diff --git a/include/hpp/manipulation/graph/helper.hh b/include/hpp/manipulation/graph/helper.hh
index d741abda0a02759959c276c6cc987594808717de..2455440371b2e752b32b83644bae2070d251b5e0 100644
--- a/include/hpp/manipulation/graph/helper.hh
+++ b/include/hpp/manipulation/graph/helper.hh
@@ -27,75 +27,92 @@
 namespace hpp {
   namespace manipulation {
     namespace graph {
-      /// \addtogroup constraint_graph
-      /// \{
-      struct NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs {
-        NumericalConstraints_t nc;
-        IntervalsContainer_t pdof;
-        NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs merge
-          (const NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs& other) {
-            NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs ret;
-            // ret.nc.reserve (nc.size() + other.nc.size());
-            ret.pdof.reserve (pdof.size() + other.pdof.size());
-            std::copy (nc.begin(), nc.end(), ret.nc.begin());
-            std::copy (other.nc.begin(), other.nc.end(), ret.nc.begin());
-            std::copy (pdof.begin(), pdof.end(), ret.pdof.begin());
-            std::copy (other.pdof.begin(), other.pdof.end(), ret.pdof.begin());
-            return ret;
+      namespace helper
+      {
+        /// \defgroup helper Helpers to build the graph of constraints
+        /// \addtogroup helper
+        /// \{
+        struct NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs {
+          NumericalConstraints_t nc;
+          IntervalsContainer_t pdof;
+          NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs merge
+            (const NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs& other) {
+              NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs ret;
+              // ret.nc.reserve (nc.size() + other.nc.size());
+              ret.pdof.reserve (pdof.size() + other.pdof.size());
+              std::copy (nc.begin(), nc.end(), ret.nc.begin());
+              std::copy (other.nc.begin(), other.nc.end(), ret.nc.begin());
+              std::copy (pdof.begin(), pdof.end(), ret.pdof.begin());
+              std::copy (other.pdof.begin(), other.pdof.end(), ret.pdof.begin());
+              return ret;
+            }
+          template <bool forPath> void addToComp (GraphComponentPtr_t comp) const;
+          template <bool param> void specifyFoliation (LevelSetEdgePtr_t lse) const;
+        };
+        struct FoliatedManifold {
+          // Manifold definition
+          NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs nc;
+          LockedJoints_t lj;
+          NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs nc_path;
+          // Foliation definition
+          NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs nc_fol;
+          LockedJoints_t lj_fol;
+          FoliatedManifold merge (const FoliatedManifold& other) {
+            FoliatedManifold both;
+            both.nc = nc.merge (other.nc);
+            both.nc_path = nc_path.merge (other.nc_path);
+            std::copy (lj.begin (), lj.end (), both.lj.end ());
+            std::copy (other.lj.begin (), other.lj.end (), both.lj.end ());
+            return both;
-        template <bool forPath> void addToComp (GraphComponentPtr_t comp) const;
-        template <bool param> void specifyFoliation (LevelSetEdgePtr_t lse) const;
-      };
-      struct FoliatedManifold {
-        // Manifold definition
-        NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs nc;
-        LockedJoints_t lj;
-        NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs nc_path;
-        // Foliation definition
-        NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs nc_fol;
-        LockedJoints_t lj_fol;
-        FoliatedManifold merge (const FoliatedManifold& other) {
-          FoliatedManifold both;
-          both.nc = nc.merge (other.nc);
-          both.nc_path = nc_path.merge (other.nc_path);
-          std::copy (lj.begin (), lj.end (), both.lj.end ());
-          std::copy (other.lj.begin (), other.lj.end (), both.lj.end ());
-          return both;
-        }
+          void addToNode (NodePtr_t comp) const;
+          void addToEdge (EdgePtr_t comp) const;
+          void specifyFoliation (LevelSetEdgePtr_t lse) const;
-        void addToNode (NodePtr_t comp) const;
-        void addToEdge (EdgePtr_t comp) const;
-        void specifyFoliation (LevelSetEdgePtr_t lse) const;
-        bool isFoliated () const {
-          return lj_fol.empty () && nc_fol.nc.empty ();
-        }
-      };
-      {
-        public:
-          typedef std::pair <WaypointEdgePtr_t, WaypointEdgePtr_t> WaypointEdgePair_t;
-          WaypointEdgePair_t createWaypoints (
+          bool isFoliated () const {
+            return lj_fol.empty () && nc_fol.nc.empty ();
+          }
+        };
+        typedef std::pair <EdgePtr_t, EdgePtr_t> EdgePair_t;
+        enum GraspingCase {
+          NoGrasp = 0,
+          GraspOnly = 1 << 0,
+          WithPreGrasp = 1 << 1
+        };
+        enum PlacementCase {
+          NoPlace = 1 << 2,
+          PlaceOnly = 1 << 3,
+          WithPrePlace = 1 << 4
+        };
+        /// Create edges according to the case.
