From a7763faf7594f96654e57a35c892e93d25917a7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jcarpent <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 19:15:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [C++] Add unaligned prismatic joint

 CMakeLists.txt                                |   1 +
 src/multibody/joint.hpp                       |   1 +
 .../joint/joint-prismatic-unaligned.hpp       | 360 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/multibody/joint/joint-variant.hpp         |   4 +-
 4 files changed, 364 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/multibody/joint/joint-prismatic-unaligned.hpp

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 6421351d8..2b5bcd4ca 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+  multibody/joint/joint-prismatic-unaligned.hpp
diff --git a/src/multibody/joint.hpp b/src/multibody/joint.hpp
index 30cb0018b..cf8303790 100644
--- a/src/multibody/joint.hpp
+++ b/src/multibody/joint.hpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-free-flyer.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-planar.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-prismatic.hpp"
+#include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-prismatic-unaligned.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-revolute-unaligned.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-revolute.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-spherical-ZYX.hpp"
diff --git a/src/multibody/joint/joint-prismatic-unaligned.hpp b/src/multibody/joint/joint-prismatic-unaligned.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edb20fc61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/multibody/joint/joint-prismatic-unaligned.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 CNRS
+// This file is part of Pinocchio
+// Pinocchio is free software: you can redistribute it
+// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
+// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Pinocchio is distributed in the hope that it will be
+// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+// General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
+// received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
+// Pinocchio If not, see
+// <>.
+#ifndef __se3_joint_prismatic_unaligned_hpp__
+#define __se3_joint_prismatic_unaligned_hpp__
+#include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-base.hpp"
+#include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-dense.hpp"
+#include "pinocchio/multibody/constraint.hpp"
+#include "pinocchio/spatial/inertia.hpp"
+namespace se3
+  struct JointDataPrismaticUnaligned;
+  struct JointModelPrismaticUnaligned;
+  struct MotionPrismaticUnaligned;
+  template <>
+  struct traits <MotionPrismaticUnaligned>
+  {
+    typedef double Scalar_t;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,3,1,0> Vector3;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,4,1,0> Vector4;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,6,1,0> Vector6;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,3,3,0> Matrix3;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,4,4,0> Matrix4;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,6,6,0> Matrix6;
+    typedef Vector3 Angular_t;
+    typedef Vector3 Linear_t;
+    typedef Matrix6 ActionMatrix_t;
+    typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar_t,0> Quaternion_t;
+    typedef SE3Tpl<Scalar_t,0> SE3;
+    typedef ForceTpl<Scalar_t,0> Force;
+    typedef MotionTpl<Scalar_t,0> Motion;
+    typedef Symmetric3Tpl<Scalar_t,0> Symmetric3;
+    enum {
+      LINEAR = 0,
+      ANGULAR = 3
+    };
+  }; // traits MotionPrismaticUnaligned
+  struct MotionPrismaticUnaligned : MotionBase <MotionPrismaticUnaligned>
+  {
+    SPATIAL_TYPEDEF_NO_TEMPLATE(MotionPrismaticUnaligned);
+    MotionPrismaticUnaligned () : axis(Vector3::Constant(NAN)), v(NAN) {}
+    MotionPrismaticUnaligned (const Vector3 & axis, const Scalar_t v) : axis(axis), v(v) {}
+    Vector3 axis;
+    Scalar_t v;
+    operator Motion() const { return Motion(axis*v, Vector3::Zero());}
+  }; // struct MotionPrismaticUnaligned
