer ce merdier! Kact est sparse!
-		    sotDEBUG(15) << "Kact"<<iterTask<<" = "<<Kact<<endl;
-		    /***/sotCOUNTER(4d,4e); // compute Kh
-		  }
-		else
-		  {
-		    sotDEBUG(15) << "S is equal to Id."<<endl;
-		  }
-	      }
-	    else
-	      {
-		sotDEBUG(15) << "Task not activated."<<endl;
-		Jt *= 0;
-	      }
-	  }
-	/***/sotCOUNTER(4,5); // compute Kh
-	/* --- PINV --- */
-	dynamicgraph::Matrix U; dynamicgraph::Vector S;
-	dynamicgraph::Matrix JtA( Jt.rows(),Jt.cols() );
-	dynamicgraph::Matrix JtAp( Jt.cols(),Jt.rows() );
-	JtA = Jt * Kact;
-	JtA.pseudoInverse( JtAp,th,&U,&S,&V );
-	Jp = S5i * JtAp; // TODO: S5i*JtAp = Kact*JtAp, and Kact is sparse.
-	if(  mJ==P.cols() ) Jp = P*Jp; // P is not idempotent
-	/***/sotCOUNTER(5,6); // PINV
-	/* --- RANK --- */
-	{
-	  const unsigned int Jmax = S.size(); rankJ=0;
-	  for( unsigned i=0;i<Jmax;++i ) { if( S(i)>th ) rankJ++; }
-	}
-	sotDEBUG(45) << "control"<<iterTask<<" = "<<control<<endl;
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "J"<<iterTask<<" = "<<JacRO<<endl;
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "JK"<<iterTask<<" = "<<Jac<<endl;
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "Jt"<<iterTask<<" = "<<Jt<<endl;
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "JtA"<<iterTask<<" = "<<JtA<<endl;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "Jp"<<iterTask<<" = "<<Jp<<endl;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "e"<<iterTask<<" = "<<err<<endl;
-	sotDEBUG(45) << "JJp"<<iterTask<<" = "<< Jac*Jp <<endl;
-	sotDEBUG(45) << "U"<<iterTask<<" = "<< U<<endl;
-	sotDEBUG(45) << "Svd"<<iterTask<<" = "<< S<<endl;
-	sotDEBUG(45) << "V"<<iterTask<<" = "<< V<<endl;
-	mem->jacobianInvSINOUT = Jp;
-	mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.setTime( iterTime );
-	mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT = Jac;
-	mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.setTime( iterTime );
-	mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT = V;
-	mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT.setTime( iterTime );
-	mem->rankSINOUT = rankJ;
-	mem->rankSINOUT.setTime( iterTime );
-	sotDEBUG(25)<<"Inverse recomputed."<<endl;
-      } else {
-	sotDEBUG(15)<<"Inverse not recomputed."<<endl;
-	rankJ = mem->rankSINOUT.accessCopy();
-	Jac = mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.accessCopy();
-	Jp = mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy();
-	V = mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT.accessCopy();
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix Jp, V;
+    unsigned int rankJ;
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix Jac(nJ, mJ);
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix Jt(nJ, mJ);
+    if ((task.jacobianSOUT.getTime() > mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.getTime()) ||
+        (mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy().rows() != mJ) ||
+        (mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy().cols() != nJ) ||
+        (task.jacobianSOUT.getTime() >
+         mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.getTime()) ||
+        (task.jacobianSOUT.getTime() > mem->rankSINOUT.getTime()) ||
+        (task.jacobianSOUT.getTime() >
+         mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT.getTime())) {
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "Recompute inverse." << endl;
+      /* --- FIRST ALLOCS --- */
+      const unsigned int FF_SIZE = JacRO.cols() - mJ;
+      dynamicgraph::Matrix Jff(nJ, FF_SIZE);
+      dynamicgraph::Matrix Jact(nJ, mJ);
+      Jp.resize(mJ, nJ);
+      /***/ sotCOUNTER(1, 2); // first allocs
+      /* --- COMPUTE JK --- */
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nJ; ++i) {
+        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < FF_SIZE; ++j)
+          Jff(i, j) = JacRO(i, j);
+        for (unsigned int j = FF_SIZE; j < JacRO.cols(); ++j)
+          Jact(i, j - FF_SIZE) = JacRO(i, j);
+      }
+      Jac = Jff * K;
+      Jac += Jact;
+      /***/ sotCOUNTER(2, 3); // compute JK
+      /* --- COMPUTE Jt --- */
+      if (mJ == P.cols())
+        Jt = Jac * P;
+      else {
+        Jt = Jac;
+      }
+      /***/ sotCOUNTER(3, 4); // compute Jt
+      /* --- COMPUTE S --- */
+      dynamicgraph::Matrix Kact(mJ, mJ);
+      Kact = S5i;
+      Task *taskSpec = dynamic_cast<Task *>(&task);
+      if (NULL != taskSpec) {
+        const Flags &controlSelec = taskSpec->controlSelectionSIN(iterTime);
+        sotDEBUG(25) << "Control selection = " << controlSelec << endl;
+        if (controlSelec) {
+          if (!controlSelec) {
+            /***/ sotCOUNTER(4, 4a); // compute Kh
+            sotDEBUG(15) << "Control selection." << endl;
+            std::vector<unsigned int> unactiveList;
+            sotDEBUG(25) << "selec" << iterTask << " = [ ";
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mJ; ++i) {
+              if (!controlSelec(i)) {
+                if (sotDEBUG_ENABLE(25))
+                  sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer << i << " ";
+                unactiveList.push_back(i);
+              }
+            }
+            if (sotDEBUG_ENABLE(25))
+              sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer << "]" << endl;
+            const unsigned int unactiveSize = unactiveList.size();
+            /***/ sotCOUNTER(4a, 4b); // compute Kh
+            /* Q = H*Ai*H, H being the unactivation matrix. */
+            dynamicgraph::Matrix Q(unactiveSize, unactiveSize);
+            dynamicgraph::Matrix Sir(unactiveSize, mJ);
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unactiveSize; ++i) {
+              for (unsigned int j = 0; j < unactiveSize; ++j)
+                Q(i, j) = Ai(unactiveList[i], unactiveList[j]);
+              for (unsigned int j = 0; j < mJ; ++j)
+                Sir(i, j) = S5i(unactiveList[i], j);
+            }
+            sotDEBUG(25) << "Q" << iterTask << " = " << Q << endl;
+            sotDEBUG(25) << "Sr" << iterTask << " = " << Sir << endl;
+            /***/ sotCOUNTER(4b, 4c); // compute Kh
+            /* Qi = inv(Q), always positive. */
+            dynamicgraph::Matrix Qi(unactiveSize, unactiveSize);
+            Q.inverse(Qi);
+            sotDEBUG(25) << "Qi" << iterTask << " = " << Qi << endl;
+            /***/ sotCOUNTER(4c, 4d); // compute Kh
+            /* Kact = (HSi)^+ HSi = Si_red^T Qi Si_red. */
+            dynamicgraph::Matrix SrQi(mJ, unactiveSize);
+            dynamicgraph::Matrix SrQiSr(mJ, mJ);
+            dynamicgraph::Matrix ArQiSr(mJ, mJ);
+            SrQi = (Sir.transpose()) * Qi;
+            SrQiSr = SrQi * Sir;
+            ArQiSr = S5i * SrQiSr;
+            Kact -= ArQiSr; // TODO: optimizer ce merdier! Kact est sparse!
+            sotDEBUG(15) << "Kact" << iterTask << " = " << Kact << endl;
+            /***/ sotCOUNTER(4d, 4e); // compute Kh
+          } else {
+            sotDEBUG(15) << "S is equal to Id." << endl;
+          }
+        } else {
+          sotDEBUG(15) << "Task not activated." << endl;
+          Jt *= 0;
+        }
+      /***/ sotCOUNTER(4, 5); // compute Kh
-	/***/sotCOUNTER(6,7); // TRACE
+      /* --- PINV --- */
+      dynamicgraph::Matrix U;
+      dynamicgraph::Vector S;
+      dynamicgraph::Matrix JtA(Jt.rows(), Jt.cols());
+      dynamicgraph::Matrix JtAp(Jt.cols(), Jt.rows());
-      /* --- COMPUTE QDOT AND P --- */
-      /*DEBUG*/// if( iterTask==0 ) control += Jp*err; else
-      //Jp*err;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "G = " << Jp<<endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "e = " << err<<endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Ge = " << Jp*err<<endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "d = " << Jac*control<<endl;
-      control += Jp*(err - Jac*control);
-      /***/sotCOUNTER(7,8); // QDOT
+      JtA = Jt * Kact;
+      JtA.pseudoInverse(JtAp, th, &U, &S, &V);
+      Jp = S5i * JtAp; // TODO: S5i*JtAp = Kact*JtAp, and Kact is sparse.
+      if (mJ == P.cols())
+        Jp = P * Jp;          // P is not idempotent
+      /***/ sotCOUNTER(5, 6); // PINV
-      if( mJ!=P.cols() ) { P.resize( mJ,mJ ); P.setIdentity(); }
+      /* --- RANK --- */
-	dynamicgraph::Matrix Kp( mJ,mJ );
-	Kp = Jp*Jt;
-	P -= Kp;
+        const unsigned int Jmax = S.size();
+        rankJ = 0;
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < Jmax; ++i) {
+          if (S(i) > th)
+            rankJ++;
+        }
-      sotCOUNTER(8,9); // Projo
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "q"<<iterTask<<" = "<<control<<std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "P"<<iterTask<<" = "<< P <<endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "control" << iterTask << " = " << control << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "J" << iterTask << " = " << JacRO << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "JK" << iterTask << " = " << Jac << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "Jt" << iterTask << " = " << Jt << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "JtA" << iterTask << " = " << JtA << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "Jp" << iterTask << " = " << Jp << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "e" << iterTask << " = " << err << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "JJp" << iterTask << " = " << Jac * Jp << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "U" << iterTask << " = " << U << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Svd" << iterTask << " = " << S << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "V" << iterTask << " = " << V << endl;
+      mem->jacobianInvSINOUT = Jp;
+      mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.setTime(iterTime);
+      mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT = Jac;
+      mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.setTime(iterTime);
+      mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT = V;
+      mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT.setTime(iterTime);
+      mem->rankSINOUT = rankJ;
+      mem->rankSINOUT.setTime(iterTime);
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "Inverse recomputed." << endl;
+    } else {
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "Inverse not recomputed." << endl;
+      rankJ = mem->rankSINOUT.accessCopy();
+      Jac = mem->jacobianConstrainedSINOUT.accessCopy();
+      Jp = mem->jacobianInvSINOUT.accessCopy();
+      V = mem->singularBaseImageSINOUT.accessCopy();
+    }
+    /***/ sotCOUNTER(6, 7); // TRACE
+    /* --- COMPUTE QDOT AND P --- */
+    /*DEBUG*/ // if( iterTask==0 ) control += Jp*err; else
+    // Jp*err;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "G = " << Jp << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "e = " << err << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Ge = " << Jp * err << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "d = " << Jac * control << endl;
+    control += Jp * (err - Jac * control);
+    /***/ sotCOUNTER(7, 8); // QDOT
+    if (mJ != P.cols()) {
+      P.resize(mJ, mJ);
+      P.setIdentity();
+    }
+    {
+      dynamicgraph::Matrix Kp(mJ, mJ);
+      Kp = Jp * Jt;
+      P -= Kp;
+    }
+    sotCOUNTER(8, 9); // Projo
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "q" << iterTask << " = " << control << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "P" << iterTask << " = " << P << endl;
 #ifdef WITH_CH
-      sotDEBUG(1) << "Chrono"<<iterTask<<"_"<<iterTime<<" = [ " << endl
-		  <<" "<<dt0b<<" "<<dt1 <<" "<< dt2 <<" "<< dt3 <<" "
-		  << dt4 <<" "<<dt5 <<", "<< dt6 <<" "<< dt7
-		  <<" "<< dt8 <<" "<< dt9 << " ] " << endl;
-      sotDEBUG(1) << "ChronoKh"<<iterTask<<"_"<<iterTime<<" = [ " << endl
-		  <<" "<< dt4a<<" "<< dt4b<<" "<< dt4c<<" "
-		  << dt4d<<" "<< dt4e<<" " << " ] " << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(1) << "Chrono" << iterTask << "_" << iterTime << " = [ " << endl
+                << " " << dt0b << " " << dt1 << " " << dt2 << " " << dt3 << " "
+                << dt4 << " " << dt5 << ", " << dt6 << " " << dt7 << " " << dt8
+                << " " << dt9 << " ] " << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(1) << "ChronoKh" << iterTask << "_" << iterTime << " = [ " << endl
+                << " " << dt4a << " " << dt4b << " " << dt4c << " " << dt4d
+                << " " << dt4e << " "
+                << " ] " << endl;
 #endif // #ifdef WITH_CHRONO
-      iterTask++;
-    }
+    iterTask++;
+  }
   sotCHRONO1 << endl;
   return control;
diff --git a/src/task/constraint-command.h b/src/task/constraint-command.h
index 1b626646..098feef1 100644
--- a/src/task/constraint-command.h
+++ b/src/task/constraint-command.h
@@ -7,56 +7,52 @@
- #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    namespace command {
-      namespace constraint {
-	using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
-	using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+namespace sot {
+namespace command {
+namespace constraint {
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-	// Command AddJacobian
-	class AddJacobian : public Command
-	{
-	public:
-	  virtual ~AddJacobian() {}
-	  /// Create command and store it in Entity
-	  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
-	AddJacobian(Constraint& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	  Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring)
-	    {
-	    }
-	  virtual Value doExecute()
-	  {
-	    Constraint& constraint = static_cast<Constraint&>(owner());
-	    std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
-	    std::string signalName = values[0].value();
-	    std::istringstream iss(signalName);
-	    SignalBase<int>& signal =
-	      dynamicgraph::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal(iss);
-	    try {
-	      Signal< dynamicgraph::Matrix,int >& matrixSignal
-		= dynamic_cast< Signal<dynamicgraph::Matrix,int>& >( signal );
-	      constraint.addJacobian(matrixSignal);
-	    } catch (const std::bad_cast& exc) {
-	      std::string msg(signalName + " is not of type matrix.");
-	      SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal( ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST, msg);
-	    }
-	    // return void
-	    return Value();
-	  }
-	}; // class AddJacobian
-      } // namespace constraint
-    } // namespace command
-  } // namespace sot
+// Command AddJacobian
+class AddJacobian : public Command {
+  virtual ~AddJacobian() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  AddJacobian(Constraint &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    Constraint &constraint = static_cast<Constraint &>(owner());
+    std::vector<Value> values = getParameterValues();
+    std::string signalName = values[0].value();
+    std::istringstream iss(signalName);
+    SignalBase<int> &signal =
+        dynamicgraph::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal(iss);
+    try {
+      Signal<dynamicgraph::Matrix, int> &matrixSignal =
+          dynamic_cast<Signal<dynamicgraph::Matrix, int> &>(signal);
+      constraint.addJacobian(matrixSignal);
+    } catch (const std::bad_cast &exc) {
+      std::string msg(signalName + " is not of type matrix.");
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionSignal(ExceptionSignal::BAD_CAST, msg);
+    }
+    // return void
+    return Value();
+  }
+}; // class AddJacobian
+} // namespace constraint
+} // namespace command
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/task/constraint.cpp b/src/task/constraint.cpp
index d36ec565..bc5b0f61 100644
--- a/src/task/constraint.cpp
+++ b/src/task/constraint.cpp
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <sot/core/constraint.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -22,20 +22,17 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 #include "../src/task/constraint-command.h"
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+Constraint::Constraint(const std::string &n) : TaskAbstract(n) {
+  jacobianSOUT.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&Constraint::computeJacobian, this, _1, _2));
-Constraint( const std::string& n )
-  :TaskAbstract(n)
-  jacobianSOUT.setFunction( boost::bind(&Constraint::computeJacobian,this,_1,_2) );
-  signalDeregistration( taskSOUT.shortName() );
+  signalDeregistration(taskSOUT.shortName());
   // Commands
@@ -43,36 +40,29 @@ Constraint( const std::string& n )
   std::string docstring;
   // Addjacobian
   docstring = "    \n"
-    "    \n"
-    "    Add a Jacobian to the constraint\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        - name of the signal conveying the Jacobian.\n"
-    "    \n";
+              "    \n"
+              "    Add a Jacobian to the constraint\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      Input:\n"
+              "        - name of the signal conveying the Jacobian.\n"
+              "    \n";
-	     new command::constraint::AddJacobian(*this, docstring));
+             new command::constraint::AddJacobian(*this, docstring));
-void Constraint::
-addJacobian( Signal< dynamicgraph::Matrix,int >& sig )
+void Constraint::addJacobian(Signal<dynamicgraph::Matrix, int> &sig) {
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( sig );
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(sig);
-void Constraint::
-clearJacobianList( void )
-  for(   JacobianList::iterator iter = jacobianList.begin();
-	 iter!=jacobianList.end(); ++iter )
-    {
-      Signal< dynamicgraph::Matrix,int >& s = **iter;
-      jacobianSOUT.removeDependency( s );
-    }
+void Constraint::clearJacobianList(void) {
+  for (JacobianList::iterator iter = jacobianList.begin();
+       iter != jacobianList.end(); ++iter) {
+    Signal<dynamicgraph::Matrix, int> &s = **iter;
+    jacobianSOUT.removeDependency(s);
+  }
@@ -81,55 +71,53 @@ clearJacobianList( void )
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-dynamicgraph::Matrix& Constraint::
-computeJacobian( dynamicgraph::Matrix& J,int time )
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &Constraint::computeJacobian(dynamicgraph::Matrix &J,
+                                                  int time) {
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
-  if( jacobianList.empty())
-    { J.resize(0,0); }
+  if (jacobianList.empty()) {
+    J.resize(0, 0);
+  }
   //    { throw( ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::EMPTY_LIST,
   // 			      "Empty feature list") ) ; }
   try {
-    dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index dimJ = J .rows();
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index dimJ = J.rows();
     dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index nbc = J.cols();
-    if( 0==dimJ ) {
+    if (0 == dimJ) {
       // Compute the correct size
-      for( JacobianList::iterator iter = jacobianList.begin();
-           iter!=jacobianList.end(); ++iter )
-        {
-          Signal< dynamicgraph::Matrix,int >& jacobian = ** iter;
-          const dynamicgraph::Matrix& partialJacobian = jacobian(time);
-          dimJ += partialJacobian.rows();
-          if (nbc == 0)
-            nbc = partialJacobian.cols();
-          else if (nbc != partialJacobian.cols()) {
-            SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::NON_ADEQUATE_FEATURES,
-                                    "Features from the list don't "
-                                    "have compatible-size jacobians.");
-          }
+      for (JacobianList::iterator iter = jacobianList.begin();
+           iter != jacobianList.end(); ++iter) {
+        Signal<dynamicgraph::Matrix, int> &jacobian = **iter;
+        const dynamicgraph::Matrix &partialJacobian = jacobian(time);
+        dimJ += partialJacobian.rows();
+        if (nbc == 0)
+          nbc = partialJacobian.cols();
+        else if (nbc != partialJacobian.cols()) {
+          SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::NON_ADEQUATE_FEATURES,
+                                  "Features from the list don't "
+                                  "have compatible-size jacobians.");
-      J.resize (dimJ, nbc);
+      }
+      J.resize(dimJ, nbc);
     dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index cursorJ = 0;
     /* For each cell of the list, recopy value of s, s_star and error. */
-    for( JacobianList::iterator iter = jacobianList.begin();
-	 iter!=jacobianList.end(); ++iter )
-      {
-	Signal< dynamicgraph::Matrix,int >& jacobian = ** iter;
+    for (JacobianList::iterator iter = jacobianList.begin();
+         iter != jacobianList.end(); ++iter) {
+      Signal<dynamicgraph::Matrix, int> &jacobian = **iter;
-	/* Get s, and store it in the s vector. */
-	const dynamicgraph::Matrix& partialJacobian = jacobian(time);
-	const dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index nbr = partialJacobian.rows();
+      /* Get s, and store it in the s vector. */
+      const dynamicgraph::Matrix &partialJacobian = jacobian(time);
+      const dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index nbr = partialJacobian.rows();
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "Jp =" <<endl<< partialJacobian<<endl;
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "Jp =" << endl << partialJacobian << endl;
-        J.middleRows (cursorJ, nbr) = partialJacobian;
-	cursorJ += nbr;
-      }
+      J.middleRows(cursorJ, nbr) = partialJacobian;
+      cursorJ += nbr;
+    }
   } catch SOT_RETHROW;
@@ -137,16 +125,14 @@ computeJacobian( dynamicgraph::Matrix& J,int time )
   return J;
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os,const Constraint& t )
-    { return os <<; }
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Constraint &t) {
+  return os <<;
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/task/gain-adaptive.cpp b/src/task/gain-adaptive.cpp
index 431e809c..0fab95c7 100644
--- a/src/task/gain-adaptive.cpp
+++ b/src/task/gain-adaptive.cpp
@@ -10,13 +10,12 @@
 /* SOT */
 #include <sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-signal.hh>
+#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
@@ -25,109 +24,90 @@
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
-const double GainAdaptive::
-const double GainAdaptive::
-const double GainAdaptive::
+const double GainAdaptive::ZERO_DEFAULT = .1;
+const double GainAdaptive::INFTY_DEFAULT = .1;
+const double GainAdaptive::TAN_DEFAULT = 1;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define __SOT_GAIN_ADAPTATIVE_INIT                                             \
+  Entity(name), coeff_a(0), coeff_b(0), coeff_c(0),                            \
+      errorSIN(NULL, "sotGainAdaptive(" + name + ")::input(vector)::error"),   \
+      gainSOUT(boost::bind(&GainAdaptive::computeGain, this, _1, _2),          \
+               errorSIN,                                                       \
+               "sotGainAdaptive(" + name + ")::output(double)::gain")
-Entity(name) \
-,coeff_a(0) \
-,coeff_b(0) \
-,coeff_c(0) \
-,errorSIN(NULL,"sotGainAdaptive("+name+")::input(vector)::error") \
-,gainSOUT( boost::bind(&GainAdaptive::computeGain,this,_1,_2), \
-	   errorSIN,"sotGainAdaptive("+name+")::output(double)::gain" )
-void GainAdaptive::addCommands()
+void GainAdaptive::addCommands() {
   using namespace ::dynamicgraph::command;
   std::string docstring;
   // Command SetConstant
-  docstring = "    \n"
-    "    setConstant\n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        floating point value: value at 0. Other values are set to"
-    "default.\n"
-    "    \n";
+  docstring =
+      "    \n"
+      "    setConstant\n"
+      "      Input:\n"
+      "        floating point value: value at 0. Other values are set to"
+      "default.\n"
+      "    \n";
-	     makeCommandVoid1(*this,&GainAdaptive::init,
-			      docstring));
+             makeCommandVoid1(*this, &GainAdaptive::init, docstring));
   // Command Set
   docstring = "    \n"
-    "    set\n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        floating point value: value at 0,\n"
-    "        floating point value: value at infinity,\n"
-    "        floating point value: value at slope,\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("set",
-	     makeCommandVoid3(*this,&GainAdaptive::init,
-			      docstring));
+              "    set\n"
+              "      Input:\n"
+              "        floating point value: value at 0,\n"
+              "        floating point value: value at infinity,\n"
+              "        floating point value: value at slope,\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand("set", makeCommandVoid3(*this, &GainAdaptive::init, docstring));
   docstring = "    \n"
-    "    set from value at 0 and infinity, with a passing point\n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        floating point value: value at 0,\n"
-    "        floating point value: value at infinity,\n"
-    "        floating point value: reference point,\n"
-    "        floating point value: percentage at ref point.\n"
-    "    \n";
-  addCommand("setByPoint",
-   	     makeCommandVoid4(*this,&GainAdaptive::initFromPassingPoint,
-   			      docstring));
+              "    set from value at 0 and infinity, with a passing point\n"
+              "      Input:\n"
+              "        floating point value: value at 0,\n"
+              "        floating point value: value at infinity,\n"
+              "        floating point value: reference point,\n"
+              "        floating point value: percentage at ref point.\n"
+              "    \n";
+  addCommand(
+      "setByPoint",
+      makeCommandVoid4(*this, &GainAdaptive::initFromPassingPoint, docstring));
-GainAdaptive( const std::string & name )
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "New gain <"<<name<<">"<<std::endl;
+GainAdaptive::GainAdaptive(const std::string &name)
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "New gain <" << name << ">" << std::endl;
-  Entity::signalRegistration( gainSOUT<<errorSIN );
+  Entity::signalRegistration(gainSOUT << errorSIN);
-GainAdaptive( const std::string & name,const double& lambda )
+GainAdaptive::GainAdaptive(const std::string &name, const double &lambda)
-  Entity::signalRegistration( gainSOUT );
+  Entity::signalRegistration(gainSOUT);
-GainAdaptive( const std::string & name,
-		   const double& valueAt0,
-		   const double& valueAtInfty,
-		   const double& tanAt0 )
-  init(valueAt0,valueAtInfty,tanAt0);
-  Entity::signalRegistration( gainSOUT );
+GainAdaptive::GainAdaptive(const std::string &name, const double &valueAt0,
+                           const double &valueAtInfty, const double &tanAt0)
+  init(valueAt0, valueAtInfty, tanAt0);
+  Entity::signalRegistration(gainSOUT);
-void GainAdaptive::
-init( const double& valueAt0,
-      const double& valueAtInfty,
-      const double& tanAt0 )
+void GainAdaptive::init(const double &valueAt0, const double &valueAtInfty,
+                        const double &tanAt0) {
   coeff_a = valueAt0 - valueAtInfty;
-  if (0 == coeff_a)    { coeff_b = 0; }
-  else { coeff_b = tanAt0 / coeff_a;  }
+  if (0 == coeff_a) {
+    coeff_b = 0;
+  } else {
+    coeff_b = tanAt0 / coeff_a;
+  }
   coeff_c = valueAtInfty;
@@ -140,63 +120,54 @@ init( const double& valueAt0,
  *  - first, imposing a value gref at position xref: g(xref)=gref.
  * In that case, B=-1/xref*log((gref-C)/A):
  *     gnuplot> A=1; C=.1; xref=.1; gref=.4; B=1/xref*log((gref-C)/A)
- *     gnuplot> plot [0:(A+C)/B*10][C-.1*(A-C):A+C+.1*(A-C)] A*exp(-B*x)+C, A+C-B*x
- *  - second solution: imposing to reach a percentage of raise at a given point. It
- * is more or less the same as before, but with gref := C+p*A, for a given p. In that
- * case, B=-1/xref*log(p)
- *     gnuplot> A=1; C=.1; xref=.1; p=.1; B=1/xref*log(p)
- *     gnuplot> plot [0:(A+C)/B*10][C-.1*(A-C):A+C+.1*(A-C)] A*exp(-B*x)+C, A+C-B*x
+ *     gnuplot> plot [0:(A+C)/B*10][C-.1*(A-C):A+C+.1*(A-C)] A*exp(-B*x)+C,
+ * A+C-B*x
+ *  - second solution: imposing to reach a percentage of raise at a given point.
+ * It is more or less the same as before, but with gref := C+p*A, for a given p.
+ * In that case, B=-1/xref*log(p) gnuplot> A=1; C=.1; xref=.1; p=.1;
+ * B=1/xref*log(p) gnuplot> plot [0:(A+C)/B*10][C-.1*(A-C):A+C+.1*(A-C)]
+ * A*exp(-B*x)+C, A+C-B*x
  * The second solution is tried in the following.
-void GainAdaptive::
-initFromPassingPoint( const double& valueAt0,
-		      const double& valueAtInfty,
-		      const double& xref,
-		      const double& p ) //gref )
+void GainAdaptive::initFromPassingPoint(const double &valueAt0,
+                                        const double &valueAtInfty,
+                                        const double &xref,
+                                        const double &p) // gref )
   coeff_c = valueAtInfty;
   coeff_a = valueAt0 - valueAtInfty;
-  if (0 == coeff_a)    { coeff_b = 0; }
-  else
-    {
-      //coeff_b = -1/xref*log( (gref-coeff_c)/coeff_a );
-      coeff_b = -1/xref*log( p );
-    }
+  if (0 == coeff_a) {
+    coeff_b = 0;
+  } else {
+    // coeff_b = -1/xref*log( (gref-coeff_c)/coeff_a );
+    coeff_b = -1 / xref * log(p);
+  }
-void GainAdaptive::
-forceConstant( void )
-  coeff_a = 0;
+void GainAdaptive::forceConstant(void) { coeff_a = 0; }
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void GainAdaptive::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os << "Gain Adaptative "<<getName();
+void GainAdaptive::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "Gain Adaptative " << getName();
   try {
-    os <<" = "<<double(gainSOUT.accessCopy ());
+    os << " = " << double(gainSOUT.accessCopy());
+  } catch (ExceptionSignal e) {
-  catch (ExceptionSignal e) {}
-  os <<" ("<<coeff_a<<";"<<coeff_b<<";"<<coeff_c<<") ";
+  os << " (" << coeff_a << ";" << coeff_b << ";" << coeff_c << ") ";
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-double& GainAdaptive::
-computeGain( double&res, int t )
+double &GainAdaptive::computeGain(double &res, int t) {
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& error = errorSIN(t);
-  const double norm =  error.norm();
-  res = coeff_a * exp( -coeff_b*norm ) + coeff_c;
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &error = errorSIN(t);
+  const double norm = error.norm();
+  res = coeff_a * exp(-coeff_b * norm) + coeff_c;
   return res;
diff --git a/src/task/gain-hyperbolic.cpp b/src/task/gain-hyperbolic.cpp
index bc2b078f..2c8ec221 100644
--- a/src/task/gain-hyperbolic.cpp
+++ b/src/task/gain-hyperbolic.cpp
@@ -14,117 +14,90 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-signal.hh>
+#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(GainHyperbolic, "GainHyperbolic");
-const double GainHyperbolic::
-const double GainHyperbolic::
-const double GainHyperbolic::
+const double GainHyperbolic::ZERO_DEFAULT = .1;
+const double GainHyperbolic::INFTY_DEFAULT = .1;
+const double GainHyperbolic::TAN_DEFAULT = 1;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define __SOT_GAIN_HYPERBOLIC_INIT                                             \
+  Entity(name), coeff_a(0), coeff_b(0), coeff_c(0), coeff_d(0),                \
+      errorSIN(NULL, "sotGainHyperbolic(" + name + ")::input(vector)::error"), \
+      gainSOUT(boost::bind(&GainHyperbolic::computeGain, this, _1, _2),        \
+               errorSIN,                                                       \
+               "sotGainHyperbolic(" + name + ")::output(double)::gain")
-Entity(name) \
-,coeff_a(0) \
-,coeff_b(0) \
-,coeff_c(0) \
-,coeff_d(0) \
-,errorSIN(NULL,"sotGainHyperbolic("+name+")::input(vector)::error") \
-,gainSOUT( boost::bind(&GainHyperbolic::computeGain,this,_1,_2), \
-	   errorSIN,"sotGainHyperbolic("+name+")::output(double)::gain" )
-GainHyperbolic( const std::string & name )
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "New gain <"<<name<<">"<<std::endl;
+GainHyperbolic::GainHyperbolic(const std::string &name)
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "New gain <" << name << ">" << std::endl;
-  Entity::signalRegistration( gainSOUT<<errorSIN );
+  Entity::signalRegistration(gainSOUT << errorSIN);
-GainHyperbolic( const std::string & name,const double& lambda )
+GainHyperbolic::GainHyperbolic(const std::string &name, const double &lambda)
-  Entity::signalRegistration( gainSOUT );
+  Entity::signalRegistration(gainSOUT);
-GainHyperbolic( const std::string & name,
-		   const double& valueAt0,
-		   const double& valueAtInfty,
-		   const double& tanAt0,
-		   const double& decal0 )
-  init(valueAt0,valueAtInfty,tanAt0,decal0);
-  Entity::signalRegistration( gainSOUT );
+GainHyperbolic::GainHyperbolic(const std::string &name, const double &valueAt0,
+                               const double &valueAtInfty, const double &tanAt0,
+                               const double &decal0)
+  init(valueAt0, valueAtInfty, tanAt0, decal0);
+  Entity::signalRegistration(gainSOUT);
-void GainHyperbolic::
-init( const double& valueAt0,
-      const double& valueAtInfty,
-      const double& tanAt0,
-      const double& decal0 )
+void GainHyperbolic::init(const double &valueAt0, const double &valueAtInfty,
+                          const double &tanAt0, const double &decal0) {
   coeff_a = valueAt0 - valueAtInfty;
-  if (0 == coeff_a)    { coeff_b = 0; }
-  else { coeff_b = tanAt0 / coeff_a/2;  }
+  if (0 == coeff_a) {
+    coeff_b = 0;
+  } else {
+    coeff_b = tanAt0 / coeff_a / 2;
+  }
   coeff_c = valueAtInfty;
   coeff_d = decal0;
-void GainHyperbolic::
-forceConstant( void )
-  coeff_a = 0;
+void GainHyperbolic::forceConstant(void) { coeff_a = 0; }
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void GainHyperbolic::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os << "Gain Hyperbolic "<<getName();
+void GainHyperbolic::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "Gain Hyperbolic " << getName();
   try {
-    os <<" = "<<double(gainSOUT.accessCopy ());
-  } catch (ExceptionSignal e) {}
-  //os <<" ("<<coeff_a<<";"<<coeff_b<<";"<<coeff_c<<coeff_d<<") ";
-  os <<" ("<<coeff_a<<".exp(-"<<coeff_b<<"(x-" << coeff_d << "))+" <<coeff_c;
+    os << " = " << double(gainSOUT.accessCopy());
+  } catch (ExceptionSignal e) {
+  }
+  // os <<" ("<<coeff_a<<";"<<coeff_b<<";"<<coeff_c<<coeff_d<<") ";
+  os << " (" << coeff_a << ".exp(-" << coeff_b << "(x-" << coeff_d << "))+"
+     << coeff_c;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-double& GainHyperbolic::
-computeGain( double&res, int t )
+double &GainHyperbolic::computeGain(double &res, int t) {
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& error = errorSIN(t);
-  const double norm =  error.norm();
-  res = coeff_a *.5* (tanh( -coeff_b*(norm-coeff_d) )+1 ) + coeff_c;
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &error = errorSIN(t);
+  const double norm = error.norm();
+  res = coeff_a * .5 * (tanh(-coeff_b * (norm - coeff_d)) + 1) + coeff_c;
   return res;
diff --git a/src/task/multi-bound.cpp b/src/task/multi-bound.cpp
index 8246a8a9..2590b4e8 100644
--- a/src/task/multi-bound.cpp
+++ b/src/task/multi-bound.cpp
@@ -13,249 +13,237 @@
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-MultiBound( const double x )
-  : mode(MODE_SINGLE),boundSingle(x)
-  ,boundSup(0),boundInf(0),boundSupSetup(false),boundInfSetup(false) {}
-MultiBound( const double xi,const double xs )
-  : mode(MODE_DOUBLE),boundSingle(0)
-  ,boundSup(xs),boundInf(xi),boundSupSetup(true),boundInfSetup(true) {}
-MultiBound( const double x,const MultiBound::SupInfType bound )
-  : mode(MODE_DOUBLE),boundSingle(0)
-  ,boundSup((bound==BOUND_SUP)?x:0),boundInf((bound==BOUND_INF)?x:0)
-  ,boundSupSetup(bound==BOUND_SUP),boundInfSetup(bound==BOUND_INF) {}
-MultiBound( const MultiBound& clone )
-,boundSupSetup(clone.boundSupSetup),boundInfSetup(clone.boundInfSetup) {}
-MultiBound::MultiBoundModeType MultiBound::
-getMode( void ) const
-{ return mode; }
-double MultiBound::
-getSingleBound( void ) const
-  if( MODE_SINGLE!=mode )
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionTask( ExceptionTask::BOUND_TYPE,
-                                  "Accessing single bound of a non-single type.");
-    }
+MultiBound::MultiBound(const double x)
+    : mode(MODE_SINGLE), boundSingle(x), boundSup(0), boundInf(0),
+      boundSupSetup(false), boundInfSetup(false) {}
+MultiBound::MultiBound(const double xi, const double xs)
+    : mode(MODE_DOUBLE), boundSingle(0), boundSup(xs), boundInf(xi),
+      boundSupSetup(true), boundInfSetup(true) {}
+MultiBound::MultiBound(const double x, const MultiBound::SupInfType bound)
+    : mode(MODE_DOUBLE), boundSingle(0), boundSup((bound == BOUND_SUP) ? x : 0),
+      boundInf((bound == BOUND_INF) ? x : 0), boundSupSetup(bound == BOUND_SUP),
+      boundInfSetup(bound == BOUND_INF) {}
+MultiBound::MultiBound(const MultiBound &clone)
+    : mode(clone.mode), boundSingle(clone.boundSingle),
+      boundSup(clone.boundSup), boundInf(clone.boundInf),
+      boundSupSetup(clone.boundSupSetup), boundInfSetup(clone.boundInfSetup) {}
+MultiBound::MultiBoundModeType MultiBound::getMode(void) const { return mode; }
+double MultiBound::getSingleBound(void) const {
+  if (MODE_SINGLE != mode) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::BOUND_TYPE,
+                            "Accessing single bound of a non-single type.");
+  }
   return boundSingle;
-double MultiBound::
-getDoubleBound( const MultiBound::SupInfType bound ) const
-  if( MODE_DOUBLE!=mode )
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionTask( ExceptionTask::BOUND_TYPE,
-                                  "Accessing double bound of a non-double type.");
+double MultiBound::getDoubleBound(const MultiBound::SupInfType bound) const {
+  if (MODE_DOUBLE != mode) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::BOUND_TYPE,
+                            "Accessing double bound of a non-double type.");
+  }
+  switch (bound) {
+  case BOUND_SUP: {
+    if (!boundSupSetup) {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::BOUND_TYPE,
+                              "Accessing un-setup sup bound.");
-  switch(bound)
-    {
-    case BOUND_SUP:
-      {
-        if(! boundSupSetup)
-          {SOT_THROW ExceptionTask( ExceptionTask::BOUND_TYPE,
-                                       "Accessing un-setup sup bound.");}
-        return boundSup;
-      }
-    case BOUND_INF:
-      {
-        if(! boundInfSetup)
-          {SOT_THROW ExceptionTask( ExceptionTask::BOUND_TYPE,
-                                       "Accessing un-setup inf bound");}
-        return boundInf;
-      }
+    return boundSup;
+  }
+  case BOUND_INF: {
+    if (!boundInfSetup) {
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::BOUND_TYPE,
+                              "Accessing un-setup inf bound");
+    return boundInf;
+  }
+  }
   return 0;
-bool MultiBound::
-getDoubleBoundSetup( const MultiBound::SupInfType bound ) const
-  if( MODE_DOUBLE!=mode )
-    {
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionTask( ExceptionTask::BOUND_TYPE,
-                                  "Accessing double bound of a non-double type.");
-    }
-  switch(bound)
-    {
-    case BOUND_SUP:
-      return boundSupSetup;
-    case BOUND_INF:
-      return boundInfSetup;
-    }
+bool MultiBound::getDoubleBoundSetup(const MultiBound::SupInfType bound) const {
+  if (MODE_DOUBLE != mode) {
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::BOUND_TYPE,
+                            "Accessing double bound of a non-double type.");
+  }
+  switch (bound) {
+  case BOUND_SUP:
+    return boundSupSetup;
+  case BOUND_INF:
+    return boundInfSetup;
+  }
   return false;
-void MultiBound::
-setDoubleBound( SupInfType boundType,double boundValue )
-  if(MODE_DOUBLE!=mode)
-    { mode=MODE_DOUBLE; boundSupSetup=false; boundInfSetup=false; }
-  switch(boundType)
-    {
+void MultiBound::setDoubleBound(SupInfType boundType, double boundValue) {
+  if (MODE_DOUBLE != mode) {
+    mode = MODE_DOUBLE;
+    boundSupSetup = false;
+    boundInfSetup = false;
+  }
+  switch (boundType) {
+  case BOUND_INF:
+    boundInfSetup = true;
+    boundInf = boundValue;
+    break;
+  case BOUND_SUP:
+    boundSupSetup = true;
+    boundSup = boundValue;
+    break;
+  }
+void MultiBound::unsetDoubleBound(SupInfType boundType) {
+  if (MODE_DOUBLE != mode) {
+    mode = MODE_DOUBLE;
+    boundSupSetup = false;
+    boundInfSetup = false;
+  } else {
+    switch (boundType) {
     case BOUND_INF:
-      boundInfSetup=true; boundInf=boundValue;
+      boundInfSetup = false;
     case BOUND_SUP:
-      boundSupSetup=true; boundSup=boundValue;
+      boundSupSetup = false;
+  }
-void MultiBound::
-unsetDoubleBound( SupInfType boundType )
-  if(MODE_DOUBLE!=mode)
-    { mode=MODE_DOUBLE; boundSupSetup=false; boundInfSetup=false; }
-  else
-    {
-      switch(boundType)
-        {
-        case BOUND_INF:
-          boundInfSetup=false;
-          break;
-        case BOUND_SUP:
-          boundSupSetup=false;
-          break;
-        }
-    }
-void MultiBound::
-setSingleBound( double boundValue )
-  mode=MODE_SINGLE;
-  boundSingle=boundValue;
+void MultiBound::setSingleBound(double boundValue) {
+  mode = MODE_SINGLE;
+  boundSingle = boundValue;
-inline static void SOT_MULTI_BOUND_CHECK_C(std::istream& is,
-                                           char check,
-                                           VectorMultiBound& v)
+inline static void SOT_MULTI_BOUND_CHECK_C(std::istream &is, char check,
+                                           VectorMultiBound &v) {
   char c;
-  if(c!=check)
-    {
-      v.resize(0);
-      sotERROR << "Error while parsing vector multi-bound. Waiting for a '" << check
-               << "'. Get '" << c << "' instead. " << std::endl;
-      SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::PARSER_MULTI_BOUND,
-                                 "Error parsing vector multi-bound.");
-    }
+  if (c != check) {
+    v.resize(0);
+    sotERROR << "Error while parsing vector multi-bound. Waiting for a '"
+             << check << "'. Get '" << c << "' instead. " << std::endl;
+    SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::PARSER_MULTI_BOUND,
+                            "Error parsing vector multi-bound.");
+  }
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
-std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os, const MultiBound & m  )
-  switch( m.mode )
-    {
-    case MultiBound::MODE_SINGLE:
-      {
-        os << m.boundSingle;
-        break;
-      }
-    case MultiBound::MODE_DOUBLE:
-      {
-        os << "(";
-        if( m.boundInfSetup )  os << m.boundInf; else os << "--"; os<<",";
-        if(m. boundSupSetup )  os << m.boundSup; else os << "--"; os<<")";
-        break;
-      }
-    }
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const MultiBound &m) {
+  switch (m.mode) {
+  case MultiBound::MODE_SINGLE: {
+    os << m.boundSingle;
+    break;
+  }
+  case MultiBound::MODE_DOUBLE: {
+    os << "(";
+    if (m.boundInfSetup)
+      os << m.boundInf;
+    else
+      os << "--";
+    os << ",";
+    if (m.boundSupSetup)
+      os << m.boundSup;
+    else
+      os << "--";
+    os << ")";
+    break;
+  }
+  }
   return os;
-std::istream& operator>> ( std::istream& is, MultiBound & m  )
+std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, MultiBound &m) {
-  char c; double val;
+  char c;
+  double val;
-  if( c=='(' )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Double" << std::endl;
-      char c2[3];
-      is.get(c2,3);
-      if( std::string(c2,2)!="--" )
-        {
-          is.putback(c2[1]); is.putback(c2[0]);
-          //{char strbuf[256]; is.getline(strbuf,256); sotDEBUG(1) << "#"<<strbuf<<"#"<<std::endl;}
-          is>>val;
-          sotDEBUG(15) << "First val = " << val << std::endl;
-          m.setDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_INF,val);
-        } else { m.unsetDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_INF); }
-      is.get(c);
-      if( c!=',' )
-        {
-          sotERROR << "Error while parsing multi-bound. Waiting for a ','. Get '"
-                   << c << "' instead. " << std::endl;
-          SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::PARSER_MULTI_BOUND,
-                                     "Error parsing multi-bound, while waiting for a ','.");
-        }
-      is.get(c2,3);
-      if( std::string(c2,2)!="--" )
-        {
-          is.putback(c2[1]); is.putback(c2[0]);
-          is>>val;
-          sotDEBUG(15) << "Second val = " << val << std::endl;
-          m.setDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP,val);
-        } else { m.unsetDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP); }
-      is.get(c);
-      if( c!=')' )
-        {
-          sotERROR << "Error while parsing multi-bound. Waiting for a ')'. Get '"
-                   << c << "' instead. " << std::endl;
-          SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::PARSER_MULTI_BOUND,
-                                     "Error parsing multi-bound, while waiting for a ')'.");
-        }
+  if (c == '(') {
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Double" << std::endl;
+    char c2[3];
+    is.get(c2, 3);
+    if (std::string(c2, 2) != "--") {
+      is.putback(c2[1]);
+      is.putback(c2[0]);
+      //{char strbuf[256]; is.getline(strbuf,256); sotDEBUG(1) <<
+      //"#"<<strbuf<<"#"<<std::endl;}
+      is >> val;
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "First val = " << val << std::endl;
+      m.setDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_INF, val);
+    } else {
+      m.unsetDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_INF);
-  else
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Single ('" << c << "')"<<std::endl;
-      is.putback(c);
+    is.get(c);
+    if (c != ',') {
+      sotERROR << "Error while parsing multi-bound. Waiting for a ','. Get '"
+               << c << "' instead. " << std::endl;
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(
+          ExceptionTask::PARSER_MULTI_BOUND,
+          "Error parsing multi-bound, while waiting for a ','.");
+    }
+    is.get(c2, 3);
+    if (std::string(c2, 2) != "--") {
+      is.putback(c2[1]);
+      is.putback(c2[0]);
       is >> val;
-      m.setSingleBound(val);
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "Second val = " << val << std::endl;
+      m.setDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP, val);
+    } else {
+      m.unsetDoubleBound(MultiBound::BOUND_SUP);
+    }
+    is.get(c);
+    if (c != ')') {
+      sotERROR << "Error while parsing multi-bound. Waiting for a ')'. Get '"
+               << c << "' instead. " << std::endl;
+      SOT_THROW ExceptionTask(
+          ExceptionTask::PARSER_MULTI_BOUND,
+          "Error parsing multi-bound, while waiting for a ')'.");
+  } else {
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Single ('" << c << "')" << std::endl;
+    is.putback(c);
+    is >> val;
+    m.setSingleBound(val);
+  }
   return is;
-std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const VectorMultiBound& v )
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const VectorMultiBound &v) {
   os << "[" << v.size() << "](";
-  for( VectorMultiBound::const_iterator iter=v.begin();
-       iter!=v.end();++iter )
-    { if(iter!=v.begin()) os<<","; os << (*iter); }
-  return os<<")";
+  for (VectorMultiBound::const_iterator iter = v.begin(); iter != v.end();
+       ++iter) {
+    if (iter != v.begin())
+      os << ",";
+    os << (*iter);
+  }
+  return os << ")";
-std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, VectorMultiBound& v )
+std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, VectorMultiBound &v) {
   unsigned int vali;
   /* Read the vector size. */
-  is>>vali;
+  SOT_MULTI_BOUND_CHECK_C(is, '[', v);
+  is >> vali;
+  SOT_MULTI_BOUND_CHECK_C(is, ']', v);
   /* Loop for the vals. */
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<vali;++i )
-    {
-      is>>v[i];
-      if( i!=vali-1 ) { SOT_MULTI_BOUND_CHECK_C(is,',',v); }
-      else { SOT_MULTI_BOUND_CHECK_C(is,')',v); }
+  SOT_MULTI_BOUND_CHECK_C(is, '(', v);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vali; ++i) {
+    is >> v[i];
+    if (i != vali - 1) {
+      SOT_MULTI_BOUND_CHECK_C(is, ',', v);
+    } else {
+      SOT_MULTI_BOUND_CHECK_C(is, ')', v);
+  }
   return is;
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/src/task/task-abstract.cpp b/src/task/task-abstract.cpp
index c976e00a..2c9fafd1 100644
--- a/src/task/task-abstract.cpp
+++ b/src/task/task-abstract.cpp
@@ -12,32 +12,24 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/pool.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task-abstract.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-TaskAbstract( const std::string& n )
-  :Entity(n)
-  ,memoryInternal(NULL)
-  ,taskSOUT( "sotTaskAbstract("+n+")::output(vector)::task" )
-  ,jacobianSOUT( "sotTaskAbstract("+n+")::output(matrix)::jacobian" )
+TaskAbstract::TaskAbstract(const std::string &n)
+    : Entity(n), memoryInternal(NULL),
+      taskSOUT("sotTaskAbstract(" + n + ")::output(vector)::task"),
+      jacobianSOUT("sotTaskAbstract(" + n + ")::output(matrix)::jacobian") {
-  signalRegistration( taskSOUT<<jacobianSOUT );
+  signalRegistration(taskSOUT << jacobianSOUT);
-void TaskAbstract::
-taskRegistration( void )
-  PoolStorage::getInstance()->registerTask(name,this);
+void TaskAbstract::taskRegistration(void) {
+  PoolStorage::getInstance()->registerTask(name, this);
diff --git a/src/task/task-command.h b/src/task/task-command.h
index f9d5df00..04704c07 100644
--- a/src/task/task-command.h
+++ b/src/task/task-command.h
@@ -7,48 +7,45 @@
- #define TASK_COMMAND_H
- #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
- #include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
-namespace dynamicgraph { namespace sot {
-  namespace command {
-    namespace task {
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
-      using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+namespace command {
+namespace task {
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-      // Command ListFeatures
-      class ListFeatures : public Command
-      {
-      public:
-	virtual ~ListFeatures() {}
-	/// Create command and store it in Entity
-	/// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
-	/// \param docstring documentation of the command
-      ListFeatures(Task& entity, const std::string& docstring) :
-	Command(entity, std::vector<Value::Type> (), docstring)
-	  {
-	  }
-	virtual Value doExecute()
-	{
-          typedef Task::FeatureList_t FeatureList_t;
-          Task& task = static_cast<Task&>(owner());
-          const FeatureList_t& fl = task.getFeatureList();
-          std::string result("[");
-          for (FeatureList_t::const_iterator it = fl.begin ();
-              it != fl.end (); it++) {
-            result += "'" + (*it)->getName() + "',";
-          }
-          result += "]";
-          return Value(result);
-	}
-      }; // class ListFeatures
-    } // namespace task
-  } // namespace command
-} /* namespace sot */} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
+// Command ListFeatures
+class ListFeatures : public Command {
+  virtual ~ListFeatures() {}
+  /// Create command and store it in Entity
+  /// \param entity instance of Entity owning this command
+  /// \param docstring documentation of the command
+  ListFeatures(Task &entity, const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, std::vector<Value::Type>(), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    typedef Task::FeatureList_t FeatureList_t;
+    Task &task = static_cast<Task &>(owner());
+    const FeatureList_t &fl = task.getFeatureList();
+    std::string result("[");
+    for (FeatureList_t::const_iterator it = fl.begin(); it != fl.end(); it++) {
+      result += "'" + (*it)->getName() + "',";
+    }
+    result += "]";
+    return Value(result);
+  }
+}; // class ListFeatures
+} // namespace task
+} // namespace command
+} /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace dynamicgraph */
-#endif //TASK_COMMAND_H
+#endif // TASK_COMMAND_H
diff --git a/src/task/task-conti.cpp b/src/task/task-conti.cpp
index a5488911..a586aebb 100644
--- a/src/task/task-conti.cpp
+++ b/src/task/task-conti.cpp
@@ -12,92 +12,89 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/task-conti.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task-conti.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-TaskConti( const std::string& n )
-  :Task(n)
-   ,mu(0)
-   ,controlPrevSIN( NULL,"sotTaskConti("+n+")::input(double)::q0" )
-  taskSOUT.setFunction( boost::bind(&TaskConti::computeContiDesiredVelocity,this,_1,_2) );
-  signalRegistration( controlPrevSIN );
+TaskConti::TaskConti(const std::string &n)
+    : Task(n), timeRef(TIME_REF_UNSIGNIFICANT), mu(0),
+      controlPrevSIN(NULL, "sotTaskConti(" + n + ")::input(double)::q0") {
+  taskSOUT.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&TaskConti::computeContiDesiredVelocity, this, _1, _2));
+  signalRegistration(controlPrevSIN);
-VectorMultiBound& TaskConti::
-computeContiDesiredVelocity( VectorMultiBound& desvel2b,const int & timecurr )
+VectorMultiBound &
+TaskConti::computeContiDesiredVelocity(VectorMultiBound &desvel2b,
+                                       const int &timecurr) {
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
   dynamicgraph::Vector desvel = errorSOUT(timecurr);
-  const double &  lambda = controlGainSIN(timecurr);
+  const double &lambda = controlGainSIN(timecurr);
-  try{
-    const dynamicgraph::Matrix & J = jacobianSOUT(timecurr);
+  try {
+    const dynamicgraph::Matrix &J = jacobianSOUT(timecurr);
-    dynamicgraph::Vector deref( J.rows() );
+    dynamicgraph::Vector deref(J.rows());
     sotDEBUG(15) << "q0 = " << q0 << std::endl;
     sotDEBUG(25) << "J = " << J << std::endl;
-    if( q0.size() != (J.cols()-6) ) throw; // TODO
-    for( int i=0;i<J.rows();++i )
-      {
-	deref(i)=0;
-	for( int j=6;j<J.cols();++j )
-	  deref(i) += J(i,j)*q0(j-6);
-      }
+    if (q0.size() != (J.cols() - 6))
+      throw; // TODO
+    for (int i = 0; i < J.rows(); ++i) {
+      deref(i) = 0;
+      for (int j = 6; j < J.cols(); ++j)
+        deref(i) += J(i, j) * q0(j - 6);
+    }
-    if( timeRef==TIME_REF_TO_BE_SET ) { timeRef = timecurr; }
-    if( timeRef<0 ) { sotDEBUG(10) << "Time not used. " << std::endl; throw 1;}
+    if (timeRef == TIME_REF_TO_BE_SET) {
+      timeRef = timecurr;
+    }
+    if (timeRef < 0) {
+      sotDEBUG(10) << "Time not used. " << std::endl;
+      throw 1;
+    }
-    double dt = timeRef-timecurr; dt*=mu/200.0;
+    double dt = timeRef - timecurr;
+    dt *= mu / 200.0;
     double contiGain = exp(dt);
-    double gain = (contiGain-1)*lambda;
+    double gain = (contiGain - 1) * lambda;
     sotDEBUG(25) << "T: ref=" << timeRef << ", cur=" << timecurr << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(25) << "Gains: l=" << lambda << ", expmu=" << contiGain << std::endl;
-    sotDEBUG(25) << "e = " << deref<<std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Gains: l=" << lambda << ", expmu=" << contiGain
+                 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "e = " << deref << std::endl;
     desvel *= gain;
-    sotDEBUG(25) << "dedes: " << desvel <<std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "dedes: " << desvel << std::endl;
     deref *= contiGain;
     desvel += deref;
-    sotDEBUG(25) << "task: " << desvel <<std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "task: " << desvel << std::endl;
-    for( int i=0;i<desvel.size(); ++i )
+    for (int i = 0; i < desvel.size(); ++i)
       desvel2b[i] = desvel(i);
     sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
     return desvel2b;
-  } catch (...)
-    {
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector & desvel = errorSOUT(timecurr);
-      const double & gain = controlGainSIN(timecurr);
-      desvel2b.resize(desvel.size());
-      for( int i=0;i<desvel.size(); ++i )
-        desvel2b[i] = -gain*desvel(i);
-      return desvel2b;
-    }
+  } catch (...) {
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &desvel = errorSOUT(timecurr);
+    const double &gain = controlGainSIN(timecurr);
+    desvel2b.resize(desvel.size());
+    for (int i = 0; i < desvel.size(); ++i)
+      desvel2b[i] = -gain * desvel(i);
+    return desvel2b;
+  }
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -108,18 +105,13 @@ computeContiDesiredVelocity( VectorMultiBound& desvel2b,const int & timecurr )
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-void TaskConti::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os << "TaskConti " << name
-     << " [t=" << timeRef << "] "
+void TaskConti::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "TaskConti " << name << " [t=" << timeRef << "] "
      << ": " << endl;
   os << "--- LIST ---  " << std::endl;
-  for(   std::list< FeatureAbstract* >::const_iterator iter = featureList.begin();
-	 iter!=featureList.end(); ++iter )
-    {
-      os << "-> " << (*iter)->getName() <<endl;
-    }
+  for (std::list<FeatureAbstract *>::const_iterator iter = featureList.begin();
+       iter != featureList.end(); ++iter) {
+    os << "-> " << (*iter)->getName() << endl;
+  }
diff --git a/src/task/task-pd.cpp b/src/task/task-pd.cpp
index 824a8fcb..b47fcdf2 100644
--- a/src/task/task-pd.cpp
+++ b/src/task/task-pd.cpp
@@ -12,101 +12,82 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/task-pd.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task-pd.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+TaskPD::TaskPD(const std::string &n)
+    : Task(n), previousError(), beta(1),
+      errorDotSOUT(boost::bind(&TaskPD::computeErrorDot, this, _1, _2),
+                   errorSOUT,
+                   "sotTaskPD(" + n + ")::output(vector)::errorDotOUT"),
+      errorDotSIN(NULL, "sotTaskPD(" + n + ")::input(vector)::errorDot") {
+  taskSOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&TaskPD::computeTaskModif, this, _1, _2));
+  taskSOUT.addDependency(errorDotSOUT);
-TaskPD( const std::string& n )
-  :Task(n)
-   ,previousError()
-   ,beta(1)
-   ,errorDotSOUT( boost::bind(&TaskPD::computeErrorDot,this,_1,_2),
-		  errorSOUT,
-		  "sotTaskPD("+n+")::output(vector)::errorDotOUT" )
-   ,errorDotSIN(  NULL,
-		  "sotTaskPD("+n+")::input(vector)::errorDot" )
-  taskSOUT.setFunction( boost::bind(&TaskPD::computeTaskModif,this,_1,_2) );
-  taskSOUT.addDependency( errorDotSOUT );
-  signalRegistration( errorDotSOUT<<errorDotSIN );
+  signalRegistration(errorDotSOUT << errorDotSIN);
-  errorDotSIN.plug( &errorDotSOUT );
+  errorDotSIN.plug(&errorDotSOUT);
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-dynamicgraph::Vector& TaskPD::
-computeErrorDot( dynamicgraph::Vector& errorDot,int time )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &TaskPD::computeErrorDot(dynamicgraph::Vector &errorDot,
+                                              int time) {
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector & errCur = errorSOUT(time);
-  if(  previousError.size() == errCur.size() )
-    {
-      errorDot = errCur;
-      errorDot -= previousError;
-      previousError = errCur;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      errorDot.resize( errCur.size() );
-      errorDot.setZero();
-      previousError = errCur;
-    }
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &errCur = errorSOUT(time);
+  if (previousError.size() == errCur.size()) {
+    errorDot = errCur;
+    errorDot -= previousError;
+    previousError = errCur;
+  } else {
+    errorDot.resize(errCur.size());
+    errorDot.setZero();
+    previousError = errCur;
+  }
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return errorDot;
-VectorMultiBound& TaskPD::
-computeTaskModif( VectorMultiBound& task,int time )
+VectorMultiBound &TaskPD::computeTaskModif(VectorMultiBound &task, int time) {
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector & errorDot = errorDotSIN(time);
-  Task::computeTaskExponentialDecrease(task,time);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &errorDot = errorDotSIN(time);
+  Task::computeTaskExponentialDecrease(task, time);
   sotDEBUG(25) << " Task = " << task;
   sotDEBUG(25) << " edot = " << errorDot;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<task.size(); ++i )
-    { task[i] = task[i].getSingleBound()-( beta * errorDot(i) ); }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < task.size(); ++i) {
+    task[i] = task[i].getSingleBound() - (beta * errorDot(i));
+  }
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return task;
 /* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <sot/core/pool.hh>
-void TaskPD::
-initCommand( void )
+void TaskPD::initCommand(void) {
   using namespace command;
-  addCommand("setBeta",makeDirectSetter(*this,&beta,docDirectSetter("beta","double")));
+  addCommand("setBeta",
+             makeDirectSetter(*this, &beta, docDirectSetter("beta", "double")));
diff --git a/src/task/task-unilateral.cpp b/src/task/task-unilateral.cpp
index cb143a4d..e8cf9f8f 100644
--- a/src/task/task-unilateral.cpp
+++ b/src/task/task-unilateral.cpp
@@ -15,64 +15,61 @@
 //#define VP_DEBUG_MODE 15
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/task-unilateral.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task-unilateral.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(TaskUnilateral, "TaskUnilateral");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-TaskUnilateral( const std::string& n )
-  :Task(n)
-  ,featureList()
-  ,positionSIN( NULL,"sotTaskUnilateral("+n+")::input(vector)::position" )
-  ,referenceInfSIN( NULL,"sotTaskUnilateral("+n+")::input(vector)::referenceInf" )
-  ,referenceSupSIN( NULL,"sotTaskUnilateral("+n+")::input(vector)::referenceSup" )
-  ,dtSIN( NULL,"sotTaskUnilateral("+n+")::input(double)::dt" )
-  taskSOUT.setFunction( boost::bind(&TaskUnilateral::computeTaskUnilateral,this,_1,_2) );
+TaskUnilateral::TaskUnilateral(const std::string &n)
+    : Task(n), featureList(),
+      positionSIN(NULL,
+                  "sotTaskUnilateral(" + n + ")::input(vector)::position"),
+      referenceInfSIN(NULL, "sotTaskUnilateral(" + n +
+                                ")::input(vector)::referenceInf"),
+      referenceSupSIN(NULL, "sotTaskUnilateral(" + n +
+                                ")::input(vector)::referenceSup"),
+      dtSIN(NULL, "sotTaskUnilateral(" + n + ")::input(double)::dt") {
+  taskSOUT.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&TaskUnilateral::computeTaskUnilateral, this, _1, _2));
-  taskSOUT.addDependency( referenceSupSIN );
-  taskSOUT.addDependency( referenceInfSIN );
-  taskSOUT.addDependency( dtSIN );
-  taskSOUT.addDependency( positionSIN );
+  taskSOUT.addDependency(referenceSupSIN);
+  taskSOUT.addDependency(referenceInfSIN);
+  taskSOUT.addDependency(dtSIN);
+  taskSOUT.addDependency(positionSIN);
-  signalRegistration( referenceSupSIN<<dtSIN<<referenceInfSIN<<positionSIN );
+  signalRegistration(referenceSupSIN << dtSIN << referenceInfSIN
+                                     << positionSIN);
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-VectorMultiBound& TaskUnilateral::
-computeTaskUnilateral( VectorMultiBound& res,int time )
+VectorMultiBound &TaskUnilateral::computeTaskUnilateral(VectorMultiBound &res,
+                                                        int time) {
   sotDEBUG(45) << "# In " << getName() << " {" << endl;
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector & position = positionSIN(time);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &position = positionSIN(time);
   sotDEBUG(35) << "position = " << position << endl;
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector & refInf = referenceInfSIN(time);
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector & refSup = referenceSupSIN(time);
-  const double & dt = dtSIN(time);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &refInf = referenceInfSIN(time);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &refSup = referenceSupSIN(time);
+  const double &dt = dtSIN(time);
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<res.size();++i )
-    {
-      MultiBound toto((refInf(i)-position(i))/dt,(refSup(i)-position(i))/dt);
-      res[i] = toto;
-    }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i) {
+    MultiBound toto((refInf(i) - position(i)) / dt,
+                    (refSup(i) - position(i)) / dt);
+    res[i] = toto;
+  }
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "taskU = "<< res << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "taskU = " << res << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(45) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return res;
@@ -81,8 +78,6 @@ computeTaskUnilateral( VectorMultiBound& res,int time )
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-void TaskUnilateral::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
+void TaskUnilateral::display(std::ostream &os) const {
   os << "TaskUnilateral " << name << ": " << endl;
diff --git a/src/task/task.cpp b/src/task/task.cpp
index 5469641d..34ffd63f 100644
--- a/src/task/task.cpp
+++ b/src/task/task.cpp
@@ -12,62 +12,57 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/task.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task.hh>
-#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 #include "../src/task/task-command.h"
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-Task( const std::string& n )
-  :TaskAbstract(n)
-   ,featureList()
-   ,withDerivative(false)
-   ,controlGainSIN( NULL,"sotTask("+n+")::input(double)::controlGain" )
-   ,dampingGainSINOUT( NULL,"sotTask("+n+")::in/output(double)::damping" )
-   // TODO As far as I understand, this is not used in this class.
-   ,controlSelectionSIN( NULL,"sotTask("+n+")::input(flag)::controlSelec" )
-   ,errorSOUT( boost::bind(&Task::computeError,this,_1,_2),
-	       sotNOSIGNAL,
-	       "sotTask("+n+")::output(vector)::error" )
-   ,errorTimeDerivativeSOUT( boost::bind(&Task::computeErrorTimeDerivative,this,_1,_2),
-	       errorSOUT,
-	       "sotTask("+n+")::output(vector)::errorTimeDerivative" )
-  taskSOUT.setFunction( boost::bind(&Task::computeTaskExponentialDecrease,this,_1,_2) );
-  jacobianSOUT.setFunction( boost::bind(&Task::computeJacobian,this,_1,_2) );
-  taskSOUT.addDependency( controlGainSIN );
-  taskSOUT.addDependency( errorSOUT );
-  taskSOUT.addDependency( errorTimeDerivativeSOUT );
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( controlSelectionSIN );
+Task::Task(const std::string &n)
+    : TaskAbstract(n), featureList(), withDerivative(false),
+      controlGainSIN(NULL, "sotTask(" + n + ")::input(double)::controlGain"),
+      dampingGainSINOUT(NULL, "sotTask(" + n + ")::in/output(double)::damping")
+      // TODO As far as I understand, this is not used in this class.
