diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 32ea5981cd45b62d146e553c20e1ab40d896eb6e..90153707f5164507be39504cb45bf51cd45a1769 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -146,7 +146,6 @@ IF(UNIX)
diff --git a/tools/CMakeLists.txt b/tools/CMakeLists.txt
index 58473bc6be2bef967f905543a332ccb4df39dd20..c6e574eb227e031438c42d4aaa9925f701fbbfb4 100644
--- a/tools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,28 +3,59 @@
 ### tools
+	task
+	feature-visual-point
+	gain-adaptative
-	""
+	sot/tsot
 FOREACH(tool_name ${tools})
-	SET(EXECUTABLE_NAME ${tool_name})
+	# provide path to library libMatrixAbstractLayer.so
+	# provide path to library libdynamic-graph.so
-		${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../include 
-	)
+	# Add MatrixAbstractLayer compilation flags and link to library libMatrixAbstractLayer.so
+	# Add lapack compilation flags and link to library libLapack.so
+	# Add dynamic-graph compilation flags and link to library libdynamic-graph.so
-	  dl)
+		dl)
+	# Add tests libraries
-	INSTALL(TARGETS ${tool_name}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/sot/Makefile.in b/tools/sot/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb2f1fb8fcd38ec3eaf4d5f21a2e6f57b72cbe7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/sot/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+MAINS		= tsot.cpp 
+tsot_OBJ     = 
+tsot_EXT_CLASS = sotTask sotFeatureVisualPoint sotGainAdaptative
+tsot_EXT_OBJ = $(tsot_EXT_CLASS:%=$(PROJECT_PLUGIN_PATH)/%.so)
+.DEFAULT: all
+all: install
+install: directory  $(LOCAL_DIR_BIN)_MKDIR $(PROGS_EXE) 
+	cd $(VISP_DIR_SRC); $(MAKE)
+	rm -f $(PROGS)
+	rm -f $(DEPFILES)
diff --git a/tools/sot/test_solverSoth.cpp b/tools/sot/test_solverSoth.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95403d9fe784591cf2405ddb89057df4ee730b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/sot/test_solverSoth.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+//#define VP_DEBUG
+#define VP_DEBUG_MODE 45
+#include <sot/sotDebug.h>
+#include <sot/sotSolverHierarchicalInequalities.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#ifndef WIN32
+#  include <sys/time.h>
+#else /*WIN32*/
+// When including Winsock2.h, the MAL must be included first
+//#include <MatrixAbstractLayer/boost.h>
+#  include <sot/sotUtilsWindows.h>
+#  include <Winsock2.h>
+#endif /*WIN32*/
+//#define WITH_CHRONO
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+void parseTest( const std::string filename )
+  using namespace std;
+  std::ifstream off( filename.c_str() );
+  std::string bs;
+  bubMatrix Rh;
+  sotSolverHierarchicalInequalities::ConstraintList constraintH;
+  std::vector<bubMatrix> Jes;
+  std::vector<bubVector> ees;
+  std::vector<bubMatrix> Jis;
+  std::vector<bubVector> eiInfs;
+  std::vector<bubVector> eiSups;
+  std::vector<sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector> bounds;
+  int nJ;
+  int me,mi;
+  bubMatrix Je,Ji;
+  bubVector ee,eiInf,eiSup;
+  sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector eiBoundSide;
+  off >> bs; if(bs!="variable") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+  off >> bs; if(bs!="size") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+  off >> nJ;
+  sotRotationComposedInExtenso Qh(nJ);
+  std::deque<sotSolverHierarchicalInequalities*> solvers;
+  for( unsigned int level=0;;++level )
+    {
+      /* --- Parse egalities --- */
+      off >> bs;
+      if(bs=="end") { break; }
+      else if(bs!="level") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+      off >> bs; if(bs!="equalities") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+      off >> me;
+      Je.resize(me,nJ); ee.resize(me);
+      if(me>0)
+        for( int i=0;i<me;++i )
+          {
+            for( int j=0;j<nJ;++j )
+              off >> Je(i,j);
+            off >> ee(i);
+          }
+      /* --- Parse inequalities --- */
+      off >> bs; if(bs!="inequalities") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+      off >> mi;
