diff --git a/anymal_rbprm/anymal.py b/anymal_rbprm/anymal.py
index 75744190a7bd377ab6dd26030495908baea7218a..1a25355c1520a67cf94b08875393ba3dbb7c6138 100644
--- a/anymal_rbprm/anymal.py
+++ b/anymal_rbprm/anymal.py
@@ -17,15 +17,17 @@
 # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.rbprmfullbody import FullBody as Parent
-from pinocchio import SE3, Quaternion
+from pinocchio import SE3
 import numpy as np
 from pathlib import Path
 def prefix(module):
     """$prefix/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/$module/__init__.py: extract prefix from module"""
     return Path(module.__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent.parent
-class Robot (Parent):
+class Robot(Parent):
     #  Information to retrieve urdf and srdf files.
     name = "anymal"
@@ -34,10 +36,10 @@ class Robot (Parent):
     rootJointType = "freeflyer"
     urdfName = "anymal"
     urdfSuffix = ""
-    #urdfSuffix="_ORI"
+    # urdfSuffix="_ORI"
     srdfSuffix = ""
-    ## Information about the names of thes joints defining the limbs of the robot
+    # Information about the names of thes joints defining the limbs of the robot
     rLegId = 'RFleg'
     rleg = 'RF_HAA'
     rfoot = 'RF_ADAPTER_TO_FOOT'
@@ -51,14 +53,27 @@ class Robot (Parent):
     rarm = 'RH_HAA'
     rhand = 'RH_ADAPTER_TO_FOOT'
-    referenceConfig_asymetric =[0.,0.,0.461, 0.,0.,0.,1., # FF
-        0.0, 0.611, -1.0452,
-        0.0, -0.853, 1.0847,
-        -0.0, 0.74, -1.08,
-        -0.0, -0.74, 1.08,
-        ]
+    referenceConfig_asymetric = [
+        0.,
+        0.,
+        0.461,
+        0.,
+        0.,
+        0.,
+        1.,  # FF
+        0.0,
+        0.611,
+        -1.0452,
+        0.0,
+        -0.853,
+        1.0847,
+        -0.0,
+        0.74,
+        -1.08,
+        -0.0,
+        -0.74,
+        1.08,
+    ]
@@ -66,7 +81,7 @@ class Robot (Parent):
-    """    
+    """
@@ -75,69 +90,90 @@ class Robot (Parent):
-    referenceConfig=[0,0,0.47,0,0,0,1,
-        -0.12,0.724,-1.082,
-        -0.12,-0.724,1.082,
-        0.12,0.724,-1.082,
-        0.12,-0.724,1.082
-       ]
-    postureWeights=[0,0,0,0,0,0, #FF
-    100.,1.,20.,
-    100.,1.,20.,
-    100.,1.,20.,
-    100.,1.,20.,]
+    referenceConfig = [
+        0, 0, 0.47, 0, 0, 0, 1, -0.12, 0.724, -1.082, -0.12, -0.724, 1.082, 0.12, 0.724, -1.082, 0.12, -0.724, 1.082
+    ]
+    postureWeights = [
+        0,
+        0,
+        0,
+        0,
+        0,
+        0,  # FF
+        100.,
+        1.,
+        20.,
+        100.,
+        1.,
+        20.,
+        100.,
+        1.,
+        20.,
+        100.,
+        1.,
+        20.,
+    ]
-    # informations required to generate the limbs databases the limbs : 
+    # informations required to generate the limbs databases the limbs :
     nbSamples = 50000
     octreeSize = 0.002
     cType = "_3_DOF"
-    offset = [0.,0.,-0.005] # was 0.005
+    offset = [0., 0., -0.005]  # was 0.005
     rLegLimbOffset = [0.373, -0.264, -0.448]
-    lLegLimbOffset = [0.373, 0.264,-0.448]
+    lLegLimbOffset = [0.373, 0.264, -0.448]
     rArmLimbOffset = [-0.373, -0.264, -0.448]
     lArmLimbOffset = [-0.373, 0.264, -0.448]
-    normal = [0,0,1]
-    legx = 0.02; legy = 0.02
+    normal = [0, 0, 1]
+    legx = 0.02
+    legy = 0.02
     import anymal_rbprm
-    kinematic_constraints_path     = str(prefix(anymal_rbprm) /  "share/anymal-rbprm/com_inequalities/feet_quasi_flat/anymal_")
-    relative_feet_constraints_path = str(prefix(anymal_rbprm) /  "share/anymal-rbprm/relative_effector_positions/anymal_")
+    kinematic_constraints_path = str(
+        prefix(anymal_rbprm) / "share/anymal-rbprm/com_inequalities/feet_quasi_flat/anymal_")
+    relative_feet_constraints_path = str(
+        prefix(anymal_rbprm) / "share/anymal-rbprm/relative_effector_positions/anymal_")
     minDist = 0.2
-    dict_ref_effector_from_root = {rLegId:rLegLimbOffset,  lLegId:lLegLimbOffset, rArmId:rArmLimbOffset, lArmId:lArmLimbOffset}
+    dict_ref_effector_from_root = {
+        rLegId: rLegLimbOffset,
+        lLegId: lLegLimbOffset,
+        rArmId: rArmLimbOffset,
+        lArmId: lArmLimbOffset
+    }
     # data used by scripts :,,,
-    #limbs_names = [rArmId,lLegId,lArmId,rLegId] # reverse default order to try to remove contacts at the beginning of the contact plan
-    #limbs_names = [lLegId,rArmId,rLegId,lArmId] # default order to try to remove contacts at the beginning of the contact plan
-    limbs_names = [rArmId,rLegId,lArmId,lLegId]
-    dict_limb_rootJoint = {rLegId:rleg, lLegId:lleg, rArmId:rarm, lArmId:larm}
-    dict_limb_joint = {rLegId:rfoot, lLegId:lfoot, rArmId:rhand, lArmId:lhand}
-    dict_limb_color_traj = {rfoot:[0,1,0,1], lfoot:[1,0,0,1],rhand:[0,0,1,1],lhand:[0.9,0.5,0,1]}
+    # limbs_names = [rArmId,lLegId,lArmId,rLegId]
+    # reverse default order to try to remove contacts at the beginning of the contact plan
+    # limbs_names = [lLegId,rArmId,rLegId,lArmId]
+    # default order to try to remove contacts at the beginning of the contact plan
+    limbs_names = [rArmId, rLegId, lArmId, lLegId]
+    dict_limb_rootJoint = {rLegId: rleg, lLegId: lleg, rArmId: rarm, lArmId: larm}
+    dict_limb_joint = {rLegId: rfoot, lLegId: lfoot, rArmId: rhand, lArmId: lhand}
+    dict_limb_color_traj = {rfoot: [0, 1, 0, 1], lfoot: [1, 0, 0, 1], rhand: [0, 0, 1, 1], lhand: [0.9, 0.5, 0, 1]}
     FOOT_SAFETY_SIZE = 0.01
     # size of the contact surface (x,y)
-    dict_size={rfoot:[0.01 , 0.01], lfoot:[0.01 , 0.01],rhand:[0.01 , 0.01],lhand:[0.01 , 0.01]}
-    #dict_size={rfoot:[0.01 , 0.01], lfoot:[0.01 , 0.01],rhand:[0.01 , 0.01],lhand:[0.01 , 0.01]}
-    #various offset used by scripts
+    dict_size = {rfoot: [0.01, 0.01], lfoot: [0.01, 0.01], rhand: [0.01, 0.01], lhand: [0.01, 0.01]}
+    # dict_size={rfoot:[0.01 , 0.01], lfoot:[0.01 , 0.01],rhand:[0.01 , 0.01],lhand:[0.01 , 0.01]}
+    # various offset used by scripts
     MRsole_offset = SE3.Identity()
     MRsole_offset.translation = np.matrix(offset).T
     MLsole_offset = MRsole_offset.copy()
     MRhand_offset = MRsole_offset.copy()
     MLhand_offset = MRsole_offset.copy()
-    dict_offset = {rfoot:MRsole_offset, lfoot:MLsole_offset, rhand:MRhand_offset, lhand:MLhand_offset}
-    dict_limb_offset= {rLegId:rLegLimbOffset, lLegId:lLegLimbOffset, rArmId:rArmLimbOffset, lArmId:lArmLimbOffset}
-    dict_normal = {rfoot:normal, lfoot:normal, rhand:normal, lhand:normal}
+    dict_offset = {rfoot: MRsole_offset, lfoot: MLsole_offset, rhand: MRhand_offset, lhand: MLhand_offset}
+    dict_limb_offset = {rLegId: rLegLimbOffset, lLegId: lLegLimbOffset, rArmId: rArmLimbOffset, lArmId: lArmLimbOffset}
+    dict_normal = {rfoot: normal, lfoot: normal, rhand: normal, lhand: normal}
     # display transform :
     MRsole_display = SE3.Identity()
     MLsole_display = SE3.Identity()
     MRhand_display = SE3.Identity()
     MLhand_display = SE3.Identity()
-    dict_display_offset = {rfoot:MRsole_display, lfoot:MLsole_display, rhand:MRhand_display, lhand:MLhand_display}
+    dict_display_offset = {rfoot: MRsole_display, lfoot: MLsole_display, rhand: MRhand_display, lhand: MLhand_display}
-    kneeIds = {"LF":9,"LH":12,"RF":15,"RH":18}
+    kneeIds = {"LF": 9, "LH": 12, "RF": 15, "RH": 18}
     def __init__(self, name=None, load=True, client=None, clientRbprm=None):
         if name is not None:
@@ -160,108 +196,109 @@ class Robot (Parent):
         self.RH_HFE_bounds = self.getJointBounds('RH_HFE')
         self.RH_KFE_bounds = self.getJointBounds('RH_KFE')
-    def loadAllLimbs(self,heuristic, analysis = None, nbSamples = nbSamples, octreeSize = octreeSize,disableEffectorCollision = False):
-        if isinstance(heuristic,str):#only one heuristic name given assign it to all the limbs
+    def loadAllLimbs(self,
+                     heuristic,
+                     analysis=None,
+                     nbSamples=nbSamples,
+                     octreeSize=octreeSize,
+                     disableEffectorCollision=False):
+        if isinstance(heuristic, str):  # only one heuristic name given assign it to all the limbs
             dict_heuristic = {}
             for id in self.limbs_names:
-                dict_heuristic.update({id:heuristic})
-        elif isinstance(heuristic,dict):
-            dict_heuristic=heuristic
-        else : 
+                dict_heuristic.update({id: heuristic})
+        elif isinstance(heuristic, dict):
+            dict_heuristic = heuristic
+        else:
             raise Exception("heuristic should be either a string or a map limbId:string")
-        #dict_heuristic = {self.rLegId:"static", self.lLegId:"static", self.rArmId:"fixedStep04", self.lArmId:"fixedStep04"}
+        # dict_heuristic = {self.rLegId:"static", self.lLegId:"static", self.rArmId:"fixedStep04",
+        # self.lArmId:"fixedStep04"}
         for id in self.limbs_names:
-            print("add limb : ",id)
+            print("add limb : ", id)
             eff = self.dict_limb_joint[id]
-            print("effector name = ",eff)
+            print("effector name = ", eff)
-                         self.dict_size[eff][0]/2.,
-                         self.dict_size[eff][1]/2.,
+                         self.dict_size[eff][0] / 2.,
+                         self.dict_size[eff][1] / 2.,
-                         disableEffectorCollision = disableEffectorCollision,
-                         kinematicConstraintsPath=self.kinematicConstraintsPath+self.dict_limb_rootJoint[id]+"_06_com_constraints.obj",
+                         disableEffectorCollision=disableEffectorCollision,
+                         kinematicConstraintsPath=self.kinematicConstraintsPath + self.dict_limb_rootJoint[id] +
+                         "_06_com_constraints.obj",
-            if analysis :
+            if analysis:
                 self.runLimbSampleAnalysis(id, analysis, True)
     def setSlightlyConstrainedJointsBounds(self):
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_HAA',[-1.,1.])
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_HFE',[-0.25,2.35])
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_KFE',[-2.35,0.])
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_HAA', [-1., 1.])
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_HFE', [-0.25, 2.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_KFE', [-2.35, 0.])
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_HAA',[-1.,1.])
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_HFE',[-0.4,2.35])
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_KFE',[-2.35,0.])
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_HAA', [-1., 1.])
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_HFE', [-0.4, 2.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_KFE', [-2.35, 0.])
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_HAA',[-1.,1.])
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_HFE',[-2.35,0.4])
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_KFE',[0.,2.35])
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_HAA',[-1.,1.])
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_HFE',[-2.35,0.25])
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_KFE',[0.,2.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_HAA', [-1., 1.])
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_HFE', [-2.35, 0.4])
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_KFE', [0., 2.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_HAA', [-1., 1.])
