From acb06e37ede8fffbb60be812dcf4970464dddb75 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pFernbach <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 13:19:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [export] add script to export to openHRP

 .../hpp_wholebody_motion/export/    | 349 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 349 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 scripts/hpp_wholebody_motion/export/

diff --git a/scripts/hpp_wholebody_motion/export/ b/scripts/hpp_wholebody_motion/export/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..324a654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/hpp_wholebody_motion/export/
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# Authors : Justin Carpentier, Pierre Fernbach
+import os
+import hpp_wholebody_motion.config as cfg
+import pinocchio as se3 
+from pinocchio import SE3, rnea
+from pinocchio.utils import *
+import numpy as np
+from rospkg import RosPack
+#import tsid # required for robot wrapper ! FIXME
+from pinocchio.robot_wrapper import RobotWrapper
+class Struct():
+    None
+# hardcoded ID for HRP-2 : 
+ff = range(7)
+chest = range(7,9)
+head = range(9,11)
+l_arm = range(11,18)
+r_arm = range(18,25)
+l_leg = range(25,31)
+r_leg = range(31,37)
+def computeResultTrajectory(robot, t_t, q_t, v_t, a_t):
+    model = robot.model
+    data =
+    N = q_t.shape[1]
+    ZMP_t = np.matrix(np.zeros([3,N]))
+    waist_t = np.matrix(np.zeros([3,N]))
+    pcom_t = np.matrix(np.empty([3,N]))
+    vcom_t = np.matrix(np.empty([3,N]))
+    acom_t = np.matrix(np.empty([3,N]))
+    tau_t = np.matrix(np.empty([robot.nv,N]))
+    wrench_t = np.matrix(np.empty([6,N]))
+    waist_orientation_t = np.matrix(np.empty([3,N]))
+    # Sample end effector traj
+    ee_t = dict()
+    for limb_name in cfg.Robot.limbs_names:
+        ee_t[cfg.Robot.dict_limb_joint[limb_name]] = []
+    ee_names = list(ee_t.viewkeys())
+    for k in range(N):
+        q = q_t[:,k]
+        v = v_t[:,k]
+        a = a_t[:,k]
+        #M = robot.mass(q)
+        #b = robot.biais(q,v)
+        #robot.dynamics(q,v,0*v)
+        se3.rnea(model,data,q,v,a)
+        #se3.forwardKinematics(model,data,q)
+        #robot.computeJacobians(q)
+        pcom, vcom, acom =,v,a)
+        # Update EE placements
+        for ee in ee_names:
+            #ee_t[ee].append(Mee[ee](q,update_kinematics=False).copy())
+            ee_t[ee].append(robot.placement(q, model.getJointId(ee)).copy())
+        # Update CoM data
+        pcom_t[:,k] = pcom
+        vcom_t[:,k] = vcom
+        acom_t[:,k] = acom
+        #oXi_s =[1].inverse().np.T
+        #phi0 = oXi_s * (M[:6,:] * a + b[:6])
+        tau_t[:,k] = data.tau
+        phi0 = data.oMi[1].act(se3.Force(data.tau[:6]))
+        wrench_t[:,k] = phi0.vector
+        forces = wrench_t[:3,k]
+        torques = wrench_t[3:,k]
+        ZMP_t[0,k] = -torques[1]/forces[2]
+        ZMP_t[1,k] = torques[0]/forces[2]
+        waist_t[:,k] =[1].translation
+        waist_orientation_t[:,k] = matrixToRpy([1].rotation)
+    result = Struct()
+    result.t_t = t_t
+    result.ZMP_t = ZMP_t
+    result.waist_t = waist_t
+    result.waist_orientation_t = waist_orientation_t
+    result.pcom_t = pcom_t
+    result.vcom_t = vcom_t
+    result.acom_t = acom_t
+    result.wrench_t = wrench_t
+    result.tau_t = tau_t
+    result.q_t = q_t
+    result.v_t = v_t
