diff --git a/include/hpp/manipulation/axial-handle.hh b/include/hpp/manipulation/axial-handle.hh
index 6a947de34590a51840d464be36364ee77cabbc2b..28de06e943402494c9285e410a2823bf5e96ac00 100644
--- a/include/hpp/manipulation/axial-handle.hh
+++ b/include/hpp/manipulation/axial-handle.hh
@@ -63,6 +63,13 @@ namespace hpp {
       virtual NumericalConstraintPtr_t createGraspComplement
       (const GripperPtr_t& gripper, std::string name) const;
+      /// Create constraint composed of grasp constraint and its complement
+      /// \param gripper object containing the gripper information
+      /// \return the composition of grasp constraint and its complement.
+      /// \note the 6 degrees of freedom are constrained
+      virtual NumericalConstraintPtr_t createGraspAndComplement
+      (const GripperPtr_t& gripper, std::string name) const;
       /// Create constraint corresponding to a pregrasping task.
       /// \param gripper object containing the gripper information
       /// \return the constraint of relative transformation between the handle and
diff --git a/include/hpp/manipulation/handle.hh b/include/hpp/manipulation/handle.hh
index 7dc2c249abfde989470c6d7007f185a059fafece..a0e7ebbec5ad8b4e3f1bf82e3a62f3a7adfb16ab 100644
--- a/include/hpp/manipulation/handle.hh
+++ b/include/hpp/manipulation/handle.hh
@@ -94,21 +94,30 @@ namespace hpp {
       const std::vector<bool>& mask () const
       { return mask_; }
-      /// Create constraint corresponding to a gripper grasping this object
+      /// Create constraint corresponding to a gripper grasping this handle
       /// \param gripper object containing the gripper information
-      /// \return the constraint of relative transformation between the handle and
-      ///         the gripper.
+      /// \return the constraint of relative transformation between the handle
+      ///         and the gripper.
       /// \note The 6 DOFs of the relative transformation are constrained.
       virtual NumericalConstraintPtr_t createGrasp
       (const GripperPtr_t& gripper, std::string name) const;
-      /// Create constraint that acts on the non-constrained axis of the
-      /// constraint generated by Handle::createGrasp.
+      /// Create complement constraint of gripper grasping this handle
       /// \param gripper object containing the gripper information
-      /// \return a constraints that is not doing anything.
+      /// \return trivial constraint
+      /// \note for this base class, the complement constraint is trivial, i.e.
+      ///       it is of dimension 0.
       virtual NumericalConstraintPtr_t createGraspComplement
       (const GripperPtr_t& gripper, std::string name) const;
+      /// Create constraint composed of grasp constraint and its complement
+      /// \param gripper object containing the gripper information
+      /// \return the composition of grasp constraint and its complement.
+      /// \note for this base class, this constraint is the same as the grasp
+      ///       constraint.
+      virtual NumericalConstraintPtr_t createGraspAndComplement
+      (const GripperPtr_t& gripper, std::string name) const;
       /// Create constraint corresponding to a pregrasping task.
       /// \param gripper object containing the gripper information
       /// \return the constraint of relative transformation between the handle and
diff --git a/src/axial-handle.cc b/src/axial-handle.cc
index ee652d88e3e5dad01835a58e911ba0f42f98e015..1c5af7e530d6852b363f05b1fa3bc9e99d213c26 100644
--- a/src/axial-handle.cc
+++ b/src/axial-handle.cc
@@ -115,6 +115,12 @@ namespace hpp {
 				      DoubleInequality::create (width)));
+    NumericalConstraintPtr_t AxialHandle::createGraspAndComplement
+    (const GripperPtr_t& gripper, std::string n) const
+    {
+      return Handle::createGraspAndComplement (gripper, n);
+    }
     HandlePtr_t AxialHandle::clone () const
       AxialHandlePtr_t self = weakPtr_.lock ();
diff --git a/src/handle.cc b/src/handle.cc
index d9e79e319a4617fc97d73d30727bd77ae6698326..9ed70574279419b0a67e573b48c47d5aa4af87ce 100644
--- a/src/handle.cc
+++ b/src/handle.cc
@@ -107,16 +107,15 @@ namespace hpp {
     (const GripperPtr_t& gripper, std::string n) const
       using core::ExplicitRelativeTransformation;
+      if (n.empty()) {
+        n = gripper->name() + "_grasps_" + name() + "_" + maskToStr (mask_);
+      }
       // If handle is on a freeflying object, create an explicit constraint
       if (is6Dmask(mask_) && isHandleOnFreeflyer (*this)) {
-        if (n.empty())
-          n = "Explicit_relative_transform_" + name() + "_" + gripper->name();
 	return ExplicitRelativeTransformation::create
 	  (n, gripper->joint ()->robot (), gripper->joint (), joint (),
 	   gripper->objectPositionInJoint (), localPosition())->createNumericalConstraint();
-      if (n.empty())
-        n = "Grasp_" + maskToStr(mask_) + "_" + name() + "_" + gripper->name();
       return NumericalConstraintPtr_t
 	(NumericalConstraint::create (RelativeTransformation::create
@@ -129,20 +128,19 @@ namespace hpp {
     NumericalConstraintPtr_t Handle::createGraspComplement
     (const GripperPtr_t& gripper, std::string n) const
+      if (n.empty()) {
+        std::vector<bool> Cmask = complementMask(mask_);
+        n = gripper->name() + "_grasps_" + name() + "/complement_" +
+          maskToStr (Cmask);
+      }
       core::DevicePtr_t robot = gripper->joint()->robot();
       if (is6Dmask(mask_)) {
-        if (n.empty())
-          n = "GraspComp_(0,0,0,0,0,0)_" + name () + "_" + gripper->name ();
         return NumericalConstraint::create (
             boost::shared_ptr <ZeroDiffFunc> (new ZeroDiffFunc (
                 robot->configSize(), robot->numberDof (), n))
       } else {
-        // TODO handle cases where rotations or translation are allowed.
         std::vector<bool> Cmask = complementMask(mask_);
-        if (n.empty())
-          n = "Transformation_" + maskToStr(Cmask) + "_" + name ()
-            + "_" + gripper->name ();
         RelativeTransformationPtr_t function = RelativeTransformation::create
@@ -157,10 +155,35 @@ namespace hpp {
+    NumericalConstraintPtr_t Handle::createGraspAndComplement
+    (const GripperPtr_t& gripper, std::string n) const
+    {
+      using boost::assign::list_of;
+      using core::ExplicitRelativeTransformation;
+      if (n.empty()) {
+        n = gripper->name() + "_holds_" + name();
+      }
+      // If handle is on a freeflying object, create an explicit constraint
+      if (isHandleOnFreeflyer (*this)) {
+	return ExplicitRelativeTransformation::create
+	  (n, gripper->joint ()->robot (), gripper->joint (), joint (),
+	   gripper->objectPositionInJoint (),
+           localPosition())->createNumericalConstraint();
+      }
+      return NumericalConstraintPtr_t
+	(NumericalConstraint::create (RelativeTransformation::create
+				      (n,
+				       gripper->joint()->robot(),
+				       gripper->joint (), joint (),
+				       gripper->objectPositionInJoint (),
+				       localPosition(),
+                                       list_of (true)(true)(true)(true)(true)
+                                       (true))));
+    }
     NumericalConstraintPtr_t Handle::createPreGrasp
     (const GripperPtr_t& gripper, const value_type& shift, std::string n) const
-      using boost::assign::list_of;
       Transform3f transform = gripper->objectPositionInJoint ()
         * Transform3f (I3, vector3_t (shift,0,0));
       if (n.empty())