+      ,
+      controlSelectionSIN(NULL,
+                          "sotTask(" + n + ")::input(flag)::controlSelec"),
+      errorSOUT(boost::bind(&Task::computeError, this, _1, _2), sotNOSIGNAL,
+                "sotTask(" + n + ")::output(vector)::error"),
+      errorTimeDerivativeSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&Task::computeErrorTimeDerivative, this, _1, _2),
+          errorSOUT,
+          "sotTask(" + n + ")::output(vector)::errorTimeDerivative") {
+  taskSOUT.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&Task::computeTaskExponentialDecrease, this, _1, _2));
+  jacobianSOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&Task::computeJacobian, this, _1, _2));
+  taskSOUT.addDependency(controlGainSIN);
+  taskSOUT.addDependency(errorSOUT);
+  taskSOUT.addDependency(errorTimeDerivativeSOUT);
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(controlSelectionSIN);
   controlSelectionSIN = true;
-  signalRegistration( controlGainSIN<<dampingGainSINOUT
-		      <<controlSelectionSIN<<errorSOUT<<errorTimeDerivativeSOUT );
+  signalRegistration(controlGainSIN << dampingGainSINOUT << controlSelectionSIN
+                                    << errorSOUT << errorTimeDerivativeSOUT);
-void Task::initCommands( void )
+void Task::initCommands(void) {
   using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
   // Commands
@@ -75,108 +70,83 @@ void Task::initCommands( void )
   std::string docstring;
   // AddFeature
   docstring = "    \n"
-    "    Add a feature to the task\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        - name of the feature\n"
-    "    \n";
+              "    Add a feature to the task\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      Input:\n"
+              "        - name of the feature\n"
+              "    \n";
-	     makeCommandVoid1(*this,&Task::addFeatureFromName,docstring));
+             makeCommandVoid1(*this, &Task::addFeatureFromName, docstring));
-	     makeDirectSetter(*this,&withDerivative,
-				docDirectSetter("withDerivative","bool")));
+             makeDirectSetter(*this, &withDerivative,
+                              docDirectSetter("withDerivative", "bool")));
-	     makeDirectGetter(*this,&withDerivative,
-				docDirectGetter("withDerivative","bool")));
+             makeDirectGetter(*this, &withDerivative,
+                              docDirectGetter("withDerivative", "bool")));
   // ClearFeatureList
   docstring = "    \n"
-    "    Clear the list of features of the task\n"
-    "    \n";
+              "    Clear the list of features of the task\n"
+              "    \n";
-	     makeCommandVoid0(*this,&Task::clearFeatureList, docstring));
+             makeCommandVoid0(*this, &Task::clearFeatureList, docstring));
   // List features
   docstring = "    \n"
-    "    Returns the list of features of the task\n"
-    "    \n";
+              "    Returns the list of features of the task\n"
+              "    \n";
-  addCommand("list",
-	     new command::task::ListFeatures (*this, docstring));
+  addCommand("list", new command::task::ListFeatures(*this, docstring));
-void Task::
-addFeature( FeatureAbstract& s )
+void Task::addFeature(FeatureAbstract &s) {
-  jacobianSOUT.addDependency( s.jacobianSOUT );
-  errorSOUT.addDependency( s.errorSOUT );
-  errorTimeDerivativeSOUT.addDependency (s.getErrorDot());
+  jacobianSOUT.addDependency(s.jacobianSOUT);
+  errorSOUT.addDependency(s.errorSOUT);
+  errorTimeDerivativeSOUT.addDependency(s.getErrorDot());
-void Task::
-addFeatureFromName( const std::string & featureName )
-  FeatureAbstract& feature =
-    PoolStorage::getInstance()->getFeature(featureName);
+void Task::addFeatureFromName(const std::string &featureName) {
+  FeatureAbstract &feature =
+      PoolStorage::getInstance()->getFeature(featureName);
-void Task::
-clearFeatureList( void )
-  for(   std::list< FeatureAbstract* >::iterator iter = featureList.begin();
-	 iter!=featureList.end(); ++iter )
-    {
-      FeatureAbstract & s = **iter;
-      jacobianSOUT.removeDependency( s.jacobianSOUT );
-      errorSOUT.removeDependency( s.errorSOUT );
-      errorTimeDerivativeSOUT.removeDependency (s.getErrorDot());
-    }
+void Task::clearFeatureList(void) {
+  for (std::list<FeatureAbstract *>::iterator iter = featureList.begin();
+       iter != featureList.end(); ++iter) {
+    FeatureAbstract &s = **iter;
+    jacobianSOUT.removeDependency(s.jacobianSOUT);
+    errorSOUT.removeDependency(s.errorSOUT);
+    errorTimeDerivativeSOUT.removeDependency(s.getErrorDot());
+  }
-void Task::
-setControlSelection( const Flags& act )
-  controlSelectionSIN = act;
-void Task::
-addControlSelection( const Flags& act )
+void Task::setControlSelection(const Flags &act) { controlSelectionSIN = act; }
+void Task::addControlSelection(const Flags &act) {
   Flags fl = controlSelectionSIN.accessCopy();
   fl &= act;
   controlSelectionSIN = fl;
-void Task::
-clearControlSelection( void )
-  controlSelectionSIN = Flags(false);
+void Task::clearControlSelection(void) { controlSelectionSIN = Flags(false); }
-void Task::
-setWithDerivative( const bool & s )
-{ withDerivative = s; }
-bool Task::
-getWithDerivative( void )
-{ return withDerivative; }
+void Task::setWithDerivative(const bool &s) { withDerivative = s; }
+bool Task::getWithDerivative(void) { return withDerivative; }
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTATION ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-dynamicgraph::Vector& Task::
-computeError( dynamicgraph::Vector& error,int time )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &Task::computeError(dynamicgraph::Vector &error,
+                                         int time) {
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# In " << getName() << " {" << endl;
-  if( featureList.empty())
-    { throw( ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::EMPTY_LIST,
-			      "Empty feature list") ) ; }
+  if (featureList.empty()) {
+    throw(ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::EMPTY_LIST, "Empty feature list"));
+  }
   try {
     /* The vector dimensions are not known before the affectation loop.
@@ -193,138 +163,146 @@ computeError( dynamicgraph::Vector& error,int time )
     /* First assumption: vector dimensions have not changed. If 0, they are
      * initialized to dim 1.*/
-    dynamicgraph::Vector::Index dimError = error .size();
-    if( 0==dimError ){ dimError = 1; error.resize(dimError); error.setZero();}
+    dynamicgraph::Vector::Index dimError = error.size();
+    if (0 == dimError) {
+      dimError = 1;
+      error.resize(dimError);
+      error.setZero();
+    }
     dynamicgraph::Vector vectTmp;
     int cursorError = 0;
     /* For each cell of the list, recopy value of s, s_star and error. */
-    for(   std::list< FeatureAbstract* >::iterator iter = featureList.begin();
-	   iter!=featureList.end(); ++iter )
-      {
-	FeatureAbstract &feature = **iter;
+    for (std::list<FeatureAbstract *>::iterator iter = featureList.begin();
+         iter != featureList.end(); ++iter) {
+      FeatureAbstract &feature = **iter;
-	/* Get s, and store it in the s vector. */
-	sotDEBUG(45) << "Feature <" << feature.getName() << ">." << std::endl;
-	const dynamicgraph::Vector& partialError = feature.errorSOUT(time);
+      /* Get s, and store it in the s vector. */
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "Feature <" << feature.getName() << ">." << std::endl;
+      const dynamicgraph::Vector &partialError = feature.errorSOUT(time);
-	const dynamicgraph::Vector::Index dim = partialError.size();
-	while( cursorError+dim>dimError )  // DEBUG It was >=
-	  { dimError *= 2; error.resize(dimError); error.setZero(); }
+      const dynamicgraph::Vector::Index dim = partialError.size();
+      while (cursorError + dim > dimError) // DEBUG It was >=
+      {
+        dimError *= 2;
+        error.resize(dimError);
+        error.setZero();
+      }
-	for( int k=0;k<dim;++k ){ error(cursorError++) = partialError(k); }
-	sotDEBUG(35) << "feature: "<< partialError << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(35) << "error: "<< error << std::endl;
+      for (int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) {
+        error(cursorError++) = partialError(k);
+      sotDEBUG(35) << "feature: " << partialError << std::endl;
+      sotDEBUG(35) << "error: " << error << std::endl;
+    }
     /* If too much memory has been allocated, resize. */
   } catch SOT_RETHROW;
-  sotDEBUG(35) << "error_final: "<< error << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(35) << "error_final: " << error << std::endl;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return error;
-dynamicgraph::Vector& Task::
-computeErrorTimeDerivative( dynamicgraph::Vector & res, int time)
-  res.resize( errorSOUT(time).size() );
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+Task::computeErrorTimeDerivative(dynamicgraph::Vector &res, int time) {
+  res.resize(errorSOUT(time).size());
   dynamicgraph::Vector::Index cursor = 0;
-  for(   std::list< FeatureAbstract* >::iterator iter = featureList.begin();
-	 iter!=featureList.end(); ++iter )
-      {
-	FeatureAbstract &feature = **iter;
+  for (std::list<FeatureAbstract *>::iterator iter = featureList.begin();
+       iter != featureList.end(); ++iter) {
+    FeatureAbstract &feature = **iter;
-	const dynamicgraph::Vector& partialErrorDot = feature.getErrorDot()(time);
-	const dynamicgraph::Vector::Index dim = partialErrorDot.size();
-        res.segment (cursor, dim) = partialErrorDot;
-        cursor += dim;
-      }
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &partialErrorDot = feature.getErrorDot()(time);
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector::Index dim = partialErrorDot.size();
+    res.segment(cursor, dim) = partialErrorDot;
+    cursor += dim;
+  }
   return res;
-VectorMultiBound& Task::
-computeTaskExponentialDecrease( VectorMultiBound& errorRef,int time )
+VectorMultiBound &
+Task::computeTaskExponentialDecrease(VectorMultiBound &errorRef, int time) {
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector & errSingleBound = errorSOUT(time);
-  const double & gain = controlGainSIN(time);
-  errorRef.resize( errSingleBound.size() );
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<errorRef.size(); ++i )
-    errorRef[i] = - errSingleBound(i)*gain;
-  if( withDerivative )
-    {
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector & de = errorTimeDerivativeSOUT(time);
-      for( unsigned int i=0;i<errorRef.size(); ++i )
-	errorRef[i] = errorRef[i].getSingleBound() - de(i);
-    }
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &errSingleBound = errorSOUT(time);
+  const double &gain = controlGainSIN(time);
+  errorRef.resize(errSingleBound.size());
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < errorRef.size(); ++i)
+    errorRef[i] = -errSingleBound(i) * gain;
+  if (withDerivative) {
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &de = errorTimeDerivativeSOUT(time);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < errorRef.size(); ++i)
+      errorRef[i] = errorRef[i].getSingleBound() - de(i);
+  }
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return errorRef;
-dynamicgraph::Matrix& Task::
-computeJacobian( dynamicgraph::Matrix& J,int time )
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &Task::computeJacobian(dynamicgraph::Matrix &J, int time) {
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# In {" << endl;
-  if( featureList.empty())
-    { throw( ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::EMPTY_LIST,
-			      "Empty feature list") ) ; }
+  if (featureList.empty()) {
+    throw(ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::EMPTY_LIST, "Empty feature list"));
+  }
   try {
-    dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index dimJ = J .rows();
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index dimJ = J.rows();
     dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index nbc = J.cols();
-    if( 0==dimJ ){ dimJ = 1; J.resize(dimJ,nbc); }
+    if (0 == dimJ) {
+      dimJ = 1;
+      J.resize(dimJ, nbc);
+    }
     dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index cursorJ = 0;
-    //const Flags& selection = controlSelectionSIN(time);
+    // const Flags& selection = controlSelectionSIN(time);
     /* For each cell of the list, recopy value of s, s_star and error. */
-    for(   std::list< FeatureAbstract* >::iterator iter = featureList.begin();
-	   iter!=featureList.end(); ++iter )
-      {
-	FeatureAbstract &feature = ** iter;
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "Feature <" << feature.getName() <<">"<< endl;
-	/* Get s, and store it in the s vector. */
-	const dynamicgraph::Matrix& partialJacobian = feature.jacobianSOUT(time);
-	const dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index nbr = partialJacobian.rows();
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "Jp =" <<endl<< partialJacobian<<endl;
-	if( 0==nbc ) { nbc = partialJacobian.cols(); J.resize(nbc,dimJ); }
-	else if( partialJacobian.cols() != nbc )
-	  throw ExceptionTask(ExceptionTask::NON_ADEQUATE_FEATURES,
-				 "Features from the list don't have compatible-size jacobians.");
-	while( cursorJ+nbr>=dimJ )
-	  { dimJ *= 2; J.conservativeResize(dimJ,nbc); }
-        // TODO If controlSelectionSIN is really to be removed,
-        // then the following loop is equivalent to:
-        // J.middleRows (cursorJ, nbr) = partialJacobian;
-	for( int kc=0;kc<nbc;++kc )
-	  {
-	    // 	  if( selection(kc) )
-	    for( unsigned int k=0;k<nbr;++k )
-	      { J(cursorJ+k,kc) = partialJacobian(k,kc); }
-	    // 	  else
-	    // 	    for( unsigned int k=0;k<nbr;++k ) J(cursorJ+k,kc) = 0.;
-	  }
-	cursorJ += nbr;
+    for (std::list<FeatureAbstract *>::iterator iter = featureList.begin();
+         iter != featureList.end(); ++iter) {
+      FeatureAbstract &feature = **iter;
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "Feature <" << feature.getName() << ">" << endl;
+      /* Get s, and store it in the s vector. */
+      const dynamicgraph::Matrix &partialJacobian = feature.jacobianSOUT(time);
+      const dynamicgraph::Matrix::Index nbr = partialJacobian.rows();
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "Jp =" << endl << partialJacobian << endl;
+      if (0 == nbc) {
+        nbc = partialJacobian.cols();
+        J.resize(nbc, dimJ);
+      } else if (partialJacobian.cols() != nbc)
+        throw ExceptionTask(
+            ExceptionTask::NON_ADEQUATE_FEATURES,
+            "Features from the list don't have compatible-size jacobians.");
+      while (cursorJ + nbr >= dimJ) {
+        dimJ *= 2;
+        J.conservativeResize(dimJ, nbc);
+      }
+      // TODO If controlSelectionSIN is really to be removed,
+      // then the following loop is equivalent to:
+      // J.middleRows (cursorJ, nbr) = partialJacobian;
+      for (int kc = 0; kc < nbc; ++kc) {
+        // 	  if( selection(kc) )
+        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nbr; ++k) {
+          J(cursorJ + k, kc) = partialJacobian(k, kc);
+        }
+        // 	  else
+        // 	    for( unsigned int k=0;k<nbr;++k ) J(cursorJ+k,kc) = 0.;
+      cursorJ += nbr;
+    }
     /* If too much memory has been allocated, resize. */
-    J .conservativeResize(cursorJ,nbc);
+    J.conservativeResize(cursorJ, nbc);
   } catch SOT_RETHROW;
   sotDEBUG(15) << "# Out }" << endl;
   return J;
@@ -333,30 +311,23 @@ computeJacobian( dynamicgraph::Matrix& J,int time )
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-void Task::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
+void Task::display(std::ostream &os) const {
   os << "Task " << name << ": " << endl;
   os << "--- LIST ---  " << std::endl;
-  for(   std::list< FeatureAbstract* >::const_iterator iter = featureList.begin();
-	 iter!=featureList.end(); ++iter )
-    {
-      os << "-> " << (*iter)->getName() <<endl;
-    }
+  for (std::list<FeatureAbstract *>::const_iterator iter = featureList.begin();
+       iter != featureList.end(); ++iter) {
+    os << "-> " << (*iter)->getName() << endl;
+  }
-std::ostream & Task::
-writeGraph(std::ostream &os) const
-  std::list< FeatureAbstract * >::const_iterator itFeatureAbstract;
+std::ostream &Task::writeGraph(std::ostream &os) const {
+  std::list<FeatureAbstract *>::const_iterator itFeatureAbstract;
   itFeatureAbstract = featureList.begin();
-  while(itFeatureAbstract!=featureList.end())
-    {
-      os << "\t\"" << (*itFeatureAbstract)->getName()  << "\" -> \"" << getName() << "\"" << endl;
-      itFeatureAbstract++;
-    }
+  while (itFeatureAbstract != featureList.end()) {
+    os << "\t\"" << (*itFeatureAbstract)->getName() << "\" -> \"" << getName()
+       << "\"" << endl;
+    itFeatureAbstract++;
+  }
   return os;
diff --git a/src/tools/binary-int-to-uint.cpp b/src/tools/binary-int-to-uint.cpp
index 8abf28d4..531fc0cc 100644
--- a/src/tools/binary-int-to-uint.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/binary-int-to-uint.cpp
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
 /* --- SOT --- */
-#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 #include <sot/core/binary-int-to-uint.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
+#include <sot/core/pool.hh>
 using namespace std;
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
@@ -19,39 +19,40 @@ using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-BinaryIntToUint::BinaryIntToUint( const string& fname )
-  : Entity( fname)
-  ,binaryIntSIN( NULL,"BinaryIntToUint("+name+")::input(int)::sin" )
-  ,binaryUintSOUT( boost::bind(&BinaryIntToUint::computeOutput,this,_1,_2),
-		   binaryIntSIN,
-		   "BinaryIntToUint("+name+")::output(unsigned int)::sout" )
-  signalRegistration( binaryIntSIN<<binaryUintSOUT );
+BinaryIntToUint::BinaryIntToUint(const string &fname)
+    : Entity(fname),
+      binaryIntSIN(NULL, "BinaryIntToUint(" + name + ")::input(int)::sin"),
+      binaryUintSOUT(boost::bind(&BinaryIntToUint::computeOutput, this, _1, _2),
+                     binaryIntSIN,
+                     "BinaryIntToUint(" + name +
+                         ")::output(unsigned int)::sout") {
+  signalRegistration(binaryIntSIN << binaryUintSOUT);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-unsigned& BinaryIntToUint::computeOutput( unsigned& res,int time )
+unsigned &BinaryIntToUint::computeOutput(unsigned &res, int time) {
   int in = binaryIntSIN.access(time);
-  if(in < 0){ res = 0; }
-  else{ res = 1; }
+  if (in < 0) {
+    res = 0;
+  } else {
+    res = 1;
+  }
   return res;
-void BinaryIntToUint::display( std::ostream& os ) const
+void BinaryIntToUint::display(std::ostream &os) const {
   os << "BinaryIntToUint <" << name << "> TODO..." << endl;
diff --git a/src/tools/clamp-workspace.cpp b/src/tools/clamp-workspace.cpp
index 346b9784..11a62111 100644
--- a/src/tools/clamp-workspace.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/clamp-workspace.cpp
@@ -18,43 +18,41 @@ using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(ClampWorkspace, "ClampWorkspace");
-ClampWorkspace( const string& fName )
-  : Entity( fName )
-  ,positionrefSIN( NULL,"ClampWorkspace("+name+")::input(double)::positionref")
-  ,positionSIN( NULL,"ClampWorkspace("+name+")::input(double)::position")
+ClampWorkspace::ClampWorkspace(const string &fName)
+    : Entity(fName), positionrefSIN(NULL, "ClampWorkspace(" + name +
+                                              ")::input(double)::positionref"),
+      positionSIN(NULL, "ClampWorkspace(" + name + ")::input(double)::position")
-  ,alphaSOUT( boost::bind(&ClampWorkspace::computeOutput,this, _1, _2),
-	      positionrefSIN<<positionSIN,
-	      "ClampWorkspace("+name+")::output(vector)::alpha" )
+      ,
+      alphaSOUT(boost::bind(&ClampWorkspace::computeOutput, this, _1, _2),
+                positionrefSIN << positionSIN,
+                "ClampWorkspace(" + name + ")::output(vector)::alpha")
-  ,alphabarSOUT( boost::bind(&ClampWorkspace::computeOutputBar,this, _1, _2),
-	      positionrefSIN<<positionSIN,
-	      "ClampWorkspace("+name+")::output(vector)::alphabar" )
+      ,
+      alphabarSOUT(boost::bind(&ClampWorkspace::computeOutputBar, this, _1, _2),
+                   positionrefSIN << positionSIN,
+                   "ClampWorkspace(" + name + ")::output(vector)::alphabar")
-  ,handrefSOUT( boost::bind(&ClampWorkspace::computeRef,this, _1, _2),
-	      positionrefSIN<<positionSIN,
-	      "ClampWorkspace("+name+")::output(vector)::ref" )
+      ,
+      handrefSOUT(boost::bind(&ClampWorkspace::computeRef, this, _1, _2),
+                  positionrefSIN << positionSIN,
+                  "ClampWorkspace(" + name + ")::output(vector)::ref")
-  ,timeUpdate(0)
+      ,
+      timeUpdate(0)
-  ,alpha(6,6)
-  ,alphabar(6,6)
+      ,
+      alpha(6, 6), alphabar(6, 6)
-  ,pd(3)
+      ,
+      pd(3)
-  ,beta(1)
-  ,scale(0)
-  ,dm_min(0.019)
-  ,dm_max(0.025)
-  ,dm_min_yaw(0.019)
-  ,dm_max_yaw(0.119)
-  ,theta_min(-30.*3.14159/180.)
-  ,theta_max(5.*3.14159/180.)
-  ,mode(1)
-  ,frame(FRAME_POINT)
+      ,
+      beta(1), scale(0), dm_min(0.019), dm_max(0.025), dm_min_yaw(0.019),
+      dm_max_yaw(0.119), theta_min(-30. * 3.14159 / 180.),
+      theta_max(5. * 3.14159 / 180.), mode(1), frame(FRAME_POINT)
@@ -63,91 +61,102 @@ ClampWorkspace( const string& fName )
   bounds[1] = std::make_pair(-0.4, -0.25);
   bounds[2] = std::make_pair(0.15, 0.55);
-  signalRegistration( positionrefSIN<<positionSIN<<
-		      alphaSOUT<<alphabarSOUT<<handrefSOUT );
+  signalRegistration(positionrefSIN << positionSIN << alphaSOUT << alphabarSOUT
+                                    << handrefSOUT);
-void ClampWorkspace::update( int time )
-  if( time<=timeUpdate ){ return; }
+void ClampWorkspace::update(int time) {
+  if (time <= timeUpdate) {
+    return;
+  }
-  const MatrixHomogeneous& posref = positionrefSIN.access( time );
-  const MatrixHomogeneous& pos = positionSIN.access ( time );
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &posref = positionrefSIN.access(time);
+  const MatrixHomogeneous &pos = positionSIN.access(time);
   MatrixHomogeneous prefMw = posref.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
-  prefMp = prefMw*pos;
+  prefMp = prefMw * pos;
   Vector x(prefMp.translation());
-  for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
     double check_min = std::max(x(i) - bounds[i].first, 0.);
     double check_max = std::max(bounds[i].second - x(i), 0.);
     double dm = std::min(check_min, check_max);
     double Y = (dm - dm_min) / (dm_max - dm_min);
-    if(Y < 0){ Y = 0; }
-    if(Y > 1){ Y = 1; }
+    if (Y < 0) {
+      Y = 0;
+    }
+    if (Y > 1) {
+      Y = 1;
+    }
-    switch(mode) {
+    switch (mode) {
     case 0:
-      alpha(i,i) = 0;
-      alphabar(i,i) = 1;
+      alpha(i, i) = 0;
+      alphabar(i, i) = 1;
     case 1:
-      alpha(i,i) = 1;
-      alphabar(i,i) = 0;
+      alpha(i, i) = 1;
+      alphabar(i, i) = 0;
     case 2:
-      alpha(i,i) = 0.5 * ( 1 + tanh(1/Y - 1/(1-Y)) );
-      alphabar(i,i) = 1 - alpha(i);
+      alpha(i, i) = 0.5 * (1 + tanh(1 / Y - 1 / (1 - Y)));
+      alphabar(i, i) = 1 - alpha(i);
-    if(i == 2) {
+    if (i == 2) {
       Y = (dm - dm_min_yaw) / (dm_max_yaw - dm_min_yaw);
-      if(Y < 0){ Y = 0; }
-      if(Y > 1){ Y = 1; }
-      if(mode == 2) {
-	alpha(i+3,i+3) = 0.5 * ( 1 + tanh(1/Y - 1/(1-Y)) );
-	alphabar(i+3,i+3) = 1 - alpha(i+3);
+      if (Y < 0) {
+        Y = 0;
+      }
+      if (Y > 1) {
+        Y = 1;
+      }
+      if (mode == 2) {
+        alpha(i + 3, i + 3) = 0.5 * (1 + tanh(1 / Y - 1 / (1 - Y)));
+        alphabar(i + 3, i + 3) = 1 - alpha(i + 3);
-  if(frame == FRAME_POINT) {
+  if (frame == FRAME_POINT) {
     MatrixHomogeneous prefMp_tmp = prefMp;
     MatrixHomogeneous pMpref = prefMp.inverse(Eigen::Affine);
-    for( int i = 0;i<3;++i ) {
-      pMpref(i,3) = 0;
-      prefMp_tmp(i,3) = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+      pMpref(i, 3) = 0;
+      prefMp_tmp(i, 3) = 0;
-    MatrixTwist pTpref;  buildFrom(pMpref, pTpref );
-    MatrixTwist prefTp; buildFrom(prefMp_tmp, prefTp );
+    MatrixTwist pTpref;
+    buildFrom(pMpref, pTpref);
+    MatrixTwist prefTp;
+    buildFrom(prefMp_tmp, prefTp);
-    Matrix tmp; tmp = alpha*prefTp;
-    alpha = pTpref*tmp;
+    Matrix tmp;
+    tmp = alpha * prefTp;
+    alpha = pTpref * tmp;
-    tmp = alphabar*prefTp;
-    alphabar = pTpref*tmp;
+    tmp = alphabar * prefTp;
+    alphabar = pTpref * tmp;
-  for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
     pd(i) = 0.5 * (bounds[i].first + bounds[i].second);
   VectorRollPitchYaw rpy;
   rpy(0) = 0;
   rpy(1) = -3.14159256 / 2;
-  rpy(2) = theta_min +
-    (theta_max - theta_min) *
-    (x(1) - bounds[1].first)/(bounds[1].second - bounds[1].first);
+  rpy(2) = theta_min + (theta_max - theta_min) * (x(1) - bounds[1].first) /
+                           (bounds[1].second - bounds[1].first);
-  Eigen::Affine3d _Rd(Eigen::AngleAxisd(rpy(2),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ())*
-		      Eigen::AngleAxisd(rpy(1),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY())*
-		      Eigen::AngleAxisd(rpy(0),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()));
+  Eigen::Affine3d _Rd(Eigen::AngleAxisd(rpy(2), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) *
+                      Eigen::AngleAxisd(rpy(1), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) *
+                      Eigen::AngleAxisd(rpy(0), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()));
   Rd = _Rd.linear();
   Eigen::Affine3d _tmpaffine;
@@ -157,36 +166,30 @@ void ClampWorkspace::update( int time )
   timeUpdate = time;
-ClampWorkspace::computeOutput( Matrix& res,int time )
+Matrix &ClampWorkspace::computeOutput(Matrix &res, int time) {
   res = alpha;
   return res;
-ClampWorkspace::computeOutputBar( Matrix& res,int time )
+Matrix &ClampWorkspace::computeOutputBar(Matrix &res, int time) {
   res = alphabar;
   return res;
-ClampWorkspace::computeRef( MatrixHomogeneous& res,int time )
+MatrixHomogeneous &ClampWorkspace::computeRef(MatrixHomogeneous &res,
+                                              int time) {
   res = handref;
   return res;
-void ClampWorkspace::display( std:: ostream& os ) const
+void ClampWorkspace::display(std::ostream &os) const {
   os << "ClampWorkspace<" << name << ">" << endl << endl;
   os << "alpha: " << alpha << endl;
   os << "pos in ws: " << prefMp << endl;
   os << "bounds: " << bounds[0].first << " " << bounds[0].second << " "
-      << bounds[1].first << " " << bounds[1].second << " "
-      << bounds[2].first << " " << bounds[2].second << endl;
+     << bounds[1].first << " " << bounds[1].second << " " << bounds[2].first
+     << " " << bounds[2].second << endl;
diff --git a/src/tools/com-freezer.cpp b/src/tools/com-freezer.cpp
index 6da83dcf..175ebc06 100644
--- a/src/tools/com-freezer.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/com-freezer.cpp
@@ -7,61 +7,56 @@
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <sot/core/com-freezer.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-CoMFreezer::CoMFreezer(const std::string & name)
-  : Entity(name)
-  , m_lastCoM(3)
-  , m_previousPGInProcess(false)
-  , m_lastStopTime(-1)
-  , CoMRefSIN(NULL, "CoMFreezer("+name+")::input(vector)::CoMRef")
-  , PGInProcessSIN(NULL, "CoMFreezer("+name+")::input(bool)::PGInProcess")
-  , freezedCoMSOUT(boost::bind(&CoMFreezer::computeFreezedCoM, this, _1, _2),
-      CoMRefSIN << PGInProcessSIN,
-      "CoMFreezer("+name+")::output(vector)::freezedCoM")
+CoMFreezer::CoMFreezer(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), m_lastCoM(3), m_previousPGInProcess(false),
+      m_lastStopTime(-1)
+      ,
+      CoMRefSIN(NULL, "CoMFreezer(" + name + ")::input(vector)::CoMRef"),
+      PGInProcessSIN(NULL,
+                     "CoMFreezer(" + name + ")::input(bool)::PGInProcess"),
+      freezedCoMSOUT(boost::bind(&CoMFreezer::computeFreezedCoM, this, _1, _2),
+                     CoMRefSIN << PGInProcessSIN,
+                     "CoMFreezer(" + name + ")::output(vector)::freezedCoM") {
-  signalRegistration( CoMRefSIN << PGInProcessSIN << freezedCoMSOUT );
+  signalRegistration(CoMRefSIN << PGInProcessSIN << freezedCoMSOUT);
+CoMFreezer::~CoMFreezer(void) {
-dynamicgraph::Vector & CoMFreezer::computeFreezedCoM(dynamicgraph::Vector & freezedCoM, const int & time)
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+CoMFreezer::computeFreezedCoM(dynamicgraph::Vector &freezedCoM,
+                              const int &time) {
   unsigned PGInProcess = PGInProcessSIN(time);
-  if(PGInProcess) /* CoM unfreezed */
+  if (PGInProcess) /* CoM unfreezed */
     m_lastCoM = CoMRefSIN(time);
     m_previousPGInProcess = (PGInProcess == 0);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if(m_previousPGInProcess) /* pg.inprocess switch from 1 to 0 */
+  } else {
+    if (m_previousPGInProcess) /* pg.inprocess switch from 1 to 0 */
       m_lastStopTime = time;
       m_lastCoM = CoMRefSIN(time);
       m_previousPGInProcess = (PGInProcess == 0);
-    }
-    else if(time < m_lastStopTime + 200) /* keep updating for 1s */
+    } else if (time < m_lastStopTime + 200) /* keep updating for 1s */
       m_lastCoM = CoMRefSIN(time);
@@ -71,19 +66,16 @@ dynamicgraph::Vector & CoMFreezer::computeFreezedCoM(dynamicgraph::Vector & free
-  if(m_lastStopTime < 0)
-  {
+  if (m_lastStopTime < 0) {
     m_lastCoM = CoMRefSIN(time);
     m_lastStopTime = time;
     freezedCoM = m_lastCoM;
     return freezedCoM;
   return m_lastCoM;
-void CoMFreezer::display(std::ostream & os) const
+void CoMFreezer::display(std::ostream &os) const {
   os << "CoMFreezer " << getName() << "." << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/tools/device.cpp b/src/tools/device.cpp
index d056425f..d7b6d428 100644
--- a/src/tools/device.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/device.cpp
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
 /* SOT */
 #define ENABLE_RT_LOG
-#include <iostream>
 #include "sot/core/device.hh"
+#include <iostream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 using namespace std;
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/real-time-logger.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
 #include <Eigen/Geometry>
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/real-time-logger.h>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #include <pinocchio/multibody/liegroup/special-euclidean.hpp>
@@ -35,551 +35,466 @@ const std::string Device::CLASS_NAME = "Device";
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Device::
-(Vector& state,
- const Vector& control,
- double dt)
+void Device::integrateRollPitchYaw(Vector &state, const Vector &control,
+                                   double dt) {
   using Eigen::AngleAxisd;
-  using Eigen::Vector3d;
   using Eigen::QuaternionMapd;
+  using Eigen::Vector3d;
   typedef pinocchio::SpecialEuclideanOperationTpl<3, double> SE3;
   Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1> qin, qout;
   qin.head<3>() = state.head<3>();
-  QuaternionMapd quat (qin.tail<4>().data());
-  quat = AngleAxisd(state(5), Vector3d::UnitZ())
-       * AngleAxisd(state(4), Vector3d::UnitY())
-       * AngleAxisd(state(3), Vector3d::UnitX());
+  QuaternionMapd quat(qin.tail<4>().data());
+  quat = AngleAxisd(state(5), Vector3d::UnitZ()) *
+         AngleAxisd(state(4), Vector3d::UnitY()) *
+         AngleAxisd(state(3), Vector3d::UnitX());
-  SE3().integrate (qin, control.head<6>()*dt, qout);
+  SE3().integrate(qin, control.head<6>() * dt, qout);
   // Update freeflyer pose
   ffPose_.translation() = qout.head<3>();
   state.head<3>() = qout.head<3>();
-  ffPose_.linear() =
-    QuaternionMapd(qout.tail<4>().data()).toRotationMatrix();
-  state.segment<3>(3) = ffPose_.linear().eulerAngles(2,1,0).reverse();
+  ffPose_.linear() = QuaternionMapd(qout.tail<4>().data()).toRotationMatrix();
+  state.segment<3>(3) = ffPose_.linear().eulerAngles(2, 1, 0).reverse();
-const MatrixHomogeneous&
-Device::freeFlyerPose() const
-  return ffPose_;
+const MatrixHomogeneous &Device::freeFlyerPose() const { return ffPose_; }
-~Device( )
-  for( unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i ) {
+Device::~Device() {
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
     delete forcesSOUT[i];
-Device( const std::string& n )
-  :Entity(n)
-  ,state_(6)
-  ,sanityCheck_(true)
-  ,controlSIN( NULL,"Device("+n+")::input(double)::control" )
-  ,attitudeSIN(NULL,"Device("+ n +")::input(vector3)::attitudeIN")
-  ,zmpSIN(NULL,"Device("+n+")::input(vector3)::zmp")
-  ,stateSOUT( "Device("+n+")::output(vector)::state" )
-  //,attitudeSIN(NULL,"Device::input(matrixRot)::attitudeIN")
-  ,velocitySOUT( "Device("+n+")::output(vector)::velocity"  )
-  ,attitudeSOUT( "Device("+n+")::output(matrixRot)::attitude" )
-  ,motorcontrolSOUT   ( "Device("+n+")::output(vector)::motorcontrol" )
-  ,previousControlSOUT( "Device("+n+")::output(vector)::previousControl" )
-  ,ZMPPreviousControllerSOUT
-   ( "Device("+n+
-     ")::output(vector)::zmppreviouscontroller" )
-  ,robotState_     ("Device("+n+")::output(vector)::robotState")
-  ,robotVelocity_  ("Device("+n+")::output(vector)::robotVelocity")
-  ,pseudoTorqueSOUT("Device("+n+")::output(vector)::ptorque" )
-  ,ffPose_()
-  ,forceZero6 (6)
-  forceZero6.fill (0);
+Device::Device(const std::string &n)
+    : Entity(n), state_(6), sanityCheck_(true),
+      controlInputType_(CONTROL_INPUT_ONE_INTEGRATION),
+      controlSIN(NULL, "Device(" + n + ")::input(double)::control"),
+      attitudeSIN(NULL, "Device(" + n + ")::input(vector3)::attitudeIN"),
+      zmpSIN(NULL, "Device(" + n + ")::input(vector3)::zmp"),
+      stateSOUT("Device(" + n + ")::output(vector)::state")
+      //,attitudeSIN(NULL,"Device::input(matrixRot)::attitudeIN")
+      ,
+      velocitySOUT("Device(" + n + ")::output(vector)::velocity"),
+      attitudeSOUT("Device(" + n + ")::output(matrixRot)::attitude"),
+      motorcontrolSOUT("Device(" + n + ")::output(vector)::motorcontrol"),
+      previousControlSOUT("Device(" + n + ")::output(vector)::previousControl"),
+      ZMPPreviousControllerSOUT("Device(" + n +
+                                ")::output(vector)::zmppreviouscontroller"),
+      robotState_("Device(" + n + ")::output(vector)::robotState"),
+      robotVelocity_("Device(" + n + ")::output(vector)::robotVelocity"),
+      pseudoTorqueSOUT("Device(" + n + ")::output(vector)::ptorque")
+      ,
+      ffPose_(), forceZero6(6) {
+  forceZero6.fill(0);
   /* --- SIGNALS --- */
-  for( int i=0;i<4;++i ){ withForceSignals[i] = false; }
+  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+    withForceSignals[i] = false;
+  }
   forcesSOUT[0] =
-      new Signal<Vector, int>("Device("+n+")::output(vector6)::forceRLEG");
+      new Signal<Vector, int>("Device(" + n + ")::output(vector6)::forceRLEG");
   forcesSOUT[1] =
-      new Signal<Vector, int>("Device("+n+")::output(vector6)::forceLLEG");
+      new Signal<Vector, int>("Device(" + n + ")::output(vector6)::forceLLEG");
   forcesSOUT[2] =
-      new Signal<Vector, int>("Device("+n+")::output(vector6)::forceRARM");
+      new Signal<Vector, int>("Device(" + n + ")::output(vector6)::forceRARM");
   forcesSOUT[3] =
-      new Signal<Vector, int>("Device("+n+")::output(vector6)::forceLARM");
+      new Signal<Vector, int>("Device(" + n + ")::output(vector6)::forceLARM");
-  signalRegistration( controlSIN<<stateSOUT<<robotState_<<robotVelocity_
-                      <<velocitySOUT<<attitudeSOUT
-                      <<attitudeSIN<<zmpSIN <<*forcesSOUT[0]<<*forcesSOUT[1]
-                      <<*forcesSOUT[2]<<*forcesSOUT[3] <<previousControlSOUT
-                      <<pseudoTorqueSOUT << motorcontrolSOUT
-		      << ZMPPreviousControllerSOUT );
-  state_.fill(.0); stateSOUT.setConstant( state_ );
+  signalRegistration(
+      controlSIN << stateSOUT << robotState_ << robotVelocity_ << velocitySOUT
+                 << attitudeSOUT << attitudeSIN << zmpSIN << *forcesSOUT[0]
+                 << *forcesSOUT[1] << *forcesSOUT[2] << *forcesSOUT[3]
+                 << previousControlSOUT << pseudoTorqueSOUT << motorcontrolSOUT
+                 << ZMPPreviousControllerSOUT);
+  state_.fill(.0);
+  stateSOUT.setConstant(state_);
-  velocity_.resize(state_.size()); velocity_.setZero();
-  velocitySOUT.setConstant( velocity_ );
+  velocity_.resize(state_.size());
+  velocity_.setZero();
+  velocitySOUT.setConstant(velocity_);
   /* --- Commands --- */
     std::string docstring;
     /* Command setStateSize. */
-    docstring =
-        "\n"
-        "    Set size of state vector\n"
-        "\n";
-    addCommand("resize",
-               new command::Setter<Device, unsigned int>
-               (*this, &Device::setStateSize, docstring));
-    docstring =
-        "\n"
-        "    Set state vector value\n"
-        "\n";
-    addCommand("set",
-               new command::Setter<Device, Vector>
-               (*this, &Device::setState, docstring));
-    docstring =
-        "\n"
-        "    Set velocity vector value\n"
-        "\n";
-    addCommand("setVelocity",
-               new command::Setter<Device, Vector>
-               (*this, &Device::setVelocity, docstring));
-    void(Device::*setRootPtr)(const Matrix&) = &Device::setRoot;
-    docstring
-        = command::docCommandVoid1("Set the root position.",
-                                   "matrix homogeneous");
+    docstring = "\n"
+                "    Set size of state vector\n"
+                "\n";
+    addCommand("resize", new command::Setter<Device, unsigned int>(
+                             *this, &Device::setStateSize, docstring));
+    docstring = "\n"
+                "    Set state vector value\n"
+                "\n";
+    addCommand("set", new command::Setter<Device, Vector>(
+                          *this, &Device::setState, docstring));
+    docstring = "\n"
+                "    Set velocity vector value\n"
+                "\n";
+    addCommand("setVelocity", new command::Setter<Device, Vector>(
+                                  *this, &Device::setVelocity, docstring));
+    void (Device::*setRootPtr)(const Matrix &) = &Device::setRoot;
+    docstring = command::docCommandVoid1("Set the root position.",
+                                         "matrix homogeneous");
-               command::makeCommandVoid1(*this,setRootPtr,
-                                         docstring));
+               command::makeCommandVoid1(*this, setRootPtr, docstring));
     /* Second Order Integration set. */
-    docstring =
-        "\n"
-        "    Set the position calculous starting from  \n"
-        "    acceleration measure instead of velocity \n"
-        "\n";
-    addCommand
-      ("setSecondOrderIntegration",
-       command::makeCommandVoid0
-       (*this,&Device::setSecondOrderIntegration,
-	docstring));
+    docstring = "\n"
+                "    Set the position calculous starting from  \n"
+                "    acceleration measure instead of velocity \n"
+                "\n";
+    addCommand("setSecondOrderIntegration",
+               command::makeCommandVoid0(
+                   *this, &Device::setSecondOrderIntegration, docstring));
     /* Display information */
-    docstring =
-        "\n"
-        "    Display information on device  \n"
-        "\n";
-    addCommand
-      ("display",
-       command::makeCommandVoid0
-       (*this,&Device::cmdDisplay,docstring));
+    docstring = "\n"
+                "    Display information on device  \n"
+                "\n";
+    addCommand("display", command::makeCommandVoid0(*this, &Device::cmdDisplay,
+                                                    docstring));
     /* SET of control input type. */
-    docstring =
-        "\n"
-        "    Set the type of control input which can be  \n"
-        "    acceleration, velocity, or position\n"
-        "\n";
+    docstring = "\n"
+                "    Set the type of control input which can be  \n"
+                "    acceleration, velocity, or position\n"
+                "\n";
-               new command::Setter<Device,string>
-               (*this, &Device::setControlInputType, docstring));
+               new command::Setter<Device, string>(
+                   *this, &Device::setControlInputType, docstring));
-    docstring =
-        "\n"
-        "    Enable/Disable sanity checks\n"
-        "\n";
+    docstring = "\n"
+                "    Enable/Disable sanity checks\n"
+                "\n";
-               new command::Setter<Device, bool>
-               (*this, &Device::setSanityCheck, docstring));
+               new command::Setter<Device, bool>(*this, &Device::setSanityCheck,
+                                                 docstring));
-               command::makeCommandVoid2
-	       (*this,&Device::setPositionBounds,
-                 command::docCommandVoid2
-		("Set robot position bounds",
-		 "vector: lower bounds",
-		 "vector: upper bounds")));
+               command::makeCommandVoid2(
+                   *this, &Device::setPositionBounds,
+                   command::docCommandVoid2("Set robot position bounds",
+                                            "vector: lower bounds",
+                                            "vector: upper bounds")));
-               command::makeCommandVoid2
-	       (*this,&Device::setVelocityBounds,
-		command::docCommandVoid2
-		("Set robot velocity bounds",
-		 "vector: lower bounds",
-		 "vector: upper bounds")));
+               command::makeCommandVoid2(
+                   *this, &Device::setVelocityBounds,
+                   command::docCommandVoid2("Set robot velocity bounds",
+                                            "vector: lower bounds",
+                                            "vector: upper bounds")));
-               command::makeCommandVoid2
-	       (*this,&Device::setTorqueBounds,
-		command::docCommandVoid2
-		("Set robot torque bounds",
-		 "vector: lower bounds",
-		 "vector: upper bounds")));
+               command::makeCommandVoid2(
+                   *this, &Device::setTorqueBounds,
+                   command::docCommandVoid2("Set robot torque bounds",
+                                            "vector: lower bounds",
+                                            "vector: upper bounds")));
-	       command::makeDirectGetter
-	       (*this, &this->timestep_,
-		command::docDirectGetter
-		("Time step", "double")));
+               command::makeDirectGetter(
+                   *this, &this->timestep_,
+                   command::docDirectGetter("Time step", "double")));
     // Handle commands and signals called in a synchronous way.
     periodicCallBefore_.addSpecificCommands(*this, commandMap, "before.");
     periodicCallAfter_.addSpecificCommands(*this, commandMap, "after.");
-void Device::
-setStateSize( const unsigned int& size )
-  state_.resize(size); state_.fill( .0 );
-  stateSOUT .setConstant( state_ );
-  previousControlSOUT.setConstant( state_ );
-  pseudoTorqueSOUT.setConstant( state_ );
-  motorcontrolSOUT .setConstant( state_ );
+void Device::setStateSize(const unsigned int &size) {
+  state_.resize(size);
+  state_.fill(.0);
+  stateSOUT.setConstant(state_);
+  previousControlSOUT.setConstant(state_);
+  pseudoTorqueSOUT.setConstant(state_);
+  motorcontrolSOUT.setConstant(state_);
-  Vector zmp(3); zmp.fill( .0 );
-  ZMPPreviousControllerSOUT .setConstant( zmp );
+  Vector zmp(3);
+  zmp.fill(.0);
+  ZMPPreviousControllerSOUT.setConstant(zmp);
-void Device::
-setVelocitySize( const unsigned int& size )
+void Device::setVelocitySize(const unsigned int &size) {
-  velocitySOUT.setConstant( velocity_ );
+  velocitySOUT.setConstant(velocity_);
-void Device::
-setState( const Vector& st )
+void Device::setState(const Vector &st) {
   if (sanityCheck_) {
-    const Vector::Index& s = st.size();
+    const Vector::Index &s = st.size();
     switch (controlInputType_) {
-        dgRTLOG()
+      dgRTLOG()
           << "Sanity check for this control is not well supported. "
              "In order to make it work, use pinocchio and the contact forces "
              "to estimate the joint torques for the given acceleration.\n";
-        if (   s != lowerTorque_.size()
-            || s != upperTorque_.size() )
-          throw std::invalid_argument ("Upper and/or lower torque bounds "
-              "do not match state size. Set them first with setTorqueBounds");
-        if (   s != lowerVelocity_.size()
-            || s != upperVelocity_.size() )
-          throw std::invalid_argument ("Upper and/or lower velocity bounds "
-              "do not match state size."
-	      " Set them first with setVelocityBounds");
-        break;
-      default:
-        throw std::invalid_argument ("Invalid control mode type.");
+      if (s != lowerTorque_.size() || s != upperTorque_.size())
+        throw std::invalid_argument(
+            "Upper and/or lower torque bounds "
+            "do not match state size. Set them first with setTorqueBounds");
+      if (s != lowerVelocity_.size() || s != upperVelocity_.size())
+        throw std::invalid_argument("Upper and/or lower velocity bounds "
+                                    "do not match state size."
+                                    " Set them first with setVelocityBounds");
+      break;
+    default:
+      throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid control mode type.");
   state_ = st;
-  stateSOUT .setConstant( state_ );
-  motorcontrolSOUT .setConstant( state_ );
+  stateSOUT.setConstant(state_);
+  motorcontrolSOUT.setConstant(state_);
-void Device::
-setVelocity( const Vector& vel )
+void Device::setVelocity(const Vector &vel) {
   velocity_ = vel;
-  velocitySOUT .setConstant( velocity_ );
+  velocitySOUT.setConstant(velocity_);
-void Device::
-setRoot( const Matrix & root )
+void Device::setRoot(const Matrix &root) {
   Eigen::Matrix4d _matrix4d(root);
   MatrixHomogeneous _root(_matrix4d);
-  setRoot( _root );
+  setRoot(_root);
-void Device::
-setRoot( const MatrixHomogeneous & worldMwaist )
-  VectorRollPitchYaw r = (worldMwaist.linear().eulerAngles(2,1,0)).reverse();
+void Device::setRoot(const MatrixHomogeneous &worldMwaist) {
+  VectorRollPitchYaw r = (worldMwaist.linear().eulerAngles(2, 1, 0)).reverse();
   Vector q = state_;
   q = worldMwaist.translation(); // abusive ... but working.
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i ) q(i+3) = r(i);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+    q(i + 3) = r(i);
-void Device::
+void Device::setSecondOrderIntegration() {
-  velocitySOUT.setConstant( velocity_ );
+  velocitySOUT.setConstant(velocity_);
-void Device::
+void Device::setNoIntegration() {
-  velocitySOUT.setConstant( velocity_ );
+  velocitySOUT.setConstant(velocity_);
-void Device::
-setControlInputType(const std::string& cit)
-  for(int i=0; i<CONTROL_INPUT_SIZE; i++)
-    if(cit==ControlInput_s[i])
-    {
+void Device::setControlInputType(const std::string &cit) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < CONTROL_INPUT_SIZE; i++)
+    if (cit == ControlInput_s[i]) {
       controlInputType_ = (ControlInput)i;
-      sotDEBUG(25)<<"Control input type: "<<ControlInput_s[i]<<endl;
+      sotDEBUG(25) << "Control input type: " << ControlInput_s[i] << endl;
-  sotDEBUG(25)<<"Unrecognized control input type: "<<cit<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "Unrecognized control input type: " << cit << endl;
-void Device::
-setSanityCheck(const bool & enableCheck)
+void Device::setSanityCheck(const bool &enableCheck) {
   if (enableCheck) {
-    const Vector::Index& s = state_.size();
+    const Vector::Index &s = state_.size();
     switch (controlInputType_) {
-        dgRTLOG()
+      dgRTLOG()
           << "Sanity check for this control is not well supported. "
              "In order to make it work, use pinocchio and the contact forces "
              "to estimate the joint torques for the given acceleration.\n";
-        if (   s != lowerTorque_.size()
-            || s != upperTorque_.size() )
-          throw std::invalid_argument
-	    ("Upper and/or lower torque bounds "
-	     "do not match state size. Set them first with setTorqueBounds");
-        if (   s != lowerVelocity_.size()
-            || s != upperVelocity_.size() )
-          throw std::invalid_argument
-	    ("Upper and/or lower velocity bounds "
-	     "do not match state size. Set them first with setVelocityBounds");
-        if (   s != lowerPosition_.size()
-            || s != upperPosition_.size() )
-          throw std::invalid_argument
-	    ("Upper and/or lower position bounds "
-	     "do not match state size. Set them first with setPositionBounds");
-        break;
-      default:
-        throw std::invalid_argument ("Invalid control mode type.");
+      if (s != lowerTorque_.size() || s != upperTorque_.size())
+        throw std::invalid_argument(
+            "Upper and/or lower torque bounds "
+            "do not match state size. Set them first with setTorqueBounds");
+      if (s != lowerVelocity_.size() || s != upperVelocity_.size())
+        throw std::invalid_argument(
+            "Upper and/or lower velocity bounds "
+            "do not match state size. Set them first with setVelocityBounds");
+      if (s != lowerPosition_.size() || s != upperPosition_.size())
+        throw std::invalid_argument(
+            "Upper and/or lower position bounds "
+            "do not match state size. Set them first with setPositionBounds");
+      break;
+    default:
+      throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid control mode type.");
   sanityCheck_ = enableCheck;
-void Device::
-setPositionBounds(const Vector& lower, const Vector& upper)
+void Device::setPositionBounds(const Vector &lower, const Vector &upper) {
   std::ostringstream oss;
   if (lower.size() != state_.size()) {
     oss << "Lower bound size should be " << state_.size();
-    throw std::invalid_argument (oss.str());
+    throw std::invalid_argument(oss.str());
   if (upper.size() != state_.size()) {
     oss << "Upper bound size should be " << state_.size();
-    throw std::invalid_argument (oss.str());
+    throw std::invalid_argument(oss.str());
   lowerPosition_ = lower;
   upperPosition_ = upper;
-void Device::
-setVelocityBounds(const Vector& lower, const Vector& upper)
+void Device::setVelocityBounds(const Vector &lower, const Vector &upper) {
   std::ostringstream oss;
   if (lower.size() != velocity_.size()) {
     oss << "Lower bound size should be " << velocity_.size();
-    throw std::invalid_argument (oss.str());
+    throw std::invalid_argument(oss.str());
   if (upper.size() != velocity_.size()) {
     oss << "Upper bound size should be " << velocity_.size();
-    throw std::invalid_argument (oss.str());
+    throw std::invalid_argument(oss.str());
   lowerVelocity_ = lower;
   upperVelocity_ = upper;
-void Device::
-setTorqueBounds  (const Vector& lower, const Vector& upper)
+void Device::setTorqueBounds(const Vector &lower, const Vector &upper) {
   // TODO I think the torque bounds size are state_.size()-6...
   std::ostringstream oss;
   if (lower.size() != state_.size()) {
     oss << "Lower bound size should be " << state_.size();
-    throw std::invalid_argument (oss.str());
+    throw std::invalid_argument(oss.str());
   if (upper.size() != state_.size()) {
     oss << "Lower bound size should be " << state_.size();
-    throw std::invalid_argument (oss.str());
+    throw std::invalid_argument(oss.str());
   lowerTorque_ = lower;
   upperTorque_ = upper;
-void Device::
-increment( const double & dt )
+void Device::increment(const double &dt) {
   int time = stateSOUT.getTime();
   sotDEBUG(25) << "Time : " << time << std::endl;
   // Run Synchronous commands and evaluate signals outside the main
   // connected component of the graph.
-  try
-  {
+  try {
+ + 1);
+  } catch (std::exception &e) {
+    dgRTLOG() << "exception caught while running periodical commands (before): "
+              << e.what() << std::endl;
+  } catch (const char *str) {
+    dgRTLOG() << "exception caught while running periodical commands (before): "
+              << str << std::endl;
+  } catch (...) {
+    dgRTLOG() << "unknown exception caught while"
+              << " running periodical commands (before)" << std::endl;
-  catch (std::exception& e)
-  {
-    dgRTLOG()
-        << "exception caught while running periodical commands (before): "
-        << e.what () << std::endl;
-  }
-  catch (const char* str)
-  {
-    dgRTLOG()
-        << "exception caught while running periodical commands (before): "
-        << str << std::endl;
-  }
-  catch (...)
-  {
-    dgRTLOG()
-        << "unknown exception caught while"
-        << " running periodical commands (before)" << std::endl;
-  }
   /* Force the recomputation of the control. */
-  controlSIN( time );
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "u" <<time<<" = " << controlSIN.accessCopy() << endl;
+  controlSIN(time);
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "u" << time << " = " << controlSIN.accessCopy() << endl;
   /* Integration of numerical values. This function is virtual. */
-  integrate( dt );
+  integrate(dt);
   sotDEBUG(25) << "q" << time << " = " << state_ << endl;
   /* Position the signals corresponding to sensors. */
-  stateSOUT .setConstant( state_ ); stateSOUT.setTime( time+1 );
-  //computation of the velocity signal
-  if( controlInputType_==CONTROL_INPUT_TWO_INTEGRATION )
-  {
-    velocitySOUT.setConstant( velocity_ );
-    velocitySOUT.setTime( time+1 );
+  stateSOUT.setConstant(state_);
+  stateSOUT.setTime(time + 1);
+  // computation of the velocity signal
+  if (controlInputType_ == CONTROL_INPUT_TWO_INTEGRATION) {
+    velocitySOUT.setConstant(velocity_);
+    velocitySOUT.setTime(time + 1);
+  } else if (controlInputType_ == CONTROL_INPUT_ONE_INTEGRATION) {
+    velocitySOUT.setConstant(controlSIN.accessCopy());
+    velocitySOUT.setTime(time + 1);
-  else if (controlInputType_==CONTROL_INPUT_ONE_INTEGRATION)
-  {
-    velocitySOUT.setConstant( controlSIN.accessCopy() );
-    velocitySOUT.setTime( time+1 );
-  }
-  for( int i=0;i<4;++i ){
-    if(  !withForceSignals[i] ) forcesSOUT[i]->setConstant(forceZero6);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+    if (!withForceSignals[i])
+      forcesSOUT[i]->setConstant(forceZero6);
-  Vector zmp(3); zmp.fill( .0 );
-  ZMPPreviousControllerSOUT .setConstant( zmp );
+  Vector zmp(3);
+  zmp.fill(.0);
+  ZMPPreviousControllerSOUT.setConstant(zmp);
   // Run Synchronous commands and evaluate signals outside the main
   // connected component of the graph.
-  try
-  {
+  try {
+ + 1);
+  } catch (std::exception &e) {
+    dgRTLOG() << "exception caught while running periodical commands (after): "
+              << e.what() << std::endl;
+  } catch (const char *str) {
+    dgRTLOG() << "exception caught while running periodical commands (after): "
+              << str << std::endl;
+  } catch (...) {
+    dgRTLOG() << "unknown exception caught while"
+              << " running periodical commands (after)" << std::endl;
-  catch (std::exception& e)
-  {
-    dgRTLOG()
-        << "exception caught while running periodical commands (after): "
-        << e.what () << std::endl;
-  }
-  catch (const char* str)
-  {
-    dgRTLOG()
-        << "exception caught while running periodical commands (after): "
-        << str << std::endl;
-  }
-  catch (...)
-  {
-    dgRTLOG()
-        << "unknown exception caught while"
-        << " running periodical commands (after)" << std::endl;
-  }
   // Others signals.
-  motorcontrolSOUT .setConstant( state_ );
+  motorcontrolSOUT.setConstant(state_);
 // Return true if it saturates.
-inline bool
-saturateBounds (double& val, const double& lower, const double& upper)
-  assert (lower <= upper);
-  if (val < lower) { val = lower; return true; }
-  if (upper < val) { val = upper; return true; }
+inline bool saturateBounds(double &val, const double &lower,
+                           const double &upper) {
+  assert(lower <= upper);
+  if (val < lower) {
+    val = lower;
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (upper < val) {
+    val = upper;
+    return true;
+  }
   return false;
-#define CHECK_BOUNDS(val, lower, upper, what)                                 \
-  for (int i = 0; i < val.size(); ++i) {                                      \
-    double old = val(i);                                                      \
-    if (saturateBounds (val(i), lower(i), upper(i))) {                        \
-      std::ostringstream oss;                                                 \
-      oss << "Robot " what " bound violation at DoF " << i << ": requested "  \
-          << old << " but set " << val(i) << '\n';                            \
-      SEND_ERROR_STREAM_MSG (oss.str());                                      \
-    }                                                                         \
+#define CHECK_BOUNDS(val, lower, upper, what)                                  \
+  for (int i = 0; i < val.size(); ++i) {                                       \
+    double old = val(i);                                                       \
+    if (saturateBounds(val(i), lower(i), upper(i))) {                          \
+      std::ostringstream oss;                                                  \
+      oss << "Robot " what " bound violation at DoF " << i << ": requested "   \
+          << old << " but set " << val(i) << '\n';                             \
+      SEND_ERROR_STREAM_MSG(oss.str());                                        \
+    }                                                                          \
-void Device::integrate( const double & dt )
-  const Vector & controlIN = controlSIN.accessCopy();
+void Device::integrate(const double &dt) {
+  const Vector &controlIN = controlSIN.accessCopy();
-  if (sanityCheck_ && controlIN.hasNaN())
-  {
-    dgRTLOG () << "Device::integrate: Control has NaN values: " << '\n'
-               << controlIN.transpose() << '\n';
+  if (sanityCheck_ && controlIN.hasNaN()) {
+    dgRTLOG() << "Device::integrate: Control has NaN values: " << '\n'
+              << controlIN.transpose() << '\n';
-  if (controlInputType_==CONTROL_INPUT_NO_INTEGRATION)
-  {
+  if (controlInputType_ == CONTROL_INPUT_NO_INTEGRATION) {
     state_.tail(controlIN.size()) = controlIN;
-  if( vel_control_.size() == 0 )
+  if (vel_control_.size() == 0)
     vel_control_ = Vector::Zero(controlIN.size());
   // If control size is state size - 6, integrate joint angles,
   // if control and state are of same size, integrate 6 first degrees of
   // freedom as a translation and roll pitch yaw.
-  if (controlInputType_==CONTROL_INPUT_TWO_INTEGRATION)
-  {
+  if (controlInputType_ == CONTROL_INPUT_TWO_INTEGRATION) {
     // TODO check acceleration
     // Position increment
-    vel_control_ = velocity_.tail(controlIN.size()) + (0.5*dt)*controlIN;
+    vel_control_ = velocity_.tail(controlIN.size()) + (0.5 * dt) * controlIN;
     // Velocity integration.
-    velocity_.tail(controlIN.size()) += controlIN*dt;
-  }
-  else
-  {
+    velocity_.tail(controlIN.size()) += controlIN * dt;
+  } else {
     vel_control_ = controlIN;
@@ -592,9 +507,8 @@ void Device::integrate( const double & dt )
     // Freeflyer integration
     integrateRollPitchYaw(state_, vel_control_, dt);
     // Joints integration
-    state_.tail(state_.size()-6) += vel_control_.tail(state_.size()-6) * dt;
-  }
-  else{
+    state_.tail(state_.size() - 6) += vel_control_.tail(state_.size() - 6) * dt;
+  } else {
     // Position integration
     state_.tail(controlIN.size()) += vel_control_ * dt;
@@ -607,16 +521,14 @@ void Device::integrate( const double & dt )
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-void Device::display ( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os << name <<": "<<state_<<endl
-     << "sanityCheck: " << sanityCheck_<< endl
+void Device::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << name << ": " << state_ << endl
+     << "sanityCheck: " << sanityCheck_ << endl
      << "controlInputType:" << controlInputType_ << endl;
-void Device::cmdDisplay ( )
-  std::cout << name <<": "<<state_<<endl
-	    << "sanityCheck: " << sanityCheck_<< endl
-	    << "controlInputType:" << controlInputType_ << endl;
+void Device::cmdDisplay() {
+  std::cout << name << ": " << state_ << endl
+            << "sanityCheck: " << sanityCheck_ << endl
+            << "controlInputType:" << controlInputType_ << endl;
diff --git a/src/tools/event.cpp b/src/tools/event.cpp
index 314ea3b2..c62aa3d1 100644
--- a/src/tools/event.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/event.cpp
@@ -6,24 +6,23 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
-    bool& Event::check (bool& ret, const int& time)
-    {
-      const bool& val = conditionSIN (time);
-      ret = (val != lastVal_);
-      bool trigger = onlyUp_ ? (!lastVal_ && val) : ret;
-      if (ret) {
-        lastVal_ = val;
-        if (trigger) {
-          for (Triggers_t::const_iterator _s = triggers.begin();
-              _s != triggers.end(); ++_s)
-            (*_s)->recompute (time);
-        }
-      }
-      return ret;
+bool &Event::check(bool &ret, const int &time) {
+  const bool &val = conditionSIN(time);
+  ret = (val != lastVal_);
+  bool trigger = onlyUp_ ? (!lastVal_ && val) : ret;
+  if (ret) {
+    lastVal_ = val;
+    if (trigger) {
+      for (Triggers_t::const_iterator _s = triggers.begin();
+           _s != triggers.end(); ++_s)
+        (*_s)->recompute(time);
+  }
+  return ret;
-  } // namespace sot
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/tools/exp-moving-avg.cpp b/src/tools/exp-moving-avg.cpp
index cad2d0f9..47863c81 100644
--- a/src/tools/exp-moving-avg.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/exp-moving-avg.cpp
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
-#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exp-moving-avg.hh>
+#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
@@ -21,60 +21,50 @@ namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-ExpMovingAvg( const std::string& n )
-  :Entity(n)
-  ,updateSIN(NULL, "ExpMovingAvg(" + n + ")::input(vector)::update")   
-  ,refresherSINTERN( "ExpMovingAvg("+n+")::intern(dummy)::refresher"  )
-  ,averageSOUT(
-	       boost::bind(&ExpMovingAvg::update,this,_1,_2),
-	       updateSIN << refresherSINTERN, "ExpMovingAvg(" + n + ")::output(vector)::average")
-  ,alpha(0.)
-  ,init(false)
+ExpMovingAvg::ExpMovingAvg(const std::string &n)
+    : Entity(n),
+      updateSIN(NULL, "ExpMovingAvg(" + n + ")::input(vector)::update"),
+      refresherSINTERN("ExpMovingAvg(" + n + ")::intern(dummy)::refresher"),
+      averageSOUT(boost::bind(&ExpMovingAvg::update, this, _1, _2),
+                  updateSIN << refresherSINTERN,
+                  "ExpMovingAvg(" + n + ")::output(vector)::average"),
+      alpha(0.), init(false) {
   // Register signals into the entity.
   signalRegistration(updateSIN << averageSOUT);
-  refresherSINTERN.setDependencyType( TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY );
+  refresherSINTERN.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY);
   std::string docstring;
   // setAlpha
-  docstring =
-    "\n"
-    "    Set the alpha used to update the current value."
-    "\n";
+  docstring = "\n"
+              "    Set the alpha used to update the current value."