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_HFE', [-2.35, 0.25])
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_KFE', [0., 2.35])
     def setConstrainedJointsBounds(self):
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_HAA',[-0.6,0.6])
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_HFE',[0.25,1.])
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_KFE',[-2.35,0.])
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_HAA',[-0.6,0.6])
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_HFE',[0.25,1.])
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_KFE',[-2.35,0.])
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_HAA', [-0.6, 0.6])
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_HFE', [0.25, 1.])
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_KFE', [-2.35, 0.])
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_HAA',[-0.6,0.6])
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_HFE',[-1.05,-0.45])
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_KFE',[0.,2.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_HAA', [-0.6, 0.6])
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_HFE', [0.25, 1.])
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_KFE', [-2.35, 0.])
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_HAA',[-0.6,0.6])
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_HFE',[-1.05,-0.45])
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_KFE',[0.,2.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_HAA', [-0.6, 0.6])
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_HFE', [-1.05, -0.45])
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_KFE', [0., 2.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_HAA', [-0.6, 0.6])
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_HFE', [-1.05, -0.45])
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_KFE', [0., 2.35])
     def setVeryConstrainedJointsBounds(self):
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_HAA',[-0.35,0.05])
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_HFE',[0.3,0.95])
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_KFE',[-2.35,0.])
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_HAA',[-0.05,0.35])
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_HFE',[0.3,0.95])
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_KFE',[-2.35,0.])
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_HAA', [-0.35, 0.05])
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_HFE', [0.3, 0.95])
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_KFE', [-2.35, 0.])
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_HAA',[-0.35,0.05])
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_HFE',[-1.,-0.5])
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_KFE',[0.,2.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_HAA', [-0.05, 0.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_HFE', [0.3, 0.95])
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_KFE', [-2.35, 0.])
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_HAA',[-0.05,0.35])
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_HFE',[-1.,-0.5])
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_KFE',[0.,2.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_HAA', [-0.35, 0.05])
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_HFE', [-1., -0.5])
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_KFE', [0., 2.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_HAA', [-0.05, 0.35])
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_HFE', [-1., -0.5])
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_KFE', [0., 2.35])
     def resetJointsBounds(self):
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_HAA',self.LF_HAA_bounds)
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_HFE',self.LF_HFE_bounds)
-        self.setJointBounds('LF_KFE',self.LF_KFE_bounds)
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_HAA',self.RF_HAA_bounds)
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_HFE',self.RF_HFE_bounds)
-        self.setJointBounds('RF_KFE',self.RF_KFE_bounds)
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_HAA',self.LH_HAA_bounds)
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_HFE',self.LH_HFE_bounds)
-        self.setJointBounds('LH_KFE',self.LH_KFE_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_HAA', self.LF_HAA_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_HFE', self.LF_HFE_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('LF_KFE', self.LF_KFE_bounds)
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_HAA',self.RH_HAA_bounds)
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_HFE',self.RH_HFE_bounds)
-        self.setJointBounds('RH_KFE',self.RH_KFE_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_HAA', self.RF_HAA_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_HFE', self.RF_HFE_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('RF_KFE', self.RF_KFE_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_HAA', self.LH_HAA_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_HFE', self.LH_HFE_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('LH_KFE', self.LH_KFE_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_HAA', self.RH_HAA_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_HFE', self.RH_HFE_bounds)
+        self.setJointBounds('RH_KFE', self.RH_KFE_bounds)
diff --git a/anymal_rbprm/anymal_abstract.py b/anymal_rbprm/anymal_abstract.py
index b8d40bb8ae28c672b5fedaf669eb9bf29d49015d..b810ce9cbccd37a54e3b2f42e50512340351b5d7 100644
--- a/anymal_rbprm/anymal_abstract.py
+++ b/anymal_rbprm/anymal_abstract.py
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.rbprmbuilder import Builder as Parent
-class Robot (Parent):
-    ##
+class Robot(Parent):
     #  Information to retrieve urdf and srdf files.
     rootJointType = 'freeflyer'
     packageName = 'anymal-rbprm'
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Robot (Parent):
     # URDF file describing the trunk of the robot HyQ
     urdfName = 'anymal_trunk'
     # URDF files describing the reachable workspace of each limb of HyQ
-    urdfNameRom = ['anymal_RFleg_rom','anymal_LHleg_rom','anymal_LFleg_rom','anymal_RHleg_rom']
+    urdfNameRom = ['anymal_RFleg_rom', 'anymal_LHleg_rom', 'anymal_LFleg_rom', 'anymal_RHleg_rom']
     urdfSuffix = ""
     srdfSuffix = ""
     name = urdfName
@@ -35,32 +35,28 @@ class Robot (Parent):
     ref_height = 0.465
     # TODO
     rLegId = 'anymal_RFleg_rom'
     lLegId = 'anymal_LFleg_rom'
     rArmId = 'anymal_RHleg_rom'
     lArmId = 'anymal_LHleg_rom'
-    ref_EE_lLeg =[0.373, 0.264, -0.448]
+    ref_EE_lLeg = [0.373, 0.264, -0.448]
     ref_EE_rLeg = [0.373, -0.264, -0.448]
     ref_EE_lArm = [-0.373, 0.264, -0.448]
     ref_EE_rArm = [-0.373, -0.264, -0.448]
-    #ref_EE_lLeg = [0.3, 0.165 , -0.44]
-    #ref_EE_rLeg = [0.3, -0.165 , -0.44]
-    #ref_EE_lArm = [-0.3, 0.165 , -0.44]
-    #ref_EE_rArm = [-0.3, -0.165 , -0.44]
-    dict_ref_effector_from_root = {rLegId:ref_EE_rLeg, 
-                                   lLegId:ref_EE_lLeg,
-                                   rArmId:ref_EE_rArm,
-                                   lArmId:ref_EE_lArm}
+    # ref_EE_lLeg = [0.3, 0.165 , -0.44]
+    # ref_EE_rLeg = [0.3, -0.165 , -0.44]
+    # ref_EE_lArm = [-0.3, 0.165 , -0.44]
+    # ref_EE_rArm = [-0.3, -0.165 , -0.44]
+    dict_ref_effector_from_root = {rLegId: ref_EE_rLeg, lLegId: ref_EE_lLeg, rArmId: ref_EE_rArm, lArmId: ref_EE_lArm}
     def __init__(self, name=None, load=True, client=None, clientRbprm=None):
         if name is not None:
             self.name = name
         Parent.__init__(self, self.name, self.rootJointType, load, client, None, clientRbprm)
-        self.setReferenceEndEffector('anymal_LFleg_rom',self.ref_EE_lLeg)
-        self.setReferenceEndEffector('anymal_RFleg_rom',self.ref_EE_rLeg)
-        self.setReferenceEndEffector('anymal_LHleg_rom',self.ref_EE_lArm)
-        self.setReferenceEndEffector('anymal_RHleg_rom',self.ref_EE_rArm)
+        self.setReferenceEndEffector('anymal_LFleg_rom', self.ref_EE_lLeg)
+        self.setReferenceEndEffector('anymal_RFleg_rom', self.ref_EE_rLeg)
+        self.setReferenceEndEffector('anymal_LHleg_rom', self.ref_EE_lArm)
+        self.setReferenceEndEffector('anymal_RHleg_rom', self.ref_EE_rArm)
diff --git a/anymal_rbprm/anymal_contact6D.py b/anymal_rbprm/anymal_contact6D.py
index 597690799f1a564852a6cca922a91547818130c4..9c8112ec5ba162b4f8dd2a024798fb9f7338f880 100644
--- a/anymal_rbprm/anymal_contact6D.py
+++ b/anymal_rbprm/anymal_contact6D.py
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.rbprmfullbody import FullBody as Parent
-from pinocchio import SE3, Quaternion
+from pinocchio import SE3
 import numpy as np
-class Robot (Parent):
-    ##
+class Robot(Parent):
     #  Information to retrieve urdf and srdf files.
     packageName = "anymal_description"
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class Robot (Parent):
     urdfSuffix = "_boxFeet"
     srdfSuffix = ""
-    ## Information about the names of thes joints defining the limbs of the robot
+    # Information about the names of thes joints defining the limbs of the robot
     rLegId = 'RFleg'
     rleg = 'RF_HAA'
     rfoot = 'RF_CONTACT_3'
@@ -45,81 +45,125 @@ class Robot (Parent):
     rarm = 'RH_HAA'
     rhand = 'RH_CONTACT_3'
+    referenceConfig = [
+        0.,
+        0.,
+        0.444,
+        0.,
+        0.,
+        0.,
+        1.,  # FF
+        0.04,
+        0.74,
+        -1.08,
+        0.34,
+        -0.04,
+        0.,
+        0.04,
+        -0.74,
+        1.08,
+        -0.34,
+        -0.04,
+        0.,
+        -0.04,
+        0.74,
+        -1.08,
+        0.34,
+        0.04,
+        0.,
+        -0.04,
+        -0.74,
+        1.08,
+        -0.34,
+        0.04,
+        0.
+    ]
-    referenceConfig =[0.,0.,0.444, 0.,0.,0.,1., # FF
-        0.04, 0.74, -1.08,0.34,-0.04,0.,
-        0.04, -0.74, 1.08,-0.34,-0.04,0.,
-        -0.04, 0.74, -1.08,0.34,0.04, 0.,
-        -0.04, -0.74, 1.08,-0.34,0.04,0.
-        ]
-    reference_weights=[100.,1.,1.,0.,0.,0.]
+    reference_weights = [100., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.]
-    # informations required to generate the limbs databases the limbs : 
+    # informations required to generate the limbs databases the limbs :
     nbSamples = 50000
     octreeSize = 0.01
     cType = "_6_DOF"
-    offset = [0.,0.,0.]
+    offset = [0., 0., 0.]
     rLegLimbOffset = [0.373, 0.264, 0.]
-    lLegLimbOffset = [0.373, -0.264,0.]
+    lLegLimbOffset = [0.373, -0.264, 0.]
     rArmLimbOffset = [-0.373, 0.264, 0.]
     lArmLimbOffset = [-0.373, -0.264, 0.]