+      Ji.resize(mi,nJ); eiInf.resize(mi); eiSup.resize(mi); eiBoundSide.resize(mi);
+      if(mi>0)
+        for( int i=0;i<mi;++i )
+          {
+            for( int j=0;j<nJ;++j )
+              off >> Ji(i,j);
+            std::string number;
+            eiBoundSide[i] = sotConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID;
+            off>>number;
+            if( number!="X" )
+              {
+                eiBoundSide[i] = (sotConstraintMem::BoundSideType)
+                  (eiBoundSide[i]|sotConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
+                eiInf(i) = atof(number.c_str());
+              } else { eiInf(i) = 1e-66; }
+            off>>number;
+            if( number!="X" )
+              {
+                eiBoundSide[i] = (sotConstraintMem::BoundSideType)
+                  (eiBoundSide[i]|sotConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP);
+                eiSup(i) = atof(number.c_str());
+              } else { eiSup(i) = 1e-66; }
+          }
+      struct timeval t0,t1;
+      double dtsolver;
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+      sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+      sotDEBUG(5) << "ee" << level << " = " << (MATLAB) ee << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(5) << "eiInf" << level << " = " << (MATLAB) eiInf << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(5) << "eiSup" << level << " = " << (MATLAB) eiSup << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(5) << "Je" << level << " = " << (MATLAB) Je << endl;
+      sotDEBUG(5) << "Ji" << level << " = " << (MATLAB) Ji << endl;
+      gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
+      Jes.push_back(Je);
+      Jis.push_back(Ji);
+      ees.push_back(ee);
+      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf);
+      eiSups.push_back(eiSup);
+      bounds.push_back(eiBoundSide);
+      sotDEBUG(1) << "--- Level " << level << std::endl;
+      sotSolverHierarchicalInequalities * solver
+        = new sotSolverHierarchicalInequalities(nJ,Qh,Rh,constraintH);
+      solver->initConstraintSize(Je.size1()+Ji.size1());
+      if( solvers.size()==0 ) solver->setInitialConditionVoid();
+      else
+        {
+          sotSolverHierarchicalInequalities * solverPrec
+            = solvers.back();
+          solver->setInitialCondition( solverPrec->u0,solverPrec->rankh );
+        }
+      solver->recordInitialConditions();
+      solvers.push_back(solver);
+      solver->solve(Je,ee,Ji,eiInf,eiSup,eiBoundSide);
+      /*!*/gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);
+      /*!*/dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000. + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.)/1000. ;
+      /*!*/sotDEBUG(1) << "u" << level << " = " << (MATLAB)solver->u0 << endl;
+      /*!*/cout << "dtSOLV_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms" << endl;
+      solver->computeDifferentialCondition();
+#ifdef VP_DEBUG
+      solver->printDifferentialCondition(sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer);
+    }
+  for( unsigned int repet=0;repet<1;++repet )
+    {
+      cout << "Repet = " << repet << std::endl;
+      struct timeval t0,t1; double dtsolver;
+      constraintH.resize(0);
+      Rh*=0;
+      Qh.clear();
+      for( unsigned int level=0;level<solvers.size();++level )
+        {
+          gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
+          sotDEBUG(1) << "--- Level " << level << std::endl;
+          sotSolverHierarchicalInequalities * solver = solvers[level];
+          if( level==0 ) solver->setInitialConditionVoid();
+          else
+            {
+              sotSolverHierarchicalInequalities * solverPrec = solvers[level-1];
+              solver->setInitialCondition( solverPrec->u0,solverPrec->rankh );
+            }
+          solver->recordInitialConditions();
+          solver->warmStart();
+          /*!*/gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);