+        /// gCase is a logical OR combination of GraspingCase and PlacementCase
+        ///
+        /// When an argument is not relevant, use the default constructor
+        /// of FoliatedManifold
+        template < int gCase >
+          EdgePair_t createEdges (
               const std::string& forwName,   const std::string& backName,
               const NodePtr_t& from,         const NodePtr_t& to,
               const size_type& wForw,        const size_type& wBack,
               const FoliatedManifold& grasp, const FoliatedManifold& pregrasp,
               const FoliatedManifold& place, const FoliatedManifold& preplace,
-              const bool levelSetPlace,      const bool levelSetGrasp,
+              const bool levelSetGrasp,      const bool levelSetPlace,
               const FoliatedManifold& submanifoldDef = FoliatedManifold ()
-      };
-      /// \}
+        /// \}
+      } // namespace helper
     } // namespace graph
   } // namespace manipulation
 } // namespace hpp
diff --git a/src/graph/helper.cc b/src/graph/helper.cc
index 4d9b91194f674cb44898289d4dedf88d5816d708..41cf89775d2ba15b8601c33e32d9fbbbea6fc0cc 100644
--- a/src/graph/helper.cc
+++ b/src/graph/helper.cc
@@ -18,184 +18,417 @@
 #include <hpp/util/debug.hh>
-#include "hpp/manipulation/graph/node.hh"
-#include "hpp/manipulation/graph/edge.hh"
-#include "hpp/manipulation/graph/node-selector.hh"
+#include <hpp/manipulation/graph/node.hh>
+#include <hpp/manipulation/graph/edge.hh>
+#include <hpp/manipulation/graph/node-selector.hh>
 namespace hpp {
   namespace manipulation {
     namespace graph {
-      template <bool forPath>
-        void NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs::addToComp
-        (GraphComponentPtr_t comp) const
-      {
-        if (nc.empty ()) return;
-        NodePtr_t n;
-        if (forPath) {
-          n = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (Node, comp);
-          if (!n) throw std::logic_error ("Wrong type: expect a Node");
+      namespace helper {
+        template <bool forPath>
+          void NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs::addToComp
+          (GraphComponentPtr_t comp) const
+        {
+          if (nc.empty ()) return;
+          NodePtr_t n;
+          if (forPath) {
+            n = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (Node, comp);
+            if (!n) throw std::logic_error ("Wrong type: expect a Node");
+          }
+          NumericalConstraints_t::const_iterator it;
+          IntervalsContainer_t::const_iterator itpdof = pdof.begin ();
+          for (it = nc.begin (); it != nc.end (); ++it) {
+            if (forPath) n->addNumericalConstraintForPath (*it, *itpdof);
+            else      comp->addNumericalConstraint (*it, *itpdof);
+            ++itpdof;
+          }
+          assert (itpdof == pdof.end ());
-        NumericalConstraints_t::const_iterator it;
-        IntervalsContainer_t::const_iterator itpdof = pdof.begin ();
-        for (it = nc.begin (); it != nc.end (); ++it) {
-          if (forPath) n->addNumericalConstraintForPath (*it, *itpdof);
-          else      comp->addNumericalConstraint (*it, *itpdof);
-          ++itpdof;
+        template <bool param>
+          void NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs::specifyFoliation
+          (LevelSetEdgePtr_t lse) const
+        {
+          NumericalConstraints_t::const_iterator it;
+          IntervalsContainer_t::const_iterator itpdof = pdof.begin ();
+          for (it = nc.begin (); it != nc.end (); ++it) {
+            if (param) lse->insertParamConstraint (*it, *itpdof);
+            else   lse->insertConditionConstraint (*it, *itpdof);
+            ++itpdof;
+          }
+          assert (itpdof == pdof.end ());
+        }
+        void FoliatedManifold::addToNode (NodePtr_t comp) const
+        {
+          nc.addToComp <false> (comp);
+          for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj.begin ();
+              it != lj.end (); ++it)
+            comp->addLockedJointConstraint (*it);
+          nc_path.addToComp <true> (comp);
+        }
+        void FoliatedManifold::addToEdge (EdgePtr_t comp) const
+        {
+          nc_fol.addToComp <false> (comp);
+          for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj_fol.begin ();
