diff --git a/include/sot/talos_balance/base-estimator.hh b/include/sot/talos_balance/base-estimator.hh
index 2ee3352ae993c616e918aa137bfef6fa173d83d7..5e61607865afdd0772e18a8dde0e22c5a7dba1e7 100644
--- a/include/sot/talos_balance/base-estimator.hh
+++ b/include/sot/talos_balance/base-estimator.hh
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ namespace dynamicgraph {
         Eigen::VectorXd   m_q_sot;            /// robot configuration according to SoT convention
         Eigen::VectorXd   m_v_pin;            /// robot velocities according to pinocchio convention
         Eigen::VectorXd   m_v_sot;            /// robot velocities according to SoT convention
-        Matrix3           m_oRchest;          /// chest orientation in the world from angular fusion
+        Matrix3           m_oRtorso;          /// chest orientation in the world from angular fusion
         Matrix3           m_oRff;             /// base orientation in the world
         /* Filter buffers*/
diff --git a/python/sot_talos_balance/test/appli_dcm_estimator.py b/python/sot_talos_balance/test/appli_dcm_estimator.py
index 091e00c83d3779b0a85bab3438101da0cb644e30..4570e97a2ba6a4ce0ef71af1de7b55eb8b45789d 100644
--- a/python/sot_talos_balance/test/appli_dcm_estimator.py
+++ b/python/sot_talos_balance/test/appli_dcm_estimator.py
@@ -67,25 +67,28 @@ create_topic(robot.publisher, robot.device_filters.acc_filter, 'x_filtered', rob
 create_topic(robot.publisher, robot.dcm_estimator, 'c', robot = robot, data_type='vector')
 create_topic(robot.publisher, robot.dcm_estimator, 'dc', robot = robot, data_type='vector')
 create_topic(robot.publisher, robot.base_estimator, 'v', robot = robot, data_type='vector')
+create_topic(robot.publisher, robot.base_estimator, 'v_gyr', robot = robot, data_type='vector')
 robot.subscriber = RosSubscribe("base_subscriber")
-# robot.subscriber.add("vector","position","/sot/base_link/position")
-# robot.subscriber.add("vector","velocity","/sot/base_link/velocity")
 robot.device.after.addSignal('{0}.position'.format(robot.subscriber.name)) # force recalculation
+robot.device.after.addSignal('{0}.velocity'.format(robot.subscriber.name)) # force recalculation
 robot.device.after.addSignal('{0}.com'.format(robot.subscriber.name)) # force recalculation
 robot.device.after.addSignal('{0}.vcom'.format(robot.subscriber.name)) # force recalculation
-robot.device.after.addSignal('{0}.v_torso'.format(robot.subscriber.name)) # force recalculation
+robot.device.after.addSignal('{0}.v_base'.format(robot.subscriber.name)) # force recalculation
 # robot.device.after.addSignal('{0}.velocity'.format(robot.subscriber.name)) # force recalculation
 # robot.device.after.addSignal('{0}.q_est'.format(robot.subscriber.name))        # force recalculation
diff --git a/python/sot_talos_balance/test/test_dcm_estimator.py b/python/sot_talos_balance/test/test_dcm_estimator.py
index f1dc19533f6f36806af80655ddcf1175d356d3f1..fb6650cab5b474106c20a53adeb85753ccb2c4dd 100644
--- a/python/sot_talos_balance/test/test_dcm_estimator.py
+++ b/python/sot_talos_balance/test/test_dcm_estimator.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import numpy                                as np
 from IPython import embed
 # pub_base = GazeboLinkStatePublisher('base_link',1000)
-pub_torso = GazeboLinkStatePublisher('torso_2_link',1000,local_frame = False)
+pub_torso = GazeboLinkStatePublisher('base_link',1000,local_frame = False)
 print("Starting Gazebo link state publisher...")