+    result.a_t = a_t
+    result.ee_t = ee_t
+    return result
+def writeOpenHRPConfig(robot,q,t=0.):
+    def write_vector(vector, delim):
+        line = ""
+        for k in range(vector.shape[0]):
+            line += delim + str(vector[k,0])
+        return line
+    line = str(t)
+    delim = " "
+    q_openhrp = []
+    # RL
+    line += write_vector(q[r_leg], delim)
+    q_openhrp.append(q[r_leg].tolist())
+    # LL
+    line += write_vector(q[l_leg], delim)
+    q_openhrp.append(q[l_leg].tolist())
+    # Chest
+    line += write_vector(q[chest], delim)
+    q_openhrp.append(q[chest].tolist())
+    # Head
+    line += write_vector(q[head], delim)
+    q_openhrp.append(q[head].tolist())
+    # RA
+    line += write_vector(q[r_arm], delim)
+    q_openhrp.append(q[r_arm].tolist())
+    # LA
+    line += write_vector(q[l_arm], delim)
+    q_openhrp.append(q[l_arm].tolist())
+    # Fingers
+    line += write_vector(np.matrix(np.zeros([10, 1])), delim)
+    q_openhrp.append(np.matrix(np.zeros([10, 1])).tolist())
+    q_openhrp = np.matrix(np.concatenate(q_openhrp))
+    return q_openhrp,line
+def generateOpenHRPMotion(robot, data, path, project_name):
+    def write_vector(vector, delim):
+        line = ""
+        for k in range(vector.shape[0]):
+            line += delim + str(vector[k,0])
+        return line
+    timeline = data.t_t - data.t_t[0]
+    N = len(timeline)
+    dt = 0.005
+    timeline = np.linspace(0., (N-1)*dt, N) 
+    delim = " "
+    eol = "\n"
+    filename_prefix = path + '/' + project_name
+    ## ZMP trajectory ##
+    filename_zmp = filename_prefix + '.zmp'
+    file_zmp = open(filename_zmp, "w")
+    ZMP_waist = data.ZMP_t - data.waist_t
+    for k in range(N):
+        line = str(timeline[k])
+        for i in range(3):
+            line += delim + str(ZMP_waist[i,k])
+        line += eol
+        file_zmp.write(line)
+    file_zmp.close()
+    ## Posture trajectory ##
+    filename_pos = filename_prefix + '.pos'
+    file_pos = open(filename_pos, "w")
+    qout_l = []
+    for k in range(N):
+        line = str(timeline[k])
+        q_openhrp = []
+        # RL
+        line += write_vector(data.q_t[r_leg,k], delim)
+        q_openhrp.append(data.q_t[r_leg,k].tolist())
+        # LL
+        line += write_vector(data.q_t[l_leg,k], delim)
+        q_openhrp.append(data.q_t[l_leg,k].tolist())
+        # Chest
+        line += write_vector(data.q_t[chest,k], delim)
+        q_openhrp.append(data.q_t[chest,k].tolist())
+        # Head
+        line += write_vector(data.q_t[head,k], delim)
+        q_openhrp.append(data.q_t[head,k].tolist())
+        # RA
+        line += write_vector(data.q_t[r_arm,k], delim)
+        q_openhrp.append(data.q_t[r_arm,k].tolist())
+        # LA
+        line += write_vector(data.q_t[l_arm,k], delim)
+        q_openhrp.append(data.q_t[l_arm,k].tolist())
+        # Fingers
+        line += write_vector(np.matrix(np.zeros([10,1])), delim)
+        q_openhrp.append(np.matrix(np.zeros([10,1])).tolist())
+        line += eol
+        file_pos.write(line)
+        qout_l.append(np.matrix(np.concatenate(q_openhrp)))
+    file_pos.close()
+    ## Waist orientation
+    filename_hip = filename_prefix + '.hip'
+    file_hip = open(filename_hip, "w")
+    for k in range(N):
+        line = str(timeline[k])
+        line += write_vector(data.waist_orientation_t[:,k], delim)
+        line += eol
