From fa288d9a1a1bb9141264499b1eecb01786e6fdca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Valenza Florian <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 11:08:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [C++][Unittest] Adding joint revolute unbounded and its

 CMakeLists.txt                                |   1 +
 .../joint/joint-revolute-unbounded.hpp        | 623 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/multibody/joint/joint-variant.hpp         |   5 +-
 unittest/joint.cpp                            |   9 +
 unittest/joints.cpp                           |  86 +++
 5 files changed, 722 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/multibody/joint/joint-revolute-unbounded.hpp

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 0f8a8490c..6fc70ec58 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+  multibody/joint/joint-revolute-unbounded.hpp
diff --git a/src/multibody/joint/joint-revolute-unbounded.hpp b/src/multibody/joint/joint-revolute-unbounded.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f21ad0fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/multibody/joint/joint-revolute-unbounded.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2016 CNRS
+// This file is part of Pinocchio
+// Pinocchio is free software: you can redistribute it
+// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
+// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Pinocchio is distributed in the hope that it will be
+// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+// General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
+// received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
+// Pinocchio If not, see
+// <>.
+#ifndef __se3_joint_revolute_unbounded_hpp__
+#define __se3_joint_revolute_unbounded_hpp__
+#include "pinocchio/math/sincos.hpp"
+#include "pinocchio/spatial/inertia.hpp"
+#include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-base.hpp"
+#include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-dense.hpp"
+#include <stdexcept>
+namespace se3
+  template<int axis> struct JointDataRevoluteUnbounded;
+  template<int axis> struct JointModelRevoluteUnbounded;
+  template<int axis> struct SE3RevoluteUnbounded;
+  template<int axis> struct MotionRevoluteUnbounded;
+  namespace revoluteunbounded
+  {
+    template<int axis>
+    struct CartesianVector3
+    {
+      double w; 
+      CartesianVector3(const double w) : w(w) {}
+      CartesianVector3() : w(NAN) {}
+      Eigen::Vector3d vector() const;
+      operator Eigen::Vector3d () const { return vector(); }
+    }; // struct CartesianVector3
+    template<> inline Eigen::Vector3d CartesianVector3<0>::vector() const { return Eigen::Vector3d(w,0,0); }
+    template<> inline Eigen::Vector3d CartesianVector3<1>::vector() const { return Eigen::Vector3d(0,w,0); }
+    template<> inline Eigen::Vector3d CartesianVector3<2>::vector() const { return Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,w); }
+    inline Eigen::Vector3d operator+ (const Eigen::Vector3d & w1,const CartesianVector3<0> & wx)
+    { return Eigen::Vector3d(w1[0]+wx.w,w1[1],w1[2]); }
+    inline Eigen::Vector3d operator+ (const Eigen::Vector3d & w1,const CartesianVector3<1> & wy)
+    { return Eigen::Vector3d(w1[0],w1[1]+wy.w,w1[2]); }
+    inline Eigen::Vector3d operator+ (const Eigen::Vector3d & w1,const CartesianVector3<2> & wz)
+    { return Eigen::Vector3d(w1[0],w1[1],w1[2]+wz.w); }
+  } // namespace revoluteunbounded
+  template<int axis>
+  struct traits< MotionRevoluteUnbounded < axis > >
+  {
+    typedef double Scalar;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1,0> Vector3;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,4,1,0> Vector4;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1,0> Vector6;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3,0> Matrix3;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,4,4,0> Matrix4;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6,0> Matrix6;