-    normal = [0,0,1]
-    legx = 0.02; legy = 0.02
-    kinematicConstraintsPath="package://anymal-rbprm/com_inequalities/"
+    normal = [0, 0, 1]
+    legx = 0.02
+    legy = 0.02
+    kinematicConstraintsPath = "package://anymal-rbprm/com_inequalities/"
-    minDist = 0.2 
+    minDist = 0.2
     # data used by scripts :,,,
-    #limbs_names = [rArmId,lLegId,lArmId,rLegId] # reverse default order to try to remove contacts at the beginning of the contact plan
-    #limbs_names = [lLegId,rArmId,rLegId,lArmId] # default order to try to remove contacts at the beginning of the contact plan
-    limbs_names = [rArmId,lArmId,lLegId,rLegId]
-    dict_limb_rootJoint = {rLegId:rleg, lLegId:lleg, rArmId:rarm, lArmId:larm}
-    dict_limb_joint = {rLegId:rfoot, lLegId:lfoot, rArmId:rhand, lArmId:lhand}
-    dict_limb_color_traj = {rfoot:[0,1,0,1], lfoot:[1,0,0,1],rhand:[0,0,1,1],lhand:[0.9,0.5,0,1]}
+    # limbs_names = [rArmId,lLegId,lArmId,rLegId]
+    # reverse default order to try to remove contacts at the beginning of the contact plan
+    # limbs_names = [lLegId,rArmId,rLegId,lArmId]
+    # default order to try to remove contacts at the beginning of the contact plan
+    limbs_names = [rArmId, lArmId, lLegId, rLegId]
+    dict_limb_rootJoint = {rLegId: rleg, lLegId: lleg, rArmId: rarm, lArmId: larm}
+    dict_limb_joint = {rLegId: rfoot, lLegId: lfoot, rArmId: rhand, lArmId: lhand}
+    dict_limb_color_traj = {rfoot: [0, 1, 0, 1], lfoot: [1, 0, 0, 1], rhand: [0, 0, 1, 1], lhand: [0.9, 0.5, 0, 1]}
     FOOT_SAFETY_SIZE = 0.01
     # size of the contact surface (x,y)
-    dict_size={rfoot:[0.031 , 0.031], lfoot:[0.031 , 0.031],rhand:[0.031 , 0.031],lhand:[0.031 , 0.031]}
-    #dict_size={rfoot:[0.01 , 0.01], lfoot:[0.01 , 0.01],rhand:[0.01 , 0.01],lhand:[0.01 , 0.01]}
-    #various offset used by scripts
+    dict_size = {rfoot: [0.031, 0.031], lfoot: [0.031, 0.031], rhand: [0.031, 0.031], lhand: [0.031, 0.031]}
+    # dict_size={rfoot:[0.01 , 0.01], lfoot:[0.01 , 0.01],rhand:[0.01 , 0.01],lhand:[0.01 , 0.01]}
+    # various offset used by scripts
     MRsole_offset = SE3.Identity()
     MRsole_offset.translation = np.matrix(offset).T
     MLsole_offset = MRsole_offset.copy()
     MRhand_offset = MRsole_offset.copy()
     MLhand_offset = MRsole_offset.copy()
-    dict_offset = {rfoot:MRsole_offset, lfoot:MLsole_offset, rhand:MRhand_offset, lhand:MLhand_offset}
-    dict_limb_offset= {rLegId:rLegLimbOffset, lLegId:lLegLimbOffset, rArmId:rArmLimbOffset, lArmId:lArmLimbOffset}
-    dict_normal = {rfoot:normal, lfoot:normal, rhand:normal, lhand:normal}
+    dict_offset = {rfoot: MRsole_offset, lfoot: MLsole_offset, rhand: MRhand_offset, lhand: MLhand_offset}
+    dict_limb_offset = {rLegId: rLegLimbOffset, lLegId: lLegLimbOffset, rArmId: rArmLimbOffset, lArmId: lArmLimbOffset}
+    dict_normal = {rfoot: normal, lfoot: normal, rhand: normal, lhand: normal}
     # display transform :
     MRsole_display = SE3.Identity()
     MLsole_display = SE3.Identity()
     MRhand_display = SE3.Identity()
     MLhand_display = SE3.Identity()
-    dict_display_offset = {rfoot:MRsole_display, lfoot:MLsole_display, rhand:MRhand_display, lhand:MLhand_display}
+    dict_display_offset = {rfoot: MRsole_display, lfoot: MLsole_display, rhand: MRhand_display, lhand: MLhand_display}
-    def __init__ (self, name = None,load = True):
-        Parent.__init__ (self,load)
+    def __init__(self, name=None, load=True):
+        Parent.__init__(self, load)
         if load:
-            self.loadFullBodyModel(self.urdfName, self.rootJointType, self.meshPackageName, self.packageName, self.urdfSuffix, self.srdfSuffix)
-        if name != None:
+            self.loadFullBodyModel(self.urdfName, self.rootJointType, self.meshPackageName, self.packageName,
+                                   self.urdfSuffix, self.srdfSuffix)
+        if name is not None:
             self.name = name
-    def loadAllLimbs(self,heuristic, analysis = None, nbSamples = nbSamples, octreeSize = octreeSize):
-        if isinstance(heuristic,basestring):#only one heuristic name given assign it to all the limbs
+    def loadAllLimbs(self, heuristic, analysis=None, nbSamples=nbSamples, octreeSize=octreeSize):
+        if isinstance(heuristic, str):  # only one heuristic name given assign it to all the limbs
             dict_heuristic = {}
             for id in self.limbs_names:
-                dict_heuristic.update({id:heuristic})
-        elif isinstance(heuristic,dict):
-            dict_heuristic=heuristic
-        else : 
+                dict_heuristic.update({id: heuristic})
+        elif isinstance(heuristic, dict):
+            dict_heuristic = heuristic
+        else:
             raise Exception("heuristic should be either a string or a map limbId:string")
-        #dict_heuristic = {self.rLegId:"static", self.lLegId:"static", self.rArmId:"fixedStep04", self.lArmId:"fixedStep04"}
+        # dict_heuristic = {self.rLegId:"static", self.lLegId:"static", self.rArmId:"fixedStep04",
+        # self.lArmId:"fixedStep04"}
         for id in self.limbs_names:
-            print("add limb : ",id)
+            print("add limb : ", id)
             eff = self.dict_limb_joint[id]
-            print("effector name = ",eff)
-            self.addLimb(id,self.dict_limb_rootJoint[id],eff,self.dict_offset[eff].translation.tolist(),self.dict_normal[eff],self.dict_size[eff][0]/2.,self.dict_size[eff][1]/2.,nbSamples,dict_heuristic[id],octreeSize,self.cType,kinematicConstraintsPath=self.kinematicConstraintsPath+self.dict_limb_rootJoint[id]+"06_com_constraints.obj",limbOffset=self.dict_limb_offset[id],kinematicConstraintsMin=self.minDist)
-            if analysis :
+            print("effector name = ", eff)
+            self.addLimb(id,
+                         self.dict_limb_rootJoint[id],
+                         eff,
+                         self.dict_offset[eff].translation.tolist(),
+                         self.dict_normal[eff],
+                         self.dict_size[eff][0] / 2.,
+                         self.dict_size[eff][1] / 2.,
+                         nbSamples,
+                         dict_heuristic[id],
+                         octreeSize,
+                         self.cType,
+                         kinematicConstraintsPath=self.kinematicConstraintsPath + self.dict_limb_rootJoint[id] +
+                         "06_com_constraints.obj",
+                         limbOffset=self.dict_limb_offset[id],
+                         kinematicConstraintsMin=self.minDist)
+            if analysis:
                 self.runLimbSampleAnalysis(id, analysis, True)
diff --git a/script/relative_foot_positions/constants_and_tools.py b/script/relative_foot_positions/constants_and_tools.py
index 65c4f26e0be6376a16f2dbde13bdf71b7d496eca..890906ea707b1b3f4db6d6bacfc8d6e010ba6b08 100644
--- a/script/relative_foot_positions/constants_and_tools.py
+++ b/script/relative_foot_positions/constants_and_tools.py
@@ -1,153 +1,154 @@
-import numpy as np
-#~ from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.hrp2 import Robot as rob
-#~ from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.tools.obj_to_constraints import load_obj, as_inequalities, rotate_inequalities
-#~ from hpp_centroidal_dynamics import *
-#~ from hpp_spline import *e
-from numpy import array, asmatrix, matrix, zeros, ones
-from numpy import array, dot, stack, vstack, hstack, asmatrix, identity, cross, concatenate
-from numpy.linalg import norm
+# from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.hrp2 import Robot as rob
+# from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.tools.obj_to_constraints import load_obj, as_inequalities, rotate_inequalities
+# from hpp_centroidal_dynamics import *
+# from hpp_spline import *e
+from numpy import array, matrix, zeros, ones, vstack, hstack, identity, concatenate
 import numpy as np
 from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
-#~ from hpp_bezier_com_traj import *
-#~ from qp import solve_lp
-#~ import eigenpy
-#~ import cdd
-#~ from curves import bezier3
-from random import random as rd
-from random import randint as rdi
-from numpy import squeeze, asarray
+# from hpp_bezier_com_traj import *
+# from qp import solve_lp
+# import eigenpy
+import cdd
+# from curves import bezier3
 Id = matrix([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])
-z = array([0.,0.,1.])
-zero3 = zeros(3) 
+z = array([0., 0., 1.])
+zero3 = zeros(3)
-def generators(A,b, Aeq = None, beq = None):
-    m = np.hstack([b,-A])
-    matcdd = cdd.Matrix(m); matcdd.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
+def generators(A, b, Aeq=None, beq=None):
+    m = np.hstack([b, -A])
+    matcdd = cdd.Matrix(m)
+    matcdd.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
     if Aeq is not None:
-        meq = np.hstack([beq,-Aeq])
+        meq = np.hstack([beq, -Aeq])
         matcdd.extend(meq.tolist(), True)
     H = cdd.Polyhedron(matcdd)
     g = H.get_generators()
     return [array(g[el][1:]) for el in range(g.row_size)], H
 def filter(pts):
     hull = ConvexHull(pts, qhull_options='Q12')
     return [pts[i] for i in hull.vertices.tolist()]
-def ineq(pts, canonicalize = False):
+def ineq(pts, canonicalize=False):
     apts = array(pts)
-    m = np.hstack([ones((apts.shape[0],1)),apts])
-    matcdd = cdd.Matrix(m); matcdd.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR
+    m = np.hstack([ones((apts.shape[0], 1)), apts])
+    matcdd = cdd.Matrix(m)
+    matcdd.rep_type = cdd.RepType.GENERATOR
     H = cdd.Polyhedron(matcdd)
     bmA = H.get_inequalities()
     if canonicalize:
-    Ares = zeros((bmA.row_size,bmA.col_size-1))
-    bres = zeros(bmA.row_size )
+    Ares = zeros((bmA.row_size, bmA.col_size - 1))
+    bres = zeros(bmA.row_size)
     for i in range(bmA.row_size):
-        l = array(bmA[i])
-        Ares[i,:] = -l[1:]
-        bres[i]   =  l[0]
+        j = array(bmA[i])
+        Ares[i, :] = -j[1:]
+        bres[i] = j[0]
     return Ares, bres
 def ineqQHull(hull):
-    A = hull.equations[:,:-1]
-    b = -hull.equations[:,-1]
-    return A,b
-def canon(A,b):
-    m = np.hstack([b,-A])
-    matcdd = cdd.Matrix(m); matcdd.rep_type = 1
+    A = hull.equations[:, :-1]
+    b = -hull.equations[:, -1]
+    return A, b
+def canon(A, b):
+    m = np.hstack([b, -A])
+    matcdd = cdd.Matrix(m)
+    matcdd.rep_type = 1
     H = cdd.Polyhedron(matcdd)
     bmA = H.get_inequalities()
-    #~ bmA.canonicalize()
-    Ares = zeros((bmA.row_size,bmA.col_size-1))
-    bres = zeros((bmA.row_size,1 ))
+    # bmA.canonicalize()
+    Ares = zeros((bmA.row_size, bmA.col_size - 1))
+    bres = zeros((bmA.row_size, 1))
     for i in range(bmA.row_size):
-        #~ print "line ", array(bmA[i])
-        #~ print "A ", A[i][:]
-        #~ print "b ", b[i]
-        l = array(bmA[i])
-        Ares[i,:] = -l[1:]
-        bres[i]   =  l[0]
-        #~ print "Ares ",Ares[i,:]
-        #~ print "bres ",bres[i]
+        # print "line ", array(bmA[i])
+        # print "A ", A[i][:]
+        # print "b ", b[i]
+        j = array(bmA[i])
+        Ares[i, :] = -j[1:]
+        bres[i] = j[0]
+        # print "Ares ",Ares[i,:]
+        # print "bres ",bres[i]
     return Ares, bres
-def genPolytope(A,b):
-    pts, H = generators(A,b)
+def genPolytope(A, b):
+    pts, H = generators(A, b)
     apts = array(pts)
     if len(apts) > 0:
         hull = ConvexHull(apts)
         return hull, pts, apts, H
     return None, None, None, None
-def convex_hull_ineq(pts):
+def convex_hull_ineq(pts, cData=None, ineqFromCdata=None, gX=None, g=None, w=None):
     return None
     m = cData.contactPhase_.getMass()
-    #~ #get 6D polytope
+    # #get 6D polytope
     (H, h) = ineqFromCdata(cData)
-    #project to the space where aceleration is 0
-    D = zeros((6,3))
-    D[3:,:] = m * gX
-    d = zeros((6,))
+    # project to the space where aceleration is 0
+    D = zeros((6, 3))
+    D[3:, :] = m * gX
+    d = zeros((6, ))
     d[:3] = -m * g
-    A =     H.dot(D)
-    b = h.reshape((-1,)) - H.dot(d)    
-    #add kinematic polytope
-    (K,k) = (cData.Kin_[0], cData.Kin_[1].reshape(-1,))
+    A = H.dot(D)
+    b = h.reshape((-1, )) - H.dot(d)
+    # add kinematic polytope
+    (K, k) = (cData.Kin_[0], cData.Kin_[1].reshape(-1, ))
     resA = vstack([A, K])
-    resb = concatenate([b, k]).reshape((-1,1))
-    #DEBUG
-    allpts = generators(resA,resb)[0]
+    resb = concatenate([b, k]).reshape((-1, 1))
+    # DEBUG
+    allpts = generators(resA, resb)[0]
     error = False
     for pt in allpts:
-        print ("pt ", pt)
-        assert (resA.dot(pt.reshape((-1,1))) - resb).max() <0.001, "antecedent point not in End polytope"  + str((resA.dot(pt.reshape((-1,1))) - resb).max())
-        if (H.dot(w(m,pt).reshape((-1,1))) - h).max() > 0.001:
+        print("pt ", pt)
+        assert (resA.dot(pt.reshape((-1, 1))) - resb).max() < 0.001, "antecedent point not in End polytope" + str(
+            (resA.dot(pt.reshape((-1, 1))) - resb).max())
+        if (H.dot(w(m, pt).reshape((-1, 1))) - h).max() > 0.001:
             error = True
-            print ("antecedent point not in End polytope"  + str((H.dot(w(m,pt).reshape((-1,1))) - h).max()))
-    assert not error, str (len(allpts))
+            print("antecedent point not in End polytope" + str((H.dot(w(m, pt).reshape((-1, 1))) - h).max()))
+    assert not error, str(len(allpts))
     return (resA, resb)
-    #~ return (A, b)
-    #~ return (vstack([A, K]), None)
+    # return (A, b)
+    # return (vstack([A, K]), None)
 def default_transform_from_pos_normal(pos, normal):
-    #~ print "pos ", pos
-    #~ print "normal ", normal
-    f = array([0.,0.,1.])
