diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 5faf2e4a4e5cff3503dda00244dfa921a445da59..56a2770f7bf99000862aa25cb18231df2dfe1325 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
 # Declare Headers
+    include/robust-equilibrium-lib/util.hh
diff --git a/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/config.hh b/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/config.hh
index ef304c476b87539ad7856a2f22d21d833eb56b38..850e82db57b452d0fb84c75330ce5fc110aa4916 100644
--- a/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/config.hh
+++ b/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/config.hh
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
-#include <Eigen/Dense>
-#include <Eigen/src/Core/util/Macros.h>
 // Package version (header).
@@ -52,62 +49,4 @@
-namespace robust_equilibrium
-//#define USE_FLOAT 1;
-#ifdef USE_FLOAT
-typedef float value_type;
-typedef double value_type;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 2, 1>                                            Vector2;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 1, 2>                                            RVector2;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 3, 1>                                            Vector3;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 1, 3>                                            RVector3;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>                               VectorX;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 1, Eigen::Dynamic>                               RVectorX;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>                           Rotation;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>              MatrixX3;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 4, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>                           Matrix43;
-typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> MatrixXX;
-//define Eigen ref if available
-typedef Eigen::Ref<Vector2>     Ref_vector2;
-typedef Eigen::Ref<Vector3>     Ref_vector3;
-typedef Eigen::Ref<VectorX>     Ref_vectorX;
-typedef Eigen::Ref<Rotation>    Ref_rotation;
-typedef Eigen::Ref<MatrixX3>    Ref_matrixX3;
-typedef Eigen::Ref<Matrix43>    Ref_matrix43;
-typedef Eigen::Ref<MatrixXX>    Ref_matrixXX;
-typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Vector2>     & Cref_vector2;
-typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Vector3>     & Cref_vector3;
-typedef const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX>     & Cref_vectorX;
-typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Rotation>    & Cref_rotation;
-typedef const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX3>    & Cref_matrixX3;
-typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix43>    & Cref_matrix43;
-typedef const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixXX>    & Cref_matrixXX;
-typedef vector2_t   & Ref_vector2;
-typedef vector3_t   & Ref_vector3;
-typedef vector_t    & Ref_vector;
-typedef rotation_t  & Ref_rotation;
-typedef T_rotation_t& Ref_matrixX3;
-typedef T_rotation_t& Ref_matrix43;
-typedef matrix_t    & Ref_matrixXX;
-typedef const vector2_t   & Cref_vector2;
-typedef const vector3_t   & Cref_vector3;
-typedef const vector_t    & Cref_vector;
-typedef const rotation_t  & Cref_rotation;
-typedef const T_rotation_t& Cref_matrixX3;
-typedef const T_rotation_t& Cref_matrix43;
-typedef const matrix_t    & Cref_matrixXX;
-} //namespace robust_equilibrium
diff --git a/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/static_equilibrium.hh b/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/static_equilibrium.hh
index 3fcc887cfee41445cfe22603ecd0e795702ce2e1..78604c80a782dc4db14baad4caaaab1d4663f4ab 100644
--- a/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/static_equilibrium.hh
+++ b/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/static_equilibrium.hh
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include <Eigen/Dense>
 #include <robust-equilibrium-lib/config.hh>
+#include <robust-equilibrium-lib/util.hh>
 #include <robust-equilibrium-lib/solver_LP_abstract.hh>
 namespace robust_equilibrium
@@ -22,15 +23,40 @@ private:
   StaticEquilibriumAlgorithm  m_algorithm;
   SolverLPAbstract*           m_solver;
+  unsigned int m_generatorsPerContact;
+  double m_mass;
+  Vector3 m_gravity;
+   /** Tangent directions for all contacts (numberOfContacts*generatorsPerContact X 3) */
+  MatrixX3 m_T1, m_T2;
+  /** Matrix mapping contact forces to gravito-inertial wrench (6 X 3*numberOfContacts) */
+  Matrix6X m_A;
+  /** Lists of contact generators (3 X numberOfContacts*generatorsPerContact) */
+  Matrix3X m_G;
+  /** Gravito-inertial wrench generators (6 X numberOfContacts*generatorsPerContact) */
+  Matrix6X m_G_centr;
+  /** Inequality matrix defining the gravito-inertial wrench cone H w <= h */
+  MatrixXX m_H;
+  /** Inequality vector defining the gravito-inertial wrench cone H w <= h */
+  VectorX m_h;
+  /** Inequality matrix defining the CoM support polygon HD com + Hd <= h */
+  MatrixX2 m_HD;
+  VectorX  m_Hd;
+  /** Matrix and vector mapping 2d com position to GIW */
+  Matrix62 m_D;
+  Vector6 m_d;
+  bool computePolytopeProjection(Cref_matrix6X v);