+    typedef Vector3 Angular_t;
+    typedef Vector3 Linear_t;
+    typedef const Vector3 ConstAngular_t;
+    typedef const Vector3 ConstLinear_t;
+    typedef Matrix6 ActionMatrix_t;
+    typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double,0> Quaternion_t;
+    typedef SE3Tpl<double,0> SE3;
+    typedef ForceTpl<double,0> Force;
+    typedef MotionTpl<double,0> Motion;
+    typedef Symmetric3Tpl<double,0> Symmetric3;
+    enum {
+      LINEAR = 0,
+      ANGULAR = 3
+    };
+  }; // traits MotionRevoluteUnbounded
+  template<int axis>
+  struct MotionRevoluteUnbounded : MotionBase < MotionRevoluteUnbounded <axis > >
+  {
+    SPATIAL_TYPEDEF_TEMPLATE(MotionRevoluteUnbounded);
+    MotionRevoluteUnbounded()                   : w(NAN) {}
+    MotionRevoluteUnbounded( const double & w ) : w(w)  {}
+    double w;
+    operator Motion() const
+    {
+      return Motion(Motion::Vector3::Zero(),
+        typename revoluteunbounded::CartesianVector3<axis>(w).vector()
+        );
+    }
+  }; // struct MotionRevoluteUnbounded
+  template <int axis >
+  const MotionRevoluteUnbounded<axis>& operator+ (const MotionRevoluteUnbounded<axis>& m, const BiasZero&)
+  { return m; }
+  template<int axis >
+  Motion operator+( const MotionRevoluteUnbounded<axis>& m1, const Motion& m2)
+  {
+    return Motion( m2.linear(),m2.angular()+typename revoluteunbounded::CartesianVector3<axis>(m1.w)); 
+  }
+  template<int axis> struct ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded;
+  template<int axis>
+  struct traits< ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded<axis> >
+  {
+    typedef double Scalar;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1,0> Vector3;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,4,1,0> Vector4;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1,0> Vector6;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3,0> Matrix3;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,4,4,0> Matrix4;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6,0> Matrix6;
+    typedef Matrix3 Angular_t;
+    typedef Vector3 Linear_t;
+    typedef const Matrix3 ConstAngular_t;
+    typedef const Vector3 ConstLinear_t;
+    typedef Matrix6 ActionMatrix_t;
+    typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double,0> Quaternion_t;
+    typedef SE3Tpl<double,0> SE3;
+    typedef ForceTpl<double,0> Force;
+    typedef MotionTpl<double,0> Motion;
+    typedef Symmetric3Tpl<double,0> Symmetric3;
+    enum {
+      LINEAR = 0,
+      ANGULAR = 3
+    };
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,1,1,0> JointMotion;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,1,1,0> JointForce;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,1> DenseBase;
+  }; // traits ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded
+  template<int axis>
+  struct ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded : ConstraintBase < ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded <axis > >
+  { 
+    SPATIAL_TYPEDEF_TEMPLATE(ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded);
+    enum { NV = 1, Options = 0 };
+    typedef typename traits<ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded>::JointMotion JointMotion;
+    typedef typename traits<ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded>::JointForce JointForce;
+    typedef typename traits<ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded>::DenseBase DenseBase;
+    template<typename D>
+    MotionRevoluteUnbounded<axis> operator*( const Eigen::MatrixBase<D> & v ) const
+    { return MotionRevoluteUnbounded<axis>(v[0]); }