+              "\n";
-	     new ::dynamicgraph::command::Setter<ExpMovingAvg, double>
-	     (*this, &ExpMovingAvg::setAlpha, docstring));
+             new ::dynamicgraph::command::Setter<ExpMovingAvg, double>(
+                 *this, &ExpMovingAvg::setAlpha, docstring));
+ExpMovingAvg::~ExpMovingAvg() {}
 /* --- COMPUTE ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTE ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTE ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-void ExpMovingAvg::setAlpha(const double& alpha_) {
+void ExpMovingAvg::setAlpha(const double &alpha_) {
   assert(alpha <= 1. && alpha >= 0.);
   alpha = alpha_;
-dynamicgraph::Vector& ExpMovingAvg::update(dynamicgraph::Vector& res,
-						 const int& inTime)
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& update = updateSIN(inTime);
+dynamicgraph::Vector &ExpMovingAvg::update(dynamicgraph::Vector &res,
+                                           const int &inTime) {
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &update = updateSIN(inTime);
   if (init == false) {
     init = true;
@@ -87,7 +77,5 @@ dynamicgraph::Vector& ExpMovingAvg::update(dynamicgraph::Vector& res,
   return res;
-  } /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/src/tools/gradient-ascent.cpp b/src/tools/gradient-ascent.cpp
index 6abb2f4c..b8d1f872 100644
--- a/src/tools/gradient-ascent.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/gradient-ascent.cpp
@@ -21,46 +21,39 @@ namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
+namespace sot {
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(GradientAscent, "GradientAscent");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-GradientAscent( const std::string& n )
-  :Entity(n)
-  ,gradientSIN(NULL, "GradientAscent(" + n + ")::input(vector)::gradient")
-  ,learningRateSIN(NULL, "GradientAscent(" + n + ")::input(double)::learningRate")   
-  ,refresherSINTERN( "GradientAscent("+n+")::intern(dummy)::refresher"  )
-  ,valueSOUT(
-	     boost::bind(&GradientAscent::update,this,_1,_2),
-	     gradientSIN << refresherSINTERN, "GradientAscent(" + n + ")::output(vector)::value")
-  ,init(false)
+GradientAscent::GradientAscent(const std::string &n)
+    : Entity(n),
+      gradientSIN(NULL, "GradientAscent(" + n + ")::input(vector)::gradient"),
+      learningRateSIN(NULL,
+                      "GradientAscent(" + n + ")::input(double)::learningRate"),
+      refresherSINTERN("GradientAscent(" + n + ")::intern(dummy)::refresher"),
+      valueSOUT(boost::bind(&GradientAscent::update, this, _1, _2),
+                gradientSIN << refresherSINTERN,
+                "GradientAscent(" + n + ")::output(vector)::value"),
+      init(false) {
   // Register signals into the entity.
   signalRegistration(gradientSIN << learningRateSIN << valueSOUT);
-  refresherSINTERN.setDependencyType( TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY );
+  refresherSINTERN.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY);
+GradientAscent::~GradientAscent() {}
 /* --- COMPUTE ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTE ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTE ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-dynamicgraph::Vector& GradientAscent::update(dynamicgraph::Vector& res,
-						 const int& inTime)
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& gradient = gradientSIN(inTime);
-  const double& learningRate = learningRateSIN(inTime);
+dynamicgraph::Vector &GradientAscent::update(dynamicgraph::Vector &res,
+                                             const int &inTime) {
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &gradient = gradientSIN(inTime);
+  const double &learningRate = learningRateSIN(inTime);
   if (init == false) {
     init = true;
@@ -74,5 +67,5 @@ dynamicgraph::Vector& GradientAscent::update(dynamicgraph::Vector& res,
   return res;
-  } /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/src/tools/gripper-control.cpp b/src/tools/gripper-control.cpp
index 363ca3db..ef947b93 100644
--- a/src/tools/gripper-control.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/gripper-control.cpp
@@ -9,94 +9,81 @@
 #define ENABLE_RT_LOG
-#include <sot/core/gripper-control.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/gripper-control.hh>
 #include <sot/core/macros-signal.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/real-time-logger.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/real-time-logger.h>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(GripperControlPlugin, "GripperControl");
 /* --- PLUGIN --------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- PLUGIN --------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- PLUGIN --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#define SOT_FULL_TO_REDUCED( sotName )					\
-  sotName##FullSizeSIN(NULL,"GripperControl("+name+")::input(vector)::"	\
-		       +#sotName+"FullIN")				\
-    ,sotName##ReduceSOUT( SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2( GripperControlPlugin::selector, \
-					     sotName##FullSizeSIN,dynamicgraph::Vector, \
-					     selectionSIN,Flags ),	\
-			  "GripperControl("+name+")::input(vector)::"	\
-			  +#sotName+"ReducedOUT")
+#define SOT_FULL_TO_REDUCED(sotName)                                           \
+  sotName##FullSizeSIN(NULL, "GripperControl(" + name +                        \
+                                 ")::input(vector)::" + #sotName + "FullIN"),  \
+      sotName##ReduceSOUT(SOT_INIT_SIGNAL_2(GripperControlPlugin::selector,    \
+                                            sotName##FullSizeSIN,              \
+                                            dynamicgraph::Vector,              \
+                                            selectionSIN, Flags),              \
+                          "GripperControl(" + name +                           \
+                              ")::input(vector)::" + #sotName + "ReducedOUT")
 const double GripperControl::OFFSET_DEFAULT = 0.9;
 // TODO: hard coded
 const double DT = 0.005;
-  :offset( GripperControl::OFFSET_DEFAULT )
-  ,factor()
-GripperControlPlugin( const std::string & name )
-  :Entity(name)
-  ,calibrationStarted(false)
-  ,positionSIN(NULL,"GripperControl("+name+")::input(vector)::position")
-  ,positionDesSIN(NULL,"GripperControl("+name+")::input(vector)::positionDes")
-  ,torqueSIN(NULL,"GripperControl("+name+")::input(vector)::torque")
-  ,torqueLimitSIN(NULL,"GripperControl("+name+")::input(vector)::torqueLimit")
-  ,selectionSIN(NULL,"GripperControl("+name+")::input(vector)::selec")
-  ,SOT_FULL_TO_REDUCED( position )
-  ,SOT_FULL_TO_REDUCED( torque )
-  ,SOT_FULL_TO_REDUCED( torqueLimit )
-  ,desiredPositionSOUT( SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_4( GripperControl::computeDesiredPosition,
-                                             positionSIN,dynamicgraph::Vector,
-                                             positionDesSIN,dynamicgraph::Vector,
-                                             torqueSIN,dynamicgraph::Vector,
-                                             torqueLimitSIN,dynamicgraph::Vector ),
-                        "GripperControl("+name+")::output(vector)::reference" )
+    : offset(GripperControl::OFFSET_DEFAULT), factor() {}
+GripperControlPlugin::GripperControlPlugin(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), calibrationStarted(false),
+      positionSIN(NULL,
+                  "GripperControl(" + name + ")::input(vector)::position"),
+      positionDesSIN(NULL, "GripperControl(" + name +
+                               ")::input(vector)::positionDes"),
+      torqueSIN(NULL, "GripperControl(" + name + ")::input(vector)::torque"),
+      torqueLimitSIN(NULL, "GripperControl(" + name +
+                               ")::input(vector)::torqueLimit"),
+      selectionSIN(NULL, "GripperControl(" + name + ")::input(vector)::selec")
+      ,
+      SOT_FULL_TO_REDUCED(position), SOT_FULL_TO_REDUCED(torque),
+      SOT_FULL_TO_REDUCED(torqueLimit),
+      desiredPositionSOUT(
+          SOT_MEMBER_SIGNAL_4(GripperControl::computeDesiredPosition,
+                              positionSIN, dynamicgraph::Vector, positionDesSIN,
+                              dynamicgraph::Vector, torqueSIN,
+                              dynamicgraph::Vector, torqueLimitSIN,
+                              dynamicgraph::Vector),
+          "GripperControl(" + name + ")::output(vector)::reference") {
-  positionSIN.plug( &positionReduceSOUT );
-  torqueSIN.plug( &torqueReduceSOUT );
-  torqueLimitSIN.plug( &torqueLimitReduceSOUT );
+  positionSIN.plug(&positionReduceSOUT);
+  torqueSIN.plug(&torqueReduceSOUT);
+  torqueLimitSIN.plug(&torqueLimitReduceSOUT);
-  signalRegistration( positionSIN << positionDesSIN
-		      << torqueSIN  << torqueLimitSIN  << selectionSIN
-		      << desiredPositionSOUT
-		      << positionFullSizeSIN
-		      << torqueFullSizeSIN
-		      << torqueLimitFullSizeSIN);
+  signalRegistration(
+      positionSIN << positionDesSIN << torqueSIN << torqueLimitSIN
+                  << selectionSIN << desiredPositionSOUT << positionFullSizeSIN
+                  << torqueFullSizeSIN << torqueLimitFullSizeSIN);
+GripperControlPlugin::~GripperControlPlugin(void) {}
-~GripperControlPlugin( void )
-std::string GripperControlPlugin::
-getDocString () const
-  std::string docstring ="Control of gripper.";
+std::string GripperControlPlugin::getDocString() const {
+  std::string docstring = "Control of gripper.";
   return docstring;
@@ -104,52 +91,54 @@ getDocString () const
 /* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void GripperControl::
-computeIncrement( const dynamicgraph::Vector& torques,
-		  const dynamicgraph::Vector& torqueLimits,
-		  const dynamicgraph::Vector& currentNormVel )
+void GripperControl::computeIncrement(
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &torques,
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &torqueLimits,
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &currentNormVel) {
   const dynamicgraph::Vector::Index SIZE = currentNormVel.size();
   // initialize factor, if needed.
-  if( factor.size()!=SIZE ) { factor.resize(SIZE); factor.fill(1.); }
+  if (factor.size() != SIZE) {
+    factor.resize(SIZE);
+    factor.fill(1.);
+  }
   // Torque not provided?
-  if (torques.size() == 0)
-  {
+  if (torques.size() == 0) {
     dgRTLOG() << "torque is not provided " << std::endl;
-  for( int i=0;i<SIZE;++i )
-  {
+  for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
     // apply a reduction factor if the torque limits are exceeded
     // and the velocity goes in the same way
-    if( (torques(i)>torqueLimits(i))&&(currentNormVel(i)>0) )
-      { factor(i)*=offset; }
-    else if( (torques(i)< -torqueLimits(i))&&(currentNormVel(i)<0) )
-      { factor(i)*=offset; }
+    if ((torques(i) > torqueLimits(i)) && (currentNormVel(i) > 0)) {
+      factor(i) *= offset;
+    } else if ((torques(i) < -torqueLimits(i)) && (currentNormVel(i) < 0)) {
+      factor(i) *= offset;
+    }
     // otherwise, release smoothly the reduction if possible/needed
-    else { factor(i)/=offset; }
+    else {
+      factor(i) /= offset;
+    }
     // ensure factor is in )0,1(
-    factor(i) = std::min(1., std::max(factor(i),0.));
+    factor(i) = std::min(1., std::max(factor(i), 0.));
-dynamicgraph::Vector& GripperControl::
-computeDesiredPosition( const dynamicgraph::Vector& currentPos,
-			const dynamicgraph::Vector& desiredPos,
-			const dynamicgraph::Vector& torques,
-			const dynamicgraph::Vector& torqueLimits,
-			dynamicgraph::Vector& referencePos )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+GripperControl::computeDesiredPosition(const dynamicgraph::Vector &currentPos,
+                                       const dynamicgraph::Vector &desiredPos,
+                                       const dynamicgraph::Vector &torques,
+                                       const dynamicgraph::Vector &torqueLimits,
+                                       dynamicgraph::Vector &referencePos) {
   const dynamicgraph::Vector::Index SIZE = currentPos.size();
   //  if( (SIZE==torques.size()) )
   //    { /* ERROR ... */ }
   // compute the desired velocity
-  dynamicgraph::Vector velocity = (desiredPos - currentPos)* (1. / DT);
+  dynamicgraph::Vector velocity = (desiredPos - currentPos) * (1. / DT);
   computeIncrement(torques, torqueLimits, velocity);
@@ -167,40 +156,38 @@ computeDesiredPosition( const dynamicgraph::Vector& currentPos,
   return referencePos;
-dynamicgraph::Vector& GripperControl::
-selector( const dynamicgraph::Vector& fullsize,
-	  const Flags& selec,
-	  dynamicgraph::Vector& desPos )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+GripperControl::selector(const dynamicgraph::Vector &fullsize,
+                         const Flags &selec, dynamicgraph::Vector &desPos) {
   int size = 0;
-  for( int i=0;i<fullsize.size();++i )
-    { if( selec(i) ) size++; }
+  for (int i = 0; i < fullsize.size(); ++i) {
+    if (selec(i))
+      size++;
+  }
-  int curs=0;
+  int curs = 0;
-  for( int i=0;i<fullsize.size();++i )
-    { if( selec(i) ) desPos(curs++)=fullsize(i); }
+  for (int i = 0; i < fullsize.size(); ++i) {
+    if (selec(i))
+      desPos(curs++) = fullsize(i);
+  }
   return desPos;
 /* --- COMMANDLINE ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMMANDLINE ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMMANDLINE ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-void GripperControlPlugin::initCommands()
+void GripperControlPlugin::initCommands() {
   namespace dc = ::dynamicgraph::command;
-    dc::makeCommandVoid1(*this,&GripperControlPlugin::setOffset,
-    "set the offset (should be in )0, 1( )."));
+             dc::makeCommandVoid1(*this, &GripperControlPlugin::setOffset,
+                                  "set the offset (should be in )0, 1( )."));
-void GripperControlPlugin::setOffset(const double & value)
-  if( (value>0)&&(value<1) ) offset = value;
-  else throw std::invalid_argument ("The offset should be in )0, 1(.");
+void GripperControlPlugin::setOffset(const double &value) {
+  if ((value > 0) && (value < 1))
+    offset = value;
+  else
+    throw std::invalid_argument("The offset should be in )0, 1(.");
diff --git a/src/tools/joint-limitator.cpp b/src/tools/joint-limitator.cpp
index 42d7d685..b4eec1b8 100644
--- a/src/tools/joint-limitator.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/joint-limitator.cpp
@@ -7,92 +7,84 @@
-#include <sot/core/joint-limitator.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/joint-limitator.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
-JointLimitator( const string& fName )
-  : Entity( fName )
-    ,jointSIN( NULL,"JointLimitator("+name+")::input(vector)::joint" )
-    ,upperJlSIN( NULL,"JointLimitator("+name+")::input(vector)::upperJl" )
-    ,lowerJlSIN( NULL,"JointLimitator("+name+")::input(vector)::lowerJl" )
-    ,controlSIN( NULL,"JointLimitator("+name+")::input(vector)::controlIN" )
-    ,controlSOUT( boost::bind(&JointLimitator::computeControl,this,_1,_2),
-		  jointSIN<<upperJlSIN<<lowerJlSIN<<controlSIN,
-		  "JointLimitator("+name+")::output(vector)::control" )
-    ,widthJlSINTERN( boost::bind(&JointLimitator::computeWidthJl,this,_1,_2),
-		     upperJlSIN<<lowerJlSIN,
-		     "JointLimitator("+name+")::input(vector)::widthJl" )
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(JointLimitator, "JointLimitator");
+JointLimitator::JointLimitator(const string &fName)
+    : Entity(fName),
+      jointSIN(NULL, "JointLimitator(" + name + ")::input(vector)::joint"),
+      upperJlSIN(NULL, "JointLimitator(" + name + ")::input(vector)::upperJl"),
+      lowerJlSIN(NULL, "JointLimitator(" + name + ")::input(vector)::lowerJl"),
+      controlSIN(NULL,
+                 "JointLimitator(" + name + ")::input(vector)::controlIN"),
+      controlSOUT(boost::bind(&JointLimitator::computeControl, this, _1, _2),
+                  jointSIN << upperJlSIN << lowerJlSIN << controlSIN,
+                  "JointLimitator(" + name + ")::output(vector)::control"),
+      widthJlSINTERN(boost::bind(&JointLimitator::computeWidthJl, this, _1, _2),
+                     upperJlSIN << lowerJlSIN,
+                     "JointLimitator(" + name + ")::input(vector)::widthJl")
-  signalRegistration( jointSIN<<upperJlSIN<<lowerJlSIN
-		      <<controlSIN<<controlSOUT<<widthJlSINTERN );
+  signalRegistration(jointSIN << upperJlSIN << lowerJlSIN << controlSIN
+                              << controlSOUT << widthJlSINTERN);
-JointLimitator::computeWidthJl (dynamicgraph::Vector& res,const int& time)
+dynamicgraph::Vector &JointLimitator::computeWidthJl(dynamicgraph::Vector &res,
+                                                     const int &time) {
   const dynamicgraph::Vector UJL = upperJlSIN.access(time);
   const dynamicgraph::Vector LJL = lowerJlSIN.access(time);
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector::Index SIZE=UJL.size();
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector::Index SIZE = UJL.size();
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<SIZE;++i )
-    {      res(i)=UJL(i)-LJL(i);    }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
+    res(i) = UJL(i) - LJL(i);
+  }
   return res;
-JointLimitator::computeControl (dynamicgraph::Vector& uOUT,int time)
+dynamicgraph::Vector &JointLimitator::computeControl(dynamicgraph::Vector &uOUT,
+                                                     int time) {
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& q = jointSIN.access(time);
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& UJL = upperJlSIN.access(time);
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& LJL = lowerJlSIN.access(time);
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& uIN = controlSIN.access(time);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &q = jointSIN.access(time);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &UJL = upperJlSIN.access(time);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &LJL = lowerJlSIN.access(time);
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &uIN = controlSIN.access(time);
   dynamicgraph::Vector::Index controlSize = uIN.size();
-  uOUT.resize(controlSize); uOUT.setZero();
+  uOUT.resize(controlSize);
+  uOUT.setZero();
   dynamicgraph::Vector::Index offset = q.size() - uIN.size();
   assert(offset >= 0);
-  for( unsigned int i=0; i<controlSize; ++i )
-    {
-      double qnext = q(i+offset)+uIN(i)*0.005;
-      if((i+offset < 6) || // do not take into account of freeflyer
-	 ((qnext<UJL(i+offset))&&(qnext>LJL(i+offset)))) {
-	uOUT(i)=uIN(i);
-      }
-      sotDEBUG(25) << i
-		   << ": " <<qnext<<" in? [" << LJL(i)<<","<<UJL(i)<<"]"<<endl;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < controlSize; ++i) {
+    double qnext = q(i + offset) + uIN(i) * 0.005;
+    if ((i + offset < 6) || // do not take into account of freeflyer
+        ((qnext < UJL(i + offset)) && (qnext > LJL(i + offset)))) {
+      uOUT(i) = uIN(i);
+    sotDEBUG(25) << i << ": " << qnext << " in? [" << LJL(i) << "," << UJL(i)
+                 << "]" << endl;
+  }
   return uOUT;
+void JointLimitator::display(std::ostream &os) const {
-void JointLimitator::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<"JointLimitator <"<<name<<"> ... TODO";
+  os << "JointLimitator <" << name << "> ... TODO";
diff --git a/src/tools/joint-trajectory-command.hh b/src/tools/joint-trajectory-command.hh
index fb9fdc16..c645e59d 100644
--- a/src/tools/joint-trajectory-command.hh
+++ b/src/tools/joint-trajectory-command.hh
@@ -10,40 +10,36 @@
 #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command.h>
 #include <sot/core/joint-trajectory-entity.hh>
-namespace dynamicgraph{ namespace sot {
-    namespace command { namespace classSot {
-        using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
-        using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
-        class SetInitTrajectory : public Command
-        {
-        public:
-          virtual ~SetInitTrajectory() {}
-          /// Set the initial trajectory.
-          SetInitTrajectory(SotJointTrajectoryEntity & entity,
-                            const std::string &docstring) :
-            Command(entity,
-                    boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING),
-                    docstring)
-          {
-          }
-          virtual Value doExecute()
-          {
-            // return void
-            return Value();
-          }
-        };
-      } // namespace classSot
-    } // namespace command
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+namespace command {
+namespace classSot {
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Command;
+using ::dynamicgraph::command::Value;
+class SetInitTrajectory : public Command {
+  virtual ~SetInitTrajectory() {}
+  /// Set the initial trajectory.
+  SetInitTrajectory(SotJointTrajectoryEntity &entity,
+                    const std::string &docstring)
+      : Command(entity, boost::assign::list_of(Value::STRING), docstring) {}
+  virtual Value doExecute() {
+    // return void
+    return Value();
+  }
+} // namespace classSot
+} // namespace command
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/tools/joint-trajectory-entity.cpp b/src/tools/joint-trajectory-entity.cpp
index d76d568f..2bcd6b7f 100644
--- a/src/tools/joint-trajectory-entity.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/joint-trajectory-entity.cpp
@@ -10,17 +10,16 @@
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
- class sotJTE__INIT
- {
- public:sotJTE__INIT( void ) { dynamicgraph::sot::DebugTrace::openFile(); }
- };
- sotJTE__INIT sotJTE_initiator;
+class sotJTE__INIT {
+  sotJTE__INIT(void) { dynamicgraph::sot::DebugTrace::openFile(); }
+sotJTE__INIT sotJTE_initiator;
 #endif //#ifdef VP_DEBUG
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-bind.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <sot/core/joint-trajectory-entity.hh>
@@ -31,88 +30,77 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-SotJointTrajectoryEntity(const std::string &n):
-  Entity(n),
-  refresherSINTERN("SotJointTrajectoryEntity("+n+")::intern(dummy)::refresher"),
-  OneStepOfUpdateS(boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::OneStepOfUpdate,this,_1,_2),
-                   refresherSINTERN << trajectorySIN,
-                   "SotJointTrajectory("+n+")::onestepofupdate"),
-  positionSOUT(boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextPosition,
-                           this,_1,_2),
-               OneStepOfUpdateS,
-               "SotJointTrajectory("+n+")::output(vector)::position"),
-  comSOUT(boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextCoM,
-                           this,_1,_2),
-               OneStepOfUpdateS,
-               "SotJointTrajectory("+n+")::output(vector)::com"),
-  zmpSOUT(boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextCoP,
-                           this,_1,_2),
+                                   "SotJointTrajectoryEntity");
+SotJointTrajectoryEntity::SotJointTrajectoryEntity(const std::string &n)
+    : Entity(n), refresherSINTERN("SotJointTrajectoryEntity(" + n +
+                                  ")::intern(dummy)::refresher"),
+      OneStepOfUpdateS(
+          boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::OneStepOfUpdate, this, _1, _2),
+          refresherSINTERN << trajectorySIN,
+          "SotJointTrajectory(" + n + ")::onestepofupdate"),
+      positionSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextPosition, this, _1, _2),
+          OneStepOfUpdateS,
+          "SotJointTrajectory(" + n + ")::output(vector)::position"),
+      comSOUT(boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextCoM, this, _1, _2),
+              OneStepOfUpdateS,
+              "SotJointTrajectory(" + n + ")::output(vector)::com"),
+      zmpSOUT(boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextCoP, this, _1, _2),
+              OneStepOfUpdateS,
+              "SotJointTrajectory(" + n + ")::output(vector)::zmp"),
+      waistSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextWaist, this, _1, _2),
-          "SotJointTrajectory("+n+")::output(vector)::zmp"),
-  waistSOUT(boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextWaist,
-                       this,_1,_2),
-           OneStepOfUpdateS,
-           "SotJointTrajectory("+n+")::output(MatrixHomogeneous)::waist"),
-  seqIdSOUT(boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getSeqId,
-                       this,_1,_2),
-            OneStepOfUpdateS,
-            "SotJointTrajectory("+n+")::output(uint)::seqid"),
-  trajectorySIN(NULL,"SotJointTrajectory("+n+")::input(trajectory)::trajectoryIN"),
-  index_(0),
-  traj_timestamp_(0,0),
-  seqid_(0),
-  deque_traj_(0)
+          "SotJointTrajectory(" + n + ")::output(MatrixHomogeneous)::waist"),
+      seqIdSOUT(boost::bind(&SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getSeqId, this, _1, _2),
+                OneStepOfUpdateS,
+                "SotJointTrajectory(" + n + ")::output(uint)::seqid"),
+      trajectorySIN(NULL, "SotJointTrajectory(" + n +
+                              ")::input(trajectory)::trajectoryIN"),
+      index_(0), traj_timestamp_(0, 0), seqid_(0), deque_traj_(0) {
   using namespace command;
-  signalRegistration( positionSOUT << comSOUT << zmpSOUT
-                      << waistSOUT << seqIdSOUT << trajectorySIN);
-  refresherSINTERN.setDependencyType( TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY );
+  signalRegistration(positionSOUT << comSOUT << zmpSOUT << waistSOUT
+                                  << seqIdSOUT << trajectorySIN);
+  refresherSINTERN.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY);
   std::string docstring;
-  docstring ="    \n"
-    "    initialize the first trajectory.\n"
-    "    \n"
-    "      Input:\n"
-    "        = a string : .\n"
-    "    \n";
+  docstring = "    \n"
+              "    initialize the first trajectory.\n"
+              "    \n"
+              "      Input:\n"
+              "        = a string : .\n"
+              "    \n";
-             makeCommandVoid1(*this,
-                              &SotJointTrajectoryEntity::setInitTraj,
+             makeCommandVoid1(*this, &SotJointTrajectoryEntity::setInitTraj,
                               docCommandVoid1("Set initial trajectory",
                                               "string (trajectory)")));
-void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::UpdatePoint(const JointTrajectoryPoint &aJTP)
+void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::UpdatePoint(const JointTrajectoryPoint &aJTP) {
   // Posture
-  std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type possize =
-    aJTP.positions_.size();
-  if (possize==0)
+  std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type possize = aJTP.positions_.size();
+  if (possize == 0)
-  for(std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type i=0;
-      i<possize-5;i++)
-    {
-      pose_(i) = aJTP.positions_[i];
-      sotDEBUG(5) << pose_(i) << " " << std::endl;
-    }
+  for (std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type i = 0; i < possize - 5;
+       i++) {
+    pose_(i) = aJTP.positions_[i];
+    sotDEBUG(5) << pose_(i) << " " << std::endl;
+  }
   // Center of Mass
-  for(std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type i=possize-5,j=0;
-      i<possize-2;i++,j++)
+  for (std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type i = possize - 5, j = 0;
+       i < possize - 2; i++, j++)
     com_(j) = aJTP.positions_[i];
   sotDEBUG(5) << "com: " << com_ << std::endl;
@@ -130,53 +118,49 @@ void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::UpdatePoint(const JointTrajectoryPoint &aJTP)
   sotDEBUG(5) << "waist: " << waist_ << std::endl;
   // Center of Pressure
-  for(std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type i=possize-2,j=0;
-      i<possize;i++,j++)
+  for (std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::size_type i = possize - 2, j = 0;
+       i < possize; i++, j++)
     cop_(j) = aJTP.positions_[i];
-  cop_(2)=-0.055;
+  cop_(2) = -0.055;
   sotDEBUG(5) << "cop_: " << cop_ << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(5) ;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
-void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::UpdateTrajectory(const Trajectory &aTrajectory)
+void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::UpdateTrajectory(const Trajectory &aTrajectory) {
   sotDEBUG(3) << "traj_timestamp: " << traj_timestamp_
-              <<  " aTrajectory.header_.stamp_" << aTrajectory.header_.stamp_ ;
+              << " aTrajectory.header_.stamp_" << aTrajectory.header_.stamp_;
   // Do we have the same trajectory, or are we at the initialization phase ?
-  if ((traj_timestamp_==aTrajectory.header_.stamp_) && (deque_traj_.size()!=0))
+  if ((traj_timestamp_ == aTrajectory.header_.stamp_) &&
+      (deque_traj_.size() != 0))
-  else
-    {
-      // No we have a new trajectory.
-      sotDEBUG(3) << "index: " << index_
-                    << " aTrajectory.points_.size(): " << aTrajectory.points_.size();
-      // Put the new trajectory in the queue
-      // if there is nothing
-      if (deque_traj_.size()==0)
-        {
-          deque_traj_.push_back(aTrajectory);
-          index_=0;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          index_++;
-          // if it is not already inside the queue.
-          if (deque_traj_.back().header_.stamp_ == aTrajectory.header_.stamp_) {}
-          else deque_traj_.push_back(aTrajectory);
-        }
+  else {
+    // No we have a new trajectory.
+    sotDEBUG(3) << "index: " << index_ << " aTrajectory.points_.size(): "
+                << aTrajectory.points_.size();
+    // Put the new trajectory in the queue
+    // if there is nothing
+    if (deque_traj_.size() == 0) {
+      deque_traj_.push_back(aTrajectory);
+      index_ = 0;
+    } else {
+      index_++;
+      // if it is not already inside the queue.
+      if (deque_traj_.back().header_.stamp_ == aTrajectory.header_.stamp_) {
+      } else
+        deque_traj_.push_back(aTrajectory);
+  }
   sotDEBUG(3) << "step 1 " << std::endl
               << "header: " << std::endl
               << "  timestamp:"
               << static_cast<double>(aTrajectory.header_.stamp_.secs_) +
-    0.000000001 * static_cast<double>(aTrajectory.header_.stamp_.nsecs_)
+                     0.000000001 *
+                         static_cast<double>(aTrajectory.header_.stamp_.nsecs_)
               << " seq:" << aTrajectory.header_.seq_ << " "
               << " frame_id:" << aTrajectory.header_.frame_id_
               << " index_: " << index_
@@ -184,59 +168,51 @@ void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::UpdateTrajectory(const Trajectory &aTrajectory)
               << std::endl;
   // Strategy at the end of the trajectory.
-  if (index_>= deque_traj_.front().points_.size())
-    {
-      if (deque_traj_.size()>1)
-        {
-          deque_traj_.pop_front();
-          index_=0;
-        }
-      // If the new trajectory has a problem
-      if (deque_traj_.front().points_.size()==0)
-        {
-          // then neutralize the entity
-          index_=0;
-          sotDEBUG(3) << "current_traj_.points_.size()="
-                      << deque_traj_.front().points_.size() << std::endl;
-          return;
-        }
-      // Strategy at the end of the trajectory when no new information is available:
-      // It is assumed that the last pose is balanced, and we keep providing
-      // this pose to the robot.
-      if ((index_!=0) && (deque_traj_.size()==1))
-        {
-          index_= deque_traj_.front().points_.size()-1;
-        }
-      sotDEBUG(3) << "index_=current_traj_.points_.size()-1;" << std::endl;
+  if (index_ >= deque_traj_.front().points_.size()) {
+    if (deque_traj_.size() > 1) {
+      deque_traj_.pop_front();
+      index_ = 0;
-  sotDEBUG(3) << "index_:" << index_
-              << " current_traj_.points_.size():" << deque_traj_.front().points_.size()
-              << std::endl;
+    // If the new trajectory has a problem
+    if (deque_traj_.front().points_.size() == 0) {
+      // then neutralize the entity
+      index_ = 0;
+      sotDEBUG(3) << "current_traj_.points_.size()="
+                  << deque_traj_.front().points_.size() << std::endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    // Strategy at the end of the trajectory when no new information is
+    // available: It is assumed that the last pose is balanced, and we keep
+    // providing this pose to the robot.
+    if ((index_ != 0) && (deque_traj_.size() == 1)) {
+      index_ = deque_traj_.front().points_.size() - 1;
+    }
+    sotDEBUG(3) << "index_=current_traj_.points_.size()-1;" << std::endl;
+  }
+  sotDEBUG(3) << "index_:" << index_ << " current_traj_.points_.size():"
+              << deque_traj_.front().points_.size() << std::endl;
   seqid_ = deque_traj_.front().header_.seq_;
-int & SotJointTrajectoryEntity::OneStepOfUpdate(int &dummy,const int & time)
+int &SotJointTrajectoryEntity::OneStepOfUpdate(int &dummy, const int &time) {
-  const Trajectory & atraj = trajectorySIN(time);
-  if ((atraj.header_.stamp_.secs_!=deque_traj_.front().header_.stamp_.secs_) ||
-      (atraj.header_.stamp_.nsecs_!=deque_traj_.front().header_.stamp_.nsecs_))
-    {
-      if (index_ < deque_traj_.front().points_.size()-1)
-        {
-          sotDEBUG(4) << "Overwrite trajectory without completion."
-                      << index_  << " "
-                      << deque_traj_.front().points_.size()
-                      <<std::endl;
-        }
+  const Trajectory &atraj = trajectorySIN(time);
+  if ((atraj.header_.stamp_.secs_ !=
+       deque_traj_.front().header_.stamp_.secs_) ||
+      (atraj.header_.stamp_.nsecs_ !=
+       deque_traj_.front().header_.stamp_.nsecs_)) {
+    if (index_ < deque_traj_.front().points_.size() - 1) {
+      sotDEBUG(4) << "Overwrite trajectory without completion." << index_ << " "
+                  << deque_traj_.front().points_.size() << std::endl;
+  }
   sotDEBUG(4) << "Finished to read trajectorySIN" << std::endl;
@@ -246,39 +222,35 @@ int & SotJointTrajectoryEntity::OneStepOfUpdate(int &dummy,const int & time)
   return dummy;
-XYZThetaToMatrixHomogeneous (const dynamicgraph::Vector& xyztheta)
-  assert (xyztheta.size () == 4);
-  dynamicgraph::Vector t (3);
-  t (0) = xyztheta (0);
-  t (1) = xyztheta (1);
-  t (2) = xyztheta (2);
+sot::MatrixHomogeneous SotJointTrajectoryEntity::XYZThetaToMatrixHomogeneous(
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &xyztheta) {
+  assert(xyztheta.size() == 4);
+  dynamicgraph::Vector t(3);
+  t(0) = xyztheta(0);
+  t(1) = xyztheta(1);
+  t(2) = xyztheta(2);
   Eigen::Affine3d trans;
   trans = Eigen::Translation3d(t);
-  Eigen::Affine3d _Rd(Eigen::AngleAxisd(xyztheta (3),Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()));
+  Eigen::Affine3d _Rd(Eigen::AngleAxisd(xyztheta(3), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()));
   sot::MatrixHomogeneous res;
-  res = _Rd*trans;
+  res = _Rd * trans;
   return res;
-dynamicgraph::Vector &SotJointTrajectoryEntity::
-getNextPosition(dynamicgraph::Vector &pos,
-                const int & time)
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextPosition(dynamicgraph::Vector &pos,
+                                          const int &time) {
   pos = pose_;
   sotDEBUG(5) << pos;
-  sotDEBUGOUT(5) ;
+  sotDEBUGOUT(5);
   return pos;
-dynamicgraph::Vector &SotJointTrajectoryEntity::
-getNextCoM(dynamicgraph::Vector &com,
-                const int & time)
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextCoM(dynamicgraph::Vector &com,
+                                     const int &time) {
   com = com_;
@@ -286,10 +258,9 @@ getNextCoM(dynamicgraph::Vector &com,
   return com;
-dynamicgraph::Vector &SotJointTrajectoryEntity::
-getNextCoP(dynamicgraph::Vector &cop,
-                const int & time)
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextCoP(dynamicgraph::Vector &cop,
+                                     const int &time) {
   cop = cop_;
@@ -297,10 +268,9 @@ getNextCoP(dynamicgraph::Vector &cop,
   return cop;
-sot::MatrixHomogeneous &SotJointTrajectoryEntity::
-getNextWaist(sot::MatrixHomogeneous &waist,
-                const int & time)
+sot::MatrixHomogeneous &
+SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getNextWaist(sot::MatrixHomogeneous &waist,
+                                       const int &time) {
   waist = waist_;
@@ -308,10 +278,8 @@ getNextWaist(sot::MatrixHomogeneous &waist,
   return waist_;
-unsigned int &SotJointTrajectoryEntity::
-getSeqId(unsigned int &seqid,
-         const int & time)
+unsigned int &SotJointTrajectoryEntity::getSeqId(unsigned int &seqid,
+                                                 const int &time) {
   seqid = seqid_;
@@ -319,25 +287,19 @@ getSeqId(unsigned int &seqid,
   return seqid;
-void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::
-loadFile(const std::string &)
+void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::loadFile(const std::string &) {
-  //TODO
+  // TODO
-void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::
-display(std::ostream &os) const
+void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::display(std::ostream &os) const {
   os << this;
-void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::
-setInitTraj(const std::string &as)
+void SotJointTrajectoryEntity::setInitTraj(const std::string &as) {
   std::istringstream is(as);
diff --git a/src/tools/kalman.cpp b/src/tools/kalman.cpp
index 4954883f..adc5b936 100644
--- a/src/tools/kalman.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/kalman.cpp
@@ -10,187 +10,172 @@
 /* --- SOT --- */
-#include <sot/core/kalman.hh>          /* Header of the class implemented here.   */
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-tools.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sot/core/kalman.hh> /* Header of the class implemented here.   */
 #include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  using command::Setter;
-  namespace sot {
-    Kalman::Kalman( const std::string& name )
-      : Entity(name)
-      ,measureSIN (NULL,"Kalman("+name+")::input(vector)::y")
-      ,modelTransitionSIN( NULL,"Kalman("+name+")::input(matrix)::F" )
-      ,modelMeasureSIN( NULL,"Kalman("+name+")::input(matrix)::H" )
-      ,noiseTransitionSIN( NULL,"Kalman("+name+")::input(matrix)::Q" )
-      ,noiseMeasureSIN( NULL,"Kalman("+name+")::input(matrix)::R" )
-      ,statePredictedSIN (0, "Kalman("+name+")::input(vector)::x_pred")
-      ,observationPredictedSIN (0, "Kalman("+name+")::input(vector)::y_pred")
-      ,varianceUpdateSOUT ("Kalman("+name+")::output(vector)::P")
-      ,stateUpdateSOUT ("Kalman("+name+")::output(vector)::x_est"),
-	stateEstimation_ (),
-	stateVariance_ ()
-    {
-      sotDEBUGIN(15);
-      varianceUpdateSOUT.setFunction
-	(boost::bind(&Kalman::computeVarianceUpdate,
-		     this,_1,_2));
-      stateUpdateSOUT.setFunction (boost::bind(&Kalman::computeStateUpdate,
-					       this, _1, _2));
-      signalRegistration( measureSIN << observationPredictedSIN
-			  << modelTransitionSIN
-			  << modelMeasureSIN << noiseTransitionSIN
-			  << noiseMeasureSIN << statePredictedSIN
-			  << stateUpdateSOUT << varianceUpdateSOUT );
-      std::string docstring =
-	"  Set initial state estimation\n"
-	"\n"
-	"  input:\n"
-	"    - a vector: initial state\n";
-      addCommand ("setInitialState",
-		  new Setter <Kalman, Vector> (*this,
-					       &Kalman::setStateEstimation,
-					       docstring));
-      docstring =
-	"  Set variance of initial state estimation\n"
-	"\n"
-	"  input:\n"
-	"    - a matrix: variance covariance matrix\n";
-      addCommand ("setInitialVariance",
-		  new Setter <Kalman, Matrix> (*this,
-					       &Kalman::setStateVariance,
-					       docstring));
-      sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-    }
-    Matrix & Kalman::
-    computeVarianceUpdate (Matrix& Pk_k,const int& time)
-    {
-      sotDEBUGIN(15);
-      if (time == 0) {
-	// First time return variance initial state
-	Pk_k = stateVariance_;
-	// Set dependency to input signals for latter computations
-	varianceUpdateSOUT.addDependency (noiseTransitionSIN);
-	varianceUpdateSOUT.addDependency (modelTransitionSIN);
-      } else {
-	const Matrix &Q = noiseTransitionSIN( time );
-	const Matrix& R = noiseMeasureSIN (time);
-	const Matrix &F = modelTransitionSIN( time );
-	const Matrix& H = modelMeasureSIN (time);
-	const Matrix &Pk_1_k_1 = stateVariance_;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "Q=" << Q << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "R=" << R << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "F=" << F << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "H=" << H << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "Pk_1_k_1=" << Pk_1_k_1 << std::endl;
-	FP_ = F * Pk_1_k_1;
-	Pk_k_1_ = FP_*F.transpose();
-	Pk_k_1_ += Q;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "F " <<std::endl << F << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "P_{k-1|k-1} " <<std::endl<< Pk_1_k_1 << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "F^T " <<std::endl<< F.transpose() << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "P_{k|k-1} " << std::endl << Pk_k_1_ << std::endl;
-	S_ = H * Pk_k_1_ * H.transpose () + R;
-	K_ = Pk_k_1_ * H.transpose () * S_.inverse ();
-	Pk_k = Pk_k_1_ - K_ * H * Pk_k_1_;
-	sotDEBUG (15) << "S_{k} " << std::endl << S_ << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG (15) << "K_{k} " << std::endl << K_ << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG (15) << "P_{k|k} " << std::endl << Pk_k << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-	stateVariance_ = Pk_k;
-      }
-      return Pk_k;
-    }
-    //               ^
-    //   z = y  - h (x     )
-    //    k   k       k|k-1
-    //
-    //   ^     ^
-    //   x   = x      + K  z
-    //    k|k   k|k-1    k  k
-    //
-    //                  T
-    //   S = H  P      H  + R
-    //    k   k  k|k-1  k
-    //
-    //               T  -1
-    //   K = P      H  S
-    //    k   k|k-1  k  k
-    //
-    //   P   = (I - K  H ) P
-    //    k|k        k  k   k|k-1
-    Vector& Kalman::
-    computeStateUpdate (Vector& x_est,const int& time )
-    {
-      sotDEBUGIN(15);
-      if (time == 0) {
-	// First time return variance initial state
-	x_est = stateEstimation_;
-	// Set dependency to input signals for latter computations
-	stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency (measureSIN);
-	stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency (observationPredictedSIN);
-	stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency (modelMeasureSIN);
-	stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency (noiseTransitionSIN);
-	stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency (noiseMeasureSIN);
-	stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency (statePredictedSIN);
-	stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency (varianceUpdateSOUT);
-      } else {
-	varianceUpdateSOUT.recompute (time);
-	const Vector & x_pred = statePredictedSIN (time);
-	const Vector & y_pred = observationPredictedSIN (time);
-	const Vector & y = measureSIN (time);
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "K_{k} = "<<std::endl<< K_ << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "y = " << y << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "h (\\hat{x}_{k|k-1}) = " << y_pred << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "y = " << y << std::endl;
-	// Innovation: z_ = y - Hx
-	z_ = y - y_pred;
-	//x_est = x_pred + (K*(y-(H*x_pred)));
-	x_est = x_pred + K_ * z_;
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "z_{k} = " << z_ << std::endl;
-	sotDEBUG(25) << "x_{k|k} = " << x_est << std::endl;
-	stateEstimation_ = x_est;
-      }
-      sotDEBUGOUT (15);
-      return x_est;
-    }
-    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- MODELE --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    void Kalman::
-    display( std::ostream& ) const
-    {
-    }
-  } // namespace sot
+using command::Setter;
+namespace sot {
+Kalman::Kalman(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), measureSIN(NULL, "Kalman(" + name + ")::input(vector)::y"),
+      modelTransitionSIN(NULL, "Kalman(" + name + ")::input(matrix)::F"),
+      modelMeasureSIN(NULL, "Kalman(" + name + ")::input(matrix)::H"),
+      noiseTransitionSIN(NULL, "Kalman(" + name + ")::input(matrix)::Q"),
+      noiseMeasureSIN(NULL, "Kalman(" + name + ")::input(matrix)::R")
+      ,
+      statePredictedSIN(0, "Kalman(" + name + ")::input(vector)::x_pred"),
+      observationPredictedSIN(0, "Kalman(" + name + ")::input(vector)::y_pred"),
+      varianceUpdateSOUT("Kalman(" + name + ")::output(vector)::P"),
+      stateUpdateSOUT("Kalman(" + name + ")::output(vector)::x_est"),
+      stateEstimation_(), stateVariance_() {
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  varianceUpdateSOUT.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&Kalman::computeVarianceUpdate, this, _1, _2));
+  stateUpdateSOUT.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&Kalman::computeStateUpdate, this, _1, _2));
+  signalRegistration(measureSIN << observationPredictedSIN << modelTransitionSIN
+                                << modelMeasureSIN << noiseTransitionSIN
+                                << noiseMeasureSIN << statePredictedSIN
+                                << stateUpdateSOUT << varianceUpdateSOUT);
+  std::string docstring = "  Set initial state estimation\n"
+                          "\n"
+                          "  input:\n"
+                          "    - a vector: initial state\n";
+  addCommand("setInitialState",
+             new Setter<Kalman, Vector>(*this, &Kalman::setStateEstimation,
+                                        docstring));
+  docstring = "  Set variance of initial state estimation\n"
+              "\n"
+              "  input:\n"
+              "    - a matrix: variance covariance matrix\n";
+  addCommand(
+      "setInitialVariance",
+      new Setter<Kalman, Matrix>(*this, &Kalman::setStateVariance, docstring));
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+Matrix &Kalman::computeVarianceUpdate(Matrix &Pk_k, const int &time) {
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  if (time == 0) {
+    // First time return variance initial state
+    Pk_k = stateVariance_;
+    // Set dependency to input signals for latter computations
+    varianceUpdateSOUT.addDependency(noiseTransitionSIN);
+    varianceUpdateSOUT.addDependency(modelTransitionSIN);
+  } else {
+    const Matrix &Q = noiseTransitionSIN(time);
+    const Matrix &R = noiseMeasureSIN(time);
+    const Matrix &F = modelTransitionSIN(time);
+    const Matrix &H = modelMeasureSIN(time);
+    const Matrix &Pk_1_k_1 = stateVariance_;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Q=" << Q << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "R=" << R << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "F=" << F << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "H=" << H << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Pk_1_k_1=" << Pk_1_k_1 << std::endl;
+    FP_ = F * Pk_1_k_1;
+    Pk_k_1_ = FP_ * F.transpose();
+    Pk_k_1_ += Q;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "F " << std::endl << F << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "P_{k-1|k-1} " << std::endl << Pk_1_k_1 << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "F^T " << std::endl << F.transpose() << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "P_{k|k-1} " << std::endl << Pk_k_1_ << std::endl;
+    S_ = H * Pk_k_1_ * H.transpose() + R;
+    K_ = Pk_k_1_ * H.transpose() * S_.inverse();
+    Pk_k = Pk_k_1_ - K_ * H * Pk_k_1_;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "S_{k} " << std::endl << S_ << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "K_{k} " << std::endl << K_ << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "P_{k|k} " << std::endl << Pk_k << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+    stateVariance_ = Pk_k;
+  }
+  return Pk_k;
+//               ^
+//   z = y  - h (x     )
+//    k   k       k|k-1
+//   ^     ^
+//   x   = x      + K  z
+//    k|k   k|k-1    k  k
+//                  T
+//   S = H  P      H  + R
+//    k   k  k|k-1  k
+//               T  -1
+//   K = P      H  S
+//    k   k|k-1  k  k
+//   P   = (I - K  H ) P
+//    k|k        k  k   k|k-1
+Vector &Kalman::computeStateUpdate(Vector &x_est, const int &time) {
+  sotDEBUGIN(15);
+  if (time == 0) {
+    // First time return variance initial state
+    x_est = stateEstimation_;
+    // Set dependency to input signals for latter computations
+    stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency(measureSIN);
+    stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency(observationPredictedSIN);
+    stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency(modelMeasureSIN);
+    stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency(noiseTransitionSIN);
+    stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency(noiseMeasureSIN);
+    stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency(statePredictedSIN);
+    stateUpdateSOUT.addDependency(varianceUpdateSOUT);
+  } else {
+    varianceUpdateSOUT.recompute(time);
+    const Vector &x_pred = statePredictedSIN(time);
+    const Vector &y_pred = observationPredictedSIN(time);
+    const Vector &y = measureSIN(time);
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "K_{k} = " << std::endl << K_ << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "y = " << y << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "h (\\hat{x}_{k|k-1}) = " << y_pred << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "y = " << y << std::endl;
+    // Innovation: z_ = y - Hx
+    z_ = y - y_pred;
+    // x_est = x_pred + (K*(y-(H*x_pred)));
+    x_est = x_pred + K_ * z_;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "z_{k} = " << z_ << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "x_{k|k} = " << x_est << std::endl;
+    stateEstimation_ = x_est;
+  }
+  sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+  return x_est;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- MODELE --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void Kalman::display(std::ostream &) const {}
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/tools/latch.cpp b/src/tools/latch.cpp
index a936b00e..1cc6369d 100644
--- a/src/tools/latch.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/latch.cpp
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
-#include <sot/core/latch.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/latch.hh>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace sot {
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/tools/mailbox-vector.cpp b/src/tools/mailbox-vector.cpp
index cdd2861c..f82850e2 100644
--- a/src/tools/mailbox-vector.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/mailbox-vector.cpp
@@ -11,17 +11,19 @@
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
-#include <sot/core/mailbox.hxx>
 #include <sot/core/mailbox-vector.hh>
+#include <sot/core/mailbox.hxx>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 // Explicit template specialization
 #ifdef WIN32
-MailboxVector::MailboxVector( const std::string& name): Mailbox<dynamicgraph::Vector> (name){}
+MailboxVector::MailboxVector(const std::string &name)
+    : Mailbox<dynamicgraph::Vector>(name) {}
+template <>
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(MailboxVector, "Mailbox<Vector>");
diff --git a/src/tools/motion-period.cpp b/src/tools/motion-period.cpp
index 42aaf83e..71cf9fad 100644
--- a/src/tools/motion-period.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/motion-period.cpp
@@ -12,97 +12,95 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- SOT --- */
-#include <sot/core/motion-period.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/motion-period.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-MotionPeriod( const string& fName )
-  : Entity( fName )
-    ,motionParams( 0 )
-    ,motionSOUT( boost::bind(&MotionPeriod::computeMotion,this,_1,_2),
-		 sotNOSIGNAL,
-		 "MotionPeriod("+name+")::output(vector)::motion" )
-  signalRegistration( motionSOUT );
-  motionSOUT.setNeedUpdateFromAllChildren( true );
+MotionPeriod::MotionPeriod(const string &fName)
+    : Entity(fName), motionParams(0),
+      motionSOUT(boost::bind(&MotionPeriod::computeMotion, this, _1, _2),
+                 sotNOSIGNAL,
+                 "MotionPeriod(" + name + ")::output(vector)::motion") {
+  signalRegistration(motionSOUT);
+  motionSOUT.setNeedUpdateFromAllChildren(true);
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-MotionPeriod::computeMotion( dynamicgraph::Vector& res,const int& time )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &MotionPeriod::computeMotion(dynamicgraph::Vector &res,
+                                                  const int &time) {
-  res.resize( size );
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<size;++i )
-    {
-      const sotMotionParam & p = motionParams[i];
-      double x= ( ( ((time-p.initPeriod) % p.period) +0.0 )
-		  / (p.period+0.0) );
-      res(i)=p.initAmplitude;
-      switch( p.motionType )
-	{
-	case MOTION_CONSTANT: { res(i)+= p.amplitude;  break; }
-	case MOTION_SIN: { res(i)+= p.amplitude*sin(M_PI*2*x); break; }
-	case MOTION_COS: { res(i)+= p.amplitude*cos(M_PI*2*x); break; }
-	  //case MOTION_: {res(i)+= p.amplitude; break}
-	}
+  res.resize(size);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+    const sotMotionParam &p = motionParams[i];
+    double x = ((((time - p.initPeriod) % p.period) + 0.0) / (p.period + 0.0));
+    res(i) = p.initAmplitude;
+    switch (p.motionType) {
+    case MOTION_CONSTANT: {
+      res(i) += p.amplitude;
+      break;
+    }
+    case MOTION_SIN: {
+      res(i) += p.amplitude * sin(M_PI * 2 * x);
+      break;
+    case MOTION_COS: {
+      res(i) += p.amplitude * cos(M_PI * 2 * x);
+      break;
+    }
+      // case MOTION_: {res(i)+= p.amplitude; break}
+    }
+  }
   return res;
-void MotionPeriod::
-resize( const unsigned int & _size )
+void MotionPeriod::resize(const unsigned int &_size) {
   size = _size;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<size;++i )
-    {
-      motionParams[i] .motionType = MOTION_CONSTANT;
-      motionParams[i] .amplitude = 0;
-      motionParams[i] .initPeriod = 0;
-      motionParams[i] .period = 1;
-      motionParams[i] .initAmplitude = 0;
-    }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+    motionParams[i].motionType = MOTION_CONSTANT;
+    motionParams[i].amplitude = 0;
+    motionParams[i].initPeriod = 0;
+    motionParams[i].period = 1;
+    motionParams[i].initAmplitude = 0;
+  }
-void MotionPeriod::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<"MotionPeriod <"<<name<<"> ... TODO";
+void MotionPeriod::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "MotionPeriod <" << name << "> ... TODO";
-#define SOT_PARAMS_CONFIG(ARGname,ARGtype)                                              \
-  else if( cmdLine == #ARGname )                                                        \
-   {                                                                                    \
-     unsigned int rank; ARGtype period;                                                 \
-     cmdArgs >> rank >>std::ws;                                                         \
-     if( rank>=this->size ) { os <<"!! Error: size size too large." << std::endl; }     \
-     if( cmdArgs.good() )                                                               \
-     { cmdArgs>>period; motionParams[rank].ARGname = period; }                             \
-     else { os << #ARGname << "[" << rank << "] = "                                     \
-               <<  motionParams[rank].ARGname << std::endl; }                              \
-    }
+#define SOT_PARAMS_CONFIG(ARGname, ARGtype)                                    \
+  else if (cmdLine == #ARGname) {                                              \
+    unsigned int rank;                                                         \
+    ARGtype period;                                                            \
+    cmdArgs >> rank >> std::ws;                                                \
+    if (rank >= this->size) {                                                  \
+      os << "!! Error: size size too large." << std::endl;                     \
+    }                                                                          \
+    if (cmdArgs.good()) {                                                      \
+      cmdArgs >> period;                                                       \
+      motionParams[rank].ARGname = period;                                     \
+    } else {                                                                   \
+      os << #ARGname << "[" << rank << "] = " << motionParams[rank].ARGname    \
+         << std::endl;                                                         \
+    }                                                                          \
+  }
diff --git a/src/tools/neck-limitation.cpp b/src/tools/neck-limitation.cpp
index 4b868085..a7539a25 100644
--- a/src/tools/neck-limitation.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/neck-limitation.cpp
@@ -7,49 +7,43 @@
-#include <sot/core/neck-limitation.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-tools.hh>
+#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/neck-limitation.hh>
 #include <sot/core/sot.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(NeckLimitation, "NeckLimitation");
-const double NeckLimitation::COEFF_LINEAR_DEFAULT =  -25.0/42.0 ;
-const double NeckLimitation::COEFF_AFFINE_DEFAULT =  0.6981 ; // 40DG
-const double NeckLimitation::SIGN_TILT_DEFAULT    = 1 ;
+const double NeckLimitation::COEFF_LINEAR_DEFAULT = -25.0 / 42.0;
+const double NeckLimitation::COEFF_AFFINE_DEFAULT = 0.6981; // 40DG
+const double NeckLimitation::SIGN_TILT_DEFAULT = 1;
 const unsigned int NeckLimitation::PAN_RANK_DEFAULT = 14;
 const unsigned int NeckLimitation::TILT_RANK_DEFAULT = 15;
-NeckLimitation( const std::string & name )
-  :Entity(name)
-   ,panRank( PAN_RANK_DEFAULT )
-   ,tiltRank( TILT_RANK_DEFAULT )
-  ,coeffLinearPan( COEFF_LINEAR_DEFAULT )
-   ,coeffAffinePan( COEFF_AFFINE_DEFAULT )
-   ,signTilt( SIGN_TILT_DEFAULT )
-   ,jointSIN( NULL,"NeckLimitation("+name+")::input(vector)::joint" )
-   ,jointSOUT( boost::bind(&NeckLimitation::computeJointLimitation,this,_1,_2),
-	       jointSIN,
-	       "NeckLimitation("+name+")::output(dummy)::jointLimited" )
+NeckLimitation::NeckLimitation(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), panRank(PAN_RANK_DEFAULT), tiltRank(TILT_RANK_DEFAULT),
+      coeffLinearPan(COEFF_LINEAR_DEFAULT),
+      coeffAffinePan(COEFF_AFFINE_DEFAULT), signTilt(SIGN_TILT_DEFAULT)
+      ,
+      jointSIN(NULL, "NeckLimitation(" + name + ")::input(vector)::joint"),
+      jointSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&NeckLimitation::computeJointLimitation, this, _1, _2),
+          jointSIN,
+          "NeckLimitation(" + name + ")::output(dummy)::jointLimited") {
-  signalRegistration( jointSIN<<jointSOUT );
+  signalRegistration(jointSIN << jointSOUT);
-~NeckLimitation( void )
+NeckLimitation::~NeckLimitation(void) {
@@ -60,79 +54,78 @@ NeckLimitation::
 /* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-dynamicgraph::Vector& NeckLimitation::
-computeJointLimitation( dynamicgraph::Vector& jointLimited,const int& timeSpec )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &
+NeckLimitation::computeJointLimitation(dynamicgraph::Vector &jointLimited,
+                                       const int &timeSpec) {
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector & joint = jointSIN( timeSpec );
-  jointLimited=joint;
-  const double & pan = joint(panRank);
-  const double & tilt = joint(tiltRank);
-  double & panLimited = jointLimited(panRank);
-  double & tiltLimited = jointLimited(tiltRank);
-  if( fabs(pan)<1e-3 ) // pan == 0
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Pan = 0" << std::endl;
-      if( tilt*signTilt>coeffAffinePan )
-	{ tiltLimited = coeffAffinePan; }
-      else { tiltLimited = tilt; }
-      panLimited = pan;
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &joint = jointSIN(timeSpec);
+  jointLimited = joint;
+  const double &pan = joint(panRank);
+  const double &tilt = joint(tiltRank);
+  double &panLimited = jointLimited(panRank);
+  double &tiltLimited = jointLimited(tiltRank);
+  if (fabs(pan) < 1e-3) // pan == 0
+  {
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Pan = 0" << std::endl;
+    if (tilt * signTilt > coeffAffinePan) {
+      tiltLimited = coeffAffinePan;
+    } else {
+      tiltLimited = tilt;
-  else if( pan>0 )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Pan > 0" << std::endl;
-      if( signTilt*tilt > (pan*coeffLinearPan+coeffAffinePan) )
-	{
-	  // Orthogonal projection .
-// 	  if( (tilt-coeffAffinePan)*coeffLinearPan<-1*pan )
-// 	    {
-// 	      panLimited=0; tiltLimited=coeffAffinePan;
-// 	    }
-// 	  else
-// 	    {
-// 	      double tmp = 1/(1+coeffLinearPan*coeffLinearPan);
-// 	      double tmp2=pan+coeffLinearPan*tilt;
-// 	      panLimited=(tmp2-coeffAffinePan*coeffLinearPan)*tmp;
-// 	      tiltLimited=(coeffLinearPan*tmp2+coeffAffinePan)*tmp;
-// 	    }
-	  tiltLimited = (pan*coeffLinearPan+coeffAffinePan);
-	  panLimited = pan;
-	}
-      else { tiltLimited = tilt; panLimited = pan; }
+    panLimited = pan;
+  } else if (pan > 0) {
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Pan > 0" << std::endl;
+    if (signTilt * tilt > (pan * coeffLinearPan + coeffAffinePan)) {
+      // Orthogonal projection .
+      // 	  if( (tilt-coeffAffinePan)*coeffLinearPan<-1*pan )
+      // 	    {
+      // 	      panLimited=0; tiltLimited=coeffAffinePan;
+      // 	    }
+      // 	  else
+      // 	    {
+      // 	      double tmp = 1/(1+coeffLinearPan*coeffLinearPan);
+      // 	      double tmp2=pan+coeffLinearPan*tilt;
+      // 	      panLimited=(tmp2-coeffAffinePan*coeffLinearPan)*tmp;
+      // 	      tiltLimited=(coeffLinearPan*tmp2+coeffAffinePan)*tmp;
+      // 	    }
+      tiltLimited = (pan * coeffLinearPan + coeffAffinePan);
+      panLimited = pan;
+    } else {
+      tiltLimited = tilt;
+      panLimited = pan;
-  else // pan<0
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Pan < 0" << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << tilt-coeffAffinePan << "<?"
-		   <<(-1*pan*coeffLinearPan) << std::endl;
-      if( tilt*signTilt>(-pan*coeffLinearPan+coeffAffinePan) )
-	{
-// 	  sotDEBUG(15) << "Below" << std::endl;
-// 	  if( (tilt-coeffAffinePan)*coeffLinearPan<pan )
-// 	    {
-// 	      sotDEBUG(15) << "Proj on 0" << std::endl;
-// 	      panLimited=0; tiltLimited=coeffAffinePan;
-// 	    }
-// 	  else
-// 	    {
-// 	      double tmp = 1/(1+coeffLinearPan*coeffLinearPan);
-// 	      double tmp2=pan-coeffLinearPan*tilt;
-// 	      panLimited=(tmp2+coeffAffinePan*coeffLinearPan)*tmp;
-// 	      tiltLimited=(-coeffLinearPan*tmp2+coeffAffinePan)*tmp;
-// 	    }
-	  tiltLimited = (-pan*coeffLinearPan+coeffAffinePan);
-	  panLimited = pan;
-	}
-      else { tiltLimited = tilt; panLimited = pan; }
+  } else // pan<0
+  {
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Pan < 0" << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15) << tilt - coeffAffinePan << "<?" << (-1 * pan * coeffLinearPan)
+                 << std::endl;
+    if (tilt * signTilt > (-pan * coeffLinearPan + coeffAffinePan)) {
+      // 	  sotDEBUG(15) << "Below" << std::endl;
+      // 	  if( (tilt-coeffAffinePan)*coeffLinearPan<pan )
+      // 	    {
+      // 	      sotDEBUG(15) << "Proj on 0" << std::endl;
+      // 	      panLimited=0; tiltLimited=coeffAffinePan;
+      // 	    }
+      // 	  else
+      // 	    {
+      // 	      double tmp = 1/(1+coeffLinearPan*coeffLinearPan);
+      // 	      double tmp2=pan-coeffLinearPan*tilt;
+      // 	      panLimited=(tmp2+coeffAffinePan*coeffLinearPan)*tmp;
+      // 	      tiltLimited=(-coeffLinearPan*tmp2+coeffAffinePan)*tmp;
+      // 	    }
+      tiltLimited = (-pan * coeffLinearPan + coeffAffinePan);
+      panLimited = pan;
+    } else {
+      tiltLimited = tilt;
+      panLimited = pan;
+  }
   return jointLimited;
@@ -142,8 +135,6 @@ computeJointLimitation( dynamicgraph::Vector& jointLimited,const int& timeSpec )
 /* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void NeckLimitation::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
+void NeckLimitation::display(std::ostream &os) const {
   os << "NeckLimitation " << getName() << "." << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/tools/parameter-server.cpp b/src/tools/parameter-server.cpp
index 83661012..5d511fd1 100644
--- a/src/tools/parameter-server.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/parameter-server.cpp
@@ -14,317 +14,289 @@
  * with sot-torque-control.  If not, see <>.
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <iostream>
-#include <sot/core/parameter-server.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
-namespace dynamicgraph
-  namespace sot
-  {
-    namespace dynamicgraph = ::dynamicgraph;
-    using namespace dynamicgraph;
-    using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-    using namespace std;
+#include <sot/core/parameter-server.hh>
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+namespace dynamicgraph = ::dynamicgraph;
+using namespace dynamicgraph;
+using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+using namespace std;
-    //Size to be aligned                          "-------------------------------------------------------"
-#define PROFILE_PWM_DESIRED_COMPUTATION       "Control manager                                        "
-#define PROFILE_DYNAMIC_GRAPH_PERIOD          "Control period                                         "
+// Size to be aligned "-------------------------------------------------------"
+#define PROFILE_PWM_DESIRED_COMPUTATION                                        \
+  "Control manager                                        "
+#define PROFILE_DYNAMIC_GRAPH_PERIOD                                           \
+  "Control period                                         "
-    /// Define EntityClassName here rather than in the header file
-    /// so that it can be used by the macros DEFINE_SIGNAL_**_FUNCTION.
-    typedef ParameterServer EntityClassName;
-    /* --- DG FACTORY ---------------------------------------------------- */
-                                       "ParameterServer");
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- CONSTRUCTION -------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    ParameterServer::
-    ParameterServer(const std::string& name)
-      : Entity(name)
-      ,m_robot_util(RefVoidRobotUtil())
-      ,m_initSucceeded(false)
-      ,m_emergency_stop_triggered(false)
-      ,m_is_first_iter(true)
-      ,m_iter(0)
-      ,m_sleep_time(0.0)
-    {
-      //~ Entity::signalRegistration( INPUT_SIGNALS << OUTPUT_SIGNALS);
-      /* Commands. */
-      addCommand("init",
-                 makeCommandVoid3(*this, &ParameterServer::init,
-                                  docCommandVoid3("Initialize the entity.",
-                                                  "Time period in seconds (double)",
-                                                  "URDF file path (string)",
-                                                  "Robot reference (string)")));
-      addCommand("setNameToId",
-                 makeCommandVoid2(*this,&ParameterServer::setNameToId,
-                                  docCommandVoid2("Set map for a name to an Id",
-                                                  "(string) joint name",
-                                                  "(double) joint id")));
-      addCommand("setForceNameToForceId",
-                 makeCommandVoid2(*this,&ParameterServer::setForceNameToForceId,
-                                  docCommandVoid2("Set map from a force sensor name to a force sensor Id",
-                                                  "(string) force sensor name",
-                                                  "(double) force sensor id")));
-      addCommand("setJointLimitsFromId",
-                 makeCommandVoid3(*this,&ParameterServer::setJointLimitsFromId,
-                                  docCommandVoid3("Set the joint limits for a given joint ID",
-                                                  "(double) joint id",
-                                                  "(double) lower limit",
-                                                  "(double) uppper limit")));
-      addCommand("setForceLimitsFromId",
-                 makeCommandVoid3(*this,&ParameterServer::setForceLimitsFromId,
-                                  docCommandVoid3("Set the force limits for a given force sensor ID",
-                                                  "(double) force sensor id",
-                                                  "(double) lower limit",
-                                                  "(double) uppper limit")));
-      addCommand("setJointsUrdfToSot",
-                 makeCommandVoid1(*this, &ParameterServer::setJoints,
-                                  docCommandVoid1("Map Joints From URDF to SoT.",
-                                                  "Vector of integer for mapping")));
-      addCommand("setRightFootSoleXYZ",
-                 makeCommandVoid1(*this, &ParameterServer::setRightFootSoleXYZ,
-                                  docCommandVoid1("Set the right foot sole 3d position.",
-                                                  "Vector of 3 doubles")));
-      addCommand("setRightFootForceSensorXYZ",
-                 makeCommandVoid1(*this, &ParameterServer::setRightFootForceSensorXYZ,
-                                  docCommandVoid1("Set the right foot sensor 3d position.",
-                                                  "Vector of 3 doubles")));
-      addCommand("setFootFrameName",
-                 makeCommandVoid2(*this, &ParameterServer::setFootFrameName,
-                                  docCommandVoid2("Set the Frame Name for the Foot Name.",
-                                                  "(string) Foot name",
-                                                  "(string) Frame name")));
-      addCommand("setImuJointName",
-                 makeCommandVoid1(*this, &ParameterServer::setImuJointName,
-                                  docCommandVoid1("Set the Joint Name wich IMU is attached to.",
-                                                  "(string) Joint name")));
-      addCommand("displayRobotUtil",
-                 makeCommandVoid0(*this, &ParameterServer::displayRobotUtil,
-                                  docCommandVoid0("Display the current robot util data set.")));
-    }
-    void ParameterServer::init(const double & dt,
-                               const std::string & urdfFile,
-                               const std::string &robotRef)
-    {
-      if(dt<=0.0)
-        return SEND_MSG("Timestep must be positive", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
-      m_dt = dt;
-      m_emergency_stop_triggered = false;
-      m_initSucceeded = true;
-      std::string localName(robotRef);
-      if (!isNameInRobotUtil(localName))
-        {
-          m_robot_util = createRobotUtil(localName);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          m_robot_util = getRobotUtil(localName);
-        }
-      m_robot_util->m_urdf_filename = urdfFile;
-      addCommand("getJointsUrdfToSot",
-                 makeDirectGetter(*this, &m_robot_util->m_dgv_urdf_to_sot,
-                                  docDirectSetter("Display map Joints From URDF to SoT.",
-                                                  "Vector of integer for mapping")));
-    }
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- COMMANDS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-    void ParameterServer::setNameToId(const std::string &jointName,
-                                      const double & jointId)
-    {
-      if(!m_initSucceeded)
-        {
-          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set joint name from joint id  before initialization!");
-          return;
-        }
-      m_robot_util->set_name_to_id(jointName,static_cast<Index>(jointId));
-    }
-    void ParameterServer::setJointLimitsFromId( const double &jointId,
-                                                const double &lq,
-                                                const double &uq)
-    {
-      if(!m_initSucceeded)
-        {
-          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set joints limits from joint id  before initialization!");
-          return;
-        }
-      m_robot_util->set_joint_limits_for_id((Index)jointId,lq,uq);
-    }
-    void ParameterServer::setForceLimitsFromId( const double &jointId,
-                                                const dynamicgraph::Vector &lq,
-                                                const dynamicgraph::Vector &uq)
-    {
-      if(!m_initSucceeded)
-        {
-          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set force limits from force id  before initialization!");
-          return;
-        }
-      m_robot_util->m_force_util.set_force_id_to_limits((Index)jointId,lq,uq);
-    }
-    void ParameterServer::setForceNameToForceId(const std::string &forceName,
-                                                const double & forceId)
-    {
-      if(!m_initSucceeded)
-        {
-          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set force sensor name from force sensor id  before initialization!");
-          return;
-        }
-      m_robot_util->m_force_util.set_name_to_force_id(forceName,static_cast<Index>(forceId));
-    }
-    void ParameterServer::setJoints(const dg::Vector & urdf_to_sot)
-    {
-      if(!m_initSucceeded)
-        {
-          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set mapping to sot before initialization!");
-          return;
-        }
-      m_robot_util->set_urdf_to_sot(urdf_to_sot);
-    }
-    void ParameterServer::setRightFootSoleXYZ( const dynamicgraph::Vector &xyz)
-    {
-      if(!m_initSucceeded)
-        {
-          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set right foot sole XYZ before initialization!");
-          return;
-        }
-      m_robot_util->m_foot_util.m_Right_Foot_Sole_XYZ = xyz;
-    }
-    void ParameterServer::setRightFootForceSensorXYZ(const dynamicgraph::Vector &xyz)
-    {
-      if(!m_initSucceeded)
-        {
-          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set right foot force sensor XYZ before initialization!");
-          return;
-        }
-      m_robot_util->m_foot_util.m_Right_Foot_Force_Sensor_XYZ = xyz;
-    }
-    void ParameterServer::setFootFrameName( const std::string &FootName,
-                                            const std::string &FrameName)
-    {
-      if(!m_initSucceeded)
-        {
-          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set foot frame name!");
-          return;
-        }
-      if (FootName=="Left")
-        m_robot_util->m_foot_util.m_Left_Foot_Frame_Name = FrameName;
-      else if (FootName=="Right")
-        m_robot_util->m_foot_util.m_Right_Foot_Frame_Name = FrameName;
-      else
-        SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Did not understand the foot name !" + FootName);
-    }
-    void ParameterServer::setImuJointName(const std::string &JointName)
-    {
-      if(!m_initSucceeded)
-        {
-          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set IMU joint name!");
-          return;
-        }
-      m_robot_util->m_imu_joint_name = JointName;
-    }
-    void ParameterServer::displayRobotUtil()
-    {
-      m_robot_util->display(std::cout);
-    }
-    /* --- PROTECTED MEMBER METHODS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-    bool ParameterServer::convertJointNameToJointId(const std::string& name, unsigned int& id)
-    {
-      // Check if the joint name exists
-      sot::Index jid = m_robot_util->get_id_from_name(name);
-      if (jid<0)
-        {
-          SEND_MSG("The specified joint name does not exist: "+name, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
-          std::stringstream ss;
-          for(long unsigned int it=0; it< m_robot_util->m_nbJoints;it++)
-            ss<< m_robot_util->get_name_from_id(it) <<", ";
-          SEND_MSG("Possible joint names are: "+ss.str(), MSG_TYPE_INFO);
-          return false;
-        }
-      id = (unsigned int )jid;
-      return true;
-    }
-    bool ParameterServer::isJointInRange(unsigned int id, double q)
-    {
-      const JointLimits & JL = m_robot_util->
-        get_joint_limits_from_id((Index)id);
-      double jl= JL.lower;
-      if(q<jl)
-        {
-          SEND_MSG("Desired joint angle "+toString(q)+" is smaller than lower limit: "+toString(jl),MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
-          return false;
-        }
-      double ju = JL.upper;
-      if(q>ju)
-        {
-          SEND_MSG("Desired joint angle "+toString(q)+" is larger than upper limit: "+toString(ju),MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
-          return false;
-        }
-      return true;
-    }
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* --- ENTITY -------------------------------------------------------- */
-    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    void ParameterServer::display(std::ostream& os) const
-    {
-      os << "ParameterServer "<<getName();
-    }
-  } // namespace sot
+/// Define EntityClassName here rather than in the header file
+/// so that it can be used by the macros DEFINE_SIGNAL_**_FUNCTION.