-  StaticEquilibrium(unsigned int generatorsPerContact, SolverLP solver_type);
+  StaticEquilibrium(double mass, unsigned int generatorsPerContact, SolverLP solver_type);
   bool setNewContacts(Cref_matrixX3 contactPoints, Cref_matrixX3 contactNormals,
                       Cref_vectorX frictionCoefficients, StaticEquilibriumAlgorithm alg);
   double computeEquilibriumRobustness(Cref_vector2 com);
-  double checkRobustEquilibrium(Cref_vector2 com, double e_max=0.0);
+  bool checkRobustEquilibrium(Cref_vector2 com, double e_max=0.0);
   double findExtremumOverLine(Cref_vector2 a, double b, double e_max=0.0);
diff --git a/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/util.hh b/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/util.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8131b542bb8dd6668b608026472d0538b6a39301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/robust-equilibrium-lib/util.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#include <Eigen/Dense>
+#include <Eigen/src/Core/util/Macros.h>
+#include "cdd/cddmp.h"
+#include "cdd/setoper.h"
+#include "cdd/cddtypes.h"
+#include "cdd/cdd.h"
+namespace robust_equilibrium
+//#define USE_FLOAT 1;
+#ifdef USE_FLOAT
+typedef float value_type;
+typedef double value_type;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 2, 1>                                            Vector2;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 1, 2>                                            RVector2;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 3, 1>                                            Vector3;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 1, 3>                                            RVector3;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 6, 1>                                            Vector6;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>                               VectorX;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 1, Eigen::Dynamic>                               RVectorX;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>                           Rotation;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 2, Eigen::RowMajor>              MatrixX2;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>                           Matrix3;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>              MatrixX3;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 3, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>              Matrix3X;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 4, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>                           Matrix43;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 6, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>              Matrix6X;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 6, 2, Eigen::RowMajor>                           Matrix62;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> MatrixXX;
+//define Eigen ref if available
+typedef Eigen::Ref<Vector2>     Ref_vector2;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<Vector3>     Ref_vector3;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<VectorX>     Ref_vectorX;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<Rotation>    Ref_rotation;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<MatrixX3>    Ref_matrixX3;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<Matrix43>    Ref_matrix43;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<Matrix6X>    Ref_matrix6X;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<MatrixXX>    Ref_matrixXX;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Vector2>     & Cref_vector2;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Vector3>     & Cref_vector3;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX>     & Cref_vectorX;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Rotation>    & Cref_rotation;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX3>    & Cref_matrixX3;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix43>    & Cref_matrix43;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix6X>    & Cref_matrix6X;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixXX>    & Cref_matrixXX;
+typedef Vector2     & Ref_vector2;
+typedef Vector3     & Ref_vector3;
+typedef VectorX     & Ref_vector;
+typedef Rotation    & Ref_rotation;
+typedef MatrixX3    & Ref_matrixX3;
+typedef Matrix43    & Ref_matrix43;
+typedef Matrix6X    & Ref_matrix6X;
+typedef MatrixXX    & Ref_matrixXX;
+typedef const Vector2     & Cref_vector2;
+typedef const Vector3     & Cref_vector3;
+typedef const VectorX     & Cref_vectorX;
+typedef const Rotation    & Cref_rotation;
+typedef const MatrixX3    & Cref_matrixX3;
+typedef const Matrix43    & Cref_matrix43;
+typedef const Matrix6X    & Cref_matrix6X;
+typedef const MatrixXX    & Cref_matrixXX;
+ * Convert the specified list of rays from Eigen to cdd format.
+ * @param input The mXn input Eigen matrix contains m rays of dimension n.
+ * @return The mX(n+1) output cdd matrix, which contains an additional column,
+ * the first one, with all zeros.
+ */
+dd_MatrixPtr cone_span_eigen_to_cdd(Cref_matrixXX input);
+ * Compute the cross-product skew-symmetric matrix associated to the specified vector.
