From 54be43a8de3b3474c8c1715d4403f41e678d8fe6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: fbailly <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 11:18:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [basic base estimator] using kinematic fusion of the two legs
 with unit weights

 include/sot/talos_balance/base-estimator.hh   |  5 ++-
 .../talos/              | 10 +++--
 .../test/                | 38 ++-----------------
 src/base-estimator.cpp                        | 36 +++++++++++++++---
 4 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/sot/talos_balance/base-estimator.hh b/include/sot/talos_balance/base-estimator.hh
index dccb8fe..ec1a213 100644
--- a/include/sot/talos_balance/base-estimator.hh
+++ b/include/sot/talos_balance/base-estimator.hh
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ namespace dynamicgraph {
       /** Rotate a point or a vector by a quaternion stored in (w,x,y,z) format */
       void pointRotationByQuaternion(const Eigen::Vector3d & point,const Eigen::Vector4d & quat, Eigen::Vector3d & rotatedPoint);
+      /** Avoids singularity while taking the mean of euler angles**/
+      double eulerMean(double a1, double a2);
       class SOTBASEESTIMATOR_EXPORT BaseEstimator
@@ -185,7 +188,6 @@ namespace dynamicgraph {
         int               m_fz_stable_windows_size; /// size of the windows used to detect that feet did not leave the ground
         int               m_lf_fz_stable_cpt; ///counter for detecting for how long the feet has been stable
         int               m_rf_fz_stable_cpt; ///counter for detecting for how long the feet has been stable
         /* Estimator parameters */
         double            m_w_imu;            /// weight of IMU for sensor fusion
         double            m_zmp_std_dev_rf;   /// standard deviation of ZMP measurement errors for right foot
@@ -219,6 +221,7 @@ namespace dynamicgraph {
         se3::Model        m_model;            /// Pinocchio robot model
         se3::Data         *m_data;            /// Pinocchio robot data
+        //se3::SE3          m_chestMimu         /// chest to imu transformation
         se3::SE3          m_oMff_lf;          /// world-to-base transformation obtained through left foot
         se3::SE3          m_oMff_rf;          /// world-to-base transformation obtained through right foot
         SE3               m_oMlfs;            /// transformation from world to left foot sole
diff --git a/python/sot_talos_balance/talos/ b/python/sot_talos_balance/talos/
index 7152412..24efe1f 100644
--- a/python/sot_talos_balance/talos/
+++ b/python/sot_talos_balance/talos/
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
 ''' *********************** USER-PARAMETERS OF BASE ESTIMATOR *********************** '''
-K                   = (4034, 23770, 239018, 707, 502, 936);
+# K                   = (4034, 23770, 239018, 707, 502, 936); #HRP2
+# K                   = (1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.);
+K                   = (1e6, 1e6, 1e6, 1e6, 1e6, 1e6);
 std_dev_zmp         = 0.02
 std_dev_fz          = 50.
 normal_force_margin = 30.
 zmp_margin          = 0.002
-w_imu               = 0.;
+w_imu               = 0.0;
 beta                = 0.00329
 K_fb_feet_poses     = 0.0;      # gain used for updating foot positions
 RIGHT_FOOT_SIZES    = (0.130,  -0.100,  0.056,  -0.075); # pos x, neg x, pos y, neg y size 
 LEFT_FOOT_SIZES     = (0.130, -0.100,  0.075, -0.056); # pos x, neg x, pos y, neg y size 
-w_lf_in             = 1.0
-w_rf_in             = 1.0
+w_lf_in             = 1.
+w_rf_in             = 1.
 #mu                  = 0.3;          # force friction coefficient
diff --git a/python/sot_talos_balance/test/ b/python/sot_talos_balance/test/
index a584712..534a938 100644
--- a/python/sot_talos_balance/test/
+++ b/python/sot_talos_balance/test/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from IPython                                           import embed
 import os
 import numpy                                           as np
 import matplotlib.pyplot                               as plt
+from dynamic_graph.ros                                 import RosPublish
 def main(robot):
 	dt = robot.timeStep;
@@ -55,47 +56,16 @@ def main(robot):
 	robot.be_filters              = create_be_filters(robot, dt)
 	robot.dcm_estimator           = create_dcm_estimator(robot, dt)
-	# --- TRACERS
-	outputs = ['robotState']
-	robot.device_tracer    = create_tracer(robot,robot.device, 'device_tracer', outputs)
-	outputs = ['q']
-	robot.base_estimator_tracer = create_tracer(robot,robot.base_estimator, 'base_estimator_tracer', outputs)
-	robot.device.after.addSignal('base_estimator.q')
-	outputs = ['c']
-	robot.dcm_estimator_tracer = create_tracer(robot,robot.dcm_estimator,'dcm_estimator_tracer', outputs)