+typedef ParameterServer EntityClassName;
+/* --- DG FACTORY ---------------------------------------------------- */
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(ParameterServer, "ParameterServer");
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- CONSTRUCTION -------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ParameterServer::ParameterServer(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), m_robot_util(RefVoidRobotUtil()), m_initSucceeded(false),
+      m_emergency_stop_triggered(false), m_is_first_iter(true), m_iter(0),
+      m_sleep_time(0.0) {
+  //~ Entity::signalRegistration( INPUT_SIGNALS << OUTPUT_SIGNALS);
+  /* Commands. */
+  addCommand("init",
+             makeCommandVoid3(*this, &ParameterServer::init,
+                              docCommandVoid3("Initialize the entity.",
+                                              "Time period in seconds (double)",
+                                              "URDF file path (string)",
+                                              "Robot reference (string)")));
+  addCommand("setNameToId",
+             makeCommandVoid2(*this, &ParameterServer::setNameToId,
+                              docCommandVoid2("Set map for a name to an Id",
+                                              "(string) joint name",
+                                              "(double) joint id")));
+  addCommand(
+      "setForceNameToForceId",
+      makeCommandVoid2(
+          *this, &ParameterServer::setForceNameToForceId,
+          docCommandVoid2(
+              "Set map from a force sensor name to a force sensor Id",
+              "(string) force sensor name", "(double) force sensor id")));
+  addCommand("setJointLimitsFromId",
+             makeCommandVoid3(
+                 *this, &ParameterServer::setJointLimitsFromId,
+                 docCommandVoid3("Set the joint limits for a given joint ID",
+                                 "(double) joint id", "(double) lower limit",
+                                 "(double) uppper limit")));
+  addCommand(
+      "setForceLimitsFromId",
+      makeCommandVoid3(
+          *this, &ParameterServer::setForceLimitsFromId,
+          docCommandVoid3("Set the force limits for a given force sensor ID",
+                          "(double) force sensor id", "(double) lower limit",
+                          "(double) uppper limit")));
+  addCommand(
+      "setJointsUrdfToSot",
+      makeCommandVoid1(*this, &ParameterServer::setJoints,
+                       docCommandVoid1("Map Joints From URDF to SoT.",
+                                       "Vector of integer for mapping")));
+  addCommand(
+      "setRightFootSoleXYZ",
+      makeCommandVoid1(*this, &ParameterServer::setRightFootSoleXYZ,
+                       docCommandVoid1("Set the right foot sole 3d position.",
+                                       "Vector of 3 doubles")));
+  addCommand(
+      "setRightFootForceSensorXYZ",
+      makeCommandVoid1(*this, &ParameterServer::setRightFootForceSensorXYZ,
+                       docCommandVoid1("Set the right foot sensor 3d position.",
+                                       "Vector of 3 doubles")));
+  addCommand("setFootFrameName",
+             makeCommandVoid2(
+                 *this, &ParameterServer::setFootFrameName,
+                 docCommandVoid2("Set the Frame Name for the Foot Name.",
+                                 "(string) Foot name", "(string) Frame name")));
+  addCommand("setImuJointName",
+             makeCommandVoid1(
+                 *this, &ParameterServer::setImuJointName,
+                 docCommandVoid1("Set the Joint Name wich IMU is attached to.",
+                                 "(string) Joint name")));
+  addCommand("displayRobotUtil",
+             makeCommandVoid0(
+                 *this, &ParameterServer::displayRobotUtil,
+                 docCommandVoid0("Display the current robot util data set.")));
+void ParameterServer::init(const double &dt, const std::string &urdfFile,
+                           const std::string &robotRef) {
+  if (dt <= 0.0)
+    return SEND_MSG("Timestep must be positive", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+  m_dt = dt;
+  m_emergency_stop_triggered = false;
+  m_initSucceeded = true;
+  std::string localName(robotRef);
+  if (!isNameInRobotUtil(localName)) {
+    m_robot_util = createRobotUtil(localName);
+  } else {
+    m_robot_util = getRobotUtil(localName);
+  }
+  m_robot_util->m_urdf_filename = urdfFile;
+  addCommand(
+      "getJointsUrdfToSot",
+      makeDirectGetter(*this, &m_robot_util->m_dgv_urdf_to_sot,
+                       docDirectSetter("Display map Joints From URDF to SoT.",
+                                       "Vector of integer for mapping")));
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- COMMANDS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+void ParameterServer::setNameToId(const std::string &jointName,
+                                  const double &jointId) {
+  if (!m_initSucceeded) {
+        "Cannot set joint name from joint id  before initialization!");
+    return;
+  }
+  m_robot_util->set_name_to_id(jointName, static_cast<Index>(jointId));
+void ParameterServer::setJointLimitsFromId(const double &jointId,
+                                           const double &lq, const double &uq) {
+  if (!m_initSucceeded) {
+        "Cannot set joints limits from joint id  before initialization!");
+    return;
+  }
+  m_robot_util->set_joint_limits_for_id((Index)jointId, lq, uq);
+void ParameterServer::setForceLimitsFromId(const double &jointId,
+                                           const dynamicgraph::Vector &lq,
+                                           const dynamicgraph::Vector &uq) {
+  if (!m_initSucceeded) {
+        "Cannot set force limits from force id  before initialization!");
+    return;
+  }
+  m_robot_util->m_force_util.set_force_id_to_limits((Index)jointId, lq, uq);
+void ParameterServer::setForceNameToForceId(const std::string &forceName,
+                                            const double &forceId) {
+  if (!m_initSucceeded) {
+    SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set force sensor name from force sensor id "
+                            " before initialization!");
+    return;
+  }
+  m_robot_util->m_force_util.set_name_to_force_id(forceName,
+                                                  static_cast<Index>(forceId));
+void ParameterServer::setJoints(const dg::Vector &urdf_to_sot) {
+  if (!m_initSucceeded) {
+    SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set mapping to sot before initialization!");
+    return;
+  }
+  m_robot_util->set_urdf_to_sot(urdf_to_sot);
+void ParameterServer::setRightFootSoleXYZ(const dynamicgraph::Vector &xyz) {
+  if (!m_initSucceeded) {
+        "Cannot set right foot sole XYZ before initialization!");
+    return;
+  }
+  m_robot_util->m_foot_util.m_Right_Foot_Sole_XYZ = xyz;
+void ParameterServer::setRightFootForceSensorXYZ(
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &xyz) {
+  if (!m_initSucceeded) {
+        "Cannot set right foot force sensor XYZ before initialization!");
+    return;
+  }
+  m_robot_util->m_foot_util.m_Right_Foot_Force_Sensor_XYZ = xyz;
+void ParameterServer::setFootFrameName(const std::string &FootName,
+                                       const std::string &FrameName) {
+  if (!m_initSucceeded) {
+    SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set foot frame name!");
+    return;
+  }
+  if (FootName == "Left")
+    m_robot_util->m_foot_util.m_Left_Foot_Frame_Name = FrameName;
+  else if (FootName == "Right")
+    m_robot_util->m_foot_util.m_Right_Foot_Frame_Name = FrameName;
+  else
+    SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Did not understand the foot name !" + FootName);
+void ParameterServer::setImuJointName(const std::string &JointName) {
+  if (!m_initSucceeded) {
+    SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot set IMU joint name!");
+    return;
+  }
+  m_robot_util->m_imu_joint_name = JointName;
+void ParameterServer::displayRobotUtil() { m_robot_util->display(std::cout); }
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+bool ParameterServer::convertJointNameToJointId(const std::string &name,
+                                                unsigned int &id) {
+  // Check if the joint name exists
+  sot::Index jid = m_robot_util->get_id_from_name(name);
+  if (jid < 0) {
+    SEND_MSG("The specified joint name does not exist: " + name,
+             MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    for (long unsigned int it = 0; it < m_robot_util->m_nbJoints; it++)
+      ss << m_robot_util->get_name_from_id(it) << ", ";
+    SEND_MSG("Possible joint names are: " + ss.str(), MSG_TYPE_INFO);
+    return false;
+  }
+  id = (unsigned int)jid;
+  return true;
+bool ParameterServer::isJointInRange(unsigned int id, double q) {
+  const JointLimits &JL = m_robot_util->get_joint_limits_from_id((Index)id);
+  double jl = JL.lower;
+  if (q < jl) {
+    SEND_MSG("Desired joint angle " + toString(q) +
+                 " is smaller than lower limit: " + toString(jl),
+             MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+    return false;
+  }
+  double ju = JL.upper;
+  if (q > ju) {
+    SEND_MSG("Desired joint angle " + toString(q) +
+                 " is larger than upper limit: " + toString(ju),
+             MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- ENTITY -------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void ParameterServer::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "ParameterServer " << getName();
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/tools/periodic-call-entity.cpp b/src/tools/periodic-call-entity.cpp
index 40d09cac..dd03de13 100644
--- a/src/tools/periodic-call-entity.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/periodic-call-entity.cpp
@@ -12,61 +12,46 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- SOT --- */
-#include <sot/core/periodic-call-entity.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/periodic-call-entity.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(PeriodicCallEntity, "PeriodicCallEntity");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+PeriodicCallEntity::PeriodicCallEntity(const string &fName)
+    : Entity(fName), PeriodicCall(), triger("Tracer(" + fName + ")::triger"),
+      trigerOnce("Tracer(" + fName + ")::trigerOnce") {
+  signalRegistration(triger << trigerOnce);
-PeriodicCallEntity( const string& fName )
-  : Entity( fName )
-  ,PeriodicCall()
-  ,triger( "Tracer("+fName+")::triger" )
-  ,trigerOnce( "Tracer("+fName+")::trigerOnce" )
-  signalRegistration( triger << trigerOnce );
-  triger.setFunction( boost::bind(&PeriodicCallEntity::trigerCall,this,_1,_2) );
-  trigerOnce.setFunction( boost::bind(&PeriodicCallEntity::trigerOnceCall,
-				      this,_1,_2) );
+  triger.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&PeriodicCallEntity::trigerCall, this, _1, _2));
+  trigerOnce.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&PeriodicCallEntity::trigerOnceCall, this, _1, _2));
-int& PeriodicCallEntity::
-trigerCall( int& dummy,const int & time )
+int &PeriodicCallEntity::trigerCall(int &dummy, const int &time) {
   return dummy;
-int& PeriodicCallEntity::
-trigerOnceCall( int& dummy,const int & time )
-  run( time );
+int &PeriodicCallEntity::trigerOnceCall(int &dummy, const int &time) {
+  run(time);
   return dummy;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void PeriodicCallEntity::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os << "PeriodicCallEntity <"<<name<<"> ";
-  PeriodicCall::display( os );
+void PeriodicCallEntity::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "PeriodicCallEntity <" << name << "> ";
+  PeriodicCall::display(os);
diff --git a/src/tools/periodic-call.cpp b/src/tools/periodic-call.cpp
index c6ebe422..c7b44067 100644
--- a/src/tools/periodic-call.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/periodic-call.cpp
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- SOT --- */
-#include <sot/core/periodic-call.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-tools.hh>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/exception-factory.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-tools.hh>
+#include <sot/core/periodic-call.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
@@ -28,99 +28,74 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-PeriodicCall( void )
-  : signalMap()
-    ,innerTime( 0 )
+PeriodicCall::PeriodicCall(void) : signalMap(), innerTime(0) {}
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void PeriodicCall::
-addSignal( const std::string &name, SignalBase<int>& sig )
-  signalMap[ name ] = SignalToCall(&sig);
-  return ;
+void PeriodicCall::addSignal(const std::string &name, SignalBase<int> &sig) {
+  signalMap[name] = SignalToCall(&sig);
+  return;
-void PeriodicCall::
-addSignal( const std::string& sigpath )
-  istringstream sigISS( sigpath );
-  SignalBase<int>& signal = ::dynamicgraph::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal( sigISS );
-  addSignal( sigpath,signal );
-  return ;
+void PeriodicCall::addSignal(const std::string &sigpath) {
+  istringstream sigISS(sigpath);
+  SignalBase<int> &signal =
+      ::dynamicgraph::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal(sigISS);
+  addSignal(sigpath, signal);
+  return;
-void PeriodicCall::
-addDownsampledSignal( const std::string &name, SignalBase<int>& sig, const unsigned int& downsamplingFactor )
-  signalMap[ name ] = SignalToCall(&sig,downsamplingFactor);
-  return ;
+void PeriodicCall::addDownsampledSignal(
+    const std::string &name, SignalBase<int> &sig,
+    const unsigned int &downsamplingFactor) {
+  signalMap[name] = SignalToCall(&sig, downsamplingFactor);
+  return;
-void PeriodicCall::
-addDownsampledSignal( const std::string& sigpath, const unsigned int& downsamplingFactor )
-  istringstream sigISS( sigpath );
-  SignalBase<int>& signal = ::dynamicgraph::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal( sigISS );
-  addDownsampledSignal( sigpath,signal,downsamplingFactor );
-  return ;
+void PeriodicCall::addDownsampledSignal(
+    const std::string &sigpath, const unsigned int &downsamplingFactor) {
+  istringstream sigISS(sigpath);
+  SignalBase<int> &signal =
+      ::dynamicgraph::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal(sigISS);
+  addDownsampledSignal(sigpath, signal, downsamplingFactor);
+  return;
-void PeriodicCall::
-rmSignal( const std::string &name )
-  signalMap.erase( name );
-  return ;
+void PeriodicCall::rmSignal(const std::string &name) {
+  signalMap.erase(name);
+  return;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void PeriodicCall::
-runSignals( const int& t )
-  for( SignalMapType::iterator iter = signalMap.begin();
-       signalMap.end()!=iter; ++iter )
-    {
-      if(t%iter->second.downsamplingFactor == 0)
-        (*iter).second.signal->recompute( t );
-    }
-  return ;
+void PeriodicCall::runSignals(const int &t) {
+  for (SignalMapType::iterator iter = signalMap.begin();
+       signalMap.end() != iter; ++iter) {
+    if (t % iter->second.downsamplingFactor == 0)
+      (*iter).second.signal->recompute(t);
+  }
+  return;
-void PeriodicCall::
-run( const int & t )
-  runSignals( t );
-  return ;
+void PeriodicCall::run(const int &t) {
+  runSignals(t);
+  return;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void PeriodicCall::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "  (t=" << innerTime << ")" << endl;
-void PeriodicCall::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os <<"  (t=" << innerTime << ")" <<endl;
-  os<<" -> SIGNALS:"<<endl;
-  for( SignalMapType::const_iterator iter = signalMap.begin();
-       signalMap.end()!=iter; ++iter )
-    {
-      os << " - " << (*iter).first << endl;
-    }
+  os << " -> SIGNALS:" << endl;
+  for (SignalMapType::const_iterator iter = signalMap.begin();
+       signalMap.end() != iter; ++iter) {
+    os << " - " << (*iter).first << endl;
+  }
@@ -137,60 +112,61 @@ static std::string readLineStr( istringstream& args )
   return res;
-#define ADD_COMMAND( name,def )                                     \
-if (commandMap.count(prefix+name) != 0) {                            \
-  DG_THROW ExceptionFactory(ExceptionFactory::OBJECT_CONFLICT,        \
-			    "Command " + prefix+name +	               \
-			    " already registered in Entity.");          \
- }                                                                       \
-commandMap.insert( std::make_pair( prefix+name,def ) )
-void PeriodicCall::addSpecificCommands(Entity& ent,
-				       Entity::CommandMap_t& commandMap,
-				       const std::string& prefix )
+#define ADD_COMMAND(name, def)                                                 \
+  if (commandMap.count(prefix + name) != 0) {                                  \
+    DG_THROW ExceptionFactory(ExceptionFactory::OBJECT_CONFLICT,               \
+                              "Command " + prefix + name +                     \
+                                  " already registered in Entity.");           \
+  }                                                                            \
+  commandMap.insert(std::make_pair(prefix + name, def))
+void PeriodicCall::addSpecificCommands(Entity &ent,
+                                       Entity::CommandMap_t &commandMap,
+                                       const std::string &prefix) {
   using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
   /* Explicit typage to help the compiler. */
-  boost::function< void( const std::string& ) >
-    addSignal  = boost::bind( &PeriodicCall::addSignal, this,_1 ),
-    rmSignal = boost::bind( &PeriodicCall::rmSignal, this,_1 );
-  boost::function< void( const std::string&, const unsigned int& ) >
-    addDownsampledSignal  = boost::bind( &PeriodicCall::addDownsampledSignal, this,_1,_2);
-  boost::function< void( void ) >
-    clear  = boost::bind( &PeriodicCall::clear, this );
-  boost::function< void( std::ostream& ) >
-    disp  = boost::bind( &PeriodicCall::display, this,_1 );
-   ADD_COMMAND("addSignal",
-   	      makeCommandVoid1(ent,addSignal,
-   			       docCommandVoid1("Add the signal to the refresh list",
-   					       "string (sig name)")));
-   ADD_COMMAND("addDownsampledSignal",
-              makeCommandVoid2(ent,addDownsampledSignal,
-                               docCommandVoid2("Add the signal to the refresh list",
-                                               "string (sig name)",
-                                               "unsigned int (downsampling factor, 1 means every time, 2 means every other time, etc...")));
-   ADD_COMMAND("rmSignal",
-	       makeCommandVoid1(ent,rmSignal,
-				docCommandVoid1("Remove the signal to the refresh list",
-						"string (sig name)")));
-   ADD_COMMAND("clear",
-	       makeCommandVoid0(ent,clear,
-				docCommandVoid0("Clear all signals and commands from the refresh list.")));
-   ADD_COMMAND("disp",
-	       makeCommandVerbose(ent,disp,
-				  docCommandVerbose("Print the list of to-refresh signals and commands.")));
+  boost::function<void(const std::string &)>
+      addSignal = boost::bind(&PeriodicCall::addSignal, this, _1),
+      rmSignal = boost::bind(&PeriodicCall::rmSignal, this, _1);
+  boost::function<void(const std::string &, const unsigned int &)>
+      addDownsampledSignal =
+          boost::bind(&PeriodicCall::addDownsampledSignal, this, _1, _2);
+  boost::function<void(void)> clear = boost::bind(&PeriodicCall::clear, this);
+  boost::function<void(std::ostream &)> disp =
+      boost::bind(&PeriodicCall::display, this, _1);
+      "addSignal",
+      makeCommandVoid1(ent, addSignal,
+                       docCommandVoid1("Add the signal to the refresh list",
+                                       "string (sig name)")));
+  ADD_COMMAND("addDownsampledSignal",
+              makeCommandVoid2(
+                  ent, addDownsampledSignal,
+                  docCommandVoid2(
+                      "Add the signal to the refresh list", "string (sig name)",
+                      "unsigned int (downsampling factor, 1 means every time, "
+                      "2 means every other time, etc...")));
+      "rmSignal",
+      makeCommandVoid1(ent, rmSignal,
+                       docCommandVoid1("Remove the signal to the refresh list",
+                                       "string (sig name)")));
+      "clear",
+      makeCommandVoid0(
+          ent, clear,
+          docCommandVoid0(
+              "Clear all signals and commands from the refresh list.")));
+  ADD_COMMAND("disp",
+              makeCommandVerbose(
+                  ent, disp,
+                  docCommandVerbose(
+                      "Print the list of to-refresh signals and commands.")));
  * Local variables:
  * c-basic-offset: 2
diff --git a/src/tools/robot-simu.cpp b/src/tools/robot-simu.cpp
index 64672ea0..a456953d 100644
--- a/src/tools/robot-simu.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/robot-simu.cpp
@@ -6,42 +6,34 @@
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
 #include "sot/core/robot-simu.hh"
+#include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    RobotSimu::RobotSimu(const std::string& inName) :
-      Device(inName)
-    {
-      using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
-      std::string docstring;
-      /* Command increment. */
-      docstring =
-	"\n"
-	"    Integrate dynamics for time step provided as input\n"
-	"\n"
-	"      take one floating point number as input\n"
-	"\n";
-      addCommand("increment",
-		 command::makeCommandVoid1((Device&)*this,
-					   &Device::increment, docstring));
-      /* Set Time step. */
-      docstring =
-	"\n"
-	"    Set the time step provided\n"
-	"\n"
-	"      take one floating point number as input\n"
-	"\n";
-      addCommand("setTimeStep",
-		 makeDirectSetter (*this, &this->timestep_,
-				   docstring));
+namespace sot {
+RobotSimu::RobotSimu(const std::string &inName) : Device(inName) {
+  using namespace dynamicgraph::command;
+  std::string docstring;
+  /* Command increment. */
+  docstring = "\n"
+              "    Integrate dynamics for time step provided as input\n"
+              "\n"
+              "      take one floating point number as input\n"
+              "\n";
+  addCommand("increment", command::makeCommandVoid1(
+                              (Device &)*this, &Device::increment, docstring));
-    }
-  } // namespace sot
+  /* Set Time step. */
+  docstring = "\n"
+              "    Set the time step provided\n"
+              "\n"
+              "      take one floating point number as input\n"
+              "\n";
+  addCommand("setTimeStep",
+             makeDirectSetter(*this, &this->timestep_, docstring));
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/tools/robot-utils-py.cpp b/src/tools/robot-utils-py.cpp
index be68e8a0..8897f5c9 100644
--- a/src/tools/robot-utils-py.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/robot-utils-py.cpp
@@ -5,68 +5,62 @@
  * See license file.
-#include <sot/core/robot-utils.hh>
 #include <boost/python.hpp>
 #include <boost/python/suite/indexing/map_indexing_suite.hpp>
+#include <sot/core/robot-utils.hh>
 using namespace boost::python;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
+BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(robot_utils_sot_py) {
+  class_<JointLimits>("JointLimits", init<double, double>())
+      .def_readwrite("upper", &JointLimits::upper)
+      .def_readwrite("lower", &JointLimits::lower);
-  class_<JointLimits>
-    ("JointLimits",init<double,double>())
-    .def_readwrite("upper",&JointLimits::upper)
-    .def_readwrite("lower",&JointLimits::lower)
-    ;
-  class_<ForceLimits>("ForceLimits",init<const Eigen::VectorXd &,const Eigen::VectorXd &>())
-    .def("display",&ForceLimits::display)
-    .def_readwrite("upper",&ForceLimits::upper)
-    .def_readwrite("lower",&ForceLimits::lower)
-    ;
+  class_<ForceLimits>("ForceLimits",
+                      init<const Eigen::VectorXd &, const Eigen::VectorXd &>())
+      .def("display", &ForceLimits::display)
+      .def_readwrite("upper", &ForceLimits::upper)
+      .def_readwrite("lower", &ForceLimits::lower);
-    .def("set_name_to_force_id", &ForceUtil::set_name_to_force_id)
-    .def("set_force_id_to_limits", &ForceUtil::set_force_id_to_limits)
-    .def("create_force_id_to_name_map",&ForceUtil::create_force_id_to_name_map)
-    .def("get_id_from_name",        &ForceUtil::get_id_from_name)
-    .def("get_name_from_id",        &ForceUtil::cp_get_name_from_id)
-    .def("get_limits_from_id",      &ForceUtil::cp_get_limits_from_id)
-    .def("get_force_id_left_hand",  &ForceUtil::get_force_id_left_hand)
-    .def("set_force_id_left_hand",  &ForceUtil::set_force_id_left_hand)
-    .def("get_force_id_right_hand", &ForceUtil::get_force_id_right_hand)
-    .def("set_force_id_right_hand", &ForceUtil::set_force_id_right_hand)
-    .def("get_force_id_left_foot",  &ForceUtil::get_force_id_left_foot)
-    .def("set_force_id_left_foot",  &ForceUtil::set_force_id_left_foot)
-    .def("get_force_id_right_foot", &ForceUtil::get_force_id_right_foot)
-    .def("set_force_id_right_foot", &ForceUtil::set_force_id_right_foot)
-    .def("display",                 &ForceUtil::display)
-    ;
+      .def("set_name_to_force_id", &ForceUtil::set_name_to_force_id)
+      .def("set_force_id_to_limits", &ForceUtil::set_force_id_to_limits)
+      .def("create_force_id_to_name_map",
+           &ForceUtil::create_force_id_to_name_map)
+      .def("get_id_from_name", &ForceUtil::get_id_from_name)
+      .def("get_name_from_id", &ForceUtil::cp_get_name_from_id)
+      .def("get_limits_from_id", &ForceUtil::cp_get_limits_from_id)
+      .def("get_force_id_left_hand", &ForceUtil::get_force_id_left_hand)
+      .def("set_force_id_left_hand", &ForceUtil::set_force_id_left_hand)
+      .def("get_force_id_right_hand", &ForceUtil::get_force_id_right_hand)
+      .def("set_force_id_right_hand", &ForceUtil::set_force_id_right_hand)
+      .def("get_force_id_left_foot", &ForceUtil::get_force_id_left_foot)
+      .def("set_force_id_left_foot", &ForceUtil::set_force_id_left_foot)
+      .def("get_force_id_right_foot", &ForceUtil::get_force_id_right_foot)
+      .def("set_force_id_right_foot", &ForceUtil::set_force_id_right_foot)
+      .def("display", &ForceUtil::display);
-    .def_readwrite("m_force_util",&RobotUtil::m_force_util)
-    .def_readwrite("m_foot_util",&RobotUtil::m_foot_util)
-    .def_readwrite("m_urdf_to_sot",&RobotUtil::m_urdf_to_sot)
-    .def_readonly("m_nbJoints",&RobotUtil::m_nbJoints)
-    .def_readwrite("m_name_to_id",&RobotUtil::m_name_to_id)
-    .def_readwrite("m_id_to_name",&RobotUtil::m_id_to_name)
-    .def("set_joint_limits_for_id",&RobotUtil::set_joint_limits_for_id)
-    .def("get_joint_limits_from_id",&RobotUtil::cp_get_joint_limits_from_id)
-    //.def("set_joint_limits_for_id",&RobotUtil::set_joint_limits_for_id)
-    //.def("set_name_to_id", &RobotUtil::set_name_to_id)
-    //.def("create_id_to_name_map",&RobotUtil::create_id_to_name_map)
-    //.def("get_id_from_name",&RobotUtil::get_id_from_name)
-    ;
+      .def_readwrite("m_force_util", &RobotUtil::m_force_util)
+      .def_readwrite("m_foot_util", &RobotUtil::m_foot_util)
+      .def_readwrite("m_urdf_to_sot", &RobotUtil::m_urdf_to_sot)
+      .def_readonly("m_nbJoints", &RobotUtil::m_nbJoints)
+      .def_readwrite("m_name_to_id", &RobotUtil::m_name_to_id)
+      .def_readwrite("m_id_to_name", &RobotUtil::m_id_to_name)
+      .def("set_joint_limits_for_id", &RobotUtil::set_joint_limits_for_id)
+      .def("get_joint_limits_from_id", &RobotUtil::cp_get_joint_limits_from_id)
+      //.def("set_joint_limits_for_id",&RobotUtil::set_joint_limits_for_id)
+      //.def("set_name_to_id", &RobotUtil::set_name_to_id)
+      //.def("create_id_to_name_map",&RobotUtil::create_id_to_name_map)
+      //.def("get_id_from_name",&RobotUtil::get_id_from_name)
+      ;
+  class_<std::map<Index, ForceLimits>>("IndexForceLimits")
+      .def(map_indexing_suite<std::map<Index, ForceLimits>>());
-  class_<std::map<Index,ForceLimits> >("IndexForceLimits")
-    .def(map_indexing_suite<std::map<Index,ForceLimits> > ());
+  class_<std::map<std::string, Index>>("stringIndex")
+      .def(map_indexing_suite<std::map<std::string, Index>>());
-  class_<std::map<std::string,Index> >("stringIndex")
-    .def(map_indexing_suite<std::map<std::string,Index> > ());
-  class_<std::map<Index,std::string> >("Indexstring")
-    .def(map_indexing_suite<std::map<Index,std::string> > ());
+  class_<std::map<Index, std::string>>("Indexstring")
+      .def(map_indexing_suite<std::map<Index, std::string>>());
diff --git a/src/tools/robot-utils.cpp b/src/tools/robot-utils.cpp
index 924fc8d7..b59bff55 100644
--- a/src/tools/robot-utils.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/robot-utils.cpp
@@ -5,552 +5,455 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
 #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
-#include <sot/core/robot-utils.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/robot-utils.hh>
-namespace dynamicgraph
-  namespace sot
-  {
-    namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
-    using namespace dg;
-    using namespace dg::command;
-    RobotUtil VoidRobotUtil;
-    ForceLimits VoidForceLimits;
-    JointLimits VoidJointLimits;
-    Index VoidIndex(-1);
-    RobotUtilShrPtr RefVoidRobotUtil()
-    {
-      return boost::make_shared<RobotUtil>(VoidRobotUtil);
-    }
-    void ForceLimits::display(std::ostream &os) const
-    {
-      os << "Lower limits:" << std::endl;
-      os << lower << std::endl;
-      os << "Upper Limits:" << std::endl;
-      os << upper << std::endl;
-    }
-    /******************** FootUtil ***************************/
-    void FootUtil::display(std::ostream &os) const
-    {
-      os << "Right Foot Sole XYZ " << std::endl;
-      os << m_Right_Foot_Sole_XYZ << std::endl;
-      os << "Left Foot Frame Name:" << m_Left_Foot_Frame_Name << std::endl;
-      os << "Right Foot Frame Name:" << m_Right_Foot_Frame_Name << std::endl;
-    }
-    /******************** HandUtil ***************************/
-    void HandUtil::display(std::ostream &os) const
-    {
-      os << "Left Hand Frame Name:" << m_Left_Hand_Frame_Name << std::endl;
-      os << "Right Hand Frame Name:" << m_Right_Hand_Frame_Name << std::endl;
-    }
-    /******************** ForceUtil ***************************/
-    void ForceUtil::set_name_to_force_id(const std::string &name,
-                                         const Index &force_id)
-    {
-      m_name_to_force_id[name] = (Index)force_id;
-      create_force_id_to_name_map();
-      if (name == "rf")
-        set_force_id_right_foot(m_name_to_force_id[name]);
-      else if (name == "lf")
-        set_force_id_left_foot(m_name_to_force_id[name]);
-      else if (name == "lh")
-        set_force_id_left_hand(m_name_to_force_id[name]);
-      else if (name == "rh")
-        set_force_id_right_hand(m_name_to_force_id[name]);
-    }
-    void ForceUtil::set_force_id_to_limits(const Index &force_id,
-                                           const dg::Vector &lf,
-                                           const dg::Vector &uf)
-    {
-      m_force_id_to_limits[(Index)force_id].lower = lf;
-      m_force_id_to_limits[(Index)force_id].upper = uf;
-    }
-    Index ForceUtil::get_id_from_name(const std::string &name)
-    {
-      std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator it;
-      it = m_name_to_force_id.find(name);
-      if (it != m_name_to_force_id.end())
-        return it->second;
-      return -1;
-    }
-    std::string force_default_rtn("Force name not found");
-    std::string joint_default_rtn("Joint name not found");
-    const std::string &ForceUtil::get_name_from_id(Index idx)
-    {
-      std::map<Index, std::string>::const_iterator it;
-      it = m_force_id_to_name.find(idx);
-      if (it != m_force_id_to_name.end())
-        return it->second;
-      return force_default_rtn;
-    }
-    std::string ForceUtil::cp_get_name_from_id(Index idx)
-    {
-      const std::string &default_rtn = get_name_from_id(idx);
-      return default_rtn;
-    }
-    void ForceUtil::create_force_id_to_name_map()
-    {
-      std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator it;
-      for (it = m_name_to_force_id.begin();
-           it != m_name_to_force_id.end(); it++)
-        m_force_id_to_name[it->second] = it->first;
-    }
-    const ForceLimits &ForceUtil::get_limits_from_id(Index force_id)
-    {
-      std::map<Index, ForceLimits>::const_iterator iter =
-        m_force_id_to_limits.find(force_id);
-      if (iter == m_force_id_to_limits.end())
-        return VoidForceLimits; // Returns void instance
-      return iter->second;
-    }
-    ForceLimits ForceUtil::cp_get_limits_from_id(Index force_id)
-    {
-      std::map<Index, ForceLimits>::const_iterator iter =
-        m_force_id_to_limits.find(force_id);
-      if (iter == m_force_id_to_limits.end())
-        return VoidForceLimits; // Returns void instance
-      return iter->second;
-    }
-    void ForceUtil::display(std::ostream &os) const
-    {
-      os << "Force Id to limits " << std::endl;
-      for (std::map<Index, ForceLimits>::const_iterator
-             it = m_force_id_to_limits.begin();
-           it != m_force_id_to_limits.end();
-           ++it)
-        {
-          it->second.display(os);
-        }
-      os << "Name to force id:" << std::endl;
-      for (std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator
-             it = m_name_to_force_id.begin();
-           it != m_name_to_force_id.end();
-           ++it)
-        {
-          os << "(" << it->first << "," << it->second << ") ";
-        }
-      os << std::endl;
-      os << "Force id to Name:" << std::endl;
-      for (std::map<Index, std::string>::const_iterator
-             it = m_force_id_to_name.begin();
-           it != m_force_id_to_name.end();
-           ++it)
-        {
-          os << "(" << it->first << "," << it->second << ") ";
-        }
-      os << std::endl;
-      os << "Index for force sensors:" << std::endl;
-      os << "Left Hand (" << m_Force_Id_Left_Hand << ") ,"
-         << "Right Hand (" << m_Force_Id_Right_Hand << ") ,"
-         << "Left Foot (" << m_Force_Id_Left_Foot << ") ,"
-         << "Right Foot (" << m_Force_Id_Right_Foot << ") "
-         << std::endl;
-    }
-    /**************** FromURDFToSot *************************/
-    RobotUtil::RobotUtil()
-    {
-    }
-    void RobotUtil::
-    set_joint_limits_for_id(const Index &idx,
-                            const double &lq,
-                            const double &uq)
-    {
-      m_limits_map[(Index)idx] = JointLimits(lq, uq);
-    }
-    const JointLimits &RobotUtil::
-    get_joint_limits_from_id(Index id)
-    {
-      std::map<Index, JointLimits>::const_iterator
-        iter = m_limits_map.find(id);
-      if (iter == m_limits_map.end())
-        return VoidJointLimits;
-      return iter->second;
-    }
-    JointLimits RobotUtil::
-    cp_get_joint_limits_from_id(Index id)
-    {
-      const JointLimits &rtn = get_joint_limits_from_id(id);
-      return rtn;
-    }
-    void RobotUtil::
-    set_name_to_id(const std::string &jointName,
-                   const Index &jointId)
-    {
-      m_name_to_id[jointName] = (Index)jointId;
-      create_id_to_name_map();
-    }
-    void RobotUtil::
-    create_id_to_name_map()
-    {
-      std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator it;
-      for (it = m_name_to_id.begin(); it != m_name_to_id.end(); it++)
-        m_id_to_name[it->second] = it->first;
-    }
-    const Index & RobotUtil::
-    get_id_from_name(const std::string &name)
-    {
-      std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator it =
-        m_name_to_id.find(name);
-      if (it == m_name_to_id.end())
-        return VoidIndex;
-      return it->second;
-    }
-    const std::string &RobotUtil::
-    get_name_from_id(Index id)
-    {
-      std::map<Index, std::string>::const_iterator iter =
-        m_id_to_name.find(id);
-      if (iter == m_id_to_name.end())
-        return joint_default_rtn;
-      return iter->second;
-    }
-    void RobotUtil::
-    set_urdf_to_sot(const std::vector<Index> &urdf_to_sot)
-    {
-      m_nbJoints = urdf_to_sot.size();
-      m_urdf_to_sot.resize(urdf_to_sot.size());
-      m_dgv_urdf_to_sot.resize(urdf_to_sot.size());
-      for (std::size_t idx = 0;
-           idx < urdf_to_sot.size(); idx++)
-        {
-          m_urdf_to_sot[(Index)idx] = urdf_to_sot[(Index)idx];
-          m_dgv_urdf_to_sot[(Index)idx] =
-            static_cast<double>(urdf_to_sot[(Index)idx]);
-        }
-    }
-    void RobotUtil::
-    set_urdf_to_sot(const dg::Vector &urdf_to_sot)
-    {
-      m_nbJoints = urdf_to_sot.size();
-      m_urdf_to_sot.resize(urdf_to_sot.size());
-      for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < urdf_to_sot.size(); idx++)
-        {
-          m_urdf_to_sot[idx] = (unsigned int)urdf_to_sot[idx];
-        }
-      m_dgv_urdf_to_sot = urdf_to_sot;
-    }
-    bool RobotUtil::
-    joints_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot)
-    {
-      if (m_nbJoints == 0)
-        {
-          SEND_MSG("set_urdf_to_sot should be called", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
-          return false;
-        }
-      assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints));
-      assert(q_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints));
-      for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < m_nbJoints; idx++)
-        q_sot[m_urdf_to_sot[idx]] = q_urdf[idx];
-      return true;
-    }
-    bool RobotUtil::
-    joints_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf)
-    {
-      assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints));
-      assert(q_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints));
-      if (m_nbJoints == 0)
-        {
-          SEND_MSG("set_urdf_to_sot should be called", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
-          return false;
-        }
-      for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < m_nbJoints; idx++)
-        q_urdf[idx] = q_sot[m_urdf_to_sot[idx]];
-      return true;
-    }
-    bool RobotUtil::
-    velocity_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, ConstRefVector v_urdf,
-                         RefVector v_sot)
-    {
-      assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 7));
-      assert(v_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
-      assert(v_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
-      if (m_nbJoints == 0)
-        {
-          SEND_MSG("velocity_urdf_to_sot should be called", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
-          return false;
-        }
-      const Eigen::Quaterniond q(q_urdf(6), q_urdf(3), q_urdf(4), q_urdf(5));
-      Eigen::Matrix3d oRb = q.toRotationMatrix();
-      v_sot.head<3>() = oRb * v_urdf.head<3>();
-      v_sot.segment<3>(3) = oRb * v_urdf.segment<3>(3);
-      //        v_sot.head<6>() = v_urdf.head<6>();
-      joints_urdf_to_sot(v_urdf.tail(m_nbJoints),
-                         v_sot.tail(m_nbJoints));
-      return true;
-    }
-    bool RobotUtil::
-    velocity_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_urdf, ConstRefVector v_sot,
-                         RefVector v_urdf)
-    {
-      assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 7));
-      assert(v_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
-      assert(v_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
-      if (m_nbJoints == 0)
-        {
-          SEND_MSG("velocity_sot_to_urdf should be called", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
-          return false;
-        }
-      // compute rotation from world to base frame
-      const Eigen::Quaterniond q(q_urdf(6), q_urdf(3), q_urdf(4), q_urdf(5));
-      Eigen::Matrix3d oRb = q.toRotationMatrix();
-      v_urdf.head<3>() = oRb.transpose() * v_sot.head<3>();
-      v_urdf.segment<3>(3) = oRb.transpose() * v_sot.segment<3>(3);
-      //        v_urdf.head<6>() = v_sot.head<6>();
-      joints_sot_to_urdf(v_sot.tail(m_nbJoints),
-                         v_urdf.tail(m_nbJoints));
-      return true;
-    }
-    bool RobotUtil::
-    base_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot)
-    {
-      assert(q_urdf.size() == 7);
-      assert(q_sot.size() == 6);
-      // ********* Quat to RPY *********
-      const double W = q_urdf[6];
-      const double X = q_urdf[3];
-      const double Y = q_urdf[4];
-      const double Z = q_urdf[5];
-      const Eigen::Matrix3d R = Eigen::Quaterniond(W, X, Y, Z).toRotationMatrix();
-      return base_se3_to_sot(q_urdf.head<3>(), R, q_sot);
-    }
-    bool RobotUtil::
-    base_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf)
-    {
-      assert(q_urdf.size() == 7);
-      assert(q_sot.size() == 6);
-      // *********  RPY to Quat *********
-      const double r = q_sot[3];
-      const double p = q_sot[4];
-      const double y = q_sot[5];
-      const Eigen::AngleAxisd rollAngle(r, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
-      const Eigen::AngleAxisd pitchAngle(p, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
-      const Eigen::AngleAxisd yawAngle(y, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
-      const Eigen::Quaternion<double> quat = yawAngle * pitchAngle * rollAngle;
-      q_urdf[0] = q_sot[0]; //BASE
-      q_urdf[1] = q_sot[1];
-      q_urdf[2] = q_sot[2];
-      q_urdf[3] = quat.x();
-      q_urdf[4] = quat.y();
-      q_urdf[5] = quat.z();
-      q_urdf[6] = quat.w();
-      return true;
-    }
-    bool RobotUtil::
-    config_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot)
-    {
-      assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 7));
-      assert(q_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
-      base_urdf_to_sot(q_urdf.head<7>(), q_sot.head<6>());
-      joints_urdf_to_sot(q_urdf.tail(m_nbJoints), q_sot.tail(m_nbJoints));
-      return true;
-    }
-    bool RobotUtil::
-    config_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf)
-    {
-      assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 7));
-      assert(q_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
-      base_sot_to_urdf(q_sot.head<6>(), q_urdf.head<7>());
-      joints_sot_to_urdf(q_sot.tail(m_nbJoints),
-                         q_urdf.tail(m_nbJoints));
-      return true;
-    }
-    void RobotUtil::
-    display(std::ostream &os) const
-    {
-      m_force_util.display(os);
-      m_foot_util.display(os);
-      m_hand_util.display(os);
-      os << "Nb of joints: " << m_nbJoints << std::endl;
-      os << "Urdf file name: " << m_urdf_filename << std::endl;
-      // Display m_urdf_to_sot
-      os << "Map from urdf index to the Sot Index " << std::endl;
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_urdf_to_sot.size(); i++)
-        os << "(" << i << " : " << m_urdf_to_sot[i] << ") ";
-      os << std::endl;
-      os << "Joint name to joint id:" << std::endl;
-      for (std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator
-             it = m_name_to_id.begin();
-           it != m_name_to_id.end();
-           ++it)
-        {
-          os << "(" << it->first << "," << it->second << ") ";
-        }
-      os << std::endl;
-      os << "Joint id to joint Name:" << std::endl;
-      for (std::map<Index, std::string>::const_iterator
-             it = m_id_to_name.begin();
-           it != m_id_to_name.end();
-           ++it)
-        {
-          os << "(" << it->first << "," << it->second << ") ";
-        }
-      os << std::endl;
-    }
-    void RobotUtil::
-    sendMsg(const std::string &msg,
-            MsgType t,
-            const char *file,
-            int line)
-    {
-      logger_.sendMsg("[RobotUtil]" + msg, t, file, line);
-    }
-    bool base_se3_to_sot(ConstRefVector pos,
-                         ConstRefMatrix R,
-                         RefVector q_sot)
-    {
-      assert(q_sot.size() == 6);
-      assert(pos.size() == 3);
-      assert(R.rows() == 3);
-      assert(R.cols() == 3);
-      // ********* Quat to RPY *********
-      double r, p, y, m;
-      m = sqrt(R(2, 1) * R(2, 1) + R(2, 2) * R(2, 2));
-      p = atan2(-R(2, 0), m);
-      if (fabs(fabs(p) - M_PI / 2) < 0.001)
-        {
-          r = 0.0;
-          y = -atan2(R(0, 1), R(1, 1));
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          y = atan2(R(1, 0), R(0, 0));
-          r = atan2(R(2, 1), R(2, 2));
-        }
-      // *********************************
-      q_sot[0] = pos[0];
-      q_sot[1] = pos[1];
-      q_sot[2] = pos[2];
-      q_sot[3] = r;
-      q_sot[4] = p;
-      q_sot[5] = y;
-      return true;
-    }
-    bool base_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot)
-    {
-      assert(q_urdf.size() == 7);
-      assert(q_sot.size() == 6);
-      // ********* Quat to RPY *********
-      const double W = q_urdf[6];
-      const double X = q_urdf[3];
-      const double Y = q_urdf[4];
-      const double Z = q_urdf[5];
-      const Eigen::Matrix3d R = Eigen::Quaterniond(W, X, Y, Z).toRotationMatrix();
-      return base_se3_to_sot(q_urdf.head<3>(), R, q_sot);
-    }
-    bool base_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf)
-    {
-      assert(q_urdf.size() == 7);
-      assert(q_sot.size() == 6);
-      // *********  RPY to Quat *********
-      const double r = q_sot[3];
-      const double p = q_sot[4];
-      const double y = q_sot[5];
-      const Eigen::AngleAxisd rollAngle(r, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
-      const Eigen::AngleAxisd pitchAngle(p, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
-      const Eigen::AngleAxisd yawAngle(y, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
-      const Eigen::Quaternion<double> quat = yawAngle * pitchAngle * rollAngle;
-      q_urdf[0] = q_sot[0]; //BASE
-      q_urdf[1] = q_sot[1];
-      q_urdf[2] = q_sot[2];
-      q_urdf[3] = quat.x();
-      q_urdf[4] = quat.y();
-      q_urdf[5] = quat.z();
-      q_urdf[6] = quat.w();
-      return true;
-    }
-    std::map<std::string, RobotUtilShrPtr> sgl_map_name_to_robot_util;
-    RobotUtilShrPtr getRobotUtil(std::string &robotName)
-    {
-      std::map<std::string, RobotUtilShrPtr >::iterator it =
-        sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.find(robotName);
-      if (it != sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.end())
-        return it->second;
-      return RefVoidRobotUtil();
-    }
-    bool isNameInRobotUtil(std::string &robotName)
-    {
-      std::map<std::string, RobotUtilShrPtr>::iterator it =
-        sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.find(robotName);
-      if (it != sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.end())
-        return true;
-      return false;
-    }
-    RobotUtilShrPtr createRobotUtil(std::string &robotName)
-    {
-      std::map<std::string, RobotUtilShrPtr>::iterator it =
-        sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.find(robotName);
-      if (it == sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.end())
-        {
-          sgl_map_name_to_robot_util[robotName] =
-            boost::shared_ptr<RobotUtil>(new RobotUtil);
-          it = sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.find(robotName);
-          return it->second;
-        }
-      std::cout << "Another robot is already in the map for " << robotName
-                << std::endl;
-      return RefVoidRobotUtil();
-    }
-  } // namespace sot
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+namespace sot {
+namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
+using namespace dg;
+using namespace dg::command;
+RobotUtil VoidRobotUtil;
+ForceLimits VoidForceLimits;
+JointLimits VoidJointLimits;
+Index VoidIndex(-1);
+RobotUtilShrPtr RefVoidRobotUtil() {
+  return boost::make_shared<RobotUtil>(VoidRobotUtil);
+void ForceLimits::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "Lower limits:" << std::endl;
+  os << lower << std::endl;
+  os << "Upper Limits:" << std::endl;
+  os << upper << std::endl;
+/******************** FootUtil ***************************/
+void FootUtil::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "Right Foot Sole XYZ " << std::endl;
+  os << m_Right_Foot_Sole_XYZ << std::endl;
+  os << "Left Foot Frame Name:" << m_Left_Foot_Frame_Name << std::endl;
+  os << "Right Foot Frame Name:" << m_Right_Foot_Frame_Name << std::endl;
+/******************** HandUtil ***************************/
+void HandUtil::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "Left Hand Frame Name:" << m_Left_Hand_Frame_Name << std::endl;
+  os << "Right Hand Frame Name:" << m_Right_Hand_Frame_Name << std::endl;
+/******************** ForceUtil ***************************/
+void ForceUtil::set_name_to_force_id(const std::string &name,
+                                     const Index &force_id) {
+  m_name_to_force_id[name] = (Index)force_id;
+  create_force_id_to_name_map();
+  if (name == "rf")
+    set_force_id_right_foot(m_name_to_force_id[name]);
+  else if (name == "lf")
+    set_force_id_left_foot(m_name_to_force_id[name]);
+  else if (name == "lh")
+    set_force_id_left_hand(m_name_to_force_id[name]);
+  else if (name == "rh")
+    set_force_id_right_hand(m_name_to_force_id[name]);
+void ForceUtil::set_force_id_to_limits(const Index &force_id,
+                                       const dg::Vector &lf,
+                                       const dg::Vector &uf) {
+  m_force_id_to_limits[(Index)force_id].lower = lf;
+  m_force_id_to_limits[(Index)force_id].upper = uf;
+Index ForceUtil::get_id_from_name(const std::string &name) {
+  std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator it;
+  it = m_name_to_force_id.find(name);
+  if (it != m_name_to_force_id.end())
+    return it->second;
+  return -1;
+std::string force_default_rtn("Force name not found");
+std::string joint_default_rtn("Joint name not found");
+const std::string &ForceUtil::get_name_from_id(Index idx) {
+  std::map<Index, std::string>::const_iterator it;
+  it = m_force_id_to_name.find(idx);
+  if (it != m_force_id_to_name.end())
+    return it->second;
+  return force_default_rtn;
+std::string ForceUtil::cp_get_name_from_id(Index idx) {
+  const std::string &default_rtn = get_name_from_id(idx);
+  return default_rtn;
+void ForceUtil::create_force_id_to_name_map() {
+  std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator it;
+  for (it = m_name_to_force_id.begin(); it != m_name_to_force_id.end(); it++)
+    m_force_id_to_name[it->second] = it->first;
+const ForceLimits &ForceUtil::get_limits_from_id(Index force_id) {
+  std::map<Index, ForceLimits>::const_iterator iter =
+      m_force_id_to_limits.find(force_id);
+  if (iter == m_force_id_to_limits.end())
+    return VoidForceLimits; // Returns void instance
+  return iter->second;
+ForceLimits ForceUtil::cp_get_limits_from_id(Index force_id) {
+  std::map<Index, ForceLimits>::const_iterator iter =
+      m_force_id_to_limits.find(force_id);
+  if (iter == m_force_id_to_limits.end())
+    return VoidForceLimits; // Returns void instance
+  return iter->second;
+void ForceUtil::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "Force Id to limits " << std::endl;
+  for (std::map<Index, ForceLimits>::const_iterator it =
+           m_force_id_to_limits.begin();
+       it != m_force_id_to_limits.end(); ++it) {
+    it->second.display(os);
+  }
+  os << "Name to force id:" << std::endl;
+  for (std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator it =
+           m_name_to_force_id.begin();
+       it != m_name_to_force_id.end(); ++it) {
+    os << "(" << it->first << "," << it->second << ") ";
+  }
+  os << std::endl;
+  os << "Force id to Name:" << std::endl;
+  for (std::map<Index, std::string>::const_iterator it =
+           m_force_id_to_name.begin();
+       it != m_force_id_to_name.end(); ++it) {
+    os << "(" << it->first << "," << it->second << ") ";
+  }
+  os << std::endl;
+  os << "Index for force sensors:" << std::endl;
+  os << "Left Hand (" << m_Force_Id_Left_Hand << ") ,"
+     << "Right Hand (" << m_Force_Id_Right_Hand << ") ,"
+     << "Left Foot (" << m_Force_Id_Left_Foot << ") ,"
+     << "Right Foot (" << m_Force_Id_Right_Foot << ") " << std::endl;
+/**************** FromURDFToSot *************************/
+RobotUtil::RobotUtil() {}
+void RobotUtil::set_joint_limits_for_id(const Index &idx, const double &lq,
+                                        const double &uq) {
+  m_limits_map[(Index)idx] = JointLimits(lq, uq);
+const JointLimits &RobotUtil::get_joint_limits_from_id(Index id) {
+  std::map<Index, JointLimits>::const_iterator iter = m_limits_map.find(id);
+  if (iter == m_limits_map.end())
+    return VoidJointLimits;
+  return iter->second;
+JointLimits RobotUtil::cp_get_joint_limits_from_id(Index id) {
+  const JointLimits &rtn = get_joint_limits_from_id(id);
+  return rtn;
+void RobotUtil::set_name_to_id(const std::string &jointName,
+                               const Index &jointId) {
+  m_name_to_id[jointName] = (Index)jointId;
+  create_id_to_name_map();
+void RobotUtil::create_id_to_name_map() {
+  std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator it;
+  for (it = m_name_to_id.begin(); it != m_name_to_id.end(); it++)
+    m_id_to_name[it->second] = it->first;
+const Index &RobotUtil::get_id_from_name(const std::string &name) {
+  std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator it = m_name_to_id.find(name);
+  if (it == m_name_to_id.end())
+    return VoidIndex;
+  return it->second;
+const std::string &RobotUtil::get_name_from_id(Index id) {
+  std::map<Index, std::string>::const_iterator iter = m_id_to_name.find(id);
+  if (iter == m_id_to_name.end())
+    return joint_default_rtn;
+  return iter->second;
+void RobotUtil::set_urdf_to_sot(const std::vector<Index> &urdf_to_sot) {
+  m_nbJoints = urdf_to_sot.size();
+  m_urdf_to_sot.resize(urdf_to_sot.size());
+  m_dgv_urdf_to_sot.resize(urdf_to_sot.size());
+  for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < urdf_to_sot.size(); idx++) {
+    m_urdf_to_sot[(Index)idx] = urdf_to_sot[(Index)idx];
+    m_dgv_urdf_to_sot[(Index)idx] =
+        static_cast<double>(urdf_to_sot[(Index)idx]);
+  }
+void RobotUtil::set_urdf_to_sot(const dg::Vector &urdf_to_sot) {
+  m_nbJoints = urdf_to_sot.size();
+  m_urdf_to_sot.resize(urdf_to_sot.size());
+  for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < urdf_to_sot.size(); idx++) {
+    m_urdf_to_sot[idx] = (unsigned int)urdf_to_sot[idx];
+  }
+  m_dgv_urdf_to_sot = urdf_to_sot;
+bool RobotUtil::joints_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot) {
+  if (m_nbJoints == 0) {
+    SEND_MSG("set_urdf_to_sot should be called", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+    return false;
+  }
+  assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints));
+  assert(q_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints));
+  for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < m_nbJoints; idx++)
+    q_sot[m_urdf_to_sot[idx]] = q_urdf[idx];
+  return true;
+bool RobotUtil::joints_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf) {
+  assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints));
+  assert(q_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints));
+  if (m_nbJoints == 0) {
+    SEND_MSG("set_urdf_to_sot should be called", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < m_nbJoints; idx++)
+    q_urdf[idx] = q_sot[m_urdf_to_sot[idx]];
+  return true;
+bool RobotUtil::velocity_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf,
+                                     ConstRefVector v_urdf, RefVector v_sot) {
+  assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 7));
+  assert(v_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
+  assert(v_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
+  if (m_nbJoints == 0) {
+    SEND_MSG("velocity_urdf_to_sot should be called", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+    return false;
+  }
+  const Eigen::Quaterniond q(q_urdf(6), q_urdf(3), q_urdf(4), q_urdf(5));
+  Eigen::Matrix3d oRb = q.toRotationMatrix();
+  v_sot.head<3>() = oRb * v_urdf.head<3>();
+  v_sot.segment<3>(3) = oRb * v_urdf.segment<3>(3);
+  //        v_sot.head<6>() = v_urdf.head<6>();
+  joints_urdf_to_sot(v_urdf.tail(m_nbJoints), v_sot.tail(m_nbJoints));
+  return true;
+bool RobotUtil::velocity_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_urdf,
+                                     ConstRefVector v_sot, RefVector v_urdf) {
+  assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 7));
+  assert(v_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
+  assert(v_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
+  if (m_nbJoints == 0) {
+    SEND_MSG("velocity_sot_to_urdf should be called", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+    return false;
+  }
+  // compute rotation from world to base frame
+  const Eigen::Quaterniond q(q_urdf(6), q_urdf(3), q_urdf(4), q_urdf(5));
+  Eigen::Matrix3d oRb = q.toRotationMatrix();
+  v_urdf.head<3>() = oRb.transpose() * v_sot.head<3>();
+  v_urdf.segment<3>(3) = oRb.transpose() * v_sot.segment<3>(3);
+  //        v_urdf.head<6>() = v_sot.head<6>();
+  joints_sot_to_urdf(v_sot.tail(m_nbJoints), v_urdf.tail(m_nbJoints));
+  return true;
+bool RobotUtil::base_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot) {
+  assert(q_urdf.size() == 7);
+  assert(q_sot.size() == 6);
+  // ********* Quat to RPY *********
+  const double W = q_urdf[6];
+  const double X = q_urdf[3];
+  const double Y = q_urdf[4];
+  const double Z = q_urdf[5];
+  const Eigen::Matrix3d R = Eigen::Quaterniond(W, X, Y, Z).toRotationMatrix();
+  return base_se3_to_sot(q_urdf.head<3>(), R, q_sot);
+bool RobotUtil::base_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf) {
+  assert(q_urdf.size() == 7);
+  assert(q_sot.size() == 6);
+  // *********  RPY to Quat *********
+  const double r = q_sot[3];
+  const double p = q_sot[4];
+  const double y = q_sot[5];
+  const Eigen::AngleAxisd rollAngle(r, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
+  const Eigen::AngleAxisd pitchAngle(p, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
+  const Eigen::AngleAxisd yawAngle(y, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
+  const Eigen::Quaternion<double> quat = yawAngle * pitchAngle * rollAngle;
+  q_urdf[0] = q_sot[0]; // BASE
+  q_urdf[1] = q_sot[1];
+  q_urdf[2] = q_sot[2];
+  q_urdf[3] = quat.x();
+  q_urdf[4] = quat.y();
+  q_urdf[5] = quat.z();
+  q_urdf[6] = quat.w();
+  return true;
+bool RobotUtil::config_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot) {
+  assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 7));
+  assert(q_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
+  base_urdf_to_sot(q_urdf.head<7>(), q_sot.head<6>());
+  joints_urdf_to_sot(q_urdf.tail(m_nbJoints), q_sot.tail(m_nbJoints));
+  return true;
+bool RobotUtil::config_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf) {
+  assert(q_urdf.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 7));
+  assert(q_sot.size() == static_cast<Eigen::VectorXd::Index>(m_nbJoints + 6));
+  base_sot_to_urdf(q_sot.head<6>(), q_urdf.head<7>());
+  joints_sot_to_urdf(q_sot.tail(m_nbJoints), q_urdf.tail(m_nbJoints));
+  return true;
+void RobotUtil::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  m_force_util.display(os);
+  m_foot_util.display(os);
+  m_hand_util.display(os);
+  os << "Nb of joints: " << m_nbJoints << std::endl;
+  os << "Urdf file name: " << m_urdf_filename << std::endl;
+  // Display m_urdf_to_sot
+  os << "Map from urdf index to the Sot Index " << std::endl;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_urdf_to_sot.size(); i++)
+    os << "(" << i << " : " << m_urdf_to_sot[i] << ") ";
+  os << std::endl;
+  os << "Joint name to joint id:" << std::endl;
+  for (std::map<std::string, Index>::const_iterator it = m_name_to_id.begin();
+       it != m_name_to_id.end(); ++it) {
+    os << "(" << it->first << "," << it->second << ") ";
+  }
+  os << std::endl;
+  os << "Joint id to joint Name:" << std::endl;
+  for (std::map<Index, std::string>::const_iterator it = m_id_to_name.begin();
+       it != m_id_to_name.end(); ++it) {
+    os << "(" << it->first << "," << it->second << ") ";
+  }
+  os << std::endl;
+void RobotUtil::sendMsg(const std::string &msg, MsgType t, const char *file,
+                        int line) {
+  logger_.sendMsg("[RobotUtil]" + msg, t, file, line);
+bool base_se3_to_sot(ConstRefVector pos, ConstRefMatrix R, RefVector q_sot) {
+  assert(q_sot.size() == 6);
+  assert(pos.size() == 3);
+  assert(R.rows() == 3);
+  assert(R.cols() == 3);
+  // ********* Quat to RPY *********
+  double r, p, y, m;
+  m = sqrt(R(2, 1) * R(2, 1) + R(2, 2) * R(2, 2));
+  p = atan2(-R(2, 0), m);
+  if (fabs(fabs(p) - M_PI / 2) < 0.001) {
+    r = 0.0;
+    y = -atan2(R(0, 1), R(1, 1));
+  } else {
+    y = atan2(R(1, 0), R(0, 0));
+    r = atan2(R(2, 1), R(2, 2));
+  }
+  // *********************************
+  q_sot[0] = pos[0];
+  q_sot[1] = pos[1];
+  q_sot[2] = pos[2];
+  q_sot[3] = r;
+  q_sot[4] = p;
+  q_sot[5] = y;
+  return true;
+bool base_urdf_to_sot(ConstRefVector q_urdf, RefVector q_sot) {
+  assert(q_urdf.size() == 7);
+  assert(q_sot.size() == 6);
+  // ********* Quat to RPY *********
+  const double W = q_urdf[6];
+  const double X = q_urdf[3];
+  const double Y = q_urdf[4];
+  const double Z = q_urdf[5];
+  const Eigen::Matrix3d R = Eigen::Quaterniond(W, X, Y, Z).toRotationMatrix();
+  return base_se3_to_sot(q_urdf.head<3>(), R, q_sot);
+bool base_sot_to_urdf(ConstRefVector q_sot, RefVector q_urdf) {
+  assert(q_urdf.size() == 7);
+  assert(q_sot.size() == 6);
+  // *********  RPY to Quat *********
+  const double r = q_sot[3];
+  const double p = q_sot[4];
+  const double y = q_sot[5];
+  const Eigen::AngleAxisd rollAngle(r, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
+  const Eigen::AngleAxisd pitchAngle(p, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
+  const Eigen::AngleAxisd yawAngle(y, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
+  const Eigen::Quaternion<double> quat = yawAngle * pitchAngle * rollAngle;
+  q_urdf[0] = q_sot[0]; // BASE
+  q_urdf[1] = q_sot[1];
+  q_urdf[2] = q_sot[2];
+  q_urdf[3] = quat.x();
+  q_urdf[4] = quat.y();
+  q_urdf[5] = quat.z();
+  q_urdf[6] = quat.w();
+  return true;
+std::map<std::string, RobotUtilShrPtr> sgl_map_name_to_robot_util;
+RobotUtilShrPtr getRobotUtil(std::string &robotName) {
+  std::map<std::string, RobotUtilShrPtr>::iterator it =
+      sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.find(robotName);
+  if (it != sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.end())
+    return it->second;
+  return RefVoidRobotUtil();
+bool isNameInRobotUtil(std::string &robotName) {
+  std::map<std::string, RobotUtilShrPtr>::iterator it =
+      sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.find(robotName);
+  if (it != sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.end())
+    return true;
+  return false;
+RobotUtilShrPtr createRobotUtil(std::string &robotName) {
+  std::map<std::string, RobotUtilShrPtr>::iterator it =
+      sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.find(robotName);
+  if (it == sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.end()) {
+    sgl_map_name_to_robot_util[robotName] =
+        boost::shared_ptr<RobotUtil>(new RobotUtil);
+    it = sgl_map_name_to_robot_util.find(robotName);
+    return it->second;
+  }
+  std::cout << "Another robot is already in the map for " << robotName
+            << std::endl;
+  return RefVoidRobotUtil();
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/tools/seq-play.cpp b/src/tools/seq-play.cpp
index d320ca23..2bf78184 100644
--- a/src/tools/seq-play.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/seq-play.cpp
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/seq-play.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/seq-play.hh>
 using namespace std;
 #include <fstream>
@@ -23,53 +23,47 @@ using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-SeqPlay( const std::string& n )
-  :Entity(n)
-   ,stateList()
-   ,currPos(stateList.begin())
-   ,currRank(0)
-   ,init(false)
-   ,time(0)
-   ,refresherSINTERN( "SeqPlay("+n+")::intern(dummy)::refresher" )
-   ,positionSOUT( boost::bind(&SeqPlay::getNextPosition,this,_1,_2),
-		  refresherSINTERN,
-		  "SeqPlay("+n+")::output(vector)::position" )
-  signalRegistration( positionSOUT );
-  refresherSINTERN.setDependencyType( TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY );
+SeqPlay::SeqPlay(const std::string &n)
+    : Entity(n), stateList(), currPos(stateList.begin()), currRank(0),
+      init(false), time(0),
+      refresherSINTERN("SeqPlay(" + n + ")::intern(dummy)::refresher"),
+      positionSOUT(boost::bind(&SeqPlay::getNextPosition, this, _1, _2),
+                   refresherSINTERN,
+                   "SeqPlay(" + n + ")::output(vector)::position") {
+  signalRegistration(positionSOUT);
+  refresherSINTERN.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY);
 /* --- COMPUTE ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTE ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- COMPUTE ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-dynamicgraph::Vector& SeqPlay::
-getNextPosition( dynamicgraph::Vector& pos, const int& /*time*/ )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &SeqPlay::getNextPosition(dynamicgraph::Vector &pos,
+                                               const int & /*time*/) {
-  if( !init )
-    {
-      if( stateList.empty() ) return pos;
-      currPos=stateList.begin(); init=true; currRank = 0;
-    }
-    {
-      const dynamicgraph::Vector& posCur = *currPos;
-      pos=posCur;
-      currPos++;
-      if( currPos==stateList.end() ) currPos--;
-      else currRank++;
-    }
+  if (!init) {
+    if (stateList.empty())
+      return pos;
+    currPos = stateList.begin();
+    init = true;
+    currRank = 0;
+  }
+  {
+    const dynamicgraph::Vector &posCur = *currPos;
+    pos = posCur;
+    currPos++;
+    if (currPos == stateList.end())
+      currPos--;
+    else
+      currRank++;
+  }
   return pos;
@@ -78,48 +72,48 @@ getNextPosition( dynamicgraph::Vector& pos, const int& /*time*/ )
 /* --- LIST -------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- LIST -------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- LIST -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void SeqPlay::
-loadFile( const std::string& filename )
+void SeqPlay::loadFile(const std::string &filename) {
-  sotDEBUG( 25 ) << " Load " << filename << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(25) << " Load " << filename << endl;
   std::ifstream file(filename.c_str());
   const unsigned int SIZE = 1024;
   char buffer[SIZE];
-  dynamicgraph::Vector res(1); unsigned int ressize = 1;
+  dynamicgraph::Vector res(1);
+  unsigned int ressize = 1;
   double time;
-  while( file.good() )
-    {
-      file.getline( buffer,SIZE );
-      if( file.gcount()<5 ) break;
+  while (file.good()) {
+    file.getline(buffer, SIZE);
+    if (file.gcount() < 5)
+      break;
-      sotDEBUG(25) << buffer<<endl;
-      std::istringstream iss( buffer );
+    sotDEBUG(25) << buffer << endl;
+    std::istringstream iss(buffer);
-      iss>>time;      unsigned int i;
+    iss >> time;
+    unsigned int i;
-      for( i=0;iss.good();++i )
-	{
-	  if( i==ressize ) { ressize*=2; res.resize(ressize,false); }
-	  iss>>res(i); sotDEBUG(35) <<i<< ": " <<  res(i)<<endl;
-	}
-      ressize=i-1;  res.resize(ressize,false);
-      stateList.push_back( res );
-      sotDEBUG(15) << time << ": " <<  res << endl;
+    for (i = 0; iss.good(); ++i) {
+      if (i == ressize) {
+        ressize *= 2;
+        res.resize(ressize, false);
+      }
+      iss >> res(i);
+      sotDEBUG(35) << i << ": " << res(i) << endl;
+    ressize = i - 1;
+    res.resize(ressize, false);
+    stateList.push_back(res);
+    sotDEBUG(15) << time << ": " << res << endl;
+  }
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* --- DISPLAY ------------------------------------------------------------ */
-void SeqPlay::display ( std::ostream& os ) const
-{os <<name<<endl; }
+void SeqPlay::display(std::ostream &os) const { os << name << endl; }
diff --git a/src/tools/sequencer.cpp b/src/tools/sequencer.cpp
index a343675c..2cd18134 100644
--- a/src/tools/sequencer.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/sequencer.cpp
@@ -7,41 +7,32 @@
-#include <sot/core/sequencer.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/exception-tools.hh>
+#include <sot/core/sequencer.hh>
 #include <sot/core/sot.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
-Sequencer( const std::string & name )
-  :Entity(name)
-  ,timeInit(-1)
-  ,playMode(false)
-  ,outputStreamPtr(NULL)
-  ,noOutput(false)
-  ,triggerSOUT( boost::bind(&Sequencer::trigger,this,_1,_2),
-		"Sequencer("+name+")::output(dummy)::trigger" )
+Sequencer::Sequencer(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), timeInit(-1), playMode(false), outputStreamPtr(NULL),
+      noOutput(false),
+      triggerSOUT(boost::bind(&Sequencer::trigger, this, _1, _2), sotNOSIGNAL,
+                  "Sequencer(" + name + ")::output(dummy)::trigger") {
-  signalRegistration( triggerSOUT );
-  triggerSOUT.setNeedUpdateFromAllChildren( true );
+  signalRegistration(triggerSOUT);
+  triggerSOUT.setNeedUpdateFromAllChildren(true);
-~Sequencer( void )
+Sequencer::~Sequencer(void) {
@@ -52,221 +43,198 @@ Sequencer::
 /* --- SPECIFIC EVENT ------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- SPECIFIC EVENT ------------------------------------------------------- */
-class sotEventTaskBased
-  : public Sequencer::sotEventAbstract
+class sotEventTaskBased : public Sequencer::sotEventAbstract {
-  TaskAbstract * taskPtr;
+  TaskAbstract *taskPtr;
   const std::string defaultTaskName;
-  sotEventTaskBased( const std::string name = "",TaskAbstract* task = NULL )
-    :sotEventAbstract( name )
-    ,taskPtr( task )
-    ,defaultTaskName("NULL")
-  {}
+  sotEventTaskBased(const std::string name = "", TaskAbstract *task = NULL)
+      : sotEventAbstract(name), taskPtr(task), defaultTaskName("NULL") {}
-  void init( std::istringstream& cmdArgs )
-  {
+  void init(std::istringstream &cmdArgs) {
     cmdArgs >> std::ws;
-    if( cmdArgs.good() )
-      {
-	std::string taskname; cmdArgs >> taskname;
-	sotDEBUG(15) << "Add task " << taskname << std::endl;
-	taskPtr
-	  = dynamic_cast< TaskAbstract* >
-	  (&dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getEntity(taskname));
-      }
+    if (cmdArgs.good()) {
+      std::string taskname;
+      cmdArgs >> taskname;
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "Add task " << taskname << std::endl;
+      taskPtr = dynamic_cast<TaskAbstract *>(
+          &dg::PoolStorage::getInstance()->getEntity(taskname));
+    }
+  }
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const {
+    if (taskPtr)
+      os << taskPtr->getName();
+    else
+      os << "NULL";
+  }
+  virtual const std::string &getName() const {
+    if (taskPtr)
+      return taskPtr->getName();
+    else
+      return defaultTaskName;
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  { if( taskPtr ) os << taskPtr->getName(); else os << "NULL"; }
-  virtual const std::string& getName() const
-  { if( taskPtr ) return taskPtr->getName(); else return defaultTaskName; }
-class sotEventAddATask
-  : public sotEventTaskBased
+class sotEventAddATask : public sotEventTaskBased {
-  sotEventAddATask( const std::string name = "",TaskAbstract* task=NULL )
-    :sotEventTaskBased( name,task )
-  {
+  sotEventAddATask(const std::string name = "", TaskAbstract *task = NULL)
+      : sotEventTaskBased(name, task) {
     eventType = EVENT_ADD;
-  void operator()( Sot* sotptr )
-  {
+  void operator()(Sot *sotptr) {
-    sotDEBUG(45) << "Sot = " << sotptr << ". Task = " << taskPtr << "." << std::endl;
-    if( (NULL!=sotptr)&&(NULL!=taskPtr) ) sotptr->push(*taskPtr );
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Sot = " << sotptr << ". Task = " << taskPtr << "."