+ */
+Rotation crossMatrix(Cref_vector3 x);
+void init_library();
+void release_library();
+void uniform(Cref_matrixXX lower_bounds, Cref_matrixXX upper_bounds, Ref_matrixXX out);
+void euler_matrix(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, Ref_rotation R);
+bool generate_rectangle_contacts(double lx, double ly, Cref_vector3 pos, Cref_vector3 rpy,
+                                 Ref_matrix43 p, Ref_matrix43 N);
+} //namespace robust_equilibrium
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 3ff2216517d770915e62ff8e50ee38c6f5df2f12..e9646898a74d7fae6b672f185d0b95c2a1181fc6 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ SET(${LIBRARY_NAME}_SOURCES
+    util.cpp
diff --git a/src/static_equilibrium.cpp b/src/static_equilibrium.cpp
index a136d38158beb0bcd9f584c2104abeb79d19a27a..de7335000a5987ce111c14489020991d26f813c8 100644
--- a/src/static_equilibrium.cpp
+++ b/src/static_equilibrium.cpp
@@ -1,17 +1,93 @@
 #include <robust-equilibrium-lib/static_equilibrium.hh>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace std;
 namespace robust_equilibrium
-StaticEquilibrium::StaticEquilibrium(unsigned int generatorsPerContact, SolverLP solver_type)
+StaticEquilibrium::StaticEquilibrium(double mass, unsigned int generatorsPerContact, SolverLP solver_type)
+  m_generatorsPerContact = generatorsPerContact;
+  m_mass = mass;
+  m_gravity.setZero();
+  m_gravity(2) = -9.81;
+  m_d.setZero();
+  m_d.head<3>() = m_mass*m_gravity;
+  m_D.setZero();
+  m_D.block<3,2>(3,0) = crossMatrix(-m_mass*m_gravity).leftCols<2>();
 bool StaticEquilibrium::setNewContacts(Cref_matrixX3 contactPoints, Cref_matrixX3 contactNormals,
-                      Cref_vectorX frictionCoefficients, StaticEquilibriumAlgorithm alg)
+                                       Cref_vectorX frictionCoefficients, StaticEquilibriumAlgorithm alg)
+  assert(contactPoints.rows()==contactNormals.rows());
+  assert(contactPoints.rows()==frictionCoefficients.rows());
+  // compute tangent directions
+  long int c = contactPoints.rows();
+  int cg = m_generatorsPerContact;
+  long int m = c*cg;           // number of generators
+  double muu;
+  m_T1.resize(c,3);
+  m_T2.resize(c,3);
+  m_A.resize(6,3*c);
+  m_G.resize(3,m);
+  m_G_centr.resize(6,m);
+  for(long int i=0; i<c; i++)
+  {
+    // check that contact normals have norm 1
+    if(fabs(contactNormals.row(i).norm()-1.0)>1e-6)
+    {
+      printf("ERROR Contact normals should have norm 1, this has norm %f", contactNormals.row(i).norm());
+      return false;
+    }
+    // compute tangent directions
+    m_T1.row(i) = contactNormals.row(i).cross(Vector3::UnitY());
+    if(m_T1.row(i).norm()<1e-5)
+      m_T1.row(i) = contactNormals.row(i).cross(Vector3::UnitX());
+    m_T2.row(i) = contactNormals.row(i).transpose().cross(m_T1.row(i));
+    m_T1.row(i).normalize();
+    m_T2.row(i).normalize();
+//    cout<<"Contact point "<<i<<"\nT1="<<m_T1.row(i)<<"\nT2="<<m_T2.row(i)<<"\n";
+    // compute matrix mapping contact forces to gravito-inertial wrench
+    m_A.block<3,3>(0, 3*i) = -Matrix3::Identity();
+    m_A.block<3,3>(3, 3*i) = crossMatrix(-1.0*contactPoints.row(i).transpose());
+//    cout<<"A:\n"<<m_A.block<6,3>(0,3*i)<<"\n";
+    // compute generators
+    muu = frictionCoefficients(i)/sqrt(2.0);
+    m_G.col(cg*i+0) =  muu*m_T1.row(i) + muu*m_T2.row(i) + contactNormals.row(i);
+    m_G.col(cg*i+1) =  muu*m_T1.row(i) - muu*m_T2.row(i) + contactNormals.row(i);
+    m_G.col(cg*i+2) = -muu*m_T1.row(i) + muu*m_T2.row(i) + contactNormals.row(i);
