diff --git a/tests/TestObject.cpp b/tests/TestObject.cpp
index 66df47c9b9a7748e35fe9baba56fbe652730c741..dcfe4fffbc9ce6ef09200ff27d764f203f81b954 100644
--- a/tests/TestObject.cpp
+++ b/tests/TestObject.cpp
@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ namespace PatternGeneratorJRL
       }catch(std::string e)
-      {
-        std::cout << "file problem, existance or extension incorrect"
-                  << std::endl ;
-        std::cout << e << std::endl ;
-        return false;
-      }
+	{
+	  std::cout << "file problem, existance or extension incorrect"
+		    << std::endl ;
+	  std::cout << e << std::endl ;
+	  return false;
+	}
       // Instanciate and initialize.
@@ -155,18 +155,18 @@ namespace PatternGeneratorJRL
       MAL_VECTOR_RESIZE(m_PreviousVelocity     ,lNbDofs);
       MAL_VECTOR_RESIZE(m_PreviousAcceleration ,lNbDofs);
       for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
-      {
-        m_PreviousConfiguration[i] = 0.0 ;
-        m_PreviousVelocity[i] = 0.0 ;
-        m_PreviousAcceleration[i] = 0.0;
-      }
+	{
+	  m_PreviousConfiguration[i] = 0.0 ;
+	  m_PreviousVelocity[i] = 0.0 ;
+	  m_PreviousAcceleration[i] = 0.0;
+	}
       for(unsigned int i=6;i<lNbDofs;i++)
-      {
-        m_PreviousConfiguration[i] = m_HalfSitting[i-6];
-        m_PreviousVelocity[i] = 0.0 ;
-        m_PreviousAcceleration[i] = 0.0;
-      }
+	{
+	  m_PreviousConfiguration[i] = m_HalfSitting[i-6];
+	  m_PreviousVelocity[i] = 0.0 ;
+	  m_PreviousAcceleration[i] = 0.0;
+	}
       return true ;
@@ -190,31 +190,33 @@ namespace PatternGeneratorJRL
     void TestObject::CreateAndInitializeHumanoidRobot(
-        std::string &URDFFile,
-        std::string &SRDFFile,
-        PinocchioRobot *& aPR,
-        PinocchioRobot *& aDebugPR)
+						      std::string &URDFFile,
+						      std::string &SRDFFile,
+						      PinocchioRobot *& aPR,
+						      PinocchioRobot *& aDebugPR)
       // Creating the humanoid robot via the URDF.
-//      try{
-        m_robotModel = se3::urdf::buildModel(URDFFile, se3::JointModelFreeFlyer());
-        m_robotData = new se3::Data(m_robotModel) ;
-        m_DebugRobotData = new se3::Data(m_robotModel) ;
-//      }catch(std::invalid_argument e)
-//      {
-//        cout << e.what() ;
-//        cout << "robot model or robot data not created properly" << endl ;
-//        return ;
-//      }
+      //      try{
+      se3::urdf::buildModel(URDFFile, 
+			    se3::JointModelFreeFlyer(),
+			    m_robotModel);
+      m_robotData = new se3::Data(m_robotModel) ;
+      m_DebugRobotData = new se3::Data(m_robotModel) ;
+      //      }catch(std::invalid_argument e)
+      //      {
+      //        cout << e.what() ;
+      //        cout << "robot model or robot data not created properly" << endl ;
+      //        return ;
+      //      }
       if ((aPR==0) || (aDebugPR==0))
-      {
-        if (aPR!=0) delete aPR;
-        if (aDebugPR!=0) delete aDebugPR;
+	{
+	  if (aPR!=0) delete aPR;
+	  if (aDebugPR!=0) delete aDebugPR;
-        aPR = new PinocchioRobot();
-        aDebugPR = new PinocchioRobot();
-      }
+	  aPR = new PinocchioRobot();
+	  aDebugPR = new PinocchioRobot();
+	}
       // initialize the model and data of the humanoid robot
@@ -233,58 +235,58 @@ namespace PatternGeneratorJRL
       std::ifstream srdf_stream(filename.c_str());
       if (! srdf_stream.is_open())
-      {
-        const std::string exception_message (filename + " does not seem to be a valid file.");
-        cerr << exception_message << endl ;
-        throw std::invalid_argument(exception_message);
-      }
+	{
+	  const std::string exception_message (filename + " does not seem to be a valid file.");
+	  cerr << exception_message << endl ;
+	  throw std::invalid_argument(exception_message);
+	}
       // Read xml stream
       using boost::property_tree::ptree;
       ptree pt;
         read_xml(srdf_stream, pt);
-      {
-        cerr << "problem while reading the srdf file. File corrupted?" << endl;
-        return ;
-      }
+	{
+	  cerr << "problem while reading the srdf file. File corrupted?" << endl;
+	  return ;
+	}
       // Get the starting configuration : half sitting
