From bf55149cddfd2ff28eca1404d9a4e34ea7f3aee8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gabriele Buondonno <>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2018 18:38:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] DCM controller [second version]

 CMakeLists.txt                                |   2 +
 .../sot/talos_balance/dcm-com-controller.hh   | 104 ++++++++
 .../                  |  27 ++
 .../test/                | 149 ++++++++++++
 .../test/             | 130 ++++++++++
 src/CMakeLists.txt                            |   1 +
 src/dcm-com-controller.cpp                    | 230 ++++++++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 643 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 include/sot/talos_balance/dcm-com-controller.hh
 create mode 100644 python/sot_talos_balance/test/
 create mode 100644 python/sot_talos_balance/test/
 create mode 100644 src/dcm-com-controller.cpp

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 95a4e11..8a0aa5d 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ IF(BUILD_PYTHON_INTERFACE)
+                  python/${SOTTALOSBALANCE_PYNAME}/test/
+                  python/${SOTTALOSBALANCE_PYNAME}/test/
diff --git a/include/sot/talos_balance/dcm-com-controller.hh b/include/sot/talos_balance/dcm-com-controller.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..126fbbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sot/talos_balance/dcm-com-controller.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * Copyright 2018, Gepetto team, LAAS-CNRS
+ *
+ * This file is part of sot-talos-balance.
+ * sot-talos-balance is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * sot-talos-balance is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.  You should
+ * have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+ * with sot-talos-balance.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#ifndef __sot_talos_balance_dcm_com_controller_H__
+#define __sot_talos_balance_dcm_com_controller_H__
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#if defined (WIN32)
+#  if defined (dcm_com_controller_EXPORTS)
+#    define DCMCOMCONTROLLER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#  else
+#    define DCMCOMCONTROLLER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+#  endif
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "utils/signal-helper.hh"
+#include "utils/logger.hh"
+#include <map>
+#include "boost/assign.hpp"
+namespace dynamicgraph {
+  namespace sot {
+    namespace talos_balance {
+      /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+      /* --- CLASS ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+      /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+      class DCMCOMCONTROLLER_EXPORT DcmComController
+	                         : public ::dynamicgraph::Entity
+      {
+      public:
+        /* --- CONSTRUCTOR ---- */
+        DcmComController( const std::string & name );
+        void init(const double & dt);
+        void resetDcmIntegralError();
+        /* --- SIGNALS --- */
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(Kp, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(Ki, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(decayFactor, double);
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(omega, double);
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(mass, double);
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(dcm, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(dcmDes, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(comDes, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_IN(ddcomDes, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(ddcomRef, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(zmpRef, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+        DECLARE_SIGNAL_OUT(wrenchRef, dynamicgraph::Vector);
+        /* --- COMMANDS --- */
+        /* --- ENTITY INHERITANCE --- */
+        virtual void display( std::ostream& os ) const;
+        void sendMsg(const std::string& msg, MsgType t=MSG_TYPE_INFO, const char* file="", int line=0)
+        {