 # pub_base.start()
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ raw_input("Wait before running the test")
diff --git a/src/base-estimator.cpp b/src/base-estimator.cpp
index 2886f379298e9089cbd85e306bca6c27640cfb7a..afc5a09fd15728465155ccec950d0fb11ccb0d15 100644
--- a/src/base-estimator.cpp
+++ b/src/base-estimator.cpp
@@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
       void pointRotationByQuaternion(const Eigen::Vector3d & point,const Eigen::Vector4d & quat, Eigen::Vector3d & rotatedPoint)
-        const Eigen::Vector4d p4(0.0, point(0),point(1),point(2));
-        const Eigen::Vector4d quat_conj(quat(0),-quat(1),-quat(2),-quat(3));
-        Eigen::Vector4d q_tmp1,q_tmp2;
-        quanternionMult(quat,p4,q_tmp1);
-        quanternionMult(q_tmp1,quat_conj,q_tmp2);
-        rotatedPoint(0) = q_tmp2(1);
-        rotatedPoint(1) = q_tmp2(2);
-        rotatedPoint(2) = q_tmp2(3);
+            const Eigen::Vector4d p4(0.0, point(0),point(1),point(2));
+            const Eigen::Vector4d quat_conj(quat(0),-quat(1),-quat(2),-quat(3));
+            Eigen::Vector4d q_tmp1,q_tmp2;
+            quanternionMult(quat,p4,q_tmp1);
+            quanternionMult(q_tmp1,quat_conj,q_tmp2);
+            rotatedPoint(0) = q_tmp2(1);
+            rotatedPoint(1) = q_tmp2(2);
+            rotatedPoint(2) = q_tmp2(3);
       double eulerMean(double a1, double a2)
@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
         return mean;
-      inline
+      inline 
       double wEulerMean(double a1, double a2, double w1, double w2)
         double wMean = (a1*w1+ a2*w2)/(w1+w2);
         if ( a1-a2 >= EIGEN_PI )
-          return (EIGEN_PI*(w1-w2)/(w2+w1) - wMean) < 0 ? -EIGEN_PI + wMean - EIGEN_PI*(w1-w2)/(w2+w1) : EIGEN_PI + wMean - EIGEN_PI*(w1-w2)/(w2+w1);
+            return (EIGEN_PI*(w1-w2)/(w2+w1) - wMean) < 0 ? -EIGEN_PI + wMean - EIGEN_PI*(w1-w2)/(w2+w1) : EIGEN_PI + wMean - EIGEN_PI*(w1-w2)/(w2+w1); 
         else if ( a1-a2 < -EIGEN_PI )
-          return (EIGEN_PI*(w2-w1)/(w1+w2) - wMean) < 0 ? -EIGEN_PI + wMean - EIGEN_PI*(w2-w1)/(w1+w2) : EIGEN_PI + wMean - EIGEN_PI*(w2-w1)/(w1+w2);
+            return (EIGEN_PI*(w2-w1)/(w1+w2) - wMean) < 0 ? -EIGEN_PI + wMean - EIGEN_PI*(w2-w1)/(w1+w2) : EIGEN_PI + wMean - EIGEN_PI*(w2-w1)/(w1+w2); 
         return wMean;
@@ -166,60 +166,60 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
       /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
       BaseEstimator(const std::string& name)
-          : Entity(name)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( joint_positions,            dynamicgraph::Vector)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( joint_velocities,           dynamicgraph::Vector)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( imu_quaternion,             dynamicgraph::Vector)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( forceLLEG,                  dynamicgraph::Vector)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( forceRLEG,                  dynamicgraph::Vector)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( dforceLLEG,                 dynamicgraph::Vector)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( dforceRLEG,                 dynamicgraph::Vector)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( w_lf_in,                    double)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( w_rf_in,                    double)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( K_fb_feet_poses,            double)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( lf_ref_xyzquat,             dynamicgraph::Vector)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( rf_ref_xyzquat,             dynamicgraph::Vector)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( accelerometer,              dynamicgraph::Vector)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( gyroscope,                  dynamicgraph::Vector)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_INNER(kinematics_computations,  dynamicgraph::Vector, joint_positionsSIN
