From a208166daf8de360d37824772cf74625d4b0de38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Valenza Florian <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2016 15:23:20 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [C++] Fix interpolate_impl for some derived joints and
 reworked unittest

 src/multibody/joint/joint-free-flyer.hpp |  19 +-
 src/multibody/joint/joint-planar.hpp     |   9 +-
 unittest/joint-configurations.cpp        | 244 ++++++++++++-----------
 3 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 131 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/multibody/joint/joint-free-flyer.hpp b/src/multibody/joint/joint-free-flyer.hpp
index c27d91e4f..4d0472efa 100644
--- a/src/multibody/joint/joint-free-flyer.hpp
+++ b/src/multibody/joint/joint-free-flyer.hpp
@@ -286,18 +286,13 @@ namespace se3
       Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & q_0 = q0.segment<NQ> (idx_q ());
       Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & q_1 = q1.segment<NQ> (idx_q ());
-      ConfigVector_t result;
-      // Translational part
-      result.head<3> () << ((1-u)*q_0.head<3>() + u * q_1.head<3>());
-      //Quaternion part
-      ConstQuaternionMap_t p0 (q_0.segment<4>(3).data());
-      ConstQuaternionMap_t p1 (q_1.segment<4>(3).data());
-      QuaternionMap_t quat_result (result.tail<4>().data());
-      quat_result = p0.slerp(u, p1);
-      return result; 
+      if (u == 0) return q_0;
+      else if( u == 1) return q_1;
+      else
+      {
+        TangentVector_t nu(u*difference(q0, q1));
+        return integrate(q0, nu);
+      }
     ConfigVector_t random_impl() const
diff --git a/src/multibody/joint/joint-planar.hpp b/src/multibody/joint/joint-planar.hpp
index f27b613a5..2fdb986ae 100644
--- a/src/multibody/joint/joint-planar.hpp
+++ b/src/multibody/joint/joint-planar.hpp
@@ -429,8 +429,13 @@ namespace se3
       Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & q_0 = q0.segment<NQ> (idx_q ());
       Eigen::VectorXd::ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type & q_1 = q1.segment<NQ> (idx_q ());
-      return ConfigVector_t((1-u) * q_0 + u * q_1);
+      if (u == 0) return q_0;
+      else if( u == 1) return q_1;
+      else
+      {
+        TangentVector_t nu(u*difference(q0, q1));
+        return integrate(q0, nu);
+      }
     ConfigVector_t random_impl() const
diff --git a/unittest/joint-configurations.cpp b/unittest/joint-configurations.cpp
index 1d7c716df..8deb1215e 100644
--- a/unittest/joint-configurations.cpp
+++ b/unittest/joint-configurations.cpp
@@ -151,122 +151,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( integration_test )
   BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(results[0].isApprox(qs[0], 1e-12), "integration of full body with zero velocity - wrong results");
-// BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( interpolation_test )
-// {
-//   Model model; buildModel(model);
-//   Data data(model);
-//   std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> qs1(3);
-//   std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> qs2(3);
-//   std::vector<double> us(3);
-//   std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> results(3);
-//   std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> expecteds(3);
-//   //
-//   // Test Case 0 : u between 0 and 1
-//   //
-//   qs1[0] = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(model.nq);
-//   qs2[0] = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(model.nq);
-//   Eigen::Vector3d axis (Eigen::Vector3d::Ones()); axis.normalize();
-//   const double angle (0.5);
-//   Eigen::AngleAxis<double> aa1 (0., axis);
-//   Eigen::AngleAxis<double> aa2 (angle, axis);
-//   qs1[0].segment<4>(3) = Eigen::Quaterniond(aa1).coeffs();
-//   qs1[0].segment<4>(7) = Eigen::Quaterniond(aa1).coeffs();
-//   qs2[0].segment<4>(3) = Eigen::Quaterniond(aa2).coeffs();
-//   qs2[0].segment<4>(7) = Eigen::Quaterniond(aa2).coeffs();
-//   us[0] = 0.1; double & u = us[0];
-//   Eigen::Quaterniond quat_ff_1(qs1[0][6],qs1[0][3],qs1[0][4],qs1[0][5]);
-//   Eigen::Quaterniond quat_spherical_1(qs1[0][10],qs1[0][7],qs1[0][8],qs1[0][9]);
-//   Eigen::Quaterniond quat_ff_2(qs2[0][6],qs2[0][3],qs2[0][4],qs2[0][5]);
-//   Eigen::Quaterniond quat_spherical_2(qs2[0][10],qs2[0][7],qs2[0][8],qs2[0][9]);
-//   Eigen::VectorXd & expected = expecteds[0];
-//   expected.resize(model.nq);
-//   // filling expected.