+          getLogger().sendMsg("[DcmComController-"+name+"] "+msg, t, file, line);
+        }
+      protected:
+        bool m_initSucceeded;    /// true if the entity has been successfully initialized
+        dynamicgraph::Vector m_dcmIntegralError; // internal state
+        double m_dt;
+      }; // class DcmComController
+    }    // namespace talos_balance
+  }      // namespace sot
+}        // namespace dynamicgraph
+#endif // #ifndef __sot_talos_balance_dcm_com_controller_H__
diff --git a/python/sot_talos_balance/ b/python/sot_talos_balance/
index 7bfc6c4..8586203 100644
--- a/python/sot_talos_balance/
+++ b/python/sot_talos_balance/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from sot_talos_balance.joint_admittance_controller import JointAdmittanceControl
 from sot_talos_balance.dummy_dcm_estimator import DummyDcmEstimator
 from sot_talos_balance.com_admittance_controller import ComAdmittanceController
 from sot_talos_balance.dcm_controller import DcmController
+from sot_talos_balance.dcm_com_controller import DcmComController
 from time import sleep
 from dynamic_graph import plug
@@ -124,6 +125,32 @@ def create_dcm_controller(Kp,Ki,dt,robot,dcmSignal):
     return controller
+def create_dcm_com_controller(Kp,Ki,dt,robot,dcmSignal):
+    from math import sqrt
+    controller = DcmComController("dcmComCtrl")
+    mass =[0]
+    h =[2]
+    g = 9.81
+    omega = sqrt(g/h)
+    controller.Kp.value = Kp
+    controller.Ki.value = Ki
+    controller.decayFactor.value = 0.2
+    controller.mass.value = mass
+ = omega
+    controller.ddcomDes.value = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
+    plug(dcmSignal,controller.dcm)
+    controller.comDes.value =
+    controller.dcmDes.value = ([0],[1], 0.0)
+    controller.init(dt)
+    return controller
 def addTrace(tracer, entity, signalName):
     signal = '{0}.{1}'.format(, signalName)
     filename = '{0}-{1}'.format(, signalName)
diff --git a/python/sot_talos_balance/test/ b/python/sot_talos_balance/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33d278c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/sot_talos_balance/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+from sot_talos_balance.create_entities_utils import create_com_admittance_controller, create_dummy_dcm_estimator, create_dcm_com_controller
+from dynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_tasks_kine import MetaTaskKine6d, MetaTaskKineCom, gotoNd
+from dynamic_graph.sot.core.matrix_util import matrixToTuple
+from dynamic_graph import plug
+from dynamic_graph.sot.core import SOT
+from numpy import eye
+from time import sleep
+import sys
+import os
+from dynamic_graph.tracer_real_time import TracerRealTime
+from sot_talos_balance.create_entities_utils import addTrace, dump_tracer
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+def main(robot):
+    dt = robot.timeStep;
+    # --- COM
+    robot.taskCom = MetaTaskKineCom(robot.dynamic)
+    robot.taskCom.featureDes.errorIN.value =
+    robot.taskCom.task.controlGain.value = 600
+    # --- Dummy estimator
+    robot.estimator = create_dummy_dcm_estimator(robot)
+    # --- DCM controller
+    Kp_dcm = [5.0,5.0,0.0]
+    Ki_dcm = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
+    robot.dcm_control = create_dcm_com_controller(Kp_dcm,Ki_dcm,dt,robot,robot.estimator.dcm)
+    # --- Admittance controller
+    Kp_adm = [0.0,0.0,0.0] # must stay zero
+    robot.com_admittance_control = create_com_admittance_controller(Kp_adm,dt,robot)
+    # -- Gains = 0, ddcomDes = ddcomRef --> admittance controller is a double integrator
+    plug(robot.dcm_control.ddcomRef,robot.com_admittance_control.ddcomDes)
+    # --- CONTACTS
+    #define contactLF and contactRF
+    robot.contactLF = MetaTaskKine6d('contactLF',robot.dynamic,'LF',robot.OperationalPointsMap['left-ankle'])
+    robot.contactLF.feature.frame('desired')
+    robot.contactLF.gain.setConstant(300)
+    robot.contactLF.keep()
+    locals()['contactLF'] = robot.contactLF
+    robot.contactRF = MetaTaskKine6d('contactRF',robot.dynamic,'RF',robot.OperationalPointsMap['right-ankle'])
+    robot.contactRF.feature.frame('desired')
+    robot.contactRF.gain.setConstant(300)