+          /*!*/dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000. + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.)/1000. ;
+          /*!*/sotDEBUG(1) << "dtWS_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms" << endl;
+          /*!*/cout << " " << dtsolver ;
+          /*!*/gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
+          solver->solve( Jes[level],ees[level],Jis[level],
+                         eiInfs[level],eiSups[level],bounds[level],
+                         solver->getSlackActiveSet() );
+          sotDEBUG(1) << "u" << level << " = " << (MATLAB)solver->u0 << endl;
+          /*!*/gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);
+          /*!*/dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000. + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.)/1000. ;
+          /*!*/cout << " " << dtsolver ;
+          /*!*/sotDEBUG(1) << "dtSOLV_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms" << endl;
+          /*!*/gettimeofday(&t0,NULL);
+          solver->computeDifferentialCondition();
+#ifdef VP_DEBUG
+          solver->printDifferentialCondition(sotDEBUGFLOW.outputbuffer);
+          /*!*/gettimeofday(&t1,NULL);
+          /*!*/dtsolver = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec) * 1000. + (t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec+0.)/1000. ;
+          /*!*/cout << " " << dtsolver ;
+          /*!*/sotDEBUG(1) << "dtREC_" << level << " = " << dtsolver << "%ms" << endl;
+        }
+      std::cout << std::endl;
+    }
+    for( unsigned int level=0;level<solvers.size();++level )
+      {  delete solvers[level]; solvers[level]=NULL; }
+    solvers.clear();
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+void deparse( std::vector<bubMatrix> Jes,std::vector<bubVector> ees,
+              std::vector<bubMatrix> Jis,std::vector<bubVector> eiInfs,
+              std::vector<bubVector> eiSups,std::vector<sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector> bounds )
+  using namespace std;
+  cout << "variable size " << Jes[0].size2() << endl;
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<Jes.size();++i )
+    {
+      bubMatrix & Je = Jes[i];
+      bubMatrix & Ji = Jis[i];
+      bubVector & ee = ees[i];
+      bubVector & eiInf = eiInfs[i];
+      bubVector & eiSup = eiSups[i];
+      sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector & boundSide = bounds[i];
+      cout <<  endl << endl << "level" << endl << endl << "equalities " << ee.size() << endl;
+      if(ee.size()>0)
+        for( unsigned int i=0;i<ee.size();++i )
+          {
+            for( unsigned int j=0;j<Je.size2();++j )
+              cout << Je(i,j) << " ";
+            cout << "\t" << ee(i) << endl;
+          }
+      unsigned int nbIneq = 0;
+      for( unsigned int i=0;i<boundSide.size();++i )
+        {
+          if( boundSide[i]&sotConstraintMem::BOUND_INF ) nbIneq++;
+          if( boundSide[i]&sotConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP ) nbIneq++;
+        }
+      cout << endl << "inequalities " << nbIneq << endl;
+      if(eiInf.size()>0)
+        for( unsigned int i=0;i<eiInf.size();++i )
+          {
+            if( boundSide[i]&sotConstraintMem::BOUND_INF )
+              {
+                for( unsigned int j=0;j<Ji.size2();++j )
+                  cout << -Ji(i,j) << " ";
+                cout << "\t" << " X " <<  -eiInf(i) << endl;
+              }
+            if( boundSide[i]&sotConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP )
+              {
+                for( unsigned int j=0;j<Ji.size2();++j )
+                  cout << Ji(i,j) << " ";
+                cout << "\t" << " X " << eiSup(i)  << endl;
+              }
+          }
+    }
+  sotDEBUG(15) << endl << endl << "end" << endl;
+void convertDoubleToSingle( const std::string filename )
+  using namespace std;
+  std::ifstream off( filename.c_str() );
+  std::string bs;
+  int nJ;
+  int me,mi;
+  bubMatrix Je,Ji;
+  bubVector ee,eiInf,eiSup;