       se3::Model * aModel = aPR.Model();
       BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type & v, pt.get_child("robot.group_state"))
-      {
-        if(v.first=="joint")
-        {
-          const std::string jointName =
-              v.second.get<std::string>("<xmlattr>.name");
-          const double jointValue =
-              v.second.get<double>("<xmlattr>.value");
-          if(aModel->existJointName(jointName))
-          {
-            se3::JointIndex id = aModel->getJointId(jointName);
-            unsigned idq = se3::idx_q(aModel->joints[id]);
-            // we assume only revolute joint here.
-            m_HalfSitting(idq-7) = jointValue ;
-          }
-        }
-      } // BOOST_FOREACH
+	{
+	  if(v.first=="joint")
+	    {
+	      const std::string jointName =
+		v.second.get<std::string>("<xmlattr>.name");
+	      const double jointValue =
+		v.second.get<double>("<xmlattr>.value");
+	      if(aModel->existJointName(jointName))
+		{
+		  se3::JointIndex id = aModel->getJointId(jointName);
+		  unsigned idq = se3::idx_q(aModel->joints[id]);
+		  // we assume only revolute joint here.
+		  m_HalfSitting(idq-7) = jointValue ;
+		}
+	    }
       bool DebugConfiguration = true;
       if (DebugConfiguration)
-      {
-        ofstream aofq;
-        aofq.open("TestConfiguration.dat",ofstream::out);
-        if (aofq.is_open())
-        {
-          for(unsigned int k=0;k<MAL_VECTOR_SIZE(m_HalfSitting);k++)
-          {
-            aofq << m_HalfSitting(k) << " ";
-          }
-          aofq << endl;
-        }
-      }
+	{
+	  ofstream aofq;
+	  aofq.open("TestConfiguration.dat",ofstream::out);
+	  if (aofq.is_open())
+	    {
+	      for(unsigned int k=0;k<MAL_VECTOR_SIZE(m_HalfSitting);k++)
+		{
+		  aofq << m_HalfSitting(k) << " ";
+		}
+	      aofq << endl;
+	    }
+	}
       // capture the details of the feet
@@ -293,18 +295,18 @@ namespace PatternGeneratorJRL
       PRFoot aFoot ;
       string path = "robot.specificities.feet.right.size" ;
       BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type & v, pt.get_child(path.c_str()))
-      {
-        aFoot.soleHeight = v.second.get<double>("height");
-        aFoot.soleWidth  = v.second.get<double>("width");
-        aFoot.soleDepth  = v.second.get<double>("depth");
-      }
+	{
+	  aFoot.soleHeight = v.second.get<double>("height");
+	  aFoot.soleWidth  = v.second.get<double>("width");
+	  aFoot.soleDepth  = v.second.get<double>("depth");
+	}
       path = "robot.specificities.feet.right.anklePosition" ;
       BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type & v, pt.get_child(path.c_str()))
-      {
-        aFoot.anklePosition(0) = v.second.get<double>("x");
-        aFoot.anklePosition(1) = v.second.get<double>("y");
-        aFoot.anklePosition(2) = v.second.get<double>("z");
-      }
+	{
+	  aFoot.anklePosition(0) = v.second.get<double>("x");
+	  aFoot.anklePosition(1) = v.second.get<double>("y");
+	  aFoot.anklePosition(2) = v.second.get<double>("z");
+	}
       se3::FrameIndex ra = aModel->getFrameId("r_ankle");
       aFoot.associatedAnkle = aModel->frames[ra].parent ;
@@ -312,18 +314,18 @@ namespace PatternGeneratorJRL
       // Initialize the Left Foot
       path = "robot.specificities.feet.left.size" ;
       BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type & v, pt.get_child(path.c_str()))
-      {
-        aFoot.soleHeight = v.second.get<double>("height");
-        aFoot.soleWidth  = v.second.get<double>("width");
-        aFoot.soleDepth  = v.second.get<double>("depth");
-      }
+	{
+	  aFoot.soleHeight = v.second.get<double>("height");
+	  aFoot.soleWidth  = v.second.get<double>("width");
+	  aFoot.soleDepth  = v.second.get<double>("depth");
+	}
       path = "robot.specificities.feet.left.anklePosition" ;
       BOOST_FOREACH(const ptree::value_type & v, pt.get_child(path.c_str()))
-      {
-        aFoot.anklePosition(0) = v.second.get<double>("x");
-        aFoot.anklePosition(1) = v.second.get<double>("y");
-        aFoot.anklePosition(2) = v.second.get<double>("z");
-      }
+	{
+	  aFoot.anklePosition(0) = v.second.get<double>("x");
+	  aFoot.anklePosition(1) = v.second.get<double>("y");
