From 0fb241cf7bad4915c2e5e3dbf7e41ce3ba887c4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florent Lamiraux <>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 15:45:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] A few updates

  - In PRM, do not insert edges in the loop over the connected components,
  - replace deprecated call in script .
 include/hpp_tutorial/tutorial_2.hh |  2 +-
 script/               |  2 +-
 src/                  |  4 ++--
 src/                  | 29 +++++++++++++++++++----------
 4 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/hpp_tutorial/tutorial_2.hh b/include/hpp_tutorial/tutorial_2.hh
index 702b0cd..06cb487 100644
--- a/include/hpp_tutorial/tutorial_2.hh
+++ b/include/hpp_tutorial/tutorial_2.hh
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 /// <h1>Implementing a new path planning algorithm</h1>
-/// The code of this tutorial can be found in \c src/
+/// The code of this tutorial can be found in \c src/
 /// The compilation and installation instructions can be found in
 /// \c CMakeLists.txt.
diff --git a/script/ b/script/
index 49c0b70..ee9d394 100644
--- a/script/
+++ b/script/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ rank = robot.rankInConfiguration["r_elbow_flex_joint"]
 q_goal[rank] = -0.5
-vf.loadObstacleModel("iai_maps", "kitchen_area", "kitchen")
+vf.loadObstacleModel("package://hpp_tutorial/urdf/kitchen_area.urdf", "kitchen")
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f619338..103eea8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ int main() {
   // Add obstacle
   DevicePtr_t obstacle = Device::create("kitchen");
-  hpp::pinocchio::urdf::loadUrdfModel(obstacle, "anchor", "iai_maps",
-                                      "kitchen_area");
+  hpp::pinocchio::urdf::loadModel(obstacle, 0, "", "anchor",
+      "package://hpp_tutorial/urdf/kitchen_area.urdf", "");
   ps->addObstacle(obstacle, true, true);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f80f323..22f0148 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ class Planner : public core::PathPlanner {
   /// We will see how to implement a basic PRM algorithm.
   virtual void oneStep() {
+    using core::NodePtr_t;
+    using core::PathPtr_t;
     // Retrieve the robot the problem has been defined for.
     pinocchio::DevicePtr_t robot(problem()->robot());
     // Retrieve the path validation algorithm associated to the problem
@@ -79,32 +81,39 @@ class Planner : public core::PathPlanner {
     } while (!configValidations->validate(qrand, validationReport));
     // Add qrand as a new node
-    core::NodePtr_t newNode = r->addNode(qrand);
+    NodePtr_t newNode = r->addNode(qrand);
     // try to connect the random configuration to each connected component
     // of the roadmap.
-    for (core::ConnectedComponents_t::const_iterator itcc =
-             r->connectedComponents().begin();
-         itcc != r->connectedComponents().end(); ++itcc) {
-      core::ConnectedComponentPtr_t cc = *itcc;
+    // Modifying the connected components of the graph while making a loop
+    // over all of them is not correct. We therefore record the edges to
+    // to insert and add them after the loop.
+    typedef std::tuple<NodePtr_t, NodePtr_t, PathPtr_t> DelayedEdge_t;
+    typedef std::vector<DelayedEdge_t> DelayedEdges_t;
+    DelayedEdges_t delayedEdges;
+    for (auto cc : r->connectedComponents()) {
       // except its own connected component of course
       if (cc != newNode->connectedComponent()) {
         value_type d;
         // Get nearest node to qrand in connected component
-        core::NodePtr_t nearest = r->nearestNode(qrand, cc, d);
+        NodePtr_t nearest = r->nearestNode(qrand, cc, d);
         core::ConfigurationPtr_t qnear = nearest->configuration();
         // Create local path between qnear and qrand
-        core::PathPtr_t localPath = (*sm)(*qnear, qrand);
+        PathPtr_t localPath = (*sm)(*qnear, qrand);
         // validate local path
-        core::PathPtr_t validPart;
+        PathPtr_t validPart;
         // report on path validation: unused here
         core::PathValidationReportPtr_t report;
         if (pathValidation->validate(localPath, false, validPart, report)) {
           // Create node and edges with qrand and the local path
-          r->addEdge(nearest, newNode, localPath);
-          r->addEdge(newNode, nearest, localPath->reverse());
+          delayedEdges.push_back(DelayedEdge_t(nearest, newNode, localPath));
+    for(auto de : delayedEdges){
+      r->addEdge(std::get<0>(de), std::get<1>(de), std::get<2>(de));
+      r->addEdge(std::get<1>(de), std::get<0>(de), std::get<2>(de)->reverse());
+    }