diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index e7ac94b0471a2b46b7819b4b918077efff412563..39f7a5c03c324b510521b68303b12cef31b0f10c 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ SET(${PROJECT_NAME}_HEADERS
+  spatial/act-on-set.hpp
diff --git a/src/spatial/act-on-set.hpp b/src/spatial/act-on-set.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5f57c5241b8751dd523f6212276d77bfdc865fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/spatial/act-on-set.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+#ifndef __se3_act_on_set_hpp__
+#define __se3_act_on_set_hpp__
+#include <Eigen/Core>
+#include <Eigen/Geometry>
+#include "pinocchio/spatial/fwd.hpp"
+namespace se3
+  namespace forceSet
+  {
+    /* SE3 action on a set of forces, represented by a 6xN matrix whose each
+     * column represent a spatial force. */
+    template<typename Mat,typename MatRet>
+    static void se3Action( const SE3 & m, 
+			   const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
+			   Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> & jF );
+  }  // namespace forceSet
+  namespace motionSet
+  {
+    /* SE3 action on a set of motions, represented by a 6xN matrix whose each
+     * column represent a spatial motion. */
+    template<typename Mat,typename MatRet>
+    static void se3Action( const SE3 & m, 
+			   const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
+			   Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> & jV );
+  }  // namespace MotionSet
+  /* --- DETAILS --------------------------------------------------------- */
+  namespace internal 
+  {
+    template<typename Mat,typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
+    struct ForceSetSe3Action
+    {
+      /* Compute jF = jXi * iF, where jXi is the dual action matrix associated
+       * with m, and iF, jF are matrices whose columns are forces. The resolution
+       * is done by block operation. It is less efficient than the colwise
+       * operation and should not be used. */ 
+      static void run( const SE3 & m, 
+		       const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
+		       Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> & jF );
+      // {
+      //   typename Mat::template ConstNRowsBlockXpr<3>::Type linear  = iF.template topRows<3>();
+      //   typename MatRet::template ConstNRowsBlockXpr<3>::Type angular = iF.template bottomRows<3>();
+      //   jF.template topRows   <3>().noalias() = m.rotation()*linear;
+      //   jF.template bottomRows<3>().noalias()
+      // 	= skew(m.translation())*jF.template topRows<3>() +
+      //      m.rotation()*angular;
+      // }
+    };
+    template<typename Mat,typename MatRet>
+    struct ForceSetSe3Action<Mat,MatRet,1>
+    {
+      /* Compute jF = jXi * iF, where jXi is the dual action matrix associated with m,
+       * and iF, jF are vectors. */
+      static void run( const SE3 & m, 
+		       const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
+		       Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> & jF )
+      { 
+	Eigen::VectorBlock<const Mat,3> linear = iF.template head<3>();
+	Eigen::VectorBlock<const Mat,3> angular = iF.template tail<3>();
+	jF.template head <3>() = m.rotation()*linear;
+	jF.template tail <3>() = (m.translation().cross(jF.template head<3>())
+				  + m.rotation()*angular);
+      }
+    };
+    /* Specialized implementation of block action, using colwise operation.  It
+     * is empirically much faster than the true block operation, although I do
+     * not understand why. */
+    template<typename Mat,typename MatRet,int NCOLS>
+    void ForceSetSe3Action<Mat,MatRet,NCOLS>::
+    run( const SE3 & m, 
+	 const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
+	 Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> & jF )
+    {
+      for(int col=0;col<jF.cols();++col) 
+	{
+	  typename MatRet::ColXpr jFc = jF.col(col);
+	  forceSet::se3Action(m,iF.col(col),jFc);
+	}
+    }
+  } // namespace internal
+  namespace forceSet
+  {
+    template<typename Mat,typename MatRet>
+    static void se3Action( const SE3 & m, 
+			   const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