+	  aFoot.anklePosition(2) = v.second.get<double>("z");
+	}
       se3::FrameIndex la = aModel->getBodyId("l_ankle");
       aFoot.associatedAnkle = aModel->frames[la].parent ;
@@ -333,138 +335,138 @@ namespace PatternGeneratorJRL
       if (m_DebugZMP2)
-      {
-        ofstream aofzmpmb2;
-        string aFileName = m_TestName;
-        aFileName += "ZMPMBSTAGE2.dat";
-        aofzmpmb2.open(aFileName.c_str(),ofstream::out);
-      }
+	{
+	  ofstream aofzmpmb2;
+	  string aFileName = m_TestName;
+	  aFileName += "ZMPMBSTAGE2.dat";
+	  aofzmpmb2.open(aFileName.c_str(),ofstream::out);
+	}
       if (m_DebugFGPI)
-      {
-        ofstream aof;
-        string aFileName = m_TestName;
-        aFileName += "TestFGPI_description.dat";
-        aof.open(aFileName.c_str(),ofstream::out);
-        string Titles[NB_OF_FIELDS] =
-        { "Time",
-          "Com X",
-          "Com Y" ,
-          "Com Z" ,
-          "Com Yaw",
-          "Com dX" ,
-          "Com dY" ,
-          "Com dZ" ,
-          "ZMP X (world ref.)" ,
-          "ZMP Y (world ref.)" ,
-          "Left Foot X" ,
-          "Left Foot Y" ,
-          "Left Foot Z" ,
-          "Left Foot dX" ,
-          "Left Foot dY" ,
-          "Left Foot dZ" ,
-          "Left Foot ddX" ,
-          "Left Foot ddY" ,
-          "Left Foot ddZ" ,
-          "Left Foot Theta" ,
-          "Left Foot Omega" ,
-          "Left Foot Omega2" ,
-          "Right Foot X" ,
-          "Right Foot Y" ,
-          "Right Foot Z" ,
-          "Right Foot dX" ,
-          "Right Foot dY" ,
-          "Right Foot dZ" ,
-          "Right Foot ddX" ,
-          "Right Foot ddY" ,
-          "Right Foot ddZ" ,
-          "Right Foot Theta" ,
-          "Right Foot Omega" ,
-          "Right Foot Omega2" ,
-          "ZMP X (waist ref.)" ,
-          "ZMP Y (waist ref.)" ,
-          "Waist X (world ref.)" ,
-          "Waist Y (world ref.)" ,
-          "all configuration vector"};
-        for(unsigned int i=0;i<NB_OF_FIELDS;i++)
-          aof << i+1 << ". " <<Titles[i] <<std::endl;
-        aof.close();
-        aFileName = m_TestName;
-        aFileName += "TestFGPI.dat";
-        aof.open(aFileName.c_str(),ofstream::out);
-        aof.close();
-      }
+	{
+	  ofstream aof;
+	  string aFileName = m_TestName;
+	  aFileName += "TestFGPI_description.dat";
+	  aof.open(aFileName.c_str(),ofstream::out);
+	  string Titles[NB_OF_FIELDS] =
+	    { "Time",
+	      "Com X",
+	      "Com Y" ,
+	      "Com Z" ,
+	      "Com Yaw",
+	      "Com dX" ,
+	      "Com dY" ,
+	      "Com dZ" ,
+	      "ZMP X (world ref.)" ,
+	      "ZMP Y (world ref.)" ,
+	      "Left Foot X" ,
+	      "Left Foot Y" ,
+	      "Left Foot Z" ,
+	      "Left Foot dX" ,
+	      "Left Foot dY" ,
+	      "Left Foot dZ" ,
+	      "Left Foot ddX" ,
+	      "Left Foot ddY" ,
+	      "Left Foot ddZ" ,
+	      "Left Foot Theta" ,
+	      "Left Foot Omega" ,
+	      "Left Foot Omega2" ,
+	      "Right Foot X" ,
+	      "Right Foot Y" ,
+	      "Right Foot Z" ,
+	      "Right Foot dX" ,
+	      "Right Foot dY" ,
+	      "Right Foot dZ" ,
+	      "Right Foot ddX" ,
+	      "Right Foot ddY" ,
+	      "Right Foot ddZ" ,
+	      "Right Foot Theta" ,
+	      "Right Foot Omega" ,
+	      "Right Foot Omega2" ,
+	      "ZMP X (waist ref.)" ,
+	      "ZMP Y (waist ref.)" ,
+	      "Waist X (world ref.)" ,
+	      "Waist Y (world ref.)" ,
+	      "all configuration vector"};
+	  for(unsigned int i=0;i<NB_OF_FIELDS;i++)
+	    aof << i+1 << ". " <<Titles[i] <<std::endl;
+	  aof.close();
+	  aFileName = m_TestName;
+	  aFileName += "TestFGPI.dat";
+	  aof.open(aFileName.c_str(),ofstream::out);
+	  aof.close();
+	}
     void TestObject::fillInDebugFiles( )
       if (m_DebugFGPI)
-      {
-        double localZMPx = m_OneStep.ZMPTarget(0)*cos(m_CurrentConfiguration(5)) -
+	{
+	  double localZMPx = m_OneStep.ZMPTarget(0)*cos(m_CurrentConfiguration(5)) -
             m_OneStep.ZMPTarget(1)*sin(m_CurrentConfiguration(5)) +
             m_CurrentConfiguration(0) ;
-        double localZMPy = m_OneStep.ZMPTarget(0)*sin(m_CurrentConfiguration(5)) +
+	  double localZMPy = m_OneStep.ZMPTarget(0)*sin(m_CurrentConfiguration(5)) +