+        file_hip.write(line)
+    file_hip.close()
+    return qout_l
+def writeKinematicsData(robot, data, path, project_name):
+    def write_vector(vector, delim):
+        line = ""
+        for k in range(vector.shape[0]):
+            line += delim + str(vector[k,0])
+        return line
+    timeline = data.t_t - data.t_t[0]
+    N = len(timeline)
+    dt = 0.005
+    timeline = np.linspace(0., (N-1)*dt, N) 
+    delim = " "
+    eol = "\n"
+    filename_prefix = path + '/' + project_name
+    ## Config trajectory ##
+    filename_config = filename_prefix + '_config.csv'
+    file_config = open(filename_config, "w")
+    for k in range(N):
+        line = str(timeline[k])
+        line += write_vector(data.q_t[:,k], delim)
+        line += eol
+        file_config.write(line)
+    file_config.close()
+    ## Vel trajectory ##
+    filename_vel = filename_prefix + '_vel.csv'
+    file_vel = open(filename_vel, "w")
+    for k in range(N):
+        line = str(timeline[k])
+        line += write_vector(data.v_t[:,k], delim)
+        line += eol
+        file_vel.write(line)
+    file_vel.close()
+    ## Acc trajectory ##
+    filename_acc = filename_prefix + '_acc.csv'
+    file_acc = open(filename_acc, "w")
+    for k in range(N):
+        line = str(timeline[k])
+        line += write_vector(data.a_t[:,k], delim)
+        line += eol
+        file_acc.write(line)
+    file_acc.close()
+def export(q_t,v_t,a_t):
+    t_t = [i*cfg.IK_dt for i in range(len(q_t))]
+    assert len(q_t) == len(v_t) and len(q_t) == len(a_t) and len(q_t) == len(t_t) and "all states vector must have the same size"
+    rp = RosPack()
+    urdf = rp.get_path(cfg.Robot.packageName)+'/urdf/'+cfg.Robot.urdfName+cfg.Robot.urdfSuffix+'.urdf'
+    if cfg.WB_VERBOSE:
+        print "load robot : " ,urdf    
+    #srdf = "package://" + package + '/srdf/' +  cfg.Robot.urdfName+cfg.Robot.srdfSuffix + '.srdf'
+    robot = RobotWrapper(urdf, se3.StdVec_StdString(), se3.JointModelFreeFlyer(), False)
+    if cfg.WB_VERBOSE:
+        print "robot loaded in export OpenHRP"    
+    # convert list of states to matrices (line : value, col : id)
+    N = len(q_t)
+    q_t_mat = np.matrix(np.zeros([q_t[0].shape[0],N]))
+    v_t_mat = np.matrix(np.zeros([v_t[0].shape[0],N]))
+    a_t_mat = np.matrix(np.zeros([a_t[0].shape[0],N]))
+    t_t_mat = np.matrix(t_t)
+    for i in range(N):
+        q_t_mat[:,i] = q_t[i] 
+        v_t_mat[:,i] = v_t[i]    
+        a_t_mat[:,i] = a_t[i]    
+    results_sot = computeResultTrajectory(robot, t_t_mat, q_t_mat, v_t_mat, a_t_mat)
+    """
+    ZMP_t = results_sot.ZMP_t.copy()
+    pcom_t = results_sot.pcom_t
+    # Set zmp trajectory to be the reference one
+    Wrench_ref_trajectory = DifferentiableEuclidianTrajectory()
+    Wrench_ref_trajectory.computeFromPoints(trajs.time_t,F0_t,0*F0_t)
+    Wrench_trajectory = DifferentiableEuclidianTrajectory()
+    Wrench_trajectory.computeFromPoints(np.asmatrix(results_sot.t_t),results_sot.wrench_t,0*results_sot.wrench_t)
+    ZMP_ref_t = computeRefZMP(cs,results_sot.t_t,Wrench_ref_trajectory)
+    ZMP_t = computeRefZMP(cs,results_sot.t_t,Wrench_trajectory)
+    results_sot.ZMP_t[:,:] = ZMP_t
+    """
+    path = cfg.EXPORT_PATH+"/openHRP"
+    q_openhrp_l = generateOpenHRPMotion(robot, results_sot, path, cfg.DEMO_NAME)
+    writeKinematicsData(robot, results_sot, path, cfg.DEMO_NAME)
\ No newline at end of file