+    m_G.col(cg*i+3) = -muu*m_T1.row(i) - muu*m_T2.row(i) + contactNormals.row(i);
+    // normalize generators
+    m_G.col(cg*i+0).normalize();
+    m_G.col(cg*i+1).normalize();
+    m_G.col(cg*i+2).normalize();
+    m_G.col(cg*i+3).normalize();
+//    cout<<"Generators contact "<<i<<"\n"<<m_G.middleCols<4>(cg*i).transpose()<<"\n";
+  }
+  // project generators in 6d centroidal space
+  for(unsigned int i=0; i<c; i++)
+    m_G_centr.block(0,cg*i,6,cg) = m_A.block<6,3>(0,3*i) * m_G.block(0,cg*i,3,cg);
+//  cout<<"G_centr:\n"<<m_G_centr.transpose()<<"\n";
+  if(!computePolytopeProjection(m_G_centr))
+    return false;
+  m_HD = m_H * m_D;
+  m_Hd = m_H * m_d;
   return true;
@@ -20,9 +96,19 @@ double StaticEquilibrium::computeEquilibriumRobustness(Cref_vector2 com)
   return 0.0;
-double StaticEquilibrium::checkRobustEquilibrium(Cref_vector2 com, double e_max)
+bool StaticEquilibrium::checkRobustEquilibrium(Cref_vector2 com, double e_max)
-  return 0.0;
+  if(e_max!=0.0)
+  {
+    std::cerr<<"ERROR checkRobustEquilibrium with e_max!=0 not implemented yet!";
+    return false;
+  }
+  VectorX res = m_HD * com + m_Hd;
+  for(long i=0; i<res.size(); i++)
+    if(res(i)>0.0)
+      return false;
+  return true;
 double StaticEquilibrium::findExtremumOverLine(Cref_vector2 a, double b, double e_max)
@@ -35,5 +121,44 @@ double StaticEquilibrium::findExtremumInDirection(Cref_vector2 direction, double
   return 0.0;
+bool StaticEquilibrium::computePolytopeProjection(Cref_matrix6X v)
+  dd_MatrixPtr V = cone_span_eigen_to_cdd(v.transpose());
+  dd_ErrorType error = dd_NoError;
+  dd_PolyhedraPtr H_= dd_DDMatrix2Poly(V, &error);
+  if(error != dd_NoError)
+  {
+//    if(dd_debug)
+    cout << ("numerical instability in cddlib. ill formed polytope") << endl;
+    return false;
+  }
+  dd_MatrixPtr b_A = dd_CopyInequalities(H_);
+  // get equalities and add them as complementary inequality constraints
+  std::vector<long> eq_rows;
+  for(long elem=1;elem<=(long)(b_A->linset[0]);++elem)
+  {
+    if (set_member(elem,b_A->linset))
+      eq_rows.push_back(elem);
+  }
+  int rowsize = (int)b_A->rowsize;
+//  cout<<"Inequality matrix has "<<rowsize<<" rows and "<<b_A->colsize-1<<" columns\n";
+  m_H.resize(rowsize + eq_rows.size(), (int)b_A->colsize-1);
+  m_h.resize(rowsize + eq_rows.size());
+  for(int i=0; i < rowsize; ++i)
+  {
+    m_h(i) = (value_type)(*(b_A->matrix[i][0]));
+    for(int j=1; j < b_A->colsize; ++j)
+      m_H(i, j-1) = -(value_type)(*(b_A->matrix[i][j]));
+  }
+  int i = 0;
+  for(std::vector<long int>::const_iterator cit = eq_rows.begin(); cit != eq_rows.end(); ++cit, ++i)
+  {
+    m_h(rowsize + i) = -m_h((int)(*cit));
+    m_H(rowsize + i) = -m_H((int)(*cit));
+  }
+  return true;
 } // end namespace robust_equilibrium
diff --git a/src/util.cpp b/src/util.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27de0bf2df4efdf136dd9905abefcbe35dbaf3d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#include <Eigen/Dense>
+#include <Eigen/src/Core/util/Macros.h>
+#include "cdd/cddmp.h"
+#include "cdd/setoper.h"
+#include "cdd/cddtypes.h"
+#include "cdd/cdd.h"
+namespace robust_equilibrium
+//#define USE_FLOAT 1;
+#ifdef USE_FLOAT
+typedef float value_type;