+              it != lj_fol.end (); ++it)
+            comp->addLockedJointConstraint (*it);
-        assert (itpdof == pdof.end ());
-      }
-      template <bool param>
-        void NumericalConstraintsAndPassiveDofs::specifyFoliation
-        (LevelSetEdgePtr_t lse) const
-      {
-        NumericalConstraints_t::const_iterator it;
-        IntervalsContainer_t::const_iterator itpdof = pdof.begin ();
-        for (it = nc.begin (); it != nc.end (); ++it) {
-          if (param) lse->insertParamConstraint (*it, *itpdof);
-          else   lse->insertConditionConstraint (*it, *itpdof);
-          ++itpdof;
+        void FoliatedManifold::specifyFoliation (LevelSetEdgePtr_t lse) const
+        {
+          nc.specifyFoliation <false> (lse);
+          for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj.begin ();
+              it != lj.end (); ++it)
+            lse->insertConditionConstraint (*it);
+          nc_fol.specifyFoliation <true> (lse);
+          for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj_fol.begin ();
+              it != lj_fol.end (); ++it)
+            lse->insertParamConstraint (*it);
-        assert (itpdof == pdof.end ());
-      }
-      void FoliatedManifold::addToNode (NodePtr_t comp) const
-      {
-        nc.addToComp <false> (comp);
-        for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj.begin ();
-            it != lj.end (); ++it)
-          comp->addLockedJointConstraint (*it);
-        nc_path.addToComp <true> (comp);
-      }
-      void FoliatedManifold::addToEdge (EdgePtr_t comp) const
-      {
-        nc_fol.addToComp <false> (comp);
-        for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj_fol.begin ();
-            it != lj_fol.end (); ++it)
-          comp->addLockedJointConstraint (*it);
-      }
-      void FoliatedManifold::specifyFoliation (LevelSetEdgePtr_t lse) const
-      {
-        nc.specifyFoliation <false> (lse);
-        for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj.begin ();
-            it != lj.end (); ++it)
-          lse->insertConditionConstraint (*it);
-        nc_fol.specifyFoliation <true> (lse);
-        for (LockedJoints_t::const_iterator it = lj_fol.begin ();
-            it != lj_fol.end (); ++it)
-          lse->insertParamConstraint (*it);
-      }
-      Helper::WaypointEdgePair_t Helper::createWaypoints (
-          const std::string& forwName,   const std::string& backName,
-          const NodePtr_t& from,         const NodePtr_t& to,
-          const size_type& wForw,        const size_type& wBack,
-          const FoliatedManifold& grasp, const FoliatedManifold& pregrasp,
-          const FoliatedManifold& place, const FoliatedManifold& preplace,
-          const bool levelSetPlace,      const bool levelSetGrasp,
-          const FoliatedManifold& submanifoldDef)
-      {
-        // Create the edges
-        WaypointEdgePtr_t weForw = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (WaypointEdge,
-            from->linkTo (forwName,    to, wForw, WaypointEdge::create)),
-                          weBack = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (WaypointEdge,
-            to->  linkTo (backName, from, wBack, WaypointEdge::create));
-        weForw->nbWaypoints (3);
-        weBack->nbWaypoints (3);
-        std::string name = forwName;
-        NodeSelectorPtr_t ns = weForw->parentGraph ()->nodeSelector ();
-        NodePtr_t n0 = from,
-                  n1 = ns->createNode (name + "_pregrasp", true),
-                  n2 = ns->createNode (name + "_intersec", true),
-                  n3 = ns->createNode (name + "_preplace",  true),
-                  n4 = to;
-        EdgePtr_t e01 = n0->linkTo (name + "_e01", n1, -1, Edge::create),
-                  e12 = n1->linkTo (name + "_e12", n2, -1,
-                      (levelSetGrasp?(Node::EdgeFactory)LevelSetEdge::create:Edge::create)),
-                  e23 = n2->linkTo (name + "_e23", n3, -1, Edge::create),
-                  e34 = weForw;
-        // Set the edges properties
-        e01->node (n0);
-        e12->node (n0); e12->setShort (true);
-        e23->node (n4); e23->setShort (true);
-        e34->node (n4);
-        // set the nodes constraints
-        // From and to are not populated automatically to avoid duplicates.