+    Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> se3Action(const SE3 & m) const
+    { 
+      Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> res;
+      res.head<3>() = m.translation().cross( m.rotation().col(axis));
+      res.tail<3>() = m.rotation().col(axis);
+      return res;
+    }
+    int nv_impl() const { return NV; }
+    struct TransposeConst
+    {
+      const ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded<axis> & ref; 
+      TransposeConst(const ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded<axis> & ref) : ref(ref) {} 
+      typename Force::ConstAngular_t::template ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<1>::Type
+      operator* (const Force & f) const
+      { return f.angular().template segment<1>(axis); }
+        /// [CRBA]  MatrixBase operator* (Constraint::Transpose S, ForceSet::Block)
+      template<typename D>
+      friend typename Eigen::MatrixBase<D>::ConstRowXpr
+      operator*( const TransposeConst &, const Eigen::MatrixBase<D> & F )
+      {
+        assert(F.rows()==6);
+        return F.row(Inertia::ANGULAR + axis);
+      }
+    }; // struct TransposeConst
+    TransposeConst transpose() const { return TransposeConst(*this); }
+    /* CRBA joint operators
+     *   - ForceSet::Block = ForceSet
+     *   - ForceSet operator* (Inertia Y,Constraint S)
+     *   - MatrixBase operator* (Constraint::Transpose S, ForceSet::Block)
+     *   - SE3::act(ForceSet::Block)
+     */
+     operator ConstraintXd () const
+     {
+      Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> S;
+      S << Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(), revoluteunbounded::CartesianVector3<axis>(1).vector();
+      return ConstraintXd(S);
+    }
+  }; // struct ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded
+  template<int axis> 
+  struct JointRevoluteUnbounded {
+      static Eigen::Matrix3d cartesianRotation(const double & ca, const double & sa); 
+  };
+  inline Motion operator^( const Motion& m1, const MotionRevoluteUnbounded<0>& m2)
+  {
+    /* nu1^nu2    = ( v1^w2+w1^v2, w1^w2 )
+     * nu1^(0,w2) = ( v1^w2      , w1^w2 )
+     * (x,y,z)^(w,0,0) = ( 0,zw,-yw )
+     * nu1^(0,wx) = ( 0,vz1 wx,-vy1 wx,    0,wz1 wx,-wy1 wx)
+     */
+    const Motion::Vector3& v = m1.linear();
+    const Motion::Vector3& w = m1.angular();
+    const double & wx = m2.w;
+    return Motion( Motion::Vector3(0,v[2]*wx,-v[1]*wx),
+                   Motion::Vector3(0,w[2]*wx,-w[1]*wx)
+                 );
+  }
+  inline Motion operator^( const Motion& m1, const MotionRevoluteUnbounded<1>& m2)
+  {
+    /* nu1^nu2    = ( v1^w2+w1^v2, w1^w2 )
+     * nu1^(0,w2) = ( v1^w2      , w1^w2 )
+     * (x,y,z)^(0,w,0) = ( -z,0,x )
+     * nu1^(0,wx) = ( -vz1 wx,0,vx1 wx,    -wz1 wx,0,wx1 wx)
+     */
+    const Motion::Vector3& v = m1.linear();
+    const Motion::Vector3& w = m1.angular();
+    const double & wx = m2.w;
+    return Motion(  Motion::Vector3(-v[2]*wx,0, v[0]*wx),
+                    Motion::Vector3(-w[2]*wx,0, w[0]*wx)
+                 );
+  }
+  inline Motion operator^( const Motion& m1, const MotionRevoluteUnbounded<2>& m2)
+  {
+    /* nu1^nu2    = ( v1^w2+w1^v2, w1^w2 )
+     * nu1^(0,w2) = ( v1^w2      , w1^w2 )
+     * (x,y,z)^(0,0,w) = ( y,-x,0 )
+     * nu1^(0,wx) = ( vy1 wx,-vx1 wx,0,    wy1 wx,-wx1 wx,0 )
+     */
+    const Motion::Vector3& v = m1.linear();
+    const Motion::Vector3& w = m1.angular();
+    const double & wx = m2.w;
+    return Motion( Motion::Vector3(v[1]*wx,-v[0]*wx,0),
+                   Motion::Vector3(w[1]*wx,-w[0]*wx,0)
+                 );
+    }
+  template<> inline
+  Eigen::Matrix3d JointRevoluteUnbounded<0>::cartesianRotation(const double & ca, const double & sa) 
+  {
+    Eigen::Matrix3d R3; 
+    R3 << 