+                 << std::endl;
+    if ((NULL != sotptr) && (NULL != taskPtr))
+      sotptr->push(*taskPtr);
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  {os << "Add<"; sotEventTaskBased::display(os); os<<">"; }
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const {
+    os << "Add<";
+    sotEventTaskBased::display(os);
+    os << ">";
+  }
-class sotEventRemoveATask
-  : public sotEventTaskBased
+class sotEventRemoveATask : public sotEventTaskBased {
-  sotEventRemoveATask( const std::string name = "",TaskAbstract* task=NULL )
-    :sotEventTaskBased( name,task )
-  {
+  sotEventRemoveATask(const std::string name = "", TaskAbstract *task = NULL)
+      : sotEventTaskBased(name, task) {
     eventType = EVENT_RM;
-  void operator()( Sot* sotptr )
-  {
+  void operator()(Sot *sotptr) {
-    sotDEBUG(45) << "Sot = " << sotptr << ". Task = " << taskPtr << "." << std::endl;
-    if( (NULL!=sotptr)&&(NULL!=taskPtr) ) sotptr->remove(*taskPtr );
+    sotDEBUG(45) << "Sot = " << sotptr << ". Task = " << taskPtr << "."
+                 << std::endl;
+    if ((NULL != sotptr) && (NULL != taskPtr))
+      sotptr->remove(*taskPtr);
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  { os << "Remove<"; sotEventTaskBased::display(os); os<<">"; }
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const {
+    os << "Remove<";
+    sotEventTaskBased::display(os);
+    os << ">";
+  }
-class sotEventCmd
-  : public Sequencer::sotEventAbstract
+class sotEventCmd : public Sequencer::sotEventAbstract {
   std::string cmd;
-  sotEventCmd( const std::string cmdLine = "" )
-    :sotEventAbstract( cmdLine+"<cmd>" )
-    ,cmd( cmdLine )
-  {
+  sotEventCmd(const std::string cmdLine = "")
+      : sotEventAbstract(cmdLine + "<cmd>"), cmd(cmdLine) {
     eventType = EVENT_CMD;
-	sotDEBUGINOUT(15);
+    sotDEBUGINOUT(15);
-  void init( std::istringstream& args )
-  {
+  void init(std::istringstream &args) {
-    std::stringbuf* pbuf=args.rdbuf();
+    std::stringbuf *pbuf = args.rdbuf();
     const unsigned int size = (unsigned int)(pbuf->in_avail());
-    char * buffer  = new char [size+1];
-    pbuf->sgetn( buffer,size );
+    char *buffer = new char[size + 1];
+    pbuf->sgetn(buffer, size);
-    buffer[size]='\0';
+    buffer[size] = '\0';
     cmd = buffer;
-	delete [] buffer;
+    delete[] buffer;
-  const std::string & getEventCmd() const
-  {	return cmd; }
-  virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  { os << "Run: " << cmd; }
-  virtual void operator() ( Sot* /*sotPtr*/ )
-  {
-    std::ostringstream onull; onull.clear( std::ios::failbit );
-    std::istringstream iss( cmd );
-    std::string cmdName; iss >> cmdName;
+  const std::string &getEventCmd() const { return cmd; }
+  virtual void display(std::ostream &os) const { os << "Run: " << cmd; }
+  virtual void operator()(Sot * /*sotPtr*/) {
+    std::ostringstream onull;
+    onull.clear(std::ios::failbit);
+    std::istringstream iss(cmd);
+    std::string cmdName;
+    iss >> cmdName;
     // Florent: remove reference to g_shell
-    //g_shell.cmd( cmdName,iss,onull );
-  } ;
+    // g_shell.cmd( cmdName,iss,onull );
+  };
 /* --- TASK MANIP ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- TASK MANIP ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- TASK MANIP ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Sequencer::
-addTask( sotEventAbstract* task,const unsigned int timeSpec )
-  TaskMap::iterator listKey = taskMap.find( timeSpec );
-  if( taskMap.end()==listKey )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "New element at " << timeSpec << std::endl;
-      taskMap[timeSpec].push_back( task );
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      TaskList& tl = listKey->second;
-      tl.push_back( task );
+void Sequencer::addTask(sotEventAbstract *task, const unsigned int timeSpec) {
+  TaskMap::iterator listKey = taskMap.find(timeSpec);
+  if (taskMap.end() == listKey) {
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "New element at " << timeSpec << std::endl;
+    taskMap[timeSpec].push_back(task);
+  } else {
+    TaskList &tl = listKey->second;
+    tl.push_back(task);
-void Sequencer::
-rmTask( int eventType, const std::string & name,const unsigned int time )
-	TaskMap::iterator listKey = taskMap.find( time );
-	if( taskMap.end()!=listKey )	//the time exist
-	{
-		TaskList& tl = listKey->second;
-		for( TaskList::iterator itL = tl.begin();  itL != tl.end(); ++itL)
-		{
-			if ((*itL)->getEventType() == eventType && (*itL)->getName() == name)
-			{
-				tl.remove(*itL);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		//remove the list if empty
-		if (tl.empty())
-			taskMap.erase(listKey);
-	}
+// rmTask
+void Sequencer::rmTask(int eventType, const std::string &name,
+                       const unsigned int time) {
+  TaskMap::iterator listKey = taskMap.find(time);
+  if (taskMap.end() != listKey) // the time exist
+  {
+    TaskList &tl = listKey->second;
+    for (TaskList::iterator itL = tl.begin(); itL != tl.end(); ++itL) {
+      if ((*itL)->getEventType() == eventType && (*itL)->getName() == name) {
+        tl.remove(*itL);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    // remove the list if empty
+    if (tl.empty())
+      taskMap.erase(listKey);
+  }
-void Sequencer::
-clearAll( )
+// clearAll
+void Sequencer::clearAll() {
   TaskMap::iterator itM;
-  for(itM = taskMap.begin(); itM != taskMap.end(); ++itM )
-  {
-	TaskList::iterator itL;
-	TaskList& currentMap = itM->second;
-	for (itL=currentMap.begin(); itL!=currentMap.end(); ++itL)
-		delete (*itL);
-	itM->second.clear();
+  for (itM = taskMap.begin(); itM != taskMap.end(); ++itM) {
+    TaskList::iterator itL;
+    TaskList &currentMap = itM->second;
+    for (itL = currentMap.begin(); itL != currentMap.end(); ++itL)
+      delete (*itL);
+    itM->second.clear();
-  //remove all the lists
+  // remove all the lists
 /* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- SIGNALS -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-int& Sequencer::
-trigger( int& dummy,const int& timeSpec )
+int &Sequencer::trigger(int &dummy, const int &timeSpec) {
-  if(! playMode ) return dummy;
-  if( -1==timeInit ) timeInit = timeSpec;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "Ref time: " << (timeSpec-timeInit) << std::endl;
-  TaskMap::iterator listKey = taskMap.find( timeSpec-timeInit );
-  if( taskMap.end()!=listKey )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(1) << "Time: "<< (timeSpec-timeInit) << ": we've got a task to do!"
-		  << std::endl;
-      TaskList & tl = listKey->second;
-      for( TaskList::iterator iter=tl.begin();iter!=tl.end();++iter )
-	{
-	  if( *iter )
-	    {
-	      (*iter)->operator() (sotPtr);
-	      if( NULL!=outputStreamPtr )
-		{
-		  (*outputStreamPtr) << "At time t=" << timeSpec << ": ";
-		  (*iter)->display(*outputStreamPtr);
-		  (*outputStreamPtr) << std::endl;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
+  if (!playMode)
+    return dummy;
+  if (-1 == timeInit)
+    timeInit = timeSpec;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Ref time: " << (timeSpec - timeInit) << std::endl;
+  TaskMap::iterator listKey = taskMap.find(timeSpec - timeInit);
+  if (taskMap.end() != listKey) {
+    sotDEBUG(1) << "Time: " << (timeSpec - timeInit)
+                << ": we've got a task to do!" << std::endl;
+    TaskList &tl = listKey->second;
+    for (TaskList::iterator iter = tl.begin(); iter != tl.end(); ++iter) {
+      if (*iter) {
+        (*iter)->operator()(sotPtr);
+        if (NULL != outputStreamPtr) {
+          (*outputStreamPtr) << "At time t=" << timeSpec << ": ";
+          (*iter)->display(*outputStreamPtr);
+          (*outputStreamPtr) << std::endl;
+        }
+      }
+  }
   return dummy;
@@ -276,24 +244,21 @@ trigger( int& dummy,const int& timeSpec )
 /* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- PARAMS --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void Sequencer::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  if (noOutput) return;
+void Sequencer::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  if (noOutput)
+    return;
   os << "Sequencer " << getName() << "(t0=" << timeInit
-     << ",mode=" << ( (playMode)?"play":"pause" ) << "): " << std::endl;
-  for( TaskMap::const_iterator iterMap = taskMap.begin();
-       iterMap!=taskMap.end();iterMap++ )
-    {
-      os << " - t=" << (iterMap->first) << ":\t";
-      const TaskList & tl = iterMap->second;
-      for( TaskList::const_iterator iterList = tl.begin();
-	   iterList!=tl.end();iterList++ )
-	{
-	  (*iterList)->display(os); os << " ";
-	}
-      os << std::endl;
+     << ",mode=" << ((playMode) ? "play" : "pause") << "): " << std::endl;
+  for (TaskMap::const_iterator iterMap = taskMap.begin();
+       iterMap != taskMap.end(); iterMap++) {
+    os << " - t=" << (iterMap->first) << ":\t";
+    const TaskList &tl = iterMap->second;
+    for (TaskList::const_iterator iterList = tl.begin(); iterList != tl.end();
+         iterList++) {
+      (*iterList)->display(os);
+      os << " ";
+    os << std::endl;
+  }
diff --git a/src/tools/smooth-reach.cpp b/src/tools/smooth-reach.cpp
index 34ac71ed..c19d3662 100644
--- a/src/tools/smooth-reach.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/smooth-reach.cpp
@@ -7,129 +7,113 @@
-#include <sot/core/smooth-reach.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/smooth-reach.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-SmoothReach::SmoothReach(const std::string & name)
-  : Entity(name)
+SmoothReach::SmoothReach(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name)
-  ,start(0u), goal(0u)
-  ,startTime(-1), lengthTime(-1)
-  ,isStarted(false), isParam(true)
+      ,
+      start(0u), goal(0u), startTime(-1), lengthTime(-1), isStarted(false),
+      isParam(true)
-  ,smoothMode(2), smoothParam(1.2)
-  , startSIN(NULL, "SmoothReach("+name+")::input(vector)::start")
-  ,goalSOUT(boost::bind(&SmoothReach::goalSOUT_function, this, _1, _2),
-	    sotNOSIGNAL,
-	    "SmoothReach("+name+")::output(vector)::goal")
+      ,
+      smoothMode(2), smoothParam(1.2)
+      ,
+      startSIN(NULL, "SmoothReach(" + name + ")::input(vector)::start"),
+      goalSOUT(boost::bind(&SmoothReach::goalSOUT_function, this, _1, _2),
+               sotNOSIGNAL, "SmoothReach(" + name + ")::output(vector)::goal")
-  signalRegistration( startSIN << goalSOUT );
+  signalRegistration(startSIN << goalSOUT);
-void SmoothReach::
-initCommands( void )
+void SmoothReach::initCommands(void) {
   using namespace command;
-  addCommand( "set",
-	      makeCommandVoid2( *this,&SmoothReach::set,
-				docCommandVoid2( "Set the curve.",
-						 "vector (goal)", "int (duration)")));
-  addCommand( "param",
-	      makeCommandVoid2( *this,&SmoothReach::setSmoothing,
-				docCommandVoid2( "Set the parameter.",
-						 "int (mode)","double (beta)")));
+  addCommand("set",
+             makeCommandVoid2(*this, &SmoothReach::set,
+                              docCommandVoid2("Set the curve.", "vector (goal)",
+                                              "int (duration)")));
+  addCommand("param",
+             makeCommandVoid2(*this, &SmoothReach::setSmoothing,
+                              docCommandVoid2("Set the parameter.",
+                                              "int (mode)", "double (beta)")));
-double SmoothReach::
-smoothFunction( double x )
-  switch(smoothMode)
-    {
-    case 0:
-      return x;
-    case 1:
-      {
-	//const double smoothParam = 0.45;
-	return tanh( -smoothParam/x+smoothParam/(1-x) )/2+0.5;
-      }
-    case 2:
-      {
-	//const double smoothParam = 1.5;
-	return atan( -smoothParam/x+smoothParam/(1-x) )/M_PI+0.5;
-      }
-    }
+double SmoothReach::smoothFunction(double x) {
+  switch (smoothMode) {
+  case 0:
+    return x;
+  case 1: {
+    // const double smoothParam = 0.45;
+    return tanh(-smoothParam / x + smoothParam / (1 - x)) / 2 + 0.5;
+  }
+  case 2: {
+    // const double smoothParam = 1.5;
+    return atan(-smoothParam / x + smoothParam / (1 - x)) / M_PI + 0.5;
+  }
+  }
   return 0;
-void SmoothReach::
-setSmoothing( const int & mode, const double & param )
-{ smoothMode= mode; smoothParam = param; }
+void SmoothReach::setSmoothing(const int &mode, const double &param) {
+  smoothMode = mode;
+  smoothParam = param;
-dynamicgraph::Vector& SmoothReach::
-goalSOUT_function( dynamicgraph::Vector & res, const int& time)
-  if( isParam )
-    {
-      start = startSIN(time);
-      startTime = time;
-      assert( start.size() == goal.size() );
-      isParam = false; isStarted = true;
-    }
-  if( isStarted )
-    {
-      double x = double(time-startTime)/lengthTime;
-      if( x>1 ) x=1;
-      double x1 = smoothFunction(x);
-      double x0 = 1-x1;
-      res = start*x0 + goal*x1;
-    }
+dynamicgraph::Vector &SmoothReach::goalSOUT_function(dynamicgraph::Vector &res,
+                                                     const int &time) {
+  if (isParam) {
+    start = startSIN(time);
+    startTime = time;
+    assert(start.size() == goal.size());
+    isParam = false;
+    isStarted = true;
+  }
+  if (isStarted) {
+    double x = double(time - startTime) / lengthTime;
+    if (x > 1)
+      x = 1;
+    double x1 = smoothFunction(x);
+    double x0 = 1 - x1;
+    res = start * x0 + goal * x1;
+  }
   return res;
-void SmoothReach::
-set( const dynamicgraph::Vector & goalDes, const int & lengthDes )
+void SmoothReach::set(const dynamicgraph::Vector &goalDes,
+                      const int &lengthDes) {
   goal = goalDes;
   lengthTime = lengthDes;
   isParam = true;
-const dynamicgraph::Vector & SmoothReach::
-getGoal( void )   { return goal; }
+const dynamicgraph::Vector &SmoothReach::getGoal(void) { return goal; }
-const int & SmoothReach::
-getLength( void ) { return lengthTime; }
+const int &SmoothReach::getLength(void) { return lengthTime; }
-const int & SmoothReach::
-getStart( void )  { return startTime; }
+const int &SmoothReach::getStart(void) { return startTime; }
-void SmoothReach::
-display(std::ostream & os) const
+void SmoothReach::display(std::ostream &os) const {
   os << "Status: " << isStarted << isParam << std::endl
-     << "Goal: " << goal
-     << "start: " << start
-     << "Times: "<< startTime << " " << lengthTime << std::endl;
+     << "Goal: " << goal << "start: " << start << "Times: " << startTime << " "
+     << lengthTime << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/tools/smooth-reach.hpp b/src/tools/smooth-reach.hpp
index 76ddc23b..9f589d5b 100644
--- a/src/tools/smooth-reach.hpp
+++ b/src/tools/smooth-reach.hpp
@@ -7,77 +7,67 @@
-#include <sot/core/smooth-reach.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/smooth-reach.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-SmoothReach::SmoothReach(const std::string & name)
-  : Entity(name)
+SmoothReach::SmoothReach(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name)
-  ,start(0), goal(0)
-  ,startTime(-1), lengthTime(-1)
-  ,isStarted(false), isParam(true)
+      ,
+      start(0), goal(0), startTime(-1), lengthTime(-1), isStarted(false),
+      isParam(true)
-  , startSIN(NULL, "SmoothReach("+name+")::input(vector)::start")
-  ,goalSOUT(boost::bind(&SmoothReach::goalSOUT_function, this, _1, _2),
-	    sotNOSIGNAL
-	    "SmoothReach("+name+")::output(vector)::goal")
+      ,
+      startSIN(NULL, "SmoothReach(" + name + ")::input(vector)::start"),
+      goalSOUT(boost::bind(&SmoothReach::goalSOUT_function, this, _1, _2),
+               sotNOSIGNAL "SmoothReach(" + name + ")::output(vector)::goal") {
-  signalRegistration( startSIN << goalSOUT );
+  signalRegistration(startSIN << goalSOUT);
-double smoothFunction( double x )
-  return x;
+double smoothFunction(double x) { return x; }
-dynamicgraph::Vector& SmoothReach::
-goalSOUT_function( dynamicgraph::Vector & goal, const int& time)
-  if( isParam )
-    {
-      start = startSIN(time);
-      startTime = time;
+dynamicgraph::Vector &SmoothReach::goalSOUT_function(dynamicgraph::Vector &goal,
+                                                     const int &time) {
+  if (isParam) {
+    start = startSIN(time);
+    startTime = time;
-      assert( start.size() == goal.size() );
-      isParam = false; isStarted = true;
-    }
+    assert(start.size() == goal.size());
+    isParam = false;
+    isStarted = true;
+  }
-  if( isReady )
-    {
-      double x = double(time-start)/length;
-      if( x>1 ) x=1;
-      double x1 = smoothFunction(x);
-      double x0 = 1-x1;
-      goal = start*x0 + goal*x1;
-    }
+  if (isReady) {
+    double x = double(time - start) / length;
+    if (x > 1)
+      x = 1;
+    double x1 = smoothFunction(x);
+    double x0 = 1 - x1;
+    goal = start * x0 + goal * x1;
+  }
   return goal;
-void SmoothReach::
-gset( const dynamicgraph::Vector & goalDes, const int & lengthDes )
+void SmoothReach::gset(const dynamicgraph::Vector &goalDes,
+                       const int &lengthDes) {
   goal = goalDes;
   length = lengthDes;
   isParam = true;
-const dynamicgraph::Vector & SmoothReach::
-getGoal( void )   { return goal; }
+const dynamicgraph::Vector &SmoothReach::getGoal(void) { return goal; }
-const int & SmoothReach::
-getLength( void ) { return length; }
+const int &SmoothReach::getLength(void) { return length; }
-const int & SmoothReach::
-getStart( void )  { return start; }
+const int &SmoothReach::getStart(void) { return start; }
diff --git a/src/tools/switch.cpp b/src/tools/switch.cpp
index fe940982..e942b988 100644
--- a/src/tools/switch.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/switch.cpp
@@ -8,18 +8,20 @@
 #include "type-name-helper.hh"
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    template< typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time >
-    std::string VariadicAbstract<Tin,Tout,Time>::getTypeInName (void) { return TypeNameHelper<Tin>::typeName; }
-    template< typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time >
-    std::string VariadicAbstract<Tin,Tout,Time>::getTypeOutName(void) { return TypeNameHelper<Tout>::typeName; }
+namespace sot {
+template <typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time>
+std::string VariadicAbstract<Tin, Tout, Time>::getTypeInName(void) {
+  return TypeNameHelper<Tin>::typeName;
+template <typename Tin, typename Tout, typename Time>
+std::string VariadicAbstract<Tin, Tout, Time>::getTypeOutName(void) {
+  return TypeNameHelper<Tout>::typeName;
-    typedef Switch<Vector,int> SwitchVector;
-    template<>
-    DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN (SwitchVector, "SwitchVector");
+typedef Switch<Vector, int> SwitchVector;
+template <> DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(SwitchVector, "SwitchVector");
-    typedef Switch<bool,int> SwitchBool;
-    template<>
-    DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN (SwitchBool, "SwitchBoolean");
-  } // namespace sot
+typedef Switch<bool, int> SwitchBool;
+template <> DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(SwitchBool, "SwitchBoolean");
+} // namespace sot
 } // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/tools/time-stamp.cpp b/src/tools/time-stamp.cpp
index cafc6496..f548edcd 100644
--- a/src/tools/time-stamp.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/time-stamp.cpp
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/time-stamp.hh>
-#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <sot/core/macros-signal.hh>
+#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
+#include <sot/core/time-stamp.hh>
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -24,58 +24,52 @@
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 /* --- CONSTRUCTION ---------------------------------------------------- */
-TimeStamp( const std::string& name )
-  :Entity(name)
-   ,offsetValue( 0 ),offsetSet(false)
-    ,timeSOUT( "TimeStamp("+name+")::output(vector2)::time" )
-   ,timeDoubleSOUT( "TimeStamp("+name+")::output(double)::timeDouble" )
-   ,timeOnceSOUT( boost::bind(&TimeStamp::getTimeStamp,this,_1,_2),
-		  sotNOSIGNAL,
-		  "TimeStamp("+name+")::output(vector2)::synchro" )
-   ,timeOnceDoubleSOUT(  boost::bind(&TimeStamp::getTimeStampDouble,this,
-				     SOT_CALL_SIG(timeSOUT,dynamicgraph::Vector),_1),
-			 timeSOUT,
-			"TimeStamp("+name+")::output(double)::synchroDouble" )
+TimeStamp::TimeStamp(const std::string &name)
+    : Entity(name), offsetValue(0), offsetSet(false),
+      timeSOUT("TimeStamp(" + name + ")::output(vector2)::time"),
+      timeDoubleSOUT("TimeStamp(" + name + ")::output(double)::timeDouble"),
+      timeOnceSOUT(boost::bind(&TimeStamp::getTimeStamp, this, _1, _2),
+                   sotNOSIGNAL,
+                   "TimeStamp(" + name + ")::output(vector2)::synchro"),
+      timeOnceDoubleSOUT(
+          boost::bind(&TimeStamp::getTimeStampDouble, this,
+                      SOT_CALL_SIG(timeSOUT, dynamicgraph::Vector), _1),
+          timeSOUT, "TimeStamp(" + name + ")::output(double)::synchroDouble") {
-  timeSOUT.setFunction( boost::bind(&TimeStamp::getTimeStamp,this,_1,_2) );
-  timeDoubleSOUT.setFunction( boost::bind(&TimeStamp::getTimeStampDouble,this,
- 					  SOT_CALL_SIG(timeSOUT,dynamicgraph::Vector),_1) );
-  timeOnceSOUT.setNeedUpdateFromAllChildren( true );
-  timeOnceDoubleSOUT.setNeedUpdateFromAllChildren( true );
-  signalRegistration( timeSOUT << timeDoubleSOUT
-		      << timeOnceSOUT << timeOnceDoubleSOUT );
+  timeSOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&TimeStamp::getTimeStamp, this, _1, _2));
+  timeDoubleSOUT.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&TimeStamp::getTimeStampDouble, this,
+                  SOT_CALL_SIG(timeSOUT, dynamicgraph::Vector), _1));
+  timeOnceSOUT.setNeedUpdateFromAllChildren(true);
+  timeOnceDoubleSOUT.setNeedUpdateFromAllChildren(true);
+  signalRegistration(timeSOUT << timeDoubleSOUT << timeOnceSOUT
+                              << timeOnceDoubleSOUT);
-  gettimeofday( &val,NULL );
+  gettimeofday(&val, NULL);
 /* --- DISPLAY --------------------------------------------------------- */
-void TimeStamp::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
-  os << "TimeStamp <> : " << val.tv_sec << "s; "
-     << val.tv_usec << "us." << std::endl;
+void TimeStamp::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  os << "TimeStamp <> : " << val.tv_sec << "s; " << val.tv_usec << "us."
+     << std::endl;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-dynamicgraph::Vector& TimeStamp::
-getTimeStamp( dynamicgraph::Vector& res,const int& /*time*/ )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &TimeStamp::getTimeStamp(dynamicgraph::Vector &res,
+                                              const int & /*time*/) {
-  gettimeofday( &val,NULL );
-  if( res.size()!=2 ) res.resize(2);
+  gettimeofday(&val, NULL);
+  if (res.size() != 2)
+    res.resize(2);
   res(0) = static_cast<double>(val.tv_sec);
   res(1) = static_cast<double>(val.tv_usec);
@@ -83,14 +77,15 @@ getTimeStamp( dynamicgraph::Vector& res,const int& /*time*/ )
   return res;
-double& TimeStamp::
-getTimeStampDouble( const dynamicgraph::Vector& vect,double& res )
+double &TimeStamp::getTimeStampDouble(const dynamicgraph::Vector &vect,
+                                      double &res) {
-  if( offsetSet ) res = (vect(0)-offsetValue)*1000;
-    else res = vect(0)*1000;
-  res += vect(1)/1000;
+  if (offsetSet)
+    res = (vect(0) - offsetValue) * 1000;
+  else
+    res = vect(0) * 1000;
+  res += vect(1) / 1000;
   return res;
diff --git a/src/tools/timer.cpp b/src/tools/timer.cpp
index 1723a711..bb70ba81 100644
--- a/src/tools/timer.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/timer.cpp
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/timer.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
-#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
+#include <sot/core/timer.hh>
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
@@ -25,52 +25,49 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 typedef Timer<dynamicgraph::Vector> timevect;
-template <>
+template <> DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(timevect, "TimerVector");
 typedef Timer<dynamicgraph::Matrix> timematrix;
-template <>
+template <> DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(timematrix, "TimerMatrix");
 typedef Timer<MatrixHomogeneous> timematrixhomo;
 template <>
+DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(timematrixhomo, "TimerMatrixHomo");
 typedef Timer<double> timedouble;
-template <>
+template <> DYNAMICGRAPH_FACTORY_ENTITY_PLUGIN(timedouble, "TimerDouble");
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-cmdChrono( const std::string& cmdLine,
-	   std::istringstream& cmdArg,
-	   std::ostream& os )
+void cmdChrono(const std::string &cmdLine, std::istringstream &cmdArg,
+               std::ostream &os) {
-  if( cmdLine == "help" )
-    {
-      os << "  - chrono <cmd...>"
-	 << "\t\t\t\tLaunch <cmd> and display the time spent in the operation." <<std::endl;
-      return;
-    }
+  if (cmdLine == "help") {
+    os << "  - chrono <cmd...>"
+       << "\t\t\t\tLaunch <cmd> and display the time spent in the operation."
+       << std::endl;
+    return;
+  }
-  struct timeval t0,t1;
+  struct timeval t0, t1;
   double dt;
-  gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "t0: "<< t0.tv_sec << " - " << t0.tv_usec << std::endl;
+  gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "t0: " << t0.tv_sec << " - " << t0.tv_usec << std::endl;
-  std::string cmdLine2;  cmdArg>>cmdLine2;
-  sotDEBUG(5)<<"Chrono <" <<cmdLine2<<">"<<std::endl;
+  std::string cmdLine2;
+  cmdArg >> cmdLine2;
+  sotDEBUG(5) << "Chrono <" << cmdLine2 << ">" << std::endl;
   // Florent: remove reference to g_shell
-  //g_shell.cmd(cmdLine2,cmdArg,os);
-  gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);
-  dt = ( (static_cast<double>(t1.tv_sec)-static_cast<double>(t0.tv_sec)) * 1000.
-	 + (static_cast<double>(t1.tv_usec)-static_cast<double>(t0.tv_usec)+0.) / 1000. );
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "t1: "<< t1.tv_sec << " - " << t1.tv_usec << std::endl;
+  // g_shell.cmd(cmdLine2,cmdArg,os);
+  gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
+  dt = ((static_cast<double>(t1.tv_sec) - static_cast<double>(t0.tv_sec)) *
+            1000. +
+        (static_cast<double>(t1.tv_usec) - static_cast<double>(t0.tv_usec) +
+         0.) /
+            1000.);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "t1: " << t1.tv_sec << " - " << t1.tv_usec << std::endl;
   os << "Time spent = " << dt << " ms " << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/tools/trajectory.cpp b/src/tools/trajectory.cpp
index d85ffde5..560cb686 100644
--- a/src/tools/trajectory.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/trajectory.cpp
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 #define VP_DEBUG
 #define VP_DEBUG_MODE 45
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 // #ifdef VP_DEBUG
 //  class sotJTE__INIT
 //  {
@@ -29,89 +29,76 @@
 namespace dynamicgraph {
 namespace sot {
-RulesJointTrajectory::RulesJointTrajectory(Trajectory &aTrajectoryToFill):
-    TrajectoryToFill_(aTrajectoryToFill),
-    dbg_level(0),
-    float_str_re("[-0-9]+\\.[0-9]*"),
-    // Header Regular Expression
-    seq_str_re("([0-9]+)"),
-    timestamp_str_re("("+float_str_re+"),("+float_str_re+")"),
-    frame_id_str_re("[a-zA-z_0-9]*"),
-    header_str_re("\\("+seq_str_re+"\\,\\("+timestamp_str_re+"\\),("+frame_id_str_re+")\\)\\,\\("),
-    // List of Joint Names
-    joint_name_str_re("([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)"),
-    list_of_jn_str_re(joint_name_str_re + "(\\,|\\))"),
-    // Point
-    point_value_str_re("("+float_str_re + "+)|(?:)"),
-    list_of_pv_str_re(point_value_str_re + "(\\,|\\))"),
-    bg_pt_str_re("\\("),end_pt_str_re("\\)"),comma_pt_str_re("\\,\\("),
-    // Liste of points
-    bg_liste_of_pts_str_re("\\,\\("),
-    // Reg Exps
-    header_re(header_str_re),
-    list_of_jn_re(list_of_jn_str_re),
-    list_of_pv_re(list_of_pv_str_re),
-    bg_pt_re(bg_pt_str_re),end_pt_re(end_pt_str_re),comma_pt_re(comma_pt_str_re),
-    bg_liste_of_pts_re( bg_liste_of_pts_str_re)
+RulesJointTrajectory::RulesJointTrajectory(Trajectory &aTrajectoryToFill)
+    : TrajectoryToFill_(aTrajectoryToFill), dbg_level(0),
+      float_str_re("[-0-9]+\\.[0-9]*"),
+      // Header Regular Expression
+      seq_str_re("([0-9]+)"),
+      timestamp_str_re("(" + float_str_re + "),(" + float_str_re + ")"),
+      frame_id_str_re("[a-zA-z_0-9]*"),
+      header_str_re("\\(" + seq_str_re + "\\,\\(" + timestamp_str_re + "\\),(" +
+                    frame_id_str_re + ")\\)\\,\\("),
+      // List of Joint Names
+      joint_name_str_re("([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)"),
+      list_of_jn_str_re(joint_name_str_re + "(\\,|\\))"),
+      // Point
+      point_value_str_re("(" + float_str_re + "+)|(?:)"),
+      list_of_pv_str_re(point_value_str_re + "(\\,|\\))"), bg_pt_str_re("\\("),
+      end_pt_str_re("\\)"), comma_pt_str_re("\\,\\("),
-bool RulesJointTrajectory::
-search_exp_sub_string(std::string &text,
-                      boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> &what,
-                      boost::regex &e,
-                      std::string &sub_text)
-  unsigned nb_failures=0;
+      // Liste of points
+      bg_liste_of_pts_str_re("\\,\\("),
+      // Reg Exps
+      header_re(header_str_re), list_of_jn_re(list_of_jn_str_re),
+      list_of_pv_re(list_of_pv_str_re), bg_pt_re(bg_pt_str_re),
+      end_pt_re(end_pt_str_re), comma_pt_re(comma_pt_str_re),
+      bg_liste_of_pts_re(bg_liste_of_pts_str_re) {}
+bool RulesJointTrajectory::search_exp_sub_string(
+    std::string &text, boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> &what,
+    boost::regex &e, std::string &sub_text) {
+  unsigned nb_failures = 0;
   boost::match_flag_type flags = boost::match_extra;
-  if(boost::regex_search(text, what, e,flags))
-  {
-    if (dbg_level>5)
-    {
-      std::cout << "** Match found **\n   Sub-Expressions:" << what.size() << std::endl ;
-      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < what.size(); ++i)
-        std::cout << "      $" << i << " = \""
-                  << what[i]  << "\" "
-                  << what.position(i) << " "
-                  << what.length(i) << "\n";
+  if (boost::regex_search(text, what, e, flags)) {
+    if (dbg_level > 5) {
+      std::cout << "** Match found **\n   Sub-Expressions:" << what.size()
+                << std::endl;
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < what.size(); ++i)
+        std::cout << "      $" << i << " = \"" << what[i] << "\" "
+                  << what.position(i) << " " << what.length(i) << "\n";
-    if (what.size()>=1)
-    {
+    if (what.size() >= 1) {
       unsigned int all_text = 0;
-      boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator>::difference_type pos = what.position(all_text);
-      boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator>::difference_type len = what.length(all_text);
-      sub_text = text.substr(pos+len);
+      boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator>::difference_type pos =
+          what.position(all_text);
+      boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator>::difference_type len =
+          what.length(all_text);
+      sub_text = text.substr(pos + len);
       return true;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if (dbg_level>5)
+  } else {
+    if (dbg_level > 5)
       std::cout << "** No Match found **\n";
     sub_text = text;
-    if (nb_failures>100)
+    if (nb_failures > 100)
       return false;
   return false;
-void RulesJointTrajectory::
-parse_header(std::string &trajectory,
-             std::string &sub_text1)
+void RulesJointTrajectory::parse_header(std::string &trajectory,
+                                        std::string &sub_text1) {
   std::istringstream is;
   boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;
-  if (search_exp_sub_string(trajectory,what,header_re,sub_text1))
-  {
+  if (search_exp_sub_string(trajectory, what, header_re, sub_text1)) {
     is >> TrajectoryToFill_.header_.seq_;
@@ -120,252 +107,218 @@ parse_header(std::string &trajectory,
     is >> TrajectoryToFill_.header_.stamp_.nsecs_;
     TrajectoryToFill_.header_.frame_id_ = what[4];
-    if (dbg_level>5)
-    {
+    if (dbg_level > 5) {
       std::cout << "seq: " << TrajectoryToFill_.header_.seq_ << std::endl;
-      std::cout << "ts:" << TrajectoryToFill_.header_.stamp_.secs_ << " " << what[2]
-                << " " << TrajectoryToFill_.header_.stamp_.nsecs_ << " " << is.str() << std::endl;
-      std::cout << "frame_id:" << TrajectoryToFill_.header_.frame_id_ << std::endl;
+      std::cout << "ts:" << TrajectoryToFill_.header_.stamp_.secs_ << " "
+                << what[2] << " " << TrajectoryToFill_.header_.stamp_.nsecs_
+                << " " << is.str() << std::endl;
+      std::cout << "frame_id:" << TrajectoryToFill_.header_.frame_id_
+                << std::endl;
-      std::cout << "sub_text1:" <<sub_text1 << std::endl;
+      std::cout << "sub_text1:" << sub_text1 << std::endl;
-void RulesJointTrajectory::
-parse_joint_names(std::string &trajectory,
-                  std::string &sub_text1,
-                  std::vector<std::string> &joint_names)
+void RulesJointTrajectory::parse_joint_names(
+    std::string &trajectory, std::string &sub_text1,
+    std::vector<std::string> &joint_names) {
   std::istringstream is;
   boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;
-  bool joint_names_loop=true;
-  do
-  {
-    if (search_exp_sub_string(trajectory,what,list_of_jn_re,sub_text1))
-    {
+  bool joint_names_loop = true;
+  do {
+    if (search_exp_sub_string(trajectory, what, list_of_jn_re, sub_text1)) {
       std::string joint_name;
-      joint_name=what[1];
+      joint_name = what[1];
       std::string sep_char;
       sep_char = what[2];
-      if (sep_char==")")
-        joint_names_loop=false;
-      if (dbg_level>5)
-      {
-        std::cout << "joint_name:" << joint_name
-                  << " " << sep_char << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "sub_text1:" <<sub_text1 << std::endl;
+      if (sep_char == ")")
+        joint_names_loop = false;
+      if (dbg_level > 5) {
+        std::cout << "joint_name:" << joint_name << " " << sep_char
+                  << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "sub_text1:" << sub_text1 << std::endl;
-    trajectory=sub_text1;
-  }
-  while(joint_names_loop);
+    trajectory = sub_text1;
+  } while (joint_names_loop);
-bool RulesJointTrajectory::
-parse_seq(std::string &trajectory,
-          std::string &sub_text1,
-          std::vector<double> &seq)
+bool RulesJointTrajectory::parse_seq(std::string &trajectory,
+                                     std::string &sub_text1,
+                                     std::vector<double> &seq) {
   boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;
   bool joint_seq_loop = true;
   std::istringstream is;
-  std::string sub_text2= trajectory;
-  sub_text1=trajectory;
-  do
-  {
-    if (search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2,what,
-                              list_of_pv_re,
-                              sub_text1))
-    {
+  std::string sub_text2 = trajectory;
+  sub_text1 = trajectory;
+  do {
+    if (search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2, what, list_of_pv_re, sub_text1)) {
       std::string sep_char;
-      if (dbg_level>5)
-      {
+      if (dbg_level > 5) {
         std::cout << "size:" << what.size() << std::endl;
-      if (what.size()==3)
-      {
+      if (what.size() == 3) {
         std::string aString(what[1]);
-        if (aString.size()>0)
-          {
-            is.clear();
-            is.str(aString);
-            double aValue;
-            is >> aValue;
-            if (dbg_level>5)
-            { std::cout << aString << " | " << aValue << std::endl; }
-            seq.push_back(aValue);
+        if (aString.size() > 0) {
+          is.clear();
+          is.str(aString);
+          double aValue;
+          is >> aValue;
+          if (dbg_level > 5) {
+            std::cout << aString << " | " << aValue << std::endl;
+          seq.push_back(aValue);
+        }
         sep_char = what[2];
-      }
-      else if (what.size()==1)
+      } else if (what.size() == 1)
         sep_char = what[0];
-      if (sep_char==")")
-        joint_seq_loop=false;
+      if (sep_char == ")")
+        joint_seq_loop = false;
-    }
-    else
-    {
+    } else {
       return true;
-    sub_text2 =sub_text1;
-  }
-  while(joint_seq_loop);
+    sub_text2 = sub_text1;
+  } while (joint_seq_loop);
   return true;
-parse_point(std::string &trajectory,
-            std::string &sub_text1)
+bool RulesJointTrajectory::parse_point(std::string &trajectory,
+                                       std::string &sub_text1) {
   std::vector<double> position, velocities, acceleration, effort;
   std::string sub_text2;
   boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;
   JointTrajectoryPoint aJTP;
-  if (!search_exp_sub_string(trajectory,what,bg_pt_re,sub_text1)) return false;
-  sub_text2=sub_text1;
+  if (!search_exp_sub_string(trajectory, what, bg_pt_re, sub_text1))
+    return false;
+  sub_text2 = sub_text1;
-  if (!parse_seq(sub_text2,sub_text1,aJTP.positions_)) return false;
-  sub_text2= sub_text1;
+  if (!parse_seq(sub_text2, sub_text1, aJTP.positions_))
+    return false;
+  sub_text2 = sub_text1;
-  if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2,what,comma_pt_re,sub_text1)) return false;
-  sub_text2=sub_text1;
+  if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2, what, comma_pt_re, sub_text1))
+    return false;
+  sub_text2 = sub_text1;
-  if (!parse_seq(sub_text2,sub_text1,aJTP.velocities_)) return false;
-  sub_text2= sub_text1;
+  if (!parse_seq(sub_text2, sub_text1, aJTP.velocities_))
+    return false;
+  sub_text2 = sub_text1;
-  if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2,what,comma_pt_re,sub_text1)) return false;
-  sub_text2=sub_text1;
+  if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2, what, comma_pt_re, sub_text1))
+    return false;
+  sub_text2 = sub_text1;
-  if (!parse_seq(sub_text2,sub_text1,aJTP.accelerations_)) return false;
-  sub_text2= sub_text1;
+  if (!parse_seq(sub_text2, sub_text1, aJTP.accelerations_))
+    return false;
+  sub_text2 = sub_text1;
-  if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2,what,comma_pt_re,sub_text1)) return false;
-  sub_text2=sub_text1;
-  if (!parse_seq(sub_text2,sub_text1,aJTP.efforts_)) return false;
+  if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2, what, comma_pt_re, sub_text1))
+    return false;
+  sub_text2 = sub_text1;
+  if (!parse_seq(sub_text2, sub_text1, aJTP.efforts_))
+    return false;
   return true;
-parse_points(std::string &trajectory,
-             std::string &sub_text1)
+bool RulesJointTrajectory::parse_points(std::string &trajectory,
+                                        std::string &sub_text1) {
   boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what;
   bool joint_points_loop = true;
   std::istringstream is;
-  if (!search_exp_sub_string(trajectory,what,bg_liste_of_pts_re,sub_text1)) return false;
-  std::string sub_text2=sub_text1;
+  if (!search_exp_sub_string(trajectory, what, bg_liste_of_pts_re, sub_text1))
+    return false;
+  std::string sub_text2 = sub_text1;
-  do
-  {
-    if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2,what,bg_pt_re,sub_text1))
+  do {
+    if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2, what, bg_pt_re, sub_text1))
       return false;
-    sub_text2=sub_text1;
+    sub_text2 = sub_text1;
-    if (!parse_point(sub_text2,sub_text1)) return false;
-    sub_text2=sub_text1;
+    if (!parse_point(sub_text2, sub_text1))
+      return false;
+    sub_text2 = sub_text1;
-    if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2,what,end_pt_re,sub_text1))
+    if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2, what, end_pt_re, sub_text1))
       return false;
-    sub_text2=sub_text1;
+    sub_text2 = sub_text1;
-    if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2,what,list_of_pv_re,sub_text1))
+    if (!search_exp_sub_string(sub_text2, what, list_of_pv_re, sub_text1))
       return false;
-    sub_text2=sub_text1;
+    sub_text2 = sub_text1;
     std::string sep_char;
     sep_char = what[1];
-    if (sep_char==")")
-      joint_points_loop=false;
+    if (sep_char == ")")
+      joint_points_loop = false;
-  }
-  while(joint_points_loop);
+  } while (joint_points_loop);
   return true;
-parse_string(std::string &atext)
-  std::string sub_text1,sub_text2;
-  parse_header(atext,sub_text2);
-  sub_text1=sub_text2;
+void RulesJointTrajectory::parse_string(std::string &atext) {
+  std::string sub_text1, sub_text2;
+  parse_header(atext, sub_text2);
+  sub_text1 = sub_text2;
-  parse_joint_names(sub_text1,sub_text2,TrajectoryToFill_.joint_names_);
+  parse_joint_names(sub_text1, sub_text2, TrajectoryToFill_.joint_names_);
-  if (dbg_level>5)
-  {
-    for(std::vector<std::string>::size_type i=0;
-        i<joint_names.size();i++)
+  if (dbg_level > 5) {
+    for (std::vector<std::string>::size_type i = 0; i < joint_names.size(); i++)
       std::cout << joint_names[i] << std::endl;
-  sub_text1=sub_text2;
-  parse_points(sub_text1,sub_text2);
+  sub_text1 = sub_text2;
+  parse_points(sub_text1, sub_text2);
+Trajectory::Trajectory(void) {}
-Trajectory::Trajectory(const Trajectory &copy)
+Trajectory::Trajectory(const Trajectory &copy) {
   header_ = copy.header_;
   time_from_start_ = copy.time_from_start_;
   points_ = copy.points_;
+Trajectory::~Trajectory(void) {}
-int Trajectory::deserialize(std::istringstream &is)
-  std::string aStr=is.str();
+int Trajectory::deserialize(std::istringstream &is) {
+  std::string aStr = is.str();
   RulesJointTrajectory aRJT(*this);
   return 0;
-void Trajectory::display(std::ostream& os) const
-  unsigned int index=0;
+void Trajectory::display(std::ostream &os) const {
+  unsigned int index = 0;
   os << "-- Trajectory --" << std::endl;
   for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it_joint_name =
-       it_joint_name != joint_names_.end();
-       it_joint_name++,index++)
-    os << "Joint("<<index<<")="<< *(it_joint_name) << std::endl;
+       it_joint_name != joint_names_.end(); it_joint_name++, index++)
+    os << "Joint(" << index << ")=" << *(it_joint_name) << std::endl;
   os << " Number of points: " << points_.size() << std::endl;
-  for(std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::const_iterator
-          it_point = points_.begin();
-      it_point != points_.end();
-      it_point++)
-  {
+  for (std::vector<JointTrajectoryPoint>::const_iterator it_point =
+           points_.begin();
+       it_point != points_.end(); it_point++) {
-} /* ! namespace sot */
-}   /* ! namespace dynamicgraph */
+} // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph
diff --git a/src/tools/type-name-helper.hh b/src/tools/type-name-helper.hh
index 44f032f4..cf9b077b 100644
--- a/src/tools/type-name-helper.hh
+++ b/src/tools/type-name-helper.hh
@@ -12,28 +12,26 @@
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 namespace dynamicgraph {
-  namespace sot {
-    template< typename TypeRef >
-    struct TypeNameHelper
-    {
-      static const std::string typeName;
-    };
-    template< typename TypeRef >
-    const std::string TypeNameHelper<TypeRef>::typeName = "unspecified";
+namespace sot {
+template <typename TypeRef> struct TypeNameHelper {
+  static const std::string typeName;
+template <typename TypeRef>
+const std::string TypeNameHelper<TypeRef>::typeName = "unspecified";
-#define ADD_KNOWN_TYPE( typeid ) \
-    template<>const std::string TypeNameHelper<typeid>::typeName = #typeid
+#define ADD_KNOWN_TYPE(typeid)                                                 \
+  template <> const std::string TypeNameHelper<typeid>::typeName = #typeid
-    ADD_KNOWN_TYPE(bool);
-    ADD_KNOWN_TYPE(double);
-    ADD_KNOWN_TYPE(Vector);
-    ADD_KNOWN_TYPE(Matrix);
-    ADD_KNOWN_TYPE(MatrixRotation);
-    ADD_KNOWN_TYPE(MatrixTwist);
-    ADD_KNOWN_TYPE(MatrixHomogeneous);
-    ADD_KNOWN_TYPE(VectorQuaternion);
-    ADD_KNOWN_TYPE(VectorRollPitchYaw);
-  } /* namespace sot */
+} /* namespace sot */
 } /* namespace dynamicgraph */
diff --git a/src/tools/utils-windows.cpp b/src/tools/utils-windows.cpp
index a964d2e9..aef60693 100644
--- a/src/tools/utils-windows.cpp
+++ b/src/tools/utils-windows.cpp
@@ -12,44 +12,40 @@
 #include < Windows.h >
 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
-#define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS  11644473600000000Ui64
+#define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS 11644473600000000Ui64
-#define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS  11644473600000000ULL
+#define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS 11644473600000000ULL
-int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz)
-	unsigned __int64 tmpres = 0;
-	static int tzflag;
-	if (NULL != tv)
-	{
-		GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
-		tmpres |= ft.dwHighDateTime;
-		tmpres <<= 32;
-		tmpres |= ft.dwLowDateTime;
-		/*converting file time to unix epoch*/
-		tmpres /= 10;  /*convert into microseconds*/
-		tv->tv_sec = (long)(tmpres / 1000000UL);
-		tv->tv_usec = (long)(tmpres % 1000000UL);
-	}
-	if (NULL != tz)
-	{
-		if (!tzflag)
-		{
-			_tzset();
-			tzflag++;
-		}
-		tz->tz_minuteswest = _timezone / 60;
-		tz->tz_dsttime = _daylight;
-	}
-	return 0;
+int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz) {
+  unsigned __int64 tmpres = 0;
+  static int tzflag;
+  if (NULL != tv) {
+    GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
+    tmpres |= ft.dwHighDateTime;
+    tmpres <<= 32;
+    tmpres |= ft.dwLowDateTime;
+    /*converting file time to unix epoch*/
+    tmpres /= 10; /*convert into microseconds*/
+    tv->tv_sec = (long)(tmpres / 1000000UL);
+    tv->tv_usec = (long)(tmpres % 1000000UL);
+  }
+  if (NULL != tz) {
+    if (!tzflag) {
+      _tzset();
+      tzflag++;
+    }
+    tz->tz_minuteswest = _timezone / 60;
+    tz->tz_dsttime = _daylight;
+  }
+  return 0;
 #endif /*WIN32*/
diff --git a/src/traces/reader.cpp b/src/traces/reader.cpp
index bc505141..21b18aec 100644
--- a/src/traces/reader.cpp
+++ b/src/traces/reader.cpp
@@ -12,39 +12,32 @@
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* SOT */
-#include <sot/core/reader.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/reader.hh>
 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-commands.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sstream>
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace std;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-sotReader::sotReader( const std::string n )
-  :Entity(n)
-  ,selectionSIN( NULL,"Reader("+n+")::input(flag)::selec" )
-   ,vectorSOUT( boost::bind(&sotReader::getNextData,this,_1,_2),
-	      sotNOSIGNAL,
-	      "Reader("+n+")::vector" )
-   ,matrixSOUT( boost::bind(&sotReader::getNextMatrix,this,_1,_2),
-		vectorSOUT,
-		"Reader("+n+")::matrix" )
-   ,dataSet()
-   ,currentData()
-   ,iteratorSet(false)
-  ,rows(0),cols(0)
-  signalRegistration( selectionSIN<<vectorSOUT<<matrixSOUT );
+sotReader::sotReader(const std::string n)
+    : Entity(n), selectionSIN(NULL, "Reader(" + n + ")::input(flag)::selec"),
+      vectorSOUT(boost::bind(&sotReader::getNextData, this, _1, _2),
+                 sotNOSIGNAL, "Reader(" + n + ")::vector"),
+      matrixSOUT(boost::bind(&sotReader::getNextMatrix, this, _1, _2),
+                 vectorSOUT, "Reader(" + n + ")::matrix"),
+      dataSet(), currentData(), iteratorSet(false), rows(0), cols(0) {
+  signalRegistration(selectionSIN << vectorSOUT << matrixSOUT);
   selectionSIN = true;
@@ -55,38 +48,38 @@ sotReader::sotReader( const std::string n )
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void sotReader::
-load( const string& filename )
+void sotReader::load(const string &filename) {
-  std::ifstream datafile( filename.c_str() );
-  const unsigned int SIZE=1024;
+  std::ifstream datafile(filename.c_str());
+  const unsigned int SIZE = 1024;
   char buffer[SIZE];
   std::vector<double> newline;
-  while( datafile.good() )
-    {
-      datafile.getline( buffer,SIZE );
-      const unsigned int gcount = (unsigned int)(datafile.gcount());
-      if( gcount>=SIZE ) { /* TODO read error, line to long. */ }
-      std::istringstream iss(buffer);
-      newline.clear();
-      sotDEBUG(25) << "Get line = '" << buffer << "'" << std::endl;
-      while( 1 )
-	{
-	  double x; iss>>x;
-	  if(! )newline.push_back(x); else break;
-	  sotDEBUG(45) << "New data = " << x  << std::endl;
-	}
-      if( newline.size()>0 )dataSet.push_back( newline );
+  while (datafile.good()) {
+    datafile.getline(buffer, SIZE);
+    const unsigned int gcount = (unsigned int)(datafile.gcount());
+    if (gcount >= SIZE) { /* TODO read error, line to long. */
+    }
+    std::istringstream iss(buffer);
+    newline.clear();
+    sotDEBUG(25) << "Get line = '" << buffer << "'" << std::endl;
+    while (1) {
+      double x;
+      iss >> x;
+      if (!
