# # Copyright (c) 2016 CNRS # # This file is part of Pinocchio # Pinocchio is free software: you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version # 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Pinocchio is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty # of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have # received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with # Pinocchio If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from math import pi from pinocchio.utils import np, rotate, XYZQUATToViewerConfiguration, se3ToXYZQUAT DENSITY = 1 def placement(x=0, y=0, z=0, rx=0, ry=0, rz=0): m = se3.SE3.Identity() m.translation = np.matrix([[float(i)] for i in [x, y, z]]) m.rotation *= rotate('x', rx) m.rotation *= rotate('y', ry) m.rotation *= rotate('z', rz) return m def color(body_number=1): return [int(i) for i in '%03d' % int(bin(body_number % 8)[2:])] + [1] class ModelWrapper(object): def __init__(self, model, name=None, display=False): self.visuals = [('universe', se3.SE3.Identity(), se3.SE3.Identity().translation)] self.name = self.__class__.__name__ if name is None else name self.model = model self.display = display self.add_joints() def add_joints(self): for joint in self.joints: self.add_joint(**joint) def add_joint(self, joint_name, joint_model=None, joint_placement=None, lever=None, shape="box", dimensions=1, mass=None, body_color=1, parent=0): if joint_model is None: joint_model = se3.JointModelFreeFlyer() elif isinstance(joint_model, str): joint_model = se3.__dict__['JointModel' + joint_model]() if joint_placement is None: joint_placement = se3.SE3.Identity() elif isinstance(joint_placement, dict): joint_placement = placement(**joint_placement) if lever is None: lever = se3.SE3.Identity() elif isinstance(lever, dict): lever = placement(**lever) joint_name, body_name = ('world/%s_%s_%s' % (self.name, joint_name, i) for i in ('joint', 'body')) body_inertia = se3.Inertia.Random() if shape == "box": w, h, d = (float(i) for i in dimensions) if isinstance(dimensions, tuple) else [float(dimensions)] * 3 if mass is None: mass = w * h * d * DENSITY body_inertia = se3.Inertia.FromBox(mass, w, h, d) if self.display: self.display.viewer.gui.addBox(body_name, w, h, d, color(body_color)) elif shape == "cylinder": r, h = dimensions if mass is None: mass = pi * r ** 2 * h * DENSITY body_inertia = se3.Inertia.FromCylinder(mass, r, h) if self.display: self.display.viewer.gui.addCylinder(body_name, r, h, color(body_color)) elif shape == "sphere": w, h, d = (float(i) for i in dimensions) if isinstance(dimensions, tuple) else [float(dimensions)] * 3 if mass is None: mass = 4. / 3. * pi * w * h * d * DENSITY body_inertia = se3.Inertia.FromEllipsoid(mass, w, h, d) if self.display: self.display.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name, dimensions, color(body_color)) body_inertia.lever = lever.translation self.model.addJointAndBody(parent, joint_model, joint_placement, body_inertia, joint_name, body_name) self.visuals.append((body_name, joint_placement, lever)) self.data = self.model.createData() if self.display: self.place() def place(self): for i, (name, placement, lever) in enumerate(self.visuals): if i == 0: continue self.display.place(name, self.data.oMi[i] * placement * lever) self.display.viewer.gui.refresh() class RobotDisplay(object): def __init__(self, window_name="pinocchio"): from gepetto import corbaserver self.viewer = corbaserver.Client() try: window_id = self.viewer.gui.getWindowID(window_name) except: window_id = self.viewer.gui.createWindow(window_name) self.viewer.gui.createSceneWithFloor("world") self.viewer.gui.addSceneToWindow("world", window_id) self.viewer.gui.setLightingMode('world', 'OFF') self.viewer.gui.setVisibility('world/floor', "OFF") self.viewer.gui.refresh() def place(self, obj_name, m): self.viewer.gui.applyConfiguration(obj_name, XYZQUATToViewerConfiguration(se3ToXYZQUAT(m))) class SimplestWalker(ModelWrapper): joints = [ {'joint_name': "pelvis", 'dimensions': (.1, .2, .1), 'mass': .5, }, {'joint_name': "left_leg", 'joint_model': "RY", 'joint_placement': {'y': -.15}, 'lever': {'z': -.45}, 'shape': "cylinder", 'dimensions': (.1, .9), 'mass': 20, 'body_color': 2, 'parent': 1, }, {'joint_name': "right_leg", 'joint_model': "RY", 'joint_placement': {'y': .15}, 'lever': {'z': -.45}, 'shape': "cylinder", 'dimensions': (.1, .9), 'mass': 20, 'body_color': 3, 'parent': 1, }, ] SimplestWalker(model)