+    1,0,0,
+    0,ca,-sa,
+    0,sa,ca;
+    return R3;
+  }
+  template<> inline
+  Eigen::Matrix3d JointRevoluteUnbounded<1>::cartesianRotation(const double & ca, const double & sa)
+  {
+    Eigen::Matrix3d R3; 
+    R3 << 
+    ca, 0,  sa,
+    0, 1,   0,
+    -sa, 0,  ca;
+    return R3;
+  }
+  template<> inline
+  Eigen::Matrix3d JointRevoluteUnbounded<2>::cartesianRotation(const double & ca, const double & sa) 
+  {
+    Eigen::Matrix3d R3; 
+    R3 << 
+    ca,-sa,0,
+    sa,ca,0,
+    0,0,1;
+    return R3;
+  }
+  /* [CRBA] ForceSet operator* (Inertia Y,Constraint S) */
+  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> inline
+  operator*( const Inertia& Y,const ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded<0> & )
+  { 
+    /* Y(:,3) = ( 0,-z, y,  I00+yy+zz,  I01-xy   ,  I02-xz   ) */
+    const double 
+    &m = Y.mass(),
+    &x = Y.lever()[0],
+    &y = Y.lever()[1],
+    &z = Y.lever()[2];
+    const Inertia::Symmetric3 & I = Y.inertia();
+    Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> res; res << 0.0,-m*z,m*y,
+    I(0,0)+m*(y*y+z*z),
+    I(0,1)-m*x*y,
+    I(0,2)-m*x*z ;
+    return res;
+  }
+  /* [CRBA] ForceSet operator* (Inertia Y,Constraint S) */
+  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> inline
+  operator*( const Inertia& Y,const ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded<1> & )
+  { 
+    /* Y(:,4) = ( z, 0,-x,  I10-xy   ,  I11+xx+zz,  I12-yz   ) */
+    const double 
+    &m = Y.mass(),
+    &x = Y.lever()[0],
+    &y = Y.lever()[1],
+    &z = Y.lever()[2];
+    const Inertia::Symmetric3 & I = Y.inertia();
+    Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> res; res << m*z,0,-m*x,
+    I(1,0)-m*x*y,
+    I(1,1)+m*(x*x+z*z),
+    I(1,2)-m*y*z ;
+    return res;
+  }
+  /* [CRBA] ForceSet operator* (Inertia Y,Constraint S) */
+  Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> inline
+  operator*( const Inertia& Y,const ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded<2> & )
+  { 
+    /* Y(:,5) = (-y, x, 0,  I20-xz   ,  I21-yz   ,  I22+xx+yy) */
+    const double 
+    &m = Y.mass(),
+    &x = Y.lever()[0],
+    &y = Y.lever()[1],
+    &z = Y.lever()[2];
+    const Inertia::Symmetric3 & I = Y.inertia();
+    Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> res; res << -m*y,m*x,0,
+    I(2,0)-m*x*z,
+    I(2,1)-m*y*z,
+    I(2,2)+m*(x*x+y*y) ;
+    return res;
+  }
+  /* [ABA] I*S operator (Inertia Y,Constraint S) */
+  template<int axis>
+  inline const Eigen::MatrixBase<const Inertia::Matrix6>::ColXpr
+  operator*(const Inertia::Matrix6 & Y,const ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded<axis> & )
+  {
+    return Y.col(Inertia::ANGULAR + axis);
+  }
+  template<int axis>
+  inline Eigen::MatrixBase<Inertia::Matrix6>::ColXpr
+  operator*(Inertia::Matrix6 & Y,const ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded<axis> & )
+  {
+    return Y.col(Inertia::ANGULAR + axis);
+  }
+  namespace internal 
+  {
+    template<int axis>
+    struct ActionReturn<ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded<axis> >
+    { typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> Type; };
+  }
+  template<int axis>
+  struct traits< JointRevoluteUnbounded<axis> >
+  {
+    enum {
+      NQ = 2,
+      NV = 1
+    };
+    typedef JointDataRevoluteUnbounded<axis> JointDataDerived;
+    typedef JointModelRevoluteUnbounded<axis> JointModelDerived;
+    typedef ConstraintRevoluteUnbounded<axis> Constraint_t;
+    typedef SE3 Transformation_t;
+    typedef MotionRevoluteUnbounded<axis> Motion_t;
+    typedef BiasZero Bias_t;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,NV> F_t;
+    // [ABA]