-           place.addToNode (n1);
-        pregrasp.addToNode (n1);
-        submanifoldDef.addToNode (n1);
-           place.addToNode (n2);
-           grasp.addToNode (n2);
-        submanifoldDef.addToNode (n2);
-        preplace.addToNode (n3);
-           grasp.addToNode (n3);
-        submanifoldDef.addToNode (n3);
-        // Set the edges constraints
-           place.addToEdge (e01);
-        submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e01);
-           place.addToEdge (e12);
-        submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e12);
-           grasp.addToEdge (e23);
-        submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e23);
-           grasp.addToEdge (e34);
-        submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e34);
-        // Set the waypoints
-        weForw->setWaypoint (0, e01, n1);
-        weForw->setWaypoint (1, e12, n2);
-        weForw->setWaypoint (2, e23, n3);
-        // Populate bacward edge
-        EdgePtr_t e43 = n4->linkTo (name + "_e43", n3, -1, Edge::create),
-                  e32 = n3->linkTo (name + "_e12", n2, -1,
-                      (levelSetPlace?(Node::EdgeFactory)LevelSetEdge::create:Edge::create)),
-                  e21 = n2->linkTo (name + "_e23", n1, -1, Edge::create),
-                  e10 = weBack;
-        e43->node (n4);
-        e32->node (n4); e32->setShort (true);
-        e21->node (n0); e21->setShort (true);
-        e10->node (n0);
-           place.addToEdge (e10);
-        submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e10);
-           place.addToEdge (e21);
-        submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e21);
-           grasp.addToEdge (e32);
-        submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e32);
-           grasp.addToEdge (e43);
-        submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e43);
-        weBack->setWaypoint (0, e43, n3);
-        weBack->setWaypoint (1, e32, n2);
-        weBack->setWaypoint (2, e21, n1);
-        if (levelSetPlace && !place.isFoliated ()) {
-          hppDout (warning, "You asked for a LevelSetEdge for placement, "
-              "but did not specify the target foliation. "
-              "It will have no effect");
-        } else {
-          place.specifyFoliation (HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (LevelSetEdge, e32));
+        template <> EdgePair_t
+          createEdges <WithPreGrasp | WithPrePlace> (
+              const std::string& forwName,   const std::string& backName,
+              const NodePtr_t& from,         const NodePtr_t& to,
+              const size_type& wForw,        const size_type& wBack,
+              const FoliatedManifold& grasp, const FoliatedManifold& pregrasp,
+              const FoliatedManifold& place, const FoliatedManifold& preplace,
+              const bool levelSetGrasp,      const bool levelSetPlace,
+              const FoliatedManifold& submanifoldDef)
+          {
+            // Create the edges
+            WaypointEdgePtr_t weForw = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (WaypointEdge,
+                from->linkTo (forwName,    to, wForw, WaypointEdge::create)),
+            weBack = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (WaypointEdge,
+                to->  linkTo (backName, from, wBack, WaypointEdge::create));
+            weForw->nbWaypoints (3);
+            weBack->nbWaypoints (3);
+            std::string name = forwName;
+            NodeSelectorPtr_t ns = weForw->parentGraph ()->nodeSelector ();
+            NodePtr_t n0 = from,
+                      n1 = ns->createNode (name + "_pregrasp", true),
+                      n2 = ns->createNode (name + "_intersec", true),
+                      n3 = ns->createNode (name + "_preplace",  true),
+                      n4 = to;
+            EdgePtr_t e01 = n0->linkTo (name + "_e01", n1, -1, Edge::create),
+                      e12 = n1->linkTo (name + "_e12", n2, -1, Edge::create),
+                      e23 = n2->linkTo (name + "_e23", n3, -1, Edge::create),
+                      e34 = weForw;
+            LevelSetEdgePtr_t e12_ls;
+            if (levelSetGrasp)
+              e12_ls = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (LevelSetEdge,
+                  n1->linkTo (name + "_e12_ls", n2, -1, LevelSetEdge::create));
+            // Set the edges properties
+            e01->node (n0);
+            e12->node (n0); e12->setShort (true);
+            e23->node (n4); e23->setShort (true);
+            e34->node (n4);
+            // set the nodes constraints
+            // From and to are not populated automatically to avoid duplicates.