+typedef double value_type;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 2, 1>                                            Vector2;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 1, 2>                                            RVector2;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 3, 1>                                            Vector3;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 1, 3>                                            RVector3;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>                               VectorX;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 1, Eigen::Dynamic>                               RVectorX;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>                           Rotation;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>                           Matrix3;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>              MatrixX3;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, 4, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>                           Matrix43;
+typedef Eigen::Matrix <value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> MatrixXX;
+//define Eigen ref if available
+typedef Eigen::Ref<Vector2>     Ref_vector2;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<Vector3>     Ref_vector3;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<VectorX>     Ref_vectorX;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<Rotation>    Ref_rotation;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<MatrixX3>    Ref_matrixX3;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<Matrix43>    Ref_matrix43;
+typedef Eigen::Ref<MatrixXX>    Ref_matrixXX;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Vector2>     & Cref_vector2;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Vector3>     & Cref_vector3;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX>     & Cref_vectorX;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Rotation>    & Cref_rotation;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX3>    & Cref_matrixX3;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix43>    & Cref_matrix43;
+typedef const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixXX>    & Cref_matrixXX;
+typedef vector2_t   & Ref_vector2;
+typedef vector3_t   & Ref_vector3;
+typedef vector_t    & Ref_vector;
+typedef rotation_t  & Ref_rotation;
+typedef T_rotation_t& Ref_matrixX3;
+typedef T_rotation_t& Ref_matrix43;
+typedef matrix_t    & Ref_matrixXX;
+typedef const vector2_t   & Cref_vector2;
+typedef const vector3_t   & Cref_vector3;
+typedef const vector_t    & Cref_vector;
+typedef const rotation_t  & Cref_rotation;
+typedef const T_rotation_t& Cref_matrixX3;
+typedef const T_rotation_t& Cref_matrix43;
+typedef const matrix_t    & Cref_matrixXX;
+typedef Eigen::AngleAxis<value_type> angle_axis_t;
+dd_MatrixPtr cone_span_eigen_to_cdd(Cref_matrixXX input)
+  dd_debug = false;
+  dd_MatrixPtr M=NULL;
+  dd_rowrange i;
+  dd_colrange j;
+  dd_rowrange m_input = (dd_rowrange)(input.rows());
+  dd_colrange d_input = (dd_colrange)(input.cols()+1);
+  dd_RepresentationType rep=dd_Generator;
+  mytype value;
+  dd_NumberType NT = dd_Real;
+  dd_init(value);
+  M=dd_CreateMatrix(m_input, d_input);
+  M->representation=rep;
+  M->numbtype=NT;
+  for (i = 0; i < input.rows(); i++)
+  {
+    dd_set_d(value, 0);
+    dd_set(M->matrix[i][0],value);
+    for (j = 1; j < d_input; j++)
+    {
+      dd_set_d(value, input(i,j-1));
+      dd_set(M->matrix[i][j],value);
+    }
+  }
+  dd_clear(value);
+  return M;
+void init_library()
+  dd_set_global_constants();dd_debug = false;
+void release_library()
+  //dd_free_global_constants();
+void uniform(Cref_matrixXX lower_bounds, Cref_matrixXX upper_bounds, Ref_matrixXX out)
+  assert(lower_bounds.rows()==out.rows());