+  sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector eiBoundSide;
+  off >> bs; if(bs!="variable") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+  off >> bs; if(bs!="size") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+  off >> nJ;
+  /* --- Set config file --- */
+  std::vector<bubMatrix> Jes;
+  std::vector<bubVector> ees;
+  std::vector<bubMatrix> Jis;
+  std::vector<bubVector> eiInfs;
+  std::vector<bubVector> eiSups;
+  std::vector<sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector> bounds;
+  for( unsigned int level=0;;++level )
+    {
+      off >> bs;
+      if(bs=="end") { break; }
+      else if(bs!="level") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+      off >> bs; if(bs!="equalities") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+      off >> me;
+      Je.resize(me,nJ); ee.resize(me);
+      if(me>0)
+        for( int i=0;i<me;++i )
+          {
+            for( int j=0;j<nJ;++j )
+              off >> Je(i,j);
+            off >> ee(i);
+          }
+      off >> bs; if(bs!="inequalities") { cerr << "!! '" << bs << "'" << endl; return; }
+      off >> mi;
+      Ji.resize(mi,nJ); eiInf.resize(mi); eiSup.resize(mi); eiBoundSide.resize(mi);
+      if(mi>0)
+        for( int i=0;i<mi;++i )
+          {
+            for( int j=0;j<nJ;++j )
+              off >> Ji(i,j);
+            std::string number;
+            eiBoundSide[i] = sotConstraintMem::BOUND_VOID;
+            off>>number; // std::cout << "toto '" << number << "'" << std::endl;
+            if( number!="X" )
+              {
+                eiBoundSide[i] = (sotConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(eiBoundSide[i]|sotConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
+                eiInf(i) = atof(number.c_str());
+              } else { eiInf(i) = 1e-66; }
+            off>>number;
+            if( number!="X" )
+              {
+                eiBoundSide[i] = (sotConstraintMem::BoundSideType)(eiBoundSide[i]|sotConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP);
+                eiSup(i) = atof(number.c_str());
+              } else { eiSup(i) = 1e-66; }
+          }
+      //Ji*=-1; eiInf*=-1;
+      Jes.push_back(Je);
+      ees.push_back(ee);
+      Jis.push_back(Ji);
+      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf);
+      eiSups.push_back(eiSup);
+      bounds.push_back(eiBoundSide);
+    }
+  deparse(Jes,ees,Jis,eiInfs,eiSups,bounds);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+void randBound( sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector& M,const unsigned int row)
+  M.resize(row);
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<row;++i )
+    {
+      double c = ((rand()+0.0)/RAND_MAX*2)-1.;
+      if( c<0 ) M[i] = sotConstraintMem::BOUND_INF;
+      else M[i] = sotConstraintMem::BOUND_SUP;
+    }
+void randTest( const unsigned int nJ,const bool enableSolve[]  )
+  bubVector eiInf0(nJ),ee0(1),eiSup0(nJ);
+  bubMatrix Ji0(nJ,nJ),Je0(1,nJ);
+  sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound0(nJ,sotConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
+  Ji0.assign( bub::identity_matrix<double>(nJ));
+  eiInf0.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(nJ));
+  Je0.assign( bub::zero_matrix<double>(1,nJ));
+  //std::fill(ee0.data().begin(),ee0.data().end(),1);
+  ee0(0)=0; Je0(0,0)=1;
+  bubVector ee1,eiInf1,eiSup1;
+  bubMatrix Je1,Ji1;
+  sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound1;
+  randVector(ee1,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "ee1 = " << (MATLAB)ee1 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiInf1,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiInf1 = " << (MATLAB)eiInf1 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiSup1,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiSup1 = " << (MATLAB)eiSup1 << std::endl;
+  randBound(bound1,3);
+  randMatrix(Je1,3,nJ); //sotDEBUG(15) << "Je1 = " << (MATLAB)Je1 << std::endl;