+            place.addToNode (n1);
+            pregrasp.addToNode (n1);
+            submanifoldDef.addToNode (n1);
+            place.addToNode (n2);
+            grasp.addToNode (n2);
+            submanifoldDef.addToNode (n2);
+            preplace.addToNode (n3);
+            grasp.addToNode (n3);
+            submanifoldDef.addToNode (n3);
+            // Set the edges constraints
+            place.addToEdge (e01);
+            submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e01);
+            place.addToEdge (e12);
+            submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e12);
+            grasp.addToEdge (e23);
+            submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e23);
+            grasp.addToEdge (e34);
+            submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e34);
+            // Set the waypoints
+            weForw->setWaypoint (0, e01, n1);
+            weForw->setWaypoint (1, (levelSetGrasp)?e12_ls:e12, n2);
+            weForw->setWaypoint (2, e23, n3);
+            // Populate bacward edge
+            EdgePtr_t e43 = n4->linkTo (name + "_e43", n3, -1, Edge::create),
+                      e32 = n3->linkTo (name + "_e32", n2, -1, Edge::create),
+                      e21 = n2->linkTo (name + "_e21", n1, -1, Edge::create),
+                      e10 = weBack;
+            LevelSetEdgePtr_t e32_ls;
+            if (levelSetPlace)
+              e32_ls = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (LevelSetEdge,
+                  n3->linkTo (name + "_e32_ls", n2, -1, LevelSetEdge::create));
+            e43->node (n4);
+            e32->node (n4); e32->setShort (true);
+            e21->node (n0); e21->setShort (true);
+            e10->node (n0);
+            place.addToEdge (e10);
+            submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e10);
+            place.addToEdge (e21);
+            submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e21);
+            grasp.addToEdge (e32);
+            submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e32);
+            grasp.addToEdge (e43);
+            submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e43);
+            weBack->setWaypoint (0, e43, n3);
+            weForw->setWaypoint (1, (levelSetGrasp)?e32_ls:e32, n2);
+            weBack->setWaypoint (2, e21, n1);
+            if (levelSetPlace) {
+              if (!place.isFoliated ()) {
+                hppDout (warning, "You asked for a LevelSetEdge for placement, "
+                    "but did not specify the target foliation. "
+                    "It will have no effect");
+              }
+              e32_ls->node (n4);
+              e32_ls->setShort (true);
+              grasp.addToEdge (e32_ls);
+              place.specifyFoliation (e32_ls);
+              submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e32_ls);
+            }
+            if (levelSetGrasp) {
+              if (!grasp.isFoliated ()) {
+                hppDout (warning, "You asked for a LevelSetEdge for grasping, "
+                    "but did not specify the target foliation. "
+                    "It will have no effect");
+              }
+              e12_ls->node (n0);
+              e12_ls->setShort (true);
+              place.addToEdge (e12_ls);
+              grasp.specifyFoliation (e12_ls);
+              submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e12_ls);
+            }
+            return std::make_pair (weForw, weBack);
+          }
+        template <> EdgePair_t
+          createEdges <GraspOnly | PlaceOnly>(
+            const std::string& forwName,   const std::string& backName,
+            const NodePtr_t& from,         const NodePtr_t& to,
+            const size_type& wForw,        const size_type& wBack,
+            const FoliatedManifold& grasp, const FoliatedManifold& ,
+            const FoliatedManifold& place, const FoliatedManifold& ,
+            const bool levelSetGrasp,      const bool levelSetPlace,
+            const FoliatedManifold& submanifoldDef)
+        {
+          // Create the edges
+          WaypointEdgePtr_t weForw = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (WaypointEdge,
+              from->linkTo (forwName,    to, wForw, WaypointEdge::create)),