             m_OneStep.ZMPTarget(1)*cos(m_CurrentConfiguration(5)) +
             m_CurrentConfiguration(1) ;
-        ofstream aof;
-        string aFileName;
-        aFileName = m_TestName;
-        aFileName += "TestFGPI.dat";
-        aof.open(aFileName.c_str(),ofstream::app);
-        aof.precision(8);
-        aof.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
-        aof << filterprecision(m_OneStep.NbOfIt*0.005 ) << " "                            // 1
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.x[0] ) << " "                   // 2
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.y[0] ) << " "                   // 3
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.z[0] ) << " "                   // 4
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.yaw[0] ) << " "                 // 5
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.x[1] ) << " "                   // 6
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.y[1] ) << " "                   // 7
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.z[1] ) << " "                   // 8
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.ZMPTarget(0) ) << " "                            // 9
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.ZMPTarget(1) ) << " "                            // 10
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.x  ) << " "                     // 11
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.y  ) << " "                     // 12
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.z  ) << " "                     // 13
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.dx  ) << " "                    // 14
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.dy  ) << " "                    // 15
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.dz  ) << " "                    // 16
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.ddx  ) << " "                   // 17
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.ddy  ) << " "                   // 18
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.ddz  ) << " "                   // 19
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.theta*M_PI/180 ) << " "         // 20
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.omega*M_PI/180 ) << " "         // 21
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.omega2*M_PI/180 ) << " "        // 22
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.x ) << " "                     // 23
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.y ) << " "                     // 24
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.z ) << " "                     // 25
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.dx ) << " "                    // 26
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.dy ) << " "                    // 27
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.dz ) << " "                    // 28
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.ddx ) << " "                   // 29
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.ddy ) << " "                   // 30
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.ddz ) << " "                   // 31
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.theta*M_PI/180 ) << " "        // 32
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.omega*M_PI/180 ) << " "        // 33
-            << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.omega2*M_PI/180 ) << " "       // 34
-            << filterprecision(localZMPx) << " "                                          // 35
-            << filterprecision(localZMPy) << " "                                          // 36
-            << filterprecision(m_CurrentConfiguration(0) ) << " "                         // 37
-            << filterprecision(m_CurrentConfiguration(1) ) << " "			             ;// 38
-        for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_PR->currentConfiguration().size() ; i++)
-        {
-          aof << filterprecision(m_PR->currentConfiguration()(i)) << " " ;                // 39 - 39+dofs
-        }
-        aof << endl;
-        aof.close();
-      }
+	  ofstream aof;