+    # print "pos ", pos
+    # print "normal ", normal
+    f = array([0., 0., 1.])
     t = array(normal)
     v = np.cross(f, t)
     c = np.dot(f, t)
     if c > 0.99:
-        rot = identity(3)    
+        rot = identity(3)
-        u = v/norm(v)
-        h = (1. - c)/(1. - c**2)
+        # u = v / norm(v)
+        h = (1. - c) / (1. - c**2)
         vx, vy, vz = v
-        rot =array([[c + h*vx**2, h*vx*vy - vz, h*vx*vz + vy],
-              [h*vx*vy+vz, c+h*vy**2, h*vy*vz-vx],
-              [h*vx*vz - vy, h*vy*vz + vx, c+h*vz**2]])
-    return vstack( [hstack([rot,pos.reshape((-1,1))]), [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  1.        ] ] )
+        rot = array([[c + h * vx**2, h * vx * vy - vz, h * vx * vz + vy],
+                     [h * vx * vy + vz, c + h * vy**2, h * vy * vz - vx],
+                     [h * vx * vz - vy, h * vy * vz + vx, c + h * vz**2]])
+    return vstack([hstack([rot, pos.reshape((-1, 1))]), [0., 0., 0., 1.]])
-import os
 def continuous(h, initpts):
     dic = {}
@@ -157,44 +158,43 @@ def continuous(h, initpts):
         dic[pt] = i
     faces = []
     for f in h.simplices:
-        faces += [[dic[idx]+1 for idx in f ]]
+        faces += [[dic[idx] + 1 for idx in f]]
     return pts, faces
-def hull_to_obj(h,pts,name):
+def hull_to_obj(h, pts, name):
     pts, faces = continuous(h, pts)
     f = open(name, "w")
-    #first write points
+    # first write points
     for pt in pts:
-        #~ print "??"
-        f.write('v ' + str(pt[0]) + ' ' + str(pt[1]) + ' ' + str(pt[2]) + ' \n' );
+        # print "??"
+        f.write('v ' + str(pt[0]) + ' ' + str(pt[1]) + ' ' + str(pt[2]) + ' \n')
     f.write('g foo\n')
     for pt in faces:
-        #~ print "???"
-        f.write('f ' + str(pt[0]) + ' ' + str(pt[1]) + ' ' + str(pt[2]) + ' \n' );
+        # print "???"
+        f.write('f ' + str(pt[0]) + ' ' + str(pt[1]) + ' ' + str(pt[2]) + ' \n')
     f.write('g \n')
-#~ function vertface2obj(v,f,name)
-#~ % VERTFACE2OBJ Save a set of vertice coordinates and faces as a Wavefront/Alias Obj file
-#~ % VERTFACE2OBJ(v,f,fname)
-#~ %     v is a Nx3 matrix of vertex coordinates.
-#~ %     f is a Mx3 matrix of vertex indices. 
-#~ %     fname is the filename to save the obj file.
-#~ fid = fopen(name,'w');
+# function vertface2obj(v,f,name)
+# % VERTFACE2OBJ Save a set of vertice coordinates and faces as a Wavefront/Alias Obj file
+# % VERTFACE2OBJ(v,f,fname)
+# %     v is a Nx3 matrix of vertex coordinates.
+# %     f is a Mx3 matrix of vertex indices.
+# %     fname is the filename to save the obj file.
+# fid = fopen(name,'w');
-#~ for i=1:size(v,1)
-#~ fprintf(fid,'v %f %f %f\n',v(i,1),v(i,2),v(i,3));
-#~ end
+# for i=1:size(v,1)
+# fprintf(fid,'v %f %f %f\n',v(i,1),v(i,2),v(i,3));
+# end
-#~ fprintf(fid,'g foo\n');
+# fprintf(fid,'g foo\n');
-#~ for i=1:size(f,1);
-#~ fprintf(fid,'f %d %d %d\n',f(i,1),f(i,2),f(i,3));
-#~ end
-#~ fprintf(fid,'g\n');
+# for i=1:size(f,1);
+# fprintf(fid,'f %d %d %d\n',f(i,1),f(i,2),f(i,3));
+# end
+# fprintf(fid,'g\n');
-#~ fclose(fid);
+# fclose(fid);
diff --git a/script/relative_foot_positions/obj_to_constraints.py b/script/relative_foot_positions/obj_to_constraints.py
index f7d7997ec3e6d26d23858a0c0b56d871b12c65db..053635c230a5db84b550e51e8efec47210cd2034 100644
--- a/script/relative_foot_positions/obj_to_constraints.py
+++ b/script/relative_foot_positions/obj_to_constraints.py
@@ -1,156 +1,169 @@
-#do the loading of the obj file
+# do the loading of the obj file
 import numpy as np
+from pickle import load, dump
 from collections import namedtuple
 ObjectData = namedtuple("ObjectData", "V T N F")
 Inequalities = namedtuple("Inequality", "A b N V")
 def toFloat(stringArray):
-	res= np.zeros(len(stringArray))
-	for i in range(0,len(stringArray)):
-		res[i] = float(stringArray[i])
-	return res
-def load_obj(filename) :
- V = [] #vertex
- T = [] #texcoords
- N = [] #normals
- F = [] #face indexies
- fh = open(filename)
- for line in fh :
-  if line[0] == '#' : continue
-  line = line.strip().split(' ')
-  if line[0] == 'v' : #vertex
-   V.append(toFloat(line[1:]))
-  elif line[0] == 'vt' : #tex-coord
-   T.append(line[1:])
-  elif line[0] == 'vn' : #normal vector
-   N.append(toFloat(line[1:]))
-  elif line[0] == 'f' : #face
-   face = line[1:]
-   for i in range(0, len(face)) :
-    face[i] = face[i].split('/')
-    # OBJ indexies are 1 based not 0 based hence the -1
-    # convert indexies to integer
-    for j in range(0, len(face[i])): 
-		if j!=1:
-			face[i][j] = int(face[i][j]) - 1
-   F.append(face)
- return ObjectData(V, T, N, F)
-def inequality(v, n): 
-	#the plan has for equation ax + by + cz = d, with a b c coordinates of the normal
-	#inequality is then ax + by +cz -d <= 0 
-	# last var is v because we need it
-	return [n[0], n[1], n[2], np.array(v).dot(np.array(n))]
+    res = np.zeros(len(stringArray))
+    for i in range(0, len(stringArray)):
+        res[i] = float(stringArray[i])
+    return res
+def load_obj(filename):
+    V = []  # vertex
+    T = []  # texcoords
+    N = []  # normals
+    F = []  # face indexies
+    fh = open(filename)
+    for line in fh:
+        if line[0] == '#':
+            continue
+        line = line.strip().split(' ')
+        if line[0] == 'v':  # vertex
+            V.append(toFloat(line[1:]))
+        elif line[0] == 'vt':  # tex-coord
+            T.append(line[1:])
+        elif line[0] == 'vn':  # normal vector
+            N.append(toFloat(line[1:]))
+        elif line[0] == 'f':  # face
+            face = line[1:]
+            for i in range(0, len(face)):
+                face[i] = face[i].split('/')
+                # OBJ indexies are 1 based not 0 based hence the -1
+                # convert indexies to integer
+                for j in range(0, len(face[i])):
+                    if j != 1:
+                        face[i][j] = int(face[i][j]) - 1
+            F.append(face)
+    return ObjectData(V, T, N, F)
+def inequality(v, n):
+    # the plan has for equation ax + by + cz = d, with a b c coordinates of the normal
+    # inequality is then ax + by +cz -d <= 0
+    # last var is v because we need it
+    return [n[0], n[1], n[2], np.array(v).dot(np.array(n))]
 def as_inequalities(obj):
-	#for each face, find first three points and deduce plane
-	#inequality is given by normal
-	A= np.empty([len(obj.F), 3])
-	b = np.empty(len(obj.F))
-	V = np.ones([len(obj.F), 4])
-	N = np.empty([len(obj.F), 3])
-	for f in range(0, len(obj.F)):
-		face = obj.F[f]
-		v = obj.V[face[0][0]]
-		# assume normals are in obj
-		n = obj.N[face[0][2]]
-		ineq = inequality(v,n)
-		A[f,:] = ineq[0:3]
-		b[f] = ineq[3]
-		V[f,0:3] = v
-		N[f,:] = n
-	return Inequalities(A,b, N, V)
+    # for each face, find first three points and deduce plane
+    # inequality is given by normal
+    A = np.empty([len(obj.F), 3])
+    b = np.empty(len(obj.F))
+    V = np.ones([len(obj.F), 4])
+    N = np.empty([len(obj.F), 3])
+    for f in range(0, len(obj.F)):
+        face = obj.F[f]
+        v = obj.V[face[0][0]]
+        # assume normals are in obj
+        n = obj.N[face[0][2]]
+        ineq = inequality(v, n)
+        A[f, :] = ineq[0:3]
+        b[f] = ineq[3]
+        V[f, 0:3] = v
+        N[f, :] = n
+    return Inequalities(A, b, N, V)
 def is_inside(inequalities, pt):
-	return ((inequalities.A.dot(pt) - inequalities.b) < 0).all()
+    return ((inequalities.A.dot(pt) - inequalities.b) < 0).all()
+# def rotate_inequalities_q():
-#~ def rotate_inequalities_q():
 # TODO this is naive, should be a way to simply update d
 def rotate_inequalities(ineq, transform):
-	#for each face, find first three points and deduce plane
-	#inequality is given by normal
-	A = np.empty([len(ineq.A), 3])
-	b = np.empty(len(ineq.b))
-	V = np.ones([len(ineq.V), 4])
-	N = np.ones([len(ineq.N), 3])
-	for i in range(0, len(b)):
-		v = transform.dot(ineq.V[i,:])
-		n = transform[0:3,0:3].dot(ineq.N[i,0:3])
-		ine = inequality(v[0:3],n[0:3])
-		A[i,:] = ine[0:3]
-		b[i] = ine[3]
-		V[i,:] = v
-		N[i,:] = n
-	return Inequalities(A,b, N, V)
-from pickle import dump
+    # for each face, find first three points and deduce plane
+    # inequality is given by normal
+    A = np.empty([len(ineq.A), 3])
+    b = np.empty(len(ineq.b))
+    V = np.ones([len(ineq.V), 4])
+    N = np.ones([len(ineq.N), 3])
+    for i in range(0, len(b)):
+        v = transform.dot(ineq.V[i, :])
+        n = transform[0:3, 0:3].dot(ineq.N[i, 0:3])
+        ine = inequality(v[0:3], n[0:3])
+        A[i, :] = ine[0:3]
+        b[i] = ine[3]
+        V[i, :] = v
+        N[i, :] = n
+    return Inequalities(A, b, N, V)
 def ineq_to_file(ineq, filename):
-	f1=open(filename, 'w+')
-	res = { 'A' : ineq.A, 'b' : ineq.b, 'N' : ineq.N, 'V' : ineq.V}
-	dump(res, f1)
-	f1.close()
-from pickle import load
+    f1 = open(filename, 'w+')
+    res = {'A': ineq.A, 'b': ineq.b, 'N': ineq.N, 'V': ineq.V}
+    dump(res, f1)
+    f1.close()
 def ineq_from_file(filename):
-	f1=open(filename, 'r')
-	res = load(f1)
-	return Inequalities(res['A'], res['b'],res['N'],res['V'])
+    f1 = open(filename, 'r')
+    res = load(f1)
+    return Inequalities(res['A'], res['b'], res['N'], res['V'])
 def test_inequality():
-	n = np.array([0,-1,0])
-	v = np.array([0,1,1])
-	if inequality(v,n) != [0,-1,0,-1]:
-		print("error in test_inequality")
-	else:
-		print("test_inequality successful")
+    n = np.array([0, -1, 0])
+    v = np.array([0, 1, 1])
+    if inequality(v, n) != [0, -1, 0, -1]:
+        print("error in test_inequality")
+    else:
+        print("test_inequality successful")
 def __gen_data():
-	obj = load_obj('./hrp2/RL_com._reduced.obj')
-	ineq = as_inequalities(obj)
-	ok_points = [[0,0,0], [0.0813, 0.0974, 0.2326], [-0.3387, 0.1271, -0.5354]]
-	not_ok_points = [[-0.3399, 0.2478, -0.722],[-0.1385,-0.4401,-0.1071]]
-	return obj, ineq, ok_points, not_ok_points
+    obj = load_obj('./hrp2/RL_com._reduced.obj')
+    ineq = as_inequalities(obj)
+    ok_points = [[0, 0, 0], [0.0813, 0.0974, 0.2326], [-0.3387, 0.1271, -0.5354]]
+    not_ok_points = [[-0.3399, 0.2478, -0.722], [-0.1385, -0.4401, -0.1071]]
+    return obj, ineq, ok_points, not_ok_points
 def test_belonging():
-	data = __gen_data()
-	ineq = data[1]
-	ok_points = data[2]
-	not_ok_points = data[3]
-	for p in ok_points:
-		assert (is_inside(ineq, np.array(p))), "point " + str(p) + " should be inside object"
-	for p in not_ok_points:
-		assert (not is_inside(ineq, np.array(p))), "point " + str(p) + " should NOT be inside object"
-	print("test_belonging successful")
+    data = __gen_data()
+    ineq = data[1]
+    ok_points = data[2]
+    not_ok_points = data[3]
+    for p in ok_points:
+        assert (is_inside(ineq, np.array(p))), "point " + str(p) + " should be inside object"
+    for p in not_ok_points:
+        assert (not is_inside(ineq, np.array(p))), "point " + str(p) + " should NOT be inside object"
+    print("test_belonging successful")
 def test_rotate_inequalities():
-	tr = np.array([[ 1.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
-				   [ 0.        ,  0.98006658, -0.19866933,  2.        ],
-				   [ 0.        ,  0.19866933,  0.98006658,  0.        ],
-				   [ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  1.        ]])
-	data = __gen_data()
-	ineq = rotate_inequalities(data[1], tr)
-	ok_points =  [tr.dot(np.array(el + [1]))[0:3] for el in data[2]]
-	not_ok_points = [tr.dot(np.array(el + [1]))[0:3] for el in data[3]]
-	for p in ok_points:
-		assert (is_inside(ineq, p)), "point " + str(p) + " should be inside object"
-	for p in not_ok_points:
-		assert (not is_inside(ineq, p)), "point " + str(p) + " should NOT be inside object"
-	print("test_rotate_inequalities successful")
+    tr = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0.98006658, -0.19866933, 2.], [0., 0.19866933, 0.98006658, 0.],
+                   [0., 0., 0., 1.]])