+          weBack = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (WaypointEdge,
+              to->  linkTo (backName, from, wBack, WaypointEdge::create));
+          weForw->nbWaypoints (1);
+          weBack->nbWaypoints (1);
+          std::string name = forwName;
+          NodeSelectorPtr_t ns = weForw->parentGraph ()->nodeSelector ();
+          NodePtr_t n0 = from,
+                    n1 = ns->createNode (name + "_intersec", true),
+                    n2 = to;
+          EdgePtr_t e01 = n0->linkTo (name + "_e01", n1, -1, Edge::create),
+                    e12 = weForw;
+          LevelSetEdgePtr_t e01_ls;
+          if (levelSetGrasp)
+            e01_ls = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (LevelSetEdge,
+                n0->linkTo (name + "_e01_ls", n1, -1, LevelSetEdge::create));
+          // Set the edges properties
+          e01->node (n0);
+          e12->node (n1);
+          // set the nodes constraints
+          // From and to are not populated automatically to avoid duplicates.
+          place.addToNode (n1);
+          grasp.addToNode (n1);
+          submanifoldDef.addToNode (n1);
+          // Set the edges constraints
+          place.addToEdge (e01);
+          submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e01);
+          grasp.addToEdge (e12);
+          submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e12);
+          // Set the waypoints
+          weForw->setWaypoint (0, (levelSetGrasp)?e01_ls:e01, n1);
+          // Populate bacward edge
+          EdgePtr_t e21 = n2->linkTo (name + "_e21", n1, -1, Edge::create),
+                    e10 = weBack;
+          LevelSetEdgePtr_t e21_ls;
+          if (levelSetPlace)
+            e21_ls = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (LevelSetEdge,
+                n2->linkTo (name + "_e21_ls", n1, -1, LevelSetEdge::create));
+          e21->node (n2);
+          e10->node (n0);
+          place.addToEdge (e10);
+          submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e10);
+          grasp.addToEdge (e21);
+          submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e21);
+          weForw->setWaypoint (0, (levelSetGrasp)?e21_ls:e21, n1);
+          if (levelSetPlace) {
+            if (!place.isFoliated ()) {
+              hppDout (warning, "You asked for a LevelSetEdge for placement, "
+                  "but did not specify the target foliation. "
+                  "It will have no effect");
+            }
+            e21_ls->node (n2);
+            e21_ls->setShort (true);
+            grasp.addToEdge (e21_ls);
+            place.specifyFoliation (e21_ls);
+            submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e21_ls);
+          }
+          if (levelSetGrasp) {
+            if (!grasp.isFoliated ()) {
+              hppDout (warning, "You asked for a LevelSetEdge for grasping, "
+                  "but did not specify the target foliation. "
+                  "It will have no effect");
+            }
+            e01_ls->node (n0);
+            e01_ls->setShort (true);
+            place.addToEdge (e01_ls);
+            grasp.specifyFoliation (e01_ls);
+            submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e01_ls);
+          }
+          return std::make_pair (weForw, weBack);
-        if (levelSetGrasp && !grasp.isFoliated ()) {
-          hppDout (warning, "You asked for a LevelSetEdge for grasping, "
-              "but did not specify the target foliation. "
-              "It will have no effect");
-          grasp.specifyFoliation (HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (LevelSetEdge, e12));
+        template <> EdgePair_t
+          createEdges <WithPreGrasp | NoPlace>(
+            const std::string& forwName,   const std::string& backName,
+            const NodePtr_t& from,         const NodePtr_t& to,
+            const size_type& wForw,        const size_type& wBack,
+            const FoliatedManifold& grasp, const FoliatedManifold& pregrasp,
+            const FoliatedManifold&,       const FoliatedManifold&,
+            const bool levelSetGrasp,      const bool,
+            const FoliatedManifold& submanifoldDef)
+        {
+          // Create the edges
+          WaypointEdgePtr_t weForw = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (WaypointEdge,