-              <<joint_velocitiesSIN)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(q,                          dynamicgraph::Vector, m_kinematics_computationsSINNER
-              <<joint_positionsSIN
-              <<imu_quaternionSIN
-              <<forceLLEGSIN
-              <<forceRLEGSIN
-              <<w_lf_inSIN
-              <<w_rf_inSIN
-              <<K_fb_feet_posesSIN
-              <<w_lf_filteredSOUT
-              <<w_rf_filteredSOUT
-              <<lf_ref_xyzquatSIN
-              <<rf_ref_xyzquatSIN)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v,                          dynamicgraph::Vector, m_kinematics_computationsSINNER << accelerometerSIN << gyroscopeSIN << qSOUT << dforceLLEGSIN << dforceRLEGSIN)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v_ac,                       dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(a_ac,                       dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v_flex,                     dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v_imu,                      dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v_gyr,                      dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v_kin,                      dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(lf_xyzquat,                 dynamicgraph::Vector, qSOUT)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(rf_xyzquat,                 dynamicgraph::Vector, qSOUT)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(q_lf,                       dynamicgraph::Vector, qSOUT)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(q_rf,                       dynamicgraph::Vector, qSOUT)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(q_imu,                      dynamicgraph::Vector, qSOUT<<imu_quaternionSIN)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(w_lf,                       double, forceLLEGSIN)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(w_rf,                       double, forceRLEGSIN)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(w_lf_filtered,              double, w_lfSOUT)
-          ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(w_rf_filtered,              double, w_rfSOUT)
-          ,m_initSucceeded(false)
-          ,m_reset_foot_pos(true)
-          ,m_w_imu(0.0)
-          ,m_zmp_std_dev_rf(1.0)
-          ,m_zmp_std_dev_lf(1.0)
-          ,m_fz_std_dev_rf(1.0)
-          ,m_fz_std_dev_lf(1.0)
-          ,m_zmp_margin_lf(0.0)
-          ,m_zmp_margin_rf(0.0)
+        : Entity(name)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( joint_positions,            dynamicgraph::Vector)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( joint_velocities,           dynamicgraph::Vector)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( imu_quaternion,             dynamicgraph::Vector)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( forceLLEG,                  dynamicgraph::Vector)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( forceRLEG,                  dynamicgraph::Vector)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( dforceLLEG,                 dynamicgraph::Vector)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( dforceRLEG,                 dynamicgraph::Vector)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( w_lf_in,                    double)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( w_rf_in,                    double)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( K_fb_feet_poses,            double)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( lf_ref_xyzquat,             dynamicgraph::Vector)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( rf_ref_xyzquat,             dynamicgraph::Vector)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( accelerometer,              dynamicgraph::Vector)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_IN( gyroscope,                  dynamicgraph::Vector)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_INNER(kinematics_computations,  dynamicgraph::Vector, joint_positionsSIN