-//   Eigen::Quaterniond quat_ff__int = quat_ff_1.slerp(u, quat_ff_2);
-//   Eigen::Quaterniond quat_spherical_int = quat_spherical_1.slerp(u, quat_spherical_2);
-//   expected.head<3>() = (1-u) * qs1[0].head<3>() + u*qs2[0].head<3>();
-//   expected[3] = quat_ff__int.x();expected[4] = quat_ff__int.y(); expected[5] = quat_ff__int.z(); expected[6] = quat_ff__int.w(); 
-//   expected[7] = quat_spherical_int.x();expected[8] = quat_spherical_int.y(); expected[9] = quat_spherical_int.z(); expected[10] = quat_spherical_int.w(); 
-//   expected.tail<13>() = (1-u)* qs1[0].tail<13>() + u*qs2[0].tail<13>();
-//   Eigen::VectorXd & result = results[0];
-//   result = interpolate(model,qs1[0],qs2[0],us[0]);
-//   BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(result.isApprox(expected, 1e-12), "interpolation full model for u = 0.1 - wrong results");
-//   //
-//   // Test Case 1 : u = 0 -> expected = qs1[1]
-//   //
-//   us[1] = 0; u = us[1];
-//   qs1[1] = qs1[0];
-//   qs2[1] = qs2[0];
-//   result = results[1];
-//   expected = expecteds[1]; expected.resize(model.nq);
-//   quat_ff__int = Eigen::Quaterniond((1-u) * quat_ff_1.w() + u*quat_ff_2.w(),
-//                                     (1-u) * quat_ff_1.x() + u*quat_ff_2.x(),
-//                                     (1-u) * quat_ff_1.y() + u*quat_ff_2.y(),
-//                                     (1-u) * quat_ff_1.z() + u*quat_ff_2.z()
-//                                     );
-//   quat_ff__int.normalize();
-//   quat_spherical_int = Eigen::Quaterniond((1-u) * quat_spherical_1.w() + u*quat_spherical_2.w(),
-//                                           (1-u) * quat_spherical_1.x() + u*quat_spherical_2.x(),
-//                                           (1-u) * quat_spherical_1.y() + u*quat_spherical_2.y(),
-//                                           (1-u) * quat_spherical_1.z() + u*quat_spherical_2.z()
-//                                           );
-//   quat_spherical_int.normalize();
-//   expected.head<3>() = (1-u) * qs1[1].head<3>() + u*qs2[1].head<3>();
-//   expected[3] = quat_ff__int.x();expected[4] = quat_ff__int.y(); expected[5] = quat_ff__int.z(); expected[6] = quat_ff__int.w(); 
-//   expected[7] = quat_spherical_int.x();expected[8] = quat_spherical_int.y(); expected[9] = quat_spherical_int.z(); expected[10] = quat_spherical_int.w(); 
-//   expected.tail<13>() = (1-u)* qs1[1].tail<13>() + u*qs2[1].tail<13>();
-//   result = interpolate(model,qs1[1],qs2[1],u);
-//   BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(result.isApprox(qs1[1], 1e-12), "interpolation with u = 0 - wrong results");
-//   //
-//   // u = 1 -> q_interpolate = q2
-//   //
-//   us[2] = 1; u = us[2];
-//   result = results[2];
-//   qs1[2] = qs1[0];
-//   qs2[2] = qs2[0];
-//   expected = expecteds[2]; expected.resize(model.nq);
-//   quat_ff__int = Eigen::Quaterniond((1-u) * quat_ff_1.w() + u*quat_ff_2.w(),
-//                                     (1-u) * quat_ff_1.x() + u*quat_ff_2.x(),
-//                                     (1-u) * quat_ff_1.y() + u*quat_ff_2.y(),
-//                                     (1-u) * quat_ff_1.z() + u*quat_ff_2.z()
-//                                     );
-//   quat_ff__int.normalize();
-//   quat_spherical_int = Eigen::Quaterniond((1-u) * quat_spherical_1.w() + u*quat_spherical_2.w(),
-//                                           (1-u) * quat_spherical_1.x() + u*quat_spherical_2.x(),
-//                                           (1-u) * quat_spherical_1.y() + u*quat_spherical_2.y(),
-//                                           (1-u) * quat_spherical_1.z() + u*quat_spherical_2.z()
-//                                           );
-//   quat_spherical_int.normalize();
-//   expected.head<3>() = (1-u) * qs1[2].head<3>() + u*qs2[2].head<3>();
-//   expected[3] = quat_ff__int.x();expected[4] = quat_ff__int.y(); expected[5] = quat_ff__int.z(); expected[6] = quat_ff__int.w(); 
-//   expected[7] = quat_spherical_int.x();expected[8] = quat_spherical_int.y(); expected[9] = quat_spherical_int.z(); expected[10] = quat_spherical_int.w(); 
-//   expected.tail<13>() = (1-u)* qs1[2].tail<13>() + u*qs2[2].tail<13>();
-//   result = interpolate(model,qs1[2],qs2[2],u);
-//   BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(configurations_are_equals(result, qs2[2]), "interpolation with u = 1 - wrong results");
-// }
 struct TestDifferentiationJoint
@@ -357,7 +241,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (differentiation_test_joint)
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( integrate_difference_test )
  Model model; buildModel(model);
@@ -372,6 +255,133 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( integrate_difference_test )
+struct TestInterpolationJoint
+  template<typename JointModel>
+  static void init (JointModelBase<JointModel> & /*jmodel*/) {}
+  template<typename JointModel>
+  void operator()(JointModelBase<JointModel> & jmodel)
+  {
+    init(jmodel);
+    typedef typename JointModel::ConfigVector_t CV;