+  randMatrix(Ji1,3,nJ); sotDEBUG(15) << "Ji1 = " << (MATLAB)Ji1 << std::endl;
+  bubMatrix xhi; randMatrix(xhi,1,3); xhi(0,2)=0;
+  bub::project(Je1,bub::range(2,3),bub::range(0,nJ)) = bub::prod(xhi,Je1);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "Je1 = " << (MATLAB)Je1 << std::endl;
+  //randMatrix(xhi,3,3);
+  //   bub::noalias(Ji1) = bub::prod(xhi,Je1);
+  //  sotDEBUG(15) << "Ji1 = " << (MATLAB)Ji1 << std::endl;
+  bubVector ee2,eiInf2,eiSup2;
+  bubMatrix Je2,Ji2;
+  sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound2;
+  randVector(ee2,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "ee2 = " << (MATLAB)ee2 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiInf2,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiInf2 = " << (MATLAB)eiInf2 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiSup2,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiSup2 = " << (MATLAB)eiSup2 << std::endl;
+  randBound(bound1,3);
+  randMatrix(Je2,3,nJ); sotDEBUG(15) << "Je2 = " << (MATLAB)Je2 << std::endl;
+  randMatrix(Ji2,3,nJ); sotDEBUG(15) << "Ji2 = " << (MATLAB)Ji2 << std::endl;
+  bubVector ee3,eiInf3,eiSup3;
+  bubMatrix Je3,Ji3;
+  sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound3;
+  randVector(ee3,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "ee3 = " << (MATLAB)ee3 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiInf3,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiInf3 = " << (MATLAB)eiInf3 << std::endl;
+  randVector(eiSup3,3); sotDEBUG(15) << "eiSup3 = " << (MATLAB)eiSup3 << std::endl;
+  randBound(bound1,3);
+  randMatrix(Je3,3,nJ); sotDEBUG(15) << "Je3 = " << (MATLAB)Je3 << std::endl;
+  randMatrix(Ji3,3,nJ); sotDEBUG(15) << "Ji3 = " << (MATLAB)Ji3 << std::endl;
+  bubVector ee4(nJ),eiInf4(1),eiSup4(1);
+  bubMatrix Je4(nJ,nJ),Ji4(1,nJ);
+  sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector bound4(1,sotConstraintMem::BOUND_INF);
+  Je4.assign( bub::identity_matrix<double>(nJ));
+  ee4.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(nJ));
+  Ji4.assign( bub::zero_matrix<double>(1,nJ));
+  eiInf4.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(1));
+  eiSup4.assign( bub::zero_vector<double>(1));
+  /* --- Set config file --- */
+  std::vector<bubMatrix> Jes;
+  std::vector<bubVector> ees;
+  std::vector<bubMatrix> Jis;
+  std::vector<bubVector> eiInfs;
+  std::vector<bubVector> eiSups;
+  std::vector<sotConstraintMem::BoundSideVector> bounds;
+  if(enableSolve[0])
+    {
+      Jes.push_back(Je0);
+      ees.push_back(ee0);
+      Jis.push_back(Ji0);
+      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf0);
+      eiSups.push_back(eiSup0);
+      bounds.push_back(bound0);
+    }
+  if(enableSolve[1])
+    {
+      Jes.push_back(Je1);
+      ees.push_back(ee1);
+      Jis.push_back(Ji1);
+      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf1);
+      eiSups.push_back(eiSup1);
+      bounds.push_back(bound1);
+    }
+  if(enableSolve[2])
+    {
+      Jes.push_back(Je2);
+      ees.push_back(ee2);
+      Jis.push_back(Ji2);
+      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf2);
+      eiSups.push_back(eiSup2);
+      bounds.push_back(bound2);
+    }
+  if(enableSolve[3])
+    {
+      Jes.push_back(Je3);
+      ees.push_back(ee3);
+      Jis.push_back(Ji3);
+      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf3);
+      eiSups.push_back(eiSup3);
+      bounds.push_back(bound3);
+    }
+  if(enableSolve[4])
+    {
+      Jes.push_back(Je4);
+      ees.push_back(ee4);
+      Jis.push_back(Ji4);
+      eiInfs.push_back(eiInf4);
+      eiSups.push_back(eiSup4);
+      bounds.push_back(bound4);
+    }
+  deparse(Jes,ees,Jis,eiInfs,eiSups,bounds);
+  sotRotationComposedInExtenso Qh(nJ);
+  bubMatrix Rh;
+  sotSolverHierarchicalInequalities::ConstraintList constraintH;
+  sotSolverHierarchicalInequalities solver(nJ,Qh,Rh,constraintH);
+  solver.initConstraintSize((40+6+6+6+40)+2);