+  inline const MotionPrismaticUnaligned & operator+ (const MotionPrismaticUnaligned & m, const BiasZero &)
+  { return m; }
+  inline Motion operator+ (const MotionPrismaticUnaligned & m1, const Motion & m2)
+  {
+    return Motion(m1.v*m1.axis + m2.linear(), m2.angular());
+  }
+  struct ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned;
+  template <>
+  struct traits <ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned>
+  {
+    typedef double Scalar_t;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,3,1,0> Vector3;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,4,1,0> Vector4;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,6,1,0> Vector6;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,3,3,0> Matrix3;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,4,4,0> Matrix4;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,6,6,0> Matrix6;
+    typedef Matrix3 Angular_t;
+    typedef Vector3 Linear_t;
+    typedef Matrix6 ActionMatrix_t;
+    typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar_t,0> Quaternion_t;
+    typedef SE3Tpl<Scalar_t,0> SE3;
+    typedef ForceTpl<Scalar_t,0> Force;
+    typedef MotionTpl<Scalar_t,0> Motion;
+    typedef Symmetric3Tpl<Scalar_t,0> Symmetric3;
+    enum {
+      LINEAR = 0,
+      ANGULAR = 3
+    };
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,1,1,0> JointMotion;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,1,1,0> JointForce;
+    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t,6,1> DenseBase;
+  }; // traits ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned
+    struct ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned : ConstraintBase <ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned>
+    {
+      SPATIAL_TYPEDEF_NO_TEMPLATE(ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned);
+      enum { NV = 1, Options = 0 };
+      typedef traits<ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned>::JointMotion JointMotion;
+      typedef traits<ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned>::JointForce JointForce;
+      typedef traits<ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned>::DenseBase DenseBase;
+      ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned () : axis (Vector3::Constant(NAN)) {}
+      ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned (const Vector3 & axis) : axis(axis) {}
+      Vector3 axis;
+      template<typename D>
+      MotionPrismaticUnaligned operator* (const Eigen::MatrixBase<D> & v) const
+      { 
+      	return MotionPrismaticUnaligned(axis,v[0]); 
+      }
+      Vector6 se3Action (const SE3 & m) const
+      {
+        Vector6 res;
+        res.head<3> () = m.rotation()*axis;
+        res.tail<3>().setZero();
+        return res;
+      }
+      int nv_impl() const { return NV; }
+      struct TransposeConst
+      {
+        typedef traits<ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned>::Scalar_t Scalar_t;
+        typedef traits<ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned>::Force Force;
+        typedef traits<ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned>::Vector6 Vector6;
+      	const ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned & ref; 
+      	TransposeConst(const ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned & ref) : ref(ref) {}
+      	const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar_t, 1, 1>
+      	operator* (const Force & f) const
+      	{
+      	  return ref.axis.transpose()*f.linear();
+      	}
+        /* [CRBA]  MatrixBase operator* (Constraint::Transpose S, ForceSet::Block) */
+        template<typename D>
+        friend
+        typename Eigen::ProductReturnType<
+        Eigen::Transpose<const Eigen::Matrix<typename Eigen::MatrixBase<D>::Scalar, 3, 1> >,
+        Eigen::Block<const Eigen::Block<Eigen::Matrix<typename Eigen::MatrixBase<D>::Scalar,6,-1>,-1,-1>, 3, -1>
+        >::Type
+        operator* (const TransposeConst & tc, const Eigen::MatrixBase<D> & F)
+        {
+          /* Return ax.T * F[1:3,:] */
+          assert(F.rows()==6);
