From a3698a59cb287201caa6c291f179692cdb47b23d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jcarpent <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 09:56:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [C++][Cmake] Split jacobian algo also into two parts .hpp and
 .hxx for better clarity

 CMakeLists.txt             |   1 +
 src/algorithm/jacobian.hpp | 121 +------------------------------
 src/algorithm/jacobian.hxx | 144 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/algorithm/jacobian.hxx

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 5ea8ae20c..c72efaa7f 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+  algorithm/jacobian.hxx
diff --git a/src/algorithm/jacobian.hpp b/src/algorithm/jacobian.hpp
index db8c2c02d..7c5620ba5 100644
--- a/src/algorithm/jacobian.hpp
+++ b/src/algorithm/jacobian.hpp
@@ -74,124 +74,9 @@ namespace se3
 } // namespace se3 
 /* --- Details -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-namespace se3 
-  struct JacobiansForwardStep : public fusion::JointVisitor<JacobiansForwardStep>
-  {
-    typedef boost::fusion::vector< const se3::Model&,
-				   se3::Data&,
-				   const Eigen::VectorXd &
-				   > ArgsType;
-    JOINT_VISITOR_INIT(JacobiansForwardStep);
-    template<typename JointModel>
-    static void algo(const se3::JointModelBase<JointModel> & jmodel,
-		     se3::JointDataBase<typename JointModel::JointData> & jdata,
-		     const se3::Model& model,
-		     se3::Data& data,
-		     const Eigen::VectorXd & q)
-    {
-      using namespace Eigen;
-      using namespace se3;
-      const Model::Index & i = (Model::Index);
-      const Model::Index & parent = model.parents[i];
-      jmodel.calc(jdata.derived(),q);
-      data.liMi[i] = model.jointPlacements[i]*jdata.M();
-      if(parent>0) data.oMi[i] = data.oMi[parent]*data.liMi[i];
-      else         data.oMi[i] = data.liMi[i];
-      jmodel.jointCols(data.J) = data.oMi[i].act(jdata.S());
-    }
-  };
-  inline const Eigen::MatrixXd&
-  computeJacobians(const Model & model, Data& data,
-		   const Eigen::VectorXd & q)
-  {
-    for( Model::Index i=1; i< (Model::Index) model.nbody;++i )
-      {
-	JacobiansForwardStep::run(model.joints[i],data.joints[i],
-				  JacobiansForwardStep::ArgsType(model,data,q));
-      }
-    return data.J;
-  }
-  /* Return the jacobian of the output frame attached to joint <jointId> in the
-     world frame or in the local frame depending on the template argument. The
-     function computeJacobians should have been called first. */
-  template<bool localFrame>
-  void getJacobian(const Model & model, const Data& data,
-		   Model::Index jointId, Eigen::MatrixXd & J)
-  {
-    assert( J.rows() == data.J.rows() );
-    assert( J.cols() == data.J.cols() );
-    const SE3 & oMjoint = data.oMi[jointId];
-    int colRef = nv(model.joints[jointId])+idx_v(model.joints[jointId])-1;
-    for(int j=colRef;j>=0;j=data.parents_fromRow[(Model::Index)j])
-      {
-	if(! localFrame )   J.col(j) = data.J.col(j);
-	else                J.col(j) = oMjoint.actInv(Motion(data.J.col(j))).toVector();
-      }
-  }
-  struct JacobianForwardStep : public fusion::JointVisitor<JacobianForwardStep>
-  {
-    typedef boost::fusion::vector< const se3::Model&,
-				   se3::Data&,
-				   const Eigen::VectorXd &
-				   > ArgsType;
-    JOINT_VISITOR_INIT(JacobianForwardStep);
-    template<typename JointModel>
-    static void algo(const se3::JointModelBase<JointModel> & jmodel,
-		     se3::JointDataBase<typename JointModel::JointData> & jdata,
-		     const se3::Model& model,
-		     se3::Data& data,
-		     const Eigen::VectorXd & q)
-    {
-      using namespace Eigen;
-      using namespace se3;
-      const Model::Index & i = (Model::Index);
-      const Model::Index & parent = model.parents[i];
-      jmodel.calc(jdata.derived(),q);
-      data.liMi[i] = model.jointPlacements[i]*jdata.M();
-      data.iMf[parent] = data.liMi[i]*data.iMf[i];
-      jmodel.jointCols(data.J) = data.iMf[i].inverse().act(jdata.S());
-    }
-  };
-  /* Compute the jacobian of the output frame of the joint <idx> in the local frame. */
-  inline const Eigen::MatrixXd&
-  jacobian(const Model & model, Data& data,
-		  const Eigen::VectorXd & q,
-		  const Model::Index & jointId)
-  {
-    data.iMf[jointId] = SE3::Identity();
-    for( Model::Index i=jointId;i>0;i=model.parents[i] )
-      {
-	JacobianForwardStep::run(model.joints[i],data.joints[i],
-				 JacobianForwardStep::ArgsType(model,data,q));
-      }
-    return data.J;
-  }
+/* --- Details -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- Details -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-} // namespace se3
+#include "pinocchio/algorithm/jacobian.hxx"
 #endif // ifndef __se3_jacobian_hpp__
diff --git a/src/algorithm/jacobian.hxx b/src/algorithm/jacobian.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c95c0080c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/algorithm/jacobian.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 CNRS
+// This file is part of Pinocchio
+// Pinocchio is free software: you can redistribute it
+// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
+// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// Pinocchio is distributed in the hope that it will be
+// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+// General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
+// received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
+// Pinocchio If not, see
+// <>.