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+  if(enableSolve[0]) solver.solve(Je0,ee0,Ji0,eiInf0,eiSup0,bound0);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  if(enableSolve[1]) solver.solve(Je1,ee1,Ji1,eiInf1,eiSup1,bound1);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  if(enableSolve[2]) solver.solve(Je2,ee2,Ji2,eiInf2,eiSup2,bound2);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  if(enableSolve[3]) solver.solve(Je3,ee3,Ji3,eiInf3,eiSup3,bound3);
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  sotDEBUG(15) << "/* ----------------------------------------------------- */" << std::endl;
+  if(enableSolve[4]) solver.solve(Je4,ee4,Ji4,eiInf4,eiSup4,bound4);
+  /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+  return;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+int main( void )
+  //  convertDoubleToSingle("/home/nmansard/src/StackOfTasks/tests/tools/testFR.txt"); exit(0);
+#ifndef VP_DEBUG
+#ifndef WITH_CHRONO
+  for(int i=0;i<10;++i)
+      parseTest("/home/nmansard/src/StackOfTasks/tests/sot/t.txt");
+//   bool enable [5] ={ 1,1,0,0,0};
+//   randTest(9,enable );
diff --git a/tools/sot/tsot.cpp b/tools/sot/tsot.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..901e79145f20c473ef0ef0eda76b3b8b55cecdcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/sot/tsot.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Copyright Projet VISTA / IRISA, 2003
+ *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * File:      test_categorie.cc
+ * Project:   Traces
+ * Author:    Nicolas Mansard
+ *
+ * Version control
+ * ===============
+ *
+ *  $Id: test_boost.cpp,v 2006-07-03 05:17:37 nmansard Exp $
+ *
+ * Description
+ * ============
+ *
+ * Test la classe CategorieTrace.
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDES ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <sot-core/sot-h.h>
+#include <sot-core/feature-visual-point.h>
+#include <sot-core/feature-abstract.h>
+#include <sot-core/debug.h>
+#include <sot-core/task.h>
+#include <sot-core/gain-adaptive.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace sot;
+namespace ml = maal::boost;
+double drand( void ) { return 2*((double)rand())/RAND_MAX-1; }
+ml::Matrix& mrand( ml::Matrix& J )
+  for( unsigned int i=0;i<J.nbRows();++i)
+    for( unsigned int j=0;j<J.nbCols();++j)
+      J(i,j) = drand();
+  return J;
+int main( void )
+  sotDEBUGF( "# In {" );
+  srand(12);
+  ml::Matrix Jq(6,6); Jq.setIdentity();
+  ml::Vector p1xy(2); p1xy(0)=1.; p1xy(1)=-2;
+  sotDEBUGF("Create feature");
+  FeatureVisualPoint * p1 = new FeatureVisualPoint("p1");
+  FeatureVisualPoint * p1des = new FeatureVisualPoint("p1des");
+  p1->articularJacobianSIN.setReference(&Jq);
+  p1->selectionSIN = Flags(true);
+  p1->desiredValueSIN = p1des;
+  p1->xySIN = p1xy;
+  p1des->xySIN = ml::Vector(2);
+  sotDEBUGF("Create Task");
+  sotDEBUG(0) << ml::MATLAB;
+  Task * task = new Task("task");
+  task->addFeature(*p1);
+  task->addFeature(*p1);
+  GainAdaptative * lambda = new GainAdaptative("g");
+  lambda->errorSIN.plug( &task->errorSOUT );
+  task->controlGainSIN.plug( &lambda->gainSOUT );
+  task->dampingGainSINOUT = .1;
+  task->controlSelectionSIN = Flags(true);
+  task->jacobianSOUT.display(cout)<<endl;
+  task->jacobianSOUT.displayDependancies(cout)<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(0) << "J"<< task->jacobianSOUT(2);
+  sotDEBUG(0) <<"H"<< task->featureActivationSOUT(2)<<endl;
+  sotDEBUG(0) <<"e"<< task->errorSOUT(2) <<endl;
+  sotDEBUGF( "# Out }" );
+  return 0;
diff --git a/unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt b/unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt
index 2fd7e6141671da5df6b640d79339126fdfe37590..e8317b8f1213153e18ca90223c4fd54aad615e40 100644
--- a/unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/unitTesting/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ FOREACH(test ${tests})
-	  sot-core)
 	# Add MatrixAbstractLayer compilation flags and link to library libMatrixAbstractLayer.so
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ FOREACH(test ${tests})