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,NV> U_t;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,NV,NV> D_t;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,NV> UD_t;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,NQ,1> ConfigVector_t;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,NV,1> TangentVector_t;
+  };
+  template<int axis> struct traits< JointDataRevoluteUnbounded<axis> > { typedef JointRevoluteUnbounded<axis> JointDerived; };
+  template<int axis> struct traits< JointModelRevoluteUnbounded<axis> > { typedef JointRevoluteUnbounded<axis> JointDerived; };
+  template<int axis>
+  struct JointDataRevoluteUnbounded : public JointDataBase< JointDataRevoluteUnbounded<axis> >
+  {
+    typedef JointRevoluteUnbounded<axis> JointDerived;
+    Constraint_t S;
+    Transformation_t M;
+    Motion_t v;
+    Bias_t c;
+    F_t F;
+    // [ABA] specific data
+    U_t U;
+    D_t Dinv;
+    UD_t UDinv;
+    JointDataRevoluteUnbounded() : M(1), U(), Dinv(), UDinv()
+    {}
+    JointDataDense<NQ, NV> toDense_impl() const
+    {
+      return JointDataDense<NQ, NV>(S, M, v, c, F, U, Dinv, UDinv);
+    }
+  }; // struct JointDataRevoluteUnbounded
+  template<int axis>
+  struct JointModelRevoluteUnbounded : public JointModelBase< JointModelRevoluteUnbounded<axis> >
+  {
+    typedef JointRevoluteUnbounded<axis> JointDerived;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelRevoluteUnbounded>::id;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelRevoluteUnbounded>::idx_q;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelRevoluteUnbounded>::idx_v;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelRevoluteUnbounded>::setIndexes;
+    typedef Motion::Vector3 Vector3;
+    typedef double Scalar;
+    JointDataDerived createData() const { return JointDataDerived(); }
+    void calc( JointDataDerived& data, 
+     const Eigen::VectorXd & qs ) const
+    {
+      typename Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & q = qs.segment<NQ> (idx_q ());
+      const double & ca = q(0);
+      const double & sa = q(1);
+      data.M.rotation(JointRevoluteUnbounded<axis>::cartesianRotation(ca,sa));
+    }
+    void calc( JointDataDerived& data, 
+     const Eigen::VectorXd & qs, 
+     const Eigen::VectorXd & vs ) const
+    {
+      typename Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & q = qs.segment<NQ> (idx_q ());
+      typename Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NV>::Type & q_dot = vs.segment<NV> (idx_v ());
+      const double & ca = q(0);
+      const double & sa = q(1);
+      const double & v = q_dot(0);
+      data.M.rotation(JointRevoluteUnbounded<axis>::cartesianRotation(ca,sa));
+      data.v.w = v;
+    }
+    void calc_aba(JointDataDerived & data, Inertia::Matrix6 & I, const bool update_I) const
+    {
+      data.U = I.col(Inertia::ANGULAR + axis);
+      data.Dinv[0] = 1./I(Inertia::ANGULAR + axis,Inertia::ANGULAR + axis);
+      data.UDinv = data.U * data.Dinv[0];
+      if (update_I)
+        I -= data.UDinv * data.U.transpose();
+    }
+    ConfigVector_t integrate_impl(const Eigen::VectorXd & qs,const Eigen::VectorXd & vs) const
+    {
+      typename Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & q = qs.segment<NQ> (idx_q ());
+      typename Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NV>::Type & q_dot = vs.segment<NV> (idx_v ());
+      const double & ca = q(0);
+      const double & sa = q(1);
+      const double & omega = q_dot(0);
+      double cosOmega,sinOmega; SINCOS (omega, &sinOmega, &cosOmega);
+      double norm2p = q.squaredNorm();
+      ConfigVector_t result;
+      result << (1.5-.5*norm2p) * (cosOmega * ca - sinOmega * sa),
+                (1.5-.5*norm2p) * (sinOmega * ca + cosOmega * sa);
+      return result; 
+    }
+    ConfigVector_t interpolate_impl(const Eigen::VectorXd & q0,const Eigen::VectorXd & q1, const double u) const