+  assert(upper_bounds.rows()==out.rows());
+  assert(lower_bounds.cols()==out.cols());
+  assert(upper_bounds.cols()==out.cols());
+  for(int i=0; i<out.rows(); i++)
+    for(int j=0; j<out.cols(); j++)
+      out(i,j) = (rand()/ value_type(RAND_MAX))*(upper_bounds(i,j)-lower_bounds(i,j)) + lower_bounds(i,j);
+void euler_matrix(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, Ref_rotation R)
+  const int i = 0;
+  const int j = 1;
+  const int k = 2;
+  double si = sin(roll);
+  double sj = sin(pitch);
+  double sk = sin(yaw);
+  double ci = cos(roll);
+  double cj = cos(pitch);
+  double ck = cos(yaw);
+  double cc = ci*ck;
+  double cs = ci*sk;
+  double sc = si*ck;
+  double ss = si*sk;
+  R(i, i) = cj*ck;
+  R(i, j) = sj*sc-cs;
+  R(i, k) = sj*cc+ss;
+  R(j, i) = cj*sk;
+  R(j, j) = sj*ss+cc;
+  R(j, k) = sj*cs-sc;
+  R(k, i) = -sj;
+  R(k, j) = cj*si;
+  R(k, k) = cj*ci;
+//  R = (angle_axis_t(roll, Vector3::UnitX())
+//       * angle_axis_t(pitch, Vector3::UnitY())
+//       * angle_axis_t(yaw, Vector3::UnitZ())).toRotationMatrix();
+bool generate_rectangle_contacts(double lx, double ly, Cref_vector3 pos, Cref_vector3 rpy,
+                                 Ref_matrix43 p, Ref_matrix43 N)
+  // compute rotation matrix
+  Rotation R;
+  euler_matrix(rpy(0), rpy(1), rpy(2), R);
+  // contact points in local frame
+  p << lx,  ly, 0,
+       lx, -ly, 0,
+      -lx, -ly, 0,
+      -lx,  ly, 0;
+  // contact points in world frame
+  p.row(0) = pos + (R*p.row(0).transpose());
+  p.row(1) = pos + (R*p.row(1).transpose());
+  p.row(2) = pos + (R*p.row(2).transpose());
+  p.row(3) = pos + (R*p.row(3).transpose());
+  // normal direction in local frame
+  RVector3 n;
+  n << 0, 0, 1;
+  // normal directions in world frame
+  n = (R*n.transpose()).transpose();
+  N << n, n, n, n;
+  return true;
+Rotation crossMatrix(Cref_vector3 x)
+    Rotation res = Rotation::Zero();
+    res(0,1) = - x(2); res(0,2) =   x(1);
+    res(1,0) =   x(2); res(1,2) = - x(0);
+    res(2,0) = - x(1); res(2,1) =   x(0);
+    return res;
+} //namespace robust_equilibrium
diff --git a/test/test_static_equilibrium.cpp b/test/test_static_equilibrium.cpp
index 71642fcd7fafda8141afccfe407ac3face6b227c..1dfaa639c113f8929b4c9da7f16884c85ba87d79 100644
--- a/test/test_static_equilibrium.cpp
+++ b/test/test_static_equilibrium.cpp
@@ -1,139 +1,161 @@
 #include <vector>
-#include <Eigen/Dense>
-#include <Eigen/src/Core/util/Macros.h>
-#include "cdd/cddmp.h"
-#include "cdd/setoper.h"
-#include "cdd/cddtypes.h"
-#include "cdd/cdd.h"
+#include <iostream>
 #include <robust-equilibrium-lib/static_equilibrium.hh>
 using namespace robust_equilibrium;
 using namespace Eigen;
+using namespace std;
-typedef Eigen::AngleAxis<value_type> angle_axis_t;
-void init_library()
-  dd_set_global_constants();dd_debug = false;
-void release_library()
-  //dd_free_global_constants();
-bool uniform(Cref_matrixXX lower_bounds, Cref_matrixXX upper_bounds, Ref_matrixXX out)
-  assert(lower_bounds.rows()==out.rows());
-  assert(upper_bounds.rows()==out.rows());
-  assert(lower_bounds.cols()==out.cols());
-  assert(upper_bounds.cols()==out.cols());
-  for(int i=0; i<out.rows(); i++)
-    for(int j=0; j<out.cols(); j++)
-      out(i,j) = (rand()/ value_type(RAND_MAX))*(upper_bounds(i,j)-lower_bounds(i,j)) + lower_bounds(i,j);
-bool euler_matrix(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, Ref_rotation R)
-  R = (angle_axis_t(roll, Vector3::UnitX())
-       * angle_axis_t(pitch, Vector3::UnitY())
-       * angle_axis_t(yaw, Vector3::UnitZ())).toRotationMatrix();