+                                                                              <<joint_velocitiesSIN)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(q,                          dynamicgraph::Vector, m_kinematics_computationsSINNER
+                                                                              <<joint_positionsSIN
+                                                                              <<imu_quaternionSIN
+                                                                              <<forceLLEGSIN
+                                                                              <<forceRLEGSIN
+                                                                              <<w_lf_inSIN
+                                                                              <<w_rf_inSIN
+                                                                              <<K_fb_feet_posesSIN
+                                                                              <<w_lf_filteredSOUT
+                                                                              <<w_rf_filteredSOUT
+                                                                              <<lf_ref_xyzquatSIN
+                                                                              <<rf_ref_xyzquatSIN)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v,                          dynamicgraph::Vector, m_kinematics_computationsSINNER << accelerometerSIN << gyroscopeSIN << qSOUT << dforceLLEGSIN << dforceRLEGSIN)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v_ac,                       dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(a_ac,                       dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v_flex,                     dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v_imu,                      dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v_gyr,                      dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(v_kin,                      dynamicgraph::Vector, vSOUT)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(lf_xyzquat,                 dynamicgraph::Vector, qSOUT)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(rf_xyzquat,                 dynamicgraph::Vector, qSOUT)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(q_lf,                       dynamicgraph::Vector, qSOUT)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(q_rf,                       dynamicgraph::Vector, qSOUT)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(q_imu,                      dynamicgraph::Vector, qSOUT<<imu_quaternionSIN)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(w_lf,                       double, forceLLEGSIN)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(w_rf,                       double, forceRLEGSIN)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(w_lf_filtered,              double, w_lfSOUT)
+        ,CONSTRUCT_SIGNAL_OUT(w_rf_filtered,              double, w_rfSOUT)
+        ,m_initSucceeded(false)
+        ,m_reset_foot_pos(true)
+        ,m_w_imu(0.0)
+        ,m_zmp_std_dev_rf(1.0)
+        ,m_zmp_std_dev_lf(1.0)
+        ,m_fz_std_dev_rf(1.0)
+        ,m_fz_std_dev_lf(1.0)
+        ,m_zmp_margin_lf(0.0)
+        ,m_zmp_margin_rf(0.0)
         Entity::signalRegistration( INPUT_SIGNALS << OUTPUT_SIGNALS );
@@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
-                   makeCommandVoid1(*this, &BaseEstimator::set_fz_stable_windows_size,
-                                    docCommandVoid1("Set the windows size used to detect that feet is stable",
-                                                    "int")));
+                           makeCommandVoid1(*this, &BaseEstimator::set_fz_stable_windows_size,
+                                            docCommandVoid1("Set the windows size used to detect that feet is stable",
+                                                            "int")));
                    makeCommandVoid1(*this, &BaseEstimator::set_alpha_w_filter,