+          return tc.ref.axis.transpose () * F.template topRows<3> ();
+        }
+      };
+      TransposeConst transpose() const { return TransposeConst(*this); }
+      /* CRBA joint operators
+       *   - ForceSet::Block = ForceSet
+       *   - ForceSet operator* (Inertia Y,Constraint S)
+       *   - MatrixBase operator* (Constraint::Transpose S, ForceSet::Block)
+       *   - SE3::act(ForceSet::Block)
+       */
+      operator ConstraintXd () const
+      {
+        Vector6 S;
+      	S << axis, Vector3::Zero();
+      	return ConstraintXd(S);
+      }
+    }; // struct ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned
+    inline Motion operator^ (const Motion & m1, const MotionPrismaticUnaligned & m2)
+    {
+      /* m1xm2 = [ v1xw2 + w1xv2; w1xw2 ] = [ v1xw2; w1xw2 ] */
+      const Motion::Vector3 & w1 = m1.angular();
+      const Motion::Vector3 & v2 = m2.axis * m2.v;
+      return Motion (w1.cross(v2), Motion::Vector3::Zero());
+    }
+    /* [CRBA] ForceSet operator* (Inertia Y,Constraint S) */
+    inline Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1>
+    operator* (const Inertia & Y, const ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned & cpu)
+    { 
+      /* YS = [ m -mcx ; mcx I-mcxcx ] [ v ; 0 ] = [ mv ; mcxv ] */
+      const double & m                = Y.mass();
+      const Inertia::Vector3 & c      = Y.lever();
+      Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> res;
+      res.head<3>() = m*cpu.axis;
+      res.tail<3>() = c.cross(res.head<3>());
+      return res;
+    }
+    namespace internal 
+    {
+      template<>
+      struct ActionReturn<ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned >  
+      { typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> Type; };
+    }
+    struct JointPrismaticUnaligned;
+    template<>
+    struct traits<JointPrismaticUnaligned>
+    {
+      typedef JointDataPrismaticUnaligned JointData;
+      typedef JointModelPrismaticUnaligned JointModel;
+      typedef ConstraintPrismaticUnaligned Constraint_t;
+      typedef SE3 Transformation_t;
+      typedef MotionPrismaticUnaligned Motion_t;
+      typedef BiasZero Bias_t;
+      typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> F_t;
+      enum {
+        NQ = 1,
+        NV = 1
+      };
+    };
+  template<> struct traits<JointDataPrismaticUnaligned> { typedef JointPrismaticUnaligned Joint; };
+  template<> struct traits<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned> { typedef JointPrismaticUnaligned Joint; };
+  struct JointDataPrismaticUnaligned : public JointDataBase <JointDataPrismaticUnaligned>
+  {
+    typedef JointPrismaticUnaligned Joint;
+    Transformation_t M;
+    Constraint_t S;
+    Motion_t v;
+    Bias_t c;
+    F_t F;
+    JointDataPrismaticUnaligned() :
+      M(1),
+      S(Eigen::Vector3d::Constant(NAN)),
+      v(Eigen::Vector3d::Constant(NAN),NAN)
+    {}
+    JointDataPrismaticUnaligned(const Motion_t::Vector3 & axis) :
+      M(1),
+      S(axis),
+      v(axis,NAN)
+    {}
+    JointDataDense<NQ, NV> toDense_impl() const
+    {
+      return JointDataDense<NQ, NV>(S, M, v, c, F);
+    }
+  }; // struct JointDataPrismaticUnaligned
+  struct JointModelPrismaticUnaligned : public JointModelBase <JointModelPrismaticUnaligned>
+  {
+    typedef JointPrismaticUnaligned Joint;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned>::id;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned>::idx_q;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned>::idx_v;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned>::lowerPosLimit;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned>::upperPosLimit;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned>::maxEffortLimit;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned>::maxVelocityLimit;
+    using JointModelBase<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned>::setIndexes;
+    typedef Motion::Vector3 Vector3;
+    typedef double Scalar_t;
+    JointModelPrismaticUnaligned() : axis(Vector3::Constant(NAN))   {}
+    JointModelPrismaticUnaligned(Scalar_t x, Scalar_t y, Scalar_t z)
+    {
+      axis << x, y, z ;