+#ifndef __se3_jacobian_hxx__
+#define __se3_jacobian_hxx__
+#include "pinocchio/multibody/visitor.hpp"
+#include "pinocchio/multibody/model.hpp"
+namespace se3
+  struct JacobiansForwardStep : public fusion::JointVisitor<JacobiansForwardStep>
+  {
+    typedef boost::fusion::vector <const se3::Model &,
+                                   se3::Data &,
+                                   const Eigen::VectorXd &
+                                   > ArgsType;
+    JOINT_VISITOR_INIT(JacobiansForwardStep);
+    template<typename JointModel>
+    static void algo(const se3::JointModelBase<JointModel> & jmodel,
+                     se3::JointDataBase<typename JointModel::JointData> & jdata,
+                     const se3::Model& model,
+                     se3::Data& data,
+                     const Eigen::VectorXd & q)
+    {
+      using namespace Eigen;
+      using namespace se3;
+      const Model::Index & i = (Model::Index);
+      const Model::Index & parent = model.parents[i];
+      jmodel.calc(jdata.derived(),q);
+      data.liMi[i] = model.jointPlacements[i]*jdata.M();
+      if(parent>0) data.oMi[i] = data.oMi[parent]*data.liMi[i];
+      else         data.oMi[i] = data.liMi[i];
+      jmodel.jointCols(data.J) = data.oMi[i].act(jdata.S());
+    }
+  };
+  inline const Eigen::MatrixXd&
+  computeJacobians(const Model & model, Data & data,
+                   const Eigen::VectorXd & q)
+  {
+    for( Model::Index i=1; i< (Model::Index) model.nbody;++i )
+    {
+      JacobiansForwardStep::run(model.joints[i],data.joints[i],
+                                JacobiansForwardStep::ArgsType(model,data,q));
+    }
+    return data.J;
+  }
+  /* Return the jacobian of the output frame attached to joint <jointId> in the
+   world frame or in the local frame depending on the template argument. The
+   function computeJacobians should have been called first. */
+  template<bool localFrame>
+  void getJacobian(const Model & model,
+                   const Data & data,
+                   Model::Index jointId,
+                   Eigen::MatrixXd & J)
+  {
+    assert( J.rows() == data.J.rows() );
+    assert( J.cols() == data.J.cols() );
+    const SE3 & oMjoint = data.oMi[jointId];
+    int colRef = nv(model.joints[jointId])+idx_v(model.joints[jointId])-1;
+    for(int j=colRef;j>=0;j=data.parents_fromRow[(Model::Index)j])
+    {
+      if(! localFrame )   J.col(j) = data.J.col(j);
+      else                J.col(j) = oMjoint.actInv(Motion(data.J.col(j))).toVector();
+    }
+  }
+  struct JacobianForwardStep : public fusion::JointVisitor<JacobianForwardStep>
+  {
+    typedef boost::fusion::vector<const se3::Model &,
+                                  se3::Data &,
+                                  const Eigen::VectorXd &
+                                  > ArgsType;
+    JOINT_VISITOR_INIT(JacobianForwardStep);
+    template<typename JointModel>
+    static void algo(const se3::JointModelBase<JointModel> & jmodel,
+                     se3::JointDataBase<typename JointModel::JointData> & jdata,
+                     const se3::Model & model,
+                     se3::Data & data,
+                     const Eigen::VectorXd & q)
+    {
+      using namespace Eigen;
+      using namespace se3;
+      const Model::Index & i = (Model::Index);
+      const Model::Index & parent = model.parents[i];
+      jmodel.calc(jdata.derived(),q);
+      data.liMi[i] = model.jointPlacements[i]*jdata.M();
+      data.iMf[parent] = data.liMi[i]*data.iMf[i];
+      jmodel.jointCols(data.J) = data.iMf[i].inverse().act(jdata.S());
+    }
+  };
+  inline const Eigen::MatrixXd &
+  jacobian(const Model & model, Data & data,
+           const Eigen::VectorXd & q,
+           const Model::Index & jointId)
+  {
+    data.iMf[jointId].setIdentity();
+    for( Model::Index i=jointId;i>0;i=model.parents[i] )
+    {
+      JacobianForwardStep::run(model.joints[i],data.joints[i],
+                               JacobianForwardStep::ArgsType(model,data,q));
+    }
+    return data.J;
+  }
+} // namespace se3
+#endif // ifndef __se3_jacobian_hxx__