                                     docCommandVoid1("Set the filter parameter to filter weights",
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
           m_IMU_frame_id       = m_model.getFrameId(m_robot_util->m_imu_joint_name);
           m_torso_id           = m_model.frames[m_IMU_frame_id].parent;
           m_torsoMimu          = m_model.frames[m_IMU_frame_id].placement;
-          std::cerr << "IMU in Torso" << m_torsoMimu << std::endl;
+          std::cerr << "IMU in Torso" << m_torsoMimu << std::endl; 
           m_q_pin[6]= 1.; // for quaternion
@@ -382,14 +382,14 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
       void BaseEstimator::set_fz_stable_windows_size(const int& ws)
-        if(ws<0.0)
+          if(ws<0.0)
           return SEND_MSG("windows_size should be a positive integer", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
         m_fz_stable_windows_size = ws;
       void BaseEstimator::set_alpha_w_filter(const double& a)
-        if(a<0.0 || a>1.0)
+          if(a<0.0 || a>1.0)
           return SEND_MSG("alpha should be in [0..1]", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
         m_alpha_w_filter = a;
@@ -397,14 +397,14 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
       void BaseEstimator::set_alpha_DC_acc(const double& a)
-        if(a<0.0 || a>1.0)
+          if(a<0.0 || a>1.0)
           return SEND_MSG("alpha should be in [0..1]", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
         m_alpha_DC_acc = a;
       void BaseEstimator::set_alpha_DC_vel(const double& a)
-        if(a<0.0 || a>1.0)
+          if(a<0.0 || a>1.0)
           return SEND_MSG("alpha should be in [0..1]", MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
         m_alpha_DC_vel = a;
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
           SEND_WARNING_STREAM_MSG("The robot is flying!"+
                                   ("- forceRLEG: "+toString(ftrf.transpose()))+
-                                  "- forceLLEG: "+toString(ftlf.transpose())+
+                                   "- forceLLEG: "+toString(ftlf.transpose())+
                                   "- m_right_foot_is_stable: "+toString(m_right_foot_is_stable)+
                                   "- m_left_foot_is_stable: "+toString(m_left_foot_is_stable));
           wR = 1e-3;
@@ -701,38 +701,38 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
           kinematics_estimation(ftlf, m_K_lf, m_oMlfs, m_left_foot_id,  m_oMff_lf, oMlfa, lfsMff);
           // get rpy
-          const SE3 ffMchest(m_data->oMi[m_torso_id]);  // transform between freeflyer and body attached to IMU sensor
-          const SE3 chestMff(ffMchest.inverse());          // transform between body attached to IMU sensor and freeflyer
+          const SE3 ffMtorso(m_data->oMi[m_torso_id]);     // transform between freeflyer and body attached to IMU sensor (torso)
+          const SE3 torsoMff(ffMtorso.inverse());          // transform between body attached to IMU sensor (torso) and freeflyer
-          Vector3 rpy_chest, rpy_chest_lf, rpy_chest_rf, rpy_chest_imu; // orientation of the body which imu is attached to. (fusion, from left kine, from right kine, from imu)
+          Vector3 rpy_torso, rpy_torso_lf, rpy_torso_rf, rpy_torso_imu; // orientation of the body which imu is attached to. (fusion, from left kine, from right kine, from imu)
-          matrixToRpy((m_oMff_lf*ffMchest).rotation(), rpy_chest_lf);
-          matrixToRpy((m_oMff_rf*ffMchest).rotation(), rpy_chest_rf);
+          matrixToRpy((m_oMff_lf*ffMtorso).rotation(), rpy_torso_lf);
+          matrixToRpy((m_oMff_rf*ffMtorso).rotation(), rpy_torso_rf);
           Eigen::Quaterniond quatIMU(quatIMU_vec[0], quatIMU_vec[1], quatIMU_vec[2], quatIMU_vec[3]);
-          Eigen::Quaterniond quat_chestMimu(m_torsoMimu.rotation()); // transform between chest and IMU
-          Eigen::Quaterniond quat_chest_imu(quatIMU*quat_chestMimu); // quatIMU expressed in chest frame
-          //Eigen::Quaterniond quat_chest_imu(quatIMU); // quatIMU expressed in chest frame