+	  string aFileName;
+	  aFileName = m_TestName;
+	  aFileName += "TestFGPI.dat";
+	  aof.open(aFileName.c_str(),ofstream::app);
+	  aof.precision(8);
+	  aof.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
+	  aof << filterprecision(m_OneStep.NbOfIt*0.005 ) << " "                            // 1
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.x[0] ) << " "                   // 2
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.y[0] ) << " "                   // 3
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.z[0] ) << " "                   // 4
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.yaw[0] ) << " "                 // 5
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.x[1] ) << " "                   // 6
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.y[1] ) << " "                   // 7
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition.z[1] ) << " "                   // 8
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.ZMPTarget(0) ) << " "                            // 9
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.ZMPTarget(1) ) << " "                            // 10
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.x  ) << " "                     // 11
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.y  ) << " "                     // 12
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.z  ) << " "                     // 13
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.dx  ) << " "                    // 14
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.dy  ) << " "                    // 15
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.dz  ) << " "                    // 16
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.ddx  ) << " "                   // 17
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.ddy  ) << " "                   // 18
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.ddz  ) << " "                   // 19
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.theta*M_PI/180 ) << " "         // 20
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.omega*M_PI/180 ) << " "         // 21
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition.omega2*M_PI/180 ) << " "        // 22
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.x ) << " "                     // 23
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.y ) << " "                     // 24
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.z ) << " "                     // 25
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.dx ) << " "                    // 26
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.dy ) << " "                    // 27
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.dz ) << " "                    // 28
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.ddx ) << " "                   // 29
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.ddy ) << " "                   // 30
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.ddz ) << " "                   // 31
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.theta*M_PI/180 ) << " "        // 32
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.omega*M_PI/180 ) << " "        // 33
+	      << filterprecision(m_OneStep.RightFootPosition.omega2*M_PI/180 ) << " "       // 34
+	      << filterprecision(localZMPx) << " "                                          // 35
+	      << filterprecision(localZMPy) << " "                                          // 36
+	      << filterprecision(m_CurrentConfiguration(0) ) << " "                         // 37
+	      << filterprecision(m_CurrentConfiguration(1) ) << " "			             ;// 38
+	  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_PR->currentConfiguration().size() ; i++)
+	    {
+	      aof << filterprecision(m_PR->currentConfiguration()(i)) << " " ;                // 39 - 39+dofs
+	    }
+	  aof << endl;
+	  aof.close();
+	}
@@ -474,122 +476,122 @@ namespace PatternGeneratorJRL
       bool SameFile= false;
       if (m_DebugFGPI)
-      {
-        SameFile = true;
-        ifstream alif;
-        string aFileName;
-        aFileName = m_TestName;