+    robot.contactRF.keep()
+    locals()['contactRF'] = robot.contactRF
+    robot.sot = SOT('sot')
+    robot.sot.setSize(robot.dynamic.getDimension())
+    plug(robot.sot.control,robot.device.control)
+    robot.sot.push(
+    robot.sot.push(
+    robot.sot.push(
+    robot.device.control.recompute(0)
+    # --- TRACER
+    robot.tracer = TracerRealTime("zmp_tracer")
+    robot.tracer.setBufferSize(80*(2**20))
+    robot.device.after.addSignal('{0}.triger'.format(
+    addTrace(robot.tracer, robot.dynamic, 'zmp')
+    addTrace(robot.tracer, robot.dcm_control, 'zmpRef')
+    addTrace(robot.tracer, robot.estimator, 'dcm')
+    addTrace(robot.tracer, robot.dynamic, 'com')
+    addTrace(robot.tracer, robot.com_admittance_control, 'comRef')
+    plug(robot.com_admittance_control.comRef,robot.taskCom.featureDes.errorIN)
+    plug(robot.dcm_control.zmpRef,robot.com_admittance_control.zmpDes)
+    robot.dcm_control.Ki.value = [1.0,1.0,0.0]
+    sleep(1.0)
+    robot.tracer.start()
+    os.system("rosservice call \start_dynamic_graph")
+    sleep(5.0)
+    dump_tracer(robot.tracer)
+	  # --- DISPLAY
+    dcm_data = np.loadtxt('/tmp/dg_''-dcm.dat')
+    zmp_data = np.loadtxt('/tmp/dg_''-zmp.dat')
+    zmpDes_data = np.loadtxt('/tmp/dg_''-zmpRef.dat')
+    com_data = np.loadtxt('/tmp/dg_''-com.dat')
+    comDes_data = np.loadtxt('/tmp/dg_''-comRef.dat')
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(dcm_data[:,1],'b-')
+    plt.plot(dcm_data[:,2],'r-')
+    plt.title('DCM')
+    plt.legend(['x','y'])
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(com_data[:,1],'b-')
+    plt.plot(comDes_data[:,1],'b--')
+    plt.plot(com_data[:,2],'r-')
+    plt.plot(comDes_data[:,2],'r--')
+    plt.plot(com_data[:,3],'g-')
+    plt.plot(comDes_data[:,3],'g--')
+    plt.title('COM real vs desired')
+    plt.legend(['Real x','Desired x','Real y','Desired y','Real z','Desired z'])
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(com_data[:,1],'b-')
+    plt.title('COM real x')
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(comDes_data[:,1],'b--')
+    plt.title('COM desired x')
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(com_data[:,2],'r-')
+    plt.title('COM real y')
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(comDes_data[:,2],'r--')
+    plt.title('COM desired y')
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(com_data[:,3],'g-')
+    plt.title('COM real z')
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(comDes_data[:,3],'g--')
+    plt.title('COM desired z')
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(zmp_data[:,1],'b-')
+    plt.plot(zmpDes_data[:,1],'b--')
+    plt.plot(zmp_data[:,2],'r-')
+    plt.plot(zmpDes_data[:,2],'r--')
+    plt.title('ZMP real vs desired')
+    plt.legend(['Real x','Desired x','Real y','Desired y'])
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(zmp_data[:,1] - zmpDes_data[:,1],'b-')
+    plt.plot(zmp_data[:,2] - zmpDes_data[:,2],'r-')
+    plt.title('ZMP error')
+    plt.legend(['Error on x','Error on y'])
diff --git a/python/sot_talos_balance/test/ b/python/sot_talos_balance/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ddc168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/sot_talos_balance/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+from sot_talos_balance.create_entities_utils import create_com_admittance_controller, create_dummy_dcm_estimator, create_dcm_com_controller
+from dynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_tasks_kine import MetaTaskKine6d, MetaTaskKineCom, gotoNd
+from dynamic_graph.sot.core.matrix_util import matrixToTuple
+from dynamic_graph import plug
+from dynamic_graph.sot.core import SOT
+from numpy import eye
+from time import sleep
+import sys
+import os
+from dynamic_graph.tracer_real_time import TracerRealTime
+from sot_talos_balance.create_entities_utils import addTrace, dump_tracer
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+def main(robot):
+    dt = robot.timeStep;
+    # --- COM
+    robot.taskCom = MetaTaskKineCom(robot.dynamic)
+    robot.taskCom.featureDes.errorIN.value =
+    robot.taskCom.task.controlGain.value = 600