-          matrixToRpy(quat_chest_imu.toRotationMatrix(), rpy_chest_imu);
+          Eigen::Quaterniond quat_torsoMimu(m_torsoMimu.rotation()); // transform between torso and IMU
+          Eigen::Quaterniond quat_torso_imu(quatIMU*quat_torsoMimu); // quatIMU expressed in torso frame
+          //Eigen::Quaterniond quat_torso_imu(quatIMU); // quatIMU expressed in torso frame
+          matrixToRpy(quat_torso_imu.toRotationMatrix(), rpy_torso_imu);
           // average (we do not take into account the IMU yaw)
           double wSum = wL + wR + m_w_imu;
-          rpy_chest[0] = wEulerMean(rpy_chest_lf[0],  rpy_chest_rf[0], wL, wR);
-          rpy_chest[0] = wEulerMean(rpy_chest[0],  rpy_chest_imu[0], wL+wR, m_w_imu);
-          //rpy_chest[0] = eulerMean(rpy_chest_lf[0],  rpy_chest_rf[0]);
-          //eulerMean(rpy_chest[0],  rpy_chest_imu[0], rpy_chest(0))
-          rpy_chest[1] = wEulerMean(rpy_chest_lf[1],  rpy_chest_rf[1], wL, wR);
-          rpy_chest[1] = wEulerMean(rpy_chest[1],  rpy_chest_imu[1], wL+wR, m_w_imu);
-          //rpy_chest[1] = eulerMean(rpy_chest_lf[1],  rpy_chest_rf[1]);
-          //eulerMean(rpy_chest[1],  rpy_chest_imu[1], rpy_chest(1))
-          //rpy_chest(0) = (rpy_chest_lf[0]*wL + rpy_chest_rf[0]*wR + rpy_chest_imu[0]*m_w_imu) / wSum;
-          //rpy_chest(1) = (rpy_chest_lf[1]*wL + rpy_chest_rf[1]*wR + rpy_chest_imu[1]*m_w_imu) / wSum;
-          rpy_chest[2] = wEulerMean(rpy_chest_lf[2],  rpy_chest_rf[2], wL, wR);
-          //rpy_chest[2] = wEulerMean(rpy_chest[2],  rpy_chest_imu[2], wL+wR, m_w_imu);
-          //rpy_chest[2] = eulerMean(rpy_chest_lf[2],  rpy_chest_rf[2]);
-          //rpy_chest(2) = (rpy_chest_lf[2]*wL + rpy_chest_rf[2]*wR )                 / (wL+wR);
-          rpyToMatrix(rpy_chest, m_oRchest);
-          m_oRff = m_oRchest * chestMff.rotation();
+          rpy_torso[0] = wEulerMean(rpy_torso_lf[0],  rpy_torso_rf[0], wL, wR);
+          rpy_torso[0] = wEulerMean(rpy_torso[0],  rpy_torso_imu[0], wL+wR, m_w_imu);
+          //rpy_torso[0] = eulerMean(rpy_torso_lf[0],  rpy_torso_rf[0]);
+          //eulerMean(rpy_torso[0],  rpy_torso_imu[0], rpy_torso(0))
+          rpy_torso[1] = wEulerMean(rpy_torso_lf[1],  rpy_torso_rf[1], wL, wR); 
+          rpy_torso[1] = wEulerMean(rpy_torso[1],  rpy_torso_imu[1], wL+wR, m_w_imu);
+          //rpy_torso[1] = eulerMean(rpy_torso_lf[1],  rpy_torso_rf[1]);
+          //eulerMean(rpy_torso[1],  rpy_torso_imu[1], rpy_torso(1))
+          //rpy_torso(0) = (rpy_torso_lf[0]*wL + rpy_torso_rf[0]*wR + rpy_torso_imu[0]*m_w_imu) / wSum;
+          //rpy_torso(1) = (rpy_torso_lf[1]*wL + rpy_torso_rf[1]*wR + rpy_torso_imu[1]*m_w_imu) / wSum;
+          rpy_torso[2] = wEulerMean(rpy_torso_lf[2],  rpy_torso_rf[2], wL, wR);
+          //rpy_torso[2] = wEulerMean(rpy_torso[2],  rpy_torso_imu[2], wL+wR, m_w_imu);
+          //rpy_torso[2] = eulerMean(rpy_torso_lf[2],  rpy_torso_rf[2]);
+          //rpy_torso(2) = (rpy_torso_lf[2]*wL + rpy_torso_rf[2]*wR )                 / (wL+wR);
+          rpyToMatrix(rpy_torso, m_oRtorso);
+          m_oRff = m_oRtorso * torsoMff.rotation();
           // translation to get foot at the right position
           // evaluate Mrl Mlf for q with the good orientation and zero translation for freeflyer
@@ -919,15 +919,16 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
         const Eigen::VectorXd & q = qSOUT(iter);
         s.tail(m_robot_util->m_nbJoints) = q.tail(m_robot_util->m_nbJoints);
+        const SE3 ffMtorso(m_data->oMi[m_torso_id]);     // transform between freeflyer and body attached to IMU sensor (torso)
+        const SE3 torsoMff(ffMtorso.inverse());          // transform between body attached to IMU sensor (torso) and freeflyer
         const Eigen::Vector4d & quatIMU_vec = imu_quaternionSIN(iter);
         //Eigen::Quaternion<double> quatIMU(quatIMU_vec);
         Eigen::Quaterniond quatIMU(quatIMU_vec[0], quatIMU_vec[1], quatIMU_vec[2], quatIMU_vec[3]);
-        Eigen::Quaterniond quat_torsoMimu(m_torsoMimu.rotation());
+        Eigen::Quaterniond quat_torsoMimu(m_torsoMimu.rotation()); 