+    data = __gen_data()
+    ineq = rotate_inequalities(data[1], tr)
+    ok_points = [tr.dot(np.array(el + [1]))[0:3] for el in data[2]]
+    not_ok_points = [tr.dot(np.array(el + [1]))[0:3] for el in data[3]]
+    for p in ok_points:
+        assert (is_inside(ineq, p)), "point " + str(p) + " should be inside object"
+    for p in not_ok_points:
+        assert (not is_inside(ineq, p)), "point " + str(p) + " should NOT be inside object"
+    print("test_rotate_inequalities successful")
 def load_obj_and_save_ineq(in_name, out_name):
-	obj = load_obj(in_name)
-	ineq = as_inequalities(obj)
-	ineq_to_file (ineq, out_name)	
+    obj = load_obj(in_name)
+    ineq = as_inequalities(obj)
+    ineq_to_file(ineq, out_name)
+load_obj_and_save_ineq('./lfleg_com_reduced.obj', './lfleg_com.ineq')
+load_obj_and_save_ineq('./lhleg_com_reduced.obj', './lhleg_com.ineq')
+load_obj_and_save_ineq('./rhleg_com_reduced.obj', './rhleg_com.ineq')
+load_obj_and_save_ineq('./rfleg_com_reduced.obj', './rfleg_com.ineq')
diff --git a/script/relative_foot_positions/plot_polytopes.py b/script/relative_foot_positions/plot_polytopes.py
index 391207b0c1ab9ebfc9bb34f61c9f240c51fb83d1..322329df0aac9706121654d8c2785f650be7325a 100644
--- a/script/relative_foot_positions/plot_polytopes.py
+++ b/script/relative_foot_positions/plot_polytopes.py
@@ -1,66 +1,54 @@
 import numpy as np
-from hpp_centroidal_dynamics import *
-from hpp_spline import *
-from numpy import array, asmatrix, matrix, zeros, ones
-from numpy import array, dot, vstack, hstack, asmatrix, identity, cross
-from numpy.linalg import norm
-from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
-from hpp_bezier_com_traj import *
-#~ from qp import solve_lp
-import eigenpy
-# ~ import cdd
-from curves import bezier3
-from random import random as rd
-from random import randint as rdi
-from numpy import squeeze, asarray
+# from hpp_centroidal_dynamics import *
+# from hpp_spline import *
+from numpy import array
+from constants_and_tools import genPolytope
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from constants_and_tools import *
+from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
+# from hpp_bezier_com_traj import *
+# from qp import solve_lp
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
+# import cdd
-def plot_hull_in_subplot(hull, pts, apts, ax, color = "r", just_pts = False):
+def plot_hull_in_subplot(hull, pts, apts, ax, color="r", just_pts=False):
     # Plot defining corner points
     ax.plot(apts.T[0], apts.T[1], apts.T[2], "ko")
     if not just_pts:
         for s in hull.simplices:
             s = np.append(s, s[0])  # Here we cycle back to the first coordinate
-            ax.plot(apts[s, 0], apts[s, 1], apts[s, 2], color+"-")
+            ax.plot(apts[s, 0], apts[s, 1], apts[s, 2], color + "-")
-def plot_hull(hull, pts, apts, color = "r", just_pts = False, plot = False, fig = None, ax = None):    
+def plot_hull(hull, pts, apts, color="r", just_pts=False, plot=False, fig=None, ax=None):
     if fig is None:
         fig = plt.figure()
     if ax is None:
-        print ("ax is none")
+        print("ax is none")
         ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
     plot_hull_in_subplot(hull, pts, array(pts), ax, color, just_pts)
     if plot:
-        print (" PLOT" )
+        print(" PLOT")
     return ax
-def plot_polytope_H_rep(A_in,b_in, color = "r", just_pts = False):
-    hull, pts, apts, cd = genPolytope(A_in,b_in)
+def plot_polytope_H_rep(A_in, b_in, color="r", just_pts=False):
+    hull, pts, apts, cd = genPolytope(A_in, b_in)
     plot_hull(hull, pts, apts, color, just_pts)
-def plot_polytope_V_rep(pts, color = "r", just_pts = False):
+def plot_polytope_V_rep(pts, color="r", just_pts=False):
     pts = [array(el) for el in pts]
     apts = array(pts)
     hull = ConvexHull(apts, qhull_options='Q12')
     plot_hull(hull, pts, apts, color, just_pts)
-def plot_polytope_CDD_PolyHeron(H, color = "r", just_pts = False):
+def plot_polytope_CDD_PolyHeron(H, color="r", just_pts=False):
     g = H.get_generators()
     pts = [array(g[el][1:]) for el in range(g.row_size)]
     plot_polytope_V_rep(pts, color, just_pts)
diff --git a/script/relative_foot_positions/quaternion.py b/script/relative_foot_positions/quaternion.py
index 7d78f6cb1cab5da2cd5c42146c10b7ec77d7ad87..5eb6cfa7aa57ea08c76e43baddf0fd2a484159c7 100644
--- a/script/relative_foot_positions/quaternion.py
+++ b/script/relative_foot_positions/quaternion.py
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
 import numpy as np
 from numpy import linalg
-class Quaternion (object):
+class Quaternion(object):
     Quaternion class :
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ class Quaternion (object):
     It can also return a rotation vector, a rotation matrix, or a SO3
       (see the methods : to...() for more information).
-    def __init__(self,*args):
+    def __init__(self, *args):
         Instanciation of the quaternion with 1, 2 or 4 arguments  :
@@ -86,104 +87,111 @@ class Quaternion (object):
           e.g. : quat().fromRPY(R,P,Y)
-        error=False
-        if len(args)==0: # By default, if no argument is given
-            self.array=np.array([1.,0.,0.,0.])
-        elif len (args) == 4: # From 4 elements
-            if np.array(args).size==4:
-                self.array = np.double(np.array (args))
+        error = False
+        if len(args) == 0:  # By default, if no argument is given
+            self.array = np.array([1., 0., 0., 0.])
+        elif len(args) == 4:  # From 4 elements
+            if np.array(args).size == 4:
+                self.array = np.double(np.array(args))
-                error=True
-        elif len (args) == 1:
-            if type(args[0])==Quaternion: # From a Quaternion
-                self.array=args[0].array.copy()
-            elif np.array(args[0]).size==1: # From one sized element, this element will be the scalar part, the vector part will be set at (0,0,0)
-                self.array=np.double(np.hstack([np.array(args[0]),np.array([0,0,0])]))
-            elif np.array(args[0]).size==4 and max(np.array(args[0]).shape)==4: # From an array, matrix, tuple or list of 4 elements
-                self.array = np.double(np.array(args[0])).reshape(4,)
-            elif np.array(args[0]).size==3 and max(np.array(args[0]).shape)==3: # From an array, matrix, tuple or list of 3 elements interpreted as a rotation vector
-                rV=np.double(np.array(args[0])).reshape(3,)
-                alpha=np.double(linalg.norm(rV))
-                if alpha !=0:
-                    e=rV/alpha
+                error = True
+        elif len(args) == 1:
+            if type(args[0]) == Quaternion:  # From a Quaternion
+                self.array = args[0].array.copy()
+            elif np.array(args[0]).size == 1:
+                # From one sized element, this element will be the scalar part,
+                # the vector part will be set at (0,0,0)
+                self.array = np.double(np.hstack([np.array(args[0]), np.array([0, 0, 0])]))
+            elif np.array(args[0]).size == 4 and max(np.array(
+                    args[0]).shape) == 4:  # From an array, matrix, tuple or list of 4 elements
+                self.array = np.double(np.array(args[0])).reshape(4, )
+            elif np.array(args[0]).size == 3 and max(
+                    np.array(args[0]).shape
+            ) == 3:  # From an array, matrix, tuple or list of 3 elements interpreted as a rotation vector
+                rV = np.double(np.array(args[0])).reshape(3, )
+                alpha = np.double(linalg.norm(rV))
+                if alpha != 0:
+                    e = rV / alpha
-                    e=rV
-                self.array=np.hstack([np.cos(alpha/2.),np.sin(alpha/2.)*e])
-            elif len(np.array(args[0]).shape)==2 and np.array(args[0]).shape[0]>=3 and np.array(args[0]).shape[1]>=3: # From a to 2 dimension array convertible array, matrix, tuple or list with at least (3*3) elements interpreted  as a rotation matrix
-                rM=np.double(np.array(args[0])[:3,:3])
-                selec=np.zeros(4)
-                selec[0]=1+rM[0,0]+rM[1,1]+rM[2,2]
-                selec[1]=1+rM[0,0]-rM[1,1]-rM[2,2]
-                selec[2]=1-rM[0,0]+rM[1,1]-rM[2,2]
-                selec[3]=1-rM[0,0]-rM[1,1]+rM[2,2]
-                param=selec.argmax()
-                if selec[param]>0:
-                    q=np.zeros(4)
-                    if param==0:
-                        q[0]=np.sqrt(selec[param])
-                        q[1]=(rM[2,1]-rM[1,2])/q[0]
-                        q[2]=(rM[0,2]-rM[2,0])/q[0]
-                        q[3]=(rM[1,0]-rM[0,1])/q[0]
-                        self.array=q*0.5
+                    e = rV
+                self.array = np.hstack([np.cos(alpha / 2.), np.sin(alpha / 2.) * e])
+            elif len(np.array(
+                    args[0]).shape) == 2 and np.array(args[0]).shape[0] >= 3 and np.array(args[0]).shape[1] >= 3:
+                # From a to 2 dimension array convertible array, matrix, tuple or list with at least (3*3)
+                # elements interpreted  as a rotation matrix
+                rM = np.double(np.array(args[0])[:3, :3])
+                selec = np.zeros(4)
+                selec[0] = 1 + rM[0, 0] + rM[1, 1] + rM[2, 2]
+                selec[1] = 1 + rM[0, 0] - rM[1, 1] - rM[2, 2]
+                selec[2] = 1 - rM[0, 0] + rM[1, 1] - rM[2, 2]
+                selec[3] = 1 - rM[0, 0] - rM[1, 1] + rM[2, 2]
+                param = selec.argmax()
+                if selec[param] > 0:
+                    q = np.zeros(4)
+                    if param == 0:
+                        q[0] = np.sqrt(selec[param])
+                        q[1] = (rM[2, 1] - rM[1, 2]) / q[0]
+                        q[2] = (rM[0, 2] - rM[2, 0]) / q[0]
+                        q[3] = (rM[1, 0] - rM[0, 1]) / q[0]
+                        self.array = q * 0.5
                         # print '--1--V3'
-                    elif param==1:
-                        q[1]=np.sqrt(selec[param])
-                        q[0]=(rM[2,1]-rM[1,2])/q[1]
-                        q[2]=(rM[1,0]+rM[0,1])/q[1]
-                        q[3]=(rM[0,2]+rM[2,0])/q[1]
-                        self.array=q*0.5
+                    elif param == 1:
+                        q[1] = np.sqrt(selec[param])
+                        q[0] = (rM[2, 1] - rM[1, 2]) / q[1]
+                        q[2] = (rM[1, 0] + rM[0, 1]) / q[1]
+                        q[3] = (rM[0, 2] + rM[2, 0]) / q[1]
+                        self.array = q * 0.5
                         # print '--2--V3'
-                    elif param==2:
-                        q[2]=np.sqrt(selec[param])
-                        q[0]=(rM[0,2]-rM[2,0])/q[2]
-                        q[1]=(rM[1,0]+rM[0,1])/q[2]
-                        q[3]=(rM[2,1]+rM[1,2])/q[2]
-                        self.array=q*0.5
+                    elif param == 2:
+                        q[2] = np.sqrt(selec[param])
+                        q[0] = (rM[0, 2] - rM[2, 0]) / q[2]
+                        q[1] = (rM[1, 0] + rM[0, 1]) / q[2]
+                        q[3] = (rM[2, 1] + rM[1, 2]) / q[2]
+                        self.array = q * 0.5
                         # print '--3--V3'
-                    elif param==3:
-                        q[3]=np.sqrt(selec[param])
-                        q[0]=(rM[1,0]-rM[0,1])/q[3]
-                        q[1]=(rM[0,2]+rM[2,0])/q[3]
-                        q[2]=(rM[2,1]+rM[1,2])/q[3]
-                        self.array=q*0.5
+                    elif param == 3:
+                        q[3] = np.sqrt(selec[param])
+                        q[0] = (rM[1, 0] - rM[0, 1]) / q[3]
+                        q[1] = (rM[0, 2] + rM[2, 0]) / q[3]
+                        q[2] = (rM[2, 1] + rM[1, 2]) / q[3]
+                        self.array = q * 0.5
                         # print '--4--V3'
-                    error=True
+                    error = True
-                error=True
-        elif len(args)==2: # From a scalar part (1 element) and a vector part (3 elements)
-            arg0=np.double(np.array(args[0]))
-            arg1=np.double(np.array(args[1]))
-            if arg0.size==1 and arg1.size==3:
-                self.array=np.zeros(4)
-                self.array[0]=arg0
-                self.array[1:4]=arg1[:]
-            elif arg0.size==3 and arg1.size==1:
-                self.array=np.zeros(4)
-                self.array[0]=arg1
-                self.array[1:4]=arg0[:]
+                error = True
+        elif len(args) == 2:  # From a scalar part (1 element) and a vector part (3 elements)
+            arg0 = np.double(np.array(args[0]))
+            arg1 = np.double(np.array(args[1]))
+            if arg0.size == 1 and arg1.size == 3:
+                self.array = np.zeros(4)
+                self.array[0] = arg0
+                self.array[1:4] = arg1[:]
+            elif arg0.size == 3 and arg1.size == 1:
+                self.array = np.zeros(4)
+                self.array[0] = arg1
+                self.array[1:4] = arg0[:]
-                error=True
+                error = True
-            error=True
+            error = True
-        if error==False and self.array.shape!=(4,):
+        if not error and self.array.shape != (4, ):
             del self.array
-            error=True
+            error = True
         if error:
-            raise TypeError ("Impossible to instanciate the Quaternion object with the given arguments")
+            raise TypeError("Impossible to instanciate the Quaternion object with the given arguments")
     def __str__(self):
         String representation of the quaternion.