+      axis.normalize();
+      assert(axis.isUnitary() && "Translation axis is not unitary");
+    }
+    JointModelPrismaticUnaligned(const Vector3 & axis) : axis(axis)
+    {
+      assert(axis.isUnitary() && "Translation axis is not unitary");
+    }
+    JointData createData() const { return JointData(axis); }
+    void calc(JointData & data, const Eigen::VectorXd & qs) const
+    {
+      const double & q = qs[idx_q()];
+      /* It should not be necessary to copy axis in jdata, however a current bug
+       * in the fusion visitor prevents a proper access to jmodel::axis. A
+       * by-pass is to access to a copy of it in jdata. */
+      data.M.translation() = axis * q;
+    }
+    void calc(JointData & data,
+              const Eigen::VectorXd & qs,
+              const Eigen::VectorXd & vs) const
+    {
+      const Scalar_t & q = qs[idx_q()];
+      const Scalar_t & v = vs[idx_v()];
+      /* It should not be necessary to copy axis in jdata, however a current bug
+       * in the fusion visitor prevents a proper access to jmodel::axis. A
+       * by-pass is to access to a copy of it in jdata. */
+      data.M.translation() = axis * q;
+      data.v.v = v;
+    }
+    Vector3 axis;
+    JointModelDense<NQ, NV> toDense_impl() const
+    {
+      return JointModelDense<NQ, NV>( id(),
+                                      idx_q(),
+                                      idx_v(),
+                                      lowerPosLimit(),
+                                      upperPosLimit(),
+                                      maxEffortLimit(),
+                                      maxVelocityLimit()
+                                    );
+    }
+    static const std::string shortname()
+    {
+      return std::string("JointModelPrismaticUnaligned");
+    }
+    template <class D>
+    bool operator== (const JointModelBase<D> &) const
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+    bool operator== (const JointModelBase<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned> & jmodel) const
+    {
+      return == id()
+              && jmodel.idx_q() == idx_q()
+              && jmodel.idx_v() == idx_v()
+              && jmodel.lowerPosLimit() == lowerPosLimit()
+              && jmodel.upperPosLimit() == upperPosLimit()
+              && jmodel.maxEffortLimit() == maxEffortLimit()
+              && jmodel.maxVelocityLimit() == maxVelocityLimit();
+    }
+  }; // struct JointModelPrismaticUnaligned
+} //namespace se3
+#endif // ifndef __se3_joint_prismatic_unaligned_hpp__
diff --git a/src/multibody/joint/joint-variant.hpp b/src/multibody/joint/joint-variant.hpp
index d72f71b2c..86b977ceb 100644
--- a/src/multibody/joint/joint-variant.hpp
+++ b/src/multibody/joint/joint-variant.hpp
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 namespace se3
-  typedef boost::variant< JointModelRX, JointModelRY, JointModelRZ, JointModelRevoluteUnaligned, JointModelSpherical, JointModelSphericalZYX, JointModelPX, JointModelPY, JointModelPZ, JointModelFreeFlyer, JointModelPlanar, JointModelTranslation,JointModelDense<-1,-1> > JointModelVariant;
-  typedef boost::variant< JointDataRX, JointDataRY, JointDataRZ, JointDataRevoluteUnaligned, JointDataSpherical, JointDataSphericalZYX, JointDataPX, JointDataPY, JointDataPZ, JointDataFreeFlyer, JointDataPlanar, JointDataTranslation,JointDataDense<-1,-1> > JointDataVariant;
+  typedef boost::variant< JointModelRX, JointModelRY, JointModelRZ, JointModelRevoluteUnaligned, JointModelSpherical, JointModelSphericalZYX, JointModelPX, JointModelPY, JointModelPZ, JointModelPrismaticUnaligned, JointModelFreeFlyer, JointModelPlanar, JointModelTranslation, JointModelDense<-1,-1> > JointModelVariant;
+  typedef boost::variant< JointDataRX, JointDataRY, JointDataRZ, JointDataRevoluteUnaligned, JointDataSpherical, JointDataSphericalZYX, JointDataPX, JointDataPY, JointDataPZ, JointDataPrismaticUnaligned, JointDataFreeFlyer, JointDataPlanar, JointDataTranslation, JointDataDense<-1,-1> > JointDataVariant;
   typedef std::vector<JointModelVariant> JointModelVector;
   typedef std::vector<JointDataVariant> JointDataVector;