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  • Joseph Mirabel's avatar
    Wrap library into namespace hpp. · 788afa0d
    Joseph Mirabel authored and Joseph Mirabel's avatar Joseph Mirabel committed
    * Commands executed:
    * find include src test -iname "*.h" -type f -exec sed -i "s/^namespace fcl/namespace hpp\n{\nnamespace fcl/; \$i} // namespace hpp\n" {} \;
    * find src -iname "*.cpp" -type f -exec sed -i "s/^namespace fcl/namespace hpp\n{\nnamespace fcl/; \$a\\\n} // namespace hpp" {} \;
    * find test/ -iname "*.cpp" -type f -exec sed -i "s/using namespace fcl/using namespace hpp::fcl/; s/fcl::/hpp::fcl::/g" {} \;