-        aff='[ '
-        aff+=str(self.array [0])+'  +  '
-        aff+=str(self.array [1])+' i  +  '
-        aff+=str(self.array [2])+' j  +  '
-        aff+=str(self.array [3])+' k ]'
+        aff = '[ '
+        aff += str(self.array[0]) + '  +  '
+        aff += str(self.array[1]) + ' i  +  '
+        aff += str(self.array[2]) + ' j  +  '
+        aff += str(self.array[3]) + ' k ]'
         return aff
     def __neg__(self):
@@ -193,56 +201,57 @@ class Quaternion (object):
         return Quaternion(-self.array)
-    def __add__(self,other):
+    def __add__(self, other):
         If other is not a quaternion it is casted to a quaternion,
         the elements are added one to one.
-        if type(other)!=Quaternion:
-            q2=Quaternion(other)
+        if type(other) != Quaternion:
+            q2 = Quaternion(other)
-            q2=other
-        return Quaternion(self.array+q2.array)
+            q2 = other
+        return Quaternion(self.array + q2.array)
-    def __sub__(self,other):
+    def __sub__(self, other):
         If other is not a quaternion it is casted to a quaternion,
         the elements are substracted one to one.
-        if type(other)!=Quaternion:
-            q2=Quaternion(other)
+        if type(other) != Quaternion:
+            q2 = Quaternion(other)
-            q2=other
-        return Quaternion(self.array-q2.array)
+            q2 = other
+        return Quaternion(self.array - q2.array)
-    def __mul__(self,other):
+    def __mul__(self, other):
         If other is not a quaternion it is casted to a quaternion,
         the result of the quaternion multiplication is returned.
-        if type(other)!=Quaternion:
-            q2=Quaternion(other)
+        if type(other) != Quaternion:
+            q2 = Quaternion(other)
-            q2=other
-        qr=np.zeros(4)
-        qr[0]=self.array[0]*q2.array[0]-np.vdot(self.array[1:],q2.array[1:])
-        qr[1:4]=np.cross(self.array[1:4],q2.array[1:4])+self.array[0]*q2.array[1:4]+q2.array[0]*self.array[1:4]
+            q2 = other
+        qr = np.zeros(4)
+        qr[0] = self.array[0] * q2.array[0] - np.vdot(self.array[1:], q2.array[1:])
+        qr[1:4] = np.cross(self.array[1:4],
+                           q2.array[1:4]) + self.array[0] * q2.array[1:4] + q2.array[0] * self.array[1:4]
         return Quaternion(qr)
-    def __rmul__(self,other):
+    def __rmul__(self, other):
         other is casted to a quaternion,
         the result of the quaternion multiplication is returned.
-        return  Quaternion(other)*self
+        return Quaternion(other) * self
-    def transform (self, v):
+    def transform(self, v):
         apply rotation to a vector
-        u = np.array (self.array [1:4])
-        s = self.array [0]
-        return 2*u.dot(v)*u + (s*s - u.dot(u))*v + 2*s*np.cross(u, v)
+        u = np.array(self.array[1:4])
+        s = self.array[0]
+        return 2 * u.dot(v) * u + (s * s - u.dot(u)) * v + 2 * s * np.cross(u, v)
     def __abs__(self):
@@ -254,50 +263,50 @@ class Quaternion (object):
         Returns the conjugate of the quaternion.
-        return Quaternion(self.array[0],-self.array[1:4])
+        return Quaternion(self.array[0], -self.array[1:4])
     def inv(self):
         Returns the inverse of the quaternion.
-        return Quaternion(self.conjugate().array/(abs(self)**2))
+        return Quaternion(self.conjugate().array / (abs(self)**2))
-    def __div__(self,other):
+    def __div__(self, other):
         If other is not a quaternion it is casted to a quaternion,
         the result of the quaternion multiplication with the inverse of other
         is returned.
-        if type(other)!=Quaternion:
-            q2=Quaternion(other)
+        if type(other) != Quaternion:
+            q2 = Quaternion(other)
-            q2=other
-        return self*q2.inv()
+            q2 = other
+        return self * q2.inv()
-    def __pow__(self,n):
+    def __pow__(self, n):
         Returns quaternion**n with quaternion**0 = Quaternion(1,0,0,0).
-        r=Quaternion()
+        r = Quaternion()
         for i in range(n):
-                r=r*self
+            r = r * self
         return r
-    def normalize (self):
+    def normalize(self):
         Changes the values of the quaternion to make it a unit quaternion
         representing the same rotation as the original one
         and returns the updated version.
-        self.array /= abs(self);
+        self.array /= abs(self)
         return self
-    def normalized (self):
+    def normalized(self):
         Returns the unit quaternion representation of the quaternion
         without changing the original.
-        qr=Quaternion(self)
+        qr = Quaternion(self)
         return qr
@@ -306,17 +315,17 @@ class Quaternion (object):
         Returns a (3*3) array (rotation matrix)
         representing the same rotation as the (normalized) quaternion.
-        q=self.normalized().array
-        rm=np.zeros((3,3))
-        rm[0,0]=1-2*(q[2]**2+q[3]**2)
-        rm[0,1]=2*q[1]*q[2]-2*q[0]*q[3]
-        rm[0,2]=2*q[1]*q[3]+2*q[0]*q[2]
-        rm[1,0]=2*q[1]*q[2]+2*q[0]*q[3]
-        rm[1,1]=1-2*(q[1]**2+q[3]**2)
-        rm[1,2]=2*q[2]*q[3]-2*q[0]*q[1]
-        rm[2,0]=2*q[1]*q[3]-2*q[0]*q[2]
-        rm[2,1]=2*q[2]*q[3]+2*q[0]*q[1]
-        rm[2,2]=1-2*(q[1]**2+q[2]**2)
+        q = self.normalized().array
+        rm = np.zeros((3, 3))
+        rm[0, 0] = 1 - 2 * (q[2]**2 + q[3]**2)
+        rm[0, 1] = 2 * q[1] * q[2] - 2 * q[0] * q[3]
+        rm[0, 2] = 2 * q[1] * q[3] + 2 * q[0] * q[2]
+        rm[1, 0] = 2 * q[1] * q[2] + 2 * q[0] * q[3]
+        rm[1, 1] = 1 - 2 * (q[1]**2 + q[3]**2)
+        rm[1, 2] = 2 * q[2] * q[3] - 2 * q[0] * q[1]
+        rm[2, 0] = 2 * q[1] * q[3] - 2 * q[0] * q[2]
+        rm[2, 1] = 2 * q[2] * q[3] + 2 * q[0] * q[1]
+        rm[2, 2] = 1 - 2 * (q[1]**2 + q[2]**2)
         return rm
     def toRotationVector(self):
@@ -324,11 +333,11 @@ class Quaternion (object):
         Returns a 3-sized array (rotation vector)
         representing the same rotation as the (normalized) quaternion.
-        q=self.normalized().array
-        rV=np.zeros(3)
-        alpha=2*np.arccos(q[0])
-        if linalg.norm(q[1:4])!=0:
-            rV=alpha*q[1:4]/linalg.norm(q[1:4])
+        q = self.normalized().array
+        rV = np.zeros(3)
+        alpha = 2 * np.arccos(q[0])
+        if linalg.norm(q[1:4]) != 0:
+            rV = alpha * q[1:4] / linalg.norm(q[1:4])
         return rV
     def copy(self):
@@ -353,13 +362,15 @@ class Quaternion (object):
             followed by a rotation of P about the new y-axis,
             followed by a rotation of R about the new x-axis.
-        q=self.normalized().array
-        r=np.arctan2(2*(q[0]*q[1]+q[2]*q[3]),1-2*(q[1]**2+q[2]**2))
-        p=np.arctan2(2*(q[0]*q[2]-q[3]*q[1]),np.sqrt((2*(q[0]*q[1]+q[2]*q[3]))**2+(1-2*(q[1]**2+q[2]**2))**2)) # We cas use arcsin but arctan2 is more robust
-        y=np.arctan2(2*(q[0]*q[3]+q[1]*q[2]),1-2*(q[2]**2+q[3]**2))
-        return np.array([r,p,y])
+        q = self.normalized().array
+        r = np.arctan2(2 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]), 1 - 2 * (q[1]**2 + q[2]**2))
+        p = np.arctan2(2 * (q[0] * q[2] - q[3] * q[1]),
+                       np.sqrt((2 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]))**2 +
+                               (1 - 2 * (q[1]**2 + q[2]**2))**2))  # We cas use arcsin but arctan2 is more robust
+        y = np.arctan2(2 * (q[0] * q[3] + q[1] * q[2]), 1 - 2 * (q[2]**2 + q[3]**2))
+        return np.array([r, p, y])
-    def fromRPY(self,R,P,Y):
+    def fromRPY(self, R, P, Y):
         Set the values of the quaternion to the values of a unit quaternion
         representing the same rotation as the one performed by Roll Pitch Yaw :
@@ -370,17 +381,17 @@ class Quaternion (object):
             followed by a rotation of P about the new y-axis,
             followed by a rotation of R about the new x-axis.
-        r=R/2.