+              from->linkTo (forwName,    to, wForw, WaypointEdge::create)),
+          weBack = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (WaypointEdge,
+              to->  linkTo (backName, from, wBack, WaypointEdge::create));
+          weForw->nbWaypoints (1);
+          weBack->nbWaypoints (1);
+          std::string name = forwName;
+          NodeSelectorPtr_t ns = weForw->parentGraph ()->nodeSelector ();
+          NodePtr_t n0 = from,
+                    n1 = ns->createNode (name + "_pregrasp", true),
+                    n2 = to;
+          EdgePtr_t e01 = n0->linkTo (name + "_e01", n1, -1, Edge::create),
+                    e12 = weForw;
+          LevelSetEdgePtr_t e12_ls;
+          if (levelSetGrasp)
+            e12_ls = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (LevelSetEdge,
+                n1->linkTo (name + "_e12_ls", n2, -1, LevelSetEdge::create));
+          // Set the edges properties
+          e01->node (n0);
+          e12->node (n0); e12->setShort (true);
+          // set the nodes constraints
+          // From and to are not populated automatically to avoid duplicates.
+          pregrasp.addToNode (n1);
+          submanifoldDef.addToNode (n1);
+          // Set the edges constraints
+          submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e01);
+          submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e12);
+          // Set the waypoints
+          weForw->setWaypoint (0, e01, n1);
+          // weForw->setWaypoint (1, (levelSetGrasp)?e12_ls:e12, n2);
+          // Populate bacward edge
+          EdgePtr_t e21 = n2->linkTo (name + "_e21", n1, -1, Edge::create),
+                    e10 = weBack;
+          e21->node (n0); e21->setShort (true);
+          e10->node (n0);
+          submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e10);
+          submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e21);
+          weForw->setWaypoint (0, e21, n1);
+          if (levelSetGrasp) {
+            hppDout (error, "You specified a foliated grasp with no placement. "
+                "This is currently unsupported.");
+            if (!grasp.isFoliated ()) {
+              hppDout (warning, "You asked for a LevelSetEdge for grasping, "
+                  "but did not specify the target foliation. "
+                  "It will have no effect");
+            }
+            e12_ls->node (n0);
+            e12_ls->setShort (true);
+            grasp.specifyFoliation (e12_ls);
+            submanifoldDef.addToEdge (e12_ls);
+          }
+          return std::make_pair (weForw, weBack);
-        return std::make_pair (weForw, weBack);
-      }
+        template <> EdgePair_t
+          createEdges <GraspOnly | NoPlace>(
+            const std::string& forwName,   const std::string& backName,
+            const NodePtr_t& from,         const NodePtr_t& to,
+            const size_type& wForw,        const size_type& wBack,
+            const FoliatedManifold& grasp, const FoliatedManifold&,
+            const FoliatedManifold&,       const FoliatedManifold&,
+            const bool levelSetGrasp,      const bool,
+            const FoliatedManifold& submanifoldDef)
+        {
+          // Create the edges
+          EdgePtr_t eForw;
+          if (levelSetGrasp)
+                    eForw = from->linkTo (forwName,   to, wForw, LevelSetEdge::create);
+          else      eForw = from->linkTo (forwName,   to, wForw, Edge::create);
+          EdgePtr_t eBack = to->  linkTo (backName, from, wBack, Edge::create);
+          std::string name = forwName;
+          eForw->node (from);
+          submanifoldDef.addToEdge (eForw);
+          eBack->node (from);
+          submanifoldDef.addToEdge (eBack);
+          if (levelSetGrasp) {
+            if (!grasp.isFoliated ()) {
+              hppDout (warning, "You asked for a LevelSetEdge for grasping, "
+                  "but did not specify the target foliation. "
+                  "It will have no effect");
+            }
+            grasp.specifyFoliation (HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST (LevelSetEdge, eForw));
+          }
+          return std::make_pair (eForw, eBack);
+        }
     } // namespace graph
   } // namespace manipulation
 } // namespace hpp