+    # --- Dummy estimator
+    robot.estimator = create_dummy_dcm_estimator(robot)
+    # --- DCM controller
+    Kp_dcm = [5.0,5.0,5.0]
+    Ki_dcm = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
+    robot.dcm_control = create_dcm_com_controller(Kp_dcm,Ki_dcm,dt,robot,robot.estimator.dcm)
+    # --- Admittance controller
+    Kp_adm = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
+    robot.com_admittance_control = create_com_admittance_controller(Kp_adm,dt,robot)
+    # --- CONTACTS
+    #define contactLF and contactRF
+    robot.contactLF = MetaTaskKine6d('contactLF',robot.dynamic,'LF',robot.OperationalPointsMap['left-ankle'])
+    robot.contactLF.feature.frame('desired')
+    robot.contactLF.gain.setConstant(300)
+    robot.contactLF.keep()
+    locals()['contactLF'] = robot.contactLF
+    robot.contactRF = MetaTaskKine6d('contactRF',robot.dynamic,'RF',robot.OperationalPointsMap['right-ankle'])
+    robot.contactRF.feature.frame('desired')
+    robot.contactRF.gain.setConstant(300)
+    robot.contactRF.keep()
+    locals()['contactRF'] = robot.contactRF
+    robot.sot = SOT('sot')
+    robot.sot.setSize(robot.dynamic.getDimension())
+    plug(robot.sot.control,robot.device.control)
+    robot.sot.push(
+    robot.sot.push(
+    robot.sot.push(
+    robot.device.control.recompute(0)
+    # --- TRACER
+    robot.tracer = TracerRealTime("zmp_tracer")
+    robot.tracer.setBufferSize(80*(2**20))
+    robot.device.after.addSignal('{0}.triger'.format(
+    addTrace(robot.tracer, robot.dynamic, 'zmp')
+    addTrace(robot.tracer, robot.dcm_control, 'zmpRef')
+    addTrace(robot.tracer, robot.estimator, 'dcm')
+    addTrace(robot.tracer, robot.dynamic, 'com')
+    addTrace(robot.tracer, robot.com_admittance_control, 'comRef')
+    plug(robot.com_admittance_control.comRef,robot.taskCom.featureDes.errorIN)
+    sleep(1.0)
+    os.system("rosservice call \start_dynamic_graph")
+    sleep(2.0)
+    plug(robot.dcm_control.zmpRef,robot.com_admittance_control.zmpDes)
+    robot.com_admittance_control.setState(,[0.0,0.0,0.0])
+    robot.com_admittance_control.Kp.value = [10.0,10.0,0.0]
+    robot.dcm_control.resetDcmIntegralError()
+    robot.dcm_control.Ki.value = [1.0,1.0,0.0]
+    robot.tracer.start()
+    sleep(5.0)
+    dump_tracer(robot.tracer)
+	  # --- DISPLAY
+    dcm_data = np.loadtxt('/tmp/dg_''-dcm.dat')
+    zmp_data = np.loadtxt('/tmp/dg_''-zmp.dat')
+    zmpDes_data = np.loadtxt('/tmp/dg_''-zmpRef.dat')
+    com_data = np.loadtxt('/tmp/dg_''-com.dat')
+    comDes_data = np.loadtxt('/tmp/dg_''-comRef.dat')
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(dcm_data[:,1],'b-')
+    plt.plot(dcm_data[:,2],'r-')
+    plt.title('DCM')
+    plt.legend(['x','y'])
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(com_data[:,1],'b-')
+    plt.plot(comDes_data[:,1],'b--')
+    plt.plot(com_data[:,2],'r-')
+    plt.plot(comDes_data[:,2],'r--')
+    plt.plot(com_data[:,3],'g-')
+    plt.plot(comDes_data[:,3],'g--')
+    plt.title('COM real vs desired')
+    plt.legend(['Real x','Desired x','Real y','Desired y','Real z','Desired z'])
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(zmp_data[:,1],'b-')
+    plt.plot(zmpDes_data[:,1],'b--')
+    plt.plot(zmp_data[:,2],'r-')
+    plt.plot(zmpDes_data[:,2],'r--')
+    plt.title('ZMP real vs desired')
+    plt.legend(['Real x','Desired x','Real y','Desired y'])
+    plt.figure()
+    plt.plot(zmp_data[:,1] - zmpDes_data[:,1],'b-')
+    plt.plot(zmp_data[:,2] - zmpDes_data[:,2],'r-')
+    plt.title('ZMP error')
+    plt.legend(['Error on x','Error on y'])
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 26271ae..a4c9caf 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ ENDIF(UNIX)
 #This project will create many plugins as shared libraries, listed here
+    dcm-com-controller
diff --git a/src/dcm-com-controller.cpp b/src/dcm-com-controller.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99f546b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dcm-com-controller.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ * Copyright 2018, Gepetto team, LAAS-CNRS
+ *
+ * This file is part of sot-talos-balance.