+    { 
+      typename Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & qi = q0.segment<NQ> (idx_q ());
+      typename Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & qf = q1.segment<NQ> (idx_q ());
+      const double & c0 = qi(0), s0 = qi(1);
+      const double & c1 = qf(0), s1 = qf(1);
+      assert ( (qi.norm() - 1) < 1e-8 && "initial configuration not normalized");
+      assert ( (qf.norm() - 1) < 1e-8 && "final configuration not normalized");
+      double cosTheta = c0*c1 + s0*s1;
+      double sinTheta = c0*s1 - s0*c1;
+      double theta = atan2(sinTheta, cosTheta);
+      assert (fabs (sin (theta) - sinTheta) < 1e-8);
+      ConfigVector_t result;
+      if (fabs (theta) > 1e-6 && fabs (theta) < PI - 1e-6)
+      {
+        result = (sin ((1-u)*theta)/sinTheta) * qi 
+                  + (sin (u*theta)/sinTheta) * qf;
+      } 
+      else if (fabs (theta) < 1e-6) // theta = 0
+      {
+        result = (1-u) * qi + u * qf;
+      }
+      else // theta = +-PI
+      {
+        double theta0 = atan2 (s0, c0);
+        result << cos (theta0 + u * theta),
+                  sin (theta0 + u * theta);
+      }
+      return result; 
+    }
+    ConfigVector_t random_impl() const
+    { 
+      ConfigVector_t result(ConfigVector_t::Random());
+      return result;
+    } 
+    ConfigVector_t randomConfiguration_impl(const ConfigVector_t & , const ConfigVector_t &  ) const throw (std::runtime_error)
+    { 
+      ConfigVector_t result;
+      double angle = -PI + 2*PI * rand()/RAND_MAX;
+      double ca,sa; SINCOS (angle, &sa, &ca);
+      result << ca, sa;
+      return result;
+    } 
+    TangentVector_t difference_impl(const Eigen::VectorXd & q0,const Eigen::VectorXd & q1) const
+    { 
+      typename Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & qi = q0.segment<NQ> (idx_q ());
+      typename Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & qf = q1.segment<NQ> (idx_q ());
+      const double & c0 = qi(0), s0 = qi(1);
+      const double & c1 = qf(0), s1 = qf(1);
+      TangentVector_t result;
+      result << atan2 (s0*c1 - s1*c0, c0*c1 + s0*s1);
+      return result; 
+    } 
+    double distance_impl(const Eigen::VectorXd & q0,const Eigen::VectorXd & q1) const
+    { 
+      return difference_impl(q0,q1).norm();
+    }
+    ConfigVector_t neutralConfiguration_impl() const
+    { 
+      ConfigVector_t q;
+      q << 1,0;
+      return q;
+    } 
+    JointModelDense<NQ, NV> toDense_impl() const
+    {
+      return JointModelDense<NQ, NV>( id(),
+                                      idx_q(),
+                                      idx_v()
+                                    );
+    }
+    static const std::string shortname();
+    template <class D>
+    bool operator == (const JointModelBase<D> &) const
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+    bool operator == (const JointModelBase<JointModelRevoluteUnbounded <axis> > & jmodel) const
+    {
+      return == id()
+              && jmodel.idx_q() == idx_q()
+              && jmodel.idx_v() == idx_v();
+    }
+  }; // struct JointModelRevoluteUnbounded
+  typedef JointRevoluteUnbounded<0> JointRUBX;
+  typedef JointDataRevoluteUnbounded<0> JointDataRUBX;
+  typedef JointModelRevoluteUnbounded<0> JointModelRUBX;
+  template<> inline
+  const std::string JointModelRevoluteUnbounded<0>::shortname()
+  {
+    return std::string("JointModelRUBX") ;
+  }
+  typedef JointRevoluteUnbounded<1> JointRUBY;
+  typedef JointDataRevoluteUnbounded<1> JointDataRUBY;
+  typedef JointModelRevoluteUnbounded<1> JointModelRUBY;
+  template<> inline
+  const std::string JointModelRevoluteUnbounded<1>::shortname()
+  {
+    return std::string("JointModelRUBY") ;
+  }
+  typedef JointRevoluteUnbounded<2> JointRUBZ;
+  typedef JointDataRevoluteUnbounded<2> JointDataRUBZ;