-        aFileName += "TestFGPI.dat";
-        ODEBUG("Report:" << aFileName);
-        unsigned max_nb_of_pbs=100;
-        unsigned nb_of_pbs = 0;
-        alif.open(aFileName.c_str(),ifstream::in);
-        if (!alif.is_open())
-        {
-          std::cerr << "Unable to open "<< aFileName << std::endl;
-          return false;
-        }
-        ifstream arif;
-        aFileName = m_TestName;
-        aFileName += "TestFGPI.datref";
-        arif.open(aFileName.c_str(),ifstream::in);
-        ODEBUG("ReportRef:" << aFileName);
-        if (!arif.is_open())
-        {
-          std::cerr << "Unable to open "<< aFileName << std::endl;
-          return false;
-        }
-        ofstream areportof;
-        aFileName = m_TestName;
-        aFileName += "TestFGPI_report.dat";
-        areportof.open(aFileName.c_str(),ofstream::out);
-        // Time
-        double LocalInput[NB_OF_FIELDS], ReferenceInput[NB_OF_FIELDS];
-        bool finalreport = true;
-        unsigned long int nblines = 0;
-        bool endofinspection=false;
-        // Find size of the two files.
-        alif.seekg (0, alif.end);
-        unsigned long int alif_length = (unsigned long int)alif.tellg();
-        alif.seekg (0, alif.beg);
-        arif.seekg (0, arif.end);
-        unsigned long int arif_length = (unsigned long int)arif.tellg();
-        arif.seekg (0, arif.beg);
-        while ((!alif.eof()) &&
-               (!arif.eof()) &&
-               (!endofinspection))
-        {
-          for (unsigned int i=0;i<NB_OF_FIELDS;i++)
-          {
-            alif >> LocalInput[i];
-            if (alif.eof())
-            {
-              endofinspection =true;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          if (endofinspection)
-            break;
-          for (unsigned int i=0;i<NB_OF_FIELDS;i++)
-          {
-            arif >> ReferenceInput[i];
-            if (arif.eof())
-            {
-              endofinspection =true;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          if (endofinspection)
-            break;
-          for (unsigned int i=0;i<NB_OF_FIELDS;i++)
-          {
-            if  (fabs(LocalInput[i]-
-                      ReferenceInput[i])>=1e-6)
-            {
-              finalreport = false;
-              ostringstream oss;
-              oss << "l: " << nblines
-                  << " col:" << i
-                  << " ref: " << ReferenceInput[i]
-                     << " now: " << LocalInput[i]
-                        << " " << nb_of_pbs
-                        <<std::endl;
-              areportof << oss.str();
-              std::cout << oss.str();
-              nb_of_pbs++;
-              if(nb_of_pbs>max_nb_of_pbs)
-              {
-                endofinspection=true;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          nblines++;
-          if ((nblines*2> alif_length) ||
-              (nblines*2> arif_length))
-          {
-            endofinspection=true;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        alif.close();
-        arif.close();
-        areportof.close();
-        return finalreport;
-      }
+	{
+	  SameFile = true;
+	  ifstream alif;
+	  string aFileName;
+	  aFileName = m_TestName;
+	  aFileName += "TestFGPI.dat";
+	  ODEBUG("Report:" << aFileName);
+	  unsigned max_nb_of_pbs=100;
+	  unsigned nb_of_pbs = 0;
+	  alif.open(aFileName.c_str(),ifstream::in);
+	  if (!alif.is_open())
+	    {
+	      std::cerr << "Unable to open "<< aFileName << std::endl;
+	      return false;
+	    }
+	  ifstream arif;
+	  aFileName = m_TestName;
+	  aFileName += "TestFGPI.datref";
+	  arif.open(aFileName.c_str(),ifstream::in);
+	  ODEBUG("ReportRef:" << aFileName);
+	  if (!arif.is_open())
+	    {
+	      std::cerr << "Unable to open "<< aFileName << std::endl;
+	      return false;
+	    }
+	  ofstream areportof;
+	  aFileName = m_TestName;
+	  aFileName += "TestFGPI_report.dat";
+	  areportof.open(aFileName.c_str(),ofstream::out);
+	  // Time
+	  double LocalInput[NB_OF_FIELDS], ReferenceInput[NB_OF_FIELDS];
+	  bool finalreport = true;
+	  unsigned long int nblines = 0;
+	  bool endofinspection=false;
+	  // Find size of the two files.