+        newline.push_back(x);
+      else
+        break;
+      sotDEBUG(45) << "New data = " << x << std::endl;
+    if (newline.size() > 0)
+      dataSet.push_back(newline);
+  }
-void sotReader::clear( void )
+void sotReader::clear(void) {
@@ -95,58 +88,58 @@ void sotReader::clear( void )
-void sotReader::
-rewind( void )
+void sotReader::rewind(void) {
   iteratorSet = false;
-dynamicgraph::Vector& sotReader::
-getNextData( dynamicgraph::Vector& res, const unsigned int time )
+dynamicgraph::Vector &sotReader::getNextData(dynamicgraph::Vector &res,
+                                             const unsigned int time) {
-  if(! iteratorSet )
-    {
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "Start the list" << std::endl;
-      currentData = dataSet.begin(); iteratorSet=true;
-    }
-  else if( currentData!=dataSet.end() ){ ++currentData;  }
+  if (!iteratorSet) {
+    sotDEBUG(15) << "Start the list" << std::endl;
+    currentData = dataSet.begin();
+    iteratorSet = true;
+  } else if (currentData != dataSet.end()) {
+    ++currentData;
+  }
-  if( currentData==dataSet.end() )
-    {
-      sotDEBUGOUT(15);
-      return res;
-    }
+  if (currentData == dataSet.end()) {
+    sotDEBUGOUT(15);
+    return res;
+  }
-  const Flags& selection = selectionSIN(time);
-  const std::vector<double> & curr =  *currentData;
+  const Flags &selection = selectionSIN(time);
+  const std::vector<double> &curr = *currentData;
-  unsigned int dim=0;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<curr.size();++i ) if( selection(i) ) dim++;
+  unsigned int dim = 0;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < curr.size(); ++i)
+    if (selection(i))
+      dim++;
-  int cursor=0;
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<curr.size();++i )
-    if( selection(i) ) res(cursor++)=curr[i];
+  int cursor = 0;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < curr.size(); ++i)
+    if (selection(i))
+      res(cursor++) = curr[i];
   return res;
-dynamicgraph::Matrix& sotReader::
-getNextMatrix( dynamicgraph::Matrix& res, const unsigned int time )
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &sotReader::getNextMatrix(dynamicgraph::Matrix &res,
+                                               const unsigned int time) {
-  const dynamicgraph::Vector& vect = vectorSOUT(time);
-  if( vect.size()<rows*cols ) return res;
+  const dynamicgraph::Vector &vect = vectorSOUT(time);
+  if (vect.size() < rows * cols)
+    return res;
-  res.resize( rows,cols );
-  for( int i=0;i<rows;++i )
-    for(int j=0;j<cols;++j )
-      res(i,j)=vect(i*cols+j);
+  res.resize(rows, cols);
+  for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
+    for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
+      res(i, j) = vect(i * cols + j);
   return res;
@@ -155,40 +148,31 @@ getNextMatrix( dynamicgraph::Matrix& res, const unsigned int time )
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void sotReader::
-display( std::ostream& os ) const
+void sotReader::display(std::ostream &os) const {
   os << CLASS_NAME << " " << name << endl;
-std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os,const sotReader& t )
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const sotReader &t) {
   return os;
-/* --- Command line interface ------------------------------------------------------ */
-void sotReader::initCommands()
+/* --- Command line interface
+ * ------------------------------------------------------ */
+void sotReader::initCommands() {
   namespace dc = ::dynamicgraph::command;
-  addCommand("clear",
-    dc::makeCommandVoid0(*this,&sotReader::clear,
-    "Clear the data loaded"));
+  addCommand("clear", dc::makeCommandVoid0(*this, &sotReader::clear,
+                                           "Clear the data loaded"));
-    dc::makeCommandVoid0(*this,&sotReader::rewind,
-    "Reset the iterator to the beginning of the data set"));
+             dc::makeCommandVoid0(
+                 *this, &sotReader::rewind,
+                 "Reset the iterator to the beginning of the data set"));
-    dc::makeCommandVoid1(*this,&sotReader::load,
-    "load file"));
-  addCommand("resize",
-    dc::makeCommandVoid2(*this,&sotReader::resize,
-    " "));
+             dc::makeCommandVoid1(*this, &sotReader::load, "load file"));
+  addCommand("resize", dc::makeCommandVoid2(*this, &sotReader::resize, " "));
-void sotReader::resize(const int & row, const int & col)
+void sotReader::resize(const int &row, const int &col) {
   rows = row;
   cols = col;
diff --git a/src/utils/stop-watch.cpp b/src/utils/stop-watch.cpp
index b00d7b35..01f4080f 100644
--- a/src/utils/stop-watch.cpp
+++ b/src/utils/stop-watch.cpp
 #ifndef WIN32
-  #include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
-  #include <Windows.h>
-  #include <iomanip>
+#include <Windows.h>
+#include <iomanip>
-#include <iomanip>      // std::setprecision
 #include "sot/core/stop-watch.hh"
+#include <iomanip> // std::setprecision
 using std::map;
-using std::string;
 using std::ostringstream;
+using std::string;
 //#define START_PROFILER(name) getProfiler().start(name)
 //#define STOP_PROFILER(name) getProfiler().stop(name)
-Stopwatch& getProfiler()
-  static Stopwatch s(REAL_TIME);   // alternatives are CPU_TIME and REAL_TIME
+Stopwatch &getProfiler() {
+  static Stopwatch s(REAL_TIME); // alternatives are CPU_TIME and REAL_TIME
   return s;
-Stopwatch::Stopwatch(StopwatchMode _mode) 
-  : active(true), mode(_mode)  
+Stopwatch::Stopwatch(StopwatchMode _mode) : active(true), mode(_mode) {
   records_of = new map<string, PerformanceData>();
-  delete records_of;
+Stopwatch::~Stopwatch() { delete records_of; }
-void Stopwatch::set_mode(StopwatchMode new_mode) 
-  mode = new_mode;
+void Stopwatch::set_mode(StopwatchMode new_mode) { mode = new_mode; }
-bool Stopwatch::performance_exists(string perf_name) 
+bool Stopwatch::performance_exists(string perf_name) {
   return (records_of->find(perf_name) != records_of->end());
-long double Stopwatch::take_time() 
-  if ( mode == CPU_TIME ) {
+long double Stopwatch::take_time() {
+  if (mode == CPU_TIME) {
     // Use ctime
     return clock();
-  } else if ( mode == REAL_TIME ) {
+  } else if (mode == REAL_TIME) {
     // Query operating system
 #ifdef WIN32
     /* In case of usage under Windows */
     FILETIME ft;
     LARGE_INTEGER intervals;
     // Get the amount of 100 nanoseconds intervals elapsed since January 1, 1601
     // (UTC)
     intervals.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime;
     intervals.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime;
     long double measure = intervals.QuadPart;
     measure -= 116444736000000000.0; // Convert to UNIX epoch time
     measure /= 10000000.0;           // Convert to seconds
     return measure;
     /* Linux, MacOS, ... */
     struct timeval tv;
     gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
     long double measure = tv.tv_usec;
-    measure /= 1000000.0;           // Convert to seconds
-    measure += tv.tv_sec;           // Add seconds part
+    measure /= 1000000.0; // Convert to seconds
+    measure += tv.tv_sec; // Add seconds part
     return measure;
   } else {
     // If mode == NONE, clock has not been initialized, then throw exception
     throw StopwatchException("Clock not initialized to a time taking mode!");
-void Stopwatch::start(string perf_name)  
-  if (!active) return;
+void Stopwatch::start(string perf_name) {
+  if (!active)
+    return;
   // Just works if not already present
   records_of->insert(make_pair(perf_name, PerformanceData()));
-  PerformanceData& perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
+  PerformanceData &perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
   // Take ctime
   perf_info.clock_start = take_time();
   // If this is a new start (i.e. not a restart)
-//  if (!perf_info.paused)
-//    perf_info.last_time = 0;
+  //  if (!perf_info.paused)
+  //    perf_info.last_time = 0;
   perf_info.paused = false;
-void Stopwatch::stop(string perf_name) 
-  if (!active) return;
+void Stopwatch::stop(string perf_name) {
+  if (!active)
+    return;
   long double clock_end = take_time();
   // Try to recover performance data
-  if ( !performance_exists(perf_name) )
+  if (!performance_exists(perf_name))
     throw StopwatchException("Performance not initialized.");
-  PerformanceData& perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
+  PerformanceData &perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
   // check whether the performance has been reset
-  if(perf_info.clock_start==0)
+  if (perf_info.clock_start == 0)
-  long double  lapse = clock_end - perf_info.clock_start;
-  if ( mode == CPU_TIME )
-    lapse /= (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+  long double lapse = clock_end - perf_info.clock_start;
+  if (mode == CPU_TIME)
+    lapse /= (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
   // Update last time
   perf_info.last_time = lapse;
   // Update min/max time
-  if ( lapse >= perf_info.max_time )
+  if (lapse >= perf_info.max_time)
     perf_info.max_time = lapse;
-  if ( lapse <= perf_info.min_time || perf_info.min_time == 0 )
+  if (lapse <= perf_info.min_time || perf_info.min_time == 0)
     perf_info.min_time = lapse;
   // Update total time
   perf_info.total_time += lapse;
-void Stopwatch::pause(string perf_name) 
-  if (!active) return;
-  long double  clock_end = clock();
+void Stopwatch::pause(string perf_name) {
+  if (!active)
+    return;
+  long double clock_end = clock();
   // Try to recover performance data
-  if ( !performance_exists(perf_name)  )
+  if (!performance_exists(perf_name))
     throw StopwatchException("Performance not initialized.");
-  PerformanceData& perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
+  PerformanceData &perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
   // check whether the performance has been reset
-  if(perf_info.clock_start==0)
+  if (perf_info.clock_start == 0)
-  long double  lapse = clock_end - perf_info.clock_start;
+  long double lapse = clock_end - perf_info.clock_start;
   // Update total time
   perf_info.last_time += lapse;
   perf_info.total_time += lapse;
-void Stopwatch::reset_all() 
-  if (!active) return;
+void Stopwatch::reset_all() {
+  if (!active)
+    return;
   map<string, PerformanceData>::iterator it;
   for (it = records_of->begin(); it != records_of->end(); ++it) {
-void Stopwatch::report_all(int precision, std::ostream& output) 
-  if (!active) return;
-  output<< "\n*** PROFILING RESULTS [ms] (min - avg - max - lastTime - nSamples - totalTime) ***\n";
+void Stopwatch::report_all(int precision, std::ostream &output) {
+  if (!active)
+    return;
+  output << "\n*** PROFILING RESULTS [ms] (min - avg - max - lastTime - "
+            "nSamples - totalTime) ***\n";
   map<string, PerformanceData>::iterator it;
   for (it = records_of->begin(); it != records_of->end(); ++it) {
     report(it->first, precision, output);
-void Stopwatch::reset(string perf_name) 
-  if (!active) return;
+void Stopwatch::reset(string perf_name) {
+  if (!active)
+    return;
   // Try to recover performance data
-  if ( !performance_exists(perf_name)  )
+  if (!performance_exists(perf_name))
     throw StopwatchException("Performance not initialized.");
-  PerformanceData& perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
+  PerformanceData &perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
   perf_info.clock_start = 0;
   perf_info.total_time = 0;
   perf_info.min_time = 0;
@@ -231,117 +221,105 @@ void Stopwatch::reset(string perf_name)
   perf_info.stops = 0;
-void Stopwatch::turn_on() 
+void Stopwatch::turn_on() {
   std::cout << "Stopwatch active." << std::endl;
   active = true;
-void Stopwatch::turn_off() 
+void Stopwatch::turn_off() {
   std::cout << "Stopwatch inactive." << std::endl;
   active = false;
-void Stopwatch::report(string perf_name, int precision, std::ostream& output) 
-  if (!active) return;
+void Stopwatch::report(string perf_name, int precision, std::ostream &output) {
+  if (!active)
+    return;
   // Try to recover performance data
-  if ( !performance_exists(perf_name)  )
+  if (!performance_exists(perf_name))
     throw StopwatchException("Performance not initialized.");
-  PerformanceData& perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
+  PerformanceData &perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
   string pad = "";
-  for (size_t i = perf_name.length(); i<STOP_WATCH_MAX_NAME_LENGTH; i++)
+  for (size_t i = perf_name.length(); i < STOP_WATCH_MAX_NAME_LENGTH; i++)
     pad.append(" ");
   output << perf_name << pad;
-  output << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision) 
-         << (perf_info.min_time*1e3) << "\t";
-  output << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision) 
-         << (perf_info.total_time*1e3 / (long double) perf_info.stops) << "\t";
-  output << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision) 
-         << (perf_info.max_time*1e3) << "\t";
   output << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision)
-         << (perf_info.last_time*1e3) << "\t";
+         << (perf_info.min_time * 1e3) << "\t";
+  output << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision)
+         << (perf_info.total_time * 1e3 / (long double)perf_info.stops) << "\t";
   output << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision)
-         << perf_info.stops << std::endl;
+         << (perf_info.max_time * 1e3) << "\t";
   output << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision)
-         << perf_info.total_time*1e3 << std::endl;
+         << (perf_info.last_time * 1e3) << "\t";
+  output << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision) << perf_info.stops
+         << std::endl;
+  output << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision)
+         << perf_info.total_time * 1e3 << std::endl;
-long double Stopwatch::get_time_so_far(string perf_name) 
+long double Stopwatch::get_time_so_far(string perf_name) {
   // Try to recover performance data
-  if ( !performance_exists(perf_name)  )
+  if (!performance_exists(perf_name))
     throw StopwatchException("Performance not initialized.");
-  long double lapse = 
-    (take_time() - (records_of->find(perf_name)->second).clock_start);
+  long double lapse =
+      (take_time() - (records_of->find(perf_name)->second).clock_start);
   if (mode == CPU_TIME)
-    lapse /= (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
+    lapse /= (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
   return lapse;
-long double Stopwatch::get_total_time(string perf_name) 
+long double Stopwatch::get_total_time(string perf_name) {
   // Try to recover performance data
-  if ( !performance_exists(perf_name)  )
+  if (!performance_exists(perf_name))
     throw StopwatchException("Performance not initialized.");
-  PerformanceData& perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
+  PerformanceData &perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
   return perf_info.total_time;
-long double Stopwatch::get_average_time(string perf_name) 
+long double Stopwatch::get_average_time(string perf_name) {
   // Try to recover performance data
-  if ( !performance_exists(perf_name)  )
+  if (!performance_exists(perf_name))
     throw StopwatchException("Performance not initialized.");
-  PerformanceData& perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
+  PerformanceData &perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
   return (perf_info.total_time / (long double)perf_info.stops);
-long double Stopwatch::get_min_time(string perf_name) 
+long double Stopwatch::get_min_time(string perf_name) {
   // Try to recover performance data
-  if ( !performance_exists(perf_name)  )
+  if (!performance_exists(perf_name))
     throw StopwatchException("Performance not initialized.");
-  PerformanceData& perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
+  PerformanceData &perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
   return perf_info.min_time;
-long double Stopwatch::get_max_time(string perf_name) 
+long double Stopwatch::get_max_time(string perf_name) {
   // Try to recover performance data
-  if ( !performance_exists(perf_name)  )
+  if (!performance_exists(perf_name))
     throw StopwatchException("Performance not initialized.");
-  PerformanceData& perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
+  PerformanceData &perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
   return perf_info.max_time;
-long double Stopwatch::get_last_time(string perf_name) 
+long double Stopwatch::get_last_time(string perf_name) {
   // Try to recover performance data
-  if ( !performance_exists(perf_name)  )
+  if (!performance_exists(perf_name))
     throw StopwatchException("Performance not initialized.");
-  PerformanceData& perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
+  PerformanceData &perf_info = records_of->find(perf_name)->second;
   return perf_info.last_time;
diff --git a/unitTesting/control/test_control_pd.cpp b/unitTesting/control/test_control_pd.cpp
index 82edfb00..4bee6dac 100644
--- a/unitTesting/control/test_control_pd.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/control/test_control_pd.cpp
@@ -9,28 +9,26 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #ifndef WIN32
 #include <unistd.h>
 using namespace std;
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <sot/core/control-pd.hh>
 #include <sstream>
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE debug-control-pd
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE debug - control - pd
-#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(control_pd) {
   sot::ControlPD *aControlPD = new ControlPD("acontrol_pd");
   std::istringstream Kpiss("[5](10.0,20.0,30.0,40.0,50.0)");
@@ -60,10 +58,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(control_pd)
     BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("  2\n2.1\n2.2\n2.3\n2.4\n"));
-    boost::test_tools::output_test_stream output;    
+    boost::test_tools::output_test_stream output;
diff --git a/unitTesting/dummy.cpp b/unitTesting/dummy.cpp
index cce7fc21..f9ac5d6b 100644
--- a/unitTesting/dummy.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/dummy.cpp
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-int main (int , char** )
+int main(int, char **) {
   dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW.trace("test test test");
diff --git a/unitTesting/factory/test_factory.cpp b/unitTesting/factory/test_factory.cpp
index 00208d61..03209df7 100644
--- a/unitTesting/factory/test_factory.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/factory/test_factory.cpp
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <string>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <string>
-#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include "../test-paths.h"
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
-#include "../test-paths.h"
-#include <sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-feature.hh>
+#include <sot/core/factory.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dg;
@@ -31,115 +31,113 @@ using namespace dg;
 #ifdef WIN32
-	typedef HMODULE sotPluginKey;
+typedef HMODULE sotPluginKey;
-	typedef void* sotPluginKey;
+typedef void *sotPluginKey;
-class TestFeature
-  :public FeatureAbstract
+class TestFeature : public FeatureAbstract {
-  TestFeature( void ) : FeatureAbstract("") {}
-  virtual ~TestFeature( void ) {}
-  virtual unsigned int& getDimension( unsigned int& res,int /*time*/ ) {return res;}
+  TestFeature(void) : FeatureAbstract("") {}
+  virtual ~TestFeature(void) {}
+  virtual unsigned int &getDimension(unsigned int &res, int /*time*/) {
+    return res;
+  }
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeError( dg::Vector& res, int /*time*/ ) {return res;}
-  virtual dg::Matrix& computeJacobian( dg::Matrix& res, int /*time*/ ) {return res;}
-  virtual dg::Vector& computeActivation( dg::Vector& res, int /*time*/ ) {return res;}
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeError(dg::Vector &res, int /*time*/) {
+    return res;
+  }
+  virtual dg::Matrix &computeJacobian(dg::Matrix &res, int /*time*/) {
+    return res;
+  }
+  virtual dg::Vector &computeActivation(dg::Vector &res, int /*time*/) {
+    return res;
+  }
+int main() {
-int main()
-  sotDEBUG(0) << "# In {"<<endl;
-//   Entity test("");
-//   ExceptionFeature t2(ExceptionFeature::BAD_INIT);
-//   ExceptionSignal t4(ExceptionSignal::COPY_NOT_INITIALIZED);
-//   Flags t3;
-//   TestFeature t5;
+  sotDEBUG(0) << "# In {" << endl;
+  //   Entity test("");
+  //   ExceptionFeature t2(ExceptionFeature::BAD_INIT);
+  //   ExceptionSignal t4(ExceptionSignal::COPY_NOT_INITIALIZED);
+  //   Flags t3;
+  //   TestFeature t5;
 #ifdef WIN32
-  sotPluginKey dlib = LoadLibrary (PLUGIN_LIB_INSTALL_PATH "/feature-visual-point" TESTS_DYNLIBSUFFIX);
+  sotPluginKey dlib = LoadLibrary(PLUGIN_LIB_INSTALL_PATH
+                                  "/feature-visual-point" TESTS_DYNLIBSUFFIX);
-  sotPluginKey dlib = dlopen(PLUGIN_LIB_INSTALL_PATH "/feature-visual-point" TESTS_DYNLIBSUFFIX, RTLD_NOW);
+  sotPluginKey dlib =
+      dlopen(PLUGIN_LIB_INSTALL_PATH "/feature-visual-point" TESTS_DYNLIBSUFFIX,
+             RTLD_NOW);
-if( NULL==dlib )
-    {
-      cerr << " Error dl"<<endl;
+  if (NULL == dlib) {
+    cerr << " Error dl" << endl;
 #ifndef WIN32
-      cerr << dlerror() <<endl;
+    cerr << dlerror() << endl;
     // Retrieve the system error message for the last-error code
     LPTSTR pszMessage;
     DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
-    FormatMessage(
-        NULL,
-        dwLastError,
-        (LPTSTR)&pszMessage,
-        0, NULL );
-	  cerr << pszMessage <<endl;
-	  LocalFree(pszMessage);
+                      FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
+                  (LPTSTR)&pszMessage, 0, NULL);
-      exit(1);
-    }
+    cerr << pszMessage << endl;
+    LocalFree(pszMessage);
+    exit(1);
+  }
 #ifdef WIN32
-	dlib = LoadLibrary (PLUGIN_LIB_INSTALL_PATH "/gain-adaptive" TESTS_DYNLIBSUFFIX);
+  dlib =
+      LoadLibrary(PLUGIN_LIB_INSTALL_PATH "/gain-adaptive" TESTS_DYNLIBSUFFIX);
+  dlib = dlopen(PLUGIN_LIB_INSTALL_PATH "/gain-adaptive" TESTS_DYNLIBSUFFIX,
+                RTLD_NOW);
-  if( NULL==dlib )
-    {
-      cerr << " Error dl"<<endl;
+  if (NULL == dlib) {
+    cerr << " Error dl" << endl;
 #ifndef WIN32
-      cerr << dlerror() <<endl;
+    cerr << dlerror() << endl;
     // Retrieve the system error message for the last-error code
     LPTSTR pszMessage;
     DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
-    FormatMessage(
-        NULL,
-        dwLastError,
-        (LPTSTR)&pszMessage,
-        0, NULL );
-	  cerr << pszMessage <<endl;
-	  LocalFree(pszMessage);
+                      FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
+                  (LPTSTR)&pszMessage, 0, NULL);
+    cerr << pszMessage << endl;
+    LocalFree(pszMessage);
-      exit(1);
-    }
+    exit(1);
+  }
-  Entity* gain =
-    FactoryStorage::getInstance()->newEntity("GainAdaptive","Gain");
-  FeatureAbstract* point = sotFactory.newFeature("FeatureVisualPoint","DynamicTest.");
+  Entity *gain =
+      FactoryStorage::getInstance()->newEntity("GainAdaptive", "Gain");
+  FeatureAbstract *point =
+      sotFactory.newFeature("FeatureVisualPoint", "DynamicTest.");
   try {
-  gain->display(cout); cout << endl;
-  cout <<gain->getClassName(); cout << endl;
-  point->display(cout); cout << endl;
-  cout <<point->getClassName(); cout << endl;
-  }
-  catch ( ExceptionSignal e ) {
-	  cout << "Exception caught! " << e << endl;
+    gain->display(cout);
+    cout << endl;
+    cout << gain->getClassName();
+    cout << endl;
+    point->display(cout);
+    cout << endl;
+    cout << point->getClassName();
+    cout << endl;
+  } catch (ExceptionSignal e) {
+    cout << "Exception caught! " << e << endl;
-  sotDEBUG(0) << "# Out }"<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(0) << "# Out }" << endl;
diff --git a/unitTesting/features/test_feature_generic.cpp b/unitTesting/features/test_feature_generic.cpp
index 422f568e..1187d4b8 100644
--- a/unitTesting/features/test_feature_generic.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/features/test_feature_generic.cpp
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <iostream>
-#include <pinocchio/multibody/model.hpp>
-#include <pinocchio/multibody/data.hpp>
-#include <pinocchio/algorithm/kinematics.hpp>
-#include <pinocchio/algorithm/joint-configuration.hpp>
-#include <pinocchio/algorithm/jacobian.hpp>
 #include <pinocchio/algorithm/frames.hpp>
+#include <pinocchio/algorithm/jacobian.hpp>
+#include <pinocchio/algorithm/joint-configuration.hpp>
+#include <pinocchio/algorithm/kinematics.hpp>
+#include <pinocchio/multibody/data.hpp>
+#include <pinocchio/multibody/model.hpp>
 #include <pinocchio/parsers/sample-models.hpp>
 #include <pinocchio/multibody/liegroup/liegroup.hpp>
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE features
 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
-#include <sot/core/sot.hh>
+#include <Eigen/SVD>
+#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/feature-generic.hh>
 #include <sot/core/feature-pose.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/task.hh>
 #include <sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
-#include <Eigen/SVD>
+#include <sot/core/sot.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
@@ -41,502 +41,480 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph;
 #define EIGEN_VECTOR_IS_APPROX(Va, Vb, precision)                              \
   BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((Va).isApprox(Vb, precision),                            \
-      "check " #Va ".isApprox(" #Vb ") failed "                                \
-      "[\n" << (Va).transpose() << "\n!=\n" << (Vb).transpose() << "\n]")
+                      "check " #Va ".isApprox(" #Vb ") failed "                \
+                      "[\n"                                                    \
+                          << (Va).transpose() << "\n!=\n"                      \
+                          << (Vb).transpose() << "\n]")
 #define EIGEN_MATRIX_IS_APPROX(Va, Vb, precision)                              \
   BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE((Va).isApprox(Vb, precision),                            \
-      "check " #Va ".isApprox(" #Vb ") failed "                                \
-      "[\n" << (Va) << "\n!=\n" << (Vb) << "\n]")
-class FeatureTestBase
-  public:
-    Task task_;
-    int time_;
-    dynamicgraph::Vector expectedTaskOutput_;
-    FeatureTestBase(unsigned dim,const std::string &name)
-      : task_("task"+name),
-      time_(0)
-    {
-      expectedTaskOutput_.resize(dim);
-    }
+                      "check " #Va ".isApprox(" #Vb ") failed "                \
+                      "[\n"                                                    \
+                          << (Va) << "\n!=\n"                                  \
+                          << (Vb) << "\n]")
+class FeatureTestBase {
+  Task task_;
+  int time_;
+  dynamicgraph::Vector expectedTaskOutput_;
+  FeatureTestBase(unsigned dim, const std::string &name)
+      : task_("task" + name), time_(0) {
+    expectedTaskOutput_.resize(dim);
+  }
-    virtual void init ()
-    {
-      task_.addFeature(featureAbstract());
-      task_.setWithDerivative(true);
-    }
+  virtual void init() {
+    task_.addFeature(featureAbstract());
+    task_.setWithDerivative(true);
+  }
-    void computeExpectedTaskOutput (const Vector& error, const Vector& errorDrift)
-    {
-      double gain = task_.controlGainSIN;
-      expectedTaskOutput_ = - gain * error - errorDrift;
-    }
+  void computeExpectedTaskOutput(const Vector &error,
+                                 const Vector &errorDrift) {
+    double gain = task_.controlGainSIN;
+    expectedTaskOutput_ = -gain * error - errorDrift;
+  }
-    template <typename LG_t>
-    void computeExpectedTaskOutput (const Vector& s, const Vector& sdes,
-        const Vector& sDesDot, const LG_t& lg)
-    {
-      Vector s_sd (lg.nv());
-      lg.difference (sdes, s, s_sd);
+  template <typename LG_t>
+  void computeExpectedTaskOutput(const Vector &s, const Vector &sdes,
+                                 const Vector &sDesDot, const LG_t &lg) {
+    Vector s_sd(lg.nv());
+    lg.difference(sdes, s, s_sd);
-      Eigen::Matrix<typename LG_t::Scalar, LG_t::NV, LG_t::NV> Jminus (lg.nv(),lg.nv());
-      lg.template dDifference<pinocchio::ARG0>(sdes, s, Jminus);
+    Eigen::Matrix<typename LG_t::Scalar, LG_t::NV, LG_t::NV> Jminus(lg.nv(),
+                                                                    lg.nv());
+    lg.template dDifference<pinocchio::ARG0>(sdes, s, Jminus);
-      computeExpectedTaskOutput (s_sd, Jminus * sDesDot);
-    }
+    computeExpectedTaskOutput(s_sd, Jminus * sDesDot);
+  }
-    void checkTaskOutput ()
-    {
-      BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL (task_.taskSOUT.accessCopy().size(), expectedTaskOutput_.size());
-      Vector taskOutput (expectedTaskOutput_.size());
-      for( int i=0;i<expectedTaskOutput_.size(); ++i )
-        taskOutput[i] = task_.taskSOUT.accessCopy()[i].getSingleBound();
-      EIGEN_VECTOR_IS_APPROX(taskOutput, expectedTaskOutput_, 1e-6);
-    }
+  void checkTaskOutput() {
+    BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(task_.taskSOUT.accessCopy().size(),
+                        expectedTaskOutput_.size());
+    Vector taskOutput(expectedTaskOutput_.size());
+    for (int i = 0; i < expectedTaskOutput_.size(); ++i)
+      taskOutput[i] = task_.taskSOUT.accessCopy()[i].getSingleBound();
+    EIGEN_VECTOR_IS_APPROX(taskOutput, expectedTaskOutput_, 1e-6);
+  }
-    void setGain (double gain)
-    {
-      task_.controlGainSIN = gain;
-      task_.controlGainSIN.access(time_);
-      task_.controlGainSIN.setReady();
-    }
+  void setGain(double gain) {
+    task_.controlGainSIN = gain;
+    task_.controlGainSIN.access(time_);
+    task_.controlGainSIN.setReady();
+  }
-    template <typename SignalType, typename ValueType>
-    void setSignal (SignalType& sig, const ValueType& v)
-    {
-      sig = v;
-      sig.access(time_);
-      sig.setReady();
-    }
+  template <typename SignalType, typename ValueType>
+  void setSignal(SignalType &sig, const ValueType &v) {
+    sig = v;
+    sig.access(time_);
+    sig.setReady();
+  }
-    virtual FeatureAbstract& featureAbstract() = 0;
+  virtual FeatureAbstract &featureAbstract() = 0;
-    virtual void setInputs () = 0;
+  virtual void setInputs() = 0;
-    virtual void printInputs() {}
+  virtual void printInputs() {}
-    virtual void recompute()
-    {
-      task_.taskSOUT.recompute(time_);
+  virtual void recompute() {
+    task_.taskSOUT.recompute(time_);
-      // Check that recomputing went fine.
-      FeatureAbstract& f (featureAbstract());
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (time_, f.errorSOUT.getTime());
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (time_, f.errordotSOUT.getTime());
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (time_, task_.errorSOUT.getTime());
-      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (time_, task_.errorTimeDerivativeSOUT.getTime());
+    // Check that recomputing went fine.
+    FeatureAbstract &f(featureAbstract());
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(time_, f.errorSOUT.getTime());
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(time_, f.errordotSOUT.getTime());
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(time_, task_.errorSOUT.getTime());
+    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(time_, task_.errorTimeDerivativeSOUT.getTime());
-      //TODO check that the output is correct
-      //computeExpectedTaskOutput (s - sd, - vd);
-    }
+    // TODO check that the output is correct
+    // computeExpectedTaskOutput (s - sd, - vd);
+  }
-    virtual void printOutputs() {}
+  virtual void printOutputs() {}
-    virtual void checkValue ()
-    {
-      time_++;
-      setInputs();
-      printInputs();
-      recompute();
-      printOutputs();
-    }
+  virtual void checkValue() {
+    time_++;
+    setInputs();
+    printInputs();
+    recompute();
+    printOutputs();
+  }
-class TestFeatureGeneric : public FeatureTestBase
-  public:
-    FeatureGeneric feature_,featureDes_;
-    int dim_;
-    TestFeatureGeneric(unsigned dim,const std::string &name):
-      FeatureTestBase (dim, name),
-      feature_("feature"+name),
-      featureDes_("featureDes"+name),
-      dim_ (dim)
-    {
-      feature_.setReference(&featureDes_);
-      feature_.selectionSIN=Flags(true);
-      dynamicgraph::Matrix Jq(dim,dim);
-      Jq.setIdentity();
-      feature_.jacobianSIN.setReference(&Jq);
-      init();
-    }
+class TestFeatureGeneric : public FeatureTestBase {
+  FeatureGeneric feature_, featureDes_;
+  int dim_;
-    FeatureAbstract& featureAbstract()
-    {
-      return feature_;
-    }
+  TestFeatureGeneric(unsigned dim, const std::string &name)
+      : FeatureTestBase(dim, name), feature_("feature" + name),
+        featureDes_("featureDes" + name), dim_(dim) {
+    feature_.setReference(&featureDes_);
+    feature_.selectionSIN = Flags(true);
-    void setInputs()
-    {
-      dynamicgraph::Vector  s(dim_), sd(dim_), vd(dim_);
-      double gain;
-      switch (time_) {
-        case 0:
-          BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(" ----- Test Velocity -----");
-          s.setZero();
-          sd.setZero();
-          vd.setZero();
-          gain=0.0;
-          break;
-        case 1:
-          BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(" ----- Test Position -----");
-          s.setZero();
-          sd.setConstant(2.);
-          vd.setZero();
-          gain=1.0;
-          break;
-        case 2:
-          BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(" ----- Test both -----");
-          s.setZero();
-          sd.setConstant(2.);
-          vd.setConstant(1.);
-          gain=3.0;
-          break;
-        default:
-          s.setRandom();
-          sd.setRandom();
-          vd.setRandom();
-          gain=1.0;
-      }
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix Jq(dim, dim);
+    Jq.setIdentity();
+    feature_.jacobianSIN.setReference(&Jq);
-      feature_.errorSIN = s;
-      feature_.errorSIN.access(time_);
-      feature_.errorSIN.setReady();
+    init();
+  }
-      featureDes_.errorSIN = sd;
-      featureDes_.errorSIN.access(time_);
-      featureDes_.errorSIN.setReady();
+  FeatureAbstract &featureAbstract() { return feature_; }
+  void setInputs() {
+    dynamicgraph::Vector s(dim_), sd(dim_), vd(dim_);
+    double gain;
+    switch (time_) {
+    case 0:
+      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(" ----- Test Velocity -----");
+      s.setZero();
+      sd.setZero();
+      vd.setZero();
+      gain = 0.0;
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(" ----- Test Position -----");
+      s.setZero();
+      sd.setConstant(2.);
+      vd.setZero();
+      gain = 1.0;
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE(" ----- Test both -----");
+      s.setZero();
+      sd.setConstant(2.);
+      vd.setConstant(1.);
+      gain = 3.0;
+      break;
+    default:
+      s.setRandom();
+      sd.setRandom();
+      vd.setRandom();
+      gain = 1.0;
+    }
-      featureDes_.errordotSIN = vd;
-      featureDes_.errordotSIN.access(time_);
-      featureDes_.errordotSIN.setReady();
+    feature_.errorSIN = s;
+    feature_.errorSIN.access(time_);
+    feature_.errorSIN.setReady();
-      setGain(gain);
-    }
+    featureDes_.errorSIN = sd;
+    featureDes_.errorSIN.access(time_);
+    featureDes_.errorSIN.setReady();
-    void printInputs()
-    {
-      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("----- inputs -----");
-      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("feature_.errorSIN: " << feature_.errorSIN(time_).transpose());
-      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("featureDes_.errorSIN: " << featureDes_.errorSIN(time_).transpose());
-      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("featureDes_.errordotSIN: " << featureDes_.errordotSIN(time_).transpose());
-      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.controlGain: " << task_.controlGainSIN(time_));
-    }
+    featureDes_.errordotSIN = vd;
+    featureDes_.errordotSIN.access(time_);
+    featureDes_.errordotSIN.setReady();
-    void recompute()
-    {
-      FeatureTestBase::recompute ();
+    setGain(gain);
+  }
-      dynamicgraph::Vector s = feature_.errorSIN;
-      dynamicgraph::Vector sd = featureDes_.errorSIN;
-      dynamicgraph::Vector vd = featureDes_.errordotSIN;
+  void printInputs() {
+    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("----- inputs -----");
+        "feature_.errorSIN: " << feature_.errorSIN(time_).transpose());
+        "featureDes_.errorSIN: " << featureDes_.errorSIN(time_).transpose());
+    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("featureDes_.errordotSIN: "
+                       << featureDes_.errordotSIN(time_).transpose());
+    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.controlGain: " << task_.controlGainSIN(time_));
+  }
-      computeExpectedTaskOutput (s - sd, - vd);
+  void recompute() {
+    FeatureTestBase::recompute();
-      checkTaskOutput();
-    }
+    dynamicgraph::Vector s = feature_.errorSIN;
+    dynamicgraph::Vector sd = featureDes_.errorSIN;
+    dynamicgraph::Vector vd = featureDes_.errordotSIN;
-    void printOutputs()
-    {
-      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("----- output -----");
-      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("time: " << time_);
-      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("feature.errorSOUT: " << feature_.errorSOUT(time_).transpose());
-      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("feature.errordotSOUT: " << feature_.errordotSOUT(time_).transpose());
-      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.taskSOUT: " << task_.taskSOUT(time_));    
-      //BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.errorSOUT: " << task_.errorSOUT(time_));
-      //BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.errordtSOUT: " << task_.errorTimeDerivativeSOUT(time_));
-      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Expected task output: " << expectedTaskOutput_.transpose());
-    }
+    computeExpectedTaskOutput(s - sd, -vd);
+    checkTaskOutput();
+  }
+  void printOutputs() {
+    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("----- output -----");
+    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("time: " << time_);
+        "feature.errorSOUT: " << feature_.errorSOUT(time_).transpose());
+        "feature.errordotSOUT: " << feature_.errordotSOUT(time_).transpose());
+    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.taskSOUT: " << task_.taskSOUT(time_));
+    // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.errorSOUT: " << task_.errorSOUT(time_));
+    // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.errordtSOUT: " <<
+    // task_.errorTimeDerivativeSOUT(time_));
+        "Expected task output: " << expectedTaskOutput_.transpose());
+  }
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (check_value)
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(check_value) {
   std::string srobot("test");
-  unsigned int dim=6;
-  TestFeatureGeneric testFeatureGeneric(dim,srobot);
+  unsigned int dim = 6;
+  TestFeatureGeneric testFeatureGeneric(dim, srobot);
   for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() // feature_generic
-MatrixHomogeneous randomM()
+MatrixHomogeneous randomM() {
   MatrixHomogeneous M;
-  Eigen::Vector3d w (Eigen::Vector3d::Random());
-  M.linear() = Eigen::AngleAxisd (w.norm(), w.normalized()).matrix();
+  Eigen::Vector3d w(Eigen::Vector3d::Random());
+  M.linear() = Eigen::AngleAxisd(w.norm(), w.normalized()).matrix();
   return M;
 typedef pinocchio::SE3 SE3;
 typedef pinocchio::SpecialEuclideanOperationTpl<3, double> SE3_t;
-typedef pinocchio::CartesianProductOperation <
-  pinocchio::VectorSpaceOperationTpl<3, double>,
-  pinocchio::SpecialOrthogonalOperationTpl<3, double> > R3xSO3_t;
-template <Representation_t representation>
-struct LG_t
-  typedef typename boost::mpl::if_c<representation == SE3Representation, SE3_t, R3xSO3_t>::type type;
+typedef pinocchio::CartesianProductOperation<
+    pinocchio::VectorSpaceOperationTpl<3, double>,
+    pinocchio::SpecialOrthogonalOperationTpl<3, double>>
+    R3xSO3_t;
+template <Representation_t representation> struct LG_t {
+  typedef typename boost::mpl::if_c<representation == SE3Representation, SE3_t,
+                                    R3xSO3_t>::type type;
-Vector7 toVector (const pinocchio::SE3& M)
+Vector7 toVector(const pinocchio::SE3 &M) {
   Vector7 v;
   v.head<3>() = M.translation();
   QuaternionMap(v.tail<4>().data()) = M.rotation();
   return v;
-Vector toVector (const std::vector<MultiBound>& in)
-  Vector out (in.size());
+Vector toVector(const std::vector<MultiBound> &in) {
+  Vector out(in.size());
   for (int i = 0; i < (int)in.size(); ++i)
     out[i] = in[i].getSingleBound();
   return out;
 template <Representation_t representation>
-class TestFeaturePose : public FeatureTestBase
- public:
+class TestFeaturePose : public FeatureTestBase {
   typedef typename LG_t<representation>::type LieGroup_t;
   FeaturePose<representation> feature_;
   bool relative_;
   pinocchio::Model model_;
-  pinocchio::Data  data_;
+  pinocchio::Data data_;
   pinocchio::JointIndex ja_, jb_;
   pinocchio::FrameIndex fa_, fb_;
-  TestFeaturePose (bool relative, const std::string &name):
-    FeatureTestBase (6, name),
-    feature_("feature"+name),
-    relative_ (relative),
-    data_ (model_)
-  {
-    pinocchio::buildModels::humanoid (model_, true); // use freeflyer
+  TestFeaturePose(bool relative, const std::string &name)
+      : FeatureTestBase(6, name), feature_("feature" + name),
+        relative_(relative), data_(model_) {
+    pinocchio::buildModels::humanoid(model_, true); // use freeflyer
-    model_.upperPositionLimit.head<3>().setConstant( 1.);
-    jb_ = model_.getJointId ("rarmwrist2_joint");
-    fb_ = model_.addFrame (pinocchio::Model::Frame (
-          "frame_b",
-          jb_,
-          model_.getFrameId ("rarmwrist2_joint", pinocchio::JOINT),
-          SE3::Identity(),
-          pinocchio::OP_FRAME));
+    model_.upperPositionLimit.head<3>().setConstant(1.);
+    jb_ = model_.getJointId("rarmwrist2_joint");
+    fb_ = model_.addFrame(pinocchio::Model::Frame(
+        "frame_b", jb_, model_.getFrameId("rarmwrist2_joint", pinocchio::JOINT),
+        SE3::Identity(), pinocchio::OP_FRAME));
     if (relative) {
-      ja_ = model_.getJointId ("larmwrist2_joint");
-      fa_ = model_.addFrame (pinocchio::Model::Frame (
-            "frame_a",
-            ja_,
-            model_.getFrameId ("larmwrist2_joint", pinocchio::JOINT),
-            SE3::Identity(),
-            pinocchio::OP_FRAME));
+      ja_ = model_.getJointId("larmwrist2_joint");
+      fa_ = model_.addFrame(pinocchio::Model::Frame(
+          "frame_a", ja_,
+          model_.getFrameId("larmwrist2_joint", pinocchio::JOINT),
+          SE3::Identity(), pinocchio::OP_FRAME));
     } else {
       ja_ = 0;
-      fa_ = model_.addFrame (pinocchio::Model::Frame (
-            "frame_a",
-            0,
-            0,
-            SE3::Identity(),
-            pinocchio::OP_FRAME));
+      fa_ = model_.addFrame(pinocchio::Model::Frame(
+          "frame_a", 0, 0, SE3::Identity(), pinocchio::OP_FRAME));
-    data_ = pinocchio::Data (model_);
+    data_ = pinocchio::Data(model_);
-  void _setFrame ()
-  {
-    setSignal (feature_.jaMfa,
+  void _setFrame() {
+    setSignal(
+        feature_.jaMfa,
-    setSignal (feature_.jbMfb,
+    setSignal(
+        feature_.jbMfb,
-  void setJointFrame ()
-  {
+  void setJointFrame() {
-  void setRandomFrame ()
-  {
+  void setRandomFrame() {
-  FeatureAbstract& featureAbstract()
-  {
-    return feature_;
-  }
+  FeatureAbstract &featureAbstract() { return feature_; }
-  void setInputs()
-  {
-    Vector q (pinocchio::randomConfiguration (model_));
-    pinocchio::framesForwardKinematics (model_, data_, q);
-    pinocchio::computeJointJacobians (model_, data_);
+  void setInputs() {
+    Vector q(pinocchio::randomConfiguration(model_));
+    pinocchio::framesForwardKinematics(model_, data_, q);
+    pinocchio::computeJointJacobians(model_, data_);
     // Poses
-    setSignal (feature_.oMjb, MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[jb_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
+    setSignal(feature_.oMjb,
+              MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[jb_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
     if (relative_) {
-      setSignal (feature_.oMja, MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[ja_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
+      setSignal(feature_.oMja,
+                MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[ja_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
     // Jacobians
-    Matrix J (6, model_.nv);
+    Matrix J(6, model_.nv);
-    pinocchio::getJointJacobian (model_, data_, jb_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
-    setSignal (feature_.jbJjb, J);
+    pinocchio::getJointJacobian(model_, data_, jb_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
+    setSignal(feature_.jbJjb, J);
     if (relative_) {
-      pinocchio::getJointJacobian (model_, data_, ja_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
-      setSignal (feature_.jaJja, J);
+      pinocchio::getJointJacobian(model_, data_, ja_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
+      setSignal(feature_.jaJja, J);
     // Desired
-    setSignal (feature_.faMfbDes, randomM());
-    setSignal (feature_.faNufafbDes, Vector::Random(6));
+    setSignal(feature_.faMfbDes, randomM());
+    setSignal(feature_.faNufafbDes, Vector::Random(6));
     double gain = 0;
-    //if (time_ % 5 != 0)
-      //gain = 2 * (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
+    // if (time_ % 5 != 0)
+    // gain = 2 * (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
     if (time_ % 2 != 0)
       gain = 1;
-  void printInputs()
-  {
+  void printInputs() {
     BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("----- inputs -----");
-    //BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("feature_.errorSIN: " << feature_.errorSIN(time_).transpose());
+    // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("feature_.errorSIN: " <<
+    // feature_.errorSIN(time_).transpose());
     BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.controlGain: " << task_.controlGainSIN(time_));
-  void recompute()
-  {
-    FeatureTestBase::recompute ();
+  void recompute() {
+    FeatureTestBase::recompute();
-    const SE3
-      oMfb = data_.oMf[fb_],
-      oMfa = data_.oMf[fa_],
-      faMfb (feature_.faMfb.accessCopy().matrix()),
-      faMfbDes (feature_.faMfbDes.accessCopy().matrix());
-    const Vector& nu (feature_.faNufafbDes.accessCopy());
+    const SE3 oMfb = data_.oMf[fb_], oMfa = data_.oMf[fa_],
+              faMfb(feature_.faMfb.accessCopy().matrix()),
+              faMfbDes(feature_.faMfbDes.accessCopy().matrix());
+    const Vector &nu(feature_.faNufafbDes.accessCopy());
-    computeExpectedTaskOutput (
-        toVector(oMfa.inverse() * oMfb),
-        toVector(faMfbDes),
+    computeExpectedTaskOutput(
+        toVector(oMfa.inverse() * oMfb), toVector(faMfbDes),
         (boost::is_same<LieGroup_t, SE3_t>::value
-         ? faMfbDes.toActionMatrixInverse() * nu
-         : (Vector6d () << nu.head<3>() - faMfb.translation().cross(nu.tail<3>()), faMfbDes.rotation().transpose() * nu.tail<3>()).finished()),
+             ? faMfbDes.toActionMatrixInverse() * nu
+             : (Vector6d() << nu.head<3>() -
+                                  faMfb.translation().cross(nu.tail<3>()),
+                faMfbDes.rotation().transpose() * nu.tail<3>())
+                   .finished()),
-  void printOutputs()
-  {
+  void printOutputs() {
     BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("----- output -----");
     BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("time: " << time_);
-    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("feature.errorSOUT: " << feature_.errorSOUT(time_).transpose());
-    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("feature.errordotSOUT: " << feature_.errordotSOUT(time_).transpose());
-    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.taskSOUT: " << task_.taskSOUT(time_));    
-    //BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.errorSOUT: " << task_.errorSOUT(time_));
-    //BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.errordtSOUT: " << task_.errorTimeDerivativeSOUT(time_));
-    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Expected task output: " << expectedTaskOutput_.transpose());
+        "feature.errorSOUT: " << feature_.errorSOUT(time_).transpose());
+        "feature.errordotSOUT: " << feature_.errordotSOUT(time_).transpose());
+    BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.taskSOUT: " << task_.taskSOUT(time_));
+    // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.errorSOUT: " << task_.errorSOUT(time_));
+    // BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("task.errordtSOUT: " <<
+    // task_.errorTimeDerivativeSOUT(time_));
+        "Expected task output: " << expectedTaskOutput_.transpose());
-  virtual void checkJacobian ()
-  {
+  virtual void checkJacobian() {
     // We want to check that e (q+dq, t) ~ e(q, t) + de/dq(q,t) dq
-    Vector q (pinocchio::randomConfiguration (model_));
-    pinocchio::framesForwardKinematics (model_, data_, q);
-    pinocchio::computeJointJacobians (model_, data_);
+    Vector q(pinocchio::randomConfiguration(model_));
+    pinocchio::framesForwardKinematics(model_, data_, q);
+    pinocchio::computeJointJacobians(model_, data_);
     // Poses
-    setSignal (feature_.oMjb, MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[jb_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
+    setSignal(feature_.oMjb,
+              MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[jb_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
     if (relative_) {
-      setSignal (feature_.oMja, MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[ja_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
+      setSignal(feature_.oMja,
+                MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[ja_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
     // Jacobians
-    Matrix J (6, model_.nv);
+    Matrix J(6, model_.nv);
-    pinocchio::getJointJacobian (model_, data_, jb_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
-    setSignal (feature_.jbJjb, J);
+    pinocchio::getJointJacobian(model_, data_, jb_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
+    setSignal(feature_.jbJjb, J);
     if (relative_) {
-      pinocchio::getJointJacobian (model_, data_, ja_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
-      setSignal (feature_.jaJja, J);
+      pinocchio::getJointJacobian(model_, data_, ja_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
+      setSignal(feature_.jaJja, J);
     // Desired
-    setSignal (feature_.faMfbDes, randomM());
+    setSignal(feature_.faMfbDes, randomM());
     // Get task jacobian
     Vector e_q = task_.errorSOUT.access(time_);
     J = task_.jacobianSOUT.access(time_);
-    Eigen::IOFormat PyVectorFmt(Eigen::FullPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]\n");
-    Eigen::IOFormat PyMatrixFmt(Eigen::FullPrecision, 0, ", ", ",\n", "[", "]", "[", "]\n");
+    Eigen::IOFormat PyVectorFmt(Eigen::FullPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "",
+                                "[", "]\n");
+    Eigen::IOFormat PyMatrixFmt(Eigen::FullPrecision, 0, ", ", ",\n", "[", "]",
+                                "[", "]\n");
-    Vector qdot (Vector::Zero(model_.nv));
+    Vector qdot(Vector::Zero(model_.nv));
     double eps = 1e-6;
-      data_.oMi[ja_].toHomogeneousMatrix().format(PyMatrixFmt) <<
-      data_.oMi[jb_].toHomogeneousMatrix().format(PyMatrixFmt) <<
-      model_.frames[fa_].placement.toHomogeneousMatrix().format(PyMatrixFmt) <<
-      model_.frames[fb_].placement.toHomogeneousMatrix().format(PyMatrixFmt) <<
-      J.format(PyMatrixFmt)
-      );
-    for (int i = 0; i < model_.nv; ++i)
-    {
+        data_.oMi[ja_].toHomogeneousMatrix().format(PyMatrixFmt)
+        << data_.oMi[jb_].toHomogeneousMatrix().format(PyMatrixFmt)
+        << model_.frames[fa_].placement.toHomogeneousMatrix().format(
+               PyMatrixFmt)
+        << model_.frames[fb_].placement.toHomogeneousMatrix().format(
+               PyMatrixFmt)
+        << J.format(PyMatrixFmt));
+    for (int i = 0; i < model_.nv; ++i) {
       qdot(i) = eps;
       // Update pose signals
-      Vector q_qdot = pinocchio::integrate (model_, q, qdot);
-      pinocchio::framesForwardKinematics (model_, data_, q_qdot);
-      setSignal (feature_.oMjb, MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[jb_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
+      Vector q_qdot = pinocchio::integrate(model_, q, qdot);
+      pinocchio::framesForwardKinematics(model_, data_, q_qdot);
+      setSignal(feature_.oMjb,
+                MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[jb_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
       if (relative_) {
-        setSignal (feature_.oMja, MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[ja_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
+        setSignal(feature_.oMja,
+                  MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[ja_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
       // Recompute output and check finite diff
       Vector e_q_dq = task_.errorSOUT.access(time_);
-      BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE ((((e_q_dq - e_q)/eps) - J.col(i)).maxCoeff() < 1e-4,
+          (((e_q_dq - e_q) / eps) - J.col(i)).maxCoeff() < 1e-4,
           "Jacobian col " << i << " does not match finite difference.\n"
-          << ((e_q_dq - e_q)/eps).format (PyVectorFmt) << '\n'
-          << J.col(i).format (PyVectorFmt) << '\n'
-          );
+                          << ((e_q_dq - e_q) / eps).format(PyVectorFmt) << '\n'
+                          << J.col(i).format(PyVectorFmt) << '\n');
       qdot(i) = 0.;
-  virtual void checkFeedForward ()
-  {
+  virtual void checkFeedForward() {
     // random config
     // set inputs
@@ -546,60 +524,60 @@ class TestFeaturePose : public FeatureTestBase
     // check that faMfb (q+eps*qdot) ~= faMfb(q) + eps * faNufafbDes
-    Vector q (pinocchio::randomConfiguration (model_));
-    pinocchio::framesForwardKinematics (model_, data_, q);
-    pinocchio::computeJointJacobians (model_, data_);
+    Vector q(pinocchio::randomConfiguration(model_));
+    pinocchio::framesForwardKinematics(model_, data_, q);
+    pinocchio::computeJointJacobians(model_, data_);
     SE3 faMfb = data_.oMf[fa_].actInv(data_.oMf[fb_]);
     // Poses
-    setSignal (feature_.oMjb, MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[jb_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
+    setSignal(feature_.oMjb,
+              MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[jb_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
     if (relative_) {
-      setSignal (feature_.oMja, MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[ja_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
+      setSignal(feature_.oMja,
+                MatrixHomogeneous(data_.oMi[ja_].toHomogeneousMatrix()));
     // Jacobians
-    Matrix J (6, model_.nv);
+    Matrix J(6, model_.nv);
-    pinocchio::getJointJacobian (model_, data_, jb_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
-    setSignal (feature_.jbJjb, J);
+    pinocchio::getJointJacobian(model_, data_, jb_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
+    setSignal(feature_.jbJjb, J);
     if (relative_) {
-      pinocchio::getJointJacobian (model_, data_, ja_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
-      setSignal (feature_.jaJja, J);
+      pinocchio::getJointJacobian(model_, data_, ja_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
+      setSignal(feature_.jaJja, J);
     Matrix faJfafb;
-    pinocchio::getFrameJacobian (model_, data_, fb_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
+    pinocchio::getFrameJacobian(model_, data_, fb_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
     faJfafb = faMfb.toActionMatrix() * J;
-    pinocchio::getFrameJacobian (model_, data_, fa_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
+    pinocchio::getFrameJacobian(model_, data_, fa_, pinocchio::LOCAL, J);
     faJfafb -= J;
     // Desired
-    setSignal (feature_.faMfbDes, randomM());
+    setSignal(feature_.faMfbDes, randomM());
     // Get task jacobian
     J = task_.jacobianSOUT.accessCopy();
-    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Matrix> svd (J, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
+    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Matrix> svd(J, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
-    Vector faNufafbDes (Vector::Zero(6));
+    Vector faNufafbDes(Vector::Zero(6));
     double eps = 1e-6;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
-    {
+    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
       faNufafbDes(i) = 1.;
-      setSignal (feature_.faNufafbDes, faNufafbDes);
+      setSignal(feature_.faNufafbDes, faNufafbDes);
-      Vector qdot = svd.solve(toVector (task_.taskSOUT.accessCopy()));
+      Vector qdot = svd.solve(toVector(task_.taskSOUT.accessCopy()));
       Vector faNufafb = faJfafb * qdot;
       EIGEN_VECTOR_IS_APPROX(faNufafbDes, faNufafb, eps);
       faNufafbDes(i) = 0.;
@@ -607,9 +585,8 @@ class TestFeaturePose : public FeatureTestBase
 template <typename TestClass>
-void runTest (TestClass& runner,
-    int N = 2)
-    //int N = 10)
+void runTest(TestClass &runner, int N = 2)
+// int N = 10)
   for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
@@ -622,51 +599,45 @@ void runTest (TestClass& runner,
 template <Representation_t representation>
-void feature_pose_absolute_tpl(const std::string& repr)
+void feature_pose_absolute_tpl(const std::string &repr) {
   BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("absolute " << repr);
-  TestFeaturePose<representation> testAbsolute(false,"abs"+repr);
+  TestFeaturePose<representation> testAbsolute(false, "abs" + repr);
-  runTest (testAbsolute);
+  runTest(testAbsolute);
-  runTest (testAbsolute);
+  runTest(testAbsolute);
 template <Representation_t representation>
-void feature_pose_relative_tpl(const std::string& repr)
+void feature_pose_relative_tpl(const std::string &repr) {
   BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("relative " << repr);
-  TestFeaturePose<representation> testRelative(true ,"rel"+repr);
-  runTest (testRelative);
+  TestFeaturePose<representation> testRelative(true, "rel" + repr);
+  runTest(testRelative);
-  runTest (testRelative);
+  runTest(testRelative);
diff --git a/unitTesting/features/test_feature_point6d.cpp b/unitTesting/features/test_feature_point6d.cpp
index 291ff956..b58aed73 100644
--- a/unitTesting/features/test_feature_point6d.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/features/test_feature_point6d.cpp
@@ -12,53 +12,47 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <iostream>
-#include <sot/core/sot.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-point6d.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-point6d.hh>
 #include <sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <sot/core/sot.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-class TestPoint6d
- public:
-  FeaturePoint6d feature_,featureDes_;
+class TestPoint6d {
+  FeaturePoint6d feature_, featureDes_;
   Task task_;
   int time_;
-  int dim_,robotDim_,featureDim_;
+  int dim_, robotDim_, featureDim_;
   dynamicgraph::Vector manual_;
-  TestPoint6d(unsigned dim,std::string &name):
-      feature_("feature"+name),
-      featureDes_("featureDes"+name),
-      task_("task"+name),
-      time_(0)
+  TestPoint6d(unsigned dim, std::string &name)
+      : feature_("feature" + name), featureDes_("featureDes" + name),
+        task_("task" + name), time_(0)
-    feature_.selectionSIN=Flags(true);
+    feature_.selectionSIN = Flags(true);
     dim_ = dim;
     robotDim_ = featureDim_ = dim;
-    dynamicgraph::Matrix Jq(dim,dim);
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix Jq(dim, dim);
-  void setInputs(MatrixHomogeneous & s,
-                  MatrixHomogeneous &sd,
-                  dynamicgraph::Vector &vd,
-                  double gain)
-  {
+  void setInputs(MatrixHomogeneous &s, MatrixHomogeneous &sd,
+                 dynamicgraph::Vector &vd, double gain) {
     feature_.positionSIN = s;
@@ -76,21 +70,19 @@ class TestPoint6d
-  void printInputs()
-  {
+  void printInputs() {
     std::cout << "----- inputs -----" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "feature_.position: " << feature_.positionSIN(time_)
               << std::endl;
     std::cout << "featureDes_.position: " << featureDes_.positionSIN(time_)
               << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "featureDes_.velocity: " << featureDes_.velocitySIN(time_).transpose()
-              << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "featureDes_.velocity: "
+              << featureDes_.velocitySIN(time_).transpose() << std::endl;
     std::cout << "task.controlGain: " << task_.controlGainSIN(time_)
               << std::endl;
-  int recompute()
-  {
+  int recompute() {
@@ -103,70 +95,68 @@ class TestPoint6d
     dynamicgraph::Vector vd = featureDes_.velocitySIN;
     double gain = task_.controlGainSIN;
     dynamicgraph::Vector manual;
-    const std::vector<dynamicgraph::sot::MultiBound> & taskTaskSOUT
-        =task_.taskSOUT(time_);
+    const std::vector<dynamicgraph::sot::MultiBound> &taskTaskSOUT =
+        task_.taskSOUT(time_);
     /// Verify the computation of the desired frame.
     /// -gain *(s-sd) - ([w]x (sd -s)-vd)
     dynamicgraph::Matrix aM;
     dynamicgraph::Vector aV;
-    aM.resize(3,3);
+    aM.resize(3, 3);
-    aM(0,0) =    0.0;aM(0,1) = -vd(5); aM(0,2) = vd(4);
-    aM(1,0) =  vd(5);aM(1,1) = 0.0;    aM(1,2) =-vd(3);
-    aM(2,0) = -vd(4); aM(2,1) = vd(3); aM(2,2) = 0.0;
-    for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
-      aV(i) = sd(i,3)-s(i,3);
-    aV = aM*aV;
+    aM(0, 0) = 0.0;
+    aM(0, 1) = -vd(5);
+    aM(0, 2) = vd(4);
+    aM(1, 0) = vd(5);
+    aM(1, 1) = 0.0;
+    aM(1, 2) = -vd(3);
+    aM(2, 0) = -vd(4);
+    aM(2, 1) = vd(3);
+    aM(2, 2) = 0.0;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+      aV(i) = sd(i, 3) - s(i, 3);
+    aV = aM * aV;
     /// Recompute error_th.
-    for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
-    {
-      manual_[i]  = - gain*(s(i,3)-sd(i,3)) - ( aV(i)-vd(i));
-      if (manual_[i]!=taskTaskSOUT[i].getSingleBound())
-          return -1;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+      manual_[i] = -gain * (s(i, 3) - sd(i, 3)) - (aV(i) - vd(i));
+      if (manual_[i] != taskTaskSOUT[i].getSingleBound())
+        return -1;
     return 0;
-  void printOutput()
-  {
+  void printOutput() {
     std::cout << "----- output -----" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "time: " << time_ << std::endl;
     std::cout << "feature.errorSOUT: " << feature_.errorSOUT(time_).transpose()
               << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "feature.errordotSOUT: " << feature_.errordotSOUT(time_).transpose()
-              << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "task.taskSOUT: " << task_.taskSOUT(time_)
-              << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "feature.errordotSOUT: "
+              << feature_.errordotSOUT(time_).transpose() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "task.taskSOUT: " << task_.taskSOUT(time_) << std::endl;
     //    std::cout << "task.errorSOUT: " << task_.errorSOUT(time_)
     //<< std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "task.errordtSOUT: " << task_.errorTimeDerivativeSOUT(time_)
+    // std::cout << "task.errordtSOUT: " << task_.errorTimeDerivativeSOUT(time_)
     //<< std::endl;
     std::cout << "manual: " << manual_.transpose() << std::endl;
-  int runTest(MatrixHomogeneous &s,
-               MatrixHomogeneous &sd,
-               dynamicgraph::Vector &vd,
-               double gain)
-  {
-    setInputs(s,sd,vd,gain);
+  int runTest(MatrixHomogeneous &s, MatrixHomogeneous &sd,
+              dynamicgraph::Vector &vd, double gain) {
+    setInputs(s, sd, vd, gain);
-    int r= recompute();
+    int r = recompute();
     return r;
-int main( void )
+int main(void) {
   // Name of the robot
   std::string srobot("Robot");
   // Dimension of the robot.
-  unsigned int dim=6;
+  unsigned int dim = 6;
   // Feature and Desired Feature
   MatrixHomogeneous s, sd;
   // Desired velocity
@@ -176,55 +166,51 @@ int main( void )
   // Result of test
   int r;
-  TestPoint6d testFeaturePoint6d(dim,srobot);
+  TestPoint6d testFeaturePoint6d(dim, srobot);
   std::cout << " ----- Test Velocity -----" << std::endl;
-  s .setIdentity();
+  s.setIdentity();
-  gain=0.0;
+  gain = 0.0;
-  if ((r=testFeaturePoint6d.runTest(s,sd,vd,gain))<0)
-  {
+  if ((r = testFeaturePoint6d.runTest(s, sd, vd, gain)) < 0) {
     std::cerr << "Failure on 1st test." << std::endl;
     return r;
   std::cout << " ----- Test Position -----" << std::endl;
-  s .setIdentity();
+  s.setIdentity();
   sd.translation()[2] = 2.0;
-  gain=1.0;
+  gain = 1.0;
-  if ((r=testFeaturePoint6d.runTest(s,sd,vd,gain))<0)
-  {
+  if ((r = testFeaturePoint6d.runTest(s, sd, vd, gain)) < 0) {
     std::cerr << "Failure on 2nd test." << std::endl;
     return r;
   std::cout << " ----- Test both -----" << std::endl;
-  s .setIdentity();
+  s.setIdentity();
   sd.translation()[2] = 2.0;
-  gain=3.0;
+  gain = 3.0;
-  if ((r=testFeaturePoint6d.runTest(s,sd,vd,gain))<0)
-  {
+  if ((r = testFeaturePoint6d.runTest(s, sd, vd, gain)) < 0) {
     std::cerr << "Failure on 3th test." << std::endl;
     return r;
   std::cout << " ----- Test both again -----" << std::endl;
-  s .setIdentity();
+  s.setIdentity();
   sd.translation()[2] = 2.0;
-  gain=3.0;
+  gain = 3.0;
-  if ((r=testFeaturePoint6d.runTest(s,sd,vd,gain))<0)
-  {
+  if ((r = testFeaturePoint6d.runTest(s, sd, vd, gain)) < 0) {
     std::cerr << "Failure on 4th test." << std::endl;
     return r;
diff --git a/unitTesting/filters/test_filter_differentiator.cpp b/unitTesting/filters/test_filter_differentiator.cpp
index 667a8504..5915b007 100644
--- a/unitTesting/filters/test_filter_differentiator.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/filters/test_filter_differentiator.cpp
@@ -9,35 +9,33 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #ifndef WIN32
 #include <unistd.h>
 using namespace std;
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <sot/core/filter-differentiator.hh>
 #include <sstream>
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test-filter-differentiator
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test - filter - differentiator
-#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
-  sot::FilterDifferentiator *aFilterDiff = new
-    FilterDifferentiator("filter_differentiator");
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_filter_differentiator) {
+  sot::FilterDifferentiator *aFilterDiff =
+      new FilterDifferentiator("filter_differentiator");
+  Eigen::VectorXd filter_num(7), filter_den(7);
-  Eigen::VectorXd filter_num(7),filter_den(7);
   filter_num(0) = 2.16439898e-05;
   filter_num(1) = 4.43473520e-05;
   filter_num(2) = -1.74065002e-05;
@@ -53,15 +51,15 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_filter_differentiator)
   filter_den(4) = 9.68705647;
   filter_den(5) = -3.52968633;
   filter_den(6) = 0.53914042;
-  double timestep=0.001;
-  int xSize=16;
-  aFilterDiff->init(timestep,xSize,filter_num,filter_den);
+  double timestep = 0.001;
+  int xSize = 16;
+  aFilterDiff->init(timestep, xSize, filter_num, filter_den);
   dynamicgraph::Vector aVec(16);
-  for(unsigned int i=0;i<16;i++)
-    aVec(i) = (double)(i+rand()%100);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+    aVec(i) = (double)(i + rand() % 100);
   aFilterDiff->m_xSIN = aVec;
   output_test_stream output;
@@ -70,21 +68,19 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_filter_differentiator)
-			      "86.5403\n"
-			      "78.5826\n"
-			      "17.9049\n"
-			      "96.4874\n"
-			      "39.7886\n"
-			      "91.5139\n"
-			      "98.4769\n"
-			      "56.6988\n"
-			      "29.8415\n"
-			      "71.6195\n"
+                              "86.5403\n"
+                              "78.5826\n"
+                              "17.9049\n"
+                              "96.4874\n"
+                              "39.7886\n"
+                              "91.5139\n"
+                              "98.4769\n"
+                              "56.6988\n"
+                              "29.8415\n"
+                              "71.6195\n"
-			      "101.461\n"
-			      "71.6195\n"
-			      "76.5931\n"
-			      "40.7834\n"));
+                              "101.461\n"
+                              "71.6195\n"
+                              "76.5931\n"
+                              "40.7834\n"));
diff --git a/unitTesting/filters/test_madgwick_ahrs.cpp b/unitTesting/filters/test_madgwick_ahrs.cpp
index 44e2d6ed..79592a00 100644
--- a/unitTesting/filters/test_madgwick_ahrs.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/filters/test_madgwick_ahrs.cpp
@@ -9,44 +9,44 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #ifndef WIN32
 #include <unistd.h>
 using namespace std;
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <sot/core/madgwickahrs.hh>
 #include <sstream>
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test-filter-differentiator
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test - filter - differentiator
-#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
-  sot::MadgwickAHRS *aFilter = new
-    MadgwickAHRS("MadgwickAHRS");
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_filter_differentiator) {
+  sot::MadgwickAHRS *aFilter = new MadgwickAHRS("MadgwickAHRS");
-  double timestep=0.001,beta=0.01;
+  double timestep = 0.001, beta = 0.01;
   dynamicgraph::Vector acc(3);
   dynamicgraph::Vector angvel(3);
-  acc(0)=0.3; acc(1)=0.2; acc(2)=0.3;
+  acc(0) = 0.3;
+  acc(1) = 0.2;
+  acc(2) = 0.3;
   aFilter->m_accelerometerSIN = acc;
-  angvel(0)=0.1;angvel(1)=-0.1;angvel(2)=0.3;
+  angvel(0) = 0.1;
+  angvel(1) = -0.1;
+  angvel(2) = 0.3;
   aFilter->m_gyroscopeSIN = angvel;
   output_test_stream output;
@@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_filter_differentiator)
   BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("           1\n"
-			      "  5.5547e-05\n"
-			      "-5.83205e-05\n"
-			      "     0.00015\n"));
+                              "  5.5547e-05\n"
+                              "-5.83205e-05\n"
+                              "     0.00015\n"));
diff --git a/unitTesting/filters/test_madgwick_arhs.cpp b/unitTesting/filters/test_madgwick_arhs.cpp
index 050558fb..5c8ffdf3 100644
--- a/unitTesting/filters/test_madgwick_arhs.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/filters/test_madgwick_arhs.cpp
@@ -9,44 +9,44 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #ifndef WIN32
 #include <unistd.h>
 using namespace std;
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <sot/core/madgwickahrs.hh>
 #include <sstream>
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test-filter-differentiator
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test - filter - differentiator
-#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
-  sot::MadgwickAHRS *aFilter = new
-    MadgwickAHRS("MadgwickAHRS");
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_filter_differentiator) {
+  sot::MadgwickAHRS *aFilter = new MadgwickAHRS("MadgwickAHRS");
-  double timestep=0.001,beta=0.01;
+  double timestep = 0.001, beta = 0.01;
   dynamicgraph::Vector acc(3);
   dynamicgraph::Vector angvel(3);
-  acc(0)=0.3; acc(1)=0.2; acc(2)=0.3;
+  acc(0) = 0.3;
+  acc(1) = 0.2;
+  acc(2) = 0.3;
   aFilter->m_accelerometerSIN = acc;
-  angvel(0)=0.1;angvel(1)=-0.1;angvel(2)=0.3;
+  angvel(0) = 0.1;
+  angvel(1) = -0.1;
+  angvel(2) = 0.3;
   aFilter->m_gyroscopeSIN = angvel;
   output_test_stream output;
@@ -55,21 +55,19 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_filter_differentiator)
   std::cout << "anoss:" << anoss << std::endl;
-			      "86.5403\n"
-			      "78.5826\n"
-			      "17.9049\n"
-			      "96.4874\n"
-			      "39.7886\n"
-			      "91.5139\n"
-			      "98.4769\n"
-			      "56.6988\n"
-			      "29.8415\n"
-			      "71.6195\n"
+                              "86.5403\n"
+                              "78.5826\n"
+                              "17.9049\n"
+                              "96.4874\n"
+                              "39.7886\n"
+                              "91.5139\n"
+                              "98.4769\n"
+                              "56.6988\n"
+                              "29.8415\n"
+                              "71.6195\n"
-			      "101.461\n"
-			      "71.6195\n"
-			      "76.5931\n"
-			      "40.7834\n"));
+                              "101.461\n"
+                              "71.6195\n"
+                              "76.5931\n"
+                              "40.7834\n"));
diff --git a/unitTesting/math/matrix-homogeneous.cpp b/unitTesting/math/matrix-homogeneous.cpp
index d08a27ba..08e4b99e 100644
--- a/unitTesting/math/matrix-homogeneous.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/math/matrix-homogeneous.cpp
@@ -4,110 +4,112 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE matrix_homogeneous
-#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/floating_point_comparison.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
-#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
-using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
 using boost::math::constants::pi;
+using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
 namespace dg = dynamicgraph;
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)					\
-    for (unsigned j = 0; j < M; ++j)					\
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)                                             \
+    for (unsigned j = 0; j < M; ++j)                                           \
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)					\
-    for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j)					\
-      if (i==j)BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(M(i,j), 1., TOLERANCE);		\
-      else BOOST_CHECK_SMALL(M(i,j), .01*TOLERANCE)
+#define MATRIX_IDENTITY_4x4_REQUIRE_CLOSE(M, TOLERANCE)                        \
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)                                             \
+    for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j)                                           \
+      if (i == j)                                                              \
+        BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(M(i, j), 1., TOLERANCE);                           \
+      else                                                                     \
+        BOOST_CHECK_SMALL(M(i, j), .01 * TOLERANCE)
-#define MATRIX_HOMO_INIT(M,						\
-			 tx, ty, tz,					\
-			 roll, pitch, yaw)				\
-  M (0, 0) = cos(pitch)*cos(yaw);					\
-  M (0, 1) = sin(roll)*sin(pitch)*cos(yaw) - cos(roll)*sin(yaw);	\
-  M (0, 2) = cos(roll)*sin(pitch)*cos(yaw) + sin(roll)*sin(yaw);	\
-  M (0, 3) = tx;							\
-  M (1, 0) = cos(pitch)*sin(yaw);					\
-  M (1, 1) = sin(roll)*sin(pitch)*sin(yaw) + cos(roll)*cos(yaw);	\
-  M (1, 2) = cos(roll)*sin(pitch)*sin(yaw) - sin(roll)*cos(yaw);	\
-  M (1, 3) = ty;							\
-  M (2, 0) = -sin(pitch);						\
-  M (2, 1) = sin(roll)*cos(pitch);					\
-  M (2, 2) = cos(roll)*cos(pitch);					\
-  M (2, 3) = tz;							\
-  M (3, 0) = 0.; M (3, 1) = 0.; M (3, 2) = 0.; M (3, 3) = 1.		\
+#define MATRIX_HOMO_INIT(M, tx, ty, tz, roll, pitch, yaw)                      \
+  M(0, 0) = cos(pitch) * cos(yaw);                                             \
+  M(0, 1) = sin(roll) * sin(pitch) * cos(yaw) - cos(roll) * sin(yaw);          \
+  M(0, 2) = cos(roll) * sin(pitch) * cos(yaw) + sin(roll) * sin(yaw);          \
+  M(0, 3) = tx;                                                                \
+  M(1, 0) = cos(pitch) * sin(yaw);                                             \
+  M(1, 1) = sin(roll) * sin(pitch) * sin(yaw) + cos(roll) * cos(yaw);          \
+  M(1, 2) = cos(roll) * sin(pitch) * sin(yaw) - sin(roll) * cos(yaw);          \
+  M(1, 3) = ty;                                                                \
+  M(2, 0) = -sin(pitch);                                                       \
+  M(2, 1) = sin(roll) * cos(pitch);                                            \
+  M(2, 2) = cos(roll) * cos(pitch);                                            \
+  M(2, 3) = tz;                                                                \
+  M(3, 0) = 0.;                                                                \
+  M(3, 1) = 0.;                                                                \
+  M(3, 2) = 0.;                                                                \
+  M(3, 3) = 1.