+			   Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> & jF )
+    {
+      internal::ForceSetSe3Action<Mat,MatRet,Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(m,iF,jF);
+    }
+  }  // namespace forceSet
+  namespace internal 
+  {
+    template<typename Mat,typename MatRet, int NCOLS>
+    struct MotionSetSe3Action
+    {
+      /* Compute jF = jXi * iF, where jXi is the action matrix associated
+       * with m, and iF, jF are matrices whose columns are motions. The resolution
+       * is done by block operation. It is less efficient than the colwise
+       * operation and should not be used. */ 
+      static void run( const SE3 & m, 
+		       const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iF,
+		       Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> & jF );
+      // {
+      //   typename Mat::template ConstNRowsBlockXpr<3>::Type linear  = iF.template topRows<3>();
+      //   typename MatRet::template ConstNRowsBlockXpr<3>::Type angular = iF.template bottomRows<3>();
+      //   jF.template topRows   <3>().noalias() = m.rotation()*linear;
+      //   jF.template bottomRows<3>().noalias()
+      // 	= skew(m.translation())*jF.template topRows<3>() +
+      //      m.rotation()*angular;
+      // }
+    };
+    template<typename Mat,typename MatRet>
+    struct MotionSetSe3Action<Mat,MatRet,1>
+    {
+      /* Compute jV = jXi * iV, where jXi is the action matrix associated with m,
+       * and iV, jV are 6D vectors representing spatial velocities. */
+      static void run( const SE3 & m, 
+		       const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
+		       Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> & jV )
+      { 
+	Eigen::VectorBlock<const Mat,3> linear = iV.template head<3>();
+	Eigen::VectorBlock<const Mat,3> angular = iV.template tail<3>();
+	/* ( R*v + px(Rw),  Rw ) */
+	jV.template tail <3>() = m.rotation()*angular;
+	jV.template head <3>() = (m.translation().cross(jV.template tail<3>())
+				  + m.rotation()*linear);
+      }
+    };
+    /* Specialized implementation of block action, using colwise operation.  It
+     * is empirically much faster than the true block operation, although I do
+     * not understand why. */
+    template<typename Mat,typename MatRet,int NCOLS>
+    void MotionSetSe3Action<Mat,MatRet,NCOLS>::
+    run( const SE3 & m, 
+	 const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
+	 Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> & jV )
+    {
+      for(int col=0;col<jV.cols();++col) 
+	{
+	  typename MatRet::ColXpr jVc = jV.col(col);
+	  motionSet::se3Action(m,iV.col(col),jVc);
+	}
+    }
+  } // namespace internal
+  namespace motionSet
+  {
+    template<typename Mat,typename MatRet>
+    static void se3Action( const SE3 & m, 
+			   const Eigen::MatrixBase<Mat> & iV,
+			   Eigen::MatrixBase<MatRet> & jV )
+    {
+      internal::MotionSetSe3Action<Mat,MatRet,Mat::ColsAtCompileTime>::run(m,iV,jV);
+    }
+  }  // namespace motionSet
+} // namespace se3
+#endif // ifndef __se3_act_on_set_hpp__
diff --git a/unittest/tspatial.cpp b/unittest/tspatial.cpp
index 8440cb5a93bbfe0c346cd0b99a4c2a4eb612b4a6..1a76f19e69c449decdb73e43ff26de6b08833a7e 100644
--- a/unittest/tspatial.cpp
+++ b/unittest/tspatial.cpp
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include "pinocchio/spatial/motion.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/spatial/se3.hpp"
 #include "pinocchio/spatial/inertia.hpp"
+#include "pinocchio/spatial/act-on-set.hpp"
 #define TEST_SE3
 #define TEST_MOTION
@@ -241,12 +242,33 @@ bool testInertia()
   return true;
+bool testActOnSet()
+  const int N = 20;
+  typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,6,N> Matrix6N;
+  se3::SE3 jMi = se3::SE3::Random();
+  Matrix6N iF = Matrix6N::Random(),jF;
+  se3::forceSet::se3Action(jMi,iF,jF);
+  for( int k=0;k<N;++k )
+    assert( jMi.act(se3::Force(iF.col(k))).toVector().isApprox( jF.col(k) ));
+  Matrix6N iV = Matrix6N::Random(),jV;
+  se3::motionSet::se3Action(jMi,iV,jV);
+  for( int k=0;k<N;++k )
+    assert( jMi.act(se3::Motion(iV.col(k))).toVector().isApprox( jV.col(k) ));
+  return true;
 int main()
+  testActOnSet();
   return 1;