-        p=P/2.
-        y=Y/2.
-        self.array[0]=np.cos(r)*np.cos(p)*np.cos(y)+np.sin(r)*np.sin(p)*np.sin(y)
-        self.array[1]=np.sin(r)*np.cos(p)*np.cos(y)-np.cos(r)*np.sin(p)*np.sin(y)
-        self.array[2]=np.cos(r)*np.sin(p)*np.cos(y)+np.sin(r)*np.cos(p)*np.sin(y)
-        self.array[3]=np.cos(r)*np.cos(p)*np.sin(y)-np.sin(r)*np.sin(p)*np.cos(y)
+        r = R / 2.
+        p = P / 2.
+        y = Y / 2.
+        self.array[0] = np.cos(r) * np.cos(p) * np.cos(y) + np.sin(r) * np.sin(p) * np.sin(y)
+        self.array[1] = np.sin(r) * np.cos(p) * np.cos(y) - np.cos(r) * np.sin(p) * np.sin(y)
+        self.array[2] = np.cos(r) * np.sin(p) * np.cos(y) + np.sin(r) * np.cos(p) * np.sin(y)
+        self.array[3] = np.cos(r) * np.cos(p) * np.sin(y) - np.sin(r) * np.sin(p) * np.cos(y)
         return self.normalize()
-    def toTuple (self):
+    def toTuple(self):
         Return quaternion as a tuple a float starting with real part.
-        return tuple (self.array)
+        return tuple(self.array)
diff --git a/script/relative_foot_positions/reduce.py b/script/relative_foot_positions/reduce.py
index bded2e164c3be418efcb654b14f88a9ac16b82c8..1e0b55f695a1098d7722e0ed3734d8e748a1c9ff 100644
--- a/script/relative_foot_positions/reduce.py
+++ b/script/relative_foot_positions/reduce.py
@@ -1,67 +1,82 @@
 import bpy
+import glob
+import os
 # this script is tested with blender 2.82
 # WARNING !! this script will erase your scene
-#change those parameters according to your needs
+# change those parameters according to your needs
 FOLDER_PATH = "/media/data/dev/linux/hpp/src/anymal-rbprm/script/relative_foot_positions/"
 EXTENSION = ".obj"
 def decimate(obj):
     nFaces = len(obj.data.polygons)
-    heuristic_ratio =  TARGET_NUM_FACES / float(nFaces)
-    bpy.ops.mesh.decimate(ratio=heuristic_ratio)    
-    return 
+    heuristic_ratio = TARGET_NUM_FACES / float(nFaces)
+    bpy.ops.mesh.decimate(ratio=heuristic_ratio)
+    return
 def load_obj(file):
     # ~ bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath=FOLDER_PATH+file, axis_forward='X', axis_up='Z')
-    bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath=FOLDER_PATH+file)
+    bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath=FOLDER_PATH + file)
     obj = bpy.data.objects[-1]
-    #api change in 2.82
-    #bpy.context.scene.objects.active = obj
+    # api change in 2.82
+    # bpy.context.scene.objects.active = obj
     bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
-    bpy.ops.mesh.delete( type='EDGE_FACE')
+    bpy.ops.mesh.delete(type='EDGE_FACE')
-    bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action = 'SELECT')
+    bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
-    #to export first extract filename
+    # to export first extract filename
     idx = file.index(EXTENSION)
     obj.name = file[:idx] + "_reduced"
-    bpy.ops.export_scene.obj(filepath=OUTPUT_PATH+obj.name+EXTENSION, check_existing=True, filter_glob="*.obj;*.mtl",
-    use_selection=True, use_animation=False, 
-    use_mesh_modifiers=True, use_edges=True, 
-    use_smooth_groups=False, use_smooth_groups_bitflags=False, 
-    use_normals=True, use_uvs=True, use_materials=False, 
-    use_triangles=False, use_nurbs=False, 
-    use_vertex_groups=False, use_blen_objects=True,
-    group_by_object=False, group_by_material=False, keep_vertex_order=False,
-     # ~ global_scale=1.0, path_mode='AUTO', axis_forward='X', axis_up='Z')
-     global_scale=1.0, path_mode='AUTO')
-    #delete all objects
-    bpy.ops.object.delete()  
+    bpy.ops.export_scene.obj(
+        filepath=OUTPUT_PATH + obj.name + EXTENSION,
+        check_existing=True,
+        filter_glob="*.obj;*.mtl",
+        use_selection=True,
+        use_animation=False,
+        use_mesh_modifiers=True,
+        use_edges=True,
+        use_smooth_groups=False,
+        use_smooth_groups_bitflags=False,
+        use_normals=True,
+        use_uvs=True,
+        use_materials=False,
+        use_triangles=False,
+        use_nurbs=False,
+        use_vertex_groups=False,
+        use_blen_objects=True,
+        group_by_object=False,
+        group_by_material=False,
+        keep_vertex_order=False,
+        # ~ global_scale=1.0, path_mode='AUTO', axis_forward='X', axis_up='Z')
+        global_scale=1.0,
+        path_mode='AUTO')
+    # delete all objects
+    bpy.ops.object.delete()
-import glob, os
 directory = os.path.dirname(OUTPUT_PATH)
 if not os.path.exists(directory):
-#clear the scene !
+# clear the scene !
 for file in glob.glob("*.obj"):
diff --git a/script/relative_foot_positions/relativeFootPositionQuasiFlat.py b/script/relative_foot_positions/relativeFootPositionQuasiFlat.py
index 01ebc1d306726560db979ed488b763c5293f2768..42d995c09ef78a47e3e4aa0557e411e07d8cbcd9 100644
--- a/script/relative_foot_positions/relativeFootPositionQuasiFlat.py
+++ b/script/relative_foot_positions/relativeFootPositionQuasiFlat.py
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.rbprmbuilder import Builder
-from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.rbprmfullbody import FullBody
-from hpp.gepetto import Viewer
+# from numpy.linalg import norm
+# import numpy as np
+from numpy import array, zeros, ones
+from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
+from scipy.optimize import linprog
 from hpp.gepetto import ViewerFactory
-from numpy import array
-from numpy.linalg import norm
+from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm import rbprmstate, state_alg
 from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.anymal import Robot
-from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.tools.display_tools import *
+from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
+from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.tools.display_tools import hull_to_obj, plt, plot_hull
-from plot_polytopes import *
-from pinocchio import Quaternion
+# from plot_polytopes import *
+# from pinocchio import Quaternion
 NUM_SAMPLES = 18000
@@ -23,30 +23,30 @@ MIN_HEIGHT_COM = 0.3
 # for more than this margin, we reject this sample:
-fullBody = Robot ()
+fullBody = Robot()
-fullBody.setJointBounds ("root_joint", [-20,20, -20, 20, -20, 20])
-dict_heuristic = {fullBody.rLegId:"static", fullBody.lLegId:"static", fullBody.rArmId:"fixedStep04", fullBody.lArmId:"fixedStep04"}
-#~ from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm.problem_solver import ProblemSolver
-from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver
+fullBody.setJointBounds("LF_KFE", [-1.4, 0.])
+fullBody.setJointBounds("RF_KFE", [-1.4, 0.])
+fullBody.setJointBounds("LH_KFE", [0., 1.4])
+fullBody.setJointBounds("RH_KFE", [0., 1.4])
+fullBody.setJointBounds("root_joint", [-20, 20, -20, 20, -20, 20])
+dict_heuristic = {
+    fullBody.rLegId: "static",
+    fullBody.lLegId: "static",
+    fullBody.rArmId: "fixedStep04",
+    fullBody.lArmId: "fixedStep04"
+fullBody.loadAllLimbs(dict_heuristic, "ReferenceConfiguration", nbSamples=12)
 nbSamples = 1
-ps = ProblemSolver( fullBody )
-vf = ViewerFactory (ps)
+ps = ProblemSolver(fullBody)
+vf = ViewerFactory(ps)
 v = vf.createViewer()
 rootName = 'root_joint'
-zero = [0.,0.,0.]
+zero = [0., 0., 0.]
 rLegId = fullBody.rLegId
 rLeg = fullBody.rleg
 rfoot = fullBody.rfoot
@@ -56,117 +56,123 @@ rArmOffset = fullBody.offset[:]
 lArmOffset = fullBody.offset[:]
 lLegId = fullBody.lLegId
-lLeg   = fullBody.lleg
-lfoot  = fullBody.lfoot
+lLeg = fullBody.lleg
+lfoot = fullBody.lfoot
-#make sure this is 0
-q_0 = fullBody.getCurrentConfig ()
-zeroConf = [0,0,0, 0, 0, 0, 1.]
+# make sure this is 0
+q_0 = fullBody.getCurrentConfig()
+zeroConf = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.]
 q_0[0:7] = zeroConf
-fullBody.setCurrentConfig (q_0)
-effectors = [fullBody.rfoot, fullBody.lfoot, fullBody.rhand, fullBody.lhand,]
+effectors = [
+    fullBody.rfoot,
+    fullBody.lfoot,
+    fullBody.rhand,
+    fullBody.lhand,
 limbIds = [fullBody.rLegId, fullBody.lLegId, fullBody.rArmId, fullBody.lArmId]
 offsets = [array(rLegOffset), array(lLegOffset), array(rArmOffset), array(lArmOffset)]
-import numpy as np
 compoints = [[] for _ in effectors]
-#~ compoints = [[[0.012471792486262121, 0.0015769611415203033, 0.8127583093263778]],[[0.012471792486262121, 0.0015769611415203033, 0.8127583093263778]]]
-points = [ {} for _ in effectors] 
-for i, eff in enumerate(effectors):    
+# compoints = [[[0.012471792486262121, 0.0015769611415203033, 0.8127583093263778]],
+# [[0.012471792486262121, 0.0015769611415203033, 0.8127583093263778]]]
+points = [{} for _ in effectors]
+for i, eff in enumerate(effectors):
     for j, otherEff in enumerate(effectors):
         if i != j:
             points[i][otherEff] = []
 success = 0
 fails = 0
-from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm import  rbprmstate, state_alg
-from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
-from scipy.optimize import linprog
-#static eq is com is convex combination of pos (projected)
+# static eq is com is convex combination of pos (projected)
 def staticEq(positions, com):
     sizeX = len(positions)
-    E = zeros((3,sizeX))
+    E = zeros((3, sizeX))
     for i, pos in enumerate(positions):
-        E[:2,i] = pos[:2]
+        E[:2, i] = pos[:2]
     e = array([com[0], com[1], 1.])