+ * sot-talos-balance is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * sot-talos-balance is distributed in the hope that it will be
+ * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.  You should
+ * have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+ * with sot-talos-balance.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "sot/talos_balance/dcm-com-controller.hh"
+#include <sot/core/debug.hh>
+#include <dynamic-graph/factory.h>
+#include <dynamic-graph/command-bind.h>
+#include "sot/talos_balance/utils/commands-helper.hh"
+#include "sot/talos_balance/utils/stop-watch.hh"
+namespace dynamicgraph
+  namespace sot
+  {
+    namespace talos_balance
+    {
+      namespace dg = ::dynamicgraph;
+      using namespace dg;
+      using namespace dg::command;
+//Size to be aligned                                   "-------------------------------------------------------"
+#define PROFILE_DCMCOMCONTROLLER_DDCOMREF_COMPUTATION  "DcmComController: ddcomRef computation                 "
+#define PROFILE_DCMCOMCONTROLLER_ZMPREF_COMPUTATION    "DcmComController: zmpRef computation                   "
+#define PROFILE_DCMCOMCONTROLLER_WRENCHREF_COMPUTATION "DcmComController: wrenchRef computation                "
+#define INPUT_SIGNALS m_KpSIN << m_KiSIN << m_decayFactorSIN << m_omegaSIN << m_massSIN << m_dcmSIN << m_dcmDesSIN << m_comDesSIN << m_ddcomDesSIN
+#define OUTPUT_SIGNALS m_ddcomRefSOUT << m_zmpRefSOUT << m_wrenchRefSOUT
+      /// Define EntityClassName here rather than in the header file
+      /// so that it can be used by the macros DEFINE_SIGNAL_**_FUNCTION.
+      typedef DcmComController EntityClassName;
+      /* --- DG FACTORY ---------------------------------------------------- */
+                                         "DcmComController");
+      /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+      /* --- CONSTRUCTION -------------------------------------------------- */
+      /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+      DcmComController::DcmComController(const std::string& name)
+                      : Entity(name)
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(Kp, dynamicgraph::Vector)
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(Ki, dynamicgraph::Vector)
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(decayFactor, double)
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(omega, double)
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(mass, double)
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(dcm, dynamicgraph::Vector)
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(dcmDes, dynamicgraph::Vector)
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(comDes, dynamicgraph::Vector)
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN(ddcomDes, dynamicgraph::Vector)
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(ddcomRef, dynamicgraph::Vector, INPUT_SIGNALS)
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(zmpRef, dynamicgraph::Vector,    m_ddcomRefSOUT << m_comDesSIN << m_omegaSIN )
+                      , CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(wrenchRef, dynamicgraph::Vector, m_ddcomRefSOUT << m_comDesSIN << m_massSIN )
+                      , m_initSucceeded(false)
+      {
+        Entity::signalRegistration( INPUT_SIGNALS << OUTPUT_SIGNALS );
+        /* Commands. */
+        addCommand("init", makeCommandVoid1(*this, &DcmComController::init, docCommandVoid1("Initialize the entity.","time step")));
+        addCommand("resetDcmIntegralError", makeCommandVoid0(*this, &DcmComController::resetDcmIntegralError, docCommandVoid0("Set dcm integral error to zero.")));
+      }
+      void DcmComController::init(const double & dt)
+      {
+        if(!m_KpSIN.isPlugged())
+          return SEND_MSG("Init failed: signal Kp is not plugged", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+        if(!m_KiSIN.isPlugged())
+          return SEND_MSG("Init failed: signal Ki is not plugged", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+        if(!m_decayFactorSIN.isPlugged())
+          return SEND_MSG("Init failed: signal decayFactor is not plugged", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+        if(!m_omegaSIN.isPlugged())
+          return SEND_MSG("Init failed: signal omega is not plugged", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+        if(!m_massSIN.isPlugged())
+          return SEND_MSG("Init failed: signal mass is not plugged", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+        if(!m_dcmSIN.isPlugged())