+    typedef typename JointModel::TangentVector_t TV;
+    typedef typename JointModel::Transformation_t SE3;
+    jmodel.setIndexes(0,0,0);
+    CV q0 = jmodel.random();
+    CV q1 = jmodel.random();
+    double u = 0;
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u).isApprox(q0)
+                      , std::string("Error in interpolation with u = 0 for joint " + jmodel.shortname()));
+    u = 0.3; 
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( jmodel.interpolate(jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u), q1, 1).isApprox(q1)
+                      , std::string("Error in double interpolation for joint " + jmodel.shortname()));
+    u = 1;
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u).isApprox(q1)
+                      , std::string("Error in interpolation with u = 1 for joint " + jmodel.shortname()));
+  }
+  void operator()(JointModelBase<JointModelFreeFlyer> & jmodel)
+  {
+    init(jmodel);
+    typedef JointModelFreeFlyer::ConfigVector_t CV;
+    typedef JointModelFreeFlyer::TangentVector_t TV;
+    typedef JointModelFreeFlyer::Transformation_t SE3;
+    jmodel.setIndexes(0,0,0);
+    CV q0 = jmodel.random();
+    CV q1 = jmodel.random();
+    double u = 0;
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u).head<3>().isApprox(q0.head<3>())
+                      , std::string("Error in interpolation with u = 0 for joint " + jmodel.shortname()));
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( defineSameRotation(Eigen::Quaterniond(jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u).tail<4>()), Eigen::Quaterniond(q0.tail<4>()) )
+                      , std::string("Error in interpolation with u = 0 for joint " + jmodel.shortname()));
+    u = 0.3; 
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( jmodel.interpolate(jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u), q1, 1).head<3>().isApprox(q1.head<3>())
+                      , std::string("Error in double interpolation for joint " + jmodel.shortname()));
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( defineSameRotation(Eigen::Quaterniond(jmodel.interpolate(jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u), q1, 1).tail<4>()), Eigen::Quaterniond(q1.tail<4>()) )
+                      , std::string("Error in double interpolation for joint " + jmodel.shortname()));
+    u = 1;
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u).head<3>().isApprox(q1.head<3>())
+                      , std::string("Error in interpolation with u = 1 for joint  " + jmodel.shortname()));
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( defineSameRotation(Eigen::Quaterniond(jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u).tail<4>()), Eigen::Quaterniond(q1.tail<4>()) )
+                      , std::string("Error in interpolation with u = 1 for joint  " + jmodel.shortname()));
+  }
+  void operator()(JointModelBase<JointModelSpherical> & jmodel)
+  {
+    init(jmodel);
+    typedef JointModelSpherical::ConfigVector_t CV;
+    typedef JointModelSpherical::TangentVector_t TV;
+    typedef JointModelSpherical::Transformation_t SE3;
+    jmodel.setIndexes(0,0,0);
+    CV q0 = jmodel.random();
+    CV q1 = jmodel.random();
+    double u = 0;
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( defineSameRotation(Eigen::Quaterniond(jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u)), Eigen::Quaterniond(q0))
+                      , std::string("Error in interpolation with u = 0 for joint " + jmodel.shortname()));
+    u = 0.3; 
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( defineSameRotation(Eigen::Quaterniond(jmodel.interpolate(jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u), q1, 1)), Eigen::Quaterniond(q1) )
+                      , std::string("Error in double interpolation for joint " + jmodel.shortname()));
+    u = 1;
+    BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE( defineSameRotation(Eigen::Quaterniond(jmodel.interpolate(q0, q1,u)), Eigen::Quaterniond(q1))
+                      , std::string("Error in interpolation with u = 1 for joint " + jmodel.shortname()));
+  }
+void TestInterpolationJoint::operator()< JointModelDense<-1,-1> >(JointModelBase< JointModelDense<-1,-1> > & /*jmodel*/) {}
+void TestInterpolationJoint::operator()< JointModelSphericalZYX >(JointModelBase< JointModelSphericalZYX > & /*jmodel*/) {}
+void TestInterpolationJoint::init<JointModelRevoluteUnaligned>(JointModelBase<JointModelRevoluteUnaligned> & jmodel)
+  jmodel.derived().axis.setRandom(); jmodel.derived().axis.normalize();
+void TestInterpolationJoint::init<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned>(JointModelBase<JointModelPrismaticUnaligned> & jmodel)
+  jmodel.derived().axis.setRandom(); jmodel.derived().axis.normalize();
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (interpolation_test_joint)
+  boost::mpl::for_each<JointModelVariant::types>(TestInterpolationJoint());
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( neutral_configuration_test )
   Model model; buildModel(model);