-    E[2,:] = ones(sizeX)
-    try:
-        res = linprog(ones(sizeX), A_ub=None, b_ub=None, A_eq=E, b_eq=e, bounds=[(0.,1.) for _ in range(sizeX)], method='interior-point', callback=None, options={'presolve': True})
-        return res['success']
-    except:
-        return False
-#returns true of one of the point is inside the convex hulls of the others. We do not want that
+    E[2, :] = ones(sizeX)
+    res = linprog(ones(sizeX),
+                  A_ub=None,
+                  b_ub=None,
+                  A_eq=E,
+                  b_eq=e,
+                  bounds=[(0., 1.) for _ in range(sizeX)],
+                  method='interior-point',
+                  callback=None,
+                  options={'presolve': True})
+    return res['success']
+# returns true of one of the point is inside the convex hulls of the others. We do not want that
 def pointInsideHull(positions):
     for i, pos in enumerate(positions):
-        others = positions[:i] + positions[i+1:]
+        others = positions[:i] + positions[i + 1:]
         if staticEq(others, pos):
             return True
     return False
-def genFlat(init = False):
-        q = fullBody.shootRandomConfig()
-        if init:
-            q =  fullBody.referenceConfig[::]
-        q[0:7] = zeroConf
+def genFlat(init=False):
+    q = fullBody.shootRandomConfig()
+    if init:
+        q = fullBody.referenceConfig[::]
+    q[0:7] = zeroConf
+    fullBody.setCurrentConfig(q)
+    # v(q)
+    positions = [fullBody.getJointPosition(foot)[:3] for foot in effectors]
+    s = rbprmstate.State(fullBody, q=q, limbsIncontact=limbIds)
+    succ = True
+    for effId, pos in zip(limbIds, positions):
+        s, succ = state_alg.addNewContact(s, effId, pos, [0., 0., 1.], num_max_sample=0)
+        if not succ:
+            break
+    # posrf = fullBody.getJointPosition(rfoot)[:3]
+    # poslf = fullBody.getJointPosition(lfoot)[:3]
+    # print ("limbsIds ", limbIds)
+    # s = rbprmstate.State(fullBody, q = q, limbsIncontact = limbIds)
+    # s, succ = state_alg.addNewContact(s, rLegId, posrf, [0.,0.,1.], num_max_sample = 0)
+    # if succ:
+    # s, succ = state_alg.addNewContact(s, lLegId, poslf, [0.,0.,1.], num_max_sample = 0)
+    if succ:
+        # ~ succ = fullBody.isConfigValid(q)[0] and norm (array(posrf[:2]) - array(poslf[:2]) ) >= 0.3
+        succ = fullBody.isConfigValid(q)[0]
+    # assert that in static equilibrium
+    if succ:
-        #~ v(q)
-        positions = [fullBody.getJointPosition(foot)[:3] for foot in effectors]
-        s = rbprmstate.State(fullBody, q = q, limbsIncontact = limbIds)
-        succ = True
-        for effId, pos in zip(limbIds,positions):
-            s, succ = state_alg.addNewContact(s, effId, pos, [0.,0.,1.], num_max_sample = 0)
-            if not succ:
-                break            
-        # ~ posrf = fullBody.getJointPosition(rfoot)[:3]
-        # ~ poslf = fullBody.getJointPosition(lfoot)[:3]
-        # ~ print ("limbsIds ", limbIds)
-        # ~ s = rbprmstate.State(fullBody, q = q, limbsIncontact = limbIds) 
-        # ~ s, succ = state_alg.addNewContact(s, rLegId, posrf, [0.,0.,1.], num_max_sample = 0)
-        # ~ if succ:
-                # ~ s, succ = state_alg.addNewContact(s, lLegId, poslf, [0.,0.,1.], num_max_sample = 0)
-        if succ:
-                # ~ succ = fullBody.isConfigValid(q)[0] and norm (array(posrf[:2]) - array(poslf[:2]) ) >= 0.3
-                succ = fullBody.isConfigValid(q)[0] 
-        #assert that in static equilibrium
-        if succ:
-            fullBody.setCurrentConfig(q)
-            succ = staticEq(positions, fullBody.getCenterOfMass())
-            if not succ:
-                v(q)
-        if succ:
-            succ = not pointInsideHull(positions)
-            if not succ:
-                print ("************* contacts crossing", not succ)
-                v(q)
-        #~ if succ and norm (array(posrf[:2]) - array(poslf[:2]) ) <= 0.1:
-        # ~ if succ and norm (array(posrf) - array(poslf) ) <= 0.1:
-                v(s.q())
-        return s.q(), succ, s, positions
+        succ = staticEq(positions, fullBody.getCenterOfMass())
+        if not succ:
+            v(q)
+    if succ:
+        succ = not pointInsideHull(positions)
+        if not succ:
+            print("************* contacts crossing", not succ)
+            v(q)
+            # if succ and norm (array(posrf[:2]) - array(poslf[:2]) ) <= 0.1:
+            # if succ and norm (array(posrf) - array(poslf) ) <= 0.1:
+            v(s.q())
+    return s.q(), succ, s, positions
 def printFootPositionRelativeToOther(nbConfigs):
     for i in range(0, nbConfigs):
         if i > 0 and not i % IT_DISPLAY_PROGRESS:
             print(int((i * 100) / nbConfigs), " % done")
-        q, succ, s, pos = genFlat(i==0)
+        q, succ, s, pos = genFlat(i == 0)
         if succ:
             global success
             success += 1
             addCom = True
             for j, effectorName in enumerate(effectors):
-                for otheridx, (oeffectorName, limbId) in enumerate(zip(effectors,limbIds)):
-                    if otheridx != j:               
+                for otheridx, (oeffectorName, limbId) in enumerate(zip(effectors, limbIds)):
+                    if otheridx != j:
                         pos_other = fullBody.getJointPosition(oeffectorName)
                         pos = fullBody.getJointPosition(effectorName)
@@ -182,40 +188,41 @@ def printFootPositionRelativeToOther(nbConfigs):
                         # ~ p = qEffector[0:3]  # (0,0,0) coordinate expressed in effector fram
                         # ~ rm = np.zeros((4, 4))
                         # ~ for k in range(0, 3):
-                            # ~ for l in range(0, 3):
-                                # ~ rm[k, l] = rot[k, l]
+                        # ~ for l in range(0, 3):
+                        # ~ rm[k, l] = rot[k, l]
                         # ~ for m in range(0, 3):
-                            # ~ rm[m, 3] = qEffector[m]
+                        # ~ rm[m, 3] = qEffector[m]
                         # ~ rm[3, 3] = 1
                         # ~ invrm = np.linalg.inv(rm)
-                        # ~ p = invrm.dot([0, 0, 0., 1])                    
-                        if (MAX_DIST_BETWEEN_FEET_Z > abs(p[2])):       
-                            if  (MIN_DIST_BETWEEN_FEET_Y <= abs(p[1])):                
-                                if  (MIN_DIST_BETWEEN_FEET_X <= abs(p[0])): #this is not what we want to do in theory but it works well in fact               
+                        # ~ p = invrm.dot([0, 0, 0., 1])
+                        if (MAX_DIST_BETWEEN_FEET_Z > abs(p[2])):
+                            if (MIN_DIST_BETWEEN_FEET_Y <= abs(p[1])):
+                                if (MIN_DIST_BETWEEN_FEET_X <= abs(p[0])):
+                                    # this is not what we want to do in theory but it works well in fact
                                     addCom = False
                                 addCom = False
-                            print ('rejecting ',effectorName, ' ', oeffectorName , p,  abs(p[2]))
+                            print('rejecting ', effectorName, ' ', oeffectorName, p, abs(p[2]))
                             # ~ print ('pos_other', pos_other)
                             # ~ print ('old_pos', old_pos)
                             addCom = False
                         # ~ if (j == 0 and p[1] > MIN_DIST_BETWEEN_FEET_Y and abs(p[0]) < MAX_DIST_BETWEEN_FEET_X):
-                            # ~ points[j].append(p[:3])
+                        # ~ points[j].append(p[:3])
                         # ~ elif (j == 1 and p[1] < -MIN_DIST_BETWEEN_FEET_Y and abs(p[0]) < MAX_DIST_BETWEEN_FEET_X):
-                            # ~ points[j].append(p[:3])
+                        # ~ points[j].append(p[:3])
                         # ~ else:
-                            # ~ addCom = 
+                        # ~ addCom =
             # now compute coms
             com = array(fullBody.getCenterOfMass())
-            print ('com ', com)
+            print('com ', com)
             # ~ for x in range(0, 3):
-                # ~ q[x] = -com[x]
+            # ~ q[x] = -com[x]
             for j, effectorName in enumerate(effectors):
                 pos = fullBody.getJointPosition(effectorName)
                 rp = array(com) - array(pos[:3]).tolist()
@@ -225,10 +232,10 @@ def printFootPositionRelativeToOther(nbConfigs):
                 # ~ p = qEffector[0:3]  # (0,0,0) coordinate expressed in effector fram
                 # ~ rm = np.zeros((4, 4))
                 # ~ for k in range(0, 3):
-                    # ~ for l in range(0, 3):
-                        # ~ rm[k, l] = rot[k, l]
+                # ~ for l in range(0, 3):
+                # ~ rm[k, l] = rot[k, l]
                 # ~ for m in range(0, 3):
-                    # ~ rm[m, 3] = qEffector[m]
+                # ~ rm[m, 3] = qEffector[m]
                 # ~ rm[3, 3] = 1
                 # ~ invrm = np.linalg.inv(rm)
                 # ~ p = invrm.dot([0, 0, 0, 1])
@@ -237,16 +244,15 @@ def printFootPositionRelativeToOther(nbConfigs):
                 if (rp[2] < MIN_HEIGHT_COM):
                     addCom = False
-                    print ("reject min heught")
+                    print("reject min heught")
                 if addCom:
                     # ~ if j == 1:
-                        # ~ if rp[1] < MARGIN_FEET_SIDE:
-                            # ~ compoints[j].append(rp)
+                    # ~ if rp[1] < MARGIN_FEET_SIDE:
+                    # ~ compoints[j].append(rp)
                     # ~ else:
-                        # ~ if rp[1] > -MARGIN_FEET_SIDE:
-                            # ~ compoints[j].append(rp)
+                    # ~ if rp[1] > -MARGIN_FEET_SIDE:
+                    # ~ compoints[j].append(rp)
             global fails
@@ -257,28 +263,27 @@ def printFootPositionRelativeToOther(nbConfigs):
     # for p in points[j]:
     # f1.write(str(p[0]) + "," + str(p[1]) + "," + str(p[2]) + "\n")
     # f1.close()
-s = rbprmstate.State(fullBody, q = fullBody.getCurrentConfig(), limbsIncontact = [fullBody.limbs_names[0]])
-#~ printRootPosition(rLegId, rfoot, nbSamples)
-#~ printRootPosition(lLegId, lfoot, nbSamples)
-#~ printRootPosition(rarmId, rHand, nbSamples)
-#~ printRootPosition(larmId, lHand, nbSamples) 
-print ("successes ", success )
-print ("fails  ", fails      )
+s = rbprmstate.State(fullBody, q=fullBody.getCurrentConfig(), limbsIncontact=[fullBody.limbs_names[0]])
+# printRootPosition(rLegId, rfoot, nbSamples)
+# printRootPosition(lLegId, lfoot, nbSamples)
+# printRootPosition(rarmId, rHand, nbSamples)
+# printRootPosition(larmId, lHand, nbSamples)
+print("successes ", success)
+print("fails  ", fails)
 # ~ for effector, comData, pointsData in zip(effectors, compoints, points):
 # ~ for effector, limbId, comData, pointsData in zip(effectors[:1],limbIds[1:], compoints[:1], points[:1]):
-for effector, limbId, comData, pointsData in zip(effectors,limbIds, compoints, points):
+for effector, limbId, comData, pointsData in zip(effectors, limbIds, compoints, points):
     hcom = ConvexHull(comData)
-    hull_to_obj(hcom,comData,"anymal_COM_constraints_in_"+str(limbId)+"_effector_frame_quasi_static.obj") 
+    hull_to_obj(hcom, comData, "anymal_COM_constraints_in_" + str(limbId) + "_effector_frame_quasi_static.obj")
     fig = plt.figure()
-    fig.suptitle("anymal_COM_constraints_in_"+str(limbId)+"_effector_frame_quasi_static.obj", fontsize=16)
-    plot_hull(hcom, comData, array(comData), color = "r", plot = False, fig = fig, ax = None)
+    fig.suptitle("anymal_COM_constraints_in_" + str(limbId) + "_effector_frame_quasi_static.obj", fontsize=16)
+    plot_hull(hcom, comData, array(comData), color="r", plot=False, fig=fig, ax=None)
     fig = plt.figure()
     fig.suptitle(str(limbId), fontsize=16)
     # ~ axes = [221,222,223,224]
@@ -287,13 +292,18 @@ for effector, limbId, comData, pointsData in zip(effectors,limbIds, compoints, p
     for (oEffector, pts) in pointsData.items():
         # ~ ax = fig.add_subplot(axId, projection="3d")
         hpts = ConvexHull(pts)
-        hull_to_obj(hpts,pts,"anymal_"+str(oEffector)+"_constraints_in_" +str(limbId)+".obj")
-        print ("ax ", ax)
-        ax = plot_hull(hpts, pts, array(pts), color = "b", plot = False, fig = fig, ax = ax)
-        print("effector ", limbId, )
-        print("oEffector ", oEffector, )
-    plt.show(block = False)
+        hull_to_obj(hpts, pts, "anymal_" + str(oEffector) + "_constraints_in_" + str(limbId) + ".obj")
+        print("ax ", ax)
+        ax = plot_hull(hpts, pts, array(pts), color="b", plot=False, fig=fig, ax=ax)
+        print(
+            "effector ",
+            limbId,
+        )
+        print(
+            "oEffector ",
+            oEffector,
+        )
+    plt.show(block=False)
 # ~ hcomRF = ConvexHull(compoints[0])
 # ~ hcomLF = ConvexHull(compoints[1])
@@ -305,10 +315,9 @@ for effector, limbId, comData, pointsData in zip(effectors,limbIds, compoints, p
 # ~ hull_to_obj(hptsRF,points[0],"anymal_LF_constraints_in_RF.obj")
 # ~ hull_to_obj(hptsLF,points[1],"anymal_RF_constraints_in_LF.obj")
 # ~ for k in range(2):
-    # ~ hcom = ConvexHull(compoints[k])
-    # ~ plot_hull(hcom, compoints[k], array(compoints[k]))
-    # ~ hpts = ConvexHull(points[k])
-    # ~ plot_hull(hpts, points[k], array(points[k]), color = "b", plot = k == 1 and True)
+# ~ hcom = ConvexHull(compoints[k])
+# ~ plot_hull(hcom, compoints[k], array(compoints[k]))
+# ~ hpts = ConvexHull(points[k])
+# ~ plot_hull(hpts, points[k], array(points[k]), color = "b", plot = k == 1 and True)