+          return SEND_MSG("Init failed: signal dcm is not plugged", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+        if(!m_dcmDesSIN.isPlugged())
+          return SEND_MSG("Init failed: signal dcmDes is not plugged", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+        if(!m_comDesSIN.isPlugged())
+          return SEND_MSG("Init failed: signal comDes is not plugged", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+        if(!m_ddcomDesSIN.isPlugged())
+          return SEND_MSG("Init failed: signal ddcomDes is not plugged", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
+        m_dt = dt;
+        resetDcmIntegralError();
+        m_initSucceeded = true;
+      }
+      void DcmComController::resetDcmIntegralError()
+      {
+        m_dcmIntegralError.setZero(3);
+      }
+      /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+      /* --- SIGNALS ------------------------------------------------------- */
+      /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+      DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(ddcomRef, dynamicgraph::Vector)
+      {
+        if(!m_initSucceeded)
+        {
+          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot compute signal ddcomRef before initialization!");
+          return s;
+        }
+        const Vector & Kp = m_KpSIN(iter);
+        const Vector & Ki = m_KiSIN(iter);
+        const double & decayFactor = m_decayFactorSIN(iter);
+        const double & omega = m_omegaSIN(iter);
+        const Vector & dcm = m_dcmSIN(iter);
+        const Vector & dcmDes = m_dcmDesSIN(iter);
+        const Vector & ddcomDes = m_ddcomDesSIN(iter);
+        assert(Kp.size()==3       && "Unexpected size of signal Kp");
+        assert(Ki.size()==3       && "Unexpected size of signal Ki");
+        assert(dcm.size()==3      && "Unexpected size of signal dcm");
+        assert(dcmDes.size()==3   && "Unexpected size of signal dcmDes");
+        assert(ddcomDes.size()==3 && "Unexpected size of signal ddcomDes");
+        Vector dcmError = dcmDes - dcm;
+        m_dcmIntegralError += ( dcmError - decayFactor*m_dcmIntegralError ) * m_dt;
+        Vector ddcomRef = ddcomDes + omega * Kp.cwiseProduct(dcmError) + omega * Ki.cwiseProduct(m_dcmIntegralError);
+        s = ddcomRef;
+        return s;
+      }
+      DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(zmpRef, dynamicgraph::Vector)
+      {
+        if(!m_initSucceeded)
+        {
+          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot compute signal zmpRef before initialization!");
+          return s;
+        }
+        const double & omega = m_omegaSIN(iter);
+        const Vector & comDes = m_comDesSIN(iter);
+        const Vector & ddcomRef = m_ddcomRefSOUT(iter);
+        assert(comDes.size()==3 && "Unexpected size of signal comDes");
+        Vector zmpRef = comDes - ddcomRef/(omega*omega);
+        s = zmpRef;
+        return s;
+      }
+      DEFINE_SIGNAL_OUT_FUNCTION(wrenchRef, dynamicgraph::Vector)
+      {
+        if(!m_initSucceeded)
+        {
+          SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("Cannot compute signal wrenchRef before initialization!");
+          return s;
+        }
+        const double & mass   = m_massSIN(iter);
+        const Vector & comDes = m_comDesSIN(iter);
+        const Vector & ddcomRef = m_ddcomRefSOUT(iter);
+        assert(comDes.size()==3 && "Unexpected size of signal comDes");
+        Vector gravity(3);
+        gravity << 0.0, 0.0, -9.81;
+        Vector forceRef = mass * ( ddcomRef - gravity );
+        Vector wrenchRef(6);
+        wrenchRef.head<3>() = forceRef;
+        Eigen::Vector3d comDes3 = comDes;
+        wrenchRef.tail<3>() = comDes3.cross(wrenchRef.head<3>());
+        s = wrenchRef;
+        return s;
+      }
+      /* --- COMMANDS ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+      /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+      /* --- ENTITY -------------------------------------------------------- */
+      /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+      void DcmComController::display(std::ostream& os) const
+      {
+        os << "DcmComController " << getName();
+        try
+        {
+          getProfiler().report_all(3, os);
+        }
+        catch (ExceptionSignal e) {}
+      }
+    } // namespace talos_balance
+  } // namespace sot
+} // namespace dynamicgraph