-  for (unsigned int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
     double tx, ty, tz;
     double roll, pitch, yaw;
     dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous H1;
-    tx = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX - 5.;
-    ty = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX - 5.;
-    tz = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX - 5.;
-    roll = (pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - .5*pi<double>();
-    pitch = (pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - .5*pi<double>();
-    yaw = (2*pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - pi<double>();
+    tx = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX - 5.;
+    ty = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX - 5.;
+    tz = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX - 5.;
+    roll = (pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - .5 * pi<double>();
+    pitch = (pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - .5 * pi<double>();
+    yaw = (2 * pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - pi<double>();
     MATRIX_HOMO_INIT(H1, tx, ty, tz, roll, pitch, yaw);
     dg::Matrix M1(H1.matrix());
     dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous H2;
-    tx = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX;
-    ty = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX - 5.;
-    tz = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX - 5.;
-    roll = (pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - .5*pi<double>();
-    pitch = (pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - .5*pi<double>();
-    yaw = (2*pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - pi<double>();
+    tx = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX;
+    ty = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX - 5.;
+    tz = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX - 5.;
+    roll = (pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - .5 * pi<double>();
+    pitch = (pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - .5 * pi<double>();
+    yaw = (2 * pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - pi<double>();
     MATRIX_HOMO_INIT(H2, tx, ty, tz, roll, pitch, yaw);
     dg::Matrix M2(H2.matrix());
-    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous H3 = H1*H2;
-    dg::Matrix M3; M3 = M1*M2;
+    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous H3 = H1 * H2;
+    dg::Matrix M3;
+    M3 = M1 * M2;
-    MATRIX_4x4_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE (M3, H3.matrix(), 0.0001);
+    MATRIX_4x4_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(M3, H3.matrix(), 0.0001);
-  for (unsigned int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
     double tx, ty, tz;
     double roll, pitch, yaw;
     dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous H1;
-    tx = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX - 5.;
-    ty = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX - 5.;
-    tz = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX - 5.;
-    roll = (pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - .5*pi<double>();
-    pitch = (pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - .5*pi<double>();
-    yaw = (2*pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - pi<double>();
+    tx = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX - 5.;
+    ty = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX - 5.;
+    tz = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX - 5.;
+    roll = (pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - .5 * pi<double>();
+    pitch = (pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - .5 * pi<double>();
+    yaw = (2 * pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - pi<double>();
     MATRIX_HOMO_INIT(H1, tx, ty, tz, roll, pitch, yaw);
     dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous H2;
-    tx = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX;
-    ty = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX - 5.;
-    tz = (10.*rand())/RAND_MAX - 5.;
-    roll = (pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - .5*pi<double>();
-    pitch = (pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - .5*pi<double>();
-    yaw = (2*pi<double>()*rand())/RAND_MAX - pi<double>();
+    tx = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX;
+    ty = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX - 5.;
+    tz = (10. * rand()) / RAND_MAX - 5.;
+    roll = (pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - .5 * pi<double>();
+    pitch = (pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - .5 * pi<double>();
+    yaw = (2 * pi<double>() * rand()) / RAND_MAX - pi<double>();
     MATRIX_HOMO_INIT(H2, tx, ty, tz, roll, pitch, yaw);
-    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous H3 = H1*H2;
+    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous H3 = H1 * H2;
     dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous invH1, invH2, invH3;
     invH1 = H1.inverse();
     invH2 = H2.inverse();
     invH3 = H3.inverse();
     dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous I4;
-    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous P1 = H1*invH1;
-    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous P2 = H2*invH2;
-    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous P3 = H3*invH3;
-    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous P4 = invH2*invH1;
+    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous P1 = H1 * invH1;
+    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous P2 = H2 * invH2;
+    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous P3 = H3 * invH3;
+    dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous P4 = invH2 * invH1;
diff --git a/unitTesting/math/matrix-twist.cpp b/unitTesting/math/matrix-twist.cpp
index b55fef66..436e9de3 100644
--- a/unitTesting/math/matrix-twist.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/math/matrix-twist.cpp
@@ -4,51 +4,45 @@
 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE matrix_twist
-#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/floating_point_comparison.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)					\
-    for (unsigned j = 0; j < M; ++j)					\
-#define MATRIX_4x4_INIT(M,					  \
-			A00, A01, A02, A03,			  \
-			A10, A11, A12, A13,			  \
-			A20, A21, A22, A23,			  \
-			A30, A31, A32, A33)			  \
-  M (0, 0) = A00, M (0, 1) = A01, M (0, 2) = A02, M (0, 3) = A03; \
-  M (1, 0) = A10, M (1, 1) = A11, M (1, 2) = A12, M (1, 3) = A13; \
-  M (2, 0) = A20, M (2, 1) = A21, M (2, 2) = A22, M (2, 3) = A23; \
-  M (3, 0) = A30, M (3, 1) = A31, M (3, 2) = A32, M (3, 3) = A33  \
-#define MATRIX_6x6_INIT(M,						\
-			A00, A01, A02, A03, A04, A05,			\
-			A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15,			\
-			A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25,			\
-			A30, A31, A32, A33, A34, A35,			\
-			A40, A41, A42, A43, A44, A45,			\
-			A50, A51, A52, A53, A54, A55)			\
-  M (0, 0) = A00, M (0, 1) = A01, M (0, 2) = A02, M (0, 3) = A03,	\
-    M (0, 4) = A04, M (0, 5) = A05;					\
-  M (1, 0) = A10, M (1, 1) = A11, M (1, 2) = A12, M (1, 3) = A13,	\
-    M (1, 4) = A14, M (1, 5) = A15;					\
-  M (2, 0) = A20, M (2, 1) = A21, M (2, 2) = A22, M (2, 3) = A23,	\
-    M (2, 4) = A24, M (2, 5) = A25;					\
-  M (3, 0) = A30, M (3, 1) = A31, M (3, 2) = A32, M (3, 3) = A33,	\
-    M (3, 4) = A34, M (3, 5) = A35;					\
-  M (4, 0) = A40, M (4, 1) = A41, M (4, 2) = A42, M (4, 3) = A43,	\
-    M (4, 4) = A44, M (4, 5) = A45;					\
-  M (5, 0) = A50, M (5, 1) = A51, M (5, 2) = A52, M (5, 3) = A53,	\
-    M (5, 4) = A54, M (5, 5) = A55
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)                                             \
+    for (unsigned j = 0; j < M; ++j)                                           \
+#define MATRIX_4x4_INIT(M, A00, A01, A02, A03, A10, A11, A12, A13, A20, A21,   \
+                        A22, A23, A30, A31, A32, A33)                          \
+  M(0, 0) = A00, M(0, 1) = A01, M(0, 2) = A02, M(0, 3) = A03;                  \
+  M(1, 0) = A10, M(1, 1) = A11, M(1, 2) = A12, M(1, 3) = A13;                  \
+  M(2, 0) = A20, M(2, 1) = A21, M(2, 2) = A22, M(2, 3) = A23;                  \
+  M(3, 0) = A30, M(3, 1) = A31, M(3, 2) = A32, M(3, 3) = A33
+#define MATRIX_6x6_INIT(M, A00, A01, A02, A03, A04, A05, A10, A11, A12, A13,   \
+                        A14, A15, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25, A30, A31, A32, \
+                        A33, A34, A35, A40, A41, A42, A43, A44, A45, A50, A51, \
+                        A52, A53, A54, A55)                                    \
+  M(0, 0) = A00, M(0, 1) = A01, M(0, 2) = A02, M(0, 3) = A03, M(0, 4) = A04,   \
+       M(0, 5) = A05;                                                          \
+  M(1, 0) = A10, M(1, 1) = A11, M(1, 2) = A12, M(1, 3) = A13, M(1, 4) = A14,   \
+       M(1, 5) = A15;                                                          \
+  M(2, 0) = A20, M(2, 1) = A21, M(2, 2) = A22, M(2, 3) = A23, M(2, 4) = A24,   \
+       M(2, 5) = A25;                                                          \
+  M(3, 0) = A30, M(3, 1) = A31, M(3, 2) = A32, M(3, 3) = A33, M(3, 4) = A34,   \
+       M(3, 5) = A35;                                                          \
+  M(4, 0) = A40, M(4, 1) = A41, M(4, 2) = A42, M(4, 3) = A43, M(4, 4) = A44,   \
+       M(4, 5) = A45;                                                          \
+  M(5, 0) = A50, M(5, 1) = A51, M(5, 2) = A52, M(5, 3) = A53, M(5, 4) = A54,   \
+       M(5, 5) = A55
 // For reminder:
@@ -65,163 +59,123 @@ using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
 // Twist(M)^{-1} = [R^T ; -R^T t^]
 //                 [0   ; R^T    ]
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (constructor_trivial_identity)
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constructor_trivial_identity) {
   dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous M(Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity());
-  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist;  dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom(M, twist);
+  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist;
+  dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom(M, twist);
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef (6, 6);
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef(6, 6);
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
     for (unsigned j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-      twistRef (i, j) = (i == j) ? 1. : 0.;
+      twistRef(i, j) = (i == j) ? 1. : 0.;
-  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE (twist, twistRef, 0.001);
+  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(twist, twistRef, 0.001);
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (constructor_rotation_only)
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constructor_rotation_only) {
   dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous M;
-  MATRIX_4x4_INIT (M,
-		   0.,  0.,  1., 0.,
-		   1.,  0.,  0., 0.,
-		   0., -1.,  0., 0.,
-		   0.,  0.,  0., 1.);
-  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist;  dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom(M, twist);
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef (6, 6);
-  MATRIX_6x6_INIT (twistRef,
-		   0.,  0.,  1., 0.,  0., 0.,
-		   1.,  0.,  0., 0.,  0., 0.,
-		   0., -1.,  0., 0.,  0., 0.,
-		   0.,  0.,  0., 0.,  0., 1.,
-		   0.,  0.,  0., 1.,  0., 0.,
-		   0.,  0.,  0., 0., -1., 0.);
-  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE (twist, twistRef, 0.001);
+  MATRIX_4x4_INIT(M, 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., -1., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
+                  0., 1.);
+  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist;
+  dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom(M, twist);
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef(6, 6);
+  MATRIX_6x6_INIT(twistRef, 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
+                  -1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.,
+                  0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -1., 0.);
+  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(twist, twistRef, 0.001);
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (constructor_translation_only)
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constructor_translation_only) {
   dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous M;
   double tx = 11.;
   double ty = 22.;
   double tz = 33.;
-  MATRIX_4x4_INIT (M,
-		   1., 0.,  0., tx,
-		   0., 1.,  0., ty,
-		   0., 0.,  1., tz,
-		   0., 0.,  0., 1.);
-  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist;  dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom(M, twist);
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef (6, 6);
-  MATRIX_6x6_INIT (twistRef,
-		   1., 0., 0.,  0.,  -tz,   ty,
-		   0., 1., 0.,  tz,   0.,  -tx,
-		   0., 0., 1., -ty,   tx,   0.,
-		   0., 0., 0.,  1.,   0.,   0.,
-		   0., 0., 0.,  0.,   1.,   0.,
-		   0., 0., 0.,  0.,   0.,   1.);
-  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE (twist, twistRef, 0.001);
+  MATRIX_4x4_INIT(M, 1., 0., 0., tx, 0., 1., 0., ty, 0., 0., 1., tz, 0., 0., 0.,
+                  1.);
+  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist;
+  dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom(M, twist);
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef(6, 6);
+  MATRIX_6x6_INIT(twistRef, 1., 0., 0., 0., -tz, ty, 0., 1., 0., tz, 0., -tx,
+                  0., 0., 1., -ty, tx, 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
+                  0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.);
+  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(twist, twistRef, 0.001);
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (constructor_rotation_translation)
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(constructor_rotation_translation) {
   dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous M;
   double tx = 11.;
   double ty = 22.;
   double tz = 33.;
-  MATRIX_4x4_INIT (M,
-		   0., 0.,  1., tx,
-		   0., -1., 0., ty,
-		   1., 0.,  0., tz,
-		   0., 0.,  0., 1.);
-  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist;  dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom(M, twist);
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef (6, 6);
-  MATRIX_6x6_INIT (twistRef,
-		   0., 0., 1.,  ty,   tz,   0.,
-		   0.,-1., 0., -tx,   0.,   tz,
-		   1., 0., 0.,  0.,  -tx,  -ty,
-		   0., 0., 0.,  0.,   0.,   1.,
-		   0., 0., 0.,  0.,  -1.,   0.,
-		   0., 0., 0.,  1.,   0.,   0.);
-  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE (twist, twistRef, 0.001);
+  MATRIX_4x4_INIT(M, 0., 0., 1., tx, 0., -1., 0., ty, 1., 0., 0., tz, 0., 0.,
+                  0., 1.);
+  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist;
+  dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom(M, twist);
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef(6, 6);
+  MATRIX_6x6_INIT(twistRef, 0., 0., 1., ty, tz, 0., 0., -1., 0., -tx, 0., tz,
+                  1., 0., 0., 0., -tx, -ty, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.,
+                  0., -1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.);
+  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(twist, twistRef, 0.001);
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (inverse_translation_only)
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inverse_translation_only) {
   dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous M;
   double tx = 11.;
   double ty = 22.;
   double tz = 33.;
-  MATRIX_4x4_INIT (M,
-		   1., 0.,  0., tx,
-		   0., 1.,  0., ty,
-		   0., 0.,  1., tz,
-		   0., 0.,  0., 1.);
-  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist; dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom (M, twist);
+  MATRIX_4x4_INIT(M, 1., 0., 0., tx, 0., 1., 0., ty, 0., 0., 1., tz, 0., 0., 0.,
+                  1.);
+  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist;
+  dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom(M, twist);
-  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twistInv(twist.inverse ());
+  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twistInv(twist.inverse());
   dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twistInv_;
-  twistInv_ = twist.inverse ();
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef (6, 6);
-  MATRIX_6x6_INIT (twistRef,
-		   1., 0., 0.,  0.,   tz,  -ty,
-		   0., 1., 0., -tz,   0.,   tx,
-		   0., 0., 1.,  ty,  -tx,   0.,
-		   0., 0., 0.,  1.,   0.,   0.,
-		   0., 0., 0.,  0.,   1.,   0.,
-		   0., 0., 0.,  0.,   0.,   1.);
-  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE (twistInv, twistRef, 0.001);
-  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE (twistInv_, twistRef, 0.001);
+  twistInv_ = twist.inverse();
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef(6, 6);
+  MATRIX_6x6_INIT(twistRef, 1., 0., 0., 0., tz, -ty, 0., 1., 0., -tz, 0., tx,
+                  0., 0., 1., ty, -tx, 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
+                  0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.);
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (inverse_translation_rotation)
+  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(twistInv, twistRef, 0.001);
+  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(twistInv_, twistRef, 0.001);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inverse_translation_rotation) {
   dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous M;
   double tx = 11.;
   double ty = 22.;
   double tz = 33.;
-  MATRIX_4x4_INIT (M,
-		   0.,  0., 1., tx,
-		   0., -1., 0., ty,
-		   1.,  0., 0., tz,
-		   0.,  0., 0., 1.);
-  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist; dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom(M, twist);
+  MATRIX_4x4_INIT(M, 0., 0., 1., tx, 0., -1., 0., ty, 1., 0., 0., tz, 0., 0.,
+                  0., 1.);
+  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twist;
+  dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom(M, twist);
-  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twistInv(twist.inverse ());
+  dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twistInv(twist.inverse());
   dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist twistInv_;
-  twistInv_ = twist.inverse ();
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef (6, 6);
-  MATRIX_6x6_INIT (twistRef,
-		   0., 0., 1., ty, -tx, -0.,
-		   0., -1., 0., tz, -0., -tx,
-		   1., 0., 0., -0., tz, -ty,
-		   0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.,
-		   0., 0., 0., 0., -1., 0.,
-		   0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.);
-  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE (twistInv, twistRef, 0.001);
-  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE (twistInv_, twistRef, 0.001);
+  twistInv_ = twist.inverse();
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix twistRef(6, 6);
+  MATRIX_6x6_INIT(twistRef, 0., 0., 1., ty, -tx, -0., 0., -1., 0., tz, -0., -tx,
+                  1., 0., 0., -0., tz, -ty, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.,
+                  0., -1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.);
+  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(twistInv, twistRef, 0.001);
+  MATRIX_6x6_BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(twistInv_, twistRef, 0.001);
diff --git a/unitTesting/matrix/test_operator.cpp b/unitTesting/matrix/test_operator.cpp
index 5d7f925c..964e4bfe 100644
--- a/unitTesting/matrix/test_operator.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/matrix/test_operator.cpp
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
 /// Copyright CNRS 2019
 /// author: O. Stasse
-#include <iostream>
 #include "../../src/matrix/operator.cpp"
+#include <iostream>
-namespace dg= ::dynamicgraph;
+namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test-operator
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test - operator
-#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 #include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
 using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_vector_selecter) {
   // Test VectorSelecter registered as aSelec_of_vector
   VectorSelecter aSelec_of_vector;
@@ -28,162 +26,118 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_vector_selecter)
   output << aSelec_of_vector.getDocString();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Undocumented unary operator\n"
-      "  - input  Vector\n"
-      "  - output Vector\n"));
-  dg::Vector vIn(10),vOut(10);
-  for(unsigned int i=0;
-      i<10;i++)
-    vIn(i)=i;
-  aSelec_of_vector.setBounds(3,5);
-  aSelec_of_vector.addBounds(7,10);
-  aSelec_of_vector(vIn,vOut);
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Undocumented unary operator\n"
+                              "  - input  Vector\n"
+                              "  - output Vector\n"));
+  dg::Vector vIn(10), vOut(10);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+    vIn(i) = i;
+  aSelec_of_vector.setBounds(3, 5);
+  aSelec_of_vector.addBounds(7, 10);
+  aSelec_of_vector(vIn, vOut);
   output << vOut;
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("3\n4\n7\n8\n9"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("3\n4\n7\n8\n9"));
   output << dg::sot::UnaryOp<VectorSelecter>::CLASS_NAME;
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Selec_of_vector"));
-  dg::Entity * anEntity = regFunction_Selec_of_vector("test_Selec_of_vector");
-  dg::sot::UnaryOp<VectorSelecter> * aVectorSelecter =
-    dynamic_cast<dg::sot::UnaryOp<VectorSelecter > * > (anEntity);
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Selec_of_vector"));
+  dg::Entity *anEntity = regFunction_Selec_of_vector("test_Selec_of_vector");
+  dg::sot::UnaryOp<VectorSelecter> *aVectorSelecter =
+      dynamic_cast<dg::sot::UnaryOp<VectorSelecter> *>(anEntity);
   output << aVectorSelecter->getTypeInName();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Vector"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Vector"));
   output << aVectorSelecter->getTypeOutName();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Vector"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Vector"));
   output << aVectorSelecter->getClassName();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Selec_of_vector"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Selec_of_vector"));
   output << aVectorSelecter->getDocString();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Undocumented unary operator\n"
-      "  - input  Vector\n"
-      "  - output Vector\n"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Undocumented unary operator\n"
+                              "  - input  Vector\n"
+                              "  - output Vector\n"));
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_vector_component) {
   // Test Vector Component
   VectorComponent aComponent_of_vector;
   output_test_stream output;
   dg::Vector vIn(3);
-  for(unsigned int i=0;
-      i<3;
-      i++)
-    vIn(i)=i;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+    vIn(i) = i;
   double res;
-  aComponent_of_vector(vIn,res);
-  BOOST_CHECK(res==1.0);
+  aComponent_of_vector(vIn, res);
+  BOOST_CHECK(res == 1.0);
   output << aComponent_of_vector.getDocString();
-    (output.is_equal("Select a component of a vector\n"
-		     "  - input  vector\n"
-		     "  - output double"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Select a component of a vector\n"
+                              "  - input  vector\n"
+                              "  - output double"));
   output << aComponent_of_vector.nameTypeIn();
   output << aComponent_of_vector.nameTypeOut();
-  dg::Entity * anEntity =
-    regFunction_Component_of_vector("test_Component_of_vector");
-  dg::sot::UnaryOp<VectorComponent> * aVectorSelecter =
-    dynamic_cast<dg::sot::UnaryOp<VectorComponent > * > (anEntity);
+  dg::Entity *anEntity =
+      regFunction_Component_of_vector("test_Component_of_vector");
+  dg::sot::UnaryOp<VectorComponent> *aVectorSelecter =
+      dynamic_cast<dg::sot::UnaryOp<VectorComponent> *>(anEntity);
   output << aVectorSelecter->getTypeInName();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Vector"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Vector"));
   output << aVectorSelecter->getTypeOutName();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("double"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("double"));
   output << aVectorSelecter->getClassName();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Component_of_vector"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Component_of_vector"));
   output << aVectorSelecter->getDocString();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Select a component of a vector\n"
-      "  - input  vector\n"
-      "  - output double"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Select a component of a vector\n"
+                              "  - input  vector\n"
+                              "  - output double"));
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_matrix_selector) {
   MatrixSelector aSelec_of_matrix;
   output_test_stream output;
-  aSelec_of_matrix.setBoundsRow(2,4);
-  aSelec_of_matrix.setBoundsCol(2,4);
-  dg::Matrix aMatrix(5,5);
-  for(unsigned int i=0;
-      i<5;
-      i++)
-    for(unsigned int j=0;
-	j<5;
-	j++)
-      aMatrix(i,j)=i*5+j;
-  dg::Matrix resMatrix(2,2);
-  aSelec_of_matrix(aMatrix,resMatrix);
-  BOOST_CHECK(resMatrix(0,0)==12.0);
-  BOOST_CHECK(resMatrix(0,1)==13.0);
-  BOOST_CHECK(resMatrix(1,0)==17.0);
-  BOOST_CHECK(resMatrix(1,1)==18.0);
+  aSelec_of_matrix.setBoundsRow(2, 4);
+  aSelec_of_matrix.setBoundsCol(2, 4);
+  dg::Matrix aMatrix(5, 5);
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
+      aMatrix(i, j) = i * 5 + j;
+  dg::Matrix resMatrix(2, 2);
+  aSelec_of_matrix(aMatrix, resMatrix);
+  BOOST_CHECK(resMatrix(0, 0) == 12.0);
+  BOOST_CHECK(resMatrix(0, 1) == 13.0);
+  BOOST_CHECK(resMatrix(1, 0) == 17.0);
+  BOOST_CHECK(resMatrix(1, 1) == 18.0);
   output << aSelec_of_matrix.nameTypeIn();
   output << aSelec_of_matrix.nameTypeOut();
-  dg::Entity * anEntity =
-    regFunction_Selec_of_matrix("test_Selec_of_matrix");
-  dg::sot::UnaryOp<MatrixSelector> * aMatrixSelector =
-    dynamic_cast<dg::sot::UnaryOp<MatrixSelector > * > (anEntity);
+  dg::Entity *anEntity = regFunction_Selec_of_matrix("test_Selec_of_matrix");
+  dg::sot::UnaryOp<MatrixSelector> *aMatrixSelector =
+      dynamic_cast<dg::sot::UnaryOp<MatrixSelector> *>(anEntity);
   output << aMatrixSelector->getTypeInName();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Matrix"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Matrix"));
   output << aMatrixSelector->getTypeOutName();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Matrix"));
-  output << aMatrixSelector->getClassName();
-    (output.is_equal
-     ("Selec_of_matrix"));
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Matrix"));
+  output << aMatrixSelector->getClassName();
+  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Selec_of_matrix"));
diff --git a/unitTesting/python/CMakeLists.txt b/unitTesting/python/CMakeLists.txt
index d3918ab3..856e58fc 100644
--- a/unitTesting/python/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/unitTesting/python/CMakeLists.txt
-  ADD_PYTHON_UNIT_TEST("py-${TEST}" "unitTesting/python/${TEST}.py" "python")
+  ADD_PYTHON_UNIT_TEST("py-${TEST}" "unitTesting/python/${TEST}.py")
diff --git a/unitTesting/python/ b/unitTesting/python/
index f9f6890f..cfea8cd2 100755
--- a/unitTesting/python/
+++ b/unitTesting/python/
@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ import unittest
 import numpy as np
 from dynamic_graph.sot.core import OpPointModifier
-gaze = [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.025000000000000001), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.64800000000000002),
-        (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]
+gaze = tuple(((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.025000000000000001), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.64800000000000002),
+              (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
-Jgaze = [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.64800000000000002, 0.0),
-         (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.64800000000000002, 0.0, 0.025000000000000001),
-         (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.025000000000000001, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
-         (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)]
+Jgaze = tuple(
+    ((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.64800000000000002, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.64800000000000002, 0.0, 0.025000000000000001),
+     (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.025000000000000001,
+      0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
-I4 = [(1., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 1., 0.), (0., 0., 0., 1.)]
+I4 = ((1., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 1., 0.), (0., 0., 0., 1.))
-I6 = [(1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.),
-      (0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.), (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.)]
+I6 = ((1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.),
+      (0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.), (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.))
 class OpPointModifierTest(unittest.TestCase):
diff --git a/unitTesting/signal/test_dep.cpp b/unitTesting/signal/test_dep.cpp
index 38380c15..9d863c26 100644
--- a/unitTesting/signal/test_dep.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/signal/test_dep.cpp
@@ -11,139 +11,140 @@
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
-#include <iostream>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
-template< class Res=double >
-class DummyClass
+template <class Res = double> class DummyClass {
-  DummyClass( void ) : res(),appel(0),timedata(0) {}
+  DummyClass(void) : res(), appel(0), timedata(0) {}
-  Res& fun( Res& res,int t)
-  {
-    appel++;  timedata=t;
+  Res &fun(Res &res, int t) {
+    appel++;
+    timedata = t;
     cout << "Inside " << endl;
-    for( list< SignalTimeDependent<double,int>* >::iterator it=inputsig.begin();
-	 it!=inputsig.end();++it )
-       { cout << *(*it) << endl; (*it)->access(timedata);}
-    for( list< SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int>* >::iterator it=inputsigV.begin();
-	 it!=inputsigV.end();++it )
-      { cout << *(*it) << endl; (*it)->access(timedata);}
-    return res=(*this)();
+    for (list<SignalTimeDependent<double, int> *>::iterator it =
+             inputsig.begin();
+         it != inputsig.end(); ++it) {
+      cout << *(*it) << endl;
+      (*it)->access(timedata);
+    }
+    for (list<SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> *>::iterator it =
+             inputsigV.begin();
+         it != inputsigV.end(); ++it) {
+      cout << *(*it) << endl;
+      (*it)->access(timedata);
+    }
+    return res = (*this)();
-  list< SignalTimeDependent<double,int>* > inputsig;
-  list< SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int>* > inputsigV;
+  list<SignalTimeDependent<double, int> *> inputsig;
+  list<SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> *> inputsigV;
-  void add( SignalTimeDependent<double,int>& sig ){ inputsig.push_back(&sig); }
-  void add( SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int>& sig ){ inputsigV.push_back(&sig); }
+  void add(SignalTimeDependent<double, int> &sig) { inputsig.push_back(&sig); }
+  void add(SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> &sig) {
+    inputsigV.push_back(&sig);
+  }
-  Res operator() ( void );
+  Res operator()(void);
   Res res;
   int appel;
   int timedata;
-template< class Res >
-Res DummyClass<Res>::operator() (void)
-{ return this->res; }
+template <class Res> Res DummyClass<Res>::operator()(void) { return this->res; }
-double DummyClass<double>::operator() (void)
-  res=appel*timedata; return res;
+template <> double DummyClass<double>::operator()(void) {
+  res = appel * timedata;
+  return res;
-dynamicgraph::Vector DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::operator() (void)
+template <>
+dynamicgraph::Vector DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::operator()(void) {
-  res.fill(appel*timedata); return res;
+  res.fill(appel * timedata);
+  return res;
 // void dispArray( const SignalArray<int> &ar )
 // {
 //   for( unsigned int i=0;i<ar.rank;++i ) cout<<*ar.array[i]<<endl;
 // }
 #include <vector>
-int main( void )
-   DummyClass<double> pro1,pro3,pro5;
-   DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector> pro2,pro4,pro6;
-   SignalTimeDependent<double,int> sig5("Sig5");
-   SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int> sig6("Sig6");
-   SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int> sig4(sig5,"Sig4");
-   SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int> sig2(sig4<<sig4<<sig4<<sig6,"Sig2");
-   SignalTimeDependent<double,int> sig3(sig2<<sig5<<sig6,"Sig3");
-   SignalTimeDependent<double,int> sig1( boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun,pro1,_1,_2),
-					   sig2<<sig3,"Sig1");
-//    cout << "--- Test Array ------ "<<endl;
-//    SignalArray<int> tarr(12);
-//    tarr<<sig3<<sig2;//+sig2+sig3;
-//    dispArray(sig4<<sig2<<sig3);
-//    dispArray(tarr);
-   //sig1.set( &DummyClass<double>::fun,pro1 );
-   sig2.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun,pro2,_1,_2) );
-   sig3.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun,pro3,_1,_2) );
-   sig4.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun,pro4,_1,_2) );
-   sig5.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun,pro5,_1,_2) );
-   sig6.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun,pro6,_1,_2) );
-   //    sig1.addDependency(sig2);
-   //     sig1.addDependency(sig3);
-   //      sig2.addDependency(sig4);
-   //      sig2.addDependency(sig4);
-   //     sig2.addDependency(sig4);
-   //      sig3.addDependency(sig2);
-   //      sig4.addDependency(sig5);
-   //      sig2.addDependency(sig6);
-   //      sig3.addDependency(sig5);
-   //      sig3.addDependency(sig6);
-   pro1.add(sig2);
-   pro1.add(sig3);
-   pro2.add(sig4);
-   pro2.add(sig4);
-   pro2.add(sig4);
-   pro3.add(sig2);
-   pro4.add(sig5);
-   pro2.add(sig6);
-   pro3.add(sig5);
-   pro3.add(sig6);
-   //sig5.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY);
-   //sig6.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT);
-    sig6.setReady();
-   sig1.displayDependencies(cout)<<endl;
-   cout << "Needs update?"<< endl <<  sig1.needUpdate(2) << endl;
-   sig1.access(2);
-   sig1.displayDependencies(cout)<<endl;
-   sig2.access(4);
-   sig1.displayDependencies(cout)<<endl;
-   sig1.access(4);
-   sig1.displayDependencies(cout)<<endl;
-   sig1.needUpdate(6);
-   sig1.needUpdate(6);
+int main(void) {
+  DummyClass<double> pro1, pro3, pro5;
+  DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector> pro2, pro4, pro6;
+  SignalTimeDependent<double, int> sig5("Sig5");
+  SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> sig6("Sig6");
+  SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> sig4(sig5, "Sig4");
+  SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> sig2(
+      sig4 << sig4 << sig4 << sig6, "Sig2");
+  SignalTimeDependent<double, int> sig3(sig2 << sig5 << sig6, "Sig3");
+  SignalTimeDependent<double, int> sig1(
+      boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun, pro1, _1, _2), sig2 << sig3,
+      "Sig1");
+  //    cout << "--- Test Array ------ "<<endl;
+  //    SignalArray<int> tarr(12);
+  //    tarr<<sig3<<sig2;//+sig2+sig3;
+  //    dispArray(sig4<<sig2<<sig3);
+  //    dispArray(tarr);
+  // sig1.set( &DummyClass<double>::fun,pro1 );
+  sig2.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun, pro2, _1, _2));
+  sig3.setFunction(boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun, pro3, _1, _2));
+  sig4.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun, pro4, _1, _2));
+  sig5.setFunction(boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun, pro5, _1, _2));
+  sig6.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun, pro6, _1, _2));
+  //    sig1.addDependency(sig2);
+  //     sig1.addDependency(sig3);
+  //      sig2.addDependency(sig4);
+  //      sig2.addDependency(sig4);
+  //     sig2.addDependency(sig4);
+  //      sig3.addDependency(sig2);
+  //      sig4.addDependency(sig5);
+  //      sig2.addDependency(sig6);
+  //      sig3.addDependency(sig5);
+  //      sig3.addDependency(sig6);
+  pro1.add(sig2);
+  pro1.add(sig3);
+  pro2.add(sig4);
+  pro2.add(sig4);
+  pro2.add(sig4);
+  pro3.add(sig2);
+  pro4.add(sig5);
+  pro2.add(sig6);
+  pro3.add(sig5);
+  pro3.add(sig6);
+  // sig5.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY);
+  // sig6.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT);
+  sig6.setReady();
+  sig1.displayDependencies(cout) << endl;
+  cout << "Needs update?" << endl << sig1.needUpdate(2) << endl;
+  sig1.access(2);
+  sig1.displayDependencies(cout) << endl;
+  sig2.access(4);
+  sig1.displayDependencies(cout) << endl;
+  sig1.access(4);
+  sig1.displayDependencies(cout) << endl;
+  sig1.needUpdate(6);
+  sig1.needUpdate(6);
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/signal/test_depend.cpp b/unitTesting/signal/test_depend.cpp
index 75488278..2d2bef0f 100644
--- a/unitTesting/signal/test_depend.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/signal/test_depend.cpp
@@ -11,133 +11,130 @@
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <iostream>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
-template< class Res=double >
-class DummyClass
+template <class Res = double> class DummyClass {
   std::string proname;
-  list< SignalTimeDependent<double,int>* > inputsig;
-  list< SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int>* > inputsigV;
+  list<SignalTimeDependent<double, int> *> inputsig;
+  list<SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> *> inputsigV;
-  DummyClass( const std::string& n ) : proname(n),res(),appel(0),timedata(0) {}
-  Res& fun( Res& res,int t)
-  {
-    appel++;  timedata=t;
-    cout << "Inside " << proname << " -> " << this
-	 << endl;
-    for( list< SignalTimeDependent<double,int>* >::iterator it=inputsig.begin();
-	 it!=inputsig.end();++it )
-      {
-	cout << *(*it) << endl;
-	(*it)->access(timedata);
-      }
-    for( list< SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int>* >::iterator it=inputsigV.begin();
-	 it!=inputsigV.end();++it )
-      { cout << *(*it) << endl; (*it)->access(timedata);}
-    return res=(*this)();
+  DummyClass(const std::string &n) : proname(n), res(), appel(0), timedata(0) {}
+  Res &fun(Res &res, int t) {
+    appel++;
+    timedata = t;
+    cout << "Inside " << proname << " -> " << this << endl;
+    for (list<SignalTimeDependent<double, int> *>::iterator it =
+             inputsig.begin();
+         it != inputsig.end(); ++it) {
+      cout << *(*it) << endl;
+      (*it)->access(timedata);
+    }
+    for (list<SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> *>::iterator it =
+             inputsigV.begin();
+         it != inputsigV.end(); ++it) {
+      cout << *(*it) << endl;
+      (*it)->access(timedata);
+    }
+    return res = (*this)();
-  void add( SignalTimeDependent<double,int>& sig )
-  {    inputsig.push_back(&sig);   }
-  void add( SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int>& sig )
-  {    inputsigV.push_back(&sig);   }
+  void add(SignalTimeDependent<double, int> &sig) { inputsig.push_back(&sig); }
+  void add(SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> &sig) {
+    inputsigV.push_back(&sig);
+  }
-  Res operator() ( void );
+  Res operator()(void);
   Res res;
   int appel;
   int timedata;
-template< class Res >
-Res DummyClass<Res>::operator() (void)
-{ return this->res; }
+template <class Res> Res DummyClass<Res>::operator()(void) { return this->res; }
-double DummyClass<double>::operator() (void)
-  res=appel*timedata; return res;
+template <> double DummyClass<double>::operator()(void) {
+  res = appel * timedata;
+  return res;
-dynamicgraph::Vector DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::operator() (void)
+template <>
+dynamicgraph::Vector DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::operator()(void) {
-  res.fill(appel*timedata); return res;
+  res.fill(appel * timedata);
+  return res;
-int main( void )
-   DummyClass<double> pro1("pro1"),pro3("pro3"),pro5("pro5");
-   DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector> pro2("pro2"),pro4("pro4"),pro6("pro6");
-   SignalTimeDependent<double,int> sig5("Sig5");
-   SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int> sig6("Sig6");
-   SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int> sig4(sig5,"Sig4");
-   SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int> sig2(sig4<<sig4<<sig4<<sig6,"Sig2");
-   SignalTimeDependent<double,int> sig3(sig2<<sig5<<sig6,"Sig3");
-   SignalTimeDependent<double,int> sig1( boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun,&pro1,_1,_2),
-					   sig2<<sig3,"Sig1");
-//    cout << "--- Test Array ------ "<<endl;
-//    SignalArray<int> tarr(12);
-//    tarr<<sig3<<sig2;//+sig2+sig3;
-//    dispArray(sig4<<sig2<<sig3);
-//    dispArray(tarr);
-   sig2.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun,&pro2,_1,_2) );
-   sig3.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun,&pro3,_1,_2) );
-   sig4.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun,&pro4,_1,_2) );
-   sig5.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun,&pro5,_1,_2) );
-   sig6.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun,&pro6,_1,_2) );
-   pro1.add(sig2);
-   pro1.add(sig3);
-   pro2.add(sig4);
-   pro2.add(sig4);
-   pro2.add(sig4);
-   pro3.add(sig2);
-   pro4.add(sig5);
-   pro2.add(sig6);
-   pro3.add(sig5);
-   pro3.add(sig6);
-   sig5.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY);
-   sig6.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT);
-   sig6.setReady();
-   sig1.displayDependencies(cout)<<endl;
-   cout << "Needs update?"<< endl <<  sig1.needUpdate(2) << endl;
-   dgDEBUG(1) << "Access sig1(2) "<<endl;
-   sig1.access(2);
-   sig1.displayDependencies(cout)<<endl;
-   dgDEBUG(1) << "Access sig2(4) "<<endl;
-   sig2.access(4);
-   sig1.displayDependencies(cout)<<endl;
-   dgDEBUG(1) << "Access sig1(4) "<<endl;
-   sig1.access(4);
-   sig1.displayDependencies(cout)<<endl;
-   sig1.needUpdate(6);
-   sig1.needUpdate(6);
+int main(void) {
+  DummyClass<double> pro1("pro1"), pro3("pro3"), pro5("pro5");
+  DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector> pro2("pro2"), pro4("pro4"), pro6("pro6");
+  SignalTimeDependent<double, int> sig5("Sig5");
+  SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> sig6("Sig6");
+  SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> sig4(sig5, "Sig4");
+  SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> sig2(
+      sig4 << sig4 << sig4 << sig6, "Sig2");
+  SignalTimeDependent<double, int> sig3(sig2 << sig5 << sig6, "Sig3");
+  SignalTimeDependent<double, int> sig1(
+      boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun, &pro1, _1, _2), sig2 << sig3,
+      "Sig1");
+  //    cout << "--- Test Array ------ "<<endl;
+  //    SignalArray<int> tarr(12);
+  //    tarr<<sig3<<sig2;//+sig2+sig3;
+  //    dispArray(sig4<<sig2<<sig3);
+  //    dispArray(tarr);
+  sig2.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun, &pro2, _1, _2));
+  sig3.setFunction(boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun, &pro3, _1, _2));
+  sig4.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun, &pro4, _1, _2));
+  sig5.setFunction(boost::bind(&DummyClass<double>::fun, &pro5, _1, _2));
+  sig6.setFunction(
+      boost::bind(&DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::fun, &pro6, _1, _2));
+  pro1.add(sig2);
+  pro1.add(sig3);
+  pro2.add(sig4);
+  pro2.add(sig4);
+  pro2.add(sig4);
+  pro3.add(sig2);
+  pro4.add(sig5);
+  pro2.add(sig6);
+  pro3.add(sig5);
+  pro3.add(sig6);
+  sig5.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::ALWAYS_READY);
+  sig6.setDependencyType(TimeDependency<int>::BOOL_DEPENDENT);
+  sig6.setReady();
+  sig1.displayDependencies(cout) << endl;
+  cout << "Needs update?" << endl << sig1.needUpdate(2) << endl;
+  dgDEBUG(1) << "Access sig1(2) " << endl;
+  sig1.access(2);
+  sig1.displayDependencies(cout) << endl;
+  dgDEBUG(1) << "Access sig2(4) " << endl;
+  sig2.access(4);
+  sig1.displayDependencies(cout) << endl;
+  dgDEBUG(1) << "Access sig1(4) " << endl;
+  sig1.access(4);
+  sig1.displayDependencies(cout) << endl;
+  sig1.needUpdate(6);
+  sig1.needUpdate(6);
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/signal/test_ptr.cpp b/unitTesting/signal/test_ptr.cpp
index 7d359178..a6a17cd7 100644
--- a/unitTesting/signal/test_ptr.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/signal/test_ptr.cpp
@@ -10,104 +10,103 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/exception-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
-template< class Res=double >
-class DummyClass
+template <class Res = double> class DummyClass {
-  DummyClass( void ) : res(),appel(0),timedata(0) {}
-  Res& fun( Res& res,int t)
-  {
-    appel++;  timedata=t;
-    sotDEBUG(5) << "Inside " << typeid(Res).name() <<endl;
-    for( list< SignalTimeDependent<double,int>* >::iterator it=inputsig.begin();
-	 it!=inputsig.end();++it )
-       { sotDEBUG(5) << *(*it) << endl; (*it)->access(timedata);}
-    for( list< SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int>* >::iterator it=inputsigV.begin();
-	 it!=inputsigV.end();++it )
-      { sotDEBUG(5) << *(*it) << endl; (*it)->access(timedata);}
-    return res=(*this)();
+  DummyClass(void) : res(), appel(0), timedata(0) {}
+  Res &fun(Res &res, int t) {
+    appel++;
+    timedata = t;
+    sotDEBUG(5) << "Inside " << typeid(Res).name() << endl;
+    for (list<SignalTimeDependent<double, int> *>::iterator it =
+             inputsig.begin();
+         it != inputsig.end(); ++it) {
+      sotDEBUG(5) << *(*it) << endl;
+      (*it)->access(timedata);
+    }
+    for (list<SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> *>::iterator it =
+             inputsigV.begin();
+         it != inputsigV.end(); ++it) {
+      sotDEBUG(5) << *(*it) << endl;
+      (*it)->access(timedata);
+    }
+    return res = (*this)();
-  list< SignalTimeDependent<double,int>* > inputsig;
-  list< SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int>* > inputsigV;
+  list<SignalTimeDependent<double, int> *> inputsig;
+  list<SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> *> inputsigV;
-  void add( SignalTimeDependent<double,int>& sig ){ inputsig.push_back(&sig); }
-  void add( SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector,int>& sig ){ inputsigV.push_back(&sig); }
+  void add(SignalTimeDependent<double, int> &sig) { inputsig.push_back(&sig); }
+  void add(SignalTimeDependent<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> &sig) {
+    inputsigV.push_back(&sig);
+  }
-  Res operator() ( void );
+  Res operator()(void);
   Res res;
   int appel;
   int timedata;
-template< class Res >
-Res DummyClass<Res>::operator() (void)
-{ return this->res; }
+template <class Res> Res DummyClass<Res>::operator()(void) { return this->res; }
-double DummyClass<double>::operator() (void)
-  res=appel*timedata; return res;
+template <> double DummyClass<double>::operator()(void) {
+  res = appel * timedata;
+  return res;
-dynamicgraph::Vector DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::operator() (void)
+template <>
+dynamicgraph::Vector DummyClass<dynamicgraph::Vector>::operator()(void) {
-  res.fill(appel*timedata); return res;
+  res.fill(appel * timedata);
+  return res;
-VectorUTheta DummyClass<VectorUTheta>::operator() (void)
+template <> VectorUTheta DummyClass<VectorUTheta>::operator()(void) {
   res.angle() = 0.26;
   res.axis() = Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX();
   return res;
 // void dispArray( const SignalArray<int> &ar )
 // {
 //   for( unsigned int i=0;i<ar.rank;++i ) sotDEBUG(5)<<*ar.array[i]<<endl;
 // }
-void funtest( dynamicgraph::Vector& /*v*/ ){ }
+void funtest(dynamicgraph::Vector & /*v*/) {}
 #include <vector>
-int main( void )
-   DummyClass<VectorUTheta> pro3;
-   SignalTimeDependent<VectorUTheta,int> sig3(sotNOSIGNAL,"Sig3");
-   SignalPtr<Eigen::AngleAxisd,int> sigTo3( NULL,"SigTo3" );
-   dynamicgraph::Vector v;
-   VectorUTheta v3;
-   funtest(v);
-   sig3.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass<VectorUTheta>::fun,pro3,_1,_2) );
-   try
-     {
-       sigTo3.plug(&sig3);
-     }
-   catch( sot::ExceptionAbstract& e ) { cout << "Plugin error "<<e << endl; exit(1); }
-   sig3.access(1); sig3.setReady();
-   sigTo3.access(2);
-   cout << sigTo3.access(2);
+int main(void) {
+  DummyClass<VectorUTheta> pro3;
+  SignalTimeDependent<VectorUTheta, int> sig3(sotNOSIGNAL, "Sig3");
+  SignalPtr<Eigen::AngleAxisd, int> sigTo3(NULL, "SigTo3");
+  dynamicgraph::Vector v;
+  VectorUTheta v3;
+  funtest(v);
+  sig3.setFunction(boost::bind(&DummyClass<VectorUTheta>::fun, pro3, _1, _2));
+  try {
+    sigTo3.plug(&sig3);
+  } catch (sot::ExceptionAbstract &e) {
+    cout << "Plugin error " << e << endl;
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  sig3.access(1);
+  sig3.setReady();
+  sigTo3.access(2);
+  cout << sigTo3.access(2);
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/signal/test_ptrcast.cpp b/unitTesting/signal/test_ptrcast.cpp
index 34e8a995..e64ef95c 100644
--- a/unitTesting/signal/test_ptrcast.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/signal/test_ptrcast.cpp
@@ -11,22 +11,20 @@
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
-#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
+Signal<dynamicgraph::Matrix, int> base("base");
+Signal<dynamicgraph::Matrix, int> sig("matrix");
+SignalPtr<dynamicgraph::Matrix, int> sigptr(&base);
-Signal<dynamicgraph::Matrix,int> base("base");
-Signal<dynamicgraph::Matrix,int> sig("matrix");
-SignalPtr<dynamicgraph::Matrix,int> sigptr(&base);
-Signal<MatrixRotation,int> sigMR("matrixRot");
+Signal<MatrixRotation, int> sigMR("matrixRot");
-int main( void )
+int main(void) {
   cout << "Correctly plugged matrix" << endl;
   //  sigptr.plug(&sigMR);
diff --git a/unitTesting/signal/test_signal.cpp b/unitTesting/signal/test_signal.cpp
index 883beb28..5ef7c856 100644
--- a/unitTesting/signal/test_signal.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/signal/test_signal.cpp
@@ -11,63 +11,60 @@
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
-#include <iostream>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
-class DummyClass
+class DummyClass {
-  dynamicgraph::Vector& fun( dynamicgraph::Vector& res,double j )
-  { res.resize(3); res.fill(j); return res; }
+  dynamicgraph::Vector &fun(dynamicgraph::Vector &res, double j) {
+    res.resize(3);
+    res.fill(j);
+    return res;
+  }
 dynamicgraph::Vector data(6);
-Signal<dynamicgraph::Vector,double> sig("sigtest");
+Signal<dynamicgraph::Vector, double> sig("sigtest");
 DummyClass dummy;
-dynamicgraph::Vector& fun( dynamicgraph::Vector& res,double /*j*/ ) { return res=data; }
+dynamicgraph::Vector &fun(dynamicgraph::Vector &res, double /*j*/) {
+  return res = data;
-int main( void )
+int main(void) {
-  cout << "data: " << data <<endl;
-  sig.setConstant( data );
-  cout << "Constant: " << sig.access(1.)  <<endl;
-  data*=2;
-  cout << "Constant: " << sig(1.) <<endl;
-  sig.setReference( &data );
-  cout << "Reference: " << sig(1.) <<endl;
-  data*=2;
-  cout << "Reference: " << sig(1.) <<endl;
-  sig.setFunction( &fun );
-  cout << "Function: " << sig(1.) <<endl;
-  data*=2;
-  cout << "Function: " << sig(1.) <<endl;
-  //boost::function2<int,int,double> onClick = (&DummyClass::fun, &dummy, _1,_2)   ;
-  //boost::function<> onClick = boost::bind(&DummyClass::fun, &dummy);
-  sig.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass::fun, &dummy, _1,_2) );
-  cout << "Function: " << sig(1.5) <<endl;
-  data*=2;
-  cout << "Function: " << sig(1.34) <<endl;
-//   sig.setFunction(&DummyClass::fun, dummy);
-//   cout << "Function: " << sig(1.5) <<endl;
-//   data*=2;
-//   cout << "Function: " << sig(12.34) <<endl;
+  cout << "data: " << data << endl;
+  sig.setConstant(data);
+  cout << "Constant: " << sig.access(1.) << endl;
+  data *= 2;
+  cout << "Constant: " << sig(1.) << endl;
+  sig.setReference(&data);
+  cout << "Reference: " << sig(1.) << endl;
+  data *= 2;
+  cout << "Reference: " << sig(1.) << endl;
+  sig.setFunction(&fun);
+  cout << "Function: " << sig(1.) << endl;
+  data *= 2;
+  cout << "Function: " << sig(1.) << endl;
+  // boost::function2<int,int,double> onClick = (&DummyClass::fun, &dummy,
+  // _1,_2)   ; boost::function<> onClick = boost::bind(&DummyClass::fun,
+  // &dummy);
+  sig.setFunction(boost::bind(&DummyClass::fun, &dummy, _1, _2));
+  cout << "Function: " << sig(1.5) << endl;
+  data *= 2;
+  cout << "Function: " << sig(1.34) << endl;
+  //   sig.setFunction(&DummyClass::fun, dummy);
+  //   cout << "Function: " << sig(1.5) <<endl;
+  //   data*=2;
+  //   cout << "Function: " << sig(12.34) <<endl;
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/sot/test_solverSoth.cpp b/unitTesting/sot/test_solverSoth.cpp
index ebbeca28..5f9dd228 100644
--- a/unitTesting/sot/test_solverSoth.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/sot/test_solverSoth.cpp
@@ -8,15 +8,14 @@
 #define VP_DEBUG_MODE 45
+#include <fstream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/solver-hierarchical-inequalities.hh>
-#include <fstream>
 #ifndef WIN32
-#  include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
 #else /*WIN32*/
-#  include <sot/core/utils-windows.hh>
+#include <sot/core/utils-windows.hh>
 #endif /*WIN32*/
 //#define WITH_CHRONO
@@ -26,10 +25,9 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-void parseTest( const std::string filename )
+void parseTest(const std::string filename) {
   using namespace std;
-  std::ifstream off( filename.c_str() );
+  std::ifstream off(filename.c_str());
   std::string bs;
   bubMatrix Rh;
@@ -42,238 +40,277 @@ void parseTest( const std::string filename )
   std::vector<ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector> bounds;
   int nJ;
-  int me,mi;
-  bubMatrix Je,Ji;
-  bubVector ee,eiInf,eiSup;
+  int me, mi;
+  bubMatrix Je, Ji;
+  bubVector ee, eiInf, eiSup;
   ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector eiBoundSide;
-  off >> bs; if(bs!="variable") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
-  off >> bs; if(bs!="size") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+  off >> bs;
+  if (bs != "variable") {
+    cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  off >> bs;
+  if (bs != "size") {
+    cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl;
+    return;
+  }
   off >> nJ;
   sotRotationComposedInExtenso Qh(nJ);
-  std::deque<SolverHierarchicalInequalities*> solvers;
-  for( unsigned int level=0;;++level )
-    {
-      /* --- Parse egalities --- */
-      off >> bs;
-      if(bs=="end") { break; }
-      else if(bs!="level") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
-      off >> bs; if(bs!="equalities") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
-      off >> me;
-      Je.resize(me,nJ); ee.resize(me);
-      if(me>0)
-        for( int i=0;i<me;++i )
-          {
-            for( int j=0;j<nJ;++j )
-              off >> Je(i,j);
-            off >> ee(i);
-          }
-      /* --- Parse inequalities --- */
-      off >> bs; if(bs!="inequalities") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
-      off >> mi;
-      Ji.resize(mi,nJ); eiInf.resize(mi); eiSup.resize(mi); eiBoundSide.resize(mi);
-      if(mi>0)
-        for( int i=0;i<mi;++i )
-          {
-            for( int j=0;j<nJ;++j )
-              off >> Ji(i,j);
-            std::string number;
-            eiBoundSide[i] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID;
-            off>>number;
-            if( number!="X" )
-              {
-                eiBoundSide[i] = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)
-                  (eiBoundSide[i]|ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
-                eiInf(i) = atof(number.c_str());
-              } else { eiInf(i) = 1e-66; }
-            off>>number;
-            if( number!="X" )
-              {
-                eiBoundSide[i] = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)
-                  (eiBoundSide[i]|ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP);
-                eiSup(i) = atof(number.c_str());
-              } else { eiSup(i) = 1e-66; }
-          }
-      struct timeval t0,t1;
-      double dtsolver;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-      sotDEBUG(5) << "ee" << level << " = " << (MATLAB) ee << endl;
-      sotDEBUG(5) << "eiInf" << level << " = " << (MATLAB) eiInf << endl;
-      sotDEBUG(5) << "eiSup" << level << " = " << (MATLAB) eiSup << endl;
-      sotDEBUG(5) << "Je" << level << " = " << (MATLAB) Je << endl;
-      sotDEBUG(5) << "Ji" << level << " = " << (MATLAB) Ji << endl;
-      gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
-      Jes.push_back(Je);
-      Jis.push_back(Ji);
-      ees.push_back(ee);
-      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf);
-      eiSups.push_back(eiSup);
-      bounds.push_back(eiBoundSide);
-      sotDEBUG(1) << "--- Level " << level << std::endl;
-      SolverHierarchicalInequalities * solver
-        = new SolverHierarchicalInequalities(nJ,Qh,Rh,constraintH);
-      solver->initConstraintSize(Je.size1()+Ji.size1());
-      if( solvers.size()==0 ) solver->setInitialConditionVoid();
-      else
-        {
-          SolverHierarchicalInequalities * solverPrec
-            = solvers.back();
-          solver->setInitialCondition( solverPrec->u0,solverPrec->rankh );
+  std::deque<SolverHierarchicalInequalities *> solvers;
+  for (unsigned int level = 0;; ++level) {
+    /* --- Parse egalities --- */
+    off >> bs;
+    if (bs == "end") {
+      break;
+    } else if (bs != "level") {
+      cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    off >> bs;
+    if (bs != "equalities") {
+      cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    off >> me;
+    Je.resize(me, nJ);
+    ee.resize(me);
+    if (me > 0)
+      for (int i = 0; i < me; ++i) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < nJ; ++j)
+          off >> Je(i, j);
+        off >> ee(i);
+      }
+    /* --- Parse inequalities --- */
+    off >> bs;
+    if (bs != "inequalities") {
+      cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    off >> mi;
+    Ji.resize(mi, nJ);
+    eiInf.resize(mi);
+    eiSup.resize(mi);
+    eiBoundSide.resize(mi);
+    if (mi > 0)
+      for (int i = 0; i < mi; ++i) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < nJ; ++j)
+          off >> Ji(i, j);
+        std::string number;
+        eiBoundSide[i] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID;
+        off >> number;
+        if (number != "X") {
+          eiBoundSide[i] = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(
+              eiBoundSide[i] | ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
+          eiInf(i) = atof(number.c_str());
+        } else {
+          eiInf(i) = 1e-66;
-      solver->recordInitialConditions();
-      solvers.push_back(solver);
+        off >> number;
+        if (number != "X") {
+          eiBoundSide[i] = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(
+              eiBoundSide[i] | ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP);
+          eiSup(i) = atof(number.c_str());
+        } else {
+          eiSup(i) = 1e-66;
+        }
+      }
+    struct timeval t0, t1;
+    double dtsolver;
+    sotDEBUG(15)
+        << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+        << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15)
+        << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+        << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(15)
+        << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+        << std::endl;
+    sotDEBUG(5) << "ee" << level << " = " << (MATLAB)ee << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(5) << "eiInf" << level << " = " << (MATLAB)eiInf << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(5) << "eiSup" << level << " = " << (MATLAB)eiSup << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(5) << "Je" << level << " = " << (MATLAB)Je << endl;
+    sotDEBUG(5) << "Ji" << level << " = " << (MATLAB)Ji << endl;
+    gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
+    Jes.push_back(Je);
+    Jis.push_back(Ji);
+    ees.push_back(ee);
+    eiInfs.push_back(eiInf);
+    eiSups.push_back(eiSup);
+    bounds.push_back(eiBoundSide);
+    sotDEBUG(1) << "--- Level " << level << std::endl;
+    SolverHierarchicalInequalities *solver =
+        new SolverHierarchicalInequalities(nJ, Qh, Rh, constraintH);
+    solver->initConstraintSize(Je.size1() + Ji.size1());
+    if (solvers.size() == 0)
+      solver->setInitialConditionVoid();
+    else {
+      SolverHierarchicalInequalities *solverPrec = solvers.back();
+      solver->setInitialCondition(solverPrec->u0, solverPrec->rankh);
+    }
+    solver->recordInitialConditions();
+    solvers.push_back(solver);
-      solver->solve(Je,ee,Ji,eiInf,eiSup,eiBoundSide);
+    solver->solve(Je, ee, Ji, eiInf, eiSup, eiBoundSide);
-      /*!*/gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);
-      /*!*/dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000. + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.)/1000. ;
-      /*!*/sotDEBUG(1) << "u" << level << " = " << (MATLAB)solver->u0 << endl;
-      /*!*/cout << "dtSOLV_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms" << endl;
+    /*!*/ gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
+    /*!*/ dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1000. +
+                     (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec + 0.) / 1000.;
+    /*!*/ sotDEBUG(1) << "u" << level << " = " << (MATLAB)solver->u0 << endl;
+    /*!*/ cout << "dtSOLV_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms" << endl;
-      solver->computeDifferentialCondition();
+    solver->computeDifferentialCondition();
 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
-      solver->printDifferentialCondition(sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer);
+    solver->printDifferentialCondition(sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer);
+  }
+  for (unsigned int repet = 0; repet < 1; ++repet) {
+    cout << "Repet = " << repet << std::endl;
+    struct timeval t0, t1;
+    double dtsolver;
+    constraintH.resize(0);
+    Rh *= 0;
+    Qh.clear();
+    for (unsigned int level = 0; level < solvers.size(); ++level) {
+      gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
+      sotDEBUG(1) << "--- Level " << level << std::endl;
+      SolverHierarchicalInequalities *solver = solvers[level];
+      if (level == 0)
+        solver->setInitialConditionVoid();
+      else {
+        SolverHierarchicalInequalities *solverPrec = solvers[level - 1];
+        solver->setInitialCondition(solverPrec->u0, solverPrec->rankh);
+      }
-    }
-  for( unsigned int repet=0;repet<1;++repet )
-    {
-      cout << "Repet = " << repet << std::endl;
-      struct timeval t0,t1; double dtsolver;
-      constraintH.resize(0);
-      Rh*=0;
-      Qh.clear();
-      for( unsigned int level=0;level<solvers.size();++level )
-        {
-          gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
-          sotDEBUG(1) << "--- Level " << level << std::endl;
-          SolverHierarchicalInequalities * solver = solvers[level];
-          if( level==0 ) solver->setInitialConditionVoid();
-          else
-            {
-              SolverHierarchicalInequalities * solverPrec = solvers[level-1];
-              solver->setInitialCondition( solverPrec->u0,solverPrec->rankh );
-            }
-          solver->recordInitialConditions();
+      solver->recordInitialConditions();
-          solver->warmStart();
+      solver->warmStart();
-          /*!*/gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);
-          /*!*/dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000. + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.)/1000. ;
-          /*!*/sotDEBUG(1) << "dtWS_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms" << endl;
-          /*!*/cout << " " << dtsolver ;
-          /*!*/gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
-          solver->solve( Jes[level],ees[level],Jis[level],
-                         eiInfs[level],eiSups[level],bounds[level],
-                         solver->getSlackActiveSet() );
-          sotDEBUG(1) << "u" << level << " = " << (MATLAB)solver->u0 << endl;
-          /*!*/gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);
-          /*!*/dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000. + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.)/1000. ;
-          /*!*/cout << " " << dtsolver ;
-          /*!*/sotDEBUG(1) << "dtSOLV_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms" << endl;
-          /*!*/gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
-          solver->computeDifferentialCondition();
+      /*!*/ gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
+      /*!*/ dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1000. +
+                       (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec + 0.) / 1000.;
+      /*!*/ sotDEBUG(1) << "dtWS_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms"
+                        << endl;
+      /*!*/ cout << " " << dtsolver;
+      /*!*/ gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
+      solver->solve(Jes[level], ees[level], Jis[level], eiInfs[level],
+                    eiSups[level], bounds[level], solver->getSlackActiveSet());
+      sotDEBUG(1) << "u" << level << " = " << (MATLAB)solver->u0 << endl;
+      /*!*/ gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
+      /*!*/ dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1000. +
+                       (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec + 0.) / 1000.;
+      /*!*/ cout << " " << dtsolver;
+      /*!*/ sotDEBUG(1) << "dtSOLV_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms"
+                        << endl;
+      /*!*/ gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
+      solver->computeDifferentialCondition();
 #ifdef VP_DEBUG
-          solver->printDifferentialCondition(sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer);
+      solver->printDifferentialCondition(sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer);
-          /*!*/gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);
-          /*!*/dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000. + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.)/1000. ;
-          /*!*/cout << " " << dtsolver ;
-          /*!*/sotDEBUG(1) << "dtREC_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms" << endl;
-        }
-      std::cout << std::endl;
+      /*!*/ gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
+      /*!*/ dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1000. +
+                       (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec + 0.) / 1000.;
+      /*!*/ cout << " " << dtsolver;
+      /*!*/ sotDEBUG(1) << "dtREC_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms"
+                        << endl;
-    for( unsigned int level=0;level<solvers.size();++level )
-      {  delete solvers[level]; solvers[level]=NULL; }
-    solvers.clear();
+    std::cout << std::endl;
+  }
+  for (unsigned int level = 0; level < solvers.size(); ++level) {
+    delete solvers[level];
+    solvers[level] = NULL;
+  }
+  solvers.clear();
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-void deparse( std::vector<bubMatrix> Jes,std::vector<bubVector> ees,
-              std::vector<bubMatrix> Jis,std::vector<bubVector> eiInfs,
-              std::vector<bubVector> eiSups,std::vector<ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector> bounds )
+void deparse(std::vector<bubMatrix> Jes, std::vector<bubVector> ees,
+             std::vector<bubMatrix> Jis, std::vector<bubVector> eiInfs,
+             std::vector<bubVector> eiSups,
+             std::vector<ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector> bounds) {
   using namespace std;
   cout << "variable size " << Jes[0].size2() << endl;
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<Jes.size();++i )
-    {
-      bubMatrix & Je = Jes[i];
-      bubMatrix & Ji = Jis[i];
-      bubVector & ee = ees[i];
-      bubVector & eiInf = eiInfs[i];
-      bubVector & eiSup = eiSups[i];
-      ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector & boundSide = bounds[i];
-      cout <<  endl << endl << "level" << endl << endl << "equalities " << ee.size() << endl;
-      if(ee.size()>0)
-        for( unsigned int i=0;i<ee.size();++i )
-          {
-            for( unsigned int j=0;j<Je.size2();++j )
-              cout << Je(i,j) << " ";
-            cout << "\t" << ee(i) << endl;
-          }
-      unsigned int nbIneq = 0;
-      for( unsigned int i=0;i<boundSide.size();++i )
-        {
-          if( boundSide[i]&ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF ) nbIneq++;
-          if( boundSide[i]&ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP ) nbIneq++;
-        }
-      cout << endl << "inequalities " << nbIneq << endl;
-      if(eiInf.size()>0)
-        for( unsigned int i=0;i<eiInf.size();++i )
-          {
-            if( boundSide[i]&ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF )
-              {
-                for( unsigned int j=0;j<Ji.size2();++j )
-                  cout << -Ji(i,j) << " ";
-                cout << "\t" << " X " <<  -eiInf(i) << endl;
-              }
-            if( boundSide[i]&ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP )
-              {
-                for( unsigned int j=0;j<Ji.size2();++j )
-                  cout << Ji(i,j) << " ";
-                cout << "\t" << " X " << eiSup(i)  << endl;
-              }
-          }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Jes.size(); ++i) {
+    bubMatrix &Je = Jes[i];
+    bubMatrix &Ji = Jis[i];
+    bubVector &ee = ees[i];
+    bubVector &eiInf = eiInfs[i];
+    bubVector &eiSup = eiSups[i];
+    ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector &boundSide = bounds[i];
+    cout << endl
+         << endl
+         << "level" << endl
+         << endl
+         << "equalities " << ee.size() << endl;
+    if (ee.size() > 0)
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ee.size(); ++i) {
+        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < Je.size2(); ++j)
+          cout << Je(i, j) << " ";
+        cout << "\t" << ee(i) << endl;
+      }
+    unsigned int nbIneq = 0;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boundSide.size(); ++i) {
+      if (boundSide[i] & ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF)
+        nbIneq++;
+      if (boundSide[i] & ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP)
+        nbIneq++;