-	robot.device.after.addSignal('dcm_estimator.c')
 	plug(robot.comTrajGen.x,    robot.taskCom.featureDes.errorIN);
 	os.system("rosservice call \start_dynamic_graph")
-	robot.comTrajGen.move(1,-0.025,4.0);
+	robot.comTrajGen.move(1,0.025,4.0);
-	robot.comTrajGen.startSinusoid(1,0.05,8.0);
+	robot.comTrajGen.startSinusoid(1,-0.05,8.0);
-	robot.device_tracer.start();
-	robot.base_estimator_tracer.start();
-	robot.dcm_estimator_tracer.start();
-	sleep(1.0);
-	dump_tracer(robot.device_tracer);
-	dump_tracer(robot.base_estimator_tracer);
-	dump_tracer(robot.dcm_estimator_tracer);
-	print 'data dumped'
-	# --- DISPLAY
-	device_data,         device_name       = read_tracer_file('/tmp/dg_''-robotState.dat')
-	base_estimator_data, base_name = read_tracer_file('/tmp/dg_''-q.dat')
-	dcm_estimator_data,  dcm_name   = read_tracer_file('/tmp/dg_''-c.dat')
-	# plot_select_traj(device_data,[10,23,15],         device_name)
-	# plot_select_traj(base_estimator_data,[np.linspace(1,7,7,dtype=int)],     base_name)
-	# plot_select_traj(dcm_estimator_data,[0,1,2],     dcm_name)
-	#
diff --git a/src/base-estimator.cpp b/src/base-estimator.cpp
index 628921e..88c013d 100644
--- a/src/base-estimator.cpp
+++ b/src/base-estimator.cpp
@@ -93,6 +93,21 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
             rotatedPoint(1) = q_tmp2(2);
             rotatedPoint(2) = q_tmp2(3);
+      inline
+      double eulerMean(double a1, double a2)
+      {
+        double res  = 0;
+        double mean = (a1+a2)/2.;
+        if( (a1- a2) > EIGEN_PI || (a1- a2) < -EIGEN_PI)
+        {
+          res = mean > 0 ? -EIGEN_PI + mean : EIGEN_PI + mean ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          res = mean;
+        }
+        return res;
+      }
 #define PROFILE_BASE_POSITION_ESTIMATION    "base-est position estimation"
 #define PROFILE_BASE_VELOCITY_ESTIMATION    "base-est velocity estimation"
@@ -176,8 +191,8 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
         Entity::signalRegistration( INPUT_SIGNALS << OUTPUT_SIGNALS );
-        m_K_rf << 4034,23770,239018,707,502,936;
-        m_K_lf << 4034,23770,239018,707,502,936;
+        //m_K_rf << 4034,23770,239018,707,502,936;
+        //m_K_lf << 4034,23770,239018,707,502,936;
         m_left_foot_sizes  << 0.130, -0.100,  0.075, -0.056;
         m_right_foot_sizes << 0.130, -0.100,  0.056, -0.075;
@@ -659,13 +674,21 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
           matrixToRpy((m_oMff_lf*ffMchest).rotation(), rpy_chest_lf);
           matrixToRpy((m_oMff_rf*ffMchest).rotation(), rpy_chest_rf);
           Eigen::Quaternion<double> quatIMU(quatIMU_vec[0], quatIMU_vec[1], quatIMU_vec[2], quatIMU_vec[3]);
+          //TODO turn the quaternion to express it in the chest frame
+          // m_imuMbase = SE3::Identity();
+          // m_imuMbase.rotation
           matrixToRpy(quatIMU.toRotationMatrix(), rpy_chest_imu);
           // average (we do not take into account the IMU yaw)
           double wSum = wL + wR + m_w_imu;
-          rpy_chest(0) = (rpy_chest_lf[0]*wL + rpy_chest_rf[0]*wR + rpy_chest_imu[0]*m_w_imu) / wSum;
-          rpy_chest(1) = (rpy_chest_lf[1]*wL + rpy_chest_rf[1]*wR + rpy_chest_imu[1]*m_w_imu) / wSum;
-          rpy_chest(2) = (rpy_chest_lf[2]*wL + rpy_chest_rf[2]*wR )                 / (wL+wR);
+          rpy_chest[0] = eulerMean(rpy_chest_lf[0],  rpy_chest_rf[0]);
+          //eulerMean(rpy_chest[0],  rpy_chest_imu[0], rpy_chest(0))
+          rpy_chest[1] = eulerMean(rpy_chest_lf[1],  rpy_chest_rf[1]);
+          //eulerMean(rpy_chest[1],  rpy_chest_imu[1], rpy_chest(1))
+          //rpy_chest(0) = (rpy_chest_lf[0]*wL + rpy_chest_rf[0]*wR + rpy_chest_imu[0]*m_w_imu) / wSum;
+          //rpy_chest(1) = (rpy_chest_lf[1]*wL + rpy_chest_rf[1]*wR + rpy_chest_imu[1]*m_w_imu) / wSum;
+          rpy_chest[2] = eulerMean(rpy_chest_lf[2],  rpy_chest_rf[2]);
+          //rpy_chest(2) = (rpy_chest_lf[2]*wL + rpy_chest_rf[2]*wR )                 / (wL+wR);
           rpyToMatrix(rpy_chest, m_oRchest);
           m_oRff = m_oRchest * chestMff.rotation();
@@ -1048,6 +1071,9 @@ namespace dynamicgraph
           /* Get an estimate of linear velocities from gyroscope only*/
           // we make the asumtion than we are 'turning around the foot' with pure angular velocity in the ankle measured by the gyro
           const Matrix3 ffRimu = (m_data->oMf[m_IMU_body_id]).rotation();
+          //std::cerr << m_data->oMf[m_IMU_body_id] << std::endl; 
+          //std::cerr << m_data->liMi[m_IMU_body_id] << std::endl;
+          //std::cerr << "m_IMU_body_id" << m_IMU_body_id << std::endl;
           const Matrix3 lfRimu = ffMlf.rotation().transpose() * ffRimu;
           const Matrix3 rfRimu = ffMrf.rotation().transpose() * ffRimu;