+  typedef JointModelRevoluteUnbounded<2> JointModelRUBZ;
+  template<> inline
+  const std::string JointModelRevoluteUnbounded<2>::shortname()
+  {
+    return std::string("JointModelRUBZ") ;
+  }
+} //namespace se3
+#endif // ifndef __se3_joint_revolute_unbounded_hpp__
diff --git a/src/multibody/joint/joint-variant.hpp b/src/multibody/joint/joint-variant.hpp
index fc6b303e0..e13a0f110 100644
--- a/src/multibody/joint/joint-variant.hpp
+++ b/src/multibody/joint/joint-variant.hpp
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-prismatic-unaligned.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-revolute-unaligned.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-revolute.hpp"
+#include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-revolute-unbounded.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-spherical-ZYX.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-spherical.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-translation.hpp"
@@ -37,8 +38,8 @@ namespace se3
   enum { MAX_JOINT_NV = 6 };
-  typedef boost::variant< JointModelRX, JointModelRY, JointModelRZ, JointModelRevoluteUnaligned, JointModelSpherical, JointModelSphericalZYX, JointModelPX, JointModelPY, JointModelPZ, JointModelPrismaticUnaligned, JointModelFreeFlyer, JointModelPlanar, JointModelTranslation, JointModelDense<-1,-1> > JointModelVariant;
-  typedef boost::variant< JointDataRX, JointDataRY, JointDataRZ, JointDataRevoluteUnaligned, JointDataSpherical, JointDataSphericalZYX, JointDataPX, JointDataPY, JointDataPZ, JointDataPrismaticUnaligned, JointDataFreeFlyer, JointDataPlanar, JointDataTranslation, JointDataDense<-1,-1> > JointDataVariant;
+  typedef boost::variant< JointModelRX, JointModelRY, JointModelRZ, JointModelRevoluteUnaligned, JointModelSpherical, JointModelSphericalZYX, JointModelPX, JointModelPY, JointModelPZ, JointModelPrismaticUnaligned, JointModelFreeFlyer, JointModelPlanar, JointModelTranslation, JointModelDense<-1,-1>, JointModelRUBX, JointModelRUBY, JointModelRUBZ > JointModelVariant;
+  typedef boost::variant< JointDataRX, JointDataRY, JointDataRZ, JointDataRevoluteUnaligned, JointDataSpherical, JointDataSphericalZYX, JointDataPX, JointDataPY, JointDataPZ, JointDataPrismaticUnaligned, JointDataFreeFlyer, JointDataPlanar, JointDataTranslation, JointDataDense<-1,-1>, JointDataRUBX, JointDataRUBY, JointDataRUBZ > JointDataVariant;
   typedef std::vector<JointModelVariant> JointModelVariantVector;
   typedef std::vector<JointDataVariant> JointDataVariantVector;
diff --git a/unittest/joint.cpp b/unittest/joint.cpp
index 36e76337a..bdf1cfaee 100644
--- a/unittest/joint.cpp
+++ b/unittest/joint.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,15 @@ void test_joint_methods (T & jmodel, typename T::JointDataDerived & jdata)
     se3::Inertia::Matrix6 Ia(se3::Inertia::Random().matrix());
     bool update_I = false;
+    if(T::shortname() == "JointModelRUBX" ||
+       T::shortname() == "JointModelRUBY" ||
+       T::shortname() == "JointModelRUBZ")
+    {
+      // normalize cos/sin
+      q1.normalize();
+      q2.normalize();
+    }
     jmodel.calc(jdata, q1, q1_dot);
     jmodel.calc_aba(jdata, Ia, update_I);
diff --git a/unittest/joints.cpp b/unittest/joints.cpp
index ec1b05ab3..a8133c46d 100644
--- a/unittest/joints.cpp
+++ b/unittest/joints.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "pinocchio/spatial/inertia.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-revolute.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-revolute-unaligned.hpp"
+#include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-revolute-unbounded.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-spherical.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-spherical-ZYX.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-prismatic.hpp"