+	  alif.seekg (0, alif.end);
+	  unsigned long int alif_length = (unsigned long int)alif.tellg();
+	  alif.seekg (0, alif.beg);
+	  arif.seekg (0, arif.end);
+	  unsigned long int arif_length = (unsigned long int)arif.tellg();
+	  arif.seekg (0, arif.beg);
+	  while ((!alif.eof()) &&
+		 (!arif.eof()) &&
+		 (!endofinspection))
+	    {
+	      for (unsigned int i=0;i<NB_OF_FIELDS;i++)
+		{
+		  alif >> LocalInput[i];
+		  if (alif.eof())
+		    {
+		      endofinspection =true;
+		      break;
+		    }
+		}
+	      if (endofinspection)
+		break;
+	      for (unsigned int i=0;i<NB_OF_FIELDS;i++)
+		{
+		  arif >> ReferenceInput[i];
+		  if (arif.eof())
+		    {
+		      endofinspection =true;
+		      break;
+		    }
+		}
+	      if (endofinspection)
+		break;
+	      for (unsigned int i=0;i<NB_OF_FIELDS;i++)
+		{
+		  if  (fabs(LocalInput[i]-
+			    ReferenceInput[i])>=1e-6)
+		    {
+		      finalreport = false;
+		      ostringstream oss;
+		      oss << "l: " << nblines
+			  << " col:" << i
+			  << " ref: " << ReferenceInput[i]
+			  << " now: " << LocalInput[i]
+			  << " " << nb_of_pbs
+			  <<std::endl;
+		      areportof << oss.str();
+		      std::cout << oss.str();
+		      nb_of_pbs++;
+		      if(nb_of_pbs>max_nb_of_pbs)
+			{
+			  endofinspection=true;
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	      nblines++;
+	      if ((nblines*2> alif_length) ||
+		  (nblines*2> arif_length))
+		{
+		  endofinspection=true;
+		  break;
+		}
+	    }
+	  alif.close();
+	  arif.close();
+	  areportof.close();
+	  return finalreport;
+	}
       return SameFile;
@@ -603,79 +605,79 @@ namespace PatternGeneratorJRL
       for (unsigned int lNbIt=0;lNbIt<m_OuterLoopNbItMax;lNbIt++)
-      {
-        os << "<===============================================================>"<<endl;
-        os << "Iteration nb: " << lNbIt << endl;
-        m_clock.startPlanning();
-        /*! According to test profile initialize the current profile. */
-        chooseTestProfile();
-        m_clock.endPlanning();
-        if (m_DebugPR!=0)
-        {
-          m_DebugPR->currentConfiguration(m_PreviousConfiguration);
-          m_DebugPR->currentVelocity(m_PreviousVelocity);
-          m_DebugPR->currentAcceleration(m_PreviousAcceleration);
-          m_DebugPR->computeForwardKinematics();
-        }
-        bool ok = true;
-        while(ok)
-        {
-          m_clock.startOneIteration();
-          if (m_PGIInterface==0)
-          {
-            ok = m_PGI->RunOneStepOfTheControlLoop(m_CurrentConfiguration,
-                                                   m_CurrentVelocity,
-                                                   m_CurrentAcceleration,
-                                                   m_OneStep.ZMPTarget,
-                                                   m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition,
-                                                   m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition,
-                                                   m_OneStep.RightFootPosition);
-          }
-          else if (m_PGIInterface==1)
-          {
-            ok = m_PGI->RunOneStepOfTheControlLoop(m_CurrentConfiguration,