         Eigen::Quaterniond quat_torso_imu(quatIMU*quat_torsoMimu);
-        base_se3_to_sot(q.head<3>(), quat_torso_imu.toRotationMatrix(), s.head<6>());
-        //matrixToRpy(quat_chest_imu.toRotationMatrix(), rpy_chest_imu);
+        //m_oRff = quat_torso_imu.toRotationMatrix() * torsoMff.rotation();
+        base_se3_to_sot(q.head<3>(), m_oRff, s.head<6>());
+        //matrixToRpy(quat_torso_imu.toRotationMatrix(), rpy_torso_imu);
         return s;
@@ -949,17 +950,17 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
         double w_fz = compute_force_weight(wrench(2), m_fz_std_dev_lf, m_fz_margin_lf);
         //check that foot is sensing a force greater than the margin treshold for more than 'm_fz_stable_windows_size' samples
         if (wrench(2) > m_fz_margin_lf)
-          m_lf_fz_stable_cpt++;
+            m_lf_fz_stable_cpt++;
         else m_lf_fz_stable_cpt = 0;
         if (m_lf_fz_stable_cpt >= m_fz_stable_windows_size)
-          m_lf_fz_stable_cpt = m_fz_stable_windows_size;
-          m_left_foot_is_stable = true;
+            m_lf_fz_stable_cpt = m_fz_stable_windows_size;
+            m_left_foot_is_stable = true;
-          m_left_foot_is_stable = false;
+            m_left_foot_is_stable = false;
         s = w_zmp*w_fz;
         return s;
@@ -1097,17 +1098,17 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
           Vector6 v_flex_l;
           Vector6 v_flex_r;
           v_flex_l << -dftlf[0]/m_K_lf(0), -dftlf[1]/m_K_lf(1), -dftlf[2]/m_K_lf(2),
-              -dftlf[3]/m_K_lf(3), -dftlf[4]/m_K_lf(4), -dftlf[5]/m_K_lf(5);
+                      -dftlf[3]/m_K_lf(3), -dftlf[4]/m_K_lf(4), -dftlf[5]/m_K_lf(5);
           v_flex_r << -dftrf[0]/m_K_rf(0), -dftrf[1]/m_K_rf(1), -dftrf[2]/m_K_rf(2),
-              -dftrf[3]/m_K_rf(3), -dftrf[4]/m_K_rf(4), -dftrf[5]/m_K_rf(5);
+                      -dftrf[3]/m_K_rf(3), -dftrf[4]/m_K_rf(4), -dftrf[5]/m_K_rf(5);
           const Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> lfAff = ffMlf.inverse().toActionMatrix();
           const Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> rfAff = ffMrf.inverse().toActionMatrix();
           Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 6> A;
           A << lfAff,
-              rfAff;
+               rfAff;
           Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 1> b;
           b << v_flex_l,
-              v_flex_r;
+               v_flex_r;
           //~ m_v_flex.head<6>() = A.jacobiSvd(Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV).solve(b);
           m_v_flex.head<6>() = (A.transpose() * A).ldlt().solve(A.transpose() * b);
           m_v_flex.head<3>() = m_oRff * m_v_flex.head<3>();
@@ -1116,24 +1117,27 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
           /* Get an estimate of linear velocities from gyroscope only*/
           // we make the asumtion than we are 'turning around the foot' with pure angular velocity in the ankle measured by the gyro
-          const Matrix3 ffRimu = (m_data->oMf[m_torso_id]).rotation();
+          const Matrix3 ffRtorso = (m_data->oMi[m_torso_id]).rotation();
+          const SE3 ffMtorso(m_data->oMi[m_torso_id]);  // transform between freeflyer and body attached to IMU sensor
+          const Matrix3 ffRimu = (ffMtorso * m_torsoMimu).rotation(); 
           //std::cerr << m_data->oMf[m_torso_id] << std::endl; 
           //std::cerr << m_data->liMi[m_torso_id] << std::endl;
           //std::cerr << "m_torso_id" << m_torso_id << std::endl;
           const Matrix3 lfRimu = ffMlf.rotation().transpose() * ffRimu;
           const Matrix3 rfRimu = ffMrf.rotation().transpose() * ffRimu;
-          //const SE3 chestMimu(Matrix3::Identity(), Vector3(-0.13, 0.0,  0.118)); ///TODO Read this transform from setable parameter /// TODO chesk the sign of the translation
-          const SE3 ffMchest(m_data->oMf[m_torso_id]);
-          const SE3 imuMff = (ffMchest * m_torsoMimu).inverse();