@@ -835,3 +836,88 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (vsFreeFlyer)
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE (JointRevoluteUnbounded)
+  using namespace se3;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix <double, 3, 1> Vector3;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix <double, 6, 1> Vector6;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix <double, 3, 3> Matrix3;
+  Model modelRX, modelRevoluteUnbounded;
+  Inertia inertia (1., Vector3 (0.5, 0., 0.0), Matrix3::Identity ());
+  SE3 pos(1); pos.translation() = SE3::Linear_t(1.,0.,0.);
+  JointModelRUBX joint_model_RUX;
+  modelRX.addJointAndBody (0, JointModelRX (), pos, inertia, "px");
+  modelRevoluteUnbounded.addJointAndBody(0, joint_model_RUX ,pos, inertia, "revolute unbounded x");
+  Data dataRX(modelRX);
+  Data dataRevoluteUnbounded(modelRevoluteUnbounded);
+  Eigen::VectorXd q_rx = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones (modelRX.nq);
+  Eigen::VectorXd q_rubx = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones (modelRevoluteUnbounded.nq);
+  double ca, sa; double alpha = q_rx(0); SINCOS (alpha, &sa, &ca);
+  q_rubx(0) = ca;
+  q_rubx(1) = sa;
+  Eigen::VectorXd v_rx = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones (modelRX.nv);
+  Eigen::VectorXd v_rubx = v_rx;
+  Eigen::VectorXd tauRX = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones (modelRX.nv);       Eigen::VectorXd tauRevoluteUnbounded = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones (modelRevoluteUnbounded.nv);
+  Eigen::VectorXd aRX = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones (modelRX.nv);         Eigen::VectorXd aRevoluteUnbounded = aRX;
+  forwardKinematics(modelRX, dataRX, q_rx, v_rx);
+  forwardKinematics(modelRevoluteUnbounded, dataRevoluteUnbounded, q_rubx, v_rubx);
+  computeAllTerms(modelRX, dataRX, q_rx, v_rx);
+  computeAllTerms(modelRevoluteUnbounded, dataRevoluteUnbounded, q_rubx, v_rubx);
+  BOOST_CHECK(dataRevoluteUnbounded.oMi[1].isApprox(dataRX.oMi[1]));
+  BOOST_CHECK(dataRevoluteUnbounded.liMi[1].isApprox(dataRX.liMi[1]));
+  BOOST_CHECK(dataRevoluteUnbounded.Ycrb[1].matrix().isApprox(dataRX.Ycrb[1].matrix()));
+  BOOST_CHECK(dataRevoluteUnbounded.f[1].toVector().isApprox(dataRX.f[1].toVector()));
+  BOOST_CHECK(dataRevoluteUnbounded.nle.isApprox(dataRX.nle));
+  BOOST_CHECK([0].isApprox([0]));
+  // InverseDynamics == rnea
+  tauRX = rnea(modelRX, dataRX, q_rx, v_rx, aRX);
+  tauRevoluteUnbounded = rnea(modelRevoluteUnbounded, dataRevoluteUnbounded, q_rubx, v_rubx, aRevoluteUnbounded);
+  BOOST_CHECK(tauRX.isApprox(tauRevoluteUnbounded));
+  // ForwardDynamics == aba
+  Eigen::VectorXd aAbaRX= aba(modelRX,dataRX, q_rx, v_rx, tauRX);
+  Eigen::VectorXd aAbaRevoluteUnbounded = aba(modelRevoluteUnbounded,dataRevoluteUnbounded, q_rubx, v_rubx, tauRevoluteUnbounded);
+  BOOST_CHECK(aAbaRX.isApprox(aAbaRevoluteUnbounded));
+  // crba
+  crba(modelRX, dataRX,q_rx);
+  crba(modelRevoluteUnbounded, dataRevoluteUnbounded, q_rubx);
+  BOOST_CHECK(dataRX.M.isApprox(dataRevoluteUnbounded.M));
+  // Jacobian
+  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, Eigen::Dynamic> jacobianPX;jacobianPX.resize(6,1); jacobianPX.setZero();
+  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, Eigen::Dynamic> jacobianPrismaticUnaligned;jacobianPrismaticUnaligned.resize(6,1);jacobianPrismaticUnaligned.setZero();
+  computeJacobians(modelRX, dataRX, q_rx);
+  computeJacobians(modelRevoluteUnbounded, dataRevoluteUnbounded, q_rubx);
+  getJacobian<true>(modelRX, dataRX, 1, jacobianPX);
+  getJacobian<true>(modelRevoluteUnbounded, dataRevoluteUnbounded, 1, jacobianPrismaticUnaligned);
+  BOOST_CHECK(jacobianPX.isApprox(jacobianPrismaticUnaligned));