-bool generate_rectangle_contacts(double lx, double ly, Cref_vector3 pos, Cref_vector3 rpy,
-                                 Ref_matrix43 p, Ref_matrix43 N)
-  // compute rotation matrix
-  Quaternion<value_type> q = angle_axis_t(rpy(0), Vector3::UnitX())
-                             * angle_axis_t(rpy(1), Vector3::UnitY())
-                             * angle_axis_t(rpy(2), Vector3::UnitZ());
-  //euler_matrix(rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2], R);
-  // contact points in local frame
-  p << lx,  ly, 0,
-       lx, -ly, 0,
-      -lx, -ly, 0,
-      -lx,  ly, 0;
-  // contact points in world frame
-  p.row(0) = pos + q*p.row(0);
-  p.row(1) = pos + q*p.row(1);
-  p.row(2) = pos + q*p.row(2);
-  p.row(3) = pos + q*p.row(3);
-  // normal direction in local frame
-  RVector3 n;
-  n << 0, 0, 1;
-  // normal directions in world frame
-  n = q*n;
-  N << n, n, n, n;
-  return true;
 int main()
+  init_library();
+  srand ((unsigned int)(time(NULL)));
   int ret = 0;
+  double mass = 70.0;
   double mu = 0.3;  // friction coefficient
   unsigned int generatorsPerContact = 4;
-  unsigned int N_CONTACTS = 8;
+  unsigned int N_CONTACTS = 2;
   unsigned int N_POINTS = 50;   // number of com positions to test
   double MIN_FEET_DISTANCE = 0.3;
   double LX = 0.5*0.2172;        // half foot size in x direction
   double LY = 0.5*0.138;         // half foot size in y direction
-  CONTACT_POINT_LOWER_BOUNDS <<-0.5, -0.5,  0.0;
-  CONTACT_POINT_UPPER_BOUNDS << 0.5,  0.5,  1.0;
+  CONTACT_POINT_LOWER_BOUNDS << 0.0,  0.0,  0.0;
+  CONTACT_POINT_UPPER_BOUNDS << 0.5,  0.5,  0.0;
   double gamma = atan(mu);   // half friction cone angle
-  RPY_LOWER_BOUNDS << -2*gamma, -2*gamma, -M_PI;
-  RPY_UPPER_BOUNDS << +2*gamma, +2*gamma, +M_PI;
+  RPY_LOWER_BOUNDS << -0.0*gamma, -0.0*gamma, -M_PI;
+  RPY_UPPER_BOUNDS << +0.0*gamma, +0.0*gamma, +M_PI;
   double X_MARG = 0.07;
   double Y_MARG = 0.07;
+  const int GRID_SIZE = 25;
-  StaticEquilibrium solver(generatorsPerContact, SOLVER_LP_QPOASES);
+  StaticEquilibrium solver(mass, generatorsPerContact, SOLVER_LP_QPOASES);
   MatrixXX contact_pos = MatrixXX::Zero(N_CONTACTS, 3);
   MatrixXX contact_rpy = MatrixXX::Zero(N_CONTACTS, 3);
   MatrixXX p = MatrixXX::Zero(4*N_CONTACTS,3); // contact points
   MatrixXX N = MatrixXX::Zero(4*N_CONTACTS,3); // contact normals
-  VectorX frictionCoefficients(N_CONTACTS);
+  VectorX frictionCoefficients(4*N_CONTACTS);
+  contact_pos << 0.122,  0.361,  0.071,
+                 0.243,  0.029,  0.112;
+  contact_rpy << 0.205, -0.005, -1.335,
+                 -0.02 ,  0.206,  0.506;
   // Generate contact positions and orientations
   bool collision;
-  for(int i=0; i<N_CONTACTS; i++)
+  for(unsigned int i=0; i<N_CONTACTS; i++)
-    while(true) // generate contact position
-    {
-      collision = false;
-      for(int j=0; j<i-1; j++)
-        if((contact_pos.row(i)-contact_pos.row(j)).norm() < MIN_FEET_DISTANCE)
-          collision = true;
-      if(collision==false)
-        break;
-    }
+//    while(true) // generate contact position
+//    {
+//      uniform(CONTACT_POINT_LOWER_BOUNDS, CONTACT_POINT_UPPER_BOUNDS, contact_pos.row(i));
+//      if(i==0)
+//        break;
+//      collision = false;
+//      for(unsigned int j=0; j<i-1; j++)
+//        if((contact_pos.row(i)-contact_pos.row(j)).norm() < MIN_FEET_DISTANCE)
+//          collision = true;
+//      if(collision==false)
+//        break;
+//    }
+//    // generate contact orientation