-                                                   m_CurrentVelocity,
-                                                   m_CurrentAcceleration,
-                                                   m_OneStep.ZMPTarget);
-          }
-          m_OneStep.NbOfIt++;
-          m_clock.stopOneIteration();
-          m_PreviousConfiguration = m_CurrentConfiguration;
-          m_PreviousVelocity = m_CurrentVelocity;
-          m_PreviousAcceleration = m_CurrentAcceleration;
-          /*! Call the reimplemented method to generate events. */
-          if (ok)
-          {
-            m_clock.startModification();
-            generateEvent();
-            m_clock.stopModification();
-            m_clock.fillInStatistics();
-            /*! Fill the debug files with appropriate information. */
-            fillInDebugFiles();
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            cerr << "Nothing to dump after " << m_OneStep.NbOfIt << endl;
-          }
-        }
-        os << endl << "End of iteration " << lNbIt << endl;
-        os << "<===============================================================>"<<endl;
-      }
+	{
+	  os << "<===============================================================>"<<endl;
+	  os << "Iteration nb: " << lNbIt << endl;
+	  m_clock.startPlanning();
+	  /*! According to test profile initialize the current profile. */
+	  chooseTestProfile();
+	  m_clock.endPlanning();
+	  if (m_DebugPR!=0)
+	    {
+	      m_DebugPR->currentConfiguration(m_PreviousConfiguration);
+	      m_DebugPR->currentVelocity(m_PreviousVelocity);
+	      m_DebugPR->currentAcceleration(m_PreviousAcceleration);
+	      m_DebugPR->computeForwardKinematics();
+	    }
+	  bool ok = true;
+	  while(ok)
+	    {
+	      m_clock.startOneIteration();
+	      if (m_PGIInterface==0)
+		{
+		  ok = m_PGI->RunOneStepOfTheControlLoop(m_CurrentConfiguration,
+							 m_CurrentVelocity,
+							 m_CurrentAcceleration,
+							 m_OneStep.ZMPTarget,
+							 m_OneStep.finalCOMPosition,
+							 m_OneStep.LeftFootPosition,
+							 m_OneStep.RightFootPosition);
+		}
+	      else if (m_PGIInterface==1)
+		{
+		  ok = m_PGI->RunOneStepOfTheControlLoop(m_CurrentConfiguration,
+							 m_CurrentVelocity,
+							 m_CurrentAcceleration,
+							 m_OneStep.ZMPTarget);
+		}
+	      m_OneStep.NbOfIt++;
+	      m_clock.stopOneIteration();
+	      m_PreviousConfiguration = m_CurrentConfiguration;
+	      m_PreviousVelocity = m_CurrentVelocity;
+	      m_PreviousAcceleration = m_CurrentAcceleration;
+	      /*! Call the reimplemented method to generate events. */
+	      if (ok)
+		{
+		  m_clock.startModification();
+		  generateEvent();
+		  m_clock.stopModification();
+		  m_clock.fillInStatistics();
+		  /*! Fill the debug files with appropriate information. */
+		  fillInDebugFiles();
+		}
+	      else
+		{
+		  cerr << "Nothing to dump after " << m_OneStep.NbOfIt << endl;
+		}
+	    }
+	  os << endl << "End of iteration " << lNbIt << endl;
+	  os << "<===============================================================>"<<endl;
+	}
       string lProfileOutput= m_TestName;
       lProfileOutput +="TimeProfile.dat";