From ad626ed3b3b8033ca5bb5e7eff0222365593f12e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: andreadelprete <>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 14:52:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Improve documentation

---                                     | 32 +++++++++++++++++--
 .../static_equilibrium.hh                     |  2 ++
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index b4acf3d..a788cb6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,11 +1,37 @@
 # RobustEquilibriumLib
 Utility classes to check the (robust) equilibrium of a system in contact with the environment.
+The main class that collects all the equilibrium-related algorithms is ```StaticEquilibrium```.
+All the algorithms take as input:
+* A list of contact points
+* A list of contact normals
+* A list of friction coefficients
+* The number of generators used for the linear approximations of the friction cones
+* The mass of the system
+Once these input parameters have been specified the user has access to four main algorithms:
+* computeEquilibriumRobustness: compute the robustness of the equilibrium of a given a CoM (center of mass) position (negative values mean the system can not be in equilibrium).
+* checkRobustEquilibrium: checks whether the system can be in equilibrium in a specified CoM position and with a specified robustness level.
+* findExtremumOverLine: Find the extremum com position that is in robust equilibrium along the specified line.
+* findExtremumInDirection: Find the extremum com position that is in robust equilibrium in the specified direction.
+All these problems boil down to solving Linear Programs.
+Different formulations are implemented and tested in ```test_static_equilibrium```.
+More details can be found in the code documentation.
+In the end, we found the dual LP formulation (DLP) to be the fastest.
+The test ```test_LP_solvers``` tries to solve some LP problems using qpOases and checks that the results are correct.
 ## Dependencies
-Eigen (at least version 3.2.2), cdd lib, qpOases.
+* [Eigen (version >= 3.2.2)](
+* [cdd lib](
+* [qpOases (version >= 3.0beta)](
 You can install cdd lib under Ubuntu 12.04 with the following command:
 sudo apt-get install libcdd-dev
-To install qpOases follow the instructions you can find at this page:
-For Eigen follow the instructions you can find at this page:
+For Eigen and qpOases follow the instructions at the relative webpage (links in the list above).
+### Optional
+As an alternative to qpOases you can use [CLP]( to solve linear programs.
+However, we found qpOases to be faster and more reliable, so we suggest you to stick with qpOases.
diff --git a/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/static_equilibrium.hh b/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/static_equilibrium.hh
index 4e616c6..9887c79 100644
--- a/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/static_equilibrium.hh
+++ b/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/static_equilibrium.hh
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ public:
    * @brief Specify a new set of contacts.
+   * All 3d vectors are expressed in a reference frame having the z axis aligned with gravity.
+   * In other words the gravity vecotr is (0, 0, -9.81).
    * @param contactPoints List of N 3d contact points as an Nx3 matrix.
    * @param contactNormals List of N 3d contact normal directions as an Nx3 matrix.
    * @param frictionCoefficients List of N friction coefficients.