+//    uniform(RPY_LOWER_BOUNDS, RPY_UPPER_BOUNDS, contact_rpy.row(i));
-    // generate contact orientation
-    uniform(RPY_LOWER_BOUNDS, RPY_UPPER_BOUNDS, contact_rpy.row(i));
     generate_rectangle_contacts(LX, LY, contact_pos.row(i), contact_rpy.row(i),
                                 p.middleRows<4>(i*4), N.middleRows<4>(i*4));
+    printf("Contact surface %d position (%.3f,%.3f,%.3f) ", i, contact_pos(i,0), contact_pos(i,1), contact_pos(i,2));
+    printf("Orientation (%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n", contact_rpy(i,0), contact_rpy(i,1), contact_rpy(i,2));
-  solver.setNewContacts(p, N, frictionCoefficients, STATIC_EQUILIBRIUM_ALGORITHM_PP);
+  for(int i=0; i<p.rows(); i++)
+  {
+    printf("Contact point %d position (%.3f,%.3f,%.3f) ", i, p(i,0), p(i,1), p(i,2));
+    printf("Normal (%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)\n", N(i,0), N(i,1), N(i,2));
+  }
+  if(!solver.setNewContacts(p, N, frictionCoefficients, STATIC_EQUILIBRIUM_ALGORITHM_PP))
+  {
+    printf("Error while setting new contacts");
+    return -1;
+  }
   RVector2 com_LB, com_UB;
   com_LB(0) = p.col(0).minCoeff()-X_MARG;
   com_UB(0) = p.col(0).maxCoeff()+X_MARG;
   com_LB(1) = p.col(1).minCoeff()-Y_MARG;
   com_UB(1) = p.col(1).maxCoeff()+Y_MARG;
-  MatrixXX com(N_POINTS,2);
-  for(int i=0; i<N_POINTS; i++)
+  MatrixXi contactPointCoord(4*N_CONTACTS,2);
+  VectorX minDistContactPoint = 1e10*VectorX::Ones(4*N_CONTACTS);
+  VectorX x_range(GRID_SIZE), y_range(GRID_SIZE);
+  x_range.setLinSpaced(GRID_SIZE,com_LB(0),com_UB(0));
+  y_range.setLinSpaced(GRID_SIZE,com_LB(1),com_UB(1));
+  MatrixXX equilibrium(GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE);
+  Vector2 com;
+  cout<<"Gonna test equilibrium on a 2d grid of "<<GRID_SIZE<<"X"<<GRID_SIZE<<" points ";
+  cout<<"ranging from "<<com_LB<<" to "<<com_UB<<endl;
+  for(unsigned int i=0; i<GRID_SIZE; i++)
-    uniform(com_LB, com_UB, com.row(i));
-    double robustness = solver.checkRobustEquilibrium(com.row(i), 0.0);
-    printf("CoM position (%.3f, %.3f) robustness %.3f\n", com(i,0), com(i,1), robustness);
+    com(1) = y_range(GRID_SIZE-1-i);
+    for(unsigned int j=0; j<GRID_SIZE; j++)
+    {
+//      uniform(com_LB, com_UB, com);
+      com(0) = x_range(j);
+      if(solver.checkRobustEquilibrium(com, 0.0))
+      {
+        equilibrium(i,j) = 1.0;
+        printf("1 ");
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        equilibrium(i,j) = 0.0;
+        printf("- ");
+      }
+      // look for contact point positions on grid
+      for(long k=0; k<4*N_CONTACTS; k++)
+      {
+        double dist = (p.block<1,2>(k,0) - com.transpose()).norm();
+        if(dist < minDistContactPoint(k))
+        {
+          minDistContactPoint(k) = dist;
+          contactPointCoord(k,0) = i;
+          contactPointCoord(k,1) = j;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+  }
+  cout<<"Max dist between contact points and grid points "<<minDistContactPoint.maxCoeff()<<"\n";
+  cout<<"\nContact point position on the same grid\n";
+  bool contactPointDrawn;
+  for(unsigned int i=0; i<GRID_SIZE; i++)
+  {
+    for(unsigned int j=0; j<GRID_SIZE; j++)
+    {
+      contactPointDrawn = false;
+      for(long k=0; k<4*N_CONTACTS; k++)
+      {
+        if(contactPointCoord(k,0)==i && contactPointCoord(k,1)==j)
+        {
+          cout<<"X ";
+          contactPointDrawn = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if(contactPointDrawn==false)
+        cout<<"- ";
+    }
+    printf("\n");
   return ret;