+    cout << endl << "inequalities " << nbIneq << endl;
+    if (eiInf.size() > 0)
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eiInf.size(); ++i) {
+        if (boundSide[i] & ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF) {
+          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < Ji.size2(); ++j)
+            cout << -Ji(i, j) << " ";
+          cout << "\t"
+               << " X " << -eiInf(i) << endl;
+        }
+        if (boundSide[i] & ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP) {
+          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < Ji.size2(); ++j)
+            cout << Ji(i, j) << " ";
+          cout << "\t"
+               << " X " << eiSup(i) << endl;
+        }
+      }
+  }
   sotDEBUG(15) << endl << endl << "end" << endl;
-void convertDoubleToSingle( const std::string filename )
+void convertDoubleToSingle(const std::string filename) {
   using namespace std;
-  std::ifstream off( filename.c_str() );
+  std::ifstream off(filename.c_str());
   std::string bs;
   int nJ;
-  int me,mi;
-  bubMatrix Je,Ji;
-  bubVector ee,eiInf,eiSup;
+  int me, mi;
+  bubMatrix Je, Ji;
+  bubVector ee, eiInf, eiSup;
   ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector eiBoundSide;
-  off >> bs; if(bs!="variable") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
-  off >> bs; if(bs!="size") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+  off >> bs;
+  if (bs != "variable") {
+    cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  off >> bs;
+  if (bs != "size") {
+    cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl;
+    return;
+  }
   off >> nJ;
   /* --- Set config file --- */
@@ -284,129 +321,161 @@ void convertDoubleToSingle( const std::string filename )
   std::vector<bubVector> eiSups;
   std::vector<ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector> bounds;
-  for( unsigned int level=0;;++level )
-    {
-      off >> bs;
-      if(bs=="end") { break; }
-      else if(bs!="level") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
-      off >> bs; if(bs!="equalities") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
-      off >> me;
-      Je.resize(me,nJ); ee.resize(me);
-      if(me>0)
-        for( int i=0;i<me;++i )
-          {
-            for( int j=0;j<nJ;++j )
-              off >> Je(i,j);
-            off >> ee(i);
-          }
-      off >> bs; if(bs!="inequalities") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
-      off >> mi;
-      Ji.resize(mi,nJ); eiInf.resize(mi); eiSup.resize(mi); eiBoundSide.resize(mi);
-      if(mi>0)
-        for( int i=0;i<mi;++i )
-          {
-            for( int j=0;j<nJ;++j )
-              off >> Ji(i,j);
-            std::string number;
-            eiBoundSide[i] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID;
-            off>>number; // std::cout << "toto '" << number << "'" << std::endl;
-            if( number!="X" )
-              {
-                eiBoundSide[i] = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(eiBoundSide[i]|ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
-                eiInf(i) = atof(number.c_str());
-              } else { eiInf(i) = 1e-66; }
-            off>>number;
-            if( number!="X" )
-              {
-                eiBoundSide[i] = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(eiBoundSide[i]|ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP);
-                eiSup(i) = atof(number.c_str());
-              } else { eiSup(i) = 1e-66; }
-          }
-      //Ji*=-1; eiInf*=-1;
-      Jes.push_back(Je);
-      ees.push_back(ee);
-      Jis.push_back(Ji);
-      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf);
-      eiSups.push_back(eiSup);
-      bounds.push_back(eiBoundSide);
+  for (unsigned int level = 0;; ++level) {
+    off >> bs;
+    if (bs == "end") {
+      break;
+    } else if (bs != "level") {
+      cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl;
+      return;
-  deparse(Jes,ees,Jis,eiInfs,eiSups,bounds);
+    off >> bs;
+    if (bs != "equalities") {
+      cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    off >> me;
+    Je.resize(me, nJ);
+    ee.resize(me);
+    if (me > 0)
+      for (int i = 0; i < me; ++i) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < nJ; ++j)
+          off >> Je(i, j);
+        off >> ee(i);
+      }
+    off >> bs;
+    if (bs != "inequalities") {
+      cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl;
+      return;
+    }
+    off >> mi;
+    Ji.resize(mi, nJ);
+    eiInf.resize(mi);
+    eiSup.resize(mi);
+    eiBoundSide.resize(mi);
+    if (mi > 0)
+      for (int i = 0; i < mi; ++i) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < nJ; ++j)
+          off >> Ji(i, j);
+        std::string number;
+        eiBoundSide[i] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID;
+        off >> number; // std::cout << "toto '" << number << "'" << std::endl;
+        if (number != "X") {
+          eiBoundSide[i] = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(
+              eiBoundSide[i] | ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
+          eiInf(i) = atof(number.c_str());
+        } else {
+          eiInf(i) = 1e-66;
+        }
+        off >> number;
+        if (number != "X") {
+          eiBoundSide[i] = (ConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(
+              eiBoundSide[i] | ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP);
+          eiSup(i) = atof(number.c_str());
+        } else {
+          eiSup(i) = 1e-66;
+        }
+      }
+    // Ji*=-1; eiInf*=-1;
+    Jes.push_back(Je);
+    ees.push_back(ee);
+    Jis.push_back(Ji);
+    eiInfs.push_back(eiInf);
+    eiSups.push_back(eiSup);
+    bounds.push_back(eiBoundSide);
+  }
+  deparse(Jes, ees, Jis, eiInfs, eiSups, bounds);
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-void randBound( ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector& M,const unsigned int row)
+void randBound(ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector &M, const unsigned int row) {
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<row;++i )
-    {
-      double c = ((rand()+0.0)/RAND_MAX*2)-1.;
-      if( c<0 ) M[i] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF;
-      else M[i] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP;
-    }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < row; ++i) {
+    double c = ((rand() + 0.0) / RAND_MAX * 2) - 1.;
+    if (c < 0)
+      M[i] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF;
+    else
+      M[i] = ConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP;
+  }
-void randTest( const unsigned int nJ,const bool enableSolve[]  )
-  bubVector eiInf0(nJ),ee0(1),eiSup0(nJ);
-  bubMatrix Ji0(nJ,nJ),Je0(1,nJ);
-  ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound0(nJ,ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
-  Ji0.assign( bub::identity_matrix<double>(nJ));
-  eiInf0.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(nJ));
-  Je0.assign( bub::zero_matrix<double>(1,nJ));
-  //std::fill(,,1);
-  ee0(0)=0; Je0(0,0)=1;
-  bubVector ee1,eiInf1,eiSup1;
-  bubMatrix Je1,Ji1;
+void randTest(const unsigned int nJ, const bool enableSolve[]) {
+  bubVector eiInf0(nJ), ee0(1), eiSup0(nJ);
+  bubMatrix Ji0(nJ, nJ), Je0(1, nJ);
+  ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound0(nJ, ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
+  Ji0.assign(bub::identity_matrix<double>(nJ));
+  eiInf0.assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(nJ));
+  Je0.assign(bub::zero_matrix<double>(1, nJ));
+  // std::fill(,,1);
+  ee0(0) = 0;
+  Je0(0, 0) = 1;
+  bubVector ee1, eiInf1, eiSup1;
+  bubMatrix Je1, Ji1;
   ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound1;
-  randVector(ee1,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "ee1 = " << (MATLAB)ee1 << std::endl;
-  randVector(eiInf1,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiInf1 = " << (MATLAB)eiInf1 << std::endl;
-  randVector(eiSup1,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiSup1 = " << (MATLAB)eiSup1 << std::endl;
-  randBound(bound1,3);
-  randMatrix(Je1,3,nJ); //sotDEBUG(15) << "Je1 = " << (MATLAB)Je1 << std::endl;
-  randMatrix(Ji1,3,nJ); sotDEBUG(15) << "Ji1 = " << (MATLAB)Ji1 << std::endl;
-  bubMatrix xhi; randMatrix(xhi,1,3); xhi(0,2)=0;
-  bub::project(Je1,bub::range(2,3),bub::range(0,nJ)) = bub::prod(xhi,Je1);
+  randVector(ee1, 3);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "ee1 = " << (MATLAB)ee1 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiInf1, 3);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "eiInf1 = " << (MATLAB)eiInf1 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiSup1, 3);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "eiSup1 = " << (MATLAB)eiSup1 << std::endl;
+  randBound(bound1, 3);
+  randMatrix(Je1, 3,
+             nJ); // sotDEBUG(15) << "Je1 = " << (MATLAB)Je1 << std::endl;
+  randMatrix(Ji1, 3, nJ);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Ji1 = " << (MATLAB)Ji1 << std::endl;
+  bubMatrix xhi;
+  randMatrix(xhi, 1, 3);
+  xhi(0, 2) = 0;
+  bub::project(Je1, bub::range(2, 3), bub::range(0, nJ)) = bub::prod(xhi, Je1);
   sotDEBUG(15) << "Je1 = " << (MATLAB)Je1 << std::endl;
-  //randMatrix(xhi,3,3);
+  // randMatrix(xhi,3,3);
   //   bub::noalias(Ji1) = bub::prod(xhi,Je1);
   //  sotDEBUG(15) << "Ji1 = " << (MATLAB)Ji1 << std::endl;
-  bubVector ee2,eiInf2,eiSup2;
-  bubMatrix Je2,Ji2;
+  bubVector ee2, eiInf2, eiSup2;
+  bubMatrix Je2, Ji2;
   ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound2;
-  randVector(ee2,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "ee2 = " << (MATLAB)ee2 << std::endl;
-  randVector(eiInf2,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiInf2 = " << (MATLAB)eiInf2 << std::endl;
-  randVector(eiSup2,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiSup2 = " << (MATLAB)eiSup2 << std::endl;
-  randBound(bound1,3);
-  randMatrix(Je2,3,nJ); sotDEBUG(15) << "Je2 = " << (MATLAB)Je2 << std::endl;
-  randMatrix(Ji2,3,nJ); sotDEBUG(15) << "Ji2 = " << (MATLAB)Ji2 << std::endl;
-  bubVector ee3,eiInf3,eiSup3;
-  bubMatrix Je3,Ji3;
+  randVector(ee2, 3);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "ee2 = " << (MATLAB)ee2 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiInf2, 3);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "eiInf2 = " << (MATLAB)eiInf2 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiSup2, 3);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "eiSup2 = " << (MATLAB)eiSup2 << std::endl;
+  randBound(bound1, 3);
+  randMatrix(Je2, 3, nJ);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Je2 = " << (MATLAB)Je2 << std::endl;
+  randMatrix(Ji2, 3, nJ);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Ji2 = " << (MATLAB)Ji2 << std::endl;
+  bubVector ee3, eiInf3, eiSup3;
+  bubMatrix Je3, Ji3;
   ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound3;
-  randVector(ee3,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "ee3 = " << (MATLAB)ee3 << std::endl;
-  randVector(eiInf3,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiInf3 = " << (MATLAB)eiInf3 << std::endl;
-  randVector(eiSup3,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiSup3 = " << (MATLAB)eiSup3 << std::endl;
-  randBound(bound1,3);
-  randMatrix(Je3,3,nJ); sotDEBUG(15) << "Je3 = " << (MATLAB)Je3 << std::endl;
-  randMatrix(Ji3,3,nJ); sotDEBUG(15) << "Ji3 = " << (MATLAB)Ji3 << std::endl;
-  bubVector ee4(nJ),eiInf4(1),eiSup4(1);
-  bubMatrix Je4(nJ,nJ),Ji4(1,nJ);
-  ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound4(1,ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
-  Je4.assign( bub::identity_matrix<double>(nJ));
-  ee4.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(nJ));
-  Ji4.assign( bub::zero_matrix<double>(1,nJ));
-  eiInf4.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(1));
-  eiSup4.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(1));
+  randVector(ee3, 3);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "ee3 = " << (MATLAB)ee3 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiInf3, 3);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "eiInf3 = " << (MATLAB)eiInf3 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiSup3, 3);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "eiSup3 = " << (MATLAB)eiSup3 << std::endl;
+  randBound(bound1, 3);
+  randMatrix(Je3, 3, nJ);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Je3 = " << (MATLAB)Je3 << std::endl;
+  randMatrix(Ji3, 3, nJ);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Ji3 = " << (MATLAB)Ji3 << std::endl;
+  bubVector ee4(nJ), eiInf4(1), eiSup4(1);
+  bubMatrix Je4(nJ, nJ), Ji4(1, nJ);
+  ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound4(1, ConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
+  Je4.assign(bub::identity_matrix<double>(nJ));
+  ee4.assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(nJ));
+  Ji4.assign(bub::zero_matrix<double>(1, nJ));
+  eiInf4.assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(1));
+  eiSup4.assign(bub::zero_vector<double>(1));
   /* --- Set config file --- */
   std::vector<bubMatrix> Jes;
@@ -416,101 +485,111 @@ void randTest( const unsigned int nJ,const bool enableSolve[]  )
   std::vector<bubVector> eiSups;
   std::vector<ConstraintMem::BoundSideVector> bounds;
-  if(enableSolve[0])
-    {
-      Jes.push_back(Je0);
-      ees.push_back(ee0);
-      Jis.push_back(Ji0);
-      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf0);
-      eiSups.push_back(eiSup0);
-      bounds.push_back(bound0);
-    }
-  if(enableSolve[1])
-    {
-      Jes.push_back(Je1);
-      ees.push_back(ee1);
-      Jis.push_back(Ji1);
-      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf1);
-      eiSups.push_back(eiSup1);
-      bounds.push_back(bound1);
-    }
-  if(enableSolve[2])
-    {
-      Jes.push_back(Je2);
-      ees.push_back(ee2);
-      Jis.push_back(Ji2);
-      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf2);
-      eiSups.push_back(eiSup2);
-      bounds.push_back(bound2);
-    }
-  if(enableSolve[3])
-    {
-      Jes.push_back(Je3);
-      ees.push_back(ee3);
-      Jis.push_back(Ji3);
-      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf3);
-      eiSups.push_back(eiSup3);
-      bounds.push_back(bound3);
-    }
-  if(enableSolve[4])
-    {
-      Jes.push_back(Je4);
-      ees.push_back(ee4);
-      Jis.push_back(Ji4);
-      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf4);
-      eiSups.push_back(eiSup4);
-      bounds.push_back(bound4);
-    }
-  deparse(Jes,ees,Jis,eiInfs,eiSups,bounds);
+  if (enableSolve[0]) {
+    Jes.push_back(Je0);
+    ees.push_back(ee0);
+    Jis.push_back(Ji0);
+    eiInfs.push_back(eiInf0);
+    eiSups.push_back(eiSup0);
+    bounds.push_back(bound0);
+  }
+  if (enableSolve[1]) {
+    Jes.push_back(Je1);
+    ees.push_back(ee1);
+    Jis.push_back(Ji1);
+    eiInfs.push_back(eiInf1);
+    eiSups.push_back(eiSup1);
+    bounds.push_back(bound1);
+  }
+  if (enableSolve[2]) {
+    Jes.push_back(Je2);
+    ees.push_back(ee2);
+    Jis.push_back(Ji2);
+    eiInfs.push_back(eiInf2);
+    eiSups.push_back(eiSup2);
+    bounds.push_back(bound2);
+  }
+  if (enableSolve[3]) {
+    Jes.push_back(Je3);
+    ees.push_back(ee3);
+    Jis.push_back(Ji3);
+    eiInfs.push_back(eiInf3);
+    eiSups.push_back(eiSup3);
+    bounds.push_back(bound3);
+  }
+  if (enableSolve[4]) {
+    Jes.push_back(Je4);
+    ees.push_back(ee4);
+    Jis.push_back(Ji4);
+    eiInfs.push_back(eiInf4);
+    eiSups.push_back(eiSup4);
+    bounds.push_back(bound4);
+  }
+  deparse(Jes, ees, Jis, eiInfs, eiSups, bounds);
   sotRotationComposedInExtenso Qh(nJ);
   bubMatrix Rh;
   SolverHierarchicalInequalities::ConstraintList constraintH;
-  SolverHierarchicalInequalities solver(nJ,Qh,Rh,constraintH);
-  solver.initConstraintSize((40+6+6+6+40)+2);
+  SolverHierarchicalInequalities solver(nJ, Qh, Rh, constraintH);
+  solver.initConstraintSize((40 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 40) + 2);
   /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-  if(enableSolve[0]) solver.solve(Je0,ee0,Ji0,eiInf0,eiSup0,bound0);
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  if(enableSolve[1]) solver.solve(Je1,ee1,Ji1,eiInf1,eiSup1,bound1);
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  if(enableSolve[2]) solver.solve(Je2,ee2,Ji2,eiInf2,eiSup2,bound2);
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  if(enableSolve[3]) solver.solve(Je3,ee3,Ji3,eiInf3,eiSup3,bound3);
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
-  if(enableSolve[4]) solver.solve(Je4,ee4,Ji4,eiInf4,eiSup4,bound4);
+  if (enableSolve[0])
+    solver.solve(Je0, ee0, Ji0, eiInf0, eiSup0, bound0);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  if (enableSolve[1])
+    solver.solve(Je1, ee1, Ji1, eiInf1, eiSup1, bound1);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  if (enableSolve[2])
+    solver.solve(Je2, ee2, Ji2, eiInf2, eiSup2, bound2);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  if (enableSolve[3])
+    solver.solve(Je3, ee3, Ji3, eiInf3, eiSup3, bound3);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */"
+               << std::endl;
+  if (enableSolve[4])
+    solver.solve(Je4, ee4, Ji4, eiInf4, eiSup4, bound4);
   /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
-int main( void )
+int main(void) {
-  //  convertDoubleToSingle("/home/nmansard/src/StackOfTasks/tests/tools/testFR.txt"); exit(0);
+  //  convertDoubleToSingle("/home/nmansard/src/StackOfTasks/tests/tools/testFR.txt");
+  //  exit(0);
 #ifndef VP_DEBUG
 #ifndef WITH_CHRONO
-  for(int i=0;i<10;++i)
+  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
-      parseTest("/home/nmansard/src/StackOfTasks/tests//t.txt");
-//   bool enable [5] ={ 1,1,0,0,0};
-//   randTest(9,enable );
+    parseTest("/home/nmansard/src/StackOfTasks/tests//t.txt");
+  //   bool enable [5] ={ 1,1,0,0,0};
+  //   randTest(9,enable );
diff --git a/unitTesting/sot/tsot.cpp b/unitTesting/sot/tsot.cpp
index 5cee32b6..6f035940 100644
--- a/unitTesting/sot/tsot.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/sot/tsot.cpp
@@ -12,39 +12,38 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <iostream>
 //#include <sot/core/sot-h.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh>
 #include <sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <sot/core/task.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-double drand( void ) { return 2*((double)rand())/RAND_MAX-1; }
-dynamicgraph::Matrix& mrand( dynamicgraph::Matrix& J )
-  for( int i=0;i<J.rows();++i)
-    for( int j=0;j<J.cols();++j)
-      J(i,j) = drand();
+double drand(void) { return 2 * ((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX - 1; }
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &mrand(dynamicgraph::Matrix &J) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < J.rows(); ++i)
+    for (int j = 0; j < J.cols(); ++j)
+      J(i, j) = drand();
   return J;
-int main( void )
-  sotDEBUGF( "# In {" );
+int main(void) {
+  sotDEBUGF("# In {");
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jq(6,6); Jq.setIdentity();
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jq(6, 6);
+  Jq.setIdentity();
-  dynamicgraph::Vector p1xy(2); p1xy(0)=1.; p1xy(1)=-2;
+  dynamicgraph::Vector p1xy(2);
+  p1xy(0) = 1.;
+  p1xy(1) = -2;
   sotDEBUGF("Create feature");
-  FeatureVisualPoint * p1 = new FeatureVisualPoint("p1");
-  FeatureVisualPoint * p1des = new FeatureVisualPoint("p1des");
+  FeatureVisualPoint *p1 = new FeatureVisualPoint("p1");
+  FeatureVisualPoint *p1des = new FeatureVisualPoint("p1des");
   p1->selectionSIN = Flags(true);
@@ -56,24 +55,24 @@ int main( void )
   sotDEBUGF("Create Task");
   //  sotDEBUG(0) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB;
-  Task * task = new Task("task");
+  Task *task = new Task("task");
-  GainAdaptive * lambda = new GainAdaptive("g");
-  lambda->errorSIN.plug( &task->errorSOUT );
+  GainAdaptive *lambda = new GainAdaptive("g");
+  lambda->errorSIN.plug(&task->errorSOUT);
-  task->controlGainSIN.plug( &lambda->gainSOUT );
+  task->controlGainSIN.plug(&lambda->gainSOUT);
   task->dampingGainSINOUT = .1;
   task->controlSelectionSIN = Flags(true);
-  task->jacobianSOUT.display(cout)<<endl;
-  task->jacobianSOUT.displayDependencies(cout)<<endl;
+  task->jacobianSOUT.display(cout) << endl;
+  task->jacobianSOUT.displayDependencies(cout) << endl;
-  sotDEBUG(0) << "J"<< task->jacobianSOUT(2);
-  sotDEBUG(0) <<"e"<< task->errorSOUT(2) <<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(0) << "J" << task->jacobianSOUT(2);
+  sotDEBUG(0) << "e" << task->errorSOUT(2) << endl;
-  sotDEBUGF( "# Out }" );
+  sotDEBUGF("# Out }");
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/task/test_flags.cpp b/unitTesting/task/test_flags.cpp
index d66a4fee..1ea183e6 100644
--- a/unitTesting/task/test_flags.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/task/test_flags.cpp
@@ -10,56 +10,80 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <sot/core/flags.hh>
 #include <sstream>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-int main( void )
-  cout <<"Entering test" <<endl;
-  Flags f1(128*112+84);
+int main(void) {
+  cout << "Entering test" << endl;
+  Flags f1(128 * 112 + 84);
   Flags f2(198);
-  cout<<"f1    "<<"\t"<<f1<<endl;
-  cout<<"f2    "<<"\t"<<f2<<endl;
+  cout << "f1    "
+       << "\t" << f1 << endl;
+  cout << "f2    "
+       << "\t" << f2 << endl;
-  cout<<endl;
-  cout<<"1|2   "<<"\t"<<(f1|f2)<<endl;
-  cout<<"1&2   "<<"\t"<<(f1&f2)<<endl;
-  cout<<"TRUE  "<<"\t"<<(Flags(true))<<endl;
-  cout<<"1&TRUE"<<"\t"<<(f1&Flags(true))<<endl;
-  cout<<"1&!2 "<<"\t"<<((!f2)&f1)<<endl;
-  cout<<"1XOR2 "<<"\t"<<(((!f2)&f1)|((!f1)&f2))<<endl;
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << "1|2   "
+       << "\t" << (f1 | f2) << endl;
+  cout << "1&2   "
+       << "\t" << (f1 & f2) << endl;
+  cout << "TRUE  "
+       << "\t" << (Flags(true)) << endl;
+  cout << "1&TRUE"
+       << "\t" << (f1 & Flags(true)) << endl;
+  cout << "1&!2 "
+       << "\t" << ((!f2) & f1) << endl;
+  cout << "1XOR2 "
+       << "\t" << (((!f2) & f1) | ((!f1) & f2)) << endl;
-  cout<<endl;
-  cout<<"f1    "<<"\t"<<f1<<endl;
-  cout<<"!2    "<<"\t"<<!f2<<endl;
-  cout<<"1|!2 "<<"\t"<<(f1|(!f2))<<endl;
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << "f1    "
+       << "\t" << f1 << endl;
+  cout << "!2    "
+       << "\t" << !f2 << endl;
+  cout << "1|!2 "
+       << "\t" << (f1 | (!f2)) << endl;
-  cout<<endl;
-  if( f1&f2 ) cout<<"TRUE"; else cout<<"FALSE";  cout<<endl;
-  if( f1&Flags() ) cout<<"TRUE"; else cout<<"FALSE";  cout<<endl;
+  cout << endl;
+  if (f1 & f2)
+    cout << "TRUE";
+  else
+    cout << "FALSE";
+  cout << endl;
+  if (f1 & Flags())
+    cout << "TRUE";
+  else
+    cout << "FALSE";
+  cout << endl;
-  cout<<endl;
-  cout<<"f1>>3 "<<"\t"<<Flags(f1>>3)<<endl;
-  cout<<"f1>>5 "<<"\t"<<Flags(f1>>5)<<endl;
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << "f1>>3 "
+       << "\t" << Flags(f1 >> 3) << endl;
+  cout << "f1>>5 "
+       << "\t" << Flags(f1 >> 5) << endl;
-  cout<<"f1 byte per byte:";
-  for(int i=0;i<16;++i) {if(! (i%8)) cout<<" ";  cout << f1(i); }  cout<<endl;
+  cout << "f1 byte per byte:";
+  for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+    if (!(i % 8))
+      cout << " ";
+    cout << f1(i);
+  }
+  cout << endl;
-  cout<<endl;
-  cout<<"L1   \t"<<FLAG_LINE_1<<endl;
-  cout<<"L4   \t"<<FLAG_LINE_4<<endl;
-  cout<<"L8   \t"<<FLAG_LINE_8<<endl;
-  cout<<endl;
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << "L1   \t" << FLAG_LINE_1 << endl;
+  cout << "L4   \t" << FLAG_LINE_4 << endl;
+  cout << "L8   \t" << FLAG_LINE_8 << endl;
+  cout << endl;
   istringstream iss("00101");
   Flags flread;
   iss >> flread;
-  cout<<flread<<endl<<endl;
+  cout << flread << endl << endl;
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/task/test_gain.cpp b/unitTesting/task/test_gain.cpp
index a51d4fc5..da3c7933 100644
--- a/unitTesting/task/test_gain.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/task/test_gain.cpp
@@ -11,53 +11,46 @@
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
-#include <sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
 #include <iostream>
+#include <sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
-class DummyClass
+class DummyClass {
   dynamicgraph::Vector err;
-  dynamicgraph::Vector& getError( dynamicgraph::Vector& res,int t )
-  {
-    cout << "Dummy::getError ["<< t<< "] "<<endl;
-    return res=err;
+  dynamicgraph::Vector &getError(dynamicgraph::Vector &res, int t) {
+    cout << "Dummy::getError [" << t << "] " << endl;
+    return res = err;
 DummyClass dummy;
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-int main( void )
+int main(void) {
-  GainAdaptive * gain = new GainAdaptive("gain",4,1,5);
+  GainAdaptive *gain = new GainAdaptive("gain", 4, 1, 5);
-  Signal<dynamicgraph::Vector,int> errSig("test");
-  errSig.setFunction( boost::bind(&DummyClass::getError,dummy,_1,_2) );
+  Signal<dynamicgraph::Vector, int> errSig("test");
+  errSig.setFunction(boost::bind(&DummyClass::getError, dummy, _1, _2));
-  gain->errorSIN.plug( &errSig );
-  cout <<"Appel of errSig and display of the result." << endl;
-  cout << errSig(0) <<endl;
+  gain->errorSIN.plug(&errSig);
+  cout << "Appel of errSig and display of the result." << endl;
+  cout << errSig(0) << endl;
-  Signal<double,int> &gainSig = gain->gainSOUT;
+  Signal<double, int> &gainSig = gain->gainSOUT;
-  cout <<"Compute gain from Gain Signal and display."<< endl;
+  cout << "Compute gain from Gain Signal and display." << endl;
   cout << gainSig(0) << endl;
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/task/test_multi_bound.cpp b/unitTesting/task/test_multi_bound.cpp
index b4416bea..e1937e4a 100644
--- a/unitTesting/task/test_multi_bound.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/task/test_multi_bound.cpp
@@ -10,56 +10,75 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/multi-bound.hh>
 #include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/multi-bound.hh>
+#include <sstream>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-int main( void )
-   DebugTrace::openFile();
+int main(void) {
+  DebugTrace::openFile();
-  MultiBound mbs(1.2), mbdi(3.4,MultiBound::BOUND_INF)
-    ,mbds(5.6, MultiBound::BOUND_SUP),mbdb(-7.8,9.10);
+  MultiBound mbs(1.2), mbdi(3.4, MultiBound::BOUND_INF),
+      mbds(5.6, MultiBound::BOUND_SUP), mbdb(-7.8, 9.10);
   cout << "mbs =" << mbs << std::endl;
   cout << "mbdi=" << mbdi << std::endl;
   cout << "mbds=" << mbds << std::endl;
   cout << "mbdb=" << mbdb << std::endl;
-    ostringstream oss; istringstream iss;
-    oss.str(""); oss << mbs; iss.str(oss.str()); iss.seekg(0);
-    //{char strbuf[256]; iss.getline(strbuf,256); cout << "#"<<strbuf<<"#"<<std::endl;}
+    ostringstream oss;
+    istringstream iss;
+    oss.str("");
+    oss << mbs;
+    iss.str(oss.str());
+    iss.seekg(0);
+    //{char strbuf[256]; iss.getline(strbuf,256); cout <<
+    //"#"<<strbuf<<"#"<<std::endl;}
     iss >> mbs;
     cout << oss.str() << "=> mbs =" << mbs << std::endl;
-    ostringstream oss; istringstream iss;
-    oss.str(""); oss << mbdi; iss.str(oss.str()); iss.seekg(0);
+    ostringstream oss;
+    istringstream iss;
+    oss.str("");
+    oss << mbdi;
+    iss.str(oss.str());
+    iss.seekg(0);
     iss >> mbdi;
     cout << oss.str() << "=> mbdi =" << mbdi << std::endl;
-    ostringstream oss; istringstream iss;
-    oss.str(""); oss << mbds; iss.str(oss.str()); iss.seekg(0);
+    ostringstream oss;
+    istringstream iss;
+    oss.str("");
+    oss << mbds;
+    iss.str(oss.str());
+    iss.seekg(0);
     iss >> mbds;
     cout << oss.str() << "=> mbds =" << mbds << std::endl;
-    ostringstream oss; istringstream iss;
-    oss.str(""); oss << mbdb; iss.seekg(0); iss.str(oss.str());
+    ostringstream oss;
+    istringstream iss;
+    oss.str("");
+    oss << mbdb;
+    iss.seekg(0);
+    iss.str(oss.str());
     iss >> mbdb;
     cout << oss.str() << "=> mbdb =" << mbdb << std::endl;
-  ostringstream oss; istringstream iss;
-  oss << "[4](" << mbs << "," << mbdi << "," << mbds << "," << mbdb << ")" << std::endl;
+  ostringstream oss;
+  istringstream iss;
+  oss << "[4](" << mbs << "," << mbdi << "," << mbds << "," << mbdb << ")"
+      << std::endl;
-  VectorMultiBound vmb; iss >> vmb;
+  VectorMultiBound vmb;
+  iss >> vmb;
   cout << "vmb4 = " << vmb << std::endl;
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/task/test_task.cpp b/unitTesting/task/test_task.cpp
index 75310344..b356db5f 100644
--- a/unitTesting/task/test_task.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/task/test_task.cpp
@@ -12,38 +12,40 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #include <iostream>
-#include <sot/core/sot.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh>
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <sot/core/task.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-visual-point.hh>
 #include <sot/core/gain-adaptive.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <sot/core/sot.hh>
+#include <sot/core/task.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-double drand( void ) { return 2*((double)rand())/RAND_MAX-1; }
-dynamicgraph::Matrix& mrand( dynamicgraph::Matrix& J )
-  for( int i=0;i<J.rows();++i)
-    for( int j=0;j<J.cols();++j)
-      J(i,j) = drand();
+double drand(void) { return 2 * ((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX - 1; }
+dynamicgraph::Matrix &mrand(dynamicgraph::Matrix &J) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < J.rows(); ++i)
+    for (int j = 0; j < J.cols(); ++j)
+      J(i, j) = drand();
   return J;
-int main( void )
+int main(void) {
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jq(6,6); Jq.setIdentity();
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix Jq(6, 6);
+  Jq.setIdentity();
   dynamicgraph::Vector p1xy(6);
-  p1xy(0)=1.; p1xy(1)=-2; p1xy(2)=1.;
-  p1xy(3)=1.; p1xy(4)=-2; p1xy(5)=1.;
+  p1xy(0) = 1.;
+  p1xy(1) = -2;
+  p1xy(2) = 1.;
+  p1xy(3) = 1.;
+  p1xy(4) = -2;
+  p1xy(5) = 1.;
   sotDEBUGF("Create feature");
-  FeatureVisualPoint * p1 = new FeatureVisualPoint("p1");
-  FeatureVisualPoint * p1des = new FeatureVisualPoint("p1d");
+  FeatureVisualPoint *p1 = new FeatureVisualPoint("p1");
+  FeatureVisualPoint *p1des = new FeatureVisualPoint("p1d");
   p1->selectionSIN = Flags(true);
@@ -55,21 +57,21 @@ int main( void )
   sotDEBUGF("Create Task");
   //  sotDEBUG(0) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB;
-  Task * task = new Task("t");
+  Task *task = new Task("t");
-  GainAdaptive * lambda = new GainAdaptive("g");
-  lambda->errorSIN.plug( &task->errorSOUT );
+  GainAdaptive *lambda = new GainAdaptive("g");
+  lambda->errorSIN.plug(&task->errorSOUT);
-  task->controlGainSIN.plug( &lambda->gainSOUT );
+  task->controlGainSIN.plug(&lambda->gainSOUT);
   task->dampingGainSINOUT = .1;
   task->controlSelectionSIN = Flags(true);
-  task->jacobianSOUT.display(cout)<<endl;
-  task->jacobianSOUT.displayDependencies(cout)<<endl;
+  task->jacobianSOUT.display(cout) << endl;
+  task->jacobianSOUT.displayDependencies(cout) << endl;
   //  sotDEBUG(0) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB << "J"<< task->jacobianSOUT(2);
-  sotDEBUG(0) <<"e"<< task->errorSOUT(2) <<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(0) << "e" << task->errorSOUT(2) << endl;
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/tools/ b/unitTesting/tools/
index e43006e0..18db7fc5 100644
--- a/unitTesting/tools/
+++ b/unitTesting/tools/
@@ -14,67 +14,61 @@
 // POSIX.1-2001
 #include <dlfcn.h>
+#include "plugin.hh"
 #include <sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include "plugin.hh"
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-class Plugin: public PluginAbstract
+class Plugin : public PluginAbstract {
-  AbstractSotExternalInterface * sotController_;
+  AbstractSotExternalInterface *sotController_;
-  Plugin() {};
-  ~Plugin() {};
+  Plugin(){};
+  ~Plugin(){};
-  void Initialization(std::string &dynamicLibraryName)
-  {
+  void Initialization(std::string &dynamicLibraryName) {
     // Load the SotRobotBipedController library.
-    void * SotRobotControllerLibrary = dlopen(dynamicLibraryName.c_str(),
-					      RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW);
+    void *SotRobotControllerLibrary =
+        dlopen(dynamicLibraryName.c_str(), RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW);
     if (!SotRobotControllerLibrary) {
       std::cerr << "Cannot load library: " << dlerror() << '\n';
-      return ;
+      return;
     // reset errors
     // Load the symbols.
-    createSotExternalInterface_t * createRobotController =
-      (createSotExternalInterface_t *) dlsym(SotRobotControllerLibrary,
-					     "createSotExternalInterface");
-    const char* dlsym_error = dlerror();
+    createSotExternalInterface_t *createRobotController =
+        (createSotExternalInterface_t *)dlsym(SotRobotControllerLibrary,
+                                              "createSotExternalInterface");
+    const char *dlsym_error = dlerror();
     if (dlsym_error) {
       std::cerr << "Cannot load symbol create: " << dlsym_error << '\n';
-      return ;
+      return;
     destroySotExternalInterface_t * destroyRobotController =
       (destroySotExternalInterface_t *) dlsym(SotRobotControllerLibrary,
-					      "destroySotExternalInterface");
+                                              "destroySotExternalInterface");
     dlsym_error = dlerror();
     if (dlsym_error) {
       std::cerr << "Cannot load symbol create: " << dlsym_error << '\n';
-      return ;
+      return;
     // Create robot-controller
     sotController_ = createRobotController();
-    cout <<"Went out from Initialization." << endl;
+    cout << "Went out from Initialization." << endl;
-extern "C"
-  PluginAbstract * createPlugin()
-  {
-    return new Plugin;
-  }
+extern "C" {
+PluginAbstract *createPlugin() { return new Plugin; }
diff --git a/unitTesting/tools/plugin.hh b/unitTesting/tools/plugin.hh
index e8be8528..8c6b819c 100644
--- a/unitTesting/tools/plugin.hh
+++ b/unitTesting/tools/plugin.hh
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 #ifndef _PLUGIN_HH_
 #define _PLUGIN_HH_
-class PluginAbstract
+class PluginAbstract {
-  PluginAbstract() {};
-  virtual ~PluginAbstract() {};
-  virtual void Initialization(std::string &astr)=0;
+  PluginAbstract(){};
+  virtual ~PluginAbstract(){};
+  virtual void Initialization(std::string &astr) = 0;
-typedef PluginAbstract* createPlugin_t();
+typedef PluginAbstract *createPlugin_t();
 #endif /* _PLUGIN_HH_ */
diff --git a/unitTesting/tools/test_abstract_interface.cpp b/unitTesting/tools/test_abstract_interface.cpp
index f6b01138..7b85553e 100644
--- a/unitTesting/tools/test_abstract_interface.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/tools/test_abstract_interface.cpp
@@ -26,21 +26,18 @@ namespace po = boost::program_options;
 class PluginLoader {
-  PluginAbstract * sotController_;
+  PluginAbstract *sotController_;
   po::variables_map vm_;
   std::string dynamicLibraryName_;
-  PluginLoader() {};
-  ~PluginLoader() {};
-  int parseOptions(int argc, char *argv[])
-  { po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
-    desc.add_options()
-      ("help", "produce help message")
-      ("input-file", po::value<string>(), "library to load")
-      ;
+  PluginLoader(){};
+  ~PluginLoader(){};
+  int parseOptions(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+    po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
+    desc.add_options()("help", "produce help message")(
+        "input-file", po::value<string>(), "library to load");
     po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm_);
@@ -52,48 +49,44 @@ public:
     if (!vm_.count("input-file")) {
       cout << "No filename specified\n";
       return -1;
-    }
-    else
-      dynamicLibraryName_= vm_["input-file"].as< string >();
+    } else
+      dynamicLibraryName_ = vm_["input-file"].as<string>();
     return 0;
-  void Initialization()
-  {
+  void Initialization() {
     // Load the SotRobotBipedController library.
-    void * SotRobotControllerLibrary = dlopen( "",
-					       RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL );
+    void *SotRobotControllerLibrary =
+        dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
     if (!SotRobotControllerLibrary) {
       std::cerr << "Cannot load library: " << dlerror() << '\n';
-      return ;
+      return;
     // reset errors
     // Load the symbols.
-    createPlugin_t * createPlugin =
-      (createPlugin_t *) dlsym(SotRobotControllerLibrary,
-			       "createPlugin");
-    const char* dlsym_error = dlerror();
+    createPlugin_t *createPlugin =
+        (createPlugin_t *)dlsym(SotRobotControllerLibrary, "createPlugin");
+    const char *dlsym_error = dlerror();
     if (dlsym_error) {
       std::cerr << "Cannot load symbol create: " << dlsym_error << '\n';
-      return ;
+      return;
     // Create robot-controller
     sotController_ = createPlugin();
     //    std::string s="";
-    cout <<"Went out from Initialization." << endl;
+    cout << "Went out from Initialization." << endl;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   PluginLoader aPluginLoader;
-  aPluginLoader.parseOptions(argc,argv);
+  aPluginLoader.parseOptions(argc, argv);
diff --git a/unitTesting/tools/test_boost.cpp b/unitTesting/tools/test_boost.cpp
index 44156715..f42f5863 100644
--- a/unitTesting/tools/test_boost.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/tools/test_boost.cpp
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
 #ifndef WIN32
 #include <sys/time.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-geometry.hh>
 #include <sot/core/matrix-svd.hh>
 #include <sot/core/memory-task-sot.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #ifndef WIN32
 #include <unistd.h>
@@ -27,17 +27,21 @@
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 using namespace std;
-#define INIT_CHRONO(name) \
-   struct timeval t0##_##name,t1##_##name;  double dt##_##name
-#define START_CHRONO(name) \
-  gettimeofday(&t0##_##name,NULL); \
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "t0 "<<#name<<": "<< t0##_##name.tv_sec << " - " << t0##_##name.tv_usec << std::endl
-#define STOP_CHRONO(name,commentaire) \
-  gettimeofday(&t1##_##name,NULL); \
-  dt##_##name = ( (double)(t1##_##name.tv_sec-t0##_##name.tv_sec) * 1000.  \
-	 + (double)(t1##_##name.tv_usec-t0##_##name.tv_usec) / 1000. );\
-  sotDEBUG(25) << "t1 "<<#name<<": "<< t1##_##name.tv_sec << " - " << t1##_##name.tv_usec << std::endl; \
-  sotDEBUG(1) << "Time spent "<<#name " " commentaire<<" = " << dt##_##name << std::endl
+#define INIT_CHRONO(name)                                                      \
+  struct timeval t0##_##name, t1##_##name;                                     \
+  double dt##_##name
+#define START_CHRONO(name)                                                     \
+  gettimeofday(&t0##_##name, NULL);                                            \
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "t0 " << #name << ": " << t0##_##name.tv_sec << " - "        \
+               << t0##_##name.tv_usec << std::endl
+#define STOP_CHRONO(name, commentaire)                                         \
+  gettimeofday(&t1##_##name, NULL);                                            \
+  dt##_##name = ((double)(t1##_##name.tv_sec - t0##_##name.tv_sec) * 1000. +   \
+                 (double)(t1##_##name.tv_usec - t0##_##name.tv_usec) / 1000.); \
+  sotDEBUG(25) << "t1 " << #name << ": " << t1##_##name.tv_sec << " - "        \
+               << t1##_##name.tv_usec << std::endl;                            \
+  sotDEBUG(1) << "Time spent " << #name " " commentaire << " = "               \
+              << dt##_##name << std::endl
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -46,17 +50,18 @@ using namespace std;
 double timerCounter;
-// static void inverseCounter( ublas::matrix<double>& matrix, dynamicgraph::Matrix& invMatrix )
+// static void inverseCounter( ublas::matrix<double>& matrix,
+// dynamicgraph::Matrix& invMatrix )
 // {
 //   INIT_CHRONO(inv);
 //      ublas::matrix<double,ublas::column_major> I = matrix;
-//      ublas::matrix<double,ublas::column_major> U(matrix.size1(),matrix.size1());
-//      ublas::matrix<double,ublas::column_major> VT(matrix.size2(),matrix.size2());
-//      ublas::vector<double> s(std::min(matrix.size1(),matrix.size2()));
-//      char Jobu='A'; /* Compute complete U Matrix */
-//      char Jobvt='A'; /* Compute complete VT Matrix */
+//      ublas::matrix<double,ublas::column_major>
+//      U(matrix.size1(),matrix.size1());
+//      ublas::matrix<double,ublas::column_major>
+//      VT(matrix.size2(),matrix.size2()); ublas::vector<double>
+//      s(std::min(matrix.size1(),matrix.size2())); char Jobu='A'; /* Compute
+//      complete U Matrix */ char Jobvt='A'; /* Compute complete VT Matrix */
 //      char Lw; Lw='O'; /* Compute the optimal size for the working vector */
 // #ifdef WITH_OPENHRP
@@ -118,177 +123,183 @@ double timerCounter;
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-int main( int argc,char** argv )
-  if(sotDEBUG_ENABLE(1) ) DebugTrace::openFile();
-//   const unsigned int r=1;
-//   const unsigned int c=30;
-  unsigned int r=1; if( argc>1 ) r=atoi(argv[1]);
-  unsigned int c=30;if( argc>2 ) c=atoi(argv[2]);
-  static const int  BENCH = 100;
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix M(r,c);
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix M1(r,c);
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix Minv(c,r);
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix U,V,S;
-  unsigned int nbzeros=0;
-  for( unsigned int j=0;j<c;++j )
-    {
-      if( (rand()+1.) / RAND_MAX > .8 )
-	{ for( unsigned int i=0;i<r;++i ) M(i,j) = 0.;
-	nbzeros++ ;}
-      else
-	for( unsigned int i=0;i<r;++i )
-	  M(i,j) = (rand()+1.) / RAND_MAX*2-1;
-    }
-  for( unsigned int i=0;i<r;++i )
-    for( unsigned int j=0;j<c;++j )
-      M1(i,j) = M(i,j); //+ ((rand()+1.) / RAND_MAX*2-1) * 1e-28 ;
-  //sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M = "<< M <<endl;
-  sotDEBUG(15) <<"M1 = " << M1<<endl;
-  sotDEBUG(5) <<"Nb zeros = " << nbzeros<<endl;
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+  if (sotDEBUG_ENABLE(1))
+    DebugTrace::openFile();
+  //   const unsigned int r=1;
+  //   const unsigned int c=30;
+  unsigned int r = 1;
+  if (argc > 1)
+    r = atoi(argv[1]);
+  unsigned int c = 30;
+  if (argc > 2)
+    c = atoi(argv[2]);
+  static const int BENCH = 100;
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix M(r, c);
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix M1(r, c);
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix Minv(c, r);
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix U, V, S;
+  unsigned int nbzeros = 0;
+  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
+    if ((rand() + 1.) / RAND_MAX > .8) {
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r; ++i)
+        M(i, j) = 0.;
+      nbzeros++;
+    } else
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r; ++i)
+        M(i, j) = (rand() + 1.) / RAND_MAX * 2 - 1;
+  }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r; ++i)
+    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < c; ++j)
+      M1(i, j) = M(i, j); //+ ((rand()+1.) / RAND_MAX*2-1) * 1e-28 ;
+  // sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M = "<< M <<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "M1 = " << M1 << endl;
+  sotDEBUG(5) << "Nb zeros = " << nbzeros << endl;
-  for( int i=0;i<BENCH;++i ) Eigen::pseudoInverse(M, Minv);
-  STOP_CHRONO(inv,"init");
-  sotDEBUG(15) <<"Minv = " << Minv <<endl;
+  for (int i = 0; i < BENCH; ++i)
+    Eigen::pseudoInverse(M, Minv);
+  STOP_CHRONO(inv, "init");
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Minv = " << Minv << endl;
-  for( int i=0;i<BENCH;++i ) Eigen::pseudoInverse(M, Minv );
-  STOP_CHRONO(inv,"M+standard");
+  for (int i = 0; i < BENCH; ++i)
+    Eigen::pseudoInverse(M, Minv);
+  STOP_CHRONO(inv, "M+standard");
   cout << dt_inv << endl;
-//   START_CHRONO(inv);
-//   for( int i=0;i<BENCH;++i ) M.pseudoInverse( Minv,1e-6,&U,&S,&V );
-//   STOP_CHRONO(inv,"M+");
-//   sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Minv = "<< Minv <<endl;
-//   timerCounter=0;
-//   START_CHRONO(inv);
-//   for( int i=0;i<BENCH;++i ) inverseCounter( M1.matrix,Minv );
-//   STOP_CHRONO(inv,"M1+");
-//   sotDEBUG(5) << "Counter: " << timerCounter << endl;
-//   sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M1inv = "<< Minv <<endl;
-//   dynamicgraph::Matrix M1diag = U.transpose()*M1*V;
-//   timerCounter=0;
-//   START_CHRONO(inv);
-//   for( int i=0;i<BENCH;++i ) inverseCounter( M1diag.matrix,Minv );
-//   STOP_CHRONO(inv,"M1diag+");
-//   sotDEBUG(5) << "Counter: " << timerCounter << endl;
-//   sotDEBUG(8) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M1diag = "<< M1diag <<endl;
-//   sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M1diaginv = "<< Minv <<endl;
+  //   START_CHRONO(inv);
+  //   for( int i=0;i<BENCH;++i ) M.pseudoInverse( Minv,1e-6,&U,&S,&V );
+  //   STOP_CHRONO(inv,"M+");
+  //   sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Minv = "<< Minv <<endl;
+  //   timerCounter=0;
+  //   START_CHRONO(inv);
+  //   for( int i=0;i<BENCH;++i ) inverseCounter( M1.matrix,Minv );
+  //   STOP_CHRONO(inv,"M1+");
+  //   sotDEBUG(5) << "Counter: " << timerCounter << endl;
+  //   sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M1inv = "<< Minv <<endl;
+  //   dynamicgraph::Matrix M1diag = U.transpose()*M1*V;
+  //   timerCounter=0;
+  //   START_CHRONO(inv);
+  //   for( int i=0;i<BENCH;++i ) inverseCounter( M1diag.matrix,Minv );
+  //   STOP_CHRONO(inv,"M1diag+");
+  //   sotDEBUG(5) << "Counter: " << timerCounter << endl;
+  //   sotDEBUG(8) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M1diag = "<< M1diag <<endl;
+  //   sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M1diaginv = "<< Minv <<endl;
-  std::list< unsigned int > nonzeros;
+  std::list<unsigned int> nonzeros;
   dynamicgraph::Matrix Mcreuse;
   dynamicgraph::Matrix Mcreuseinv;
-  for( int ib=0;ib<BENCH;++ib )
-    {
-      double sumsq;
-      unsigned int parc = 0;
-      if(!ib)
-	{
-	  nonzeros.clear();
-      for( unsigned int j=0;j<c;++j )
-	{
-	  sumsq=0.;
-	  for( unsigned int i=0;i<r;++i ) sumsq += M(i,j)*M(i,j);
-	  if( sumsq > 1e-6 )  {   nonzeros.push_back(j);  parc++;  }
-	}
-      Mcreuse.resize( r,parc );
-	}
-      //dynamicgraph::Matrix Mcreuse( r,parc );
-      parc=0;
-      for( std::list< unsigned int >::iterator iter=nonzeros.begin();
-	   iter!=nonzeros.end();++iter )
-	{
-	  for( unsigned int i=0;i<r;++i ){  Mcreuse(i,parc) = M(i,*iter);}
-	  parc++;
-	}
-      //dynamicgraph::Matrix Mcreuseinv( Mcreuse.nbCols(),r );
-      Mcreuseinv.resize( Mcreuse.cols(),r );
-      Eigen::pseudoInverse(Mcreuse, Mcreuseinv );
-      parc=0;
-      Minv.fill(0.);
-      for( std::list< unsigned int >::iterator iter=nonzeros.begin();
-	   iter!=nonzeros.end();++iter )
-	{
-	  for( unsigned int i=0;i<r;++i )
-	    Minv(*iter,i) = Mcreuseinv(parc,i);
-	  parc++;
-	}
-      if(!ib)
-	{
-	  //	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M = "<< M <<endl;
-	  //	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Mcreuse = "<< Mcreuse <<endl;
-	  //	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Minvnc = "<< Minv <<endl;
-	}
+  for (int ib = 0; ib < BENCH; ++ib) {
+    double sumsq;
+    unsigned int parc = 0;
+    if (!ib) {
+      nonzeros.clear();
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
+        sumsq = 0.;
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r; ++i)
+          sumsq += M(i, j) * M(i, j);
+        if (sumsq > 1e-6) {
+          nonzeros.push_back(j);
+          parc++;
+        }
+      }
+      Mcreuse.resize(r, parc);
+    }
+    // dynamicgraph::Matrix Mcreuse( r,parc );
+    parc = 0;
+    for (std::list<unsigned int>::iterator iter = nonzeros.begin();
+         iter != nonzeros.end(); ++iter) {
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r; ++i) {
+        Mcreuse(i, parc) = M(i, *iter);
+      }
+      parc++;
-  STOP_CHRONO(inv,"M+creuse");
-  //sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Minv = "<< Minv <<endl;
-    {
+    // dynamicgraph::Matrix Mcreuseinv( Mcreuse.nbCols(),r );
+    Mcreuseinv.resize(Mcreuse.cols(), r);
+    Eigen::pseudoInverse(Mcreuse, Mcreuseinv);
+    parc = 0;
+    Minv.fill(0.);
+    for (std::list<unsigned int>::iterator iter = nonzeros.begin();
+         iter != nonzeros.end(); ++iter) {
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r; ++i)
+        Minv(*iter, i) = Mcreuseinv(parc, i);
+      parc++;
+    }
-      double sumsq;   nonzeros.clear();
-      unsigned int parc = 0;
-      for( unsigned int j=0;j<c;++j )
-	{
-	  sumsq=0.;
-	  for( unsigned int i=0;i<r;++i ) sumsq += M(i,j)*M(i,j);
-	  if( sumsq > 1e-6 )  {   nonzeros.push_back(j);  parc++;  }
-	}
-      dynamicgraph::Matrix Mcreuse( r,parc ); parc=0;
-      for( std::list< unsigned int >::iterator iter=nonzeros.begin();
-	   iter!=nonzeros.end();++iter )
-	{
-	  for( unsigned int i=0;i<r;++i ){  Mcreuse(i,parc) = M(i,*iter);}
-	  parc++;
-	}
-      dynamicgraph::Matrix Mcreuseinv( Mcreuse.cols(),r );
-      START_CHRONO(inv);
-      for( int ib=0;ib<BENCH;++ib )
-	{
-	  Eigen::pseudoInverse( Mcreuse, Mcreuseinv );
-	}
-      STOP_CHRONO(inv,"M+creuseseule");
-      parc=0;
-      Minv.fill(0.);
-      for( std::list< unsigned int >::iterator iter=nonzeros.begin();
-	   iter!=nonzeros.end();++iter )
-	{
-	  for( unsigned int i=0;i<r;++i )
-	    Minv(*iter,i) = Mcreuseinv(parc,i);
-	  parc++;
-	}
-	{
-	  //	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M = "<< M <<endl;
-	  //	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Mcreuse = "<< Mcreuse <<endl;
-	  //	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Minvnc = "<< Minv <<endl;
-	}
+    if (!ib) {
+      //	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M = "<< M <<endl;
+      //	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Mcreuse = "<< Mcreuse
+      //<<endl; 	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Minvnc = "<< Minv
+      //<<endl;
+    }
+  }
+  STOP_CHRONO(inv, "M+creuse");
+  // sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Minv = "<< Minv <<endl;
+  {
+    double sumsq;
+    nonzeros.clear();
+    unsigned int parc = 0;
+    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
+      sumsq = 0.;
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r; ++i)
+        sumsq += M(i, j) * M(i, j);
+      if (sumsq > 1e-6) {
+        nonzeros.push_back(j);
+        parc++;
+      }
+    }
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix Mcreuse(r, parc);
+    parc = 0;
+    for (std::list<unsigned int>::iterator iter = nonzeros.begin();
+         iter != nonzeros.end(); ++iter) {
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r; ++i) {
+        Mcreuse(i, parc) = M(i, *iter);
+      }
+      parc++;
+    }
+    dynamicgraph::Matrix Mcreuseinv(Mcreuse.cols(), r);
+    START_CHRONO(inv);
+    for (int ib = 0; ib < BENCH; ++ib) {
+      Eigen::pseudoInverse(Mcreuse, Mcreuseinv);
+    }
+    STOP_CHRONO(inv, "M+creuseseule");
+    parc = 0;
+    Minv.fill(0.);
+    for (std::list<unsigned int>::iterator iter = nonzeros.begin();
+         iter != nonzeros.end(); ++iter) {
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < r; ++i)
+        Minv(*iter, i) = Mcreuseinv(parc, i);
+      parc++;
+    {
+      //	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"M = "<< M <<endl;
+      //	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Mcreuse = "<< Mcreuse
+      //<<endl; 	  sotDEBUG(15) << dynamicgraph::MATLAB <<"Minvnc = "<< Minv
+      //<<endl;
+    }
+  }
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/tools/test_control_pd.cpp b/unitTesting/tools/test_control_pd.cpp
index 834d1b22..ef26fb6f 100644
--- a/unitTesting/tools/test_control_pd.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/tools/test_control_pd.cpp
@@ -9,23 +9,21 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #ifndef WIN32
 #include <unistd.h>
 using namespace std;
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <sot/core/control-pd.hh>
 #include <sstream>
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(control_pd) {
   sot::ControlPD *aControlPD = ControlPD("acontrol_pd");
@@ -45,7 +43,4 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(control_pd)
   output_test_stream output;
diff --git a/unitTesting/tools/test_device.cpp b/unitTesting/tools/test_device.cpp
index 412041ad..ebe3437a 100644
--- a/unitTesting/tools/test_device.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/tools/test_device.cpp
@@ -34,10 +34,8 @@ public:
   ~TestDevice() {}
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_device) {
   TestDevice aDevice(std::string("simple_humanoid"));
   /// Fix constant vector for the control entry in position
@@ -52,15 +50,15 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_device) {
     // Specify lower velocity bound
     aLowerVelBound[i] = -3.14;
     // Specify lower position bound
-    aLowerBound[i]=-3.14;
+    aLowerBound[i] = -3.14;
     // Specify state vector
     aStateVector[i] = 0.1;
     // Specify upper velocity bound
     anUpperVelBound[i] = 3.14;
     // Specify upper position bound
-    anUpperBound[i]=3.14;
+    anUpperBound[i] = 3.14;
     // Specify control vector
-    aControlVector(i)= 0.1;
+    aControlVector(i) = 0.1;
   dg::Vector expected = aStateVector; // backup initial state vector
@@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_device) {
   /// Specify state size
   /// Specify state bounds
-  aDevice.setPositionBounds(aLowerBound,anUpperBound);
+  aDevice.setPositionBounds(aLowerBound, anUpperBound);
   /// Specify velocity size
   /// Specify velocity
@@ -84,14 +82,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_device) {
   const unsigned int N = 2000;
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
-    if (i == 0)
-    {
+    if (i == 0) {
       std::ostringstream anoss;
-    if (i == 1)
-    {
+    if (i == 1) {
       std::ostringstream anoss;
@@ -106,19 +102,22 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_device) {
   Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1> qin, qout;
   qin.head<3>() = expected.head<3>();
-  Eigen::QuaternionMapd quat (qin.tail<4>().data());
-  quat = Eigen::AngleAxisd(expected(5), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ())
-       * Eigen::AngleAxisd(expected(4), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY())
-       * Eigen::AngleAxisd(expected(3), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
+  Eigen::QuaternionMapd quat(qin.tail<4>().data());
+  quat = Eigen::AngleAxisd(expected(5), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) *
+         Eigen::AngleAxisd(expected(4), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()) *
+         Eigen::AngleAxisd(expected(3), Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
-  const double T = dt*N;
-  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> control = aControlVector.head<6>()*T;
-  SE3().integrate (qin, control, qout);
+  const double T = dt * N;
+  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> control = aControlVector.head<6>() * T;
+  SE3().integrate(qin, control, qout);
   // Manual integration
   expected.head<3>() = qout.head<3>();
-  expected.segment<3>(3) = Eigen::QuaternionMapd(qout.tail<4>().data()).toRotationMatrix().eulerAngles(2,1,0).reverse();
-  for(int i=6; i<expected.size(); i++)
+  expected.segment<3>(3) = Eigen::QuaternionMapd(qout.tail<4>().data())
+                               .toRotationMatrix()
+                               .eulerAngles(2, 1, 0)
+                               .reverse();
+  for (int i = 6; i < expected.size(); i++)
     expected[i] = 0.3;
   std::cout << expected.transpose() << std::endl;
diff --git a/unitTesting/tools/test_mailbox.cpp b/unitTesting/tools/test_mailbox.cpp
index 5973a4cc..256c51ea 100644
--- a/unitTesting/tools/test_mailbox.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/tools/test_mailbox.cpp
@@ -10,15 +10,14 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #ifndef WIN32
 #include <unistd.h>
 using namespace std;
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <sot/core/mailbox-vector.hh>
 #include <sstream>
@@ -28,32 +27,29 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 #include <boost/thread.hpp>
-sot::MailboxVector* mailbox = NULL;
+sot::MailboxVector *mailbox = NULL;
-void f( void )
+void f(void) {
   Vector vect(25);
   Vector vect2(25);
-  for( int i=0; i < 250 ; ++i )
-    {
-      std::cout << " iter  " << i << std::endl;
-      for( int j=0;j<25;++j ) vect(j) = j+i*10;
-      mailbox->post( vect );
-      Vector V = mailbox->getObject( vect2, 1 );
-      std::cout << vect2 << std::endl;
-      std::cout << " getClassName   " << mailbox->getClassName() << std::endl;
-      std::cout << " getName        " << mailbox->getName() << std::endl;
-      std::cout << " hasBeenUpdated " << mailbox->hasBeenUpdated() << std::endl;
-      std::cout << std::endl;
-    }
+  for (int i = 0; i < 250; ++i) {
+    std::cout << " iter  " << i << std::endl;
+    for (int j = 0; j < 25; ++j)
+      vect(j) = j + i * 10;
+    mailbox->post(vect);
+    Vector V = mailbox->getObject(vect2, 1);
+    std::cout << vect2 << std::endl;
+    std::cout << " getClassName   " << mailbox->getClassName() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << " getName        " << mailbox->getName() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << " hasBeenUpdated " << mailbox->hasBeenUpdated() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << std::endl;
+  }
-int main( int ,char** )
+int main(int, char **) {
   mailbox = new sot::MailboxVector("mail");
-  boost::thread th( f );
+  boost::thread th(f);
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/tools/test_matrix.cpp b/unitTesting/tools/test_matrix.cpp
index 03cc399f..bcfefb9a 100644
--- a/unitTesting/tools/test_matrix.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/tools/test_matrix.cpp
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <sot/core/feature-abstract.hh>
 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
@@ -26,43 +26,42 @@ using namespace std;
 #include <sot/core/utils-windows.hh>
 #endif /*WIN32*/
-#define sotCHRONO1 \
-      gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);\
-      dt = ( (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000.\
-	     + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.) / 1000. );\
-      cout << "dt: "<< dt
+#define sotCHRONO1                                                             \
+  gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);                                                     \
+  dt = ((t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) * 1000. +                                      \
+        (t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec + 0.) / 1000.);                               \
+  cout << "dt: " << dt
-int main( int ,char** )
+int main(int, char **) {
-  struct timeval t0,t1; double dt;
+  struct timeval t0, t1;
+  double dt;
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix P(40,40);
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix J(6,40);
-  dynamicgraph::Matrix JK(6,40);
-  for( int i=0;i<40;++i )
-    for( int j=0;j<40;++j ) P(i,j) = (rand()+1.) / RAND_MAX;
-  for( int i=0;i<J.rows();++i )
-    for( int j=0;j<J.cols();++j ) J(i,j) = (rand()+1.) / RAND_MAX;
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix P(40, 40);
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix J(6, 40);
+  dynamicgraph::Matrix JK(6, 40);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
+    for (int j = 0; j < 40; ++j)
+      P(i, j) = (rand() + 1.) / RAND_MAX;
+  for (int i = 0; i < J.rows(); ++i)
+    for (int j = 0; j < J.cols(); ++j)
+      J(i, j) = (rand() + 1.) / RAND_MAX;
   int nbIter = 100000;
-  dt=0;
-  gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
-  for( int iter=0;iter<nbIter;++iter )
-    {
-      gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
-      //J.multiply(P,JK);
-      //prod(J.matrix,P.matrix,JK.matrix);
-      JK = J*P;
-      gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);
-      dt += ( (double)(t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec)
-	     + (double)(t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec)  / 1000. / 1000. );
-    }
-  //sotCHRONO1 <<endl;
-  cout<<dt/nbIter<<endl;
+  dt = 0;
+  gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
+  for (int iter = 0; iter < nbIter; ++iter) {
+    gettimeofday(&t0, NULL);
+    // J.multiply(P,JK);
+    // prod(J.matrix,P.matrix,JK.matrix);
+    JK = J * P;
+    gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
+    dt += ((double)(t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) +
+           (double)(t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec) / 1000. / 1000.);
+  }
+  // sotCHRONO1 <<endl;
+  cout << dt / nbIter << endl;
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/tools/test_robot_utils.cpp b/unitTesting/tools/test_robot_utils.cpp
index 959bdfeb..6f195510 100644
--- a/unitTesting/tools/test_robot_utils.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/tools/test_robot_utils.cpp
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
 #include <iostream>
-#include <sot/core/robot-utils.hh>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <sot/core/robot-utils.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
@@ -20,44 +20,35 @@ using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
 std::string localName("robot_test");
 RobotUtilShrPtr robot_util;
-int main( void )
+int main(void) {
   robot_util = createRobotUtil(localName);
   /*Test set and get joint_limits_for_id */
   const double upper_lim(1);
   const double lower_lim(2);
-  robot_util->set_joint_limits_for_id(1,lower_lim,upper_lim);
+  robot_util->set_joint_limits_for_id(1, lower_lim, upper_lim);
   if (robot_util->get_joint_limits_from_id(1).upper == upper_lim &&
-      robot_util->get_joint_limits_from_id(1).lower == lower_lim)
-  {
-      std::cout << "joint_limits_for_id works !" << std::endl;  }
-  else
-  {
-      std::cout << "ERROR: joint_limits_for_id does not work !" << std::endl;
+      robot_util->get_joint_limits_from_id(1).lower == lower_lim) {
+    std::cout << "joint_limits_for_id works !" << std::endl;
+  } else {
+    std::cout << "ERROR: joint_limits_for_id does not work !" << std::endl;
   if (robot_util->cp_get_joint_limits_from_id(1).upper == upper_lim &&
-      robot_util->cp_get_joint_limits_from_id(1).lower == lower_lim)
-  {
-      std::cout << "cp_get_joint_limits_for_id works !" << std::endl;  }
-  else
-  {
-      std::cout << "ERROR: cp_get_joint_limits_for_id does not work !"
-                << std::endl;
+      robot_util->cp_get_joint_limits_from_id(1).lower == lower_lim) {
+    std::cout << "cp_get_joint_limits_for_id works !" << std::endl;
+  } else {
+    std::cout << "ERROR: cp_get_joint_limits_for_id does not work !"
+              << std::endl;
   /*Test set and get name_to_id */
   const std::string joint_name("test_joint");
   const Index joint_id(10);
-  robot_util->set_name_to_id(joint_name,joint_id);
+  robot_util->set_name_to_id(joint_name, joint_id);
   if (robot_util->get_id_from_name(joint_name) == joint_id &&
-      robot_util->get_name_from_id(joint_id) == joint_name)
-  {
-      std::cout << "name_to_id works !" << std::endl;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      std::cout << "ERROR: name_to_id does not work !" << std::endl;
+      robot_util->get_name_from_id(joint_id) == joint_name) {
+    std::cout << "name_to_id works !" << std::endl;
+  } else {
+    std::cout << "ERROR: name_to_id does not work !" << std::endl;
   /*Test create_id_to_name_map */
@@ -66,32 +57,27 @@ int main( void )
   /*Test set urdf_to_sot */
   dg::Vector urdf_to_sot(3);
-  urdf_to_sot << 0,2,1;
+  urdf_to_sot << 0, 2, 1;
-  if (urdf_to_sot == robot_util->m_dgv_urdf_to_sot )
-  {
-      std::cout << "urdf_to_sot works !" << std::endl;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      std::cout << "ERROR: urdf_to_sot does not work !" << std::endl;
+  if (urdf_to_sot == robot_util->m_dgv_urdf_to_sot) {
+    std::cout << "urdf_to_sot works !" << std::endl;
+  } else {
+    std::cout << "ERROR: urdf_to_sot does not work !" << std::endl;
   /*Test joints_urdf_to_sot and joints_sot_to_urdf */
   dg::Vector q_urdf(3);
-  q_urdf << 10,20,30;
+  q_urdf << 10, 20, 30;
   dg::Vector q_sot(3);
   dg::Vector q_test_urdf(3);
   robot_util->joints_urdf_to_sot(q_urdf, q_sot);
   robot_util->joints_sot_to_urdf(q_sot, q_test_urdf);
-  if (q_urdf == q_test_urdf )
-  {
-      std::cout << "joints_urdf_to_sot and joints_sot_to_urdf work !"
-                << std::endl;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      std::cout << "ERROR: joints_urdf_to_sot or joints_sot_to_urdf "
-          "do not work !" << std::endl;
+  if (q_urdf == q_test_urdf) {
+    std::cout << "joints_urdf_to_sot and joints_sot_to_urdf work !"
+              << std::endl;
+  } else {
+    std::cout << "ERROR: joints_urdf_to_sot or joints_sot_to_urdf "
+                 "do not work !"
+              << std::endl;
   /*Test velocity_sot_to_urdf and velocity_urdf_to_sot */
@@ -112,12 +98,12 @@ int main( void )
   /*Test config_urdf_to_sot and config_sot_to_urdf */
   dg::Vector q2_sot(9);
-  robot_util->config_urdf_to_sot(q2_urdf,q2_sot);
-  robot_util->config_sot_to_urdf(q2_sot,q2_urdf);
+  robot_util->config_urdf_to_sot(q2_urdf, q2_sot);
+  robot_util->config_sot_to_urdf(q2_sot, q2_urdf);
   std::cout << "config_urdf_to_sot and config_sot_to_urdf work !" << std::endl;
-  robot_util->sendMsg("test",MSG_TYPE_ERROR_STREAM);
+  robot_util->sendMsg("test", MSG_TYPE_ERROR_STREAM);
   /*Test set_name_to_force_id of forceutil */
   const std::string rf("rf");
@@ -125,49 +111,41 @@ int main( void )
   const std::string lh("lh");
   const std::string rh("rh");
-  robot_util->m_force_util.set_name_to_force_id(rf,0);
-  robot_util->m_force_util.set_name_to_force_id(lf,1);
-  robot_util->m_force_util.set_name_to_force_id(lh,2);
-  robot_util->m_force_util.set_name_to_force_id(rh,3);
+  robot_util->m_force_util.set_name_to_force_id(rf, 0);
+  robot_util->m_force_util.set_name_to_force_id(lf, 1);
+  robot_util->m_force_util.set_name_to_force_id(lh, 2);
+  robot_util->m_force_util.set_name_to_force_id(rh, 3);
   dg::Vector lf_lim(6);
-  lf_lim << 1,2,3,4,5,6;
+  lf_lim << 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
   dg::Vector uf_lim(6);
-  uf_lim << 10,20,30,40,50,60;
+  uf_lim << 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60;
   robot_util->m_force_util.set_force_id_to_limits(1, lf_lim, uf_lim);
-  if( robot_util->m_force_util.get_id_from_name(rf) == 0 &&
+  if (robot_util->m_force_util.get_id_from_name(rf) == 0 &&
       robot_util->m_force_util.get_id_from_name(lf) == 1 &&
       robot_util->m_force_util.get_id_from_name(lh) == 2 &&
-      robot_util->m_force_util.get_id_from_name(rh) == 3)
-  {
-      std::cout << "force_util set and get id_from_name work !" << std::endl;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      std::cout << "ERROR: force_util set and get id_from_name do not work !"
-                << std::endl;
+      robot_util->m_force_util.get_id_from_name(rh) == 3) {
+    std::cout << "force_util set and get id_from_name work !" << std::endl;
+  } else {
+    std::cout << "ERROR: force_util set and get id_from_name do not work !"
+              << std::endl;
-  if( robot_util->m_force_util.get_name_from_id(0) == rf &&
+  if (robot_util->m_force_util.get_name_from_id(0) == rf &&
       robot_util->m_force_util.get_name_from_id(1) == lf &&
       robot_util->m_force_util.get_name_from_id(2) == lh &&
-      robot_util->m_force_util.get_name_from_id(3) == rh)
-  {
-      std::cout << "force_util get name_from_id works !" << std::endl;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      std::cout << "ERROR: force_util get name_from_id does not work !"
-                << std::endl;
+      robot_util->m_force_util.get_name_from_id(3) == rh) {
+    std::cout << "force_util get name_from_id works !" << std::endl;
+  } else {
+    std::cout << "ERROR: force_util get name_from_id does not work !"
+              << std::endl;
   if (robot_util->m_force_util.get_limits_from_id(1).upper == uf_lim &&
-      robot_util->m_force_util.get_limits_from_id(1).lower == lf_lim)
-  {
-      std::cout << "force_util set and get id to limits work !" << std::endl;
-  }
-  else
-  {
+      robot_util->m_force_util.get_limits_from_id(1).lower == lf_lim) {
+    std::cout << "force_util set and get id to limits work !" << std::endl;
+  } else {
     std::cout << "ERROR: force_util set and get id to "
-        "limits works do not work !" << std::endl;
+                 "limits works do not work !"
+              << std::endl;
diff --git a/unitTesting/traces/files.cpp b/unitTesting/traces/files.cpp
index 98d437f3..9e6bb176 100644
--- a/unitTesting/traces/files.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/traces/files.cpp
@@ -10,22 +10,19 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sot/core/debug.hh>
-#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
 #include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
 using namespace std;
-int main()
-    boost::filesystem::create_directory( "foobar" );
-    ofstream file( "foobar/cheeze" );
-    file << "tastes good!\n";
-    file.close();
-    if ( !boost::filesystem::exists( "foobar/cheeze" ) )
-      std::cout << "Something is rotten in foobar\n";
+int main() {
+  boost::filesystem::create_directory("foobar");
+  ofstream file("foobar/cheeze");
+  file << "tastes good!\n";
+  file.close();
+  if (!boost::filesystem::exists("foobar/cheeze"))
+    std::cout << "Something is rotten in foobar\n";
   return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/traces/test_traces.cpp b/unitTesting/traces/test_traces.cpp
index cd68ecc8..74edac2b 100644
--- a/unitTesting/traces/test_traces.cpp
+++ b/unitTesting/traces/test_traces.cpp
@@ -9,38 +9,46 @@
 #include <iostream>
-#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-base.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
 #include <dynamic-graph/tracer.h>
-#include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dynamicgraph;
 using namespace dynamicgraph::sot;
-double& f( double& res,const int& /*t*/ ) { cout << "SIGM!"<<endl; return res; }
+double &f(double &res, const int & /*t*/) {
+  cout << "SIGM!" << endl;
+  return res;
-int main()
-  Signal<Vector,int> sig1( "sig1" );
-  Vector v1(2); v1.fill(1.1); sig1 = v1;
+int main() {
+  Signal<Vector, int> sig1("sig1");
+  Vector v1(2);
+  v1.fill(1.1);
+  sig1 = v1;
-  Signal<Vector,int> sig2( "sig2" );
-  Vector v2(4); v2.fill(2.); sig2 = v2;
+  Signal<Vector, int> sig2("sig2");
+  Vector v2(4);
+  v2.fill(2.);
+  sig2 = v2;
-  Signal<Vector,int> sig3( "sig3" );
-  Vector v3(6); v3.fill(3.); sig3 = v3;
+  Signal<Vector, int> sig3("sig3");
+  Vector v3(6);
+  v3.fill(3.);
+  sig3 = v3;
-  SignalTimeDependent<double,int> sigM( f,sotNOSIGNAL,"sigM" );
+  SignalTimeDependent<double, int> sigM(f, sotNOSIGNAL, "sigM");
-  Tracer* tracer = new Tracer( "trace" );
-  tracer->addSignalToTrace( sig1 );
-  tracer->openFiles( "/tmp/sot-core","tr_",".dat" );
+  Tracer *tracer = new Tracer("trace");
+  tracer->addSignalToTrace(sig1);
+  tracer->openFiles("/tmp/sot-core", "tr_", ".dat");
-  tracer->addSignalToTrace( sig2 );
+  tracer->addSignalToTrace(sig2);
   return 0;