+          //const SE3 torsoMimu(Matrix3::Identity(), Vector3(-0.13, 0.0,  0.118)); ///TODO Read this transform from setable parameter /// TODO chesk the sign of the translation
+          //const SE3 ffMtorso(m_data->oMf[m_torso_id]);
+          const SE3 imuMff = (ffMtorso * m_torsoMimu).inverse();
           //gVw_a =  gVo_g + gHa.act(aVb_a)-gVb_g //angular velocity in the ankle from gyro and d_enc
           const Frame & f_imu = m_model.frames[m_torso_id];
-          Vector3 gVo_a_l = Vector3(gyr_imu(0),gyr_imu(1),gyr_imu(2)) + (imuMff*ffMlf).act(v_lf_local).angular() - m_data->v[f_imu.parent].angular();
-          Vector3 gVo_a_r = Vector3(gyr_imu(0),gyr_imu(1),gyr_imu(2)) + (imuMff*ffMrf).act(v_rf_local).angular() - m_data->v[f_imu.parent].angular();
+          //const Frame & f_imu = m_model.frames[m_IMU_frame_id];
+          Vector3 gVo_a_l = Vector3(gyr_imu(0),gyr_imu(1),gyr_imu(2)); //+ (imuMff*ffMlf).act(v_lf_local).angular() - m_data->v[f_imu.parent].angular();
+          Vector3 gVo_a_r = Vector3(gyr_imu(0),gyr_imu(1),gyr_imu(2)); //+ (imuMff*ffMrf).act(v_rf_local).angular() - m_data->v[f_imu.parent].angular();
           Motion v_gyr_ankle_l( Vector3(0.,0.,0.),  lfRimu * gVo_a_l);
           Motion v_gyr_ankle_r( Vector3(0.,0.,0.),  rfRimu * gVo_a_r);
-          Vector6 v_gyr_l = -ffMlf.inverse().act(v_gyr_ankle_l).toVector();
-          Vector6 v_gyr_r = -ffMrf.inverse().act(v_gyr_ankle_r).toVector();
+          Vector6 v_gyr_l = ffMlf.inverse().actInv(v_gyr_ankle_l).toVector();
+          Vector6 v_gyr_r = ffMrf.inverse().actInv(v_gyr_ankle_r).toVector();
           m_v_gyr.head<6>() =  (wL*v_gyr_l + wR*v_gyr_r)/(wL+wR);
@@ -1141,7 +1145,7 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
           /* rotate acceleration to express it in the world frame */
           //~ pointRotationByQuaternion(acc_imu,quatIMU_vec,acc_world); //this is false because yaw from imuquat is drifting
-          const Vector3 acc_world = m_oRchest * acc_imu;
+          const Vector3 acc_world = m_oRtorso * acc_imu;
           /* now, the acceleration is expressed in the world frame,
            * so it can be written as the sum of the proper acceleration and the
@@ -1173,22 +1177,22 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
           m_v_ac = ACvel;
           /* Express back velocity in the imu frame to get a full 6d velocity with the gyro*/
-          const Vector3 imuVimu = m_oRchest.transpose() * ACvel;
+          const Vector3 imuVimu = m_oRtorso.transpose() * ACvel;
           /* Here we could remove dc from gyrometer to remove bias*/  ///TODO
           const Motion imuWimu(imuVimu,gyr_imu);
           //const Frame & f_imu = m_model.frames[m_torso_id];
-          const Motion ffWchest = m_data->v[f_imu.parent];
-          //const SE3 ffMchest(m_data->oMf[m_torso_id]);
-          //const SE3 chestMimu(Matrix3::Identity(), +1.0*Vector3(-0.13, 0.0,  0.118)); ///TODO Read this transform from setable parameter /// TODO chesk the sign of the translation
-          const SE3 ffMimu = ffMchest * m_torsoMimu;
-          const Motion v= ffMimu.act(imuWimu) ;//- ffWchest;
+          const Motion ffWtorso = m_data->v[f_imu.parent];
+          //const SE3 ffMtorso(m_data->oMf[m_torso_id]);
+          //const SE3 torsoMimu(Matrix3::Identity(), +1.0*Vector3(-0.13, 0.0,  0.118)); ///TODO Read this transform from setable parameter /// TODO chesk the sign of the translation
+          const SE3 ffMimu = ffMtorso * m_torsoMimu;
+          const Motion v= ffMimu.act(imuWimu) ;//- ffWtorso;
           m_v_imu.head<6>() = v.toVector();
-          m_v_imu.head<3>() = m_oRff * m_v_imu.head<3>();
+          //m_v_imu.head<3>() = m_oRff * m_v_imu.head<3>();
-          //~ m_v_sot.head<6>() = m_v_kin.head<6>();
+          m_v_sot.head<6>() = m_v_kin.head<6>();
           //~ m_v_sot.head<6>() = m_v_flex.head<6>() + m_v_kin.head<6>();
-          m_v_sot.head<6>() = m_v_gyr.head<6>() + m_v_kin.head<6>();
+//          m_v_sot.head<6>() = m_v_gyr.head<6>() + m_v_kin.head<6>();
 //          m_v_sot.head<6>() = m_v_gyr.head<6>();
           //~ m_v_sot.head<6>() = m_v_imu.head<6>();